[Elecraft] CM 500 setings

2015-10-21 Thread Scott via Elecraft
I'm setting up the CM 500 headset with a new to me K3 for the first time,  
and having a hard time getting the anti-vox and vox gain balanced for  
reliable trip without tripping every time I touch the headset or cable.
Can anyone recommend a good starting point for this?
Thanks, Scott ka9p
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[Elecraft] K3 keying Alpha 374A/76A

2015-11-03 Thread Scott via Elecraft
Out of an overabundance of caution I thought I'd ask first
My manuals for my old Alphas suggest the amplifier keying line is 20  
something volts DC +, and the K3 manual says I can key way more than that +  DC.
So I just wanted to confirm (or learn more):
1) I shouldn't worry about any kind of an outboard relay system,  and
2) was curious if there is any other advice re delay settings etc.  when 
using the K3 with old Alphas like the 374A and 76A.
Thanks for any thoughts.
Scott ka9p
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 keying Alpha 374A/76A

2015-11-03 Thread Scott via Elecraft
Thanks everyone, seems to be working great at 008 here.  On to the  next 
problem :) 73 Scott
In a message dated 11/3/2015 2:05:57 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
j...@audiosystemsgroup.com writes:

On  Tue,11/3/2015 11:48 AM, Elliott Lawrence wrote:
> I use the default  setting TX Dly 008 with my 87A with no problem.  I 
would think that it  would work fine also with the contempory 76s etc.

It works fine with my  Ten Tec Titan 425s, which are early '80s vintage, 
and use a vacuum relay  for antenna switching. That relay is the 
limitation; slower relays will  require a longer delay.

73, Jim  K9YC
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Re: [Elecraft] N1MM CW issue

2015-12-04 Thread Scott via Elecraft
I did the same thing after having the same problem and have to agree  the 
WInkey USB is (so far) flawless.
But I really would like to know how Tom avoids the issue directly keying  
the radio, especially for portable ops.
Operating under W8.1 with direct keying I had about everything that could  
be shutdown, shutdown, and still hit the 30 WPM wall without the  WInkeyer. 
Scott ka9p

In a message dated 12/4/2015 7:01:22 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
kevin.sto...@mediacombb.net writes:

I've  used a Winkey USB for about four years now. Perfect code. I don't 
have to  worry about the PC getting busy and screwing up the CW sent with 
serial  lines.

On 12/4/2015 11:44 AM, Al Lorona wrote:
> Right after the  CW SS I composed a message for the list, then trashed it 
after sleeping on it  which I always do before posting. Now that the issue 
has come up on its own I  wish to make an observation.
> During the contest I heard many  stations with shortened dits. They 
sounded pretty bad and I reckon they  weren't listening to themselves else 
have done something about  it.
> Presuming that some of these signals were coming out of  K3's [because 
some of these were well-known contesters] I actually got nervous  and checked 
my own signal which, like Tom's, is generated by N1MM+ keying the  K3 
through DTR, but was relieved to find that my dits were  okay.
> So there's something going on out there, and I don't  know what it is, 
but what I do know is that keying through the USB-to-Serial  is proven to work 
well as Tom has verified. He should know; he is a very QRQ  CW op.
> Al W6LX

R. Kevin  Stover
FISTS #11993
SKCC #215
NAQCC  #3441

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Re: [Elecraft] Noise from LEDs

2016-02-02 Thread Scott via Elecraft
...and I'd add the cheap Chinese LED's are a serious issue.
Our garage door opener was randomly working during and after a recent  
kitchen remodel.
After befriending Google, used the KX3 with a snoop loop, and  found that 
switching on either of 2 banks of new LED's generated enough RF  to swamp the 
garage door opener receiver about 15 feet away.
At least in our case the KX3 and loop did a good job of identifying which  
LED fixtures were the offending culprits, but finding a listing of good vs.  
bad brands remains difficult, if anyone has seen one would love to know...
73 Scott ka9p

In a message dated 2/2/2016 8:30:33 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
w...@cox.net writes:

I  don't usually chime in on these threads, but not all LED's are  
culprits.  I had originally replaced all the incandescent bulbs in my  
house with the compact fluorescent (CFL) type.  My noise floor went  up a 
couple of dB when any of them were on, so after a couple of those so  
called "5000 hour" Chinese CFL's actually burned up (yes, smoke, fire  
and flames) I bit the bullet and replaced all the fluorescent lights in  
the house with LED's, including some ceiling fixtures that used 2 and 4  
foot tubes.  Even though I don't have any "light dimmers" in the  house, 
I bought the "dimmable" LED 60 and 75 watt equivalents and now my  noise 
when they on is exactly the same as when they are all off.   Getting rid 
of the CFL's and doing to the LED's dropped my noise floor to  whatever 
the atmospheric (plus whatever the neighbors generate) noise  floor is.

Sure glad those CFL's tried to burn down my house as it  caused me to get 
rid of them.  I was able to hear and work the South  Georgia VP8SGI 
station on 15 meters and he was only maybe S1 here.   Bad propagation to 
that part of the world from Kansas even with 500 watts  and a beam so I 
missed the South Sandwich part.  Never heard them  except on 30 meters 
and my antenna favors East/West and I swear some of  the people that 
worked them on 30 were so strong here that HAD to be using  more than the 
legal power limit on 30.

Jim -  W0EB
>On Mon, 2016-02-01 at 22:48 -0500,  johnpierce wrote:
>>  My kitchen, under cabinet lights, are  LEDs.  With those lights turned
>>  on my
>>   noise floor changes from -128db to -102db.  If the circuit is  changed
>>  to a
>>  different phase the noise  improves by 6db.  All of this at 7mhz and
>>   other
>>  higher bands.  Needless to say the AM broadcast  band is highly
>>  affected by
>>  the  LEDs.
>>  Placing a type 31  core with three turn of the AC line feeding the LED
>>   power
>>  supply and a clamp on 31 core on the LED side of the  power supply
>>  provides
>>  no  improvement!  I do not have an oscilloscope to look at  the
>>  waveforms.
>>  But given what I have done,  why is there no improvement?  I was
>>   following
>>  recommendations provided by  NK7Z.

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Re: [Elecraft] APF (audio peaking filter) on the K3/K3S/KX3

2016-02-05 Thread Scott via Elecraft
In the last month of listening to really weak signals here in 9 land  I've 
found it helpful but not radical.
Just for fun I tried tuning some of the same VP8SGI signals on a Drake  
2B/2BQ and found adding the 2BQ in the mix more user friendly and making a  
bigger difference, but hey, the 2B was starting from a worse spot.
Still it would be nice if the APF was user adjustable like the 2BQ or  the 
old outbaord audio filters, peak magnitude, and maybe even frequency, within 
 a selected passband.
Not sure why Wayne picked only 3 db - I'd like it to be user adustable to  
try a bit more peak if conditions permit.
If APF is user adjustable in that way and I missed it somebody please  
point out the page numberor if the experiment's been done and it's not  
workable would like to know that too.
73 Scott ka9p

In a message dated 2/5/2016 11:08:53 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
ho13d...@gmail.com writes:

>  one must also discover the
> artful use of the RF Gain control as  well

Adjustment of the RF gain control is not mentioned in Wayne's note  on 
using APF.

When I tried it here, the RF gain might have made  some small 
difference but it still did not allow un-copyable signals to be  
copied. When testing APF I have made all adjustments the I thought  
might affect signal quality. IIRC correctly I also tinkered with the  
AGC parameters. But the APF never produced results any better than  
simply narrowing the filters. Usually the regular narrow filters  
worked better. I know I had not switched APF on for months. I did  
switch it on to recheck before sending my note. But the noise is not  
currently high enough to give it a good test.

I have found, in  general, that careful adjustment of the RF gain 
control can be useful.  This applies to all receivers I have tried it on.

I'm wondering if the  difference is in the type of noise. I have mostly 
tried APF at times of  high lightning activity. I think we in the SE 
get more of that than other  parts of the country. The higher noise 
level means more weak signals. You  need all the help you can get. But 
that noise differs from the usual band  noise.

And it may depend on each individual's hearing.

I have  always puzzled over why some rave about how great APF is while 
for myself,  and obviously others, it is of no help at all.

73 de  dave

On 2/5/16 10:13 AM, Bob McGraw K4TAX  wrote:
> While I find the APF works really nice, one must also discover  the
> artful use of the RF Gain control as well.   Most hams  seem to use
> excessive RF Gain which will force noise through the  filter and all of
> those undesirable artifacts will be heard.  If  in doubt, reduce the RF
> Gain.
> Using this technique, I  can tune the band with the APF engaged,
> adjusting the RF Gain a bit,  and actually hear signals with this
> configuration which without the  APC no signal could be heard.  I view
> this gives one the ability  to actually "dig signals out of the noise".
> 73
> Bob,  K4TAX
> On 2/5/2016 9:56 AM, dave wrote:
>>  I'd agree. My experience with APF is that it will indeed pop a
>>  signal that is already copyable, if a bit weak, out of the noise.
>>  Makes for easier copy. However the ringing is so bad on a really
>>  weak signal that it is of no help. I guess it depends on what you
>>  view as 'weak' and your noise level. I was hoping it would make
>>  previously un-copyable signals copyable, but that does not happen.
>>  Instead it improves the copyability of weak but already copyable
>>  signals.
>> I find that simply narrowing the filters to  50, 100, or 150 Hz will
>> give essentially identical results as  using the APF and is much
>> easier to do.
>> As  for the super critical tuning, I do not find it to be all that
>>  critical. The signal can be improved somewhat by going to the  'fine'
>> tuning, but it makes only a small difference. 10 Hz steps  are OK and
>> much quicker. The APF has a BW of about 30 Hz so tuning  cannot be
>> all that critical. +/- 5 Hz out of 30 is not that big of  a deal.
>> This has been one of my biggest  disappointments with the K3. After
>> reading all the hype about APF  I was hoping for a real improvement.
>> But does not happen. OTOH,  the narrow filters of the K3 are
>>  outstanding.
>> 73 de dave
>>  ab9ca/4
>> On 2/5/16 8:53 AM,  David Kuechenmeister wrote:
>>> I tried this the other day with no  success. That is, the weak
>>> signal that was barely detectable,  became so buried in ringing that
>>> I couldn't detect it at all.  I think I followed the procedure
>>> outlined in Wayne's email  below... Noise was around S5 on 40m and
>>> the K3 was configured  with APF active. I had my 500 Hz filter
>>> selected and varied  the DSP WIDTH from 500 to 300 without
>>> substantial improvement.  FINE tuning selected. What am I
>>> forgetting? vy 73,Dave  N4KD
>>> On Tuesday, February 2, 2016 9:36 AM,  Wayne Burdick
>>>   wrote:
>>> Hi  all,
>>> This morni

Re: [Elecraft] [KX3] Re: Strong recommendation: MFJ 18xx-series single-band w...

2016-04-03 Thread Scott via Elecraft
HI Barry,
I expect your antenna is ok, or at least not mislabeled
I don't have a 20 meter version to measure, but I do have the 17 meter  
It works fine on 17 with the KX3 with a drag wire or radial.
On an AA30, with no counterpoise, it repeatedly measures resonance sharply  
at about 23.4 mHz.  But that's an all plastic analyzer case.  I've  seen it 
lower on my old MFJ with the metal case, but still not resonant without  
any counterpoise.
Based on that I'd guess your 17 meter resonance is a coincidence, and the  
result of measuring it as you did, not a mislabeling issue.
I've done a lot of work over the last year with analyzers and  small whips 
since Wayne started looking for the Holy Grail mini-antenna,  and I can 
assure you that if you're looking for reliable low SWR and resonance,  you 
should only do the experiment as you intend to use the antenna.
With the KX3 as a handheld this meant holding the radio with mounted  
antenna the way you plan to in the field, with a drag wire or radial of the  
length you plan to use, and over the type of ground you expect, strung out as  
you plan to sit, stand or walk.
I ended up going with a single 12 in section of Buddistick mast on a  
bracket, a mini or regular coil, and a standard whip.  This is  surprisingly 
light and breaks down to 12 inches. With the regular coil and  a 13 foot drag 
line I can usually manage to do 10 - 30 meters (sadly  will NOT hit 40) with 
preset taps on the coil, sitting on a bench on  average terrain without 
having to use the tuner.  
But change anything and it's up for grabs again, hence having a tappable  
coil in the filed is a blessing.
Not so necessary with the KX3 and auto tuner, but with an 817 or  KX3  
without tuner, a must.
Have fun.
Scott ka9p
In a message dated 4/3/2016 5:38:09 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
kx3-nore...@yahoogroups.com writes:

Thanks for all the responses.  Don, your comments are much  appreciated and 
I planned on building a bracket just as you describe and  mounting my 
whip/counterpoise to the top of a trekking pole..  

Again, I'm not asking about antenna performance.  I will add the  
counterpoise in actual operation.  I'm asking if anyone out there who  actually 
the MFJ-1820T can please connect it directly to a antenna  analyzer and 
check 20M performance.  Yes, I believe these antennas  actually DO resonate 
as they are.  I believe mine is 17M  (mislabeled), not 20M, and just 
looking to confirm that.

Thanks & 73,
Barry N1EU

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016 at 9:34 AM, Bruce Nourish <_w0mbt@w0mbt.net_ 
(mailto:w0...@w0mbt.net) > wrote:

Did  you have a counterpoise when you swept the antenna? If not, you're 
only  looking at half your antenna, especially as the RigExpert is almost all  

On Sun, Apr 3, 2016, 01:15 Barry N1EU <_n1eu.barry@gmail.com_ 
(mailto:n1eu.ba...@gmail.com) > wrote:

If anyone else out there has an MFJ-1820T and also an antenna  analyzer, I
wonder if you could please do me a favor.  Please just  connect the whip
directly to the analyzer and tell me what the SWR  looks like across the 20M
and the 17M bands.

I swept my  MFJ-1820T with my Rig Expert AA-30 and my MFJ-1820T is resonant
on 17M,  not 20M.  I'm wondering if I have a mislabeled  MFJ-1817T.

Thanks & 73,
Barry  N1EU


 Posted by: Barry N1EU


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[Elecraft] My KAT500 is sick :(

2015-07-30 Thread Scott via Elecraft
Time to ask for advice...

I have off the air at the home shack for 6 months because of work.  I covered 
up everything, all disconnect from antennas and power.  Now work is back to 
normal so on my vacation I unpacked the K3, P3, and KAT500 and began hooking 
all up again--the only difference from before is that I improved the ground 

The K3 worked Ok except somehow there were a bunch of errors of modules not 
working that were not even installed (?), but that was easily fixed and I 
updated the firmware.  All good.  Same with the P3.

However, the KAT500 does not respond to the utility and is locked on ant. 1.  
It does seem to tune, but something is wrong.  I checked with a spare KUSB, but 
no luck there.  I checked cables, etc., and all seems Ok, so I thought best to 
ask before trying anything else.

Any ideas where to start?

Thanks and 73 for now.
Scott. AA0AA, XE1/AA0AA

Sent from Scott's iPad
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Re: [Elecraft] My KAT500 is sick :(

2015-07-30 Thread Scott via Elecraft
I was afraid of that. I am in the shack now to try it again, but it is the 
same. I live where it is dry so I haven't open it yet to check for something 
loose or corroded.  I was hoping for some magic solution from here first! 

Do you think it is worthwhile to try that (the ham way!) first before calling?  
I built so am not afraid of that, but wanted to look for advice first. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 30, 2015, at 19:54, Mike Flowers  wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> The KAT500 is pretty resilient, so if it's not responding to the utility
> after a power cycle, then time to call Elecraft support.
> - 73 and good DX de Mike, K6MKF, President - NCDXC 
> -Original Message-
> From: Elecraft [mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Scott
> via Elecraft
> Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2015 4:10 PM
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: [Elecraft] My KAT500 is sick :(
> Time to ask for advice...
> I have off the air at the home shack for 6 months because of work.  I
> covered up everything, all disconnect from antennas and power.  Now work is
> back to normal so on my vacation I unpacked the K3, P3, and KAT500 and began
> hooking all up again--the only difference from before is that I improved the
> ground system.  
> The K3 worked Ok except somehow there were a bunch of errors of modules not
> working that were not even installed (?), but that was easily fixed and I
> updated the firmware.  All good.  Same with the P3.
> However, the KAT500 does not respond to the utility and is locked on ant. 1.
> It does seem to tune, but something is wrong.  I checked with a spare KUSB,
> but no luck there.  I checked cables, etc., and all seems Ok, so I thought
> best to ask before trying anything else.
> Any ideas where to start?
> Thanks and 73 for now.
> Scott. AA0AA, XE1/AA0AA
> Sent from Scott's iPad
> __
> Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Why no love for the 1khz CW filter?

2017-02-01 Thread Scott via Elecraft
That raises an interesting question.
Looking at Rob's numbers (assuming I've read the chart footnotes correctly) 
 he's done the close in numbers for the KX3 with and without the roofing  
But the close in numbers for K3S numbers were only done with the cw  
roofing filters.
Is there with/without roofing filter data available for the K3S I  missed? 
I realize the proof is in the performance, but still, inquiring minds and  
all that.
Cheers Scott ka9p
In a message dated 2/1/2017 9:51:57 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
w...@w0mu.com writes:

I have a  1k filter.  Does it make much difference.  I have no clue  
really.  Would I be better served with an FM filter?  maybe  .  My main 
receiver has 2.8. 1.8. 1.0 400 and 250 or 200 filters. I  do ssb contest 
and travel to DX locations from time to time. The SSB  filters are 
essential.  For CW I honestly think that the 400 is fine  for most.  I 
dislike the sound when I really crank the skirts down on  CW but 
sometimes you must so it is nice to have it.

If you plan to  do diversity receivers you need the same filters in each 
one and they need  to be "matched" as close as possible to get the best 

2.7  and 400 and and FM filter if you want fm and or AM would be fine for  


On 2/1/2017 4:26 AM, Petr, OK1RP/M0SIS  wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> several replies giving you an ideas  over here.
> Refer to Jim, K9YC...it is short and clear.
>  I am recommending you to simply stay calm.
> Turn your radio ON, sit and  play...
> Use it daily in different situation for few months
>  then you will be more familiar with radio and
> all functions behavior  and you will have better idea
> what you really need.
>  Good luck and enjoy your K3!
> 73 - Petr, OK1RP
> (K3/100  #778 since 2008)
> -
>  http://ok1rp.blogspot.com
> --
> View this message in context:  
>  Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Re: [Elecraft] Linear thoughts

2017-03-17 Thread Scott via Elecraft
As long as we're hoping how about a swappable input board to allow it  to 
be driven to full output by a KX3 as soon as the rule changes. Ditto for the  
KPA500..that's when I'll buy mine.
Or at least allow an experimenter to easily modify his own without  voiding 
a warranty if the rule doesn't change
Scott ka9p

In a message dated 3/17/2017 3:01:02 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
n...@earthlink.net writes:

My wish  list for a 1500 watt Elecraft linear:

Separate power supply so I can  lift it one piece at a time.
Light weight power supply.
Wide-range  automatic antenna tuner with memory.
Quite fans, low noise.
Solid-state  QSK.
160 - 6 meters.
Auto band change by RF sensing.
Auto band change  from the transceiver.
Power limited on 30/60 meters.
11 meters  blocked.
Multiple antenna jacks with auto selection.
Built-in SWR and  watt meters.
Antenna selection and SWR/watt meters work when amp is  off.
Two radio inputs.
Elecraft styling.
Remote control capability  via LAN.
1500 watts no time limit.
Auto AC voltage selection on power  supply.

Bert N8NN

-Original Message-
From:  Elecraft [mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Eric
Swartz  - WA6HHQ, Elecraft
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 1:07 PM
To:  elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Linear  thoughts

Interesting discussion.

Folks, if we did introduce a  1500 W solid state amp similar to our KPA500 
operation, what features  etc would be  important?


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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 2M module SMA connector loosening

2018-05-26 Thread Scott via Elecraft

I agree with Mike, 
Because of Arrow-induced self-flagellation, I'm using a SMA to BNC cable when I 
do satellite work, with the adapter cable secured with a little homemade clamp 
at the knurled KX3 cabinet screw to keep stress and torque off the KX3 
73 Scott ka9p
-Original Message-
From: Mike Parkes 
To: Ryan Noguchi ; elecraft 
Sent: Sat, May 26, 2018 1:14 pm
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 2M module SMA connector loosening

Another option is to use a short length of coax, sma male to sma female, to
avoid the issue of something torquing the SMA jack on the KX3 loose.
Something like this?


On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 10:51 AM, Ryan Noguchi  wrote:

> Thanks for your email, Mike.
> I was thinking of trying to keep the Loctite on just one side of the
> connector (leaving the other side with metal-to-metal contact) and possibly
> also shaving off some paint from the outside of the KX3 case to provide
> better contact on that side. I think I'll hold off on that thought for now,
> as I'm not sure that's such a great idea.
> I'll let you know if I get any ideas or offline suggestions.
> 73, Ryan AI6DO
> On Saturday, May 26, 2018, 9:36:26 AM PDT, Mike Parkes 
> wrote:
> Ryan,
> I experienced the same issue on my kx3 also. I was able to tighten it down
> enough with a wrench to keep it snug so far, but still keep an eye on it. I
> also thought abt locktite but didn't like the idea of introducing non
> conductive material between the case and the jack.
> 73's Mike AB7RU
> On May 26, 2018 8:01 AM, "Ryan Noguchi via Elecraft" <
> elecraft@mailman.qth.net> wrote:
> I recently bought and installed the KX3-2M transverter module in one of my
> KX3s and am enjoying a much better experience receiving the downlink from
> the Mode B AMSAT birds, compared to the TH-F6A I was using previously.
> Sensitivity and ergonomics are a huge improvement.
> Unfortunately, I find that the SMA connector loosens very quickly. I've
> already had to open the case and almost completely uninstall the
> transverter once (undoing and redoing everything except the internal coax
> connections) just to retighten the nut, and it's already worked itself
> loose again. Does anyone have a trick they used to keep the nut from
> loosening? I can't get a lot of leverage with needlenose pliers with such a
> skinny nut in such close proximity to fragile components, and the thin
> lockwasher doesn't seem to be very effective. I thought I had cranked it
> down pretty tight, but apparently not tight enough.
> I seems that it would have been better to have the separate nut on the
> outside end of the connector (like the connectors on the PX3), since those
> can be tightened up very easily from the outside.
> One option might be to use Blue Loctite. I don't think I'd ever need to
> remove it unless Elecraft comes up with a dual-band (2M and 70CM) internal
> transverter to replace it, but this option would likely be  permanent since
> I don't think I could get enough mechanical leverage to break the Loctite
> and don't think heating up the connector to loosen the Loctite would be a
> good idea.
> Any better ideas?
> Thanks and 73, Ryan AI6DO
> __
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[Elecraft] T1 ATU parts question

2018-01-21 Thread Scott via Elecraft
I'm taking a parts inventory and noticed that I've been provided with a 78L06 
instead of an 78L05.   Is this expected or should I contact Elecraft for the 
specified part?

Thanks,Scott N1ST
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[Elecraft] Wanted: K1 filter board

2018-01-24 Thread Scott via Elecraft
Please email me if you have a -2 or -4 board.  I'm looking for 80m, so any of 
the following would be acceptable:
 bare board, bare board with 80 parts unassembledassembled board with 80m

Thanks,Scott N1ST
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Re: [Elecraft] Need advice on Small Tower

2016-07-13 Thread Scott via Elecraft
I guess since the thread is still alive, and because I use my Elecraft rigs 
 with said tower :) I'll wade in here, because I spent a fair amount of 
time  researching this two years ago before reinstalling my Wilson TT-45, which 
is  very similar.
Everyone is right, one way or the other.  The tower wind curve I have  
shows 3 square feet of wind load for a total tower height of 43 feet in a  78 
mph wind.
Another 50 mph curve supplied with the rotating base is done at 50 mph, and 
 says 12 square feet at a total height of 45 feet.
But both curves, as well as the more recent US Tower data, rely on the use  
of a house bracket in the analysis.
A much more recent US Tower doc shows 4.8 square feet of wind load, for 85  
MPH 3 second gusts, but with the tower at a height of 21 feet.  This was  
from a California PE analysis, and it also referenced the house bracket.
So the answer, "it depends" depends on at least wind speed (or gust) used,  
what base, the use of a house bracket, height of the mast in the top 
section,  and what the current sq ft numbers for your antenna happen to be, 
seem to  be changing in some cases :).
After crunching some numbers, I decided to limit my use to 34 feet  
self-supporting with a hex and a rotating base .  It's definitely worth  doing 
I'm happy to share PDF's of the reference stuff with anyone that needs  it.
Scott ka9p (sorry Eric)
In a message dated 7/13/2016 5:08:53 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
w6vy...@gmail.com writes:

Hi  Mike,
I don't know where the 3 SQ-FT comes from.  US Tower does not  publish 
ratings for the MA series any longer.  I have had an MA-40 since  1982 and at 
that time the rating was 10 SQ-FT @ 50 MPH winds fully  extended.  I have 
confirmed this with US Tower in the past. I was also  told at that time that 
they do not rate the tower retracted.  There have  been some new regulations 
concerning tower ratings in the past couple which is  probably why they do not 
list it now.  I have had a 3 Element SteppIR on  this tower since 2006. The 
HRO website still lists the rating at 10  SQ-FT.

That being said, I do retract the tower if winds of  50 MPH are predicted 
or if I am leaving for any length of time.  My base  is 3 X 3 X 5 which was 
recommended at that time and I have the drawings for  that.

I think the 3 SQ is indicating the size of the extended portion  which is 3 
inches square.

Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 04:01:47  -0700 (MST)
From: Mike  K2MK
Subject: Re:  [Elecraft] Need advice on Small  Tower
Content-Type:  text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi Terry,

I'm moving and I've just  sold my MA40 with the MARB40 tilt over/rotator
base. It's a fine tower for  small loads. Be careful, it's only rated at
3sqft load when the tower is  cranked down to the 21 foot level. I had a 2
element SteppIR yagi on it and  I would crank it down if winds over 20 or 30
mph were  forecasted.

Cranking it up and down is very easy on the arm. It cranks  easily but
requires 100 cranks. Tilting it over and cranking it down and  back up
requires much greater effort until the mast is at the 45 degree  angle. I
would have liked to have a power driven winch for that  operation.

The foundation for this mast is substantial with lots of  rebar. I'm selling
my house and just had the top 12" of concrete removed so  that I could
replace it with grass. It took a crew longer to remove the 12"  then it did
for the crew to dig and pour the foundation in the first place.  I'm 
I didn't have to any of the work.

This mast can  actually be handled by one person if you have moderate
equipment to help. I  had a wheeled lawn cart for rolling it around and a
Harbor Freight 1 ton  shop crane for taking it off of the flat bed delivery
truck and helping to  engage and dis-engage the mast into the MRB40 unit.
With two people it's a  very simple job. All of my experiences were good and
given the opportunity  I would not hesitate to purchase another one.

I have a personal website  with lots of photos. Contact me directly if you
want the link.
k2mk at  comcast dot net

Mike  K2MK

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[Elecraft] [K3] Setting up signalink, fldigi, and K3

2014-04-20 Thread Scott via Elecraft
Hi all,

The bands were dead here today so I started working on getting the new 
signalink working.  I usually run flrig with fldigi on my macbook pro hooked 
directly to the K3. I got the signalink for a new laptop.  I start flrig and 
let it stay in the background while I work with fldigi.  Everything works fine 
this way.

Here's what's happening: the signalink will key and un-key the K3 just fine.  
Fldigi will key the K3, transmit and receive normally, but the signalink un-key 
fine, but the K3 does not un-key unless I push the xmit button, and then it 
will change to receive.  Flrig keys and un-keys the K3 just fine.

I haven't tried using the signalink without frig.

As well, the waterfall is very light.  I turned up the line output to 20, with 
receeive knob at middle turn, but it is still light.  Lots of signals are 
decoded but there are few traces.

Any help out there?

Thanks, Scott. AA0AA

Sent from Scott's iPad
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Re: [Elecraft] K3: PSK31 will not allow Split operation

2014-05-13 Thread Scott via Elecraft

You can run split if you use a program like fldigi.  I worked WIAW/0 this 
afternoon this way.  I believe any program with a waterfall can run split--that 
is not the same as direct readout on the screen, but it is better than nothing.

73, Scott. AA0AA



It seems the solution is there is no solution. PSK31 SPLIT appears unsupported 
in the K3 and the KX3. The argument seems to be PSK31 is never used in SPLIT 
operation. But W1AW/* uses Split for pileups. And many DXpeditions have used it 
(T32C for instance). While I rarely use any digital mode other than CW, I 
thought it was nifty to have RTTY and PSK31 as part of the K3. Turns out it is 
near nifty. :)

Ah, but maybe SPLIT for PSK31 is on on the list of things to come later? or 
have I missed something?

?Bob W1XT, Sun City West, Arizona
Sent from Scott's iPad
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[Elecraft] [KX3] connection KX3-KXPA100-KAT500

2014-07-28 Thread Scott via Elecraft
Hi all,
I have a KX3 with ATU and a KXPA100 with ATU (an overkill, I know, but I didn't 
buy them together and they are for operating separately in the field).  I would 
like hook both the KXPA100 and my K3 to the KAT500 in the shack through a 
coaxial switch, but I can't get the new KXPA100 to play well with the KAT500.  
The amp keeps changing from bypass to auto and sometimes the atu in the KX3 
also kicks out of bypass.  The rig and amp/atu work fine connected directly to 
the antenna.

I am still learning with the new amp, but if anyone has suggestions they are 

73, Scott. XE1/AA0AA, AA0AA

Sent from Scott's iPad
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