[Orgmode] Column view and faces

2009-08-25 Thread christian
Dear orgmode developers and users,

I have some issues concerning column view and faces. 

1. If I increase text scale manually using "C-x C-+" or "M-x
text-scale-increase" the faces of my "normal text" increase, but not the
column view part.
2. If I configure default faces within .emacs just the column title
scales, but not the column view tables content.

Hopefully this is not a RTFM issue, but I was not able to fix this using
the manual.

I am using GNU Emacs 23.1.1 and orgmode 6.29c and did not configure any
orgmode faces.

Thanks for developing orgmode, best regards

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [BUG] Hang on latex preview [9.7-pre (release_9.6.7-661-g34ee6f @ /home/csj7701/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]

2023-08-23 Thread Christian
Following your suggestion, I am able to preview the latex snippets 
without any issue.
I also tried removing org-fragtog from my config and previewing 
manually; I still get an org-element-cache error. I haven't yet 
seen emacs hang without org-fragtog, but I suspect that that is 
just because the latex previews are happening less frequently 
because I'm triggering them manually. Not sure.  
Ihor Radchenko  writes:

Project  writes:

 I take class notes using latex. I
use org-fragtog to automatically
 preview inline latex snippets as I type. My org documents are 

full of small snippets of latex:

Basic Addition

$5+5 = 5\(
 Lately, whenever I write a new latex snippet and move my 
 cursor outside

 the two dollar
signs, instead of rendering the latex, my entire emacs
 instance hangs. I then have to run "pkill emacs",
restart the daemon, go
 back in and run "recover-this-file" to continue my work.

Thanks for the report!
Does the problem happen if you run emacs without your config and 

latex preview? (emacs -Q)

[Orgmode] Re: POLL: Change of keys to move agenda through time

2009-08-25 Thread Christian Egli
Carsten Dominik  writes:

> we have the proposal to do the following key changes in the agenda:
> 1. Make the cursor keys LEFT and RIGHT do normal cursor motion again

No. Why would you want to do cursor motion in the agenda?

> 2. Use the keys "n" and "p" to switch the agenda to earlier
>and later dates.

No. For consistency sake with other modes such as Gnus.


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[Orgmode] Re: Anyway to publish org file to XML file?

2009-11-12 Thread Christian Egli
Water Lin  writes:
> Is it possible to publish org file to XML file in a specific format?

Export to XHTML and then use XSLT to transform it to your specific XML.
Works like a charm.



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[Orgmode] Re: Beamer support in Org-mode

2009-12-02 Thread Christian Egli
Hi Carsten

I've been using org-mode to create a few presentations and found it to
be extremely productive. I use different levels for parts (in the past),
sections and subsections. Beyond that I just use lists. I haven't used
blocks and columns (probably because it wasn't easily possible so far).

Also I use separate org files for all presentations.

http://liblouis.googlecode.com/files/liblouisSlides.pdf and
http://liblouis.googlecode.com/files/liblouisSlides.org for examples

Here's the relevant expert from my .emacs

 '(org-export-latex-classes (quote (("beamer" "\\documentclass[]{beamer}
\\usepackage{hyperref}" ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section{%s}") ("\\subsection{%s}" 
. "\\subsection{%s}") ("\\begin{frame}{%s}" "\\end{frame}" "\\begin{frame}{%s}" 

Carsten Dominik  writes:

> 1. Don't automatically use a specific headline level to create the
> columns
>environment - at least make that configurable.

Generally I like the idea of using the levels as an indication for
beamer. However this needs to be configurable, as I have also used parts
in the past for example.

> 2. Make beamer export force org-export-headline-levels equal org-
> beamer-frame-level,
>so that headlines below the frame level automatically become itemize
>levels, unless modified by tags or properties.

I don't really care about that too much (in fact I think it just
introduces confusion). I just always used lists for bullet points.

> 3. Use meta data to make headlines special, instead of mixing this
>stuff into the.  I first thought this is too hard - but maybe it is
>OK when edited with column view?  Hmm, I am only half-sold on this
> - properties
>are so hard to see when you need them frequently during editing.

This sounds reasonable, as I usually create an outline of the ideas
first and from that create a presentation. Later I might reuse it for a
paper, so I don't really want it to be interspersed with layout

> Thomas asked for the possibility to export a subtree as a
> presentation, with *relative* levels determining functionality.  This
> should be easy - when selection a subtree with `C-c @' and then
> exporting,
> relative levels are already being used now, for any kind of export.

I don't have a need for that as I use separate files for each

Another thing that I tried to use was alerts (and colors) in bullet
points. I seem to remember that it didn't work. I should try again. It
appears that Eric managed to get them to work.

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[Orgmode] Re: Properties and Property Drawers in HTML export

2009-12-03 Thread Christian Egli

Rick Moynihan  writes:
> Would something like the following not be a better format for
> parsing/processing?
> FOO class="property_value_foo">blah
> BAR class="property_value_bar">blah blah

org-export-format-drawer-function might be what you are looking for:

C-h v org-export-format-drawer-function

Function to be called to format the contents of a drawer.
The function must accept three parameters:
  BACKEND  one of the symbols html, docbook, latex, ascii, xoxo
  NAME the drawer name, like "PROPERTIES"
  CONTENT  the content of the drawer.
The function should return the text to be inserted into the buffer.
If this is nil, `org-export-format-drawer' is used as a default.


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[Orgmode] Re: New beamer support

2010-01-06 Thread Christian Lasarczyk
Hi Sébastien and Carsten,

Carsten Dominik wrote:

>> - How to get the TOC repeated when changing of section, with the new
>> item
>>  highlighted?  See my manual essay ;-)
> I don't know!  Isn't this something that can be done with beamer themes?
> I have no idea.

\AtBeginSection[] % Do nothing for \section*
%or \tableofcontents

Should do the job.

Bet regards,

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[Orgmode] Generic export: Missing (?) 'body-section-suffix'

2010-01-07 Thread Christian Lasarczyk
Dear org-developers,

I tried to write a little export filter using the generic export mechanism 
and observed an unexpected -- at least to me -- behavior with 6.33f and git-

Here is the (unfinished) export setting:

 "Contralateral Mindmap"
 '(:file-suffix  ".asy"
 :key-binding  ?C
 ;; For now we just need headers
 :author-export nil
 :tags-export   nil

 :title-format "Node map = Node(\"%s\""

 :body-section-header-prefix  ("\n  " "\n" "\n  "
   "\n" "\n  " "\n  
 :body-section-header-format  ", Node(\"%s\""
 :body-section-suffix ")"
 :body-header-section-numbers nil
 :body-line-format ""
 :body-line-wrap   75

Here is a minimal example (input):
#+TITLE: Mymap
* aaa
** bbb
   Ignore content, ignore content, ignore content
*** ccc
** ddd
*** eee
*** fff
* ggg
* hhh
** iii
** jjj

And here is the exported output:

Node map = Node("Mymap"
  , Node("aaa"
, Node("bbb"
  , Node("ccc"))
, Node("ddd"
  , Node("eee")
  , Node("fff")))
  , Node("ggg")
  , Node("hhh"
, Node("iii")
, Node("jjj"

In my opinion the body-section-suffix [ here =")" ] is missing for all last 
section levels (hhh & jjj), so I expected an additional "))" at the end.

BTW: Is there a way to add a footer? Because I have to add an additional 
");" (not expected to be done by my generic exporter settings yet).

Best regards,


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[Orgmode] Re: OrgmodeGeneric export: Missing (?) 'body-section-suffix'

2010-01-08 Thread Christian Lasarczyk
Dear Wes,

thank you fixing this issue so fast. I will test it, as so as patch is in 
the repository.

Best regards,

Wes Hardaker wrote:

> Here's a patch to fix this (Carsten: can you apply it to your git tree?)

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[Orgmode] Re: How to combine the analogue (Moleskine) world with digital (org-mode) world ?

2010-01-25 Thread Christian Egli
Manish  writes:

> I am also beginning with something similar.  My plan is to print the
> day's agenda every morning (or previous night) and may be fold it
> like pocketmod [1] using Christian Egli's org2pocketMod [2].  Then

org2pocketMod has been renamed to org2hpda and has been included in
org-mode for ages (see

I'm not using it anymore, so I can't comment on its usefulness.

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

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[Orgmode] very small font in column view mode

2010-02-09 Thread Christian Wittern
Hi there,

I have been using Org-mode for three years now and everything worked so
perfect or was explained to excruciating detail in the manual that I never
had to write to the mailing list with a question.  However, as the usage
scenario of Org-mode expands (and in fact threatens to take over most of my
life), it seems that I finally arrived at a murky area:

When entering column-view mode, all of a sudden the font for the item to be
displayed becomes very small.  I see a header list for the columns at the
top of the file in normal size, but the item itself is barely readibly, such
a tiny font has been chosen.  I looked all over the place for any suspects,
but could not identify any.  What might be the reason and what kind of cure
is necessary to overcome this problem?

Any help appreciated,


P.S. And before I forget:  Many thanks to Carsten Dominik and the whole Org
community for such a marvelous tool!

 Christian Wittern, Kyoto

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Re: [Orgmode] very small font in column view mode

2010-02-09 Thread Christian Wittern

Hi Giovanni,

On 2010-02-09 18:16, Giovanni Ridolfi wrote:

Christian Wittern  writes:


When entering column-view mode, all of a sudden the font for the item to be
displayed becomes very small.

  well, I did M-x describe-fontset, so I *think* my fonts are:

  -outline-Courier New-normal-normal-normal-mono-13-*-*-*-c-*-fontset-startup


For me, the same would be

Fontset: -*-Monaco-normal-normal-normal-*-18-*-*-*-m-0-fontset-auto1

If I say C-u C-x = on other parts of the buffer, I get a font like this

mac-ct:-*-Monaco-normal-normal-normal-*-18-*-*-*-m-0-iso10646-1 (#x26)

but on column-view lines, I get

mac-ct:-*-Monaco-normal-normal-normal-*-12-*-*-*-m-0-iso10646-1 (#x0D)

which is much smaller than what I am used to.

BTW, I forgot to say, this is Emacs 23 on a Mac .

Are you referring to agenda column view?

No, my use case is more along the CD database in the manual, except that 
I am working on a catalog of texts.  Occasional it is useful to get an 
overview by displaying all entries in a table, hence I got interested in 

All the best,


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] very small font in column view mode

2010-02-09 Thread Christian Wittern

On 2010-02-09 19:42, Carsten Dominik wrote:

Hi Christian,

for a possible solution, please study the docstring of the face 
A wonderful, this is exactly what I need.  And it might be that 
something, maybe a color-theme, inadvertly had changed this, because 
customize tells me that it had been changed outside of customize.  So it 
might be that the culprit was not Org-mode at all?  I have to admit I 
don't really understand what's going on, except that my problem is 
solved now.  Hurray!


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[Orgmode] remember template with prompting for different note files possible?

2010-02-11 Thread Christian Wittern
Hi there,

I am keeping snippets of various information gems in note files, which are
selected by topic, e.g emacs.txt for Emacs related stuff, python.txt for
python stuff, machine-name.txt for stuff to do with the setup and
maintenance of that machine and so on.  I would now like to move this over
to org-mode and remember.  Now I would like to be able to select the right
file from a list of files and then possible define a topic.  From the
dacumentation, it seems that this is not possible; I would have to collect
them first and file them, which is what I am doing now with ideas, todo
items and so fort.   But maybe somebody here as an idea how this can be

All the best,


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Problem with org-mac-protocol

2010-02-16 Thread Christian Zang
Dear list,

I installed org-mac-protocol according to the instructions in 
org-mac-protocol.org on Mac OS X 10.6 with Emacs CVS 23 and a very recent pull 
of org-mode from git. 

With my setup, there seems to be a problem with the AppleScript part of the 
implementation I cannot track down. If I call any of the scripts (org-link 
etc.) I get no reaction but a short deactivation of the frontmost window.

The corresponding console-messages are:

16.02.10 09:26:01   AppleScript Runner[8640]Error loading 
/Users/christian/Library/ScriptingAdditions/URI Escape.osax/Contents/MacOS/URI 
Escape:  dlopen(/Users/christian/Library/ScriptingAdditions/URI 
Escape.osax/Contents/MacOS/URI Escape, 262): no suitable image found.  Did find:
Escape.osax/Contents/MacOS/URI Escape: no matching architecture in universal 


16.02.10 09:26:01   [0x0-0x2dd2dd].com.apple.AppleScriptRunner[8640]
AppleScript Runner: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition 
"/Users/christian/Library/ScriptingAdditions/URI Escape.osax" declares no 
loadable handlers.

This results in the variable theScript not being set, and emacsclient is not 
called at all. If I remove any calls to URI Escape from getItemMetadata, 
emacsclient gets called.

Any ideas? Thanks!


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Re: [Orgmode] Problem with org-mac-protocol

2010-02-16 Thread Christian Zang
Am 16.02.2010 um 11:58 schrieb Christopher Suckling:

> The problem is that I haven't updated the distribution for 10.6. The URI
> Escape osax doesn't work on Snow Leopard.
> I've replaced it with a small Ruby script to do all the escaping and you
> can find the latest versions at github (may be buggy and the
> documentation is out of date):
> http://github.com/claviclaws/org-mac-protocol
> Note that the .applescript files will need opening in Script Editor and
> resaving as .scpt files.
Brilliant, thanks, that works!


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[Orgmode] PROPERTIES before the first headline

2010-02-17 Thread Christian Wittern
Hi there,

Extending my use of org-mode has left me running into another wall:  I would
like to set some custom properties globally for the whole file, before
everything else.  There does not seem to be a way to do this

#+PROPERTY myprop don't ask

and having the :PROPERTY: drawer after the #+ lines also does not seem to
work:  Whenever I try to use the API functions to get at the property, I am
told that I am before the first headling (which I know).  So, is this
behavior intentional?  And if yes, is there a way to work around this?

All the best,


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] PROPERTIES before the first headline

2010-02-17 Thread Christian Wittern
Hi Stephan,

Thanks, your comments were very helpful!

On 2010-02-17 23:01, Stephan Schmitt wrote:
> #+PROPERTY: myprop don't ask
I in fact had it like this, but made the spelling error in the mail...

> (don't forget to refresh the buffer
> setup by typing C-c C-c with the cursor
> in that line).
And I completely forgot about this! Thanks for reminding me!

> Then the call
> (org-entry-get (point) "myprop" t)
> returns "don't ask".  Note the third
> argument (t), which allows inheritance.
Great! I got this working with the latest org-mode from git, the one
that came with my Emacs apparently was too old.

Anyhow, I am a happy camper now.--


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[Orgmode] latex export on mac os x with xelatex

2010-02-21 Thread Christian Wittern
Dear Orgmode users,

I am trying to get Latex export working on a Mac OS X system.  I have
installed MacTex with the whole texlive tree.  I added the path to these
binaries to exec-path like so:

(if (eq window-system 'mac)
(add-to-list 'exec-path "/usr/local/texlive/2009/bin/universal-darwin")

and can confirm that it is indeed picked up and existing in the exec-path.

However, org-export-as-pdf does not manage to produce a pdf.

Next I customized the variable to include the path so that I have

"/usr/local/texlive/2009/bin/universal-darwin/xelatex -interaction
nonstopmode %s" (on one line) as the value of org-latex-to-pdf-process.

Now the xelatex command runs, but the next step fails, since xelatex can not
convert its intermediate file to a pdf, so I get as the first line in the
buffer *Org PDF Latex Output* :

sh: xdvipdfmx: command not found

But now I have no idea where to go to tell orgmode how to find the command
-- someting seems to be seriously wrong (or I am misunderstanding how stuff
is supposed to work) so any help would be appreciated.

All the best,


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: latex export on mac os x with xelatex

2010-02-22 Thread Christian Wittern
Hi there,

For the benefit of later visitors, here is how I worked around the problem
for the moment:

orgmode seems to ignore the exec-path, so I looked at the result of
(getenv "PATH"), which was very little. Saying

(setenv "PATH" (concat "/usr/local/texlive/2009/bin/universal-darwin:"
(getenv "PATH")))

in my .emacs solved the problem, the latex export now happily works its way
to the texlive programs and does what it needs to do.  So I suspect this is
some kind of setup problem that might be specific to my installation.  I
will see if I can find out more once I have a little time.

Thanks for your time:-)

All the best,


On 2010-02-22 16:34, Christian Wittern wrote:
> Dear Orgmode users,
> I am trying to get Latex export working on a Mac OS X system.  I have
> installed MacTex with the whole texlive tree.  I added the path to these
> binaries to exec-path like so:
> (if (eq window-system 'mac)
>  (add-to-list 'exec-path "/usr/local/texlive/2009/bin/universal-darwin")
> )
> and can confirm that it is indeed picked up and existing in the exec-path.
> However, org-export-as-pdf does not manage to produce a pdf.
> Next I customized the variable to include the path so that I have
> "/usr/local/texlive/2009/bin/universal-darwin/xelatex -interaction
> nonstopmode %s" (on one line) as the value of org-latex-to-pdf-process.
> Now the xelatex command runs, but the next step fails, since xelatex can not
> convert its intermediate file to a pdf, so I get as the first line in the
> buffer *Org PDF Latex Output* :
> sh: xdvipdfmx: command not found
> But now I have no idea where to go to tell orgmode how to find the command
> -- someting seems to be seriously wrong (or I am misunderstanding how stuff
> is supposed to work) so any help would be appreciated.
> All the best,
> Christian

 Christian Wittern
 Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
 47 Higashiogura-cho, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8265, JAPAN

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[Orgmode] Link-protocols

2010-02-26 Thread Christian Zang
Dear all,

I use org-mode for notes, and DEVONthink and Papers on the mac for storing 
reference material. I want to add links to entries in DEVONthink and Papers to 
my org-files, but org doesn't understand links like




However, when I paste these links into my browser, the desired documents open 
in the respective app. 

Is there a way to add these "protocols" to the protocols org can handle? I 
looked into org-follow-link, but couldn't come up with a solution.


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Re: [Orgmode] Link-protocols

2010-02-27 Thread Christian Zang
Am 26.02.2010 um 18:18 schrieb Anthony Lander:

> On 10-Feb-26, at 8:57 AM, Christian Zang wrote:
>> I use org-mode for notes, and DEVONthink and Papers on the mac for storing 
>> reference material. I want to add links to entries in DEVONthink and Papers 
>> to my org-files, but org doesn't understand links like
>> papers://doi/10.1038/463860a
>> or
>> x-devonthink-item://6EB3DF6A-9B0D-4D26-A7D3-86D0B589E455
>> However, when I paste these links into my browser, the desired documents 
>> open in the respective app.
>> Is there a way to add these "protocols" to the protocols org can handle? I 
>> looked into org-follow-link, but couldn't come up with a solution.
> Hi Christian,
> Here is a snippet I use for opening Together links (another mac organizer):
> --
> (org-add-link-type "x-together-item" 'org-together-item-open)
> (defun org-together-item-open (uid)
>  "Open the given uid, which is a reference to an item in Together"
>  (shell-command (concat "open \"x-together-item:" uid "\"")))
> ---
> I suspect that this can be adapted for your purposes as well.
> Regards,
>  --Anthony

Hi Anthony,

thanks for the snippet, it works perfectly with DEVONthink, but not with 
Papers.app. I suppose because the Papers-link contains slashes and might not be 
a proper uid...


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Re: [Orgmode] Link-protocols

2010-03-01 Thread Christian Zang
Hi Anthony,

thanks a lot - that works! Indeed, the org-mailing-list is one of the nicest 
places on the 'web!


Am 01.03.2010 um 17:43 schrieb Anthony Lander:

> Hi Christian,
> Just some small errors in the papers code. Try this instead:
> (org-add-link-type "papers" 'org-papers-item-open)
> (defun org-papers-item-open (url)
> "Open the given uid, which is a reference to an item in Papers"
> (shell-command (concat "open \"papers:" url "\"")))
> 'org-add-link-type needs the name of the protocol, so in this case 'papers', 
> as that is the protocol part of the link. Also, there was a missed bad 
> variable reference: you renamed uid to url, but missed the reference in the 
> shell command accidentally.
> Anyway, this code should work. Please let me know one way or another.
> Best regards,
>  -Anthony
> On 28-Feb-10, at 3:18 AM, Christian Zang wrote:
>> Hi Anthony,
>> thanks a lot for your interest in that specific problem.
>> Am 27.02.2010 um 14:37 schrieb Anthony Lander:
>>> On 10-Feb-27, at 3:10 AM, Christian Zang wrote:
>>>> Am 26.02.2010 um 22:50 schrieb Anthony Lander:
>>>>> Hmm... that's weird. Can you get papers.app to open the link from the 
>>>>> command line with 'open'? I figured it out the format with Together by 
>>>>> using the "copy item link" command. You could also try dragging the link 
>>>>> from the app to the terminal and see what it pastes. Or if none of those 
>>>>> work, you can try do some applescripting to try to figure it out.
>>>> In Terminal "open" works just fine with the papers://... link, and so does 
>>>> pasting the link into a browser. I am a little bit confused, maybe I 
>>>> should look into applescript.
>>> Well, if 'open' works from the command line, then I suspect the bug is 
>>> somewhere else. If you send me the code you modified for papers.app and a 
>>> small org file with a link in it, I'll take a look at it to see if there is 
>>> something missing in the org setup. Also, which emacs and which org 
>>> versions are you using?
>> Please find attached the part of my .emacs where I put the modified code, 
>> and an org-file with links. And: I am using the emacs 23.1.92 build from 
>> http://emacsformacosx.com/ with org-mode 6.34trans.
>> Thanks!
>> Best,
>> Christian

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[Orgmode] problem with org-remember

2010-03-06 Thread Christian Wittern
Hi there,

Today I stumbled over a strange problem, to which I did not found a
solution.  I am using Emacs 23 on Mac OS X and on Ubuntu (9.10) with a
nearly identical setup (thanks Dropbox!).
On the Mac machines, remembering with org-remember works wonderful and
makes me happy; but on the Ubuntu side, I am running in an error
"wrong-number-of arguments", which can be traced to the following call
(org-remember-mode 1) in this form:

;; Turn on org-mode in the remember buffer, set local variables
(let ((org-inhibit-startup t)) (org-mode) (org-remember-mode 1))
(if (and file (string-match "\\S-" file) (not (file-directory-p file)))
(org-set-local 'org-default-notes-file file))
  (this starts on line 543 in the current version of this morning)

The call itself looks unsuspicious to my inexperienced I and I have
now idea why Emacs would complain about it in Ubuntu and not in Mac
(there is a very slight difference of about two weeks between
compiling them), so I really have no idea what went wrong and how to
fix it.

As always, any help appreciated,

Christian Wittern, Kyoto

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[Orgmode] Re: problem with org-remember

2010-03-06 Thread Christian Wittern
Replying to myself here, Mr Google told me that this seems to be a bug
in my Emacs version.  Recompiling a more recent pretest made the
problem go away.  Sorry for the noise and happy orging,


On 6 March 2010 11:40, Christian Wittern  wrote:
> Hi there,
> Today I stumbled over a strange problem, to which I did not found a
> solution.  I am using Emacs 23 on Mac OS X and on Ubuntu (9.10) with a
> nearly identical setup (thanks Dropbox!).
> On the Mac machines, remembering with org-remember works wonderful and
> makes me happy; but on the Ubuntu side, I am running in an error
> "wrong-number-of arguments", which can be traced to the following call
> (org-remember-mode 1) in this form:
>        ;; Turn on org-mode in the remember buffer, set local variables
>        (let ((org-inhibit-startup t)) (org-mode) (org-remember-mode 1))
>        (if (and file (string-match "\\S-" file) (not (file-directory-p file)))
>            (org-set-local 'org-default-notes-file file))
> ---
>  (this starts on line 543 in the current version of this morning)
> The call itself looks unsuspicious to my inexperienced I and I have
> now idea why Emacs would complain about it in Ubuntu and not in Mac
> (there is a very slight difference of about two weeks between
> compiling them), so I really have no idea what went wrong and how to
> fix it.
> As always, any help appreciated,
> Christian
> --
> Christian Wittern, Kyoto

Christian Wittern, Kyoto

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[Orgmode] org-beamer: How to get items appear sequentially rather than all at once

2010-03-23 Thread Christian Wittern
Hello Org-mode users,

I am trying to prepare a presentation with org-mode.  So far, I got it
working by changing the sample file on the website until it looks like I
need it.  However, I did not manage to get the points on a slide to appear
one after the other, they are always there at once.   The problem might be
that I know next to nothing about LateX and the way the org-beamer exporter
works.  I read somewhere that a "\pause" statement after the \item should do
the trick and I can get it do what I want, if I insert it into the LaTeX
source after running the export, but I would like to have it working
directly in one go from my org-mode document.  How do I need to set up the
environment in order to get the points on the slides appear one after the other?

Any help appreciated,


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Re: [Orgmode] org-beamer: How to get items appear sequentially rather than all at once

2010-03-23 Thread Christian Wittern

On 2010-03-24 1:08, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Aloha Christian,

Please see the beamer documentation for 
\beamerdefaultoverlayspecification.  You can likely set it to yield 
the behavior you're after.

Hmm, there does not seem to be such a thing as 
\beamerdefaultoverlayspecification.  The only place where default 
overlays are mentioned is in connection with BEAMER_envargs.  But when I 
try the following, I do not get the expected results:

#+STARTUP: beamer
#+LaTeX_CLASS: beamer
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [presentation]
#+BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA: \usetheme{default}\usecolortheme{default}
#+COLUMNS: %40ITEM %10BEAMER_env(Env) %10BEAMER_envargs(Env Args) 
%4BEAMER_col(Col) %8BEAMER_extra(Extra)

#+OPTIONS: toc:nil

* Frame 1
** This point should appear first
:BEAMER_envargs: \pause

** And this point should be second
:BEAMER_envargs: \pause

I guess I dont really understand how this is supposed to work, so a 
minimal example would be much appreciated!


 Christian Wittern
 Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
 47 Higashiogura-cho, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8265, JAPAN

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[Orgmode] Re: org-beamer: How to get items appear sequentially rather than all at once

2010-03-23 Thread Christian Wittern

Dear Matt,

On 2010-03-24 9:01, Matt Lundin wrote:

You need to set the default overlay argument on the frame (i.e., [<+-]).
This instructs LaTeX to create slides that reveal the items in the frame
one by one.

If you want to enable this behavior for all slides, you can place the
following line before the first heading:

#+beamer: \beamerdefaultoverlayspecification{<+->}


Thanks for your explanation.  I got it now!

See section 9.6.3 of the beamer manual (Action Specifications) for more
Sorry, I did not realize there was a separate manual for beamer.  I will 
go hunting now!

All the best,


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Switch language on heading lines in Latex export (was Re: [Orgmode] Re: org-beamer: How to get items appear sequentially rather than all at once)

2010-03-24 Thread Christian Wittern
Dear Darlan,

Thanks for your detailed explanation.  I now got it working and am
really happy with it.

Now there is one remaining problem with my presentation (which is
different, which is why I changed the header line):  I do have some
words on some heading line that are in a different language and need
to be set in a different font.  To achieve that, I have customized the
beamer section in org-export-latex-classes to set up a new font etc,
this can now be switched on with {\J XX } to put XX into the desired
Japanese Font.   However, when I do this, I get the {} brackets
escaped so they appear in the output (I do get the right font).  So I
wonder how I can pass this literal LaTeX through in the export.

I looked at the manual, where it talks about literal LaTeX,  but the
use cases there seem to work only on lines by themselves, not in the
middle of a header line.  But since this is org-mode, I am sure there
must be a (obvious) solution which I am just failing to see

As always, any help appreciated


Christian Wittern, Kyoto

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Re: Switch language on heading lines in Latex export (was Re: [Orgmode] Re: org-beamer: How to get items appear sequentially rather than all at once)

2010-03-25 Thread Christian Wittern


Thank you again.  I think I understand the problem now.

On 2010-03-25 20:02, Darlan Cavalcante Moreira wrote:

Summarizing, define your macros as Latex macros instead of TeX ones and
they should work. That is, something like \J{XXX}.

Currently, the definition is

If I say \J{XX} in my documents, org-mode's latex export does the right 
thing and I get what I need, so does this definition as you call it also 
define a LaTeX macro?  Or is this just pure luck?  Still mystified by 
all this, but very glad that I can say goodbye to WYSWIG presentation 

All the best,


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[Orgmode] Re: Bug: LaTeX export of plain lists inside description lists [6.34trans]

2010-03-29 Thread Christian Egli
Günter Kolousek  writes:

> + one plain list item
> + just another one
> here follows a plain paragraph
> + and another new plain list
> + second item

AFAIK this is a know bug in the LaTeX exporter which is hard to fix.
Search the archives for a more detailed explanation.


Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

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[Orgmode] [ANN] Exporter for taskjuggler

2010-03-30 Thread Christian Egli

Hi all

In theory we're developing according to agile methods here, but in
practice people still want to see the classic waterfall project plan.

So in order to create a professional looking gant and resource usage
charts I implemented an exporter from org-mode to TaskJuggler
(http://www.taskjuggler.org/). The code is attached and I'm looking for
feedback and would love to get this integrated in the org-mode

TaskJuggler uses a text format to define projects, tasks and resources,
so it is a natural fit for org-mode. It can produce all sorts of reports
for tasks or resources in either HTML, CSV or PDF. The current version
of TaskJuggler requires KDE but the next version is implemented in Ruby
and should therefore run on any platform.

The exporter is a bit different from other exporters, such as the HTML
and LaTeX exporters for example, in that it does not export all the
nodes of a document or strictly follow the order of the nodes in the

Instead the TaskJuggler exporter looks for a tree that defines the
tasks and a optionally tree that defines the resources for this
project. It then creates a TaskJuggler file based on these trees
and the attributes defined in all the nodes.

* Installation

Put the attached file into your load-path and the following line into
your ~/.emacs:

  (require 'org-taskjuggler)

The interactive functions are similar to those of the HTML and LaTeX

M-x `org-export-as-taskjuggler'
M-x `org-export-as-taskjuggler-and-open'

* Tasks

Let's illustrate the usage with a small example. Create your tasks as
you usually do with org-mode. Assign efforts to each task using
properties (it's easiest to do this in the column view). You should end
up with something similar to the example by Peter Jones in
Now mark the top node of your tasks with a tag named
"taskjuggler_project" (or whatever you customized
`org-export-taskjuggler-project-tag' to). You are now ready to export
the project plan with `org-export-as-taskjuggler-and-open' which will
export the project plan and open a gant chart in TaskJugglerUI.

* Resources

Next you can define resources and assign those to work on specific
tasks. You can group your resources hierarchically. Tag the top node of
the resources with "taskjuggler_resource" (or whatever you customized
`org-export-taskjuggler-resource-tag' to). You can optionally assign an
ID to the resources (using the standard org properties commands) or you
can let the exporter generate IDs automatically (the exporter picks the
first word of the headline as the ID as long as it is unique). Using
that ID you can then allocate resources to tasks. This is again done
with the "allocate" property on the tasks. Do this in column view or
when on the task type

 C-c C-x p allocate RET  RET

Once the allocations are done you can again export to TaskJuggler and
check in the Resource Allocation Graph which person is working on what
task at what time.

* Export of properties

The exporter also takes TODO state information into consideration, i.e.
if a task is marked as done it will have the corresponding attribute in
TaskJuggler ("complete 100"). Also it will export any property on a task
resource or resource node which is known to TaskJuggler, such as limits,
vacation, shift, booking, efficiency, journalentry, rate for resources
or account, start, note, duration, end, journalentry, milestone,
reference, responsible, scheduling, etc for tasks.

* Dependencies

The exporter will handle dependencies that are defined in the tasks
either with the ORDERED attribute (see TODO dependencies in the Org mode
manual) or with the BLOCKER attribute (see org-depend.el) or
alternatively with a depends attribute. Both the BLOCKER and the depends
attribute can be either "previous-sibling" or a reference to an ID which
is defined for another task in the project.


Description: TaskJuggler exporter

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland
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Re: [Orgmode] [ANN] Exporter for taskjuggler

2010-04-06 Thread Christian Egli
Hi Carsten

Thanks for your reply. I've been a bit stumped by the zero feedback on
the mailing list. Maybe I should have added a few screenshots of fancy
gant and resource usage charts :-).

Carsten Dominik  writes:

> Hi Christian, this look interesting.  Should we put this
> into the contrib directory for now, or are you aiming
> for the Org-mode core?

I'm getting all the paper work for the assignments done, so I guess we
could put it into the core. I suppose this would give it more

What more do you need for integration in the core? 

  - Patches for the Makefile and modules customization?
  - A section in the manual?

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

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[Orgmode] Re: [ANN] Exporter for taskjuggler

2010-04-06 Thread Christian Egli

T Helms  writes:

> If you had a few more example sub-trees, it would help.

If you have some org-mode files which describe a project including
effort estimates (as properties) and maybe some textual dependency
description I would gladly turn them into an example.

Otherwise I can see if I can anonymize the project I'm working on.

> How difficult would it be to add gap duration to the export?

Ah, didn't think of that. Good question. Right now dependencies are
generated on export based on either ORDERED, BLOCKER or depends
properties. I guess if you had a property section as follows

:Effort:   03:00
:BLOCKER:  posting_controller { gapduration 5d }

the part enclosed inside {} should not be interpreted as an additional
dependency but instead as a gap duration specification. Should be
doable. I'll add it to the list.

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

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[Orgmode] Re: orgcard.txt in Makefile

2010-04-13 Thread Christian Egli

Nathan Neff  writes:

> I'd like to use the orgcard.txt file that's included in the org-mode source.
> I like being able to search through a text file for relevant keyboard
> shortcuts.
> It doesn't seem like it's been updated since org version 6.10.
> I tried running make doc, but I don't think that orgcard.txt is generated in
> the "make doc" task.

AFAIK It is not.

> Is orgcard.txt generated from orgcard.tex?  If so, can anyone tell me how
> to do it?

I presume that it is converted by hand. I tried a few automated tools
(pdftotext, latex2html + w3m) but they all give very bad results.

I would recommend to either

  a) compare the existing orgcard.pdf and orgcard.txt and update the
 existing orgcard.txt accordingly or
  b) cut'n'paste the text from a pdf viewer into emacs and do some magic
 with rectangles (as the text is in three columns) to achieve the
 desired result.

Then submit the newest orgcard.txt as a patch so you will not have to
keep it locally.


Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

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[Orgmode] Loosing tasks with remember

2010-04-13 Thread Christian Zang
Dear org-enthusiasts,

I have a remember template to file away quick notes and todos that looks like

(setq org-remember-templates
  '(("Todo" ?t "*** TODO %?\n %i\n" "~/Org/inbox.org" "Inbox")))

When a invoke a remember buffer and write something like

*** TODO Task 1

*** TODO Task 2

and file it away in my inbox.org file using C-c C-c everything is fine, but 
when I choose a different headline (level 2) via C-1 C-c C-c, only the first of 
the two tasks will get filed under the chosen headline, the other one 

Is this the intended behaviour? Or am I overlooking an important variable, or 
lies the problem in my template? If so, what can I do to change my setup, so 
that every task will get filed under the chosen headline?

I am using the latest org-mode (pulled from git 10 min ago) with emacs 23.1 on 
Mac OS X 10.6. 



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[Orgmode] Re: Implementing Kanban in Org-mode

2010-04-14 Thread Christian Egli
Rick Moynihan  writes:

> I've recently taken an interest in Kanban, as a means of organising
> tasks in a team.  I was wondering if anyone here has tried doing this
> with org-mode, and if they have any tips.
> I can imagine org's TODO_SEQ's map nicely onto the columns in a Kanban
> task board.

They do, yes. Very interesting idea.

> It might even be possible to integrate org-mode with something like
> this html simple kanban board:
> http://www.simple-kanban.com/

I could envision a simple solution where you export your tasks via an
dynamic block and insert that into the text area of the simple kanban
board. But that is a one way solution and fails if people start dragging
the tasks around. How does this information get back into the org file?

Maybe something simpler that is not editable as a view of the tasks and
their state, i.e. a simple static html kanban board. This could be done
again with some hacking based on a dynamic block and exporting this as
csv or you could hack up some elisp creating the html based on the
mapping API[1].

> Also how might Emacs org-mode be able to render a kanban board view?
> Would it be possible to use something like the agenda to do this and
> shuffle the tasks about?

Could you not just use the the global TODO list[2] and sort the tasks by
TODO state?


[1]  http://orgmode.org/manual/Using-the-mapping-API.html#Using-the-mapping-API
[2]  http://orgmode.org/manual/Global-TODO-list.html#Global-TODO-list

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Loosing tasks with remember

2010-04-14 Thread Christian Zang
Thanks, Bernt,

ok, invoking remember a couple of times in sequence is what I wanted to avoid 
in the first place, but  refiling a complete tree is a good idea and might work 
for my purposes.


Am 14.04.2010 um 03:55 schrieb Bernt Hansen:

> Christian Zang  writes:
>> Dear org-enthusiasts,
>> I have a remember template to file away quick notes and todos that looks like
>> (setq org-remember-templates
>>  '(("Todo" ?t "*** TODO %?\n %i\n" "~/Org/inbox.org" "Inbox")))
>> When a invoke a remember buffer and write something like
>> *** TODO Task 1
>> *** TODO Task 2
>> and file it away in my inbox.org file using C-c C-c everything is fine, but 
>> when I choose a different headline (level 2) via C-1 C-c C-c, only the first 
>> of the two tasks will get filed under the chosen headline, the other one 
>> disappears.
>> Is this the intended behaviour? Or am I overlooking an important variable, 
>> or lies the problem in my template? If so, what can I do to change my setup, 
>> so that every task will get filed under the chosen headline?
>> I am using the latest org-mode (pulled from git 10 min ago) with emacs 23.1 
>> on Mac OS X 10.6. 
>> Thanks!
> Hi Christian,
> Yes this is intended behaviour (sort of).  Remember mode is designed for
> one task three per filing operation.  I think it files multiple tasks in
> the default save configuration but if you file to a target only the
> first task is filed.
> To work around this I would either invoke remember multiple times, one
> for each task or provide a parent task to hold your multiple TODO
> entries like this
> * TODO refile task
> ** TODO Task 1
> ** TODO Task 2
> then you refile the entire tree to the target destination.
> HTH,
> Bernt
> ___
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Re: [O] Should the default for org-table-use-standard-references be `from' instead of `t'

2011-03-02 Thread Christian Moe


+1 for `from'.

Meanwhile, I'm off to customize org-table-use-standard-references, now 
that I'm aware I have a choice.



On 3/2/11 5:55 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:


Subject says it all:

Should the default for org-table-use-standard-references be `from' instead of 

I am using `from' because I am confused by the switching back and forth between
standard references like A4 and the @r$c operator Org uses.

- Carsten
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Re: [O] Table rows and ranges as LHS of formulas

2011-03-02 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Carsten,

Yes, it's really neat.

I just realized, though, that there *is* an equally clean way to 
generate such tables in OOo Calc (which the Org spreadsheet has all 
but replaced for my needs):

- Place 1 in cell B1. Drag across to get 1-10 in cells B1:K1.
- Place 1 in cell A2. Drag down to get 1-10 in cells A2:A11.
- In cell B2, type the formula =B1:K1*A2:A11. Do NOT press Enter, 
press Ctrl-Shift-Enter (or Cmd-Shift-Enter on Mac) to make it an 
"array formula" (it presents as {=B1:K1*A2:A11}).

- Hey presto, the table is filled.


On 3/2/11 6:31 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:

Hi Christian,

thanks for the great example!  I guess this is really something
Org has over other spreadsheets.  No copy-and-paste-with-modification,

> just a single formula.

- Carsten

On 2.3.2011, at 17:11, Christian Moe wrote:


Row formulas are great! I've missed this, but learned to work around it, since 
I I just assumed that if you hadn't already done it, it was not a reasonable 
thing to ask for.

Testing... So now we can simply do e.g.:

#+CAPTION: A multiplication table
|| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
|  1 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   ||
|  2 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   ||
|  3 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   ||
|  4 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   ||
|  5 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   ||
|  6 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   ||
|  7 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   ||
|  8 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   ||
|  9 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   ||
| 10 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   ||
#+TBLFM: @2$2..@11$11=@1*$1

C-c C-c...and hey presto:

#+CAPTION: A multiplication table
||  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |  8 |  9 |  10 |
|  1 |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |  8 |  9 |  10 |
|  2 |  2 |  4 |  6 |  8 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 |  20 |
|  3 |  3 |  6 |  9 | 12 | 15 | 18 | 21 | 24 | 27 |  30 |
|  4 |  4 |  8 | 12 | 16 | 20 | 24 | 28 | 32 | 36 |  40 |
|  5 |  5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 |  50 |
|  6 |  6 | 12 | 18 | 24 | 30 | 36 | 42 | 48 | 54 |  60 |
|  7 |  7 | 14 | 21 | 28 | 35 | 42 | 49 | 56 | 63 |  70 |
|  8 |  8 | 16 | 24 | 32 | 40 | 48 | 56 | 64 | 72 |  80 |
|  9 |  9 | 18 | 27 | 36 | 45 | 54 | 63 | 72 | 81 |  90 |
| 10 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90 | 100 |
#+TBLFM: @2$2..@11$11=@1*$1


On 3/1/11 3:28 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:

Hi everyone,

A frequently requested feature for tables has been to
be able to define row formulas in a way similar to column
formulas.  The patch below allows things like


as the left hand side for table formulas in order to
write a formula that is valid for an entire column or
for a rectangular section in a table.

Note that in contrast to column formulas, @3= will not
automatically skip a "header column" or field formulas in the
same row.  In fact, making both a range formula and a field
point to the same field is forbidden and throws an error.
So to have a formula apply to all but the first column, use
something like this:


Testing is welcome, but I am confident that this works
pretty well.

Bastien, please let me know if you want to have this integrated
before the release, then I will do so.

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Re: [O] embed markdown?

2011-03-10 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Fred,

About Github's markup library and org plugin (not Pandoc), see

If it's just the ascii-art representation of the directory tree you 
want, you can wrap it in an example block. From your example:

 |-- config.clj
 `-- resources
 |-- posts
 |   |-- 2009-04-17-back-up-and-restore-a-mysql-database.markdown
 |   |-- 2010-02-10-a-simple-clojure-irc-client.markdown
 |   `-- 2010-08-02-using-clojure-contrib-generic-interfaces.markdown
 |-- public
 |   `-- 404.html
 |-- site
 |   `-- index.markdown
 `-- templates
 `-- default.clj

If you want fancier output, you may want to look into using ditaa or 
Graphviz dot with org-babel.


On 3/10/11 9:09 AM, Fred Concklin wrote:

Hi all,

I'm Fred and I just joined the list.

I've been using github for a little bit and really like their parsing
of org-mode files on the web[1]. I was converting a markdown file to
org-mode wasn't able to figure out how to convert a directory
hierarchy from Md.

I've attached links to show you what I mean. Let me know if anybody
has any thoughts. Maybe tables? It all comes down to how github
renders org on their site in this case.

Is there a way to embed markdown as code inside of org?

unrendered-md: https://github.com/nakkaya/static/raw/master/README.md
rendered-md: https://github.com/nakkaya/static/blob/master/README.md
org-mode: https://github.com/fconcklin/static/blob/master/readme.org

Thanks all,

[1] I assume they're running pandoc on the backend. However, there are a few
shortcomings. For instance, the #+begin_src sh tag doesn't display as
code on the web.

Re: [O] Org expert mode?

2011-03-10 Thread Christian Moe

On 3/10/11 2:12 PM, Rustom Mody wrote:

But I wonder if there are really too many experts as against users
whose patterns of usage are expert in one area and noob in others.


I've been using a fair number of (what I think of as) Org power tools, 
including Org-Babel, the Properties API, custom link definitions etc.

But with Agenda views, for example, `C-c a a' is just about all I've 

Someday I'll need more of the Agenda's power and complexity, and when 
that happens I'd like it to be there, staring me in the face.

So while I'm not quite clear what an expert-mode would entail, I 
suspect it would probably not be something I'd want.


[O] [Workaround] Escaping false list items

2011-03-11 Thread Christian Moe


Back to the problem with e.g. "2011. " being interpreted as a list 
item when it happens to be at the beginning of a line:

After a bad experience with a document that had a lot of those, I came 
up with this function to easily escape false list items. Maybe some of 
you will find it helpful, or better yet, have suggestions for 

(defun my/org-list-escape-nonitems ()
  (let ((nonitem "[0-9]\\{4\\}") ; Unlikely list numbers
 ; here: four-digit numbers (years)
(term (cond
   ((eq org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator t) "[.)]")
   ((= org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?\)) ")")
   ((= org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?.) "\\.")
   (t "[.)]"
(goto-char (point-min))
 (concat "^\\(" nonitem "\\)\\(" term "\\) ")
 (concat "\\1\\2" (string ?\240)

It calls query-replace-regexp, so the user can confirm each 
replacement interactively, on apparent list items where the numbering 
matches the NONITEM regexp. If confirmed, it replaces the space after 
the item terminator with a non-breaking space.

In the code above, NONITEM is simply hard-coded as four digits, 
matching years. It could be made a customizable variable.

The adventurous might want to call it automatically before export, 
though currently this does not work well with subtree exports:

  (add-hook 'org-export-first-hook 'my/org-list-escape-nonitems)

Feedback welcome.


Re: [O] Re: [Workaround] Escaping false list items

2011-03-11 Thread Christian Moe

On 3/11/11 4:20 PM, Nicolas wrote:


Christian Moe   writes:

Back to the problem with e.g. "2011. " being interpreted as a list
item when it happens to be at the beginning of a line:

Did you read my suggestion to avoid filling at such positions? While it
won't help on existing documents, I think it is a more general approach
to the problem.

I must have missed that, sorry. I remember you suggesting either to 
use right-paren as item terminator, or manually insert a non-breaking 
space after the dot.

Did you have a particular trick in mind, or just to avoid filling 
manually? I tend to have auto-fill on by default.

The little utility function I posted makes the non-breaking-space 
solution more workable for me. It wasn't intended as a contribution to 
Org-mode, just as something some people might want to put in their 
.emacs and try out, so I didn't put much thought into generalizing it.


[O] Re: [Workaround] Escaping false list items

2011-03-11 Thread Christian Moe

On 3/11/11 7:22 PM, Nicolas wrote:

Christian Moe  writes:

Did you have a particular trick in mind, or just to avoid filling
manually? I tend to have auto-fill on by default.

I meant automatically. Please have a look at:



Magic! Thanks a lot for this, it's far and away a better solution.


[O] Custom Agenda View for Projects

2011-03-14 Thread Christian Zang
Dear all,

I might be overlooking something very obvious, but I cannot find the
solution: I have various org files, in which "projects" (anything
requiring more than one action step...) are first level headings
marked using the TODO kwd PROJ. If I tell my agenda to list all items
with kwd PROJ (either via C-a T PROJ or as a custom agenda view via
"tags-todo "LEVEL=1""), only the ones without siblings are returned.
I've looked into "org-tags-match-list-sublevels" but this is not quite
the right thing to calibrate...

Any help heartly appreciated!


Dr. Christian Zang
Technische Universität München / Chair of Ecoclimatology
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2 / 85354 Freising / Germany
Email: christian.z...@wzw.tum.de
Phone: +49 (0) 8161-714743
Fax: +49 (0) 8161-714753
Web: http://oekoklimatologie.wzw.tum.de/

Re: [O] Custom Agenda View for Projects

2011-03-14 Thread Christian Zang
2011/3/15 Manish :
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 12:54 AM, Christian Zang wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I might be overlooking something very obvious, but I cannot find the
>> solution: I have various org files, in which "projects" (anything
>> requiring more than one action step...) are first level headings
>> marked using the TODO kwd PROJ. If I tell my agenda to list all items
>> with kwd PROJ (either via C-a T PROJ or as a custom agenda view via
>> "tags-todo "LEVEL=1""), only the ones without siblings are returned.
>> I've looked into "org-tags-match-list-sublevels" but this is not quite
>> the right thing to calibrate...
> Could you show a sample outline please?
> --
> Manish

Sure, here is a sample outline:

* PROJ Write Proposal

** TODO write introduction

* PROJ Clean Lab

* PROJ Get Birthday Present

** TODO get dad's hat size

>From that list, only "Clean Lab" will show up in the list of projects.
Below are my settings regarding custom agenda views:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
  '(("W" "Weekly Review"
 ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-ndays 7)))
  (stuck "") ;; review stuck projects
  (todo "PROJ") ;; review all projects
  (todo "SDMB") ;; review someday/maybe items
  (todo "WAIT"))) ;; review waiting items

("P" "Projects" tags-todo "LEVEL=1"
 ((org-agenda-overriding-header "List of Projects")))

("O" "Today-View"   ; like OF "due & flagged"
 ((agenda "Due or scheduled within next week"
  ((org-agenda-ndays 7)
   (org-agenda-start-on-weekday nil)
   (org-agenda-overriding-header "\nDue or scheduled
within next week\n--\n")
; due within next week
  (tags-todo "+PRIORITY=\"A\""
 ((org-agenda-overriding-header "\nHigh
; pseudo-flagged items

Neither "W" nor "P" shows all projects, but rather only the ones
without siblings. This is what I use as TODO kwds:

(setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAIT(w@/!)" "|" "DONE(d!)")
  (sequence "STRT(s!)" "|")
  (sequence "|" "CNCL(c@!)")
  (sequence "FXME(f)" "|" "FIXD(x!)")
  (sequence "PROJ(p!)" "PRSC(u)" "PROH(o)" "|"
"PRDN(r!)" "PRCL(o@/!)")
  (sequence "LIST(l)" "|")
  (sequence "SDMB(m)" "|")))

And these are the agenda-relevant settings in custom.el:

 '(org-agenda-compact-blocks t)
 '(org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks (quote invisible))
 '(org-stuck-projects (quote ("+LEVEL=1/+PROJ-PRDN-PROH-SDMB" ("TODO"
"NEXT" "FXME" "STRT") nil "")))


Re: [O] Custom Agenda View for Projects

2011-03-15 Thread Christian Zang
2011/3/15 Manish :
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Christian Zang wrote:
>> 2011/3/15 Manish:
>>> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 12:54 AM, Christian Zang wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> I might be overlooking something very obvious, but I cannot find the
>>>> solution: I have various org files, in which "projects" (anything
>>>> requiring more than one action step...) are first level headings
>>>> marked using the TODO kwd PROJ. If I tell my agenda to list all items
>>>> with kwd PROJ (either via C-a T PROJ or as a custom agenda view via
>>>> "tags-todo "LEVEL=1""), only the ones without siblings are returned.
>>>> I've looked into "org-tags-match-list-sublevels" but this is not quite
>>>> the right thing to calibrate...
>>> Could you show a sample outline please?
>>> --
>>> Manish
>> Sure, here is a sample outline:
>> * PROJ Write Proposal
>> ** TODO write introduction
>> * PROJ Clean Lab
>> * PROJ Get Birthday Present
>> ** TODO get dad's hat size
>> From that list, only "Clean Lab" will show up in the list of projects.
>> Below are my settings regarding custom agenda views:
>> (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
>>      '(("W" "Weekly Review"
>>         ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-ndays 7)))
>>          (stuck "") ;; review stuck projects
>>          (todo "PROJ") ;; review all projects
>>          (todo "SDMB") ;; review someday/maybe items
>>          (todo "WAIT"))) ;; review waiting items
>>        ("P" "Projects" tags-todo "LEVEL=1"
>>         ((org-agenda-overriding-header "List of Projects")))
>>        ("O" "Today-View"               ; like OF "due & flagged"
>>         ((agenda "Due or scheduled within next week"
>>                  ((org-agenda-ndays 7)
>>                   (org-agenda-start-on-weekday nil)
>>                   (org-agenda-overriding-header "\nDue or scheduled
>> within next week\n--\n")
>>                   ))
>>                                        ; due within next week
>>          (tags-todo "+PRIORITY=\"A\""
>>                     ((org-agenda-overriding-header "\nHigh
>> priority\n--\n")))
>>                                        ; pseudo-flagged items
>>          ))
>>        ))
>> Neither "W" nor "P" shows all projects, but rather only the ones
>> without siblings. This is what I use as TODO kwds:
>> (setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAIT(w@/!)" "|" "DONE(d!)")
>>                          (sequence "STRT(s!)" "|")
>>                          (sequence "|" "CNCL(c@!)")
>>                          (sequence "FXME(f)" "|" "FIXD(x!)")
>>                          (sequence "PROJ(p!)" "PRSC(u)" "PROH(o)" "|"
>> "PRDN(r!)" "PRCL(o@/!)")
>>                          (sequence "LIST(l)" "|")
>>                          (sequence "SDMB(m)" "|")))
>> And these are the agenda-relevant settings in custom.el:
>>  '(org-agenda-compact-blocks t)
>>  '(org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks (quote invisible))
>>  '(org-stuck-projects (quote ("+LEVEL=1/+PROJ-PRDN-PROH-SDMB" ("TODO"
>> "NEXT" "FXME" "STRT") nil "")))
> Here's what I did:
> I started Emacs with -Q, eval'ed the variables and custom agenda
> commands you sent set up the org-agenda-files and ran the custom
> commands `W' and `P'.  Both listed all the items marked PROJ where
> they should have.  So it worked for me.. I am not sure what could be
> wrong in your setup.  I know it's a non-answer but FWIW, removing
> everything and add bits and pieces in steps could help.
> --
> Manish

Thanks, Manish,

I'll try that. Thanks a lot for your efforts!


Re: [O] Custom Agenda View for Projects

2011-03-15 Thread Christian Zang
2011/3/15 Christian Zang :
> 2011/3/15 Manish :
>> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 11:54 AM, Christian Zang wrote:
>>> 2011/3/15 Manish:
>>>> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 12:54 AM, Christian Zang wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> I might be overlooking something very obvious, but I cannot find the
>>>>> solution: I have various org files, in which "projects" (anything
>>>>> requiring more than one action step...) are first level headings
>>>>> marked using the TODO kwd PROJ. If I tell my agenda to list all items
>>>>> with kwd PROJ (either via C-a T PROJ or as a custom agenda view via
>>>>> "tags-todo "LEVEL=1""), only the ones without siblings are returned.
>>>>> I've looked into "org-tags-match-list-sublevels" but this is not quite
>>>>> the right thing to calibrate...
>>>> Could you show a sample outline please?
>>>> --
>>>> Manish
>>> Sure, here is a sample outline:
>>> * PROJ Write Proposal
>>> ** TODO write introduction
>>> * PROJ Clean Lab
>>> * PROJ Get Birthday Present
>>> ** TODO get dad's hat size
>>> From that list, only "Clean Lab" will show up in the list of projects.
>>> Below are my settings regarding custom agenda views:
>>> (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
>>>      '(("W" "Weekly Review"
>>>         ((agenda "" ((org-agenda-ndays 7)))
>>>          (stuck "") ;; review stuck projects
>>>          (todo "PROJ") ;; review all projects
>>>          (todo "SDMB") ;; review someday/maybe items
>>>          (todo "WAIT"))) ;; review waiting items
>>>        ("P" "Projects" tags-todo "LEVEL=1"
>>>         ((org-agenda-overriding-header "List of Projects")))
>>>        ("O" "Today-View"               ; like OF "due & flagged"
>>>         ((agenda "Due or scheduled within next week"
>>>                  ((org-agenda-ndays 7)
>>>                   (org-agenda-start-on-weekday nil)
>>>                   (org-agenda-overriding-header "\nDue or scheduled
>>> within next week\n--\n")
>>>                   ))
>>>                                        ; due within next week
>>>          (tags-todo "+PRIORITY=\"A\""
>>>                     ((org-agenda-overriding-header "\nHigh
>>> priority\n--\n")))
>>>                                        ; pseudo-flagged items
>>>          ))
>>>        ))
>>> Neither "W" nor "P" shows all projects, but rather only the ones
>>> without siblings. This is what I use as TODO kwds:
>>> (setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAIT(w@/!)" "|" "DONE(d!)")
>>>                          (sequence "STRT(s!)" "|")
>>>                          (sequence "|" "CNCL(c@!)")
>>>                          (sequence "FXME(f)" "|" "FIXD(x!)")
>>>                          (sequence "PROJ(p!)" "PRSC(u)" "PROH(o)" "|"
>>> "PRDN(r!)" "PRCL(o@/!)")
>>>                          (sequence "LIST(l)" "|")
>>>                          (sequence "SDMB(m)" "|")))
>>> And these are the agenda-relevant settings in custom.el:
>>>  '(org-agenda-compact-blocks t)
>>>  '(org-agenda-dim-blocked-tasks (quote invisible))
>>>  '(org-stuck-projects (quote ("+LEVEL=1/+PROJ-PRDN-PROH-SDMB" ("TODO"
>>> "NEXT" "FXME" "STRT") nil "")))
>> Here's what I did:
>> I started Emacs with -Q, eval'ed the variables and custom agenda
>> commands you sent set up the org-agenda-files and ran the custom
>> commands `W' and `P'.  Both listed all the items marked PROJ where
>> they should have.  So it worked for me.. I am not sure what could be
>> wrong in your setup.  I know it's a non-answer but FWIW, removing
>> everything and add bits and pieces in steps could help.
>> HTH
>> --
>> Manish
> Thanks, Manish,
> I'll try that. Thanks a lot for your efforts!
> Best,
> Christian

Update: I found the culprit in "org-enforce-todo-dependencies", set to
nil and all projects labeled as PROJ are displayed again. Have to
think about why this affects the agenda views in that way...

thanks for listening,

Re: [O] org table calc and lisp for hh:mm timetable

2011-03-15 Thread Christian Moe


This is ingenious! But I have a different solution that borrows 
conversion functions from org-timer.el.

To avoid an insanely long formula, I'll alias those functions with 
shorter names which don't seem to colide with anything in my Emacs.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defun sec (arg)
(org-timer-hms-to-secs arg))

  (defun hms (arg)
(org-timer-secs-to-hms arg))

Now, just do this:

|Start |Lunch | Back |  End |  Sum|
| 08:00:00 | 12:20:00 | 13:00:00 | 17:00:00 | 8:20:00 |
#+TBLFM: $5='(hms (+ (- (sec $4) (sec $3)) (- (sec $2) (sec $1

This already works for me, because my main interest here is in keeping 
track of my jogging, but those seconds are spurious precision for your 
use case, and take up space. So rewrite sec and hms:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defun sec (arg)
(if (string-match org-timer-re arg)
(org-timer-hms-to-secs arg)
  (org-timer-hms-to-secs (concat arg ":00"

  (defun hms (arg)
(if (integerp (/ arg 60))
(substring (org-timer-secs-to-hms arg) 0 -3)
  (org-timer-secs-to-hms arg)))

Now sec will correctly convert hh:mm stamps, too, and hms will convert 
to hh:mm format if the argument is in whole minutes, otherwise to 
hh:mm:ss. So:

| Start | Lunch |  Back |   End |  Sum |
| 08:00 | 12:20 | 13:00 | 17:00 | 8:20 |
#+TBLFM: $5='(hms (+ (- (sec $4) (sec $3)) (- (sec $2) (sec $1


On 3/15/11 8:49 PM, Martin Halder wrote:

I was trying to generate a simple table with time format "hh:mm" and
auto calculate daily sum.. clocking working time was too much so I
thought this would be easy but ended up with the following.. it works
but is not beautiful (apply formula twice and same information
multiple times) and I would like to get rid of the "hms", "hh" and
"mm" columns and therefore call "hmconcat" directly somehow.. Any help
is highly appreciated..


| Date | Start | Lunch |  Back |   End |   Sum | hms   | hh | 
mm |
| [2011-03-01 Tue] | 08:00 | 12:20 | 13:00 | 17:00 | 08:20 | 8@ 20' 0" |  8 | 
20 |
#+TBLFM: $6='(hmconcat $8 $9)::$7=time(<2010-01-01 $5>)-time(<2010-01-01 
$4>)+time(<2010-01-01 $3>)-time(<2010-01-01 $2>)::$8=hour($7)::$9=minute($7)

(defun hmconcat (hh mm) (interactive)
(if (>  (length hh) 1)
(setq temp (concat hh ":")) (setq temp (concat "0" hh ":")))
(if (>  (length mm) 1)
(concat temp mm) (concat temp "0" mm)))


glad to see you got further with this!

You can definitely get rid of hmconcat by using a combination of
string-to-number and format (and I'm sure it's possible to get this done
with simpler elisp):

--8<---cut here---start->8---

| Date | Start | Lunch |  Back |   End |   Sum | hms   | hh | 
mm |
| [2011-03-01 Tue] | 08:00 | 12:20 | 13:00 | 17:00 | 08:20 | 8@ 20' 0" |  8 | 
20 |
#+TBLFM: $6='(format "%02d:%02d" (string-to-number $8) (string-to-number $9))::$7=time(<2010-01-01 
$5>)-time(<2010-01-01 $4>)+time(<2010-01-01 $3>)-time(<2010-01-01 
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Hi Eric,

yes and thanks for the previous help, too.. the good old printf.. I would like 
to pass the result of time() directly to a lisp function, like:
#+TBLFM: $6='(coolfunc (time(...$5)-time(...$4)))

If I would know how to pass the result, eg as a string, to a lisp function I 
could sort it out, I guess.


Re: [O] Re: Slow movement in large buffers

2011-03-15 Thread Christian Moe

Yes, hardware is indeed a factor here. I'm using a dual-core Atom processor
with 2GB of memory.


I'm not so sure about the hardware factor.

I'm on a seven-year-old G4 Mac PPC laptop with 768 MB RAM.

Over the same folded headings in a freshly pulled org-issues (Other to 
Development Tasks), I get

previous-line  5   5.89456   1.178912

Definitely a lag, but not as bad as you're seeing.


Re: [O] Re: Slow movement in large buffers

2011-03-15 Thread Christian Moe

On 3/15/11 11:56 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
 Given the five previous-lines in your profile, I suspect that

one or two were much longer than the others which skewed the average.

Actually not, I was going back and forth over the same two lines, and 
previous-line was fairly stable at around 1.2 seconds each time. 
Anyway, that's moot since, as you say,

Given the evidence that Lawrence Mitchell provided however, it seems clear
that most of the blame can be placed on overlays

[O] [PATCH 1/5] Add some minimal infrastructure to handle export to both tj2 and tj3

2011-03-16 Thread Christian Egli
* org-taskjuggler.el (org-export-taskjuggler-target-version):
(org-taskjuggler-targeting-tj3-p): Add some minimal infrastructure to
handle export to both tj2 and tj3.
(org-taskjuggler-open-task): Use a different way to purge allocations
for tj2 and tj3.
 lisp/org-taskjuggler.el |   14 +-
 1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
index 8d6318e..ec6bb30 100644
--- a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
+++ b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
@@ -181,6 +181,11 @@ resources for the project."
   :group 'org-export-taskjuggler
   :type 'string)
+(defcustom org-export-taskjuggler-target-version 2.4
+  "Which version of TaskJuggler the exporter is targeting."
+  :group 'org-export-taskjuggler
+  :type 'number)
 (defcustom org-export-taskjuggler-default-project-version "1.0"
   "Default version string for the project."
   :group 'org-export-taskjuggler
@@ -331,6 +336,10 @@ with the TaskJuggler GUI."
 (command (concat process-name " " file-name)))
 (start-process-shell-command process-name nil command)))
+(defun org-taskjuggler-targeting-tj3-p ()
+  "Return true if we are targeting TaskJuggler III."
+  (< org-export-taskjuggler-target-version 3.0))
 (defun org-taskjuggler-parent-is-ordered-p ()
   "Return true if the parent of the current node has a property
 \"ORDERED\". Return nil otherwise."
@@ -623,7 +632,10 @@ org-mode priority string."
   (if (and parent-ordered previous-sibling)
  (format " depends %s\n" previous-sibling)
(and depends (format " depends %s\n" depends)))
-  (and allocate (format " purge allocations\n allocate %s\n" allocate))
+  (and allocate (format " purge %s\n allocate %s\n"
+   (or (and (org-taskjuggler-targeting-tj3-p) 
+   "allocate")
+   allocate))
   (and complete (format " complete %s\n" complete))
   (and effort (format " effort %s\n" effort))
   (and priority (format " priority %s\n" priority))

[O] [PATCH 5/5] Escape double quotes in headlines

2011-03-16 Thread Christian Egli
* org-taskjuggler.el (org-taskjuggler-components): Escape quotes in

Taskjuggler will barf if the task names (which are double quoted
strings) contain double quotes.
 lisp/org-taskjuggler.el |4 +++-
 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
index b39353c..ed3af48 100644
--- a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
+++ b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
@@ -354,7 +354,9 @@ information, all the properties, etc."
   (let* ((props (org-entry-properties))
 (components (org-heading-components))
 (level (nth 1 components))
-(headline (nth 4 components))
+ (replace-regexp-in-string 
+  "\"" "\\\"" (nth 4 components) t t)) ; quote double quotes in 
 (parent-ordered (org-taskjuggler-parent-is-ordered-p)))
 (push (cons "level" level) props)
 (push (cons "headline" headline) props)

[O] [PATCH 4/5] Remove a spurious debug statement

2011-03-16 Thread Christian Egli
* org-taskjuggler.el (org-taskjuggler-compute-task-leafiness): Remove
a debug statement.
 lisp/org-taskjuggler.el |1 -
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
index 5b3f16f..b39353c 100644
--- a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
+++ b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
@@ -411,7 +411,6 @@ deeper), then it's not a leaf."
 ;; otherwise examine the rest of the tasks
 (t (push task new-list
   (setq tasks (cdr tasks)))
-(print new-list)
 (nreverse new-list)))
 (defun org-taskjuggler-assign-resource-ids (resources)

[O] [PATCH 3/5] Replace recursive functions with iterative ones

2011-03-16 Thread Christian Egli
* org-taskjuggler.el (org-taskjuggler-compute-task-leafiness):
(org-taskjuggler-assign-resource-ids): Replace recursive
implementation with an iterative one.

That way we can avoid to have ask users to increase
 lisp/org-taskjuggler.el |   48 --
 1 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
index 2d16790..5b3f16f 100644
--- a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
+++ b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
@@ -397,31 +397,33 @@ a path to the current task."
   "Figure out if each task is a leaf by looking at it's level,
 and the level of its successor. If the successor is higher (ie
 deeper), then it's not a leaf."
-  (cond
-   ((null tasks) nil)
-   ;; if a task has no successors it is a leaf
-   ((null (car (cdr tasks)))
-(cons (cons (cons "leaf-node" t) (car tasks)) 
- (org-taskjuggler-compute-task-leafiness (cdr tasks
-   ;; if the successor has a lower level than task it is a leaf
-   ((<= (cdr (assoc "level" (car (cdr tasks (cdr (assoc "level" (car 
-(cons (cons (cons "leaf-node" t) (car tasks)) 
- (org-taskjuggler-compute-task-leafiness (cdr tasks
-   ;; otherwise examine the rest of the tasks
-   (t (cons (car tasks) (org-taskjuggler-compute-task-leafiness (cdr 
-(defun org-taskjuggler-assign-resource-ids (resources &optional unique-ids)
+  (let (new-list)
+(while (car tasks)
+  (let ((task (car tasks))
+   (successor (car (cdr tasks
+   (cond
+;; if a task has no successors it is a leaf
+((null successor) 
+ (push (cons (cons "leaf-node" t) task) new-list))
+;; if the successor has a lower level than task it is a leaf
+((<= (cdr (assoc "level" successor)) (cdr (assoc "level" task))) 
+ (push (cons (cons "leaf-node" t) task) new-list))
+;; otherwise examine the rest of the tasks
+(t (push task new-list
+  (setq tasks (cdr tasks)))
+(print new-list)
+(nreverse new-list)))
+(defun org-taskjuggler-assign-resource-ids (resources)
   "Given a list of resources return the same list, assigning a
 unique id to each resource."
-  (cond
-   ((null resources) nil)
-   (t 
-(let* ((resource (car resources))
-  (unique-id (org-taskjuggler-get-unique-id resource unique-ids)))
-  (push (cons "unique-id" unique-id) resource)
-  (cons resource 
-   (org-taskjuggler-assign-resource-ids (cdr resources) 
-(cons unique-id 
+  (let (unique-ids new-list)
+(dolist (resource resources new-list)
+  (let ((unique-id (org-taskjuggler-get-unique-id resource unique-ids)))
+   (push (cons "unique-id" unique-id) resource)
+   (push unique-id unique-ids)
+   (push resource new-list)))
+(nreverse new-list)))
 (defun org-taskjuggler-resolve-dependencies (tasks)
   (let ((previous-level 0)

[O] [PATCH 0/5] Improvements to Taskjuggler export

2011-03-16 Thread Christian Egli
Hi all

I have some long standing improvements to Taskjuggler export which I'd
finally like to push to the repo.


Christian Egli (5):
  Add some minimal infrastructure to handle export to both tj2 and tj3
  Mark a task as a milestone if it is a leaf node and cannot be
  Replace recursive functions with iterative ones
  Remove a spurious debug statement
  Escape double quotes in headlines

 lisp/org-taskjuggler.el |   76 +++---
 1 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

[O] [PATCH 2/5] Mark a task as a milestone if it is a leaf node and cannot be scheduled

2011-03-16 Thread Christian Egli
* org-taskjuggler.el (org-taskjuggler-compute-task-leafiness): Compute
the leafiness of a node.
(org-taskjuggler-open-task, org-export-as-taskjuggler): Mark a node as
a milestone if it is a leaf and has no effort.

Mark a task as a milestone if it has neither an effort, a duration, an
end or a period. This is needed for tj3 export as tj3 fails to compile
the file if there is a leaf node with no computable end date. tj2
happily ignored the situation, but TJ3 throws an error.
 lisp/org-taskjuggler.el |   37 +++--
 1 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
index ec6bb30..2d16790 100644
--- a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
+++ b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
@@ -263,9 +263,10 @@ defined in `org-export-taskjuggler-default-reports'."
   (let* ((tasks
-   (org-map-entries 
-org-export-taskjuggler-project-tag nil 'archive 'comment
+   (org-taskjuggler-compute-task-leafiness
+ '(org-taskjuggler-components) 
+ org-export-taskjuggler-project-tag nil 'archive 'comment)
@@ -392,6 +393,23 @@ a path to the current task."
(setq previous-level level)
(setq resolved-tasks (append resolved-tasks (list task)))
+(defun org-taskjuggler-compute-task-leafiness (tasks)
+  "Figure out if each task is a leaf by looking at it's level,
+and the level of its successor. If the successor is higher (ie
+deeper), then it's not a leaf."
+  (cond
+   ((null tasks) nil)
+   ;; if a task has no successors it is a leaf
+   ((null (car (cdr tasks)))
+(cons (cons (cons "leaf-node" t) (car tasks)) 
+ (org-taskjuggler-compute-task-leafiness (cdr tasks
+   ;; if the successor has a lower level than task it is a leaf
+   ((<= (cdr (assoc "level" (car (cdr tasks (cdr (assoc "level" (car 
+(cons (cons (cons "leaf-node" t) (car tasks)) 
+ (org-taskjuggler-compute-task-leafiness (cdr tasks
+   ;; otherwise examine the rest of the tasks
+   (t (cons (car tasks) (org-taskjuggler-compute-task-leafiness (cdr 
 (defun org-taskjuggler-assign-resource-ids (resources &optional unique-ids)
   "Given a list of resources return the same list, assigning a
 unique id to each resource."
@@ -621,11 +639,17 @@ org-mode priority string."
  (cdr (assoc "complete" task
(parent-ordered (cdr (assoc "parent-ordered" task)))
(previous-sibling (cdr (assoc "previous-sibling" task)))
+   (milestone (or (cdr (assoc "milestone" task))
+  (and (assoc "leaf-node" task)
+   (not (or effort 
+(cdr (assoc "duration" task))
+(cdr (assoc "end" task))
+(cdr (assoc "period" task)))
 '(account start note duration endbuffer endcredit end
-  flags journalentry length maxend maxstart milestone
-  minend minstart period reference responsible
-  scheduling startbuffer startcredit statusnote)))
+  flags journalentry length maxend maxstart minend
+  minstart period reference responsible scheduling
+  startbuffer startcredit statusnote)))
   "task " unique-id " \"" headline "\" {\n" 
@@ -639,6 +663,7 @@ org-mode priority string."
   (and complete (format " complete %s\n" complete))
   (and effort (format " effort %s\n" effort))
   (and priority (format " priority %s\n" priority))
+  (and milestone (format " milestone\n"))
   (org-taskjuggler-get-attributes task attributes)

Re: [O] Table formula changes are not always necessary when moving rows

2011-03-17 Thread Christian Moe

You can also use @<<<  to mean the second row

Did you mean @<<


Re: [O] Other programs to edit Org documents?

2011-03-17 Thread Christian Moe
I've toyed around with a jQuery-based web interface to this end. I 
think a reasonable target would be to emulate the functions you can 
reach with speed keys on the first column of a heading in Org: 
folding, navigation, todo states, promoting, demoting... plus perhaps 
extend them to lists and checkboxes.

I plan to post some sample code here when I've got more of those 
features implemented (not for the next few weeks I'm afraid).


On 3/16/11 11:48 AM, Scot Becker wrote:

A simple org-mode viewer (that allows you to do some basic
folding/unfolding and search -- or even something more complex that
would allow you to view it as a mind-map?) would be nice. It could
even be simplified with more GUI bells and whistles and still allow
one to insert data and save the file. It would not be a full
replacement for emacs, ever, but would allow other less technical
users to use it as well.

There are all kinds of advantages to this, seems to me, and of course
it partly exists in the form of Moblie Org.  Org-mode is both an
interface and a specification, you could say (as well as a friendly
club).  And you can work with the latter (the markup specification)
apart from the former if you have need to.   A web-app for viewing and
editing org-mode files would open nice possibilities for collaboration
with the not-yet-initiated and for using your files when you are


[O] Re: [PATCH 1/5] Add some minimal infrastructure to handle export to both tj2 and tj3

2011-03-17 Thread Christian Egli
Bastien  writes:

> Christian Egli  writes:
>> +(defun org-taskjuggler-targeting-tj3-p ()
>> +  "Return true if we are targeting TaskJuggler III."
>> +  (< org-export-taskjuggler-target-version 3.0))
> I'm dubious on this one.
> Shouldn't it be 
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (defun org-taskjuggler-targeting-tj3-p ()
>   "Return true if we are targeting TaskJuggler III."
>   (> org-export-taskjuggler-target-version 3.0))
> #+end
> ?

Basically org-export-taskjuggler-target-version can be 2.4 or 3.0. So
org-taskjuggler-targeting-tj3-p should return true if
org-export-taskjuggler-target-version is 3.0 or higher and false

So, let's see what the *scratch* buffer has to say about this

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-export-taskjuggler-target-version 2.4)
(defun org-taskjuggler-targeting-tj3-p ()
  "Return true if we are targeting TaskJuggler III."
  (> org-export-taskjuggler-target-version 3.0))
(setq org-export-taskjuggler-target-version 3.0)
(setq org-export-taskjuggler-target-version 3.1)

Ah, you're right. There is a problem :-\.

The correct version should be 

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun org-taskjuggler-targeting-tj3-p ()
  "Return true if we are targeting TaskJuggler III."
  (>= org-export-taskjuggler-target-version 3.0))

Let's test this in *scratch*
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-export-taskjuggler-target-version 2.4)

(defun org-taskjuggler-targeting-tj3-p ()
  "Return true if we are targeting TaskJuggler III."
  (>= org-export-taskjuggler-target-version 3.0))


(setq org-export-taskjuggler-target-version 3.0)


(setq org-export-taskjuggler-target-version 3.1)


How do we proceed? Do I resubmit the patch?

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

[O] Re: [PATCH 0/5] Improvements to Taskjuggler export

2011-03-17 Thread Christian Egli
Hi Bastien

Bastien  writes:

> Ps: I had trouble applying your patches: they came in one order on the
> list, and on a different one on patchwork.  Applying them from patchwork
> didn't always work, so I had to do a few things manually.  Not a problem.

Is there anything I can do about this? I just commited the changes
locally and used git format-patch and git send-email.


Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

[O] Re: [PATCH 0/5] Improvements to Taskjuggler export

2011-03-17 Thread Christian Egli
Hi Marc

Marc-Oliver Ihm  writes:

> Does your fork incorporate Anthonys enhancements (e.g. the
> :TJ:-Drawer) ?

It contains some of his enhancements but not all. He has two versions of
the code. One for tj2 and one for tj3. I would like to have one version
for both. The code as it stands right now can export a project for both
tj2 and tj3. However the way the defaults are set for the reports now
(in defcustom variables) it will not work for tj3. You'll have to
redefine the variables via M-x customize.

If you look at his code you'll see that he has some other enhancements.
There is support for project specific definitions, for global
definitions (such as shifts, etc) and for flags. One really nice idea is
that he added support for Drawers that can contain taskjuggler specific
code that is tied to a specific node. However I would like to implement
this as a src block, which would probably also cover global definitions
and file specific reports. My initial idea was to use something like
#+BEGIN_TASKJUGGLER and #+END_TASKJUGGLER. But nowadays it seems more
kosher to use something along the line of #+BEGIN_SRC taskjuggler. I
don't know what that would entail though. I might have to write a Babel
backend for Taskjuggler. I basically just want to use these code blocks
in my exporter.

> Is it available at your github (https://github.com/egli/org-mode) ?

No, this is stale (I should probably remove it). My most up to date code
should be in the orgmode repo.

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

[O] Re: [PATCH 0/5] Improvements to Taskjuggler export

2011-03-17 Thread Christian Egli
Bastien  writes:

> Did Anthony advertized his enhancements on this list?

AFAIK he did announce them here, but that was a long time ago, probably
more than six months.


Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

[O] Re: [PATCH 0/5] Improvements to Taskjuggler export

2011-03-18 Thread Christian Egli
Bastien  writes:

> I'm myself using TJ for some reports and I've had to hack things 
> around when we had this compatibility problem.

I almost forgot to ask: What where the problems you had to hack around?


Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

Re: [O] Extracting information with Agenda functions

2011-03-18 Thread Christian Moe
I don't know if there's a way to simply replicate the agenda, but if 
not, you should be able to achieve what you want with org-collector.el.



On 3/18/11 5:42 PM, Matthew Sauer wrote:

I am trying to create a dynamic block on a page that will contain the
information and/or functionality of
C-c a t
The agenda todo list.  I have that setup to pull all unscheduled
todo's.  Does anyone know if it possible to replicate the agenda
inside a dynamic block on a page or a way that I could pull this
information and put it inside a dynamic block?


[O] Re: Bug: Column view fails to display ITEM row [7.5 (release_7.5.87.gb227)]

2011-03-18 Thread Christian Egli
Julien Danjou  writes:
> On Fri, Mar 18 2011, Christian Egli wrote:
>> I ran a git bisect to find the guilty commit and it turns out that there
>> is a problem with commit c84d77a7a035a142bf114c5e6758c32a20f3fd68.

> I just pushed a fix. Thanks for the report and the bisect!

Thanks for the fix. Works like a charm.

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

Re: [O] Custom Agenda View for Projects

2011-03-19 Thread Christian Zang
2011/3/18 Josh Berry :
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 10:57, Jason McBrayer  wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 6:55 PM, Josh Berry  wrote:
>>> I think org considers child tasks to be dependencies of the parent
>>> task -- so if a parent task (such as your PROJ) has children, it won't
>>> be displayed in a tags-todo agenda view, because that takes
>>> dependencies into account.
>> That's a logical explanation, but shouldn't this only be the case if
>> the parent has the :ORDERED: property set?
> No, if :ORDERED: is set, then each child is a dependency of the next
> child.  So if you have:
> * TODO top
>   ... :ORDERED: t ...
> ** TODO a
> ** TODO b
> ** TODO c
> Only "a" will appear in your agenda view.  But if you have:
> * TODO top
> ** TODO a
> ** TODO b
> ** TODO c
> All children of "top"--that is, "a", "b" and "c"--will appear.
> However, in neither case will "top" appear, because it has children
> that are not yet completed.
>>> Have you tried just a "tags" view with a match of "TODO=\"PROJ\""?
>>> IIRC this will do what you want.
>> I gave this a test, and apparently it does not. What's shown is still
>> dependent on the value of org-enforce-todo-dependencies.
> I see, it does not, my bad.  I tried experimenting a bit on my own,
> and didn't find an easy way using just agendas.
> You might consider experimenting with Stuck Projects though.  If you
> consider all projects to be "stuck", you could probably build an
> agenda view that shows you all projects regardless of what's in them.
> (I don't use stuck projects myself, so YMMV.)
> -- Josh

Dear Josh, dear Jason,

thanks a lot for evaluating the options! That makes things a lot
clearer for me, and for the moment I'll stick with
org-enforce-todo-dependencies nil.


Re: [O] org table calc and lisp for hh:mm timetable

2011-03-20 Thread Christian Moe


Returning to this thread:

1. I love Eric's macro wrapper idea -- now time arithmetic in tables 
gets truly manageable. If it's not included into Org-mode, it's a must 
for Worg!

2. There's duplication with org-timer-hms-to-secs and 
org-timer-secs-to-hms. (Cf. my 

Do Martin's/Bastien's/Eric's hms/seconds conversion functions add 
value that should be patched into org-timer?

3. One thing Eric's converters do and org-timer doesn't is to handle a 
string with only two two-digit groups (e.g. 12:45).

Eric's converters interpret it as 12m 45s -- good for running times. 
The functions I posted (see link above) interpreted such strings as 
12h 45m -- good for time of day.

I suggest the latter is more convenient for most use cases: When I'm 
working with seconds (running times, audio track durations) it's sort 
of a technical use, so I'm prepared to add 0 hours in front. When a 
time of day like 12:45 is good enough, I don't want to have to add 00 
seconds in back. (And am/pm is not used in my locale.)


On 3/20/11 6:50 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:

I wrapped Bastien's functions below in a simple macro, which IMO results
in a very nice way to handle time values in Org-mode tables as shown

Note, the first argument to the `with-time' macro controls whether
results are returned as a time string or a numerical value.  That
argument may be followed by any number of expressions.

|  time | miles | minutes/mile |
| 34:43 |   2.9 |11:58 |
| 56:00 |   5.5 |10:10 |
| 31:00 |  3.04 |10:11 |
| 32:15 |  2.77 |11:38 |
| 33:56 |   3.0 |11:18 |
| 72:00 |  6.74 |10:40 |
| 52:22 |  4.62 |11:20 |
#+TBLFM: $3='(with-time t (/ $1 $2))

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
   (defun org-time-string-to-seconds (s)
 "Convert a string HH:MM:SS to a number of seconds."
  ((and (stringp s)
(string-match "\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)" s))
   (let ((hour (string-to-number (match-string 1 s)))
 (min (string-to-number (match-string 2 s)))
 (sec (string-to-number (match-string 3 s
 (+ (* hour 3600) (* min 60) sec)))
  ((and (stringp s)
(string-match "\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)" s))
   (let ((min (string-to-number (match-string 1 s)))
 (sec (string-to-number (match-string 2 s
 (+ (* min 60) sec)))
  ((stringp s) (string-to-number s))
  (t s)))

   (defun org-time-seconds-to-string (secs)
 "Convert a number of seconds to a time string."
 (cond ((>= secs 3600) (format-seconds "%h:%.2m:%.2s" secs))
   ((>= secs 60) (format-seconds "%m:%.2s" secs))
   (t (format-seconds "%s" secs

   (defmacro with-time (time-output-p&rest exprs)
 "Evaluate an org-table formula, converting all fields that look
   like time data to integer seconds.  If TIME-OUTPUT-P then return
   the result as a time value."
  (if time-output-p 'org-time-seconds-to-string 'identity)
  (cons 'progn
 (lambda (expr)
   `,(cons (car expr) (mapcar #'org-time-string-to-seconds (cdr 

Bastien  writes:

Hi Martin,

Martin Halder  writes:

this is fantastic, already love lisp, thanks a lot.. now I have exactly
what I wanted.. additionally I needed the time format in industrial mode
(1h = 100m = 100s), implemented in ihms.

thanks for these functions -- I allowed myself to add them to
Worg/org-hacks.html, in a new "Times computation" section:


I added these functions I myself wrote for a particular purpose:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun org-hh:mm:ss-string-to-seconds (s)
   "Convert a string HH:MM:SS to a number of seconds."
   (when (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)" s)
 (let ((hour (string-to-number (match-string 1 s)))
  (min (string-to-number (match-string 2 s)))
  (sec (string-to-number (match-string 3 s
   (+ (* hour 3600) (* min 60) sec

(defun org-subtract-hh:mm:ss-time (t1 t2)
   "Substract two hh:mm:ss time values."
   (let* ((sec (- (org-hh:mm:ss-string-to-seconds t2)
 (org-hh:mm:ss-string-to-seconds t1)))
 (hour (floor (/ sec 3600)))
 (min (floor (/ (- sec (* 3600 hour)) 60)))
 (secs (round (- sec (* 3600 hour) (* 60 min)
 (format "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d" hour min secs)))

With these function, you can subtract durations in a table like this:

| Part  |Begin |  End | Duration |
| One   | 00:00:00 | 00:01:11 | 00:01:11 |
| Two   | 00:01:12 | 00:02:00 | 00:00:48 |
| Three | 00:02:05 | 00:16:06 | 00:14:01 |
#+TBLFM: $4='(org-subtract-hh:mm:ss-time $2 $3)

Which was useful for me when I had to derush video files.


Re: [O] Re: [PATCH][ANN] org-html/org-odt

2011-03-21 Thread Christian Moe


I'd love to try it out, but I'm not good at git. Would someone be kind 
enough to post directions?

I thought this would do it:

git checkout 3d802
git checkout -b ooo
git apply 

But I got:

error: patch failed: lisp/org.el:8711
error: lisp/org.el: patch does not apply


On 3/21/11 9:21 AM, Bastien wrote:

Hi Jambunathan,

Jambunathan K  writes:

This is a formal request to integrate my org-html.el&  org-odt.el
changes in to the master branch.

Thanks a *LOT* for this work!  I'm willing to help as much as possible
to get this integrated.

This patch introduces 3 major features:
1. A generic exporter

Let me understand: this is more a generalization of the HTML export than
a true generic exporter, right?  The docstring of org-do-export suggests
so.  Rewriting org-html.el so that the HTML export is done in a more
generic way is a *good* thing, but we should be careful with the naming
of the functions here.

2. All new html backend re-implemented as a plugin to (1).
3. A odt backend as a plugin to (1).

This makes sense.

The patch is based on git commit 3d802.

Please everyone test it and report any problem.  I was kept away from
Org due to personal issues the last week, but I'm available again.

All best,

[O] Re: [PATCH][ANN] org-html/org-odt

2011-03-21 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Jambunathan,

Thanks, I should have tested first if the previous instructions 
worked. I think I have it set up now.

With a minimal Emacs as per the old instructions, and with one minor 
change to your test file (`LaTeX:verbatim' -- I don't have dvipng 
installed), I get this:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (invalid-function 

  org-do-export(nil nil nil nil nil nil)
  (let* ((org-parse-get-callback ...) 
org-export-odt-special-string-regexps)) (org-do-export arg hidden 
ext-plist to-buffer body-only pub-dir))

  call-interactively(org-export nil nil)


On 3/21/11 10:31 AM, Jambunathan K wrote:


Thanks being the first one here (again).

I have tried incorporating some subset (and not all) of your feedback on
the new odt exporter. My priority was to get the html exporter and the
generic interface right.


I'd love to try it out, but I'm not good at git. Would someone be kind
enough to post directions?

(1) You can checkout via git:

#+begin_src sh
   git remote add org-odt http://repo.or.cz/r/org-mode/org-jambu.git
   git fetch org-odt
   git checkout -b org-odt org-odt/staging [Note the word `staging']

(2) You can download a snapshot. (Search for .tar.gz and .zip)

The above instructions are the same as one that I shared with
Release-0.6 [1] with one important change - instead of `master' the
changes are in `staging' branch.

[1] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2011-01/msg01210.html

Jambunathan K.

[O] [PATCH 3/3] Fix a typo in the commentary.

2011-03-21 Thread Christian Egli
From: Christian Egli 

* org-taskjuggler.el: Fix a typo in the commentary.
 lisp/org-taskjuggler.el |2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
index bcf2c45..f891634 100644
--- a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
+++ b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 ;;   - Look at org-file-properties, org-global-properties and
 ;; org-global-properties-fixed
 ;;   - What about property inheritance and org-property-inherit-p?
-;;   - Use TYP_TODO as an way to assign resources
+;;   - Use TYPE_TODO as an way to assign resources
 ;;   - Make sure multiple dependency definitions (i.e. BLOCKER on
 ;; previous-sibling and on a specific task_id) in multiple
 ;; attributes are properly exported.

[O] [PATCH 1/3] Replace recursive implementation with an iterative one

2011-03-21 Thread Christian Egli
From: Christian Egli 

* org-taskjuggler.el (org-taskjuggler-assign-resource-ids): Replace
recursive implementation with an iterative one.

That way we can avoid to have ask users to increase
 lisp/org-taskjuggler.el |   16 +++-
 1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
index 9c88f5d..279f46d 100644
--- a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
+++ b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
@@ -418,15 +418,13 @@ deeper), then it's not a leaf."
 (defun org-taskjuggler-assign-resource-ids (resources)
   "Given a list of resources return the same list, assigning a
 unique id to each resource."
-  (cond
-   ((null resources) nil)
-   (t
-(let* ((resource (car resources))
-  (unique-id (org-taskjuggler-get-unique-id resource unique-ids)))
-  (push (cons "unique-id" unique-id) resource)
-  (cons resource
-   (org-taskjuggler-assign-resource-ids (cdr resources)
-(cons unique-id 
+  (let (unique-ids new-list)
+(dolist (resource resources new-list)
+  (let ((unique-id (org-taskjuggler-get-unique-id resource unique-ids)))
+   (push (cons "unique-id" unique-id) resource)
+   (push unique-id unique-ids)
+   (push resource new-list)))
+(nreverse new-list)))
 (defun org-taskjuggler-resolve-dependencies (tasks)
   (let ((previous-level 0)

[O] [PATCH 2/3] Fix allocations handling for tj3

2011-03-21 Thread Christian Egli
From: Christian Egli 

* org-taskjuggler.el (org-taskjuggler-open-task): Only emit a "purge
allocations" statement if we are not targeting tj3.
 lisp/org-taskjuggler.el |4 ++--
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
index 279f46d..bcf2c45 100644
--- a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
+++ b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
@@ -660,8 +660,8 @@ org-mode priority string."
  (format " depends %s\n" previous-sibling)
(and depends (format " depends %s\n" depends)))
   (and allocate (format " purge %s\n allocate %s\n"
-   (or (and (org-taskjuggler-targeting-tj3-p) 
-   "allocate")
+   (or (and (org-taskjuggler-targeting-tj3-p) 
+   "allocations")
   (and complete (format " complete %s\n" complete))
   (and effort (format " effort %s\n" effort))

[O] [PATCH 0/3] Small fixes to taskjuggler export

2011-03-21 Thread Christian Egli
Hi all

Here are some more small fixes to taskjuggler export


Christian Egli (3):
  Replace recursive implementation with an iterative one
  Fix allocations handling for tj3
  Fix a typo in the commentary.

 lisp/org-taskjuggler.el |   22 ++
 1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

Re: [O] Re: [PATCH][ANN] org-html/org-odt

2011-03-21 Thread Christian Moe


I see. Would you like to continue to receive bug reports based on 
byte-compilation, or should I just load the sources for now?


On 3/21/11 2:31 PM, Jambunathan K wrote:

Hello Christian

Thanks for your first bug report. I have the habit of not using

The reason for the crash you have reported is that
`with-org-html-preserve-paragraph-state' is a macro and some of the
references to it preceded the definition. As a result the byte compiler
was mistaken in to thinking that this was a function.

Jambnathan K.

With a minimal Emacs as per the old instructions, and with one minor
change to your test file (`LaTeX:verbatim' -- I don't have dvipng
installed), I get this:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (invalid-function
   org-do-export(nil nil nil nil nil nil)
   (let* ((org-parse-get-callback ...)
org-export-odt-special-string-regexps)) (org-do-export arg hidden
ext-plist to-buffer body-only pub-dir))
   call-interactively(org-export nil nil)

Re: [O] [PATCH][ANN] org-html/org-odt

2011-03-21 Thread Christian Moe


Very, very nice!

Tested with a minimal emacs, using Org-mode version 7.5 
(baseline.6.g533ba.dirty), GNU Emacs 23.2.1 
(powerpc-apple-darwin9.8.0, NS apple-appkit-949.54) on a Mac.

Notes on the resulting test.odt document (I've had only a quick look 
at the html, so what follows refers only to ODT unless HTML is 
specifically mentioned):

* Blocks

There's no syntax highlighting in exported src blocks (ODT and HTML 
both). Not a priority?

The OrgVerse style can, luckily, be changed to something more poetic...

* Verbatim LaTeX

I can't report on the LaTeX math display (never got dvipng to install 
on my system).

What I /can/ report is that with the =LaTeX:verbatim option=, which 
you probably haven't tested, LaTeX equation environments are not 
exported (everything after the =\begin{equation}= line is missing or 
not visible). This is copy-pasted from test.odt:

  6.5.1 LaTeX Fragment1

  There is a equation down below.

  6.5.2 LaTeX Fragment2

  If $a^2=b$ and \( b=2 \), then the solution must be either $$ 
a=+\sqrt{2} $$ or \[ a=-\sqrt{2} \].


Everything shows up in HTML, but linebreaks before the 
=\end{equation}= line are lost.

* Links

The link to =Dedicated Target1= under 8.2.3 does not work when clicked 
(in odt -- it works in html). Hovering does show a popup, 
=.OrgXref.Dedicated-Target1=. All other links work as expected.

* Captions, labels, references

On opening, caption and reference labels include verbatim the 
reference key used in the Org source, which was my main concern last time.

But now I realize that this is not an issue after all! =Tools > Update 
> Update all= takes care of automatic renumbering of all 
labels/references. This should probably be mentioned in the documentation.

Tomorrow, I'll throw a 40-page report at it and see what happens.


On 3/20/11 7:32 PM, Jambunathan K wrote:

This is a formal request to integrate my org-html.el&  org-odt.el
changes in to the master branch.

This patch introduces 3 major features:
1. A generic exporter
2. All new html backend re-implemented as a plugin to (1).
3. A odt backend as a plugin to (1).

The patch is based on git commit 3d802.

I am attaching a sample test.org and test.html file generated by the
above set of changes.

Http URL for the repo is:
- http://repo.or.cz/w/org-mode/org-jambu.git/shortlog/refs/heads/staging
(`staging' branch of `org-jambu.git')

Let me know if you have any questions.

ps: Considering the amount of effort I have already invested in these
patches it is almost impossible for me to break down this monolithic
patch in to series of smaller patches. I would be willing to accommodate
all other requests.

Jambunathan K.

Re: [O] "Tag hierarchy" idea

2011-03-22 Thread Christian Moe


There was some discussion of tag hierarchies in this thread:


It was largely inconclusive, except that it would be hard to 
implement. Noone took the ball and ran with it, but then noone came up 
with a strong use case or specification, either. Anyway, I recommend a 
look at that thread before continuing it here.


On 3/22/11 12:09 AM, John Tait wrote:

Hi all

This is my first post. First, I'd like to thank all the org-mode
developers for a great tool.

I'm a technical editor. I am facinated by the pros and cons of
structured documents with regard to their ease of use and power. I
think that they are probably far too restrictive and cumbersome
(looking at you, DITA) for the average technical document.
Nevertheless, the idea of modular documents is an appealing one to me.
I like conditional text features (e.g. in LyX).

In org-mode, I really really love selective export (include/exclude
tags) and using #+INCLUDE: for including other files. This gives me
enormous flexibility, with zero DITA pain.

May I propose an additional feature? I haven't seen anything like it
published anywhere, though maybe I am using the incorrect search
terms. (I am getting enormous vertigo and time-travel sickness reading
up on Lisp, XML, DITA, etc.)

It's a pretty basic idea, but I hope you can take a moment to weigh up
its potential.

We could assign tags to hierarchies of other tags.

#+TAG-NEST: (colour(red green blue))
#+TAG-NEST: (type(colour size))
#+TAG-NEST: (car(type price))

or maybe like this. I'd leave it up to someone with actual programming
experience and a logical mind (my productive programming was PASCAL in
1991) to suggest a rigorous system that makes sense.

#+TAG-NEST: colour > red:green:blue
#+TAG-NEST: type > colour:size
#+TAG-NEST: car > type:price

The point of this would be that selecting, say, "colour" as a tag
would bring along "red", "green", and "blue" along with it. The tag
"type" would bring "colour", "red", "green", "blue" and "size" with it.

The power of this would be that hierarchies could be adjusted and
manipulated as necessary.

Since there is no one definitive way to tag real world objects and
ideas into nice nested boxes (thanks, AI research), we could adjust
any tag hierarchies to suit experience and changing priorities. Even
hierarchies could just be thrown away without affecting existing tags
too much, since tagged headings could just be selected/excluded as usual.

This way, we can use concept hierarchies as the disposable
conveniences that they are, without getting locked into them. Looking
at stuff like XSLT transformation for XML, that'd be worth avoiding.

Maybe there is some logical lispy reason why this couldn't work, but I
hope this is worthy of your consideration.



While I am here (sorry), I couldn't get #+FILETAGS: to work in
org-version 7.4.

For example, if I export a file (to html) File1.org  with
"#+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: john", and then I include File2.org, I can see
File2.org included as part the export of File1 as expected. If I then
set "#+FILETAGS: :john:" in File2, I'd expect File2 to now be
excluded, but it still appears. If I then tag a File2 heading as say
"* Heading :john:", then it won't appear in the File1 export, as
expected. Am I missing something?

Re: [O] org table calc and lisp for hh:mm timetable

2011-03-22 Thread Christian Moe


If we're not just looking for a neat workaround for some special cases 
anymore, but looking at making org-tables aware of time-like strings 
by default, a better strategy than to convert them into integers might 
be to translate them into Calc time format and back again.

After all, Calc and hence the Org spreadsheet already handles time 
arithmetic perfectly well, it's just that it would be nice to have 
this functionality with the extra option to enter and display times as 
=12:45= rather than =12@ 45'= or =12h 45m=.

(Personally, I can live with a =12h 45m= format, which is already a 
Calc option: info:calc#HMS%20Forms, info:calc#HMS%20Formats.)

Consider this:

| Departure  | Travel time | Arrival|
| [2011-03-22 Tue 23:15] | 7@ 05'  | <2011-03-23 Wed 06:20> |
#+TBLFM: $3=<$1>+$2

With Calc, you can add a HMS time to a date-time and get the resulting 
date-time. However, Calc apparently interprets integers as days, not 
minutes or seconds. So if you convert 7:05 to an integer (425) and add 
it to a date-time, you get a date about one year and two months ahead. 
(Converting 7:05 to the integer 0.295139 days would work... but with 
rounding problems.)

The Org spreadsheet already allows us to give the date-time as an 
Org-style timestamp rather than in the Calc date format by using the 
angle brackets in the formula. The solution would be similar option 
for time-like strings, so we could write the travel time above as 
=7:05=, and so the result below would be returned as =7:05=.

| Arrival| Departure  | Travel time |
| <2011-03-23 Wed 06:20> | [2011-03-22 Tue 23:15] | 7@ 5' 0"    |
#+TBLFM: $3=time(<$1>-<$2>)


On 3/22/11 5:40 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:

While this topic is raised, would it make sense for Org-mode table
formula to automatically parse any time-like string into time units
(i.e., base sixty).  That would be the easiest for most users, and (I
imagine) would rarely result in surprising and unexpected behavior.

So, I took a shot at folding this into org-table.el, the resulting patch
is attached.  I'm not sure if this sort of automatic interpretation of
time-like strings into integers is a good idea, or if this is the best
implementation (I'm not incredibly familiar with Org's table handling)
but after a couple of simple tests the patch does seem to work.  For
example the following...

| 2:30 | 2 | 75 |
#+TBLFM: $3=$1/$2

It may make sense to also include functionality for converting the
result back into a time string, e.g.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
   (defun org-time-seconds-to-string (secs)
 "Convert a number of seconds to a time string."
 (cond ((>= secs 3600) (format-seconds "%h:%.2m:%.2s" secs))
   ((>= secs 60) (format-seconds "%m:%.2s" secs))
   (t (format-seconds "%s" secs

| 2:30 | 2 | 1:15 |
#+TBLFM: $3='(org-time-seconds-to-string (/ (string-to-number $1) 
(string-to-number $2)))

While the above is cumbersome, there may be a simpler syntax or
convention -- e.g., whenever one of the inputs is a time string then the
results are displayed as a time string.  Not sure what the best option
is here, but thought this patch may spur some good suggestions.

Best -- Eric

[O] Re: [Patch] For the Manual: using org-crypt

2011-03-23 Thread Christian Egli
Julien Danjou  writes:

> On Fri, Mar 18 2011, Ian Barton wrote:
>> Apologies in advance this isn't a "real" patch:) This is the entry for the
>> manual describing org-crypt.el. I was going to put it in
>> http://orgmode.org/manual/Miscellaneous.html#Miscellaneous However, since I
>> am not a Tex user, I rapidly came to the conclusion that if I tried to patch
>> org.texi, I would probably do more harm than good.
>> I have also pushed a short Tutorial to Worg about using encryption with org
>> files.
> It seems nobody answered you: I think that if you do not try to provide
> this in form of a patch it will be forgotten.
> Or could somebody help integrating this into a patch to org.texi maybe?

The attached patch should get you started. It is just a simple org ->
texi translation, I don't know if the text conforms to the guidelines
put forth in the Documentation_Standards[1]. Please make sure it
conforms to these and then resubmit the patch. If you need any more help
please let me know.



diff --git a/doc/org.texi b/doc/org.texi
index 6fc848b..fa0676f 100644
--- a/doc/org.texi
+++ b/doc/org.texi
@@ -675,8 +675,6 @@ Specific header arguments
 files during tangling
 * comments::Toggle insertion of comments in tangled
 code files
-* padline:: Control insertion of padding lines in tangled
-code files
 * no-expand::   Turn off variable assignment and noweb
 expansion during tangling
 * session:: Preserve the state of code evaluation
@@ -701,6 +699,7 @@ Miscellaneous
 * Clean view::  Getting rid of leading stars in the outline
 * TTY keys::Using Org on a tty
 * Interaction:: Other Emacs packages
+* org-crypt.el::
 Interaction with other packages
@@ -11823,8 +11822,6 @@ The following header arguments are defined:
 files during tangling
 * comments::Toggle insertion of comments in tangled
 code files
-* padline:: Control insertion of padding lines in tangled
-code files
 * no-expand::   Turn off variable assignment and noweb
 expansion during tangling
 * session:: Preserve the state of code evaluation
@@ -12284,7 +12281,7 @@ The @code{:mkdirp} header argument can be used to 
create parent directories
 of tangled files when missing.  This can be set to @code{yes} to enable
 directory creation or to @code{no} to inhibit directory creation.
-@node comments, padline, mkdirp, Specific header arguments
+@node comments, no-expand, mkdirp, Specific header arguments
 @subsubsection @code{:comments}
 By default code blocks are tangled to source-code files without any insertion
 of comments beyond those which may already exist in the body of the code
@@ -12324,7 +12321,7 @@ Insert newlines before and after each code block body 
in tangled code files.
 Do not insert any newline padding in tangled output.
 @end itemize
-@node no-expand, session, padline, Specific header arguments
+@node no-expand, session, comments, Specific header arguments
 @subsubsection @code{:no-expand}
 By default, code blocks are expanded with @code{org-babel-expand-src-block}
@@ -12830,6 +12827,7 @@ emacs -Q --batch -l $ORGINSTALL \
 * Clean view::  Getting rid of leading stars in the outline
 * TTY keys::Using Org on a tty
 * Interaction:: Other Emacs packages
+* org-crypt.el::
 @end menu
@@ -13506,7 +13504,7 @@ tty you would rather use @kbd{C-c .} to re-insert the 
 @end multitable
-@node Interaction,  , TTY keys, Miscellaneous
+@node Interaction, org-crypt.el, TTY keys, Miscellaneous
 @section Interaction with other packages
 @cindex packages, interaction with other
 Org lives in the world of GNU Emacs and interacts in various ways
@@ -13715,6 +13713,46 @@ another key for this command, or override the key in
 @end table
+@node org-crypt.el,  , Interaction, Miscellaneous
+@section org-crypt.el
+@cindex @file{org-crypt.el}
+@cindex @code{org-decrypt-entry}
+@cindex Encryption
+@cindex EasyPG
+org-crypt will encrypt the text of an entry, but not the headline, or
+properties. Org-crypt uses the Emacs EasyPG library to encrypt and decrypt
+files. EasyPG is part of recent Emacs releases (at least Emacs 23). It is
+available as a separate package for earlier versions of Emacs. If your
+version of Emacs already has EasyPG do not install the package manager's
+version. Do

Re: [O] Using org-mode for recipes (i.e. cooking)

2011-03-24 Thread Christian Moe


On 3/24/11 12:47 PM, Le Wang wrote:
> Is it possible to inline count-down timers in a cooking step?  For
> example "2. simmer sauce for 40 minutes on low heat.
> ", so there is a button at the end of the line
> that starts a count-down timer.
> Many timers from different steps can be started simultaneously, and
> each timer should be able to be paused and restarted.  And there
> should be an easy way to get an overview of of all ongoing timers from
> the current document.
> Is it possible to hack this together using existing org > 

I don't think Org has built-in support for concurrent countdown 
timers. But you can fake this pretty well with org-timer, properties, 
column view, a dynamic block, and some lisp table formulas.

A ready-to-run example is attached, hopefully self-explanatory, 
probably buggy, and WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is a learning 
exercise for me.

Instead of using a start timer button (for which you could use an 
`elisp:' link, like the one I've put in to make it easy to stop the 
timer), you can write a hook to start countdowns when the TODO state 
changes. That rather hackish function is the only code here that's not 
out of the box.


#+STARTUP: showeverything
#+COLUMNS: %ITEM  %For %Start %Elapsed %REMAINS %Message

Recipe with timers

* First evaluate this (or put in your .emacs)

#+begin_src emacs-lisp 
  (require 'org-timer)

  (defun my/recipe-timer-start ()
"When state is changed to `RUNNING', change the `Start'
  property of the entry to the current value of org-timer if this
  is a timed recipe entry, i.e. if it has a h:m:s-formatted
  duration in its `For' property. When state is changed to `DONE',
  reset `Start' to `-'."
(when (string-match org-timer-re (or (org-entry-get (point) "For") ""))
  (cond ((string= state "RUNNING")
 (org-set-property "Start" (org-timer nil t)))
((string= state "DONE")
 (org-set-property "Start" "-")
  (setq org-after-todo-state-change-hook 'my/recipe-timer-start)

: my/recipe-timer-start

* Recipe

Here's the dynamic block with the overview.

- Refresh manually with `C-c C-c' on the `begin' line.
- Note that this will start the timer if it's not running.
- The countdown is in the "REMAINS" column.

#+begin: columnview :id local
| ITEM  | For | Start | Elapsed | REMAINS | Message |
| * Recipe  | |   | 0:00:00 | | |
| ** TODO Let simmer| 0:40:00 | - | 0:00:00 | | |
| ** TODO Let ferment   | 2:00:00 | - | 0:00:00 | | |
| ** TODO Leave in oven | 0:04:00 | - | 0:00:00 | | |
#+tblfm: $4='(org-timer nil t)::$5='(if (string-match org-timer-re $3) 
(org-timer-secs-to-hms (- (org-timer-hms-to-secs $2) (org-timer-hms-to-secs 
$4))) "")::$6='(if (< (org-timer-hms-to-secs $5) 0) "STOP!" "")

Below are a few tasks with durations in their `For' properties.

- Start them by changing the task's state to `RUNNING' with `C-c C-t'.
  (If org-timer is not running, it will be started.) 
- When time's up for a task, it will message `STOP!'. Navigate to the
  task and change its state to `DONE' with `C-c C-t' (after taking stuff
  out of the oven, or whatever).
- When you're done, you can [[elisp:org-timer-stop][stop the timer]] (click the 
link or press
  `C-u C-c C-x ,').

** TODO Let simmer
   :For:  0:40:00

** TODO Let ferment
   :For:  2:00:00

** TODO Leave in oven
   :For:  0:04:00

Re: [O] Using org-mode for recipes (i.e. cooking)

2011-03-24 Thread Christian Moe
PS. Using Eric Schulte's new with-time macro 
(http://orgmode.org/worg/org-hacks.html#sec-1_2_6), part of the table 
formula in my above example can be written more compactly:

$5 = '(if (string-match org-timer-re $3) (org-timer-secs-to-hms (- 
(org-timer-hms-to-secs $2) (org-timer-hms-to-secs $4))) "")


$5='(if (string-match org-timer-re $3) (with-time t (- $2 $4)) "")

[O] [TaskJuggler][Poll] Support for the new effort durations?

2011-03-28 Thread Christian Egli

The Effort property previously had no unit attached. With release 7.5 of
orgmode you can now attach units to it such as 4h, 2d or 2m. The
taskjuggler exporter however doesn't support this feature yet. It
currently assumes that if is simply a number that we are talking about
days. If the format is something like 5:30 it assumes that the effort is
in hours:minutes. It has no support for other formats (weeks, months
which taskjuggler itself would support).

Now I suppose the exporter should honor the new effort durations that
were introduced in 7.5. This is not that hard to change. However this
would mean that existing orgmode files will be exported differently,
i.e. the change is not backwards compatible.

At the moment I do not know how to deal with this. Should I just move to
the new effort durations and ask the user to upgrade their orgmode files
or more specifically to upgrade their effort properties to the new
effort durations format?



Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

Re: [O] Re: [ANN] Inkmacs

2011-03-29 Thread Christian Moe



On 3/29/11 6:13 PM, Rustom Mody wrote:

Joakim wrote:

Inkmacs integrates Inkscap and Emacs. Interesting for this list is
inkorg-mode which lets you write text in Org mode and update text  in

Thanks Joakim for that announcement
I would be interested in trying this out but so much bleeding edge
involves too much blood loss for me :-) ATM

If you keep us posted when things are a little more stable it will be good.

[O] Re: Test framework needed

2011-03-30 Thread Christian Egli
Rainer M Krug  writes:

>> http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/UnitTesting
> Am I right in assuming, that all of the possible test frameworks would
> require org files and the expected output (tengle, export to ...,
> agenda, ...)? In this case, would it make sense to start collecting
> those, as they can easily be user contributed, consequently representing
> a cross section of the use cases (even not intended use cases)?

Before you go too far with this; Orgmode already contains a unit test
suite. Look at the README in the testing directory

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

Re: [O] Update org-mode

2011-04-02 Thread Christian Moe

In the Makefile, what settings do you have under these headings?

# Name of your emacs binary
# Where local software is found
# Where local lisp files go.
# Where info files go.

I'm one of the oddballs who compile and install every new Org version, 
because in the start I thought that was the "right" way, and it's 
become a habit.

The Makefile needs to point to the right paths for your Aquamacs 
application and its site-lisp and info subdirectories. I don't use 
Aquamacs, but mutatis mutandis it's probably similar to that for GNU 
Emacs on the Mac, namely:

 # Name of your emacs binary

 # Where local software is found

 # Where local lisp files go.
 lispdir = $(prefix)/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/site-lisp

 # Where info files go.
 infodir = $(prefix)/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/info

I quickly found that git pulls would overwrite my hand-edited 
Makefile, and a hand-edited Makefile caused conflicts on the next 
pull, and I didn't understand git at all.

So I did a shell script that pulls org-mode, copies the Makefile, 
applies a patch with the above changes to the Makefile, compiles and 
installs, and then switches back the Makefile copy. Works for me.


On 4/1/11 5:20 PM, Dror Atariah wrote:

I tried to follow the update process described here:
http://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.html under:
How do I keep current with bleeding edge development?

The only change I made was the place where I checked out the new version. 
Instead of ~/elisp I have ~/Library/elisp.

Everything went smooth, except that I had to add "sudo" before the "make install". 
Without the sudo, I got an "access denied" error. Anyway, at the end, I got no warnings and it 
seems like the process was smooth. But when I checked the version of org-mode in aquamacs it was still 6.33x

I am using Emacs 23.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.8.0, NS apple-appkit-949.54)
  of 2011-03-19 on braeburn.aquamacs.org - Aquamacs Distribution 2.2 on a mac 
OS 10.6.7.

What should I do in order to fix it?

Thanks in advance,

Re: [O] Update org-mode

2011-04-02 Thread Christian Moe

Nick, Achim,

Thanks for this. Other git newbies should obviously ignore my clumsy 
solution and follow those instructions instead.

I guess I missed them because I just stopped looking when I had an 
approach that worked. Embarrassed now.

Dror may still want to check those targets in his Makefile against the 
contents of his Aquamacs.app package.


On 4/2/11 11:02 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:

Christian Moe  wrote:

I quickly found that git pulls would overwrite my hand-edited
Makefile, and a hand-edited Makefile caused conflicts on the next
pull, and I didn't understand git at all.



Bernt pointed out the existence of an FAQ that explains in detail
the procedure for setting up a local branch that will rebase your
local modifications on top of whatever you pull:


Achim's reply in this thread also explains this, but the extra detail
in the FAQ might be helpful.


Re: [O] Update org-mode

2011-04-03 Thread Christian Moe

On 4/3/11 10:08 AM, Dror Atariah wrote:

# Where local software is found




without the tilde.


[O] Re: [taskjuggler] small edits to org-taskjuggler.el for tj3

2011-04-05 Thread Christian Egli
Hi Gregory

"Sullivan, Gregory (US SSA)"  writes:

> Appended is a patch with a couple of small changes to
> org-taskjuggler.el, addressing the following issues:

Thanks for your patch. 

> General:
> * in org-taskjuggler-open-project, the duration is never calculated
> (default is always used).

Good catch and thanks for your patch. Unfortunately the patch causes
problems with my export. The duration is now correctly calculated,
however the root task now also has an end attribute which causes
problems down the road and TJ2 tells me that "End of task foo does not
fit into the project time frame. Try using a later project end date".
But no matter how much I put the end date into the future the issue
remains. If I remove the end attribute from the root task it seems to

This might be an inherent problem with the fact that the exporter uses
the root task also as a container for project specific information.

> Specific to tj3:
> * the reports need a "formats" attribute
> * I wasn't sure about how best to maintain backwards compatibility
> with the default report strings, as I override the taskjuggler version
> in the .org file (not in my .emacs file). 

The reports are a problem. Right now they are defined in a custom
definition. To maintain backwards compatibility we could probably just
add a new custom definition for tj3 reports and use that one if we're
exporting to tj3.

> * for tj3, I found that I needed to put a "scheduling" property in the
> top level task, with value "asap". TaskJuggler III v0.0.11

Are you suggesting we should insert this automatically? Shouldn't this
be at the users discretion?

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

Re: [O] Re: what happened to the #+OPTIONS: \n:t ?

2011-04-05 Thread Christian Moe

You just need BEGIN_VERSE ... END_VERSE instead of _QUOTE.


On 4/5/11 9:31 AM, katepano wrote:

Actually it is very simple . . . it misses the  at the end of
the lines
check the attachments (the song is in greek but I think will give you
the idea)

On 04/05/2011 10:18 AM, Jambunathan K wrote:


First of all I need<#+OPTIONS: \n:t> because when I export an org
file which has song lyrics in it I want to preserve the lines but
accept css for nice printing (and singing afterwards).

Can you give an example of an org file, the html export as it is today,
the html export as you want it to be and may be the css file?

Jambunathan K.

[O] Re: [taskjuggler] small edits to org-taskjuggler.el for tj3

2011-04-05 Thread Christian Egli
Christian Egli  writes:

>> * in org-taskjuggler-open-project, the duration is never calculated
>> (default is always used).
> Good catch and thanks for your patch. Unfortunately the patch causes
> problems with my export. The duration is now correctly calculated,
> however the root task now also has an end attribute which causes
> problems down the road and TJ2 tells me that "End of task foo does not
> fit into the project time frame. Try using a later project end date".
> But no matter how much I put the end date into the future the issue
> remains. If I remove the end attribute from the root task it seems to
> work. 

The following patch seems to work. If you're OK with it I will commit.

diff --git a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
index f891634..20bd91f 100644
--- a/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
+++ b/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
@@ -553,11 +553,11 @@ specified it is calculated
(headline (cdr (assoc "headline" project)))
(version (cdr (assoc "version" project)))
(start (cdr (assoc "start" project)))
-   (end (cdr (assoc "end" project
+   (period (or (cdr (assoc "period" project))
+   (format "%s +%sd" start 
- (format "project %s \"%s\" \"%s\" %s +%sd {\n }\n"
-unique-id headline version start
+ (format "project %s \"%s\" \"%s\" %s {\n }\n"
+    unique-id headline version period
 (defun org-taskjuggler-filter-and-join (items)
   "Filter all nil elements from ITEMS and join the remaining ones

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

Re: [O] [PATCH][ANN] org-html/org-odt

2011-04-12 Thread Christian Moe


Great! I'll test again, but I need to come up for air from other work 
first, so it will take a few days before you hear anything.

As you saw, most of my earlier concerns about 
captions/cross-references went away when I realized updating fields 
solved them. Thanks for the additional explanation.

The 40-page report went mostly fine except for the problem I reported 
earlier, that many paragraphs were split for no apparent reason. I'll 
check that again, too, and report back.


On 4/12/11 10:33 AM, Jambunathan K wrote:


I have fixed most of the issues that you had reported earlier.

I have added two new features:

1. Attaching Custom Styles to the document
- See http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/40026

2. TOC and Outline numbering are done natively. i.e.,
Tools->Update->Update All would update TOC index automagically. (This
wasn't the case with earlier exporter)

* Blocks

There's no syntax highlighting in exported src blocks (ODT and HTML
both). Not a priority?

Currently syntax highlighting is done using htmlize. This package is not
part of Emacs proper and has to be installed separately. Since my setup
instructions doesn't include htmlize as part of load path, HTML source
blocks are uncolored.

As for ODT, fonitification support is missing. I can probably take it up
once my sources gets in to Orgmode proper.

As a side-note, I wonder htmlize was preferred over htmlfontify for
fontification of source blocks. The latter package is part of Emacs
proper. One advantage of using htmlfontify is that fontification can
work out of the box.

The OrgVerse style can, luckily, be changed to something more

May be if you can share your config for OrgVerse I can include it in the
default styles file.

* Verbatim LaTeX

I can't report on the LaTeX math display (never got dvipng to install
on my system).

What I /can/ report is that with the =LaTeX:verbatim option=, which
you probably haven't tested, LaTeX equation environments are not
exported (everything after the =\begin{equation}= line is missing or
not visible). This is copy-pasted from test.odt:

   6.5.1 LaTeX Fragment1

   There is a equation down below.

   6.5.2 LaTeX Fragment2

   If $a^2=b$ and \( b=2 \), then the solution must be either $$
a=+\sqrt{2} $$ or \[ a=-\sqrt{2} \].

I have fixed issues with LaTeX: verbatim.

Everything shows up in HTML, but linebreaks before the
=\end{equation}= line are lost.

In the master branch, the html exporter doesn't seem to be terminating
each line of \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} with. I see your
POV that including of line breaks will make the output pretty. For now I
have retained the existing behaviour of HTML exporter.

* Links

The link to =Dedicated Target1= under 8.2.3 does not work when clicked
(in odt -- it works in html). Hovering does show a popup,
=.OrgXref.Dedicated-Target1=. All other links work as expected.

I have fixed this.

* Captions, labels, references

- *Captions/labels/references* do not yet integrate well with

   - The illustration in sec 6.2.2 is captioned "Illustration fig:1024
 Unicorn Logo", echoing the label. One would probably prefer
 something *auto-numbered* like "Illustration 1: Unicorn Logo".

 - (Even better if there were possible to choose other types names,
   like Chart, Figure, etc.).

References in Orgmode file are currently coded like this
"\ref{fig:1024}". Note that this is of the form "category:value" where
category could be one (or any) of Chart, Figure etc and value is the
sequential value.

In the example above (which if from my test.org file) you will see that
Fig appears in caption and all Fig stuff is sequentially numbered once
the Document is updated with Tools->Update->Update All.

Note: For sake of completeness one can declare "Fig" as sequential
variable in content.xml as is done for "Illustrations".

--8<---cut here---start->8---

--8<---cut here---end--->8---

This is done as part of `org-odt-begin-office-body'.

   - The reference to the same illustration is a hyperlink containing
 part of the label text ("1024"). A *cross-reference field* would
 be preferable to a hyperlink, and "Illustration 1" or similar
 better than "1024".

   - The table caption in sec 9.2, on the other hand, works the way I
 would want illustration captions to work: What appears in the
 caption is not the label text ("table:10"), but the auto-numbered
 "Table 1 An Example Table".

 - (It would be nice to have a colon or other *separator* between
   label and caption text: "Table 1: An Example T

Re: [O] Formal description of Org files

2011-04-15 Thread Christian Egli
Carsten Dominik  writes:

> At FOSDEM, someone asked me if there was a formal description of the
> structure of Org files, in some language that would be the input for a
> parser (or parser generator?) so that Org file could be easily parsed.

Maybe the person was talking about antlr[1], "ANother Tool for Language
Recognition, a language tool that provides a framework for constructing
recognizers, interpreters, compilers, and translators from grammatical
descriptions containing actions in a variety of target languages".

It even seems to have preliminary support for generating an elisp

There is also an emacs mode for editing antlr files[4].

Sounds like an interesting project.


[1]  http://www.antlr.org/
[2]  http://www.antlr.org/wiki/display/ANTLR3/Code+Generation+Targets
[3]  https://github.com/olabini/antlr-elisp
[4]  http://antlr-mode.sourceforge.net/
Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

Re: [O] Unable to use M-Ret from line-wrapped relative time items

2011-04-15 Thread Christian Moe


- I cannot reproduce the problem you describe (Org-mode 7.5, GNU Emacs 
23.3.1 on Mac).

- Upgrading to Emacs 23 would probably be a good idea.

- Does the problem only happen when using timer items? The problem 
appears to occur in org-list-struct. I'd expect it to happen to you 
with description lists of any kind.


On 4/13/11 7:59 PM, Tomer Altman wrote:


I am an inexperienced org-mode user, so my apologies if this bug
report falls short, or is submitted to the wrong forum.

I've been experiencing an annoying bug/break since upgrading to
OrgMode 7.5. I'm running it on GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9,
Carbon Version 1.6.0).

When I am using a relative timer, I can usually hit M-Ret at the end
of the current item, to create a new time-stamped item (I'm using [X]
for point):

- 0:02:04 :: foo[X]

This leads to a new timestamp item:

- 0:02:04 :: foo
- 0:02:06 ::

But when the text of the second note gets to be too long, Emacs wraps
the text to the next line (I have the Fill minor mode active). Trying
to use M-Ret from the end of the second line of the second item leads
to the attached break/backtrace:

- 0:02:04 :: foo
- 0:02:06 :: bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar bar

Any ideas on how to fix this bug/break? Do I merely need to upgrade my
version of GNU Emacs?

Thank you for your time & help,


Re: [O] emdash and endash

2011-04-18 Thread Christian Moe

On 4/18/11 2:19 PM, Ben Finney wrote:

Matt Lundin  writes:

To ensure consistency of export, I have gotten in the habit of using
three hyphens for the emdash in ASCII---even in mail.

I just write the characters – choosing the right one for my purpose – in
Unicode. It's already the third millennium of our calendar — we can
expect Unicode support, and harangue those who haven't joined us in the
international village yet.

Indeed so. But when using a fixed-width font, "--" and "---" are a lot 
easier to distinguish from "-" than are "–" and "—".


Re: [O] [ANN] org-bibtex.el --- convert between Org headings and bibtex entries

2011-04-20 Thread Christian Moe
Cool! Thanks for this. I understand the Fireforg project provides part 
of this functionality (integrated with Zotero), but this free-standing 
tool looks helpful. Three quick comments:

- I tried to just put this on my load path and require it, but there 
seems to be a name conflict with the existing org-bibtex.el, which 
provides for BibTeX links.

- Trying to create a book type entry, I get prompted only for 
`:editor', not for `:author'.

- Fireforg namespaces the property names with a `BIB_', e.g. 
`:BIB_author:', and some people might find that useful as an option.

- I'd find it helpful with a user option for org-bibtex-fleshout to 
prompt for optional fields as well.


On 4/20/11 1:52 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:


In an attempt to organize my reading notes, I've written the following
tool which allows both for exporting Org-mode headlines with bibtex
meta-data to bibtex entries, and for reading existing bibtex entries
into Org-mode headings.

One nice feature of these functions is the ability to check that all
required fields are present in a given headline based on the bibtex type
(e.g., :article, :inproceedings), and prompt for missing fields.

See the top of the elisp file for more usage information.

Cheers -- Eric

[O] Babel/R: trouble with :units header arg

2011-04-21 Thread Christian Moe


Some Babel/R plots that worked a couple of months ago gave an error 
message on the :units header arg when I tried to run them again now. 
There could be many reasons (including a computer upgrade in the 
meantime), but in case it's an Org thing, a minimal example follows 
below (parabola plot for 8x8cm paper output). I'd appreciate any tips.

#+begin_src R  :results graphics :file test.png :width 8 :height 8 
:res 200 :units "cm"

  x <- -10:10
  y <- x^2
  plot(x, y, type="l", col="red", lty=1)

Documentation indicates this should work, but I get:

 Error in match.arg(units, c("in", "px", "cm", "mm")) :
   'arg' must be NULL or a character vector
 Calls:  ->  -> png -> match.arg
 Execution halted

Same if I use single quotes or no quotes around "cm".

Replacing ~:units "cm"~ with ~:R-dev-args units="cm"~ works:

#+begin_src R  :results graphics :file test.png :width 8 :height 8 
:res 200 :R-dev-args units="cm"

  x <- -10:10
  y <- x^2
  plot(x, y, type="l", col="red", lty=1)



Re: [O] [ANN] org-bibtex.el --- convert between Org headings and bibtex entries

2011-04-24 Thread Christian Moe

On 4/24/11 4:21 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:

Matt Lundin  writes:

Eric, the more I think about this, the more my vote would be to package
this new functionality separately.

IMO, hyperlinking to external data in bib files is somewhat orthogonal
to storing bib data within org files. In other words, the current
org-bibtex.el complements bibtex-mode use, whereas the new org-bibtex
functions, for the most part, are substitutes for bibtex-mode---i.e.,
they re-implement much of its configuration and basic functionality.

By packaging the new functionality separately perhaps we could lay the
groundwork for internal, backend agnostic bibliographical export and
formatting---not unlike the way in which org-contacts.el replaces bbdb.

Alright, I think I agree that separate packaging would be the best way
forward given the existing conventions wrt linking to functionality
rather than implementing said functionality.

The *conclusion* (where Eric Schulte's new bibtex functions should go) 
is not a big concern to me, but FWIW, the *premise* strikes me as 
unnecessarily restrictive.

I submit that, for any non-Org format or application "foo", the module 
org-foo.el does not have to be restricted to providing an Org link 
type for foo. It seems a sensible namespace for e.g. foo-Org/Org-foo 
conversion functions as well. The fact that several modules so named 
*at present* only provide link functionality does not, I think, amount 
to a convention that this is all they should do.

> By packaging the new functionality separately perhaps we could lay the
> groundwork for internal, backend agnostic bibliographical export and
> formatting---not unlike the way in which org-contacts.el replaces bbdb.

That's a great aim. Still, a future bibliography module (be it 
"org-bib", "org-cite" or whatever) could just as well rely, for bits 
of bibtex functionality, on some utilities packaged in org-bibtex.


Re: [O] [PATCH][ANN] org-html/org-odt

2011-04-25 Thread Christian Moe

Hi, Jambunathan,

Sorry, it took me a long time to get around to this. I pulled your 
current version this morning. Tested with LibreOffice 3.3.2, Emacs 
23.3.1 and Org-mode 7.5 under Mac OS X 10.6.7 this time.

You have addressed all my reports, and it's working fine with the test 
document. However, I have two and a half new issues to report for ODT 
output (HTML is fine).

- The centered paragraph is not centered.

- Description lists are now formatted with bulleting (see the enclosed 
output). Both term and description are bulleted, and in addition, 
there's an empty bulleted line between them. IIRC, description lists 
were nicely formatted the last time I tested, so something must have 

- Radio-target links work perfectly well, but in a slightly different 
way than I expected (must be clicked like external links, not internal 
ones; see below).

On 4/12/11 10:33 AM, Jambunathan K wrote:


I have fixed most of the issues that you had reported earlier.

I have added two new features:

1. Attaching Custom Styles to the document
- See http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/40026

I confirm that this works, both with reference to a specific 
styles.xml and with reference to an .odt document.

This is a major advance!

2. TOC and Outline numbering are done natively. i.e.,
Tools->Update->Update All would update TOC index automagically. (This
wasn't the case with earlier exporter)

I hadn't tried that before, but I can confirm that it works now.

* Blocks

There's no syntax highlighting in exported src blocks (ODT and HTML
both). Not a priority?

Currently syntax highlighting is done using htmlize. This package is not
part of Emacs proper and has to be installed separately. Since my setup
instructions doesn't include htmlize as part of load path, HTML source
blocks are uncolored.

As for ODT, fonitification support is missing. I can probably take it up
once my sources gets in to Orgmode proper.

I see, thanks.

For .odt export, there are probably many cases where black-and-white 
is preferable anyway.

The OrgVerse style can, luckily, be changed to something more

May be if you can share your config for OrgVerse I can include it in the
default styles file.

Well, like I said, it's user-changeable anyway, and it's probably not 
a heavily used feature, so it's no big deal at all.

Still, I'd suggest basing the default verse on default paragraph 
style, not preformatted; dropping the background/borders; and 
indenting, as with the HTML output. I have done that in the enclosed.

---and while we're at it: Trimming leading spaces from the verse lines 
would be good.

Of course, it could be objected that in much modern verse, layout 
elements are significant, so it would be better to use a fixed-width 
font, like you're doing now, and not mess with the whitespace at all. 
In any case, I'd lose the background and borders.

I have fixed issues with LaTeX: verbatim.

I confirm this is fixed.

Still don't have dvipng working, so I can't report on that.

Everything shows up in HTML, but linebreaks before the
=\end{equation}= line are lost.

In the master branch, the html exporter doesn't seem to be terminating
each line of \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} with. I see your
POV that including of line breaks will make the output pretty. For now I
have retained the existing behaviour of HTML exporter.


* Links

The link to =Dedicated Target1= under 8.2.3 does not work when clicked
(in odt -- it works in html). Hovering does show a popup,
=.OrgXref.Dedicated-Target1=. All other links work as expected.

I have fixed this.

I confirm that this link is fixed.

Radioed target:
This works, but in a slightly puzzling way. Unlike the other internal 
links, simply clicking the link does not take me to the target. On the 
Mac, I have to CMD-click it, same as when clicking on an external URL.

* Captions, labels, references


The caption now has a Colon separator.

   - However, the reference to that table appears as a hyperlink saying
 "10", and the hyperlink does not appear to work. A cross-reference
 link to "Table 1" would be better.

On opening, caption and reference labels include verbatim the
reference key used in the Org source, which was my main concern last

But now I realize that this is not an issue after all! =Tools>  Update

Update all= takes care of automatic renumbering of all

labels/references. This should probably be mentioned in the

Tools->Update->Update All (OpenOffice.org) will make sure that all
references to Tables and Images are 'correct'. Yes, this needs to be
mentioned in the manual.

Exporting one of my own documents, I also found that:

- A space is inserted before *footnote markers*; it shouldn't be. You
   can't see this in the text doc

[O] Build error in git HEAD with org-bibtex.el

2011-04-28 Thread Christian Egli
Hi all

When doing a `make update` I get the following compile error:

~/src/org-mode $ make update
git pull
Already up-to-date.
/usr/bin/make clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/eglic/src/org-mode'
emacs -batch -q -no-site-file -eval "(setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name 
\"./lisp/\") (cons \"/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp\" load-path)))" -f 
batch-byte-compile lisp/org-bibtex.el

In toplevel form:
lisp/org-bibtex.el:257:8:Error: Byte-compiling a redefinition of `get' will not 
work - use `labels' instead
make[1]: *** [lisp/org-bibtex.elc] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/eglic/src/org-mode'
make: *** [update] Error 2

This is using GNU Emacs 23.1.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.22.0) of 
2011-03-04 on yellow, modified by Debian

Christian Egli
Swiss Library for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Print Disabled
Grubenstrasse 12, CH-8045 Zürich, Switzerland

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >