[O] org-notify Tutorial

2012-08-07 Thread SW
Is a tutorial/guide available for org-notify? Neither of the following were very




Re: [O] Agenda Upcoming Faces

2012-08-05 Thread SW
Bastien bzg at gnu.org writes:

 Can you provide a reproducible recipe?

I'm going to try to make a minimal example. In the previous image, 10 days was
*not* in the upcoming faces face -- it was in default face. However, in this


10 days *is* now in the upcoming faces face. org-deadline-warning-days is
set to 14.

Re: [O] Agenda Upcoming Faces

2012-08-05 Thread SW
I wrote:


In the example image above:

 1d is in org-upcoming-deadline face
 5d is in org-upcoming-deadline face
 8d is in default face
10d is in org-upcoming-deadline face
26d is in default face
45d is in default face

*However*, the entry for the 10d line is:

DEADLINE: 2012-08-15 Wed 12:00 -30d

If I remove the -30d advanced warning part, then 10d appears in default
face. So this has to do with the org-agenda-deadline-faces, which I have *not*

Its value is ((1.0 . org-warning)
 (0.5 . org-upcoming-deadline)
 (0.0 . default))

If EXAMPLE is due in 10 days and the advanced warning is 30 days, then 20 days
have already elapsed. Therefore, for this entry, more than 0.5 (50%) of the time
has passed, therefore triggering the use of org-upcoming-deadline face.

Solved :)

Re: [O] Agenda Upcoming Faces

2012-08-03 Thread SW
Bastien bzg at gnu.org writes:

  I have agenda TODO items due in 5d (in org-upcoming-deadline face),
  in 16d (in default face) and in 26d (in org-upcoming-deadline face).
  Why is the 16d deadline in default face?

 I can't reproduce this.
 Can you provide a recipe and/or a screenshot?

It has happened again -- see the screenshot here:


Notice that 10 days is in a different face to 7 and 12 days.

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-10 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:

 Apparently the (old) latex exporter still shows symptoms of that
 disease.  Note btw, that the buggy behavior is confined to the old
 exporter: the new exporter DTRT with or without the empty line.

I've seen some mention of this new exporter. Where can I find out more? Is it
included in 7.8.11 yet, or still being tested?

 As an object lesson for all of us (we might as well get *something*
 positive out of this disaster  ):
o post an ECM to begin with - no ifs, ands or buts.
o post what you tested *exactly*.
o test what you (or somebody else) posted *exactly* as it was posted.

Indeed. Good points, all.


Re: [O] Agenda Upcoming Faces

2012-07-09 Thread SW
Bastien bzg at gnu.org writes:

 I can't reproduce this.
 Can you provide a recipe and/or a screenshot?

The date is different now and that particular combination of deadlines is gone.
When I see it again, I'll take a screenshot. Thanks.

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:

 Can't reproduce it here: Org-mode version 7.8.11
 (release_7.8.11-107-ga69f4b @ /home/nick/elisp/org-mode/lisp/)
 Tried both the old and the new exporter, exporting to ascii, latex
 and html of the following file:
 and I only get the bar tree exported in all cases.
 NB: the tag should be ``:export:'', not ``:exported:'' if you are using
 the default settings.

Thanks. I *can* reproduce it (exporting to LaTeX) with your example above. If I
export that example, I get headlines foo and bar in the export. I'm using
Org-mode version 7.8.11-1 and haven't (to my knowledge) adjusted any export

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
Suvayu Ali fatkasuvayu+linux at gmail.com writes:

 Have you tried with a minimal setup? It's quite easy. Some instructions
 are included in the Org mode manual[1]. It also helps if you provide a
 minimal example org file, we like to call that an ECM[2] on the list.

I have already confirmed that the problem exists in the minimal example which
Nick Dokos posted earlier.

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
Jambunathan K kjambunathan at gmail.com writes:

  I'm using Org-mode version 7.8.11-1
 7.8.11-1 is very old.  Upgrade and problem will disappear.

From the org-mode download page right now:

Current Version: Org 7.8.11

How is 7.8.11 very old? Which version should I upgrade to?

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
Suvayu Ali fatkasuvayu+linux at gmail.com writes:

 Have you tried with a minimal setup? It's quite easy. Some instructions
 are included in the Org mode manual[1]. It also helps if you provide a
 minimal example org file, we like to call that an ECM[2] on the list.

If you would like a minimum example which is different to Nick's:

* Headline1
* Headline2

Export with C-c C-e l

This exports all three headlines. Modify as follows:

* Headline1
* Headline2  :export:

and export in the same way. This exports Headline1 and Headline2.


* Headline1  :export:
* Headline2

and export. This exports only Headline1.

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
Correction to previous post:

This exports all three headlines. Modify as follows:

should read:

This exports all *two* headlines. Modify as follows:

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
Jambunathan K kjambunathan at gmail.com writes:

 How about something in the range of 130+ - say release_7.8.11-135?

Unless there is something related to exporting and possibly
org-export-select-tags, I'm not sure this would help. A search here:


indicates the last change in this regard in February 2012, prior to 7.8.11. Have
you tested the minimal example with 7.8.11-135?

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:

 Well, so far nobody else can reproduce it, so the working assumption is
 that it is an artifact of either the version you are running or your
 configuration. As Suvayu suggests, a minimal org setup[fn:1] would
 distinguish between the two. Otherwise, as Jambunathan suggests (and
 /pace/ your doubts), it's probably a bug in the version you are using
 and you should upgrade to latest - or downgrade to the current maint
 version, release_7.8.10-14-gaf6cb0b (which I tried with the old exporter
 and latex: can't reproduce it there either.) If you are not going to keep
 up with latest in the master branch, then sticking to maint is the best

I am not familiar with downloading any version other than the one in my distro's
repository or the Debian version from orgmode.org. I will look into getting a
version later than 7.8.11-1, which is what my version is. I tested with the
minimal file before:

* Headline1
* Headline1 :export:

and exported from emacs -Q and *both* headlines were exported. Therefore, it
has to be something in the version I am using. Once I have figured out how to
install the snapshot I downloaded, I will post back here.

[FWIW, this link:


linked from here:


is broken.]

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
SW sabrewolfy at gmail.com writes:
 I am not familiar with downloading any version other than the
 one in my distro's repository or the Debian version from
 orgmode.org. I will look into getting a version later than
 7.8.11-1, which is what my version is. I tested with the
 minimal file before:
 * Headline1
 * Headline1 :export:
 and exported from emacs -Q and *both* headlines were exported.
 Therefore, it has to be something in the version I am using.
 Once I have figured out how to install the snapshot I downloaded,
 I will post back here.

Nevermind. Thanks anyway. I can't install the new version (some error about
emacs version N/A) and life's too short -- and I don't have the time (org-mode
is supposed to save time:)) to waste hours trying to install this. I'll live
with the bug until I can get a downloadable version. This triviality has taken
up too much of my time already. Thanks.

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
(1) I extracted the latest tar.gz file downloaded from org-mode.org
(org-mode-9d16365c201201679b190c601c8d32e06530a21a.tar.gz) to /tmp/org-mode.

(2) I loaded Emacs with emacs -Q and then entered:

(setq load-path (cons /tmp/org-mode/lisp load-path))

into the scratch buffer.

(4) I marked it and ran eval-region. M-x org-version reported N/A N/A
instead of 7.8.11-1.

(5) I then tried the minimal file and exported to LaTeX and it *STILL* exports
Headline1 and Headline2:

* Headline1
* Headline2:export:

(6) I repeated by evaluating:

(add-to-list 'load-path /tmp/org-mode/lisp)
(require 'org-install)

in the scratch buffer and exporting again. As above.

I don't know what more I can do on this issue.

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:

 What does M-x locate-library RET org-install RET say?

Library is file /usr/share/emacs/23.2/site-lisp/org-mode/org-install.elc

(The latest version download is now different -- it no longer says version N/A
N/A. It now says:

Org-mode version N/A-fixup (N/A-fixup !!check installation!! @ mixed
installation! /usr/share/emacs/23.2/site-lisp/org-mode/ and /tmp/org-mode/lisp/)

which it didn't say before.)

Because I could not get the latest version to compile, I tried running it
directly from the /tmp folder according to the instructions here:



(setq load-path (cons ~/path/to/orgdir/lisp load-path))

I didn't add it to .emacs because I am launching with -Q.

Clearly that has probably not worked.

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
Jambunathan K kjambunathan at gmail.com writes:

 While in your org buffer do a 
 C-c C-e t

#+TITLE: testing.org
#+DATE:  2012-07-09 Mon
#+OPTIONS:   H:3 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t :t
#+OPTIONS:   TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:not-in-toc
#+INFOJS_OPT: view:nil toc:nil ltoc:t mouse:underline buttons:0

Looks fine to me ...

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
SW sabrewolfy at gmail.com writes:

 I have an org-file with many headlines of various levels, but no tags. I 
 one top-level headline with :export: and exported to LaTeX with C-c C-e l. The
 tagged headline and everything below it was exported, but so was the first
 headline (and everything below it) in the org file, even though it did not 
 any tags. The *only* tag is :exported: on the headline I want exported.

*A work-around:* If the first line of the Org file is blank/empty, *then* *only*
the headlines with tag :export: are exported. Instead of:

* Headline1
* Headline2 :export:


* Headline1
* Headline2 :export:


Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
Jambunathan K kjambunathan at gmail.com writes:

  Looks fine to me ...
 What does that mean? Are you getting the behaviour you are expecting.

What I meant is that the export tags *are* correctly set in the template, so
only the :export: headlines *should* be exported, which, despite that template
being correct, is *not* what I am getting.

I've solved it by inserting a blank line at the top of the file. If I do that,
then only the :export: headlines are exported.

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:

 I can confirm that without the empty line the first subtree gets
 exported as well as the (tagged) second one (but not the third one in my
 minimal example). That's a bug.
 But the minimal example I posted *did* include the initial empty line;
 nevertheless you reported reproducing the problem with it: how come?

That was my fault. I recall seeing other blank lines elsewhere in your example,
so I must have deleted them all. Apologies for the confusion. I personally never
have such blank lines in a document, so it was a force of habit.

Why *did* you start that example with a blank line anyway?

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
SW sabrewolfy at gmail.com writes:

 That was my fault. I recall seeing other blank lines elsewhere in your
 example, so I must have deleted them all. Apologies for the confusion.
 I personally never have such blank lines in a document, so it was a
 force of habit.

 Why *did* you start that example with a blank line anyway?

Having said that, I posted my example *without* the opening blank line many
times in this thread :)

Re: [O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-09 Thread SW
Jambunathan K kjambunathan at gmail.com writes:

 I can duplicate what you say.  May be it is a bug...
 ps: Text is no text with no whitespaces.  All along we have been
 focussed on text, when we should actually have been focussed on the
 whitespace (or in this curious case, the missing whitepace)

Should all Org files start with blank line? You refer to the missing
whitespace as though it should be there?

If the first line of the file is actually a line of dashes (---), as I used
to mark the starting cut line of my examples, the export is still broken.

The export only works if the first line is actually a blank line.

[O] org-export-select-tags

2012-07-08 Thread SW
I have an org-file with many headlines of various levels, but no tags. I tagged
one top-level headline with :export: and exported to LaTeX with C-c C-e l. The
tagged headline and everything below it was exported, but so was the first
headline (and everything below it) in the org file, even though it did not have
any tags. The *only* tag is :exported: on the headline I want exported.

[O] Agenda Upcoming Faces

2012-07-04 Thread SW
I have agenda TODO items due in 5d (in org-upcoming-deadline face), in 16d (in
default face) and in 26d (in org-upcoming-deadline face).

Why is the 16d deadline in default face?

Re: [O] Broken LaTeX export

2012-07-04 Thread SW
Eric S Fraga e.fraga at ucl.ac.uk writes:

 A simple solution which keeps your interest in the outline structure at
 this stage of the writing is to add the line
 #+options: H:3


Thanks. That's a useful suggestion.

[O] Deadline Warning Days Faces

2012-05-30 Thread SW
Apologies if this is a basic question. Org-mode is so huge that it's sometimes
difficult to know where to look. I have several DEADLINE entries set with -99d
advanced warning to ensure they appear on my agenda. Entries due in, for
example, 30 or less days are in a different colour to those due in 50 or more
days. What variables control this behaviour? Where could I have looked/searched
for this? Thanks.

Re: [O] Deadline Warning Days Faces

2012-05-30 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:

 Probably org-agenda-deadline-faces: I did C-h v org--deadline TAB TAB ...
 and scanned the *Completions* buffer.

Thanks. I did C-h v org-deadline. Didn't know about org--deadline instead of
org-deadline :)

Re: [O] if both schedule and deadline, appear only once in agenda

2012-05-30 Thread SW
I know I'm bumping a thread from 5 years ago :)

Bastien bzg at altern.org writes:

 Gijs Hillenius gijs at hillenius.net writes:

  But maybe I should not . But here goes: I plan to start working on
  an item by date X - schedule stamp. The item has a deadline, so -
 For that I use `org-deadline-warning-days'.  I start the deadline when
 it shows up in my agenda.  The default value for this is 14, but you can
 set a value for each deadline like this:
   DEADLINE: 2004-02-29 Sun -10d
 Meaning that you should start the deadline 10 days before the deadline.
 ,[ (info (org)Deadlines and scheduling) ]
 | You can specify a different lead time for warnings for a specific
 | deadlines using the following syntax.  Here is an example with a
 | warning period of 5 days `DEADLINE: 2004-02-29 Sun -5d'.

I think what the OP wanted (and what lead me to this thread) is an advanced
warning for *scheduled* items. For example, I'd like to know on the Friday
before that I have a scheduled item starting on the Monday. To do this I
SCHEDULE the item to Monday and then also set a DEADLINE for Monday, which will
obviously warn be in advance. I'm not unhappy with this solution, but I was
wondering if there were an alternative.

Re: [O] Broken LaTeX export

2012-05-30 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:

 Interesting: it seems to be a latex bug of some sort, but I haven't had
 time to play with it too much yet. I'm trying things like modifying the
 tex file slightly and seeing if the empty page(s)/overfull page(s)
 persist.  So far, it seems that all the packages that org includes are
 innocent: I took them all out and the strangeness persists.

Thanks for the details. I noticed the overfull warnings from pdflatex.
Smaller/simpler test cases I tried exported to LaTeX perfectly.


$ pdflatex --version
pdfTeX 3.1415926-1.40.10-2.2 (TeX Live 2009/Debian)
kpathsea version 5.0.0
Compiled with libpng 1.2.44; using libpng 1.2.44
Compiled with zlib; using zlib
Compiled with poppler version 0.12.4

Re: [O] Broken LaTeX export

2012-05-30 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:

 Interesting: it seems to be a latex bug of some sort, but I haven't had
 time to play with it too much yet. I'm trying things like modifying the
 tex file slightly and seeing if the empty page(s)/overfull page(s)
 persist.  So far, it seems that all the packages that org includes are
 innocent: I took them all out and the strangeness persists.

I shortened the document by moving \end{document} around to try to find the
problem. In some cases, the document rendered correctly. I think this is related
to having to many section type headings in LaTeX with no content.

To test this, I added:


And then used M-x replace-string to replace \subs with \blindtext^q^j\subs
to enter a lots of text into the document. It now renders correctly, with the
end of the document back to where it should be.

However, this is a work-around, not a solution, as part of the appeal of
org-mode and the LaTeX export is to be able to work with and generate outlines
and structures of documents first, before adding all the content.

Re: [O] if both schedule and deadline, appear only once in agenda

2012-05-30 Thread SW
suvayu ali fatkasuvayu+linux at gmail.com writes:

 Important: Scheduling an item in Org mode should not be understood in
 the same way that we understand scheduling a meeting. Setting a date
 for a meeting is just a simple appointment, you should mark this entry
 with a simple plain timestamp, to get this item shown on the date
 where it applies. This is a frequent misunderstanding by Org users. In
 Org mode, scheduling means setting a date when you want to start
 working on an action item.

Thanks. I have read that page many times and I understand what the term
SCHEDULE means in org-mode.

However, this is not what my question is about. My question relates to advance
warning that an item is scheduled in the future. I want to know on Friday that I
have scheduled a large project to start on Monday. That is, I would like to know
beforehand that I need to start working on a large project in a few days time.

Aside: Awesome! The spam-prevention Captcha graphic for this post is the word
scheduled :)

Re: [O] Broken LaTeX export

2012-05-30 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:

 Interesting: it seems to be a latex bug of some sort, but I haven't had
 time to play with it too much yet. I'm trying things like modifying the
 tex file slightly and seeing if the empty page(s)/overfull page(s)
 persist.  So far, it seems that all the packages that org includes are
 innocent: I took them all out and the strangeness persists.

Posted as a question here:


with two answers so far, both of them useful I think.

[O] Timestamp, deadline and scheduling clarification

2012-05-29 Thread SW
I'd like to clarify some of the usage of timestamps. Preceeding a timestamp with
DEADLINE or SCHEDULE gives extra functionality in the agenda. Omitting these
keywords produces a normal timestamp which *appears* in the agenda but does not
trigger advanced warning before and does not continue to remind afterwards -- is
this correct? So such a normal timestamp appears and disappears off the agenda
and could therefore be missed. What is the use-case of a normal timestamp -- one

Re: [O] Outline structure and LaTeX

2012-05-29 Thread SW
@Eric S Fraga:  e.fraga at ucl.ac.uk writes:

Thanks for the reply and suggestions -- I found them useful.

 Addressing your question more specifically, I don't understand your
 comment about page breaks.  LaTeX is usually very good about page
 breaks, especially with respect to line widows etc.

I'll post details when/if I encounter it again. It's happened in every LaTeX
export I've ever tried, but I'll search for a solution again before posting. I'm
working on a minimal example now to help me understand how it works too :)



Re: [O] Disable links in Latex export

2012-05-29 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:


 You can do that by customizing the org-export-latex-default-packages-alist
 variable: just add the above option (without the square brackets) to the
 hyperref package entry.

Thanks. This worked -- the red boxes are no longer displayed.

Re: [O] Disable links in Latex export

2012-05-29 Thread SW
Eric Fraga e.fraga at ucl.ac.uk writes:

 adding the line
 #+latex_header: \hypersetup{pdfborder={0,0,0}}
 in the org document should be sufficient?

Yes, this works too -- the boxes are invisible now.
 In practice, I actually do:
 #+latex_header: \hypersetup{colorlinks=true}
 which still colours the links but gets rid of the ugly boxes.

This is also a great solution thanks. The colour shows they are different
(links) but the (ugly) boxes are not shown. Thanks.

Re: [O] Disable links in Latex export

2012-05-29 Thread SW
John Hendy jw.hendy at gmail.com writes:

 And red isn't my cup of tea, so I use:
 #+LATEX_HEADER: \hypersetup{colorlinks=true,urlcolor=blue}

Thanks, but it's linkcolor not urlcolor for the internal links in the TOC.

[O] Broken LaTeX export

2012-05-29 Thread SW
I'm working on a large document in org-mode which I export to LaTeX. At present,
the outline/structure of the document has been created, but not much of the
content. The LaTeX export has strange pagination, a blank page and text that
runs off the page. Where can I paste/post this example?

Re: [O] Broken LaTeX export

2012-05-29 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:
 If you don't mind making it public, I'd say go ahead and post the org
 file (and any relevant customizations) here.

M-x replace-regex RET \w+ RET Text RET

I replaced all words with Text. Here is the document outline. The breakage
happens from page 3 onwards. I export to LaTeX from org-mode 7.8.06 in Emacs
23.2.1 and then compile to PDF with pdflatex twice.


#+OPTIONS: toc:nil

* Text 1: Text
** Text
** Text
*** Text
*** Text text text TEXT text
 Text text
 Text text
 Text Text
* Text text TEXT text
* Text text text TEXT text text Text
* Text text text text text
 Text text
 Text text
*** Text
*** Text
** TEXT text / text text text text
*** TEXT text text / text text / TEXT
 Text text
 Text text
* Text
* Text
* Text
 Text text
 TEXT text
** Text text text text
*** Text, text text text text text
*** Text text: Text
 Text text text text text
 text text text text
 Text text
 Text text, text text text
** Text: text Text text
*** Text text
*** TEXT text
 Text text text text text Text
* Text TEXT text text text
* Text TEXT text text text
* Text TEXT
 Text text
 Text text text
 Text / text text text text
** TEXT text / text text
*** TEXT
*** TEXT
*** TEXT
*** TEXT
** TEXT/TEXT text-text
*** Text / text
*** Text
*** Text text text text text text
*** Text text text
*** Text-Text Text
*** Text text
* Text text: Text text Text / Text
** Text, Text Text, Text text Text
*** Text
*** Text Text
*** Text
*** Text
** Text Text
*** Text Text
*** Text Text
*** Text
*** Text Text
*** Text Text
*** Text text text Text
*** Text-Text Text
** Text Text
*** Text text Text
*** Text text Text Text
*** TEXT Text
*** Text Text Text
*** Text Text Text Text
*** Text
*** Text
*** Text Text Text
*** Text
*** Text
*** Text text Text
** Text Text
*** Text / Text
*** Text
* Text text: Text
** Text
*** Text / Text
 Text text text-text
 Text Text
 Text text text
 Text text
*** Text
*** Text, text text
*** Text text text text
*** Text Text
*** Text Text Text
*** Text
*** TEXT
*** TEXT/Text text
* Text text: Text text: Text
* Text text: Text text: Text
* Text text: Text text: Text Text Text
* Text text: Text text: Text Text Text
* Text text: Text
* Text text: Text Text
** Text text
*** Text
** Text text Text
* Text text: Text text Text
* Text text: Text


Re: [O] Largest org file you have + performance

2012-05-24 Thread SW
I'm not familiar enough with Emacs to comment about the performance of overlays,
etc., but I'm surprised that processing *text* can be so CPU intensive.

These days we have games running with millions of pixels and shading or whatever
(some use the GPU of course), and browsers with fancy Flash animation and dozens
of tabs open and spreadsheets with thousands of cells and word processor
documents with hundreds of formatted pages on dual cores and quad cores with GB
of RAM.

Is this performance overhead just a result of poorly-scalable overlays, rather
than an inherent shortcoming of Emacs and/or org-mode?

[O] Highlighting text

2012-05-21 Thread SW
I know about *bold*, _underline_, etc. which can be used to highlight text. This
is shown in the text itself and in the export.

Is there any other way to highlight text *within* Emacs? I'm looking for
something similar to how org-mode highlights the TODO word. I would like to, for
example, highlight two lines in a plain list in one colour and another two in a
different colour. Is this possible? Or is this more of an Emacs question rather
than an org question?

[O] Outline structure and LaTeX

2012-05-20 Thread SW
I'm preparing an academic document with several chapters. The text will
eventually exist as a LaTeX document. However, I am doing my early planning and
writing directly in an org file, making use of the structure elements (*, **,
***, etc) to provide structure and entering text for the relevant sections in
the appropriate place.

Org is a huge project and I have not explored every aspect and every contributed
extension. Is there a best practice approach for what I am doing? Should I
write directly in LaTeX rather? Is there an easy conversion process from an
outlined document to LaTeX? I know there org can export to LaTeX. Would that be
the best option? It has not worked well for me previously -- page breaks
appeared in the wrong place and other pages has text that flowed over the end of
the page.

[O] Tables in Plain Lists

2012-05-16 Thread SW
I was making notes today as follows:


* List of important items [0%]
- [ ] Item 1
  - This is an important item.
  - Remember to do the hokey-pokey.

| A | B |
| C | D |

- [ ] Item 2
  - This is not as important.


Of course, the plain list terminates when the table starts, so TAB on Item 1
only collapses it to where the table starts. Also, the table can't be indented
as part of the list. In the end, I moved the table elsewhere, but for future
reference, is there a preferred way to do this?

Re: [O] Tables in Plain Lists

2012-05-16 Thread SW
Bernt Hansen bernt at norang.ca writes:

 TAB won't indent it but you can use the rectable C-x r o to shift it
 right so it is part of the list.

Thanks. That's awesome :)

Re: [O] Tables in Plain Lists

2012-05-16 Thread SW
Nicolas Goaziou n.goaziou at gmail.com writes:

 Also, the table can't be indented as part of the list.
 It can: just move it in manually. Then it will stay there.

Thanks. I thought any indentation should be avoided, but I think this is a good

Re: [O] Tables in Plain Lists

2012-05-16 Thread SW
Joost Kremers joostkremers at fastmail.fm writes:

 TAB won't indent it but you can use the rectable C-x r o to shift it
 right so it is part of the list.
 actually, IME, if you select the table and then hit tab, it does indent.

Not for me. The rectable solution is a good one though.

Re: [O] Tables in Plain Lists

2012-05-16 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:

 Are you sure? As Joost says, you have to select the table (C-space at
 one end and move to the other end; and I think transient-mark-mode must
 be in effect - which is on by default in emacs24, but maybe not in
 emacs23? - so you should see the table highlighted). Pressing TAB after
 that indents the table AFAICS.

Emacs 23.2.1 with org 7.8.06. Tested with transient-mark-mode enabled and
disabled. I selected the table and hit TAB. Point moved by one tab (if I
selected from the top to the bottom of the table) or moved into the table (if I
selected the other way round) and, in the one instance, the highlight on the
region disappeared. But the table remained obstinately unindented.

[O] Timestamp: Forward or backward by a week

2012-05-15 Thread SW
Pressing S-left/right anywhere on a timestamp decreases/increases it by one day.

Pressing S-down/up on a component of a timestamp decreases/increases it by one
unit of that component.

How can we include an easy and quick way to decrease/increase the timestamp by
one week. I find myself having to do that quite often (increase). It's not
difficult to hit S-right/up seven times, but there is the possibility of

Should I just bind ``C-u 7 S-right`` and ``C-u 7 S-left``? 

Re: [O] Timestamp: Forward or backward by a week

2012-05-15 Thread SW
Christian Moe mail at christianmoe.com writes:

 C-c . +1w

This updates the timestamp to be one week from *today*. I want to push the
timestamp one week forward from wherever it is.

Re: [O] Timestamp: Forward or backward by a week

2012-05-15 Thread SW
Christian Moe mail at christianmoe.com writes:

 Oops, sorry! Forgot the double-plus.
 With point on the timestamp,
 C-c . ++1w

Ah, that works. Thanks :)

Re: [O] Timestamp: Forward or backward by a week

2012-05-15 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:

  Should I just bind ``C-u 7 S-right`` and ``C-u 7 S-left``? 
 I wouldn't bother but I'm not you: if you really want to, you can
 define a trivial function
(defun sw-one-week-bump ()
(org-timestamp-up-day 7))
 and bind it.

(info (emacs) Customizing Key Bindings)


 PS. Not sure how much emacs you know - if any/all of this is obvious,
 please disregard.

:) Thanks. I'm an advanced beginner with Emacs, so the example was helpful.

Aside: Hitting ``M-: (info (emacs) Customizing Key Bindings)`` gives me an
error about the info file not existing. I installed Emacs 23.2.1 in CrunchBang
Linux (Debian Stable) and (IIRC) org-mode 7.8.06 via a Debian package. Any 

Re: [O] Timestamp: Forward or backward by a week

2012-05-15 Thread SW
Brian van den Broek brian.van.den.broek at gmail.com writes:

 A data point:
 I've the same broken info system on the ssame version of CrunchBang.
 I really like cb, but there are wrinkles like that. The TODO for
 solving that hasn't percolated up my list yet

In the meantime, I've posed it on the CrunchBang forums:

Re: [O] Timestamp: Forward or backward by a week

2012-05-15 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:

 But I saw a message implying that Debian does not consider emacs
 documentation free (!?!?), so the info files may be in
 emacs23-common-non-dfsg in this case.

Thanks, that's the package :)

FWIW, I think you meant:

(info (emacs) Key Binding Commands)

earlier, or else I don't have the node you mentioned.

[O] Edit Links

2012-05-14 Thread SW
I inserted a link to a file with C-c l, file and then navigated to the file
using autocompletion of the path and file names. Movinvg over that link and
pressing C-c l prompts me with the path to the file. Edits in this path will
not longer support autocompletion now. I have searched both generally and here
for phrases relating to editing links but have not found anything.

Re: [O] Edit Links

2012-05-14 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:

 o ``C-c C-l'' is an org-mode keybinding to org-insert-link: it takes the
   saved information that org-store-link squirreled away and creates a
   link at your current location.

Apologies. Yes, I am inserting a link with ``C-c C-l``, navigating to the file
and then entering a description. When navigating to the file, autocompletion
with ``TAB`` works.

My query relates to editing that link, if, for example, I have moved the file in
points to. Moving over the link and pressing ``C-c C-l`` again opens the
mini-buffer populated with file:/home/user/example.txt. However, when editing
this link now, there is no autocompletion with ``TAB``. 

[O] Leading zeros in plain lists

2012-04-23 Thread SW
Is it possible to include leading zeros in plains lists:

01. Item 1
02. Item 2

Re: [O] Leading zeros in plain lists

2012-04-23 Thread SW
Bastien bzg at gnu.org writes:

 SW sabrewolfy at gmail.com writes:
  Is it possible to include leading zeros in plains lists:
  01. Item 1
  02. Item 2
 No, sorry.
Ok :) It was just to avoid lists looking out alignment:

8. Fetch the package
9. Open the package
10. Look inside the package

But I can live with it :)

Re: [O] Yearly repeats on the agenda

2012-04-20 Thread SW
Bastien bzg at altern.org writes:
 I think this is intended.  If timestamps were not removed from today's
 date, agenda listing items scheduled/timestamped for today would be less

If the year in the timestamp of +1y repeating items is the current year, it *is*
removed from the agenda. However, if the year is not the current year, then the
timestamp is *not* removed from the agenda.  

Re: [O] Yearly repeats on the agenda

2012-04-17 Thread SW
SW sabrewolfy at gmail.com writes:

 I have entries such as the following:
 *** 2011-01-01 +1y New Year's Day  :holiday:
 which appear on the agenda on the correct day each year, but they appear as:
 File:  2011-01-01 +1y Public Holiday: Freedom Day :holiday:
 with the date showing. Other deadline/schedule/plain timestamp entries do not
 show the full date. Which variable controls this?

Apologies -- the above was a copy and paste nightmare between Emacs and
Firemacs. What I meant was the following in an org file:

*** 2011-01-01 +1y New Year's Day  :holiday:

and the following appearing on the agenda:

File:  2011-01-01 +1y New Year's Day  :holiday:

What I'm asking about is the fact that the full timestamp itself appears in 
in the agenda for this entry, but not for other deadline/schedule/plain
timestamp entries.

Re: [O] Yearly repeats on the agenda

2012-04-17 Thread SW
SW sabrewolfy at gmail.com writes:

 Apologies -- the above was a copy and paste nightmare between Emacs and
 Firemacs. What I meant was the following in an org file:
 *** 2011-01-01 +1y New Year's Day  :holiday:
 and the following appearing on the agenda:
 File:  2011-01-01 +1y New Year's Day  :holiday:
 What I'm asking about is the fact that the full timestamp itself appears in 
 in the agenda for this entry, but not for other deadline/schedule/plain
 timestamp entries.

And I'd like to disable the timestamp in  for these entries. They appear ON
the correct day in the agenda, so there is no need to include the full
timestamp. Also, this makes the entry very long in the Agenda. Other entries
(timestamps/deadlines/schedules) appear in the agenda without the timestamp text
in .

Re: [O] Yearly repeats on the agenda

2012-04-17 Thread SW
Brian van den Broek brian.van.den.broek at gmail.com writes:

 1) I believe org works much more happily if you don't include timestamps in


*** New Year's Day
2011-01-01 +1y

does *not* include the timestamp in the agenda, yes.

However, timestamps are *not* included in the agenda from other entries which
*do* have timestamps in the headline.

I've tested with repeating timestamps, timestamps with times, timestamps
repeating with last year as the start date, and I cannot replicate this. I'll
post if I find anything further.

Re: [O] Yearly repeats on the agenda

2012-04-17 Thread SW
SW sabrewolfy at gmail.com writes:

 *** New Year's Day
 2011-01-01 +1y
 does *not* include the timestamp in the agenda, yes.
 However, timestamps are *not* included in the agenda from other entries which
 *do* have timestamps in the headline.
 I've tested with repeating timestamps, timestamps with times, timestamps
 repeating with last year as the start date, and I cannot replicate this. I'll
 post if I find anything further.

I've tracked down what causes this behaviour -- it's actually a repeating
timestamp which is from a year ore more ago (contrary to what I posted above).


** 2011-04-17 +1y Test :holiday:

or this:

** 2010-04-17 +1y Test :holiday:

appears in the agenda *with* the  timestamp included. This:

** 2012-04-17 +1y Test :holiday:

does *not* appear with the  timestamp included. The difference is the
*starting* year.

(I have not included the *day* in the timestamp. I excluded it initially with
the thought that the day would not be correct for subsequent years. Including it
does not affect the problematic behaviour.)

Re: [O] Yearly repeats on the agenda

2012-04-17 Thread SW
Nick Dokos nicholas.dokos at hp.com writes:

 Indeed - I can reproduce that. It happens in org-agenda-get-timestamps,
 in the call to org-agenda-format-item: this function takes a regexp
 argument, remove-re, and removes any matches from the string it
 produces. The regexp is constructed from the *current* date though:
(encode-time 0 0 0 (nth 1 date) (nth 0 date) (nth 2 date
 so it becomes 2012-04-17.*?. Hence it removes the date in the third
 example above, but not in the other two.
 The question is whether this is intended or not: personally, I don't see
 any reason for the difference in behavior, so it might be a good idea to
 generalize the regexp to match *any* year.

Thanks for the reply. Do I need to file this as a bug, or does this thread
constitute a bug report? I'm behind a firewall/proxy and haven't setup email in
Emacs, so I would just copy and paste the message from org-submit-bug-report and
email it? I'm not (yet) an elisp-er, so I can't fix this myself.

Re: [O] Yearly repeats on the agenda

2012-04-17 Thread SW
Brian van den Broek brian.van.den.broek at gmail.com writes:

 On 17 Apr 2012 09:39, Brian van den Broek brian.van.den.broek at
gmail.com wrote:
  2) I just added a bunch of holidays / days of observation to my system. Your
use case is better accomplished via org-anniversary:
  (org-anniversary 2011 01 01) New Year's Day
 Emailing before first coffee is a bad idea. I left out some syntax. See
 Brian vdB

Thanks, didn't know about those, but that's exactly what I need. There is *so*
much to org-mode and always another section to the manual ... :)

Re: [O] Yearly repeats on the agenda

2012-04-17 Thread SW
SW sabrewolfy at gmail.com writes:

   2) I just added a bunch of holidays / days of observation to my system.
 Your use case is better accomplished via org-anniversary:
   (org-anniversary 2011 01 01) New Year's Day
  Emailing before first coffee is a bad idea. I left out some syntax. See

 Thanks, didn't know about those, but that's exactly what I need. There is *so*
 much to org-mode and always another section to the manual ... :)

FWIF 1: Anniversaries in the agenda don't have tags now. The tag I provided
appears in the headline only and does not appear in the agenda. Adding :TAG:
didn't solve this.

FWIW 2: The CATEGORY example included in the link above resulted in the category
appearing next to some other entries in the agenda as well. Replacing it with
:CATEGORY: instead of #+CATEGORY: solved this.

[O] Yearly repeats on the agenda

2012-04-16 Thread SW
I have entries such as the following:

*** 2011-01-01 +1y New Year's Day:holiday:

which appear on the agenda on the correct day each year, but they appear as:

File:  2011-01-01 +1y Public Holiday: Freedom Day :holiday:

with the date showing. Other deadline/schedule/plain timestamp entries do not
show the full date. Which variable controls this?

[O] Disable links in Latex export

2012-04-11 Thread SW
I'm exporting a structured document to Latex/PDF. The table of contents contains
hyperlinks for each section which I would like to disable. I tried setting
org-export-latex-href and org-export-latex-hyperref to empty strings, but
this did not help. Thanks.