Re: [Elecraft] K3 ERR TXG Message

2008-07-11 Thread Bill W4ZV

Mike Downs-2 wrote:
> I get an ERR TXG message after running the high power TX gain procedure on
> 12, 15, and 17 meter bands. However, both the K3 and my wattmeter show 50
> watts output in each case. This error message does not show up on any of
> the other bands, and it does not show up when operating on any of the
> bands.
> Any thoughts from list members on what the problem might be? Thanks.
> Mike, ks7d

You might try setting the VFO to a mid-band frequency on each of those bands
before doing the procedure.

73,  Bill

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Re: [Elecraft] OT: ISP problems

2008-07-11 Thread R. Kevin Stover

Hash: SHA1

Phil Kane wrote:

| Our firm cannot do that because we insist on all stuff being stored on our
| in-house machines (or through a VPN) because of the sensitive nature of
| our clients' data - yes, we are our own ISP and mailserver.  Couple to
| the fact that I am not comfortable with web/browser-based mail...
| personal preference - I've tried it.
| I still run my ham stuff - including the K2 applications - from a
| separate PC.  Works for me.

Same here at work. We specifically disable "web mail" on our firewalls.
No checking of the home email account while at work, which does make
sense from a security point of view. When you're network consists of 65K
devices you have to draw the line somewhere.

While at home I use a stand alone mail client, Thunderbird, as I don't
totally trust Google. I do have a G mail account but don't use it. Maybe
Mediacom has their anti-spam system setup correctly because I don't get
a lot of spam, and what I do get gets immediately dumped by Thunderbird,
and have no trouble with bouncing mail.

- --
R. Kevin Stover, ACØH
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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[Elecraft] [K3] Filter Cascade Effect

2008-07-11 Thread Bill W4ZV

Thanks to Joe W4TV for recently mentioning the effect that cascading
both the DSP and roofing filters can have when the nominal WIDTH setting is
near the roofing filter BW.  The following is part of a private message I
recently sent which may be of interest to others:

I chose my CW filters mainly based on bandwidth.  I have 5-poles, which do
have the offset issue, but I prefer their BWs.  The published specs are:

500 - 565 (mine is 549)
400 - 435
250 - 370
200 - 224 (mine is 203)

Another factor I didn't think about until recently is how the cascading
effect of the DSP filter can significantly narrow the above.  With my 500
and DSP set to 600, the cascaded BW is actually 426 Hz.  My 200 with DSP set
to 200 is actually 157 Hz.  I feel the 500 combination is a little narrow
for contest running and it may explain why I'm sometimes surprised to find
stations calling me off-frequency that I didn't hear the first time (BTW
this was sometimes true with Orion also).  I really wish there were a filter
around 700 Hz actual BW that would give me 600 cascaded.  The 1k is just a
little too wide for a heavy duty contest when folks are spaced 500 Hz or
closer.  Maybe the variable filters will be the answer if they don't have
IMD issues due to using varactors.

My point is to realize that the cascaded BWs may be 20-25% less than what
you think the maximum BWs are from their specs.

73,  Bill  W4ZV
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Re: [Elecraft] OT: ISP problems

2008-07-11 Thread Steve Harvey
Perhaps you could receive mail sent to your account and redirected
to your ISP account.

--Steve, NN0B

Subject: Re: [Elecraft] tr0uble contacting elecraft
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 15:13:01 -0400
Message: 13

>>hi im haveing truble contacting elecraft. i had a email from lisa 
>>on the 27/06 08.
>>she was haveing truble getting emails to me. they kept bouncing 
>>back i dont know
>This can be a problem when using a mass market ISP, like BTInternet. 
>Such ISPs tend to use simplistic anti-spam filtering that assumes 
>that anything that doesn't come from the mail server of another 
>large ISP is probably spam.  Although I can't say for certain that 
>this applies to BTInternet, it can also be very difficult to get to 
>speak to any support person that can do anything about this.
>If some mail is getting though, you don't have an absolute block, 
>but the filtering is probably very sensitive to the exact content of 
>the email.  Ensuring that they send plain text only, will usually 
>help, if they don't do that already.
>It would help to have the full technical details of the rejection, 
>as it might be something other than a spam filter, and even if it 
>is, they might indicate which filter rules are causing problems.
> is probably well enough known to BTInternet, that they mark 
>it as a safe sender.

The ultimate solution to an ISP that blocks your email is to change ISPs.

I've generally found that ISPs really don't care if they block more 
than spam, regardless of what they tell you.

Some don't even have white lists.

Why reward an ignorant, incompetent, or arrogant ISP with your 
money?  Change ISPs.

Paul N4LCD

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Re: [Elecraft] OT: ISP problems

2008-07-11 Thread Mike Scott
>I wonder if those who are stuck with Comcast or simply persist in
using it could get *all* their mail by using a yahoo or gmail account.
 Is it just mail to the comcast email addresses they block or do they
actually block traffic from other mail servers?  Maybe someone in the
know could tell us.  I use gmail through my Verizon ISP and it does
very nicely, with lots of features.

Dave  W5DHM

Maybe the problem is Yahoo and not comcast. It takes two to communicate and
the breakage could be on the Yahoo side in how it treats Comcast vs. gmail.
I subscribe to about ten yahoo groups and I can not get the emails from the
group. Actually I get maybe one in one-hundred posts.
I use EarthLink as my ISP.

Mike Scott - AE6WA
Tarzana, CA (DM04 / near LA)
K3-100 #508/ KX1  #1311

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Re: [Elecraft] [K3] Filter Cascade Effect

2008-07-11 Thread Jim Brown
On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 06:08:03 -0700 (PDT), Bill W4ZV wrote:

>My point is to realize that the cascaded BWs may be 20-25% less than what
>you think the maximum BWs are from their specs.

Right on!  BUT -- one good way to deal with this when you already own the 
narrower filter is to tell the K3 that its bandwidth is wider than it is. For 
example, I have tell the K3 my 400 Hz 8 pole filter is 500 Hz, and the 1.8 
kHz filter is 2.2 kHz. I find that I also want to shift the 1.8 kHz filter 
down about 150 Hz. 

Another point -- some have noted that at least some of the roofing filters 
are actually wider than their nominal value. 


Jim Brown K9YC 

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RE: [Elecraft] [K3] Filter Cascade Effect

2008-07-11 Thread Carl Clawson
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Brown
> Right on!  BUT -- one good way to deal with this when you 
> already own the narrower filter is to tell the K3 that its 
> bandwidth is wider than it is. For example, I have tell the 
> K3 my 400 Hz 8 pole filter is 500 Hz, and the 1.8 kHz filter 
> is 2.2 kHz. I find that I also want to shift the 1.8 kHz 
> filter down about 150 Hz. 

Maybe the K3 software should adjust its DSP bandwidth so that you get a
smooth variation of the cascaded bandwidth as you turn the knob. When the
narrower filter engages, widen the DSP a bit. There's no way to make it
perfect, but it has to be better than having the user fudge the filter

73, Carl WS7L

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Re: [Elecraft] OT: ISP problems

2008-07-11 Thread Jerry Flanders
Since this relates to the Elecraft reflector email, I guess it is 
just barely on-toic, so:

I have had comcast for years and get almost all my mail directly 
through my comcast email address and read it with Eudora. Only 
problem I ever had was when comcast stopped passing along mail from a 
HPSDR reflector to me, thinking it was spam. This was just for a 
short time, and it was fixed.

Back then, if your ISP also hosted another guy who was sending out 
spam, comcast might block legitimate email from you to me because of 
the spammer. I hope they have refined their anti-spam techniques now, 
but don't know for sure. People are coming to use their email as if 
had all the qualities of the US postal service, and for any ISP to 
stop delivering email arbitrarily can cause big problems.

Jerry W4UK

At 10:45 AM 7/11/2008, Mike Scott wrote:

>I wonder if those who are stuck with Comcast or simply persist in
using it could get *all* their mail by using a yahoo or gmail account.
 Is it just mail to the comcast email addresses they block or do they
actually block traffic from other mail servers?  Maybe someone in the
know could tell us.  I use gmail through my Verizon ISP and it does
very nicely, with lots of features.

Dave  W5DHM

Maybe the problem is Yahoo and not comcast. It takes two to communicate and
the breakage could be on the Yahoo side in how it treats Comcast vs. gmail.
I subscribe to about ten yahoo groups and I can not get the emails from the
group. Actually I get maybe one in one-hundred posts.
I use EarthLink as my ISP.

Mike Scott - AE6WA
Tarzana, CA (DM04 / near LA)
K3-100 #508/ KX1  #1311

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RE: [Elecraft] [K3] Filter Cascade Effect

2008-07-11 Thread Ed Muns
> Right on!  BUT -- one good way to deal with this when you 
> already own the narrower filter is to tell the K3 that its 
> bandwidth is wider than it is. For example, I have tell the 
> K3 my 400 Hz 8 pole filter is 500 Hz, and the 1.8 kHz filter 
> is 2.2 kHz. I find that I also want to shift the 1.8 kHz 
> filter down about 150 Hz. 

I don't think this is a "good way" at all.  Doing this destroys the smooth
consistently incrementing operation of the WIDTH control.  Your actual
bandwidth goes from 600 to 550 to 400, then stays there until the DSP
catches up at 400.  If anything, I'd go the other direction so that the
crystal filter doesn't engage until the DSP is inside it at a narrower
bandwidth.  However, another reason some people do what you suggest is to
modify the passband shape since they prefer the rounder passband shape of
the crystal filter ("softer sound", they say).  I still think that is a
negligible benefit against creating the WIDTH control anomaly.

I agree with Bill that I'd much rather have my roofing filters just outside
the DSP bandwidths I commonly use.  That's why I think it is prudent for K3
owners to forgo additional crystal filters until they've operated the K3 and
found the bandwidths most important to them.  Then, if they really need
nearby strong signal protection for the DSP, they can select wider crystal
filters for their favorite DSP bandwidths.

> Another point -- some have noted that at least some of the 
> roofing filters are actually wider than their nominal value. 

By design, INRAD makes the actual -6 dB bandwidth greater than the filter
name.  See the actual analyzer plots on the Elecraft web site.

Ed - W0YK

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[Elecraft] QRP Special Events Station K7S for Salmoncon

2008-07-11 Thread Bruce Prior

Margaret K7MWP and I are leaving shortly for Bowman Bay State Park, near 
Deception Pass, WA, for the annual Salmoncon event, sponsored by the Pacific 
Northwest QRP Group.  Some people will stay in RV's.  Margaret and I are 
packing our luxurious car-camping tent.  A more modest backpacking tent is more 
usual for us.  On-the-air activity for special events station K7S will be 
mostly on the usual QRP CW frequencies, and possibly some SSB as well, plus an 
occasional evening foray to 3588 kHz for some RTTY activity.  That will be with 
an Elecraft K3 in its paddle mode:  we will be sending Morse with iambic 
paddles and the K3 will spit out 45 baud Baudot RTTY and it will decode 
received Baudot on the monitor without need for an external computer.  I'll 
also be operating my Elecraft KX1 on the 20, 40 and 80 m CW bands.  There will 
be some 6 m and possibly 2 m activity as well.  Elecraft guru Lyle Johnson KK7P 
and his wife Heather N7DZU will also be attending Salmoncon.  Lyle will bring 
his K3 with the new subreceiver installed.  I'm looking forward to giving that 
a whirl.  

I'll be giving a formal presentation to the group on "Geographical HF 
Exchanges," in which I'll be proposing that we totally abandon bogus RST 
exchanges for all Amateur Radio HF contesting and DXing in favor of 4-character 
Maidenhead Grid Field and Square coordinates, just like radio amateurs now do 
for VHF and above operations.  At least when I'm operating, I'll be giving out 
the Maidenhead Grid.  If you hear us on, please jump in.  You might want to 
make a note of your Maidenhead Grid ahead of time.  A nifty way to explore the 
Maidenhead Locator System  is to check out the following Google Map facility 
for Maidenhead: . (In case the 
Elecraft list messes that up, it's http colon slash slash f6fvy dot free dot fr 
slash qthLocator slash fullScreen dot php .) Change the scale appropriately and 
then click and drag the map to bring your location into view and then click on 
the map to calculate your 6-character Maidenhead coordinates.  The boundaries 
of that Maidenhead Subsquare appear on the map.  Another approach is to enter 
2- or 4- or 6-character coordinates in the Locate box and the map scale is 
changed automatically and the boundaries of that area appear on the map.  Try 
entering BK19 to see the tiny sliver of the island of Hawaii which is within 
that 4-character Maidenhead Square.  Try entering the  6-character Maidenhead 
Subsquare designator for Bowman Bay State Park: CN88qj.  Wikipedia and the ARRL 
website have more general descriptions of the Maidenhead Locator System.

The weather looks great in our neck of the woods.  Our prayers are going out 
for our California colleagues who are being threatened by wildfires.  We hope 
you have a happy and safe weekend.

73, Bruce N7RR

 J. Bruce Prior
 853 Alder Street
 Blaine, WA 98230-8030
 Amateur Radio Station N7RR
 Grid CN88px

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[Elecraft] Maidenhead site...

2008-07-11 Thread Dave G.
According to I'm in DN06ih
According to other sites/locator programs (e.g. several satellite programs) 
I'm in DN06ig
~1/2 mile difference !!

Dave G.   KK7SS
'65 MK III Sprite in Richland, WA
"Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time."
Terry Pratchett, 'Hogfather'

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 audio pops

2008-07-11 Thread

OK FB Bill, thanks for the info. The main reason I got the k2 is because of the 
excellent reputation as a CW rig.  I can't understand why a cw rig such as this 
has to be operated in a special way to limit pops.  I am sure the Ten-Tec guys 
are laughing at the fact that some k2 ops can't enjoy QSK !

The pops are present on the headphone as well as the speaker, and when in the 
Test mode or not in test mode. 
The Noise reduction helps, but does not remove the offenders. Some previous 
posts have wondered if the audio pops are becasue of a "mute delay" that is not 
operating properly. The elecraft site has a reference to this problem, but the 
link to a mod is broken. It is a old link.
I was hoping to get more info on the Mod and other possible fixes without 
having to change my ops style (no QSK).  thanks.  

 --- On Thu 07/10, Bill Coleman < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Bill Coleman [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 08:32:21 -0400
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2 audio pops

On Jul 8, 2008, at 5:41 PM, "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
wrote:>> I have a new k2 that is all but useless as a CW rig 
because of audio pops... 

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Re: [Elecraft] Filter Cascade Effect

2008-07-11 Thread Bill W4ZV

Jim Brown-10 wrote:
> Right on!  BUT -- one good way to deal with this when you already own the 
> narrower filter is to tell the K3 that its bandwidth is wider than it is.
> For 
> example, I have tell the K3 my 400 Hz 8 pole filter is 500 Hz, and the 1.8 
> kHz filter is 2.2 kHz. I find that I also want to shift the 1.8 kHz filter 
> down about 150 Hz. 

Been there and done that...

DSPMeasured Cascaded (with 549 Hz XFIL)

500 482   432
600 522   426  (my usual setting...real but anomalous result)
700 608   457
800 700   492
1000890  526 

As Ed W0YK said, you can get away with a *little* of this but I can assure
you there are very serious consequences if you tried to use DSP 1000 above
to stretch the 549 Hz XFIL to it's full BW (and even then you only get to
526).  I don't want to elaborate but speak from personal experience!

The real solution IMHO is about a 750 Hz XFIL which will net about 600 Hz
when cascaded with the DSP.  I had a 1k and got rid of it because it's
simply too wide for serious contest use where it will typically span
200-1200 Hz at normal PITCH settings.  For example, if you have 450 Hz PITCH
set, that S9+30 guy 500 Hz up (at 950 Hz) will come roaring through your 1k
XFIL and de-sense you.

As I said before, maybe the variable filters will work...or maybe Inrad will
do a 750 Hz filter.

73,  Bill

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RE: [Elecraft] K2 audio pops

2008-07-11 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
"Pops" when keying are not normal behavior for a K2. 

It is possible to cause some audio artifacts during keying because Elecraft
allows you to do something many other manufacturers do not: you can set the
T/R switching time arbitrarily short - right down to zero! The result of a
zero switching time are artifacts of some sort in the audio, since audio is
enabled while the T/R switching is actually taking place. That allows the
operator full control over the QSK behavior you want from obviously too fast
to absurdly too slow. 

I don't know if that's what you are hearing. It does not sound like it.

Suggest a e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for some factory-level support.

Terry reported a different sort of audio "pop" that is normal for a K2. It
happens *only* when cycling the power. That is caused by electrolytic caps
charging/discharging in the audio output stage. It does not have anything to
do with keying, nor does it occur at any time except when turning power on
or off. 


-Original Message-

OK FB Bill, thanks for the info. The main reason I got the k2 is because of
the excellent reputation as a CW rig.  I can't understand why a cw rig such
as this has to be operated in a special way to limit pops.  I am sure the
Ten-Tec guys are laughing at the fact that some k2 ops can't enjoy QSK !

The pops are present on the headphone as well as the speaker, and when in
the Test mode or not in test mode. 
The Noise reduction helps, but does not remove the offenders. Some previous
posts have wondered if the audio pops are becasue of a "mute delay" that is
not operating properly. The elecraft site has a reference to this problem,
but the link to a mod is broken. It is a old link. I was hoping to get more
info on the Mod and other possible fixes without having to change my ops
style (no QSK).  thanks.  

 --- On Thu 07/10, Bill Coleman < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Bill Coleman [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 08:32:21 -0400
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2 audio pops

On Jul 8, 2008, at 5:41 PM, "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote:>> I have a new k2 that is all but useless as a CW rig
because of audio pops... 

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Re: [Elecraft] truble contacting elecraft

2008-07-11 Thread Paul

In talking to my ISP about problems I was having getting emails to some
people, he mentioned that some block messages simply because there are more
than a selected NUMBER of recipients and that triggers the spam filter.  Try
sending the messages with fewer recipients (or even only one recipient for
test purposes).

73, Jim

Additionally, if you routinely email a customer list, it's best to 
use a service that works closely with ISPs, such as

We've been using them for years and have no problems getting emails through.

Paul N4LCD

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 audio pops

2008-07-11 Thread Mike Harris

K2 #1400 doesn't pop.  I've removed the KDSP2 audio filter and 
re-installed the KAF2 so that I have an analogue receiver to compare with 
the K3.  The DSP didn't really do anything for me.


Mike VP8NO

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2 audio pops

| OK FB Bill, thanks for the info. The main reason I got the k2 is because 
of the excellent reputation as a CW rig.  I can't understand why a cw rig 
such as this has to be operated in a special way to limit pops.  I am sure 
the Ten-Tec guys are laughing at the fact that some k2 ops can't enjoy QSK 
| The pops are present on the headphone as well as the speaker, and when 
in the Test mode or not in test mode.
| The Noise reduction helps, but does not remove the offenders. Some 
previous posts have wondered if the audio pops are becasue of a "mute 
delay" that is not operating properly. The elecraft site has a reference 
to this problem, but the link to a mod is broken. It is a old link.
| I was hoping to get more info on the Mod and other possible fixes 
without having to change my ops style (no QSK).  thanks.
| --- On Thu 07/10, Bill Coleman < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
| From: Bill Coleman [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Cc:
| Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 08:32:21 -0400
| Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K2 audio pops
| On Jul 8, 2008, at 5:41 PM, "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
wrote:>> I have a new k2 that is all but useless as a CW rig 
because of audio pops...

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RE: [Elecraft] K2 audio pops

2008-07-11 Thread Darwin, Keith
-Original Message-
The main reason I got the k2 is because 
of the excellent reputation as a CW rig.  I can't understand why a cw
such as this has to be operated in a special way to limit pops.  I am
the Ten-Tec guys are laughing at the fact that some k2 ops can't enjoy

I've had several TenTec rigs.  Their QSK is thumpy & clicky.  My K2
(since sold) was very smooth and artifact free in comparison.  That's
the good news.  The bad news is the switch over time was a bit longer in
the K2 so listening between dits at 25 wpm didn't work so well on the

If you set the K2's T/R delay time to 0 you'll get more switching
artifacts.  If you run the rig's output through an audio filter that
isn't well filtered, you may get RFI induced thumps in your audio.

After using the K2, there is no way I'd go back to a TenTec.  I love 'em
but the K2's QSK is so much smoother to use, provided you (like me)
don't have to have true QSK switch over times.  Na, I don't think TenTec
is laughing at all.

- Keith N1AS -
- K3 711 -
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[Elecraft] OT: Software measuring S/N and signal strength thru soundcard?

2008-07-11 Thread TF3KX

In comparing antennas it would be nice to be able to run signals from the RX
to a soundcard, and do analysis of signal strengths and S/N.  Numerical data
would give more info than comparing by ear.

Actually, the K2 with its two antenna inputs is an ideal rig to this kind of
experiments.  Any suggestions for such software?

73 - Kristinn, TF3KX
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[Elecraft] kpa100 swr bridge

2008-07-11 Thread Scott McDowell

I just finished building the kpa100 for my k2 and need some help.
All the test through building went as the manual said they should.
But I have a problem with the swr bridge null adjustment. With the
pka100 connected to a 2kw dummy load the k2 shows an swr of 9.9-1
on all bands. An inline swr meter shows an swr of zero. I went through
all the adjustments for the bridge but the swr reading on the k2 didn't
change. Can someone point me in the right direction. I can't find
anything about this in the manual.
Scott N5SM
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[Elecraft] Kopp Cover for K3

2008-07-11 Thread Craig D. Smith
I recently purchased a cover for my K3 from Rose Kopp, and am delighted with
it.  Only 4 days from order to delivery.  Fits perfectly and looks great!
There is a big selection of colors and styles available.  An email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] will get you all the details.

 ... Craig  AC0DS

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Re: [Elecraft] kpa100 swr bridge

2008-07-11 Thread Don Wilhelm


Have you checked the cable between the KPA100 and your external SWR meter?

You must obtain a good null for the KPA100 bridge before it can be 
expected to indicate anywhere near correct.  If you have problems 
obtaining a null it is usually associated with a T4 problem - check T4 
very carefully for well tinned leads - you should see a little of the 
tinned area above the board.  Make certain the correct color leads are 
in the correct holes.

Once T4 and the balance trimmer cap are correct, you will find that the 
forward and reverse trimpots (R26 and R27) will be close to the correct 
settings if they measure 43k ohms between the center lead and ground - 
set them initially to obtain that value.

You MUST use an insulated tool to adjust the C1 trimmer - both ends are 
above ground and you will not find the correct balance point with a 
conducting screwdriver.  Remove the external wattmeter (SWR meter) and 
attach the dummy load directly with a short coax when doing the balance 
adjustment - it can make a difference.

Also note that an SWR reading of 9.9 is the highest value that the 
wattmeter will indicate, th eactual SWR may be much higher.  Be certain 
the coax you are using is good.


Scott McDowell wrote:


I just finished building the kpa100 for my k2 and need some help.
All the test through building went as the manual said they should.
But I have a problem with the swr bridge null adjustment. With the
pka100 connected to a 2kw dummy load the k2 shows an swr of 9.9-1
on all bands. An inline swr meter shows an swr of zero. I went through
all the adjustments for the bridge but the swr reading on the k2 didn't
change. Can someone point me in the right direction. I can't find
anything about this in the manual.
Scott N5SM


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[Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter

2008-07-11 Thread Mike Miller
Anyone have experience with 1.8 and 2.1 kc filters for the K3?
Trying to decide which one to get..

I am a DXer exclusively..not a contester...
work CW rarely

Does the audio from 1.8 sound too pinched? 
I just dont want to hear a 59+10 signal that is 3 kc..from the frequency I am 
listening on

any thoughts? on what filters to get..

Mike Miller KA5SMA
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[Elecraft] Heil PR 781 microphone settings

2008-07-11 Thread Richard Robbins

I just completed assembling sn 976 and am now attempting to set my K3 up. 
One area I would appreciate some assistance on is the settings for a Heil PR
781 microphone.  I have played around with mike gain, cmp, alc and transmit
eq settings but it is difficult to really know how you sound with just the
monitor circuit.  If anyone can give me a starting point for this mike I
would appreciate it.  I like to chase DX so I am looking for settings which
will give some "punch".  I would also like to know if anyone has played
around with the CONFIG:TXG VCE menu which is suppose to adjust voice
transmit gain balance.  73, Richard N4WDU
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Re: [K3] RE: [Elecraft] VFO fine-coarse tuning

2008-07-11 Thread David Ferrington, M0XDF
I second that, was using it today and thought that would be a good  
action. And yes, I always start on the basis that someone is Tx on a  

73 de M0XDF, K3 #174
When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long  
so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which  

for us. -Alexander Graham Bell, inventor (1847-1922)

On 3 Jul 2008, at 23:00, G4ILO wrote:

I don't feel a big need for the main VFO dial to zero out the  
digits, but I would like the first step of the RIT knob, when being  
used as

a fast tuner, to go to the next rounded frequency step above or below.

I have noticed that a lot of SSB stations seem to be on exact  
multiples of
1KHz and this would avoid some need to use the main VFO knob when  
tuining around. I don't think it's creeping channelization, I think  
it is
just a natural tendency when you have a digital readout and are  

for a frequency to call CQ that you pick a "round" number to call on.

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[Elecraft] K3: DSP filter steps; am I wrong?

2008-07-11 Thread DOUGLAS ZWIEBEL
HI all...

I really wonder why there is so much discussion about the filter step
size, which is currently 50hz.  Maybe I am just nuts, but doesn't that
50 hz "come off" of each side of the BW?

Here is what I imagine...

I am on frequency A with a DSP filter BW of (say) 500 (lets ignore the
roofing filter for now) and I hear a little QRM a bit above me.  When
I crank the DSP down to 450, isn't that moving the "leading edge" only
25 hz (and also the trailing edge).  So in reality, am I not
"changing" things in 25hz steps in terms of the offending QRM?   Is
there really a situation where you would need to narrow it 12hz
instead of 25hz (and appreciate the difference)?

Maybe those requesting a smaller step need it for PSK?  But even then,
it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.  How often would adjusting
the DSP bandwidth something less than 25hz (since that is what we have
now), be better than just going to "full" 25hz?  Or viewed from the
other direction, if you want to narrow it even more, narrow it "one
more step" and get really narrow.

If I understand this correctly, great.  But if I don't, please fill me
in because I would genuinely like to find out more.

de Doug KR2Q
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Re: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter

2008-07-11 Thread Bill Maddock
As a contestor and DXer taht has used 1.8 and 2.1 filters - I prefer the 2.1 - 
I had a kenwood 1.8 and it was just 2 tinny sounding. I have used cascaded 2.1 
Inrads in my TS-850s and it was good enough - I have
a 6 khz the factory 2.7 khz and the 2.1 khz in my K3 - most the time
I run my bandwidth at 2.8 which is just above thw 2.7 and it uses the
6 khz + dsp the audio sounds much nicer - but that it for uncrowded bands
The 2.1 is tight and with the dsp it is just fine - when I crank down on the 
dsp bandwidth control I have to use the shift knob to get the audio to
sound better. I don't really think that you would like a 1.8 the 2.1 is tight 
enough! Hope this helps


  Bill N4ZI

--- On Fri, 7/11/08, Mike Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Mike Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter
> To:
> Date: Friday, July 11, 2008, 2:51 PM
> Anyone have experience with 1.8 and 2.1 kc filters for the
> K3?
> Trying to decide which one to get..
> I am a DXer exclusively..not a contester...
> work CW rarely
> Does the audio from 1.8 sound too pinched? 
> I just dont want to hear a 59+10 signal that is 3 kc..from
> the frequency I am listening on
> any thoughts? on what filters to get..
> Mike Miller KA5SMA
> ___
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Re: [Elecraft] K3: DSP filter steps; am I wrong?

2008-07-11 Thread Don Wilhelm


I believe you are correct.  I would also believe that most of the 
requests are coming from users who are attempting to use HI CUT and LO 
CUT at narrow bandwidths.
What you say is correct if one uses the WIDTH control - the center 
filter frequency stays the same as the width is reduced, and if the 
desired signal is centered in the passband, the QRM will be reduced 25 
Hz on each side.

OTOH, the SHIFT also moves in 50 Hz increments, so there is some 
validity in asking for a reduction of the step size for the shift 
control - shift can easily force one off the edge of a narrow filter.  
But when the filter width gets less than 250 or 200 Hz, I can see little 
use of the SHIFT knob anyway, but that is my personal opinion, others 
may differ.

So if one is using the HI CUT and LO CUT when operating at CW 
bandwidths, I suggest using WIDTH instead.  Similarly on SSB, it is 
prudent to use only the HI CUT and LO CUT to maintain intelligibility 
while cutting out QRM.  On SSB, the high end can be cut drastically, but 
the low end cannot be cut too much or intelligibility will suffer.  With 
care, one could use a LO CUT up to about 350 Hz, but to my ears, 400 Hz 
or more of LO CUT will turn an acceptable SSB signal into garbage.



HI all...

I really wonder why there is so much discussion about the filter step
size, which is currently 50hz.  Maybe I am just nuts, but doesn't that
50 hz "come off" of each side of the BW?

Here is what I imagine...

I am on frequency A with a DSP filter BW of (say) 500 (lets ignore the
roofing filter for now) and I hear a little QRM a bit above me.  When
I crank the DSP down to 450, isn't that moving the "leading edge" only
25 hz (and also the trailing edge).  So in reality, am I not
"changing" things in 25hz steps in terms of the offending QRM?   Is
there really a situation where you would need to narrow it 12hz
instead of 25hz (and appreciate the difference)?


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[Elecraft] VFO step size

2008-07-11 Thread Manuel Maseda

Can someone tell me if the K3 can be configured for a 1K VFO step size in
SSB mode?

Manuel  W4SSB

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[Elecraft] No SSB

2008-07-11 Thread W7CYA
My K2 will not transmitt on SSB but will on CW.
This happened after trying to plug the RS232 
cable (made following the diagram that came with 
the K100 amp.) into my computer.

W7CYA Tom  
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Re: [Elecraft] VFO step size

2008-07-11 Thread Don Wilhelm


Yes, set the configuration menu (while in SSB mode) parameter for VFO 
CRS to 1.0
Values of 0.1, 1.0, 2.5 and 5 are available for SSB.  VFO CRS is 
settable per mode.

After setting VFO CRS to 1.0,  pressing COURSE will toggle between 1.0 
kHz steps and 50 Hz steps, but the RATE and FINE buttons interact too 
giving a range of steps from 1 Hz to 1 kHz.

Once you make your selections, a bit of practice may be required to take 
advantage of all the capability available - but if you only want 1 kHz 
steps, all that is needed is to zero the low order digits and press 
course and you will traverse the band in even 1 kHz increments.


Manuel Maseda wrote:

Can someone tell me if the K3 can be configured for a 1K VFO step size in
SSB mode?

Manuel  W4SSB


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[Elecraft] Diode Selection for RF Probes

2008-07-11 Thread Jack Smith
I've  looked at three diode types today (Schottky, germanium and 
silicon) to see how they might perform in a simple RF probe over the 
range 2-21 MHz.

The details are at

Rankings are (no surprises here) germanium first, Schottky in the middle 
and silicon bringing up the rear.

Jack K8ZOA

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[Elecraft] WA3WSJ Portable from Delaware!

2008-07-11 Thread Edward R. Breneiser
Hello all,

Look for WA3WSJ/p operating cw and ssb in the mornings and psk31 in the
evenings from Lewes, DE. I will be there on vacation from 7/12 to 7/19.
Look for WA3WSJ on 20m, 30m and 40m around the qrp frequencies and on
.070 psk31 frequencies. Hope to work many while at the shore!


GORC # 001

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Re: [Elecraft] Maidenhead site...

2008-07-11 Thread Tom Childers, N5GE
On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 09:28:50 -0700, "Dave G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>According to I'm in DN06ih
>According to other sites/locator programs (e.g. several satellite programs) 
>I'm in DN06ig
>~1/2 mile difference !!

Some of them may be using your zip code from QRZ.  That's how QRZ calculates
your Grid Square and most of them get it from there.

Go to this URL and read how you can make your correct grid square show up on

Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

"Those who would give up 
Essential Liberty to 
purchase a little Temporary 
Safety deserve neither 
Liberty nor Safety" 

An excerpt from a letter 
written in 1755 from the 
Assembly to the Governor 
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Re: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter

2008-07-11 Thread Tom Childers, N5GE
On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 14:51:24 -0500, "Mike Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Anyone have experience with 1.8 and 2.1 kc filters for the K3?
>Trying to decide which one to get..
>I am a DXer exclusively..not a contester...
>work CW rarely
>Does the audio from 1.8 sound too pinched? 
>I just dont want to hear a 59+10 signal that is 3 kc..from the frequency I am 
>listening on
>any thoughts? on what filters to get..
>Mike Miller KA5SMA

I've had 1.8 filters in many different rigs over the years and found that I
rarely used them because, in my opinion, they are too narrow for SSB, making it
sound tinny to me.

Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

"Those who would give up 
Essential Liberty to 
purchase a little Temporary 
Safety deserve neither 
Liberty nor Safety" 

An excerpt from a letter 
written in 1755 from the 
Assembly to the Governor 
of Pennsylvania.

Support the entire Constitution, not 
just the parts you like.

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RE: [Elecraft] [K3] Filter Cascade Effect

2008-07-11 Thread Joe Subich, W4TV

> > Another point -- some have noted that at least some of the
> > roofing filters are actually wider than their nominal value. 
> By design, INRAD makes the actual -6 dB bandwidth greater 
> than the filter name.  See the actual analyzer plots on the 
> Elecraft web site.

This is a throwback to the practice by Kenwood and Yaesu in the 
first transceivers with cascaded (8 MHz/455 KHz) filters.  The 
filters were specified based on the effective bandwidth of the 
cascaded pair.  For example, the "Standard" Yaesu "2.4 KHz" 
filters were actually 2.6 KHz wide (note the original model 
numbers were XF--262-xx) - the cascaded pair resulted in 
an effective bandwidth of 2.4KHz.  

The same effect can be observed with Inrad's filters.  Looking 
at the 250 Hz pair for the TS-940, the 8.83 MHz filter is 367 Hz
wide at -6dB but it is down about 2dB +/- 125 Hz from the center. 
when this is combined with a 455 KHz filter that is 265 Hz wide 
at -6db and 250 Hz wide at -4 dB, the effective bandwidth is 
slightly less than 250 Hz.  


   ... Joe, W4TV 

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Re: [Elecraft] Maidenhead site...

2008-07-11 Thread Dave G.

Thank you for the information... I have updated my square on

Now, having shaken my faith in the available automated data, I'm going to 
have to visit a GIS site to verify my exact Lat/Long...  ;^}}

Dave G.

On 11 Jul 2008 at 19:12, Tom Childers, N5GE wrote:

>> Go to this URL and read how you can make your correct grid square show
>> up on QRZ:

Dave G.   KK7SS
'65 MK III Sprite in Richland, WA
"Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time."
Terry Pratchett, 'Hogfather'

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Re: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter

2008-07-11 Thread Fern Rivard
Hi Tom:

I have the 2.1 filter with my K3 and it does sound a bit narrow compared to 
the 2.1 khz filter that the collins s-line used for years so I wouldn't bother 
with the 1.8 khz filter. I've tried a 1.8 filter in an Icom IC-706 and did not 
like it either.
Just my 2 cents worth from Fern  VE7GZ  with K3 #412

- Original Message - 
From: "Tom Childers, N5GE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mike Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 6:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter

On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 14:51:24 -0500, "Mike Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Anyone have experience with 1.8 and 2.1 kc filters for the K3?
>Trying to decide which one to get..
>I am a DXer exclusively..not a contester...
>work CW rarely
>Does the audio from 1.8 sound too pinched? 
>I just dont want to hear a 59+10 signal that is 3 kc..from the frequency I am 
>listening on
>any thoughts? on what filters to get..
>Mike Miller KA5SMA

I've had 1.8 filters in many different rigs over the years and found that I
rarely used them because, in my opinion, they are too narrow for SSB, making it
sound tinny to me.

Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

"Those who would give up 
Essential Liberty to 
purchase a little Temporary 
Safety deserve neither 
Liberty nor Safety" 

An excerpt from a letter 
written in 1755 from the 
Assembly to the Governor 
of Pennsylvania.

Support the entire Constitution, not 
just the parts you like.

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Re: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter

2008-07-11 Thread Bill W4ZV

Tom Childers, N5GE wrote:
> I've had 1.8 filters in many different rigs over the years and found that
> I
> rarely used them because, in my opinion, they are too narrow for SSB,
> making it
> sound tinny to me.

I'm copying this from the Yahoo Group list because someone recently asked a
similar question. 

Before you give up on the 1.8k filter, be sure to try the following:

1. Tune in a station exactly using a wide filter.
2. Adjust WIDTH = 1800 (or less).
3. Adjust either SHIFT (my preference) or HI/LO CUT for best audio.

With proper adjustment you can get good intelligibility down to 1500
Hz. I believe my SHIFT setting is ~200 at ~1800 BW and goes up to 
~400 at ~1500 BW, but let your own ears be your guide.

I learned this back in my FT-1000MP days and it's absolutely
necessary for using any rig at low bandwidths on SSB.

I would only recommend a 1.8k for someone interested in contesting or
perhaps DX-ing on the low bands. Unless you have extremely strong
stations nearby, the standard 2.7k will still work fine and you can
always narrow the DSP filter to <1800 when necessary.

73, Bill

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Re: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter

2008-07-11 Thread Craig
I find that the 1.8khz filter is very useful for weak signal work on SSB. My 
QTH is noise free and i can routinely copy weak stations in the noise floor 
that cannot be heard on a wider bandwidth filters. 

I find the same with  the K3 and  the 2.1khz filter especially when narrowed 
down to 1.8khz DSP bandwidth. Weak signals just seem to pop out of the 

The only issue that i am having right now, which i am still trying to resolve 
with my K3 is that the  IF shift appears to be off center frequency. I 
routinely have to shift the FC  for maximum readability.  I  do have   the 
filter FC offsets stored  in the filter memories for now on my K3. 

I have the 1.8khz filter on order and will compare it to the 2.1khz filter 
shortly. I dont have any issues with copying SSB in  the 1.8khz filter 
bandwidth,  i find that even a  1.5khz filter like that on the K2 to be useful. 
I personally believe that you do compromise your SSB stations weak signal 
capabilities by not having narrow SSB filters. 

Wide filter bandwidths can becoming addictive and there is no doubt that it is 
pleasing to your ears. However if you a Dx'er or contester thats not what the 
games about.


--- On Fri, 7/11/08, Tom Childers, N5GE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Tom Childers, N5GE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter
> To: "Mike Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc:
> Date: Friday, July 11, 2008, 8:17 PM
> On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 14:51:24 -0500, "Mike Miller"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Anyone have experience with 1.8 and 2.1 kc filters for
> the K3?
> >Trying to decide which one to get..
> >
> >I am a DXer exclusively..not a contester...
> >work CW rarely
> >
> >
> >Does the audio from 1.8 sound too pinched? 
> >I just dont want to hear a 59+10 signal that is 3
> kc..from the frequency I am listening on
> >
> >any thoughts? on what filters to get..
> >
> >Mike Miller KA5SMA
> [snip]
> I've had 1.8 filters in many different rigs over the
> years and found that I
> rarely used them because, in my opinion, they are too
> narrow for SSB, making it
> sound tinny to me.
> Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq
> "Those who would give up 
> Essential Liberty to 
> purchase a little Temporary 
> Safety deserve neither 
> Liberty nor Safety" 
> An excerpt from a letter 
> written in 1755 from the 
> Assembly to the Governor 
> of Pennsylvania.
> Support the entire Constitution, not 
> just the parts you like.
> ___
> Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Maidenhead site...

2008-07-11 Thread Don Wilhelm

Example, I am in FM06, but my mailing address places me in FM05.


Tom Childers, N5GE wrote:

On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 09:28:50 -0700, "Dave G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


According to I'm in DN06ih
According to other sites/locator programs (e.g. several satellite programs) 
I'm in DN06ig

~1/2 mile difference !!

Some of them may be using your zip code from QRZ.  That's how QRZ calculates
your Grid Square and most of them get it from there.

Go to this URL and read how you can make your correct grid square show up on


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Re: [Elecraft] Maidenhead site...

2008-07-11 Thread Leigh L. Klotz, Jr.

According to you're in DN06ih (


Dave G. wrote:

According to I'm in DN06ih
According to other sites/locator programs (e.g. several satellite programs) 
I'm in DN06ig

~1/2 mile difference !!

Dave G.   KK7SS
'65 MK III Sprite in Richland, WA
"Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time."
Terry Pratchett, 'Hogfather'


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Re: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter

2008-07-11 Thread Bill W5WVO
From: "Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Wide filter bandwidths can becoming addictive
> and there is no doubt that it is pleasing to your
> ears. However if you a Dx'er or contester thats
> not what the games about.

Well said, Craig. You don't use a 1.8 kHz filter because it sounds good! You
use it because you can't pull the station through using a wider bandwidth
due to close-in QRM and/or weak signal strength. You choose the bandwidth
necessary to copy the station you're trying to work.

If you're a casual operator or ragchewer, not really into contesting, DXing,
or weak-signal work on VHF, the 1.8 and 2.3 kHz filters are probably not for

As I write this, I'm in QSO with a station in northern New York on
double-hop sporadic-E on 6 meters. He's getting weaker as the band changes,
and there is a lot of adjacent QRM. I'm now running 1.5 kHz bandwidth with
FC set to 1.00. Solid copy all the way, just signed with him and completed
the QSO before the band took us out.

Love this radio!

Bill W5WVO

> 73
> Craig
> --- On Fri, 7/11/08, Tom Childers, N5GE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: Tom Childers, N5GE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter
> > To: "Mike Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Cc:
> > Date: Friday, July 11, 2008, 8:17 PM
> > On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 14:51:24 -0500, "Mike Miller"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >Anyone have experience with 1.8 and 2.1 kc filters for
> > the K3?
> > >Trying to decide which one to get..
> > >
> > >I am a DXer exclusively..not a contester...
> > >work CW rarely
> > >
> > >
> > >Does the audio from 1.8 sound too pinched?
> > >I just dont want to hear a 59+10 signal that is 3
> > kc..from the frequency I am listening on
> > >
> > >any thoughts? on what filters to get..
> > >
> > >Mike Miller KA5SMA
> > [snip]
> >
> > I've had 1.8 filters in many different rigs over the
> > years and found that I
> > rarely used them because, in my opinion, they are too
> > narrow for SSB, making it
> > sound tinny to me.
> >
> > Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq
> >
> > "Those who would give up
> > Essential Liberty to
> > purchase a little Temporary
> > Safety deserve neither
> > Liberty nor Safety"
> >
> > An excerpt from a letter
> > written in 1755 from the
> > Assembly to the Governor
> > of Pennsylvania.
> >
> > Support the entire Constitution, not
> > just the parts you like.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
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Re: [Elecraft] Maidenhead site...

2008-07-11 Thread Dave G.
HI Leigh,

It's ony correct now, because I edited it immediatley I found out that it was 
wrong  ;-))

On 11 Jul 2008 at 18:41, Leigh L. Klotz, Jr. wrote:

>> According to you're in DN06ih
>> (

Dave G.   KK7SS
'65 MK III Sprite in Richland, WA
"Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time."
Terry Pratchett, 'Hogfather'

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Re: [Elecraft] Maidenhead site...

2008-07-11 Thread Bill W5WVO
The only way to know where you really are with perfect accuracy is to get a
correct Lat/Long coordinate set and convert this to Maidenhead. GPS
receivers can be set to read out directly in six-character Maidenhead, so if
you have a GPS, use that to determine your correct grid locator directly.

QRZ and other sites typically use the location of your zip code to compute
your grid locator, as this data is readily available from the USPS. While
this will almost always produce a correct grid square to four characters
(not six), it often fails even four characters when a station is near the
grid boundary.

Bill W5WVO

- Original Message - 
From: "Leigh L. Klotz, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Maidenhead site...

> According to you're in DN06ih (
> Leigh/WA5ZNU
> Dave G. wrote:
> > According to I'm in DN06ih
> > According to other sites/locator programs (e.g. several satellite
> > I'm in DN06ig
> > ~1/2 mile difference !!
> >
> > --
> > Dave G.   KK7SS
> > '65 MK III Sprite in Richland, WA
> > "Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time."
> > Terry Pratchett, 'Hogfather'
> >
> >
> ___
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Re: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter

2008-07-11 Thread Brett Howard
I find that using the shift control and sending things south a tad can
help with this problem  Even if you don't have a 1.8K filter try that
with just a DSP filter width of 1.8 and use the shift and turn it
downward until it sounds good.  Then you can tune around the band like
that and when they sound right you're pretty decently well centered up
on the other station.


On Fri, 2008-07-11 at 19:17 -0500, Tom Childers, N5GE wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 14:51:24 -0500, "Mike Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Anyone have experience with 1.8 and 2.1 kc filters for the K3?
> >Trying to decide which one to get..
> >
> >I am a DXer exclusively..not a contester...
> >work CW rarely
> >
> >
> >Does the audio from 1.8 sound too pinched? 
> >I just dont want to hear a 59+10 signal that is 3 kc..from the frequency I 
> >am listening on
> >
> >any thoughts? on what filters to get..
> >
> >Mike Miller KA5SMA
> [snip]
> I've had 1.8 filters in many different rigs over the years and found that I
> rarely used them because, in my opinion, they are too narrow for SSB, making 
> it
> sound tinny to me.
> Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq
> "Those who would give up 
> Essential Liberty to 
> purchase a little Temporary 
> Safety deserve neither 
> Liberty nor Safety" 
> An excerpt from a letter 
> written in 1755 from the 
> Assembly to the Governor 
> of Pennsylvania.
> Support the entire Constitution, not 
> just the parts you like.
> ___
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Re: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter

2008-07-11 Thread Brett Howard
Personally I really liked the 1.8K filter in my rig during FD.  The
bands were packed and they'd allow you to squeeze into the tightest of
places and take a run freq that you know the guy above and below you is
being bugged by people calling you back but you can pick them out of the
muck like magic.  With judicious use of the shift knob you can center
around the frequencies needed for intelligibility and you get all the
frequencies that you need and ignore those that you don't.  But you do
need to be a lil ready to use RIT though..


On Fri, 2008-07-11 at 15:30 -0700, Bill Maddock wrote:
> As a contestor and DXer taht has used 1.8 and 2.1 filters - I prefer the 2.1 
> - I had a kenwood 1.8 and it was just 2 tinny sounding. I have used cascaded 
> 2.1 Inrads in my TS-850s and it was good enough - I have
> a 6 khz the factory 2.7 khz and the 2.1 khz in my K3 - most the time
> I run my bandwidth at 2.8 which is just above thw 2.7 and it uses the
> 6 khz + dsp the audio sounds much nicer - but that it for uncrowded bands
> The 2.1 is tight and with the dsp it is just fine - when I crank down on the 
> dsp bandwidth control I have to use the shift knob to get the audio to
> sound better. I don't really think that you would like a 1.8 the 2.1 is tight 
> enough! Hope this helps
> 73,
>   Bill N4ZI
> --- On Fri, 7/11/08, Mike Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: Mike Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter
> > To:
> > Date: Friday, July 11, 2008, 2:51 PM
> > Anyone have experience with 1.8 and 2.1 kc filters for the
> > K3?
> > Trying to decide which one to get..
> > 
> > I am a DXer exclusively..not a contester...
> > work CW rarely
> > 
> > 
> > Does the audio from 1.8 sound too pinched? 
> > I just dont want to hear a 59+10 signal that is 3 kc..from
> > the frequency I am listening on
> > 
> > any thoughts? on what filters to get..
> > 
> > Mike Miller KA5SMA
> > ___
> > Elecraft mailing list
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> > Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> >
> > 
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[Elecraft] K3 - made bail!

2008-07-11 Thread Don Rasmussen
It seems like the rear rubber feet for the K3 are the
same as for the K2. I had two spares here and used
double sided foam tape to attach them to the front
bail ends.

Now the K3 is at a much more appropriate viewing angle
and looks much more like a tabletop HF rather than a
large mobile.

I highly recommend it, the bail height is just
excessive if the radio is near viewing height (ie
computer hutch) and the radio actually looks better
with "legs". YMMV... 

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Re: [Elecraft] Maidenhead site...

2008-07-11 Thread rrkrr
You can also get Lat/Long from Google Earth, which is fairly accurate 
these days in the areas where they have high resolution photography.


Bill W5WVO wrote:

The only way to know where you really are with perfect accuracy is to get a
correct Lat/Long coordinate set and convert this to Maidenhead. GPS
receivers can be set to read out directly in six-character Maidenhead, so if
you have a GPS, use that to determine your correct grid locator directly.

QRZ and other sites typically use the location of your zip code to compute
your grid locator, as this data is readily available from the USPS. While
this will almost always produce a correct grid square to four characters
(not six), it often fails even four characters when a station is near the
grid boundary.

Bill W5WVO

- Original Message - 
From: "Leigh L. Klotz, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Maidenhead site...


According to you're in DN06ih (


Dave G. wrote:

According to I'm in DN06ih
According to other sites/locator programs (e.g. several satellite


I'm in DN06ig
~1/2 mile difference !!

Dave G.   KK7SS
'65 MK III Sprite in Richland, WA
"Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time."
Terry Pratchett, 'Hogfather'


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[Elecraft] K3 SN1194

2008-07-11 Thread Randy Downs
K3 s/n 1194 arrived 7-10-08
 ordered 2-17-08
Assembled 7-11-08 10 hours.
Awaiting KrX3

 Zero issues. Will download latest Firmware tomorrow. Played with it a little 
tonight. No mic wired yet so I used a PC mic headphone set. Everyone said it 
sounded great on phone. No CW yet. Need to get it moved out to replace one of 
the other rigs. Probably the FT2000D. VERY simple to put together. Very nice 
fit. I need to Order the LPan now and line the radio with lead. I'll feel 
better if it weighs more.

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RE: [Elecraft] Heil PR 781 microphone settings

2008-07-11 Thread Bruce McLaughlin
For what it may be worth, I have used +1.0 and +1.5 on the CONFIG:TXG VCE
menu.  +1.5 is a bit high but +1.0 seems about right to me.  With an
indicated CW power out of 1 KW, I read about 1.5 KW PEP on a Coaxial
Dynamics peak reading watt meter with CONFIG:TXG VCE at +1.  I don't think
it is wise to go any higher with it.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard Robbins
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2008 5:52 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Heil PR 781 microphone settings

I just completed assembling sn 976 and am now attempting to set my K3 up. 
One area I would appreciate some assistance on is the settings for a Heil PR
781 microphone.  I have played around with mike gain, cmp, alc and transmit
eq settings but it is difficult to really know how you sound with just the
monitor circuit.  If anyone can give me a starting point for this mike I
would appreciate it.  I like to chase DX so I am looking for settings which
will give some "punch".  I would also like to know if anyone has played
around with the CONFIG:TXG VCE menu which is suppose to adjust voice
transmit gain balance.  73, Richard N4WDU
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RE: [Elecraft] rig file for K3 for LOG-EQF / WIN-EQF??

2008-07-11 Thread Bruce McLaughlin
Yes, I would be interested in that as well.  However, as you said, it works
well enough with the K3 using the K2 parameters.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Allan Taylor
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 10:25 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] rig file for K3 for LOG-EQF / WIN-EQF??

I downloaded from this reflector a K3.RIG file for LOG-EQF/WIN-EQF. It
didn't work. I don't remember who supplied it. As it turns out,  the
K2.RIG does work. Could someone point me to a
K3.RIG file available somewhere for all the features of the K3??

73 Allan K7GT
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RE: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter

2008-07-11 Thread Ed Muns
> Anyone have experience with 1.8 and 2.1 kc filters for the K3?
> Trying to decide which one to get..
> I am a DXer exclusively..not a contester...
> work CW rarely
> Does the audio from 1.8 sound too pinched? 
> I just dont want to hear a 59+10 signal that is 3 kc..from 
> the frequency I am listening on
> any thoughts? on what filters to get..

Don't commit to any optional filters until you actually use your K3 and
determine what bandwidths work best for your preferred operating scenarios.
The stock 2.7 kHz filter provides excellent roofing filter protection for
the DSP which is where you set your receive bandwidth.  Try different SSB
receive bandwidths and see what you like.  I almost always use 1.6 kHz for
SSB and do not find it at all "tinny" or "too narrow" in the K3 as some
other replies are indicating.  In most other radios, 1.6 kHz far too narrow,
at least for me to copy easily.  The K3, however, sounds beautiful at these
narrow bandwidths.  Don't make a K3 crystal filter decision based on
experience with other radios, especially someone else's experience with
other radios!

The easiest way to narrow the bandwidth on SSB is to reduce HI CUT.  Until
you reach a bandwidth of about 1.5 kHz, you don't need to adjust LO CUT or
anything else.  This reduces bandwidth while moving Fc down with it.
Effectively, adjusting only HI CUT simultaneously adjusts WIDTH and SHIFT
ideally for SSB.  This is far easier than adjusting WIDTH, then SHIFT to get
the sound right.  You can slide between 2.0 and 2.7 kHz to see how narrow
you can go for the sound you want.  So, assuming you have the stock 2.7 kHz
crystal filter, and have told the K3 it is 2.7 kHz wide, start there and
reduce HI CUT from 2.7 kHz to 2 kHz.  LO CUT will remain at 200 Hz and you
will end up at a bandwidth of 1.8 kHz.  I think you will find that it sounds
fine.  I prefer these narrow bandwidths because they take out the highs
between 2 and 3 kHz.  I think this is more intelligible (in the K3) for
communications.  So-called "hi-fidelity" is something else.

Once you get a feel for the narrow SSB receive bandwidth you like, then
select a crystal filter that is outside that bandwidth, if you are worried
about strong nearby signals interfering with the DSP's ability to provide
the listening bandwidth you want.  The Elecraft/INRAD 1.8 kHz crystal filter
is actually about 1.9 kHz at the -6 dB points, so it won't affect your DSP
bandwidths much at 1.7 kHz or below.  If that's too narrow for you, then
consider the 2.1 which will allow you to get to 2.0 kHz or lower since it is
actually about 2.2 kHz.

Ed - W0YK

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Re: [Elecraft] 1.8 or 2.1 kc Filter

2008-07-11 Thread Tom Childers, N5GE
On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 17:50:18 -0700 (PDT), Bill W4ZV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Tom Childers, N5GE wrote:
>> I've had 1.8 filters in many different rigs over the years and found that
>> I
>> rarely used them because, in my opinion, they are too narrow for SSB,
>> making it
>> sound tinny to me.
>I'm copying this from the Yahoo Group list because someone recently asked a
>similar question. 
>Before you give up on the 1.8k filter, be sure to try the following:
>1. Tune in a station exactly using a wide filter.
>2. Adjust WIDTH = 1800 (or less).
>3. Adjust either SHIFT (my preference) or HI/LO CUT for best audio.
>With proper adjustment you can get good intelligibility down to 1500
>Hz. I believe my SHIFT setting is ~200 at ~1800 BW and goes up to 
>~400 at ~1500 BW, but let your own ears be your guide.
>I learned this back in my FT-1000MP days and it's absolutely
>necessary for using any rig at low bandwidths on SSB.
>I would only recommend a 1.8k for someone interested in contesting or
>perhaps DX-ing on the low bands. Unless you have extremely strong
>stations nearby, the standard 2.7k will still work fine and you can
>always narrow the DSP filter to <1800 when necessary.
>73, Bill

That's exactly what I do now with the k3 when the going gets rough on the 2.7
filter due to QRN or QRM.  Personally, I think the 2.7 or 2.8 cranked down to
1.8 is good enough when you want to use a 1.8, but I wouldn't buy one.

I also learned this with an FT1000MP MK V ;O)


Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

"Those who would give up 
Essential Liberty to 
purchase a little Temporary 
Safety deserve neither 
Liberty nor Safety" 

An excerpt from a letter 
written in 1755 from the 
Assembly to the Governor 
of Pennsylvania.

Support the entire Constitution, not 
just the parts you like.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 SN1194

2008-07-11 Thread Tom Childers, N5GE
On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 23:17:24 -0400, "Randy Downs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>K3 s/n 1194 arrived 7-10-08
> ordered 2-17-08
>Assembled 7-11-08 10 hours.
>Awaiting KrX3
> Zero issues. Will download latest Firmware tomorrow. Played with it a little 
> tonight. No mic wired yet so I used a PC mic headphone set. Everyone said it 
> sounded great on phone. No CW yet. Need to get it moved out to replace one of 
> the other rigs. Probably the FT2000D. VERY simple to put together. Very nice 
> fit. I need to Order the LPan now and line the radio with lead. I'll feel 
> better if it weighs more.

You know Yaesu et al sell radios by the pound, don't you? ;O)

Tom, N5GE - SWOT 3537 - Grid EM12jq

"Those who would give up 
Essential Liberty to 
purchase a little Temporary 
Safety deserve neither 
Liberty nor Safety" 

An excerpt from a letter 
written in 1755 from the 
Assembly to the Governor 
of Pennsylvania.

Support the entire Constitution, not 
just the parts you like.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - made bail!

2008-07-11 Thread Brett Howard
I should state that I greatly appreciate the current height of the bail
it makes for a very comfortable operating position.  *BUT* it should be
noted that (IMHO) the display doesn't look all that good when its up on
its bail w/ the default LCD viewing angle setting...  The LCD viewing
angle feature makes it so that things look very nice again.  The only
issue is that if you're standing over it then things get a little TOO
dark.  There are some good "happy medium" settings that make things look
good pretty much everywhere. 

On Fri, 2008-07-11 at 19:24 -0700, Don Rasmussen wrote:
> It seems like the rear rubber feet for the K3 are the
> same as for the K2. I had two spares here and used
> double sided foam tape to attach them to the front
> bail ends.
> Now the K3 is at a much more appropriate viewing angle
> and looks much more like a tabletop HF rather than a
> large mobile.
> I highly recommend it, the bail height is just
> excessive if the radio is near viewing height (ie
> computer hutch) and the radio actually looks better
> with "legs". YMMV... 
> ___
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Re: [Elecraft] Diode Selection for RF Probes

2008-07-11 Thread David Cutter


It's really interesting to read the articles on your site.  In QST recently 
there was an article about a crystal set and a self-biased fet was used 
instead of a diode and I think it was said that this gave a higher output. 
It would be interesting to see how that would rank in your tests and might 
prove useful in a probe.


- Original Message - 
From: "Jack Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2008 12:22 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Diode Selection for RF Probes

I've  looked at three diode types today (Schottky, germanium and silicon) 
to see how they might perform in a simple RF probe over the range 2-21 

The details are at

Rankings are (no surprises here) germanium first, Schottky in the middle 
and silicon bringing up the rear.

Jack K8ZOA

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