[Orgmode] Re: How you ORGanize yourself? (aka: Why not one file to rule'em all?)

2010-04-21 Thread Bernt Hansen
"Alan E. Davis"  writes:

>   5. I hacked the code to provide six priority levels, #A--#F.  I
>  haven't gotten around to use all the levels, but I forsee
>  being able, for example, to use #F as shopping list items.

There's no need to hack the code for this.  You can modify the
variables that control how many priorities you get with 

  - org-default-priority
  - org-highest-priority
  - org-lowest-priority

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: How you ORGanize yourself? (aka: Why not one file to rule'em all?)

2010-04-21 Thread Tim O'Callaghan
My .02Euro-cents worth.

I used to have an uber.org file setup, but i found it de-focused my
thinking. I'd get sidetracked because a topic caught my attention or
looked out of place.

I've moved to something a bit more dynamic now, its still under
construction though. I wanted to be able to minimize the amount of
keystrokes i need to access a particular file, and have something that
translated well to a mobile keypad. So my new philosophy is that I've
decided to use numbers. They're easy to memorize and can be used in a
kind of personal Dewey decimal scheme.

Breaking it down, I have a bunch of directories in ~/

| org | the main org directory, under git
| 0_INBOX | a clearing house for file based "stuff" - firefox
downloads to here |
| 1_PROJECT   | root tree for current project folders
| 2_SOMEDAY   | root tree for someday project folders and tickler
reminder files|
| 5_TOREAD| electronic media i want to read - pdfs text files etc.
| 6_TOLISTEN  | podcasts, audiobooks etc,
| 7_TOWATCH   | downloaded videos etc.
| 8_REFERENCE | general reference material.

Using git, I sync my ~/org directory across the various machines i use
org-mode on, but i leave the [0-9]_ named directories local to the
machine. That provides context. I'm still experimenting with keeping
the numbered directories under git. Its proving problematic when my
sourcecode is also under git too.

The 1_PROJECT folder contains a folder per project. Each project
folder has a 1+.org file in it, which automatically gets
picked up and used in the Agenda (see .emacs stuff below for details).
That way the agenda is only populated with work i can actually do on
that machine. I'm still looking into how to use git and the attachment
system to manage project directories as separate git projects...

In the sycned ~/org folder i have these files which are included in
the agenda. All of these files can be found with two keystrokes, a
number then a '+'.

| 0+inbox.org| where all my remember stuff is dumped.|
| 1+projects.org | personal/portable misc small project container|
| 2+someday.org  | Someday/Tickler/To-Buy|
| 4+calendar.org | Appointments, birthdays (yet to sync with google) |
| 8+contacts.org | Contact information   |
| 9+journal.org  | Musings, Writings, rants etc. |

And finally i'm using the numbers again, and "traffic light" style
colors for task and project state tracking.

| key | color  | tag  | description
|   0 | green  | DONE | Task done
|   1 | grey   | TODO | Heading is a next action that was outlined and
might need doing |
|   2 | yellow | NEXT | Heading is a next action that needs doing.
|   3 | orange | WAIT | Heading is something i am waiting for
|   4 | yellow | APPT | Heading is an appointment of some kind


 the .emacs code 

(setq  org-default-notes-file (expand-file-name "~/org/0+inbox.org")
   (;; normal workflow  | 
(sequence "TODO(1!)" "NEXT(2!/!)" "WAIT(3@/!)" "APPT(4@/!)"
  "|" "DONE(0!/@!)" "DEFERRED(d...@!/!)" "CANCELED(c...@!/!)")
;; project state indicators
(type "PROJECT(P!/@!)" "SOMEDAY(S!/@!)" "|" "PROJDONE" "PROJCANC")
   (;; "traffic light" style task colours
("TODO" :foreground "grey" :weight bold)
("NEXT" :foreground "gold" :weight bold)
("DONE" :foreground "forest green" :weight bold)
("WAIT" :foreground "orange" :weight bold)
("APPT" :foreground "gold" :weight bold)
("CANCELED" :foreground "indianred" :weight bold)
;; project level todo indicators
("SOMEDAY" :foreground "orchid" :weight bold)
("PROJECT" :foreground "grey" :weight bold)
("PROJDONE" :foreground "forest green" :weight bold)
("PROJCANC" :foreground "indianred" :weight bold)

(setq org-agenda-files ())
;; use ~/org and search the top level directories in the 1_PROJECT folder
(defun toc:add-org-agenda-directories (dir filter)
  "add files matched by filter in directory dir to org-agenda-files list"
(dolist (d2 (file-expand-wildcards (expand-file-name dir)))
  (if (file-directory-p d2)
  (dolist (f (directory-files d2 t filter t))
(push f org-agenda-files)

; only include numbered files from org directory
(toc:add-org-agenda-directories "~/org" "[1-9]+.*.org$")
; auto include - 1+ files
(toc:add-org-agenda-directories "~/1_PROJECT/*" "1\+.*.org$")
(setq org-refile-targets '((org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 3)))


Re: [Orgmode] Re: How you ORGanize yourself? (aka: Why not one file to rule'em all?)

2010-04-21 Thread Alan E. Davis
   More than you want to know, I'm certain.  I would certainly
   appreciate any ideas that others might provide.  I am reluctant to
   provide much in the way of personal details, but perhaps I do have
   to provide some detail, in order to call attention to how I use
   Org-mode, in many aspects of my life.

   The pattern of my usage of org-mode has evolved through perhaps a
   year and a half, yet I am still at a very modest level of
   understanding.  All the same, I have grown into new understandings
   about how to use Org.  The ~/org directory (under git control so I
   can keep up to date on three computers) has been weighted down with
   a considerable level of cruft.  I am a scatterbrained/eclectic,
   constantly thinking of new ways to clutter these files; yet,
   Org-mode is an ideal tool for this, and I am learning more and more
   about how to use it.  The main pattern that begins to
   emerge is the usage of many files, but more and more of them are
   merging into single topical or function based files, something like
   the following.  However, I sense that some of the org functions
   (including some agenda based functionality, and especially tagging)
   are starting to slow down.

   The files
  1. Main files
  1. JOURNAL.org:: Various longer posts, from some remember
 templates with various top level headers as targets.
  2. notes.org::  target for org's tools for  firefox, as well as
 for a remember template to store notes for later filing.
  3. LetterDrafts.org:: writing correspondence
  4. Todo.org:: Various kinds of TODO notes
  5. Happenings.org:: Diary like functionality
  6. Diary.org:: Emacs diary
  7. Contacts.org:: I still haven't figured out how to do this.
  2. Project related files, general
  1. System.Journal.org:: where I log various system issues and
 try to keep on top of changes to my system, both hardware
 and operating system, as well as software.
  2. Classes.org:: Where I keep various kinds of notes on courses
 I teach. (I think I have struggled with this the most).
  3. Field.Journal.org:: I am a biologist who makes field notes.
  4. Music.org:: Becoming huge with guitar tablature, lyrics,
 notes on the Guitar, etc.
  5. Drafts.org:: Drafts of all kinds of documents.
  6. SCHOOL.org:: Notes about the school where I teach.
  7. Microscopy.org:: Notes on microscope use and hardware.
  8. Science.org:: Notes of a scientific  nature, about
 literature or research.
  9. Quotes.org:: I have a remember template for storing away
  10. Sweeps.org:: Hardly used, up to recently, a place to store
  "Mind Sweeps" or Brainstorms.
  11. Emacs.org:: Log and notes about use of emacs, and notes
  about the changes I've made to .emacs.el
  12. Health.Journal.org:: notes on health issues for the members
  of my family.
  13. HOWTO.org:: When I have figured out some settings or
  installation notes, I keep them in this file in a highly
  unintelligible HOWTO format.  Sometimes even I cannot read
  14. Film.org:: I keep notes on films I watch and vidoes I use
  in teaching.  Including  time-indexed notes made with the
  relative-timer facility or Org-mode.
  15. EmacsTricks.org::
  3. Project files, more specific, and more numerous.  For example:
 1. BeachHoppers.org
 2. DigitalPhotography.org
 3. LetterToJoe.org
 4. Worms.org
 5. Recipes.org
 6. MakingDo.org:: a few notes for a book about running a
laboratory on a shoestring, using found objects, etc.
 7. Tides.org:: One of my interests.
 8. Lexicon.org:: I am saving notes here using a remember
 template that saves linguistic notes in "band format."
 9. ScientificLiterature.org:: I am trying to organize notes on
 downloaded PDFs and bibtex reference database.

Usage notes.

  1. I am learning to use the agenda.  I have some custom agenda
 commands.  It has taken me a long time to learn how I can
 keep track of events and appointments, as well as TODO
 items.  I'll be learning for a long time yet.  SCHEDULING is
 useful, as are DEADLINES.   It's taking a while to fall into
 habits of use to make these useful to myself.
  2. I am slowly learning to use tags in a personally useful way.
 1. Context is somewhat useful.  However, I really need a
shopping list.
 3. I am starting to use inheritance of keywords on headlines,
as it helps clean things up.
  3. I am also gradually beginning to understand how I can use
 TODO keywords.
 1. My

Re: [Orgmode] Re: How you ORGanize yourself? (aka: Why not one file to rule'em all?)

2010-04-21 Thread Greg Newman
My process has gone through some revisions.  My current setup is as follows:

I keep all paid projects for clients in one big file.  I used to keep them
in a file for each client until one of them noticed that their name was
being pushed to github in my agenda files.

This file holds all internal projects for my studio.  Paintings, drawings,
administrative tasks, repair and studio related research materials.

Just that.  Anything related to the house, cars, wife, kid, dogs, etc.

I use this file for random thoughts and information I find online.

How to explain this one? When I find information that I want to act on in
the future as R&D I throw it into mind.org and
give it a todo status.  Usually stuff in here pertains to things I don't
understand and want to spend time learning.  Hence the name.

When on client calls I take notes in the phone file which later gets refiled
to their respective places

This is synced using Doug Hellmann's ical2org python script.  I have a cron
set to sync it every hour so
that my google calendar updates my org file.  I have todochiku installed to
notify me via growl of appointments.

I may go back to having a single org file for each client.  Right now I have
about 20 projects in that file with long lists and
I'm struggling a little with keeping it organized enough that I don't lose
track of projects.

Beyond this setup, every hour a cron syncs my org files to a private
mercurial repository at bitbucket.

— Greg
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[Orgmode] Re: How you ORGanize yourself? (aka: Why not one file to rule'em all?)

2010-04-20 Thread Flavio Souza

Hi everybody!

I use these files:


- This is the file where I insert all my tasks and projects.
- It is divided by these topics:

* GTD Inbox
* Work
* Personal
* Agenda
** Appointments
** Bills
* Summary
** Estimated Hours
** Worked Hours

- At GTD Inbox, I collect all my new tasks and projects by using  
org-remember. In my weekly review, I file them at appropriate section.
- Work and Personal is where I file my tasks and projects and give them  
tags. This helps me filter within agenda view.

- I clock every task I am doing to get my working hours summary.
- Sometimes I use the archive feature to get rid of done tasks and  
finished projects to a separated file.


- This is a file where I collect everything that I want to take note and  
file for reference. This is used along with org-remember.

- It is divided by four topics:

* Ideas
* Jornal
* Phone Calls
* General Notes

I also have lots of other files that I fill in with notes. Every note has  
a title with "*" and text body. All the files have a name that starts with  
"nt_". I do not look at them very often, so I don't mind to have lots of  
note files. I use Google Desktop or grep to search information in them  
when I need it. These notes file vary a lot, for example, I have a  
nt_windows.txt file that has notes about windows tips and tricks I  
collected over time.

So far, this setup is working perfectly and I am able to track all my  
projects and tasks. Thanks to orgmode!



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Re: [Orgmode] Re: How you ORGanize yourself? (aka: Why not one file to rule'em all?)

2010-04-20 Thread Matthew Lundin
Carsten Dominik  writes:

> On Apr 19, 2010, at 5:07 PM, Matthew Lundin wrote:
>> I find that (org-agenda-restriction-lock) makes subsequent calls to
>> my-org-agenda-files-by-filetag slow, since it refreshes the current
>> agenda.
>> Are there any potential pitfalls if I use (setq org-agenda-restrict
>> nil)
>> instead?
> I think you might mean org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock?

Yes, sorry for the typo.

> That function does some cleanup which I think you should keep,
> so maybe just call it like this:
> (org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock 'noupdate)

Thanks! This was exactly what I was looking for.

> Otherwise, while you are inside your system, (setq org-agenda-restrict
> nil) is enough - only when you mix the normal subtree/file restriction
> with you system, you may get funny effects.

I've put updated versions of the functions on Worg:



Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: How you ORGanize yourself? (aka: Why not one file to rule'em all?)

2010-04-20 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Apr 19, 2010, at 5:07 PM, Matthew Lundin wrote:

Hi Carsten,

Carsten Dominik  writes:

On Apr 17, 2010, at 3:50 PM, Matt Lundin wrote:

FWIW, I've found it quite convenient to rely on filetags to organize
my notes. I've written a few functions that allow me to limit my
agenda to a subset of agenda files that share a filetag (e.g.,
"emacs" or "writing"). This is a bit quicker than calling agenda
commands on all agenda files and then filtering afterward. It also
allows for greater focus on a particular area of work. Here are the
> >

Hi Matt,

this is very interesting!

One idea:  Instead of setting the value of org-agenda-files,
you can also restrict in the following way:

(put 'org-agenda-files 'org-restrict my-file-list)
(setq org-agenda-overriding-restriction 'files)

The restriction sticks until you remove it with `C-c C_x >'

I am not sure this will work better for your case - but maybe it  

Thanks for the tip! That's much more elegant.

I find that (org-agenda-restriction-lock) makes subsequent calls to
my-org-agenda-files-by-filetag slow, since it refreshes the current

Are there any potential pitfalls if I use (setq org-agenda-restrict  


I think you might mean org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock?

That function does some cleanup which I think you should keep,
so maybe just call it like this:

(org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock 'noupdate)

Otherwise, while you are inside your system, (setq org-agenda-restrict  

is enough - only when you mix the normal subtree/file restriction with
you system, you may get funny effects.

- Carsten

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: How you ORGanize yourself? (aka: Why not one file to rule'em all?)

2010-04-19 Thread Matthew Lundin
Hi Carsten,

Carsten Dominik  writes:

> On Apr 17, 2010, at 3:50 PM, Matt Lundin wrote:
>> FWIW, I've found it quite convenient to rely on filetags to organize
>> my notes. I've written a few functions that allow me to limit my
>> agenda to a subset of agenda files that share a filetag (e.g.,
>> "emacs" or "writing"). This is a bit quicker than calling agenda
>> commands on all agenda files and then filtering afterward. It also
>> allows for greater focus on a particular area of work. Here are the
>> functions:
>> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-hacks.php#set-agenda-files-by-filetag > >
> Hi Matt,
> this is very interesting!
> One idea:  Instead of setting the value of org-agenda-files,
> you can also restrict in the following way:
> (org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock)
> (put 'org-agenda-files 'org-restrict my-file-list)
> (setq org-agenda-overriding-restriction 'files)
> The restriction sticks until you remove it with `C-c C_x >'
> I am not sure this will work better for your case - but maybe it will.

Thanks for the tip! That's much more elegant.

I find that (org-agenda-restriction-lock) makes subsequent calls to
my-org-agenda-files-by-filetag slow, since it refreshes the current

Are there any potential pitfalls if I use (setq org-agenda-restrict nil)


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: How you ORGanize yourself? (aka: Why not one file to rule'em all?)

2010-04-17 Thread Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
Actually, what I want is to show the path to the item, it arealdy does it
when I have the item on focus, but maybe an option to display it on the todo
list would be nice :)

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 1:35 AM, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa <
celose...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you for the replies ;)
> One thing that I miss, is a way to make org-todo-list where each todo item
> would, somehow, show its parent until the topmost (or with configurable
> levels). Is it possible somehow? It would make it more easier to keep
> projects in only one file (GTD.org for example). I can use follow mode, but
> this would be nice.
> Thanks,
> Marcelo.
> On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Carsten Dominik <
> carsten.domi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 17, 2010, at 3:50 PM, Matt Lundin wrote:
>>  Hi Marcelo,
>>> Marcelo de Moraes Serpa  writes:
>>>  This is a thread to share your org dir (you have one right) file
 structure. The title is because I see many of org users prefer having
 big monolithic files, and I have a slightly different line of thought.

>>> I have a handful of central files: e.g, inbox.org, reading.org,
>>> computer.org, writing.org, and so on. I've found, however, that on my
>>> relatively modest machines org/outline buffers slow down at appr.
>>> 12,000+ lines and become more or less unnavigable at appr. 30,000+ lines
>>> (especially if they have a deeply nested structure). Whenever a file
>>> gets too large, I simply create new files for sub-projects and
>>> sub-topics (e.g., perl.org, emacs.org, etc.) and link to them from the
>>> main file (e.g., computer.org). I also do a lot of archiving.
>>> FWIW, I've found it quite convenient to rely on filetags to organize my
>>> notes. I've written a few functions that allow me to limit my agenda to
>>> a subset of agenda files that share a filetag (e.g., "emacs" or
>>> "writing"). This is a bit quicker than calling agenda commands on all
>>> agenda files and then filtering afterward. It also allows for greater
>>> focus on a particular area of work.
>>> Here are the functions:
>>> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-hacks.php#set-agenda-files-by-filetag
>> Hi Matt,
>> this is very interesting!
>> One idea:  Instead of setting the value of org-agenda-files,
>> you can also restrict in the following way:
>> (org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock)
>> (put 'org-agenda-files 'org-restrict my-file-list)
>> (setq org-agenda-overriding-restriction 'files)
>> The restriction sticks until you remove it with `C-c C_x >'
>> I am not sure this will work better for your case - but maybe it will.
>> - Carsten
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: How you ORGanize yourself? (aka: Why not one file to rule'em all?)

2010-04-17 Thread Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
Thank you for the replies ;)

One thing that I miss, is a way to make org-todo-list where each todo item
would, somehow, show its parent until the topmost (or with configurable
levels). Is it possible somehow? It would make it more easier to keep
projects in only one file (GTD.org for example). I can use follow mode, but
this would be nice.



On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Carsten Dominik

> On Apr 17, 2010, at 3:50 PM, Matt Lundin wrote:
>  Hi Marcelo,
>> Marcelo de Moraes Serpa  writes:
>>  This is a thread to share your org dir (you have one right) file
>>> structure. The title is because I see many of org users prefer having
>>> big monolithic files, and I have a slightly different line of thought.
>> I have a handful of central files: e.g, inbox.org, reading.org,
>> computer.org, writing.org, and so on. I've found, however, that on my
>> relatively modest machines org/outline buffers slow down at appr.
>> 12,000+ lines and become more or less unnavigable at appr. 30,000+ lines
>> (especially if they have a deeply nested structure). Whenever a file
>> gets too large, I simply create new files for sub-projects and
>> sub-topics (e.g., perl.org, emacs.org, etc.) and link to them from the
>> main file (e.g., computer.org). I also do a lot of archiving.
>> FWIW, I've found it quite convenient to rely on filetags to organize my
>> notes. I've written a few functions that allow me to limit my agenda to
>> a subset of agenda files that share a filetag (e.g., "emacs" or
>> "writing"). This is a bit quicker than calling agenda commands on all
>> agenda files and then filtering afterward. It also allows for greater
>> focus on a particular area of work.
>> Here are the functions:
>> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-hacks.php#set-agenda-files-by-filetag
> Hi Matt,
> this is very interesting!
> One idea:  Instead of setting the value of org-agenda-files,
> you can also restrict in the following way:
> (org-agenda-remove-restriction-lock)
> (put 'org-agenda-files 'org-restrict my-file-list)
> (setq org-agenda-overriding-restriction 'files)
> The restriction sticks until you remove it with `C-c C_x >'
> I am not sure this will work better for your case - but maybe it will.
> - Carsten
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Re: How you ORGanize yourself? (aka: Why not one file to rule'em all?)

2010-04-17 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Apr 17, 2010, at 3:50 PM, Matt Lundin wrote:

Hi Marcelo,

Marcelo de Moraes Serpa  writes:

This is a thread to share your org dir (you have one right) file
structure. The title is because I see many of org users prefer having
big monolithic files, and I have a slightly different line of  

I have a handful of central files: e.g, inbox.org, reading.org,
computer.org, writing.org, and so on. I've found, however, that on my
relatively modest machines org/outline buffers slow down at appr.
12,000+ lines and become more or less unnavigable at appr. 30,000+  

(especially if they have a deeply nested structure). Whenever a file
gets too large, I simply create new files for sub-projects and
sub-topics (e.g., perl.org, emacs.org, etc.) and link to them from the
main file (e.g., computer.org). I also do a lot of archiving.

FWIW, I've found it quite convenient to rely on filetags to organize  
notes. I've written a few functions that allow me to limit my agenda  

a subset of agenda files that share a filetag (e.g., "emacs" or
"writing"). This is a bit quicker than calling agenda commands on all
agenda files and then filtering afterward. It also allows for greater
focus on a particular area of work.

Here are the functions:


Hi Matt,

this is very interesting!

One idea:  Instead of setting the value of org-agenda-files,
you can also restrict in the following way:

(put 'org-agenda-files 'org-restrict my-file-list)
(setq org-agenda-overriding-restriction 'files)

The restriction sticks until you remove it with `C-c C_x >'

I am not sure this will work better for your case - but maybe it will.

- Carsten

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

[Orgmode] Re: How you ORGanize yourself? (aka: Why not one file to rule'em all?)

2010-04-17 Thread Matt Lundin
Hi Marcelo,

Marcelo de Moraes Serpa  writes:

> This is a thread to share your org dir (you have one right) file
> structure. The title is because I see many of org users prefer having
> big monolithic files, and I have a slightly different line of thought.

I have a handful of central files: e.g, inbox.org, reading.org,
computer.org, writing.org, and so on. I've found, however, that on my
relatively modest machines org/outline buffers slow down at appr.
12,000+ lines and become more or less unnavigable at appr. 30,000+ lines
(especially if they have a deeply nested structure). Whenever a file
gets too large, I simply create new files for sub-projects and
sub-topics (e.g., perl.org, emacs.org, etc.) and link to them from the
main file (e.g., computer.org). I also do a lot of archiving.

FWIW, I've found it quite convenient to rely on filetags to organize my
notes. I've written a few functions that allow me to limit my agenda to
a subset of agenda files that share a filetag (e.g., "emacs" or
"writing"). This is a bit quicker than calling agenda commands on all
agenda files and then filtering afterward. It also allows for greater
focus on a particular area of work.

Here are the functions:



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