Re: Safety Link Offers Classifed Ads to EMC-PSTC members (no-charge)

2002-02-05 Thread Robert Macy

Agree, worthwhile.

All the newspaper articles in the Career section of the newspapers say that
after being laid off to take off a few weeks, gain bearings, then look for
your new position.  I totally disagree.  I say take 20 minutes, shake your
head, and go for new places as agressively and thoroughly as if looking for
a position were the new job.

Usually, there are severance packages that allow for the following gap in
income.  Any reduction in that gap is "free" money.  Also, you maintain the
mental advantage of not needing the new position so you'll just have a
different attitude while you're looking, one of more power.

Years ago when I was hiring people, I always was more impressed with the
person who "hits the pavement" the next day, even better, the same day.
That makes them look like a self starter, agressive, *and* someone who
actually likes to work, wants to be back at work.

Just my two cents here.

   - Robert -

   Robert A. Macy,
   408 286 3985  fx 408 297 9121
   AJM International Electronics Consultants
   619 North First St,   San Jose, CA  95112

-Original Message-
From: Cortland Richmond <>
To: Art Michael ; ieee pstc list 
Date: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: Safety Link Offers Classifed Ads to EMC-PSTC members

>What a nice thing to do! I am just getting ready to pick up my stuff from
>the office, and then ... Why wait for the outplacement firm? Forward
>(I cannot speak for Alcatel
>They cannot speak for me;
>OF all that we might choose to say,
>The other now is free!)

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Re: Safety Link Offers Classifed Ads to EMC-PSTC members (no-charge)

2002-02-05 Thread Cortland Richmond


What a nice thing to do! I am just getting ready to pick up my stuff from
the office, and then ... Why wait for the outplacement firm? Forward


(I cannot speak for Alcatel
They cannot speak for me;
OF all that we might choose to say,
The other now is free!)

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Safety Link Offers Classifed Ads to EMC-PSTC members (no-charge)

2002-02-05 Thread Art Michael

Hello Cortland et al,

In light of and reaction to the current depressed business cycle - the
Safety Link , is offering a new & no-charge service
that should be of interest and value to you.  A Classified Ads section has
been added; you can find it's link near the top of the Safety Link's

At present, the no-chage ads are limited to:

1) Individuals seeking employment in the Electrical Product Safety and EMC
conformity assessment fields; 

If you are among those on-the-street (or nearly so) you are invited to
input your own Classified Ad of up to 500 characters. You can include your
contact info and a web address where your resume can be found. 

And, if you don't have a place to mount your resume, I'll mount it at no
charge within the Safety Link's webspace; just email it to me in Text
(preferred), MSWord or Adobe PDF format after you've submitted your ad and
I'll mount a pointer to it from your Classified Ad. Send it to

Should you find work, please advise so I can remove your ad in a timely

2) Individuals(*) who have used conformity assessment equipment for sale,
or seek same. As business needs shrink and grow, conformity assessment
test equipment needs follow. Use this opportunity to either sell your
surplus gear or to seek used conformity assessment test equipment. As
noted above, you can input your own advert after clicking on the
Classifieds Ad link/button on the Safety Link.

(*) Individuals meaning - those not engaged in the buying and selling of 
used equipment as a regular business.

Best regards & Good Luck, Art Michael

Int'l Product Safety News
A.E. Michael, Editor
166 Congdon St. East
P.O. Box 1561 
Middletown CT 06457 U.S.A.

Phone  :  (860) 344-1651
Fax:  (860) 346-9066
Email  :
ISSN   :  1040-7529

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