Re: [Elecraft] Wish list for my K3

2009-08-16 Thread E. Tichansky
If the FN-X buttons are intended to be user programmable, it would be 
beneficial to be able to set custom labels for them that are displayed 
on the bottom edge of the display, instead of trying to remember what 
FN1 = ??.

By looking at that grey silkscreened line across the bottom of the clear 
display cover, with arrows above each FN-X button pointing upwards 
toward the display, perhaps this is already a planned feature.

73 Eric NO3M

Merv Schweigert wrote:
> Even double bandstacking would be a major step forward.
> Amen..   KH7C
>> The thing I miss the most is the triple band stacking register if
>> there was a way to plug in some kind of (key pad) that could
>> have multi control functions one could be the band stacking
>> register.
>> This would be all good an optional accessory that could  add
>> more buttons to the radio for control, with out using a computer.
>> I will also second the request for the APF type peaking filter
>> like  my ft1000d has, I sill use it all the time after 16 years of
>> owning the radio, which gets used in the lazy boy station  every
>> day. When Yaesu failed to carry over  this feature in later radios
>> I was disappointed.
>> Regards
>> Art
>> ka9zap

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Re: [Elecraft] LP PAN and "Point and Click"

2009-07-25 Thread E. Tichansky
Julian, G4ILO wrote:
> I'd be happier with a computer-based solution if the software ONLY gave you
> the panoramic display. I want a standalone display that I can use alongside
> the software of my choice but although I certainly understand the reasoning
> of those who want one that will work without a PC I personally don't mind if
> it is a standalone application. I can always buy a second monitor to display
> it on if I want to. What I don't want or need is a whole screenful of
> PowerSDR which was designed to be the front end to a fully computer
> controlled radio not a "simple" panadapter.
I would find a "hybrid" solution more useful, ie. stand-alone or capable 
of interfacing w/ a PC.  The current problem I run into now is that 
there is no "practical" way to run two LP-PANs (specifically PowerSDR) 
on one PC, one for each of two K3s.  I've tested doing so w/ one 
instance of PowerSDR in a VMware container, but additional bandwidth 
limitations (virtual sound device), delays, are less than 
optimum.  With two stand-alone units, there wouldn't be a particular 
PC-related limitation, but then "point-and-click" may be lost.  Though, 
as I understand it, there were plans to use a "tuning" knob on the front 
panel with push capability to jump to K3 to the freq. were the on-screen 
marker is located.

The Elecraft panadapter could take a couple directions as far as PC 
integration.  1) Provide I/Q outputs to interface w/ the PC's soundcard, 
or 2) Have a built-in USB sound device (ie. similar to some Microham 
devices).  The latter would certainly increase costs, but would 
eliminate the need to go out and purchase a high-end card; maybe include 
it as an add-on option in the same style as everything else in the K3 realm.

Anyways, it will be interesting to see the product when it arrives.

Eric NO3M
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Audio (WAS K3 eHam review after 2+ years)

2009-07-04 Thread E. Tichansky
Unfortunately, there IS a problem w/ CW audio in the K3, at least with 
both here (see concurrently running thread: K3 Audio Low Pass Filter).  
The sidetones generated around the 12 kHz DAC leak-through (+/- sidetone 
frq., ie. 500Hz)are clearly audible for me and rather annoying, enough 
so that I had to insert inline low pass audio filters on each radio to 
knock it down to make CW operation tolerable.  I was in correspondence 
about the issue back in Oct/Nov of last year w/ Elecraft.

Regardless of the "60 db down" and other levels people have measured on 
those sidetones, I can hear it, even with as low a volume setting of 
around 9-10 o'clock.  Apparently there are others that can as well.  The 
majority of folks who own a K3, presumably yourself included, have a 
reduction or loss of hearing at high frequencies.  From that 
perspective, the audio is great!  However, not hearing it doesn't 
necessarily mean there isn't an underlying problem present, and those 
that wish to fix it aren't doing so out of "desire to tinker and change 

As for SSB/AM, I couldn't comment at length on the audio quality, as I 
just don't operate or listen up the bands much.  But from limited 
operation, I'd concur that the audio was fine.

Eric NO3M

Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:
> I'm quite happy with the K3's audio as originally designed. 
> Other Hams who have heard my K3 and, non Hams too, think it's great. Tuning
> in an AM signal and switching between SSB and AM demod has an inaudible
> difference in the sound (using the same effective bandwidth). 
> As a long-time brass pounder, I am very happy with the audio for CW too. 
> That said, I understand and support other fellows' desire to tinker and
> change things. I do the same with those things that interest me. But that
> should never be interpreted as meaning the K3 has any sort of "audio
> problem" in the original design.
> Of course, future designs from Elecraft and others will offer features or
> specifications that exceed the K3's specifications today, just at some of
> the great rigs of years ago can't match the spec.s of a K2 or K3. 
> But that does not make those rigs any less a joy to use for a great many
> Hams. 
> 73,
> Ron AC7AC

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[Elecraft] [K3] Monitor muting

2009-04-25 Thread E. Tichansky
Looking for advice on the K3 command sequence to mute/unmute CW sidetone 
(monitor).  Looked through the command reference and mailing list 
search, but didn't seem to find anything specific unless I've overlooked 

Best 73
Eric NO3M
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