Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2017-02-26 Thread Simon
For what I needed to do (convert an enter into a 'finished editing' action 
i found quite a nice solution

In brief, I catch the keydown event but convert anything other than an 
enter in to json decode fail, so that it does not reach the update loop. An 
enter is caught, with preventDefault applied, and is passed to update as a 
finished editing action, which I pass to Dom.blur and then catch the blur 
event and use that to cause the model to updated.


On Sunday, 26 February 2017 09:11:51 UTC+1, Vincent Jousse wrote:
> The best workaround I've found is to use a webcomponent wrapper (only 
> compatible with chrome): 
> I'm using a custom attribute called "content" that is mapped to my Elm 
> Model. With this solution I've got the best of both worlds: Elm is managing 
> the DOM of my contenteditable element while being able to write custom 
> behavior in javascript for it.
> It is based on this talk by Richard Feldman: 
> 2017-02-25 11:41 GMT+01:00 Witold Szczerba  >:
>> One trick I have learned when integrating date range picker is that you 
>> can push data from component to Elm using custom HTML events instead of 
>> sending data through a port(s).
>> I have described it shortly here:
>> input [ class "form-control date-range" , value <| formatMaybeDuration 
>> item.duration , onDateRangePicker DurationChanged *-- see demo for 
>> details* ] []
>> Regards,
>> Witold Szczerba
>> On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 4:30 PM, Josh Szmajda > > wrote:
>>> I'm working with, integration has been 
>>> pretty alright.. Still very much in the figuring things out stage for my 
>>> app but here are some key snippets:
>>> Ports:
>>> ```
>>> port startEditor : (String, String, String) -> Cmd msg
>>> port stopEditor : String -> Cmd msg
>>> port editorChanges : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg
>>> port selectionChange : (Selection -> msg) -> Sub msg
>>> ```
>>> Selection:
>>> ```
>>> type alias Selection =
>>>   { text : String
>>>   , t : Float
>>>   , r : Float
>>>   , b : Float
>>>   , l : Float
>>>   }
>>> ```
>>> WYSIHtml View:
>>> ```
>>> module Wysihtml.View exposing (wysiToolbar, wysiEditor)
>>> import Html exposing (..)
>>> import Html.Attributes exposing (id, attribute, class)
>>> wysiToolbar : a -> Html a
>>> wysiToolbar msg =
>>>   div [ id "wysi-toolbar" ]
>>> [ a [ class "bold", command msg "bold" ] [ text "B" ]
>>> , a [ class "italic", command msg "italic" ] [ text "I" ]
>>> , a [ class "h1", command msg "formatBlock", commandValue msg "h1" ] 
>>> [ text "H1" ]
>>> , a [ class "p", command msg "formatBlock", commandValue msg "p" ] [ 
>>> text "P" ]
>>> , a [ class "ul", command msg "inserUnorderedList" ] [ text "list" ]
>>> ]
>>> wysiEditor : a -> Html a
>>> wysiEditor msg =
>>>   div [ id "wysi-editor", dataPlaceholder msg "Start editing" ] []
>>> dataPlaceholder : a -> String -> Attribute a
>>> dataPlaceholder msg data =
>>>   attribute "data-placeholder" data
>>> command : a -> String -> Attribute a
>>> command msg command =
>>>   attribute "data-wysihtml5-command" command
>>> commandValue : a -> String -> Attribute a
>>> commandValue msg value =
>>>   attribute "data-wysihtml5-command-value" value
>>> ```
>>> index.html wiring:
>>> ```
>>> app.ports.startEditor.subscribe(function(){
>>>   var editor = arguments[0][0];
>>>   var toolbar = arguments[0][1];
>>>   var initialText = arguments[0][2];
>>>   // todo change setTimeout to MutationObserver
>>>   setTimeout(function(){
>>> console.log('start editor');
>>> window.x_editor = new wysihtml5.Editor(editor, {
>>>   toolbar: toolbar,
>>>   parserRules:  wysihtml5ParserRules
>>> });
>>> window.x_editor.setValue(initialText, true);
>>> window.x_editor.on('interaction', function(){
>>>   app.ports.editorChanges.send(x_editor.getValue());
>>> });
>>>   }, 60);
>>> });
>>> document.addEventListener("selectionchange", function(){
>>>   console.log("selection changed, sending to elm");
>>>   selection = window.getSelection();
>>>   if(!selection.isCollapsed){
>>> for(var i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++) {
>>>   range = selection.getRangeAt(i);
>>>   rect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
>>>   app.ports.selectionChange.send({ text: selection.toString(), t: 
>>>, r: rect.right, b: rect.bottom, l: rect.left });
>>> }
>>>   }
>>> });
>>> ```
>>> I think that's the meat. Happy to chat more.
>>> On Friday, February 24, 2017 at 3:38:33 AM UTC-5, Simon wrote:

 I'm also trying to work with contenteditable. I have a basic syste

Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2017-02-26 Thread Vincent Jousse
The best workaround I've found is to use a webcomponent wrapper (only
compatible with chrome):

I'm using a custom attribute called "content" that is mapped to my Elm
Model. With this solution I've got the best of both worlds: Elm is managing
the DOM of my contenteditable element while being able to write custom
behavior in javascript for it.

It is based on this talk by Richard Feldman:

2017-02-25 11:41 GMT+01:00 Witold Szczerba :

> One trick I have learned when integrating date range picker is that you
> can push data from component to Elm using custom HTML events instead of
> sending data through a port(s).
> I have described it shortly here:
> date_pickers_in_elm_watch_this_no/
> input [ class "form-control date-range" , value <| formatMaybeDuration
> item.duration , onDateRangePicker DurationChanged *-- see demo for
> details* ] []
> Regards,
> Witold Szczerba
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 4:30 PM, Josh Szmajda  wrote:
>> I'm working with, integration has been
>> pretty alright.. Still very much in the figuring things out stage for my
>> app but here are some key snippets:
>> Ports:
>> ```
>> port startEditor : (String, String, String) -> Cmd msg
>> port stopEditor : String -> Cmd msg
>> port editorChanges : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg
>> port selectionChange : (Selection -> msg) -> Sub msg
>> ```
>> Selection:
>> ```
>> type alias Selection =
>>   { text : String
>>   , t : Float
>>   , r : Float
>>   , b : Float
>>   , l : Float
>>   }
>> ```
>> WYSIHtml View:
>> ```
>> module Wysihtml.View exposing (wysiToolbar, wysiEditor)
>> import Html exposing (..)
>> import Html.Attributes exposing (id, attribute, class)
>> wysiToolbar : a -> Html a
>> wysiToolbar msg =
>>   div [ id "wysi-toolbar" ]
>> [ a [ class "bold", command msg "bold" ] [ text "B" ]
>> , a [ class "italic", command msg "italic" ] [ text "I" ]
>> , a [ class "h1", command msg "formatBlock", commandValue msg "h1" ]
>> [ text "H1" ]
>> , a [ class "p", command msg "formatBlock", commandValue msg "p" ] [
>> text "P" ]
>> , a [ class "ul", command msg "inserUnorderedList" ] [ text "list" ]
>> ]
>> wysiEditor : a -> Html a
>> wysiEditor msg =
>>   div [ id "wysi-editor", dataPlaceholder msg "Start editing" ] []
>> dataPlaceholder : a -> String -> Attribute a
>> dataPlaceholder msg data =
>>   attribute "data-placeholder" data
>> command : a -> String -> Attribute a
>> command msg command =
>>   attribute "data-wysihtml5-command" command
>> commandValue : a -> String -> Attribute a
>> commandValue msg value =
>>   attribute "data-wysihtml5-command-value" value
>> ```
>> index.html wiring:
>> ```
>> app.ports.startEditor.subscribe(function(){
>>   var editor = arguments[0][0];
>>   var toolbar = arguments[0][1];
>>   var initialText = arguments[0][2];
>>   // todo change setTimeout to MutationObserver
>>   setTimeout(function(){
>> console.log('start editor');
>> window.x_editor = new wysihtml5.Editor(editor, {
>>   toolbar: toolbar,
>>   parserRules:  wysihtml5ParserRules
>> });
>> window.x_editor.setValue(initialText, true);
>> window.x_editor.on('interaction', function(){
>>   app.ports.editorChanges.send(x_editor.getValue());
>> });
>>   }, 60);
>> });
>> document.addEventListener("selectionchange", function(){
>>   console.log("selection changed, sending to elm");
>>   selection = window.getSelection();
>>   if(!selection.isCollapsed){
>> for(var i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++) {
>>   range = selection.getRangeAt(i);
>>   rect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
>>   app.ports.selectionChange.send({ text: selection.toString(), t:
>>, r: rect.right, b: rect.bottom, l: rect.left });
>> }
>>   }
>> });
>> ```
>> I think that's the meat. Happy to chat more.
>> On Friday, February 24, 2017 at 3:38:33 AM UTC-5, Simon wrote:
>>> I'm also trying to work with contenteditable. I have a basic system
>>> working with pure Elm, in that I can click on a field to edit it and then
>>> click elsewhere with blur causing an update of the model. But the challenge
>>> I face is detecting an enter key and using that save the updated value and
>>> blur the current field. I seem to be getting some virtual DOM issues.
>>> Anyway I have an Ellie at and if
>>> anyone can help, I'd love to know
>>> Simon
>>> On Tuesday, 27 September 2016 16:35:04 UTC+2, Girish Sonawane wrote:

 Instead of onChange, you can try using Events.on http://package.elm-l

 On Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 3:16:12 PM UTC+5:30, Peter Damoc wrote:
> I've tried a naive implementation i

Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2017-02-25 Thread Witold Szczerba
One trick I have learned when integrating date range picker is that you can
push data from component to Elm using custom HTML events instead of sending
data through a port(s).
I have described it shortly here:

input [ class "form-control date-range" , value <| formatMaybeDuration
item.duration , onDateRangePicker DurationChanged *-- see demo for details*
] []

Witold Szczerba

On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 4:30 PM, Josh Szmajda  wrote:

> I'm working with, integration has been
> pretty alright.. Still very much in the figuring things out stage for my
> app but here are some key snippets:
> Ports:
> ```
> port startEditor : (String, String, String) -> Cmd msg
> port stopEditor : String -> Cmd msg
> port editorChanges : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg
> port selectionChange : (Selection -> msg) -> Sub msg
> ```
> Selection:
> ```
> type alias Selection =
>   { text : String
>   , t : Float
>   , r : Float
>   , b : Float
>   , l : Float
>   }
> ```
> WYSIHtml View:
> ```
> module Wysihtml.View exposing (wysiToolbar, wysiEditor)
> import Html exposing (..)
> import Html.Attributes exposing (id, attribute, class)
> wysiToolbar : a -> Html a
> wysiToolbar msg =
>   div [ id "wysi-toolbar" ]
> [ a [ class "bold", command msg "bold" ] [ text "B" ]
> , a [ class "italic", command msg "italic" ] [ text "I" ]
> , a [ class "h1", command msg "formatBlock", commandValue msg "h1" ] [
> text "H1" ]
> , a [ class "p", command msg "formatBlock", commandValue msg "p" ] [
> text "P" ]
> , a [ class "ul", command msg "inserUnorderedList" ] [ text "list" ]
> ]
> wysiEditor : a -> Html a
> wysiEditor msg =
>   div [ id "wysi-editor", dataPlaceholder msg "Start editing" ] []
> dataPlaceholder : a -> String -> Attribute a
> dataPlaceholder msg data =
>   attribute "data-placeholder" data
> command : a -> String -> Attribute a
> command msg command =
>   attribute "data-wysihtml5-command" command
> commandValue : a -> String -> Attribute a
> commandValue msg value =
>   attribute "data-wysihtml5-command-value" value
> ```
> index.html wiring:
> ```
> app.ports.startEditor.subscribe(function(){
>   var editor = arguments[0][0];
>   var toolbar = arguments[0][1];
>   var initialText = arguments[0][2];
>   // todo change setTimeout to MutationObserver
>   setTimeout(function(){
> console.log('start editor');
> window.x_editor = new wysihtml5.Editor(editor, {
>   toolbar: toolbar,
>   parserRules:  wysihtml5ParserRules
> });
> window.x_editor.setValue(initialText, true);
> window.x_editor.on('interaction', function(){
>   app.ports.editorChanges.send(x_editor.getValue());
> });
>   }, 60);
> });
> document.addEventListener("selectionchange", function(){
>   console.log("selection changed, sending to elm");
>   selection = window.getSelection();
>   if(!selection.isCollapsed){
> for(var i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++) {
>   range = selection.getRangeAt(i);
>   rect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
>   app.ports.selectionChange.send({ text: selection.toString(), t:
>, r: rect.right, b: rect.bottom, l: rect.left });
> }
>   }
> });
> ```
> I think that's the meat. Happy to chat more.
> On Friday, February 24, 2017 at 3:38:33 AM UTC-5, Simon wrote:
>> I'm also trying to work with contenteditable. I have a basic system
>> working with pure Elm, in that I can click on a field to edit it and then
>> click elsewhere with blur causing an update of the model. But the challenge
>> I face is detecting an enter key and using that save the updated value and
>> blur the current field. I seem to be getting some virtual DOM issues.
>> Anyway I have an Ellie at and if
>> anyone can help, I'd love to know
>> Simon
>> On Tuesday, 27 September 2016 16:35:04 UTC+2, Girish Sonawane wrote:
>>> Instead of onChange, you can try using Events.on http://package.elm-l
>>> On Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 3:16:12 PM UTC+5:30, Peter Damoc wrote:

 I've tried a naive implementation in Elm but, for some reason, it
 doesn't work (events are not fired for divs that have content editable)

 import Html exposing (..)
 import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
 import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
 import Html.Events exposing (on)
 import Json.Encode as JE
 import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=))

 main =
   beginnerProgram { model = "", view = view, update = update }

 onContent tagger =
   on "input" ( tagger ("innerHTML" := JD.string))

 view model =
   div []
 [ div [property "innerHTML" (JE.string model), onContent OnChange,
 contenteditable True][]

 type Msg = OnChange String


Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2017-02-24 Thread Josh Szmajda
I'm working with, integration has been 
pretty alright.. Still very much in the figuring things out stage for my 
app but here are some key snippets:

port startEditor : (String, String, String) -> Cmd msg
port stopEditor : String -> Cmd msg
port editorChanges : (String -> msg) -> Sub msg
port selectionChange : (Selection -> msg) -> Sub msg

type alias Selection =
  { text : String
  , t : Float
  , r : Float
  , b : Float
  , l : Float

WYSIHtml View:
module Wysihtml.View exposing (wysiToolbar, wysiEditor)

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (id, attribute, class)

wysiToolbar : a -> Html a
wysiToolbar msg =
  div [ id "wysi-toolbar" ]
[ a [ class "bold", command msg "bold" ] [ text "B" ]
, a [ class "italic", command msg "italic" ] [ text "I" ]
, a [ class "h1", command msg "formatBlock", commandValue msg "h1" ] [ 
text "H1" ]
, a [ class "p", command msg "formatBlock", commandValue msg "p" ] [ 
text "P" ]
, a [ class "ul", command msg "inserUnorderedList" ] [ text "list" ]

wysiEditor : a -> Html a
wysiEditor msg =
  div [ id "wysi-editor", dataPlaceholder msg "Start editing" ] []

dataPlaceholder : a -> String -> Attribute a
dataPlaceholder msg data =
  attribute "data-placeholder" data

command : a -> String -> Attribute a
command msg command =
  attribute "data-wysihtml5-command" command

commandValue : a -> String -> Attribute a
commandValue msg value =
  attribute "data-wysihtml5-command-value" value

index.html wiring:
  var editor = arguments[0][0];
  var toolbar = arguments[0][1];
  var initialText = arguments[0][2];
  // todo change setTimeout to MutationObserver
console.log('start editor');
window.x_editor = new wysihtml5.Editor(editor, {
  toolbar: toolbar,
  parserRules:  wysihtml5ParserRules
window.x_editor.setValue(initialText, true);
window.x_editor.on('interaction', function(){
  }, 60);
document.addEventListener("selectionchange", function(){
  console.log("selection changed, sending to elm");
  selection = window.getSelection();
for(var i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++) {
  range = selection.getRangeAt(i);
  rect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
  app.ports.selectionChange.send({ text: selection.toString(), t:, r: rect.right, b: rect.bottom, l: rect.left });

I think that's the meat. Happy to chat more.

On Friday, February 24, 2017 at 3:38:33 AM UTC-5, Simon wrote:
> I'm also trying to work with contenteditable. I have a basic system 
> working with pure Elm, in that I can click on a field to edit it and then 
> click elsewhere with blur causing an update of the model. But the challenge 
> I face is detecting an enter key and using that save the updated value and 
> blur the current field. I seem to be getting some virtual DOM issues.  
> Anyway I have an Ellie at and if 
> anyone can help, I'd love to know
> Simon
> On Tuesday, 27 September 2016 16:35:04 UTC+2, Girish Sonawane wrote:
>> Instead of onChange, you can try using Events.on 
>> On Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 3:16:12 PM UTC+5:30, Peter Damoc wrote:
>>> I've tried a naive implementation in Elm but, for some reason, it 
>>> doesn't work (events are not fired for divs that have content editable) 
>>> import Html exposing (..)
>>> import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
>>> import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
>>> import Html.Events exposing (on)
>>> import Json.Encode as JE
>>> import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=))
>>> main =
>>>   beginnerProgram { model = "", view = view, update = update }
>>> onContent tagger = 
>>>   on "input" ( tagger ("innerHTML" := JD.string))
>>> view model =
>>>   div []
>>> [ div [property "innerHTML" (JE.string model), onContent OnChange, 
>>> contenteditable True][]
>>> ]
>>> type Msg = OnChange String 
>>> update msg model =
>>>   case (Debug.log "msg:" msg) of
>>> OnChange str -> str
>>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 12:03 PM, Vincent Jousse  
>>> wrote:

 I'm writing an application where the user needs to edit some HTML 
 content. When I first wrote this application in JS, I was using some 
 contenteditable fields to do so.

 How should I handle this with Elm? My problem is that if I set a div 
 with contenteditable=true in elm, and that the content of this div depends 
 on my model state, when an user edits the HTML, my model is now out of 
 Maybe getting the innerHTML field when the user is changing the content 
 of the div and set this to a f

Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2017-02-24 Thread Simon
I'm also trying to work with contenteditable. I have a basic system working 
with pure Elm, in that I can click on a field to edit it and then click 
elsewhere with blur causing an update of the model. But the challenge I 
face is detecting an enter key and using that save the updated value and 
blur the current field. I seem to be getting some virtual DOM issues.  

Anyway I have an Ellie at and if 
anyone can help, I'd love to know


On Tuesday, 27 September 2016 16:35:04 UTC+2, Girish Sonawane wrote:
> Instead of onChange, you can try using Events.on 
> On Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 3:16:12 PM UTC+5:30, Peter Damoc wrote:
>> I've tried a naive implementation in Elm but, for some reason, it doesn't 
>> work (events are not fired for divs that have content editable) 
>> import Html exposing (..)
>> import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
>> import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
>> import Html.Events exposing (on)
>> import Json.Encode as JE
>> import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=))
>> main =
>>   beginnerProgram { model = "", view = view, update = update }
>> onContent tagger = 
>>   on "input" ( tagger ("innerHTML" := JD.string))
>> view model =
>>   div []
>> [ div [property "innerHTML" (JE.string model), onContent OnChange, 
>> contenteditable True][]
>> ]
>> type Msg = OnChange String 
>> update msg model =
>>   case (Debug.log "msg:" msg) of
>> OnChange str -> str
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 12:03 PM, Vincent Jousse  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm writing an application where the user needs to edit some HTML 
>>> content. When I first wrote this application in JS, I was using some 
>>> contenteditable fields to do so.
>>> How should I handle this with Elm? My problem is that if I set a div 
>>> with contenteditable=true in elm, and that the content of this div depends 
>>> on my model state, when an user edits the HTML, my model is now out of sync.
>>> Maybe getting the innerHTML field when the user is changing the content 
>>> of the div and set this to a field in my model? But how would I do to 
>>> convert this string back to some Html.div/Html.span/whatever code in Elm?
>>> The tricky part is that I need to handle events on spans that are in the 
>>> div with contenteditable=true.
>>> I tried to do it using Ports and Draft-js but the problem is that I now 
>>> have 2 states in my application: one in Elm and one in JS/React. Then, all 
>>> the beauty of "my application just depends on my Elm model state" is not 
>>> true anymore, as I know need to sync the 2 states…
>>> Not sure if I'm really clear, but thanks for reading this anyway ;-)
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "Elm Discuss" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
>>> an email to
>>> For more options, visit
>> -- 
>> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
>> blog:

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Elm 
Discuss" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
For more options, visit

Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-09-27 Thread Girish Sonawane
Instead of onChange, you can try using 

On Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 3:16:12 PM UTC+5:30, Peter Damoc wrote:
> I've tried a naive implementation in Elm but, for some reason, it doesn't 
> work (events are not fired for divs that have content editable) 
> import Html exposing (..)
> import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
> import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
> import Html.Events exposing (on)
> import Json.Encode as JE
> import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=))
> main =
>   beginnerProgram { model = "", view = view, update = update }
> onContent tagger = 
>   on "input" ( tagger ("innerHTML" := JD.string))
> view model =
>   div []
> [ div [property "innerHTML" (JE.string model), onContent OnChange, 
> contenteditable True][]
> ]
> type Msg = OnChange String 
> update msg model =
>   case (Debug.log "msg:" msg) of
> OnChange str -> str
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 12:03 PM, Vincent Jousse  > wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm writing an application where the user needs to edit some HTML 
>> content. When I first wrote this application in JS, I was using some 
>> contenteditable fields to do so.
>> How should I handle this with Elm? My problem is that if I set a div with 
>> contenteditable=true in elm, and that the content of this div depends on my 
>> model state, when an user edits the HTML, my model is now out of sync.
>> Maybe getting the innerHTML field when the user is changing the content 
>> of the div and set this to a field in my model? But how would I do to 
>> convert this string back to some Html.div/Html.span/whatever code in Elm?
>> The tricky part is that I need to handle events on spans that are in the 
>> div with contenteditable=true.
>> I tried to do it using Ports and Draft-js but the problem is that I now 
>> have 2 states in my application: one in Elm and one in JS/React. Then, all 
>> the beauty of "my application just depends on my Elm model state" is not 
>> true anymore, as I know need to sync the 2 states…
>> Not sure if I'm really clear, but thanks for reading this anyway ;-)
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Elm Discuss" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to .
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
> blog:

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Elm 
Discuss" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
For more options, visit

Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-09-27 Thread Vincent Jousse
Define convenient? :) CKEditor API is ok to work with Elm.

Le mardi 27 septembre 2016 13:36:22 UTC+2, Steve Jones a écrit :
> Does CKeditor provide a convenient api for working with elm?
> On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 6:12:37 AM UTC-4, Steve Jones wrote:
>> Yes, that seems to have been the missing piece of the puzzle for me. 
>> 'arrive.js' (which is based on Mutation Observers) has been recommended to 
>> me, though your solution may be preferable, depending on the the browser 
>> support that I'm being held to.
>> Thanks
>> On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 4:56:48 AM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse wrote:
>>> The main "hack" I had to do was to wait on the Javascript side for the 
>>> DOM element to be rendered by ELM.
>>> A setTimeout recursively checking if the element exists (and so if I can 
>>> attach a CKEditor to it) did the trick.
>>> Le mardi 27 septembre 2016 01:26:45 UTC+2, Steve Jones a écrit :

 Well, I'm not sure yet. But I think it was to do do with dom lifecycle 
 and timing (I haven't tried CKeditor yet though. So far, I've tried 
 and quill). Things that work with static HTML do not with HTML generated 
 with elm. I've not found a lot of people doing this sort of thing 
 successfully, so I'm mostly trying to determine what's been done.

 Quill gives me "Invalid Quill container". And tinymce just silently 
 fails to do anything.

 On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 7:01:16 PM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse wrote:
> Yes it works for me.
> What's your problem exactly?
> Le lundi 26 septembre 2016 23:54:49 UTC+2, Steve Jones a écrit :
>> Vincent,
>> So, you've had some success with CKeditor? I'm having some difficulty 
>> getting any of these rich text editors to work within my app. I have 
>> tried 
>> CKeditor yet though.
>> On Friday, September 2, 2016 at 9:34:19 AM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse 
>> wrote:
>>> Nice trick :D
>>> I think I'll stay with my CKeditor solution for the moment, but 
>>> thanks a lot anyway.
>>> Le mercredi 31 août 2016 16:02:30 UTC+2, Damir Batinović a écrit :

 I had to use contenteditable in my project. The true way to 
 handling cursor position was to hard (I don't remeber what it was but 
 thing it involves window.selection) so I went with a  dirty hack. 
 another field to my model (tmpInput), saving input events into that 
 until Blur event was fired. Upon blur event tmpInput is copied to real 
 input. So model and view are out of sync until blur happens. It's not 
 but there where no problems with implementation so far.

 Dana utorak, 30. kolovoza 2016. u 17:18:37 UTC+2, korisnik Vincent 
 Jousse napisao je:
> I didn't but it's a very good idea :-)
> Do you see a way to overcome the cursor position problem with that 
> approach?
> Le mardi 30 août 2016 17:16:21 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
>> It makes perfect sense. 
>> Have you thought about putting contenteditable on each individual 
>> span? 
>> This should allow for single word editing and for individual 
>> double clicks. 
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Vincent Jousse > > wrote:
>>> I mainly need double click events. I'm doing a transcription 
>>> editor: I'm using a Speech To Text tool to generate words with 
>>> their 
>>> timestamps.
>>> I'm putting the words in a contenteditable div so that people 
>>> can correct the transcription, and each word is surrounded by a 
>>> span 
>>> containing the timestamp info in some data- attribute.
>>> When people double click on the span, I want the audio player to 
>>> play the file starting at this timestamp. And when the audio is 
>>> playing, I 
>>> want the «current word» to be highlighted in the contenteditable 
>>> div.
>>> Does it make sense?
>>> Le mardi 30 août 2016 16:36:10 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :

 Well, it was a naive approach. ^_^ 

 As for events inside the contenteditable div, I have no idea 
 but what kind of events do you want to handle in this kind of a 

 On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Vincent Jousse <> wrote:

> Thanks, but I would not say that it's "working" as it seems 
> that the cursor position is reset after each event, causing the 
> text to be 
> written f

Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-09-27 Thread Steve Jones
Does CKeditor provide a convenient api for working with elm?

On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 6:12:37 AM UTC-4, Steve Jones wrote:
> Yes, that seems to have been the missing piece of the puzzle for me. 
> 'arrive.js' (which is based on Mutation Observers) has been recommended to 
> me, though your solution may be preferable, depending on the the browser 
> support that I'm being held to.
> Thanks
> On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 4:56:48 AM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse wrote:
>> The main "hack" I had to do was to wait on the Javascript side for the 
>> DOM element to be rendered by ELM.
>> A setTimeout recursively checking if the element exists (and so if I can 
>> attach a CKEditor to it) did the trick.
>> Le mardi 27 septembre 2016 01:26:45 UTC+2, Steve Jones a écrit :
>>> Well, I'm not sure yet. But I think it was to do do with dom lifecycle 
>>> and timing (I haven't tried CKeditor yet though. So far, I've tried tinymce 
>>> and quill). Things that work with static HTML do not with HTML generated 
>>> with elm. I've not found a lot of people doing this sort of thing 
>>> successfully, so I'm mostly trying to determine what's been done.
>>> Quill gives me "Invalid Quill container". And tinymce just silently 
>>> fails to do anything.
>>> On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 7:01:16 PM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse wrote:

 Yes it works for me.

 What's your problem exactly?

 Le lundi 26 septembre 2016 23:54:49 UTC+2, Steve Jones a écrit :
> Vincent,
> So, you've had some success with CKeditor? I'm having some difficulty 
> getting any of these rich text editors to work within my app. I have 
> tried 
> CKeditor yet though.
> On Friday, September 2, 2016 at 9:34:19 AM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse wrote:
>> Nice trick :D
>> I think I'll stay with my CKeditor solution for the moment, but 
>> thanks a lot anyway.
>> Le mercredi 31 août 2016 16:02:30 UTC+2, Damir Batinović a écrit :
>>> I had to use contenteditable in my project. The true way to handling 
>>> cursor position was to hard (I don't remeber what it was but I thing it 
>>> involves window.selection) so I went with a  dirty hack. Added another 
>>> field to my model (tmpInput), saving input events into that field until 
>>> Blur event was fired. Upon blur event tmpInput is copied to real input. 
>>> So 
>>> model and view are out of sync until blur happens. It's not nice but 
>>> there 
>>> where no problems with implementation so far.
>>> Dana utorak, 30. kolovoza 2016. u 17:18:37 UTC+2, korisnik Vincent 
>>> Jousse napisao je:

 I didn't but it's a very good idea :-)

 Do you see a way to overcome the cursor position problem with that 

 Le mardi 30 août 2016 17:16:21 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
> It makes perfect sense. 
> Have you thought about putting contenteditable on each individual 
> span? 
> This should allow for single word editing and for individual 
> double clicks. 
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Vincent Jousse  
> wrote:
>> I mainly need double click events. I'm doing a transcription 
>> editor: I'm using a Speech To Text tool to generate words with their 
>> timestamps.
>> I'm putting the words in a contenteditable div so that people can 
>> correct the transcription, and each word is surrounded by a span 
>> containing 
>> the timestamp info in some data- attribute.
>> When people double click on the span, I want the audio player to 
>> play the file starting at this timestamp. And when the audio is 
>> playing, I 
>> want the «current word» to be highlighted in the contenteditable div.
>> Does it make sense?
>> Le mardi 30 août 2016 16:36:10 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
>>> Well, it was a naive approach. ^_^ 
>>> As for events inside the contenteditable div, I have no idea but 
>>> what kind of events do you want to handle in this kind of a 
>>> scenario?
>>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Vincent Jousse <
>>>> wrote:
 Thanks, but I would not say that it's "working" as it seems 
 that the cursor position is reset after each event, causing the 
 text to be 
 written from right to left :-)

 It's seems related to this issue:

 And with this approach (storing a string), how could I trigger 
 events on the HTML inside the contenteditable div?

Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-09-27 Thread Steve Jones
Yes, that seems to have been the missing piece of the puzzle for me. 
'arrive.js' (which is based on Mutation Observers) has been recommended to 
me, though your solution may be preferable, depending on the the browser 
support that I'm being held to.


On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 4:56:48 AM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse wrote:
> The main "hack" I had to do was to wait on the Javascript side for the DOM 
> element to be rendered by ELM.
> A setTimeout recursively checking if the element exists (and so if I can 
> attach a CKEditor to it) did the trick.
> Le mardi 27 septembre 2016 01:26:45 UTC+2, Steve Jones a écrit :
>> Well, I'm not sure yet. But I think it was to do do with dom lifecycle 
>> and timing (I haven't tried CKeditor yet though. So far, I've tried tinymce 
>> and quill). Things that work with static HTML do not with HTML generated 
>> with elm. I've not found a lot of people doing this sort of thing 
>> successfully, so I'm mostly trying to determine what's been done.
>> Quill gives me "Invalid Quill container". And tinymce just silently fails 
>> to do anything.
>> On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 7:01:16 PM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse wrote:
>>> Yes it works for me.
>>> What's your problem exactly?
>>> Le lundi 26 septembre 2016 23:54:49 UTC+2, Steve Jones a écrit :


 So, you've had some success with CKeditor? I'm having some difficulty 
 getting any of these rich text editors to work within my app. I have tried 
 CKeditor yet though.

 On Friday, September 2, 2016 at 9:34:19 AM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse wrote:
> Nice trick :D
> I think I'll stay with my CKeditor solution for the moment, but thanks 
> a lot anyway.
> Le mercredi 31 août 2016 16:02:30 UTC+2, Damir Batinović a écrit :
>> I had to use contenteditable in my project. The true way to handling 
>> cursor position was to hard (I don't remeber what it was but I thing it 
>> involves window.selection) so I went with a  dirty hack. Added another 
>> field to my model (tmpInput), saving input events into that field until 
>> Blur event was fired. Upon blur event tmpInput is copied to real input. 
>> So 
>> model and view are out of sync until blur happens. It's not nice but 
>> there 
>> where no problems with implementation so far.
>> Dana utorak, 30. kolovoza 2016. u 17:18:37 UTC+2, korisnik Vincent 
>> Jousse napisao je:
>>> I didn't but it's a very good idea :-)
>>> Do you see a way to overcome the cursor position problem with that 
>>> approach?
>>> Le mardi 30 août 2016 17:16:21 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :

 It makes perfect sense. 

 Have you thought about putting contenteditable on each individual 
 This should allow for single word editing and for individual double 

 On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Vincent Jousse  

> I mainly need double click events. I'm doing a transcription 
> editor: I'm using a Speech To Text tool to generate words with their 
> timestamps.
> I'm putting the words in a contenteditable div so that people can 
> correct the transcription, and each word is surrounded by a span 
> containing 
> the timestamp info in some data- attribute.
> When people double click on the span, I want the audio player to 
> play the file starting at this timestamp. And when the audio is 
> playing, I 
> want the «current word» to be highlighted in the contenteditable div.
> Does it make sense?
> Le mardi 30 août 2016 16:36:10 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
>> Well, it was a naive approach. ^_^ 
>> As for events inside the contenteditable div, I have no idea but 
>> what kind of events do you want to handle in this kind of a scenario?
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Vincent Jousse > > wrote:
>>> Thanks, but I would not say that it's "working" as it seems that 
>>> the cursor position is reset after each event, causing the text to 
>>> be 
>>> written from right to left :-)
>>> It's seems related to this issue: 
>>> And with this approach (storing a string), how could I trigger 
>>> events on the HTML inside the contenteditable div?
>> -- 
>> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
>> blog:
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "Elm Discuss" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group

Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-09-27 Thread Vincent Jousse
The main "hack" I had to do was to wait on the Javascript side for the DOM 
element to be rendered by ELM.

A setTimeout recursively checking if the element exists (and so if I can 
attach a CKEditor to it) did the trick.

Le mardi 27 septembre 2016 01:26:45 UTC+2, Steve Jones a écrit :
> Well, I'm not sure yet. But I think it was to do do with dom lifecycle and 
> timing (I haven't tried CKeditor yet though. So far, I've tried tinymce and 
> quill). Things that work with static HTML do not with HTML generated with 
> elm. I've not found a lot of people doing this sort of thing successfully, 
> so I'm mostly trying to determine what's been done.
> Quill gives me "Invalid Quill container". And tinymce just silently fails 
> to do anything.
> On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 7:01:16 PM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse wrote:
>> Yes it works for me.
>> What's your problem exactly?
>> Le lundi 26 septembre 2016 23:54:49 UTC+2, Steve Jones a écrit :
>>> Vincent,
>>> So, you've had some success with CKeditor? I'm having some difficulty 
>>> getting any of these rich text editors to work within my app. I have tried 
>>> CKeditor yet though.
>>> On Friday, September 2, 2016 at 9:34:19 AM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse wrote:

 Nice trick :D

 I think I'll stay with my CKeditor solution for the moment, but thanks 
 a lot anyway.

 Le mercredi 31 août 2016 16:02:30 UTC+2, Damir Batinović a écrit :
> I had to use contenteditable in my project. The true way to handling 
> cursor position was to hard (I don't remeber what it was but I thing it 
> involves window.selection) so I went with a  dirty hack. Added another 
> field to my model (tmpInput), saving input events into that field until 
> Blur event was fired. Upon blur event tmpInput is copied to real input. 
> So 
> model and view are out of sync until blur happens. It's not nice but 
> there 
> where no problems with implementation so far.
> Dana utorak, 30. kolovoza 2016. u 17:18:37 UTC+2, korisnik Vincent 
> Jousse napisao je:
>> I didn't but it's a very good idea :-)
>> Do you see a way to overcome the cursor position problem with that 
>> approach?
>> Le mardi 30 août 2016 17:16:21 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
>>> It makes perfect sense. 
>>> Have you thought about putting contenteditable on each individual 
>>> span? 
>>> This should allow for single word editing and for individual double 
>>> clicks. 
>>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Vincent Jousse  
>>> wrote:
 I mainly need double click events. I'm doing a transcription 
 editor: I'm using a Speech To Text tool to generate words with their 

 I'm putting the words in a contenteditable div so that people can 
 correct the transcription, and each word is surrounded by a span 
 the timestamp info in some data- attribute.
 When people double click on the span, I want the audio player to 
 play the file starting at this timestamp. And when the audio is 
 playing, I 
 want the «current word» to be highlighted in the contenteditable div.

 Does it make sense?

 Le mardi 30 août 2016 16:36:10 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
> Well, it was a naive approach. ^_^ 
> As for events inside the contenteditable div, I have no idea but 
> what kind of events do you want to handle in this kind of a scenario?
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Vincent Jousse  
> wrote:
>> Thanks, but I would not say that it's "working" as it seems that 
>> the cursor position is reset after each event, causing the text to 
>> be 
>> written from right to left :-)
>> It's seems related to this issue: 
>> And with this approach (storing a string), how could I trigger 
>> events on the HTML inside the contenteditable div?
> -- 
> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
> blog:
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "Elm Discuss" group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, 
 send an email to
 For more options, visit

>>> -- 
>>> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
>>> blog:

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Discuss" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails

Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-09-26 Thread Steve Jones
Well, I'm not sure yet. But I think it was to do do with dom lifecycle and 
timing (I haven't tried CKeditor yet though. So far, I've tried tinymce and 
quill). Things that work with static HTML do not with HTML generated with 
elm. I've not found a lot of people doing this sort of thing successfully, 
so I'm mostly trying to determine what's been done.

Quill gives me "Invalid Quill container". And tinymce just silently fails 
to do anything.

On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 7:01:16 PM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse wrote:
> Yes it works for me.
> What's your problem exactly?
> Le lundi 26 septembre 2016 23:54:49 UTC+2, Steve Jones a écrit :
>> Vincent,
>> So, you've had some success with CKeditor? I'm having some difficulty 
>> getting any of these rich text editors to work within my app. I have tried 
>> CKeditor yet though.
>> On Friday, September 2, 2016 at 9:34:19 AM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse wrote:
>>> Nice trick :D
>>> I think I'll stay with my CKeditor solution for the moment, but thanks a 
>>> lot anyway.
>>> Le mercredi 31 août 2016 16:02:30 UTC+2, Damir Batinović a écrit :

 I had to use contenteditable in my project. The true way to handling 
 cursor position was to hard (I don't remeber what it was but I thing it 
 involves window.selection) so I went with a  dirty hack. Added another 
 field to my model (tmpInput), saving input events into that field until 
 Blur event was fired. Upon blur event tmpInput is copied to real input. So 
 model and view are out of sync until blur happens. It's not nice but there 
 where no problems with implementation so far.

 Dana utorak, 30. kolovoza 2016. u 17:18:37 UTC+2, korisnik Vincent 
 Jousse napisao je:
> I didn't but it's a very good idea :-)
> Do you see a way to overcome the cursor position problem with that 
> approach?
> Le mardi 30 août 2016 17:16:21 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
>> It makes perfect sense. 
>> Have you thought about putting contenteditable on each individual 
>> span? 
>> This should allow for single word editing and for individual double 
>> clicks. 
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Vincent Jousse  
>> wrote:
>>> I mainly need double click events. I'm doing a transcription editor: 
>>> I'm using a Speech To Text tool to generate words with their timestamps.
>>> I'm putting the words in a contenteditable div so that people can 
>>> correct the transcription, and each word is surrounded by a span 
>>> containing 
>>> the timestamp info in some data- attribute.
>>> When people double click on the span, I want the audio player to 
>>> play the file starting at this timestamp. And when the audio is 
>>> playing, I 
>>> want the «current word» to be highlighted in the contenteditable div.
>>> Does it make sense?
>>> Le mardi 30 août 2016 16:36:10 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :

 Well, it was a naive approach. ^_^ 

 As for events inside the contenteditable div, I have no idea but 
 what kind of events do you want to handle in this kind of a scenario?

 On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Vincent Jousse  

> Thanks, but I would not say that it's "working" as it seems that 
> the cursor position is reset after each event, causing the text to be 
> written from right to left :-)
> It's seems related to this issue: 
> And with this approach (storing a string), how could I trigger 
> events on the HTML inside the contenteditable div?
 There is NO FATE, we are the creators.

>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "Elm Discuss" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, 
>>> send an email to
>>> For more options, visit
>> -- 
>> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
>> blog:

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Discuss" group.
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Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-09-26 Thread Vincent Jousse
Yes it works for me.

What's your problem exactly?

Le lundi 26 septembre 2016 23:54:49 UTC+2, Steve Jones a écrit :
> Vincent,
> So, you've had some success with CKeditor? I'm having some difficulty 
> getting any of these rich text editors to work within my app. I have tried 
> CKeditor yet though.
> On Friday, September 2, 2016 at 9:34:19 AM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse wrote:
>> Nice trick :D
>> I think I'll stay with my CKeditor solution for the moment, but thanks a 
>> lot anyway.
>> Le mercredi 31 août 2016 16:02:30 UTC+2, Damir Batinović a écrit :
>>> I had to use contenteditable in my project. The true way to handling 
>>> cursor position was to hard (I don't remeber what it was but I thing it 
>>> involves window.selection) so I went with a  dirty hack. Added another 
>>> field to my model (tmpInput), saving input events into that field until 
>>> Blur event was fired. Upon blur event tmpInput is copied to real input. So 
>>> model and view are out of sync until blur happens. It's not nice but there 
>>> where no problems with implementation so far.
>>> Dana utorak, 30. kolovoza 2016. u 17:18:37 UTC+2, korisnik Vincent 
>>> Jousse napisao je:

 I didn't but it's a very good idea :-)

 Do you see a way to overcome the cursor position problem with that 

 Le mardi 30 août 2016 17:16:21 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
> It makes perfect sense. 
> Have you thought about putting contenteditable on each individual 
> span? 
> This should allow for single word editing and for individual double 
> clicks. 
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Vincent Jousse  
> wrote:
>> I mainly need double click events. I'm doing a transcription editor: 
>> I'm using a Speech To Text tool to generate words with their timestamps.
>> I'm putting the words in a contenteditable div so that people can 
>> correct the transcription, and each word is surrounded by a span 
>> containing 
>> the timestamp info in some data- attribute.
>> When people double click on the span, I want the audio player to play 
>> the file starting at this timestamp. And when the audio is playing, I 
>> want 
>> the «current word» to be highlighted in the contenteditable div.
>> Does it make sense?
>> Le mardi 30 août 2016 16:36:10 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
>>> Well, it was a naive approach. ^_^ 
>>> As for events inside the contenteditable div, I have no idea but 
>>> what kind of events do you want to handle in this kind of a scenario?
>>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Vincent Jousse  
>>> wrote:
 Thanks, but I would not say that it's "working" as it seems that 
 the cursor position is reset after each event, causing the text to be 
 written from right to left :-)

 It's seems related to this issue:

 And with this approach (storing a string), how could I trigger 
 events on the HTML inside the contenteditable div?

>>> -- 
>>> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
>>> blog:
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "Elm Discuss" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, 
>> send an email to
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
> blog:

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Discuss" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
For more options, visit

Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-09-26 Thread Steve Jones

So, you've had some success with CKeditor? I'm having some difficulty 
getting any of these rich text editors to work within my app. I have tried 
CKeditor yet though.

On Friday, September 2, 2016 at 9:34:19 AM UTC-4, Vincent Jousse wrote:
> Nice trick :D
> I think I'll stay with my CKeditor solution for the moment, but thanks a 
> lot anyway.
> Le mercredi 31 août 2016 16:02:30 UTC+2, Damir Batinović a écrit :
>> I had to use contenteditable in my project. The true way to handling 
>> cursor position was to hard (I don't remeber what it was but I thing it 
>> involves window.selection) so I went with a  dirty hack. Added another 
>> field to my model (tmpInput), saving input events into that field until 
>> Blur event was fired. Upon blur event tmpInput is copied to real input. So 
>> model and view are out of sync until blur happens. It's not nice but there 
>> where no problems with implementation so far.
>> Dana utorak, 30. kolovoza 2016. u 17:18:37 UTC+2, korisnik Vincent Jousse 
>> napisao je:
>>> I didn't but it's a very good idea :-)
>>> Do you see a way to overcome the cursor position problem with that 
>>> approach?
>>> Le mardi 30 août 2016 17:16:21 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :

 It makes perfect sense. 

 Have you thought about putting contenteditable on each individual span? 
 This should allow for single word editing and for individual double 

 On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Vincent Jousse  

> I mainly need double click events. I'm doing a transcription editor: 
> I'm using a Speech To Text tool to generate words with their timestamps.
> I'm putting the words in a contenteditable div so that people can 
> correct the transcription, and each word is surrounded by a span 
> containing 
> the timestamp info in some data- attribute.
> When people double click on the span, I want the audio player to play 
> the file starting at this timestamp. And when the audio is playing, I 
> want 
> the «current word» to be highlighted in the contenteditable div.
> Does it make sense?
> Le mardi 30 août 2016 16:36:10 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
>> Well, it was a naive approach. ^_^ 
>> As for events inside the contenteditable div, I have no idea but what 
>> kind of events do you want to handle in this kind of a scenario?
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Vincent Jousse  
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks, but I would not say that it's "working" as it seems that the 
>>> cursor position is reset after each event, causing the text to be 
>>> written 
>>> from right to left :-)
>>> It's seems related to this issue: 
>>> And with this approach (storing a string), how could I trigger 
>>> events on the HTML inside the contenteditable div?
>> -- 
>> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
>> blog:
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "Elm Discuss" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
> an email to
> For more options, visit

 There is NO FATE, we are the creators.


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Discuss" group.
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Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-09-02 Thread Vincent Jousse
Nice trick :D

I think I'll stay with my CKeditor solution for the moment, but thanks a 
lot anyway.

Le mercredi 31 août 2016 16:02:30 UTC+2, Damir Batinović a écrit :
> I had to use contenteditable in my project. The true way to handling 
> cursor position was to hard (I don't remeber what it was but I thing it 
> involves window.selection) so I went with a  dirty hack. Added another 
> field to my model (tmpInput), saving input events into that field until 
> Blur event was fired. Upon blur event tmpInput is copied to real input. So 
> model and view are out of sync until blur happens. It's not nice but there 
> where no problems with implementation so far.
> Dana utorak, 30. kolovoza 2016. u 17:18:37 UTC+2, korisnik Vincent Jousse 
> napisao je:
>> I didn't but it's a very good idea :-)
>> Do you see a way to overcome the cursor position problem with that 
>> approach?
>> Le mardi 30 août 2016 17:16:21 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
>>> It makes perfect sense. 
>>> Have you thought about putting contenteditable on each individual span? 
>>> This should allow for single word editing and for individual double 
>>> clicks. 
>>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Vincent Jousse  
>>> wrote:
 I mainly need double click events. I'm doing a transcription editor: 
 I'm using a Speech To Text tool to generate words with their timestamps.

 I'm putting the words in a contenteditable div so that people can 
 correct the transcription, and each word is surrounded by a span 
 the timestamp info in some data- attribute.
 When people double click on the span, I want the audio player to play 
 the file starting at this timestamp. And when the audio is playing, I want 
 the «current word» to be highlighted in the contenteditable div.

 Does it make sense?

 Le mardi 30 août 2016 16:36:10 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
> Well, it was a naive approach. ^_^ 
> As for events inside the contenteditable div, I have no idea but what 
> kind of events do you want to handle in this kind of a scenario?
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Vincent Jousse  
> wrote:
>> Thanks, but I would not say that it's "working" as it seems that the 
>> cursor position is reset after each event, causing the text to be 
>> written 
>> from right to left :-)
>> It's seems related to this issue: 
>> And with this approach (storing a string), how could I trigger events 
>> on the HTML inside the contenteditable div?
> -- 
> There is NO FATE, we are the creators.
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Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-08-31 Thread Damir Batinović
I had to use contenteditable in my project. The true way to handling cursor 
position was to hard (I don't remeber what it was but I thing it involves 
window.selection) so I went with a  dirty hack. Added another field to my 
model (tmpInput), saving input events into that field until Blur event was 
fired. Upon blur event tmpInput is copied to real input. So model and view 
are out of sync until blur happens. It's not nice but there where no 
problems with implementation so far.

Dana utorak, 30. kolovoza 2016. u 17:18:37 UTC+2, korisnik Vincent Jousse 
napisao je:
> I didn't but it's a very good idea :-)
> Do you see a way to overcome the cursor position problem with that 
> approach?
> Le mardi 30 août 2016 17:16:21 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
>> It makes perfect sense. 
>> Have you thought about putting contenteditable on each individual span? 
>> This should allow for single word editing and for individual double 
>> clicks. 
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Vincent Jousse  wrote:
>>> I mainly need double click events. I'm doing a transcription editor: I'm 
>>> using a Speech To Text tool to generate words with their timestamps.
>>> I'm putting the words in a contenteditable div so that people can 
>>> correct the transcription, and each word is surrounded by a span containing 
>>> the timestamp info in some data- attribute.
>>> When people double click on the span, I want the audio player to play 
>>> the file starting at this timestamp. And when the audio is playing, I want 
>>> the «current word» to be highlighted in the contenteditable div.
>>> Does it make sense?
>>> Le mardi 30 août 2016 16:36:10 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :

 Well, it was a naive approach. ^_^ 

 As for events inside the contenteditable div, I have no idea but what 
 kind of events do you want to handle in this kind of a scenario?

 On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Vincent Jousse  

> Thanks, but I would not say that it's "working" as it seems that the 
> cursor position is reset after each event, causing the text to be written 
> from right to left :-)
> It's seems related to this issue: 
> And with this approach (storing a string), how could I trigger events 
> on the HTML inside the contenteditable div?
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Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-08-30 Thread Vincent Jousse
I didn't but it's a very good idea :-)

Do you see a way to overcome the cursor position problem with that approach?

Le mardi 30 août 2016 17:16:21 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
> It makes perfect sense. 
> Have you thought about putting contenteditable on each individual span? 
> This should allow for single word editing and for individual double 
> clicks. 
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Vincent Jousse  > wrote:
>> I mainly need double click events. I'm doing a transcription editor: I'm 
>> using a Speech To Text tool to generate words with their timestamps.
>> I'm putting the words in a contenteditable div so that people can correct 
>> the transcription, and each word is surrounded by a span containing the 
>> timestamp info in some data- attribute.
>> When people double click on the span, I want the audio player to play the 
>> file starting at this timestamp. And when the audio is playing, I want the 
>> «current word» to be highlighted in the contenteditable div.
>> Does it make sense?
>> Le mardi 30 août 2016 16:36:10 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
>>> Well, it was a naive approach. ^_^ 
>>> As for events inside the contenteditable div, I have no idea but what 
>>> kind of events do you want to handle in this kind of a scenario?
>>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Vincent Jousse  
>>> wrote:
 Thanks, but I would not say that it's "working" as it seems that the 
 cursor position is reset after each event, causing the text to be written 
 from right to left :-)

 It's seems related to this issue:

 And with this approach (storing a string), how could I trigger events 
 on the HTML inside the contenteditable div?

>>> -- 
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Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-08-30 Thread Peter Damoc
It makes perfect sense.

Have you thought about putting contenteditable on each individual span?
This should allow for single word editing and for individual double clicks.

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Vincent Jousse  wrote:

> I mainly need double click events. I'm doing a transcription editor: I'm
> using a Speech To Text tool to generate words with their timestamps.
> I'm putting the words in a contenteditable div so that people can correct
> the transcription, and each word is surrounded by a span containing the
> timestamp info in some data- attribute.
> When people double click on the span, I want the audio player to play the
> file starting at this timestamp. And when the audio is playing, I want the
> «current word» to be highlighted in the contenteditable div.
> Does it make sense?
> Le mardi 30 août 2016 16:36:10 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
>> Well, it was a naive approach. ^_^
>> As for events inside the contenteditable div, I have no idea but what
>> kind of events do you want to handle in this kind of a scenario?
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Vincent Jousse  wrote:
>>> Thanks, but I would not say that it's "working" as it seems that the
>>> cursor position is reset after each event, causing the text to be written
>>> from right to left :-)
>>> It's seems related to this issue:
>>> rtual-dom/issues/23
>>> And with this approach (storing a string), how could I trigger events on
>>> the HTML inside the contenteditable div?
>> --
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Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-08-30 Thread Vincent Jousse
I mainly need double click events. I'm doing a transcription editor: I'm 
using a Speech To Text tool to generate words with their timestamps.

I'm putting the words in a contenteditable div so that people can correct 
the transcription, and each word is surrounded by a span containing the 
timestamp info in some data- attribute.
When people double click on the span, I want the audio player to play the 
file starting at this timestamp. And when the audio is playing, I want the 
«current word» to be highlighted in the contenteditable div.

Does it make sense?

Le mardi 30 août 2016 16:36:10 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
> Well, it was a naive approach. ^_^ 
> As for events inside the contenteditable div, I have no idea but what kind 
> of events do you want to handle in this kind of a scenario?
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Vincent Jousse  > wrote:
>> Thanks, but I would not say that it's "working" as it seems that the 
>> cursor position is reset after each event, causing the text to be written 
>> from right to left :-)
>> It's seems related to this issue: 
>> And with this approach (storing a string), how could I trigger events on 
>> the HTML inside the contenteditable div?
> -- 
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Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-08-30 Thread Peter Damoc
Well, it was a naive approach. ^_^

As for events inside the contenteditable div, I have no idea but what kind
of events do you want to handle in this kind of a scenario?

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM, Vincent Jousse  wrote:

> Thanks, but I would not say that it's "working" as it seems that the
> cursor position is reset after each event, causing the text to be written
> from right to left :-)
> It's seems related to this issue:
> virtual-dom/issues/23
> And with this approach (storing a string), how could I trigger events on
> the HTML inside the contenteditable div?
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Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-08-30 Thread Vincent Jousse
Thanks, but I would not say that it's "working" as it seems that the cursor 
position is reset after each event, causing the text to be written from 
right to left :-)

It's seems related to this issue:

And with this approach (storing a string), how could I trigger events on 
the HTML inside the contenteditable div?

Le mardi 30 août 2016 16:05:34 UTC+2, Peter Damoc a écrit :
> For the record, the working version looks like this: 
> import Html exposing (..)
> import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
> import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
> import Html.Events exposing (on)
> import Json.Encode as JE
> import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=), Decoder)
> main =
>   beginnerProgram { model = "", view = view, update = update }
> onContent tagger = 
>   on "input" ( tagger targetInnerHtml)
> targetInnerHtml : Decoder String
> targetInnerHtml =
> ["target", "innerHTML"] JD.string
> view model =
>   div []
> [ div [property "innerHTML" (JE.string model), onContent OnChange, 
> contenteditable True][]
> , hr [][]
> , div [property "innerHTML" (JE.string model)][]
> ]
> type Msg = OnChange String 
> update msg model =
>   case (Debug.log "msg:" msg) of
> OnChange str -> str
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 4:57 PM, Peter Damoc  > wrote:
>> Aaron, 
>> You are right, of course. 
>> I somehow expected that to work due to mixing in my mind the event object 
>> with the source of the event. 
>> My bad. :) 
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Aaron VonderHaar > > wrote:
>>> Peter, I'd guess the decoder in your onChange is failing, causing the 
>>> event not to send a Msg. The decoder is going to get an event object, not a 
>>> DOM node, which is probably why decoding an "innerHTML" property is 
>>> failing.  (Did your comment mean that your event handler does work for 
>>> non-contentEditable divs?)
>>> On Aug 30, 2016 2:46 AM, "Peter Damoc" > 
>>> wrote:
 I've tried a naive implementation in Elm but, for some reason, it 
 doesn't work (events are not fired for divs that have content editable) 

 import Html exposing (..)
 import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
 import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
 import Html.Events exposing (on)
 import Json.Encode as JE
 import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=))

 main =
   beginnerProgram { model = "", view = view, update = update }

 onContent tagger = 
   on "input" ( tagger ("innerHTML" := JD.string))

 view model =
   div []
 [ div [property "innerHTML" (JE.string model), onContent OnChange, 
 contenteditable True][]

 type Msg = OnChange String 

 update msg model =
   case (Debug.log "msg:" msg) of
 OnChange str -> str

 On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 12:03 PM, Vincent Jousse >>> > wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm writing an application where the user needs to edit some HTML 
> content. When I first wrote this application in JS, I was using some 
> contenteditable fields to do so.
> How should I handle this with Elm? My problem is that if I set a div 
> with contenteditable=true in elm, and that the content of this div 
> depends 
> on my model state, when an user edits the HTML, my model is now out of 
> sync.
> Maybe getting the innerHTML field when the user is changing the 
> content of the div and set this to a field in my model? But how would I 
> do 
> to convert this string back to some Html.div/Html.span/whatever code in 
> Elm?
> The tricky part is that I need to handle events on spans that are in 
> the div with contenteditable=true.
> I tried to do it using Ports and Draft-js but the problem is that I 
> now have 2 states in my application: one in Elm and one in JS/React. 
> Then, 
> all the beauty of "my application just depends on my Elm model state" is 
> not true anymore, as I know need to sync the 2 states…
> Not sure if I'm really clear, but thanks for reading this anyway ;-)
> -- 
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Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-08-30 Thread Peter Damoc
For the record, the working version looks like this:

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
import Html.Events exposing (on)
import Json.Encode as JE
import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=), Decoder)

main =
  beginnerProgram { model = "", view = view, update = update }

onContent tagger =
  on "input" ( tagger targetInnerHtml)

targetInnerHtml : Decoder String
targetInnerHtml = ["target", "innerHTML"] JD.string

view model =
  div []
[ div [property "innerHTML" (JE.string model), onContent OnChange,
contenteditable True][]
, hr [][]
, div [property "innerHTML" (JE.string model)][]

type Msg = OnChange String

update msg model =
  case (Debug.log "msg:" msg) of
OnChange str -> str

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 4:57 PM, Peter Damoc  wrote:

> Aaron,
> You are right, of course.
> I somehow expected that to work due to mixing in my mind the event object
> with the source of the event.
> My bad. :)
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Aaron VonderHaar 
> wrote:
>> Peter, I'd guess the decoder in your onChange is failing, causing the
>> event not to send a Msg. The decoder is going to get an event object, not a
>> DOM node, which is probably why decoding an "innerHTML" property is
>> failing.  (Did your comment mean that your event handler does work for
>> non-contentEditable divs?)
>> On Aug 30, 2016 2:46 AM, "Peter Damoc"  wrote:
>>> I've tried a naive implementation in Elm but, for some reason, it
>>> doesn't work (events are not fired for divs that have content editable)
>>> import Html exposing (..)
>>> import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
>>> import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
>>> import Html.Events exposing (on)
>>> import Json.Encode as JE
>>> import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=))
>>> main =
>>>   beginnerProgram { model = "", view = view, update = update }
>>> onContent tagger =
>>>   on "input" ( tagger ("innerHTML" := JD.string))
>>> view model =
>>>   div []
>>> [ div [property "innerHTML" (JE.string model), onContent OnChange,
>>> contenteditable True][]
>>> ]
>>> type Msg = OnChange String
>>> update msg model =
>>>   case (Debug.log "msg:" msg) of
>>> OnChange str -> str
>>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 12:03 PM, Vincent Jousse 
>>> wrote:

 I'm writing an application where the user needs to edit some HTML
 content. When I first wrote this application in JS, I was using some
 contenteditable fields to do so.

 How should I handle this with Elm? My problem is that if I set a div
 with contenteditable=true in elm, and that the content of this div depends
 on my model state, when an user edits the HTML, my model is now out of 
 Maybe getting the innerHTML field when the user is changing the content
 of the div and set this to a field in my model? But how would I do to
 convert this string back to some Html.div/Html.span/whatever code in Elm?
 The tricky part is that I need to handle events on spans that are in
 the div with contenteditable=true.

 I tried to do it using Ports and Draft-js but the problem is that I now
 have 2 states in my application: one in Elm and one in JS/React. Then, all
 the beauty of "my application just depends on my Elm model state" is not
 true anymore, as I know need to sync the 2 states…

 Not sure if I'm really clear, but thanks for reading this anyway ;-)

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Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-08-30 Thread Peter Damoc

You are right, of course.
I somehow expected that to work due to mixing in my mind the event object
with the source of the event.
My bad. :)

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Aaron VonderHaar 

> Peter, I'd guess the decoder in your onChange is failing, causing the
> event not to send a Msg. The decoder is going to get an event object, not a
> DOM node, which is probably why decoding an "innerHTML" property is
> failing.  (Did your comment mean that your event handler does work for
> non-contentEditable divs?)
> On Aug 30, 2016 2:46 AM, "Peter Damoc"  wrote:
>> I've tried a naive implementation in Elm but, for some reason, it doesn't
>> work (events are not fired for divs that have content editable)
>> import Html exposing (..)
>> import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
>> import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
>> import Html.Events exposing (on)
>> import Json.Encode as JE
>> import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=))
>> main =
>>   beginnerProgram { model = "", view = view, update = update }
>> onContent tagger =
>>   on "input" ( tagger ("innerHTML" := JD.string))
>> view model =
>>   div []
>> [ div [property "innerHTML" (JE.string model), onContent OnChange,
>> contenteditable True][]
>> ]
>> type Msg = OnChange String
>> update msg model =
>>   case (Debug.log "msg:" msg) of
>> OnChange str -> str
>> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 12:03 PM, Vincent Jousse 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm writing an application where the user needs to edit some HTML
>>> content. When I first wrote this application in JS, I was using some
>>> contenteditable fields to do so.
>>> How should I handle this with Elm? My problem is that if I set a div
>>> with contenteditable=true in elm, and that the content of this div depends
>>> on my model state, when an user edits the HTML, my model is now out of sync.
>>> Maybe getting the innerHTML field when the user is changing the content
>>> of the div and set this to a field in my model? But how would I do to
>>> convert this string back to some Html.div/Html.span/whatever code in Elm?
>>> The tricky part is that I need to handle events on spans that are in the
>>> div with contenteditable=true.
>>> I tried to do it using Ports and Draft-js but the problem is that I now
>>> have 2 states in my application: one in Elm and one in JS/React. Then, all
>>> the beauty of "my application just depends on my Elm model state" is not
>>> true anymore, as I know need to sync the 2 states…
>>> Not sure if I'm really clear, but thanks for reading this anyway ;-)
>>> --
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>>> Groups "Elm Discuss" group.
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>>> an email to
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>> --
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Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-08-30 Thread Aaron VonderHaar
Peter, I'd guess the decoder in your onChange is failing, causing the event
not to send a Msg. The decoder is going to get an event object, not a DOM
node, which is probably why decoding an "innerHTML" property is failing.
(Did your comment mean that your event handler does work for
non-contentEditable divs?)

On Aug 30, 2016 2:46 AM, "Peter Damoc"  wrote:

> I've tried a naive implementation in Elm but, for some reason, it doesn't
> work (events are not fired for divs that have content editable)
> import Html exposing (..)
> import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
> import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
> import Html.Events exposing (on)
> import Json.Encode as JE
> import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=))
> main =
>   beginnerProgram { model = "", view = view, update = update }
> onContent tagger =
>   on "input" ( tagger ("innerHTML" := JD.string))
> view model =
>   div []
> [ div [property "innerHTML" (JE.string model), onContent OnChange,
> contenteditable True][]
> ]
> type Msg = OnChange String
> update msg model =
>   case (Debug.log "msg:" msg) of
> OnChange str -> str
> On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 12:03 PM, Vincent Jousse 
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm writing an application where the user needs to edit some HTML
>> content. When I first wrote this application in JS, I was using some
>> contenteditable fields to do so.
>> How should I handle this with Elm? My problem is that if I set a div with
>> contenteditable=true in elm, and that the content of this div depends on my
>> model state, when an user edits the HTML, my model is now out of sync.
>> Maybe getting the innerHTML field when the user is changing the content
>> of the div and set this to a field in my model? But how would I do to
>> convert this string back to some Html.div/Html.span/whatever code in Elm?
>> The tricky part is that I need to handle events on spans that are in the
>> div with contenteditable=true.
>> I tried to do it using Ports and Draft-js but the problem is that I now
>> have 2 states in my application: one in Elm and one in JS/React. Then, all
>> the beauty of "my application just depends on my Elm model state" is not
>> true anymore, as I know need to sync the 2 states…
>> Not sure if I'm really clear, but thanks for reading this anyway ;-)
>> --
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>> "Elm Discuss" group.
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Re: [elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-08-30 Thread Peter Damoc
I've tried a naive implementation in Elm but, for some reason, it doesn't
work (events are not fired for divs that have content editable)

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
import Html.Events exposing (on)
import Json.Encode as JE
import Json.Decode as JD exposing ((:=))

main =
  beginnerProgram { model = "", view = view, update = update }

onContent tagger =
  on "input" ( tagger ("innerHTML" := JD.string))

view model =
  div []
[ div [property "innerHTML" (JE.string model), onContent OnChange,
contenteditable True][]

type Msg = OnChange String

update msg model =
  case (Debug.log "msg:" msg) of
OnChange str -> str

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 12:03 PM, Vincent Jousse  wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm writing an application where the user needs to edit some HTML content.
> When I first wrote this application in JS, I was using some contenteditable
> fields to do so.
> How should I handle this with Elm? My problem is that if I set a div with
> contenteditable=true in elm, and that the content of this div depends on my
> model state, when an user edits the HTML, my model is now out of sync.
> Maybe getting the innerHTML field when the user is changing the content of
> the div and set this to a field in my model? But how would I do to convert
> this string back to some Html.div/Html.span/whatever code in Elm?
> The tricky part is that I need to handle events on spans that are in the
> div with contenteditable=true.
> I tried to do it using Ports and Draft-js but the problem is that I now
> have 2 states in my application: one in Elm and one in JS/React. Then, all
> the beauty of "my application just depends on my Elm model state" is not
> true anymore, as I know need to sync the 2 states…
> Not sure if I'm really clear, but thanks for reading this anyway ;-)
> --
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[elm-discuss] Elm and contenteditable

2016-08-30 Thread Vincent Jousse

I'm writing an application where the user needs to edit some HTML content. 
When I first wrote this application in JS, I was using some contenteditable 
fields to do so.

How should I handle this with Elm? My problem is that if I set a div with 
contenteditable=true in elm, and that the content of this div depends on my 
model state, when an user edits the HTML, my model is now out of sync.
Maybe getting the innerHTML field when the user is changing the content of 
the div and set this to a field in my model? But how would I do to convert 
this string back to some Html.div/Html.span/whatever code in Elm?
The tricky part is that I need to handle events on spans that are in the 
div with contenteditable=true.

I tried to do it using Ports and Draft-js but the problem is that I now 
have 2 states in my application: one in Elm and one in JS/React. Then, all 
the beauty of "my application just depends on my Elm model state" is not 
true anymore, as I know need to sync the 2 states…

Not sure if I'm really clear, but thanks for reading this anyway ;-)

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