Re: [Elecraft] K3 SSB transmit passband, compression, etc.

2008-02-10 Thread Ian White GM3SEK

wayne burdick wrote:
Lyle and I have been watching the discussion about SSB transmit 
characteristics, and we're anxious to dig into the firmware and make 
whatever improvements are needed. But Lyle is on vacation (reading the 
mail from Spain),

Essential pool-side reading: 'Speech Processing for SSB Transmitters' by 
Leif Asbrink, SM5BSZ (creator of Linrad)


73 from Ian GM3SEK
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[Elecraft] K2 and data modes

2008-02-10 Thread Nick Henwood
Wiring up my K2 for data modes - recall seeing a post from someone who had done 
an easy mod to get audio out (i.e. "line out") which is not affected by the AF 
gain control. Have looked through the archives in vain - can anyone help please?
73 Nick G3RWF
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Re: [Elecraft] Sherwood on K3 AGC transients

2008-02-10 Thread Ian White GM3SEK

wayne burdick wrote:

Ian wrote:

Did Rob comment on pops and transients generated in the AGC and DSP?

That was  the subject of his presentation at Dayton 2007, where he gave
many examples to show that "New IF DSP designs [can] seriously
exaggerate transient noise on weak signals... Some DSP radios make QRN
much worse."

He also said, "I can’t wait to listen to the K3 to see if they got it
right." And...?

According to Rob, we did "get it right." He told us that his test pulse 
resulted in essentially no upward S-meter movement or AGC activation. 
(Rob mentioned that he'd be adding a column to his table to indicate 
which rigs pass this test and which don't.)

To achieve this, we created a DSP algorithm that can tell the 
difference between transient pulses and useful signals, over a fairly 
wide amplitude and duration range. Obviously you can't remove all such 
transients -- some have complex waveforms and long durations and are 
better dealt with using a combination of noise blanking and noise 
reduction. But it works very well on most "shot" events.


Excellent - thank you, Wayne and Rob.


73 from Ian GM3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
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RE: [Elecraft] K3 RTTY in WPX

2008-02-10 Thread J. Edward (Ed) Muns
> Been having a ball with the CW->RTTY feature in the WPX contest, so far
> getting over 30 countries from scratch! On transmit I can cut off the
> last 4 sec of "dead" time by sending (.._ _) at end of message, as per
> manual. But if I send my call say 2 x, apparently there is no space
> between calls (e.g. G3XGCG3XGC, rather than G3XGC G3XGC etc...). Anyone
> know what the spacing character is?
> 73
> Geoff G3XGC
> K3 225

This was fixed in a later revision of the firmware.  Update your K3 and the
spaces will be transmitted properly.

Ed - P49X (W0YK)

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Re: [Elecraft] Rob Sherwood's K3 test data -- quick summary

2008-02-10 Thread David Cutter
It's not just vhf contesters who have a problem, we also have 59+60 to 66dB 
signals from broadcast stations on 40m (and don't forget those nasty 

-10 to -5dBm is not unusual from a high dipole.


snip from AD6XY:

This is excellent news, especially that -138 dB phase noise at 10kHz result.
I know Elecraft are mainly HF enthusiasts and concentrate on specifications
relevant to HF, like the dynamic range for signals 2kHz away. To me using
SSB at VHF and up this is fairly irrelevant. What I care about is the
dynamic range outside the roofing filter - say from 10kHz to 500kHz away
Assuming the radio is designed well this is mainly a function of the LO
phase noise.

One problem with many radios, even the K2, is the performance far out from
the pass band. This is a real issue in contests at VHF in Europe where at a
good site there are often many very strong signals over 100dB above the
noise floor. Hopefully a transverter plus the K3 with its much better phase
noise results will be an improvement over the current VHF radios.

Typically at VHF the signal you want to work is at or below the noise floor,
perhaps -140 dBm and the other local contest groups are more like -30 dBm or
even worse if only a few miles away on the next hill. Mast head pre-amps
required to maintain a low noise figure don't help here.  Obviously you
don't operate too close in frequency to them, but a dynamic range of 120 dB
is desirable far out. I don't know of any receivers that manage this but 104
dB is pretty good and 10 dB better than the K2.

None of this helps of course if it is the transmitter that has the phase
noise, but if the K3 turns out really good in this respect, all the major
contest groups, the ones with the biggest signals, will start using K3s.


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[Elecraft] Error code

2008-02-10 Thread Max Kempson
Hi Rich,

I had the error but after sleeping on it over night I re initialised the
following morning and all was ok.

Max  ZL4VV

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[Elecraft] rcvd K3 S/N 339

2008-02-10 Thread Todd Ruby
I received my K3 S/N 339 on Feb 6th. It is a 100W modular kit ordered  
at Dayton on May 19th 2006 with a deposit . It was the 134th radio  
purchased at the show. Inventory of parts made today, Feb 10th all FB.


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[Elecraft] This coming Thursday (Friday GMT)

2008-02-10 Thread hank . k8dd
This coming week we are headed to Suriname in northern South America.
The dates we will be on the air are Feb 13 - 18
In the past when we go to the DX side of radio for a major contest I make
it a habit of reserving Thursday evening for 40 Meter 2XQRP.  So. I will
be on approximately 7040 plus or minus calling CQ QRP from PZ5DD and
I'll stick around untill there are no more QRP stations calling.  I'm sure there
will be others, but hopefully no one will spot me on the PacketCluster network!!

The plan is to get on about 0200Z February 15.
That's Thursday evening about 9 PM Eastern Time.
I will probably be around 25 wpm - but if you figure it's me and call
at a slower
speed I will try to match your speed - N problem.

The call is PZ5DD.

Next weekend we will be in the ARRL DX contest using the call PZ5WW Multi
Single.  There will be 4 operators - AC8W W5JAY KB8TXZ and me.  And the
exchange we'll be giving will probably be the standard ole 5NN NNN . That's
599 for the RST (I know, I know, but it's the standard!) 999 for approximately
nine hundred and ninety nine watts.  So if you find us - give us a QSO, and we
will slow down to the slowest caller.

There is a very good chance that I will show up on 18096 Monday after
the contest
and see if there is any QRP activity.  I will try to let the QRP
reflectors know an
hour or so in advance when I'll be showing up on 17M

On 40M I hesitate to go down to 7030 because that is down in "DX country" and
I am not trying to generate a pile-up, but I want to work 2XQRP -
unless it's a QRP
pile-up, that is!

72  73 and hope to work a lot of 2XQRP while we are down there.

Please reply direct - I have the reflectors on postpone / no mail
while I'm on vacation!

'Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their
level then beat you with experience.'-anon
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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for February 10th & 11th, 2008

2008-02-10 Thread Kevin Rock
Good Evening,
   The sun acted up recently; it was quite obvious on each band.  The noise 
level was high enough to cover the weaker stations.  Luckily I had N0SS and 
K9ZTV to help me from Missouri.  Thank you for your help.  I could hear K2HYD 
but I would not have been able to work him.  There was less QSB on either net 
than there was last week which helped matters.  Unfortunately, KL7CW's normally 
booming KX1 was lowered to an S3 signal.  K6PJV mentioned the band was fading 
when he checked in on forty meters.  However, it was still light out when I 
stepped outside afterward.  Spring is coming!  
   The rain stopped sometime last night and there were a few minutes of sun.  I 
have six inches of snow remaining but I think I may see the ground again soon.  
Luckily the melting snow and the rain were not enough to engulf our neighboring 
villages in flood waters.  They were predicting more rain and higher 
temperatures so the local ARES folks were getting prepared for another week of 
ECOM.  But we will get some practice on the 20th when I give my class again for 
the district.  I am going to change the material somewhat so I don't fall 
asleep while lecturing.  That would be quite embarrassing!
   I need to correct an error I made last night in the announcement.  It is 
Stephen Sondheim not Steven.  I did not check before I sent off the message.  
As I sat through the production I realized I had never seen the entire show 
before.  I was surprised since I knew all the lyrics and had seen a great 
number of the scenes.

On to the lists =>

On 14051.18 kHz at 2300z:
W6ZH - Pete - CA - K2 - 5138 ** QNI #100 **
AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993 
NO8V - John - MI - K2 in process
N0SS - Tom - MO - K3 - 008
K9ZTV - Kent - MO - K3 - 21
N9SF - Bob - IN - K3 - 332
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K2 - 5345
K6DGW - Fred - CA - K2 - 4398
N7KRT - Jeff - NV - K2 - 5471   QNI #45!!!

On 7045 kHz at 0100z:
W6ZH - Pete - CA - K2 - 5138
W0JFR - John - CO - K2 - 4507
AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
K9ZTV - Kent - MO - K3 - 21
N9SF - Bob - IN - K3 - 332  QNI #20!!
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K3 - 75
N7KRT - Jeff - NV - K2 - 5471
K4JPN - Steve - GA - K2 - 1422
K2HYD - Ray - NC - KX1 - 608
WB5BKL - Nick - TX - K3 - 231
KD2JC - Joe - NJ - ?
K7TQ - Randy - ID - 213
NO8V - John - MI - K2 in process
KL7CW - Rick - AK - KX1 - 798** QNI #115 **
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866** QNI #100 ** 
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K2 - 5345

   If there are any corrections necessary please send them to me so I can fix 
things.  As you can see there are more and more K3s checking in.  It won't be 
that long before the serial numbers are four digits long!  Another two folks 
have joined the 100 QNI club.  This is gratifying as is the howl of the 
continuous tone check in.  Four or five times I was unable to distinguish a 
single character due to the cacophony.  That is why the last call sent is often 
the first one acknowledged.  
   Until next week stay warm and dry,
 Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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RE: [Elecraft] Thank you Elecraft

2008-02-10 Thread Dave Van Wallaghen

Congrats and welcome to the world of the Elecraft "Mojo". You are no longer
non-technical if you built this fine radio. I have #5099 and enjoyed all
aspects of building, testing and operating the K2. You will no doubt have
many fun hours with your K2 and enjoy the learning process of not only how
to operate it but how it works as well.

Good luck and enjoy.

Take care & 73,
Dave W8FGU

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:elecraft-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of bill KE5KWE
> Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 9:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Elecraft] Thank you Elecraft
> Hello All:
> Just to let you know K2, s/n 6301 is now complete!  Final Tuning of
> filters
> and Antenna Tuner to be completed this week, when my elmer returns from
> Orlando.  It will be several weeks for me to put up  a G5RV and perfect my
> cw.  But I hope to be on the air by March 10.
> Over the past several months while building my radio, I have read this
> forum
> daily.  I want you all to know that the support I received from everyone
> at
> elecraft and the torroid guy was fantastic.  Scott, at elecraft got to
> know
> me, well but no mattar how silly my question, I had the help I needed.
> Coupled with the advice on this forum, I was able to build my K2 and it
> was
> my first build.  Thank you to all and Thank you to Elecraft for putting
> out
> a product that a nontechnical newbie can build.  Now I just have to learn
> how to use it! Hi Hi!
> 73 to all
> Bill  KE5KWE
> --
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> tp15404479p15404479.html
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[Elecraft] Thank you Elecraft

2008-02-10 Thread bill KE5KWE

Hello All:

Just to let you know K2, s/n 6301 is now complete!  Final Tuning of filters
and Antenna Tuner to be completed this week, when my elmer returns from
Orlando.  It will be several weeks for me to put up  a G5RV and perfect my
cw.  But I hope to be on the air by March 10.

Over the past several months while building my radio, I have read this forum
daily.  I want you all to know that the support I received from everyone at
elecraft and the torroid guy was fantastic.  Scott, at elecraft got to know
me, well but no mattar how silly my question, I had the help I needed. 
Coupled with the advice on this forum, I was able to build my K2 and it was
my first build.  Thank you to all and Thank you to Elecraft for putting out
a product that a nontechnical newbie can build.  Now I just have to learn
how to use it! Hi Hi!

73 to all

Bill  KE5KWE
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[Elecraft] NAQCC February Sprint - Tuesday

2008-02-10 Thread Larry Makoski W2LJ
This coming Tuesday evening will be the monthly NAQCC Sprint for February, 2008.

I will refer you to the proper URL:

There you will find all the details as to time, frequencies, this month's 
Special Award, etc.

This is a monthly event that caters to the CW veteran, the CW newcomer, 
straight key and bug fans.  All are welcome to participate; but you must use 
QRP power levels to compete for awards.

Come join us and have a real good time!

73 de Larry W2LJ
NAQCC #035

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Re:[Elecraft] K3 S-meter calibration

2008-02-10 Thread W6NEK

Thanks for the info Bill,
That puts my mind at ease knowing that what I observed (below) is normal
given the current state of firmware development.  No problem, I'll just wait
for the future firmware correction.  By the way, my rig has the HAGC
hardware mod installed.

Best 73,
Frank - W6NEK
K3 312

- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: Re:[Elecraft] K3 S-meter calibration

W6NEK wrote:

Hi Dave,
I am curious what version of firmware you're running in your K3.  My K3
(SN 312) is running the latest firmware (MCU 1.66 & DSP1 1.52).  I have
CONFIG menu "SMTR OF = 024 & SMTR SC = 014) with PRE AMP on.  As expected
my S-Meter reads S9 with 50uv applied from a XG1 signal generator.
However, when tuning in local broadcast stations, which are S9+50 db on
three other receivers, my K3 only reads S9+20 db.  In addition, if I turn
my RF Gain Control fully counter clock wise (anti clock wise) the S-Meter
only reads S7 rather then full scale.

So the question is: am I the only one who has an S-Meter response as
described above?

Thanks for any input,
Frank - W6NEK

Hi Frank,

I'm on the Field Test team so I'm using 1.67/1.53.  I've also made the
Hardware AGC Mod G4AON described.  Using the XG1 and Preamp On (following
the manual S-Meter calibration procedure on page 48), I get SMTR OF = 030
(at the upper limit of adjustment) and SMTR SC = 014.  I'm also 

the same issue you are with RF Gain full CCW resulting in only S7 on my

Only one other Field Tester (W0YK) responded to a query about my odd SMTR 

reading and both of his units were 22/14 and 24/14, which leaves me
wondering if there is something wrong in mine.  You comments make me think 

may not be the only one with some sort of problem.

For other K3 users ***who have actually followed the S-meter calibration
procedure in the manual***, please send me your settings for SMTR OF and
SMTR SC.  I'll compile a list and post the results here.  If you just used
the recommended settings of 24/14, there is no need to reply.

73,  Bill  W4ZV
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Re: [Elecraft] Fwd: [K3] CQ WW WPX RTTY - a mini summary

2008-02-10 Thread G4ILO

mark roz wrote:
> Toby,
> I was operating RTTY AFSK mode. Driving K3 from my
> computer sound card. I was using VOX or PTT.
> At the start of transmission the output power of the
> K3
> would jump to 50W. However the power of K3 was 
> adjusted to 25W level. So, K3 would put out 50W at
> first and than quickly go back to proper level of 25W.
> This would put my AMP in to fault every time.
> Does anybody know what am I doing wrong?
I have noticed that if I increase the mic gain level while transmitting, the
output increases a little and then slowly drops back to the level selected
by the power control. If I reduce the input level again, the output drops
and then slowly comes back again. So it would seem that there is some slow
acting AGC operating to keep the level correct. The solution is probably to
adjust the audio input level by slowly bringing it up from 0 until the
measured output stops increasing, then you know you have just enough output
and no more.

Julian, G4ILO  K3 s/n: 222 K2 s/n: 392
G4ILO's Shack:
Zerobeat Ham Forums:
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Re: Fwd: [Elecraft] [K3] CQ WW WPX RTTY - a mini summary

2008-02-10 Thread Toby Deinhardt

Hi Mark,

> ...would jump to 50W...

I haven't noticed anything like it, and we haven't had any problems with 
interfacing the K3 to various amps. Both my K2s do this just a little 
but not my K3.

Maybe you you should double check your audio levels? Could be the 
AGC/ALC not reacting fast enough to excessive levels of audio - just a 
wild stab in the dark.

vy 73 de toby

mark roz wrote:


I was operating RTTY AFSK mode. Driving K3 from my
computer sound card. I was using VOX or PTT.
At the start of transmission the output power of the
would jump to 50W. However the power of K3 was 
adjusted to 25W level. So, K3 would put out 50W at

first and than quickly go back to proper level of 25W.

This would put my AMP in to fault every time.
Does anybody know what am I doing wrong?


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Fwd: [Elecraft] [K3] CQ WW WPX RTTY - a mini summary

2008-02-10 Thread mark roz

I was operating RTTY AFSK mode. Driving K3 from my
computer sound card. I was using VOX or PTT.
At the start of transmission the output power of the
would jump to 50W. However the power of K3 was 
adjusted to 25W level. So, K3 would put out 50W at
first and than quickly go back to proper level of 25W.

This would put my AMP in to fault every time.
Does anybody know what am I doing wrong?


--- Toby Deinhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 22:17:03 +0100
> From: Toby Deinhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 'Elecraft Reflector' 
> CC: Bernhard Buettner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> Subject: [Elecraft] [K3] CQ WW WPX RTTY - a mini
> summary
> Just got home from our local club station.
> For my first ever shortwave RTTY and my VHF RTTY
> experience is a couple 
> decades old, i.e. before packet radio, I must say I
> am very happy how 
> easy the K3 could be set up and how well it worked.
> Especially as an 
> almost absolute beginner in this mode, there were no
> serious hick ups, 
> not one. Mni thx to Ben, DL6RAI, who helped set up
> the laptop software.
> I did notice one strange thing, and am wondering if
> anyone else saw 
> this. I used FSK and not AFSK, and when the FSK line
> is toggled, the 
> power output goes up and down. The power meters in
> the K3, the PA, the 
> matchbox and the SWR meter were a tad nervous while
> transmitting. As 
> long as the K3 transmits an unmodulated signal the
> power level is stable.
> At any rate, after 930 QSOs and with a claimed score
> of just under 1.5 
> million, I can say I am one happy ham.
> vy 73 de toby
> ---
> 80   274   0  1341026  3.74
> 40   492   0  2422076  4.22
> 20   164   0   52 400  2.44
> 15 0   00   0  0.00
> 10 0   00   0  0.00
> ---
> TOTAL   930   0  4283502  3.77
> ===
>TOTAL SCORE : 1 498 856
> ___
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Re: [Elecraft] Rob Sherwood's K3 test data -- quick summary

2008-02-10 Thread AD6XY - Mike

Did Rob comment on pops and transients generated in the AGC and DSP?

That was  the subject of his presentation at Dayton 2007, where he gave 
many examples to show that "New IF DSP designs [can] seriously 
exaggerate transient noise on weak signals... Some DSP radios make QRN 
much worse."

He also said, "I can’t wait to listen to the K3 to see if they got it 
right." And...?

...Ian will be very pleased should he have already ordered one...

This is excellent news, especially that -138 dB phase noise at 10kHz result.
I know Elecraft are mainly HF enthusiasts and concentrate on specifications
relevant to HF, like the dynamic range for signals 2kHz away. To me using
SSB at VHF and up this is fairly irrelevant. What I care about is the
dynamic range outside the roofing filter - say from 10kHz to 500kHz away
Assuming the radio is designed well this is mainly a function of the LO
phase noise. 

One problem with many radios, even the K2, is the performance far out from
the pass band. This is a real issue in contests at VHF in Europe where at a
good site there are often many very strong signals over 100dB above the
noise floor. Hopefully a transverter plus the K3 with its much better phase
noise results will be an improvement over the current VHF radios.

Typically at VHF the signal you want to work is at or below the noise floor,
perhaps -140 dBm and the other local contest groups are more like -30 dBm or
even worse if only a few miles away on the next hill. Mast head pre-amps
required to maintain a low noise figure don't help here.  Obviously you
don't operate too close in frequency to them, but a dynamic range of 120 dB
is desirable far out. I don't know of any receivers that manage this but 104
dB is pretty good and 10 dB better than the K2.

None of this helps of course if it is the transmitter that has the phase
noise, but if the K3 turns out really good in this respect, all the major
contest groups, the ones with the biggest signals, will start using K3s.

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Re: Re:[Elecraft] K3 S-meter calibration

2008-02-10 Thread Bill W4ZV

Bill W4ZV wrote:
> Only one other Field Tester (W0YK) responded to a query about my odd SMTR
> OF reading and both of his units were 22/14 and 24/14, which leaves me
> wondering if there is something wrong in mine.  You comments make me think
> I may not be the only one with some sort of problem.
> For other K3 users ***who have actually followed the S-meter calibration
> procedure in the manual***, please send me your settings for SMTR OF and
> SMTR SC.  I'll compile a list and post the results here.  If you just used
> the recommended settings of 24/14, there is no need to reply.

I got the following nearly instant response from Wayne:


There's still one critical piece of firmware missing, and that is the
cause of your S-meter calibration problems: the HAGC CAL routine. This
compensates for variations in the hardware AGC curve in the I.F. amp.
Until Lyle and I get this in, both the RF GAIN control and the upper
end of the S-meter will read far off the mark on some units.

This will be true whether or not the HAGC modifications have been made.
In fact the HAGC CAL routine will have to be run again after the mod is


So please everyone,  don't bother responding to my original query 
and let's wait for Wayne and Lyle to provide the new firmware.

73,  Bill  W4ZV

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[Elecraft] K2 or K3 Weekend Fun Project

2008-02-10 Thread Don Rasmussen
We've added COM5 through COM7 support this weekend for
those that need it. 

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[Elecraft] [K3] CQ WW WPX RTTY - a mini summary

2008-02-10 Thread Toby Deinhardt

Just got home from our local club station.

For my first ever shortwave RTTY and my VHF RTTY experience is a couple 
decades old, i.e. before packet radio, I must say I am very happy how 
easy the K3 could be set up and how well it worked. Especially as an 
almost absolute beginner in this mode, there were no serious hick ups, 
not one. Mni thx to Ben, DL6RAI, who helped set up the laptop software.

I did notice one strange thing, and am wondering if anyone else saw 
this. I used FSK and not AFSK, and when the FSK line is toggled, the 
power output goes up and down. The power meters in the K3, the PA, the 
matchbox and the SWR meter were a tad nervous while transmitting. As 
long as the K3 transmits an unmodulated signal the power level is stable.

At any rate, after 930 QSOs and with a claimed score of just under 1.5 
million, I can say I am one happy ham.

vy 73 de toby

   80   274   0  1341026  3.74
   40   492   0  2422076  4.22
   20   164   0   52 400  2.44
   15 0   00   0  0.00
   10 0   00   0  0.00
TOTAL   930   0  4283502  3.77
  TOTAL SCORE : 1 498 856
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Re: Re:[Elecraft] K3 S-meter calibration

2008-02-10 Thread Bill W4ZV

W6NEK wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> I am curious what version of firmware you're running in your K3.  My K3
> (SN 312) is running the latest firmware (MCU 1.66 & DSP1 1.52).  I have
> CONFIG menu "SMTR OF = 024 & SMTR SC = 014) with PRE AMP on.  As expected
> my S-Meter reads S9 with 50uv applied from a XG1 signal generator. 
> However, when tuning in local broadcast stations, which are S9+50 db on
> three other receivers, my K3 only reads S9+20 db.  In addition, if I turn
> my RF Gain Control fully counter clock wise (anti clock wise) the S-Meter
> only reads S7 rather then full scale. 
> So the question is: am I the only one who has an S-Meter response as
> described above?
> Thanks for any input,
> Frank - W6NEK

Hi Frank,

I'm on the Field Test team so I'm using 1.67/1.53.  I've also made the
Hardware AGC Mod G4AON described.  Using the XG1 and Preamp On (following
the manual S-Meter calibration procedure on page 48), I get SMTR OF = 030
(at the upper limit of adjustment) and SMTR SC = 014.  I'm also experiencing
the same issue you are with RF Gain full CCW resulting in only S7 on my

Only one other Field Tester (W0YK) responded to a query about my odd SMTR OF
reading and both of his units were 22/14 and 24/14, which leaves me
wondering if there is something wrong in mine.  You comments make me think I
may not be the only one with some sort of problem.

For other K3 users ***who have actually followed the S-meter calibration
procedure in the manual***, please send me your settings for SMTR OF and
SMTR SC.  I'll compile a list and post the results here.  If you just used
the recommended settings of 24/14, there is no need to reply.

73,  Bill  W4ZV
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 RTTY in WPX

2008-02-10 Thread Tom Hammond


This SHOULD have been corrected in a firmware release... actually 
probably SEVERAL

releases ago... have you been updating your K3 firmware?


Tom  N0SS

At 11:34 02/10/2008, you wrote:
Been having a ball with the CW->RTTY feature in the WPX contest, so 
far getting over 30 countries from scratch! On transmit I can cut 
off the last 4 sec of "dead" time by sending (.._ _) at end of 
message, as per manual. But if I send my call say 2 x, apparently 
there is no space between calls (e.g. G3XGCG3XGC, rather than G3XGC 
G3XGC etc...). Anyone know what the spacing character is?

Geoff G3XGC
K3 225
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[Elecraft] K3 SSB transmit passband, compression, etc.

2008-02-10 Thread wayne burdick
Lyle and I have been watching the discussion about SSB transmit 
characteristics, and we're anxious to dig into the firmware and make 
whatever improvements are needed. But Lyle is on vacation (reading the 
mail from Spain), and I'm burning both ends of the soldering iron on 
the subreceiver, so it'll be a few weeks before we'll have any changes 

In the interim, some operators who need a boost on the low end can try 
using TX EQ (MAIN menu).


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[Elecraft] Topband RF feedback problem

2008-02-10 Thread Björn Mohr
I had my first weekend with the new K3 and bumped into a strange problem. It
actually took me a while to figure out what was going on. When keying up
with the amplifier in line on 160 I was not able to run more than 400 watts
before the SWR protection in both the amp and SWR meter kicked in, it all
happened in milliseconds as if arcing was going on somewhere. I thought I
had an antenna problem and went through the system without finding anything
strange. After some time I hooked up my MP and all was fine again, running
full power without a problem. That’s when it hit me - RF feedback had to be
throwing my K3 off frequency and therefore tripping SWR protection and the

My setup has been working fine with the MP for over a year, never seen a
problem like this. A common mode choke is in line with the TX antenna and
most of the wiring used with the MP was used for the K3 except that power
where fetched from my 12 volt bus. The MP is a field model and gets its
power straight from the mains, same phase as the 12 volt bus. 

I would be interested to hear if anyone else had similar problems and found
a good solution. 

73 de Björn /SM0MDG

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[Elecraft] IGNORE - A test of a new ISP

2008-02-10 Thread Ken Kopp

Ken Kopp - K0PP

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[Elecraft] Sherwood on K3 AGC transients

2008-02-10 Thread wayne burdick

Ian wrote:

Did Rob comment on pops and transients generated in the AGC and DSP?

That was  the subject of his presentation at Dayton 2007, where he gave
many examples to show that "New IF DSP designs [can] seriously
exaggerate transient noise on weak signals... Some DSP radios make QRN
much worse."

He also said, "I can’t wait to listen to the K3 to see if they got it
right." And...?

According to Rob, we did "get it right." He told us that his test pulse 
resulted in essentially no upward S-meter movement or AGC activation. 
(Rob mentioned that he'd be adding a column to his table to indicate 
which rigs pass this test and which don't.)

To achieve this, we created a DSP algorithm that can tell the 
difference between transient pulses and useful signals, over a fairly 
wide amplitude and duration range. Obviously you can't remove all such 
transients -- some have complex waveforms and long durations and are 
better dealt with using a combination of noise blanking and noise 
reduction. But it works very well on most "shot" events.



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[Elecraft] SSB DSP passband

2008-02-10 Thread wayne burdick

Rob Sherwood wrote:

Subject:  SSB passband.
When one uses the PBT function, does the DSP work in such a way as to 
keep the filtering centered in the roofing filter window, or do you 
start to run up against the edge of the roofing filter?

In SSB modes, the DSP passband is always "virtually" centered in the 
roofing filter. That is, if you SHIFT the DSP passband in either 
direction, the center of the roofing filter and DSP IF are kept 
aligned. (In CW mode it's more complicated; we had to choose between 
putting the DSP passband in the center of the roofing filter, or 
sliding down until it hits the lower edge of the roofing filter. We 
chose the latter, with intent to maximize opposite sideband rejection.)

When shifting the DSP passband downward, you reach a point where the 
following criteria is no longer met:

 DSP center >= crystal filter bandwidth / 2 + margin

In this case, the low edge of the requested DSP passband would pass 
through F = zero (at AF). Since this makes no sense functionally, we 
start truncating the DSP's IF and AF passbands on the low end. But 
because we're still shifting the crystal filter and DSP passbands 
downward, the desired goal -- removing high-pitched QRM -- is achieved.

In the above equation, "margin" is at present 0.2 kHz. It could be made 
user-programmable by mode, and this is on the firmware list. For SSB, 
you might prefer to have the margin be zero; this would in effect shift 
the default passband 200 Hz lower. (Everything, including this, is a 
Small Matter of Programming; but we have to carefully re-test the 
effect of any changes, so they won't happen overnight.)


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[Elecraft] K2 Two Alien Problems - One Identified

2008-02-10 Thread Fred Jensen
The rush-rush noise I hear in my headphones while on RTTY is indeed 
WriteLog polling the radio and not ET trying to call home.  I haven't 
figured out how it is getting into my cans yet.  I use TR-Log on a 
different computer for CW contests and it doesn't happen there so I'm 
thinking it's coming from somewhere in my crappy Gateway laptop.  I'd 
put it into e-waste at the dump except a new one will probably have 
Vista and I'm too old to learn yet another operating system.

Still have no idea why 500W on 15m stops or slows the muffin fan on the 
KPA100 when I point the beam over the house.

I'm going to bail on the WPX RTTY and try to make 20m ECN this afternoon.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 RTTY in WPX

2008-02-10 Thread David Pratt

In a recent message, Geoff Cottrell G3XGC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
But if I send my call say 2 x, apparently there is no space between 
calls (e.g. G3XGCG3XGC, rather than G3XGC G3XGC etc...). Anyone know 
what the spacing character is?

No problem with version 1.66 firmware, Geoff.

David G4DMP
Leeds, England, UK

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[Elecraft] Re: K1...

2008-02-10 Thread Mike Morrow
Brett wrote:

>Is there ay reason you cant make the K1 tune higher in freq
>by tuning the knob clockwise?

That's the way the K1 works, unless the leads to the VFO pot
have been mis-wired.

> I think the manual said it tunes the other way...

The frequency of the VFO does tune *lower* as the VFO pot is
turned clockwise, but since the VFO frequency is subtracted
from the filter board hetrodyne oscillator frequency to generate
the local oscillator frequency, the operating frequency of
the K1 *increases*.

> No one makes a 15 turn 10K pot?  That would make it tune nice

I have always been perplexed by the persistent claims that K1
VFO tuning is too rapid or too touchy.  It definitely is neither,
even if the 170 kHz VFO option is used.  What is touchy is the
VFO pot *shaft*, since it has no substantial resistance to motion.
When you remove your fingers from the knob, it is almost impossible
to keep from introducing some minor position disturbance.  This can
very easily be eliminated by the addition of some thin soft felt
"washers" around the VFO pot shaft between the back of the VFO knob
and the front panel.  A small amount of shaft resistance to rotation
greatly improves the feel of the tuning, regardless of the VFO span
option used.  I know of no one complaining of K1 VFO touchness who
has bothered to try this often repeated and very simple solution.

Mike / KK5F

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[Elecraft] K3 S-meter calibration

2008-02-10 Thread Dave G4AON

Hi Frank

I too am running MCU 1.66 and DSP 1.52, however I have modified the AGC 
as per the hardware AGC modification from Elecraft which may make a 
difference. The modification will probably soon be published by 
Elecraft. I was sent the information as part of extended testing of ARQ 
modes I've been doing to improve the TX to RX recovery and RX to TX 
build up times which is where the new "SYNC DT" command comes from. 
Amtor and Pactor testing has been very successful, although there may be 
more improvements in the next few weeks.

If I turn the RF gain fully anticlockwise the S-Meter reads S9 + 60 dB, 
I do have a commercial grade signal generator and those earlier readings 
were taken from that signal generator (Marconi 2018). At -13 dBm input, 
I get an S9 + 60 dB reading.

73 Dave, G4AON

Hi Dave,
I am curious what version of firmware you're running in your K3. My K3 (SN
312) is running the latest firmware (MCU 1.66 & DSP1 1.52).

Frank - W6NEK
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Re: [Elecraft] K3, a "contest"

2008-02-10 Thread w6jd
I'm in Palo Alto with K3  #23.


-- Original message -- 
From: Neal Enault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Outside of Aptos, Sunnyvale CA may have the most number of K3's of any city. 
> I 
> must admit to a limited database, but I personally know of at least three in 
> Sunnyvale. 
> Come guys and gals, can any city top that? 
> I have no doubt that this will spur sales, but at the current rate, how could 
> you tell? hi hi 
> Neal WA6OCP 
> k3/10/305 
> ___ 
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RE: [Elecraft] K3: Interim Build Report

2008-02-10 Thread Greg
Just a tipwhen making adjustments to either the RX or TX EQ, if you want
to reset them to 0 dB, press the CLR button normally used for RIT control.
It will reset all the EQ settings to 0 dB and you can start from scratch.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of David Ferrington,
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 1:09 AM
To: Crafters
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3: Interim Build Report

I couldn't possibly tell you if my K3s SSB was punchy etc. I don't have
enough operating experience (4 yrs operating, with just an FT-857 before the
K3, what a great radio for an inexperienced op).

I can tell you everyone who hears it, says it is GREAT audio and better than
the K2, normally they say best they have ever heard. And I haven't even
tried using the Tx equaliser yet.

I will also say that my operating had tailed off over the last year,
conditions down,  high noise floor at this QTH we not encouraging and FT-857
is not an ideal base rig - too many menus and 'hold this, push that, turn
this and push that again'.

The K3 changed all that, turned me around if you like and I'm getting back
into the spirit.

On 9/2/08 23:40, "mark roz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

> Dave,
> My K3 arrived with all the parts.
> SSB:
> There were many postings about SSB mode (including
> mine).
> Some how, there was no response from Elecraft about
> this.
> I have many friends in EU who are waiting for that
> DX/Contest audio from K3 before they decide to order
> one.
> I don't understand why Elecraft is not responding to
> this issue. I just would like to know that Elecraft
> has intention to improve SSB mode.
> 73 Mark WQ7X
What is the purpose of the giant sequoia tree? The purpose of the giant
sequoia tree is to provide shade for the tiny titmouse.
-Edward Abbey, naturalist and author (1927-1989)

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[Elecraft] Re: NOT Elecraft - PA3AKE High Dynamic Front-End

2008-02-10 Thread Giancarlo Moda
Yes, again about the H-Mode Mixer but this time A High
Dynamic Range Front-End by Martein Bakker, PA3AKE.

Martein has just released a complete update of his
High performance Down Conversion Front-End design
based on the G3SBI H-Mode Mixer. All the information
and measurements from 160m to 6m are reported. With a
very extensive serial of additional comments. This is
not “ham poetry” but real stuff as you can see
pictures of the front end unit, from input band pass
filters to the roofing IF filter.
We can see how we can achieve >120dB of dynamic range
on 40m SSB bandwidth with no special surplus or very
expensive components.

There is a lot to read also for those that visited in
the past PA3AKE web page:




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RE: [Elecraft] K3 RTTY in WPX

2008-02-10 Thread Greg

What version of firmware are you using?  This was a problem a couple
versions back but was fixed.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Geoff Cottrell
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 9:35 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 RTTY in WPX

Been having a ball with the CW->RTTY feature in the WPX contest, so far
getting over 30 countries from scratch! On transmit I can cut off the
last 4 sec of "dead" time by sending (.._ _) at end of message, as per
manual. But if I send my call say 2 x, apparently there is no space
between calls (e.g. G3XGCG3XGC, rather than G3XGC G3XGC etc...). Anyone
know what the spacing character is?
Geoff G3XGC
K3 225
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Re: Re:[Elecraft] K3 S-meter calibration

2008-02-10 Thread W6NEK

Hi Dave,
I am curious what version of firmware you're running in your K3.  My K3 (SN
312) is running the latest firmware (MCU 1.66 & DSP1 1.52).  I have CONFIG
menu "SMTR OF = 024 & SMTR SC = 014) with PRE AMP on.  As expected my
S-Meter reads S9 with 50uv applied from a XG1 signal generator.  However,
when tuning in local broadcast stations, which are S9+50 db on three other
receivers, my K3 only reads S9+20 db.  In addition, if I turn my RF Gain
Control fully counter clock wise (anti clock wise) the S-Meter only reads S7
rather then full scale.  I thought this S-Meter performance was a known
problem that was being address by Elecraft.  However reading your post makes
me think I have a serious AGC problem in my particular K3.  Have any others
experienced the same results I have or does your S-Meter read full scale
with RF Gain turned all the way down?  If you tune into nearby broadcast
stations or have a signal generator what is the maximum your S-Meter reads
with a given input?

I'm returning my K3 to Elecraft for repair of an audio problem (no internal
speaker or external speaker audio unless CONFIG menu "SPKR+PH=yes".  Then I
have audio.  Acts like I always have headphones plugged in (which I do not). 
Also do not have "LIN OUT' audio when connected to known good computer
soundcard.  I figure while it's at Elecraft if I have an S-Meter/AGC problem
I'll have that fixed too.  So the question is: am I the only one who has an
S-Meter response as described above?

Thanks for any input,
Frank - W6NEK

Dave G4AON wrote:
> Bryan
> You can set the S-Meter to whatever you want, given that most other HF 
> transceiver S-Meters are nowhere near as accurate as that in a K3. The 
> recommended setting with firmware ver 1.66 is SMTR SC=14 and SMTR OF=24 
> (from the firmware notes), whether you calibrate yours with the pre-amp 
> on or off is a personal choice depending on your use of the pre-amp. As 
> I mostly use the bands from 80m to 20m without a pre-amp, I calibrated 
> mine without the pre-amp.
> I find my K3 to have a very accurate S-Meter, when set for S9 = 50 uV pd 
> (-73 dBm), S9 + 20 = -53 dBm, S9 + 40 = -33 dBm and S9 + 60 = -13 dBm. 
> It's not bad down to about S6, but I'm not too concerned about that.
> 73 Dave, G4AON
> K3/100 #80
> ==
> I am fully satisfied with my K3 s/n 181, in every respect, it exceeds my 
> expectations, thank you Elecraft and company. I am puzzled by the 
> reference on page 9 to Nom S9=50microvolts, preamp on, and for the setup 
> of [MAIN] SMTR SC. As arrived the settings gave me S9 as 50microvolts, 
> preamp off, using my XG1. I seem to have been puzzled when I built my 
> K2, s/n 4421 as well.
> Whats the correct method ?
> 73 Bryan GM3AKF
> ___
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RE: [Elecraft] K3 on RY...I was "caught" !!!

2008-02-10 Thread Greg
Doug wrote:
 Too bad you have to use the internal keyer (paddles input) would be a
lot more fun to have it do this from the external keying source by
recognizing the dits and dahs coming into the KEY input.

Guess what?  It's on the list to add FSK-D and PSK-D from the key input as
well as the paddle input.


-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 4:06 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 on RY...I was "caught" !!!

OK...a local pushed me to try it out and I was curious anyway, so I
did the CW Paddle to RY thing.  Works pretty well!  I did have to
remember to send the IM after every "over" to shut off the idle.

I worked just over 100 guys in very casual and very interrupted
operating over a couple hours.  I knew that by sending CW, I'd be
slower than normal RY, but the local said, "Hey not much difference."

I did not set up the K3 internal paddle ahead of time for "my" style
of sending and I had a bit of difficulty with it.  I ended up slowing
down my sending to 30 wpm and using the paddle as if it were a
non-iambic.  That worked fine.

Howeverthere was at least one clever person out there who "figured
it out and caught me."

In a private email

Hi there Doug

You just worked me (OQ5M) on 20m RTTY. Pretty good signal.
My guess is that you were CW'ing the K3 to get RTTY out? The RY sigs came in
a tad slower than PC generated RTTY...

My K3 is ordered   ;o)
TNX for the QSO, hope to work you again. Next week would be nice.

73 de Franki ON5ZO = OQ5M

The word is on the street!  This radio just seems to do it all.  Too
bad you have to use the internal keyer (paddles input) would be a
lot more fun to have it do this from the external keying source by
recognizing the dits and dahs coming into the KEY input.  Then I could
simply use my CW / SSB contest software (which sends the entire

de Doug KR2Q
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[Elecraft] K2 #6358 Alignment and Test Part II

2008-02-10 Thread Tony Parker

K2 #6358 passed all test and alignment steps in Part II with flying
colors!  It was pretty cool to actually hear an SM this morning on

The only thing that I noticed was that the s-meter zero did not seem
to 'stick' when I switched modes from cw to lsb and usb.  It was zero
in cw but changed to about 2 bars in both lsb and usb.  Is that  

that I should be concerned with at this point, or is it normal??

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[Elecraft] K3 RTTY in WPX

2008-02-10 Thread Geoff Cottrell G3XGC
Been having a ball with the CW->RTTY feature in the WPX contest, so far 
getting over 30 countries from scratch! On transmit I can cut off the 
last 4 sec of "dead" time by sending (.._ _) at end of message, as per 
manual. But if I send my call say 2 x, apparently there is no space 
between calls (e.g. G3XGCG3XGC, rather than G3XGC G3XGC etc...). Anyone 
know what the spacing character is?

Geoff G3XGC
K3 225
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RE: [Elecraft] K160RX

2008-02-10 Thread Jukka Tarvainen
> Group , I am suppose to align the 160 module using CAL PLL.
> I have the band on 160 with the VFO at 1800.1.
> Using CAL PLL at TP1 I get the INFO 232 message that CALL PLL
> should be done
> on 40 meters.
> Need help.
> Glenn
> K5ZE

Hi Glenn!

K160RX manual rev D states:

"The following step is only necessary if your K2 firmware is older than
revision 2.00. With
revision 2.00 and up, CAL PLL is done only once (on 40 m), so there's no
need to do it on 160 m."

73 de Jukka OH4MFA
K2/100 #4293

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Re: [Elecraft] K160RX

2008-02-10 Thread Robert Tellefsen
Look for an errata sheet for the K160RX.
Turns out that the CAL PLL is done on 40m only these days.
Good luck and 73
Bob N6WG

- Original Message -
From: "Glenn Haffly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 9:19 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] K160RX

> Group , I am suppose to align the 160 module using CAL PLL.
> I have the band on 160 with the VFO at 1800.1.
> Using CAL PLL at TP1 I get the INFO 232 message that CALL PLL should
be done
> on 40 meters.
> Need help.
> Glenn
> K5ZE
> ___
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[Elecraft] K160RX

2008-02-10 Thread Glenn Haffly

Group , I am suppose to align the 160 module using CAL PLL.
I have the band on 160 with the VFO at 1800.1.
Using CAL PLL at TP1 I get the INFO 232 message that CALL PLL should be done 
on 40 meters.

Need help.


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RE: [Elecraft] CQ WW WPX RTTY

2008-02-10 Thread Dick Dievendorff

N6KR and I have discussed this. He knows of the need of a way to send CR,
LF, EOT and "EOT immediate" through characters in the KY command.  Look for
ways to do this in a future firmware revision.  It's "on the list"... 

73 de Dick, K6KR

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of G4ILO
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 2:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] CQ WW WPX RTTY

David Pratt-2 wrote:
> In a recent message, G4ILO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>>One problem seems to be that when the RX; command is sent, the TX sends 3
>>4 seconds of idle before going to RX.
> Julian -
> You need to send di-di-dah-dah at the end of your transmission. It will 
> then go immediately onto Receive. Page 32 refers to this, along with the 
> break sign which will extend the idle time.
I'm not using a paddle, though, I'm using software that sends the text to be
sent over the serial port using the KY command. The K3 programmers reference
doesn't mention any special character I can send to have the same effect as
sending ..-- on the key.

Julian, G4ILO  K3 s/n: 222 K2 s/n: 392
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Re: [Elecraft] KXV3 question

2008-02-10 Thread David Ferrington, M0XDF
No, I think you'll find the socket has a blanking plug there

On 8/2/08 00:30, "John Glascock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

> I am currently installing the KXV3 in my K3 (#364).  During the installation
> I noticed the part in the picture on page 11 of the installation guide has
> all the pins.  Mine is missing the 3 pin from the right as you look at the
> picture.  
> Is this a problem?
> John Glascock, N0IB

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[Elecraft] KXV3 question

2008-02-10 Thread John Glascock

I am currently installing the KXV3 in my K3 (#364).  During the installation
I noticed the part in the picture on page 11 of the installation guide has
all the pins.  Mine is missing the 3 pin from the right as you look at the

Is this a problem?

John Glascock, N0IB
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[Elecraft] Re:K3 S-meter calibration

2008-02-10 Thread Dave G4AON


You can set the S-Meter to whatever you want, given that most other HF 
transceiver S-Meters are nowhere near as accurate as that in a K3. The 
recommended setting with firmware ver 1.66 is SMTR SC=14 and SMTR OF=24 
(from the firmware notes), whether you calibrate yours with the pre-amp 
on or off is a personal choice depending on your use of the pre-amp. As 
I mostly use the bands from 80m to 20m without a pre-amp, I calibrated 
mine without the pre-amp.

I find my K3 to have a very accurate S-Meter, when set for S9 = 50 uV pd 
(-73 dBm), S9 + 20 = -53 dBm, S9 + 40 = -33 dBm and S9 + 60 = -13 dBm. 
It's not bad down to about S6, but I'm not too concerned about that.

73 Dave, G4AON
K3/100 #80

I am fully satisfied with my K3 s/n 181, in every respect, it exceeds my 
expectations, thank you Elecraft and company. I am puzzled by the 
reference on page 9 to Nom S9=50microvolts, preamp on, and for the setup 
of [MAIN] SMTR SC. As arrived the settings gave me S9 as 50microvolts, 
preamp off, using my XG1. I seem to have been puzzled when I built my 
K2, s/n 4421 as well.

Whats the correct method ?

73 Bryan GM3AKF
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[Elecraft] K3, a "contest"

2008-02-10 Thread Neal Enault
Outside of Aptos, Sunnyvale CA may have the most number of K3's of any city.  I 
must admit to a limited database, but I personally know of at least three in 
  Come guys and gals, can any city top that?
  I have no doubt that this will spur sales, but at the current rate, how could 
you tell?  hi hi
  Neal WA6OCP
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[Elecraft] Re:K3 S-meter calibration

2008-02-10 Thread Bryan

I am fully satisfied with my K3 s/n 181, in every respect, it exceeds my 
expectations, thank you Elecraft and company.  I am puzzled by the reference on 
page 9 to Nom S9=50microvolts, preamp on, and for the setup of [MAIN] SMTR SC. 
As arrived the settings gave me S9 as 50microvolts, preamp off,  using my XG1.  
I seem to have been puzzled when I built my K2, s/n 4421 as well.
Whats the correct method ?

73 Bryan  GM3AKF
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Re: [Elecraft] Rob Sherwood's K3 test data -- quick summary

2008-02-10 Thread Ken, KA0W
Yes, the Orion (II) is a "little" unpleasant to listen to unless one perhaps 
adjusts RF gain down.  I enjoyed the excellent filtering on the Orion II when 
comparing the modified FT-1000D and Pro III, but the Orion II felt "unfinished" 
for the year and a half I had it. Yes, can maybe blame the agc, but that is not 
an acceptable excuse for noise. There is a lot more to a radio than excellent 
filtering. One has to listen to it too. 
  Ken, KA0W

  In a message dated 2/10/2008 3:17:39 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
New IF DSP designs [can] seriously 
exaggerate transient noise on weak signals... Some DSP radios make QRN 
much worse."

I certainly felt that way when listening on the Orion. The AGC was never 
right. Users tried adjusting the Hang, Slope, Delay and Threshold to no avail. 
The radio always sounded noisy. 

Unless my ears deceive me, I think the K3 is much better. Will have to wait 
for the empirical data because I don't have an analog radio to compare.

"Buck" K3 #101
Fredericksburg, VA 

**Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music. 
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[Elecraft] hooking up a 6 meter preamp to the k3

2008-02-10 Thread Ed Rodriguez
Good day Gang, I have a question to you all that have a K3 and use it on 50mhz 
for weak signal work. Eric showed me yesterday where to hook up and external 
preamp, but I failed to ask him what kind of gain should I acquire.

For those of you that are currently using the preamp can you e mail me on what 
your running and are you satisfied with its performance, thanks and Catch you 
on the Magic Band

WP4O, Tampa, Fl
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Re: [Elecraft] Rob Sherwood's K3 test data -- quick summary

2008-02-10 Thread Barry N1EU

FWIW, my initial listening isn't hearing much difference between the Orion
and K3 on transient response.  So far, static bursts are sounding pronounced
on both radios to my ears.  

Barry N1EU

K4IA wrote:
> In a message dated 2/10/2008 3:17:39 A.M.  Eastern Standard Time, 
> New IF DSP designs [can]  seriously 
> exaggerate transient noise on weak signals... Some DSP radios make  QRN 
> much worse."
> I certainly felt that way when listening on the  Orion.  The AGC was never 
> right.  Users tried adjusting the Hang,  Slope, Delay and Threshold to no
> avail. 
>  The radio always sounded  noisy.  
> Unless my ears deceive me, I think the K3 is much  better.  Will have to
> wait 
> for the empirical data because I don't have an  analog radio to compare.

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Re: [Elecraft] Rob Sherwood's K3 test data -- quick summary

2008-02-10 Thread K4IA
In a message dated 2/10/2008 3:17:39 A.M.  Eastern Standard Time, 
New IF DSP designs [can]  seriously 
exaggerate transient noise on weak signals... Some DSP radios make  QRN 
much worse."

I certainly felt that way when listening on the  Orion.  The AGC was never 
right.  Users tried adjusting the Hang,  Slope, Delay and Threshold to no 
 The radio always sounded  noisy.  

Unless my ears deceive me, I think the K3 is much  better.  Will have to wait 
for the empirical data because I don't have an  analog radio to compare.

"Buck" K3 #101
Fredericksburg, VA  

**Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music. 
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[Elecraft] K3 on RY...I was "caught" !!!

2008-02-10 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
OK...a local pushed me to try it out and I was curious anyway, so I
did the CW Paddle to RY thing.  Works pretty well!  I did have to
remember to send the IM after every "over" to shut off the idle.

I worked just over 100 guys in very casual and very interrupted
operating over a couple hours.  I knew that by sending CW, I'd be
slower than normal RY, but the local said, "Hey not much difference."

I did not set up the K3 internal paddle ahead of time for "my" style
of sending and I had a bit of difficulty with it.  I ended up slowing
down my sending to 30 wpm and using the paddle as if it were a
non-iambic.  That worked fine.

Howeverthere was at least one clever person out there who "figured
it out and caught me."

In a private email

Hi there Doug

You just worked me (OQ5M) on 20m RTTY. Pretty good signal.
My guess is that you were CW'ing the K3 to get RTTY out? The RY sigs came in
a tad slower than PC generated RTTY...

My K3 is ordered   ;o)
TNX for the QSO, hope to work you again. Next week would be nice.

73 de Franki ON5ZO = OQ5M

The word is on the street!  This radio just seems to do it all.  Too
bad you have to use the internal keyer (paddles input) would be a
lot more fun to have it do this from the external keying source by
recognizing the dits and dahs coming into the KEY input.  Then I could
simply use my CW / SSB contest software (which sends the entire

de Doug KR2Q
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RE: [Elecraft] K2 PA runaway current

2008-02-10 Thread Damon Wascom

At this point I'm entertaining the idea of a full PA rebuild. Considering the 
fact that it keeps getting worse and today, I faintly heard a sizzle 
somewhere... possibly one of the electrolytic caps. 

I've now clocked more time troubleshooting the PA then building the whole K2 
This makes me wish I would have just bought a K3 instead...

Damon KC5CQW

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Re: [Elecraft] CQ WW WPX RTTY

2008-02-10 Thread G4ILO

David Pratt-2 wrote:
> In a recent message, G4ILO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>>One problem seems to be that when the RX; command is sent, the TX sends 3
>>4 seconds of idle before going to RX.
> Julian -
> You need to send di-di-dah-dah at the end of your transmission. It will 
> then go immediately onto Receive. Page 32 refers to this, along with the 
> break sign which will extend the idle time.
I'm not using a paddle, though, I'm using software that sends the text to be
sent over the serial port using the KY command. The K3 programmers reference
doesn't mention any special character I can send to have the same effect as
sending ..-- on the key.

Julian, G4ILO  K3 s/n: 222 K2 s/n: 392
G4ILO's Shack:
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Error question

2008-02-10 Thread David Ferrington, M0XDF
Rich, when you get a resolution, please mail me it, so I can go and update
the Wiki ( 
) with the resolution.

Sorry, I don't have any suggestions other than the troubleshooting shown in
the owners manual and the Wiki page.

> Think different, Macintosh.
Yep, have done for 23 years :)

On 10/2/08 03:57, "Greg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

> Rich,
> Just found your orig email.
> If you want you can call me up till 9pm PST this evening at 360-320-3436.
> Or tomorrow but I will probably be in and out.
> 73
> Greg
> AB7R
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Rich Lim
> Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2008 1:35 PM
> To: Elecraft
> Subject: [Elecraft] K3 Error question
> Hi guys, I just got around to building my K3, awesome
> kit!
> Anyhow, I was wondering if someone can help me out a
> little bit until I can talk to customer support on
> Monday.
> While doing the initial synthesizer calibration I keep
> getting an error message. I get "Error VCO" and the
> error code is "3". When I turn the rid on I get
> the "Error PL1" message.  I did check jumpers and the
> crystal as suggested and they are correct. Any ideas?
> Rich
> KQ9L
> ___
> Think different, Macintosh.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3: Interim Build Report

2008-02-10 Thread David Ferrington, M0XDF
I couldn't possibly tell you if my K3s SSB was punchy etc. I don't have
enough operating experience (4 yrs operating, with just an FT-857 before the
K3, what a great radio for an inexperienced op).

I can tell you everyone who hears it, says it is GREAT audio and better than
the K2, normally they say best they have ever heard. And I haven't even
tried using the Tx equaliser yet.

I will also say that my operating had tailed off over the last year,
conditions down,  high noise floor at this QTH we not encouraging and FT-857
is not an ideal base rig - too many menus and 'hold this, push that, turn
this and push that again'.

The K3 changed all that, turned me around if you like and I'm getting back
into the spirit.

On 9/2/08 23:40, "mark roz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

> Dave,
> My K3 arrived with all the parts.
> SSB:
> There were many postings about SSB mode (including
> mine).
> Some how, there was no response from Elecraft about
> this.
> I have many friends in EU who are waiting for that
> DX/Contest audio from K3 before they decide to order
> one.
> I don't understand why Elecraft is not responding to
> this issue. I just would like to know that Elecraft
> has intention to improve SSB mode.
> 73 Mark WQ7X
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Re: [Elecraft] Rob Sherwood's K3 test data -- quick summary

2008-02-10 Thread Ian White GM3SEK

Wayne Burdick wrote:
Rob Sherwood, NC0B, an independent and well-known receiver performance 
specialist, has completed his K3 receiver tests. We're pleased with the 
results, which will place the K3 at the top of his comparison chart.

Rob will be updating his web site in a few days. For now, I'll just 
mention a couple of his numbers (with his permission).

Elecraft K3, S/N 00149, 20 meters, preamp off:   

 Dynamic Range 20 kHz  104 dB
 Dynamic Range 5 kHz   102 
 Dynamic Range 2 kHz   101*

* with 200 Hz 5-pole filter

 Blocking above noise floor at 100 kHz spacing, AGC On:  140 dB
 Phase noise (normalized) at 10 kHz spacing:  138 dBc/Hz

Rob performs some tests differently that we (and the ARRL) do, but in 
general we're all in close agreement. Note that the unit under test had 
only Elecraft 5-pole filters. Our tests show the 8-pole filters to be 
as good or better, and we sent some of them to Rob to test when he gets 
a chance.

Very good!

Did Rob comment on pops and transients generated in the AGC and DSP?

That was  the subject of his presentation at Dayton 2007, where he gave 
many examples to show that "New IF DSP designs [can] seriously 
exaggerate transient noise on weak signals... Some DSP radios make QRN 
much worse."

He also said, "I can’t wait to listen to the K3 to see if they got it 
right." And...?


73 from Ian GM3SEK
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