Re: [O] Changing title for outline

2014-02-02 Thread Erich Neuwirth
OSX 10.9
Emacs 24.3
orgmode 8.2.5h

I also tried

# Local Variables:
# org-beamer-outline-frame-title: Themen
# End:

at the end of the file and it did not work

On Feb 1, 2014, at 9:23 AM, Bastien wrote:

 Hi Erich,
 Erich Neuwirth writes:
 Suing this at the end of file
 #+ Local Variables:
 #+ org-beamer-outline-frame-title: Themen
 #+ End:
 Brings up a prompt about changing local variables,
 but accepting the changes does still not produce the desired result.
 The header line of the outline frame still is 
 What version of Emacs and Org are you using ?

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Re: [O] Changing title for outline

2014-01-31 Thread Erich Neuwirth
Is there a way of putting this into the document itself?

I tried

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value 
(setq org-beamer-outline-frame-title Themen)

before any of the text of the document, and this did not work!

On Jan 30, 2014, at 12:14 PM, Sebastien Vauban wrote:

 setq org-beamer-outline-frame-title Themen))

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Re: [O] Changing title for outline

2014-01-31 Thread Erich Neuwirth
Suing this at the end of file

#+ Local Variables:
#+ org-beamer-outline-frame-title: Themen
#+ End:

Brings up a prompt about changing local variables,
but accepting the changes does still not produce the desired result.
The header line of the outline frame still is 

On Feb 1, 2014, at 1:41 AM, Nick Dokos wrote:

 Erich Neuwirth writes:
 Is there a way of putting this into the document itself?
 I tried
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value 
 (setq org-beamer-outline-frame-title Themen)
 before any of the text of the document, and this did not work!
 On Jan 30, 2014, at 12:14 PM, Sebastien Vauban 
setq org-beamer-outline-frame-title Themen))
 You can set it as a file-local variable. See
 (info (emacs)File variables)

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[O] Changing title for outline

2014-01-30 Thread Erich Neuwirth
I am using eorgmode with beamer to create a slide presentation in German.
I get a nice outline page with the atuomatically created header 

How can I change this so it becomes



Erich Neuwirth

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[O] Installing complete contrib

2012-11-27 Thread Erich Neuwirth
I am trying to install everything contrib on
OSX 10.8.2, Emacs 24.2.1

When in I do

I get

install: org-jira.elc: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [install] Error 71
make: *** [install-lisp] Error 2
make: *** [up2] Error 2

When in I do
ORG_ADD_CONTRIB = org-e-* org-md org-export # e.g. the new exporter
Things work nicely.

What do I need to do to make the full contrib work?

[O] Tables and aligning columns

2012-09-26 Thread Erich Neuwirth
I am using the following simplistic example.

#+title: Test Table

* My test

| head1 head1 | head2 head2 | head3 head3 | head4 head4 |
| | l | | r |
|   1 | 2   | haha|haha |
|   1 | 2   | haha|haha |

I am using org-20120926 from ELP A.
Export to LaTeX still does not honor column alignment.
And I noticed something strange.
If I remove the header line, export to LaTeX still produces everything,
but exported html does not contain the table.
This is somewhat inconsistent.


[O] Table export and alignment

2012-09-25 Thread Erich Neuwirth
Section 3.2 of the manual describes the use of 'r' 'l' and 'c' for 
overruling the alignment of columns.
Should it be c instead of c?
And In noticed that these tags are respected by html export,
but not by LaTeX export.
Will LaTeX export learn this?

Re: [O] Inline and executing the document

2012-09-23 Thread Erich Neuwirth
One more thought:
wrapper would allow to replace when inline code is run once again.
It would fit with my personal workflow to be able to check what will go into 
the exported documents
while fiddling around in the source document.

If this does not fit with what the org designers think, thats OK.
I just wanted to note that the implementation replacement of results of inline 
in this special case could probably done with ease.


On Sep 20, 2012, at 9:09 PM, Neuwirth Erich wrote:

 Thank you,
 this clarified things for me!
 I will look and suggest a place for mentioning this in the docs.
 On Sep 20, 2012, at 4:23 PM, Neuwirth Erich 
 Sorry for not reading the docs carefully enough.
 I had overlooked :results wrap
 But even with this options things behave strangely.
 src_emacs-lisp[:results wrap]{(+ 2 3)} :RESULTS:
 Running the code multiple times in the document produces multiple outputs.
 I though the whole idea of wrapping was intended to mark results in a way 
 the are replaces
 when the command is reexecuted.
 Furthermore, on exporting the keywords :RESULTS: and :END:
 are written into the exported document (I tried LaTeX+pdf and HTML)
 Am I still misunderstanding something?

[O] Inline and executing the document

2012-09-19 Thread Erich Neuwirth
The following examples shows some issues 

#+title: Inline formatting

Inline code examples

src_emacs-lisp{(+ 2 3)}

src_emacs-lisp[:results raw]{(2 + 5)} 

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(+ 11 12)

: 23

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results raw
(+ 11 13)


In 3 of the 4 examples running the code repeatedly 
with C-c C-c
will produce multiple copies of the output.
Only the default code block (example 3)
knows to delete the old result when a new one is produced.

If one is not careful about this, one can easily produce inconsistent documents.
Changing the code but not the old results will keep different results within 
the document
and these results will also be exported.

A solution would be to have markers like


Then, org mode could know what exactly to delete.
This would need to me modified for inline src statements bit should be doable.

I think this could help with the general concept of producing consistent 
reproducible research documents.

Anny suggestions regarding this  issue?


[O] exporting, using names, and inline source code blocks

2012-09-15 Thread Erich Neuwirth
I am using the latest version from ELPA, 20120903, OSX 10.8.1, and Emacs 24.2.1

The following document describes something which I perceive as strange behavior 
and a wish at the end.

#+title: Names test

Define a name with a value

#+name: nameval
#+begin_src elisp :session *elisp* :results value :exports both

The above does not export the value to LaTeX-pdf export if it is not executed
with C-c C-c in the document

Define a value in elisp

#+begin_src elisp :session *elisp* :results value :exports both
(setq lispval 123)

The above does not export the value to LaTeX-pdf export if it is not executed
with C-c C-c in the document

Simple call to =src_elisp= lispval equals 
src_elisp[:session *elisp* :results raw]{lispval}

The above does not export the value to LaTeX-pdf export if it is not executed
with C-c C-c in the document

Enhanced call to =src_elisp= lispval equals 
src_elisp[:session *elisp* :results raw :exports results]{lispval}

The above does not export the value to LaTeX-pdf export if it is not executed
with C-c C-c in the document

I tried exporting both to LaTeX-pdf and to html.

I would like a way which would allow me to use the value of the name =nameval=

[O] Dumb question for beamer in org mode

2012-09-15 Thread Erich Neuwirth
I am writing my first presentation in org mode for beamer.
I cannot find a way of replacing the word outline 
(which is used on the automatically created toc slide)
with a German word.

I am using
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[ngerman]{babel} 
but m guess is that the word outline is added by org, not by LeTeX.

Can anybody help?

[O] test fails

2012-08-29 Thread Erich Neuwirth
I am building org mode on 2 Macs with OSX 10.8.1 and Emacs 24.2.1

One one machine, this works.
On the other machine, the build fails.

executing Python code block...
Code block evaluation complete.
   passed  103/206  test-ob-python/colnames-yes-header-argument-again
Babel evaluation exited with code 1
   passed  104/206  test-ob-sh/dont-error-on-empty-results
   passed  105/206  test-ob-sh/dont-insert-spaces-on-expanded-bodies

at this point, the machine just hangs and I have to kill the process.

Any ideas?

Please also tell me what is the easiest way of finding the version identifier.
I just pulled the latest version from git now,

Aug 29 2012, 5:33 CEST (=UTC+2)

[O] build failure

2012-08-26 Thread Erich Neuwirth
I just pulled the latest version of the sources on my MacBook with OSX 10.8.1

Buildung does not work any more, here is the error.
Loading /Users/neuwirth/devel/org-mode/lisp/org-compat.el (source)...
Cannot open load file: ../UTILITIES/org-fixup.el
make[1]: *** [org-version.el] Error 255
make: *** [all] Error 2

So I installed the latest version from ELPA, when I try C-c C-c on the 
following code segment

#+begin_src R :session *RPisa* :results value

I get the error

Symbol's value as variable is void: org-current-export-file

I get the same error with the minimal code segment

#+begin_src R  

[O] In-line code and fonts

2012-05-07 Thread Erich Neuwirth
I need control over the font used for results of inline computations in 
exported files.
When I have the following code

This is inline R 1+2 = src_R{1+2} 

and export it to html (or LaTeX) the fonts used for the regular text and the 
fonts used for the results 
of the computation are different. Is there an easy way to tell org mode to use 
the regular text font for the
result of the computation?

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Re: [O] Assigning results to variables

2012-03-25 Thread Erich Neuwirth
that is exactly what I need.
Perhaps this trick could explicitly mentioned in the documentation.

[O] Question about html output

2012-03-25 Thread Erich Neuwirth
The html file produce by org-mode export contains a link to validate XHTML.
Safari at least on Macs does not send a referer field in the http header,
therefore this link does not work.
Is there an option to turn the creation of this link off by default?
And is there a way to tweak Safari to send the referer information?