[O] Export dispatcher interface change

2014-10-03 Thread Jacek Generowicz

I am used to the export dispatcher offering sections for export to HTML
[h] and LaTeX [l].

After having upgraded a number of things on my system (including a small
bump of Emacs, but NOT (to my knowledge) org mode), the dispatcher no
longer offers the [h] and [l] options ... until I invoke one of the
commands via M-x. In other words,

M-x org-html-export-to-html

causes the [h] section to be available in the dispatcher thereafter.

Any ideas what might have caused this change, or what I might do to have
the [h] and [l] dispatcher options be available automatically?

My versions:

  GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.12.2)
   of 2014-09-08 on binet, modified by Debian


Re: [O] Export dispatcher interface change

2014-10-03 Thread Jacek Generowicz

Nicolas Goaziou m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr writes:

 Only loaded export back-ends appear in the dispatcher. See

   (info (org) Export back-ends)

 You can either customize  `org-export-backends' or simply (require
 'ox-html) in your config.

 However, both latex and html back-ends are expected to be loaded by
 default. Thus, there may be something going on with your installation or

Yes, it looks like something fishy is going on: At startup the value of
`org-export-backends' is

   (ascii html icalendar latex)

but the dispatcher doesn't show them. (require 'ox-html) is enough to
make [h] appear in the dispatcher. (Which is good enough for me for now,
given the time I have available to fix it.)

Thanks for your suggestion.

Re: [O] Some thoughts on MobileOrg and its development ....

2014-08-14 Thread Jacek Generowicz

Sean Escriva sean.escr...@gmail.com writes:



 From the little experience I have with them, cross platform frameworks
 do suffer from a loss of fidelity compared to native applications but
 as mentioned that may be an acceptable trade off.

We are talking about interfacing to org-mode, an Emacs mode: I don't
think that the target audience is one which excessively values
platform-specific look-and-feel and has an insurmountable aversion to
idiosyncratic interfaces :-)

 There's tons of options for possible paths here 

Do you have a decent resource for seeking them out? I found good ones
surprisingly difficult to find.

 (even https://wukix.com/mocl for fellow LISPers) but the key in my
 mind is to support a community of contributors.

Yes, I almost mentioned Mocl along with Kivy, but two things stopped me:

  + Mocl is not free, which will not help increase the number of

  + I get the feeling that the average org-mode user is even less Lispy
than your average Emacs user, Elisp notwithstanding.

 Unfortunately, due to other existing commitments, i wouldn't be able
 to take point on such a reboot.

 The dreamer in me thinks this might be the itch-to-scratch that finally
 motivates me to getting to grips with Kivy; the realist in me is pretty
 certain that I fall into the same category as you.

 Realistically this is the issue in most cases, plenty of well meaning
 help but not a lot of time to do anything. Life gets in the way.

For me, after life getting in the way, by far the biggest barrier to
contribution is the platform-specificity of the projects: I simply can't
be bothered to even think about contributing to something which only be
useful to half the potential users.

Re: [O] Some thoughts on MobileOrg and its development ....

2014-08-13 Thread Jacek Generowicz

Alexis flexibe...@gmail.com writes:

 One could, for example, create an entirely new project on GitHub
 called 'MobileOrgRebooted', and create entirely new apps in the
 respective stores using that name.

That strikes me as the sensible thing to do.

 (As it is, there's not a uniformly named app in any case - we have
 'MobileOrg' for iOS, and 'MobileOrg-Android' for, well, Android.)

There's also MobileOrgNG for Android.

 And it certainly seems to me that it would be best to start the actual
 coding of the reboot /first/, and only worry about naming rights
 issues if and when it takes off. Doing otherwise is likely to bring
 into play another possible obstacle to getting actual implementation


Re: [O] Some thoughts on MobileOrg and its development ....

2014-08-09 Thread Jacek Generowicz

Alexis flexibe...@gmail.com writes:

 i can't help but wonder if the 'MobileOrg' endeavour needs a reboot.

It seems clear that it does.

 More specifically, it seems to me that rebuilding MobileOrg as a single
 project [...] might be a way forward, 

This is vital!

 on top of Apache Cordova:


I'd just like to float Kivy as another possibility:


What makes Kivy interesting to me in this context (apart from its
cross-platform nature) is its excellent support of gestures, which gives
me (the perhaps naive) hope that a little more than an utterly trivial
feature set might be provided on the mobile form factor.

 Unfortunately, due to other existing commitments, i wouldn't be able
 to take point on such a reboot.

The dreamer in me thinks this might be the itch-to-scratch that finally
motivates me to getting to grips with Kivy; the realist in me is pretty
certain that I fall into the same category as you.

Re: [O] The Org Package

2014-04-12 Thread Jacek Generowicz

David Masterson dsmaster...@gmail.com writes:

 [ELPA's] minus is that it moves the package setup *somewhat* out of
 .emacs and into the after-init area.

This point is recognized and addressed by el-get:


[O] Export of inline source blocks

2013-09-26 Thread Jacek Generowicz

When exporting an org file containing the line

| Here is some source code: src_c++[:exports code]{int a;} It is inline.

the following HTML is generated

| Here is some source code: #+BEGINsubSRC/sub c++
| int a;
| #+ENDsubSRC/sub It is inline.

which looks approximately like this

| Here is some source code: #+BEGINSRC c++ int a; #+ENDSRC It is inline. 

When rendered, as opposed to the desired

| Here is some source code: int a; It is inline. 

where the 'int a;' would be syntax highlighted, use a proportional font,

Switching automitic subscripting off with

| #+OPTIONS: ^:{}

doesn't improve the situation. The generated HTML is now

| Here is some source code: #+BEGIN_SRC c++
| int a;
| #+END_SRC It is inline.

which has the equally unsatisfactory visual appearance

| Here is some source code: #+BEGIN_SRC c++ int a; #+END_SRC It is inline. 

when rendered.

The experiments were performed with org mode 8.2 on Emacs

Could you point out my mistake, please?

Thank you.

Re: [O] Export of inline source blocks

2013-09-26 Thread Jacek Generowicz

Eric Schulte writes:

 Inline code blocks are meant for exporting results, not code.  I don't
 believe Org-mode supports inline source-code export.

I see. Thanks.

 I'd use simple verbatim markers instead.

How would I persuade those not to collapse whitespace? 

Both ~stuff~ and =stuff= get exported as codestuff/code, while

#+BEGIN_SRC lang

gets exported as pre class=src src-lang ... /pre

Re: [O] [OT] Gnus mail tutorial?

2013-05-25 Thread Jacek Generowicz

Marcin Borkowski writes:

 I'm thinking about using Emacs as my email client, and I'm considering
 using Gnus for that.

If it is Emacs rather than Gnus itself that attracts you, then you might
consider notmuch or mu4e. Both have a Xapian-based core, and include an
Emacs interface.

Re: [O] Tangling without clutter?

2012-03-15 Thread Jacek Generowicz
At Thu, 15 Mar 2012 07:25:47 +0100,
Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
 Hi Jos'h,
 have you looked at the :session header argument? I use it to define
 environment variables in bash that are used in later code blocks.
 Something like this:
 #+BEGIN_SRC sh :session foo
 export W=world.
 #+BEGIN_SRC sh :session foo
 echo Hello $W
 If these code blocks are executed in order, the latter returns Hello

Which is exactly how I was planning to use org babel to prepare a lot
of Python-based teaching material. Unfortunately ...

 Not sure though, how it interacts with Python.

... it interacts with Python in a less than ideal way. In effect, it
pretends you typed the code in the Python source block, into Python's
standard interactive shell. This leads to problems: Imagine that you
want to demonstrate how to write a simple class in Python, and that
you wish to follow Python's style guide, which states that Method
definitions inside a class are separated by a single blank line.

So you present this example code

#+begin_src python :session :results output
class Foo:

def __init__(self, state):
self.state = state

def get(self):
return self.state

in the hope of writing some explanatory notes about it, before
demonstrating its use

#+begin_src python :session :results output
f = Foo('frustrated')
print f.get()

Unfortunately, the plan is foiled because the class definiton in the
first block fails to execute properly. This happens because Python's
standard interactive shell (in contrast to Python's non interactive
mode) understands blank lines to close all currently open blocks. This
results in the =class Foo:= block being closed before any of its
components have been defined, at which point the whole thing goes

Currently there are two things you can do to get around this problem.

1. Remove any blank lines which are inside any block in any of your
   code (resulting in very ugly and heterodox formatting of your
   Python code: not the sort of thing you want to be doing in
   tutorials, lectures, documentation, etc.).

2. Hunt down all blank lines which are inside a block, and add enough
   whitespace to match the indentation of the next non-whitespace line
   in that block (very tedious and very fragile).

Last week I had a short exchange about this, on list, with Eric
Schulte, and seem to have persuaded him that the current state of
affairs is not the desired one.

I am planning to have a look at how the situation can be improved with
the aim of providing a patch, but

1. I have zero time to devote to this in the next few weeks.

2. I have never tinkered with babel's internals before, so I cannot
   guarantee success, or quality of output.

In the meantime, I have *slightly* changed my position, since the
exchange with Eric. Last week I claimed that what the session mode
should do is, essentially, emulate Emacs' python-mode's C-c C-c
(execute the code block in the context of the session without choking
on blank lines, and without echoing any of the code itself). I stand
by this being the desired primary behaviour, but I do admit that an
alternative valid (though less important) use case would be to have
the code in the src block be 'typed' into a standard interactive
session, and have the whole session (prompt, input, output) be
produced as the result. (IIRC, this currently doesn't work properly
either: the prompts and the inputs are out of sync, and you get a
horrible mess.)

Re: [O] Exporting a presentation to both slides and handouts?

2012-03-15 Thread Jacek Generowicz
At Thu, 15 Mar 2012 09:14:00 +0100,
Alan Schmitt wrote:
 I'm finishing a presentation with org-mode which is exported as
 beamer slides. I would like to also export it as a handouts, which
 basically means changing a couple lines in the preamble.

On a related note, I'm looking to produce both slides (sparse) and
notes (dense) from a single org file. (Something akin to S5's handout
class, though I would be happy for the slides and notes to be
completely separate products, as long as their contents are extracted
from the same org source).

Any hints on org mode goodies which can help with this sort of thing?

Re: [O] Exporting a presentation to both slides and handouts?

2012-03-15 Thread Jacek Generowicz
At Thu, 15 Mar 2012 08:26:13 -0500,
John Hendy wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 3:49 AM, Jacek Generowicz
 jacek.generow...@cern.ch wrote:
  At Thu, 15 Mar 2012 09:14:00 +0100,
  Alan Schmitt wrote:
  I'm finishing a presentation with org-mode which is exported as
  beamer slides. I would like to also export it as a handouts, which
  basically means changing a couple lines in the preamble.
  On a related note, I'm looking to produce both slides (sparse) and
  notes (dense) from a single org file. (Something akin to S5's handout
  class, though I would be happy for the slides and notes to be
  completely separate products, as long as their contents are extracted
  from the same org source).
  Any hints on org mode goodies which can help with this sort of thing?
 So are you just looking for something to automate this? It seems that
 the generation of the beamer slides themselves are the hard part and,
 as you say, it would be pretty easy to tweak the resultant .tex file
 to give you handouts. Would that work?
 You can add LaTeX class options to org-mode, and so you could export
 once for the beamer presentation and then export again with the
 handout class option added?
 #+latex_class_options: [handout]
 which produces:
 in the resultant file.
 I haven't made handouts before, but this email got me interested. It
 seems that all this option does is flatten the transitions and
 overlays and whatnot? From there it seems one still needs to do
 something to the file to layout the handouts n-up on a page.
 So... if you don't have overlays, perhaps you don't need to do
 anything to the presentation at all.
 Just use a new document to layout the handouts how you want? I also
 stumbled upon pdfjam, which looks like it aims to accomplish this step
 more easily: 
 They have this example:
 A useful application of pdfjam is for producing a handout from a file
 of presentation slides. For slides made with the standard 4:3 aspect
 ratio a nice 6-up handout on A4 paper can be made by
   pdfjam --nup 2x3 --frame true --noautoscale false --delta 0.2cm 0.3cm \
  --scale 0.95 myslides.pdf --outfile myhandout.pdf

Although I (who wrote the followup to the OP) can't speak for Alan
(the OP), it seems that his requirement is different from mine. It
looks like you are addressing Alan's requirement.

Perhaps a few more words to explain what I'm after wouldn't go amiss.

When giving, talks, presentations, lectures, tutorials, etc. I would
like to have sparse slides, whose main purpose is to establish an
order for the talk (remind me what to say next), and to highlight the
key messages. They need to be easily legible from the back of the room
and should not drown the listeners in detail. By this very nature,
they are almost useless as a handout, because their information
content is visible. I want the handout to go into detail: it should
contain pretty much anything that I might say in the talk while any
given slide is being displayed, as well as anticipating any questions
that might be raised in relation to that slide. But the important
thing is that the slides an the handout belong together: they are the
same material, presented in (essentially) the same order, the only
difference being that the slides are a view from 1 ft, while the
handout is the real thing. You might think of the slides as the
highlights of the handout.

I've done this with S5 in the past, where it looks like this:

div class=slide
  h1Broad Topic/h1
  ul class=incremental
li My first point div class=handout A few additional words/div/li
li My second point
div class=handout
   My second point is a really involved one, so here I might
   write many paragraphs, explaining it in great detail.
li My third point, which doesn't need any further explanation/li
  div class=handout
Some more stuff, which isn't directly pertinent to any of the
first three specific points, but pertains to the Broad Topic
discussed on this slide. Again, there might be many paragraphs or
even pages here, source code, graphs, bibliography, etc.

Anything belonging to the handout class, will *not* be displayed on
the slides, everything else will appear on the slides.

In summary, what appears on the slides is entirely different from what
appears on the handout, (though the former might be a subset of the
latter), but the contents of both documents should be extracted from
the same flow of information in a single org file.

(Also, I'm not necessarily committed to LaTeX-based export options: I
am approximately equally interested in HTML-based ones too.)

If anybody has any experience with, or ideas about this sort of thing,
I'd love to hear them.

[O] Babel Python sessions severely broken

2012-03-09 Thread Jacek Generowicz

Picking up a few-month-old thread ...

On Tue, 21 Jun 2011 10:26:17 -0700, Eric Schulte wrote:

 You are suggesting that code to be run interactively should be written
 to an external file then loaded into the interactive session.  This
 would certainly work around the syntax limitation of the current setup.
 My two concerns here are that
 1. users who use interactive babel blocks side-by-side with the session
may be used jumping into the session to play with code interactively
and debug, in such cases rather than seeing their code in the session
history they would only see execfile('/tmp/blahblah').

This is (almost) exactly what Emacs' python mode does, so I suspect
that many people who wish to work in this way, would be very familiar
with this state of affairs.

Actually, In modern python modes (Emacs 23, 24, maybe even 22) no clue
about any code having been injected into the session appars at all:
instead of seeing execfile(/'tmp/blah') they see nothing at all. I
think that IPyton's emacs-python-mode, might visually inject the whole
evaluated code into the session buffer. 

Note I do recall discussion on list related to user's reading
their session code in the inferior session buffer.

I'd say that that interacting with their code in the session buffer is
more important than reading it there (on the grounds of this being the
usual python-mode workflow), but reading it there could be good too.

 2. similarly error messages would now point into this temporary file,
rather than back into the session history

Yes, this is what happens in current python modes, but M-g M-n and M-g
M-p usually manage to send you to the correct place (i.e. your genuine
source file, rather than the temporary file) anyway.

To see this in action:

1. (In Emacs 23 or 24) Create the following buffer

,[ foo.py ]
| print 1
| print 1/0
| print 2
2. Ensure that Python mode is enabled for the buffer (Emacs should
   have switched it on automatically, by observing the .py extension.)

3. C-c C-z (This should start an inferior Python process, and switch
   to its buffer.)

4. Go back to the foo.py buffer

5. C-c C-c (This should evaluate the whole buffer)

   The inferior Python buffer should now show something like

,[ *Python* ]
|  1
| Traceback (most recent call last):
|   File /tmp/py79095qL, line 2, in module
| print 1/0
| ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

6. M-g M-n (This should jump to line 2 in the foo.py buffer)

Maybe some of the stuff that's already in python-mode can be reused ?

 Basically you would prefer more decoupling from the interpreter

I would prefer it to be useable for evaluating normally formatted
Python code. In its current state it isn't. That makes it pretty much
unuseable for literal programming, creating documentation, tutorials,

I don't understand what you mean by more decoupling from the
interpreter. Do you mean overcoming Python's standard REPL's
inability to receive copy-pasted standard Pyton code?. I think that
would be a *very* worthwhile thing to support, which is why pretty
much anything that pretends to support Python interactivity, goes out
of its way to make it possible (Emacs' python-mode, IPython, IDLE are
a few obvious examples that come to mind.)

 and I'm not sure for the average user if this would be a worthwhile
 exchange simply to be able to avoid syntax errors like your
 originally mentioned example (which was the first such post I've
 seen on this list).

The current situation essentially makes Python babel sessions unusable
for anything but the most trivial cases. (Or it makes non-trivial use
possible at the cost of presening code in a horribly formatted style,
one which would be a horror to read.)

 I'm disinclined to make such a change without a wider base of support
 for the request from the Babel/Python user community

Please, please, make it possible to evaluate normal Python code in
Python babel sessions.

It's really important to understand that the restrictions imposed by
Python's plain REPL really are a horrible quirk: I can't imagine
anyone preferring the broken (if standard) behaviour, over correct

Put another way: You won't find many people who take Python
interactivity seriously, using the standard REPL. They all use
something that gets around the horrible restrictions it
imposes. Nobody wants this.

 or at least without more complaints about the existing behavior.

Please consider this to be a *vehement* complaint about the existing
behaviour. :-)

(I'd be happy to try to contribute some code to this, but I won't have
any time to think about it for, at least, the next 3 weeks.)

Re: [O] Babel Python sessions severely broken

2012-03-09 Thread Jacek Generowicz
At Fri, 9 Mar 2012 13:31:05 -0700,
Eric Schulte wrote:

 I look forward to upcoming patches.

I've not dug around the implementation of babel before. Any pointers
on where to start?

[O] Capture to top of tree or file

2012-02-08 Thread Jacek Generowicz

Is there a way to instruct capture templates to insert the newly
captured item at the top of the target subtree or file?


Re: [O] Capture to top of tree or file

2012-02-08 Thread Jacek Generowicz
At Wed, 8 Feb 2012 07:54:52 -0500,
Jon Miller wrote:

 Try adding :prepend t to the properties list in your
 org-capture-templates variable definition.

That's it. Thanks.

[O] Non-deadline agenda warnings

2012-02-06 Thread Jacek Generowicz

Is it possible to have warnings, such as those for upcoming deatlines,
appear in the agenda for time-stamped items other than deadlines?


Re: [O] Summary of syntax?

2012-02-02 Thread Jacek Generowicz
At Thu, 2 Feb 2012 10:10:29 +0100,
Tassilo Horn wrote:
 Here it is.
 ,[ (info (org)Literal examples) ]
 | For simplicity when using small examples, you can also start
 | the example lines with a colon followed by a space.  There may also be
 | additional whitespace before the colon:
 |  Here is an example
 | : Some example from a text file.

Orthogonal question: what citing/quoting/formatting facility are you
using to create the above?

Re: [O] Sort TODOs in agenda day

2012-02-02 Thread Jacek Generowicz
At Wed, 1 Feb 2012 07:51:59 -0500,
Bernt Hansen wrote:

 You can add BOTH time-up and effort-up to the sorting strategy for the
 agenda and time will prevail - for items with a time, and effort will be
 the next sorting criteria.

The point I missed is that time-up will only be applied to those items
have a date-stamp for the day in question, so that effort-up will not
be outranked by time-up for the rest of the entries.

 Have you tried this?
 ;; Sorting order for tasks on the agenda
 (setq org-agenda-sorting-strategy
   (quote ((agenda time-up effort-up

I have now: initially I thought that the time-up would leave nothing
for effort-up to work on.

 When I was first experimented with the sorting strategy I used the
 customize interface to set it for the current session only and looked at
 the result of my agenda with the new setting.

Yes, setting configurations for current session only is a huge boon
for trials, but the clunky customize interface for manipulating the
values is a bit annoying compared to Emacs' built in sexpr
manipulation. Swapping the order of two sorting strategy entries, for
example, is very painful compared to C-M-t. Is there some convenient
way of, say, swapping entries in the customize interface?

 (setq org-agenda-sorting-strategy
   (quote ((agenda habit-down time-up user-defined-up priority-down 
 effort-up category-keep)
 (todo category-up priority-down effort-up)
 (tags category-up priority-down effort-up)
 (search category-up
 so for the agenda daily view habits are at the bottom, and timed items
 are at the top, then my user-defined sorting function sorts what is left
 for the middle section of the list in the following order:

It's still not entirely clear to me how these options work. Take
habit-down, at the beginning. What do the '-down' and '-up' mean? I
infer that they might have one of two meanings: in 'habit-down' the
'-down' seems to mean that habits should be placed at the bottom,
while in 'effort-down' I infer that it means that items with an effort
property should be sorted by decreasing effort, relative to eachother.

There's clearly some confusion in my mind about how these work.

   - items with no schedule/deadline and timestamped for today
   - deadlines for today
   - late deadlines
   - scheduled items for today
   - late scheduled items
   - and pending deadlines last

Incidentally, why did you need to create a macro which captures num-a,
num-b result, for your implementation of bh/agenda-sort?  AFAICT,
functions which return +1,-1 or nil would have been adeqate here. What
have I missed?

Re: [O] Summary of syntax?

2012-02-02 Thread Jacek Generowicz
Nick Dokos wrote:
 I'm pretty sure it's boxquote.el.

Which led me to discover rebox2 (based on François' rebox.el).


It's one of these moments where I get to feel all warm and fuzzy
inside, because I live in the Emacs world.

Re: [O] Sort TODOs in agenda day

2012-02-01 Thread Jacek Generowicz
At Tue, 31 Jan 2012 12:39:48 -0500,
Bernt Hansen wrote:
 Jacek Generowicz jacek.generow...@cern.ch writes:

  Yes, but how do I instruct it to apply one strategy (time-up) to those
  items which appear in the time-grid portion of the day's display (the
  appointments), and a different one to the other entries (scheduled
  TODOs, deadlines)? Specifically, by adding a command to
  which contains something like
((org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(effort-up)
  messes up the time ordering of appointments for that command.
 I have a fairly complicated sorting function which gets the order of
 items exactly how I want to see them on the agenda.
 The gory details are here:

I see. Should I infer that org-mode doesn't provide any features for
applying different strategies to different portions of single day's
display in the agenda?

In other words there are no hooks into the standard agenda sorting
strategy, and if you want to modify its behaviour you essentially have
to roll your own from scratch, duplicating much of the original




Re: [O] Sort TODOs in agenda day

2012-01-31 Thread Jacek Generowicz
At Mon, 30 Jan 2012 19:32:01 -0500,
Bernt Hansen wrote:
 Jacek Generowicz jacek.generow...@cern.ch writes:
  In the standard agenda view for any single day, apponintments appear
  in chronolological order before any TODOs which seem to be ordered
  accoriding to the order in which they appear in their org files.
  How could I get the TODOs to be sorted by something like effort-up
  without breaking the chronological sort of the appointments?
 Look at the variable org-agenda-sorting-strategy.

Yes, but how do I instruct it to apply one strategy (time-up) to those
items which appear in the time-grid portion of the day's display (the
appointments), and a different one to the other entries (scheduled
TODOs, deadlines)? Specifically, by adding a command to


which contains something like

  ((org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(effort-up)

messes up the time ordering of appointments for that command.

[O] Sort TODOs in agenda day

2012-01-30 Thread Jacek Generowicz

In the standard agenda view for any single day, apponintments appear
in chronolological order before any TODOs which seem to be ordered
accoriding to the order in which they appear in their org files.

How could I get the TODOs to be sorted by something like effort-up
without breaking the chronological sort of the appointments?


[O] Debugging background export

2011-11-14 Thread Jacek Generowicz


When I export the org file I am working on (C-c C-e b), everything  
works fine. When I try to export the same file in the background (C-x  
C-s C-u C-u C-c C-e b), I get the very informative messages

Background process Exporting course.org1: started
Background process Exporting course.org1: exited abnormally with  
code 255

What would be a good way to debug this?

Thank you.

Re: [O] org-export-blocks, HTML, p problem.

2011-10-08 Thread Jacek Generowicz

On 2011 Oct 8, at 01:58, Samuel Wales wrote:

Although you are talking about special blocks, it's worth pointing  
out that

the following exports with incorrect nesting.  To make it
nest properly you have to add newlines.



#+html: div something
this is a paragraph.

and another.
#+html: /div


Yes, I can reproduce that. And a newline before the second #+html  
fixes it. Adding an extra newline to my org-export-blocks-format-blah  
seems to fix my problem.

Thank you.

I did not follow the previous thread, so this might be irrelevant.

I'm not sure which other thread you mean? This one:



[O] org-export-blocks, HTML, p problem.

2011-10-07 Thread Jacek Generowicz

I am trying to define a custom block for export to HTML with
org-export-blocks, but I'm getting confused by the way p tags are

I've whittled my org-export-blocks-format-blah function down to the form

(defun huh/org-export-blocks-format-blah (body rest headers)
   ;; One of the two trivial bodies shown below

Both of my versions of the test function ignore the block body and
write a hard-wired placeholder instead. The placeholder is sandwiched
between a preamble and a postamble. In one test function the preamble
and post amble are written as HTML, in the other as plain text.

Odd things happen when I export *two* consecutive blocks with the HTML
version. The implementations of the two test functions and their
corresponding results are shown below.

 ==   |   

 body of format function  | body of format function
 ==   |   

(concat   |  (concat
 \n#+HTML: . . . . BEFORE . . . .\n |   \n. . . . BEFORE . . . .\n
 body of block goes here|   body of block goes here
 \n#+HTML: . . . . AFTER . . . .)   |   \n . . . . AFTER . . . .)

 ==   |   output
 output   |   

 ==   |   div id=content
 div id=content   |  h1 class=titleMy  

 h1 class=titleMy heading/h1|
 p  |
 . . . . BEFORE . . . .   |  . . . . BEFORE . . . .
 body of block goes here  |  p
  . . . . AFTER . . . .   |  body of block goes here
 /p |  . . . . AFTER . . . .
 p  |
 . . . . BEFORE . . . .   |  . . . . BEFORE . . . .
 body of block goes here  |  body of block goes here
  . . . . AFTER . . . .   |  . . . . AFTER . . . .
 /p/div   |  /p/div
 ==   |  

In the plain version, the all of preamble-body-postamble text is
enclosed in p ... /p, once for each exported block.

In the HTML version, only one p ... /p pair appears, enclosing
everything except the first preamble. (As my real preamble should
contain an opening tag which is closed in the postamble, the presence
of an unmatched p between the two causes trouble.)

Can you shed any light on what is going on?


(I am using org-mode version 7.7)

[O] Time-proportional agenda view

2011-06-15 Thread Jacek Generowicz


When viewing the agenda, I would like to get an immediate visual clue
about the time-span of entries. For example, if I have the following

* Boring meeting
2011-06-15 Wed 08:00--2011-06-15 Wed 13:00
* Lunch with mistress
2011-06-15 Wed 13:00--2011-06-15 Wed 14:00

my agenda would (visually) suggest that there is a short Boring
meeting, followed by copious free time, followed by a Lunch with
mistress of approximately the same length as the Boring
meeting. Perhaps something like this

 9:00-13:00 Boring Meeting
13:00-14:00 Lunch with mistress

Whereas the following gives clearer immediate visual clues about how
the time is distributed.

 9:00-13:00 Boring Meeting
10:00.. Boring Meeting
11:00.. Boring Meeting
12:00.. Boring Meeting
13:00-14:00 Lunch with mistress

In other words, the Boring meeting is scheduled to run *right up to*
Lunch with mistress: this is made clear by the latter style, but in
the former style I would have to read the time range indicated on the
Boring meeting line and work out that it eats up all the time until
Lunch with mistress.

Is there some way of getting agenda views to look more like the latter
example?  Is there some pretty agenda view export functionality that
gives better geometric reflection of the time spans of entries? (I
suspect that overlapping entries would get very messy when represented
by text, but could be dealt with elegantly in a more graphical medium.)

Thank you.