[Embedded_C_VC] HIV amp; AIDS - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

2009-03-27 Thread Lexie Marie

HIV  AIDS - Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

The precise source of HIV is not known as yet, but quite a few
scientists say that a kind of virus, called the 'SIVcpz that is Simian
Immunodeficiency Virus from chimps' which used to be and is even now
found in the chimpanzees found in a few places in Africa.
Causes of HIV:
The spread of HIV [...]


What is the Cause of Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)?

The term eczema is used to describe skin that has become
irritated or inflamed. Another term used for eczema is atopic
dermatitis. Atopic diseases are generally created by an inherited
tendency that causes the bodies defensive mechanisms to over react to
another stimulus such as asthma, hay fever or other allergies. This
overreaction is the [...]


Struggling With AdWords

AdWords, AdSense and keywords are all connected. In very many
situations they are used for the same end result. The running of your
online business very often is hugely dependent upon the correct use or
application of your AdWords. In fact a good analogy is to say that
AdWords are the fuel that drives your [...]


Save Your Home From Foreclosure

Are you struggling to make your mortgage payments each month?
Have you been laid off from your job or otherwise been harshly affected
by the economic downturn we are all going through? If so, you may be
afraid that you might have to save your home from foreclosure, and you
are probably wondering if there [...]


A Good Investment Or Not?

When the housing market collapsed not too long ago one of the
side effects of people getting foreclosed on is that the property values
of homes dropped dramatically. Many experts said that much of the
housing market was artificially inflated already and that was one of the
factors that lead to the market collapsing but [...]


4 Myths and Misconceptions of Genital Warts

The human papilloma virus (HPV), which causes genital warts, is
very prevalent. Hundreds of millions of people around the globe develop
warts infection every year. According to health experts, one of the main
reasons why many people contract the infection is because many people
lack clear, concise, and updated information about HPV.
Inadequate information dissemination regarding [...]


How to Remove a Face Mole

Trying to figure out how to remove a face mole can be
frustrating. Moles can be very irritating, and can affect people's self
esteem. Depending on where the mole is located on your body, it can
cause us to be self conscious about our selves. Especially if you grew
up with a face mole. Kids [...]


Don't Be Fooled - Stop Home Foreclosure

If you find your self being overwhelmed by the economy or
perhaps you are being faced with a job layoff or downsizing with your
company. You may be in a situation where affording your house payment,
has become rather difficult. If you have missed at least two payments
you may even have collectors calling you [...]


PPC Basics For Small Businesses

Pay per click or PPC is often discussed in terms of a wider
internet marketing campaign, or as a method for large businesses with
huge advertising budgets to buy their way to the top of the search
engines. However, small businesses and SMEs can benefit from
implementing a PPC campaign too. Depending on your product [...]



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[Embedded_C_VC] Amazon Vs eBay - Which is the Best Option For Online Sellers?

2009-03-24 Thread Lexie Marie

Amazon Vs eBay - Which is the Best Option For Online Sellers?

With Amazon increasing more 30% every year on 3rd party sales
and recent news of layoffs in eBay, the question of selling on eBay or
selling on Amazon is more important to online sellers now than ever. The
economic slowdown and financial crisis has also made e-commerce vendors
take a much closer look on listing [...] 

Valentine's Day Gifts on Valentine Day

Valentine's Day is a festival that cherishes love and romance.
The festival falls on February 14 every year and is celebrated in
several countries across the world including US, UK, Canada, Japan,
France, China and India. Though the festival commemorates the martyrdom
of a Christian saint called St Valentine, the festival as it is
celebrated [...] 

PayPal vs Traditional Merchant Accounts

Now that you have your online store you need the ability to
charge your customers for the goods they purchase. While it is possible
to have customers send you a check or money order, at which time you
would release their goods, the more traditional method of online
commerce involves setting up some type of [...] 

Ecommerce is Business Without Borders

The world has fewer barriers than its people have ever seen
before. There is no place that seem scary and out of the way to the
cameras of international news agencies. People routinely converse online
from locations the world over. A business trip to an overseas
destination is not unheard of. The truth is this [...] 

Wholesale Items That Sell on eBay

First off, here are the best selling items on Ebay - Antiques,
Clothing, Playstations, Xboxes, Shoes, Ipods, Digital Cameras, GPS
Navigator, and even Power Drills. Do you see? It's absolutely amazing
the possibilites what you are able to buy and sell on Ebay, and you can
get any item on wholesale priceor dropshipping prices. The point [...] 

What is an Internet Merchant Account?

If you run a website for your online business and make sales
online, you are going to need an Internet merchant account to process
credit card transactions. An Internet merchant account is a bit
different from a regular account for a bricks-and-mortar retail store.
Read on for more information. With an Internet merchant account, your
online customers [...] 

Ways to Earn Extra Cash

There are many of gimmicks promising ways to earn extra cash on
the internet nowadays. Are any of the methods to earn extra cash legit?
The answer is yes. However finding them is the hard part. There plenty
of ways to earn extra cash online from eBay to affiliate programs to
Multi Level Marketing. Unfortunately [...] 

Payday Loans For Bad Credit - Jump Or Fry?

Whatcha gonna do? Do you stand there and fry in the burning
building or do you take your chances and JUMP?! When there's too much
month at the end of your money sometimes you need help through some
fierce situations. A lot of Financial Gurus are against payday loans,
they say fees can add up, people with [...] 

The Advantages of Laser Hair Removal

In many ways, laser hair removal is much better than other hair
removal methods, including electrolysis, waxing, shaving, tweezing, or
depilatory creams. It can produce long-lasting effects, unlike many of
the methods on this list. It takes just a few treatments, unlike the
ongoing ritual of shaving or waxing. If you're tired of these routines,


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[Embedded_C_VC] How to Write an Interview Winning Resume

2009-03-21 Thread Lexie Marie

How to Write an Interview Winning Resume

Since I get the same question from many of my clients about
using one resume for multiple job targets, I thought it would be a great
topic to cover. When writing your resume, it's a good idea to remember
the purpose of the document. The fact is an employer is looking for an
individual to [...]


Skillful Cover Letter Samples

A cover letter is so imperative in every job application. It
ought to establish your passion and interest in a certain position. A
lot of hiring managers do not pay attention to a resume with no cover
An effective cover shows optimism to make the HR manager
interested in your resume. It should be straightforward [...]


Organic Click Through Rate

Most SEO companies will promote their services by offering first
page listings. Whilst these are always desirable, it is worth noting
that there is a huge difference in the typical click through rate of
sites in position 1 and position 10. In terms of traffic and sales, a
few positions can make a world of [...]


SEO - The New Rules For 2009

The world of search is under heavy transformation and 2009 will
positively be bringing new surprises, features and new search tools.
What appears is the fact that search engines such as Google, are going
to increasingly value your choices and clicks as a reference value to
serve relevant results for your queries.
SEO gurus made some [...]


SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization Do's and Don'ts

The simple rule of thumb is that content matters. Google and
other search engines base their query results on website content. If the
content isn't there, neither is the high ranking. Plus, it's always good
to be on top! Put your most relevant keywords and search terms in the
title, description, and first few lines [...]


How to Maintain Family Friendships

There are those people that you consider very close to you and
your family; they are the family friends. Family friendships are very
important because they ensure that your social life is boosted. We all
need people we can lean on and, when we have close family friendships,
we can run to them with our [...]


Choosing the Right Home Finance

If you are ready to buy a home you are probably considering home
finance. There are so many options it's often hard to work out which
type of finance is best for you. It's a good idea to understand what's
Type - Fixed rate, standard variable/ARM, basic variable,
honeymoon, interest only, redraw/line of credit loans; [...]


Understanding Fixed Rate Mortgage

No matter if you are trying to mortgage your home or trying to
buy a home, you must know in the market today the two most common
mortgage rates known as a Fixed Rate Mortgage (FRM) and the Variable or
Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM).
There are many benefits and disadvantages to consider when
deciding if a [...]


Career Advice - Stick to the Truth in Your Resume

No doubt about it. These are tough times. Jobs are hard to come
by and to hold. It is not surprising, then, that job seekers may be
tempted to pad their resumes. That is, be less than truthful about their
skills, experience, even their references.
Don't, don't do it; stick to the facts. There may appear [...]



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[Embedded_C_VC] Can an autocratic leadership style work?

2009-03-20 Thread Lexie Marie

Can an autocratic leadership style work?

The prevailing wisdom among those who speak of leadership
techniques is that one should coach employees rather than manage them.
The autocratic approach to leadership seems outdated. But is there a
still a place for the one-way leadership model?
One would be hard-pressed these days to find a white paper or
blog post that exalts an [...]


10+ Microsoft Office add-ins to simplify your work

The right add-in can provide helpful features and make existing
Office capabilities easier to use. Susan Harkins has rounded up a
selection of handy add-ins for various Office applications.


10+ phrases that can be irritating or offensive

It's possible to rub someone the wrong way without even
realizing it - all because you used the wrong expression at the wrong
time. Calvin Sun discusses 10 such expressions and looks at how you can
sidestep problems by being careful when you use them.


Can your help desk understand you?

The trouble with offshore support can be that you aren't
understood. Passing a call from office to office was what I used to call
help desk tennis, passing people from one center to another until they
either found a solution or gave up altogether.
I called the help desk a few days ago. My PDA phone [...]


10 reasons why GNOME is better than KDE

A new battle is playing out in the Linux desktop arena. See why
Jack Wallen believes that today's GNOME has pulled ahead of today's KDE
in terms of design, stability, and usability.


The 10 biggest mistakes IT managers make

Certain common IT management mistakes can make you less
effective, hamper your career advancement, and even jeopardize your job.
Executive coach Joey Smith has spent years working with IT management
and he put together this list of the mistakes he's seen most often.


10 surprising things about Windows Server 2008

When you take a look at Windows Server 2008, you'll discover big
changes - including some legitimate improvements.  Justin James outlines
a few of the unexpected aspects of the new OS, both good and bad.


10 management techniques we'd love to see

If you've ever been the victim of a trendy, totally ineffective
management style, you know how silly and arbitrary those techniques can
be. Justin James has seen his share of goofy management philosophies -
so he decided to invent a few of his own.


10 ways to be a good manager during a recession

It's tough enough to be an effective manager when the economy is
strong. But making the right decisions, keeping staff focused, and
maintaining IT service levels may seem next to impossible when you're
managing through an economic crisis. Here are some ideas for keeping
yourself and your team afloat.



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[Embedded_C_VC] FAQ: What iPhone 3.0 means to you

2009-03-19 Thread Lexie Marie

FAQ: What iPhone 3.0 means to you

If it's March, it must be time for Apple Inc. to start beating
the iPhone drum.
That's the quick analysis of yesterday's preview of the next
generation of Apple's iPhone software, which will add a slew of features
- some that users have been yelping about since Day One - to the popular
smartphone [...]


Gov't may track all UK Facebook traffic

The UK government is considering the mass surveillance and
retention of all user communications on social-networking sites
including Facebook, MySpace, and Bebo.
Home Office security minister Vernon Coaker said on Monday that
the EU Data Retention Directive, under which ISPs must store
communications data for 12 months, does not go far enough.
Communications such as those [...]


Privacy vs protection: Police and the right to hack

Australia's state police have been upping the ante on criminals
who use technology to protect their activities, but is it the right way
to go?
The governments of Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales
(NSW) have moved to boost covert search and telecommunication
interception powers that police can use in the fight against crime.
Privacy advocates have [...]


Firefox top for bugs in 2008, but quickest at fixes

Mozilla reported more vulnerabilities in its Firefox web browser
last year than Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera combined, but it
dealt with those flaws quicker than Microsoft, according to a new report
by vulnerability-testing company Secunia.
Firefox had 115 reported flaws in 2008, nearly four times as
many as every other popular browser, and nearly twice [...]


Time to Write Off Twitter?

How Twitter compares to Facebook and Linked In and whether it's
a simple, passing fad are questions that persist in the blogosphere.
Just last night I found myself issuing a rapid response to that very
question posted by an industry peer. Remarkably, I've already formed a
firm perspective on this since former Kodak Digital boss [...]


Earn Using Social Networking Through Forming Networks

There are many businesses using social networking to boost their
earnings. You can actually take advantage of this by forming
partnerships with these individuals. You want to earn through social
networking as well, so it is important to take chances and be creative.
You're going to do that by doing the following:
- Send a message [...]


Tips on Driving Web 2.0 Traffic

Ultimately titled as 'Web 2.0' promotion, social bookmarking and
social networks form an effective type of promotion that has rapidly
gained popularity and effectiveness. Previously, it was mentioned that
these represented a valuable source of backlinks, and that much is
certainly true.
However, apart from the backlinks that come as part and parcel
of web 2.0 [...]


Google Docs sharing issue causes concern for cloud computing

Google today admitted to a potentially serious error in its Docs
sharing system. While only .05% of all shared documents were affected,
the potential for serious damage was significant for businesses.
The error amounted to wrongly sharing Google documents with
someone whom you, or a collaborator with sharing rights, had previously
shared a document. The entire [...]


FTC urged to investigate Google's hosted services

A privacy group has asked the Federal Trade Commission to
investigate whether Google Inc.'s cloud computing services, including
the popular Gmail hosted e-mail service, Google Docs and the Picasa
photo sharing service, adequately protect users privacy.
The complaint (download PDF) by the Electronic Privacy
Information Center (EPIC), filed on Tuesday with the FTC, comes just
weeks [...]


Google returns Chrome to beta

Google Inc. yesterday reversed last December's decision to ditch
the beta label from its Chrome browser, saying it is restoring the
moniker to some builds to get faster feedback to developers.
Since we took the 'beta' tag off Google Chrome in December,
we've been updating two release channels: developer and stable, said
Brian Rakowski, a Chrome [...]



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[Embedded_C_VC] Skillful Cover Letter Samples

2009-03-15 Thread Lexie Marie

Skillful Cover Letter Samples

A cover letter is so imperative in every job application. It
ought to establish your passion and interest in a certain position. A
lot of hiring managers do not pay attention to a resume with no cover
An effective cover shows optimism to make the HR manager
interested in your resume. It should be straightforward [...]


Organic Click Through Rate

Most SEO companies will promote their services by offering first
page listings. Whilst these are always desirable, it is worth noting
that there is a huge difference in the typical click through rate of
sites in position 1 and position 10. In terms of traffic and sales, a
few positions can make a world of [...]


SEO - The New Rules For 2009

The world of search is under heavy transformation and 2009 will
positively be bringing new surprises, features and new search tools.
What appears is the fact that search engines such as Google, are going
to increasingly value your choices and clicks as a reference value to
serve relevant results for your queries.
SEO gurus made some [...]


SEO Tools - Search Engine Optimization Do's and Don'ts

The simple rule of thumb is that content matters. Google and
other search engines base their query results on website content. If the
content isn't there, neither is the high ranking. Plus, it's always good
to be on top! Put your most relevant keywords and search terms in the
title, description, and first few lines [...]


How to Maintain Family Friendships

There are those people that you consider very close to you and
your family; they are the family friends. Family friendships are very
important because they ensure that your social life is boosted. We all
need people we can lean on and, when we have close family friendships,
we can run to them with our [...]


Choosing the Right Home Finance

If you are ready to buy a home you are probably considering home
finance. There are so many options it's often hard to work out which
type of finance is best for you. It's a good idea to understand what's
Type - Fixed rate, standard variable/ARM, basic variable,
honeymoon, interest only, redraw/line of credit loans; [...]


Understanding Fixed Rate Mortgage

No matter if you are trying to mortgage your home or trying to
buy a home, you must know in the market today the two most common
mortgage rates known as a Fixed Rate Mortgage (FRM) and the Variable or
Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM).
There are many benefits and disadvantages to consider when
deciding if a [...]


How to Write an Interview Winning Resume

Since I get the same question from many of my clients about
using one resume for multiple job targets, I thought it would be a great
topic to cover. When writing your resume, it's a good idea to remember
the purpose of the document. The fact is an employer is looking for an
individual to [...]


Career Advice - Stick to the Truth in Your Resume

No doubt about it. These are tough times. Jobs are hard to come
by and to hold. It is not surprising, then, that job seekers may be
tempted to pad their resumes. That is, be less than truthful about their
skills, experience, even their references.
Don't, don't do it; stick to the facts. There may appear [...]



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[Embedded_C_VC] Reality of Software Piracy

2009-03-14 Thread Lexie Marie

Reality of Software Piracy

Joe is average computer user. He uses software on his computer
for regular things like writing resume for job search, editing photos
from vacation trip, making personal website, playing games, backing up
important files on CD etc. While surfing the Internet hi finds out about
new photo editing software which can do better [...]

Life Insurance - All You Need to Know

A life insurance contract is entered into between the policy
owner and the insurer. The insurer agrees to pay a sum of money upon the
death the insured or other event, such as terminal illness or critical
illness. The policy owner on his/her part agrees to pay a premium which
is a stipulated amount at [...]

Managing Your Self Employment Money

Managing your money when you work for someone else is easy. Your
employer will take care of making sure that all of the proper taxes and
deductions are taken out of your pay check. When you own your own
business or are self employed, however, managing your money becomes
quite tricky. Thankfully you don't have [...] ]

Benefits of Video Conferencing and Technology Videos

Video conferencing is a technology that helps many a
Multinational Company to thrive in spite of operating from different
functional bases at different poles of the world. For these companies,
the technology of video conferencing ensures better reach across the
globe and benefits from multi-point client interactions. Add to it the
advent of Internet. In [...]

How to Protect Your Pets From Fleas

The versatile and tiny flea tortures the animals it bites. It
also carries disease and tapeworm. To get rid of fleas, authorities
agree that an all-out blitz is most effective- you must treat the
animal, the house, and the yard. Though fleas are species-specific
(there are cat fleas and dog fleas), any flea can find [...]

Mini Laptop Speakers and Other Netbook Accessories

Netbooks have three main selling points - small, light and
cheap. Mini laptop speakers and other netbook accessories like USB
optical disc drives, USB keyboards and laptop cases add to the overall
product. Here's a guide of products to make your netbook even better.
Keyboards and Mouses With mini laptops, the space for the interface is
very [...]

What is VoIP PBX?

These days, most people are familiar with VoIP even if they
don't recognize the word. Voice over Internet Protocol is something that
many of us use from time to time or even on a daily basis. Services like
Skype are a good example of a VoIP system. Just What is a PBX? PBX
refers to Private Branch [...]

Online Storage Versus Online Backup

There are many options to store and backup your essential data
and files online but there is a significant difference between an online
backup service and an online storage service. It is important to realize
the differences between an online storage service and an online backup
service since the features differ significantly. Online storage
solutions are [...]

Personalized Bank Checks

If you want to find a unique way to express yourself, consider
personal checks. At first thought, these bland instruments used for
withdrawals and deposits might seem the unlikeliest of places to show
your true colors. But checks have come along way since their inception,
and have become a colorful showcase of every design you [...]

Reviving a Lost Friendship

A friendship can be lost because of many reasons. Some lost
friendships are not always worth reviving and, it will depend on the
clear circumstances as to what led to the breakup. The following are
some of the common reasons for lost friendships. First, you might find
yourself contrasting with your friend in everything. This [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] My Six List Building Tools

2009-03-10 Thread Lexie Marie

My Six List Building Tools

The tools you use for list building has something to do with how
you want to spread your word online. The world should know you and these
people should get in touch with you all the time. For you to know, there
are various list building tools today and you know what, these are for


History of Medical Scrubs

The glory of the surgical scrubs has magnified hundred times.
Professionals are able to express themselves and be professional at the
same time. The colors, patterns, fabric and style that are chosen for
the scrubs make them special.
Slowly, nurses started to realize the need for infection control
and aseptic conditions. The nurses wanted to protect [...]


Out of Work? Laid Off? - Start Your Own Online Business

If you are one of the many Americans who have recently lost
their job because of the current economy, you probably know by now that
jobs are hard to find out there.
If you can't find a way to make money, don't sit around waiting
for someone to dump something in your lap. Make it happen. [...]


Do You Know What Exactly is Ecommerce?

Electronic commerce is found everywhere today, and its
popularity will continue growing. So much is done these days by the
internet, and in so many fields of interest, that it is important to
know and understand what e commerce is, and what types exist.
One kind of e commerce is consumer-to-consumer, in which private
people offer [...]


Ecommerce Web Applications and Its Uses

E-commerce is commonly known as electronic commerce and is
defined as the absolute set of procedures that carry commercial or
business activities over a network. It also further abets in electronic
commercial transactions. This is an entirely new concept in global
business world and technologies like electronic data interchange to
transfer information or documents electronically [...]


The Safe Way to Do Online Shopping

Why has online shopping become the new mantra even for the
regular shopper? Of course for the internet shopper who has a horror for
crowds and shopping malls and the attendant nightmare of finding parking
space in these malls, online shopping from the comfort of one's own home
is a very welcome prospect. The overhead [...]


Sell Old Gold Jewelery For Good Return

Since you are reading this article, you are clearly familiar
with what the Internet is. So then, why not do a search for something
like online gold or sell unwanted gold - anything along those lines
will do. What will be returned? You will get many results for places
that allow you to exchange your [...]


Armani Clothing

Giorgio Armani, the famous personality in the fashion industry,
was born in the year 1934 in Piacenza, a small countryside in Milan. He
studied in a public school where he got fascinated towards cinema and
photography. After serving in Italian army for three years he finally
began his profession in the fashion industry. Initially he [...]


Opt in Emails Must Be Tested

Having to do an analysis is enough to make anyone run. This is
especially so if the subject of your analysis is opt in emails. These
emails can form a very long list or even more than one list. If you do
have extensive mailing lists then you are enticing viewers to submit
their email [...]



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[Embedded_C_VC] 25 Best Outdoors iPhone Apps

2009-03-08 Thread Lexie Marie

25 Best Outdoors iPhone Apps

Not even a year ago, there were those who questioned the hoopla
over the iPhone. And here we are now, secure in the knowledge that
Apple's micro-Mac isn't just a radical new phone, it's a revolution in
computing, communication, entertainment, and connectivity. If you
disagree, well, you probably don't own one. And that's not meant [...]

Russian scientists to modify goats to produce human milk

We're raising GM goats to make human breast milk, say Russians
Scientists are genetically engineering goats to produce the same milk as
a human mother. They claim the breakthrough will allow babies whose
mothers can't feed them to receive all the goodness of breast milk.
Researchers behind the experiments reject fears of Dr Frankenstein-style
tinkering with nature.

Teens spend average of 87 hours a year looking at porn online

The average teenager spends one hour and 40 minutes a week
browsing sites for pornography, according to new research. That equates
to 87 hours a year spent surfing for porn. A further hour and 35 minutes
is spent looking at dieting and weight loss websites. The study of 1,000
youngsters found the average teenager was online 31 [...]

World's first divorce by Facebook

Millions of people use it every day to pass on harmless snippets
of gossip to friends and family. But the message Emma Brady's husband
posted on Facebook could not have been more devastating. It read: 'Neil
Brady has ended his [...]

Nintendo game is adult-only

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars was awarded the 18+ certificate
by the British Board of Film Classification on Friday. It is made by a
Leeds-based studio owned by US firm Rockstar, and will now go on sale on
March 20. On its website, the regulator advises it contains very strong
language and drug references [...]

Girl, 13, sends 14,528 texts in a month

A California father says he discovered his 13-year-old daughter
sent 484 text messages per day last month - one message every 2 minutes
of every waking hour. Greg Hardesty of Silverado Canyon, Calif., told
the New York Post his 440-page cell phone bill revealed his daughter
Reina had sent an astonishing 14,528 text messages. First, I laughed.

Intel's New Breed of Chips

Intel has long dominated the market for personal-computer and
server chips, but as sales of these components decline, the Santa Clara,
CA, company is hoping to get a better toehold in new markets,
particularly those for smart phones, netbooks, and other mobile Internet
devices. To do this, Intel is exploring system-on-chip (SoC)
designs-complex microchips that [...]

US military develops anti-aircraft laser

The latest weapon developed by US engineers is a Humvee jeep
mounted with a giant laser capable of shooting down aircraft. The Laser
Avenger which is capable of shooting down aircraft with its high-powered
energy beam The Laser Avenger successfully shot down a series of
unmanned aerial vehicles during recent tests and [...]

The Five Most Messed Up Kids on YouTube

Every so often America births one of those trends that is truly
inspired. Think representative democracy, industrialism, designer looks
at discount prices, and now, at long last, filming your slightly
impaired child and uploading it to the Internet for the world to see.
While the premise seems simple enough (alter child's mood, press record,
repeat), the [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] How Your Move to Save Money by Presenting With Video Conferencing Can Cost You a Bundle

2009-03-01 Thread Lexie Marie

How Your Move to Save Money by Presenting With Video Conferencing Can
Cost You a Bundle

September 11 has forever changed our history. When you combine
that with our slumping economy it just makes sense to cut corners. After
all, with all this technology do we really have to be face to face for
Video conferencing seems to be a great solution that more and
more companies are pouncing on. I [...]


VoIP Compatible Hosted PBX System

A VoIP compatible hosted PBX system effectively manages phone
calls in a business environment. Without any high capital investment,
you can utilize this system to improve your business functions.
Features of a VoIP Compatible Hosted PBX System
A VoIP compatible phone system functions with the interface of a
traditional PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) and the internet.


Book Review - Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial

The search for companies with durable competitive advantages, or
wide moats, is an investing strategy behind the greatest investing
fortune of our time, that of super-investor Warren Buffett. The Magic
Formula screen separates out companies with excellent current return on
capital, but is that excellent figure durable? Can it be repeated 2, 5,
10 years [...]


Book Review of Pushing the Bear by Diane Glancy

Pushing the Bear by Diane Glancy was about the Cherokee Indians'
plight on the Trail of Tears. By using both fictional characters and
actual historical figures intertwined with actual primary sources,
Glancy weaved a convincing story that tells the human experience of the
Trail of Tears. Through the eyes of the fictional characters, Maritole
and [...]


The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

The subtitle of Maxwell's book is Follow Them, and People Will
Follow You. Each time I read that, I hear a rejoinder in my head:
Don't follow them, and people won't follow you. Revised and updated in
2007 for the 10th anniversary of The 21 Irrefutable Laws, this book is
rightly regarded as [...]


Discus Fish Books - A Discus Fish Secrets Review

If you are into tropical fish, you may have already heard about
Discus Fish Secrets. It is currently the #1 ebook available for the
keeping and breeding of discus fish. For those who love these fish, you
probably have found that it's hard to find specific information from an
experienced source. This book is a [...]


The Courage to Be Who You Are

Are you an owl? Are you a dolphin? Are you a peacock? Are you a
In reading Conquer Fear by Lisa Jimenez, I learned that
behavior psychologists have determined there are four personality types.
Although there may be a mixture within our personality, one is always
dominant. To summarize the findings, the owl is detail-oriented, [...]


Time Management Tips - 3 Secrets to Achieve Personal Power Through
Strong Time

Time management tips can open doors to timelessness. What if you
could find time every day to emerge from your workday corridors and
recharge your energy? To open these special doors in your mind, learn
how to enter the realm of strong time.
Living in strong time requires that you set down the daily
demands to [...]


EFT For Job Interview Stress - How to Tap Away Your Worries With EFT
(Emotional Freedom Technique)

Nervous about your job interview? Worried you'll say something
wrong? Read on and discover EFT, short for Emotional Freedom Technique,
a very powerful way to ease intense and stressful emotions. It's easy to
do and can be done anywhere. It takes just minutes, and it's the perfect
thing to have ready to go when you're [...]



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[Embedded_C_VC] Growing Leaders Or Leader-Followers?

2009-02-28 Thread Lexie Marie

Growing Leaders Or Leader-Followers?

What makes one leader draw leaders and another followers? Think
about it? Some leaders attract others who want to not only do what their
coach is doing, but more. Others become leader-followers. These
leader-followers find a leader and then never develop to the full
potential within them. They listen to their coach, attend every call,


How to Motivate Employees Effectively

One of the saddest things that can happen to you as an employer
is to see an exceptional employee leave your company and come running
into the arms of the competitor. After everything that you have gone
through in interviewing dozens of people, doing countless employment
background checks, and examining hundreds of resume, this scenario [...]


The Seven Deadly Sins of Leadership

You may be an expert in your field and personally good at what
you do, but if your intention is growing the business then you have to
be able to bring on and lead others effectively. Without followers, you
will be limited to doing only what you are capable of doing alone.
Without committed followers, [...]


Are You Playing to Win Or Not to Lose?

Emotions were running high in the last quarter of 2008, with the
banking debacle, stock market meltdown, the soaring foreclosure rate,
jobs losses, poor earnings reports. and dismal projections. Finally, the
admission by the government, which had long denied the obvious, that we
were in an economic recession. Nobody wants to use the word
depression, [...]


Improve Your Business Operations

A Letter from Barack Obama to Corporate America Ok, so this
isn't really a letter from Barack Obama to Corporate America. But if it
was, I hope it would say the following: Effective immediately, please
follow the steps outlined below to operate more effectively (so you are
working on the right things) and efficiently (so you are doing [...]


The Four Primary Functions of CEO Leadership

The majority of effective CEO/President leaders seem to be
natural visionaries. Although, I admit, that there are successful
leaders that can't see past lunch. However, those leaders without the
vision that are successful are successful because they have the unique
ability to surround themselves with high quality people. Almost
unanimously this type of leader has [...]


Who is Coaching the Coach?

Coaching is a method of directing, instructing and training a
person or group of people, with the aim to achieve some goal or develop
specific skills as defined by (Wikipedia). Coaching is critical in any
job position. Generally everyone wants to do their best and develop
skills to advance their careers. The 'not knowing if [...]


Which of These 3 Business Management Mistakes Are YOU Making?

In the same way that kids will gravitate to their favorite games
at recess - the average business owner cannot resist making the same
mistakes over and over again. I was reminded of that habit we all share
as I sat across the desk from one of my clients this past week. I'll
call him Fred. [...]


How to Keep Staff Motivated in Tough Times

What does it really matter whether or not staff enjoy their job,
are enthusiastic and happy in their roles, so long as they get the job
done? Well studies show that enthusiastic, motivated employees are more
effective, productive, take less time off and are more likely to stay
with the company, resulting in fewer customer complaints [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] How to Fail in Business

2009-02-27 Thread Lexie Marie

How to Fail in Business

Tens of millions of people from all walks of life have
considered starting their own business. Millions of people have actually
done it. Hundreds of thousands of people are still in business today. It
is sad but true that many businesses fall by the wayside quite early
into the venture. Yet, some make it through and [...]


Biography of a CEO - Peter Loescher

Peter Loescher became president en CEO of Siemens in 2007. His
background in healthcare must have been one of the elements that Siemens
was looking for. Healthcare is one of the three main sectors of Siemens'
focus (next to energy and industry). The official Curriculum of Loescher
starts with the fact that he was born in [...]


Get Started on eBay

You've decided to get started on eBay as a seller; before you
throw yourself all in there are a few things you need to consider first.
What do you sell? Firstly the most important thing is to always sell
what you know, it will be easier to put together a good description on
something you know about [...]


6 Six Pack Abs Exercises For Men

The best way to get trim and fit is to take an accurate
assessment of your physical condition and make the effort to start with
the basics. You will need a combination of fat burning abs exercises and
a calorie reducing diet to pull it off successfully. Here are 6 Six Pack
Abs Exercises for [...]


Hosted PBX Phone System - Virtual Receptionist

Virtual receptionist is one of the most flexible and
user-friendly features of a hosted PBX phone system. Small businesses
can achieve a higher professional image by utilizing virtual
receptionist services that come with a hosted PBX phone system. The
hosted answering service can effectively improve the communication
between your clients and employees. With a perfect virtual [...]


Management vs Leadership

Management versus leadership, what's the difference? Is there a
difference? Well, there has always been a difference, but people have
not always known how to communicate the difference between the two,
which is why in many instances, the terms are expressed in an
indistinguishable fashion. However, a leader's role and a manager's role
within any [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] Should I Consider Laser Hair Removal?

2009-02-25 Thread Lexie Marie

Should I Consider Laser Hair Removal?

Getting rid of unwanted hair can definitely be an uphill battle.
For many, this ordeal is primarily associated with women but men can
face this dilemma as well. As the body gets older it seems as if body
hair becomes a major obstacle to overcome if you want to stay
fashionable and groomed. Some guys [...]

Eye Surgery vs Natural Vision Correction

First of, did you know that there are naturally ways of
restoring your eyesight? Most people don't. And I am not talking about
medication or a certain type of a diet here, although that can also help
correct your eyesight naturally. In this short article, I want to give a
quick overview, from my own [...]

The Pros and Cons of LASIK Eye Surgery

The pros and cons of LASIK should be considered quite carefully
before electing to have the surgery. There are many pros and cons, but
overall you will find that the benefits far outweigh the risks. This
surgery may be undertaken for a medical necessity: for those whose
careers depend on natural vision without the aid of [...]

Lasik Vision Surgery - How Lasik Eye Surgery Works?

A person wearing glasses or contacts will ask for refractive
surgery because this simple procedure reshapes the corneal tissue and
corrects any existing refractive errors. Photorefractive keratectomy
(PFK), Radial keratomy and Lasik vision surgery are all current
procedures but the medical experts consider the latter as being the most
affordable and fastest one. After a Lasik vision [...]

Reasons to Have a Good Savings Account

When you have a job and you don't earn much then it can be hard
to manage if you tend to spend a lot also. When you spend alot on
entertainment, foods, and bills you might not have much left at the end
of the month. By having a savings account and putting money into [...]

Top Five Saving Money Myths

We all like to think that we are doing the best we can when it
comes to our finances. We think we are saving money, but we've never
actually sat down and done the math. You could be surprised if you did.
Here are the top five money saving myths that we fall for: 1. Savings
accounts [...]

Types of Bank Accounts

Did you know there are many types of bank accounts? Many people
assume that checking and savings are the only valuable bank accounts
available, but that is not always the case. For many people, checking
and savings is all that is needed, but many other people need a more
robust variety of financial tools. Let's [...]

What is a Good Shaving Hair Removal Technique?

If you are like most people in the Western culture, then you are
probably pretty familiar with the shaving hair removal technique. Many
people turn to this method because it is inexpensive. The problems that
can arise with cream hair remover or depilatories can be vast. You hate
the smell of the chemicals or the lotions [...]

Comparison of Laser Hair Removal Methods

Getting rid of unsightly or unwanted body hair is something that
most adults spend some time dealing with. Traditionally women have been
more concerned with unsightly hair because it is generally considered
unacceptable for a woman to have obvious facial hair, or significant
growth anywhere on their bodies other than the obvious places. While men
are [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] 10 steps to prevent IT myopia

2009-02-20 Thread Lexie Marie

10 steps to prevent IT myopia

Peter Birley has developed a list of 10 points to help IT
leaders think strategically about business, organizational, and
management issues. Take a look at these practical steps. This is a guest
post from Michael Krigsman of TechRepublic's sister site ZDNet. You can
follow Michael on his ZDNet blog IT Project Failures, or subscribe to
the [...]

CIO strategy: 10 qualities of IT greatness

CIO success depends on connecting the chaotic IT environment to
high-level strategic and business priorities that matter to the broader
organization. Take a look at this list of 10 qualities of IT departments
that have successfully bridged the strategic gap. Successful IT groups
are resilient, flexible, and highly responsive to organizational
business needs. For many CIOs, [...]

Four tactics for career success in 2009

The 2009 job outlook isn't exactly positive. Here's what career
and leadership coach John M. McKee recommends for anyone who wants to
come out of next year in better shape than they are today.

What you need to know about certifications in 2009

According to an experienced IT consultant, IT pros should be
aware of the importance of IT certifications in 2009. He also explains
some of the changes you can expect to see in Microsoft's certification

The problem with IT contracting

A TechRepublic member is deeply dissatisfied with life as an IT
contractor. Read about his experience, and see if you can offer any
advice. I heard from a TechRepublic member who is becoming very
disillusioned with his IT contracting career and would like to hear from
others about their experiences. Here's the e-mail: I want to [...]

How you know you've stumped a co-worker

Ever had a co-worker perform a disappearing act in the middle of
an e-mail exchange? It could be classic avoidance behavior. When my son
was small and did something he shouldn't and knew he was going to hear
about it from me, he would smile his impish grin and then squench his
eyes shut. In his [...]

The six types of difficult co-workers

Tim McClintock, PMP and Global Knowledge Instructor, has
compiled a list (below) of the most difficult types of people. It's hard
enough to deal with these kinds of people in the wild, but when they're
your co-workers, it can be dreadful. Recognize any of these types? The
Steamroller This is the bully of the group - always interrupting, [...]

IT ethics and the recession

Michael Krigsman takes a look at the results of a recent survey
about the recession's effect on work ethics. He advises employers not to
underestimate the level of stress the recession causes workers. With a
major recession in full-swing, someone had to come up with a survey
covering the ethics of office workers in three countries. [...]

Firing a bad hire: A real-world story

Hiring the best people for the job can sometimes be an exercise
in frustration and even the best managers can blow it big time. With a
number of successful hires under his belt, Benny Sisko relates an
account from the other side of the fence. In this post, he shares with
you some of the background to the [...]

10+ air travel tips for IT pros

Flying has become trickier than it once was - especially if
you're packing a laptop and other electronic gadgetry. Here's some basic
advice, along with a few pointers for traveling techs, to help make the
trip go as smoothly as possible. Traveling by air use to be easy. You
threw a few things into a [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] 10+ IT pros share the utilities and tools they can't live without

2009-02-18 Thread Lexie Marie

10+ IT pros share the utilities and tools they can't live without

One way to make your job a little easier is to find out which
tools other IT pros rely on - and then try them out for yourself. Susan
Harkins extracted a list of favorite tools from 13 IT pros, whose roles
range from consultant to developer to DBA.

10+ ways to avoid misunderstandings at work

Miscues happen all the time in business communications, and the
results can range from annoying to disastrous. Here are some simple
rules to follow that can save you a world of trouble when communicating
with colleagues and partners.

10 strategies for dealing with co-worker tensions

During the course of your career, you won't see eye to eye with
all your co-workers. But you can minimize problems if you apply a few
tricks to ease the tension. These tips can help you resolve - or at
least survive - those sticky situations.

Back to basics or time to innovate?

Jobs are being lost at a record pace and the economy has shrunk
by its greatest margin in more than a quarter century. As your IT budget
comes under fire, what can you do to continue to provide maximum value
to your organization both now and once the downturn subsides?

Focus on getting things done with Project Management 2.0

Project managers should be leading projects not being project
secretaries. Project Management 2.0 may be the way to reduce
unnecessary, routine work. In this blog, Andrew Filev explains how.

Did California's CIO mislead public on IT success?

Michael Krigsman believes California's CIO has presented an
unbalanced, and perhaps even misleading, view of success and likely
failure on the state's IT project portfolio. Take a look at the data.

Corporate Ethics Officer: A new job title makes an appearance

Because of all the recent corporate scandals, some companies are
trying to ensure their trustworthiness by hiring Corporate Ethics
Officers. Here's what the job entails.

10 ways to convince your boss to let you work from home

There may be dozens of reasons why telecommuting makes sense for
you. But to make your case with management, you need a list of reasons
that make sense for the business. Here are some well-supported arguments
that demonstrate the benefits your company will gain when you work at

10 mistakes to avoid when seeking a new job

Sometimes, all it takes is a small mistake or oversight to turn
off a potential employer. Calvin Sun offers this list of job-search
gaffes that could torpedo your chances of getting hired. Searching for a
job requires you to do a lot of things the right way, avoiding missteps
that can doom your efforts despite your [...]

The industry's 10 best IT certifications

IT pros tend to have strong opinions when debating the value of
professional certification - and views become even more polarized when
it comes down to a discussion of which certs are meaningful. Erik Eckel
put together a list of the accreditations he believes currently hold
value for IT pros. IT certifications boast numerous benefits. They [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] Reality of Software Piracy

2009-02-14 Thread Lexie Marie

Reality of Software Piracy

Joe is average computer user. He uses software on his computer
for regular things like writing resume for job search, editing photos
from vacation trip, making personal website, playing games, backing up
important files on CD etc. While surfing the Internet hi finds out about
new photo editing software which can do better [...]

Life Insurance - All You Need to Know

A life insurance contract is entered into between the policy
owner and the insurer. The insurer agrees to pay a sum of money upon the
death the insured or other event, such as terminal illness or critical
illness. The policy owner on his/her part agrees to pay a premium which
is a stipulated amount at [...]

Managing Your Self Employment Money

Managing your money when you work for someone else is easy. Your
employer will take care of making sure that all of the proper taxes and
deductions are taken out of your pay check. When you own your own
business or are self employed, however, managing your money becomes
quite tricky. Thankfully you don't have [...] ]

Benefits of Video Conferencing and Technology Videos

Video conferencing is a technology that helps many a
Multinational Company to thrive in spite of operating from different
functional bases at different poles of the world. For these companies,
the technology of video conferencing ensures better reach across the
globe and benefits from multi-point client interactions. Add to it the
advent of Internet. In [...]

How to Protect Your Pets From Fleas

The versatile and tiny flea tortures the animals it bites. It
also carries disease and tapeworm. To get rid of fleas, authorities
agree that an all-out blitz is most effective- you must treat the
animal, the house, and the yard. Though fleas are species-specific
(there are cat fleas and dog fleas), any flea can find [...]

Mini Laptop Speakers and Other Netbook Accessories

Netbooks have three main selling points - small, light and
cheap. Mini laptop speakers and other netbook accessories like USB
optical disc drives, USB keyboards and laptop cases add to the overall
product. Here's a guide of products to make your netbook even better.
Keyboards and Mouses With mini laptops, the space for the interface is
very [...]

What is VoIP PBX?

These days, most people are familiar with VoIP even if they
don't recognize the word. Voice over Internet Protocol is something that
many of us use from time to time or even on a daily basis. Services like
Skype are a good example of a VoIP system. Just What is a PBX? PBX
refers to Private Branch [...]

Online Storage Versus Online Backup

There are many options to store and backup your essential data
and files online but there is a significant difference between an online
backup service and an online storage service. It is important to realize
the differences between an online storage service and an online backup
service since the features differ significantly. Online storage
solutions are [...]

Personalized Bank Checks

If you want to find a unique way to express yourself, consider
personal checks. At first thought, these bland instruments used for
withdrawals and deposits might seem the unlikeliest of places to show
your true colors. But checks have come along way since their inception,
and have become a colorful showcase of every design you [...]

Reviving a Lost Friendship

A friendship can be lost because of many reasons. Some lost
friendships are not always worth reviving and, it will depend on the
clear circumstances as to what led to the breakup. The following are
some of the common reasons for lost friendships. First, you might find
yourself contrasting with your friend in everything. This [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] Domain Names - First Level Strategy For Idea Protection

2009-02-08 Thread Lexie Marie

Domain Names - First Level Strategy For Idea Protection

Protecting ideas and concepts is, without a doubt, one of the
biggest concerns that must be addressed by businesses of all sizes and
in every industry. As a result, this concern has spawned an army of
attorneys that specialize in intellectual property, trademark and
copyright law. And, not only can these attorneys be [...]

Breast Cancer Diet Tips

It's true, women who survive breast cancer and load up on
nutritious fruits and veggies as part of a breast cancer diet (a whole
lot more than the current U.S. dietary guidelines) might just slash
their risk of a tumor recurring by nearly one third. This according to a
just released U.S. study to appear [...]

Recruitment Agencies - How Do They Work?

Basically a recruitment agency is a bit like a dating agency in
some ways, except they bring people together in the field of employment,
rather than finding them the partner of their dreams. What happens is
that the agency acts as a conduit between employers who want to fill
positions and people who are looking [...]

Mind Your Own Business (MYOB) - Where to Start

Once you have installed your MYOB software go to the folder or
desktop icon where you have stored the software and open the folder. The
Welcome window appears and displays five options: ? Open your company
file - which opens an existing company file that has already been
created. ? [...]

Breast Cancer Recovery

Recovery from breast cancer is various for each woman, relying
on the kinds of breast cancer treatment directed whether the disease has
extended, and other reasons. Health care providers make all effort to
assist women with breast cancer return to their normal activities as
quickly as possible. Doing exercises the arm and shoulder after breast

What is the Truth About Green Tea and Cancer?

There are numerous studies concerning the antioxidants in green
tea and cancer prevention. The antioxidants are unique, found only in
the camellia senses plants, some cocoa plants and some types of
chocolate. They are called catechins. Most people know about the
vitamins A, C and E. Studies concerning the ability of these common
antioxidants to prevent [...]

Las Vegas Financial Planners

Financial markets are, by nature, volatile, and their movements
cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty. While prudent
investment decisions may lead to considerable profits, a beginner in
these markets may suffer losses as well. Hence, potential investors
should ideally seek the advice of professional financial advisors, who
possess considerable experience in dealing in [...]

Grandson Researches Grandfather's WWII History

It is very fitting that Ancestry Publishing (Ancestry.com) was
the publisher for Jeffrey Badger's Finding Granddad's War. As it's title
states, this book details the research methods and the travels of a
young man in search of the history of a grandfather he never knew.
Jeffrey Badger was only two months old [...]

Daily Life in Ancient Egypt - Review

This article is a review of Red Land, Black Land: Daily Life in
Ancient Egypt by Barbara Mertz (the audio version). I will give my
thoughts on the author, a brief overview of the contents and an overall
evaluation. I had just finished listening to Temples, Tombs and
Hieroglyphs by the same author and was [...]

Skype - How Much Marketing For Free Can You Do With Their Service? (Part
2 of 2)

There are many ways that you can use Skype's free services to
market your website and offline products too. First of all there is the
possibility of being present online 24/7 for your customers. And since
you will have someone or the other manning the computer with Skype
running in the back ground you can [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] Reality of Software Piracy

2009-02-05 Thread Lexie Marie

Reality of Software Piracy

Joe is average computer user. He uses software on his computer
for regular things like writing resume for job search, editing photos
from vacation trip, making personal website, playing games, backing up
important files on CD etc. While surfing the Internet hi finds out about
new photo editing software which can do better [...]

Life Insurance - All You Need to Know

A life insurance contract is entered into between the policy
owner and the insurer. The insurer agrees to pay a sum of money upon the
death the insured or other event, such as terminal illness or critical
illness. The policy owner on his/her part agrees to pay a premium which
is a stipulated amount at [...]

Managing Your Self Employment Money

Managing your money when you work for someone else is easy. Your
employer will take care of making sure that all of the proper taxes and
deductions are taken out of your pay check. When you own your own
business or are self employed, however, managing your money becomes
quite tricky. Thankfully you don't have [...] ]

Benefits of Video Conferencing and Technology Videos

Video conferencing is a technology that helps many a
Multinational Company to thrive in spite of operating from different
functional bases at different poles of the world. For these companies,
the technology of video conferencing ensures better reach across the
globe and benefits from multi-point client interactions. Add to it the
advent of Internet. In [...]

How to Protect Your Pets From Fleas

The versatile and tiny flea tortures the animals it bites. It
also carries disease and tapeworm. To get rid of fleas, authorities
agree that an all-out blitz is most effective- you must treat the
animal, the house, and the yard. Though fleas are species-specific
(there are cat fleas and dog fleas), any flea can find [...]

Mini Laptop Speakers and Other Netbook Accessories

Netbooks have three main selling points - small, light and
cheap. Mini laptop speakers and other netbook accessories like USB
optical disc drives, USB keyboards and laptop cases add to the overall
product. Here's a guide of products to make your netbook even better.
Keyboards and Mouses With mini laptops, the space for the interface is
very [...]

What is VoIP PBX?

These days, most people are familiar with VoIP even if they
don't recognize the word. Voice over Internet Protocol is something that
many of us use from time to time or even on a daily basis. Services like
Skype are a good example of a VoIP system. Just What is a PBX? PBX
refers to Private Branch [...]

Online Storage Versus Online Backup

There are many options to store and backup your essential data
and files online but there is a significant difference between an online
backup service and an online storage service. It is important to realize
the differences between an online storage service and an online backup
service since the features differ significantly. Online storage
solutions are [...]

Personalized Bank Checks

If you want to find a unique way to express yourself, consider
personal checks. At first thought, these bland instruments used for
withdrawals and deposits might seem the unlikeliest of places to show
your true colors. But checks have come along way since their inception,
and have become a colorful showcase of every design you [...]

Reviving a Lost Friendship

A friendship can be lost because of many reasons. Some lost
friendships are not always worth reviving and, it will depend on the
clear circumstances as to what led to the breakup. The following are
some of the common reasons for lost friendships. First, you might find
yourself contrasting with your friend in everything. This [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] Nationalisation of UK Banks - Good Or Bad?

2009-02-03 Thread Lexie Marie

Nationalisation of UK Banks - Good Or Bad?

There are fears in the US and UK that a number of banks will
soon be nationalised by the respective governments in an attempt to stop
the financial free-fall that is affecting the world. The US has
announced that it is a long way from even considering nationalisation,
and while the UK has stated that [...] 

Car Insurance - An Introduction and a Quick Savings Tip

Car insurance is a contract between you and an insurance
company. Under the contract, the company agrees to pay your losses if
your car meets with an accident. Your part of the contract is to pay the
premium. Property, liability and medical coverage are all covered by car
insurance. Property coverage pays for damage to or [...] 

Life-Annuities - Cheap Quote Guide

A Life insurance policy is not something you neglect because you
think it is too expensive and difficult to get. The truth is that there
are low-cost life insurance quotes and these are very easy to get. Be
careful so you do not end up getting the wrong quotes when searching for
a low-cost life [...] 

Mutual Funds - A Potent But Cautious Tool

Mutual funds have become a potent investment option in the
current fluctuating market scenario. Let us discuss why mutual funds
have become one of the better bets in investment today. Mutual funds are
managed by expert Fund Managers and hence are in safer hands. An
individual novice cannot make a kill in the equity or money [...] 

What Are Netbooks?

We live in the information age and now we a newcomer, the
netbook, that allows us to access our data that much easier. But, just
what are netbooks? Simple Definition Simply stated, a netbook is a
miniature laptop for the express purpose of working on the internet
using online applications, otherwise known as cloud computing, and doing

Dander and Air Purifiers - Are Purifiers Effective Against Your Pet's

Dander is dead flakes of skin that are shed by your pet to make
way for healthy, new skin-a process that will continue for as long as
you have your pet.?The right air purifier can be very effective in
removing airborne dander.?Here are answers to 5 frequently asked
questions about you, pets,?air purifiers, and dander. Which [...] 

Skype - How Much Marketing For Free Can You Do With Their Service? (Part
2 of 2)

There are many ways that you can use Skype's free services to
market your website and offline products too. First of all there is the
possibility of being present online 24/7 for your customers. And since
you will have someone or the other manning the computer with Skype
running in the back ground you can [...] 

What is Chemotherapy?

Since humans have started diagnosing cancer in its various
forms, we have made great strides towards treating it. We have not found
ways to cure all cancers and sometimes don't succeed but great strides
have still been made. One of the biggest advancements in cancer
treatment has been chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment
option that [...] 

The Secret to Landing the Job of Your Dreams

There is a world of difference between planning out your career
moves versus just taking positions that happen to come along. Most often
people who are happy and satisfied in their careers are ones who have
done some soul searching, figured out what they really wanted and then
did what it took to get them [...] 

How many flavors will Windows 7 come in?

Windows Me may not have had much going for it, but it has one
claim to fame: It was the last major release of Windows to come in a
single edition, or SKU. In the ensuing decade, every major release of
desktop Windows has come in a wide - too wide, say many - variety of


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[Embedded_C_VC] Choose the Best Performing Mutual Fund Company

2009-02-01 Thread Lexie Marie

Choose the Best Performing Mutual Fund Company

Investing in mutual funds is a good way of handling your money.
It is one way of saving for the future. There are lots of uncertainties
ahead of you and its better to be prepared. Having investments is also
the best mode of building wealth. Mutual fund investments can make you
richer than what you [...] 

Using a Life Settlement Calculator

Life Settlements are a great way to maximize your investment
portfolio and to increase your overall net worth. Most individual are
always trying to streamline current assets to make them as profitable
and affordable as possible. It is perfectly natural and necessary to
keep yourself profitable. However, many people don't realize that is
also extremely [...] 

Financial Planners, New York

Financial markets, all over the world, are rather complex in
their mechanism. While everyone wishes to make profitable investments,
not all can manage to do so. In New York finance markets too, investors
can potentially make large profits. However, the risk of incurring
losses remains as well. A common investor (and especially those without
much [...] 

Tips to Care For Your Physically Impaired Pet

Pets aren't immune from injury and aging. Sometimes life leaves
your pet with a disability. There are pet owners who can't handle this
and end up putting their pet to sleep. I wonder if most pet owners are
aware of the many resources available to them. Personally, I could never
put my pet down due to [...] 

Cheap Laptop - How to Find a Good Quality But Cheap Laptop to Buy

Cost is often a deciding factor when people shop around for a
new laptop. Fortunately, laptop prices have dropped quite a bit over the
past years so they are not as pricy as they used to be. If you are on a
tight budget, buying a decent, cheap laptop can help you save money.
Finding [...] 

An Overview of Computers and Technology Law

The 21st century truly is the high tech age. As a consequence,
computers and technology law is of crucial importance. In point of fact
there are an ever growing number of issues relating to computers and
technology law at this juncture in history. With that in mind, this
overview of computers and technology law is [...] 

Live Video Conference - Advantages of Using Internet Web Conferencing

If you want to avoid driving every time a conference is
announced, then live video conferencing is something that you might want
to consider. Military, organizations, businesses and even the government
use it to talk to each other, instead of getting into an airplane every
time something needs discussed face to face, because of its [...] 

Are You Ready to Make a Career Change?

Are you frustrated about your current job? Do you want to change
your profession and make a career move? If you're unhappy with the
direction that your career has taken then it's time for you to consider
a career change. Making a career change is a decision that will affect
every aspect your life, so you [...] 

Offsite Backup Service - Advantages of Remote Data Backup Solutions

If you want to backup your data, one of the best ways to do it
is by using a remote offsite backup service. Below are some of the
features and benefits of it. If you ever lost data or had it corrupted,
you already know what a problem it can be for you. You can lose [...] 

How to Flirt With Girls - 3 Most Mind Blowing Flirting Tips You Should
Not Miss at Any Cost

Flirting is a way of attracting attention and making advances
towards a person to whom you yourself are attracted. There are ways and
ways of flirting, but we shall begin with just three tips first.. Verbal
Flirtation- This is the easiest and safest way to flirt in the
beginning. Talking enticingly, yet with a lot of confidence [...] 


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[Embedded_C_VC] Breast Cancer Natural Treatment - A Vital Missing Link

2009-01-30 Thread Lexie Marie

Breast Cancer Natural Treatment - A Vital Missing Link

Breast cancer natural treatment may be essential for women to
recover fully from the disease. A recent study found that breast cancer
survivors were less happy and suffered from more depression than women
who had not had the disease. And they continued to suffer from the
effects of breast cancer for years after successful treatment [...] 

Data Recovery Services Vs Data Recovery Software

If you experience a computer or server crash then you have
likely lost data you want to get back. You have two options - data
recovery services and data recovery software. Even though there are
plenty of good data recovery software programs out there to choose from
you should bypass them and work directly with [...] 

Discover Why Smart People Get a Lot of Dates Just by Losing Weight and
Becoming More Attractive

Let's face it! The dating game can be very cruel.?You might have
a great personality.?Your friends might tell you how funny you are.?And
your mom might tell you how adorable you are.?However, when it comes to
the real world none of this stuff matters at first. When you're looking
to find someone to go out with [...] 

Personal Checks - What You Should Know

Personal checks are usually issued to individuals when they
first start a checking account. However, most banks generally issue only
a limited number of checks. Once these are used, you need to reorder.
You can reorder checks either by placing an order with your bank or with
an authorized check company. Personal checks, which are ordered [...] 

How to Use the Law of Attraction in Friendship

Many people get excited about the law of attraction and how they
can use it in their lives.? For the most part,? the law of attraction is
portrayed as something to use to gain material things.? But,? it can be
so?much more.? It can be used in your personal life as well.? And,? you
can [...] 

Where to Get Car Insurance With Low Rates

Want to get car insurance with low rates without sacrificing the
coverage you need? This may sound impossible, but that's only because
you haven't done any comparison shopping lately for your car insurance.
Cheap auto quotes are available - you just have to know where to look.
In fact, you may be able to save hundreds [...] 

Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance - Is it a Good Option?

If you have ever been home on weekday afternoon, you have more
than likely seen your fair share of commercials for guaranteed
acceptance life insurance. They are featured at these times because the
primary market for this type of insurance is the elderly and they are
more than likely home at this time of the [...] 

I WILL Get That Job - The Power of Positive Thinking

If you are going to give your career any chance of success and
you want to really make a difference to your job prospects, then you
simply have to adopt positive thinking. Every day, every hour, every
second, you need to challenge old, negative ways of thinking and start
thinking about success. But isn't that easier [...] 

Developing a Basic Financial Model - Part VII - Long-Term Liabilities
and Equity

This is the final installment in the introductory series of
fundamental concepts of financial modeling. It is important that the
reader has some familiarity of the three major financial statements
(income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement) that I covered
in the prior three articles. If not, please read those first prior to
continuing. Long-Term [...] 

A Popular History of Ancient Egypt - Review

This article is a review of Temples, Tombs, and Hieroglyphs: A
Popular History of Ancient Egypt by Barbara Mertz.? I am particularly
reviewing the audio edition.? From the text, one can tell that Mertz is
an outstanding scholar in the area of Egyptology.? She recounts stories
of studying at the Oriental Institute, a prestigious institution in


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[Embedded_C_VC] Three myths of enterprise wiki deployment

2009-01-29 Thread Lexie Marie

Three myths of enterprise wiki deployment

A Denmark-based analyst with research firm J. Boye said she's
encountered an organization that, after implementing an enterprise-wide
employee wiki, realized it didn't exactly have the right culture to
bring it to life. Discussions prior to the site launch debated whether
employees should contribute anonymously or through profiles, and whether
those profiles should include user [...]

Silverlight adoption hampered by economic crisis

Microsoft's Silverlight technology has streamed some
high-profile live events lately, the inauguration of U.S. President
Barack Obama and the 2008 Summer Olympics among them. But Silverlight's
real promise for the business customer - to improve user interfaces for
day-to-day applications - has been thwarted by tightening budgets. In a
recessionary climate, enterprise IT decision makers are [...]

IE8's clickjacking protection will have 'zero impact,' says researcher

Microsoft Corp. provided more information today about how
Internet Explorer's new anti-clickjacking feature works, but one of the
researchers who first reported the problem last year said it will have
zero impact on protecting users. Clickjacking is the term given last
September to a new class of browser-based attacks that tricks users into
clicking on site [...]

Cookie use in YouTube videos on WhiteHouse.gov prompts privacy concerns

Back when he was campaigning for president, Barack Obama's
skillful use of Web 2.0 technologies such as Facebook and YouTube
enabled him to get his message out to new audiences of voters in an
unprecedented fashion. But using the same technologies in his new role
as president is already proving to be more controversial. Not even [...]

Google gets competitive, taking Gmail users offline

Google Inc. late yesterday launched an updated version of Gmail
that lets users access their accounts without an Internet connection.

AOL to lay off 10% of staff

Time Warner Inc.'s underperforming AOL LLC Internet unit will
lay off 700 employees, about 10% of its staff, a move it is taking in
response to the global economic downturn. In a memo to employees, AOL
CEO Randy Falco said the move was necessary because the tough economy
has led marketers to slash their advertising spending. [...]

Developers struggle amid fragile Facebook economy

Dave Morin, 28, sits at the epicenter of the Facebook Economy,
and at first glance, the backdrop looks pleasant. Outside Facebook's
headquarters in Palo Alto, gentle sunshine bathes the wine bars, sushi
restaurants and coffee shops along University Avenue on a beautiful
70-degree Monday in January. But Morin's job isn't so carefree. As a
senior manager [...]

T-Mobile refreshes the BlackBerry Curve

T-Mobile's update of the BlackBerry Curve, the 8900, isn't an
earth-shattering revision of one of Research In Motion Ltd.'s most
successful QWERTY keyboard models. But for those who are content to
browse over T-Mobile's somewhat pokey EDGE network when Wi-Fi isn't
available, it offers an improved camera, a sleeker design and a snappier
processor than [...]

3 NAS devices offer big-time storage for small networks

We are collecting and keeping more information today than ever
before. Whether it's video, pictures, music, or just plain old gobs of
e-mail and text messages, all that information has to be stored and
backed up. Even in a down economy, the obvious temptation is to rush
out, grab a handful of hard drives (no matter [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] Senate votes to delay digital TV transition

2009-01-28 Thread Lexie Marie

Senate votes to delay digital TV transition

It would take an act of Congress to postpone the digital TV
transition, said a board member of the DTV Transition coalition earlier
this month-before Congress began considering President Obama's request
for a delay. And now, that's exactly how this saga is playing out. The
U.S. Senate voted Monday to delay the switchover from analog to [...]

When your employer is about to hit rough seas

From the first day at his job, IT program manager Alec Satin had
a feeling something wasn't right. I kept telling myself, 'It has to get
better,'  he recalls. But it didn't. The week before Thanksgiving,
the project he was working on ran out of money, and Satin found himself
out of a job. [...]

Microsoft repeats IE8 lock-in warning for XP users with SP3

Microsoft Corp. today again warned users of Windows XP Service
Pack 3 (SP3) that they may not be able to uninstall either the service
pack or Internet Explorer 8 (IE8). The warning, made by Jane Maliouta, a
Microsoft program manager as the company delivered Release Candidate 1
(RC1) on Monday, was a repeat of a caution [...]

Hackers exploit Obama site to spread malware

A social networking site operated by the 2008 Barack Obama
presidential campaign is serving up malware to unwary visitors a full
week after the tactic was reported, a security researcher said today.
My.BarackObama.com, still active after the innauguration last week of
President Obama, is being used by hackers trying to dupe users into
downloading a [...]

President Obama already Googlebombed as 'failure'

A few years ago, online Bush bashers ganged up to link the term
miserable failure from their blogs to the 43rd president's home page.
As a result, a Google search for miserable failure returned the White
House's Web site as top result. Today, though, it's President Obama who
has been targeted for the search term failure [...]


Last fall, nearly two years after Brian Padworski began his
career as an audit associate, he asked a colleague at KPMG to be his
mentor. The economy is not where it was a year ago, especially in the
last three months, and having a mentor helps you, says Padworski, 23,
who was looking for ways [...]

Advice to the next Homeland Security CPO

If you had a chance to pose any question to the person in charge
of protecting Americans' privacy as the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security executes its mission, what would you say? I had that chance
this month when Hugo Teufel, departing chief privacy officer at the DHS,
delivered an address, entitled Reflections on My [...]

Sentilla measures power use at the server level

Sentilla Corp. has released a product that measures the
electricity being consumed by individual servers in a data center and
makes recommendations based on those usage levels to help cut energy
bills, the company announced Tuesday. Called the Sentilla Energy Manager
for Data Centers, the product uses small Java-based devices that plug
into the back of [...]

AMD sees no Geode chip replacement in sight

Advanced Micro Devices Inc. said it has no replacement planned
for the aging Geode low-power chip, creating uncertainty for its use in
products like future XO laptops made by One Laptop Per Child. There
won't be a Geode successor, and the company has no core
microarchitecture planned to replace the chip, AMD executives said
Monday. The [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] Is Obama's handheld a BlackBerry or something else?

2009-01-25 Thread Lexie Marie

Is Obama's handheld a BlackBerry or something else?

The decision announced yesterday that President Barack Obama
will keep his BlackBerry, or some model of a wireless handheld, amid
tight White House security would seem to take a back seat to concerns
about global terrorism and economic turmoil. But in a small way, Obama's
desire to continue to use a wireless handheld for personal e-mail [...]

Microsoft extends Windows 7 beta download deadline

Microsoft Corp. yesterday extended the deadline for downloading
the public beta of Windows 7 by more than two weeks, citing continued
interest in the preview. The move suggests that fewer than 2.5 million
copies of the beta have been downloaded since Microsoft launched the
Windows 7 preview Jan. 10. Although Microsoft had originally capped

Mozilla wants to watch Firefox users

Mozilla Labs, the research arm of Mozilla Corp., wants 1% of
Firefox users to allow it to watch how they use the browser - and the
Web in general. We need to know how people are using our products and
using the Web, said Aza Raskin, the head of user experience at Mozilla
Labs. That's [...]

Microsoft may shutter Popfly Web mashup tool

Microsoft Corp. on Friday said that it may discontinue its free
Popfly service that lets nonprogrammers build Web 2.0 apps. Popfly is
in a transitional phase, said a Microsoft spokeswoman on Friday. We
have no other details at the moment. A free programming tool built on
Microsoft's Silverlight rich media platform, Popfly lets [...]

Meet Rob Roy, the man who built the SuperNAP data center

When your name is Rob Roy, and you set out to build the world's
most efficient, high-density data center, there's no sense in being
modest. The CEO, founder and chairman of Switch Communications Group,
and the man behind the massive SuperNAP co-location center, Roy is not
one to understate his achievements. Chatting with Roy, it quickly [...]

IBM layoff count nearing 3,000 this week

Microsoft Corp. and Sun Microsystems Inc. aren't the only top IT
vendors laying off employees this week. IBM may have quietly let more
than 2,800 workers go, according to the allia...@ibm union, which
expects even more job cuts at the company. Lee Conrad, a former IBM
employee who now is national coordinator of Endicott, N.Y.-based
allia...@ibm, [...]

In battle for Friends, Facebook now twice as popular as MySpace

The pioneer of the social networking phenomenon has been totally
overshadowed as Facebook Inc. recorded almost double the number of
global visitors in December than longtime leader MySpace.com Inc.
Facebook, once thought of as the up-and-coming social network, had
almost 222 million unique visitors last month, while MySpace came in at
125 million, according to online [...]

Monster.com reports theft of user data

Monster.com is advising its users to change their passwords
after data including e-mail addresses, names and phone numbers were
stolen from its database. The break-in comes just as the swelling ranks
of the unemployed are turning to sites like Monster.com to look for
work. The company disclosed on its Web site that it recently learned

Amazon cloud could be hijacked to harvest BitTorrent files, researcher

Cloud services are now vulnerable to malicious use, a security
company has suggested, after a techie worked out how Amazon's EC2
service could be used as a BitTorrent file harvester and host. Amazon's
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a web service software developers can use
to access computing, compilation and software trialling power on a
dynamic [...]

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[Embedded_C_VC] 19 Cool Products That Are Almost Impossible to Use

2009-01-22 Thread Lexie Marie

19 Cool Products That Are Almost Impossible to Use

Sometimes modern design and minimalism go a little too far and
it's hard to figure out exactly what the products are. We've tracked
down 19 products that look quite cool but leave you wondering wtf?

Facebook has a Bigger Population than Japan and Russia!

It was only a matter of time. Social network Facebook says it
has hit the milestone of 150 million active users, just more than two
months after reaching 120 million and about four months after reaching
100 million. The site hit 140 million in the middle of December. The
announcement was made on the Facebook company [...]

'Smart' French parking meters to send tickets by text message

'Smart' parking meters that send motorists a text message when
they have spent too long in a parking space and incurred a fine could
become a familiar sight on British high streets. About 60 local
authorities in France have already installed a system that detects the
presence of vehicles and alerts police if drivers exceed their [...]

Charging gadgets using a magnet

Developers say the magnetic charger can power a wide range of
gadgets Magnetic induction could soon spell the end of tangled cables
and a frustrating hunt for the gadget's charger. Two firms at CES showed
off ways to use the phenomenon to re-charge batteries inside gadgets
when they [...]

9 reasons why Blu-ray will succeed

Is success in the cards? The Dark Knight Blu-ray sold 600,000
copies on launch day. (Credit: Warner Bros.) I've been seeing a lot of
articles lately about Blu-ray's fuzzy future, how it's doomed, and how
its success will be short-lived even if it does take off. Well, that may
well end up being the case, but I [...]

Sniper rifle software launched for iPod touch

New BulletFlight program could be a 'killer' app for Apple
BulletFlight is a new application has been launched for the iPod touch
to help gun users line up a clean shot at their target A new application
has been launched for the iPod touch to help gun users line up a clean
shot at [...]

Tech for Your Pets

You have all of the best gadgets on the block, so why shouldn't
your pet be equally tech-savvy? We've rounded up the coolest and
weirdest innovations in technology for pets, from the useful to the

Top 10 Ways to Destroy Earth

Whether it took the Earth 4.5 billion years to get to where it
is today (or a mere seven days), destroying it might take a lot less
time. Sam Hughes presents a host of methods for ending the planet - and
life - as we know it. Enjoy!


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[Embedded_C_VC] Office bling for '09

2009-01-21 Thread Lexie Marie

Office bling for '09

Nothing stands still in business; needs, skills and
opportunities change. When upgrading IT equipment, most enterprises
squeeze every drop of utility from basic hardware to get the best
possible return. That's sensible, but many companies look at upgrades
differently. Rather than settling for minimal commodity equipment, they
invest a little [...]

Palm Pre Oops I'm Late Feature Sounds Kind of Horrible

The Palm Pre is shaping up to be OMFGtastic, except it's Oops,
I'm late feature sounds more like a fatal flaw: It automagically tells
people you're gonna be late for a meeting. What takes the Pre beyond
other smartphones is that integrates all of your contacts, data and
messages-like from Facebook, IMs, texts and email-into a [...]

BlackBerry Bold 9000 Smartphone

The BlackBerry Bold 9000 Smartphone is a fan favorite for its'
versatile features and distinctive styling. First off, this phone is
smart, with tons of features that will leave you the envy of even your
most technologically savvy friends. The BlackBerry Bold 9000 Smartphone
is a full featured SmartPhone at a competitive price. Although it
usually [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] 5 top tips for new iPhone users

2009-01-20 Thread Lexie Marie

5 top tips for new iPhone users

If it turned out that the big lump at the bottom of your
stocking wasn't in fact coal, but rather a happy, shiny new iPhone 3G,
then the thing has probably rarely left your clutching grasp - if you're
like most new iPhone owners. But though you may be successfully surfing

SanDisk's High-Performance Mobile Memory Cards

SanDisk Corp. has added two 16GB mobile memory cards to its
Mobile Ultra line - the microSDHC and the Memory Stick Micro (M2). The
tiny (about the size of a thumbnail) Mobile Ultra cards are designed to
produce fast transfer rates of digital files card to computers. The
cards come conveniently [...]

Security at the Point of Sale

When thieves stole the PIN pads at a cash register in one of his
company's stores, Daniel Marcotte was amazed. Not that they'd done it -
such thefts can happen once a week during the holiday season. But
watching it on videotape later, I couldn't tell they had it with [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] What your computer's drive will look like in 5 years

2009-01-17 Thread Lexie Marie

What your computer's drive will look like in 5 years

Hard disk drives may soon be replaced by solid-state disk (SSD)
drives As solid-state disk (SSD) technology closes in on hard disk drive
(HDD) capacity and price, experts say it may not be long before spinning
disks are a thing of the past and a computer's storage resides in flash
memory on the motherboard. By making the [...]

The Plan - 4 Steps To A Website Brand

Do you have a plan? Most companies spend a considerable amount
of time, energy, and money planning what to do and how to do it. Let's
say you need a website, so [...]

Lenovo ThinkPad X61 Portable and Sleek Laptop

Before you go to the shop and buy any desirable model of a
laptop, you have to keep in mind several important things. It is not so
easy to choose a laptop that fits you completely. Choose only those
models that your budget allows you to buy. The Lenovo is a worldwide
famous company. Many customers [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] Macbook Air For the Truly Evolved User

2009-01-14 Thread Lexie Marie

Macbook Air For the Truly Evolved User

If you want to buy a notebook that will allow you to see exactly
where the computing industry is going, then the MacBook Air is a shining
example of modern computing. Many of the criticisms that have been
leveled at the Air are worth noting, but what you have to admire about
Apple is their courage in abandoning traditional laptop hardware.

Cheap Laptops - Enjoy the Mobile Computing by Paying a Less Amount

As the old traditional desktop computer comes with heavy weight
which does not allow the users to carry it along with them wherever they
go, laptops are introduced in the market. They brought revolution in the
world of electronics because they are compatible with advanced
technology features and come with sleek dimensions and are lightweight.
Hence, the users can carry these devices to anywhere without any
hassles. They offer great flexibility and convenience to their users.

Top Ten Mini Laptops

Our top ten mini laptops list as of December 2008. This list
compiles the best netbooks based upon cost, size, practicality and how
useful they are. On a side note, we've also judged by looks as well in
some cases. Down the bottom is of our top ten mini laptops is. 


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[Embedded_C_VC] How to Get a 6 Pack - 5 Tips

2009-01-13 Thread Lexie Marie

How to Get a 6 Pack - 5 Tips

...But due to the sheer amount of information available
regarding this subject, it is easy for people to get misled by the wrong
information. Many forget that there is much more to muscle building than
merely sweating it out for hours, it is important to compliment a
regular well-designed exercise program with proper diet and lifestyle

Medical Record Transcription Services

As an important adjunct of the medical and healthcare industry,
the Medical Transcription (MT) segment offers services parallel to the
many specialties and subfields in the medical profession. Bringing
organizational and technical expertise into play, medical transcription
services transcribe doctor dictations and audio recordings in virtually
all specialties, from Orthopedics and Dermatology to Pediatrics and
Ophthalmology to Cardiology and Vascular Surgery.

Muscle Building Supplements - Why Some Work Crazy Well

There are a lot of supplements on the market these days. You can
just cruise through your local gym and probably see half a dozen
different types just out of the corner of your eye. The hard part comes
down to deciding what is right and necessary what is junk.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Cheap Car Insurance For Imported Cars

2009-01-12 Thread Lexie Marie

Cheap Car Insurance For Imported Cars

Imported cars such as the Toyota Estima, Eunos Roadster and
Mitsubishi Pajero are often deemed more of a risk to insurers because
the car insurance companies are not necessarily familiar with the
vehicles in question. Their parts may be more difficult to find, repair
costs may be higher and they may not be well-suited to UK roads. All of
this mounts up to more risk for the insurer and higher premiums for the

Mobile Phone Insurance - A Must For Today

Any type of insurance, not to mention mobile phone insurance,
will go a long way to minimise your risks that come along in life and it
is understood that anything of value to us should be insured to avoid
any financial burdens. Most of us would think of car or even house
insurance and would never buy without having insurance. But what about
our mobile phones? could you live life without one now, have you ever
even tired one day with no mobile phone.

Getting a Cheap Car Insurance Quote the Easy Way

The phrase cheap car insurance doesn't mean that the insurance
provider has a sale on car insurance. It refers to the rates charged by
different insurance providers for the insurance that you need for your
vehicle. It is illegal to drive a vehicle without such insurance.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Latest GSM Mobile Handsets - Best in Price and Quality

2009-01-10 Thread Lexie Marie

Latest GSM Mobile Handsets - Best in Price and Quality

Telecommunication market is witnessing boom at present. Popular
manufacturers like Nokia, Sony Ericsson, and Motorola are coming out
with new handsets every quarter targeting the potential buyers. You can
find a latest GSM mobile phone with music oriented features, Walkman
series and lots more in low price. You will be astounded with its
simplicity of use and wonderful music capabilities.

Communicate Made Easier Through the Blackberry Mobile Phones

These phones some powered with main features such as high
resolution camera, a music player, and numerous messaging options etc.
They are also enhanced with the business oriented features like,
Internet surfing, faxing and push email. Blackberry mobile phones have
been specially designed to meet the requirements of a business man.

Reverse Cell Phone Lookup - The Investigation Tool For Novices

There are many ways to conduct an investigation online. However,
one of the easiest and most efficient ways to do an investigation on a
person is to use a service known as a reverse cell phone lookup. Believe
it or not, just about every single cellular phone number in circulation
has been stored and maintained by private companies. This allows you to
access the information and find out the following things within a couple
of minutes.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Linux Tape Backup Software

2009-01-09 Thread Lexie Marie

Linux Tape Backup Software

Another option is using it remotely, to backup files from
computers connected to yours. If you use a cron job you can even
automate the process, without any work on your part. The cron command
allows you to receive an email notification when the backup job is

HDD Bad Sectors

The most common problem among Hard disk drives is bad sector.
There are two types of bad sectors: logical and physical. While logical
bad sectors are easily fixed using particular software, physical bad
sectors can be irreparable. But it doesn't mean there is absolutely no
hope, there is still a chance to recover the bad sectors depending on
how deep the bad sectors are. So, below I am going to consider only
physical bad sectors, their symptoms, reasons for appearing, types and
ways for possible maintenance.

Tools, Software and Methods to Ensure 100% Recovery From Computer Data

If you have had a major computer data loss or hard disk failure
that resulted in the loss of major data stored in your computer, the
measurement of the effectiveness of the data recovery process lies in
the time period it takes for you to recover the data or to restore the
data in its entirety.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Macbook Air For the Truly Evolved User

2009-01-08 Thread Lexie Marie

Macbook Air For the Truly Evolved User

If you want to buy a notebook that will allow you to see exactly
where the computing industry is going, then the MacBook Air is a shining
example of modern computing. Many of the criticisms that have been
leveled at the Air are worth noting, but what you have to admire about
Apple is their courage in abandoning traditional laptop hardware.

Cheap Laptops - Enjoy the Mobile Computing by Paying a Less Amount

As the old traditional desktop computer comes with heavy weight
which does not allow the users to carry it along with them wherever they
go, laptops are introduced in the market. They brought revolution in the
world of electronics because they are compatible with advanced
technology features and come with sleek dimensions and are lightweight.
Hence, the users can carry these devices to anywhere without any
hassles. They offer great flexibility and convenience to their users.

Top Ten Mini Laptops

Our top ten mini laptops list as of December 2008. This list
compiles the best netbooks based upon cost, size, practicality and how
useful they are. On a side note, we've also judged by looks as well in
some cases. Down the bottom is of our top ten mini laptops is. 


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[Embedded_C_VC] Que faire lorsque vous voyez du sang dans l'urine Cat

2009-01-07 Thread Lexie Marie

Que faire lorsque vous voyez du sang dans l'urine Cat

Si vous avez vu du sang dans l'urine de chat, vous avez raison
de s'alarmer. Depuis les délicats tissus de la vessie sont le
saignement, vous avez besoin pour obtenir votre animal chez le
vétérinaire immédiatement. Avant de vous faire lire ce rapide article,
vous serez informé sur les causes de ce problème et ce que vous pouvez
faire. Cat [...] 

Le Top 9 Conseils pour étendre votre Netbook's Battery Life

Pour toute NETBOOK utilisateur, la batterie semble être juste
une question qui ne va pas disparaître. En effet, alors que mai netbooks
ultra portable, les batteries ne peuvent s'étendre jusqu'à un certain
nombre d'heures: 3 heures avec une batterie 3-cell et
proportionnellement plus élevés avec une batterie 6 cellules et 9
cellules batterie. Voici quelques façons [...] 

Quatre conseils pour l'achat d'un Pet Canaries

Alors, vous songez à acheter un animal de compagnie canari hein?
Eh bien, il ya quelques choses que vous devez savoir avant de faire un
achat.? Cet article va vous donner quelques conseils. Santé Il va sans
dire que vous voulez choisir un oiseau en bonne santé.? Vous de trouver
celui qui est très active.? Si seulement il se trouve toujours [...] 


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[Embedded_C_VC] The Long Process of Car Accidents

2009-01-05 Thread Lexie Marie

The Long Process of Car Accidents

If you see the numbers on how many car accidents occur every
year, you might want to sell your car and get a bike. Is our inability
to follow the rules what causes that huge number of car accidents every
year and the number seem to increase year by year. I don't like to be

Developing Powerful Leadership Characteristics Within You

If you have ever had the feeling that you did not know where to
look, yet you were searching for something, then you have come to the
right place. There have been a lot of times I have not known where to
look. I knew that I was searching for something, just not sure what.

Platypus For iPhone - Review

Released Nov 30, 2008 Developer: Handmark Inc. Price: $4.99
Platypus is a PC game-inspired arcade side-scrolling 2D game for the
iPhone. This game is pure fun, and also kicks a lot of adrenaline with
the amount of action it has. I'd recommend the game to anyone,
especially the 2D game fans who won't even look at the modern [...]


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[Embedded_C_VC] Female Perfume Tips

2009-01-02 Thread Lexie Marie

Female Perfume Tips

Everyone loves perfume as it adds a way for women to entice
people. This article will examine the different tips that are available
for perfume users.

How to Apply Perfume For Longer Lasting Results

Having the best designer or discount perfumes would definitely
make you feel and smell a lot better, but if you do not know the proper
way to apply them, then the goal will be unmet. It is important to apply
your perfume at the right places of the body so that it will last as
long as it can for the whole day. Fragrances react with heat so it is
vital to apply perfume to pulse points like the elbow, wrist, back of
knees and cleavage.

Perfume Becomes the Reason For Discharge

The consequences of the economic crisis are sharply felt by
female employees who are fired for their predilection for perfume. The
point is that in a stressful environment people's sense of smell,
especially those who have a lot of responsibility, is aggravated to the
limit. Also, the reason for one in five dismissals is based on the
personal distaste of the employee's boss.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Famous Jewellers

2009-01-01 Thread Lexie Marie

Famous Jewellers

Tiffany's, Cartier, Bulgari - for those of us who are fascinated
by the allure of gold and platinum, diamonds and precious gemstones,
exquisite design and immaculate presentation, these are the names that
dreams are made of. In these austere times, just to think and read about
these famous jewellers and their wares brings us comfort, as we indulge
our fantasies and dream of better times in the past and in the future.

Diamonds Are More Than Forever

Diamonds are the gift of love. Expensive diamonds are the gift
of good taste.

Shopping For Jewelry For Her

If you would like to give a special woman in your life something
that she will really love, you'll find that every jeweler has something
to offer you. While there are probably millions of things that she will
love, you want to choose something that she is really going to love and
cherish. It can be difficult with so many options, but there are some
classics as well as some more unique things for you to buy her that she
is sure to be delighted with.


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[Embedded_C_VC] How to Edit Your Blogger Templates

2008-12-29 Thread Lexie Marie

How to Edit Your Blogger Templates

You can add different headers, change the background, and even
change the font style and the best thing is that it's actually very
simple. So let's get started so you can learn how to edit your Blogger

Internet Marketing Tips For Your Blog

Blogging has recently witnessed a huge boom on the Internet and
thus you can use your blog as an effective marketing tool. There are no
established rules you should follow if you want to create a blog. Blog
owners will increase their exposure on the internet and thus gathering
many page views by following some tips.

Drive Traffic to Your Blog Within 24 Hours

Struggling to get traffic to your blog? Here is the step by step
plan that I do to make sure that I get traffic within 24 hours.


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[Embedded_C_VC] How to Perform a Reverse IP Lookup

2008-12-28 Thread Lexie Marie

How to Perform a Reverse IP Lookup

If you are the owner of a website or blog, you may want to keep
track of your visitors, so that you can find out the reach of your
website. Otherwise you may simply want to know who sent an anonymous
email message to you, and hence you may often have wondered if there is
any way to find out more about a person using only their IP address.
There is a way to get some such information using a process known as
Reverse IP Lookup.

Unblock Myspace Proxy

If you are trying to view a certain websites eg.myspace or
youtube and you are having trouble opening the page, it may be blocked
and you might need to look into using a proxy.

Surf by Proxy - Surf the Net Anonymously

Privacy in the real world is much easier to obtain than privacy
on the internet. In these days of social networking, Facebook and blogs
we are encouraged to project ourselves onto the internet. However some
of us simply want our privacy.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Yahoo Limits User Activity Logs To 3 Months

2008-12-27 Thread Lexie Marie

Yahoo Limits User Activity Logs To 3 Months

 On December 17, Yahoo announced that they will shorten the time
during which the servers keep...

Hoffman Returns As CEO For LinkedIn

  According to recent information, LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman
is reclaiming his role as...

The internet in 2020: Mobile, ubiquitous and full of free movies

San Francisco  - A survey of internet leaders and analysts has
predicted that most people will...


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[Embedded_C_VC] Top Five Resorts in Menorca

2008-12-26 Thread Lexie Marie

Top Five Resorts in Menorca

Of all the Balearic Islands, Menorca is far and away the most
relaxing. The island surpasses all of your expectations for a calming,
soothing break, with villas and apartments for all tastes. We count down
the top five calming retreats on the island, helping you to decide which
one suits you best.

Beach Resort Perks

Planning a vacation may be fairly easy, but planning to make
sure your vacation is the best it can be may take more work. If you want
your vacation to include sun, surf, sand, and solitude, you may want to
consider going to one of the world's best resort options.

The Only 7 Star Hotel in the World

A seven star hotel is considered a synonym for grandeur, class
and style. Offering luxuries like limousine service, private transfer
for all guests via private golf cart, private butler service and just
about anything else that is being associated with vanity.


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[Embedded_C_VC] iPhone Outsells Motorola RAZR

2008-12-20 Thread Lexie Marie

iPhone Outsells Motorola RAZR

Despite an $800 off-contract price tag, Motorola RAZR became
hugely popular in 2003. A few years...

BlackBerry Storm Expected On November 21

The BlackBerry Storm 9540 will be available in Verizon Wireless
stores and online for $199.99...

iPhone Takes Second Place In Smartphone Market

Apple is already racking up blockbuster sales with consumers.
The company is making small inroads...


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[Embedded_C_VC] 9 Great Resume Writing Tips

2008-12-19 Thread Lexie Marie

9 Great Resume Writing Tips

These 9 Great Resume writing Tips will secure the interviews YOU
want. Because you MUST have a Resume that gets you the interview.

Resume Writing - Can Software Make a Difference?

A resume builder (i.e., resume software) is simply an
interactive tool to help you craft your own resume. If you can compose a
straightforward sentence and follow step-by-step instructions, you can
write a professional-looking resume yourself - with help from a good
resume builder. But how do you find a good one? Here's help.

Resume Blunders - Tell the Truth About Your Degrees

You're a few credits shy of your MBA, and you're tempted to go
ahead and list the degree as having been conferred on your resume. After
all, the company you're interested in says they won't even interview
anyone without an MBA; if you don't tell this white lie, it'll take a
miracle to even get your foot in the door.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Citibank Student Loans - Why So Popular?

2008-12-16 Thread Lexie Marie

Citibank Student Loans - Why So Popular?

Students who find themselves in a less than ideal financial
situation are able to use student loans to help them be able to afford
the increasingly higher costs involved in getting a college education.
These loans are designed to be easy to get and pay off.

Pay Off Your Student Loan Debt in Record Time

Beginning your life in a swarm of debt doesn't seem like the
best thought. However, for those who have no choice, college debt is a

Student Loan Consolidation Fraud - Beware of Scams

Since most college students are known for not having a lot of
money, it would seem unwise for a thief to target them. Still, some
people are willing to steal even from college students who are already
strapped for cash. Thanks to lots of good press in recent years, the
many benefits of student loan consolidation have been clearly presented.
You can successfully avoid becoming involved in student loan
consolidation fraud by using some common sense.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Signs Your Wife is Cheating on You - Helpful Tips For Men

2008-12-15 Thread Lexie Marie

Signs Your Wife is Cheating on You - Helpful Tips For Men

If you suspect your wife has a new lover you need to start
gathering some evidence so you can confront her. Find out what the
warning signs of a cheating wife are.

Men's Feelings After an Affair

I often write about surviving and thriving after a husband's
affair based on research and my own personal experience. Most times, I'm
contacted by women whose husband's have cheated, but I'm also contacted
by remorseful husbands more often than you might think. Often, the
husbands want advice on what they can do to help their wives heal and
save the marriage. Many wives ask for insight on just how their
husband's feel after the affair. Common questions are things like is he
really sorry, or is he only sorry he got caught?, or I think he's just
saying anything right now to get off the hook. I don't believe anything
that comes out of his mouth, or he says he still finds me attractive,
but I don't believe him, or he's just telling me what I want to hear.
In this article, I'll tell you what men tell me about how they really
feel after an affair.

Catch a Man Cheating 101 - Locate Cell Phone Owner

I am pretty sure, there are millions of insecure wives and
girlfriends who wonder whether their soul mates are cheating on them or
not. If you feel that you might fit this description then you can find
out if they are cheating today.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Why Do Real Estate Agents Require Websites?

2008-12-11 Thread Lexie Marie

Why Do Real Estate Agents Require Websites?

A consumer in the market to purchase a new home can quickly
search available properties, 24 hours a day from the comfort of their
own home. No longer do potential buyers have to contact a real estate
agent to see local homes that meet the buyers situation. Today, with a
simple online search, home buyers can easily find a real estate listings
for houses that meet their needs.

The Best Facebook Applications

There are thousands of Facebook applications available. Most of
them are used for entertainment. Some of them are of a more practical
type. It is really difficult to identify the most useful applications
for your profile and your purpose. Luckily, some people have done most
of the work for you and me.

How Did the Internet Begin - Learn About ARPANET

The history of the Internet is so very fascinating, its origins
and it's first uses too. Interestingly enough the Internet was not
actually invented by Al Gore although he was a big proponent of the
information highway concept that a few of the researchers schemed up
as the transfer technology was moved from ARPA and Bell Labs into the
private sector. The earliest forms of the Internet greatly assisted in
the sharing of knowledge and research amongst the top Universities and
scientists. In fact, by sharing information at a rapid pace they were
able to accelerate their research and studies even faster.


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[Embedded_C_VC] The CECT i9 Cell Phone and YouTube

2008-12-09 Thread Lexie Marie

The CECT i9 Cell Phone and YouTube

I often write about the CECT i9 phone. I really like this model
very much. It's among the smallest, fastest, and sleekest clones on the
market today. It's also among the most popular. That's because there's a
lot to like about this phone. In addition to all of the features we've
come to expect from the clones, it is a quad band, has the shake and
tilt feature, and supports Java 2.0. But, one question I am commonly
asked about it concerns watching or uploading YouTube videos. Some
people seem to have a bit of trouble with this, at least at first. In
this article, I'll explain some common problems and how to troubleshoot

LG Viewty With Best Deals in UK

The LG Viewty comes in two different versions and the difference
though not much but still lies in terms of 3G functionality and the
colour options, features and dimensions. It is all up to the users to
decide which mobile phone, out of the two, they want to use.

Smartphone With Convenient QWERTY Keypad

The Nokia E71 is an extremely thin mobile phone; almost the same
as holding a Heath candy bar; with only a BP4L battery giving the phone
any volume at all. For many consumers, this may be the ideal phone
physique wise; but first let us explore many features and options the
Nokia E71 possesses. It is nice to know even though this mobile phone's
screen is small; it gives a nice clear view and is notably satisfying.
Now the keyboard is a wee bit small; but is nice to use.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Cinderella Prom Dresses - 2009 Top Designs

2008-12-07 Thread Lexie Marie

Cinderella Prom Dresses - 2009 Top Designs

Cinderella prom dresses are the most popular prom dress design
in the UK but we don't have to stick dresses with the many layers of
fluffy fabric. 2009 has seen a release of a new trend that is hitting
the prom scene.

Kids Cowboy Boots

A famous intelligence test report has figured out that those
children of roughly similar age group perceived things the same way.
Even if their answers and perceptions were wrong a particular output was
common or it was seen in majority in the age group. Children look in to
the world through a schemata process or an adaptation process.

How to Tie a Scarf - Easy Techniques

Most everyone knows the traditional ways to tie and wear a
scarf. If you want to be unique though, you will need to know how to tie
a scarf in different ways. Following are three knot techniques to help
you achieve a one of a kind look.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Christmas Mobiles at Almost No Cost

2008-12-05 Thread Lexie Marie

Christmas Mobiles at Almost No Cost

During Christmas, one may avail of free gifts with mobile phones
and its various accessories. People get together during this festival,
exchange pleasantries and make the moments memorable.

Top 3 Reverse Phone Number Search Sites

When you need to do a reverse phone number search to lookup any
type of phone number - including cell phone, unlisted, out of area,
residential, pager and fax numbers - the only way you can find these
numbers is by using online reverse phone search sites. There are many
sites that offer reverse searches, but they vary greatly with respect to
price, quality and free searches.

Are Celebrity Cell Phone Numbers Available Online?

With many celebrities having their own private cell phone
numbers, you can't help but wonder if your favorite celebrity's cell
phone number is listed on online databases. Basically, most prominent
personalities, such as celebrities, politicians, etc. will have their
own cell phone numbers. This will mean that they will also subscribe
with cell phone service providers, such as Sprint Mobile, T-Mobile,
Verizon, ATT, and other service providers.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Top 3 Reverse Phone Number Search Sites

2008-12-02 Thread Lexie Marie

Top 3 Reverse Phone Number Search Sites

When you need to do a reverse phone number search to lookup any
type of phone number - including cell phone, unlisted, out of area,
residential, pager and fax numbers - the only way you can find these
numbers is by using online reverse phone search sites. There are many
sites that offer reverse searches, but they vary greatly with respect to
price, quality and free searches.

Christmas Mobiles at Almost No Cost

During Christmas, one may avail of free gifts with mobile phones
and its various accessories. People get together during this festival,
exchange pleasantries and make the moments memorable.

Are Celebrity Cell Phone Numbers Available Online?

With many celebrities having their own private cell phone
numbers, you can't help but wonder if your favorite celebrity's cell
phone number is listed on online databases. Basically, most prominent
personalities, such as celebrities, politicians, etc. will have their
own cell phone numbers. This will mean that they will also subscribe
with cell phone service providers, such as Sprint Mobile, T-Mobile,
Verizon, ATT, and other service providers.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Resume Writing - Can Software Make a Difference?

2008-11-29 Thread Lexie Marie

Resume Writing - Can Software Make a Difference?

A resume builder (i.e., resume software) is simply an
interactive tool to help you craft your own resume. If you can compose a
straightforward sentence and follow step-by-step instructions, you can
write a professional-looking resume yourself - with help from a good
resume builder. But how do you find a good one? Here's help.

9 Great Resume Writing Tips

These 9 Great Resume writing Tips will secure the interviews YOU
want. Because you MUST have a Resume that gets you the interview.

Resume Blunders - Tell the Truth About Your Degrees

You're a few credits shy of your MBA, and you're tempted to go
ahead and list the degree as having been conferred on your resume. After
all, the company you're interested in says they won't even interview
anyone without an MBA; if you don't tell this white lie, it'll take a
miracle to even get your foot in the door.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Resume Blunders - Tell the Truth About Your Degrees

2008-11-29 Thread Lexie Marie

Resume Blunders - Tell the Truth About Your Degrees

You're a few credits shy of your MBA, and you're tempted to go
ahead and list the degree as having been conferred on your resume. After
all, the company you're interested in says they won't even interview
anyone without an MBA; if you don't tell this white lie, it'll take a
miracle to even get your foot in the door.

Resume Writing - Can Software Make a Difference?

A resume builder (i.e., resume software) is simply an
interactive tool to help you craft your own resume. If you can compose a
straightforward sentence and follow step-by-step instructions, you can
write a professional-looking resume yourself - with help from a good
resume builder. But how do you find a good one? Here's help.

9 Great Resume Writing Tips

These 9 Great Resume writing Tips will secure the interviews YOU
want. Because you MUST have a Resume that gets you the interview.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Privacy And Search Engines

2008-11-28 Thread Lexie Marie

Privacy And Search Engines

Data, privacy and web search engines. The Spanish authority of
data protection set up international positions.

Internet Safety - 'Cyber-Bullying' it Can Be 'Beaten'

One of the biggest sources of information to the 'Cyber-Bully/
Criminal' is your 'Hard drive' yes, the one you got rid of when you
trashed your old computer. The one you threw in the rubbish when you
upgraded to a bigger one. The one you sold so that you could afford the
brand new super-duper better computer that could do everything but make
a cup-of-tea.

Can My Employer Read My Email?

An employee should never assume that they're emails that are
sent and received, are kept in complete privacy from their employers.
Under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) it provides for
implied authorization to review employee emails, and that a company
should state their policy of monitoring e-mails in the company handbook.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Can My Employer Read My Email?

2008-11-28 Thread Lexie Marie

Can My Employer Read My Email?

An employee should never assume that they're emails that are
sent and received, are kept in complete privacy from their employers.
Under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) it provides for
implied authorization to review employee emails, and that a company
should state their policy of monitoring e-mails in the company handbook.

Privacy And Search Engines

Data, privacy and web search engines. The Spanish authority of
data protection set up international positions.

Internet Safety - 'Cyber-Bullying' it Can Be 'Beaten'

One of the biggest sources of information to the 'Cyber-Bully/
Criminal' is your 'Hard drive' yes, the one you got rid of when you
trashed your old computer. The one you threw in the rubbish when you
upgraded to a bigger one. The one you sold so that you could afford the
brand new super-duper better computer that could do everything but make
a cup-of-tea.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Get Romance Back in Your Marriage

2008-11-25 Thread Lexie Marie

Get Romance Back in Your Marriage

Romance is important for your marriage. Lack of romance can
drive you nuts. There are people who might take exception to this and
say that romance isn't the important if you really love each other.
Romance is more than just affection and intercourse, and when there is
no romance, so did the touching, kissing, hugging and other forms of

Tips For Marriage - Five Subtle, I Love You's

If you want to keep your marriage exciting and fun then don't
wait another minute, take these acts of love tips and put them to work.
These ideas are so much fun, easy and doable you'll be wondering why you
haven't done them all along. I love you are three words that mean
nothing if you don't have the actions along with it to show the person
you mean what you say.

Save a Marriage - Actions Speak Louder

Gentle words and gentle actions are never wrong. Make up your
mind to speak gently and graciously to your spouse. This could very well
be the one thing that saves your marriage.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Sales Techniques - 5 Winning Styles

2008-11-22 Thread Lexie Marie

Sales Techniques - 5 Winning Styles

Do you ever wonder what makes the best sales professionals. Is
it their education, their training, their attitude or something else
less tangible. This article sets out what sales styles you need to
demonstrate to be an outstanding salesman.

I Read the Writing on the Wall

Can we look at Washington Mutual's past to reveal their
mistakes? Are more banks on their way to the handout line for following
the same path?

Top 3 Tips For the New Sales Manager

Being a new sales manager can be a daunting task. With a little
help and guidance it can be so much easier. Here are three simple tips
to start you on your way.


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[Embedded_C_VC] It's Finally Here - The LG KS 360

2008-11-20 Thread Lexie Marie

It's Finally Here - The LG KS 360

If you want a mobile phone that offers all the modern
conveniences of text messaging then your search may be over. When you
have a teen that enjoys text messaging more than talking on the phone
then you have a problem if the mobile phone they use is not exactly for
text messaging.

The Samsung Omni Fits Your Current Style

The Samsung Omnia fits the current up to day style of most
phones used by students as well as busy business workers. Its stylish
12.5mm profile along with the all black surface and touch screen
interface makes it one of the phones of the future.

Samsung Tocco is the Handset For Next Generation

Samsung would never stop mesmerizing it fans as it has been
always known for its quality and brand products. Now it has brought out
Samsung Tocco in the mobile market which is superseding Samsung i8510 in
many ways. For additional information, go through the following lines.


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[Embedded_C_VC] iPhone Outsells Motorola RAZR

2008-11-19 Thread Lexie Marie

iPhone Outsells Motorola RAZR

Despite an $800 off-contract price tag, Motorola RAZR became
hugely popular in 2003. A few years...

BlackBerry Storm Expected On November 21

The BlackBerry Storm 9540 will be available in Verizon Wireless
stores and online for $199.99...

iPhone Takes Second Place In Smartphone Market

Apple is already racking up blockbuster sales with consumers.
The company is making small inroads...


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[Embedded_C_VC] Pearl Jewelry For Men

2008-11-17 Thread Lexie Marie

Pearl Jewelry For Men

When it comes to the pearl jewelry, we will think of the
beautiful women. Nearly nobody will consider them with burly men. It may
be a strange thing to see men wear pearl necklaces or other pearl
ornaments. It seems like a little flirtatious if men wear them. They are
belongs to the women traditionally.

The Benefits of White Gold

A engagement ring is unlike any of piece of jewelry you buy your
lover throughout your relationship. It is a symbol of your forever
growing love, and a sign of your devotion and need to stay by there
side. They are also looked at as how far you would go to impress the one
you love.

Fashionable Pearl Jewelry For Any Occasion

Pearl jewelry has been a long time favorite of many people,
including those who prefer a more classic and traditional look and those
who love to keep their look fashionable and trendy. Pearl jewelry is
made in both fine and inexpensive categories, so you can have a new look
every day of the week without worrying about breaking the budget.


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[Embedded_C_VC] It's Finally Here - The LG KS 360

2008-11-16 Thread Lexie Marie

It's Finally Here - The LG KS 360

If you want a mobile phone that offers all the modern
conveniences of text messaging then your search may be over. When you
have a teen that enjoys text messaging more than talking on the phone
then you have a problem if the mobile phone they use is not exactly for
text messaging.

The Samsung Omni Fits Your Current Style

The Samsung Omnia fits the current up to day style of most
phones used by students as well as busy business workers. Its stylish
12.5mm profile along with the all black surface and touch screen
interface makes it one of the phones of the future.

Samsung Tocco is the Handset For Next Generation

Samsung would never stop mesmerizing it fans as it has been
always known for its quality and brand products. Now it has brought out
Samsung Tocco in the mobile market which is superseding Samsung i8510 in
many ways. For additional information, go through the following lines.


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[Embedded_C_VC] We Are But Mortal

2008-11-15 Thread Lexie Marie

We Are But Mortal

Discovering you have a critical or life threatening illness can
be devastating. However, with some positive thinking, coupled with the
right foresight, you can ease both the financial and emotional

AIG Life Insurance

AIG, or the American International Group, Inc. is a world leader
in financial services providing, including life insurance. AIG is--or
was up until very recently at the time of this writing--the leading
international insurance organization, having operations in over 130
nations and jurisdictions. AIG companies provide commercial,
institutional, and individual financial services through the most
extensive worldwide property-casualty and life insurance networks of any
insurance company, although they are being closely competed with by
MetLife. What's more, AIG companies are leading providers of financial
services and asset management across the globe. AIG has its common stock
listed on the New York, Ireland and Tokyo stock exchanges.

A History of Annuities

Annuities as a source of retirement income are nothing new. In
fact, the history of annuities stretches back for centuries, all the way
to Roman times. This article traces the evolution of annuities
throughout time, providing a historic perspective.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Never End Up quot;Just a Friendquot; AGAIN Just by Reading This

2008-11-14 Thread Lexie Marie

Never End Up Just a Friend AGAIN Just by Reading This

Stop wasting time as a woman's friend. Get what you truly want.


How to Date a Millionaire

Is there anybody on the planet who has not wondered what it
would be like to date a millionaire? Ah, the houses, luxury cars,
vacations and more that you could enjoy! What a great fantasy. It doesnt
have to just be a daydream, though. You just have to know how to date a
millionaire. Really, its not as complicated as you may think.

7 Stupid Things Guys Do That Can Turn Women Off Fast

So you finally got the courage together to ask her out and your
getting ready to go out on you first date with her. Right now you may
feel on top of the world and the wind is at your back.



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[Embedded_C_VC] How to Date a Millionaire

2008-11-13 Thread Lexie Marie

How to Date a Millionaire

Is there anybody on the planet who has not wondered what it
would be like to date a millionaire? Ah, the houses, luxury cars,
vacations and more that you could enjoy! What a great fantasy. It doesnt
have to just be a daydream, though. You just have to know how to date a
millionaire. Really, its not as complicated as you may think.

Never End Up Just a Friend AGAIN Just by Reading This

Stop wasting time as a woman's friend. Get what you truly want.


7 Stupid Things Guys Do That Can Turn Women Off Fast

So you finally got the courage together to ask her out and your
getting ready to go out on you first date with her. Right now you may
feel on top of the world and the wind is at your back.



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[Embedded_C_VC] 3 Tips - How to Get Your Ex Back

2008-11-12 Thread Lexie Marie

3 Tips - How to Get Your Ex Back

Getting your ex back can be difficult, but there are some ways
you can be successful at getting them back. Follow these 3 great tips
for how to get your ex back. You can start today.

How to Tell If Your Ex Still Cares

This method can backfire! Although it can often be used to tell
how your ex feels about you and whether she's still attached to you,
I've heard of dramatic cases where liquids were splashed in the man's
face for such familiarity. If you're not afraid to run the risk and
desperately want to know whether your ex still cares, then read on!

Bring Out Your Inner Goddess

A break-up is anything but pretty, and it doesn't do much for
your looks either. You spend sleepless nights crying alone or to a
friend, causing your eyes to swell and your eye bags to be heavier than
before. You buy loads of chocolate and ice cream, thinking that the
sugar will give you a temporary high, only to realize after having eaten
all of them that all they give you is permanent weight gain. You cut
your own hair, thinking that perhaps an extreme hairstyle will make you
look more avant-garde, but in the end you realize that it only makes you
look like you had a disagreement with your hair cutter.


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[Embedded_C_VC] How to Tell If Your Ex Still Cares

2008-11-09 Thread Lexie Marie

How to Tell If Your Ex Still Cares

This method can backfire! Although it can often be used to tell
how your ex feels about you and whether she's still attached to you,
I've heard of dramatic cases where liquids were splashed in the man's
face for such familiarity. If you're not afraid to run the risk and
desperately want to know whether your ex still cares, then read on!

Bring Out Your Inner Goddess

A break-up is anything but pretty, and it doesn't do much for
your looks either. You spend sleepless nights crying alone or to a
friend, causing your eyes to swell and your eye bags to be heavier than
before. You buy loads of chocolate and ice cream, thinking that the
sugar will give you a temporary high, only to realize after having eaten
all of them that all they give you is permanent weight gain. You cut
your own hair, thinking that perhaps an extreme hairstyle will make you
look more avant-garde, but in the end you realize that it only makes you
look like you had a disagreement with your hair cutter.

3 Tips - How to Get Your Ex Back

Getting your ex back can be difficult, but there are some ways
you can be successful at getting them back. Follow these 3 great tips
for how to get your ex back. You can start today.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Bring Out Your Inner Goddess

2008-11-06 Thread Lexie Marie

Bring Out Your Inner Goddess

A break-up is anything but pretty, and it doesn't do much for
your looks either. You spend sleepless nights crying alone or to a
friend, causing your eyes to swell and your eye bags to be heavier than
before. You buy loads of chocolate and ice cream, thinking that the
sugar will give you a temporary high, only to realize after having eaten
all of them that all they give you is permanent weight gain. You cut
your own hair, thinking that perhaps an extreme hairstyle will make you
look more avant-garde, but in the end you realize that it only makes you
look like you had a disagreement with your hair cutter.

How to Tell If Your Ex Still Cares

This method can backfire! Although it can often be used to tell
how your ex feels about you and whether she's still attached to you,
I've heard of dramatic cases where liquids were splashed in the man's
face for such familiarity. If you're not afraid to run the risk and
desperately want to know whether your ex still cares, then read on!

3 Tips - How to Get Your Ex Back

Getting your ex back can be difficult, but there are some ways
you can be successful at getting them back. Follow these 3 great tips
for how to get your ex back. You can start today.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Dating Latin Women

2008-11-01 Thread Lexie Marie

Dating Latin Women

There are lots of Marriage Agencies on the Internet, that allow
single Male Members to browse through the Member Profiles, to find a
suitable mail order Bride. Normally the reason the Woman will want to
go, is...

Interested in Dating Latina Women Or Latino Men?

However, be aware that for Latina women, casual flirting,
hugging, and touching are common among their new acquaintances and
friends, and this does not mean there are romantic feelings attached to
such actions. So, quit day dreaming about that Latina girl who is only
just being friendly to you. Do not misunderstand signals. Is she
romantically interested about you?

Dating Advice #2: Where Girls Go To Get Laid

I know, I know... Now you will come with the typical excuse: you
are not a very good dancer. But think a bit! If everyone was a good
dancer, such schools wouldn't exist! There are also a large number of
dances to choose from: I'm sure you can find one that you will like.


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[Embedded_C_VC] Valentines Day Night

2008-10-31 Thread Lexie Marie

Valentines Day Night

When the day of Valentines comes, it allows you to show your
special someone just how much you care about them. The most usual and
effective of Valentine's Day gifts to make yourself are portraits of
your beloved. This Valentine's Day gift that you can make yourself very
popular with your beloved if you do it right.

What Makes an Older Woman a Cougar?

If age is the defining quality of a cougar, then is there
anything else that determines whether or not a woman is a cougar? Yes
there certainly is - it's all about the attitude, baby. Cougars carry an
aura of self-confidence with them that helps them to land the younger
men they're pursuing.

The Truth Behind Attracting Girls

Information on how you can attract girls by putting together a
vigorous workout schedule accommodated by a healthy diet full of


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[Embedded_C_VC] What Makes an Older Woman a Cougar?

2008-10-29 Thread Lexie Marie

What Makes an Older Woman a Cougar?

If age is the defining quality of a cougar, then is there
anything else that determines whether or not a woman is a cougar? Yes
there certainly is - it's all about the attitude, baby. Cougars carry an
aura of self-confidence with them that helps them to land the younger
men they're pursuing.

Valentines Day Night

When the day of Valentines comes, it allows you to show your
special someone just how much you care about them. The most usual and
effective of Valentine's Day gifts to make yourself are portraits of
your beloved. This Valentine's Day gift that you can make yourself very
popular with your beloved if you do it right.

The Truth Behind Attracting Girls

Information on how you can attract girls by putting together a
vigorous workout schedule accommodated by a healthy diet full of


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[Embedded_C_VC] Is There Romance After 59.99?

2008-10-25 Thread Lexie Marie

Is There Romance After 59.99?

Where does one go to find suitable people to date? How to make
the dating situation safe. Know there are places that are non
threatening and easy.

Dating in Your 50s Requires a Little Give and Take

As folks get older they get a little more set in their ways,
they also experience repeats in business cycles, political rhetoric and
get tired of the same game over and over again. Some become cynical in a
destructive way, others in a humorous way and some are just oblivious to
it all; they say ignorance is bliss. Still, sometimes a blissful
displacement is a good place to be when trying to date in your 50s.

If I Were Only Eighteen Again!

I'm in love with the guy who is painting my house. Well, not in
a 'Love' love way, but in a sort of if I were only 18 again way.


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[Embedded_C_VC] What Makes an Older Woman a Cougar?

2008-10-22 Thread Lexie Marie

What Makes an Older Woman a Cougar?

If age is the defining quality of a cougar, then is there
anything else that determines whether or not a woman is a cougar? Yes
there certainly is - it's all about the attitude, baby. Cougars carry an
aura of self-confidence with them that helps them to land the younger
men they're pursuing.

Valentines Day Night

When the day of Valentines comes, it allows you to show your
special someone just how much you care about them. The most usual and
effective of Valentine's Day gifts to make yourself are portraits of
your beloved. This Valentine's Day gift that you can make yourself very
popular with your beloved if you do it right.

The Truth Behind Attracting Girls

Information on how you can attract girls by putting together a
vigorous workout schedule accommodated by a healthy diet full of


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[Embedded_C_VC] The Truth Behind Attracting Girls

2008-10-21 Thread Lexie Marie

The Truth Behind Attracting Girls

Information on how you can attract girls by putting together a
vigorous workout schedule accommodated by a healthy diet full of

Valentines Day Night

When the day of Valentines comes, it allows you to show your
special someone just how much you care about them. The most usual and
effective of Valentine's Day gifts to make yourself are portraits of
your beloved. This Valentine's Day gift that you can make yourself very
popular with your beloved if you do it right.

What Makes an Older Woman a Cougar?

If age is the defining quality of a cougar, then is there
anything else that determines whether or not a woman is a cougar? Yes
there certainly is - it's all about the attitude, baby. Cougars carry an
aura of self-confidence with them that helps them to land the younger
men they're pursuing.


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