Re: [elinks-users] New elinks user - three months of happiness..!!

2006-07-04 Thread cga2000
On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 02:15:44AM EDT, Thomas Adam wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 01:51:44AM -0400, cga2000 wrote:
> > I also have a minor problem with sites that use a screen-wide color
> > background to highlight headings. But this may be due to my terminal
> > (xterm+gnu/screen) configuration. I have this problem with the gentoo
> > main page for instance and would be curious to know if others see the
> > same thing I am seeing.
> I couldn't say -- the page looks fine to me.   You could always take a
> screenshot.

normally the purplish-blue background of "Gentoo Weekly Newsletter" ..
etc. should extend as far as the column at the extreme right of the
screen.  Here, it stops with the text .. right after the '6' of 'July
2006".  Good news if you don't see this, then likely it's only a matter
of my configuring my terminal correctly.
> > One little thing that I am missing is the absence of any indication
> > of how far down I am into a given page. Something like a percentage
> > indication would be especially useful for some lengthy pages such as
> > collections of mailing list archives. I guess everybody else uses
> > the underlying terminal's scrollbar for this (?) .. I use a
> > fullscreen terminal with no scrollbar and sometimes - especially
> > when searching - I'm a little lost.
> I just tend to use the page indicator in the top-right corner of
> ELinks, example:  Gentoo Linux -- Gentoo Linux News (1/4).

I guess.. I should've asked if there was such a feature to begin with..
Thanks for the tip.. suits me to a tee.. even better than a percentage..
since I tend to think more in terms of pages anyway.. like most people,
I guess.


elinks-users mailing list

Re: [elinks-users] spidermonkey debs?

2006-07-04 Thread cga2000
On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 01:42:29AM EDT, Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters wrote:
> No problem.
> The forgotten master session only explains one of the problems. I am
> still curious about how the configure script found SpiderMonkey, yet you
> had a binary that clearly was trying to link with a non-existent
> library. 

my *guess* is that elinks's configure script looks in all likely
places..  and this includes the /usr/local tree.

> I still don't understand how /usr/local came into this--Debian
> packages should not store anything relevant under there. I'd like to
> understand these problems so that they might be avoided by other users.

yes, but the libjs that elinks uses is not the standard debian lib.. 

I did a:

$ find ../spidermonkey/js -name -print

.. and sure enough the lib is part of the sm tarball.. and the exact
same size as the one in /usr/local/lib (550,952 bytes).

Now, since prior to make-ing spidermonkey I set the $PREFIX to
/usr/local - as specified in ecmascript.text, I would assume that this
caused all binaries that come with sm to be eventually installed in the
/usr/local tree.. including the libjs lib. 
> In any case, have fun with ECMAScript!
Well.. that was pretty much what I was wondering earlier.. now it's
installed what good is it..?  I mean in the real world.. I would imagine
that it should be transparent..  Stuff that didn't work before should
now work.  I should have kept my prior version of elinks some place..
continued using that until I ran into a "js disabled" problem and
switched to this version to see the difference. It's really very late
over here so I just can't think of any site where I tried to access some
gadget-y link and got denied with the previous version. But as far as I
can tell most pages seem to use js to add some gimmicky rendering stuff
that's not compatible with a text mode browser anyway..  so I'm not so
sure it's really going to make much difference.


elinks-users mailing list

Re: [elinks-users] spidermonkey debs?

2006-07-04 Thread Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters
On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 04:39:53AM -0400, cga2000 wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 01:42:29AM EDT, Miciah Dashiel Butler Masters wrote:
> [..]
> > 
> > No problem.
> > 
> > The forgotten master session only explains one of the problems. I am
> > still curious about how the configure script found SpiderMonkey, yet you
> > had a binary that clearly was trying to link with a non-existent
> > library. 
> my *guess* is that elinks's configure script looks in all likely
> places..  and this includes the /usr/local tree.
> > I still don't understand how /usr/local came into this--Debian
> > packages should not store anything relevant under there. I'd like to
> > understand these problems so that they might be avoided by other users.
> yes, but the libjs that elinks uses is not the standard debian lib.. 
> I did a:
> $ find ../spidermonkey/js -name -print
> .. and sure enough the lib is part of the sm tarball.. and the exact
> same size as the one in /usr/local/lib (550,952 bytes).
> Now, since prior to make-ing spidermonkey I set the $PREFIX to
> /usr/local - as specified in ecmascript.text, I would assume that this
> caused all binaries that come with sm to be eventually installed in the
> /usr/local tree.. including the libjs lib. 

Are you saying that prior to installing the Debian package, you had
built SpiderMonkey yourself and put it in /usr/local?

> > In any case, have fun with ECMAScript!
> > 
> Well.. that was pretty much what I was wondering earlier.. now it's
> installed what good is it..?  I mean in the real world.. I would imagine
> that it should be transparent..  Stuff that didn't work before should
> now work.  I should have kept my prior version of elinks some place..
> continued using that until I ran into a "js disabled" problem and
> switched to this version to see the difference. It's really very late
> over here so I just can't think of any site where I tried to access some
> gadget-y link and got denied with the previous version. But as far as I
> can tell most pages seem to use js to add some gimmicky rendering stuff
> that's not compatible with a text mode browser anyway..  so I'm not so
> sure it's really going to make much difference.

The support in ELinks is adequate for the occasional alert,
ECMAScript-based redirect, some documents that use ECMAScript
to manipulate forms or require ECMAScript to submit the forms, and some
other small things that shouldn't require ECMAScript anyway. It is
foremost the cool dynamic document manipulation that is not presently
supported.  There have been a few success stories, and if you have
a particular site that doesn't work, you can report it on IRC or the
list, and it is possible that we might be able to add the necessary
capability, if it isn't said cool dynamic document manipulation stuff.

elinks-users mailing list