Re: [Elecraft] K2: Strange behaviour during alignment and tests (part II)

2008-01-21 Thread David Woolley


Measuring the AGC-treashold voltage on pin 5 of U2 (control board) gives a
range from 2.65-3.74 volts when adjusting R1 from counter-clockwise to

This is normal, 3.8 is only achievable if all components have nominal 
values (and may actually not even be achievable then). It might be worth 
checking the 8V regulator voltage, though, as one person with a, bigger, 
problem with the AGC reference had a regulator that was out of spec.

David Woolley
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 with MH2 Mic

2008-01-21 Thread David Pratt
In a recent message, Don Ehrlich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
As many already know the K3 AGC kicks in when the MH2 mic PTT switch is 
pressed and that causes the first few words to be attenuated after 
keying the mic.

Elecraft told me that was caused by the mechanical noise the PTT switch 
in the mic makes and they plan to address it by and by.

I am pleased to hear this, Don.  This delay is particularly noticeable 
when using a powered mike such as the D104.  I am sure the delay is not 
caused by mechanical noise but by transients in switching power onto the 

David G4DMP
Leeds, England, UK

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Re: [Elecraft] OK, Children - Listen Up!

2008-01-21 Thread Ian J Maude

Well said Rick!

Rick Tavan N6XI wrote:

A few of you have expressed grave disappointment that Elecraft has been
unable to predict future availability accurately. Some of you have even
suggested that this is part of some kind of nefarious plot. I assure you it
is not. If you can not tolerate delays in the delivery of new technology, I
urge you to vote with your checkbooks. Simply refrain from ordering these
new products, cancel your delayed orders if you must and, above all, hold
your tongues. This reflector is sponsored by Elecraft as a forum for
exchange of hints and kinks and a channel for both formal and informal
support. I find it amazing that they have not yet chosen to make it a
moderated forum where someone can censor the cheap shots that have, frankly,
gotten out of hand. My Mom taught me If you can't say something nice, don't
say anything at all. Of course, that advice does not hold universally but
in a public forum like an email reflector it should be a cardinal rule. How
would you like it if someone posted billboards on your house announcing
every mistake you had ever made? What if some of them were inaccurate,
incorrect or marginally libelous?  One of my mentors in business, a highly
decorated entrepreneur, media pundit and investor, taught his people to
Praise publicly, criticize privately. Please take that
advice.Thisreflector is one of the great things about Elecraft and I
urge you all to think
three times before posting criticisms: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it
helpful? If the answer to any of these questions is no or maybe, be a
decent human being, give them the benefit of the doubt and don't post it.
Send email directly to Elecraft instead. They will read it and respond

Elecraft is a company, a collection of imperfect individuals trying hard to
do as a team what no one person could do alone. They make mistakes as we all
do. I have never seen another company so willing to admit their mistakes and
inform their public. Yes, they have published some bad news. In fact, they
publish more bad news about product development delays than many companies
... because most companies don't publish bad news at all! Nor do they
provide a public forum where their failings can be discussed as easily as
their successes. I admire Elecraft and wish all my other vendors were as
candid. Heck, I wish any of my other vendors were as candid.

If you can't tolerate product delays, don't order new stuff. Don't order
anything unless it is available off the shelf. Given the vitriol of some on
this reflector, I should advise them never to order anything without a
signed, custom contract of performance. They won't get such a contract from
ham radio vendors but they won't be let down, either.

Elecraft has delivered a series of outstanding products and developed a
well-deserved reputation for technical excellence, product innovation and
the finest support in the amateur radio product business. The K3 is the best
radio I have ever used, right now and despite lacking a few promised
features. In fact, I was able to say that six months ago when it had far
more rough edges than remain today. I, too, pine for the sub-receiver. I
even sold my FT-1000MP to make room for the K3, knowing full well that until
the sub came out I was compromising my ability to work split-frequency DX
pileups. I can deal with that. If you can't, just wait.

But above all, please be civil. The Elecraft team are a handful of the
finest engineers, business people and human beings I have had the pleasure
to know. They do not always deliver their dreams on schedule but they
definitely do deliver and they deserve better treatment than some of you are
dishing out on this reflector which they sponsor. The majority of
contributors to the reflector make me proud to be a customer. The few whose
whining, accusations and rants are spoiling this corner of our hobby make me
ashamed of the low level of social training some of us received as children.
Please take your venom elsewhere.

Now, can we return to our regularly scheduled programming of Elecraft
product questions and answers, hints and kinks and general good will?

Thanks and 73,

/Rick N6XI
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Ian J Maude, G0VGS
SysOp GB7MBC DX Cluster
K2 #4044 |K3 #?

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 with MH2 Mic

2008-01-21 Thread David Pratt
In a recent message, Don Ehrlich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
Elecraft told me that was caused by the mechanical noise the PTT switch 
in the mic makes and they plan to address it by and by.

Not so!

I just performed surgery on my mic connector to add a 150 ohm resistor 
in series with pin 2 (PTT line) and that is all it took to eliminate 
that AGC transient.  No more lost words.  It was messy surgery and not 
for the faint of heart but it works.

That looks a good solution, Don, but surely this would invalidate the 
warranty.  Perhaps wiring a 150 ohm into the plug would be a better 
answer until Elecraft issue the Issue B RF board.

David G4DMP
Leeds, England, UK

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Re: [Elecraft] Re: The Believers

2008-01-21 Thread Stewart Baker
Please don't be patronising...
Personal comments have no place on this or any other reflector.
Options held on both sides are genuine.

Stewart G3RXQ
On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 15:33:15 -0600, Jim Brewster wrote:
 I have been on this list for about two days and have collected
 (and that's more than enough) gripes, complaints, whinges,
whines, etc. to
 outfit the neighborhood kindergarten class for a school year.  I
did not
 know that this list was created for barracks room lawyers, sea
lawyers and
 just plain soreheads to sound off with their opinions about
 Please see your pastor, rabbi, preacher or whomever you do most
of your
 griping to.  If you had come into my office when I was
practicing law I
 would have had you thrown out.  I would be much happier
 Elecraft in its libel suit; remember, truth is not a defense to
libel.  I
 would much rather have seen you in court (my Municipal Court)
charged with
 interfering with my Elecraft kit construction.  Can't we all
just get along.
 Your obedient servant, Jim - KE0NE
 - Original Message -
 From: Steve Sacco NN4X [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 1:44 PM
 Subject: [Elecraft] Re: The Believers

 Hi Tom -

 Someone can be a believer, or not, and whether you care or not
is up to

 However, at the risk of being accused (again) of being on my
high horse,
 we all share a obligation to guide behavior towards something
 to our society.  Don't you agree?   You see someone breaking
into a car,
 you call 911...right?  If you don't you're part of the
 Do you *LIKE* being lied to?  I'm not talking about Elecraft,
I'm talking
 in general terms:  Do you find that there's a benefit to you to
 with a company which takes that approach?  Would you tolerate
that from
 someone who claims to be your friend?  Your family?  Is there
 condition where that's a tolerable behavior?

 Personally, I don't think so, and I'm voicing my opinion.

 Now, if I was absolutely, 100% morally outraged, I'd cancel my
order, and
 go buy something else.  Due ONLY to what I've read/heard about
 previous customer support, and radio performance, I'm giving
them the
 benefit of the doubt.

 That doesn't mean I have to accept what they're doing, or
pretend that it
 isn't happening, or, WORSE, try to minimize it by explaining it
away, as
 The Believers do.

 Given that Elecraft has the ability at any time to change their
 with respect to keeping their customers and perspective
customers informed
 regarding the status of the K3, and they have barely changed,
I'd have to
 take a guess that they wouldn't change a thing, if given a
chance at do

 Again, there's a difference between Things happen, and being
 exuberant, and keeping customers informed.  I'm calling them
out on the
 later, not the former.

 All IMO...


 Steve NN4X

 Issue 2: Elecraft has consistently and apparently with
 knowingly kept their customers (both perspective and paying) in
 dark about the status of the K3.  Additionally, it appears that
 they've misrepresented the actual development status of the K3,
 KRX3 and the KDVR3.  The details have been discussed many times
 before, and it should be obvious to anyone.

 Hi Steve,

 There is no shortage of people whose chests swell an entire cup
size with
 moral indignation at the mere whiff of conspiracy. And,
according to you,
 at the other end of the scale, are those who accept the word of
 as gospel. If in fact there are such Believers, what do I
care? Is it my
 job to set them straight?

 I don't know Wayne or Eric but I am sure if they were given the
benefit of
 hindsight that might have gone back and changed a few things.
To those
 disappointed about the sub receiver - I can understand that. I
 the complaints. Wayne and Eric are big boys and I sure they
know that it
 all comes with the territory.  As a result of being a customer
for the
 past four years with Elecraft - I just don't see them creating
 as part of their business plan.

 If Elecraft is guilty of anything it may be all due to a
conflict over
 their exuberance for the K3 and a release date. Frankly, if I
could build
 a radio like that I would find it very difficult to contain
myself and
 would have stood no chance of keeping it a secret for as long
as they did.

 Tom, AK2B

 _._.   _   _.._   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Elecraft] Shipping,second receivers etc, etc

2008-01-21 Thread Nick Henwood
Dear critics,believers,pious preachers,flag wavers etc. Sure there are others 
like me who have a view but are now bored to death with this reflector. Please 
give us a break! 
73 Nick G3RWF
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Re: [Elecraft] L34 on K2 tuning question?

2008-01-21 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy


When I first aligned my K2 I followed the instructions written in the manual
for tuning L34 using the quote 'weak' 7 MHz birdie - more like a angry
elephant. After doing some work to reduce the number of K2  receiver
birdies, it struck me that the 7 MHz birdie signal is entering the receiver
chain at not just one place, or could be perhaps two separate signals from
different sources.  If one 'birdie' signal had established itself in the
receiver chain before L34 and another 'birdie' signal  entered the chain
AFTER L34, then tuning L34 as suggested in the manual using the birdie might
not result in best overall receiver performance in terms of noise floor.
Tuning L34 will have an effect on the combined level of the two birdie
signals as seen by Spectrogram as a single signal (tuning birdie against
birdie),  and some effect on the observed noise floor, but not necessarily
result in the overall noise figure which the receiver is capable of
'delivering' at 7 MHz and other bands. Tuning the 40m bandpass filter does
affect the 'before L34 birdie', an effect noted by Bill KE5KWE.

Using a signal generator connected to the antenna input running at a
frequency further up the 40m band, to separate the observed signal from that
wretched 7 MHz birdie, and setting the generator level so that the observed
output signal was about 10db IIRC above noise, I found the optimum position
of L34's slug to be near the top of the can but not at same place as when
using the birdie, about 1/2 turn below IIRC. With L34 tuned this way,
antenna noise can be heard on all bands 80m - 10m when using my K2 with a
400 Hz filter setting at this very quiet rural location.


Kevin Cozens  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote.

bill KE5KWE wrote:

I went through the same thing just today.  We also used a spectogram but
after failing to hear an apreciable change we followed the next
alligning the 40-meter band pass filter.  Once this was aligned we were
to tune L-34 by ear. It did indeed occur near the top of the can, as
in the text.

The internal signal on my K2 had peaked around the time that L34 was
half-way down but the noise to the right of the internal signal didn't
drop until about the time the slug hit the bottom of the can. Unless you
use Spectogram to you may be close to the best position of the L34 slug
but not at the ideal spot.

One thing I'm interested in is the difference between the peak of the
internal signal and the peak of the noise floor on K2 radios. On my radio
I see a difference (between the black cross and red cross on the screen
capture at of about 17db as seen with

Is this typical, above average, or below average of what other K2 owners
have noticed? I'm still trying to convince myself that my K2 is hearing as
well as it should. So far, it seems to be hearing everything I can hear on
my shortwave radio.



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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread starmike
I agree Ken,

I have received an eMails from Lisa a few Sundays ago regaridng my order.  It 
was a pleasent surprise.  Of course I never asked her what she was wearing...hi 

Mike, N4GW

-- Original message from Ken Kopp [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 

 Nice posting, Don! (:-)) 
 Lisa in an Elecraft sweatshirt  oh my! 
 Isn't she a joy! 
 Take note, guys ... Lisa called him on a SUNDAY! 
 This alone says volumes about the folks in Aptos ... 
 73! Ken Kopp - K0PP 
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Re: [Elecraft] Contemplating new power supply

2008-01-21 Thread R. Kevin Stover

Hash: SHA1


W7TEA wrote:
| I've used the same Astron RS-35A for at least 20 years with several
| rigs and without a bit of trouble.
| Gary W7TEA
| I'm wondering what you guys think is about the best power supply for the
| money for my K3/100.  

- --
R. Kevin Stover, ACØH
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread R. Kevin Stover

Hash: SHA1


I have yet to figure out what makes these people think they're entitled
to know anything other than the publicly released shipping schedule. Do
they think their deposits, assuming all of the nattering nabobs of
negativism have paid a deposit, allow them some kind of special access
to proprietary company information? Ridiculous!

If you don't like it, get your money back and head down the road. Don't
take it too personal when Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu, Ten-Tec, and Flex laugh
in your faces when you demand the same of them.

Don Wilhelm wrote:

| The shipping schedule has been publicized for some time now and I just do
| not understand those who seem to believe there are some secrets being
| kept - certainly the number of outstanding orders will not be made
| public, and some seem to insist that just that data be made available -
| well, it ain't 'go-na happen.
| If you want to know the numbers, Elecraft is currently shipping 15 to
| 20 K3s per week, and if the shipping date for current orders is
| mid-April, then there is somewhere between 255 and 340 K3s on order
| right now - simple calculation reveals that result - what more
| information do some folks need?
| 73,
| Don W3FPR

- --
R. Kevin Stover, ACØH
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread Alexandr Kobranov
My reaction to all this dicussion is to upgrade my order - adding 
some filters and transverer i/f and TCXO. Will be done in next days.
Will wait for KRX3 - no problem. The price for perfect functionality 
will be OK for me.

L. -ok1dst-

R. Kevin Stover napsal(a):

Hash: SHA1


I have yet to figure out what makes these people think they're entitled
to know anything other than the publicly released shipping schedule. Do
they think their deposits, assuming all of the nattering nabobs of
negativism have paid a deposit, allow them some kind of special access
to proprietary company information? Ridiculous!

If you don't like it, get your money back and head down the road. Don't
take it too personal when Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu, Ten-Tec, and Flex laugh
in your faces when you demand the same of them.

Don Wilhelm wrote:

| The shipping schedule has been publicized for some time now and I just do
| not understand those who seem to believe there are some secrets being
| kept - certainly the number of outstanding orders will not be made
| public, and some seem to insist that just that data be made available -
| well, it ain't 'go-na happen.
| If you want to know the numbers, Elecraft is currently shipping 15 to
| 20 K3s per week, and if the shipping date for current orders is
| mid-April, then there is somewhere between 255 and 340 K3s on order
| right now - simple calculation reveals that result - what more
| information do some folks need?
| 73,
| Don W3FPR

- --
R. Kevin Stover, ACØH
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread Joe-aa4nn

Over the phone a gentleman should never ask a lady what she was wearing.
de Joe, aa4nn

- Original Message - 
I have received an eMails from Lisa a few Sundays ago regaridng my order. 
It was a pleasent surprise.  Of course I never asked her what she was 
wearing...hi hi

Mike, N4GW

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Re: [Elecraft] Shipping,second receivers etc, etc

2008-01-21 Thread k2jrj-elecraft
  I am genuinely sorry that many of you are so disappointed and frustrated. It 
is understandable. But this constant bickering, complaining and grandstanding 
is a real downer for the rest of us, none of whom has done anything to spoil 
your enjoyment. Can you please extend to us the same courtesy? Thank you.
  Ron Foster - W2RIP

Nick Henwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear critics,believers,pious preachers,flag wavers etc. Sure there are others 
like me who have a view but are now bored to death with this reflector. Please 
give us a break! 
73 Nick G3RWF
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[Elecraft] OT: K2 elation!

2008-01-21 Thread Mike K8CN

Had to share the elation: snagged FO/OH1RX on 80 M CW at gray line this
morning -- K2 running 5 W to 135 foot doublet, window line feed, at 50 feet.

Mike, K8CN
K2 #5569
New Hampshire
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[Elecraft] WAITING FOR K3

2008-01-21 Thread Ralph Tyrrell
Sure, I am disappointed that I do not yet have my K3,
ordered October 16.

But with over 200 K3s out now there now I look as most
of them as beta testers. Thank you beta testers.
I am elated over the fact that when my K3 finally does
ship I will have far less potential problems than you

In the mean time I thank those K3 owners for their
pictures and comments. I am learning from your
experience as I wait.

My K1 still works!

73, Ty, W1TF


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Re: [Elecraft] OK, Children - Listen Up!

2008-01-21 Thread mike wren

- Original Message - 

To: Elecraft Reflector
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 11:43 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] OK, Children - Listen Up!

A few of you have expressed grave disappointment that Elecraft has been
unable to predict future availability accurately. Some of you have even
suggested that this is part of some kind of nefarious plot. I assure you 
is not. If you can not tolerate delays in the delivery of new technology, 

urge you to vote with your checkbooks. Simply refrain from ordering these
new products, cancel your delayed orders if you must and, above all, hold
your tongues. This reflector is sponsored by Elecraft as a forum for
exchange of hints and kinks and a channel for both formal and informal
support. I find it amazing that they have not yet chosen to make it a
moderated forum where someone can censor the cheap shots that have, 
gotten out of hand. My Mom taught me If you can't say something nice, 

say anything at all. Of course, that advice does not hold universally but
in a public forum like an email reflector it should be a cardinal rule. 

would you like it if someone posted billboards on your house announcing
every mistake you had ever made? What if some of them were inaccurate,
incorrect or marginally libelous?  One of my mentors in business, a highly
decorated entrepreneur, media pundit and investor, taught his people to
Praise publicly, criticize privately. Please take that
advice.Thisreflector is one of the great things about Elecraft and I
urge you all to think
three times before posting criticisms: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it
helpful? If the answer to any of these questions is no or maybe, be a
decent human being, give them the benefit of the doubt and don't post it.
Send email directly to Elecraft instead. They will read it and respond

Elecraft is a company, a collection of imperfect individuals trying hard 
do as a team what no one person could do alone. They make mistakes as we 
do. I have never seen another company so willing to admit their mistakes 

inform their public. Yes, they have published some bad news. In fact, they
publish more bad news about product development delays than many companies
... because most companies don't publish bad news at all! Nor do they
provide a public forum where their failings can be discussed as easily as
their successes. I admire Elecraft and wish all my other vendors were as
candid. Heck, I wish any of my other vendors were as candid.

If you can't tolerate product delays, don't order new stuff. Don't order
anything unless it is available off the shelf. Given the vitriol of some 

this reflector, I should advise them never to order anything without a
signed, custom contract of performance. They won't get such a contract 

ham radio vendors but they won't be let down, either.

Elecraft has delivered a series of outstanding products and developed a
well-deserved reputation for technical excellence, product innovation and
the finest support in the amateur radio product business. The K3 is the 

radio I have ever used, right now and despite lacking a few promised
features. In fact, I was able to say that six months ago when it had far
more rough edges than remain today. I, too, pine for the sub-receiver. I
even sold my FT-1000MP to make room for the K3, knowing full well that 

the sub came out I was compromising my ability to work split-frequency DX
pileups. I can deal with that. If you can't, just wait.

But above all, please be civil. The Elecraft team are a handful of the
finest engineers, business people and human beings I have had the pleasure
to know. They do not always deliver their dreams on schedule but they
definitely do deliver and they deserve better treatment than some of you 

dishing out on this reflector which they sponsor. The majority of
contributors to the reflector make me proud to be a customer. The few 
whining, accusations and rants are spoiling this corner of our hobby make 
ashamed of the low level of social training some of us received as 

Please take your venom elsewhere.

Now, can we return to our regularly scheduled programming of Elecraft
product questions and answers, hints and kinks and general good will?

Thanks and 73,

/Rick N6XI
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Re: [Elecraft] Shipping,second receivers etc, etc

2008-01-21 Thread Doug Person
My sentiments as well.  Your choices are clear.  Be patient or find 
something else to obsess over.

Doug -- K0DXV

Nick Henwood wrote:
Dear critics,believers,pious preachers,flag wavers etc. Sure there are others like me who have a view but are now bored to death with this reflector. Please give us a break! 
73 Nick G3RWF

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Re: [Elecraft] Strange behaviour in K2

2008-01-21 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy

VR2BrettGraham  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wote:

behavior is due to an environment that apparently the K2
was not really meant to be used in - one with plenty of
strong signals about.


To be fair to the K2, the design of the variable IF filter and the use of a 
MC1350G as IF amplifier and NE602 as product detector does suggest that the 
K2 was not designed to cope with very strong unwanted signals close to the 
operating frequency, which is the 40m environment above 7100 kHz in *some* 
parts of Europe. With 6 or more BC stations spaced 5 kHz and/or 10 kHz 
rolling in with carrier levels up in the -10dbm region,  S9 +60db, it is no 
wonder that the K2 using these 'weak' devices cannot cope properly if asked 
to listen amongst these monsters.

The tuning 'click' problem appears to be caused by layout, lack of shielding 
and lack of lead filtering - a separate issue which could have been avoided 

unfortunate is that it appears that mods developed in EU to
address these two issues are not sufficient for the
environment here.

Probably not for Hans LA2MOA in Norway either, nor here in Northern UK.


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Re: [Elecraft] L34 on K2 tuning question?

2008-01-21 Thread k6sdw

Kevingreat advice! Don't know why I didn't use the Spectrogram software
in the first place instead of my ears! just checked and I was a ways
off the peak, but using the PC and Spectrogram I've gained some sensitivity
without raising any noise.

Good call Kevin!


Kevin Cozens-2 wrote:
 Eddy Avila wrote:
 Changes while tuning L34 on my K2 are very subtle.
 Just barely hear L34 peak with the slug near the top
 of the canis this normal?
 I'm just trying to determine if the receiver on my K2
 is working as it should.
 I recently went through a similar situation where I felt my K2 was not
 as well as it was supposed to be hearing. After checking for construction 
 problems, I went back over the alignment including re-adjusting L34. I
 came up 
 with a little tip on how to make adjusting L34 a little bit easier.
 As you are probably aware, adjusting L34 is best done with Spectogram. It
 very difficult to tell when you have the maximum strength on the internal 
 signal with the lowest noise just by ear.
 Take a look at the screen capture I made
 while adjusting L34 on my K2. You will notice there are two cross style 
 cursors, one in red and the other in black.
 Once you have the K2 set up and Spectogram ready to go (ie. you see the 
 internally generated signal), move the cursor so the horizontal part of
 cursor is just at the top of the internal signal (the black cursor) and
 click with the mouse to mark the level. Next, move the cursor to the top
 the noise floor (red cursor) but do not click with the mouse.
 You can now easily watch for changes in the level of the internal signal
 watching the noise floor. When adjusting L34, this set up made it easy to
 when the internal signal was at its peak. You can left click with the
 during the procedure to move the cursor that indicates the level of the 
 internal signal as needed (ie. as it starts to get stronger) so you can
 when you have hit the peak remembering to move the cursor back to the top
 the noise floor afterwards.
 When adjusting L34 on my machine, I was easily able to see when the
 signal was strongest. While adjusting L34 I never saw a change in the
 level of 
 the noise to the left of the signal. After the internal signal peaked, 
 adjusting L34 so it went further in to the can meant that the signal to
 right of the internal signal began to drop off at a sharper angle. On my
 the slug seems to have bottomed out and makes me wonder if a cap needs to
 changed so the optimum setting of L34 will be with the slug somewhere in
 middle of its range of travel.
 I hope the idea about positioning the cursors to aid in detecting changes
 levels of the internal signal and the noise floor might be useful either
 you or to other people.
 PS. I have discovered that Spectogram seems to work when run under Linux
 via Wine.
 Kevin.   |What are we going to do today, Borg?
 Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172  |Same thing we always do, Pinkutus:
  |  Try to assimilate the world!
 #include disclaimer/favourite |  -Pinkutus  the Borg
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[Elecraft] HELP K3 #00215

2008-01-21 Thread Mike

Thanks to all who gave assistance with my problem!
I already had the new Prodigy driver, however, I re-loaded that Driver 
AND the K3 utility. Then, on advice from Walter, DK8KV, I downgraded the 
K3 firmware  then did a re-load  - and all is now back to normal.

Again, Thanks to All  73 from the Far North of ZL1.
Mike, zl1mh.
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[Elecraft] KX1 KXB3080 awe

2008-01-21 Thread John Shadle
Finally got around to starting on the addition of the KXB3080 to KX1 
#1601 last night and just wanted to comment on what a fun experience it 
is so far.

First of all, it was interesting to open up the KX1 and look at the work 
I had completed previously. I know that my kit-building and soldering 
skills have improved immensely since the initial build...especially with 
regard to winding toroids.

I finished wiring the KXB3080 board and soldering it to the main board. 
The fit of the little PCB is quite clever--as clever as the KXAT1 fits 
on the main board and within the tight quarters of the case. Great job, 

Can't wait to finish up the work tonight by building the LPF board and 
aligning everything!

-john W4PAH

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Re: [Elecraft] Shipping,second receivers etc, etc

2008-01-21 Thread Peter G3MLO

I totally agree, I have read and noted all the comments
If you can not wait or feel that strongly about Elecraft
cancel your order that will speed up my K3 delivery.
73 Peter G3MLO.

Nick Henwood wrote:
 Dear critics,believers,pious preachers,flag wavers etc. Sure there are
 others like me who have a view but are now bored to death with this
 reflector. Please give us a break! 
 73 Nick G3RWF
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[Elecraft] K3 shipping date

2008-01-21 Thread John

New K3 orders are now targeted for mid April delivery. 

Not to worry, we all know how fast the time goes between now and the 
15th of April.


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[Elecraft] Looking for a K3 - buy mine

2008-01-21 Thread Don Rasmussen
Simon - 

Did you find a buyer locally from the list, or did you
sell it overseas? 

[Elecraft] Looking for a K3 - buy mine
Simon Lewis simon at 
Mon Jan 21 01:42:48 EST 2008 

Sold pending payment

Simon Lewis 

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[Elecraft] Re: Stange behaviour in K2

2008-01-21 Thread Roelof Bakker

Hi Geoff,

To be fair to the K2, the design of the variable IF filter and the use of a
MC1350G as IF amplifier and NE602 as product detector does suggest that the
K2 was not designed to cope with very strong unwanted signals close to the
operating frequency etc.

Have you tried an outboard narrow preselector yet?
At there are even 7 MHz crystal frontend filters 

Regarding the weak devices, using a good preselector filter, I have been 
able to construct a 7 MHz receiver with a NE602 as a mixer, that can handle 
nighttime conditions in the Netherlands.

Roelof Bakker, pa0rdt 

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[Elecraft] K3-100 #216

2008-01-21 Thread WW2PT
K3-100 kit #216 was delivered to my Sussex NJ QTH on Jan 17 (while I  
was away on vacation. Doh!).

Ordered 5/4/2008 with 50% deposit, shipped 1/10/2008. Assembly to  
begin presently...

Paul WW2PT
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Re: [Elecraft] KX1 KXB3080 awe

2008-01-21 Thread David Toepfer
While I no longer have my KX1, the one I had was done up with every option.  I
too was quite admiring of the job they did jamming it all in there.  And, while
it pales in comparison to the design of such a product, I likewise got to be
impressed with myself and my ability to put it all together.

David, k3tue

--- John Shadle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Finally got around to starting on the addition of the KXB3080 to KX1 
 #1601 last night and just wanted to comment on what a fun experience it 
 is so far.
 First of all, it was interesting to open up the KX1 and look at the work 
 I had completed previously. I know that my kit-building and soldering 
 skills have improved immensely since the initial build...especially with 
 regard to winding toroids.
 I finished wiring the KXB3080 board and soldering it to the main board. 
 The fit of the little PCB is quite clever--as clever as the KXAT1 fits 
 on the main board and within the tight quarters of the case. Great job, 
 Can't wait to finish up the work tonight by building the LPF board and 
 aligning everything!
 -john W4PAH
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread Ken Kopp

Hi Joe,

Yes, usually you'd be correct  except there are some who
know Lisa. (:-))  'Tis all tongue-in-cheek.

She knows many of us and hopefully her knowledge is (mostly)

Long ago I told I'd give her a kiss if she could help with an issue.
She did.  She would have helped anyway, but sent her a BIG Hershey's 
chocolate kiss thank you ... bought by my wife. (:-))

Humor is good for the soul ...

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread Rick Dettinger

 If you want to know the numbers, Elecraft is currently shipping 15 to
 20 K3s per week, and if the shipping date for current orders is
 mid-April, then there is somewhere between 255 and 340 K3s on order
 right now - simple calculation reveals that result - what more
 information do some folks need?

 Don W3FPR
Eric indicated that the equation is non linear.  Therefor, I think we need
at least one more data point.  Somewhere around, say, a July 25 order date.
Just as a for instance, of course. :)
Rick Dettinger

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread Nelson Wittstock
My K3 was ordered on 27 July and I was told it would be shipped in November. 
Needless to say I am eagerly awaiting the real shipping date.

Nelson, K8DJC 

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread nz0t

I called Aptos recently to order a couple of inexpensive components for my K2
and they were friendly and very helpful.  If they are stressed, and I'm sure
they are, it did not show at all.  With two kids in college I have no radio
fund but when I can I will be ordering a K3.  Every time I compare the rx of
my K2/100 to any of the Icom's I own I am reminded that good things are
worth waiting for.

Don Wilhelm wrote:
 Yes, the folks in Aptos are working 7 days a week to handle the K3 
 backlog.  Let's hope they don't suffer from overload stress too much 
 longer - this same kind of effort has been going on since early 
 December,  those folks are on the verge of burn-out IMHO.
 So for those who are so very disappointed about the schedules, Yes, I 
 believe you should cancel your order.  The others who are waiting for 
 delivery of their K3 will be happier for it, it means that they will get 
 theirs sooner - they will be able to enjoy the K3 with the functions now 
 available (and the added functions to follow as development efforts 
 allow) and you can wait until everything is firmly in place before 
 placing your order for the K3.  Those who order now can expect delivery 
 in about 4 months - that is quite a reduction from those who ordered in 
 mid-May 2007 who are now receiving their K3s after an 8 month wait.  The 
 shipping schedule has been publicized for some time now and I just do 
 not understand those who seem to believe there are some secrets being 
 kept - certainly the number of outstanding orders will not be made 
 public, and some seem to insist that just that data be made available - 
 well, it ain't 'go-na happen.
 If you want to know the numbers, Elecraft is currently shipping 15 to 
 20 K3s per week, and if the shipping date for current orders is 
 mid-April, then there is somewhere between 255 and 340 K3s on order 
 right now - simple calculation reveals that result - what more 
 information do some folks need?
 Don W3FPR
 Ken Kopp wrote:
 Take note, guys ... Lisa called him on a SUNDAY!  This alone says 
 volumes about the folks in Aptos ...

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[Elecraft] K3 6M Preamp?

2008-01-21 Thread S Sacco
Did anyone notice the kind of steathy product announcement, of a 6M preamp
for the K3 in Toby's excellent K3 Test from Bavaria?  I recall it being
tossed around as a posibliity, but don't recall seeing anything since (?).

From Toby's review:

*Wayne: The K3 has a fairly low-gain preamp. It is designed to improve
MDS to -136 dBm or better without compromising dynamic range any more
than necessary. Your later tests show that it is working as intended. I
should mention that we also have an external K3 6-meter preamp product
in the testing phase right now. It attaches directly to the RX ANT IN
and OUT jacks, which can be selected on a per-band basis. It improves
**6-meter MDS to better than -142 dBm.*

For us 6M enthusiasts, THIS is exciting news!   That, with a great noise
blanker, should make my 6M efforts even more fun.

Looking forward to hearing more on this option!


Steve  NN4X
EL98jh  / 6M DXCC
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 6M Preamp?

2008-01-21 Thread k8tb
 Did anyone notice the kind of steathy product announcement, of a 6M preamp
 for the K3 in Toby's excellent K3 Test from Bavaria?  I recall it being
 tossed around as a posibliity, ..

   Toby, I caught that also. In the mean time, I have a ARR preamp, Model
# P50VDG, that sits on the back of my K3. I use a female-female BNC
adapter that holds the preamp out to the rx antenna in, and a simple
male-male jumper about 9 to handle the other connections. I take power
from the handy 12 vdc RCA jack on the back of the K3.

   Of note though, I have a 6 dB BNC pad on the output of the preamp. I've
always found that preamps are a lot happier when they see close to 50

   I have no measured MDS numbers for you. But it does bring weaker
signals up to where I can read them. This K3 is in my shack at home.

   Which brings me to a problem. I have a TS-2000 at a remote site that I
use for 6 meters SSB, only. My home sits in a valley, and this remote
site is 300 feet above my head. But, there is no comparison of the
TS-2000 with the K3, so, do I order another K3? (me thinks so!)
   I might be the only person to buy a K3 to operate just one band!

So it will be interesting to see what Aptos has come up with for 6,
but in the mean time, you can do it yourself.

   73 de tom K8TB K3 FB53
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Re: [Elecraft] OK, Children - Listen Up!

2008-01-21 Thread Pete

Rick - N6XI

Congratulations for calling the whiners and malcontents to task for their 
disgraceful behavior.  I, for one, wish that the reflector was 'monitored' 
to weed out the thrash.

There's only one point I'd add to your comments - the lecherous comments, 
both direct and thinly veiled, regarding Lisa  at Elecraft are entirely 
unacceptable.  There is simply no excuse for this sort of insulting and 
demeaning conduct.  I'd fully support Elecraft in banning those individuals 
from the reflector.

Pete - K1YSY

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[Elecraft] [K3]- K3 in NAQP SSB

2008-01-21 Thread kr7x1

The new K3 was run through it paces as the 20/40m position at K7ZSD's station 
for the NAQP SSB Test this last weekend. This was a 12 hour Multi-Two operation 
at 100 watts power. The ops were KR7X(me),K7ZSD, W7ZB and K7ZS. 

I was going to shake down the rig in the RTTY RU but that didn't materialize 
due to work interference.

The K3 as set up has the ATU, latest mcu and dsp firmware, 2100, 400 and 250 
roofing filters and the 100w PA.

Contest observations:

1. Receive audio is very nice, especially with noise cancelling headsets and 
AFX set to midway. No listening fatigue and it seemed to be easier to pick out 
calls in the pile-ups (subjective). All ops agreed on this, loved the receive 

2. Transmit audio equalization was set up with the help of an audio expert in 
Arizona. Turned out the best Contest type audio was with some midrange boost 
and a Heil HC-5 cartridge and not the HC-4. Go figure.

3. Tne auto notch filter is your best contest friend. I was running 20 meters 
up around 14290+ when some dipstick took offense at contestors in general. The 
offended station tried to jam me with and amplifier and solid carrier. I just 
punched in the auto notch and worked 10 stations in a row right through the 
attemped jam. Didn't even hear the jamming with the notch on. Touche!

4. The roofing filters work just like you would want them to. As you dial down 
the width in SSB the signal gets skrinched down and eventually loses all 
intelligability. Works for me.

5. The noise reduction is especially helpful on 40m and we set it at the first 
setting. It wasn't used much as the station is in a fairly quite location. The 
noise blanker was not utilized for the same reason.

6. I will be ordering the KXV3 so the receive only beverages can be used on 80 
and 160m.

7. The ergonomics are fine. The knobs could be larger, personal preference, but 
did not cause any concern in the heat of the contest. The rig ran very cool 
with no apparant heating at all for the whole test.

The final tally is that this is a keeper rig and will be the run radio in one 
of the two SO2R positions at the station with a 1000MP Mark V as the other rig 
in the setup. I plan on another shake down in the WPX RTTY test as a SO2R 

Just thought a few hands-on observations would be nice for the list.

Ciao and 73

Hank / KR7X

We did over 1100 Q's with 500 plus on 20m and 300 plus on 40m

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RE: [Elecraft] [K3]- K3 in NAQP SSB

2008-01-21 Thread Mike Christiansen
Great information Hank, thanks for the update

Mike, N4GW

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 4:28 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] [K3]- K3 in NAQP SSB


The new K3 was run through it paces as the 20/40m position at K7ZSD's
station for the NAQP SSB Test this last weekend. This was a 12 hour
Multi-Two operation at 100 watts power. The ops were KR7X(me),K7ZSD, W7ZB
and K7ZS. 

I was going to shake down the rig in the RTTY RU but that didn't materialize
due to work interference.

The K3 as set up has the ATU, latest mcu and dsp firmware, 2100, 400 and 250
roofing filters and the 100w PA.

Contest observations:

1. Receive audio is very nice, especially with noise cancelling headsets and
AFX set to midway. No listening fatigue and it seemed to be easier to pick
out calls in the pile-ups (subjective). All ops agreed on this, loved the
receive audio.

2. Transmit audio equalization was set up with the help of an audio expert
in Arizona. Turned out the best Contest type audio was with some midrange
boost and a Heil HC-5 cartridge and not the HC-4. Go figure.

3. Tne auto notch filter is your best contest friend. I was running 20
meters up around 14290+ when some dipstick took offense at contestors in
general. The offended station tried to jam me with and amplifier and solid
carrier. I just punched in the auto notch and worked 10 stations in a row
right through the attemped jam. Didn't even hear the jamming with the notch
on. Touche!

4. The roofing filters work just like you would want them to. As you dial
down the width in SSB the signal gets skrinched down and eventually loses
all intelligability. Works for me.

5. The noise reduction is especially helpful on 40m and we set it at the
first setting. It wasn't used much as the station is in a fairly quite
location. The noise blanker was not utilized for the same reason.

6. I will be ordering the KXV3 so the receive only beverages can be used on
80 and 160m.

7. The ergonomics are fine. The knobs could be larger, personal preference,
but did not cause any concern in the heat of the contest. The rig ran very
cool with no apparant heating at all for the whole test.

The final tally is that this is a keeper rig and will be the run radio in
one of the two SO2R positions at the station with a 1000MP Mark V as the
other rig in the setup. I plan on another shake down in the WPX RTTY test as
a SO2R operation.

Just thought a few hands-on observations would be nice for the list.

Ciao and 73

Hank / KR7X

We did over 1100 Q's with 500 plus on 20m and 300 plus on 40m

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RE: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

 I have yet to figure out what makes these people think 
 they're entitled to know anything other than the publicly 
 released shipping schedule.

Customers are entitled to accurate and up to date information 
on their order status.  Like many others, when I ordered I was 
given a November ship date.  That date obviously was not and 
could not have been met.  

There has never been an accurate update of shipping date vs. 
order date posted here.  The only information is postings from 
the fortunate when their unit is shipped/received and the all 
too rare update of the target date for new orders.  As it is, 
those in the first build without deposits and the second 
build have no idea if their radios will ship next week or 
in three months.  

I understand it takes manpower to make updated notifications 
when the schedule slips (again) and that manpower is also needed 
to process current shipments.  However, an accurate shipping 
estimate and an update when that date changes by more than 
a week (or two) is a reasonable standard for any company.  
That level of customer communication is basic business 
courtesy that any company which expects to stay in business 
for the long term owes its customers as a fundamental part of 
any transaction.  


   ... Joe, W4TV 

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of R. Kevin Stover
 Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 8:16 AM
 Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil
 Hash: SHA1
 I have yet to figure out what makes these people think 
 they're entitled
 to know anything other than the publicly released shipping 
 schedule. Do
 they think their deposits, assuming all of the nattering nabobs of
 negativism have paid a deposit, allow them some kind of special access
 to proprietary company information? Ridiculous!
 If you don't like it, get your money back and head down the 
 road. Don't
 take it too personal when Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu, Ten-Tec, and 
 Flex laugh
 in your faces when you demand the same of them.
 Don Wilhelm wrote:
 | The shipping schedule has been publicized for some time now 
 and I just do
 | not understand those who seem to believe there are some 
 secrets being
 | kept - certainly the number of outstanding orders will not be made
 | public, and some seem to insist that just that data be made 
 available -
 | well, it ain't 'go-na happen.
 | If you want to know the numbers, Elecraft is currently 
 shipping 15 to
 | 20 K3s per week, and if the shipping date for current orders is
 | mid-April, then there is somewhere between 255 and 340 K3s on order
 | right now - simple calculation reveals that result - what more
 | information do some folks need?
 | 73,
 | Don W3FPR
 - --
 R. Kevin Stover, ACØH
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

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[Elecraft] OK, Children - Listen Up!

2008-01-21 Thread Don Rasmussen
Hey Pete - Maybe you are joking about comments I have
made? !!!

These comments to Lisa are offered in a friendly and
endearing manner, and are accepted as such by Lisa
herself. We email back an forth now and then. 

She really is a sweet woman, and has been like a
family member to many of us on the list.

Rick - N6XI

snip   I, for one, wish that the reflector was
'monitored' to weed out the thrash.

There's only one point I'd add to your comments - the
lecherous comments, both direct and thinly veiled,
regarding Lisa  at Elecraft are entirely 
unacceptable.  There is simply no excuse for this sort
of insulting and demeaning conduct.  I'd fully support
Elecraft in banning those individuals 
from the reflector.

Pete - K1YSY

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[Elecraft] want to buy a KIO2

2008-01-21 Thread Tom Miller

Anyone have a working KIO2 that they'd be willing to part with?

Please reply to me directly.

Thanks  73,

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[Elecraft] [K3] How about switching VFO A B knobs.

2008-01-21 Thread David Ferrington, M0XDF
I think I'd like the option of being able to tune VFO B (sub-Rx when I get
it) on VFO A, but still stay in split and not have to do an A/B tap.
I'm thinking that while I'm trying to work that split pile-up and I've got
the guys run frequency, I'd rather like to use the larger knob and controls
to listen for the QSX freq.
It's not convenient to use A/B, because you have to tap it before you
transmit and I might forget. [B SET] does not switch the tuning as far as I
can tell, just how the filters are being set.
Black holes are where God divided by zero.
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RE: [Elecraft] [K3]- K3 in NAQP SSB

2008-01-21 Thread Ed Muns
 4. The roofing filters work just like you would want them to. 
 As you dial down the width in SSB the signal gets skrinched 
 down and eventually loses all intelligability. Works for me.

Not clear how the width was reduced in your operation, but it should be done
with the HI CUT control, not the WIDTH control.  Once you get down to about
1.5kHz width, then you need to increase LO CUT about 100-200Hz for further
width reduction before reducing HI CUT again.  Done this way, most signal
are very intelligible down to 1.5kHz or so.  But using the WIDTH control
gives reduced intelligibility even at 2.2kHz.

Ed - W0YK

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[Elecraft] Reflector being wrecked

2008-01-21 Thread Nick Henwood
Well I failed in my request to give a break to those of us interested in 
rational discussion about Elecraft products - which might well include 
pertinent questions about delivery and availability of options  (politely put). 
I am taking the obvious option and coming off the reflector (at least for now) 
- might return if it returns to its former usefulness.
Nick G3RWF.
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[Elecraft] K3 #266

2008-01-21 Thread Geoffrey Downs
K3/100 kit S/N 000266 delivered here 1333 UTC today 21 January having left 
Aptos 18 January. It travelled at an average speed of about 99 mph. Ordered 11 
May 2007 with deposit. The wait is over for me. Good luck to those still 
waiting - may it not be long!

73 to all

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[Elecraft] K3 update problem

2008-01-21 Thread Eric


After having successfully completed several updates of the firmware 
of my K3, it suddenly has stopped working,

my K3 is not responding.

After seeing this I upgraded the K3 update utility to the latest and 
greatest, also new drivers for my original Elecraft

delivered USB-serial converter.

Forcing K3 into MCU upload mode doesn't work

Any ideas?

vy 73 Eric PA3CEV

K2 960
K3 122

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 #266

2008-01-21 Thread G3SJJ
Right, that blows my theory of 250 for the first prodn run! Beginning to 
look like 300 then.

Chris G3SJJ

Geoffrey Downs wrote:

K3/100 kit S/N 000266 delivered here 1333 UTC today 21 January having left 
Aptos 18 January. It travelled at an average speed of about 99 mph. Ordered 11 
May 2007 with deposit. The wait is over for me. Good luck to those still 
waiting - may it not be long!

73 to all

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[Elecraft] K2 Power Out

2008-01-21 Thread JC Quinn
I've had a problem crop up in that I get Hi-Cur warnings at any Power 
Setting over a couple of tenths of a watt yet an external wattmeter shows 10 
watts into the DL when the K2 shows 2 watts..  After checking V RFDET and 
finding voltage on D9 as well as pin 10 P4 and Pin2 U6,  I discovered a post 
from over 3 years ago about a failure in the KSB2 causing this problem. 
Removing the KSB2, reinstalling the jumpers and C167 and everything is back 
to normal.  I believe that the original poster thought that the U1 chip had 
got scrambled.
Before I contact Elecraft for a new IC, is there any way to be positive that 
U1 is the problem?  Right before the problem occured, I had the K2 connected 
an under-construction KPA100 for testing and final adjustments.  Possibly 
there was static or a spike of some kind resulting from the makeshift lashup 
with the KPA lying upside down beside the K2?


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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for January 20th 21st, 2008

2008-01-21 Thread Kevin Rock
Good Afternoon,
   The new schedule is forcing me to eat later.  This is then causing me to 
postpone the reports until later in the evening.  Well, it got very late 
because I got caught up in reading; until about 1 AM!  By that time it was too 
late for me to get this written and posted.  So it goes out today after chores. 
   Last night the bands were pretty good but there were various types of QSB 
reported across the continent.  From slow waves to fast flutter; from 
differences of up to 4 points between high and low to just barely noticeable.  
But we worked through them all.  I don't think I missed anyone who was calling 
but on the second net I was having problems differentiating folks who wanted me 
and those who did not.  
   The weather has gotten cold here so I am carrying more wood and Sam is 
getting very friendly with the woodstove.  Currently he is underneath it!  
Coldest temperature goes to Ken in North Dakota.  He beat Rick in Alaska by 
quite a bit.  Below zero temperatures with a lot of snow, typical North Dakota 
winter.  Even as far south as Georgia folks were reporting cold temperatures.  
Pete mentioned 55 degrees as cold but I am not sure if that counts :)

The lists =

On 14049.5 kHz at 2300z:
N0SS - Tom - MO - K3 - 008
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031 
K9DMV - Joe - IL - K2 - 5628
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866   QNI #95
WB3AAL - Ron - PA - K2 - 1392
W0RSR - Mike - CO - K2 - 5767   QNI #55!!!
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K3 - 75   QNI #75!!!
K6DGW - Fred - CA - K2 - 4398
W6ZH - Pete - CA - K1 - 553
K7TQ - Randy - ID - K2 - 213
N7KRT - Jeff - NV - K2 - 5471
K1THP - Dave - CT - K2 - 3942   QNI #30!!
KS7D - Mike - FL - K3 - 118
KL7CW - Rick - AK - KX1 - 798
K4JPN - Steve - GA - K2 - 1422
AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993
N0BK - Bruce - MN - K2 - 3646

On 7045.5 kHz at 0100z:
W6ZH - Pete - CA - K1 - 553 QNI #95
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
K4JPN - Steve - GA - K2 - 1422
AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993 
W0RSR - Mike - CO - K2 - 5767
W0JFR - John - CO - K2 - 4507
N7KRT - Jeff - NV - K2 - 5471 
WB5BKL - Nick - TX - K1 - 293
W0SZ - Steve - CO - K3 - 176QNI #20!!
KS7D - Mike - FL - K3 - 118
NK6A - Don - CA - K2 - 1217
K9DMV - Joe - IL - K2 - 5628

   The sun is shining but it is surely not warming the place up any.  The 
woodstove is packed with the vents wide open.  Hopefully it will keep us warm 
tonight.  The forecast is for a slight break in the pattern by late in the 
week.  Right now I am in a wind pattern which starts in the Gulf of Alaska.  I 
had to beat on the wood pile with a maul to get the chunks of wood free.  Seems 
like the thaw we had last week left enough moisture to cement the entire pile 
together.  It is seasoned wood even if it is not fully dry.  A few hours by the 
stove dries it out nicely.  
   Until next week stay well,
 Kevin.  KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft
Don's numbers are way low both for our current shipping rate and and for 
our backlog. :-)

73, Eric   WA6HHQ

Don Wilhelm wrote:

If you want to know the numbers, Elecraft is currently shipping 15 to
20 K3s per week, and if the shipping date for current orders is
mid-April, then there is somewhere between 255 and 340 K3s on order
right now - simple calculation reveals that result - what more
information do some folks need?



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Re: [Elecraft] K3 #266

2008-01-21 Thread Rick Dettinger

 Right, that blows my theory of 250 for the first prodn run! Beginning to
 look like 300 then.

 Chris G3SJJ
Remember that there are about 25 test K3's so the 1st production run could
still be 250 units.
Rick Dettinger

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[Elecraft] K3 #266

2008-01-21 Thread Don Rasmussen
My thought exactly - and off to the wiki to make a
quick change on the estimate before anyone notices.

Current swag, 275 deposit units and 25 without
deposits - all shipped by month end.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;-)

G3SJJ g3sjj at 
Mon Jan 21 17:53:03 EST 2008 

Right, that blows my theory of 250 for the first prodn
run! Beginning to look like 300 then.

Chris G3SJJ

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RE: [Elecraft] [K3]- K3 in NAQP SSB

2008-01-21 Thread Brett Howard
Very nice review and appreciate the objective report!  I'm very much looking
forward to getting to play with one!

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 1:28 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] [K3]- K3 in NAQP SSB


The new K3 was run through it paces as the 20/40m position at K7ZSD's
station for the NAQP SSB Test this last weekend. This was a 12 hour
Multi-Two operation at 100 watts power. The ops were KR7X(me),K7ZSD, W7ZB
and K7ZS. 

I was going to shake down the rig in the RTTY RU but that didn't materialize
due to work interference.

The K3 as set up has the ATU, latest mcu and dsp firmware, 2100, 400 and 250
roofing filters and the 100w PA.

Contest observations:

1. Receive audio is very nice, especially with noise cancelling headsets and
AFX set to midway. No listening fatigue and it seemed to be easier to pick
out calls in the pile-ups (subjective). All ops agreed on this, loved the
receive audio.

2. Transmit audio equalization was set up with the help of an audio expert
in Arizona. Turned out the best Contest type audio was with some midrange
boost and a Heil HC-5 cartridge and not the HC-4. Go figure.

3. Tne auto notch filter is your best contest friend. I was running 20
meters up around 14290+ when some dipstick took offense at contestors in
general. The offended station tried to jam me with and amplifier and solid
carrier. I just punched in the auto notch and worked 10 stations in a row
right through the attemped jam. Didn't even hear the jamming with the notch
on. Touche!

4. The roofing filters work just like you would want them to. As you dial
down the width in SSB the signal gets skrinched down and eventually loses
all intelligability. Works for me.

5. The noise reduction is especially helpful on 40m and we set it at the
first setting. It wasn't used much as the station is in a fairly quite
location. The noise blanker was not utilized for the same reason.

6. I will be ordering the KXV3 so the receive only beverages can be used on
80 and 160m.

7. The ergonomics are fine. The knobs could be larger, personal preference,
but did not cause any concern in the heat of the contest. The rig ran very
cool with no apparant heating at all for the whole test.

The final tally is that this is a keeper rig and will be the run radio in
one of the two SO2R positions at the station with a 1000MP Mark V as the
other rig in the setup. I plan on another shake down in the WPX RTTY test as
a SO2R operation.

Just thought a few hands-on observations would be nice for the list.

Ciao and 73

Hank / KR7X

We did over 1100 Q's with 500 plus on 20m and 300 plus on 40m

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RE: [Elecraft] [K3]- K3 in NAQP SSB

2008-01-21 Thread Brett Howard
Good tip!  Makes perfect sense but I've just not really done enough
filtering with a real radio to figure this one out.  I have found that
dialing in a bit of shift can tend to help but my radio (TS-450Sat) only has
the set of fixed rocks for filtering.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ed Muns
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 2:08 PM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] [K3]- K3 in NAQP SSB

 4. The roofing filters work just like you would want them to. 
 As you dial down the width in SSB the signal gets skrinched 
 down and eventually loses all intelligability. Works for me.

Not clear how the width was reduced in your operation, but it should be done
with the HI CUT control, not the WIDTH control.  Once you get down to about
1.5kHz width, then you need to increase LO CUT about 100-200Hz for further
width reduction before reducing HI CUT again.  Done this way, most signal
are very intelligible down to 1.5kHz or so.  But using the WIDTH control
gives reduced intelligibility even at 2.2kHz.

Ed - W0YK

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 #266

2008-01-21 Thread Thom LaCosta

On Mon, 21 Jan 2008, Don Rasmussen wrote:

My thought exactly - and off to the wiki to make a
quick change on the estimate before anyone notices.

Yes...because if you have one inaccurate statement, then some folks will assume 
nothing in the wiki is correct.

Current swag, 275 deposit units and 25 without
deposits - all shipped by month end.

Maybe we can have section on the forum where folks can predict the delivery 
numbers by certain dates.

I would think one interesting point would be when the last deposit paid unit 
ships...then the flow should be based on order date.

You have to admitit's more exciting than watching clothes in the dryer at 
the laundramat.

73 k3hrn
Email, Internet, Electronic Information Officer of the Baltimore Lexicon Web Hosting as low as 3.49/month
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 #266

2008-01-21 Thread Mike B
If I understand the system correctly, the first production run still has to 
include everyone who ordered in that time frame, but didn't place a deposit. 
Even when they hit May 14th or so of deposit orders (whatever the cutoff date 
was), they will then go back 3 weeks  start shipping all non-deposit orders.

Right, that blows my theory of 250 for the first prodn run! Beginning to 
look like 300 then.


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RE: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread Brett Howard
Glad to hear it!  Least there will be food on the table and all the hard
work is paying off!  From the sounds of it you've got quite the amazing kit
yet again.  Couple rough edges but these are to be expected in a pilot

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ,
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

Don's numbers are way low both for our current shipping rate and and for 
our backlog. :-)

73, Eric   WA6HHQ

Don Wilhelm wrote:
 If you want to know the numbers, Elecraft is currently shipping 15 to
 20 K3s per week, and if the shipping date for current orders is
 mid-April, then there is somewhere between 255 and 340 K3s on order
 right now - simple calculation reveals that result - what more
 information do some folks need?

 Don W3FPR

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 #266

2008-01-21 Thread G3SJJ
Well my order was in just about 4 hours before the official end of 1st 
run orders, so I reckon that will be a reasonable pointer. I think it is 
being prepared at this very minute, so your figure and timing for 
without deposits might be close.

Guess what, we will have to do all this again if or when the sub rx 
actually happens!!

Could just get my K3 in time for CQWW160 CW net weekend, now that really 
would be nice!

Chris G3SJJ

Don Rasmussen wrote:

My thought exactly - and off to the wiki to make a
quick change on the estimate before anyone notices.

Current swag, 275 deposit units and 25 without
deposits - all shipped by month end.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. ;-)

G3SJJ g3sjj at 
Mon Jan 21 17:53:03 EST 2008 

Right, that blows my theory of 250 for the first prodn
run! Beginning to look like 300 then.

Chris G3SJJ

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 #266

2008-01-21 Thread G3SJJ
I think so. So Don's 275 plus 25 might be good. Yes, 14th May at 1800z 
was the originally announced cut off.

Sorry for all the posts, I guess A) the excitement of my very impending 
K3 and B) the culmination of 3 months of watching serial numbers!

Chris G3SJJ

Mike B wrote:
If I understand the system correctly, the first production run still 
has to include everyone who ordered in that time frame, but didn't 
place a deposit. Even when they hit May 14th or so of deposit orders 
(whatever the cutoff date was), they will then go back 3 weeks  start 
shipping all non-deposit orders.

Right, that blows my theory of 250 for the first prodn run! Beginning 
to look like 300 then.


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[Elecraft] Threw my hat in the (K3) ring

2008-01-21 Thread ni0c
I was in the QRP forum at Dayton last May, among those ooohhing and ahhhing at 
the K-3.
I stopped at the Elecraft booth and got a K3 button.

I've looked at the website nearly every day since then.  A couple times,
I even went so far as bringing up the shopping cart.

Took a deep breath today, and pressed the order button for a K3/100 kit 
and two CW roofing filters. 

The K3 will replace my Omni 6 as my workhorse DX rig.   

My experience with Elecraft (building a KX1 then a K2) has been excellent.
I like having the opportunity to purchase such quality radio gear here in the 

Chuck  NI0C
K2 (QRP) s/n 5853
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Re: [Elecraft] want to buy a KIO2

2008-01-21 Thread n3ckk

My email is tmillerj at

Thanks  73,
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[Elecraft] The case of the reclusive decimal point:

2008-01-21 Thread Catherine Flick Stewart Fletcher
K1 Gurus:

I have a K1 that does not display the decimal point.  It has appeared 
occasionally, but most of the time it is invisible. On one camping trip it was 
visible for 2 hrs. This weekend it was visible in the late night for 4 hrs , 
but not visible in the early morning, and it was definitely cold at both times. 
 At the home shack it is almost never visible.  The only times I have seen it 
are when I am camping..maybe it is telling me something?  I sometimes am able 
to see a shadow of its existence if I look at the display at an acute angle.  I 
have examined the display connections and re-heated the joints adjacent to the 
point.  I have passed a toothbrush over those same connections and the decimal 
has re-appeared for a short look around but then returns to its lair.  I assume 
this is from static electricity.  Could humidity have anything to do with the 

Assuming that this decimal can be made to unveil itself long before its brother 
sun spots make regular appearances, I would like some advise on how to 
encourage it along.  Otherwise this K1 display seems to be functioning 

Stewart KE7LKW K1 #2257
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[Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread Don Rasmussen
[Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

Granted it's my perception of it, but I do have two
frames of reference for the K3 announcement and
release. There was the original K2 product, supported
by this reflector, and then the Orion announcement and

It provides some perspective on what K3 owners might
call rough edges. 

To keep this in perspective, Orion was introduced in
January 2002 and the first scheduled ship date was
September 2002. It wasn't until late March 2003 that
the initial version of the radio was making it's way
to anxious customers.

There were no estimates other than the September 2002
target and even if you were curious you just waited.
This may be one of Elecraft's hindsight issues,
putting too much information information out there.

Fourteen months later after announcement (as compared
to K3's six month wait) units were shipped with a fair
amount of rough edges, many of which required the unit
to be sent back to the factory for hardware revisions.
The software was a moving target as well, with
frequent updates that added new features, and
destabilized others that worked.

Some units would lock up with processor faults while
they were being used. Keep in mind that this was a
$3300 base radio that already had 12 months from
vaporware to the table. This happened to me at a field
day, the normally quiet receiver became -really
really- quiet. What happened? The owner immediatly
recognized it and restarted it for me. 

Reboot was an advised resolution to any number of
issues that popped up regularly.

There was eventually a redesign of the bandscope that
was faulting the processor and the firmware was
rewritten to increase reliability. That's when Orion
II came along. I expect no K3, version II. 

Orion owners today, three years later, seem satisfied.
But oh, back in the day. So my expected three month
wait for K3 went to 9 months. That's the roughest of
the rough edges. I'm told I'll have a reliable unit
out of the box.

I paid $2300 for the shooting match loaded up the way
I wanted it. Someone some day may do it better, but
for the time being, this roll out is the standard. 

I'm not denying that a 6 month wait, the subrx delay,
etc... are not rough edges, just that IMO they are
greatly the lesser in comparison to what I know.

[Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil
Brett Howard brett at 
Mon Jan 21 18:26:21 EST 2008 

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Glad to hear it!  Least there will be food on the
table and all the hard
work is paying off!  From the sounds of it you've got
quite the amazing kit
yet again.  Couple rough edges but these are to be
expected in a pilot

-Original Message-
From: elecraft-bounces at
[mailto:elecraft-bounces at] On Behalf
Of Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ,
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 3:06 PM
To: elecraft at
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

Don's numbers are way low both for our current
shipping rate and and for 
our backlog. :-)

73, Eric   WA6HHQ

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Re: [Elecraft] OT: K2 elation!

2008-01-21 Thread Charlotte Bob Higgins
Gee, somebody actually enjoying the hobby of ham radio instead of writing 
posts of compaint. How refreshing!

Bob K4LW

Had to share the elation: snagged FO/OH1RX on 80 M CW at gray line this
morning -- K2 running 5 W to 135 foot doublet, window line feed, at 50 

Mike, K8CN
K2 #5569
New Hampshire

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Re: [Elecraft] The case of the reclusive decimal point:

2008-01-21 Thread Don Wilhelm


You said you have resoldered the LCD connections, but what about the 
other end of the wire?
Granted, the 'wire' in this case is a PC trace, but the same rule holds, 
both ends must be firmly connected for current to flow unimpeded.

Check Front Panel U1 pins 15 and 21 carefully, in fact, check all the 
soldering at the U1 pins.

Not meaning to criticize your work without seeing your soldering, BUT ...

There is a tendency among builders to apply too much solder, and that 
will mask a solder connection that was not properly heated.  If your 
solder connections do not have a concave appearance on the fillet 
(especially if they have a convex surface), too much solder may have 
been applied - the solution is to wick away most all the solder and 
reheat/resolder each suspicious connection.  A good solder connection 
will have an almost invisible edge on both the solder pad and the 
component lead.  Someone on this reflector stated it quite nicely - The 
solder connections should look like mountains, but not volcanoes!

Check out the soldering tutorial on the Elecraft website if you do not 
know what a good solder connection should look like - there are good 
diagrams in that document.


Catherine Flick  Stewart Fletcher wrote:

K1 Gurus:

I have a K1 that does not display the decimal point.  It has appeared 
occasionally, but most of the time it is invisible. On one camping trip it was 
visible for 2 hrs. This weekend it was visible in the late night for 4 hrs , 
but not visible in the early morning, and it was definitely cold at both times. 
 At the home shack it is almost never visible.  The only times I have seen it 
are when I am camping..maybe it is telling me something?  I sometimes am able 
to see a shadow of its existence if I look at the display at an acute angle.  I 
have examined the display connections and re-heated the joints adjacent to the 
point.  I have passed a toothbrush over those same connections and the decimal 
has re-appeared for a short look around but then returns to its lair.  I assume 
this is from static electricity.  Could humidity have anything to do with the 

Assuming that this decimal can be made to unveil itself long before its brother 
sun spots make regular appearances, I would like some advise on how to 
encourage it along.  Otherwise this K1 display seems to be functioning 

Stewart KE7LKW K1 #2257


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[Elecraft] K3 production schedule

2008-01-21 Thread shwhafen
Eric posted updated shipping schedule today, 1/21, on Elecraft's website. 
Production does seem to be really moving up.  Steve, W6HPK
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Re: [Elecraft] [K3] How about switching VFO A B knobs.

2008-01-21 Thread Joe-aa4nn

Well, David, I'm sure you can get it all figured out in due time.
de Joe, aa4nn

- Original Message - 
From: David Ferrington, M0XDF [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think I'd like the option of being able to tune VFO B (sub-Rx when I get
it) on VFO A, but still stay in split and not have to do an A/B tap.
I'm thinking that while I'm trying to work that split pile-up and I've got
the guys run frequency, I'd rather like to use the larger knob and 

to listen for the QSX freq.
It's not convenient to use A/B, because you have to tap it before you
transmit and I might forget. [B SET] does not switch the tuning as far as 

can tell, just how the filters are being set.

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RE: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread Brett Howard
Oh believe me you I personally have put beta units into a customers hands
that were rougher but was forced to do so because of financial or marketing
reasons.  Not that I wanted to but sometimes you just have to.  The rough
edges that I speak of are simply some of the firmware upgrade type things (I
believe it seems that one of the guys has bricked his unit).  And the stuff
that is listed in the K3 Errata as things that are on the board to be

I'm a bit of a late comer and didn't jump in sight unseen without asking
questions such as what of it is done and what not.  Any time I'm going in on
the ground floor of something my questions would read what is done and how
much testing has been done with the unit in its full featured configuration.
These are questions that you just ask when you are coming in on the ground
floor.  I have a feeling that if people had asked these questions Elecraft
would have been candid about it.

The fact that the incomplete features as of yet are called out in the errata
document is pretty forthcoming and honest in my opinion.  Currently I'm in
the process of finishing off my MBA and I don't have as much time to operate
as I'd like to so I'm in a good position to wait but I can assure you all
I'll own a K3!  

Oh and to EVERYONE who has purchased one and even more to everyone that has
one.  THANK YOU for buying one, running it, testing it, taking pictures of
it, and telling me about it.  Your doing so not only informs me of how
wonderful it is it informs Elecraft of what work needs done!  Having the end
user doing the pilot test is fantastic if your customer base is intelligent
enough to do so (and knows that they are doing it).  Unlike the Microsoft
business model where every one is a beta tester for several years after each
new release and most have no idea of that fact!

Again thanks all for the K3 reports and thank you Don for the perspective on
the rough edges.  I meant them in the kindest of senses!  The K3 truly is a

~Brett (KC7OTG)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Rasmussen
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 4:15 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

[Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

Granted it's my perception of it, but I do have two
frames of reference for the K3 announcement and
release. There was the original K2 product, supported
by this reflector, and then the Orion announcement and

It provides some perspective on what K3 owners might
call rough edges. 

To keep this in perspective, Orion was introduced in
January 2002 and the first scheduled ship date was
September 2002. It wasn't until late March 2003 that
the initial version of the radio was making it's way
to anxious customers.

There were no estimates other than the September 2002
target and even if you were curious you just waited.
This may be one of Elecraft's hindsight issues,
putting too much information information out there.

Fourteen months later after announcement (as compared
to K3's six month wait) units were shipped with a fair
amount of rough edges, many of which required the unit
to be sent back to the factory for hardware revisions.
The software was a moving target as well, with
frequent updates that added new features, and
destabilized others that worked.

Some units would lock up with processor faults while
they were being used. Keep in mind that this was a
$3300 base radio that already had 12 months from
vaporware to the table. This happened to me at a field
day, the normally quiet receiver became -really
really- quiet. What happened? The owner immediatly
recognized it and restarted it for me. 

Reboot was an advised resolution to any number of
issues that popped up regularly.

There was eventually a redesign of the bandscope that
was faulting the processor and the firmware was
rewritten to increase reliability. That's when Orion
II came along. I expect no K3, version II. 

Orion owners today, three years later, seem satisfied.
But oh, back in the day. So my expected three month
wait for K3 went to 9 months. That's the roughest of
the rough edges. I'm told I'll have a reliable unit
out of the box.

I paid $2300 for the shooting match loaded up the way
I wanted it. Someone some day may do it better, but
for the time being, this roll out is the standard. 

I'm not denying that a 6 month wait, the subrx delay,
etc... are not rough edges, just that IMO they are
greatly the lesser in comparison to what I know.

[Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil
Brett Howard brett at 
Mon Jan 21 18:26:21 EST 2008 

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Glad to hear it!  Least 

RE: [Elecraft] K3 update problem

2008-01-21 Thread Dick Dievendorff
Would you go back to the Windows Device Manager, find the properties page,
Driver Tab for the USB to Serial Adapter cable, and let me know what driver
version you've installed?  A couple of people had to install drivers a
couple of times.

Dick, K6KR

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 2:44 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 update problem


After having successfully completed several updates of the firmware 
of my K3, it suddenly has stopped working,
my K3 is not responding.

After seeing this I upgraded the K3 update utility to the latest and 
greatest, also new drivers for my original Elecraft
delivered USB-serial converter.

Forcing K3 into MCU upload mode doesn't work

Any ideas?

vy 73 Eric PA3CEV

K2 960
K3 122

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[Elecraft] eHam K3 Reviews?

2008-01-21 Thread Gary Hvizdak

With at least 266 K3s out there in the world I would expect to see at
least 26.6 reviews on the eHam Reviews website.  Yet there are only 18!
Okay, some of you may prefer to wait at least a week before writing a
review, but that still comes out to somewhere around 24!

For your convenience, the direct URL for adding your K3 review is ...

Thanks in advance.  Your comments will help those of us who are less
fortunate and still waiting for our K3s to arrive, to stay focused as we
await this revolutionary new product.

Gary  KI4GGX
K2 #4067
K3 #tbd

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread Tom Childers, N5GE
On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 16:15:21 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

[Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil
Orion owners today, three years later, seem satisfied.
But oh, back in the day. So my expected three month
wait for K3 went to 9 months. That's the roughest of
the rough edges. I'm told I'll have a reliable unit
out of the box.

I am an Orion II owner for more than a year and although the rig is a step above
my FT-1000MP MK V (sold), I am not completely satisfied with the RX hiss,
Ineffective NB, No 6m capability, Poor auto notch performance, band scope that
doesn't update during XMT and is up to 1/4 second slow to update during RX and
last but not least an AGC that cannot be turned off (Off means 1000db per second
decay, not off, which means transverter noise figure adjustments are

I look forward to my Fully Optioned, Factory Assembled K3 in Feb. or March
(according to Lisa) and I am not worried in the least about any delays needed to
improve it's performance.

Keep up the good work, Elecraft!

Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

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to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 6M Preamp?

2008-01-21 Thread Bill W5WVO


  I might be the only person to buy a K3 to operate just one band!

Nope.  :-)  Though I do plan to get back on HF at some point in the next year 
or two, for the time being I'm exclusively one of those infernal 6m freaks... 
I mean, operators.  :-)  Getting the K3 essentially for use on 6m.

Bill W5WVO
K3 in April 2008 

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[Elecraft] KAT100 Initial Test Failure

2008-01-21 Thread Curt Milton
I am at step 1 of KAT100 testing.  When K2 is turned
on, indicators default to Ant 1 and Low Power.  I cant
get them to change, as my ATU is unrecognized.  I am
using latest firmware.  I have traced the Aux bus from
my K2/100 board all the way into the KAT100.  I
reflowed all the solder joints at the MCU, and even
replaced the MCU.  When the K2 goes into transmit the
4 MHz clock does appear.  I am lost as to how to
proceed.  Has anyone run into a similar malady?  I
didn't try taking off the front panel board, but I
think I have tried everything else.  How do I know my
K2 is producing a useful aux bus to communicate with
the KAT100 ?  My K2 is #2117 - yes I did modify the
resistor required on the K2 control board.  


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread Dave G.
OK Eric,

You're as bad as that girl I knew in High School  ;-)

On 21 Jan 2008 at 18:25, Eric Swartz wrote:
 Don's numbers are way low both for our current shipping rate and and
 for our backlog. :-)
 73, Eric   WA6HHQ

So what are the *REAL* numbers???

Dave G, KK7SS
'65 MKIII Sprite, Richland, WA

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 6M Preamp?

2008-01-21 Thread K8TB

Bill W5WVO wrote:

 Getting the K3 essentially for use on 6m.

   So, should we start using SMIRK3 ?  :)

   cu on six. 73 de tom k8t

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RE: [Elecraft] K3 update problem

2008-01-21 Thread Stan Rife
I have a question about the drivers and the update software. Are
they Vista compatible?

Stan Rife
Houston, TX
K2 S/N 4216

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[Elecraft] Listen up

2008-01-21 Thread Jeremiah McCarthy
Congratulations for calling the whiners and malcontents to task for their 
disgraceful behavior. I, for one, wish that the reflector was 'monitored' 
to weed out the thrash.

Eric is the monitor (moderator) and does his job...Unfortunately, he is one 
of the targets of all the vitriol and is in the unenviable position of 
appearing self-serving and biased if he edits out the gripers, complainers, and 
lechery...The rest of us here are the losers...We all like to think that all 
hams are fine folks, but unfortunately, that is not true, as woefully 
demonstrated here...

Jerry, wa2dkg
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RE: [Elecraft] The case of the reclusive decimal point:

2008-01-21 Thread Gary Hvizdak
On Mon Jan 21 2008 at 19:39 Don wrote ...

... the solution is to wick away most all the solder and reheat/resolder
each suspicious connection.


I'm not an expert on the subject of soldering but I know someone who is.
While watching her reheat a joint I noted that she first applied a drop of
liquid flux from a small pen-like dispenser.  She explained that you should
always add flux when reheating a joint otherwise the heat can cause
oxidation which can make thing worse instead of better.

I hope someone will find this comment helpful.

Gary  KI4GGX

P.S. Great subject line Stewart!  Reminds me of those Perry Mason
made-for-TV movies!

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Re: [Elecraft] OK, Children - Listen Up!

2008-01-21 Thread Mike S

At 04:14 PM 1/21/2008, Pete wrote...
Congratulations for calling the whiners and malcontents to task for 
their disgraceful behavior.  I, for one, wish that the reflector was 
'monitored' to weed out the thrash.

Like self-appointed moderators? 

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[Elecraft] K2 and PSK

2008-01-21 Thread Jim Miller
I'm considering adding KSB2 to do some PSK. The $99 price seems very good to 
add an allband capability rather than something like a Warbler.

Is there any reason to get a KDSP2 for PSK purposes rather than the KAF2 
which I already have?

No microphone in my plans...


jim ab3cv 

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RE: [Elecraft] K3 update problem

2008-01-21 Thread Dick Dievendorff
The K3 Utility (and the KUSB drivers) work on Windows Vista.  I'm using a
Vista laptop as one of my two primary test machines.  I use the Elecraft
KUSB and I got the Vista drivers from the Microsoft Update web site when I
first plugged the KUSB in, without using the driver diskette that came with
the KUSB.  I just plugged the KUSB in and waited while Microsoft Update did
its work automatically.

The K3 Utility includes a Vista-aware exe manifest so that Vista is
informed directly that the K3 Utility requests no special privileges.

Dick, K6KR

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stan Rife
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 5:50 PM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K3 update problem

I have a question about the drivers and the update software. Are
they Vista compatible?

Stan Rife
Houston, TX
K2 S/N 4216

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[Elecraft] Re: build rate?

2008-01-21 Thread Brett Gazdzinski
They are working 7 days a week, and getting 15- 20 K3's
built a week, thats 2-3 radios a day?

Hard to see them making money that way!

I bought a ten tec Triton 2 off ebay today to
use for CW, anyone know if they are any good at all?
$150.00 is not much for a radio and power supply!

If anyone has any info about the Triton, please email me
off list about it.
Eham does not even list it!!


If you want to know the numbers, Elecraft is currently shipping 15 to 
20 K3s per week, and if the shipping date for current orders is 
mid-April, then there is somewhere between 255 and 340 K3s on order 
right now - simple calculation reveals that result - what more 
information do some folks need?


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread Rick Dettinger

I look forward to my Fully Optioned, Factory Assembled K3 in Feb. or March
(according to Lisa) and I am not worried in the least about any delays
needed to
improve it's performance.

Keep up the good work, Elecraft!

Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

Another data point.  Tom, what we gotta know is,  when did you place the
Rick Dettinger

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

2008-01-21 Thread Ross

I second that comment.
Please leave this well alone, let Elecraft get onto production without a lot 
of comments.

Their product is marvellous, be happy and leave them alone.
STOP whining.


- Original Message - 
From: Rick Dettinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 Silver tongued devil

I look forward to my Fully Optioned, Factory Assembled K3 in Feb. or March
(according to Lisa) and I am not worried in the least about any delays
needed to
improve it's performance.

Keep up the good work, Elecraft!

Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

Another data point.  Tom, what we gotta know is,  when did you place the
Rick Dettinger

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[Elecraft] human behaviour

2008-01-21 Thread Chris Wagner
In a joke, a guy complains about bad breath while brown-nosing the other
one. Whenever folks get together, be it in a church or a soccer club, they
will act in a certain way. Some will put down others to promote themselves.
That's normal in our pluralistic society.

There is constructive criticism which can be very good and destructive
criticism. The latter has been popping up here. Some will find fault with
every product out there, others get fixated and obsessed...

All manufacturers reserve the right to alter their products. The K2's
evolution speaks for itself and if I ever had any problem with my (not yet
delivered) K3 I know one thing and this is incredibly good: I will get help
from kind and knowledgeable folks on this reflector! If there is a missing
part or any defect, Elecraft will resolve it asap.

Let's all hope that those who have been attacked will shrug it off and
continue to give their best, even if there is Schadenfreude and booing -
just ask any pro soccer player! And even Believers might be too much: I'll
bet the Pope would take up cursing loudly when he had to deal with some

Wives know this: some days, their husbands come home in a foul mood. Bitter,
rude and whingeing. Every little thing will be a welcome excuse to project
their frustration. Okay, so some are unhappy that Elecraft hired engineering
and other staff instead of PR consultants.
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Re: [Elecraft] human behaviour

2008-01-21 Thread Tom Childers, N5GE
On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 13:57:00 +0700, you wrote:
Okay, so some are unhappy that Elecraft hired engineering
and other staff instead of PR consultants.

I suspect Elecraft have no MBAs on their staff either ;o)

Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

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to obtain a little temporary safety
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