[Elecraft] K3 RTTY ...

2008-02-25 Thread jacrux
Inspired by having worked VP6DX with 10w on 80m using a 20m bisquare antenna, 
I decided to try RTTY, about which I (still) know absolutely NOTHING.  
Thanks Wayne for the K3 website  tip on how to do this with no PC !
Setup was a breeze and BINGO, there was VP6DX on 10149, scrolling across the 
display. After some initial confusion over what I was actually seeing on that 
tiny display (VP6DX answering me, or my out-going CW-RTTY signal) I'm pretty 
sure I made it for my first ever RTTY QSO, still using the same 20m bisquare.  
And VP6DX on 17m was my first SSB QSO with K3 #107 ... 
An awesome radio.
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[Elecraft] K3 noise B and R

2008-02-23 Thread jacrux
The N0SS demo is very impressive. The noise sounds like what I have here in 
the city suburbs most (all) of the time. But here hitting  NB has no 
tangible effect. I have not found it useful !  (OK;  I probably need to read 
the manual and play with the settings.) 
On the other hand,  NR does work well provided the wanted signal is strong 
enough. (Once again, read the manual, I know ...)

On 80m I have now adopted a different approach to the awful local noise 
levels. I found that hitting ATT was very effective in reducing unwanted 
noise, especially when listening to weaker signals, including VP6DX over 8000 
miles away and nothing like as loud in here as on the N0SS recordings.  
Today I tried listening to VP6DX on 80 with ATT set to OFF and the noise was 
painful. Hitting PRE made it far worse. NR did not really help, but  with ATT 
ON, I worked them on 80m CW with just 10w  
The antenna here is a 20m wire bisquare, bottom corner about 7 feet off the 
ground and firing vertically upwards on 80.
As the VP6 op said when I told him   OUCH   
But the mojo sure works, because I also made it on 80 with 100w of SSB !  
Again this was with ATT  ON. PRE seems best left for the HF bands, 20m and 
up. But  ATT is a powerful option when all else fails.
John G3JAG  K3 #107 K2 # 609
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[Elecraft] UK addresses blocked ?

2007-12-22 Thread jacrux
Thats news to me.  I get TWO copies of the Elecraft Digest and ONE copy of the 
Elecraft_K3 Digest. 

Not sure how I get two copies of the regular Digest, but at a guess I'm on the 
mailing list twice.  I keep one copy of each Digest, now totalling 61mB. So 
blocked I certainly am not !!!

Happy Christmas to one and all - my main present (from me to me) is K3/100  
#107 which has already been opened, assembled and is in the shack to be 
played with -- whenever I can sneak a few minutes away from other more 
seasonal chores. 

John G3JAG
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Iambic keys

2007-10-16 Thread JACrux
I have the Elecraft HEXKEY and it is excellent, with a good solid feel to it. 
I also have a collection of others (acquired over many yaers of searching for 
a padle that would correct my mistakes !!) 
OK; I gave up looking for error-correcting paddles and I am the proud owner of 
a CHEVRON, (www.chevronmorsekeys.co.uk.)  The CHEVRON is my first choice, but 
if it was stolen tonight, I'd be very happy if the thief left me the HEXKEY.  
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[Elecraft] keying ...

2007-09-11 Thread JACrux
You can get used to almost anything, even a hand key, if you have to. 
The real annoyance is having to swap keying modes when moving from one rig to 
another. I key my K2 #609 directly with a Schurr Profi paddle using the on 
board K2 logic. Thats because when I take the K2 away from home I can't be 
bothered to take a large external keyer with me. 
And I cannot be bothered arranging for it to be driven by an external keyer 
anyway (if it works, don't fix it.)  I have worked nearly 300 countries with 
it, all with the on board iambic logic. And I still hate it.
My Omni-V is keyed by either a HexKey, or a Chevron paddle (usually the 
Chevron) or a VHS paddle. All three are hooked into my Versakeyer which does 
Ultimatic or iambic. In my case it is is permanently switched to Ultimatic, 
because thats the most comfortable mode for me - and I use both, often for 
long periods. Do as many calculations as you like. Comfort comes first, so my 
K3 when it eventually gets here will be hooked to the Versakeyer. And for use 
away from here, a K1EL K14 kit is already in the works . Might even get 
that inside ...
John G3JAG   
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[Elecraft] K3 CW keyer

2007-09-10 Thread JACrux
Iambic keying is a relic of tube keyers where flip flops were used to generate 
alternating dots/dashes.  Ultimatic keying where the last paddle closed takes 
command is much more user friendly. Looks like I shall have to drive the K3 
with my external keyer  pity.
John G3JAG 
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[Elecraft] Interfacing to a linear

2007-06-08 Thread JACrux
Thanks Wayne. I'm sure the K3 will handle it. Either the linear has a fast 
acting (vacuum) relay as in my TenTec Herc II, or it has an ancient WW2 
clunker like my 3x811A homebrew. Some (adjustable) delay is needed before 
sending RF to the linear. But an adjustable hang-in time is needed as well, 
because I for one would not like to attempt full VOX/QSK with the clunker ! 
The TenTec QSK keying loop is good, but not necessarily needed if the timing 
can be set sensibly. TenTec provide fast and slow QSK options. It should be 
at least as easy to program this into the K3, thanks to the memory available.

But if there really is enough memory, then how about upgrading the built-in 
keyer to handle Ultimatic mode ?   Iambic mode is a mediaeval hangover from 
around 45-50 years ago when electronic keyers used vacuum tube flip-flops. 
Iambic mode was the easy way out; its not very useful and I hate having to 
re-adapt to it when I go back to the K2. Yes, I should use my Versakeyer on 
the K2, but I don't want to meddle with #609, now up to over 280 countries. 
If it ain't broke don't fix it.
John  G3JAG
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3 and linear amplifiers

2007-05-06 Thread JACrux
QSK requires that an outboard linear is somehow switched into transmit mode, 
preferably before RF arrives at its input socket. In the case of my TenTec 
Hercules II amp, a control signal is fed back to my Omni-V to tell it the 
linear is ready to receive RF drive. The Hercules uses a vacuum relay; there 
are fast and slow QSK options built into the Omni-V. Will the K3 accommodate 
this kind of interlocking ? 
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[Elecraft] I'm solidly in the queue ....

2007-05-04 Thread JACrux
Well, thats what Lisa told me. No formal acknowledgement yet, but I'm in the 
K3 queue and I still have to get past the big one - telling my xyl. But as 
she is coming to Dayton with me I guess there is more than a chance she will 
find out, especially when I tell her we have stand by the Elecraft booth and 
hand out flyers ... 
It says a lot for Elecraft that so may are willing to pay up front for a rig 
that few have seen, let alone tested on air. My first K2 was #609; will I now 
get K3 #609 ? Sounds as if its heading that way. But #161 would be nice ! 
John G3JAG
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K3/100 antenna connector(s)

2007-05-04 Thread JACrux
It would be nice to see N connectors in a radio of this class. If BNC is fine 
for the basic K2, why go to SO239 instead of an N socket for the 100w 
version ? OK everyone has them, but PL259s are a pain to install. 
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[Elecraft] Power supplies ..

2007-05-03 Thread JACrux
Recent experience here suggests that finding a switcher that does NOT cause 
RFI and fan noise problems is a problem.  
I just went back to using a boat anchor industrial linear supply weighing in 
at around 40-50 lbs for that reason. Unfortunately it came with large 
terminal bolts, no PowerPole connectors ! But it works and there is no noisy 
fan and it will certainly run a K3 as well as a K2 and my Omni-V.9.
MFJ offer a heavy 25 amp+ linear supply, but why oh why is it only 110 VAC 
input ? 
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[Elecraft] Travelling with the K2

2007-05-01 Thread JACrux
I took #609 to South Africa for my ZS6/G3JAG vacation just after 9/11. No hand 
baggage allowed ... except  just one see-through plastic carrier bag. The 
airport had no more such bags available, so I repacked my stuff at check-in 
and used a super mart carrier bag. I just wrapped a newspaper round the K2.  
They let me through and it survived the trip undamaged ! 
In fact the worst thing was a tiny lightning strike in ZS6. I got a shock and 
there was a spark as I disconnected the antenna; the K2 receiver went dead, 
but it was OK next day.
So bubble wrap is fine. The K2 is not all that fragile and there is no need 
for a custom case.  BTW my host told me that his own (Japanese) radio had 
been zapped several times by static discharges .. and it did not recover 
overnight. It had to be sent away to be repaired. Yes, the K2 also survived 
the trip home.
John G3JAG
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Travel

2007-01-20 Thread JACrux
I took my K2 from UK to ZS6 only days after 9/11 when there was total chaos 
and the only hand baggage allowed had to be in a see-thru plastic bag.  
No-one at the airport had any left . so we made do with carrier bags from 
duty free stores. I padded it a bit with a newspaper and no-one even asked 
what it was, despite repeated inspections. 
I have even taken a 500w solid state linear back to TenTec in hand baggage for 
service without any questions being asked. But even before 9/11, a brand new 
Omni-V was rejected at Philadelphia airport, until I took it apart with a 
screwdriver borrowed from the 747 captain and he told the inspectors he did 
not mind having it on board. And all the time this argument was in progress I 
was watching them accept all sorts of other electronic goodies as hand 
baggage.  Why was there a problem ? Answer: I should never have asked if it 
was OK ... 
I recommend (a) saying nothing at all unless asked (b) having a ham licence, 
sales receipts, basic literature readily to hand (c) never lose your cool !
(Laptops are potentially at least as dangerous and no-one seems to query 
John G3JAG  
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Lightning strikes

2005-08-15 Thread JACrux
My K2 (and I) took a small hit whilst at relatively great altitude in ZS6.  At 
over 5000 feet storms creep up on you fast and I did not see this one coming 
until it was almost too late. There was a crack; the K2 went completely dead 
and there was a small arc as I unplugged everything and threw the antenna 
cable away from the K2. I escaped with a tingle  my xyl would perhaps say 
my thick skin helped. 
But unlike a well-known and much more expensive Japanese rig in similar 
circumstances, the K2 came back to life after being switched off for a few 
minutes. Power diodes are evidently very much tougher than PIN diodes ...
(My host's Japanese radio has had its front end done in at least twice now by 
static discharges )
Good luck --- John G3JAG

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Lightning strikes

2005-08-15 Thread JACrux
My K2 (and I) took a small hit whilst at relatively great altitude in ZS6.  At 
over 5000 feet storms creep up on you fast and I did not see this one coming 
until it was almost too late. There was a crack; the K2 went completely dead 
and there was a small arc as I unplugged everything and threw the antenna 
cable away from the K2. I escaped with a tingle  my xyl would perhaps say 
my thick skin helped. 
But unlike a well-known and much more expensive Japanese rig in similar 
circumstances, the K2 came back to life after being switched off for a few 
minutes. Power diodes are evidently very much tougher than PIN diodes ...
(My host's Japanese radio has had its front end done in at least twice now by 
static discharges )
Good luck --- John G3JAG

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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[Elecraft] Ultimatic keying ...

2005-02-19 Thread JACrux
A very long time ago I suggested to Elecraft that an Ultimatic option would 
be nice, and anyway the iambic mode is a dogs' breakfast to actually use. 
Iambic keying only exists because of designer laziness; it was the easy way 
out with flip flop circuitry. 
The last discrete device Ultimatic-style keyer published in QST was the 
Versakeyer, and that was back in May 1979. It has an iambic option (never 
used it) and an auto-space option (OK, but really makes you work on your 
timing.)  The original 1950s Ultimatic keyer used a heap of relays (ugh) 
although the 11 tube version used only one.  I still have my tube Ultimatic; 
component ageing has stopped it working  but one day I'll fix it ..
So I use my 1979 Versakeyer most of the time. It will key anything up to plus 
or minus 300v and is RF proof. But being lazy I never got round to adding the 
external keyer diodes to my K2, so I just swap between paddles and 
re-programme brain when going from Omni-V to K2 and back again. But having 
been obliged by my own laziness to use both modes, often in rapid succession, 
I have not the slightest doubt that the Ultimatic mode wins fist down on ease 
of use and convenience.
Now if only I could motivate myself to shoe horn a K1EL (12 series) chip into 
my K2 .  
Yes, the magic HEXKEY is only hooked to the Versakeyer and not to the K2 ... 
shame on me, I know !
John  G3JAG (try sending that in iambic mode)
Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K2 #609 in Malta

2004-07-28 Thread JACrux
I just took #609 along with an old Bencher paddle and the Elecraft balun for a 
week of antenna rigging at 9H3BW's Bugibba apartment. I also took enough 
wire, ladderline and tools to make a G5RV style dipole on the apartment roof.
Nobody asked to look inside my hand baggage or inside the holdall full of 
wire. Getting a visitor license to operate as 9H3CW was even easier

I made  274 contacts in 59 countries in under a week of intermittent mostly 
rag chew operating, including a least one with another K2 owner.  The balun 
was just 3 feet from the K2; the G5RV is 8-10 feet above the roof and over 
100 feet above the sea .. It loads OK on all bands 10-80. No problems at all. 
We then tried the same setup with 9H3BW's FT847, LDG tuner and 100w. Again no 
problems.  At the 100w level the Elecraft balun worked as well as my homebrew 
2 kW balun and it is a lot lighter. 

Incidentally I have repackaged the Elecraft balun into a rigid plastic box 
featuring both SO239 and BNC input connectors. The balanced output goes from 
the PC board terminals to a hefty screw terminal block on the outside of the 
box. I think it makes a neater and less vulnerable installation for field 
use, especially if it rains ...  It did not rain in Malta, but it did hit 
40C. Rigging the antenna in that heat was a chore.

Next operation by 9H3CW is scheduled for late September. 

John G3JAG

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