Gour <g...@atmarama.net> writes:

> Based on this description it seems that org-contacts is more suitable
> for the task than BBDB(3) offering ability to have custom format, easy
> editing of contacts etc., but I do wonder about scalability considering
> the following post
> (http://www.hardakers.net/code/bbdb-to-org-contacts/) where the author
> of bbdb-to-org-contacts converter wrote: "Once I point org-contacts at
> my newly generated file containing 831 records it make org-contacts
> really really slow down. I wouldn't care about the normal record
> searching process for just looking something up, but it makes loading a
> message in gnus unusable (5 second delay per message)."

FYI, I tried (again) to use org-contacts a while back and still see the
same speed problems.  It's great for small contacts, but not for large.

I think what would be needed would be to read the file and store it in
an elisp structure and then just stat() the file every time a lookup
happened and if it hasn't changed, then use the elisp or else reparse.
It's not like the data should be changing *that* much so it shouldn't
need to be reread a lot.  And it's the parsing/searching that takes too

But I certainly like the org-mode format much much much better than
bbdb(3).  Which I'm still using, unfortunately.
Wes Hardaker                                     
My Pictures:  http://capturedonearth.com/
My Thoughts:  http://pontifications.hardakers.net/

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