Re: Shower thought: submit an IETF RFC to register Org as a MIME type

2020-10-06 Thread Wes Hardaker
TEC  writes:

> Wes Hardaker  writes:
> > IETF person here.  If you want help or a co-author, I can help if
> > needed.
> >
> > [not a mime expert, but I've been involved with the IETF for ~25
> > years]
> Fantastic! I've never summited an RFC or interacted with the IETF
> before in my life, so that sounds great to me :)

Ok, I'll try to create a template we can fill out in github next week
(I'm swamped this week with a deadline).
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: Shower thought: submit an IETF RFC to register Org as a MIME type

2020-10-01 Thread Wes Hardaker
TEC  writes:

> > Is anyone willing to move forward with this registration?
> In about two months, I am.

IETF person here.  If you want help or a co-author, I can help if needed.

[not a mime expert, but I've been involved with the IETF for ~25 years]
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] Oorg-export-generic.el and emphasize

2013-07-01 Thread Wes Hardaker
Bastien writes:

 Maybe we could write an interactive exporter generator based on ox.el?

 Something with simple questions that will write the new ox-xxx.el file
 itself, with no fiddling from the user.  Not immediately, at least.

That'd be cool too, but why not do it via late binding so that the user
doesn't even have to know code is being generated (at startup)?  Or why
not allow the ox.el code to accept a format string instead of a

Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] Oorg-export-generic.el and emphasize

2013-06-14 Thread Wes Hardaker
Nicolas Goaziou writes:

 ox.el is a generic exporter. I think we should focus on developing
 export back-ends for this one instead.

 What feature from `org-export-generic' do you think is missing in

ox.el is a wonderfully designed parser and exporter (from what I've read
of code, not actually used it (yet)).  And my kudos to that and the
suite of exporters that go with it!

org-export-generic had an entirely different audience in mind, though:
the non-programmer.  It was designed so that you didn't have to write a
function to make it work, and thus was less sophisticated in what it
could do.  However, with very little effort you could get the output of
your choice by simply adding strings to a list and off you go.

EG, the configuration was simply a list:

  ; ...
 :body-section-header-prefix  (h1 h2 h3
   h4 h5 h6)
 :body-section-header-format  %s
 :body-section-header-suffix  (/h1\n /h2\n /h3\n
   /h4\n /h5\n /h6\n)

 :body-text-prefix p\n
 :body-text-suffix /p\n
  ; ...

So the goal was simply to define a list of tags that would be placed
before and after a section.  This meant you couldn't do anything
complex, but it was very simple to get something running without having
to write a single defun.

ox.el is different, and much more powerful.  You have to write a defun
in order to get it to work, but the defuns are generally simple in themselves.

What I'd like to have done is either:

  1) Rewrite the generic exporter to make use of the ox backend (write a
  function for each export requirement that looks up the appropriate
  symbol in the above looking assoc array) 

  2) Add similar functionality to ox itself so you could set either a
 function or a string within the org-export-define-backend call.
 Then the exporter could simply test if it was a simple string or a
 symbol and react appropriately.
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] Oorg-export-generic.el and emphasize

2013-06-06 Thread Wes Hardaker
celano writes:

 I tried exporting a text with emphasize, but it doesn't work.
 The man page speaks about sections, lists and such other things, but
 nothing about emphasizing and bold text.

You're right that it doesn't do this.

The generic exporter really needs to be rewritten to make use of the new
parser, now that it exists...  I've been meaning to look into doing just
that but haven't yet found the time.
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] OAppeal to donors (Re: Release 8.0)

2013-04-19 Thread Wes Hardaker
Jambunathan K writes:

 Donors, please pause before you make any donations.

Thanks for making me pause.  I probably would have thought I'll do that
tomorrow and tomorrow would have never come.  Now I've done it now.

Maintaining a popular software component takes a huge amount of work.  I
know that.  It's certainly not more important, I agree.  It is, however,
much more stressful.  Especially to be a mediator in difficult
conversations, the stress of packaging something incorrectly, getting
things out on time and complete.  It's not easy.  Writing code isn't
easy either, but I've always found it far far less stressful than
overseeing an entire system.  I'd be more than happy to donate money to
others that have made such huge contributions of personal time toward a
system that has truly turned my life around in the last few years.
Kudos to everyone.
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] OBBDB(3) or org-contacts

2013-01-09 Thread Wes Hardaker
Gour writes:

 But I certainly like the org-mode format much much much better than
 bbdb(3).  Which I'm still using, unfortunately.

 Do you use bbdb3 and what are important things it brings over bbdb2?

I do, and not much.  Slightly better highlighting and redefined set of
key bindings and thoughts (IE, you need to re-learn stuff too though).

 Have you, maybe, tried mu4e or should I simply stick with proven Gnus?

I have tried at times to switch away from gnus.  Every time I do, I come
running back because it's let me customize how I read mail over the
years and the features integrated into it are just not found everywhere else.
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] OBBDB(3) or org-contacts

2013-01-08 Thread Wes Hardaker
Gour writes:

 Based on this description it seems that org-contacts is more suitable
 for the task than BBDB(3) offering ability to have custom format, easy
 editing of contacts etc., but I do wonder about scalability considering
 the following post
 ( where the author
 of bbdb-to-org-contacts converter wrote: Once I point org-contacts at
 my newly generated file containing 831 records it make org-contacts
 really really slow down. I wouldn't care about the normal record
 searching process for just looking something up, but it makes loading a
 message in gnus unusable (5 second delay per message).

FYI, I tried (again) to use org-contacts a while back and still see the
same speed problems.  It's great for small contacts, but not for large.

I think what would be needed would be to read the file and store it in
an elisp structure and then just stat() the file every time a lookup
happened and if it hasn't changed, then use the elisp or else reparse.
It's not like the data should be changing *that* much so it shouldn't
need to be reread a lot.  And it's the parsing/searching that takes too

But I certainly like the org-mode format much much much better than
bbdb(3).  Which I'm still using, unfortunately.
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] O[GSoC] Org-sync

2012-07-19 Thread Wes Hardaker
Aurélien Aptel writes:

 I plan on writing backends for Redmine, Bugzilla, Google Code, Google
 Task, Toodledo, Remember the milk.
 But I may not have the time to do them all. What backends would you
 like me to implement first? Something not in this list?

I think a RtM plugin would be fantastic and a good example of
synchronizing with generic todo lists that other random people would
find interesting (not just coders).

Personally, I haven't used RtM much but if there was a sync-to-it I
probably would start!
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] Org referring to Gnus mail

2012-04-27 Thread Wes Hardaker
François Pinard writes:

 Now, I just have to be careful enough to remember to use Q instead of
 q!  When flying around between Emacs buffers and duties, one may get
 distracted and forget.  Besides, fast key typing too often comes from
 the spinal chord rather than the brain! ☺

The other option is to teach gnus that read doesn't mean hide from me.

I have some groups that display read-mail for me, and require I expire
the articles before they're deleted.  EG, my inbox.  Other groups read
means don't show me again.  Like my orgmode group, for example, has
auto-expire set to be true.
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] O[PATCH] org-export-generic table exporting

2012-02-15 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Tue, 7 Feb 2012 23:44:42 -0500, Tom Alexander said:

TA I noticed that the org-export-generic.el script had options for basic
TA features like checkboxes but not for tables, which were locked into
TA ascii exporting. The attached patch creates many variables to allow
TA users to change the table formatting (much like how there are
TA variables like :body-list-checkbox-done). I also created a generic
TA exporter named mediawiki that demonstrates use of the table
TA exporting.


TA This is my first post to this mailing list, and my first ever
TA contribution to an open-source project so I look forward to feedback
TA and be kind when you point out any sort of mailing list etiquette I
TA might have broken.

Well, I think you've certainly given a good first shot at a

[Hopefully someone with write access will apply it soon]
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] [ANN] Org Elements in contrib

2011-11-23 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Tue, 22 Nov 2011 06:00:49 -1000, (Thomas S. Dye) said:

TSD This looks brilliant.  The interactive functions seem to know their way
TSD around my various org-mode files.  Looking forward to the generic
TSD exporter and the LaTeX back-end.

Most specifically, the hardest part of writing the org-export-generic
functionality was the parser.  When I started on it, it very quickly
showed that a generic parser with an API was needed (but I didn't have
the time to do that).  This sounds like a perfect replacement for the
guts of the org-export-generic parser.
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] OPatches for org-generic-export

2011-10-24 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Fri, 21 Oct 2011 19:23:04 +0200, Bastien said:

 Glad to see someone tinkering with it!  yay!

B Could you test Robert's patches against latest Org and report 
B any problem?  As the author of the generic exporter, you might
B spot problems more easily...

I think they looked fine without intense study, and I trust him to fix
bugs that come his way :-)

Anyway, I really like the idea of an exporter test regression suite.
Now  we just need to make that happen!
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] org-contacts or bbdb?

2011-10-24 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Sun, 23 Oct 2011 11:36:21 +0200, (Peter Münster) said:

 go mess with the database easily.  EG, with BBDB if one area gets a new
 area code you can't go quickly search/replace for all records replacing
 111 with 222.  With org-contacts it's a simple search/replace edit.

PM But you can open the bbdb-file and do the replacement there, can't
PM you?

As a database, elisp dumps don't seem safe to edit.  Yes you can, but
the likely hood of running into other conflicts are problematic (IE,
matching just the number 111 in just the area-code field when there is
no easy near-by matching string to anchor a regexp against).
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] org-contacts or bbdb?

2011-10-21 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Fri, 21 Oct 2011 10:21:11 +0800, Eric Abrahamsen said:

EA As Rasmus mentioned, if you use BBDB you should get version 3, it's
EA significantly better than the previous version. There's a slow movement
EA towards better import/export functions, which I think has been one of
EA the major gripes about BBDB in the past (there are probably more I'm not
EA aware of).

BBDB is great, though I haven't switched to BBDB3 yet because of
incompatible changes I haven't looked into yet.

I actually would like to use org-contacts because I think the editable
form is significantly nicer than bbdb's.  BBDB is great, but you can't
go mess with the database easily.  EG, with BBDB if one area gets a new
area code you can't go quickly search/replace for all records replacing
111 with 222.  With org-contacts it's a simple search/replace edit.

Note I wrote a bbdb to org-contacts converter:

But what I really want is a bi-directional sync, of course...

Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] OPatches for org-generic-export

2011-10-21 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Fri, 21 Oct 2011 11:13:24 -0500, Robert P. Goldman said:

RPG Attached is a set of patches to the org-generic-exporter.  They fix
RPG a change in the org-preprocess process that means that all uses of
RPG the org-generic export facility will crash.  They also add
RPG rudimentary support for trac wiki and tikiwiki export.  Finally, I
RPG have removed the HTML exporter from the org-generic export.  I
RPG don't see any reason to struggle to support this, since it is done
RPG better by the core parts of org-mode.

Glad to see someone tinkering with it!  yay!

FYI, the reason the HTML was in there was for proof of concept more than
anything else.  It was a learning example for those wishing to write
their own exports, as HTML is known by lots of people and demonstrated
what you could do with it.  [especially if you wanted hand-crafted html]
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] org-contacts: how to manage contacts; structure of meta data

2011-10-06 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Thu, 6 Oct 2011 11:38:26 +0200, Karl Voit said:

KV yasnippet is superior to org-capture and it is not :-)

Well summarized :-).  The right tool for the right job definitely
matters here.

 [how do you produce this nice insertions in your email?]

KV As an Emacs user, you might not be delighted with my answer: I am
KV using mutt[3] as MUA[4]. There I can choose my editor freely. For
KV this purpose I am using vim 7.1. In vim I can use «boxes»[5]:

FYI, the emacs package you're looking for with similar functionality is
rebox2 ( )
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] Suggestion: Stackoverflow for Orgmode

2011-07-20 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 09:02:03 -0700, Rehan Iftikhar said:

RI Personally I feel that the StackExchange interface is more accessible
RI to newcomers than mailing lists or Worg. Its a great way to ask a
RI questions and get an answer.

(and it's worth noting that org-mode questions already get asked on the
existing Stack Overflow: )

RI The mailing list is better at having conversations about a topic. Worg
RI is a great resource for hand-curated advice, which will always be
RI useful.

RI I would definitely use a StackExchange-like application for Org if it 

RI On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Memnon Anon
RI wrote:
 Thomas Renkert writes:
 I noticed that - as more people with a diverse range of background knowledge
 start to use orgmode - the mailing list is getting more and more difficult 
 I do agree that the volume of mails did considerably increase.
 a lot of threads are long and winding and many of the posts are basic
 questions from beginners and questions about special use cases or
 scenarios from
 more experienced users.
 At this point, however, I have a different impression.
 Yes, there are some long threads, but those seem to be rarley those
 interesting for new users while setting up their orgworld.
 Those threads are *imho* usually about new features that need
 discussion, clarification etc.: a ping pong of ideas.
 When subareas emerge, tags like [BABEL] or now [CALFW] make it easy to
 parse them out if you are not interested.
 OTOH, I am used to dealing with mailing lists and I find them very
 convenient. Others may very well have a different impression.
 Is this worth a poll in a new thread?
 An idea:
 Many of you may be familiar with the QA-Sites or
 There are already some questions about org on stackoverflow, if people
 are interested in this format, they can already go there. Setting this
 up seems overkill to me, especially, because we have Worg to collect
 the nuggets of all threads. If newcomers find the volume on this list
 overwhelming, I think splitting it into a -dev and a -user list would
 be the next logical step, first.
 However, I am not opposed to this idea when others agree it would be
 usefull. I can't really see myself using it so far, but that may very
 well change.

RI -- 
RI -Rehan

Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] Formal description of Org files

2011-04-15 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Fri, 15 Apr 2011 09:58:09 +0200, Carsten Dominik said:

CD Unfortunately I did not catch the name of the format description
CD language that could be used for something, not did I catch the name
CD of the person who talked to me.

Another option, besides those mentioned, is probably ABNF.

Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [O] org-contacts from bbdb: a starting solution

2011-03-09 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Wed, 09 Mar 2011 11:46:50 +, Eric S Fraga said:

ESF Are you intending to extend your code for not-so-appropriate fields?  If
ESF so, I definitely would like to see the addresses converted and it would
ESF be quite useful to have the notes converted entry text for the org entry
ESF (i.e. not a property).

I thought about trying to create a generic 'list' of matching 'this' to
'that' but hadn't gotten to it yet.

I'd be happy to change the notes so it went under the properties, if
that's what you want?  I think you want what is attached.
Wes Hardaker 
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(require 'bbdb)
(require 'bbdb-com)

(defvar bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-prefix ***)

(defvar bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-blanks)

(defun bbdb-to-org-contacts (to-file)
  outputs a org-contacts file
  (interactive (list (read-file-name Save in file: )))
  (let* ((filename (expand-file-name to-file))
 (records (bbdb-records)))
(find-file filename)
(while records
  (bbdb-record-to-org-record (car records))
  (setq records (cdr records)))

(defun bbdb-record-to-org-record (record)
  converts a single record
  (let* (
 (name(bbdb-record-name record))
 (company (bbdb-record-company record))
 (net (bbdb-record-net record))
 (aka (bbdb-record-aka record))
 (phone   (bbdb-record-phones record))
 (address (bbdb-record-addresses record))
 (notes   (bbdb-record-notes record))

 (format %s %s\n bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-prefix name))
 (format %s :PROPERTIES:\n bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-blanks))

(when aka
   (format %s :AKA:\t%s\n bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-blanks
   (mapconcat (function (lambda(str) str)) aka , 

(when net
   (format %s :EMAIL:\t%s\n bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-blanks
   (mapconcat (function (lambda(str) str)) net  

(when company
   (format %s :COMPANY:\t%s\n bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-blanks 

(when phone
(function (lambda(rec) 
(if (stringp (elt rec 1))
(format %s :PHONE_%s:\t%s
(upcase (elt rec 0))
(elt rec 1))
  (let ((len (length rec))
(count 2)
(output (format %d (elt rec 1
(while ( count (1- len))
  (setq output
(concat output
(format -%d
(elt rec count
  (setq count (1+ count)))
(format %s :PHONE_%s:\t%s
(upcase (elt rec 0)) output)
phone \n))
  (insert \n))

 (format %s :END:\n bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-blanks))

(when notes
   (format %s - %s\n bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-blanks notes)))


(provide 'bbdb-to-org-contacts)

[O] org-contacts from bbdb: a starting solution

2011-03-08 Thread Wes Hardaker

I finally decided to take a wack at a bbdb to org-contacts converter.
I'm attaching the file below.  It should prompt for a file and
insert all your existing bbdb records into the file using the formats
and fields that I decided was appropriate ;-)

(require 'bbdb-to-org-contacts)
M-x bbdb-to-org-contacts 

Now...  I've been using bbdb for a very very long time.  That means that
I have a lot of records.  That means that this was a good chance to find
out how well org-contacts scales.  The sad news is that it doesn't.
Once I point org-contacts at my newly generated file containing 831
records it make org-contacts really really slow down.  I wouldn't care
about the normal record searching process for just looking something up,
but it makes loading a message in gnus unusable (5 second delay per message).

So...  I need to filter down to current ones I need to keep or we need
to optimize the contacts a bit to cache file points where a record for a
given email address is stored or something.

Wes Hardaker 
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My Thoughts:
(require 'bbdb)
(require 'bbdb-com)

(defvar bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-prefix ***)

(defvar bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-blanks)

(defun bbdb-to-org-contacts (to-file)
  outputs a org-contacts file
  (interactive (list (read-file-name Save in file: )))
  (let* ((filename (expand-file-name to-file))
 (records (bbdb-records)))
(find-file filename)
(while records
  (bbdb-record-to-org-record (car records))
  (setq records (cdr records)))

(defun bbdb-record-to-org-record (record)
  converts a single record
  (let* (
 (name(bbdb-record-name record))
 (company (bbdb-record-company record))
 (net (bbdb-record-net record))
 (aka (bbdb-record-aka record))
 (phone   (bbdb-record-phones record))
 (address (bbdb-record-addresses record))
 (notes   (bbdb-record-notes record))

 (format %s %s\n bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-prefix name))
 (format %s :PROPERTIES:\n bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-blanks))

(when aka
   (format %s :AKA:\t%s\n bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-blanks
   (mapconcat (function (lambda(str) str)) aka , 

(when net
   (format %s :EMAIL:\t%s\n bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-blanks
   (mapconcat (function (lambda(str) str)) net  

(when company
   (format %s :COMPANY:\t%s\n bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-blanks 

(when phone
(function (lambda(rec) 
(if (stringp (elt rec 1))
(format %s :PHONE_%s:\t%s
(upcase (elt rec 0))
(elt rec 1))
  (let ((len (length rec))
(count 2)
(output (format %d (elt rec 1
(while ( count (1- len))
  (setq output
(concat output
(format -%d
(elt rec count
  (setq count (1+ count)))
(format %s :PHONE_%s:\t%s
(upcase (elt rec 0)) output)
phone \n))
  (insert \n))

(when notes
   (format %s :NOTES:\t%s\n bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-blanks notes)))

 (format %s :END:\n bbdb-to-org-contacts-record-blanks))

(provide 'bbdb-to-org-contacts)

Re: [O] [Orgmode] IMPORTANT: please update your email filters

2011-02-28 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Mon, 28 Feb 2011 23:14:33 +0900, Torsten Wagner said:

TW Just an idea from good old amateur radio days. You have to announce the
TW change of frequency on the old frequency ;)

Or at least use both for the announcement.

(like accepting two PL tones temporarily during the transposition to a
new one -- de WS6Z)

Wes Hardaker 
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Announcing org-contacts, a bbdb-like contact manager for Org

2011-02-14 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Sat, 12 Feb 2011 13:18:10 +0100, Bastien 

B I've played around with it, and I can already see the benefit.  When
B org-contacts will insinuate into Gnus, that will be a real win.

Ditto!  This will be such a wonderful way to maintain contacts that will
have significant advantages over the elisp based storage mechanisms.  I
frequently need to look up contacts away from emacs and resort to 'grep'
in my .bbdb file as quick hack, which is far less than pretty.  Having
the data in org will mean better export support, better free-form
support, ...

Please keep plugging away at it!

[oh, and I can't wait for the first person to write bbdb-to-org-contacts :-]
Wes Hardaker 
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Orgmode[PATCH] org-export-generic, text markup -- and a request

2010-08-23 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Sat, 21 Aug 2010 05:25:49 +0200, Carsten Dominik said:

CD I would like to ask that you - at least for a while - become
CD the responsible person for the generic exporter.

I'm more than fine with letting someone else either co-manage or manage 
its development.  That means faster development to me :-)
Wes Hardaker 
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Orgmode[PATCH] org-export-generic, text markup -- and a request

2010-08-23 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 12:05:46 -0500, Robert Goldman 

RG No, I'm afraid I have sent multiple emails and have heard nothing.

As I mentioned, I had a huge number of away trips in the summer and
just got over the last of my deadlines last week.  I was hoping to look
at them this week, and I apologize for the delay.

That being said, I typically prefer to take the people intend to do
good approach to OSS development and applying them without a more
detailed review is just fine with me Carsten.  Please don't let my
in-and-out schedule hold up others!

Wes Hardaker 
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: video of the org-mode git repository

2010-06-14 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Thu, 20 May 2010 17:20:34 +0200, Carsten Dominik said:

CD Awesome!  Even though I look like a hyperactive kid with a laser gun :-)

Translation: You're overworked and under-paid!
Wes Hardaker 
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Orgmode[PATCH 4/4] Add handling of blockquote and output formats that must be flowed.

2010-04-30 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 10:00:43 -0500, Robert Goldman said:

RG So what I wanted here was newlines /only/ where the paragraphs
RG break.

The other potentially better thing to do then is rather than use a
boolean add-newline type variable, instead add a more generic
insert-after-paragraph token that lets you set it to \n or to
-- or to ...  IE, it's much more flexible so that others can
do other things at that output point besides just a \n.

RG Honestly, I don't understand how this is done in the wiki engine

They're nigh-impossible to understand a lot of the time ;-)
Wes Hardaker 
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Orgmode[PATCH 4/4] Add handling of blockquote and output formats that must be flowed.

2010-04-29 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 16:39:59 -0500, Robert P. Goldman said:

RPG Added a handler for blockquotes.

That looks great.  Thanks!

RPG Also added :body-newline-paragraph to the org-set-generic-type.

I'm fine with that too, but in the end couldn't you just put a \n in
the format strings?  I thought about what to do about newlines when I
wrote the code base and in the end I decided that with the existing
methods you could always add \ns everywhere you needed them which
provided the maximum flexibility.  The downside is that reading \ns
everywhere isn't exactly pretty on the specification side :-/

(Carsten, go ahead and apply it on your end)
Wes Hardaker 
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[Orgmode] Re: OrgmodeOrg-export-generic and wikis...

2010-04-29 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 14:38:47 -0500, Robert Goldman 

RG 1. Would it be reasonable to move the documentation for
RG org-export-generic into the contrib/ directory of org-mode?  It
RG seems ... suboptimal to have this package be maintained in the org
RG git repo, but its documentation in the worg git repo.  At least from
RG my PoV this raises the bar for keeping the documentation up-to-date
RG and synchronized to a pretty high level.

I'll let Carsten answer questions like that ;-)

RG 2. Is the existing handle each line separately algorithm going to
RG permit us to handle faces correctly?  Seems like we'll need a lot of
RG hair to handle, e.g., a phrase in italics that straddles a line-break,
RG won't we?

Well, that's a good question and one I don't have a great answer for.
We could switch the parser to be multi-line based regexp matches but I
suspect the complexity of when to stop those regexps will get rather
harry too!
Wes Hardaker 
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[Orgmode] Re: OrgmodeOrg-publish: adding a new format?

2010-02-11 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Wed, 10 Feb 2010 23:43:05 -0500, Bill Powell said:

BP Does anyone have any suggestions for adding a new format to
BP org-publish? Any articles, or threads on the mailing list? I've
BP looked around but haven't found anywhere to start.

You might check out org-export-generic in the contrib directory.
Wes Hardaker 
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[Orgmode] Re: org-export-generic.el patch to make it load with require

2010-02-08 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Wed, 03 Feb 2010 12:03:29 -0500, Nick Dokos 

ND wrote:
 In the org-export-generic.el file the library is provided as org-generic
 instead of org-export-generic. 
 Not sure what the reason for this is, but I cannot load it with 
 (require 'org-generic). 

ND Having the provided symbol have the same print-name as the file
ND name is a common convention, but you *can* do what you want with

ND (require 'org-generic org-export-generic)

ND although your patch is probably the right long term solution.

Agreed, and the name in the require file derives from the original name
I used for the file.  I should have renamed the (provide line when we
renamed the file.  Whoops.

Wes Hardaker 
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[Orgmode] patch for local variable based todo blocking

2010-01-28 Thread Wes Hardaker

Attached is a patch that lets local variables define whether or not todo
dependency blocking should be used (both for TODOs and for checkboxes).
I have one file in particular that I'm using checkboxes to quickly
indicate multi-selections from a list but for most of my files I want
TODOs blocked by uncompleted checkboxes.

Normally org uses hook methods for checking for TODO blocks and this
patch just inserts a check at the top to test and see if the variable
turning on the blocking type is still set.

Wes Hardaker 
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diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index cd378b4..bdc5c5a 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -10159,54 +10159,56 @@ changes.  Such blocking occurs when:
   3. The parent of the task is blocked because it has siblings that should
  be done first, or is child of a block grandparent TODO entry.
-  (catch 'dont-block
-;; If this is not a todo state change, or if this entry is already DONE,
-;; do not block
-(when (or (not (eq (plist-get change-plist :type) 'todo-state-change))
-	  (member (plist-get change-plist :from)
-		  (cons 'done org-done-keywords))
-	  (member (plist-get change-plist :to)
-		  (cons 'todo org-not-done-keywords))
-	  (not (plist-get change-plist :to)))
-  (throw 'dont-block t))
-;; If this task has children, and any are undone, it's blocked
-  (org-back-to-heading t)
-  (let ((this-level (funcall outline-level)))
-	(outline-next-heading)
-	(let ((child-level (funcall outline-level)))
-	  (while (and (not (eobp))
-		  ( child-level this-level))
-	;; this todo has children, check whether they are all
-	;; completed
-	(if (and (not (org-entry-is-done-p))
-		 (org-entry-is-todo-p))
-		(throw 'dont-block nil))
-	(outline-next-heading)
-	(setq child-level (funcall outline-level))
-;; Otherwise, if the task's parent has the :ORDERED: property, and
-;; any previous siblings are undone, it's blocked
-  (org-back-to-heading t)
-  (let* ((pos (point))
-	 (parent-pos (and (org-up-heading-safe) (point
-	(if (not parent-pos) (throw 'dont-block t)) ; no parent
-	(when (and (org-entry-get (point) ORDERED)
-		   (forward-line 1)
-		   (re-search-forward org-not-done-heading-regexp pos t))
-	  (throw 'dont-block nil)) ; block, there is an older sibling not done.
-	;; Search further up the hierarchy, to see if an anchestor is blocked
-	(while t
-	  (goto-char parent-pos)
-	  (if (not (looking-at org-not-done-heading-regexp))
-	  (throw 'dont-block t)) ; do not block, parent is not a TODO
-	  (setq pos (point))
-	  (setq parent-pos (and (org-up-heading-safe) (point)))
+  (if (not org-enforce-todo-dependencies)
+  t ; if locally turned off don't block
+(catch 'dont-block
+  ;; If this is not a todo state change, or if this entry is already DONE,
+  ;; do not block
+  (when (or (not (eq (plist-get change-plist :type) 'todo-state-change))
+		(member (plist-get change-plist :from)
+			(cons 'done org-done-keywords))
+		(member (plist-get change-plist :to)
+			(cons 'todo org-not-done-keywords))
+		(not (plist-get change-plist :to)))
+	(throw 'dont-block t))
+  ;; If this task has children, and any are undone, it's blocked
+  (save-excursion
+	(org-back-to-heading t)
+	(let ((this-level (funcall outline-level)))
+	  (outline-next-heading)
+	  (let ((child-level (funcall outline-level)))
+	(while (and (not (eobp))
+			( child-level this-level))
+	  ;; this todo has children, check whether they are all
+	  ;; completed
+	  (if (and (not (org-entry-is-done-p))
+		   (org-entry-is-todo-p))
+		  (throw 'dont-block nil))
+	  (outline-next-heading)
+	  (setq child-level (funcall outline-level))
+  ;; Otherwise, if the task's parent has the :ORDERED: property, and
+  ;; any previous siblings are undone, it's blocked
+  (save-excursion
+	(org-back-to-heading t)
+	(let* ((pos (point))
+	   (parent-pos (and (org-up-heading-safe) (point
 	  (if (not parent-pos) (throw 'dont-block t)) ; no parent
 	  (when (and (org-entry-get (point) ORDERED)
 		 (forward-line 1)
 		 (re-search-forward org-not-done-heading-regexp pos t))
-	(throw 'dont-block nil))) ; block, older sibling not done.
+	(throw 'dont-block nil))  ; block, there is an older sibling not done.
+	  ;; Search further up the hierarchy, to see if an anchestor is blocked
+	  (while t
+	(goto-char parent-pos)
+	(if (not (looking-at org-not-done-heading-regexp))
+		(throw 'dont-block t))	; do not block, parent is not a TODO
+	(setq pos (point))
+	(setq parent-pos (and (org-up-heading-safe) (point)))
+	(if (not parent-pos) (throw 'dont-block t)) ; no parent
+	(when (and (org-entry-get (point) ORDERED)
+		   (forward-line 1)
+		   (re

[Orgmode] Re: Format lists in multiple columns

2010-01-28 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Wed, 27 Jan 2010 09:47:06 +0100, Carsten Dominik said:

 * Fruits
 1. Apples   5.Grapefruit
 2. Oranges6.blueberries
 3. Pears  7.nectarines
 4. Strawberries

CD No.

Well, tables help here...
Wes Hardaker 
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[Orgmode] Re: OrgmodeGeneric export: Missing (?) 'body-section-suffix'

2010-01-08 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Thu, 07 Jan 2010 22:26:04 +0100, Christian Lasarczyk said:

CL In my opinion the body-section-suffix [ here =) ] is missing for
CL all last section levels (hhh  jjj), so I expected an additional
CL )) at the end.

You're right that after the parsing is done it doesn't pop back up the
level tree for any close-out stuff.  Good catch.

Here's a patch to fix this (Carsten: can you apply it to your git tree?)

diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-export-generic.el 
index 90517c0..7b4a30d 100644
--- a/contrib/lisp/org-export-generic.el
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-export-generic.el
@@ -949,6 +949,15 @@ underlined headlines.  The default is 3.
  (org-export-generic-wrap line bodylinewrap))
  (setq line line)))
(insert (format bodylineform line)
+;; if we're at a level  0; insert the closing body level stuff
+(let ((counter 0))
+  (while ( (- level counter) 0)
+ (insert
+  (org-export-generic-format export-plist :body-section-suffix 0
+ (- level counter)))
+ (setq counter (1+ counter
 (org-export-generic-check-section bottom)

 (org-export-generic-push-links (nreverse link-buffer))

Wes Hardaker 
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[Orgmode] Re: Orgmoderunning org-mode (inside emacs) in the n900

2009-12-21 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Mon, 14 Dec 2009 23:45:19 -0800, D M German said:

DMG Yes, it can be done:

FYI, if you want to get org from git you should know I packaged git for
the N900 the other day and it should be in extras-devel now.
Wes Hardaker 
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[Orgmode] Re: OrgmodeWiki Support

2009-12-09 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Sun, 6 Dec 2009 23:23:35 +0100, Marc said:

M If I got it right, this is not completly implemented (e.g. nested
M bullet lists are not supported).  Are there plans to complete the
M export function? IMHO, this is a really good feature that might save
M a lot of time.

I actually almost implemented bullet-parsing yesterday for
org-export-generic, but in the end I was swamped with other things to

So yes, I'd like to see it done.  But no, it's not done currently...

M Are there plans to do it vice versa, i.e. translate from wiki syntax
M to org-mode ?

That'd certainly be helpful as well.  I don't know of anyone with plans
though (maybes someone else does)
Wes Hardaker 
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[Orgmode] Re: org-export-generic: accessing todo keywords

2009-11-19 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 15:33:03 -0500, Tim Hermans said:

TH I took note from a post by James TD Smith on this list a while back
TH and changed this to use aput.  This is included in assoc.el
TH which is included in both XEmacs and GNU Emacs.  It does exactly the
TH same thing.  It would be more portable.

Huh.  I actually thought that was changed already via a patch a while
back but apparently the patch got lost.

Carsten, here's the patch to apply:

diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-export-generic.el 
index aba550e..1fff03f 100644
--- a/contrib/lisp/org-export-generic.el
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-export-generic.el
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
 ;;; Commentary:

 (require 'org-exp)
+(require 'assoc)

 (defgroup org-export-generic nil
   Options specific for ASCII export of Org-mode files.
@@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ in this way, it will be wrapped.
 (defun org-set-generic-type (type definition)
   Adds a TYPE and DEFINITION to the existing list of defined generic
 export definitions.
-  (set-alist 'org-generic-alist type definition))
+  (aput 'org-generic-alist type definition))

 (defun org-export-generic-remember-section (type suffix optional prefix)
   (setq org-export-generic-section-type type)
\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] org-git-link patch

2009-11-19 Thread Wes Hardaker

defalias in xemacs doesn't take a string arg

 contrib/lisp/org-git-link.el |4 ++--
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-git-link.el b/contrib/lisp/org-git-link.el
index 1206ace..030b955 100644
--- a/contrib/lisp/org-git-link.el
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-git-link.el
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
   (list (expand-file-name .git dir) relpath

-(defalias 'org-git-gitrepos-p 'org-git-find-gitdir
-  Return non-nil if path is in git repository)
+;  Return non-nil if path is in git repository
+(defalias 'org-git-gitrepos-p 'org-git-find-gitdir)

 ;; splitting the link string

\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] err... looking-back not defined in xemacs either

2009-11-19 Thread Wes Hardaker

I really need to switch to Emacs, I know  But you see my
buffer-timer software only runs in XEmacs and the last time I looked for
the hook I needed for Emacs it didn't exist.  I wonder if it does now...

\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] Re: org-export-generic: accessing todo keywords

2009-11-17 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 17:43:59 -0500, Tim Hermans said:

TH I was wondering if there was a directive within org-export-generic to
TH access org-todo-keyword items?  I did not see anything.

TH I'd like to add formatting to those keywords.

There isn't right now, though I've admittedly wanted to add support for
that.  I've been swamped with other things lately and haven't gotten
much work done on org-export-generic.  Ironically, I may work on it in
the next few weeks but I'm not sure todo keywords will fall into the
list much (we'll see).

I was just thinking earlier today, in fact, that I'd love to be able to
change things like TODO words.  You can change checkboxes right now, but
not TODO words.

\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] Re: patch for git: org-ascii.el

2009-09-09 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Tue, 8 Sep 2009 19:17:38 +0100, Andrew Stribblehill 

AS Are you sure you need this? Try make clean; make, without it?

I think you're right.  The make clean first was necessary.
\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] patch for git: org-ascii.el

2009-09-08 Thread Wes Hardaker

org-ascii uses org-float-time which is in org-compat:

diff --git a/lisp/org-ascii.el b/lisp/org-ascii.el
index 4fd5675..e6ad8d1 100644
--- a/lisp/org-ascii.el
+++ b/lisp/org-ascii.el
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 ;;; Commentary:

 (require 'org-exp)
+(require 'org-compat)

 (defgroup org-export-ascii nil
   Options specific for ASCII export of Org-mode files.

\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] git and possibly 6.30 xemacs bug

2009-09-01 Thread Wes Hardaker

The select-frame-set-input-focus function doesn't exist in xemacs, which
was recently added in org-eval-in-calendar.  This seems to be a common
problem as gnus defines this to get around it:

(defun gnus-select-frame-set-input-focus (frame)
  Select FRAME, raise it, and set input focus, if possible.
  (cond ((featurep 'xemacs)
 (if (fboundp 'select-frame-set-input-focus)
 (select-frame-set-input-focus frame)
   (raise-frame frame)
   (select-frame frame)
   (focus-frame frame)))
;; `select-frame-set-input-focus' defined in Emacs 21 will not
;; set the input focus.
((= emacs-major-version 22)
 (select-frame-set-input-focus frame))
 (raise-frame frame)
 (select-frame frame)
 (cond ((memq window-system '(x ns mac))
(x-focus-frame frame))
   ((eq window-system 'w32)
(w32-focus-frame frame)))
 (when focus-follows-mouse
   (set-mouse-position frame (1- (frame-width frame)) 0)

\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] Re: Orgmodehow do you compose mails in Gnus with org-mode

2009-08-26 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Tue, 25 Aug 2009 18:51:50 -0400, Matt Lundin said:

ML Org-mode is not a mail mode. It certainly would not be suitable as a
ML major mode for composing mail.

I do frequently, however, write notes and things in org and then mail
them out later.  I either export them using org-export of type ascii,
for example.
\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] Re: OrgmodePOLL: Change of keys to move agenda through time

2009-08-25 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Tue, 25 Aug 2009 11:12:16 +0200, Carsten Dominik said:

CD 1. Make the cursor keys LEFT and RIGHT do normal cursor motion again

+1.  I find these two keys have confused me more than any others when I
accidentally shift forward and backward because I'm trying to navigate
to a link quickly to open it.  This is usually when my hands aren't on
the keyboard previously, probably because of a different link, as that's
when I tend to use arrow keys: after coming back from the mouse just to
do motion without other typing.

CD 2. Use the keys n and p to switch the agenda to earlier
CD and later dates.

I'm somewhat ambivalent about that, since my hands normally do the ctrl
version of the movement keys when on the keyboard and I don't use just
n and p.  But I think everyone else has given plenty of indication
they do, so I don't think this is a good choice unfortunately.
\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] Re: OrgmodeRegaring heading re-organization.

2009-08-25 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Tue, 25 Aug 2009 17:09:16 +0530, Noorul Islam K M 

NIKM * Level 1
NIKM ** Level 2
NIKM *** Level 3
NIKM  Level 4
NIKM  Level 4
NIKM  Level 4

NIKM If I keep the cursor on Level 3 heading and press M-left, Shouldn't the
NIKM number of '*'s for the headings Level 4 become 3?

No, the default is to move only that line.  Try M-shift-left instead to
move the tree.
\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: OrgmodeOrgmodePOLL: Change of keys to move agenda through time

2009-08-25 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Tue, 25 Aug 2009 08:30:51 -0700, Wes Hardaker 

 On Tue, 25 Aug 2009 11:12:16 +0200, Carsten Dominik said:
CD 1. Make the cursor keys LEFT and RIGHT do normal cursor motion again

WH +1.  I find these two keys have confused me more than any others 

Thinking about it further, I realized a good part of the confusion
results from the up/down keys actually doing in-buffer movement and
left/right doing date movement.  I don't think that's natural for
people.  They expect the arrows, be it up/down/left/right, to act in a
similar fashion to each other.

I don't think this is the right approach either, but I mention it for
completeness: if you removed the up/down arrow bindings I bet people
would stop trying to use arrows for navigation at all, which would be
better than leaving them half bound.  Granted, I think people still
expect arrows to always be bound to in-buffer movement anyway, so the
current default is confusing and it would be better to let the
left/right bound again to in-buffer movement.

\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: OrgmodeExport full org-mode to CSV (not tables)

2009-08-24 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Mon, 24 Aug 2009 14:29:33 +0200, Simon Mullis 

SM I'd like an easy way to export this data to an Excel table, or
SM better yet, CSV.

org-export-generic can *almost* do this for you by carefully setting the
header open/close to simply be ,  for opening and a \n for closing
on header 2 (I think; haven't tested it).

But, it won't remove the text: prefix at the beginning of the fields.
It' be simple to pass the results through sed 's/, [^:]*:/,/g' though.
\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Orgmodeorg-export-generic gives an error

2009-08-10 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Thu, 23 Jul 2009 15:31:19 +0100, James TD Smith said:

JTS You could use the aput function instead. which does the same thing. It's in
JTS assoc.el which is included with both GNU Emacs and XEmacs.

I think that sounds like the easiest approach.  Thanks!
\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Orgmodeorg-export-generic gives an error

2009-07-22 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 01:59:12 +0200, Bastien said:

B Those two functions come from alist.el which is included in Apel:

So does that mean it's safe to leave the functions in use within
org-export generic, or should I replace it with a locally defined
slightly-different-named version?
\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Orgmodeorg-export-generic gives an error

2009-07-20 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 20:19:19 + (UTC), srinivas said:

s Nick Dokos suggested the following fix to .emacs:

s (if ( emacs-major-version 23)
s (defun characterp (obj)
s (and (char-or-string-p obj) (not (stringp obj)

s Inserting this check makes org-export-generic work for me. My Emacs
s version on Windows is 22.3.1.

(I was on vacation for a week and didn't see this problem).

I wrote export-generic under xemacs and didn't notice that there was a
function compatibility issue.

This patch to it should fix things:

diff --git a/lisp/org-export-generic.el b/lisp/org-export-generic.el
index 64dcb1f..c9fc161 100644
--- a/lisp/org-export-generic.el
+++ b/lisp/org-export-generic.el
@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ REVERSE means to reverse the list if the plist match is a
  ((null prefixtype) )
- ((and len (characterp prefixtype))
+ ((and len (char-or-string-p prefixtype) (not (stringp prefixtype)))
   ;; sequence of chars
   (concat (make-string len prefixtype) \n))
  ((stringp prefixtype)

\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] Re: OrgmodeOrg-mode as a bug tracker.

2009-07-20 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 17:34:13 +0200, Óscar Fuentes said:

o The only downside is the lack of a referenced wiki system: simple links
o to revisions (r1010) tickets (#245) etc.

You can actually get around this somewhat if you're linking to, say, a
svn web server.  I do this using something like this:

  (setq org-link-abbrev-alist

Thus any links like [[nsb:1234]] will link to the right web page for bug
#1234 in the Net-SNMP bug database.  SVN repo pointers, etc, can be done
just as easily.

\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] Re: OrgmodeHelp: Convert Org-Mode to Shadowplan for Palm (Centro)

2009-07-20 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Sun, 19 Jul 2009 03:56:40 +0200, p.raschdorff 

pr using both - my Palm OS device with the ShadowPlan outliner and Org-mode,
pr I've tried to bring these two worlds together.

Great!  I actually started writing org-export-generic specifically
because I wanted to export to shadowplan.  I wasn't planning on doing
the reverse (import to org from shadowplan), but it would certainly be
helpful to be able to.

(I just haven't written the export-generic plugin for shadowplan, but it
was on my very-soon-todo list)

\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] Re: Orgmodehowto extend org-export-generic

2009-06-29 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Fri, 26 Jun 2009 16:30:46 +0200, Robert Hennig said:

RH Hello,
RH I would like to make use of the org-export-generic
RH library and stumbled over the use of the
RH org-set-generic-type function. The implementation
RH uses a set-alist function which is not defined at all.
RH What is the proper way to activate the org-set-generic-type
RH function?

The current docs for it are at:

The docs are currently very slim.  You should use a combination of
looking at that page (which I admit I need to update) and by looking at
the demo definition in the org-export-generic code itself, which has
every usable tag in it's definition.

I will eventually populate a table on the above worg page with all the
possible tags.  Maybe later today if I'm lucky.
\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] Re: Orgmodeorg-export-generic update

2009-06-25 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Wed, 24 Jun 2009 18:00:27 +0200, Michaël Parienti said:

 Details and the patch can be found at:

MP I think it is a great feature! 

MP Will this patch be included into org-mode?

I'm glad you've enjoyed the work.  It's actually just been included as a
contributed package in 6.28, which was just released.  In fact the copy
in there is newer than the copy in the web page above (my bad).

See the following worg documentation for details on using it now.  It
has an easier to use system for defining your own export definitions and
binding keys to your definitions:

\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] Re: Orgmodegit push to Worg error. Help?

2009-06-22 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 09:17:35 -0700, Wes Hardaker 

WH Anyone seen an error like this from git or know what to do about it?

Whoops.  I bet it's because I missed step 3 Drop an email to Bastien.
\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] git push to Worg error. Help?

2009-06-22 Thread Wes Hardaker

Anyone seen an error like this from git or know what to do about it?

  # git push
  Counting objects: 19, done.
  Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done.
  Writing objects: 100% (15/15), 2.56 KiB, done.
  Total 15 (delta 10), reused 0 (delta 0)
  error: unpack failed: unpacker exited with error code
  To git+ssh://
   ! [remote rejected] master - master (n/a (unpacker error))
  error: unable to create temporary sha1 filename ./objects/5f: File exists

  fatal: failed to write object
  error: failed to push some refs to 'git+ssh://'

I set up my account, etc, but have yet to successfully push something to
the public server.
\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] org-export-generic update

2009-06-12 Thread Wes Hardaker

I finally got around to hacking on my org-export-as-generic
functionality a bit more.  There is a lot of improvement over last time,
and probably even more things to do (because as you work through it your
discover more, of course),

However, usability has increased dramatically as has personal
customization ability (IE, defining your own export formatting types).
There is also a few example export definitions included, including:

  [d]   demo
  [a]   simple ascii
  [h]   simple html
  [w]   wikipedia
  [i]   IETF Internet Draft XML

Details and the patch can be found at:

\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] Re: Orgmode[FEATURE REQUEST] export to mediawiki

2009-06-08 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Fri, 5 Jun 2009 18:19:24 +0100, Spike Spiegel said:

SS it would be awesome if there was an org to mediawiki export
SS functionality as I have a lot of  documentation in a mediawiki
SS instance and I'm routinely wasting 10 to 15 minutes every time I need
SS to publish a largish document just to reformat the text.

I too have wanted something like this.  In fact, it is one of the
motivations behind my org-export-generic functionality I posted here a
while ago.  I'm long overdue to post another copy but have been
completely swamped lately and it's preventing me from getting another
copy out.

I'll try to get a copy out this week, as things are finally looking a
bit less swamped.
\ Wes Hardaker /
 \_ In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than /
   \___ the soap, and much more difficult to find. ___/
   \_ -- Terry Pratchett __/

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[Orgmode] Re: Drawers and HTML Export

2009-05-25 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Sat, 23 May 2009 07:57:21 +0200, Carsten Dominik said:

 Setting org-export-with-drawers to t allows the draws to be
 exported, but it also exports the drawer delimiters (the :DUCK: and
 the :END: in my example) which I don't want to be exported. I've
 been looking at the various export variables, but I can't find
 anything that will stop the drawer delimiters from being exported. I
 think I'll stick with my current set up which doesn't use drawers.

CD Indeed, there is no way currently to use drawers as you intend.

FYI, I have been chugging away slowly at org-exp-generic and although
exp-generic is handling drawers export, it isn't yet handling parsing of
it...  It's one of my near-term goals for it though.

In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.
   -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: here's a working version of org-generic

2009-04-22 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 09:59:21 +0200, Carsten Dominik said:

CD One problem I notices:  I think multiple lines starting with : 
CD must be seen as one block, most backends will need this.

Yep.  It was, err...  not on my todo list because I failed to write it
down.  But I did realize the problem existed...  Thanks for reminding me
so I added it to the documented list :-)
In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: here's a working version of org-generic

2009-04-16 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Thu, 16 Apr 2009 09:04:38 +0200, Carsten Dominik said:

CD org-export-xxx.el

Fine by me.  I'll use org-export-generic.
In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: using org-export-generic

2009-04-16 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Thu, 16 Apr 2009 19:06:27 +0530, Rustom Mody 

RM I dont want those 1, 2 and 1.2 etc because curl (like latex?) does
RM that on its own

If you're using my export-generic like you said then set:

 :body-header-section-numbers nil

In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] here's a working version of org-generic

2009-04-15 Thread Wes Hardaker

I have a bunch of random things that I'd like to export org stuff too
and it seemed to me that much of the work of writing code to export
stuff from org-mode into external documents could be conquered by simple
string specifiers.  So yesterday I hacked something together that is
actually working enough I should be able to use it to other random xml
formats, etc.  It's far from complete but it's usable by the average
elisp hacker.  See the todo list at the top for all the things it
*doesn't* do (sigh).

EG, the demo specifier in the example specifier list (see the code) can
be used to take this:


  * level 1
text level 1
  *** level 2
  text level 2
  :  this
  :   is
  * level 3
text [[][level 3]]
  * Another 3
more text level 3
  *** level 2 again
  more text level 2
  *** jump to level 4
level 4 text
  *** back to 2

To produce this:

  datebr /bDate:/b i2009-04-15 12:21:42 PDT/ibr /

  __Table of Contents__
  #(1)--level 1 --
  #(1.1)--level 2 --
  #(1.1.1)--level 3 --
  #(1.1.2)--Another 3 --
  #(1.2)--level 2 again --
  #(1.3)--back to 2 --
  #(2)--back to 1 --


  h11 level 1 /h1
text level 1/p
  h21.1 level 2 /h2
  text level 2pre
  h3level 3 /h3

In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

Description: application/emacs-lisp
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[Orgmode] Re: here's a working version of org-generic

2009-04-15 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Wed, 15 Apr 2009 15:59:14 -0400, Bernt Hansen said:

BH Isn't the filename (org-generic.el) well, um, too generic?  If it's
BH export-related wouldn't something like org-export-generic.el be better?
BH (or maybe even org-export-tools.el? )

Well, I was psuedo-modeling it after the existing file names.  Single
dash, etc.  I hardly care about the name of the file ;-) Maybe
org-carefree?  org-styleless?  org-everything?

In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: changes to return-follows-link

2009-03-09 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Fri, 6 Mar 2009 18:15:25 +0100, Carsten Dominik said:

CD RET in the agenda is supposed to go to the location that triggered
CD the entry, in your case the scheduling time stamp.  I did not even
CD know that it used to follow a link.

It did ;-)

CD The direct command to follow a link from the agenda is `C-c C-o',
CD `org-agenda-open-link'.

Ok, thanks.  I'll either switch to that or bind some other key to it.  Thanks!
In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] changes to return-follows-link

2009-03-06 Thread Wes Hardaker

Recently (I'm running 6.23b; not 6.24) pressing return in the agenda
buffer on a link followed the link.  Now it's jumping to the schedule
line in the file.  Two questions:

1) shouldn't it jump to the header line instead of the schedule line?
2) if on a link to somewhere else, shouldn't it follow the link?

I'm sure this is a result of the recent rework of the *-follow-link
functions...  I have multiple repeating agenda items that jump me to
various web-pages etc.  (Now I have to hit return-up-arrow-return to
get to the right jump spot rather than a direct jump).

In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: OrgmodePresentations

2009-02-18 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Tue, 17 Feb 2009 17:55:18 +0100, Sebastian Rose said:

SR I re-discoverd and found, that it is
SR mature enough for serious usage nowadays.

SR Does anyone on this list use it in conjunction with Org-mode already?

In a similar vein, I've used latex/beamer a number of times for
presentations (including to a group last night).  It works very well and
I did, at one point, start writing a org-mode output for it but never
quite finished it.  Really it just needed to replace small bits of the
existing latex exporter with a new top template as well as some other
small minor in-content changes.

(it was at this point that I decided org-mode really need a generic
export template mechanism, which I mentioned once in a previous post)
In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: Can't make TODO dependencies work

2009-02-02 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Sun, 1 Feb 2009 20:38:21 +0100, Carsten Dominik said:

CD I *could* do a different implementation, where the functions
CD are always in the blocker hook, but are only active when the
CD variables are set.  However, the problem is then that it is
CD difficult to see from the outside if the hook is doing something,
CD and I want to use that knowledge to avoid overhead in the
CD agenda for people who do not use todo dependencies.

FYI, I'd actually suggest this approach.  I think the number of people
that will get confused by variable-and-loading-ordering will be far
greater than the number of people trying to figure out why the function
isn't doing anything (especially if in the function documentation it
says a variable must be set for it to perform any actions).

I too immediately tried the new TODO dependencies after the last release
announcement and couldn't get it to work...  Old habit of performing
'(require ...)' ahead of the variable settings.
In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: Can't make TODO dependencies work

2009-02-02 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Mon, 2 Feb 2009 22:08:55 +0100, Carsten Dominik said:

CD org-tab-follows-link

And *that* explains one of my other issues!


In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: org-mode to iphone?

2009-01-22 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Thu, 22 Jan 2009 09:06:38 +0100, Carsten Dominik said:

CD So please get back to it when you find time and keep us
CD posted.  I could tweak the HTML exporter where necessary
CD to make a good mobile access idea for Org-mode stuff
CD a reality.

I've been meaning to write this up for a while, and I think this sort of
idea is exactly what could benefit from it...

I think there should be a generic exporter that contains simple
customization rules for how to do an export.  Something like:

 (setq org-export-templates
  :heading1-prefix = 
  :heading1-suffix  =
  :heading2-prefix == 
  :heading2-suffix  ==

  :bold-prefix '''
  :bold-suffix '''

  :link-format [%{url} %{link-text}]

  :numbered-list-prefix #
  :numbered-list-suffix \n

I'm making stuff up on the fly above, but I think you get the idea.
Most of the exporting formats that are needed could really be simplified
down to something minimal like the above.  It'd be much easier than
continually rewriting much of the export process when a lot of it is the
same across multiple back-ends.

I'm not sure it could be applied everywhere.  Certainly there are some
very tricky elements to deal with (and the default, if not defined,
should be to fall back to a straight text conversion).  IE, I'm not sure
the latex backend could be easily rewritten using something like the
above (but hey, you never know).

There are a number of things I'd like to export to something unusual,
and the above would allow that flexibility.  Unfortunately, I don't have
much time, and more importantly don't have the org skill at all to make
it happen.


In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: Suggestion with bad patch for org-remember-templates

2009-01-06 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Mon, 5 Jan 2009 19:41:09 +0100, Carsten Dominik said:

 The only benefit to using another buffer is if the person canceled the
 request (ctrl-g) in mid-selection then the original contents of the
 remember buffer would be unaltered.

CD There are more reasons why it matters.

Ok, I could certainly argue further but it doesn't matter to me which
way it goes.  I'm fine with either way :-)

 In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

CD I do love this citation in your signature..

If you haven't read any of his books, then I strongly suggest you do.
He's a fantastic author full of quips like that.  I have a very hard
time choosing between quotes of his.  I'll change it for this message
for you :-)

Suggested key sequence for you:

ctrl-c r Buy _The Color of Magic_ by /Terry Pratchett/ and read it ctrl-c ctrl-c

The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will
 insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.   -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: Suggestion with bad patch for org-remember-templates

2009-01-05 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Sun, 4 Jan 2009 08:23:04 +0100, Carsten Dominik said:

CD I think it would be better not to use the remember buffer for this,
CD but another, dedicated, temporary buffer.

Why would it matter though?  You're already opening and displaying
it...  Granted, you could stop doing that.

The only benefit to using another buffer is if the person canceled the
request (ctrl-g) in mid-selection then the original contents of the
remember buffer would be unaltered.
In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: Suggestion with bad patch for org-remember-templates

2009-01-05 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Sat, 3 Jan 2009 18:45:36 +, James TD Smith said:

JTS I think I'm about 2/3rds of the way through the refactoring and
JTS adding plist templates.

Thanks for the updates to both of you and I'm very much looking forward
to the new code!

One of the reasons that I have so many remember templates is I almost
always have 2 per subject: one that includes a link to the current spot
in the current buffer and one that doesn't.  Having a multi-stage
selection would certainly fix that aspect of the problem.

JTS I have auto-expanding minibuffers turned on (Emacs 22.2) and
JTS haven't noticed any problems with them, so I'd suggest Wes give
JTS them another try.

FYI, this was under XEmacs and it was a number of years ago (10+
probably) where if you had too long of a potential buffer it would crash
XEmacs (probably when the mini buffer needed to be larger than the
original window size or something).

I'll try again...
In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Suggestion with bad patch for org-remember-templates

2008-12-31 Thread Wes Hardaker

My templates for remind are numerous.  So much that they don't fit in a
single mini-buffer line (and I stopped using auto-expanding minibuffers
years ago when I had issues with it; I suspect it's safer now and I just
haven't tried again).

But anyway, I started thinking: you know...  that *Remember* buffer is
sitting there open and blank when selecting a template.  Can't we put
the list of templates there?  So I hacked together a quick patch to put
the contents in the *Remember* buffer and it works just fine.  I'm not
an expert elisp hacker as I dabble in it only every few years, hence the
reason bad is in the subject line.  It's also left as an exercise to
the reader to make the inserted contents prettier (like a table, rather
than one item per line).

--- org-remember.el.~1~ 2008-10-25 03:57:02.0 -0700
+++ org-remember.el 2008-12-26 06:32:51.0 -0800
@@ -286,7 +286,23 @@
   (string-to-char org-force-remember-template-char)
-  (message Select template: %s
+  (let ((currbuf (current-buffer)))
+(switch-to-buffer remember-buffer t)
+(insert Select template:\n
+ (mapconcat
+  (lambda (x)
+ ((not (string-match \\S- (nth 1 x)))
+  (format   [%c] (car x)))
+ ((equal (downcase (car x))
+ (downcase (aref (nth 1 x) 0)))
+  (format   [%c]%s (car x)
+  (substring (nth 1 x) 1)))
+ (t (format   [%c]%s (car x) (nth 1 x)
+  templates   \n))
+(switch-to-buffer currbuf t))
+(message Select template: %s
 (lambda (x)

In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: crossing out done items

2008-11-13 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Wed, 12 Nov 2008 18:44:12 +0100, Carsten Dominik [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

CD I must admit, this is the first really good argument
CD I hear for using a strikethrough font :-)

A really really really dim font would probably be pretty good too,
though, I'd think.  Something close to the background (similar to how
the initial stars are mostly hidden by probably most users).
In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: OrgmodeTODOs and checkboxes

2008-10-28 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Mon, 27 Oct 2008 20:12:43 +0100, Sebastian Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

SR Empty lines between list items prevent the following items to count.

SR Is this intended?

Your sample file works for me.  However, this one does not.  Maybe your
example didn't match your actual usage.  Note that if you indent the
one one one... line below a space further it starts counting again properly.

-- 8--- snipp ---8

* TODO [1/3] List of TODOs (NOTE: 1/3)

  + [X] one
  + [ ] one
  + [ ] one

* TODO [1/1] List of TODOs (NOTE: 1/1)

  + [X] one one 
  one one one one one one one one one one one one one 

  + [ ] one
  + [ ] one

-- 8--- snipp ---8

In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: bug or missing feature in undone repeating todos?

2008-10-22 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 15:37:51 +0200, Carsten Dominik [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 * TODO foo 2008-10-17 Fri +2d

CD ? The example you had in your mail was:

Yep.  You're right that I blew the example and realized what the issue
was after reading your response.  See, you helped!
In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: Feature request: skip blocked lines in agenda view grid

2008-10-21 Thread Wes Hardaker

Hey, as long as we're shooting for the stars how about.  No, I don't
have the time to code it either...  But I like to dream!

  Saturday, October 18, 2008
Work: 12:00 / Working at office
  13:00 |
Work: 14:00 | / Meeting with client
  15:00 | \
  16:00 \
Church: :30 / Saturday service
:45 |  I give a sermon on org mode
  18:00 \
master:   19:00  People over for supper

In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] bug or missing feature in undone repeating todos?

2008-10-21 Thread Wes Hardaker

I have a bunch of todos that I like to do about every other day so I
do this:

  * TODO foo
SCHEDULED: 2008-10-17 Fri +2d

The problem comes when I missed the date on Friday and am looking at my
agenda on Monday.  I'd like it to show that I'm overdue on that instance
of the task (since I didn't complete it Friday).  The next week,
however, it doesn't show it on the agenda until Tuesday.

IMHO, if today is beyond the date of a repeating todo it should be shown
today regardless of the repeat setting until I reset the date by marking
it done (and having it autoskip forward).

(Actually, while I'm at it is there a way to get it to autoskip 2 days
from today rather than 2 days from the date in the stamp?)

In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: bug or missing feature in undone repeating todos?

2008-10-21 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 08:11:43 +0200, Carsten Dominik [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

CD In my agenda, his entry does show on Monday, as overdue for one day.

Ahh...  the entries I have are straight stamps, not scheduled items.  IE

  * TODO foo 2008-10-17 Fri +2d

I'll go fix that; thanks!
In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: bug or missing feature in undone repeating todos?

2008-10-21 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 08:57:55 +0530, Manish [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

 (Actually, while I'm at it is there a way to get it to autoskip 2 days
 from today rather than 2 days from the date in the stamp?)


Yep.  I knew there had to be a way.  Thanks!
In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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[Orgmode] Re: Feature request: skip blocked lines in agenda view grid

2008-10-20 Thread Wes Hardaker

Hey, as long as we're shooting for the stars how about.  No, I don't
have the time to code it either...  But I like to dream!

  Saturday, October 18, 2008
Work: 12:00 / Working at office
  13:00 |
Work: 14:00 | / Meeting with client
  15:00 | \
  16:00 \
Church: :30 / Saturday service
:45 |  I give a sermon on org mode
  18:00 \
master:   19:00  People over for supper

In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] bug or missing feature in undone repeating todos?

2008-10-20 Thread Wes Hardaker

I have a bunch of todos that I like to do about every other day so I
do this:

  * TODO foo
SCHEDULED: 2008-10-17 Fri +2d

The problem comes when I missed the date on Friday and am looking at my
agenda on Monday.  I'd like it to show that I'm overdue on that instance
of the task (since I didn't complete it Friday).  The next week,
however, it doesn't show it on the agenda until Tuesday.

IMHO, if today is beyond the date of a repeating todo it should be shown
today regardless of the repeat setting until I reset the date by marking
it done (and having it autoskip forward).

(Actually, while I'm at it is there a way to get it to autoskip 2 days
from today rather than 2 days from the date in the stamp?)

In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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Re: [Orgmode] Slides with Org

2008-08-27 Thread Wes Hardaker
 On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 00:27:41 +0200, Sebastian Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

SR For REAL slides a different tool should be written (using jQuery
SR or similar).

FYI, I'd think it'd be pretty trivial to make the latex output support
latex/beamer, which does a great job producing pdf slides.
In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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