RE: [Elecraft] high current with KXB3080
Rick, KL7CW, wrote "... whenever I pried the LPF board slightly away from the main board (1mm??) the 80 meter current dropped to a normal value and power on all bands was OK. I never identified the problem, but apparently something was shorting with the LPF board snug against the main board. With the LPF board pried slightly away there is no problem. I do not think it is a cold solder joint since I can now tap the boards, wires, torroids, etc and nothing bad happens. Perhaps when installing the LPF board against the main board a piece of tape or other insulation between the boards would prevent a short..." --- There should be nothing to short to on the KX1 main board under the LPF1 board. There's only one solder pad under the LPF1 board. That is for the inductor common lead from the LPF. (Originally it was one of the inductor lead pads.) I wonder if you were shorting the inductor common lead to something on the LPF1 board? It's a bare wire that has to bend over a bit to reach the solder pad. Could it be pushed up against one of the solder pads on the LPF1 and causing a short until you pull the LPF1 away from the KX1 slightly, which will straighten and move the inductor common lead slightly? Ron AC7AC ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: RE: [Elecraft] K2 Alignment & Test, Part II PLL problem, Continued
Both you and Don made that same suggestion, so I called up Scott today and asked him for another of these as well (the man has the patience of a saint). For grins I took C87 out so that I could isolate the oscillator section from the PLL section (U4). I ended up seeing 0Hz for the high range (was 450 -550) but still got my trustworthy 12086 for the low end reading. The reason why I yanked C87 was because I was concerned that my mistake with C88 might have damaged U4. This doesn't seem to be the case. So it looks like U4 isn't causing any trouble, and the other good news is that the list of original parts left to be replaced is dwindling. :) Thanks again for all the help, John > > From: "k4zm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Date: 2006/04/19 Wed AM 07:26:45 CDT > To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: Re: RE: [Elecraft] K2 Alignment & Test, Part II PLL problem, > Continued > > John: > > The other possibility is a bad X1. Maybe it can't oscillate at that wide a > frequency range. As stated earlier it has to be in the area of the PLL Ref > Oscillator because that is all you are looking at in that test. The test is > to make sure the crystal can be shifted the proper amount so that the PLL > circuits will work properly. > > 73 > Jim Younce K4ZM > > > ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] high current with KXB3080
Bruce, When I built and installed my KXB3080 modification I had high current on 80 meters...over 900 ma with a 12 volt supply. However in my case I had high power on 80 meters...5 watts and around 4 watts on the other bands. To troubleshoot this problem, I operated the kx1 out of the case for short transmit periods with about an 8 volt supply. I had used a piece of insulation on the 2 close wires on the LPF board and verified that this was not my problem. However whenever I pried the LPF board slightly away from the main board (1mm??) the 80 meter current dropped to a normal value and power on all bands was OK. I never identified the problem, but apparently something was shorting with the LPF board snug against the main board. With the LPF board pried slightly away there is no problem. I do not think it is a cold solder joint since I can now tap the boards, wires, torroids, etc and nothing bad happens. Perhaps when installing the LPF board against the main board a piece of tape or other insulation between the boards would prevent a short. I now get between 3.0 watts and 4.1 watts on the 4 bands with my 13.7 volt supply (current about 600 ma) and about 1.5 watts with an 8.2 volt supply. I also did the L3 modification and the power resistor modifications. Possibly something is shorting on your LPF board.or even the L3 modification. For sure I would not test with full voltage, but with a fused power supply with something like 7 or 8 volts until you find the trouble. PS...I had fun with my 5 watts on 80 meters for a few days until my conservative nature kicked in and I fixed the "problem". No spectrum analyzer here, so who knows what frequencie(s) my 5 watts was on !!! Rick KL7CW Palmer Alaska KX1 # 798 ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] Steppir Vertical and K-2
I just discovered the Steppir Vertical on the web. An interesting design: using a copper tape and step motor to vary the height of the vertical element. This can be controlled directly by interface with a transceiver. Does anyone have experience with this antenna and the K-2? Is the K-2 capable of controlling the step motor so that vertical length is correctly (and automatically) varied based upon operating frequency? Thanks! John AB8WH ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] K2 SPLIT MODE AND LOGGER 32
On Mar 15, 2006, at 11:09 AM, Brian Mury wrote: The K2 can support this, Logger32 doesn't - and won't, because Bob Furzer doesn't like split operation and feels very strongly about it (I know, I'm on the Logger32 development team). That seems like a very narrow-minded view. Split operation is a fact. In certain circumstances, it makes contacts possible that otherwise could not happen. (eg major and minor DXpeditions, international 40m phone contacts with the USA, many international 80m phone contacts, etc) A general-purpose logging program ought to make this possible, and even convenient for the user. Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASELMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!" -- Wilbur Wright, 1901 ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] K2 problem or is it the antenna?
On Apr 19, 2006, at 12:27 PM, Darwin, Keith wrote: Last night I tried it again and noticed the resonant frequency had shifted from 7.040 to 9 MHz. I fought a problem like this with my shunt-fed tower for 80 and 160m. Plagued me for months. I finally figured out the problem -- the toroid that formed part of the matching network was arcing. This toroid was two T200-2 cores stacked with 44 turns tapped every two turns. The starting and ending turns were adjacent and that's where the arcing took place. The auto-transformer action of the tapped matching network caused the arc. I solved the problem by switching to two different inductors, one for the 80m and one for the 160m matching network. The 160m inductor is now 40 turns on the two T200-2 cores, and there's some space between the starting and ending windings. Arcing problems like this may not be evident at the 20 watts or so of the auto-tuner of the K2/100, but show up with 50 or more watts. Intermittent problems of this sort are difficult to track down. Inspect everything. Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASELMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!" -- Wilbur Wright, 1901 ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
RE: [Elecraft] KX1 low transmit power with KXB3080
Bruce, N7CEE, asked: I finished the KXB3080 adapter today. Receive seems OK, but transmit power into a dummy load is only about 0.2 watts on all bands. (It was about 3 watts with the KXB30.) I suspect a short somewhere because Q6 gets hot and TX current drain is above normal at 850 mA, but I'll be darned if I can find it. The voltages at Q1, Q4, Q4, Q5, and Q are normal. I;ve also done the mod to increase the L3 windings. I'll have a fresh look in the morning, but meanwhile, has anybody else seen this problem? - On the LPF1 board, did you check lead L2-1 on the LPF1 board to see if it's shorted against the solder pad for lead L2-4? L2-1 is the lead that runs around the end of the LPF1 board to a solder pad right behind it. If you left the 1/8" on insulation on that lead the instructions called for, you shouldn't have any trouble there, but if you tinned it up too high and then pulled the wire tight against the LPF1 board, it can short against that pad. Just pull it away a bit. One builder who tinned the wire too high took a very tiny bit of the green wire insulation and threaded it over the L2-1 lead and positioned where it'd prevent the L2-1 lead from being pushed against that solder pad again. Ron AC7AC ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] Operating Practices (WAS: Is CW a Language? OT)
Different practices apply to different situations. Contributors to the thread have discussed how some contests have a procedure all their own that often do not apply to any other operating situation. Casual nets like the one ECN net that Kevin manages are quite different, general QSO's are quite different again and traffic nets line NREN require a whole different protocol. We've added another issue over the years; single frequency operation. Some people assume that anyone who calls them will do so on their frequency. After all, everyone has a VFO, right? Not right. There are still a lot of crystal-controlled stations out there who can't zero beat (or in SSB terms 'net') your frequency. I always tune around after calling CQ. If I find a rockbound station, I'll usually tell him/her that I'm going to QSY to their frequency and do so to avoid using up two frequencies. Being able to adapt to different operating protocols depending upon the situation is one sign of an experienced Ham operator. Ron AC7AC ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] KX1 low transmit power with KXB3080
I finished the KXB3080 adapter today. Receive seems OK, but transmit power into a dummy load is only about 0.2 watts on all bands. (It was about 3 watts with the KXB30.) I suspect a short somewhere because Q6 gets hot and TX current drain is above normal at 850 mA, but I'll be darned if I can find it. The voltages at Q1, Q4, Q4, Q5, and Q are normal. I;ve also done the mod to increase the L3 windings. I'll have a fresh look in the morning, but meanwhile, has anybody else seen this problem? Thanks es 73, Bruce N7CEE ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] Re: RE: K2 Alignment & Test, Part II PLL problem, Continued
Okay, I'll give that a try. And as always, thanks for your time. John > > From: "Don Wilhelm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Date: 2006/04/19 Wed AM 07:51:00 CDT > To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Subject: RE: K2 Alignment & Test, Part II PLL problem, Continued > > John, > > It is also possible that you have a sluggish PLL reference crystal. I don't > know of a check other than replacing it. > > 73, > Don W3FPR > > > -Original Message- > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 4:01 AM > > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Cc: > > Subject: Re: RE: [Elecraft] K2 Alignment & Test, Part II PLL problem, > > Continued > > > > > > I'm back > > > > I got the new components (D16, D17, C84, C85, & Q19) from Scott > > over at Elecraft and installed them. I still got the same > > readings so I re-read the instructions and checked each and every > > component to make sure that I had everything installed correctly. > > > > I did find one mistake, I had soldered C88 to pins 11 & 12 of U4 > > instead of pins 12 & 13. I relocated the cap and the frequency > > went up slightly (reading 524 instead of 495). The cap measured > > ~58 picos (in circuit) so it's in the ballpark. > > > > I also touched up a few soldering joints along the way, more for > > looks than anything else. > > > > The voltage readings on pins 1, 2, & 3 of U6 are the same as > > before, and both variactors seem to be working just fine. > > > > Any ideas? > > > > > > Thanks again for all of your help, > > > > John > > > > > > > > > > From: "Don Wilhelm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > > > Date: 2006/04/11 Tue PM 08:18:46 CDT > > > To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, > > > > > > Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K2 Alignment & Test, Part II PLL > > problem, Continued > > > > > > John, > > > > > > For the time being (until you solve the current problem) the > > only voltages > > > at U6 that matter are pins 1, 2 and 3 - and those are correct. > > The other > > > pins will likely fall into line after you have this problem > > fixed and if not > > > there is another problem with the VCO. > > > > > > Right now, the voltages being fed out of U6 pin 1 are correct for the > > > stimulus you provided (CAL FCTR and tapping BAND+ and BAND-). > > Now check to > > > see if that (proper) 0 to 8 volt swing between pressing BAND+ > > and BAND- is > > > carried on through R19 and then through the RP2 sections and > > then onto the > > > cathodes of D16 and D17. If you get a decent voltage swing > > between BAND+ > > > and BAND- (you can expect a bit of voltage drop on the 8 volts > > end) at the > > > varactor cathodes, then look for something else wrong in the > > PLL Reference > > > oscillator (upper left of the schematic sheet - but only as far > > to the right > > > as TP3), the PLL chip does not matter until the PLL Reference > > oscillator is > > > functioning properly. > > > > > > If you do get a good voltage swing at the varactors, then all I > > can say is > > > either Q19 oscillations quit when the varactor capacitance is > > reduced, or > > > there is something wrong at C84, C85, D17 or D16 which is stopping the > > > oscillation. If you suspect Q19 itself, you could try swapping > > it with one > > > of the J310s on the Control Board at Q6 or Q7 (these in a less-critical > > > audio circuit rather than being used as an RF Oscillator). > > > > > > 73, > > > Don W3FPR > > > > > > > -Original Message- > > > > > > > > Thanks for the help Don. :) > > > > > > > > I tried your suggestions (and a few others as well) and L31 > > > > (which is a 12 µHz inductor on my unit) is the correct part. > > > > > > > > Diodes D16, D17, & D18, are in properly and pass their in-circuit > > > > tests just fine. > > > > > > > > R19, RP2, R20, R21, RFC14, C84, C85, Q19, RFC14, Q19 and the > > > > thermistor board are all installed properly and certainly look good. > > > > > > > > > > > > Scott at Elecraft suggested holding the 4, 5, & 6 buttons while > > > > turning the unit on (which showed "INFO 201") to see if that > > > > corrected the problem but no luck there either. > > > > > > > > I took reading off of U6 while switching between "BAND -" and > > > > "BAND +" in "CAL FCTR" mode, and here's what I got: > > > > > > > > BAND +, The display reads 488Hz (Bad) > > > > > > > > U6 Readings: > > > > Pin 1 = 7.63V > > > > Pin 2 = 4.09V > > > > Pin 3 = 4.09V > > > > Pin 4 = 0V > > > > Pin 5 = 3.96V > > > > Pin 6 = 4.91V > > > > Pin 7 = .02V > > > > Pin 8 = 7.95V > > > > > > > > > > > > BAND -, The display reads 12086Hz (Good) > > > > > > > > U6 Readings: > > > > Pin 1 = .00V > > > > Pin 2 = .09V > > > > Pin 3 = .02 > > > > Pin 4 = 0V > > > > Pin 5 = 3.96V > > > > Pin 6 = 3.96V > > > > Pin 7 = 1.64V > > > > Pin 8 = 7.95V > > > > > > > > > > > > Pins 2, 3, 6, especially Pin 6, are out of tolerance. > > > > > > > > Taking resistance readings off of the thermistor board looks good. > > > > > > > > Pins 6/7 to Pin 8 reads about 5k ohms. > >
[Elecraft] KPA100/KAT100
Thanks for all of the input on the project. If Elecraft has all of the necessary pieces at the Visalia DX Convention this weekend I will probably take the leap and buy them!! Vy 73, Elliott WA6TLA ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] Is CW a Language? OT
In a message dated 4/18/06 9:58:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > On Feb 8, 2006, at 10:49 AM, Sandy W5TVW wrote: > > > | However, these days, operating zero-beat on a single frequency, the > > | long call is just a waste of time. You call CQ DE W5TVW K. I'll > > | answer AA4LR on the same frequency. Where's the confusion? > > > > Perhaps no confusion to you, the sending operator, but a > > possible bit > > of confusion to the operator who called CQ! > > I and many others have THOUSANDS of successful CW QSOs using these > techniques. Me too - running both QRP and 100 W > > > Firstly, let's assume you have imperfect propagation conditions: > > fading, static, > > whatever. You might miss my call or get it confused if I sent it > > just once. > > On 160m and sometimes 80m, perhaps I'll double the call to AA4LR AA4LR. > > If you only get part of it, you'll send the part you got: 4LR. I'll > respond with my full call again: AA4LR AA4LR. The more times we > repeat this, the more times I'll repeat my call. > > > Anything else might likely lead to asking > > you to repeat your callsign, which takes up even more time? > > The point is, especially in a contest, the vast majority of the time, > the first call works. And this protocol works well when there are > multiple callers, too. > Yep. > > Just a one time sent callsign IS bad operating practice and > > operating manners. I disagree - and agree! See below. > > Some of the very best operators I know are contesters, and they ALL > do this. It can't possibly be a "bad practice". > I think it really comes down to "situational awareness" - matching the operating practices to the conditions. Under contest conditions where the station holding the frequency is doing a run and the conditions are good, the single-call works wonders. At other times, long calls are what's needed. It all depends on the situation. The skilled operator matches the technique to the situation, rather than insisting on one size fits all. In CW traffic handling, 35 years ago, I was taught to use an even briefer procedure during QNI. > > Contest conditions are usually frantic, crowded and many times > > plain RUDE. > > Well, that's true. > Maybe I'm missing something, because I really only do two contests seriously (FD and SS), but I find 99.9% of contest ops to be very disciplined and courteous. When VY1JA called for "QRP ONLY" in the CW SS > > Such things as sections/states and unique member > > numbers are exchanged. In the peak of the QRM/QSB I usually always > > send State and my number TWICE. > > This is kinda a "QRP" mentality -- "I'm weak and in the noise, I > better be redundant." That's not always so. Low power and QRP > stations can have formidable and readable signals, given reasonable > antennas and fair to good conditions. > > In some cases, such redundancy may be helpful, like on 160m. But, > mostly, it just wastes time. > Again - it all depends on the situation. 73 de Jim, N2EY ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] SKCC
On 4/19/06, Mike Sexsmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello all, > > I have been trying the link on the SKCC website to join/obtain an > SKCC#, but link will not work for me at all. All other links on the site > work fine, but this one appears broken. Any one know anything about it? Are > they done taking members? Any other route to joining? Thanks! > > > Michael Sexsmith > W7MSX - Hi Mike, Just send Tom an e-mail and ask for an SKCC number. [EMAIL PROTECTED] 73, Paul -- QRP-L #2507, SKCC #91 - Have you ever wished that Straight Key Night would go on and on and on? Have you ever wished for other incentives to dig out your old straight key or old bug and knock the dust off? Ever wished they had a Straight Key Night more than once a year? That is a light you see at the end of the tunnel!! Recently, a group of hams have decided to make their wishes come true and founded the Straight Key Century Club - a/k/a "SKCC". Yep, a Straight Key club - where you can dust off your straight key or old bug, and get on the air and torture other ops with your straight key fist . Here's how it will work: A) Open to any interested amateur B) Membership is free, there are no dues and it shall stay that way as long as practical. C) SKCC numbers are issued for life. Once you get it, it's yours. Take care of it. Above all, USE it. The first day of each month, at Z will be designated as a monthly operating event that allows SKCC members or non-SKCC members to work each other for credit. Contact with 100 SKCC members will qualify that person for a certificate of accomplishment. Website: For membership, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 73 KC9ECI ECI-QRP 028 NAQCC 500 Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] Fwd: Mail delivery failure: returning message to sender
Geoff I can explain, originally I sent this msg to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ie I left out the t on net so the msg was returned to me. I then forwarded it to but forgot to chop out the delivery failure message! thanks for letting me know - must get it right in the first place next time hi! I really enjoy reading msgs on the Reflector and I must say it was a most enjoyable and happy experience building my K2 Today, I actually got around to wiring up the mic socket on the K2 for my ICOM HM-36 and was pleasantly surprised that it works without an extra pre-amp and the LSB and USB sound ok - goes to show that my original setup using Spectrogram was satisfactory. My main modes of operation are nowadays cw + digital modes but must really work at my cw! 73 Rob G3RCE - On 19 Apr 2006, at 17:36, Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy wrote: Rob, I don't know if this interests you but I received the following 'delivery failure' message this afternoon via Elecraft. 73, Geoff GM4ESD - Original Message - From: "Robert Allbright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "ELECRAFT" Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 12:54 PM Subject: [Elecraft] Fwd: Mail delivery failure: returning message to sender > Thanks Bill, Wayne and Chen I use Cocoamodem 2.0 by Chen W7AY with my G5 iMac and K2 and it is a delight to use with the 20" screen. Multimode OSX is also ok and has some additional digital modes I also use my HP PC laptop mainly for EZNEC 73 Rob G3RCE (K2#5219) Message: 19 Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 23:00:32 -0400 From: Bill Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2 and MacOS To: Robert Allbright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: ELECRAFT On Apr 12, 2006, at 6:05 AM, Robert Allbright wrote: Out of curiosity I am wondering how many of you are users of MacOS? (I'm using OSX 10.4.6) on my G5 iMAC MacOS X rocks! I use my macs whenever I can. (I have an old Sawtooth and carry my 12" PB G4 1 GHz into the shack to use Cocoamodem) I bought my wife an iBook two years ago, and she's become completely inseparable from it. It changed her life. Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASELMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!" -- Wilbur Wright, 1901 -- Message: 20 Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 21:22:26 -0700 From: wayne burdick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [Elecraft] Re: K2 and MacOS To: Bill Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: ELECRAFT , Robert Allbright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Yup. Me too: G5. I only use the PC when I have to write firmware or run hardware modeling software. Wayne N6KR --- ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] K2 problem or is it the antenna?
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Keith, One thing you might look at, as you said, is the tuner. I seem to recall wayyy back when I first got my ticket I had a very similar antenna issue. I can't remember the details too much, but it turned out the tuner was arcing. It was an MFJ tuner of some sort. I distinctly remember hearing a buzzing noise from somewhere in the shack when I was keying my Century 21. After listening closely you could hear popping coming from it. I traced it to the tuner and pulled the cover off. Once I did that the problem went away. Putting the cover on made it happen again, so I turned the cover upside down so I could see inside and watch. There was a nice 1/8" arc between the coil and case. The fix was easy - I tried various things and ended up settling on a piece of cardboard between the coil and the case. It was enough of an insulator to stop it. Of course, I was just waiting for the day that the cardboard would ignite, but it never did. On Apr 19, 2006, at 3:56 PM, Darwin, Keith wrote: Good Q's Ron. I'll find it eventually. Maybe a bad PL259 on the RG213 coax. Maybe an issue inside the tuner. One thing is sure, I won't need a solder sucker to fix the problem :-) Randy Rathbun NV0U [EMAIL PROTECTED] K2 #1981 KX1#1318 QRPARCI #10776, ARS #895, FPQRP #1292, KCQRP #1 -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin) iD8DBQFERqmJ6zTmfegBFIERAujIAKCCbTeCUYHp5v0YslcNgtiKAGcjYwCZAckx o6OZeTOL1JscJJh+cu2CLug= =WDNL -END PGP SIGNATURE- ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
RE: [Elecraft] K2 problem or is it the antenna?
Good Q's Ron. The antenna is a 28' tall home-brew vertical using telescoping sections of alum. tubing. I put Penetrox at all the joints to avoid issues. No traps or anything, just a big piece of alum sticking up in the air. It is U-bolted to a pressure treated 4x4 buried in the ground. I have 15 radials buried a couple of inches down. Each radial is 20 feet long IIRC. It's been up since about Nov. Yes, indeed, narrow bandwidth on a shorter-than-quarter-wave vertical can be a good sign that efficiency is up. My antenna is fairly close to 1/4 wave and with only 15 radials, having bandwidth of about 250 KHz at 7 MHz is not unreasonable. With the bandwidth suddenly dropping to 90 KHz, that sounds like the vertical just got shorter. I wonder if the top broke off? :-) The feedline is bolted to the base of the radiator and the braid is bolted to the radial plate. The feedline itself is 6 months old. I coated the antenna end of the feedline with coax seal to prevent water from working its way back up into the coax. I even mounted the coax a foot or so up the 4x4 post and brought the connection end down to the antenna so the water would drip down and off the end rather than back into the coax. So I doubt it is an issue with the coax itself. I'll find it eventually. Maybe a bad PL259 on the RG213 coax. Maybe an issue inside the tuner. One thing is sure, I won't need a solder sucker to fix the problem :-) 73! - Keith - -Original Message- From: Ron D'Eau Claire [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 4:36 PM To: Darwin, Keith; 'elecraft' Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K2 problem or is it the antenna? Keith wrote: Also, the bandwidth of the tuned system has become much narrower. I used to get 2:1 bandwidth across most of the 40 meter band. Two nights ago, I struggled to get 2:1 over 90 KHz. Narrow bandwidth is a sure sign of a reasonably efficient, but physically small antenna compared to the wavelength. That would cause me to look at something intermittent in the antenna itself that is disconnecting part of the radiator. You said it was a ground mounted vertical. Does it have any traps or other bits beyond a vertical radiator? I'd sure look for a connection that is opening up, as you mentioned. Possibly even an intermittent feedline connection to the antenna. Ron AC7AC ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] Is CW a Language? OT
On Wed, 19 Apr 2006, Chris Kantarjiev wrote: As a new CW operator trying to figure it out, I am quite sad that the various ARRL Handbooks don't cover CW operating practices in detail. I made this offer last time the topic came up, and will make it again: if an experienced operator would be willing to work with me, I'd love to write up a "current" version of "Your Novice Accent" - maybe it's "Your 5WPM Accent" now? The idea would be to cover much the same topics as Your Novice Accent, with modern updates, as well as covering common contest protocol. Since the original publication is on the web in many placesperhaps an addendum, rather than a re-write might work If you go that route, I'd be happy to give it some web exposure at as an addendum or link to the original article at 73,Thom-k3hrn Home of QRP Web Ring, Drakelist home page,Drake Web Ring, QRP IRC channel, Drake IRC Channel, Elecraft Owners Database *** Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
RE: [Elecraft] K2 problem or is it the antenna?
Keith wrote: Also, the bandwidth of the tuned system has become much narrower. I used to get 2:1 bandwidth across most of the 40 meter band. Two nights ago, I struggled to get 2:1 over 90 KHz. Narrow bandwidth is a sure sign of a reasonably efficient, but physically small antenna compared to the wavelength. That would cause me to look at something intermittent in the antenna itself that is disconnecting part of the radiator. You said it was a ground mounted vertical. Does it have any traps or other bits beyond a vertical radiator? I'd sure look for a connection that is opening up, as you mentioned. Possibly even an intermittent feedline connection to the antenna. Ron AC7AC ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] KX1 zapped!
During a QSO whilst in the mountains of North Wales I received a string of electric shocks (even through thick gloves) with my KX1 rapidly switching on and off. Wisely thinking that this was not healthy I immediately switched the KX1 off and pulled out the antenna (66' doublet). This occurred during a heavy hail shower, a small VHF yagi was crackling loudly with static so I guess a static build up was the culprit with my KX1. After the storm passed I fired up the KX1 and proceeded to work a few more stations but alas it was only showing about 6~700 mW output on all three bands. Not having much experience in fault finding can any kind soul out there advise me where to start checking which components might be affected? Many thanks in advance, 73 Roger MWØIDX K3IDXK2 #2724 KX1 #416 ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Fwd: Re: [Elecraft] KPA100/KAT100
Maybe this will help others on the Reflector, too. This was my response to Elliott. > Elliott, > > Check out: > > > > This is what I used to remote my KPA and KAT. I did > use the KIO2 simply to avoid the possibility of > making > a mistake in the communications between everything. > Also, see for possible > problems(catastrophic) that can result from > incorrect > cables/wiring on the AUX bus/RS232 interface. Hope > some of this helps. > > 73, > Mark Baugh > W5EZY > Grenada MS __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] K2 and MacOS
The K2 works well with the Macintosh and MacOS X. I use MacLoggerDX ( for my logging program. This software works fine with the KIO2 and a USB serial adapter. I've used it successfully with my PowerMac G5 and my 17-inch PowerBook G4 while traveling. If you like contesting, you can check out software I have written called CabConverter ( which will take your log produced by MacLoggerDX and produces a Cabrillo file for all the major contests. Additionally, the Logbook of the World is supported using the TQSL stuff. I think I'm using this: I've also been uploading my log to eQSL by just exporting the ADIF from MacLoggerDX. In short, the K2 plays nicely with the suite of Macintosh software available and I've had great luck using this stuff for all the "normal" things you might do. -- Scott (NE1RD & owner of a K2, KX1, and unbuilt-as-yet K1) ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
RE: [Elecraft] K2 problem or is it the antenna?
Yep, I've done enough testing (and made enough mistakes) at work to have caught on to the fact that if something has quit working, look first at what just changed :-) In this case I do have some good data that points to the antenna. The K2 acts like it is seeing very high SWR which agrees with the Palstar meter which is measuring a large reflected power. Only the MFJ analyzer says 1:1 SWR. I'm swapping at the connector going into the rig so the analyzer is looking at the exact system the K2 is which includes the power meter in the path. If the power meter said low SWR and the K2 was acting up, I'd suspect an issue with a connector at the rig end. Then comes the other piece of evidence. I've notice recently my manual tuner settings are not holding from day to day. The system impedance just magically changes overnight (wind & precip maybe?) Also, the bandwidth of the tuned system has become much narrower. I used to get 2:1 bandwidth across most of the 40 meter band. Two nights ago, I struggled to get 2:1 over 90 KHz. I'll open the case on the tuner to see if ants or spiders have invaded. I'll check the connections from the coax to the vertical and from the radials to the radial plate. I'll lower the vertical (a bit of a pain) to see if any of the hose clamps have come loose causing the radiator to sometimes act shorter than it's actual length. Gee, while I'm out there, I might as well bury another 15 radials :-) The biggest bummer is all this takes away from operating time. Fortunately for me, Ham Radio is about lots more than operating! 73 & thanks for the input Don & Ron! - Keith - -Original Message- From: Ron D'Eau Claire [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] By getting consistently good output into a dummy load, it looks like you've eliminated the K2 as the likely source of the problem. I'd suggest you check the connector at the rig end. Problems like this tend to be associated with whatever it is you are changing to make it appear and disappear, and that seems to be associated with moving that cable at the rig end between the analyzer and the K2. ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] K2 5163 finished!
I finished it today. After a couple of bouts of bad solder joints( I even looked again and again), and putting in T4 backwards (Pay attention to the colors, dummy) it works fine. Now I need to break out the XG2 and adjust the S-meter, etc. Mike AI4NS ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] Is CW a Language? OT
As a new CW operator trying to figure it out, I am quite sad that the various ARRL Handbooks don't cover CW operating practices in detail. I made this offer last time the topic came up, and will make it again: if an experienced operator would be willing to work with me, I'd love to write up a "current" version of "Your Novice Accent" - maybe it's "Your 5WPM Accent" now? The idea would be to cover much the same topics as Your Novice Accent, with modern updates, as well as covering common contest protocol. Please contact me off-list if you're interested. 73 de chris K6DBG ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] FS: Full blown K2 and separate EC2/amp/tuner
This is, I think, my 4th K2, it has been checked out by Gary Surrency (which I always do as a final step). The K2 has every possible option including battery and auto-tuner, except the audio filter (since it has the dsp installed). The 100w amp and auto-tuner are in a separate enclosure. They both perform flawlessly and were built last Spring. I will only sell as a set. Price is $1900 plus a little for shipping Conus. Thanks for reading. 73/Tim NZ7C ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] KPA100/KAT100
I've read several articles on combining the 2 units into an outboard enclosure. Does anyone have an order list for all of the pieces that need to be purchased from Elecraft to accomplish the job? Don't believe a separate serial interface is required? Thanks, Elliott WA6TLA ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] K2 - data mode r bar
Doesn't the K1 swap the meaning of R and R- on the upper and lower bands, or am I confabulating again? Leigh/WA5ZNU On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 7:37 pm, Bill Coleman wrote: On Mar 23, 2006, at 9:35 AM, Bob Towers wrote: You can set up R and R-bar to be whichever sideband you want -- but I suggest LSB and USB, respectively. ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] multiple XV in high-power rover .. anyone else doing this?
Mike, K7MDL, is doing this. See: 73, Eric WA6HHQ -- John D'Ausilio wrote: Especially if driving a short stack of antennae, with near-field interaction? I'd love to hear from others running similar configurations to compare notes .. de w1rt/r john _ ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
RE: [Elecraft] K2 problem or is it the antenna?
Keith asked: My K2 will not give more than a few watts out on 40 meters when driving my antenna. Into a dummy load it gives full power. On 30 meters with a different antenna the rig is fine. I wondered if it was a problem with the rig but I saw some other things that make me think it's an antenna problem. The antenna is a ground mounted vertical fed with 30 feet of RG-213 to a Heath manual tuner in the garage. From there, RG -8x takes the signal all the way to the shack. I go to the garage with my MFJ analyzer and adjust the tuner for a match on my operating freq. I did this and got a 1:1 match at 7040. I then went to the shack and confirmed the same SWR at the rig. Hook up the rig, key it and the SWR meter shows very high SWR. Rig is generating hardly any power out. Recheck with the analyzer and SWR is fine. Hmm. I'm thinking the issue is power related. Could it be that my antenna system has a problem that only shows up when you hit the system with a few watts and doesn't show when the analyzer hits it with milliwatts? Last night I tried it again and noticed the resonant frequency had shifted from 7.040 to 9 MHz. I think it is time for an antenna / tuner / coax review. -- By getting consistently good output into a dummy load, it looks like you've eliminated the K2 as the likely source of the problem. I'd suggest you check the connector at the rig end. Problems like this tend to be associated with whatever it is you are changing to make it appear and disappear, and that seems to be associated with moving that cable at the rig end between the analyzer and the K2. The same is true for when you saw that resonant frequency jump. That much of a shift would account for the jump in SWR. Look for exactly what you touched to make that change happen. Perhaps a bad connection in one of the coax connectors? For example, one time I suddenly saw a "problem" with my K2/100 going from normal operation to "high current" and shut-off when the resettable fuse opened! I was about to tear into it when my own advice popped into my head and it gave some thought to what I had been doing. I had made some cabling changes between the rig and my external ATU. Sure enough, the PL-259 to the ATU was very loose. It worked some of the time but then the heating by the RF current or a tiny movement caused by something would make the connection open and the K2 was looking into a very high SWR and would shut down. Tightening the connector fixed the problem . It is possible for a problem like yours to be power related. The RF current flowing through a bad connection can cause heating and resistance changes that don't show up at low powers or a partial short at a high voltage point in either the tuner or antenna can cause that to happen. It can be band-specific too, since RF current and voltage levels at various parts of the antenna and tuner circuit change with the band. The only thing to do there is to start working toward the antenna. Try connecting your rig directly to the tuner in the garage with a different piece of cable and see if the problem appears there. Ron AC7AC ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
RE: [Elecraft] K2 problem or is it the antenna?
Kieth, If the K2 works fine into a dummy load - and some of your antennas, then the problem is not with the K2! You likely have a piece of coax (or antenna) that is failing with power - it could be an arc-over situation or something like that. Try moving the dummy load to the garage first, then on out ot the antenna. If the dummy load works fine at those locations, it is not the coax, look at your antenna for the problem. The fact that the resonant frequency shifts on you says the most likely place for the problem is the antenna, but coax can act like a tuned circuit too, so check it all. 73, Don W3FPR > -Original Message- > > My K2 will not give more than a few watts out on 40 meters when driving > my antenna. Into a dummy load it gives full power. On 30 meters with a > different antenna the rig is fine. I wondered if it was a problem with > the rig but I saw some other things that make me think it's an antenna > problem. > > The antenna is a ground mounted vertical fed with 30 feet of RG-213 to a > Heath manual tuner in the garage. From there, RG -8x takes the signal > all the way to the shack. I go to the garage with my MFJ analyzer and > adjust the tuner for a match on my operating freq. I did this and got a > 1:1 match at 7040. I then went to the shack and confirmed the same SWR > at the rig. > > Hook up the rig, key it and the SWR meter shows very high SWR. Rig is > generating hardly any power out. Recheck with the analyzer and SWR is > fine. Hmm. I'm thinking the issue is power related. Could it be that > my antenna system has a problem that only shows up when you hit the > system with a few watts and doesn't show when the analyzer hits it with > milliwatts? > > Last night I tried it again and noticed the resonant frequency had > shifted from 7.040 to 9 MHz. I think it is time for an antenna / tuner > / coax review. > > - Keith - > ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] multiple XV in high-power rover .. anyone else doing this?
Especially if driving a short stack of antennae, with near-field interaction? I'd love to hear from others running similar configurations to compare notes .. de w1rt/r john ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] K2 - Replacement Battery
Larry Maplin and others sell a near equivalent, try Maplin's MM23A ( 73 Dave, G4AON ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] K2 problem or is it the antenna?
My K2 will not give more than a few watts out on 40 meters when driving my antenna. Into a dummy load it gives full power. On 30 meters with a different antenna the rig is fine. I wondered if it was a problem with the rig but I saw some other things that make me think it's an antenna problem. The antenna is a ground mounted vertical fed with 30 feet of RG-213 to a Heath manual tuner in the garage. From there, RG -8x takes the signal all the way to the shack. I go to the garage with my MFJ analyzer and adjust the tuner for a match on my operating freq. I did this and got a 1:1 match at 7040. I then went to the shack and confirmed the same SWR at the rig. Hook up the rig, key it and the SWR meter shows very high SWR. Rig is generating hardly any power out. Recheck with the analyzer and SWR is fine. Hmm. I'm thinking the issue is power related. Could it be that my antenna system has a problem that only shows up when you hit the system with a few watts and doesn't show when the analyzer hits it with milliwatts? Last night I tried it again and noticed the resonant frequency had shifted from 7.040 to 9 MHz. I think it is time for an antenna / tuner / coax review. - Keith - ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] SKCC
Yes, but I don't think you need to join the Yahoo group to get a number. Just contact Tom. He has given out numbers by snail mail and traffic nets as well as email. There are over 2000 members now and good mechanical key activity. "Rules" are same as ARRL's SKN. 73 - Rick - K7MW - Original Message - From: "W2AGN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Mike Sexsmith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 8:14 AM Subject: Re: [Elecraft] SKCC > Mike Sexsmith wrote: > > > Hello all, > > > > I have been trying the link on the SKCC website to join/obtain an > > SKCC#, but link will not work for me at all. All other links on the > > site work fine, but this one appears broken. Any one know anything > > about it? Are they done taking members? Any other route to joining? > > Thanks! > > > > > > Michael Sexsmith > > W7MSX > > Mike, > > You must go to to join the group. > (Yep, it's a Yahoo group). Then send an email to KC9ECI, > [EMAIL PROTECTED] to get your number. > > -- >_ _ _ _ _ > / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ John L. Sielke > ( W ) ( 2 ) ( A ) ( G ) ( N ) > \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ > "CRUSTY OLD CURMUDGEON - AND PROUD OF IT!" > > > > ___ > Elecraft mailing list > Post to: > You must be a subscriber to post to the list. > Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): > > > Help: > Elecraft web page: ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] SKCC
Mike Sexsmith wrote: Hello all, I have been trying the link on the SKCC website to join/obtain an SKCC#, but link will not work for me at all. All other links on the site work fine, but this one appears broken. Any one know anything about it? Are they done taking members? Any other route to joining? Thanks! Michael Sexsmith W7MSX Mike, You must go to to join the group. (Yep, it's a Yahoo group). Then send an email to KC9ECI, [EMAIL PROTECTED] to get your number. -- _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ John L. Sielke ( W ) ( 2 ) ( A ) ( G ) ( N ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ "CRUSTY OLD CURMUDGEON - AND PROUD OF IT!" ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] SKCC
Hello all, I have been trying the link on the SKCC website to join/obtain an SKCC#, but link will not work for me at all. All other links on the site work fine, but this one appears broken. Any one know anything about it? Are they done taking members? Any other route to joining? Thanks! Michael Sexsmith W7MSX ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] F/S: KPA100/KAT100 in EC2 Case
Looking to add 100W to your K2? I have a KPA100/KAT100 in an EC2 case w/KIO2 RS232 I/F. All cables and manuals included. Price is $700 shipped conus. More pics available on request. 73, Mark Baugh W5EZY Grenada MS __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] Power connector for Pegasus
Looking for a power connector for a tenTec Pegasus, would anyone have such a beast (or the entire cable)? Thanks, Julius n2wn ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
[Elecraft] Fwd: Mail delivery failure: returning message to sender
Thanks Bill, Wayne and Chen I use Cocoamodem 2.0 by Chen W7AY with my G5 iMac and K2 and it is a delight to use with the 20" screen. Multimode OSX is also ok and has some additional digital modes I also use my HP PC laptop mainly for EZNEC 73 Rob G3RCE (K2#5219) Message: 19 Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 23:00:32 -0400 From: Bill Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2 and MacOS To: Robert Allbright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: ELECRAFT On Apr 12, 2006, at 6:05 AM, Robert Allbright wrote: Out of curiosity I am wondering how many of you are users of MacOS? (I'm using OSX 10.4.6) on my G5 iMAC MacOS X rocks! I use my macs whenever I can. (I have an old Sawtooth and carry my 12" PB G4 1 GHz into the shack to use Cocoamodem) I bought my wife an iBook two years ago, and she's become completely inseparable from it. It changed her life. Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASELMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!" -- Wilbur Wright, 1901 -- Message: 20 Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 21:22:26 -0700 From: wayne burdick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [Elecraft] Re: K2 and MacOS To: Bill Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: ELECRAFT , Robert Allbright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Yup. Me too: G5. I only use the PC when I have to write firmware or run hardware modeling software. Wayne N6KR --- ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] K2 - Replacement Battery
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Larry Dodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes I wondered if anyone in the UK has found a local source for a K2 replacement battery that fits internally? Thanks - Larry G0IKE Yes, Larry, the size is 178 x 34 x 60mm and is available from Maplin as follows: MM23A 12V 2.2Ah SLA at 11.99ukp or XG74R Yuasa 2.1Ah L/Acid Bat 12V at 17.99ukp I have had an MM23A in my K2 for about 5 years and it is still going strong. I normally run my K2 from an external 14.0V supply which keeps the internal SLA battery happy. 73 de David G4DMP ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: [Elecraft] K2 - Replacement Battery
It's a standard sealed lead acid, try Maplins. Larry Dodson wrote: I wondered if anyone in the UK has found a local source for a K2 replacement battery that fits internally? Thanks - Larry G0IKE ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page: ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page:
Re: RE: [Elecraft] K2 Alignment & Test, Part II PLL problem, Continued
I'm back I got the new components (D16, D17, C84, C85, & Q19) from Scott over at Elecraft and installed them. I still got the same readings so I re-read the instructions and checked each and every component to make sure that I had everything installed correctly. I did find one mistake, I had soldered C88 to pins 11 & 12 of U4 instead of pins 12 & 13. I relocated the cap and the frequency went up slightly (reading 524 instead of 495). The cap measured ~58 picos (in circuit) so it's in the ballpark. I also touched up a few soldering joints along the way, more for looks than anything else. The voltage readings on pins 1, 2, & 3 of U6 are the same as before, and both variactors seem to be working just fine. Any ideas? Thanks again for all of your help, John > > From: "Don Wilhelm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Date: 2006/04/11 Tue PM 08:18:46 CDT > To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, > > Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K2 Alignment & Test, Part II PLL problem, Continued > > John, > > For the time being (until you solve the current problem) the only voltages > at U6 that matter are pins 1, 2 and 3 - and those are correct. The other > pins will likely fall into line after you have this problem fixed and if not > there is another problem with the VCO. > > Right now, the voltages being fed out of U6 pin 1 are correct for the > stimulus you provided (CAL FCTR and tapping BAND+ and BAND-). Now check to > see if that (proper) 0 to 8 volt swing between pressing BAND+ and BAND- is > carried on through R19 and then through the RP2 sections and then onto the > cathodes of D16 and D17. If you get a decent voltage swing between BAND+ > and BAND- (you can expect a bit of voltage drop on the 8 volts end) at the > varactor cathodes, then look for something else wrong in the PLL Reference > oscillator (upper left of the schematic sheet - but only as far to the right > as TP3), the PLL chip does not matter until the PLL Reference oscillator is > functioning properly. > > If you do get a good voltage swing at the varactors, then all I can say is > either Q19 oscillations quit when the varactor capacitance is reduced, or > there is something wrong at C84, C85, D17 or D16 which is stopping the > oscillation. If you suspect Q19 itself, you could try swapping it with one > of the J310s on the Control Board at Q6 or Q7 (these in a less-critical > audio circuit rather than being used as an RF Oscillator). > > 73, > Don W3FPR > > > -Original Message- > > > > Thanks for the help Don. :) > > > > I tried your suggestions (and a few others as well) and L31 > > (which is a 12 µHz inductor on my unit) is the correct part. > > > > Diodes D16, D17, & D18, are in properly and pass their in-circuit > > tests just fine. > > > > R19, RP2, R20, R21, RFC14, C84, C85, Q19, RFC14, Q19 and the > > thermistor board are all installed properly and certainly look good. > > > > > > Scott at Elecraft suggested holding the 4, 5, & 6 buttons while > > turning the unit on (which showed "INFO 201") to see if that > > corrected the problem but no luck there either. > > > > I took reading off of U6 while switching between "BAND -" and > > "BAND +" in "CAL FCTR" mode, and here's what I got: > > > > BAND +, The display reads 488Hz (Bad) > > > > U6 Readings: > > Pin 1 = 7.63V > > Pin 2 = 4.09V > > Pin 3 = 4.09V > > Pin 4 = 0V > > Pin 5 = 3.96V > > Pin 6 = 4.91V > > Pin 7 = .02V > > Pin 8 = 7.95V > > > > > > BAND -, The display reads 12086Hz (Good) > > > > U6 Readings: > > Pin 1 = .00V > > Pin 2 = .09V > > Pin 3 = .02 > > Pin 4 = 0V > > Pin 5 = 3.96V > > Pin 6 = 3.96V > > Pin 7 = 1.64V > > Pin 8 = 7.95V > > > > > > Pins 2, 3, 6, especially Pin 6, are out of tolerance. > > > > Taking resistance readings off of the thermistor board looks good. > > > > Pins 6/7 to Pin 8 reads about 5k ohms. > > Pins 4/5 to Pin 8 reads about 295 ohms. > > Pins 2/3 to Pins 4/5 reads about 1.96k ohms. > > Pins 6/7 to Pin 1 reads about 8.76k ohms. > > Pin 1 to Pins 2/3 reads about 1.8k ohms. > > > > All of these readings more or less mathematically work out to > > what the meter says (with the exception of the second reading > > which is 8V to Ground so no surprise there). > > > > The output from the DAC is 4.092 (4,092 counts), so it's near its > > top end. > > > > > > My partner suggests removing R19 and inserting a pot to swing the > > voltage going into the oscillator circuit from 0 to 7-ish volts > > to see if that stabilizes. > > > > > > I got another suggestion to double check D36 for proper > > installation. It's in correctly, and checks out (in circuit) okay. > > > > Possibly I left a component out, so I'll double check that I > > didn't skip anything during the installation phase. > > > > > > Thanks again for all the help, > > > > John > > > > > > ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): http://ma
[Elecraft] K2 - Replacement Battery
I wondered if anyone in the UK has found a local source for a K2 replacement battery that fits internally? Thanks - Larry G0IKE ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.): Help: Elecraft web page: