[Orgmode] The ditaa picture

2010-01-29 Thread Chao Lu
Dear all,

When I'm using the ditaa in a org file called pearl.org, by

#+begin_ditaa communication.png



It generates a file called
communication_5e2f49c31c46339e8e3af9ef8a2fd2dfa3d1fe74.png, but this picture
is right located at the same file as the org file(pearl.org). Is it possible
to let it go to certain dir like the latex pictures do? And is it possible
to let the generated picture has the prefix of the org file name
automatically, like


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Re: [Orgmode] org-exp-bibtex

2010-01-29 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Jan 29, 2010, at 12:21 AM, Peter Danenberg wrote:

Are you sure about it being in your load-path? What does

M-x locate-library  org-exp-bibtex 

say? If it finds it, both autoload and require should work.

locate-library says:

 Library is file ~/lib/emacs/org-mode/contrib/lisp/org-exp-bibtex.el

Just to be sure, my require form looks like:

 (require 'org-exp-bibtex)

Do I specifically need to add a preprocess hook such as this?

 (add-hook 'org-export-preprocess-hook 'org-export-bibtex-preprocess)

No, just requiring should do the trick.  Can you check if org-export- 
bibtex-preprocess does indeed end up in the hook?

If it does, maybe you can explain what you expect to happen during  
export, and what does in fact happen?

- Carsten

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Re: [Orgmode] org-sort-multi??

2010-01-29 Thread Carsten Dominik

Hi David,

org-sort-multi is a utility function written by Ryan Thompson.
So far it has not made it into Org-mode.  I seem to
remember that I did not have a convenient interactive
interface for it, but I am not sure if I remember correctly.

Another issue is that I am not sure if Ryan has signed the
papers with the FSF, which would be required for this
non-trivial change to Org.

Why don't you take Ryan's function and play with it, check
if it works for you, and if yes, try to convince me
to add it to Org-mode..?

Ryan, would you be willing to sign the papers with the FSF?
Did I ask you that before?

- Carsten

On Jan 28, 2010, at 11:49 PM, David A. Gershman wrote:

Hello Again,

I'm looking to sort my outline (headlines, top level) by multi  
(2 really).  I see online references to 'org-sort-multi' as recently  

August 2009.  But my emacs can't find it.


David A. Gershman
"It's all about the path!" --d. gershman

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- Carsten

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[Orgmode] The trick behind this website

2010-01-29 Thread Chao Lu
Dear all,

As I browse through the web, I came across a great homepage, which is
I like it a lot. But after learn from it, I really have some question.

First of all, I really like the display of the index.php, but as far as I
know, the org mode will regenerate the index.html every time the publish
function is called. So how could the author manage to modify it without be
overwrited by the publish funtion?

Secondly, how could I publish to php file? By using the default org publish
function, or have to develop some script myself?

Then, what's the trick to add the random face icon? (It's really cute ^.^)

More, how the use the special symbol in the headlines like ∀.

And more, how could the button of the info.js be modified such that only
"Help" and "toggle view" be left, which means the "UP" and "HOME" has been

I appreciate your help, thanks in advance!

All the best,

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[Orgmode] Re: The trick behind this website

2010-01-29 Thread Chao Lu
One more question, how could I disable the footer part and if I want to use
it, how could I add some icons, like powered by Emacs, Org-mode, UNIX icons?


On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 4:58 AM, Chao Lu  wrote:

> Dear all,
> As I browse through the web, I came across a great homepage, which is
> http://lumiere.ens.fr/~guerry/index.php.
> I like it a lot. But after learn from it, I really have some question.
> First of all, I really like the display of the index.php, but as far as I
> know, the org mode will regenerate the index.html every time the publish
> function is called. So how could the author manage to modify it without be
> overwrited by the publish funtion?
> Secondly, how could I publish to php file? By using the default org publish
> function, or have to develop some script myself?
> Then, what's the trick to add the random face icon? (It's really cute ^.^)
> More, how the use the special symbol in the headlines like ∀.
> And more, how could the button of the info.js be modified such that only
> "Help" and "toggle view" be left, which means the "UP" and "HOME" has been
> killed?
> I appreciate your help, thanks in advance!
> All the best,
> Chao
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: [org-beamer] \alert

2010-01-29 Thread Eric S Fraga
At Thu, 28 Jan 2010 18:58:38 +0100,
Carsten Dominik wrote:


> Is there a LaTeX command that can figure out if it is running a beamer
> class?
> If yes, a possible solution would be to redefine \alert in LaTeX when
> not doing BEAMER.
> - Carsten

This must be possible but my latex (and tex) programming capabilities
are even worse than my elisp... :(

For any LaTeX expert out there, is there an easy way to determine
whether a particular macro has been defined?  If so, we wouldn't even
need to check for beamer, simply for \alert.

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Re: [Orgmode] ASCIIMathML or LaTeXMathML for HTML?

2010-01-29 Thread Darlan Cavalcante Moreira

A good alternative for creating web pages with math is using jsMath [1]. It uses
java script to replace latex notation with symbols in some fonts provided by
it. It works really well after everything is setup and does not suffer the
problem of poor mathML support by some browsers, since its only javascript.

Because the replacements are done only when the web page is viewed the 
from org-mode is really fast (you need to tell org-mode not to interpret or
replace any latex syntax in the equations). Also, after google chrome was
released and every browser is increasing javascript speed the replacements when
the web page is viewed in a browser are fast even when there are a lot of

There is a page in worg [2] that explains how to get jsMath working with

 - Darlan

[1] http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsMath/
[2] http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-jsmath.php

At Thu, 28 Jan 2010 23:19:16 -0500,
Xiao-Yong Jin  wrote:
> Hi,
> Lately I stumbled upon AsciiDoc[1], which uses
> ASCIIMathML[2] or LaTeXMathML[3] to export math formulae in
> XHTML documents.  Both of these two MathML approaches seem
> very nice to me.  I am not sure if anyone has brought this
> up.  But I see org-mode info says
>(1) Yes, there is MathML, but that is not yet fully supported by
> many browsers, and there is no decent converter for turning LaTeX or
> ASCII representations of formulas into MathML. So for the time being,
> converting formulas into images seems the way to go.
> Admittedly, not all LaTeX functionality are supported, and
> only Mozilla/Firefox supports MathML fully.  But I think it
> is a decent way to support simple formulae in org-mode for
> people who just want to view their notes in Firefox.
> [1] http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/
> [2] http://www1.chapman.edu/~jipsen/mathml/asciimath.html
> [3] http://www.maths.nottingham.ac.uk/personal/drw/lm.html
> -- 
> Jc/*__o/*
> X<\ * (__
> Y*/\  <
> ___
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: [org-beamer] \alert

2010-01-29 Thread Tim Burt
Eric S Fraga writes:
 > At Thu, 28 Jan 2010 18:58:38 +0100,
 > Carsten Dominik wrote:
 > [...]
 > > 
 > > Is there a LaTeX command that can figure out if it is running a beamer
 > > class?
 > > If yes, a possible solution would be to redefine \alert in LaTeX when
 > > not doing BEAMER.
 > > 
 > > - Carsten
 > > 
 > This must be possible but my latex (and tex) programming capabilities
 > are even worse than my elisp... :(
 > For any LaTeX expert out there, is there an easy way to determine
 > whether a particular macro has been defined?  If so, we wouldn't even
 > need to check for beamer, simply for \alert.

Use the 
  \ifx\undefined ... \else ... \fi 
construct to determine if a command already exists, and then to take
action in the appropriate case.  Test the example below both as-is and
with the first ~\newcommand*{\thisalert}~ commented out to see the
different results.

: \documentclass{article}
: \newcommand*{\thisalert}{Do this.}
: % Test for existence of \thisalert.
: % Create or modify the command accordingly.
: \ifx\thisalert\undefined%
: \newcommand*{\thisalert}{Do that.}%
: \else%
: \renewcommand*{\thisalert}{Do this differently.}
: \fi
: \begin{document}
: \thisalert
: \end{document}

I hope this is of use,

 > ___
 > Emacs-orgmode mailing list
 > Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
 > Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: [org-beamer] \alert

2010-01-29 Thread Eric S Fraga
At Fri, 29 Jan 2010 06:26:21 -0500,
Tim Burt wrote:
> Eric S Fraga writes:
>  > For any LaTeX expert out there, is there an easy way to determine
>  > whether a particular macro has been defined?  If so, we wouldn't even
>  > need to check for beamer, simply for \alert.
> Use the 
>   \ifx\undefined ... \else ... \fi 
> construct to determine if a command already exists, and then to take
> action in the appropriate case.  Test the example below both as-is and
> with the first ~\newcommand*{\thisalert}~ commented out to see the
> different results.


> I hope this is of use,
> Tim

Thanks Tim.  Very helpful indeed!  

The following org-mode line does the job for me:

#+latex_header: \ifx\alert\undefined\let\alert\textbf\fi

If \alert is not defined, I have =alert= behave as =textbf=.
Alternatively, something like this also works:

#+latex_header: \ifx\alert\undefined\newcommand*{\alert}[1]{\textbf{#1}}\fi

in case one wants more control (e.g. could also change the colour to red).


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Re: [Orgmode] org-exp-bibtex

2010-01-29 Thread Peter Danenberg
> No, just requiring should do the trick.  Can you check if
> org-export-bibtex-preprocess does indeed end up in the hook?

It does now, inexplicably; thank you. And using the following code, I
can process the doc with xelatex and bibtex (provided that .bib
accompanies .org):

  (require 'org-latex)
  (setq org-export-latex-classes
(cons '("article"
("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}")
("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}"))

  (setq org-latex-to-pdf-process
'("xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %b"
  "bibtex %b"
  "xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %b"
  "xelatex -interaction nonstopmode %b"))

This is fantastic!

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Re: [Orgmode] icalendar: exporting times of day specified in heading?

2010-01-29 Thread Eric S Fraga
At Thu, 28 Jan 2010 19:31:06 +0100,
Carsten Dominik wrote:
> On Jan 28, 2010, at 4:22 PM, Stephen Eglen wrote:


> > A small note though: along the way, I've sometimes noticed that diary
> > entries   are included with a level 2 heading rather than a level 4
> > heading.
> I do not understand this.  Included where? How?  Can you please
> describe this
> more extensively?
> Thanks


I don't know for sure whether what Stephen reports is the same as I
have seen, but what I sometimes get using the 'i d' key sequence in
the agenda (org-agenda-diary-entry) looks like this:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
* 2010
*** 2010-01 January
* 2010-01-01 Friday
*** something on Friday
<2010-01-01 Fri>
*** something else
<2010-01-01 Fri>
* 2010-01-06 Wednesday
*** another entry
<2010-01-07 Thu>
*** 2010-01-08 Friday
* a strangely placed entry
  <2010-01-08 Fri>
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Note the level at which the last entry has been placed: it's a sibling
of the month headline instead of being a child.  It's easily fixed
manually but obviously it's best if this doesn't happen!

*But*, please note that I haven't experienced this behaviour during
the past few weeks so it may have been fixed accidentally along the
way...  In any case, I've not done any extensive exploration of when
this actually happens and it's not a big deal!


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Re: [Orgmode] icalendar: exporting times of day specified in heading?

2010-01-29 Thread Stephen Eglen
> > A small note though: along the way, I've sometimes noticed that diary
> > entries   are included with a level 2 heading rather than a level 4
> > heading.
> I do not understand this.  Included where? How?  Can you please
> describe this
> more extensively?

>From the *Org Agenda* buffer, if I visit the 6 Feb 2010, and then do 
'i d' 'test weekend', what I expect to see in the agenda.org file is

*** 2010-02-06 Saturday
 test weekend
   <2010-02-06 Sat>

whereas what I got was:
*** 2010-02-06 Saturday

** test weekend
   <2010-02-06 Sat>

this level-3 heading sits under 
** 2010-02 February 
which in turn is under 
* 2010

This is not easy to reproduce, and it took me a few tries to get this
one.  But I think I've got it to the stage where I at least get
reproduce it with a fresh emacs (v23) run on my current agenda.org file.


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[Orgmode] org-mode and gnuplot

2010-01-29 Thread Lauterbach Michael
just trying to get gnuplot work with emacs using org-plot.el and gnuplot-mode. 
I can open a gnuplot buffer plot.gp and transmit a line to gnuplot (e.g plot 
sin(x)). After that emcas hangs. A process explorer shows a gnuplot.exe task 
but on emacs i get the hourglass. With C-g I can came back to emacs.
Emacs version 23.1
gnuplot-mode 0.6.0
gnuplot version 4.4
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[Orgmode] missing 'f' option in agenda view options list

2010-01-29 Thread Eric S Fraga

just to point out that the "follow mode" option is not listed when
prompting for the option wanted when executing
org-agenda-view-mode-dispatch.  Maybe change the message along these lines:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
(message "View: [d]ay [w]eek [m]onth [y]ear[q]uit/abort
  time[G]rid [[]inactive [f]ollow [l]og [L]og-all [E]ntryText
  [a]rch-trees  [A]rch-files   clock[R]eport   include[D]iary")
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

where I've added [f]ollow and also [q]uit/abort.

I've rearranged the options into some sort of logical grouping: time period,
information display, and others... but of course these are my personal
view of how they group!


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[Orgmode] Bug: Scope by tag in clock report dynamic blocks [6.33f]

2010-01-29 Thread Christoph LANGE
--text follows this line--

Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good report?  See


Your bug report will be posted to the Org-mode mailing list.

Dear developers, this is actually a feature request.  What is the right way to
submit it?

I'm using Org-mode to keep track of my working time.  I have a tree of tasks
and subtasks, and there are currently normal tasks, important tasks, and very
important tasks, where I'm distinguishing the latter two ones by tags.  (Maybe
I should rather use priorities instead, but clock reports don't support them
either, and not all tasks are TODOs.)

At the end of the week, I would like to get an overview of how much time I
spent on normal/important/very important tasks.  The total time (throughout
the whole file) is all I need, but why not also optionally have a detailed
breakdown?  So a clock report dynamic block would be the thing I need, but
then I would like to select its scope not by file or tree, but by tag.  I.e.
that all tasks that match a given tag search string would be considered.

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 23.1.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.16.6)
 of 2010-01-22 on localhost
Package: Org-mode version 6.33f

current state:
 org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current)
 org-export-preprocess-hook '(org-export-blocks-preprocess)
 org-tab-first-hook '(org-hide-block-toggle-maybe)
 org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-mode-configure-edit-buffer)
 org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
 org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-hide-drawers
 org-mode-hook '(#[nil "\300\301\302\303\304$\207"
   [org-add-hook change-major-mode-hook org-show-block-all 
append local]
 org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
 org-clock-idle-time 10

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Re: sometimes we don't want org-src to remove tabs [WAS: Re: [Orgmode] tangle and Makefile]]

2010-01-29 Thread Dan Davison
Carsten Dominik  writes:

> On Jan 28, 2010, at 4:47 PM, Dan Davison wrote:
>> "Martin G. Skjæveland"  writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have two questions regarding org-babel-tangle and Makefile.
>>> Running org-babel-tangle on the following file
>>> --start
>>> * test
>>> #+begin_src makefile :tangle Makefile
>>>  test:
>>>  echo "hello"
>>> #+end_src
>>> --end
>> [...]
>>> When I use this makefile
>>>  $make -f Makefile. test
>>> I get
>>>  Makefile.:4: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8
>>>  spaces?). Stop.
>>> even though I used TAB and not space when editing the Makefile
>>> code. How
>>> can I avoid TABs being converted to space?
>> Hi again Martin,
>> This is more to do with org-mode sensu strictu (non-babel). When you
>> exit a code edit buffer, tabs are automatically converted to
>> spaces. There is an org-mode variable org-src-preserve-indentation
>> which
>> already has a few different effects. Perhaps a solution is to add
>> not_removing_tabs to the effects of this variable, as in the patch
>> below. I can't think off hand what that's going to break -- anyone?
>> Dan
>> From d854544d24377434c2ace13aac45e85e42bcc7aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
>> From: Dan Davison 
>> Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 10:36:29 -0500
>> Subject: [PATCH] org-src: Don't remove tabs when org-src-preserve-
>> indentation is non-nil
>> ---
>> lisp/org-src.el |2 +-
>> 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
>> diff --git a/lisp/org-src.el b/lisp/org-src.el
>> index cdad99b..1d155cc 100644
>> --- a/lisp/org-src.el
>> +++ b/lisp/org-src.el
>> @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ the language, a switch telling if the content
>> should be in a single line."
>> org-edit-src-content-indentation))
>>   (preserve-indentation org-src-preserve-indentation)
>>   (delta 0) code line col indent)
>> -(untabify (point-min) (point-max))
>> +(unless preserve-indentation (untabify (point-min) (point-max)))
>> (save-excursion
>>   (goto-char (point-min))
>>   (if (looking-at "[ \t\n]*\n") (replace-match ""))
>> --
> If you have an *indented* code block where the #+begin src is already
> indented, this might mess up the relative indentation in the Org-mode
> buffer because TAB can
> land on odd places in the line.  But I can see that this is a problem
> with Makefiles, so please apply the patch.

OK, applied.

Martin -- with the latest git version, and with
org-src-preserve-indentation set to a non-nil value, you should be able
to tangle makefiles correctly. Please let us know if not.


> Thanks
> - Carsten
> - Carsten
> ___
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[Orgmode] Re: [org-beamer] \alert

2010-01-29 Thread Sébastien Vauban
Hi Eric, Tim, Carsten and all,

Eric S Fraga wrote:
> At Fri, 29 Jan 2010 06:26:21 -0500, Tim Burt wrote:
>> Eric S Fraga writes:
>>> For any LaTeX expert out there, is there an easy way to determine whether
>>> a particular macro has been defined? If so, we wouldn't even need to check
>>> for beamer, simply for \alert.
>> Use the 
>>   \ifx\undefined ... \else ... \fi 
>> construct to determine if a command already exists, and then to take action
>> in the appropriate case. Test the example below both as-is and with the
>> first ~\newcommand*{\thisalert}~ commented out to see the different
>> results.

Thanks to all. This is great stuff...

> The following org-mode line does the job for me:
> #+latex_header: \ifx\alert\undefined\let\alert\textbf\fi
> If \alert is not defined, I have =alert= behave as =textbf=.

Could this somehow made part of Org-mode, so that one does not need to repeat
this one-liner in every file that could be exported to pure LaTeX and/or

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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Re: [Orgmode] Bug: Scope by tag in clock report dynamic blocks [6.33f]

2010-01-29 Thread Giovanni Ridolfi
Christoph LANGE  writes:

> At the end of the week, I would like to get an overview of how much time I
> spent on normal/important/very important tasks.  The total time (throughout
> the whole file) is all I need, but why not also optionally have a detailed
> breakdown?  So a clock report dynamic block would be the thing I need, but
> then I would like to select its scope not by file or tree, but by tag.  I.e.
> that all tasks that match a given tag search string would be considered.
what about:
overview of the file
C-c \ :important:
C-c C-x C-d

However I don't know how to save/export such data.


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[Orgmode] Only show a certain weekday in the agenda view

2010-01-29 Thread Björn Steffen

I'm teaching every thursday at a school. So I made a recurring entry
in my org-file like this:

* Teaching
   <2010-02-04 Thu 7:45-9:25 +1w>

I would like to have a custom agenda view where I only see an entry
for all the Thursdays. But I cannot filter for the specific entry
above because I also would like to see other timestamped items which
fall on Thursdays.

Is there some kind of filtering function for this purpose?

Thanks and regards,

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Re: [Orgmode] org-sort-multi??

2010-01-29 Thread Ryan Thompson

Anyone can freely use any code I post here for any purpose, unless I
specifically say otherwise for a particular piece of code (I can't think of
any reason why  would do this, though).

I've included the code for org-sort-multi below. Carsten is correct, it is
not an interactive function. In fact, it isn't really meant to be used
directly at all in its current form. I use it for defining specific custom
sort functions, of which I have also given an example below.

(defun org-sort-multi (&rest sort-types)
  "Sort successively by a list of criteria.
For example, sort first by TODO status, then by priority, then by date, then
alphabetically, case-sensitive.
Each criterion is either a character or a cons pair (BOOL . CHAR), where
BOOL is whether or not to sort case-sensitively, and CHAR is one of the
characters defined in ``org-sort-entries-or-items''.
So, the example above could be accomplished with:
 (org-sort-multi ?o ?p ?t (t . ?a))"
  (mapc #'(lambda (sort-type)
 (car-safe sort-type)
 (or (cdr-safe sort-type) sort-type)))
(reverse sort-types)))

(defun org-sort-custom ()
  "Sort children of node by todo status and by priority, so the * TODO [#A]
items go to the top. Then fold it the way I like it."
  (org-sort-multi ?o ?p ?T)
  (dotimes (x 2) (org-cycle)))

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 1:23 AM, Carsten Dominik

> Hi David,
> org-sort-multi is a utility function written by Ryan Thompson.
> So far it has not made it into Org-mode.  I seem to
> remember that I did not have a convenient interactive
> interface for it, but I am not sure if I remember correctly.
> Another issue is that I am not sure if Ryan has signed the
> papers with the FSF, which would be required for this
> non-trivial change to Org.
> Why don't you take Ryan's function and play with it, check
> if it works for you, and if yes, try to convince me
> to add it to Org-mode..?
> Ryan, would you be willing to sign the papers with the FSF?
> Did I ask you that before?
> - Carsten
> On Jan 28, 2010, at 11:49 PM, David A. Gershman wrote:
>> Hello Again,
>> I'm looking to sort my outline (headlines, top level) by multi criteria
>> (2 really).  I see online references to 'org-sort-multi' as recently as
>> August 2009.  But my emacs can't find it.
>> Help?
>> David A. Gershman
>> gersh...@dagertech.net
>> http://dagertech.net/gershman/
>> "It's all about the path!" --d. gershman
>> ___
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> - Carsten
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[Orgmode] Re: [org-beamer] inline slides?

2010-01-29 Thread Austin Frank
On Wed, Jan 27 2010, Eric S Fraga wrote:

> I could see it being useful, along the lines of all the tangling
> examples in org-babel.

Yes!  Tangling of embedded code is a good comparison.

> more importantly, I often will prepare more than one presentation
> based on a given project and each presentation will be substantially
> different enough to make it difficult to embed slides.

> Yes, this I can see.  However, the type of different content you may
> wish to attach/embed will depend on its final purpose.  That is, in
> terms of presentations, who will be in the audience?

These are good points.  My inclination would be to handle variations on
the same talk using git.  For projects where this workflow makes sense,
I would write the initial paper and presentation together.  Upon
completion, I would make a git tag marking the finished state for that
version of the talk.  Subsequent talks could be created by creating a
branch.  In most cases, I would probably edit the slides-only version of
the file directly (rather than in the context of the original paper).

>> Since slides are mostly just headlines with special tags and properties,
>> at the end of the process I could easily selectively export just the
>> text of the dissertation or just the embedded slides.
> This begs the question: maybe an "export to org based on tags"
> function is all that is required?  And this is probably already
> implemented; I hesitate to suggest how or where, given my lack of
> awareness of all the various multitude of features of org-mode, but I
> can imagine that sparse trees could be part of any solution?

Yes, I think that the basis of the export function will be building a sparse
tree and then exporting the visible buffer.  I wouldn't say this is all that
is required, though.  I'd really like to have the

*** embedded slide
*** END

style of inline definition.  Again, this allows slides to be embedded
without changing the surrounding outline context.

> Just some thoughts...



Austin Frank
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[Orgmode] Utility functions for setting/clearing categories

2010-01-29 Thread Ryan Thompson
Hi all,

If anyone out there makes heavy use of categories and is sick of going
through org-sort-property and org-delete-property to handle them, here's a
pair of conveience functions for directly manipulating categories. It's a
pity that emacs doesn't seem to support partially applying an interactive
function and then having it interactively prompt for the remaining
arguments. That would make org-set-category as short as org-delete-category.
Moset of the code is copied from org-set-property's interactive definition,
and then modified.


(defun org-set-category (property value)
  "In the current entry, set category to VALUE.
When called interactively, this will prompt for a value, offering
completion either on allowed values (via an inherited xxx_ALL
property) or on existing values in other instances of this
property in the current file."
   (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
  (prop "CATEGORY")
  (cur (org-entry-get nil prop))
  (allowed (org-property-get-allowed-values nil prop 'table))
  (existing (mapcar 'list (org-property-values prop)))
  (val (if allowed
   (org-completing-read "Value: " allowed nil 'req-match)
 (let (org-completion-use-ido org-completion-use-iswitchb)
(concat "Value " (if (and cur (string-match "\\S-" cur))
(concat "[" cur "]") "")
": ")
existing nil nil "" nil cur)
 (list prop (if (equal val "") cur val
  (unless (equal (org-entry-get nil property) value)
(org-entry-put nil property value)))

(defun org-delete-category ()
  "Delete the category of the current item."
  (org-delete-property "CATEGORY"))
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[Orgmode] Re: [org-beamer] inline slides?

2010-01-29 Thread Austin Frank
On Thu, Jan 28 2010, Darlan Cavalcante Moreira wrote:

> I can see the merit of your idea about writing the slides when writing
> the thesis, but you could also create a "Presentation" headline at the
> and of the org file and put commented anchor and links in the the
> thesis and in the slides. This would allow you to easily jump from on
> to another.

Nice suggestion, thanks!  I don't tend to use links within the same
file, but I definitely see the application here.  I'd have to make sure
that those links weren't exported, but that's easily done.

> Another option would be splitting the frame in two windows, one
> showing the thesis and the other one showing the slides.

My issue with this approach is that I'll definitely be using org-babel
code blocks, and will want to use their output in both the thesis and
the presentation.  Named code and result blocks make this possible, as
long as components are in the same file.

Thanks for the ideas!

Austin Frank
GPG Public Key (D7398C2F): http://aufrank.net/personal.asc

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[Orgmode] Export Options for subtree question

2010-01-29 Thread JBash

I am not able to get the export options for single sub-tree exporting to
work as I expected it would.  In the attached file, exporting any of the
subtrees yields the same author, date, export file name, and structure
(absence of toc).   I had expected the #+EXPORT_DATE line (in 'Week 5'
heading) and/or the EXPORT_DATE Property (Week 6 heading) to be used for the
resultant exported file. Similarly with the other EXPORT_ options defined
(author, title, filename) in the subtree.

Are the methods used in Week 5 "#+   " and Week 6 (properties) equivalent
for this purpose?  I tried the Week 5 method first, and when I didn't get
what I expected, I tried using Properties, but that didn't work either.

I am exporting to latex -> pdf, using either 'C-c C-e 1 d' (after placing
point on the subtree heading), with transient-mark-mode enabled, in emacs

Are there other things that I may have configured improperly, or is my
understanding of the behavior incorrect.


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[Orgmode] Bug: Docstring for "org-cycle" does not document "org-cycle-level" behavior

2010-01-29 Thread Ryan Thompson
Title says it all. In recent versions of Org, doing org-cycle at the end of
an empty headline will cycle that headline through different levels, if the
appropriate variable is non-nil. However, the docstring does not mention
this feature.

org-version = 6.34c
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[Orgmode] Announcing org-jekyll

2010-01-29 Thread Juan Reyero

I've been toying around with a small package to export entries as a
Jekyll blog.  It is different from other approaches I am aware of in
that it will find your blog entries anywhere in the files belonging to
a project, and it will pass properties along to Jekyll as yaml front
matter.  It also includes some support for localization.

Full description: http://juanreyero.com/open/org-jekyll/
Source code: http://github.com/juanre/org-jekyll

Best regards,


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[Orgmode] Alternate org-cycle-level behavior

2010-01-29 Thread Ryan Thompson
Hi all,

I've implemented my own org-cycle-level function. The major difference is
that it's stateless, taking cues only from the level of the previous
headline, rather than the level at which the current headline started. That
way you can always look at the buffer and know what the TAB key will do on
an empty headline. For example, if the previous headline is at level 4 and
you create a new blank one under it, pressing TAB to cycle levels will cycle
in the following order: 4 -> 5 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 4. Even if you move the
point away and back, then keep cycling, the cycling picks up where it left
off. (The default org-cycle-level function does not work this way.)

You can get it on Worg: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-hacks.php#sec-23

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[Orgmode] How to disable localtoc of info.js

2010-01-29 Thread Chao Lu
Dear all,

I was trying to disable the localtoc in org file, using

#+INFOJS_OPT: localtoc:nil

But it doesn't work, does anyone have some idea?


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