Re: [Elecraft] FT-5000

2009-11-23 Thread Bob Locher
No doubt true - but the radio WAS shipping within a few months and was 
not vaporware.

Wes Stewart wrote:
> --- On *Mon, 11/23/09, Bob Locher //* wrote:
> Actually it is a pretty simple choice - you can wait for a box of
> promises or buy a proven radio today.
> I seem to remember Elecraft taking orders and shipping a year later.  
> I know I waited a year, until delivery times were down to a month, 
> before I placed an order.
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[Elecraft] FT-5000

2009-11-23 Thread Bob Locher
It surely looks like it will be a nice radio some day if you like a big 
bruiser with loads of knobs. I don't. Yaesu has a design philosophy of 
"when in doubt, add a knob". But that's OK. I don't plan to buy one.

I would cheerfully bet a significant sum of money that the radio will 
not be available at the very earliest before July of next year, and more 
likely 2011. So why is it being advertised now? It is an attempt to stop 
the K3 parade - to freeze sales. The term in the software industry is 
"Vaporware" and for our European brethren, "Vapourware". And it serves 
the same purpose.

Yaesu did the same for the FT-9000 - it was announced and advertised a 
year or more in advance of delivery in order to slow down the Icom 7800. 
(And I bet the FT-9000 will now quietly go away. The 7800 is eating the 
9000's lunch, and dealers hate the 9000 order policies.)

On the other hand Yaesu was shipping FT-2000's very shortly after it was 
announced. Why the difference? The FT1000 was selling well and Yaesu did 
not want to cannibalize sales of the FT-1000 until stock was pretty well 
depleted and the FT2000 was ready. They pulled off the transition rather 

I think it a very safe assumption to say that the photos of the FT5000 
are of one very expensively hand-built prototype that is an empty box 
inside the panels, that there are lab models of the radio that do pretty 
much meet specs, and a furious design effort going on to deliver the 
promises. I predict that the radio WILL be shown at Dayton - inside a 
screwed together acrylic box.

Actually it is a pretty simple choice - you can wait for a box of 
promises or buy a proven radio today.

73 de Bob Locher W9KNI

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[Elecraft] New K3 Synthesizer

2015-02-13 Thread Bob Locher
Wayne - thanks - news of the new K3 Synthesizer is very exciting! And I 
will be very interested in the Sherwood testing  of the K3 with the new 

Question: how hard is it to install it in the K3? And how hard to 
install in the sub receiver?

You say a K3 with Sub-receiver needs both to have the new board. Is this 
only so that dual diversity reception capability is retained? Do both 
receivers need the new synthesizers  if the user does not use 

Anyhow, it is a wonderful thing that Elecraft is offering such an 
improvement for units in the field.  I am aware of no other transceiver 
supplier offering a major upgrade for units already in the field. 
Elecraft's willingness to do this and its loyalty to its customers is 

What a wonderful gift for us K-3 owners!


Bob Locher W9KNI

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[Elecraft] Ten-Tec and Alpha are sold

2015-04-04 Thread Bob Locher

Ten-Tec aand Alpha Amplifiers have been sold.

See the press release at:



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[Elecraft] TS-990

2013-06-03 Thread Bob Locher

I see that the TS990 has been reviewed by Rob Sherwood at:

Interesting reading!



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[Elecraft] K3 + SPE 2K-FA Amplifier hook-up problems

2013-10-31 Thread Bob Locher
I just purchased an SPE 2K-FA linear. I have a cable I bought that is 
supposed to have the K3 control the amplifier much like the cable 
between the K3 and the KPA-500. The control is not working.

The linear manual is a bit lacking in clarity on the matter of the 
cable, and I find a lot of conflicting advice on the internet.

If someone who is using a K3 and the SPE 2K-FA, or the the K3 and the 
SPE 1K-FA, which has an identical interface, could contact me with 
advice I would very much appreciate it.

I am otherwise very pleased with the amp so far - it effortlessly puts 
out 1500 watts with about 32 watts drive, and is rather quiet.


Bob Locher W9KNI

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[Elecraft] Follow-up: K3 + SPE 2K-FA Amplifier hook-up problems

2013-11-01 Thread Bob Locher
A message from N5DG  gave me the tip I needed. As had been suggested 
earlier to me, I had tried the Yaesu setting on the amplifier menu. When 
you bring up Yaesu on the SBE menu it asks for what rig and lists a 
number of their radios - and at the bottom of the list - which I did not 
notice until N5DG pointed me at it  - an entry for "Band Data". I set to 
that and voila! It works exactly as expected.

My early impressions of the amp are very good. The manual is 
"difficult"  but once you ave waded through that and get it going it is 
very nice. It effortlessly puts out 1500 watts with about 30 watts of 
drive. The fan noise is blessedly low until you transmit; then the fan 
speeds up but as soon as you stop transmitting it drops to low again 
presuming the temperatures are OK. So far they have been.

Again, thanks to ED, N5DG and to all on the relector.



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[Elecraft] K3 12 volt current modification

2012-06-22 Thread Bob Locher
I had the same problem - that the switched output of the K3 is limited.

I have my shack set up so that turning on the K3 turns on several other 
functions including a P3, and a W2 watt meter. Also, I turn on a 12 volt 
coax relay that attaches the antenna to the rig. Everything was fine 
until I went about adding the P3 - that blew me well past the half amp 

I solved the problem a completely different way. Out of my junk box, I 
took a small project box, some RCA connectors and an automotive 12 volt 
20 amp relay designed for PC board mounting.

I mounted six RCA jacks first - two on one side and four on the other. I 
mounted the relay upside down inside the project box, using a generous 
dollop of hot melt glue.

I wired it as follows - one of the RCA jacks goes to the relay coil. 
This jack is connected to the switched output of the K3, and only pulls 
about 70 ma. The second jack goes to my 30 amp Astron power supply, and 
feeds the 12 volts DC supply to the relay common pin. (I used a pair of 
#16 wires from the Astron to the jack.) The switched output of the relay 
goes to the other four RCA jacks.

If you do this  be sure to get everything right, and to label out inputs 
and outputs.I would have liked to have different connectors for the K3 
input and the supply input to prevent mixups but my junk box came up 
short. I contented myself with good labels.

Anyhow the system works perfectly. I turn on the K3 and everything comes 
on, and I still can add more outputs to the box without fear of 
overloading anything.


Bob Locher W9KNI
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[Elecraft] Major Flaw in the K3

2007-09-04 Thread Bob Locher
I have found a really major flaw in the K3. It can be fixed with an 
accessory but it will be very expensive. The flaw can be a great 
frustration. Fortunately, I have been able to fully document what causes 

Here it is - the receiver hears entirely too well.

I am hearing all sorts of DX, particularly on 40 and 20 meters, where I 
spend most of my time. I am hearing a lot of rare DX stations that no 
one else is calling.

The frustration is that when I call them they can't hear me. Often not 
at all, while at other times they try to get my call but do not manage 
it. Just because they are S0 or S1 in the K3 is not an excuse; they are 
solid Q5 copy. This is not a single isolated incident; this has happened 
to me repeatedly. Of course, once these stations have K3's the problem 
will probably go away; then they will be able to hear me. But in the 
mean time this issue must be dealt with.

I see two possible solutions. One is to turn off the receiver preamp and 
turn on the attenuator that Elecraft has so thoughtfully provided - this 
makes me suspect that Wayne knew all along that this would be a problem 
- the other is to add a 1500 watt solid state linear with built in 
antenna tuner and full QSK. I suspect that this is the fix that Eric has 
in mind.



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[Elecraft] Random thoughts from a K3 Field Tester

2007-09-17 Thread Bob Locher

I received my K3 several months ago; one of the very last in the group. 
I still am not sure why I was selected for field testing - I am an 
operator, not the sort of person who loves to "break" software and do 
the detective work to see where a bug is.

It is interesting to see the Field Test work. Various bugs are found 
and dispatched, and operator options smoothed and streamlined. What 
really amazes me and says so much for the K3 design team is that thus 
far there have been only four hardware changes in the radio that Field 
Testers have had to make, all of them trivial.

Anyhow, that said, I can happily  report that the K3 has exceeded my 
expectations - and they were high. The receiver is incredibly quiet. The 
crystal filters are the best I have ever had - and over the years I have 
had some top line expensive radios, though none of the recent series 
such as the 7800. The K3 is an absolute joy  to tune a band with.

When I built my K2 I was so delighted with its performance that it 
became my station transceiver for the last 7 or 8 years. One of the 
things I really loved about the K2 was the superb performance while 
retaining a very simple interface. There were a number of "set and 
forget" menu entries in the firmware that allowed the operator to tailor 
the radio to his or her desires. Well, at first blush the K3 has more 
controls, and there really is a bit more to learn, but they are 
intuitive once one understands the philosophy of the radio - much the 
same as the K2, and in return offer a lot of additional power and 

I regularly used the RIT and XIT in the K2 - well, let me tell you, the 
RIT and XIT of the K3 is a clear generation ahead. It was a useful 
capability in the K2  - is a powerful tool in the K3.

The A/B VFO capabilities exceed that of the K2. An example - you are 
chasing a DX station who is operating in a lot of QRM, so you sharpen up 
the filters making copy a lot easier. But, the split pileup the DX 
operator is working  is spread out all over the place, and looking for 
the station he is working is really tough with the narrow filter. With 
the K3, if you want, it is easy to set VFO "A" to a 200 hertz bandwidth 
(or whatever) and have VFO "B" set at say 800 hertz bandwidth so that 
you can easily look for the station the DX is working.

One of the things I loved about the K2 was the AGC - in the passband you 
could easily tell who was strong and who was weak, while having perfect 
copy on both of them. But a lot of operators prefer a flatter. more 
processed signal so that all signals, weak and strong, sound alike. No 
problem - the menu lets you set the AGC gain so you can have it your way.

The hardware noise blanker has not yet been distributed to most field 
testers except for two who have both reported great results with 
electric fence or power line problems. However, we all have the DSP 
noise blanker function available. I have had some personal experience 
with this. CW DX'er on 40 meters are sadly aware of the over the horizon 
radar popularly called :"The Dragon", apparently radiating from China. 
It comes on about one out of three mornings, and when it comes on it 
simply kills the band. Well, I tried the K3 DSP noise blanker, which 
allows the operator to set the level of intensity. I started cranking it 
in and lo and behold, the Dragon virtually disappeared. I could still 
tell it was there but it was no longer a factor in copying weak 
stations, and with no noticeable artifacts. I switched it out and the 
Dragon was right back there obliterating the band.

Trouble is, other people on the band lacking the K3 Noise Blanker still 
get chased off the band. After it came on all the DX disappeared, except 
for two Japanese stations ragchewing, obviously with strong enough 
signals for each other to not have a problem. They were S4 here and 
perfect copy with the K3 DSP noise blanker. I switched it off and they 
got blasted away. Back on and they were easy copy. I am anticipating 
great things this winter from the noise blanker when North American 
stations are typically suffering from the Dragon while long path 
European and Middle East stations are not hearing it at all.

The K3 definitely will require a bit of study to use the huge number of 
operator options in it - it is indeed  a feature rich radio. But it can 
be used in a simplistic manner if desired, or the operator can exercise 
all the bells and whistles. Wayne has promised to write Quick Start 
guides for each mode to get the operator up and running quickly, and has 
also promised an extensive tutorial  to accompany the manual.  I think 
these items will be a great help to all new owners, no matter what their 
level of experience.

My comments here only scratch the surface of what is a marvelous 
operating tool. I know I am thoroughly delighted with mine.


Bob Locher W9KNI

[Elecraft] K3 occurance

2007-09-23 Thread Bob Locher

I am a K3 field tester. Yesterday morning I had an interesting situation.

I live half a mile from a serious SSB DX'er. I am a CW DX'er.  We both 
use Bencher Skyhawks, and each antenna can easily see the other.

I was tuning 20 CW, and Rich came on on 20SSB. He is presently using a 
Kenwood TX480 because he can easily remote it. There was some sort of 
contest on, and Rich was making a few contacts. I talked to him later; 
he was running his Alpha at 1500 watts out, and had his antenna pointed 
right over me.

Every time Rich started transmitting, my noise level went from S0 to 
about S5, the noise being a sort of hash, clearly the synthesizer in his 

But that was all I heard! I never heard any sign at all of his SSB! It 
simply wasn't there. Earlier, when Rich came on and I was using my K2, 
he pretty much made the band unusable.

This was very interesting - and pleasing to me. The K3 handled his 
signals with aplomb. The problem I had yesterday was strictly due to the 
broadband noise transmitted by his TX480.

Since Rich has ordered a K3, I am looking forward to a purely peaceful 


Bob Locher W9KNI

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