RE: [equinox-dev] getservice throws class cast exception

2008-05-29 Thread Santosh Akhilesh


Thanks I got the problem solved as per your suggestion.

However I could make it work with two bundles as per Toni's hint

I included the jar in to the bundle one which was registering the service,
this bundle exported the interface A.

In the second bundle I just imported the interface A and retrieved the
object and cast to A successfully.

Thanks for your help and time.

Santosh Akhilesh


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-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 9:02 PM
To: Equinox development mailing list
Subject: Re: [equinox-dev] getservice throws class cast exception


You should not include the JAR that contains the interface in the
classpath of the two bundles. You should make it into a third bundle
and use Import-Package to depend on the interface.

When a class is defined independently by two or more classloaders, the
resulting classes are considered by the JVM to be different, even if
they have exactly the same name and are defined from the same bytes on
disk. Therefore you cannot cast an instance of one type into a field
of the other.


On 5/29/08, Santosh Akhilesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am new to OSGI and Equinox.
> I have defined an interface say A, this is defined in a project and
> as jar
> Now I create Two OSGI bundles I include this jar in both the bundles.
> >From one bundle I implement the interface A and register the service to
> bundle context from second bundle I try to retrieve this service from
> context in the activator start function.
> I can see that service is retrieved but when I cast it to interface A, I
> class cast exception
> Any pointer why this happens and how to correct it.
> Regards,
> Santosh Akhilesh
> Ph: 9845482201
equinox-dev mailing list

equinox-dev mailing list

[equinox-dev] p2 contribution to RC3

2008-05-29 Thread John Arthorne
The following contributions from p2 are being made for the next 3.4 RC3 

The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 232105. [ui] Banner message on install dialog is way too long when 
many IU's involved (FIXED)
+ Bug 232329. [ui] TVT34:TCT270: SV: Missing dialog/wizard help IDs 
+ Bug 234036. [ui] Each keystroke in filter field gives error for missing 
repository (FIXED)

The following projects have changed:
equinox-dev mailing list

[equinox-dev] Need help building a product with p2

2008-05-29 Thread Warren.Paul
I've received some help from Andrew in this Bugzilla
( but I'm still
having problems so I thought I'd take it to the list rather than in that

We've been shipping an IDE product based on Eclipse for a few years now.
The way we've built our product in the past is essentially this:

1) Download the platform runtime, EMF, GEF, etc.. from and
extract them into a product layout directory.
2) Checkout and tag our features and plugins
3) Use headless feature build on all of our features, and extract the
generated archives into the product layout directory.
4) Copy our modified version of config.ini, .eclipseproduct, etc. into
the product layout directory.
5) Generate an update site based on the generated features/plugins.

This gives us a full product layout for new installs, and allows users
with older installs of our product to update to the new version using
the update site.

This process broke when we moved to Eclipse 3.4M6 when p2 was
introduced.  I've come to discover that we weren't really building it in
the ideal fashion to begin with, so I'm trying to do it the proper way
so we can get a properly p2-ized product layout and update site.

Andrew provided several useful links in that Bugzilla.  I've read about
doing product builds, using the p2 meta generator and p2 director.  I've
also played with the examples from EclipseCon presentation.

Here are some of the problems I'm having:

1) I created a .product file based on features.  I included our features
as well as those org.eclipse features that we bundle with.  When I
export it using the PDE product export from the UI, it generates a
directory containing everything we need - all features and plugins (ours
and org.eclipse.*), our branded launcher and ini file, .eclipseproduct
file, config.ini file, jre, etc..  It of course does not contain the p2
data though.  I told the exporter to generate a metadata repository
which it did.  I think I'm then supposed to run it through the p2
director to get the proper p2 directory.  I tried this, and it generated
something, but I get the error "Cannot launch the Update UI.  This
installation has not been configured properly for Software Updates" when
I try to go to Help->Software Updates.  I assume I didn't get the
command line correct for the p2 director.  This is what I did:

eclipsec.exe -nosplash -application -metadataRepository
C:\testproduct\repository\ -artifactRepository
C:\testproduct\repository\ -destination C:\testproduct\eclipse\ -profile
PlatformProfile -profileProperties
org.eclipse.update.install.features=true -bundlepool
C:\testproduct\eclipse -p2.os win32 win32 -p2.arch x86 -roaming

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?  I thought I should be passing -installIU
but wasn't sure what to pass with it.  I tried the product id but it
errored out saying it couldn't find the IU.

2) What I did in 1) was really just a test because we'll need to build
everything from the command line and not from the export wizard.  I
tried to build the product from the command line and kept getting an
error that org.eclipse.rcp could not be found.  I removed all
org.eclipse.* features from our product file and tried again.  Now it
builds, and it generates the repo directory because I added the stuff to
our file as instructed:

p2.metadata.repo = file:${buildDirectory}/repo 
p2.artifact.repo = file:${buildDirectory}/repo = Carbide.c++ Metadata Repository = Carbide.c++ Artifact Repository 
p2.flavor = tooling 

This repo directory only contains the two xml files though
(artifacts.xml and content.xml), unlike the product export which
generated those as well as binary, features and plugins directories.

The other issue is that none of the org.eclipse.* features/plugins are
included.  This is presumably because they're no longer in the .product
file, but I had to do that to get the build to work.  I tried creating a
master feature which just required all of our features and the
org.eclipse features, but still got the missing rcp error.  Note: in the
example2 from the EclispeCon zip, it builds a product and does include
the org.eclipse stuff in the output.  This example is based on plugins
rather than features.  This is the only meaningful difference I could
see in the .product files.

I'm also confused about the topLevelElementType and topLevelElementId
attributes in the files.  I couldn't find any
documentation on these.  Ideally I'd put type=product and id=our product
id, and then I assume the installIU would be the product id?

Anyway, sorry for the long email, but I'm stuck and could really use
some help.


equinox-dev mailing list

[equinox-dev] p2 build contribution

2008-05-29 Thread Pascal Rapicault

The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 215924. [prov] Metadata for fix pack aka patches (FIXED)
+ Bug 226852. director application need to change install folder when
operating on a roaming profile (FIXED)
+ Bug 233201. Some servers return a webpage instead of the requested file.
+ Bug 234479. [ui] Typing in filter field in Available Updates can lose
focus (FIXED)
+ Bug 234518. Retry with wrong artifact descriptor (FIXED)
+ Bug 234671. Bootstrap.product should be included in binary build of the
reconciler.dropins bundle (FIXED)

The following projects have changed:
equinox-dev mailing list

[equinox-dev] Additional Equinox Contribution to RC3

2008-05-29 Thread Thomas Watson

The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 234689. Converting to use API tools

The following projects have changed:

equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] getservice throws class cast exception

2008-05-29 Thread Santosh Akhilesh

Thanks for your answers.

Is there anyway to make it work ? I need to include the jar in to two

Just for information my situation like this;

1. One java project containing interfaces and util exported as jar -
2. One java project implementing the OSGI Activator interface , this is
implemented as abstract class providing two abstract interfaces bundleStart
and bundleStop , from Activator method start and stop we call bundleStart
and bundleStop implemented by OSGI bundles - wrapper.jar. This is to make
sure that other bundles dont need to worry about OSGI things. In this
wrapper we also provide functions to register services to bundle context and
retrieving it.
3. Each OSGI bundle includes these two jars in their class path.
4. I have noticed that the wrapper.jar provides some APIs which can return
the objects from the bundle context , their interfaces where defined in
util.jar and implemented by one of the OSGI bundle and register to bundle
5. The casting problem comes only when I use this in start method of wrraper
if I try to retrieve the object outside the start method it works.

Santosh Akhilesh
equinox-dev mailing list

[equinox-dev] p2 projects tagged for build

2008-05-29 Thread DJ Houghton

The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 204209. [prov] Generated repo directory names don't match what
colocated repo UI assumes (FIXED)
+ Bug 216911. [prov] Should IU's have multiple licenses (NEW)
+ Bug 217001. [prov] [ui] [metadata] can IU license and copyright
properties be URLs? (FIXED)
+ Bug 222480. Some features in platform.xml not showing up in "About"
dialog (FIXED)
+ Bug 229069. [ui] Two of every category or repository visible in available
software tab (FIXED)
+ Bug 230245. Failure to read unicode (FIXED)
+ Bug 234177. Repository references not working in p2 metadata repositories
+ Bug 234520. eclipse.ini not created when installing I20080528-1327

The following projects have changed:
equinox-dev mailing list

[equinox-dev] Equinox intends to contribute to RC3

2008-05-29 Thread Thomas Watson

The map file has been updated for the following Bug changes:
+ Bug 234439. The -debug flag no longer produces information about plugin
resolution (ASSIGNED)

The following projects have changed:

equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] Using Jetty in OSGi

2008-05-29 Thread Alin Dreghiciu
I do not know much about Equinox OSGi implementation but I may give
some answers based on my experience with Pax Web (also an HttpService
implementation based on Jetty):

1. In may view everything it's okay as soon as it serves you goals.
So, I would not see any problem in the fact that you implement your
own http server based on Jetty. Just be sure that you wanna do so, at
that will mean that you have to implement it, maintain it and so on,
more or less by your own, compared with an implementation that is
backed up by a community.

Looking at your "future" goals you may wanna take a look at Pax Web
Extender Web that allows you to deploy a war like bundle, by parsing
your web.xml and register found elements. To have a full support you
have to use Pax Web implementation of HttpService (because it has an
extended HttpService implementation supporting listeners/filters/...).
Just for a simple web.xml that uses only servlets/resources you can
use it with any HttpService implementation as the one available from
If you want a direct integration with Jetty you may wanna take a look
at Spring DM web support.

2. The problem is that you pass the class name to Jetty, and Jetty
will try to instantiate the class, fact that will fail as Jetty will
not see your bundle class space.
I do not know how Equinox implementation actually uses Jetty but in
principle you may want to pass an instance of the Servlet to Jetty not
the class name. As an example you can take a look here for how you can
do that,, and look for add servlet:

I suppose that Simon can give you more details about the Equinox implementation.

Alin Dreghiciu

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 12:22 PM, Srijith Kochunni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to deploy Jetty server in my Equinox OSGi runtime. I was
> able to deploy the org.mortbay.jetty jar and the additional equinox jars and
> was able to register my servlet using OSGi http service and was able to view
> the same in browser. But my requirement is that I want to design so that in
> future i might be able to provide a container where web applications can be
> deployed as well. Therefore i want to directly use org.mortbay.jetty.Server
> class to add my servlets rather than HttpService.
> Server server = new
> Server();
> SocketListener listener = new SocketListener();
> listener.setPort(8080);
> server.addListener(listener);
> ServletHttpContext httpcontext =
> (ServletHttpContext)server.getContext("/servlet");
> httpcontext.addServlet("Hello", "/hello", "axisserver.HelloWorldServlet");
> server.start();
> Since I do not want the equinox http service to register and do the starting
> up of the server, I load my OSGi runtime with org.mortbay.jetty jar alone
> and start my bundle in which I have the above code snippet in the start
> method of my activator.
> My first question is whether it is ok for me to do this within OSGi, or
> should I always use only the HttpService interface provided my OSGi. ?
> The second question is
> The problem is that everytime I start my bundle, it gives me a
> ClassNotFound exception and does not start. Have attached the stack trace.
> The class is within my bundle, so am not able to understand why it is not
> found. >From the stack trace understood that the mortbay bundle is probably
> trying to load the class, therefore tried exporting my package as well, but
> to no avail. Read in some of the jetty forums that these class loading
> issues can be resolved by Eclipse Buddy policy. Am not sure how to use them.
> Also read about how PDE can be helpful in deducting and fixing these class
> loading issues.
> Any idea on how this issue can be fixed/ details on what HttpService is
> doing extra while using Jetty Server, in order to put the classes in mortbay
> jetty server`s space would be helpful
> Any help in this regard, would be greatly appreciated.
> P.S : Have herewith attached stack trace.
> Thanks,
> Srijith.
> ___
> equinox-dev mailing list

Alin Dreghiciu - New Energy for OSS Communities - Open
Participation Software. - New Energy for Java - Domain Driven Development. - New Energy for Projects - Great People
working on Great Projects at Great Places
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] getservice throws class cast exception

2008-05-29 Thread Toni Menzel
Can you provide the manifest headers
(content of META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in your jars) as well as exact contents?

If its like you say, chances are that you didn't export/import the interface 
and this should result into ClassCast Exceptions..


> Datum: Thu, 29 May 2008 20:45:52 +0530
> Von: Santosh Akhilesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> An:
> Betreff: [equinox-dev] getservice throws class cast exception

> Dear All,
> I am new to OSGI and Equinox.
> I have defined an interface say A, this is defined in a project and
> exported
> as jar
> Now I create Two OSGI bundles I include this jar in both the bundles.
> >>From one bundle I implement the interface A and register the service to
> the
> bundle context from second bundle I try to retrieve this service from
> bundle
> context in the activator start function.
> I can see that service is retrieved but when I cast it to interface A, I
> get
> class cast exception
> Any pointer why this happens and how to correct it.
> Regards,
> Santosh Akhilesh
> Ph: 9845482201
equinox-dev mailing list

Re: [equinox-dev] getservice throws class cast exception

2008-05-29 Thread njbartlett

You should not include the JAR that contains the interface in the
classpath of the two bundles. You should make it into a third bundle
and use Import-Package to depend on the interface.

When a class is defined independently by two or more classloaders, the
resulting classes are considered by the JVM to be different, even if
they have exactly the same name and are defined from the same bytes on
disk. Therefore you cannot cast an instance of one type into a field
of the other.


On 5/29/08, Santosh Akhilesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am new to OSGI and Equinox.
> I have defined an interface say A, this is defined in a project and exported
> as jar
> Now I create Two OSGI bundles I include this jar in both the bundles.
> >From one bundle I implement the interface A and register the service to the
> bundle context from second bundle I try to retrieve this service from bundle
> context in the activator start function.
> I can see that service is retrieved but when I cast it to interface A, I get
> class cast exception
> Any pointer why this happens and how to correct it.
> Regards,
> Santosh Akhilesh
> Ph: 9845482201
equinox-dev mailing list

[equinox-dev] getservice throws class cast exception

2008-05-29 Thread Santosh Akhilesh
Dear All,


I am new to OSGI and Equinox.


I have defined an interface say A, this is defined in a project and exported
as jar


Now I create Two OSGI bundles I include this jar in both the bundles.


>From one bundle I implement the interface A and register the service to the
bundle context from second bundle I try to retrieve this service from bundle
context in the activator start function.


I can see that service is retrieved but when I cast it to interface A, I get
class cast exception


Any pointer why this happens and how to correct it.



Santosh Akhilesh

Ph: 9845482201


equinox-dev mailing list

[equinox-dev] Using Jetty in OSGi

2008-05-29 Thread Srijith Kochunni
Hi All, 

I am trying to deploy Jetty server in my Equinox OSGi runtime. I was 
able to deploy the org.mortbay.jetty jar and the additional equinox jars and 
was able to register my servlet using OSGi http service and was able to view 
the same in browser. But my requirement is that I want to design so that in 
future i might be able to provide a container where web applications can be 
deployed as well. Therefore i want to directly use org.mortbay.jetty.Server 
class to add my servlets rather than HttpService. 

Server server = new Server(); 
SocketListener listener = new SocketListener(); 

ServletHttpContext httpcontext = 
httpcontext.addServlet("Hello", "/hello", "axisserver.HelloWorldServlet"); 


Since I do not want the equinox http service to register and do the starting up 
of the server, I load my OSGi runtime with org.mortbay.jetty jar alone and 
start my bundle in which I have the above code snippet in the start method of 
my activator. 

My first question is whether it is ok for me to do this within OSGi, or should 
I always use only the HttpService interface provided my OSGi. ? 

The second question is 

The problem is that everytime I start my bundle, it gives me a 
ClassNotFound exception and does not start. Have attached the stack trace. The 
class is within my bundle, so am not able to understand why it is not found. 
From the stack trace understood that the mortbay bundle is probably trying to 
load the class, therefore tried exporting my package as well, but to no avail. 
Read in some of the jetty forums that these class loading issues can be 
resolved by Eclipse Buddy policy. Am not sure how to use them. Also read about 
how PDE can be helpful in deducting and fixing these class loading issues. 

Any idea on how this issue can be fixed/ details on what HttpService is doing 
extra while using Jetty Server, in order to put the classes in mortbay jetty 
server`s space would be helpful 

Any help in this regard, would be greatly appreciated. 
P.S : Have herewith attached stack trace. 


osgi> start 24
May 29, 2008 3:14:50 PM org.mortbay.http.HttpServer doStart
INFO: Version Jetty/5.1.x
May 29, 2008 3:14:50 PM org.mortbay.http.SocketListener start
INFO: Started SocketListener on
at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.doStart(
at org.mortbay.util.Container.start(
at axisserver.Activator.start(
at Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: axisserver.HelloWorldServlet
at java.lang.ClassLoader.findClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.loadClass(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Holder.start(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.start(