Re: (fwd) Re: Re: [e-users] Entrance problems

2003-10-23 Thread Michael Jennings
On Wednesday, 22 October 2003, at 13:47:39 (-0400),
Hall Stevenson wrote:

> To some extent, I have to agree with "Hisham". Your reply was pretty
> lame Hallvar offered to *help* you and all you said was that
> it's ALPHA software, you're on your own, and so on.

And your point would be...?  Offering to help is all well and good,
but for things that are under active hard-core development, the only
really helpful people are the ones who can write patches.  There's a
difference between offering to help *find* the bug and offering to
help *fix* the bug.

> Why do you have it available then ?? For people to use or for people
> to help you code it ??

CVS is a DEVELOPERS tool, not an end-user tool.  So obviously the
answer to your question is the latter, not the former.


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
n + 1, Inc.,   Author, Eterm (
 "I know that through it all the hardest part of love is letting go,
  But there's a greater Love that holds us."
-- Michael W. Smith, "Pray for Me"

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[e-users] Starting KMail from E's root menu

2003-10-23 Thread Hall Stevenson
I added an entry for KMail to my left-mouse-click root window menu and 
when I choose KMail, it outputs some info to an Eterm. If it makes a 
difference, here's what it outputs:

ID '1' was already in done-list!
ID '4' was already in done-list!

and so on

I've often avoided starting apps from my terms because of this 
annoyance. I realize it may not be E's fault, but does anyone have 
any ideas ?? I tried Konqueror 'cause it normally outputs some 
"Starting kbuild..." message if I start it from a term, but it 
doesn't affect my term in this case.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Fwd: [Fwd: Re: (fwd) Re: Re: [e-users] Entrance problems]

2003-10-23 Thread Michael Jennings
> > As for the intent of my email, well, it really wasnt aimed at
> > anyone in particular. Its just we always say "we dont support
> > this... we dont support that". And you guys wonder why people wont
> > use our software?

First off, people DO use our software.  Stating otherwise is
ridiculous because it's just not true.

Secondly, we don't WANT people using Entrance and e17 and other things
that are under heavy and active development.  That's the whole
freaking point!  People shouldn't use it.  If you can't write a patch,
you shouldn't be using Entrance.  And if you can, you should be able
to solve problems yourself.

It's not rude, or harsh, or unfair, or any of the things people
typically whine about.  It's a test.  A rite of passage, if you will.
If you can make it work on your own, you have proven that you have the
ability to help, and that's great.  We encourage those people to do
so, as evidenced by the responses raster gave to shorne's patches.

If, however, you cannot get it to work on your own, you've failed the
test.  You don't appear to have the ability (or determination, or
patience, or any of the other things required to deal with this stuff)
to help, so we don't have time to babysit you.  Thus, you have two
options:  (1) Give up, or (2) Find a non-developer who's willing to
help you out.  People like Ben and Phil are often willing to help new
users get things working, and that's a great help to the developers
(as much as it annoys me sometimes...*grin*) because it saves them
time that they can then spend on coding (or...*cough*...responding to
rude e-mails...).

> > If something has a lot of potential and its main developers dont
> > want to improve it or let others help, then at the end of the day
> > thats totally up to them.

Anyone who believes that JeopardE doesn't want to improve Entrance or
let others help is smoking something cheap.

> > But dont you think everyone will lose a lot if this piece of code
> > that had a lot of potential didnt "want" to be developed and
> > pursued?

See above.

> > I think this would add to my story

If someone falls for that, that person is a sucker.


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
n + 1, Inc.,   Author, Eterm (
 "Time is the fire in which we burn."
 -- Dr. Tolian Soren (Malcolm McDowell), "Star Trek:  Generations"

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Re: [e-users] Entrance problems [Some thoughts!]

2003-10-23 Thread Didier Casse
Dear All,
 I think we have to get something straight here before
running into unecessary disputes: First "Entrance" is
a FREE software and when you refer to a GPL license, it states:

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

which to some extent is the correct Philosophy (although some might argue
that the software is not GPL and so on). You are not paying the developer
to do this job and he's doing it out of kindness in his spare time. So you
can't really bug/insult the developer in that respect when he's providing
FREE software.

If you're paying the guy milions of dollars, then you expect a certain
decent result and support. Only when you're paying for a service, then you
expect it to be good and can complain about it. :-)

Secondly "Entrance", like "E17", is still in an experimental stage. Ibukun
has already told us that beforehand. So you have been warned if you want
to install it. If it doesn't work, you can't also blame him! It's ALPHA as
he said! You might ask now, why is it available? Simple answer: It's meant
ONLY for developers, people who have the time, expertise and knowledge to
debug the whole thing. ALPHA means that it's not meant for everyday users
to use.

If you really want to help, go in CVS, download the whole source code,
compile, run, test, debug and send patches to the core developer.
Communicate in the developers mailing list when running into
problems. That's how people can help. 

You can't help by just saying "I want to help". You have to do some
homework on your own first by understanding the source code and knowing
what you're dealing with. Find flaws, locate the buggy code then

For some people, Entrance actually worked pretty well, one example is
Andrew Johnson (ajgenius _AT_ from GNOME art side. I was
discussing with him a while ago on irc and he told me that he has
successfully installed and tested "Entrance". I believe he's thinking of
theming too!

Anyway Ibukun wrote:

> This means that if you can't get it to
> work, or it blows up your hard drive in the process, you're on your own.
> :)

We should not take this too personnally. It's a way to tell you not to try
out if you don't know what you're dealing with.   

So personnally, I don't go and try experimental software as I've a whole
lot of Physics equations, simulations, and experimental work to deal with
everyday. So I use gdm and E16 as I don't have the time to go and
play around with Entrance and E17, and on top of that going to find
bugs. :-)

Hope this mail will be useful to find a common understanding and
reaffirming the meaning of free software. 

With kind regards,


PhD student

Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (SSLS)
5 Research Link,
Singapore 117603

Email: slsbdfc at nus dot edu dot sg \or\ 
didierbe at sps dot nus dot edu dot sg

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