Re: [Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again

2005-07-27 Thread Matt Osborn
I'd make sure all the capacitors would be oriented so I could read
their markings after installing that relay or inductor next to them.
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Re: [Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again

2005-07-27 Thread Hisashi T Fujinaka

On Wed, 27 Jul 2005, Lee Buller wrote:

If you were going to build another K2 (and I know
there are many of you who have built quite a few) what
things would you do differently from the first build?

Maybe get the un-modules. Maybe go even faster if I didn't have one to
use already. :)

Oh, one thing I'd do if I hadn't done it already is to buy the wire
brush for my Dremel tool. Sandpapering stuff off of the side of the case
was a pain, and getting the anodizing off of the heat sink for the
KPA100 was nearly impossible without the Dremel.

Hisashi T Fujinaka - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
BSEE(6/86) + BSChem(3/95) + BAEnglish(8/95) + MSCS(8/03) + $2.50 = latte
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Re: [Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again

2005-07-27 Thread Larry Phipps

If you plan on future options, I would look at the un-modules from Gary, 

They plug in in place of the future modules, and make it easy to plugin 
the new modules as you build them instead of having to unsolder and 
remove parts from the K2. It also makes it easier to troubleshoot the 
new modules since you can easily return to the basic radio. They are 
quite innexpensive to boot.

Larry N8LP

Margaret Leber wrote:

Lee Buller wrote:

If you were going to build another K2 (and I know
there are many of you who have built quite a few) what
things would you do differently from the first build?

I'd buy the KAT2 kit also. :-)

Good news: I finally (after four years essentially on the bench (now 
have a job, and will have the money to buy one, and a KIO2 too.

Bad news: I won't have as much building time available as I did this 
winter. :-)

 73 de Maggie K3XS

Editor, Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club Blurb -
Elecraft K2 #1641

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Re: [Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again

2005-07-27 Thread Margaret Leber

Lee Buller wrote:

If you were going to build another K2 (and I know
there are many of you who have built quite a few) what
things would you do differently from the first build?

I'd buy the KAT2 kit also. :-)

Good news: I finally (after four years essentially on the bench (now 
have a job, and will have the money to buy one, and a KIO2 too.

Bad news: I won't have as much building time available as I did this 
winter. :-)

 73 de Maggie K3XS

Editor, Phil-Mont Mobile Radio Club Blurb -
Elecraft K2 #1641

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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[Elecraft] K2 Speaker Fix (WAS: K2 Speaker Replacement)

2005-07-27 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
A repair for the Elecraft K2 speaker with a rubbing voice coil that worked
for me is as follows:

Remove the K2 lid and lay it on the bench next to the rig with the speaker
connected so you can access the back of the speaker while listening. 

Enable the sidetone so you hear it in the speaker. It should sound raspy of
the voice coil is rubbing.

Use a LARGE screwdriver with a wide blade and place it between the edge of
the black magnet and the frame. Turn the screwdriver so it wedges between
the magnet and the frame. It's a good idea to hold the tip with one hand so
you don't poke it into the cone by accident! Apply a little twisting
pressure while listening - just enough to move the magnet slightly but not
enough to make a permanent bend in the frame. 

Work your way around the speaker repeating the act with the screwdriver at
each frame. Normally at one point the tone will become clear when the
pressure moves the voice coil so it's not dragging against the magnet any
longer. When you find that point, apply additional pressure on the
screwdriver to make a permanent bend in the frame. Work in small steps so
you don't go too far. (If you overdo it, you have to do it over again!)
You'll know you're FB when the tone stays nice and clear when you remove the

The frames of these speakers seem to be made of a lot softer metal than
other loudspeakers I've worked with. They're packaged by the manufacturer
for shipment so the face of the speaker takes the weight and the magnet is
only supported by the frame.  I've come to the conclusion that they've
probably become bent in shipment when the box or a whole container of them
hit the ground hard. 

Once they're in the K2 they are safe. Or they should be. I fixed my speaker
over four years ago when I built my K2 and it's still FB. But then I'm not
in the habit of dropping the K2 onto a hard floor . 


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[Elecraft] (no subject)

2005-07-27 Thread Paul Gates
HI ALL. I am basking in the cooler WX here in Fla. compared to what it 
has been in the Washington, DC area. It is hot but have a nice cool breeze 
coming off the Tampa Bay and the Gulf... My sisterinlaw lives in Seminole 
and it would be a nice place to retire... Things happen a little slower.

I have my KX1 and Silky Ant. and counterpoise like Lloyd was discribing 
Hate to have to leave here on this coming Sunday!! I am reading my mail 
never fear!! Incidently I had my wire antenna strung in in a motel room and 
had 1.0 SWR on all 3 bands. Listen to Lloyd Achow... It is a good antenna.

Paul, in sunny Fla.

Paul Gates
K1  #0231
KX1 #1186

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 Speaker Replacement

2005-07-27 Thread Stuart Rohre
Before replacing, it may be that you only knocked it off center of the voice 

Take out the speaker and view it from all angles.  Is the Cone off center?

If the thing looks like it is, you might put three fingers and thumb equally 
around edge of voice coil at narrow end of cone, and push in gently and 
release.  This might restore the centering.  If not, you have not lost much 

There is also the possibility that you had such as strong signal that you 
magnetized part of the frame of the speaker.  That is more tricky, but you 
might use a compass to see if symmetrical positions around the speaker frame 
circumference the compass needle deflects the same amount.  You do this by 
putting speaker in a circle you have drawn on paper by tracing around the 
magnet.  Now, carefully tie a string onto compass so that you may keep it a 
defined distance from the framework as you move it to differing positions. 
Keep string taut between frame and compass for each datapoint.  You could 
record the amplitudes as so many degrees from North, 0 degrees.

If you find a very unsymmetrical magnetic field plot, you might as well 
order a replacement speaker from Elecraft.  You might be able to degauss the 
frame with a VCR tape hand held degausser of the Hockey Puck style that Hi 
Fi shops used to sell, but you do not want to degauss the permanent magnet 
at the back of the cone.

GL, 73,

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Fw: [Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again

2005-07-27 Thread kc4eyf
 Proud Owner of #4877 k2

I'd Follow the manual by steps.
I'd try not to stay up all night.
I'd listen to veteran builders.(Thanks w3fpr)
and others.

K2ELE is my new Call
Got to get all my emails addresses changed
russ in tn.


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RE: [Elecraft] KX-1 Power Output Help?

2005-07-27 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Jay W6CJ wrote:

I am assembling KX1 #1204 and nearly there.  While going through the power
output tests, I notice that power on 7 MHz is 4 watts, while power on 14 MHz
is only 2.5 watts.  Watts up with that?  I've tried expanding/compressing
turns on L1 and L2, T1 as well as changing R11 and
R30- plenty of power output, but 14 MHz is consistantly lower output than 7
MHz, whatever I do.  Yes, the turns counts on L1, L2 and T1 are correct.  I
went over the digests and saw people getting consistant output on all
bands... Any suggestions or help? 


The design of the output filters dictates that the output on 20 meters will
be 0.3 to 0.6 watts below 40 meters (see "40 meter transmitter test" on page

Your first statement suggests more difference than that, but then you said,
"...plenty of power output, but 14 MHz is consistantly lower output than 7
MHz, whatever I do."

Is the difference still more than about 0.6 watts? 

Expanding the turns on L2 may increase the 20 meter output, but at the cost
of harmonic suppression. 


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RE: [Elecraft] KX-1 Power Output Help?

2005-07-27 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Jay W6CJ wrote:

I am assembling KX1 #1204 and nearly there.  While going through the power
output tests, I notice that power on 7 MHz is 4 watts, while power on 14 MHz
is only 2.5 watts.  Watts up with that?  I've tried expanding/compressing
turns on L1 and L2, T1 as well as changing R11 and
R30- plenty of power output, but 14 MHz is consistantly lower output than 7
MHz, whatever I do.  Yes, the turns counts on L1, L2 and T1 are correct.  I
went over the digests and saw people getting consistant output on all
bands... Any suggestions or help? 


The design of the output filters dictates that the output on 20 meters will
be 0.3 to 0.6 watts below 40 meters (see "40 meter transmitter test" on page

Your first statement suggests more difference than that, but then you said,
"...plenty of power output, but 14 MHz is consistantly lower output than 7
MHz, whatever I do."

Is the difference still more than about 0.6 watts? 

Expanding the turns on L2 may increase the 20 meter output, but at the cost
of harmonic suppression. 


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Re: [Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again

2005-07-27 Thread JEAN-FRANCOIS MENARD

1- Take more time to build... I have one, I can take my time now.

2- Build module one at a time... take more time.

3- Take more time.

4- Take more time.

When building an Elecraft kit, you have good time, and if you want to  
enjoy it, you must take the time.

Time, time, time...

Le 05-07-27 à 17:16, Lee Buller a écrit :


If you were going to build another K2 (and I know
there are many of you who have built quite a few) what
things would you do differently from the first build?

Lee Buller - K0WA

Common sense is in short supply - get some and use it.
If you can't find any common sense, ask for help from
somebody that has some common sense. - Lee Buller
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Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ


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Re: [Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again

2005-07-27 Thread R. Kevin Stover

Lee Buller wrote:


If you were going to build another K2 (and I know
there are many of you who have built quite a few) what
things would you do differently from the first build?

Lee Buller - K0WA

Probably build, test, and use each module before moving to the rest.
K2/100 #4684 has all the modules you can put in it and I built them all 
at once. I'd build the basic K2, use it for a couple of weeks, add the 
KPA100, use it for a couple of weeks, add the KSSB, use it for a couple 
of weeks, and finally the K160RX and KDSP2.

R. Kevin Stover ACØH

K2/100 #4684

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[Elecraft] QRP Slogan contest

2005-07-27 Thread Larry Makoski W2LJ

Fellow QRPers,

For those of you out there who are wordsmiths, or are quick with a 
phrase or have wit that is sharp - John Shannon K3WWP is running a QRP 
slogan contest.  But you only have a few days to share your ideas for 
the ultimate, catchy QRP slogan; as the contest ends as July ends.  So 
please consider visiting and adding to 
the quips and quotes that have already been posted.

73 de Larry W2LJ

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RE: [Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again

2005-07-27 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm

1). Put the KSB2 components on the front panel before mounting the pots on
the FP board.
2). Install all option headers as you build the RF Board - I use jumpers in
the headers instead of the jumpers on the board - (unmodules would work
3) Other than the above, follow all instructions in order.

OK, that is how I do it, and I have built many K2s (really havn't counted),
so keep in mind I am very familiar with the process - If you feel
uncomfortable about your ability to find a problem should it arise, then
just do the instructions one at a time just like they are printed in the
manual and ignore the way I do it.  Yes, the manual is THAT good - it is
even better than it was when you built your last K2.


> -Original Message-
> Elecraftians.
> If you were going to build another K2 (and I know
> there are many of you who have built quite a few) what
> things would you do differently from the first build?
> Lee Buller - K0WA
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RE: [Elecraft] KX1 Antenna Wire

2005-07-27 Thread Paul Gates
You are preaching the right sermon for the antenna wire, Lloyd. I have the 
same set up as you and I am in Fla and set up the antenna with the KX1 in a 
motel room. My SWR was 1.0 on all 3 bands.!! It was a blast after spending 
all day at Epcot Center!! 


Paul Gates
K1  #0231
KX1 #1186

Original Message Follows
From: Lloyd Lachow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: List Elecraft 
Subject: [Elecraft] KX1 Antenna Wire
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 06:54:32 -0700 (PDT)

  I use "Silky" wire from the Wireman. Here's the

'Invisible' Toughcoat 'Silky' 26 AWG, 19 strand 40%
copper-clad steel (OD 0.020") with the same jacket as
531 (Nominal OD, 0.050" including 0.015" jacket, but
super small for that 'low profile' antenna or pocket
'weekender' long wire. Weighs less than one pound per
1000 feet! Not recommended for 160 meters.

  Here's the url: and it's number
534. It's great because it doesn't tangle and kink,
hence the 'silky' appellation.

  I use a 24' hunk for my KX1 antenna, and I tinned
one end, and tinned a small loop in the other end. I
use a 33' piece of hookup wire for a counterpoise/RF

  I use an old razor handle for a weight, and attach
it to the loop end with a twist-tie. The near ends of
the ground and ant go into a BNC/binding post adapter.
 When done, I hold one end of the ant wire in my hand,
and wind it quickly and easily around my arm, hand to
elbow. Then I make a figure 8 with that big loop, then
fold it into a circle half the size of the original
loop. I secure that with the twist-tie, leaving the
ends of the tie sticking out. Then I wind the ground
wire the same way, place it against the ant coil, and
use the ends of the ground wire to secure them
together on one side, and the same twist tie to secure
them together on the other side. I then have a neat,
secure coil about 5" in diameter, which is very easy
to stow and deploy.

  This loads well on all three KX1 bands, and I can
set it up, have a QSO, and stow it away in just a few
minutes, whenever I need a fix. I've worked Europe
with this, with the antler hanging out of second-floor
windows, or tossed up in a tree.


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RE: [Elecraft] update on my KX1 progress

2005-07-27 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Dave, W5SV wrote:

I have incorrectly assessed the difficulty of alignment; in that I
  am having trouble locating a few tools adequate to the task; the
  "tuning wands" I am finding here are either too large a diameter
  (won't fit down in there), or not insulated (and either short to
  the plated through holes, or couple my body capacitance (not
  insubstantial by the way), or are made of stuff too soft for the
  task of torquing those pesky trimmers... and to make matters more
  frustrating, the pesky trimmers have a high static friction, so
  that when you do turn them, they twist far more degrees than

   2. My 20 M. output is about 2 watts; 40 is about 3.5 watts. Yes, R4
  is fully clockwise. supply voltage is at 13.8 Volts.

  I am suspecting the windings on some toroids, or other form of
  joy...  Hints?


The page numbers in the manual referenced below are for the Rev B manual,
November 3, 2003. 


You are absolutely right, the holes giving access to the KX1 trimmers are
too small for most alignment tools. That's why a small metal blade
screwdriver with an insulated handle is recommended for this adjustment
(Page 10 "Tools"). If you don't have an insulated handle on the screwdriver,
you'll need to make one by wrapping it with tape (Page 46 first step).

One thing not mentioned in the manual is that it is often useful to exercise
the trimmers first. That helps reduce any residual "stickiness". Also, some
trimmers come from the factory making poor contact between the moving and
stationary contacts that can cause an intermittent. Rotating the trimmers a
few times will help them 'seat'. They will be fine indefinitely after doing
that. Only a few trimmers require "seating" but it turns up from time to
time in all the Elecraft rigs. 

Shorting the signal path to ground won't hurt anything (see the note on page
46), so it's not necessary to wrap tape around the screwdriver where it
passes through the board if you have a small enough screwdriver. The last I
heard, only the B and  B1 rev's of that board have grounded plated-through
holes. My KX1 was the second unit built (Wayne's was the first) and I've not
see the later boards. 

Finally, there is some small interaction caused by the metal of the
screwdriver that is evident when it is removed, but I found it quite easy to
compensate for that, moving the trimmer to one side of the peak and
listening for the signal to come back up as I removed the screwdriver as
described in the note on page 46. If the signal increases then drops off as
the screwdriver is removed, you went too far. Of course, that's true only of
the trimmers whose rotors are not grounded. I believe that's only B and B1. 


Yes, check your toroid turns carefully: one turn is when the wire passes
through the center. There are no partial turns on a toroid. L1 and L2 must
each have 14 turns on a Yellow T37-6 core. Be sure you didn't use the grey
ferrite cores by mistake. 

I have found that adjusting 20A and 20B for best signal-to-noise ratio
rather than maximum noise produces more sensitivity and more RF out on 20.
The two points are about 1/8 turn apart. Set at maximum noise, my KX1 makes
about 3.1 watts on 20 meters and 4.2 watts on 40 meters with a 13.8 vdc
supply. That's within spec, but I find that if I adjust 20A and 20B for best
S/N (listening to a very weak signal) my 20 meter output rises to 3.8 watts
and the 40 meter output is 4.0 watts. This requires a weak signal! I find
that the output of the XG1 signal generator, even set for 1 uv output and
listening to its second harmonic on 20 meters, is much to strong. I put a
short piece of wire in KX1 antenna jack and laid it near the XG1 to produce
a suitable weak signal. Too strong of a signal makes it very difficult to
hear the true peak or setting for best S/N ratio. 

Also check the spacing of the turns on L1 and L2, especially T2. They should
be as shown in the book (Figure 16, page 40). You might try spacing L2 our a
bit wider to increase the 20 meter output. With L1 and L2 set up correctly
for best harmonic suppression, you should expect the output on 20 meters to
be 0.3 to 0.6 watts below the 40 meter output (see 40 Meter Transmitter
Test, page 59). 


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RE: [Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again

2005-07-27 Thread Robert Tellefsen
Take a little more time and savor the journey.
73, Bob N6WG
The Little Station with Attitude

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Lee Buller
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 2:16 PM
To: Elecraft Reflector
Subject: [Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again


If you were going to build another K2 (and I know
there are many of you who have built quite a few) what
things would you do differently from the first build?

Lee Buller - K0WA

Common sense is in short supply - get some and use it.
If you can't find any common sense, ask for help from 
somebody that has some common sense. - Lee Buller
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RE: [Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again

2005-07-27 Thread Neal Campbell
1. Inventory and safely store all of the parts
2. Spend a bit more time reading and understanding the instructions (luckily
my misunderstandings usually were caught before doing any damage)
3. Ordering one much earlier than when I did. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lee Buller
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 9:16 PM
To: Elecraft Reflector
Subject: [Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again


If you were going to build another K2 (and I know there are many of you who
have built quite a few) what things would you do differently from the first

Lee Buller - K0WA

Common sense is in short supply - get some and use it.
If you can't find any common sense, ask for help from somebody that has some
common sense. - Lee Buller ___
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[Elecraft] If you were to do it all over again

2005-07-27 Thread Lee Buller


If you were going to build another K2 (and I know
there are many of you who have built quite a few) what
things would you do differently from the first build?

Lee Buller - K0WA

Common sense is in short supply - get some and use it.
If you can't find any common sense, ask for help from 
somebody that has some common sense. - Lee Buller
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[Elecraft] WA3WSJ: Email while on an expedition - Yes!

2005-07-27 Thread Edward R. Breneiser
Hello all,

I always wondered what's all the fuss about WIFI? Well, I just bought a
wifi PCMCIA card for my Libretto 110CT ($30) and it works. I just had
lunch at a local strip mall and I checked my email and surfed the web
while at lunch -cool! The main reason I bought the wifi card was to send
and receive email while I'm on a lighthouse or covered bridge activation
or expedition. While I'm on my Delaware Lighthouse Tour next week, I'll
keep in touch by email. That is at lunch or dinner. I also just
purchased a keychain wifi locator device. This wifi stuff is really
cool! Now I have to start packing for the trip. Hope to work you from
the Overfalls Lightship.

ARLHS # 983

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[Elecraft] KX-1 Power Output Help?

2005-07-27 Thread Coote, Jay
I am assembling KX1 #1204 and nearly there.  While going through the
power output tests, I notice that power on 7 MHz is 4 watts, while power
on 14 MHz is only 2.5 watts.  Watts up with that?  I've tried
expanding/compressing turns on L1 and L2, T1 as well as changing R11 and
R30- plenty of power output, but 14 MHz is consistantly lower output
than 7 MHz, whatever I do.  Yes, the turns counts on L1, L2 and T1 are
correct.  I went over the digests and saw people getting consistant
output on all bands... Any suggestions or help?
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[Elecraft] update on my KX1 progress

2005-07-27 Thread David F. Reed
After being stuck at stage 2 for some time, and pulling my hairs out one 
at a time, Jim Younce, K4ZM rescued me (in a big way) - Thanks Jim! - 
and I recently completed the Stage 3 assembly.

I would love to report success, but the war is not over... a couple of 
items stand in the way.

  1. Completing the alignment:

 I have incorrectly assessed the difficulty of alignment; in that I
 am having trouble locating a few tools adequate to the task; the
 "tuning wands" I am finding here are either too large a diameter
 (won't fit down in there), or not insulated (and either short to
 the plated through holes, or couple my body capacitance (not
 insubstantial by the way), or are made of stuff too soft for the
 task of torquing those pesky trimmers... and to make matters more
 frustrating, the pesky trimmers have a high static friction, so
 that when you do turn them, they twist far more degrees than

 So folks, share your secrets of source of said tuning tools...

  2. My 20 M. output is about 2 watts; 40 is about 3.5 watts. Yes, R4
 is fully clockwise. supply voltage is at 13.8 Volts.

 I am suspecting the windings on some toroids, or other form of
 joy...  Hints?

Looking forward to successful completion and some first QSOs to report...

73 de W5SV, Dave

David F. Reed  - W5SV - cell: 512 585-1057

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[Elecraft] TNX Everyone

2005-07-27 Thread John Grimm

  I  wanted  to send a quick TNX to everyone at Elecraft and all on this
  reflector.   I recently  completed K2 #4842 and all is FB.  Great rig.
  Great experience.  Great learning.  Great people.  A real privilege to
  be part of this community, and I'm very appreciative.


  John / K0YQ
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[Elecraft] K1 internal, in-line power connector for KBT1

2005-07-27 Thread Steve Jackson
I've been asked several times what connectors I used
to allow a "quick disconnect" of my KBT1 power
connection.  So here is the information, for the
archive, in case others wish to do similarly.

I wanted the setup to be foolproof, in that neither
end had exposed contacts when disconnected.

So, I used two-conductor AMP Mate-N-Lok connectors,
available from Mouser:

On the radio side, the wires get terminated in Mouser
#571-14803190 free hanging shrouded pin housing.  I
used Mouser #571-606181 male pins for 18 AWG as the

On the battery side, I used Mouser #517-14803180
in-line socket housing, with Mouser #551-606191 female
pins as the contact.

Mouser has no minimum order and does not mark up their
shipping costs.  Their website is almost as easy to
order from as the Elecraft website!  ;-)

With a 3 or 4 cm pigtail on the radio side, this
connector assembly fits easily in the cabinet, even
with the KAT1 and 4-band board.

Disclaimer:  no Mouser or AMP relationship, etc.

The K1/KAT1/KBT1 is a great portable station just as
it comes from "The Magic E."  When augmented with
little improvements like this, it's an even better

Steve KZ1X/4

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[Elecraft] KX1 Antenna Wire

2005-07-27 Thread Lloyd Lachow

  I use "Silky" wire from the Wireman. Here's the

'Invisible' Toughcoat 'Silky' 26 AWG, 19 strand 40%
copper-clad steel (OD 0.020") with the same jacket as
531 (Nominal OD, 0.050" including 0.015" jacket, but
super small for that 'low profile' antenna or pocket
'weekender' long wire. Weighs less than one pound per
1000 feet! Not recommended for 160 meters.

  Here's the url: and it's number
534. It's great because it doesn't tangle and kink,
hence the 'silky' appellation. 

  I use a 24' hunk for my KX1 antenna, and I tinned
one end, and tinned a small loop in the other end. I
use a 33' piece of hookup wire for a counterpoise/RF

  I use an old razor handle for a weight, and attach
it to the loop end with a twist-tie. The near ends of
the ground and ant go into a BNC/binding post adapter.
 When done, I hold one end of the ant wire in my hand,
and wind it quickly and easily around my arm, hand to
elbow. Then I make a figure 8 with that big loop, then
fold it into a circle half the size of the original
loop. I secure that with the twist-tie, leaving the
ends of the tie sticking out. Then I wind the ground
wire the same way, place it against the ant coil, and
use the ends of the ground wire to secure them
together on one side, and the same twist tie to secure
them together on the other side. I then have a neat,
secure coil about 5" in diameter, which is very easy
to stow and deploy.

  This loads well on all three KX1 bands, and I can
set it up, have a QSO, and stow it away in just a few
minutes, whenever I need a fix. I've worked Europe
with this, with the antler hanging out of second-floor
windows, or tossed up in a tree.


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RE: [Elecraft] K2 Speaker Replacement

2005-07-27 Thread James Kern
Makes sense to me! Ordering one today.. 73,

James Kern

-Original Message-
From: kevin schuchmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2 Speaker Replacement

Hi James,
   I would order one from Elecraft, it is the one you `must have', it has an

output spl of 95 db which is very good efficiency, if you were to replace it

with anything else you have to match that number or  better or the audio out

will be at a lower level for the same volume setting.

Kevin WA6FWF

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:22 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K2 Speaker Replacement

> Well I did it. By accident at field day I overloaded the K2's speaker 
> with too strong a signal and with the volume accidentally turned up 
> and I think I blew it out. It sounds like crap now.. yet plugging in 
> an external speaker sounds just fine. Should I contact Elecraft for a 
> replacement or is there some speaker that is a 'must have' to replace 
> the internal one? Thanks,
> James KB2FCV

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Re: [Elecraft] KAT100 with another radio

2005-07-27 Thread Bill NY9H

T1  good only to 20 watts,,,( per spec)

Icom 735 good to more than 20 watts.  ( i hope)


But, The Elecraft T1 tuner should do the trick for you. Check it out

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[Elecraft] Yaesu FT-100 knob for sale

2005-07-27 Thread John Reiser
Hi All,

After ordering an FT-100 main tunig knob for my K2 from Yaesu, based on posts 
to this reflector, I found that I liked the stock knob just fine.

I will sell the new, unused FT-100 knob (with rubber ring) for what I paid, 
$23.00, including shipping to the lower 48.  I will throw in the 1.5 mm hex key 
that fits the fits the setscrews.

If interested, please contact me off the net.


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