Re: [Orgmode] Creating files for a Kindle

2010-11-28 Thread Graham Smith
Jeff, and Alan,

Initial play around with has allowed me to find that:

Firstly, the Kindle doesn't recognise the HTML extension and HTML files
copied onto the Kindle simply don't appear as being available for viewing.
If you change the extension to txt, the file appears and can be seen as an
HTML files but includes some spuriois HTML code.

The Orgmode to XHTML to SIGIL to ePub to Calibre to MOBI (for the Kindle)
works extremely well, and for proper books looks good.

But for quick updates Calibre wil read the HTML files directly and will
convert to MOBI reasonably well, if its simple text and simple tables.

This is stll better than Orgmode to PDF to Calibre to MOBI,  as this route
breaks even simple tables.

Thanks for the help.

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Re: [Orgmode] Creating files for a Kindle

2010-11-28 Thread Graham Smith

 Ah, that's a bit disappointing. Do you have DX? My manual says that
 HTML is directly supported, with loads of other formats, so maybe it's
 a DX only feature?

It's not the DX (I don't think the DX is available in the UK, it certainly
isn't on the Amazon UK  site) BUT on the US site it says that HTML is
supported through conversion

However, with the bigger screen PDFs might work OK, but they don't work very
well on the smaller screen.

  The Orgmode to XHTML to SIGIL to ePub to Calibre to MOBI (for the Kindle)
  works extremely well, and for proper books looks good.

 Great! I'm really glad you found something that works!

It certainly works well for proper documents, but a bit of a hassle for
quick updates. Where in fact HTML files with the extension chnaged to txt
might still be the best option.

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Re: [Orgmode] Creating files for a Kindle

2010-11-28 Thread Graham Smith

On 28 November 2010 18:08, wrote:

 One thing that works for me is this: export a file or subtree to html,
 then send to [  Then, when my Kindle is
 connected to the internet, it will automatically download Amazon's
 conversion of my html file.  This happens pretty quickly, in my
 experience, so it will almost certainly be faster than other methods
 described in this thread.

I'm a little confused by this as it seems that if you are within Whispernet
range the file is sent to your Kindle but will cost 99 cents per file (its
per Megabyte, but rounded up to nearest Mb, and 15 cents if you are in the
US) , but I agree costs apart this would seem the easiest solution.  I'm not
sure how this approach works with graphics.

It's too expensive an approach for me.

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Re: [Orgmode] Creating files for a Kindle

2010-11-28 Thread Graham Smith

 The cost is nothing if you send it via email to your
 address. This is different from whispernet (which uses 3g, correct?).
 Perhaps you would need to turn off the 3g option?  I don't know because
 I have the Kindle without 3g.

 It seems you are correct, I am still wading through the instructions.

 I haven't tried it with graphics at all, so I can't say. Perhaps someone
 has experimented?

If there are no costs inolved this could still be a quick and easy way of
keeping text only/tables up to date on the Kindle, even if it doesn't do
graphics. A lot of what I want regularly updated will be text.


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Re: [Orgmode] Creating files for a Kindle

2010-11-28 Thread Graham Smith
Just to follow this up, the kindle service to convert the HTML seems to work
well, and I have now grasped how the free service works.

Even if you have the 3g version of the Kindle, if you send it to the free
email address for conversion it isn't delivered until you are connected to
the Internet via a Wireless connection, and hence no charges are incurred.

Sorry, this has gone somewhat off topic. I did start off looking for Orgmode
tips, but it drifted off.

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[Orgmode] Creating files for a Kindle

2010-11-27 Thread Graham Smith
Does anyone by chance use orgmode to create files for a Kindle?

If you do I would appreciate some helpful hints or ideas on how you approach

The Kindle file format is apparently modified HTML, but the guidance I have
found seems to revolve around creating files in MSWord and then converting
to Kindle by uploading to Amazon OR using Calibre to convert PDFs to Kindle.
There is also a Mobi publisher that will convert files to Kindle, but its
Windows only.

The problem I have had, is that PDFs converted to Kindle lose a lot of
formatting, including tables.

The Kindle is a great bit of kit for reading documents (far better than a
computer screen) and the free mobile phone connection makes it easy to check
email etc, as well as browse the web at no cost. I'm much more impressed
than I expected to be.

I am slowly transferring a pile of paper documents/reference material onto
it, but I am having problems producing documents that take full advantage of
the Kindle features.  You can upload PDFs directly  but as native PDFs they
aren't as user friendly as proper Kindle formatted flles.

My guess is that orgmode files exported as HTML and then converted to Kindle
may be the way to go, but, as I said, I  would be interested if anyone has
already established a work flow for this.

Many thanks,

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Re: [Orgmode] General question on dealing with Latex to word conversion

2010-10-27 Thread Graham Smith

 As an alternative to or, you can
 have a look at OnDoc which I wrote
 to annotate PDF documents.  Being an enthusiastic org-mode user, I would
 welcome any ideas that could make it worthwhile and easier to use OnDoc
 for people using org-mode.

I will have a look at this, but you also have an email from me.


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Re: [Orgmode] General question on dealing with Latex to word conversion

2010-10-26 Thread Graham Smith

Although, not exactly answering your question, I have just started using


You can compile as PDF from OrgMode and upload to either of these
sites. Send a web link to the reviewer, who can then annotate and
comment on your document.

You still have to then manually add the comments back into OrgMode,
but at least the reviewer sees the document as it is meant to look.

Both are commercial sites, but have free options for low levels of use.


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Re: [Orgmode] General question on dealing with Latex to word conversion

2010-10-26 Thread Graham Smith

 This looks very interesting, and would definitely save time - no more
 reading into word and reformatting.
 How much does docq cost ?

I'm using the free version of docq,  which has some limitations in
terms of number of uploads etc.  Paid versions are $7 and $13
depending on requirements

If I end up going the paying route, I will go with annotate as it is
payg, and better suited to my occasional spurts of collaboration, with
long periods of not needing to use it. This seems better than a
monthly fee.

Pricing for annotate is at


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: *.org files showing up as exec files in Snow Leopard

2010-09-24 Thread Graham Smith

 Do they have their executable bits set?

Not sure how I tell,  googling suggests that an x in the permissions
says its an executable and it has rwx in the permissions (nothing
else) but I see this is the same as other files that aren't labelled
as exec. Indeed every file doc, excel etc is labelled with rwx in the

But an excel file I have just been sent has permissions -rw-r--r--(644)

Compared with an existing excel file whis has -rwx---(700)

It seems that all the files I brough back from the back up into the
fresh install of Snow Leopard have had their attributes changed to rwx

I think this is very much a Mac problem now, so I will move this to a mac forum.

But thanks for your help.


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[Orgmode] *.org files showing up as exec files in Snow Leopard

2010-09-23 Thread Graham Smith
I'm not sure how important this is, but having just upgraded to Snow
Leopard, all my *.org files are now black with a green exec in the
corner and trying to open them is giving a message that they is no
application t view them and would I like to open a hex editor.

More of a Mac problem than an Orgmode one, but has anyone come across
this and know how to fix it?

Many thanks,


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[Orgmode] [babel] babel creating corrupt pdf and png

2010-08-26 Thread Graham Smith
PDFs created by Babel are giving a file corrupt message when trying to
open them and a format not recognised message if I try pngs,

Same files created directly from R are fine.

This is with Ubuntu 10.04 and Org-mode version 6.36trans (release_7.01h.94.g25ac

Example of code I am using is below.

Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong?

Many thanks,


#+begin_src R :session bats :file boxpip45byyear.pdf :exports code

#+results: boxpip45byyear

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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] babel creating corrupt pdf and png

2010-08-26 Thread Graham Smith

 I'd suggest looking at the R session (bats in your case) to see what
 errors if any are being thrown by R during execution of the boxplot

Will do, but sidetracked somewhere else now.

Its strange because some are now being produced fine, and other not.
They are all working fine if I copy the code into R.

Not the code I posted, I hasten to add, as it was jibberish, I now
realise, but that isn't the problem


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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] No org-babel-execute function for R! after update

2010-08-24 Thread Graham Smith
 You need to setup the variable org-babel-do-load-languages
 as in the following:

So I see, this has obviously changed as it was working without this before.

BUT all working now, so thanks.


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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] No org-babel-execute function for R! after update

2010-08-24 Thread Graham Smith

 Great, see

 for a description of why/when this done.

Thanks, very useful.


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Re: [Orgmode] Org babel R Help

2010-03-21 Thread Graham Smith

 2) Width/Height exports for R graphics output. Do they work?

 I've tried a lot of combinations of :width and :height as exports, and
 they don't seem to work at all. I've tried small numbers (1-10), large
 numbers (100-2000) and numbers prefixed by cm with no luck.

 Hmm, I'm not seeing a problem here. It works for me with both png and
 pdf output. E.g.

 #+begin_src R :file z.pdf :width 20 :height 40 :exports both

 What image format (i.e. R graphics device) are you using?  Can you post
 an example block that is not working? The values for :width and :height
 will be passed straight on to the graphics device, so their meaning
 depends on which graphics device is being used in R.

 I'm trying the code you posted with the latest org-mode from ubuntu and
 getting nothing in my results if I use png. If I use pdf, I get a really
 tiny chart which is incomprehensible. Width and height seem to work
 randomly, as using 20:40 work with pdf (although tiny), but 100,100 do not
 work at all.

 It only works correctly if I use the #+attr_latex: width=Xcm and omit the
 width and height.

Based on what is happening here with me on Ubuntu 9.10, R 2.10 and orgmode 6.34.

The  :file z.pdf :width 20 :height 40 :exports both  is affecting
the size of the graphic that R produces. If you open x.pdf directly
you will find that it changes size as expected.

BUT regardless of the size of the z.pdf, Latex defaults to a fixed,
and tiny, standard size.  Unless you give an explicit latex command
#+attr_latex: width=Xcm

 Using babel. For some reason my R graphics embedded within my pdf's don't
 seem to be as nice as viewing them from within R, i.e. slightly fuzzy
 edges. It's like the antialiasing has failed or something. The text labels
 on the axes are definitely not up to latex standard.

Are you just viewing them or printing them. I find with Ubuntu that
the default viewer seems to arbitrarily  change between programs and
the quality of graphics on the screen varies, but the quality of
printed output stays the same. Try opening the final PDF in an
alternative viewer and see if things still appear the same.


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Re: [Orgmode] Org babel R Help

2010-03-21 Thread Graham Smith

 So I believe we do understand the situation. The question is how do we
 improve it. First the facts:

 As for improvements, it is tempting to think that

 1. org-babel should automatically insert the ATTR_LaTeX line in
   accordance with :width and :height when creating latex output.
 2. org-babel should keep existing ATTR_LaTeX lines attached to their
   respective figures (contra Graham's thread linked above)

 I've had a brief look and doubtless all this is possible. It brings up
 issues of what units :width and :height are assumed to be in (e.g. just
 because R uses inches for pdf() doesn't mean that anyone else thinks
 that's a sensible decision). And we have to be a careful because it
 means altering what org-babel considers to be part of its results.

Now that I know what is happening I am reasonably content with it as it is.

However, it would seem to make sense that :width and :height commands
should relate to the image size in the compiled pdf.  And it would
also make sense that these should be consistently in mm, regardless of
file format.


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[Orgmode] [babel] multiple result outputs from function

2010-03-16 Thread Graham Smith
Below is a function that I am trying to run in orgmode/babel.

It seems to run OK, but instead of printing out three values, its only
printing the final result.

Once again, i would appreciate some help with what I am missing.



#+srcname: CI_function
#+begin_src R :session daf{
print (xbar)
print  (
print  (

#+srcname: SumFlowering2005
#+begin_src R :session daf$Flower[daf$YEAR==2005])

#+results: SumFlowering2005
: 1.97860201016947

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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] multiple result outputs from function

2010-03-16 Thread Graham Smith

 Use ':results output' to get the printed output. The default mode
 is ':results value' which returns the value of the last expression in
 the block.

Thanks, that's great.

At least I managed to sort out my other two problems today on my own !!


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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] multiple result outputs from function

2010-03-16 Thread Graham Smith

 So, add :results output to your source header block.

Dan beat you to it, but..


This is useful, but the output isn't exactly as I expected

#+results: SumFlowering2005
: [[1]]
: [1] 1.51
: [[2]]
: [1] 1.048065
: [[3]]
: [1] 1.978602

is there a way of replacing the [1] [2] and [3] with the object names
(I know this is really an R question)



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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] multiple result outputs from function

2010-03-16 Thread Graham Smith

 is there a way of replacing the [1] [2] and [3] with the object names

 I think you meant replacing the [[1]], [[2]], [[3]]. That would be


 (I know this is really an R question)

Thanks again :-)


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: [babel] captions and figure size on export

2010-03-09 Thread Graham Smith

 As a workaround, is it necessary for you to execute the block on export?
 Or could you instead use :exports code? I.e. before export, execute the
 block manually and ensure that the #+ATTR_LaTeX and #+results lines are
 arranged in the correct way.

Many thanks for this, I'm glad it can be explained and the :exports
code  option works perfectly.  I have executed the code manually
anyway and I can't remember why I ended up withe the :exports both


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: [babel] captions and figure size on export

2010-03-08 Thread Graham Smith
Mmmm, this seems to be something to do with the placement of the code
in orgmode as I now realise that although fig 1 isn't resized or
captioned, the fig 1 caption iand size commands are attached to fig 2.
 and the fig2 commands attached to fig 3 etc.

I will try and re-arrange these until they work, but hopefully someone
will still be able to instantly see what I am doing wrong from the
sample I gave in the original post

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: [babel] captions and figure size on export

2010-03-08 Thread Graham Smith
This is driving me mad here:  I have removed all the fig and size code
and replaced it with onky one line that should be resizing the first
graph(FloweringBoxplot.pdf).  However, its resizing the second graph
(NonFloweringBoxplot/pdf) and not affecting the first graph. This
works on other files, so I am really at a loss here.

#+begin_src R :session daf :file FloweringBoxplot.pdf :exports both

#+ATTR_LaTeX: width=10cm
#+results: BoxplotFlowering

#+begin_src R :session daf :file NonFloweringBoxplot.pdf :exports both

#+results: BoxplotNonFlowering


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[Orgmode] [babel] cannot code to execute since changing to emacs starter kit

2010-03-07 Thread Graham Smith
I guess I am being stupid here, but I have changed my set up to using
Eric's (Schulte) start up kit for emacs and now when I try to use C-c
C-c to execute a code block I get an error

C-c C-c can do nothing useful at this location

As far as I can see form the files that came with the start up kit,
babel should be initiated.

Here is my bit of code;

** Tarsus data
#+begin_src R :session BirdData

Which was working during my try out of babel a few months ago.

Once again I am stuck and would appreciate some help.

This is emacs 23.1.1, and orgmode 6.34c.73.gb3e9, on Ubuntu 9.10

Many thanks,


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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] cannot code to execute since changing to emacs starter kit

2010-03-07 Thread Graham Smith

 Your example is R code.

 I have this is in my starter-kit:

 *** ON Org-babel R setup
 #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes
  (require 'org-babel-R)         ;; requires R and ess-mode
  (add-to-list 'org-babel-noweb-error-langs R)

 Perhaps when you changed the setup you got rid of these by mistake?

Thanks for this, no I didn't get rid of these by mistake, but
mistakenly thought that the set up I had in my .emacs file for orgmode
babel was built into the starter kit and I didn't need to explicitly
add these commands.

I have now added the lines you have suggested and all seems to be working.


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[Orgmode] selective export

2010-03-07 Thread Graham Smith
Using babel I have the data used for the analysis (in R) under a top
level heading just called data. I want to keep this in the org file
but not in the compiled pdf.

I have had a look at the selective export in the manual, but could do
with a bit more step by step instructions on how to exclude this bit
of the outline.

Could someone give me a bit of hand holding on how to do this.

Many thanks,


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[Orgmode] [babel] captions and figure size on export

2010-03-07 Thread Graham Smith
I have the following code beside each other in an orgmode/babel file
creating two boxplots.

When exported the first boxplot remains the default size and has no
caption or figure number, while the second is 10cm across, and has a
caption and figuer number(Fig1).

Could someone have a look at my code and see where my error is. They
look identical to me.



#+begin_src R :session daf :file FloweringBoxplot.pdf :exports both

#+CAPTION:Boxplot comparing number of flowering daffodils between
2005 and 2006
#+LABEL:  fig:BoxplotFlowering
#+ATTR_LaTeX: width=10cm
#+results: BoxplotFlowering

#+begin_src R :session daf :file NonFloweringBoxplot.pdf :exports both

#+CAPTION:Boxplot comparing number of non flowering daffodils
between 2005 and 2006
#+LABEL:  fig:BoxplotNonFlowering
#+ATTR_LaTeX: width=10cm
#+results: BoxplotNonFlowering

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Re: [Orgmode] selective export

2010-03-07 Thread Graham Smith
Thanks to you both, so easy when you know how. The manual makes sense
as well now.


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[Orgmode] Re: [babel] captions and figure size on export

2010-03-07 Thread Graham Smith
Graham Smith myotisone at writes:

To follow this up, it seems that looking at the tex file that none of the latex
code is being exported





\caption{\label{fig:BoxplotFlowering}Boxplot comparing number of flowering
daffodils between 2005 and 2006}


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Re: [Orgmode] Which Emacs on Ubuntu

2010-02-13 Thread Graham Smith

 I use the emacs-snapshot ppa from I had some problems with
 the Ubuntu Emacs 23 package (menu drawing, etc). However, these have
 probably been fixed by now.

 The snapshot is a bleeding edge version of Emacs, so you can expect bug
 fixes and new bugs - best of both worlds! Having said that I haven't
 encountered any bugs that affected me.

Given my limited experience with Ubuntu I am always a bit nervous with
bleeding edge but equally there is some confusion in Synaptic with
versions. However, this confusion is well and truly a Ubuntu issues
and  well off topic.


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Which Emacs on Ubuntu

2010-02-13 Thread Graham Smith

 Right. So, people who installed ‘emacs’ several years ago would have
 Emacs 22, and then later, without changing their selection, the same
 people got Emacs 23 when the Ubuntu package maintainers decided it was


In fact 'emacs' says its 23 but it actually installs 22.

I was pointed to this

However, this confusion seems to 100% a Ubuntu issue and now well off
topic as it seems the consensus as regards Orgmode is Emacs 23.


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[Orgmode] Which Emacs on Ubuntu

2010-02-12 Thread Graham Smith
I have had to do a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10, and on going to
re-install Emacs, I see lots of choices.

As I primarily use Emacs to run Orgmode and I find the list of Emacs
options rather confusing, can anyone here suggest which is the best
option to install.

The key choices seem to be Emacs 22 or 23  with or without GTK.

But there is also just an emacs option which is described as an
Emacs 23 meta package.

I realise this may well be an Ubuntu or Emacs question, but as I said
my main use for Emacs is Orgmode, so I think some advice from here may
be useful.

So any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks,


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Re: [Orgmode] Which Emacs on Ubuntu

2010-02-12 Thread Graham Smith

 Emacs 23 without a doubt!  I cannot see any reason for using version
 22 unless you have to.

Thanks, I was tempted to go for 23, but wasn't sure.


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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] changing size of R graphics in pdf output

2009-12-15 Thread Graham Smith

 Before running the export, do you have a link to the image *already* in
 your org buffer?

 If no, then you should just get one copy of the image.

 If yes, then, if the link is positioned in such a way that it will get
 replaced by the output (no intervening lines between end of source block
 and results) then you should get one copy.

I would almost certainly already  have the link as I have been making
minor changes and recompiling , what seems like hundreds of times
trying to sort out how to fix it

 #+options toc:nil
 #+title: R latex graphics

 Text before figure.
 #+CAPTION:    Trial boxplots with babel
 #+LABEL:      fig:trial boxplots
 #+ATTR_LaTeX: width=5cm
 #+srcname:Boxplots Summary
 #+begin_src R :session BirdData :file BoxplotSummary.pdf :exports both
  Wingcrd - rnorm(100, 20) ; Tarsus - rnorm(100, 5) ;
  Head - rnorm(100, 3) ; Wt - rnorm(100, 40)

 #+results: Boxplots

 Text after figure.

Thanks for this. It has to be said I am really excited about this
babel and R combination. I often do a few pages of R explanation on a
specific topic for students where I need to combine text and R output,
and this is a brilliant solution for this.


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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] changing size of R graphics in pdf output

2009-12-13 Thread Graham Smith
IGNORE everything in my last email.

The only relevant bit is


 So it seems to be ignoring the change in height and width commands for
 z.pdf, and defaulting to 10em.

If I then edit the [width=10em] bit in the tex file I can change the
size easily.

It just seems that babel isn't passing the changes made in the org
file onto the tex file.


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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] changing size of R graphics in pdf output

2009-12-13 Thread Graham Smith
A little progress here

#+srcname:Boxplots Summary
#+begin_src R :session BirdData :file BoxplotSummary.pdf :exports both

#+resname: Boxplots

#+ATTR_LaTeX: width=10cm


This gives me a plot 10cm wide, but in addition to the small plot.
Not sure I understand why I am getting two plots.


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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] changing size of R graphics in pdf output

2009-12-13 Thread Graham Smith
This works

#+srcname:Boxplots Summary
#+begin_src R :session BirdData :file BoxplotSummary.pdf :exports none

#+resname: Boxplots
#+CAPTION:Trial boxplots with babel
#+LABEL:  fig:trial boxplots
#+ATTR_LaTeX: width=10cm


However, it needs :exports none

I actually want the code to still be present, but if I use  :exports
code   I get the both boxplots again :-(

I assume this is becasue the graphics are treated differently from
numerical code output.


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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] changing size of R graphics in pdf output

2009-12-13 Thread Graham Smith
OK,  This was all to do with the ordering of the latex code

Below works, includes the R code, but only one plot of the expected size.

#+srcname:Boxplots Summary
#+begin_src R :session BirdData :file BoxplotSummary.pdf :exports both

#+CAPTION:Trial boxplots with babel
#+LABEL:  fig:trial boxplots
#+ATTR_LaTeX: width=10cm
#+resname: Boxplots

I await for someone to tell me how it should be done :-)


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[Orgmode] [babel] changing size of R graphics in pdf output

2009-12-12 Thread Graham Smith
I don't seem able to change the size of graphics in the PDF output.

#+begin_src R :file z.pdf :width 20 :height 20 :R-dev-args
bg=olivedrab, fg=hotpink
 plot(matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=2), type=l)

Using this  example from an earlier post, regardless of how I change
the width and height settings the image in the PDF stays the same.

With this next example:

#+srcname:Boxplots Summary
#+begin_src R :session BirdData :file BoxplotSummary.pdf :exports both

If I add height and width arguments the image stays the same size
regardless of settings, but the labels for the boxplots become tiny.

Am I missing some code somewhere that allows the graphs to be modified.



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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] changing size of R graphics in pdf output

2009-12-12 Thread Graham Smith

Thanks, It seems to be a orgemode/babel/Latex issue.

If I view the pdf from within Emacs by double clicking on the link,
the size changes as expected, but if I compile the whole document as a
pdf the plots appear as small.

The error in the log is

! LaTeX Error: Cannot determine size of graphic in z.pdf (no BoundingBox).

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H return  for immediate help.

l.283  \includegraphics[width=10em]{z.pdf}

The actual TEX file has


So it seems to be ignoring the change in height and width commands for
z.pdf, and defaulting to 10em.


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: [babel] R - variable names in summary

2009-12-09 Thread Graham Smith

 This is help from the R side, not from the org-babel side.  If these
 suggestions don't work, one of the babelers will have to step in.

 Many functions that print output to the interactive buffer will not
 produce that output when called outside of the interactive buffer.  For
 these functions, if you wrap them in print() you can usually get the

Thanks, yes, I have that problem with lattice plots and sweave, didn't
think about it for this problem,

However, some examples that Tom gave me use str unwrapped so I assume
it should work.

But I will bear that in mind.


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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] R - variable names in summary

2009-12-09 Thread Graham Smith

 The colnames t works as expected, but how do I then see the variable
 names when using the summary command,

 Just use :colnames t again for that.

Thanks again, I almost had this solved but in

#+begin_src R :session babeltest :colnames t

I hadn't left a space between the end of babeltest and the :

But I would never have figured out the :results output  method, however.

Next question is is to do with output with things like summary. In R
if you have lots of variables,the output wraps so it fits on the
screen. With babel it runs off the edge of the page. is there a quick
way of getting the output to fit an anticipated a4 pdf output.

I appreciate this may be more an Emacs/orgmode question than a babel one.


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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] R - variable names in summary

2009-12-09 Thread Graham Smith

That's great, I am beginning to grasp how this works

 But I would never have figured out the :results output  method, however.

 OK, it would be really helpful if you could let us know how we should
 improve the documentation of it.

I'm not sure if I'm the one to ask about the documentation, as I
struggled with most of it, but that is my problem and probably not
typical. I'm also still very much trying to get to grips with Emacs
and orgmode.

Not being a programmer, I find the terminology and phrasing of these
sorts of things difficult to follow, and need examples to copy , and
then try and extract from the documentation and other examples, how
things work.

My problem was therefore  the lack of examples specific to R.  My
guess is that the majority of emacs/orgmode users won't have the same


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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] R - variable names in summary

2009-12-09 Thread Graham Smith

 Not being a programmer, I find the terminology and phrasing of these

 I wouldn't classify someone who analyses their data with R as a

Mmmm, I can see why you would say this, but I don't really program in
R, but have collected a library of R code over the years which I know
how to use and tweak.

 My problem was therefore  the lack of examples specific to R.

 Yes, I can see that. I can imagine that if shell/python/ruby code looks
 alien then the examples using those languages are not very
 inviting. Thanks for pointing that out. Tom Dye and Eric and I are
 working on documentation, including a Worg page specifically for R with
 org-babel. Currently it doesn't contain anything you don't know but
 we'll let you know when the first version goes up on Worg.

I look forward to it.

Thanks again,


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Re: [Orgmode] [babel] R - variable names in summary

2009-12-09 Thread Graham Smith

Thanks for your comments.

 When you find an example that fills a gap you perceive in the documentation,
 please pass that along, too.  The more examples the better.

Now that I have basics working, I will try and use it for something
specific over the next few weeks and certainly feedback anything I
think might be helpful.


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: [babel] R - variable names in summary

2009-12-09 Thread Graham Smith

 I don't know whether this will end up fitting into your setup, but
 there's an emacs function `ess-execute-screen-options' that does what
 Dan just suggested on a per-session basis taking the width of the
 current buffer into account.  Even if it doesn't help with org-bable, it
 makes life in ESS much pleasanter.

Wasn't aware of this, but will have a look

 You can also look at the latex() function in the R package Hmisc and the
 function xtable() from the R package xtable.  For data frames, matrices,
 and some common summary functions, these functions will create a latex
 table out of your R object.  Maybe Dan can suggest how latex code
 generated in R could be properly included and typeset in org-babel.

I have played with xtable() in the past, but I am now rethinking
things now that babel looks so promising.

Thanks for the pointers.


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[Orgmode] Babel - importing a data file- missing header row

2009-12-08 Thread Graham Smith
I need a bit of help importing a data file into orgmode/babel.

The import doesn't seem to know about having a header row

#+begin_src R

#+resname: woodland
| V1.1  | v | 0 | 0 | 0 |  0 | 0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |
0 |  0 |  0 | 0 |  0 | 0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 | 0 |  0 | 0 | 0 |  0 |
0 |  0 | 0 |  0 |  5 |  0 |  0 | 10 |  0 | 0 |  0 | 100 |  0 |  3 | B

But strangely if I change the command and run the names(woodland)
after the import, I get a table of variable names but no data. I'm not
sure if the data is there but hidden as I can't get any commands to
work on the woodland object.

* Woodland Data
#+begin_src R

#+resname: woodland
| ID   |
| wood |
| Ajug.Rept|
| Ange.sylv|
| Brac.sylv|
| Brom.ramo|
| Care.pend|
| Care.remo|
| Care.sylv|
| Cirs.palu|
| Cory.avel|
| Desc.caes|
| Dryo.fili|
| Endy.non |
| Euph.amyg|

So it seems I already need some more help.


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Re: [babel] [Orgmode] Babel - importing a data file- missing header row

2009-12-08 Thread Graham Smith

Using session gets everything working as I expect it to, at least so
far it does. I will work through the other aspects you suggest but for
now its looking good.

 Could you post the first few lines of your data file, or a small example
 with the same format, as I don't completely understand the output you
 are getting.

The difficulty in understanding the output I posted was probably
because while it looked OK when I posted it, the version that appeared
wrapped twice. But its working now.

 p.s. Please include the string [babel] in the subject line!

Ah yes, I misunderstood your first request and just thought you meant
to make sure babel was in the subject line,which I did,  but you mean
[babel] not just babel.

Many thanks again,


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[Orgmode] [babel] R - variable names in summary

2009-12-08 Thread Graham Smith

I have started a new thread so it has a propel babel string. I have
also created a small file for testing.

The colnames t works as expected, but how do I then see the variable
names when using the summary command, and str doesn't work at all
(source block produced no output) . They appear OK in the R buffer.

Orgmode+babel output below


#+begin_src R :colnames t

#+resname: babeltest
| ID | var1 | var2 | var3 |
|1 | 34 |  1 |400 |
|2 | 56 |  4 |499 |
|3 | 78 |  3 |500 |
|4 | 34 |  5 |600 |
|5 | 56 |  6 |500 |
|6 | 23 |  7 |300 |
|7 | 45 |  5 |200 |
|8 | 23 |  6 |340 |
|9 | 89 |  7 |400 |
|   10 | 46 |  4 |450 |

#+begin_src R :session babeltest

| Min.   : 1.00 | Min.   :23.0 | Min.   :1.0 | Min.   :200.0 |
| 1st Qu.: 3.25 | 1st Qu.:34.0 | 1st Qu.:4.0 | 1st Qu.:355.0 |
| Median : 5.50 | Median :45.5 | Median :5.0 | Median :425.0 |
| Mean   : 5.50 | Mean   :48.4 | Mean   :4.8 | Mean   :418.9 |
| 3rd Qu.: 7.75 | 3rd Qu.:56.0 | 3rd Qu.:6.0 | 3rd Qu.:499.8 |
| Max.   :10.00 | Max.   :89.0 | Max.   :7.0 | Max.   :600.0 |

#+begin_src R :session babeltest

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Babel - simple getting started problem

2009-12-07 Thread Graham Smith

 You must pass somehow the variable you want to work with.

 See and its example 1.

Thanks, I will look at the link, I thought I had done this by
assigning a name to the output


and then trying to run the command on the output


But obviously this isn't how it works.


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Babel - simple getting started problem

2009-12-07 Thread Graham Smith

I am obviously not following this at all. I am assuming you need to
keep all the code under the same heading so OrgMode knows which table
is being referred to. But if I put the cursor in the table and use C-u
C-c C-c I get a message in the mini buffer, that the formulas are
being re-applied, but an error in the table.


* Example 1: data summaries using R

#+srcname: tbl-example-data()
#+begin_src R
runif(n=5, min=0, max=1)

#+resname: tbl-example-data
| 0.142434993525967 |
| 0.636120659532025 |
| 0.16730977254 |
|  0.96337740519084 |
| 0.276034632697701 |

#+srcname: R-mean(x)
#+begin_src R

#+tblname: summaries
| mean   |
| #ERROR |
#+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe R-mean (x generate-data()))

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Re: [Orgmode] Babel - simple getting started problem

2009-12-07 Thread Graham Smith

 Here's a version of your example that works.

Thanks, this all works for me now.

In addition to the tutorial on the worg, is there  a manual somewhere,
because the var option isn't mentioned in the tutorial.

And judging by the trouble I am having, I'm going to need a lot more
help to get this working for me.

But it looks very promising.


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Re: [Orgmode] Babel - simple getting started problem

2009-12-07 Thread Graham Smith

 The Worg pages is the current documentation, but please just ask when
 you have any problems -- include the string [babel] in the subject line
 so people can filter it out.

 One suggestion: are you looking at the HTML version of the tutorial? If
 so, how about getting hold of the source org file, and working through


Seb sent me a link to the original version of the tutorial so I could
see the underlying code. I've now tried out a few things and seem to
have sorted out my immediate problems. I think I will now try and use
it for real, and see how I get on. This is probably the best way of

And yes, I will ask for help as I go along.


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[Orgmode] Babel - simple getting started problem

2009-12-06 Thread Graham Smith
I know I must be missing the obvious here, but why can't I get babel+R
to calculate a mean. See below

Many thanks,


* test
#+begin_src R

#+resname: trial
| 4 |
| 5 |
| 6 |
| 7 |
| 8 |
| 9 |

* meantest
#+begin_src R


error in buffer source block produced no output

* meantest2
#+begin_src R


error in buffer source block produced no output

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[Orgmode] Latex export to A4

2009-11-23 Thread Graham Smith
As I understand it, orgmode  defaults to A4, but I seem to be
exporting to PDF via Latex  in letter.

And I have never had a problem before, but I am now exporting to PDF
and when viewed the bottom of the page is cut off.  Its strange
because usually the viewer adjusts to the page size, but Acrobat is
identifying the page as being letter size but only showing an A4
window of the text. The last line is listed in the hyperlinks, but not
viewable. A4 is my normal default for everything

Any one any idea what is going on here, I have the same problem with
other viewers (Okular)

Its 6.31a on Ubuntu 9.04



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[Orgmode] text ignoring page breaks (was Latex export to A4)

2009-11-23 Thread Graham Smith
Well this seems to be nothing to do with the page size as other files
are working fine.  I have now opened a new file and typed everything
in from scratch and still getting the same problem. I have looked at
the tex file and can't see anything obvious,  but as a PDF the text
runs over the page number and off the bottom of the page.

I have attached the file in the hope someone can tell me what I am doing wrong.

For now I have transferred it to Open Office to finish it, but really
need to sort this out. I have upgraded to OrgMode 6.33f, still Ubuntu

Many thanks,

Description: Binary data
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Re: [Orgmode] text ignoring page breaks (was Latex export to A4)

2009-11-23 Thread Graham Smith

 I think the problem is that you have no paragraphs, just headers.  I hacked
 your file to have some random junk in a few of the sections and it turned
 out a lot better.

Indeed, I have just done the same, added a bit of text and it is working fine.

I guess I haven't had a file of all headings before.

Many thanks. That was a big help.


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Re: [Orgmode] how to draw picture in org-mode ? Does it support tikz/pgf ?

2009-08-14 Thread Graham Smith
Something I, as a comparative beginner  can answer :-)

 how to draw picture in org-mode ? Does it support tikz/pgf ?

Yes, I found it worked fine for me. I had a silly problem with page
margins (searchng the forum for tikz/pgf will find my recent posts),
that was my fault but other than that the flow charts and mindmaps I
have done work well.


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Positioning Latex diagram on PDF output

2009-08-10 Thread Graham Smith

2009/8/9 Leo
 On 2009-08-09 08:33 +0100, Graham Smith wrote:

 Thanks again, it seems the answer lies in Latex, rather than OrgMode,
 so I will work  away at that.

 having said that, the commands you gave me are extremely useful for
 making a stand alone diagram to insert as a graphic into some other
 document. So well worth knowing.

 You're welcome, Graham.


Just for completeness, and should anyone search the forum with a
similar problem,the answer lay in the wide margins used by default in
the article class, so new headers are:

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{tikz}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usetikzlibrary{mindmap,trees}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[a4paper, left=3cm,right=2cm]{geometry}

Plus you can scale the tikz drawing using


However, it doesn't scale very well and the different elements do not
scale proportionally, so while it works fine for a small tweak, it is
useless for the large changes.


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Positioning Latex diagram on PDF output

2009-08-09 Thread Graham Smith

Thanks again, it seems the answer lies in Latex, rather than OrgMode,
so I will work  away at that.

having said that, the commands you gave me are extremely useful for
making a stand alone diagram to insert as a graphic into some other
document. So well worth knowing.


2009/8/8 Leo
 On 2009-08-08 22:14 +0100, Graham Smith wrote:
 Based on this I have altered the headers in orgmode to

 #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{tikz}
 #+LATEX_HEADER: \usetikzlibrary{mindmap,trees}
 #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview}
 #+LATEX_HEADER: \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture}
 #+LATEX_HEADER: \setlength\PreviewBorder{20pt}

 This has certainly solved the mindmap position problem, but now the
 resultant pdf loses all the text from the original orgmode file. :-(

 I assume I don't need to add the document class line?

 In that case, you can use geometry package or scale your tikz picture so
 that it fits into the textwidth.

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[Orgmode] Positioning Latex diagram on PDF output

2009-08-08 Thread Graham Smith
I am experimenting with a TiKZ/pgf mindmap in orgmode.  Although it
looks as if it should fit on the (A4) PDF page, it is offset to the
right and cut off, even though there seems to plenty of room on the
page to left of the diagram.

The code is just the example from the manual, which I have modified a
bit, and is shown below.

Is there some way of moving it across to the left a bit, so it will
fit on the page?

Many thanks,


  \path[mindmap,concept color=black,text=white]
node[concept] {Ecological Impact Assessment}
[clockwise from=0]
child[concept color=green!50!black] {
  node[concept] {Ecology}
  [clockwise from=90]
  child { node[concept] {theory} }
  child { node[concept] {field skills} }
  child { node[concept] {methods} }
  child { node[concept] {software engineer\-ing} }
child[concept color=blue] {
  node[concept] {Legislation}
  [clockwise from=-30]
  child { node[concept] {EIA} }
  child { node[concept] {Policy and Planning} }
child[concept color=red] {
  node[concept] {Data Analysis}
  [clockwise from=-30]
  child{node[concept]{Decision Science}}
child[concept color=orange] {
  node[concept] {Professional Practice}
  [clockwise from=-75]
  child{node[concept]{Business skills}}
  child{node[concept]{Presentation skills}}
  child{node[concept]{EcIA best practice}}

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Positioning Latex diagram on PDF output

2009-08-08 Thread Graham Smith

Thanks, this was useful, but...


Based on this I have altered the headers in orgmode to

#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{tikz}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usetikzlibrary{mindmap,trees}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \setlength\PreviewBorder{20pt}

This has certainly solved the mindmap position problem, but now the
resultant pdf loses all the text from the original orgmode file. :-(

I assume I don't need to add the document class line?


P.S. I'm not working on a Mindmap exporter just trying some pgf graphics.

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Re: [Orgmode] Orgmode for research information management

2009-06-25 Thread Graham Smith

2009/6/24 Shrutarshi Basu
 I just started using orgmode today to organize the papers that I'm
 collecting for my own research. The way I work is a bit complicated, but I
 like it. I have all my PDFs in a single directory and my notes in a separate

That sounds really interesting, thanks. And yes I would like to have a
look at the python script, but I may need to come back and ask for
help in using it.

None the less, this is the sort of set up I would like to try and get working.


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[Orgmode] Orgmode for research information management

2009-06-23 Thread Graham Smith
I have used several information management tools over the years, but I
am trying to use Emacs/orgmode more. There are many examples of people
using Orgmode for time management type tasks, but not a lot on
information management.

I would be interested in any insights into  how people use orgmode for
information management eg. gathering information for scientific paper.

Many thanks,


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Orgmode for research information management

2009-06-23 Thread Graham Smith

Thanks, but I have a couple of more questions if that's OK

 For me, it works great because it is so easy to use as an outliner.

Do you use tags for particular linked topics or do you just rely on
the outline and drop related information into the same level of the

 However, I still keep all my references in a separate
 database (I use the Zotero plugin for Firefox, which I export to

Do you keep notes specific to a paper in Zotero, or keep them in Orgmode.


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Orgmode for research information management

2009-06-23 Thread Graham Smith

 It's this flexibility that encourages one to simply jump in and use it
 and the benefits then quickly make you wonder how you got along
 without it!

Strangely, when you are used to a more structured approach this makes
it difficult to start.


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Re: [Orgmode] In response to: .emacs works on Mac but not on Ubuntu

2009-06-17 Thread Graham Smith
Thanks everyone

  picked up and not your latest version.  To check that, type
  dpkg --list | grep org
  and see if org mode was installed by the package manager.  If so, just do a
  normal remove and see if that doesn't take care of it.

 Jere may be right: I recall previous discussions on the list that
 indicated this kind of problem. You might want to check for the existence
 of /etc/emacsXXX/site-start.d/50org-mode.el.

Tries both these thngs and can't find any installed org-mode or that
50org-mode/.el file.

I will try a few more commentin outs and retyping things, but I still
find it strange that it wa working fine in Ubuntu 8.01 and not now.,
but I then find Linux a bit like that.

Should anyone have any othe suggestions, I would still appreciate them.

Many thanks,


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Re: [Orgmode] In response to: .emacs works on Mac but not on Ubuntu

2009-06-17 Thread Graham Smith

Thanks,  it just worked  with 8.01 which is why I am struggling now.

 I am using Ubuntu Jaunty with a setup almost identical to yours and mine
 Just works. Are you certain that:

 (setq load-path (cons ~/EmacsAddins/OrgMode/lisp load-path))
 (setq load-path (cons ~/EmacsAddins/OrgMode/contrib/lisp load-path))

 Points to the correct version of org? Some things to try:

It was the directory copied from the Mac, so it was 6.xx, but I have
just updated to latest version of web site.

 Remove the compiled lisp files (*.elc).

I have none to remove that I can find.

 Edit org-install.el and type in some garbage. If emacs is trying to load
 this library it should blow up with an error.
I haven't tried this, but the error message I get suggests an error
trying to load org.install, which I assume is because it can't find

The error message is

Loading /home/graham/.recentf...done
Cleaning up the recentf list...done (0 removed)

An error has occurred while loading `/home/graham/.emacs':

File error: Cannot open load file, org-install

 My default ubuntu emacs22 doesn't have any org packages loaded by default.
 Try doing an apt-cache purge org-mode, which should completely remove the
 Ubuntu version if it's installed.

I have run this and get an error

gra...@t42-laptop:~$ sudo apt-cache purge org-mode
[sudo] password for graham:
E: Invalid operation purge

I have also tried this:

gra...@t42-laptop:~$ emacs --debug-init

but get

Loading /home/graham/.recentf...done
Cleaning up the recentf list...done (0 removed)
require: Cannot open load file: debug


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Re: [Orgmode] In response to: .emacs works on Mac but not on Ubuntu

2009-06-17 Thread Graham Smith
I really don't understand why, but I have written out the paths in
full and it seems to work now

(setq load-path (cons /home/graham/EmacsAddIns/OrgMode/lisp load-path))
(setq load-path (cons /home/graham/EmacsAddIns/OrgMode/contrib/lisp

Can anyone see any obvious differences between what I posted earlier
and what I have now.

Below is what wouldn't work

(setq load-path (cons ~/EmacsAddins/OrgMode/lisp load-path))
(setq load-path (cons ~/EmacsAddins/OrgMode/contrib/lisp load-path))

Thanks for everyones help.


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Re: [Orgmode] In response to: .emacs works on Mac but not on Ubuntu

2009-06-17 Thread Graham Smith

 Doh, finger/brain communication mismatch.

I get that as well :-)

It should be:

 sudo apt-get purge org-mode

As you will have seen now, its  working, but I'm still puzzled as to why.


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[Orgmode] .emacs works on Mac but not on Ubuntu

2009-06-16 Thread Graham Smith
I have gone back to using Ubuntu and in the past I used to copy any
updates of the .emacs file from Ubuntu to the Mac. So I expected to be
able to copy the .emacs from the Mac to the newly installed Ubuntu.

But it isn't loading the current version of Org-mode, I am getting
4.67 where I should be getting 6.xx. The EmacsAddins folder has been
copied from my Mac home directory into my Ubuntu home directory.

Has anyone any idea where  the errors might be.

Many thanks,


The lines in my emacs are

(setq load-path (cons ~/EmacsAddins/OrgMode/lisp load-path))
(setq load-path (cons ~/EmacsAddins/OrgMode/contrib/lisp load-path))
(setq org-hide-leading-stars t)

(require 'org-install)
(require 'org-mouse)
(load org-R)

;; The following lines are always needed. Choose your own keys.
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(\\.org\\' . org-mode))
(global-set-key \C-cl 'org-store-link)
(global-set-key \C-ca 'org-agenda)
(global-set-key \C-cb 'org-iswitchb)

(global-font-lock-mode 1); for all buffers
;;(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock) ; Org buffers only

;Basic Remember;;

(add-to-list 'load-path ~/EmacsAddins/remember)

;;Remember plus Org-Mode;;;


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Re: [Orgmode] In response to: .emacs works on Mac but not on Ubuntu

2009-06-16 Thread Graham Smith

 What may be happening is that Ubuntu has a default version of org-mode
 pre-installed in the primary load path directories, so that is what is being
 picked up and not your latest version.  To check that, type

 dpkg --list | grep org

 and see if org mode was installed by the package manager.  If so, just do a
 normal remove and see if that doesn't take care of it.

I can't check this just now (as I don't have access to my ubuntu
machine at the moment)  but as I understand it Org-mode is distributed
with Emacs now, but the commands in the .emacs file over ride the
built in version and use the version in the path set up in .emacs.
That is what happens on the Mac, unless I have misunderstood.



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Re: [Orgmode] org-R tutorial on Worg

2009-02-05 Thread Graham Smith

I'm working through the tutorial and not got very far :-(

|   |
| -4.76347066844695 |
| -1.83010300550287 |
| -3.62646358009839 |
| -3.06483847781371 |
| -3.29886543850004 |
| -3.33136718271076 |
| -2.92393768071614 |
| -1.81447109443947 |
| -2.77876256693823 |
| -3.04428187935138 |
|  2.68011061127436 |
|   3.8462031281076 |
|  3.26010701204355 |
|  3.13388406902156 |
|  2.64108043612206 |
|  2.79307900174277 |
|  2.63510171209823 |
| 0.382633073598201 |
|  1.36106585545773 |
|  3.15710034712042 |
#+RR: x-c(rnorm(10, mean=-3, sd=1), rnorm(10, mean=3, sd=1))
#+R: title:continuous-data output-to-buffer:t

[[file:tmp.png][histogram example]]
#+R: action:hist columns:1 colour:hotpink
#+R: intable:continuous-data outfile:png title:histogram example

This is cut and pasted from Emacs and when I run org-R I get and error:

before first headline at position 975 in buffer

Have you any suggestions ?

Thanks, Graham

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Beginners guide to Org customization

2009-02-05 Thread Graham Smith

Wearing my beginner to Emacs and Orgmode, this looks really useful.


2009/2/5 Carsten Dominik
 I have my home^h^h^h^h trainwork up as a new
 attempt for the Beginners Guide.
 A lot more appropriate now, I think.  Bernt?

 - Carsten

 On Feb 5, 2009, at 3:21 PM, Bernt Hansen wrote:

 Carsten Dominik writes:

 I have made a structured list of 43 (which one can
 we remove, please) Variables that came in as frequently
 customized variables in the customization survey.  It is not
 exactly the top 43, I have used some additional judgement.

 I think a lot of these variables are things you play with _after_ using
 org-mode for awhile.  Maybe the following variables should be introduced

  - org-archive-location

   the default works, and you don't archive anytime soon after starting
   to use org-mode.

  - org-startup-folded

   start with #STARTUP first?

  - org-odd-levels-only

   Talk about the conversion functions too (org-convert-to-odd-levels
   and org-convert-to-oddeven-levels.)  I switched my files back and
   forth a few times but ended up with oddeven levels due to the depth
   of some of my tasks.

  - org-special-ctrl-a/e
  - org-special-ctrl-k

   I should maybe try these one day :)

 I've used org-mode for a few years now and I don't currently use these
 variables. They're great to have but not essential to getting started.

 The default values for the variables work in most cases.  I think the
 ones that should be listed first are the ones you really have to
 customize to get org-mode to work for you.  Beginners will not want nor
 need this amount of detail to be productive with org-mode.  Having too
 many variables to set up or play with up front may just scare people

 Maybe we just need to stress that customizations are optional and you
 can completely ignore entire sections that don't apply to you (clocking,
 exporting, etc.) until you feel you need these additional features.


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Re: [Orgmode] org-R tutorial on Worg

2009-02-04 Thread Graham Smith

   (load-library org-R)

Thanks, this sorted out the error messages, I'm now getting new ones
but these seem to be R generated so I will now have a look at that


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Re: [Orgmode] org-R tutorial on Worg

2009-02-04 Thread Graham Smith

 If you have added it to the contrib/lisp directory, then you could do

 (add-to-list 'load-path path\to\contrib\lisp load-path)
 (load org-R)

(load-library org-R) as suggested by Nick worked I already had the
load path line in my .emacs

 But perhaps what I should do is add

 (provide 'org-R)

It seems it might make things easier for people like me :-)

 at the end of my code. I'm pretty new to elisp so not sure but I've
 added that now. I'm sure someone will tell us if it's wrong.

That may be, but this is a great idea of pulling R into org-mode, and
I for one will find it very useful.

Many thanks for the help and for org-R.


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Re: [Orgmode] Thanks for the Org-R tutorial

2009-02-03 Thread Graham Smith
 Just wanted to say a quick thanks for a very useful tutorial - org-R:
 Computing and data visualisation in Org-mode using R.

Just to add a thanks from me as well,  this looks really useful.


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: [OT] basic emacs tips you will need someday (was: Footnotes and R output when exporting to HTML or Latex)

2009-01-22 Thread Graham Smith

I will have a look at this. Thansk fro the pointer.


2009/1/22 Manish Sharma
 Paul R writes:


 Graham Thanks, but I would appreciate a bit more hand holding on this.
 Graham I don't actually know how to check org-footnote-re and
 Graham org-footnote-definition-re

 I think the best help I can do is to describe the first steps to find
 your way in the emacs jungle.

 [snip: nice helpful introduction to Emacs help (206 lines)]

 I hope this does not sounds too much like a stupid RTFM. This was
 a RTFM, indeed, but a nice one I hope  :)

 One of the best introductory materials to Emacs I have come across is a
 series of tutorials on IBM DeveloperWorks website at

 Hope someone finds it useful.

 Life is beautiful.*
 * Conditions apply.

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Re: [Orgmode] org tables and R

2009-01-22 Thread Graham Smith

 should we include Dan's code as a contributed package or
 even merge it into org-plot?

I would like to see it included some how, as, for me, the more
integration between org-mode and R the better.

As to how it should be included, I must leave to other who more about
Org-mode, Emacs, ESS and R than I do.


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[Orgmode] Footnotes and R output when exporting to HTML or Latex

2009-01-21 Thread Graham Smith
Mmmm, so busy concerened about the graphics I didn't realise I had
such a major issue with footnotes.

I am pasting R output into an org file which comes in like:


[1] H1aH1bH1cH2aH2bH2cH3aH3b

[9] H3cH3dH4aH4bH4cH5aH5bH5c

[17] Htotal

I suspect some of you are ahead of me, becasue the Org mode export
takes these to be footnotes so in the PDF I get

H1a H1b H1c H2a H2b H2c H3a H3b
$ˆ9$ H3c H3d H4a H4b H4c H5a H5b H5c
$ˆ17$ Htotal

with a footnote

5 3 7  library(boot)  medianCI(na.omit(H1b))

I have no idea where the medianCI bit has come from but looking
through the file, the spurious footnotes seems to be causing havoc
with the layout.

Is it possible to disable the footnote feature and then explicityly
tell orgmode that a specific instance of square brackets should be
interpreted as a footnote.



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[Orgmode] Re: Footnotes and R output when exporting to HTML or Latex

2009-01-21 Thread Graham Smith

 Check org-footnote-re and org-footnote-definition-re

Thanks, but I would appreciate a bit more hand holding on this.

I don't actually know how to check org-footnote-re and



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[Orgmode] Re: [OT] basic emacs tips you will need someday (was: Footnotes and R output when exporting to HTML or Latex)

2009-01-21 Thread Graham Smith

This looks really useful, the problem with the Friendly manual (and I
have the O'Reilly book and the SAMS book) is that its difficult to
know where to start and this very focussed help I am sure will give me
a kick start.

I have now printed it out and will work through it.

Many thanks,


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Footnotes and R output when exporting to HTML or Latex

2009-01-21 Thread Graham Smith

 But I suspect that you are going to run into a much harder wall
 after you've done this. The description reads as follows:

 org-footnote-re is a variable defined in 
 Its value is

 Regular expression for matching footnotes.

Errm yes, my knowledge of reglar expressions is zero, but thanks :-)


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[Orgmode] Problems downloading 6.18?

2009-01-20 Thread Graham Smith
Maybe this in hand, but when I try to download 6.18 I get switched to
the 6.17c page and 6.17c is the only version available.

Or is it just me :-(


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[Orgmode] Re: Problems downloading 6.18?

2009-01-20 Thread Graham Smith

Thanks, I will do as yuo suggest.


2009/1/20 Bernt Hansen
 Graham Smith writes:

 Maybe this in hand, but when I try to download 6.18 I get switched to
 the 6.17c page and 6.17c is the only version available.

 Or is it just me :-(

 It's not just you.  It looks like the org-mode page has not been updated
 yet but the 6.18 version is available.  You can just change the link
 manually like this:


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Inline images in exported HTML

2009-01-20 Thread Graham Smith

Just to say many thanks for version 6.18 as this solves this problem
of a quick preview with inline PDFs  via Latex.


2009/1/14 Carsten Dominik

 On Jan 12, 2009, at 9:14 PM, Bernt Hansen wrote:

 Graham Smith writes:

 I am exporting to HTML with a lnk to a pdf with instant opening in
 Firefox on a Mac.

 Originally, I had a description on the link, and as the manual says,
 in the browser, I get the description in the browser which opens the
 pdf when I click on it.

 But I want the image to appear without clicking on it, so I can print
 out the file with the images visible

 After reading the manual, I have edited the link to remove the
 description,  but it still needs me to click on the link in the
 browser to open the pdf.

 I have now added file: to the front  of the link and I still need to
 click on it to see the pdf in the browser.

 The link is now:


 Which still works fine when I click on it, but doesn't automatically

 Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong.

 Many thanks,

 I was under the impression that only graphic files (PNG/JPG, etc) were
 inlined - I didn't think inlining a PDF was possible.

 Unfortunately, the right thing to do here depends on the LaTeX
 processor you use.

 If you use latex and then something like dvips to process to postscript,
 only .ps and .eps files can be inlined in LaTeX output.  On the other
 hand, if you use pdflatex to process the files, only .jpg and .pdf files
 cab be included.

 I am not sure if HTML allows to *inline* pdf, probably not.

 Hmm, I welcome suggestions on a strategy for this.

 - Carsten


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Re: [Orgmode] Announcing a new tutorial about org-mode, GTD using effort, column view and custom agenda commands

2009-01-16 Thread Graham Smith

This looks really useful, thanks for posting it.


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Inline images in exported HTML

2009-01-14 Thread Graham Smith

2009/1/14 Carsten Dominik

 On Jan 12, 2009, at 9:14 PM, Bernt Hansen wrote:

 Graham Smith writes:

 I am exporting to HTML with a lnk to a pdf with instant opening in
 Firefox on a Mac.

 Originally, I had a description on the link, and as the manual says,
 in the browser, I get the description in the browser which opens the
 pdf when I click on it.

 But I want the image to appear without clicking on it, so I can print
 out the file with the images visible

 After reading the manual, I have edited the link to remove the
 description,  but it still needs me to click on the link in the
 browser to open the pdf.

 I have now added file: to the front  of the link and I still need to
 click on it to see the pdf in the browser.

 The link is now:


 Which still works fine when I click on it, but doesn't automatically

 Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong.

 Many thanks,

 I was under the impression that only graphic files (PNG/JPG, etc) were
 inlined - I didn't think inlining a PDF was possible.

 Unfortunately, the right thing to do here depends on the LaTeX
 processor you use.

 If you use latex and then something like dvips to process to postscript,
 only .ps and .eps files can be inlined in LaTeX output.  On the other
 hand, if you use pdflatex to process the files, only .jpg and .pdf files
 cab be included.

 I am not sure if HTML allows to *inline* pdf, probably not.

 Hmm, I welcome suggestions on a strategy for this.

It does seem that HTML doesn't allow inline PDFs.

I think it worth while mentioning that I am looking for a quick
preview of my document, that also shows the images.

These are natively produced by R on the Mac as PDFs. I want to keep
them in vector format for the final report, so a) don't really want to
change the output from R, Or b) convert them to PNGs just to allow me
a quick Preview, which would no longer be quick

So the strategy is likely to be different depending on the needs of
the final graphic  to be part of finished document (eg a web page) or
a workaround to give a quick preview.

It has to be said that I can't get it to work via Latex either as  the
graphic component throws up errors during compile, If you ignore the
errors and still preview the output, the text is all there, but no

I haven't spent any time trying to sort out the errors yet.



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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Inline images in exported HTML

2009-01-14 Thread Graham Smith

 Saw this wonder a while ago

 Who knows someday doc-view.el's facilities can be called by Orgmode to
 achieve this.

I don't know enough about emacs/Org-mode to comment but it says it is
already part of  Emacs.


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Inline images in exported HTML

2009-01-14 Thread Graham Smith
 Emacs23, I think.  And I recall watching a video demonstration of
 it... it was quite slow.  It converts the PDF pages into images for

I see, thanks.


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Inline images in exported HTML

2009-01-14 Thread Graham Smith

 As another option, you might consider svg() from the RSvgDevice
 package.  SVG images display in some modern web browsers.

I didn't know about the SVG device, but it hasn't helped, unless its a
firefox setting (which I can't find) PNGs appear inlne as they should,
but not SVG (which from my gogling Firefox has supported since 2006).



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[Orgmode] Inline images in exported HTML

2009-01-12 Thread Graham Smith
I am exporting to HTML with a lnk to a pdf with instant opening in
Firefox on a Mac.

Originally, I had a description on the link, and as the manual says,
in the browser, I get the description in the browser which opens the
pdf when I click on it.

But I want the image to appear without clicking on it, so I can print
out the file with the images visible

After reading the manual, I have edited the link to remove the
description,  but it still needs me to click on the link in the
browser to open the pdf.

I have now added file: to the front  of the link and I still need to
click on it to see the pdf in the browser.

The link is now:


Which still works fine when I click on it, but doesn't automatically open.

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong.

Many thanks,


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[Orgmode] Re: Inline images in exported HTML

2009-01-12 Thread Graham Smith

 I was under the impression that only graphic files (PNG/JPG, etc) were
 inlined - I didn't think inlining a PDF was possible.

Ah that would explain it then, maybe I need to go the Latex route, but
I was looking for a quick route to get a printed output.



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[Orgmode] Clearing highlighting after a tag search

2008-11-23 Thread Graham Smith
If I use C+c \ to search for a tag, it highlights the todo entries
which have that tag. BUT how do I then clear the highlighting. Maybe
its some generic Emacs command, becausue I can't find it in the org
manual, so would appreciate some help.



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[Orgmode] Re: Clearing highlighting after a tag search

2008-11-23 Thread Graham Smith
That was quick !!

 C-c C-c clears it.

Many thanks,


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[Orgmode] Writing in Org Mode - line wrap and tables

2008-11-22 Thread Graham Smith
I am really enjoying Org Mode / Emacs but find the line wrap issue a
bit irritating and wondering if I am missing an obvious solution.

When I am just writing I use longlines mode, which is fine, but I also
use a lot of tables, and the tables feature is great, but tables wrap
unusably when longlines mode is enabled, which is OK when I don't need
to refer to them, but difficult when I do.

So, at the moment, I am toggling longlines mode off and on every few
seconds/minutes to let me write.

Is there a better way of dealing with this?

Many thanks,


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Re: [Orgmode] Writing in Org Mode - line wrap and tables

2008-11-22 Thread Graham Smith

 Have you tried `auto-fill-mode'?

I have now :-)

Thanks this seems to do the job


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Org-mode and ESS

2008-11-12 Thread Graham Smith

 In my local git repo of the org sources I have a pretty nice setup for
 using R or S inside org-mode.

I did see the original posts on this, and was interested in what you
were doing, but its a bit beyond me at the moment while I am still
trying to grasp how Emacs/org works.

At the moment, as you surmised I am just looking to add a bit of
structure to the notes I make while working on an analysis. But I may
well come back to what you are doing, as I become more comfortable
with Emacs.



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[Orgmode] Org-mode and ESS

2008-11-11 Thread Graham Smith
Is any one using Org-mode with ESS.   ESS seems to need a file with a
*.R name to work, but it would be really useful to use Org-mode
features to keep notes of comments and code, before sending to R,  and
of course to copy results back into an Org-Mode file from R.

As a search here and a google hasn't thrown up anything obvious, I
assume not, but I thought I would ask.



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