[Elecraft] wire antennas

2007-02-22 Thread k4elv
I've been expecting that there might be some objection to this thread due to 
the subject, BUT THANKS  to whom ever is holding the button.  I have really 
enjoyed the discussion and all the comments!!  Thanks guys.  73  Mike K4ELV

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[Elecraft] KXAT1 calibration

2006-06-28 Thread k4elv
I have a question for the group.  I have recently completed the KX1 with the 
30/80 board.  The unit is working.  Worked OJ0 last Friday night on 30 meters.  
The problem I'm having is with the KXAT1.  The first problem was reading only 
(---) when installed.  Problem was fixed with a new MCU for the main board.  
Now I can access the ATU and it's parameters.  Here's my question.  Following 
my interpreation of the calibration steps, I tap menu to gain ATU. I rotate the 
VFO switch to find CAL.  Now my understanding is to hold both Menu and Band 
while still in CAL to enter TUNE.  If that's correct I have a problem.  I can 
not access Tune while in CAL.  I can use the VFO to go to TUNE, but that's not 
using the Menu and Band switches, which I interprate as no longer being in CAL. 
 Is that correct??  Boy, am I confused.  Any help would be appreciated.  73 
Mike K4ELV

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[Elecraft] KX 1 VFO noise

2006-08-29 Thread k4elv
I sent an email to the group yesterday and received a reply stating that the 
mailbox was full??  So, I'll resend my request for help.  
I haven't used my KX1 since I completed assembly a few weeks ago. At that time 
all seemed well. In preparation for a trip I got the unit out to test it. I 
found that as the VFO was tuned a "popping or clicking" noise is heard each 
time the display moves. It sounds like statis from a counter?? I seem to recall 
seeing this mentioned by the group 
but I can't find a reference. Any ideas? External battery voltage is 
approximately 12.4 volts. Internal batteries are low, but I still hear the 
sound.  Thanks, 
Mike K4ELV

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