RE: [Elecraft] Update SSB roundup and/or test

2005-02-26 Thread Stewart Baker
Even the second receiver has a big influence on how your signal sounds.
At present I am building my version of a wideband monitor receiver designed by 
Ian G4COL, and featured in the RSGB Rad Com of November 1990.

As this has no pass band filtering to colour the received signal, combined with 
an MP3 recording process it should provide the most accurate assessment.

Stewart G3RXQ

On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 20:06:17 -0500, W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:
> This sounds like a purely subjective form of 'testing' to me.  There are too
> many variables to make a good judgement of one's audio quality.
> -- The position of the transmit passband with respect to the audio
> frequencies being transmitted is a large factor (FL1 BFO adjustment).
> -- The width of the transmitted passband is a secondary factor.
> -- The perception of the listener for 'what sounds right' may differ from
> your interpretation.
> The best way to test your transmit audio is to listen to it on a second
> reciever (with the K2 operating into a dummy load and the other receiver
> having adequate attenuation so it is not overloaded).  Record your
> transmitted signal and play it back to hear just how you sound - you may
> even have another person who knows how your voice sounds normally listen
> since we seldom really know what we ourselves sound like.  Using these same
> techniques, you can properly evaluate changes that you make.
> You can get good intelligible audio at most any bandpass width if the
> demodulated audio contains the audio frequencies required for best
> intelligibility of your own voice - each voice is a bit different in that
> respect.
> If you want information on the critical audio frequencies for
> intelligibility and fidelity, check out some of the articles that Bob Heil
> has published - there was one good one in QEX a while back (Google may show
> you some of them).
> I have no direct relationship with Bob Heil, I just feel he knows his
> products and audio technology quite well as it applies to Amateur Radio.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
>> -Original Message-
>> My main interest was the SSB audio differences between lets say
>> the first
>> SSB K2's , my self modified 3155, and 4000+ models.
>> I have a 1.07 rev SSB chip. Some early #3000's may have earlier
>> chips. I
>> have not asked for any audio checks from any of the 100+ QSO's. Nobody  I
>> worked had a K2.
>> I reasoned if I did not get any complaints using 4:1
>> compression with the
>> older 2.2 khz wide filter, I had good audio.
>> I would  like to see how my audio sounds to a fellow K-2 and
>> also try a
>> 50W amp for 20M only I built.
>> I will be on 14.155-178 on Saturday after 2 PM EST.
>> I also wanted to see if the SSB filter mod is for me or not. I
>> found on RX
>> it really works very well on 1.8Khz for RX this is good. I find
>> not having PBT
>> not such a loss with good 1.8KHZ
>> filtering.
> ___
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RE: FW: [Elecraft] Looking for local K2 ops

2005-02-26 Thread Dan Barker
Oops, I said KDSP2, when I meant to say KPSK2, my name for that tight little
board over TP2. I Got a nasty RF burn on my lip in 1981 from a HW-101,
D-104, Unbalanced short low crappy ungrounded antenna, and haven't had much
use for sideband ever since. But I did struggle with my KSB2 recently
(Somehow, over the years, FL1 set itself back to 2.2 instead of op1) and I
did want to dust off the [luckily plastic housed] MH2 if someone needed me.

I got some pretty pictures out of Spectrogram, but since the rig was
transmitting on a filter I wasn't looking at, it sounded pretty horrible.
Don't even know how to tell how poorly.

Dan "sold the Lollipop" Barker / WG4S / K2 #2456

I would get rid of that mike thingy and spring for a nice set of paddles ;)
Kevin.  KD5ONS

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[Elecraft] Transmitting on Power up K2

2005-02-26 Thread n9bx

Problem Solved

With the Gracious Help of Don and Gary, the trouble with my K2 transmitting on 
Power up has been solved.  It turned out to be a Bad Q2 on the COntrol Board.  
Both of these guys have provided wonderful help in solving this problem.  No on 
to the alignment stages.

73 Bruce N9BX
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[Elecraft] Mostly OT: TS-820

2005-02-26 Thread Tom Skinner
Hello group,

I'm not sure where else to ask this question. I can't seem to get anything
but an answering machine at the Kenwood Amateur Radio Tech support Center.

While waiting for a new K2, I would like to get on the air (after a
considerable absence) with an old (but very good) TS-820S. The problem is -
too much interference with the computer and TV at rated output. Since the
neighbors are pretty close, I probably would interfere there as well.  I
have done short tests at qrp levels with no interference.

However:  Is it advisable to reduce the drive to qrp levels (for longer than
short tests) without damage to the 6146 finals?


Tom, K0PXL


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[Elecraft] Test 1

2005-02-26 Thread Allen C. Ward

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[Elecraft] K2 : troubles with level on AF speaker

2005-02-26 Thread Cyrille DERORY

I'm Cyrille DERORY, a french who is living near the city of Brest.

This is my first K2 (serial 4542) with optionals : SSB, 160m, KIO. The 
AF sound is ok with headphones connected on the front panel. However 
without headphones, the audio signal is very low AF power on the 
internel speaker or on the jack for the external speaker. After 
verifications, all components for the audio part are in the right position :

on the control board : R16 .R20, C23 .C30, Q6 and Q7
on the RF board : R35, R36, C105, C106

I've even tried to change the speaker but the AF signal is still very 
low power.

AF gain R3 is working.

Any idea ?

Thanks in advance.

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RE: [Elecraft] K2 : troubles with level on AF speaker

2005-02-26 Thread Rich Lentz

My best guess is that you have reversed the wires in SPK-J1 - The connector
on the cover. OR you have reversed the ground (earth) on SPK-J2 - The
speaker jack on the rear of the cover.

Remove the cover and set it away from the base,  Disconnect the internal
battery if you have it, just to make sure there is no ground (earth) return.
If volume is increased then the ground connection is reversed somewhere. 


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[Elecraft] SOC Marathon Sprint

2005-02-26 Thread Bob Patten


Most sprints run four hours, but since we're Second Class Op's,
we need more time!

Date/Time: March 12, 2005, 1800Z through 2400Z

Exchange:  Member - RST, State/Province/Country, SOC Number
  Non-Member - RST, State/Province/Country, Power Out

QSO Points:   Member = 5 Points
Non-Member, Different Continent = 4 Points
 Non-Member, Same Continent = 2 Points

Multiplier:SPC (State/Province/Country) total for all bands.
  The same station may be worked on more than one band for
  QSO points and SPC credit.

Power Multiplier:  0 - 250 MW = X 15;
 250 MW - 1 Watt = X 10;
   1 W - 5 W = X 7;
Over 5 W = X 1.

Suggested Frequencies:

160 Meters 1810 KHz
80 Meters 3560 KHz
40 Meters 7040 KHz
20 Meter 14060 KHz
15 Meters21060 KHz
10 Meters28060 KHz

Points (total for all bands) X SPCs (total for all bands) X Power Multiplier

Apply an additional multiplier of 1.5 if using a homebrew paddle (kits such
as the NorCal / K8FF paddle qualify).

All entries are Multi-Band to promote maximum participation.

Entry includes a copy of the log and a separate summary sheet.
Indicate total time-on-the-air, and include a legible name, call,
SOC Number (if any) and address.  All entries must be received within
30 days of the contest date.  Late entries will be counted as check logs. 
Members and non-members indicate their output power for each band.

The highest power used will determine the power multiplier.
Output power is considered as 1/2 of input power.
Include a description of homebrew equipment (including paddle or key),
commercial equipment, and antennas used with each entry.

Results may be posted on QRP-L and on the SOC Website.  The final decision
on all matters concerning the contest rests with the contest manager.
Entries are welcome via E-Mail to N4BP , or by 
snail mail to:

   Bob Patten, N4BP
   2841 N.W. 112 Terrace
   Plantation, FL  33323

73, Bob Patten, N4BPPlantation, FL

E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Website:
QRP ARCI #3412SOC #1ARS #799Whiners #6   FISTS #7871

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Re: [Elecraft] Mostly OT: TS-820

2005-02-26 Thread Rick Hampton
Hi, Tom.

Tom Skinner wrote:

> Hello group,
> I'm not sure where else to ask this question. I can't seem to get anything but
> an answering machine at the Kenwood Amateur Radio Tech support Center.
> While waiting for a new K2, I would like to get on the air (after a
> considerable absence) with an old (but very good) TS-820S. The problem is -
> too much interference with the computer and TV at rated output. Since the
> neighbors are pretty close, I probably would interfere there as well.  I have
> done short tests at qrp levels with no interference.
> However:  Is it advisable to reduce the drive to qrp levels (for longer than
> short tests) without damage to the 6146 finals?
> Thanks,
> Tom, K0PXL

I'm someone else who uses an '820s (bought mine brand new in '76!), if only
occasionally now.

Yes, you can run QRP mode by simply turning down the "carrier" control knob
without any problems.  That's what I used to do before I could afford a
dedicated QRP rig.

Have fun.


Rick, WD8KEL

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[Elecraft] VCO Alignment Troubles

2005-02-26 Thread Tim Cailloux
Hello all (again).  I'm attempting to align the VCO and am having
trouble making it lock on all bands or get to the right voltage range.
 I've verified all components on the board and touched up the solder
on the pertinent components and relays (and verified all
paths/continuity), but nothing changed.  Here are the voltage values I
get when attempting to set L30:

 Low High
80M  1.937V  6.000V
40M  8.000V  8.000V
30M  0.597V  0.710V
20M  0.589V  1.148V
17M  3.054V  3.250V
15M  1.962V  2.944V
12M  1.131V  1.251V
10M  2.336V  4.060V

No setting of L30 will cause 40M to lock.  I also hooked up the
frequency counter to TP3 per a suggestion previously on the list and
it measured 8.something MHz on 40 (which doesn't seem to be right.  I
adjusted the spacing on the turns of T5, either pushing them apart or
moving them closer.  I was able to bring the lower 20M voltage up to
1.5V, but then the VFO wouldn't lock on 80.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.  (And thanks to Don
for correctly surmising that my previous problem was due to a
thermistor board issue.)

Tim Cailloux
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RE: [Elecraft] Mostly OT: TS-820

2005-02-26 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm

I don't know about the TS-820S, but if the finals are run in linear mode for
both CW and SSB, you can safely reduce the drive without hurting anything.
If your TS-820 has a drive control, I would think it would be safe to use it
to reduce the drive.

OTOH, (just as a cautionary note) a few manufacturers used to run the finals
in class AB for SSB, but changed the bias to class C self-bias techniques
for CW (mainly to obtain greater output power in CW - but this was usually
only true for ancient boat anchors).  Some class C stages use the drive
power itself to develop the grid bias (using rectification using the grid to
cathode junction) - these designs will have runaway plate current if the
drive is removed or substantially reduced.  If you have fixed bias on the
grids for both modes, it is very likely safe to reduce the drive level.


> -Original Message-
> Hello group,
> I'm not sure where else to ask this question. I can't seem to get anything
> but an answering machine at the Kenwood Amateur Radio Tech support Center.
> While waiting for a new K2, I would like to get on the air (after a
> considerable absence) with an old (but very good) TS-820S. The
> problem is -
> too much interference with the computer and TV at rated output. Since the
> neighbors are pretty close, I probably would interfere there as well.  I
> have done short tests at qrp levels with no interference.
> However:  Is it advisable to reduce the drive to qrp levels (for
> longer than
> short tests) without damage to the 6146 finals?
> Thanks,
> Tom, K0PXL

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RE: [Elecraft] VCO Alignment Troubles

2005-02-26 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm

Check and re-check the capacitor values.  From the bands that seem to me to
have strange voltage readings, C73 (should be 47pf) and C74 (should be 20
pf) are the most likely culprits.
Other things to check: be certain the menu parameter for D19 is OFF - check
the relays K13, K14 and K15, set the K2 for the band to be checked and
compare the set/reset condition of each relay by checking continuity from
pin to pin.  The chart on the manual page just before the schematics shows
which relays are set for each band and the schematic shows all relays in the
reset position.  The relay pin numbering is similar to that of an IC - you
can locate pin 1 by finding the round solder pad on the board.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Tim Cailloux
> Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 11:20 AM
> To: Elecraft E-mail List
> Subject: [Elecraft] VCO Alignment Troubles
> Hello all (again).  I'm attempting to align the VCO and am having
> trouble making it lock on all bands or get to the right voltage range.
>  I've verified all components on the board and touched up the solder
> on the pertinent components and relays (and verified all
> paths/continuity), but nothing changed.  Here are the voltage values I
> get when attempting to set L30:
>  Low High
> 80M  1.937V  6.000V
> 40M  8.000V  8.000V
> 30M  0.597V  0.710V
> 20M  0.589V  1.148V
> 17M  3.054V  3.250V
> 15M  1.962V  2.944V
> 12M  1.131V  1.251V
> 10M  2.336V  4.060V
> No setting of L30 will cause 40M to lock.  I also hooked up the
> frequency counter to TP3 per a suggestion previously on the list and
> it measured 8.something MHz on 40 (which doesn't seem to be right.  I
> adjusted the spacing on the turns of T5, either pushing them apart or
> moving them closer.  I was able to bring the lower 20M voltage up to
> 1.5V, but then the VFO wouldn't lock on 80.
> Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.  (And thanks to Don
> for correctly surmising that my previous problem was due to a
> thermistor board issue.)
> tim
> --
> Tim Cailloux
> ___
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[Elecraft] TRX Manager Talks to K2?

2005-02-26 Thread Steve L.
I'm trying to get TRX Manager to talk to my K2 over a
COM port (Win XP, COM3 as an add-on card) but it won't
see it.

Writelog can talk to the K2 with the same cable, port,
etc. TRX talks fine to my FT1000MP MkV on COM1.

I've read the instructions in TRX Manager about the K2
and experimented quite a bit, is there a trick to

I'm using the DEMO version right now, trying to
evaluate how fun it'll be to remote the K2.

73, Steve N4SL
Snohomish, WA USA

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[Elecraft] K2 first light, no first light !

2005-02-26 Thread Ken K7ZUM

Hi All,

  Am working on putting my secound K2 together, have run into a bit of 
a problem,
am on the "first light" alignment  and test, part 1,  K2 powers up, info 201 
comes on
(and disapears) then the elecraft and c, everything seems fine to that 
but, not a single button will work, the VFO knob will not change the display, 
up till this point, every check, every resistance check was spot on, have 
checked all boards for any unsoldered joints,bridges,parts placement etc, 
(using a lighted magnifing glass,eyes are getting old !)anybody have any 
ideals as to where to start to check ??

73 de K7ZUM
Ken in Gres"HAM"  Ore

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[Elecraft] (no subject)

2005-02-26 Thread Tom Skinner
Thanks Fraser, Don & Rick,

I was hoping this would be the case.

As I mentioned to Fraser, thanks to the Elecraft crew and all the users.

This whole K2/QRP thing has rekindled my enthusiasm for ham radio since
being off the air more than 25 years - 2 years as KG4TS pretty much burned
me out!

Thanks again,

Tom, K0PXL (soon to be W3QS)

-Original Message-

Subject: [Elecraft] Mostly OT: TS-820

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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft product to be shown at RadioFest onSaturday

2005-02-26 Thread Alan Fryer
OK, Left Coasters, what is it 

- Original Message - 
From: "Trev - K6ESE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elecraft Reflector" 
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft product to be shown at RadioFest

> Oh dog gone it I hate havin' to wait!
> 73 Trev - K6ESE
> - Original Message - 
> From: "wayne burdick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Elecraft Reflector" 
> Cc: "QRP-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "HF Pack Pack"
> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 6:29 PM
> Subject: [Elecraft] New Elecraft product to be shown at RadioFest on
> Saturday
> > If you're within driving range of Monterey, CA, on Saturday, please
> > stop by RadioFest. We'll have a new product with us at the show that
> > will be of interest to QRPers, HF Pack ops, or anyone who has an HF to
> > 6-m rig in the 0.5 to 20-watt class. The product will be announced and
> > described in detail next week.
> >
> > RadioFest is an annual event. There will be interesting presentations,
> > exhibitors, and a flea market. I'll be doing a talk at 9 AM, and we'll
> > have all of our products at our booth.
> >
> > For further info, see:
> >
> >
> >
> > 73,
> > Wayne
> > N6KR
> >
> >
> > ---
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Elecraft mailing list
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> > Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> >
> >
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> >
> ___
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> -- 
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> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 266.4.0 - Release Date: 2/22/2005

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RE: [Elecraft] New Elecraft product to be shown at RadioFestonSaturday

2005-02-26 Thread John [ N5BSD ]
Hash: SHA1

This is from the HFPack list

It is a tuner and was unveiled at the NorCal meeting according to a
posting in the SG-2020 Yahoo Site.   Go here for details:

Gene K1NR

Scroll down BTW, it is near the bottom 

- ---
Linux user #286770
Machine # 246511
- -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alan Fryer
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 4:36 PM
To: Elecraft Reflector
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft product to be shown at

OK, Left Coasters, what is it 

- - Original Message -
From: "Trev - K6ESE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elecraft Reflector" 
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft product to be shown at RadioFest

> Oh dog gone it I hate havin' to wait!
> 73 Trev - K6ESE
> - Original Message - 
> From: "wayne burdick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Elecraft Reflector" 
> Cc: "QRP-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "HF Pack Pack"
> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 6:29 PM
> Subject: [Elecraft] New Elecraft product to be shown at RadioFest
> on Saturday
> > If you're within driving range of Monterey, CA, on Saturday,
> > please stop by RadioFest. We'll have a new product with us at the
> > show that will be of interest to QRPers, HF Pack ops, or anyone
> > who has an HF to 6-m rig in the 0.5 to 20-watt class. The product
> > will be announced and described in detail next week.
> >
> > RadioFest is an annual event. There will be interesting
> > presentations, exhibitors, and a flea market. I'll be doing a
> > talk at 9 AM, and we'll have all of our products at our booth.
> >
> > For further info, see:
> >
> >
> >
> > 73,
> > Wayne
> > N6KR
> >
> >
> > ---
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Elecraft mailing list
> > Post to:
> > You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> > Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> >
> >
> > Help:
> > Elecraft web page:
> >
> ___
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> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 266.4.0 - Release Date:
> 2/22/2005 

- -- 
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[Elecraft] My best guess

2005-02-26 Thread WA2JJH
H..Today, new rig.
  I bet a cup of coffee it is a K2 like rig. It will cover 160-6M  standard.
They want to compete with the Argo, so I think the new offering will have  
25W out max.
  Am I even close?
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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft product to be shown at RadioFest onSaturday

2005-02-26 Thread Jack Brindle
Oh, come on. The hamfest ended about 45 minutes ago. BUT, if you have 
been paying attention to the list, you have already seen the new 

;-) :-) :-)

On Feb 26, 2005, at 2:35 PM, Alan Fryer wrote:

OK, Left Coasters, what is it 

- Original Message -
From: "Trev - K6ESE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elecraft Reflector" 
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft product to be shown at RadioFest

Oh dog gone it I hate havin' to wait!

73 Trev - K6ESE

- Original Message -
From: "wayne burdick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Elecraft Reflector" 
Cc: "QRP-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "HF Pack Pack"


Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 6:29 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] New Elecraft product to be shown at RadioFest on

If you're within driving range of Monterey, CA, on Saturday, please
stop by RadioFest. We'll have a new product with us at the show that
will be of interest to QRPers, HF Pack ops, or anyone who has an HF 
6-m rig in the 0.5 to 20-watt class. The product will be announced 

described in detail next week.

RadioFest is an annual event. There will be interesting 
exhibitors, and a flea market. I'll be doing a talk at 9 AM, and 

have all of our products at our booth.

For further info, see:



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-Jack Brindle, W6FB

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[Elecraft] Items For Sale: Nice K2 w/options, unbuilt KAT2, unbuilt KBT2

2005-02-26 Thread Charlie Hicks

Items For Sale:

1. K2 #2534   MCU 2.01H   IOC 102
   - KSB2 - SSB option V104
   - KNB2 - Noise Blanker V102
   - KAF2 - Audio filter V1.00
   - Heil MH2 hand mic

Works great.  Checked out by Elecraft about two years ago.
All documentation included.

   Price: $775 + shipping


2. Unbuilt KAT2 internal 20W antenna tuner with the full set
of pre-wound toroids by the Toroid Guy.

   Price: $ 130 + shipping


3. Unbuilt KBT2 Battery kit w/battery

Price: $45 + ship


Buy it all for $925 and I'll ship

PayPal OK.  Cashier's check, USPS money order, or bank wire

This belonged to my father, K6AXS, now a SK.  He had two.  I'm keeping the
Email any questions.


Charlie Hicks, K0CKH

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RE: [Elecraft] K2 first light, no first light !

2005-02-26 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm

Since you can see the display - and it seems to be proper, many of the front
panel signals must be correct.

I would look closely at the SR CK signal on the control board and on the
front panel board since this signal is common to the circuits that you
report as failing.  Check the connectors on the all 3 boards and U6 pin 35
on the control board.  This may or not be the problem signal, but is a good
starting point.
Re-check the soldering carefully (don't forget about the connector pins)and
be certain all the pins of Control Board U6 are properly in the socket (not
bent under or sticking out).

Good luck and bst 73,

> -Original Message-
>   Am working on putting my secound K2 together, have run
> into a bit of a problem,
> am on the "first light" alignment  and test, part 1,  K2 powers
> up, info 201 comes on
> (and disapears) then the elecraft and c, everything seems
> fine to that point,
> but, not a single button will work, the VFO knob will not change
> the display, nothin,
> up till this point, every check, every resistance check was spot
> on, have checked all boards for any unsoldered
> joints,bridges,parts placement etc, (using a lighted magnifing
> glass,eyes are getting old !)anybody have any ideals as to
> where to start to check ??
> 73 de K7ZUM
> Ken in Gres"HAM"  Ore
> Help:
> Elecraft web page:

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Re: [Elecraft] VCO Alignment Troubles

2005-02-26 Thread Tim Cailloux
> Check and re-check the capacitor values.  From the bands that seem to me to
> have strange voltage readings, C73 (should be 47pf) and C74 (should be 20
> pf) are the most likely culprits.

Not the caps (after a quick trip to Radio Shack to pick up a new 20pf and 47pf).

> Other things to check: be certain the menu parameter for D19 is OFF - check
> the relays K13, K14 and K15, set the K2 for the band to be checked and
> compare the set/reset condition of each relay by checking continuity from
> pin to pin.

Would the voltages I got make sense if I had a K14 that wasn't
latching?  I checked it out and it appears to be staying in the reset
position.  It seems that the bands I'm having voltage issues on are
all connected through K14 (40, 30, 20, 12) .  (The first time I
checked the relays, I did the check when 80M was the last band I used.
 This time I checked with 40 being the band.)  D19 was off.  I didn't
even know about the second menu until I had to look up to verify the

I really hope it isn't K14.  I'm not looking forward to having to
replace a relay.

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[Elecraft] (no subject)

2005-02-26 Thread Paul Gates
This is a test message to see that I am getting this message to the 
Paul Gates
Elecraft K1 #231
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[Elecraft] KDSP2 parts missing

2005-02-26 Thread Stan Rife
I received my KDSP2 a couple of days ago. Just got around to
checking out the parts bags this afternoon. I haven't done an inventory yet,
but I did do a check to make sure all the "big" pieces were there and I
cannot find the E100179 circuit board anywhere. It's not like there are very
many places to look. Hi Hi. It's a rather small parts count and I do have
the KK7P DSP module.
The parts list says I am supposed to have one. I just wanted to
query the group because I have cried foul twice now and wound up with egg on
my face. Am I missing something I ordered the KDSP2 and the K60XV
together and they both came in one box. The circuit board for the K60XV is
in it's bag. In the KDSP2 bag I got a lot of small parts, but I do not see a
circuit board. I have even looked in between all the pages of the assembly
manual and have not discovered it yet. Any hints?

Stan Rife
Houston, TX
K2 S/N 4216

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[Elecraft] K2 PLL Temp Comp mod kit parts question

2005-02-26 Thread Mike B
I recently purchased the K2 PLL Temp Comp mod kit, and it came with Rev 
D (3 Feb 04) instructions.  A couple places in the instructions mention 
replacing L31 (originally 10uH, which my rig has) with a 12 uH inductor.

Yet the parts list states it should be a 10 uH, and I was shipped a 10 uH.

Which is right?  Considering the instruction sheet is over a year old, I 
would have thought any typos would have been caught by now.

Mike Boice, KW1ND
Karns, TN
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RE: [Elecraft] K2 PLL Temp Comp mod kit parts question

2005-02-26 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm

Yes, ignore that inductor change.  The inductor necessary depends a lot on
the crystal that shipped with your kit, and the proper value has changed
from 10 uH to 12 uH and back a few times over the life of the K2.  Put in
the 10 uH (or re-use the one that is currently installed) and wait until you
do the PLL range test before becoming concerned.

Also relevant - check th eElecraft Builder's Resource Page on the Elecraft
website and you will see a new note stating that a PLL range of 8.8 to 18
kHz is an acceptable range.


> -Original Message-
> I recently purchased the K2 PLL Temp Comp mod kit, and it came with Rev
> D (3 Feb 04) instructions.  A couple places in the instructions mention
> replacing L31 (originally 10uH, which my rig has) with a 12 uH inductor.
> Yet the parts list states it should be a 10 uH, and I was shipped a 10 uH.
> Which is right?  Considering the instruction sheet is over a year old, I
> would have thought any typos would have been caught by now.
> --
> 73,
> Mike Boice, KW1ND

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[Elecraft] Blank display on 1st power up

2005-02-26 Thread Roland & Elvie Whitsitt
I just did the 1st aliment "smoke test".  Put power to it for the first time.  
When I turn it on, after a second, something clicks.  The display is lit but 
nothing else.  No letters or anything. Now what?  I wonder if it's one of those 
main chips.  I got this kit partially assembled in a box.
Thanks for any help.
Roland in Stockton, Ca.
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RE: [Elecraft] Blank display on 1st power up

2005-02-26 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm

That sounds like the behavior one would see if the control board is not
properly plugged in.

Since you received the kit partially built, you should first gain confidence
in what the previous builder has done.  I suggest that you go through the
steps in the manual (starting at the beginning) and recheck everything -
component values, proper orientation of components, and the soldering of
each component.  I know it is a large task, but is the only way I know to
check things.

Chances are very good that the components are not at fault - the most common
cause of problems is improperly soldered connections, second is incorrect
components (or incorrectly located components).  Actual component failures
are way down on the 'trouble' list - they may fail, but that is rare.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Roland & Elvie
> Whitsitt
> Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 10:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Elecraft] Blank display on 1st power up
> I just did the 1st aliment "smoke test".  Put power to it for the
> first time.  When I turn it on, after a second, something clicks.
>  The display is lit but nothing else.  No letters or anything.
> Now what?  I wonder if it's one of those main chips.  I got this
> kit partially assembled in a box.
> Thanks for any help.
> Roland in Stockton, Ca.

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Re: [Elecraft] Blank display on 1st power up

2005-02-26 Thread G3VVT
In a message dated 27/02/05 03:13:02 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I just  did the 1st aliment "smoke test".  Put power to it for the first  
time.  When I turn it on, after a second, something clicks.  The  display is 
but nothing else.  No letters or anything. Now what?   I wonder if it's one of 
those main chips.  I got this kit partially  assembled in a box.

If it is a K2 check that pin1 has been soldered on U1 the LCD driver on the  
K2 Front Panel board. I and number of other builders missed this  for some 
reason. Difficult to do afterwards as it needs the LCD display  removing to 
really get at it. However it is possible however to bypass this  point with 
Bob, G3VVT
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[Elecraft] The audio filter

2005-02-26 Thread WA2JJH
The two blue pots on the audio filter seem to offer a great range of audio  
However with the pots and software, I cannot get on effect I want.
  It might be impossible to do even if I mod it. I simply want to  lower the 
noise floor.
The noise floor is low. However I wanted to try to get it to sound like a  
TR-7's noise floor.
Perhaps I should consider the DSP kit/up grade?
  My chip on my audio filter is a rev one. Is there a firmware update?  Or is 
this chip limited to how much it can do with the multiple op-amp  chip?
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Re: [Elecraft] Mostly OT: TS-820

2005-02-26 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy
Hello Tom,

Having spent countless hours in the company of members of the 6146 family,
from their conception, please be assured that even with zero RF signal drive
a 6146B will be undamaged provided that 1) Supply voltages are within
specified limits 2) "Real" DC bias is used for the control grid (Grid 1) 3)
Dissipation limits are not exceeded - in major part controlled by Grid 1
bias and 4) The circuit is stable and also free of parasitics. Grid 1 should
be RF loaded, as it will be in the transmitter. In other words the same
rules that apply to most tubes.

I do not know the Final's circuitry of the TS-820S, but I would guess that
it is two 6146s in parallel biased somewhere between AB1 and AB2. So the
caution about parasitics is relevant, but if that was a problem, it should
have shown up before when adjusting the output tank. I also assume that
there is a real" DC bias supply.

So have some fun! Good hunting!


- Original Message -
From: "Tom Skinner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 1:53 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Mostly OT: TS-820

> Hello group,
> I'm not sure where else to ask this question. I can't seem to get anything
> but an answering machine at the Kenwood Amateur Radio Tech support Center.
> While waiting for a new K2, I would like to get on the air (after a
> considerable absence) with an old (but very good) TS-820S. The problem
is -
> too much interference with the computer and TV at rated output. Since the
> neighbors are pretty close, I probably would interfere there as well.  I
> have done short tests at qrp levels with no interference.
> However:  Is it advisable to reduce the drive to qrp levels (for longer
> short tests) without damage to the 6146 finals?
> Thanks,
> Tom, K0PXL

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[Elecraft] Saturday's 'new' news ???

2005-02-26 Thread Dave G.
OK folks,

It's nearly Sunday (30 minutes to go)
For the benefit of the majority that DIDN'T manage  to get to 
the HamFest...

What is the new product ???
Pretty Please ???

Dave KK7SS
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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2005-02-26 Thread Kevin Rock

Good Evening,
   Once again I had a very late night in the big city.  The campiest 
production of a Shakespeare play I've seen since the scene in The Magic 

Last night I made a good contact into South Dakota on 40 meters and the 
Fox hunt went well on Thursday evening so that band may be good tomorrow 
evening.  New Hampshire was a little tough but Missouri was easy.  The 
first took many many calls but the latter took just one.  Hopefully 20 
meters will be a bit stronger than it was for me on Thursday and Friday.  
But we shall see what tomorrow brings us.

Please join us :
Monday z (Sunday 4pm PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0300z (Sunday 7pm PST)  7045 kHz

Visit our web site: for net details.  Thanks 

I hope 160 meters is being kind to all you folks trying for a few contacts 
this weekend.  If you are from South Dakota or Delaware please stop by and 
visit for a moment.  Those are the last two states we need for Elecraft 

No special requirements or exchanges necessary on ECN just check in and 
enjoy hearing folks around the continent report on their weather and their 

  Take care,
 Kevin.  KD5ONS


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