Re: [O] Org-mode on GNU ELPA

2011-07-14 Thread Jambunathan K writes:

> Org-mode on GNU ELPA does not distribute the contrib-directory. Is
> there any chance this could be added?

I have a patch to Makefile which permits this to be done. I have not
been able to spend much time hacking for the last week or so but I plan
to nudge it forward as soon as my spirit is willing.

The actual inclusion of specific items would be governed by GNU ELPA's
policy. Since you use the term 'GNU ELPA' I believe you are following at
the discussions on the emacs-devel list.

The ELPA tarball contains no other documentation apart from the info
file. Would you also like to see the html, pdf documentation and
refcards be distributed with?

What files in the contrib dir are you interested in? If indicate your
preferences, may be this discussion wouldn't end up being too abstract.

> Other than that, I think the GNU ELPA archive is synced with the
> trunk/master rather than with the actual releases.


> I often encounter minor bugs when working with org which usually
> disappear after updating from GNU ELPA again. 

> Is is possible that the mainline release (7.6) is distributed via ELPA
> rather than a bleeding edge development version?

>From the Org side of things, there are discussions about having a stable
and devel branches - I think they are called master and maint.

>From the package manager of things, the archive-contents file which is a
"catalogue" for the packages distributed by the repo, permit only ONE
latest version for a package. The problem really is that there are could
potentially TWO latest versions of a package - a development version
that is a daily snapshot and a stable release (What is "latest", is
defined by the user preferences) - and BOTH of them cannot be
distributed in existing scheme of things. ie., you either have latest
devel or the latest stable but not both.

You can refer to my Oct 2010, post on emacs-devel for further

The post didn't gain much traction. I think my idea were perhaps too
early for it's time (Atleast that's what I would like to believe in)

Jambunathan K.


Re: [O] question about ODT export behavior

2011-07-14 Thread Jambunathan K

>> Can you give me a hint where I can find some documentation about
>> changing the styles.xml?
> You can have a look at contrib/odt/  Jambunathan points 
> to this message, which can help:

Here is the relevant variable.

,[ C-h v org-export-odt-styles-file RET ]
| org-export-odt-styles-file is a variable defined in `org-odt.el'.
| Its value is nil
| Documentation:
| Default style file for use with ODT exporter.
| Valid values are path to an styles.xml file or a path to a valid
| *.odt or a *.ott file or a list of the form (FILE (MEMBER1
| MEMBER2 ...)). In the last case, the specified FILE is unzipped
| and MEMBER1, MEMBER2 etc are copied in to the generated odt
| file. The last form is particularly useful if the styles.xml has
| reference to additional files like header and footer images.
| You can customize this variable.
| [back]

Here is a specific example:

| (setq org-export-odt-styles-file
|   '("~/tmp-orgmode/Thu Thong Bao - Trai Ve Nguon XV (2011).odt"
| ("styles.xml" "Pictures/1274034B83A526F3.png")))
| the styles.xml and header images would get copied on to the generated
| odt file. 
| If the desired styles.xml makes no references to other files (as in the
| example above) then the above variable could be set to 
| (setq org-export-odt-styles-file
|   "~/tmp-orgmode/Thu Thong Bao - Trai Ve Nguon XV (2011).odt")
| or 
| (setq org-export-odt-styles-file "~/elisp/styles.xml")

I am seeing that customization interface for org-export-odt-styles-file
variable is only partially done. If the customization interface doesn't
do the right thing for you, you can use the setq form temporarily.

The default styles file used by the odt exporter is:

There is also an automatic styles file in there.

If you are interested in customizing the styles you could do this:

1. Export to test.odt

2. Open test.odt and use the OpenOffice stylist to change the
   user-defined styles. The Org-specific user stlyes have `Org' as a

   Hint: One can use M-x occur RET Org RET in OrgOdtStyles.xml buffer to
   see the Org specific styles.

   Caution: The style-names used in the styles.xml are the style-names
   written out in content.xml. So it is important that the style-names
   be not changed at all. 

3. Save the newly styled test.odt as say ~/.emacs.d/org-odt/custom.odt
   or ~/.emacs.d/org-odt/ file.

4. Use one of the following:

   1. Customize org-export-odt-styles-file to the custom.odt or file.

   2. If you are a bit adventurous, you can open the newly saved
  test.odt in an archive-mode, extract the styles.xml and save it to

  Then customize org-export-odt-styles-file to point to the above
  styles.xml file.

I anticipate more questions and follow-on enhancements to styles
interface as more and more people start using it. So all inputs are

Jambunathan K.

> HTH,


Re: [O] Calendar-like view of the org-agenda

2011-07-14 Thread SAKURAI Masashi
Hi Tassilo,

At Wed, 13 Jul 2011 21:55:09 +0200,
Tassilo Horn wrote:
> :
> > - I was hoping `r' to redraw the grid, after I've changed Emacs frame size. 
> > It
> >   does not seem to be the case. Could that be foreseen?  I've seen you 
> > already
> >   all the available space, when drawing the grid for the first time.
> I've implemented that in my fork.
> Masashi, feel free to pull if you think it's ok.

Thank you!
I will check and merge it.

SAKURAI, Masashi (family, given)

[O] Customising C-c C-c behaviour

2011-07-14 Thread Paul Sexton
Hi, I would like to customise the behaviour of C-c C-c on plain text 
(specifically I would like to make it alter the tags, as if the cursor
were on the item header). A variable exists called org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook,
but if any function contained in that variable runs, it overrides
all other C-c C-c behaviour. I want my customisation to only run if 
C-c C-c has nothing "more interesting" to do.

Possibilities include:
1. Advising org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c. However it seems difficult to tell
   whether this function has "succeeded" from its return value, ie there
   doesn't seem to be any standard value returned when the command has
   succeeded. OTOH if it fails, it throws a simple error, which I could
   catch -- but then I would not know if the error I was handling was 
   actually caused by something else going wrong in the depths of the
   function. This could be solved by altering org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c so it uses 
   a specific, identifiable error symbol instead of 'error'.
2. Creating another variable called org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-post-hook 
   which runs after all other possibilities have failed, but just before
   org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c fails. 

Both options would be easy to implement. Option 1 just involves adding
the following code:

(put 'org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-error 'error-message
 "C-c C-c can do nothing useful at this location")
(put 'org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-error 'error-conditions
 '(error org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-error))

And changing the '(error ...' line at the end of org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c to:

(signal 'org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-error nil)

This error is still a subtype of 'error' so it behaves the same, unless
someone is specifically trying to catch it.

Any thoughts, objections, or better ideas?

Re: [O] Problem with autoloads

2011-07-14 Thread suvayu ali
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 7:33 PM, Skip Collins  wrote:
>> This patch to the Makefile generates the autoloads without the lisp/
>> prefix for me and works without errors. However as Nick says, maybe its
>> worthwhile to understand why this was happening in the first place. My
>> lisp knowledge is very little, but please let me know if I can help
>> track this down.
> Is there any more progress on finding and fixing this problem with org
> and emacs24? I just built the development version of Aquamacs (GNU
> Emacs The problem with the way org autoloads lisp files is
> present. Should this patch be applied to org sources?

I have been using this patch since my last post, I haven't had this
problem again. But of course that doesn't say whether that means the
problem isn't present without the patch. :)


Open source is the future. It sets us free.

[O] ...sorry for triple post -- John

2011-07-14 Thread John Tait

[O] Bug: Org-Babel Mode R Plot Output to LaTeX File [Babel] [7.5]

2011-07-14 Thread Feiming Chen
Hi, I like org-mode and org-babel mode very much, but recently I am  having 
problems outputting R graphics to LaTeX report with
Org-Babel mode.  Attached is my test file, where I am generating 4
simple plots of different sizes and format (.png or .pdf).  The HTML
export is satisfactory, however, the LaTeX export (C-c C-e l) presents two 

    1.  All 4 plots have the same size (10em) which is different from the
    header specification and is too small.

\includegraphics[width=10em]{a1.png} ...
\includegraphics[width=10em]{a2.png} ...
\includegraphics[width=10em]{a3.pdf} ...
\includegraphics[width=10em]{a4.pdf} ...

    2. While exporting to PDF file, the R code is mysteriously lost in
    the R execution for the PDF output of the plots and the compilation failed 

> pdf(file="a3.pdf",width=5,height=5)
> pdf(file="a4.pdf",width=10,height=10)

Hopefully you can replicate my errors and help me on this.  Thanks a

Best regards, 
Feiming Chen

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i386-redhat-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.21.4)
 of 2010-07-08 on
Package: Org-mode version 7.5

current state:
 org-file-apps '((auto-mode . emacs) ("\\.mm\\'" . default)
     ("\\.x?html?\\'" . "firefox %s") ("\\.pdf\\'" . "evince %s"))
 org-export-latex-after-initial-vars-hook '(org-beamer-after-initial-vars)
 org-hide-block-startup t
 org-speed-command-hook '(org-speed-command-default-hook
 org-src-fontify-natively t
 org-babel-load-languages '((emacs-lisp . t) (R . t))
 org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
 org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current)
 org-export-blocks-postblock-hook '(org-exp-res/src-name-cleanup)
 org-export-latex-format-toc-function 'org-export-latex-format-toc-default
 org-tab-first-hook '(org-hide-block-toggle-maybe
 outline-regexp "\\*+ "
 org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer
 org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-reveal-start-hook '(org-decrypt-entry)
 org-export-first-hook '(org-beamer-initialize-open-trackers)
 Feiming's Customization 
 Feiming's Customization END\n\\pagestyle{empty} % do not 
remove\n[PACKAGES]\n[DEFAULT-PACKAGES]\n% The settings below are copied from 
 org-startup-indented t
 org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
 org-babel-pre-tangle-hook '(save-buffer)
 org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-hide-drawers
 org-use-speed-commands t
 org-mode-hook '(turn-on-org-cdlatex
     (lambda nil
      (setq org-mouse-context-menu-function
       (quote org-mouse-context-menu))
      (when (memq (quote context-menu) org-mouse-features)
       (org-defkey org-mouse-map [mouse-3] nil)
       (org-defkey org-mode-map [mouse-3]
        (quote org-mouse-show-context-menu))
      (org-defkey org-mode-map [down-mouse-1]
       (quote org-mouse-down-mouse))
      (when (memq (quote context-menu) org-mouse-features)
       (org-defkey org-mouse-map [C-drag-mouse-1]
        (quote org-mouse-move-tree))
       (org-defkey org-mouse-map [C-down-mouse-1]
        (quote org-mouse-move-tree-start))
      (when (memq (quote yank-link) org-mouse-features)
       (org-defkey org-mode-map [S-mouse-2]
        (quote org-mouse-yank-link))
       (org-defkey org-mode-map [drag-mouse-3]
        (quote org-mouse-yank-link))
      (when (memq (quote move-tree) org-mouse-features)
       (org-defkey org-mouse-map [drag-mouse-3]
        (quote org-mouse-move-tree))
       (org-defkey org-mouse-map [down-mouse-3]
        (quote org-mouse-move-tree-start))
      (when (memq (quote activate-stars) org-mouse-features)

Re: [O] how to change the headline starter *

2011-07-14 Thread Philipp Haselwarter
Bastien  writes:

> writes:
>> (setq outline-regexp "[-\f]+")
>> so as to use - as the headline starter character in outline mode.
>> Switch to another buffer, enter the text
>> - first heading 
>> -- second heading
>>some stuff here
>> Activate org-mode. M-x org-mode.
> You should not do this.  org-mode lists start with a "-", using 
> this character for headlines will just confuse things.
> Can't you live with the "*" as the headline character?
> My 2 cents,

Is there any particular reason for it to be hardcoded? Apart from the
fact that /well it just is this way right now/ I mean.
That'd be useful information for anyone interested in changing it. Then
you can still just tell them to write a patch if they care that much
('cause even in org-mode-land patches don't write themselves just yet)
[I just had the most awesome idea for a feature request].
If it's "just" about inheriting from a variable in some 300 places it
could at least be discussed.

Philipp Haselwarter

[O] Org-mode on GNU ELPA

2011-07-14 Thread mattcto
Org-mode on GNU ELPA does not distribute the contrib-directory. Is there any 
chance this could be added? Other than that, I think the GNU ELPA archive is 
synced with the trunk/master rather than with the actual releases. I often 
encounter minor bugs when working with org which usually disappear after 
updating from GNU ELPA again. Is is possible that the mainline release (7.6) is 
distributed via ELPA rather than a bleeding edge development version?

[O] Thesaurus terms as org tags -- feature request

2011-07-14 Thread John Tait
Dear all

Some time ago I floated a "tag hierarchy" idea for org-mode. It didn't
gain much interest (through I received some very kind replies).

There are other similar ideas here.

What I've discovered since then is that what we are trying to reinvent
is a thesaurus concept, including a controlled vocabulary concept.
Thesauri seem to be well understood, and are standardised by ISO 2788.

What I am looking for then is a way of managing org tags using a very
simple thesauri terms -- inside an org file.

There's software out there to manage thesauri, but I think would be
fantastic to instead build taxonomies inside org-mode and use this to
drive org exports.

The problem I'm trying to solve is that, in big publishing projects,
the number of tags can grow and might eventually need to be managed
outside org-mode. (I'm already keeping lists of my tags inside
org-mode tables.)

What I would love to do is build a simple taxonomy of tags from a
controlled vocabulary -- that I can manage entirely inside org-mode.

Then we could:
 a) have an orderly list of tags (using the thesaurus "USE" concept,
etc.) to restrict tag bloat, and in fact have a controlled list of
 b) allow nesting of tags (using the thesuaris Broader Term (BT) and
Narrower Term (NT) concepts).

This would allow export of, say, :colour: to export :red: :green: and
:blue:. It would also allow publishing project to be managed by
arranging NT/BT in one place in the org file, rather than
micromanaging tags in headings. Additionally, tags could belong to
more than one taxonomy in the same publishing project.

(The dreaded DITA 1.2 spec now has something like this in the guise of
Subject Scheme maps. But I don't want to look at DITA again.)

I hope you know what I am on about...thanks again for your time.

John Tait

[O] Tag hierarchy idea redux -- thesaurus -- Feature request

2011-07-14 Thread John Tait
Dear all

Some time ago I floated a "tag hierarchy" idea for org-mode. It didn't
gain much interest.

What I've discovered since then is that I was trying to reinvent both
a thesaurus concept and a controlled vocabulary concept. Thesauri seem
to be well understood, and is standardised by ISO 2788.

What I am looking for then is a way of managing org tags using a very
simple thesauri idea -- inside an org file.

The problem I've trying to solve is that, in big publishing projects,
the number of tags can grow and might eventually need to be managed
outside org-mode.

What I would love to do is build a simple taxonomy of tags from a
controlled vocabulary that I can manage entirely inside org-mode.

Then we could:
  a) have an orderly list of tags (using the "USE" concept, etc.) to
restrict tag bloat.
  b) allow nesting of tags (using the BT and NT concepts). This would
allow export of, say, :colour: to export :red: :green: and :blue:. It
would also allow the BT tags to be managed rather than micromanaging
tags in headings. Additionally, tags could belong to more than one
taxonomy in the same publishing project.

(The dreaded DITA 1.2 spec now has something like this in the guise of
Subject Scheme maps. Please don't make me look at DITA again..!)

I hope you know what I am on about...thanks again for your time.

John Tait


2011-07-14 Thread Evgeny Boykov


I want org-publish-current-file ~/git/org/ in ~/pub/org/

Some setup:

(setq org-publish-project-alist
 :base-directory "~/git/org"
 :publishing-directory "~/pub/org"
 :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-pdf

or just

(org-export-as-pdf 3 nil nil "*Org LaTeX Export*" nil "~/pub/org")

Before patch, incorrectly: 

all pdf-creating files: filename.aux, filename.out, etc,
apart from filename.tex, are here:

After patch, correctly:

all pdf-creating files are here:



All 'cmds' must be called in 'lbuf', but not in's buffer context.


diff --git a/lisp/org-latex.el b/lisp/org-latex.el
index 1d6e042..5270943 100644
--- a/lisp/org-latex.el
+++ b/lisp/org-latex.el
@@ -1043,26 +1043,28 @@ when PUB-DIR is set, use this as the publishing 
 (with-current-buffer outbuf (erase-buffer))
 (message (concat "Processing LaTeX file " file "..."))
 (setq output-dir (file-name-directory file))
-(if (and cmds (symbolp cmds))
-   (funcall cmds (shell-quote-argument file))
-  (while cmds
-   (setq cmd (pop cmds))
-   (while (string-match "%b" cmd)
- (setq cmd (replace-match
-  (shell-quote-argument base))
-t t cmd)))
-   (while (string-match "%f" cmd)
- (setq cmd (replace-match
-  (shell-quote-argument file))
-t t cmd)))
-   (while (string-match "%o" cmd)
- (setq cmd (replace-match
-  (shell-quote-argument output-dir))
-t t cmd)))
-   (shell-command cmd outbuf)))
+(with-current-buffer lbuf
+  (save-excursion
+   (if (and cmds (symbolp cmds))
+   (funcall cmds (shell-quote-argument file))
+ (while cmds
+   (setq cmd (pop cmds))
+   (while (string-match "%b" cmd)
+ (setq cmd (replace-match
+  (shell-quote-argument base))
+t t cmd)))
+   (while (string-match "%f" cmd)
+ (setq cmd (replace-match
+  (shell-quote-argument file))
+t t cmd)))
+   (while (string-match "%o" cmd)
+ (setq cmd (replace-match
+  (shell-quote-argument output-dir))
+t t cmd)))
+   (shell-command cmd outbuf)
 (message (concat "Processing LaTeX file " file "...done"))
 (setq errors (org-export-latex-get-error outbuf))
 (if (not (file-exists-p pdffile))


С уважением,
Бойков Евгений Алексеевич
сот. 8-924-202-25-65

[O] agenda view: global todo list

2011-07-14 Thread William H. Daffer


I'm relatively new to org-mode, I'm liking what I see so far, but I have 
two questions.

I'm using emacs  23.2.1, org-mode 6.33x

I have org-todo-keywords set to

((sequence "TODO(t!)" "ANALYSIS(a!)" "FEEDBACK(f@)" "VERIFY(v!)" 
"WAIT(w@/!)" "|" "DONE(d@)" "DELEGATED(e@)" "CANCELLED(c@)"))

and I have a org-remember-template set up to capture (among other 
things) random TODOs into a file named ''.

1. In Global TODO agenda view (C-a t) the '# r' 'redo' command confuses 
me a bit.

In the menu at the top of the view, '0 r' maps to 'ALL' and '1 r' to the 
list of unclosed TODOs, yet they both produce the same listing for me. I 
was expecting '0 r' to produce a listing of all TODO's, whatever state 
they were in.  This may just be a misunderstanding of what 'ALL' really 
means: is 'ALL' just a synonym for 'TODO'?

2. With org-todo-keywords defined as above... Regarding the interaction 
of 'remember' and 'org-todo-keywords.

When I go to capture a TODO using remember, unless I set org-log-done to 
'note (though I haven't tried setting it to 'time)  org-mode doesn't 
seem to know about org-todo-keywords (even though C-hv shows that it's 
defined),  no logging happens, and the TODOs in have only the 2 
default states.

When I do (setq org-log-done 'note), remember fails to log the initial 
change _into_ the  TODO state, unlike what happens inside of any other 
org-mode file when I hit C-cC-t, it will only do so when I change state 
using C-cC-t, either in the note after I've filed it using C-cC-c, or 
while composing the TODO in the remember buffer.

This last happenstance does leave me with a work-around: after starting 
to compose a remember TODO, and while still in the 'remember' buffer, I 
can do C-cC-t to change the state from TODO to TODO, (and then change 
the first TODO to "", if I'm feeling fastidious) and that will log the 
time of the start of the TODO. All subsequent changes to the state will 
be handled just as with any other TODO. So, the question is: is this 
just the way things are with remember and org-todo-keywords?

Finally, thanks to all for their good work on this mode. It's pretty 



Re: [O] how to change the headline starter *

2011-07-14 Thread Pieter Praet
On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 19:32:18 +0200 (CEST), wrote:
> > writes:
> >
> > writes:
> > 
> > > (setq outline-regexp "[-\f]+")
> > > so as to use - as the headline starter character in outline mode.
> > > Switch to another buffer, enter the text
> > >
> > > - first heading
> > > -- second heading
> > >some stuff here
> > >
> > > Activate org-mode. M-x org-mode.
> > 
> > You should not do this.  org-mode lists start with a "-", using
> > this character for headlines will just confuse things.
> Let me rephrase my message then.
> BUG. How to reproduce.
> Starting with emacs -Q (this is emacs 23.2 together with org-mode 6.33),
> execute in the scratch buffer
> (setq outline-regexp "[•\f]+")
> so as to use a bullet as the headline starter character in outline mode.
> Switch to another buffer, enter the text
> • first heading
> •• second heading
>some stuff here
> Activate org-mode. M-x org-mode.
> Then go to the first heading. TAB folds the text as expected.
> Go to the second heading. TAB inserts a TAB instead of folding
> the second heading.
> > Can't you live with the "*" as the headline character?
> That's a pretty rude answer, I must say. I don't know a single
> language (language as e.g. english, russian, spanish...) that
> uses * as an headline character. BTW, I know that bugs should be
> reported through the bug tracker, I will do that asap, and
> no, I don't have a patch, I don't understand how org-mode
> works.
> -- 
> Harven


One of Org-mode's fundamental goals is to help people make more
*efficient* (sorry, •efficient•) use of their time. Screwing around
with utterly useless vanity config ("I wanna make it look COOL")
is the exact opposite.

Please don't *insult* our devs by calling this useless BS a "BUG",
let alone ask them to *waste* their precious time and skills on it.

If you manage to implement it yourself, you're welcome to send your
patch to the list. We might need it someday, when we -in a bout of
insanity- decide our target audience somehow includes twelve-year-olds.

If you find that rude, don't worry:

If our product or the technical support pertaining to it proves
unsatisfactory in any way, you're entitled to a full refund.

Just send your proof of purchase to one of our sales reps near you.

You still have the receipt don't you?



Re: [O] Using org-mode for Research and Notetaking

2011-07-14 Thread Thomas S. Dye
Florian Beck  writes:

> Bastien  writes:
>>>  2. Tags are SLOW (no doubt due to my 8.5M file). Completion takes
>>>  minutes. I fixed that by adding all my (hundreds of) tags to
>>>  `org-tag-alist' and restricting capture to »%g«, checking only the
>>>  current file. `org-id-find' is slow as well and so will be property
>>>  completions, I guess. How about caching the data and update on saving
>>>  an org-agenda file?
>> We might consider this.  
>> I doubt updating on saving is the right thing to do -- people tend to
>> save very often, and for solving problems like yours, it will be as slow
>> as the current interface.
>> We need to be more clever in defining the update cycle for caches, and
>> this depends on _what_ the cache is containing.
> I agree, updating on saving would not work for large files. Maybe you
> could use a cache on a per file basis, creating it when org first
> happens to collect the data and updating it on demand. Of course, it
> might be out of date, which in my case would be no problem.
>> You will need to live with it for now.
>>>  4. muse-mode has this nice feature that it easily allows you to define
>>>  your own  like
>>>  … or
>>>  …; not only for export but also for
>>>  fontification. Can I do something similar in org-mode?
>> What do you mean?
>> What I can think of are "tag aliases": for example, the tag ":code:"
>> would be an alias for ":code python lisp:".
>> The buffer would display the alias.
>> Tag search would match the expanded version.
>> This adds a semantic layer for tags, so maybe there are complexities
>> I cannot think of right now, but I think it might be interesting.
>> What do you think?
> Actually, I meant »tags« in the HTML sense. For example
> would call a function during export, which returns, say, its LaTeX
> interpretation, another function would be called by font lock (or
> whatever you use) to determine its on screen display. That is, the user
> has to provide two functions and org mode has to call them at the
> appropriate place.

Aloha Florian,

This is partially implemented with Org-mode's link syntax.  See for
an example that defines LaTeX and HTML exports for arbitrary tags.

AFAIK, the link syntax lacks an easy way to change the function for
screen display, but this would be a useful addition to Org-mode.  Then,
it would be a relatively simple matter to provide functions that
differentiate on-screen between links used for different purposes.

There was a discussion along these lines on list some time ago under the
heading "text color + highlight".


>>>  5. According to the manual »TODO items are an integral part of the
>>>  notes file«. I like that, but I do not find it so. TODO items are
>>>  headings which I find somewhat confusing: My files are either articles
>>>  to be (with the appropriate headlines) or notes where headlines usually
>>>  formulate the topic the note is about. Todo items, on the other hand,
>>>  would be »clarify the paragraph«, »check what X says about Y«, »add
>>>  more sources«, etc. As it is TODOs are not integrated but stand out,
>>>  breaking the structure of the file. How about allowing TODO items in
>>>  comments? This would seem much more natural to me: a TODO item should
>>>  not be part of your text but disappear when it is done.
>> As suggested, you want to check inline tasks.
> I'll look into it. Thanks for your comments!
>> I really don't like the current syntax for inline tasks, I would much
>> prefer something like special TODO keywords:
>> * !TODO This would be an inline task, not a headline
>> But perhaps I'm missing something about why the current inline task
>> syntax is useful.  I'd be interested in hearing more by people who are
>> actually using them...
>> Thanks for your input!

Thomas S. Dye

[O] Thesauri to manage tags ("Tag taxonomies") -- feature request

2011-07-14 Thread John Tait
Dear all

Some time ago I floated a "tag hierarchy" idea for org-mode. It didn't
gain much interest (through I received some very kind replies).

There are other similar ideas here by others.

What I've discovered since then is that what we are all maybe trying
to re-invent is a thesaurus concept, including a controlled vocabulary
concept. Thesauri seem to be well understood, and are standardised by
ISO 2788.

I use selective export using tags a lot. If I can re-phrase my
original request using better language, what I am looking for is a way
of managing org tags using simple thesauri terms -- inside an org

There's software out there to manage thesauri, but I think it would be
fantastic to instead build taxonomies inside org-mode and use these to
drive org exports.

The problem I'm trying to solve is that, in big publishing projects,
the number of tags can grow and might eventually need to be managed
outside org-mode. (I'm already keeping lists of my tags inside
org-mode tables.)

What I would love to do is build a simple taxonomy of tags from a
controlled vocabulary -- that I can manage entirely inside org-mode.

Then we could:
 a) have an orderly list of tags (using the thesaurus "USE" concept,
etc. to help) to restrict tag bloat, and in fact have a controlled
list of tags/terms.
 b) allow nesting of tags (using the thesuaris Broader Term (BT) and
Narrower Term (NT) concepts).

This would allow export of, say, :colour: to export :red: :green: and
:blue:. It would also allow publishing project to be managed by
arranging NT/BT in one place in the org file, rather than
micromanaging tags in headings. Additionally, tags could belong to
more than one taxonomy in the same publishing project.

(The dreaded DITA 1.2 spec now has something like this in the guise of
Subject Scheme maps. But I never want to look at DITA again.)

I hope you know what I am on about...thanks again for your time.


Re: [O] Using org-mode for Research and Notetaking

2011-07-14 Thread Florian Beck
Bastien  writes:

>>  2. Tags are SLOW (no doubt due to my 8.5M file). Completion takes
>>  minutes. I fixed that by adding all my (hundreds of) tags to
>>  `org-tag-alist' and restricting capture to »%g«, checking only the
>>  current file. `org-id-find' is slow as well and so will be property
>>  completions, I guess. How about caching the data and update on saving
>>  an org-agenda file?
> We might consider this.  
> I doubt updating on saving is the right thing to do -- people tend to
> save very often, and for solving problems like yours, it will be as slow
> as the current interface.
> We need to be more clever in defining the update cycle for caches, and
> this depends on _what_ the cache is containing.

I agree, updating on saving would not work for large files. Maybe you
could use a cache on a per file basis, creating it when org first
happens to collect the data and updating it on demand. Of course, it
might be out of date, which in my case would be no problem.

> You will need to live with it for now.
>>  4. muse-mode has this nice feature that it easily allows you to define
>>  your own  like
>>  … or
>>  …; not only for export but also for
>>  fontification. Can I do something similar in org-mode?
> What do you mean?
> What I can think of are "tag aliases": for example, the tag ":code:"
> would be an alias for ":code python lisp:".
> The buffer would display the alias.
> Tag search would match the expanded version.
> This adds a semantic layer for tags, so maybe there are complexities
> I cannot think of right now, but I think it might be interesting.
> What do you think?

Actually, I meant »tags« in the HTML sense. For example
would call a function during export, which returns, say, its LaTeX
interpretation, another function would be called by font lock (or
whatever you use) to determine its on screen display. That is, the user
has to provide two functions and org mode has to call them at the
appropriate place.

>>  5. According to the manual »TODO items are an integral part of the
>>  notes file«. I like that, but I do not find it so. TODO items are
>>  headings which I find somewhat confusing: My files are either articles
>>  to be (with the appropriate headlines) or notes where headlines usually
>>  formulate the topic the note is about. Todo items, on the other hand,
>>  would be »clarify the paragraph«, »check what X says about Y«, »add
>>  more sources«, etc. As it is TODOs are not integrated but stand out,
>>  breaking the structure of the file. How about allowing TODO items in
>>  comments? This would seem much more natural to me: a TODO item should
>>  not be part of your text but disappear when it is done.
> As suggested, you want to check inline tasks.

I'll look into it. Thanks for your comments!

> I really don't like the current syntax for inline tasks, I would much
> prefer something like special TODO keywords:
> * !TODO This would be an inline task, not a headline
> But perhaps I'm missing something about why the current inline task
> syntax is useful.  I'd be interested in hearing more by people who are
> actually using them...
> Thanks for your input!

Florian Beck

Re: [O] Using org-mode for Research and Notetaking

2011-07-14 Thread Florian Beck
John Hendy  writes:

> I posted something similar a bit back. I do use org for todos, but
> also write papers/reports, and take notes on things I'm reading. You
> might want to check out that thread. [1] In particular, there were
> some great comments about using inline tasks with custom export
> options (one of them being the todonotes pacakge). [2] [3] Hope that
> offers at least some input.
> I think inline tasks can do what you want -- can be exported or not,
> they stay out of the way, and don't break the flow. Good luck!

Thanks for the suggestion, I have to look into the export options.

> ---
> All from the same thread, but I skimmed it and picked these out in particular:
> [1] Top level thread:
> [2] Inline tasks suggestion:
> [3] Todonotes variant:
> John
>> --
>> Florian Beck

Florian Beck

Re: [O] how to change the headline starter *

2011-07-14 Thread Nick Dokos wrote:

> > writes:
> >
> > writes:
> > 
> > > (setq outline-regexp "[-\f]+")
> > > so as to use - as the headline starter character in outline mode.
> > > Switch to another buffer, enter the text
> > >
> > > - first heading
> > > -- second heading
> > >some stuff here
> > >
> > > Activate org-mode. M-x org-mode.
> > 
> > You should not do this.  org-mode lists start with a "-", using
> > this character for headlines will just confuse things.
> Let me rephrase my message then.
> BUG. How to reproduce.
> Starting with emacs -Q (this is emacs 23.2 together with org-mode 6.33),
> execute in the scratch buffer
> (setq outline-regexp "[•\f]+")
> so as to use a bullet as the headline starter character in outline mode.
> Switch to another buffer, enter the text
> • first heading
> •• second heading
>some stuff here
> Activate org-mode. M-x org-mode.
> Then go to the first heading. TAB folds the text as expected.
> Go to the second heading. TAB inserts a TAB instead of folding
> the second heading.
> > Can't you live with the "*" as the headline character?
> That's a pretty rude answer, I must say. I don't know a single

No, it's not. It is as clear an indication as anybody can give you that
asterisks are pretty much embedded into org structure.

Patient: "Doctor, it hurts when I do that"
Doctor: "Don't do that"

You may not like it but that's the way it is. Trying to change it at a
superficial level (as you did by changing outline-regexp) is likely to
land you in a world of pain.


> language (language as e.g. english, russian, spanish...) that
> uses * as an headline character. BTW, I know that bugs should be
> reported through the bug tracker, I will do that asap, and
> no, I don't have a patch, I don't understand how org-mode
> works.

Re: [O] Problem with autoloads

2011-07-14 Thread Skip Collins
On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Suvayu Ali  wrote:
>> diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
>> index 239ab2e..2d1d324 100644
>> --- a/Makefile
>> +++ b/Makefile
>> @@ -230,12 +230,11 @@ autoloads: lisp/org-install.el
>>  lisp/org-install.el: $(LISPFILES0) Makefile
>>       $(BATCH) --eval "(require 'autoload)" \
>> -             --eval '(find-file "org-install.el")'  \
>> +             --eval '(find-file "lisp/org-install.el")'  \
>>               --eval '(erase-buffer)' \
>> -             --eval '(mapc (lambda (x) (generate-file-autoloads
>> (symbol-name x))) (quote ($(LISPFILES0' \
>> +             --eval '(mapc (lambda (x) (generate-file-autoloads
>> (symbol-name x))) (quote ($(LISPF' \ --eval '(insert "\n(provide
>> (quote org-install))\n")' \ --eval '(save-buffer)'
>> -     mv org-install.el lisp
>>  doc/org: doc/org.texi
>>       (cd doc && $(MAKEINFO) --no-split org.texi -o org)
> This patch to the Makefile generates the autoloads without the lisp/
> prefix for me and works without errors. However as Nick says, maybe its
> worthwhile to understand why this was happening in the first place. My
> lisp knowledge is very little, but please let me know if I can help
> track this down.

Is there any more progress on finding and fixing this problem with org
and emacs24? I just built the development version of Aquamacs (GNU
Emacs The problem with the way org autoloads lisp files is
present. Should this patch be applied to org sources?

Re: [O] how to change the headline starter *

2011-07-14 Thread harven

> writes:
> writes:
> > (setq outline-regexp "[-\f]+")
> > so as to use - as the headline starter character in outline mode.
> > Switch to another buffer, enter the text
> >
> > - first heading
> > -- second heading
> >some stuff here
> >
> > Activate org-mode. M-x org-mode.
> You should not do this.  org-mode lists start with a "-", using
> this character for headlines will just confuse things.

Let me rephrase my message then.

BUG. How to reproduce.
Starting with emacs -Q (this is emacs 23.2 together with org-mode 6.33),
execute in the scratch buffer
(setq outline-regexp "[•\f]+")
so as to use a bullet as the headline starter character in outline mode.
Switch to another buffer, enter the text

• first heading
•• second heading
   some stuff here

Activate org-mode. M-x org-mode.

Then go to the first heading. TAB folds the text as expected.
Go to the second heading. TAB inserts a TAB instead of folding
the second heading.

> Can't you live with the "*" as the headline character?

That's a pretty rude answer, I must say. I don't know a single
language (language as e.g. english, russian, spanish...) that
uses * as an headline character. BTW, I know that bugs should be
reported through the bug tracker, I will do that asap, and
no, I don't have a patch, I don't understand how org-mode


Re: [O] babel work flow

2011-07-14 Thread Thomas S. Dye
"Sebastien Vauban"  writes:

> Hi Thomas,
> Thomas S. Dye wrote:
>> I want to use one of the dot utilities, tred, in a way that preserves my
>> ability to distribute the Org-mode file as reproducible research, i.e.,
>> intermediate results should end up in the Org-mode file or be passed
>> along in a chain.
>> Right now I have a python routine that reads a couple of Org-mode tables
>> and outputs a valid dot graph.  I'm saving this to a file, dot-temp.gv,
>> and then running some shell commands, like this:
>> #+begin_src sh
>>   tred dot-temp.gv > test.gv
>>   dot -o test.pdf -Tpdf test.gv
>>   open test.pdf
>> #+end_src
>> The graph is just what I want, but I can't see how to automate the
>> process in Org-mode.  In particular, the tred step trips me up.  Do I
>> have to make babel, tred-aware?
> Sorry if I misunderstand, but could you be more explicit (for me) on what the
> problem is?  Why is it a problem for you to have that sh block inside your
> Org. It is executed automagically upon exporting, no?  If yes, why is that not
> good enough?
> Best regards,
>   Seb

Aloha Seb,

Yes, babel is working fine and the sh block does its job.

The problem is that I like to see intermediate results in the Org-mode
file and the sh block works instead with files that reside outside Org-mode.

In this particular case, I'd prefer to have dot-temp.gv in a results
block in the Org-mode file, and then pass this results block into a
source code block where tred can manipulate it, and which returns its
results to the Org-mode file.

That way, the skeptical inquirer need only consult the Org-mode file to
be convinced that tred removed the transitive relations from the
digraph.  It would be an easy matter to compare the two results blocks.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [O] [PATCH] Adding support for :results output for clojure src blocks.

2011-07-14 Thread Bastien
Eric Schulte  writes:

> Yes, please do consider signing the FSF papers to enable this and future
> contributions to be included into Org-mode.

Robert sent the paper, let's wait till the process is done.

> However, in this particular case, you could easily sneak your patch into
> under 10 lines by replacing the `cond' with a nested `if', and I would
> be happy to include such a patch immediately.


Robert, can you reapply a <10-lines patch?

> Also, for patches directed at ob-* files, if you don't mind building the
> patch with "git format-patch" I would prefer that format -- although
> I'll happily take patches in any format.

For the record, I much prefer patch with "git format-patch".  
Easy to read, easy to apply, easy to amend.



Re: [O] how to change the headline starter *

2011-07-14 Thread Bastien writes:

> (setq outline-regexp "[-\f]+")
> so as to use - as the headline starter character in outline mode.
> Switch to another buffer, enter the text
> - first heading 
> -- second heading
>some stuff here
> Activate org-mode. M-x org-mode.

You should not do this.  org-mode lists start with a "-", using 
this character for headlines will just confuse things.

Can't you live with the "*" as the headline character?

My 2 cents,


Re: [O] [PATCH] was: patch makefile solve a couple debian build problems and a slackware build problem

2011-07-14 Thread Bastien
Achim Gratz  writes:

> My patch also did not remove the documentation of the removed target in
> the help/targets section of the Makefile.  I'm attaching a patch to
> correct that.

Applied, thanks!


Re: [O] question about ODT export behavior

2011-07-14 Thread Bastien
Hi Rainer,

Rainer Stengele  writes:

> Yes. That was it. After changing
> org-export-preserve-breaks
> to nil the breaks are gone.

Thanks for confirming.

> Sorry,  I did not know how the exporter works. I did therefore not
> check the export options.

Perhaps we could add a FAQ for this in Worg.

> Can you give me a hint where I can find some documentation about
> changing the styles.xml?

You can have a look at contrib/odt/  Jambunathan points 
to this message, which can help:



Re: [O] disable "org-decrypt: auto-save-mode may cause leakage"

2011-07-14 Thread Pieter Praet
On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 16:42:58 +0200, "Sebastien Vauban" 
> Hi Pieter,
> Pieter Praet wrote:
> > On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 15:37:34 +0200, "Sebastien Vauban" 
> >  wrote:
> >> Juan Pechiar wrote:
> >> > On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 02:22:32PM +0200, Karl Voit wrote:
> >> >> How can I auto-answer the question from the subject line with «n»
> >> >> (per default) any time it is asked?
> >> >
> >> > You can customize this behaviour via
> >> >
> >> > org-crypt-disable-auto-save
> >> >
> >> > You probably have it set to 'ask'.
> >> 
> >> So did I. This is the default.
> >> 
> >> > Options exist for always enabling/disabling auto save, and for encrypting
> >> > the auto-saved version automatically.
> >> >
> >> > M-x customize-variable RET org-crypt-disable-auto-save RET
> >> 
> >> Shouldn't its default value better be set to 'encrypt?
> >
> > I don't think so.
> >
> > It only re-encrypts entries which are tagged :crypt: (or whatever you
> > have `org-crypt-tag-matcher' set to), so I'd prefer users to be "forced"
> > to at least read the docstring so as not to be using it with a false
> > sense of security.
> >
> > Though this could be easily solved by automatically tagging entries upon
> > encryption, I think it's more "considerate" to simply (ask to) disable
> > `auto-save-mode' for the current buffer, as it's quite annoying to have
> > an entry get re-encrypted while you're in the middle of typing something.
> This is more clear to me, and makes a lot of sense.
> Though, what I find annoying, and the OP as well, is to be asked that question
> for buffers which do not contain any encrypted entry. Would it be possible to
> scan the buffer for such entries, and only ask the user when the buffer is
> potentially exposed?

AFAIK, that should already be the case.

Even when running with the following config...

  #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'org-decrypt-entries)

... the user shouldn't get prompted needlessly, because `org-decrypt-entries'
applies `org-decrypt-entry' (which does the `auto-save-mode' check) *only*
to entries with a tag matching `org-crypt-tag-matcher' [1].

So prompting should only occur for buffers for which `auto-save-mode' is
enabled AND which contain one or more entries tagged with `crypt'
(regardless of whether the entry is actually encrypted, but that's
beside the point) UNLESS running `org-decrypt-entry' (auto-)manually for
each buffer.

I suspect it's a user config issue.

> Best regards,
>   Seb
> -- 
> Sebastien Vauban



[1] lisp/org-crypt.el:241

Re: [O] Bulk cut in agenda view

2011-07-14 Thread Bastien
Julien Cubizolles  writes:

> Bastien  writes:
>> Hi Bastien
>> I've applied the patch I proposed.  Please report any problem 
>> about it.
> You beat me to it, I hadn't gotten the chance to give it a try. I just
> did and it just works. Thanks.

Thanks for confirming it works!


Re: [O] disable "org-decrypt: auto-save-mode may cause leakage"

2011-07-14 Thread Karl Voit

* Juan Pechiar  wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 02:22:32PM +0200, Karl Voit wrote:
>> How can I auto-answer the question from the subject line with «n»
>> (per default) any time it is asked?
> Hi Karl,
> You can customize this behaviour via
> org-crypt-disable-auto-save
> You probably have it set to 'ask'. Options exist for always
> enabling/disabling auto save, and for encrypting the auto-saved
> version automatically.

You're right and it worked. Thanks!

Karl Voit

Re: [O] disable "org-decrypt: auto-save-mode may cause leakage"

2011-07-14 Thread Sebastien Vauban
Hi Pieter,

Pieter Praet wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 15:37:34 +0200, "Sebastien Vauban" 
>  wrote:
>> Juan Pechiar wrote:
>> > On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 02:22:32PM +0200, Karl Voit wrote:
>> >> How can I auto-answer the question from the subject line with «n»
>> >> (per default) any time it is asked?
>> >
>> > You can customize this behaviour via
>> >
>> > org-crypt-disable-auto-save
>> >
>> > You probably have it set to 'ask'.
>> So did I. This is the default.
>> > Options exist for always enabling/disabling auto save, and for encrypting
>> > the auto-saved version automatically.
>> >
>> > M-x customize-variable RET org-crypt-disable-auto-save RET
>> Shouldn't its default value better be set to 'encrypt?
> I don't think so.
> It only re-encrypts entries which are tagged :crypt: (or whatever you
> have `org-crypt-tag-matcher' set to), so I'd prefer users to be "forced"
> to at least read the docstring so as not to be using it with a false
> sense of security.
> Though this could be easily solved by automatically tagging entries upon
> encryption, I think it's more "considerate" to simply (ask to) disable
> `auto-save-mode' for the current buffer, as it's quite annoying to have
> an entry get re-encrypted while you're in the middle of typing something.

This is more clear to me, and makes a lot of sense.

Though, what I find annoying, and the OP as well, is to be asked that question
for buffers which do not contain any encrypted entry. Would it be possible to
scan the buffer for such entries, and only ask the user when the buffer is
potentially exposed?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

Re: [O] disable "org-decrypt: auto-save-mode may cause leakage"

2011-07-14 Thread Pieter Praet
On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 15:37:34 +0200, "Sebastien Vauban" 
> Hi all,
> Juan Pechiar wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 02:22:32PM +0200, Karl Voit wrote:
> >> How can I auto-answer the question from the subject line with «n»
> >> (per default) any time it is asked?
> >
> > You can customize this behaviour via
> >
> > org-crypt-disable-auto-save
> >
> > You probably have it set to 'ask'.
> So did I. This is the default.
> > Options exist for always enabling/disabling auto save, and for encrypting
> > the auto-saved version automatically.
> >
> > M-x customize-variable RET org-crypt-disable-auto-save RET
> Shouldn't its default value better be set to 'encrypt?

I don't think so.

It only re-encrypts entries which are tagged :crypt: (or whatever you
have `org-crypt-tag-matcher' set to), so I'd prefer users to be "forced"
to at least read the docstring so as not to be using it with a false
sense of security.

Though this could be easily solved by automatically tagging entries upon
encryption, I think it's more "considerate" to simply (ask to) disable
`auto-save-mode' for the current buffer, as it's quite annoying to have
an entry get re-encrypted while you're in the middle of typing something.

> Best regards,
>   Seb
> -- 
> Sebastien Vauban



Re: [O] how to change the headline starter *

2011-07-14 Thread harven

- Mail Original -
De: "Bastien" 
À: "Darlan Cavalcante Moreira" 
Cc: "harven" ,
Envoyé: Samedi 2 Juillet 2011 11h48:52 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / 
Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: [O] how to change the headline starter *

Hi Darlan,

Darlan Cavalcante Moreira  writes:

> I don't think this is possible. The "*" as a headline starter seems to be
> hard-coded in org.

I confirm this is not possible, it's hardcoded in outline-mode, and Org
is derived from this mode.

As this is a FAQ, I added an entry in Worg/



Sorry for the late response. The "*" as a headline character is not hard-coded
in outline-mode. The headline character can be in fact any regexp, and is
specified in the variable outline-regexp defined in outline.el. Its default
value is "[*\f]+".

It is howewer hard-coded as a "*" e.g. in org-indent.el 
(e.g. in org-indent-initialize), and a change to outline-regexp breaks

BUG. How to reproduce. 
Starting with emacs -Q (this is emacs 23.2 together with org-mode 6.33),
execute in the scratch buffer
(setq outline-regexp "[-\f]+")
so as to use - as the headline starter character in outline mode.
Switch to another buffer, enter the text

- first heading 
-- second heading
   some stuff here

Activate org-mode. M-x org-mode.

Then go to the first heading. TAB folds the text as expected.
Go to the second heading. TAB inserts a TAB instead of folding 
the second heading.


Re: [O] Using MobileOrg without sync?

2011-07-14 Thread Pieter Praet
On Wed, 13 Jul 2011 11:22:53 +0200, Steinar Bang  wrote:
> > Tassilo Horn :
> > Not sure, but MobileOrg (at least on Android) is not very
> > sophisticated for note taking.  For sure, it's not a stand-alone
> > org-mode for Android as you might have expected.
> Ah, ok.  It looked like it might be, from the screen shots.
> > For example, there's no widget ("activity" in andro-speak) to input
> > timestamps and stuff like that.  I use it, but mainly for viewing my
> > agendas pushed from org-mode and for capturing quick and ugly notes,
> > which I format correctly, timestamp, tag, and refile after pulling
> > them to my emacs.
> Ok.  Looks like something I will try at some point in time, but not
> right now.
> > So I see no reason to use MobileOrg if you don't want to interact with
> > org-mode.  Probably, you'd be better off with a plain text editor (Jota
> > Text Editor is quite good and free software).
> Thanks for the tip!
> So far, I have installed, but not yet tried:
>  Evernote
>  AK Notepad
>  GDocs (notepad synking with google docs)

Also a good candidate:



Re: [O] disable "org-decrypt: auto-save-mode may cause leakage"

2011-07-14 Thread Sebastien Vauban
Hi all,

Juan Pechiar wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 02:22:32PM +0200, Karl Voit wrote:
>> How can I auto-answer the question from the subject line with «n»
>> (per default) any time it is asked?
> You can customize this behaviour via
> org-crypt-disable-auto-save
> You probably have it set to 'ask'.

So did I. This is the default.

> Options exist for always enabling/disabling auto save, and for encrypting
> the auto-saved version automatically.
> M-x customize-variable RET org-crypt-disable-auto-save RET

Shouldn't its default value better be set to 'encrypt?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

Re: [O] OLUG talk about Org-mode

2011-07-14 Thread Pieter Praet
On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 03:45:04 + (UTC), Memnon Anon 
> Hi Jonathan,
> Jonathan Leech-Pepin  writes:
> > The direct link to the video on the UStream site is:
> >
> If I understood Pieter Praet correctly, this did not work for him:
> ,[ Message ID: <>]
> | I've tried the obvious one [1] but no joy. It's a waste of 225,6 MiB.
> | ...
> | [1] 
> `[Archived-At:]

Well, it might work if you're logged in, but since I loathe registering
(yet another account I'll *never* use), I simply snatched that URL out
of the page source, and ended up with a (presumably) DRM-protected file.

> This did work for me:
> ,[ Sebastien Vauban: Message-ID: <> ]
> |
> | Please download it, as this link may become unavailable in the future.
> `[Archived-At:]

Indeed it does.

> Memnon



Re: [O] disable "org-decrypt: auto-save-mode may cause leakage"

2011-07-14 Thread Juan Pechiar
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 02:22:32PM +0200, Karl Voit wrote:
> How can I auto-answer the question from the subject line with «n»
> (per default) any time it is asked?

Hi Karl,

You can customize this behaviour via


You probably have it set to 'ask'. Options exist for always
enabling/disabling auto save, and for encrypting the auto-saved
version automatically.

M-x customize-variable RET org-crypt-disable-auto-save RET


Re: [O] disable "org-decrypt: auto-save-mode may cause leakage"

2011-07-14 Thread Pieter Praet
On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 14:22:32 +0200, Karl Voit  wrote:
> Hi!
> How can I auto-answer the question from the subject line with «n»
> (per default) any time it is asked?
> Background story:
> I am using org-decrypt on two files and I've got additional files
> where I do not use any encryption at all.
> But when I start my Emacs with my five most used org-files (which do
> not use encryption), I have to answer five times the question
> mentioned in the subject line above using «n» as answer.
> I've already found the comment on the bottom of [1] and the
> discussion of [2].
> I *do* have deactivated auto-save by using the method explained in
> [3] for my Org-files where I am using encryption. So I am save here
> I guess.
> But what I want to get rid of is this unnecessary question. I do not
> want to be asked and have to answer with «no» because where it
> matters, I already deactivated auto-save. So auto-save should be
> «on» per default.
> How can I accomplish this behavior?
> And: shouldn't this be appended to [1]?
>   1.
>   2.
>   3.
> -- 
> Karl Voit

One only receives that prompt when running `org-decrypt-entry' in a buffer
where `buffer-auto-save-file-name' is non-nil (i.e. a buffer for which
`auto-save-mode' is enabled).

So, I assume you've configured Emacs to automatically run `org-decrypt-entries'
(which calls `org-decrypt-entry') whenever an org file is opened.

For more info, see the `org-crypt-disable-auto-save' variable (introduced in
commit 7bae2235) and this thread:



[O] disable "org-decrypt: auto-save-mode may cause leakage"

2011-07-14 Thread Karl Voit

How can I auto-answer the question from the subject line with «n»
(per default) any time it is asked?

Background story:

I am using org-decrypt on two files and I've got additional files
where I do not use any encryption at all.

But when I start my Emacs with my five most used org-files (which do
not use encryption), I have to answer five times the question
mentioned in the subject line above using «n» as answer.

I've already found the comment on the bottom of [1] and the
discussion of [2].

I *do* have deactivated auto-save by using the method explained in
[3] for my Org-files where I am using encryption. So I am save here
I guess.

But what I want to get rid of is this unnecessary question. I do not
want to be asked and have to answer with «no» because where it
matters, I already deactivated auto-save. So auto-save should be
«on» per default.

How can I accomplish this behavior?

And: shouldn't this be appended to [1]?

Karl Voit

Re: [O] Bulk cut in agenda view

2011-07-14 Thread Julien Cubizolles
Bastien  writes:

> Hi Bastien

> I've applied the patch I proposed.  Please report any problem 
> about it.

You beat me to it, I hadn't gotten the chance to give it a try. I just
did and it just works. Thanks.


Re: [O] Compile warnings on Win7/Emacs24.0.50

2011-07-14 Thread Andy Moreton
On Wed 13 Jul 2011, Achim Gratz wrote:

> I've tested some things on Win7 and happen to have an Emacs24 installed
> there, so I compiled the latest org-mode.  I got quite a few warnings
> that I've never seen before with Emacs23, so I assume this is Emacs24
> tightening the screws on some loseness.  I don't remember the exact
> warning text, but it was something about top-level forms and global
> variables not having a prefix (presumably to keep them in their own
> namespace and not step on the toes of other packages).

AFAIK this is because emacs-24 now supports lexical scope. The use of
name prefixes is used to manage namespace as you mention, but also as
convention used by the byte compiler to help distinguish between uses of
lexically and dynamicly scoped variable bindings.

See the emacs-24 elisp manual for more details, or ask the friednly
folks on the on the emacs devel list.



Re: [O] Release 7.6

2011-07-14 Thread Aankhen
Thanks for another great release!


Re: [O] Calendar-like view of the org-agenda

2011-07-14 Thread Aankhen
On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 18:14, Jason F. McBrayer  wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Jul 2011 11:34:48 +0530, Aankhen wrote:
>> That's odd. I'm using Emacs 24 on Windows 7 64-bit (and before this
>> I've used 23 on both 7 and Vista), and my font is set to Consolas.
>> Emacs happily substitutes other fonts where Consolas is missing glyphs
>> (see the attached screenshot). The only snag is that it takes a while
>> to find a suitable font, at times.
>> I'm using a precompiled binary from emacs-for-windows.[1] Perhaps it
>> has special support for font substitution or something…
> Huh. I looked at the HELLO file, and you seem to be right. It's pulling in
> fonts as needed for various South Asian, East Asian, and Middle/Near Eastern
> languages, but still failing horribly with unicode box drawing, as well as
> various symbols (like the recycle symbol, which we use abundantly on
> Perhaps Consolas falsely reports that it has those symbols.

Box drawing seems to work okay here, whereas the recycling symbol is
missing (it just shows a box with the hex code to indicate the missing
glyph).  It’s probably down to whether you have any monospace fonts
which contain those glyphs.


Re: [O] babel work flow

2011-07-14 Thread Sebastien Vauban
Hi Thomas,

Thomas S. Dye wrote:
> I want to use one of the dot utilities, tred, in a way that preserves my
> ability to distribute the Org-mode file as reproducible research, i.e.,
> intermediate results should end up in the Org-mode file or be passed
> along in a chain.
> Right now I have a python routine that reads a couple of Org-mode tables
> and outputs a valid dot graph.  I'm saving this to a file, dot-temp.gv,
> and then running some shell commands, like this:
> #+begin_src sh
>   tred dot-temp.gv > test.gv
>   dot -o test.pdf -Tpdf test.gv
>   open test.pdf
> #+end_src
> The graph is just what I want, but I can't see how to automate the
> process in Org-mode.  In particular, the tred step trips me up.  Do I
> have to make babel, tred-aware?

Sorry if I misunderstand, but could you be more explicit (for me) on what the
problem is?  Why is it a problem for you to have that sh block inside your
Org. It is executed automagically upon exporting, no?  If yes, why is that not
good enough?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban