Re: Parameter lists as arguments destructuring sugar

2011-04-09 Thread Sean Eagan
Hi Bob,

This stuff should all be backward compatible.  You wouldn't get "1 | 2
| 3" unless you did something
like "show.apply(null, arg)" or "show(...arg)".

I considered object structuring/destructuring of arguments, but
additional syntax would be needed on parameter lists and function
invocations since the shortcut form of object structuring /
destructuring i.e. "{x, y}", would translate to "f(x, y)" and
"function (x, y){}" which are indistinguishable from traditional
forms.  Also, if object destructuring of function arguments were
supported (they would be with this proposal, the destructuring page
has an example of it, but it's not fully specified), then you could
just do this...

function ({a, b}){}
function ({a: b, c: d}){}

Sean Eagan
es-discuss mailing list

regarding Tennent's "Language Design based on Semantic Principles"

2011-04-09 Thread Claus Reinke

[since I was lucky enough to be near a good university library
some 15 years ago, and have a long-standing interest in
language design, I'll try to respond to questions from the
other thread here; the hope is to turn those principles from
an obstacle to a tool in Ecmascript design]

As a long-time fan of semantic principles for language design,
I've been reading the very odd references to Tennent's design
principles in discussions here with some discomfort. In the
list archives, 'TCP' sometimes sounds like almost as big a
source of problems as 'ASI'. Also, some of the references
bear little or no resemblance to the principles I read about!

The principles are open to interpretation, and we all have our
own misconceptions about them, especially when they seem
to support what we wanted to do anyway(*). But they were
not taken out of thin air, either: they were collected from
early work on language design and language semantics.

I've always found them to lead to simpler, more consistent
language designs - they point out problems, and show how
to remove problems, but they do not make problems.

My knowledge of Tennent's principles comes from his
paper [1], not from his book, but I doubt that the difference
are that great. If you have a university library nearby, the
paper and its references are well worth reading for anyone
involved in language design - they don't have all the answers,
but many of todays problems were already under discussion
back then (you'd be surprised at the similarities;-).

Let me try to state the two principles from that paper first
(try, because I have to collect and paraphrase from the text),
followed by interpretations that I've found useful.

// principle of abstraction

   Abstraction facilities may be provided for any
   semantically meaningful category of syntactic

Tennent refers to 'abstraction' in a technical sense, citing
motivating examples from set theory, relations and functions,
that is from mathematics and theory of computation. Concrete
examples from programming languages include abstraction
over statements (procedures) and over expressions (functions).


Note the "semantically meaningful" - Tennent is talking
about semantic abstractions, represented in syntax, not
about merely syntactic abstractions!

I've found that to be the single most important issue when
using this principle: what are the semantic objects we need
to talk about, and how are they represented in our syntax?

   We could, of course, decide that our language should
   also serve as its own meta-language, then syntax phrases
   would be semantically meaningful, and we would want
   to support syntactic abstractions/macros (syntax-level

But without such a decision, we should not try to apply
the principle of abstraction to arbitrary pieces of syntax.

The second most interesting issue is that our ideas about
which parts of our language are semantically meaningful
may evolve - modules are a prime example here:

   at first, we just have abstractions of statements and
   expressions, and declarations happen to be a syntactic
   consequence of that. But as our programs grow larger,
   we notice that we want to talk about groups of declarations
   as semantic objects, so now the principle of abstraction
   applies, and we end up with some form of modules.

Something similar applies to break and labels:

   in current Javascript, neither 'break label' nor 'label' on
   its own has any meaning, they are part of loops or switch
   statements. So it simply makes no sense to abstract over
   break statements independent of their loop/switch - the
   principle does not apply!

   We might, however, decide to work out semantics for
   'break label' or for 'label' on its own, and then the principle
   of abstraction would ask us to think about abstractions
   over these (Tennent discusses sequels as abstractions
   over the 'break label' form, and mentions label parameters
   as well).

   The former very quickly leads towards call/cc, the latter
   might be easier to implement, but also encourages more
   complicated uses of labels. Either variant needs semantics
   before talking about their interactions with lambdas and
   the like. Similarly for 'this' and 'return'.

// principle of correspondence (paraphrasing):

   The rules governing names in a language should be
   designed together in order to avoid irregularities in
   the manner in which the names may be used. In
   particular, there should be a one-to-one correspondence
   between declarative and parametric forms of introducing

This goes back directly to Landin [2], and comes with an
example, comparing variable declaration for 'x' with formal
function parameter 'x':

   x*(x+a) where x= b+2*c

   f(b+2*c) where f(x)= x*(x+a)


The principle of correspondence interacts with the principle
of abstraction: our two most common ways of introducing
abstractions in programming languages inv

Re: Removing labels

2011-04-09 Thread John Lenz
+ es-discuss

Realized, I didn't include the mailing list.

On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 10:48 AM, John Lenz  wrote:

> As a point of interest the Closure Compiler uses labelled blocks to enable
> inlining of non-trivial functions. The same can be accomplished with a "do
> {} while (false); " but it is less desirable.
> sent from a mobile phone excuse the spelling ...
> On Apr 9, 2011 1:33 AM, "Peter van der Zee"  wrote:
> > Can we remove labels from the next version of the spec?
> >
> > Labels are only used for continue and break. I don't think I've ever had
> or
> > seen a need for them (which does not mean they're unused, btw). They can
> be
> > sugar insofar as to breaking a double loop at once. But at the same time
> > they promote spaghetti coding. On top of that there's a decent impact on
> the
> > specification. In fact, I'm a little surprised they were not excluded
> from
> > strict mode.
> >
> > So nothing would really change for label-less `continue` and break.
> >
> > Switch and iterations would not get an empty label (obviously) and the
> whole
> > label stack could be stripped.
> >
> > Furthermore the grammar for continue and break would be as simple as that
> > for debugger. And the label statement would disappear (which is nice
> because
> > at the start of a statement, if the first token is an identifier, you
> need
> > to parse another token before being able to determine whether you're
> parsing
> > a label or an expression).
> >
> > The completion type (8.9) would no longer need to have three parameters,
> > just two.
> >
> > Am I missing anything? Or are there cases where labels allow you do
> > something that's impossible without labels?
> >
> > - peter
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Removing labels

2011-04-09 Thread Brendan Eich
On Apr 9, 2011, at 1:33 AM, Peter van der Zee wrote:

> Can we remove labels from the next version of the spec?

Ok, this thread has not been a complete waste, but I'm going to suggest, 
strongly, we not start "let's remove feature X" threads. We are being careful 
about migration tax. I've written about counting the backward-compatibility 
breaks on five fingers, and four out of five must break via early 
(compile-time) errors. (The current exception is typeof null == "null".)

Removing labels just taxes well-written code, requiring a pointless rewrite 
using flag variables or worse. It also would break all the accidental labels of 
the form javascript:... that have leaped across the URL / script source barrier.

As Dave says, we're not going to go on random "I want to remove feature X 
because some have misused it" snipe hunts. (BTW, that is not why 'with' was 
removed from ES5 strict mode.)

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Removing labels

2011-04-09 Thread David Herman
I don't have Tennent's book handy either. But Neal's post claims:

"The principle dictates that an expression or statement, when wrapped in a 
closure and then immediately invoked, ought to have the same meaning as it did 
before being wrapped in a closure."

And IIRC, when you look it up in Tennent's book, it really doesn't say that. I 
think if you squint you can sort of see a connection, but it's not obvious.

But the particular program equivalence Neal was talking about (which Tennent 
does not specifically mention in his book) is as old as the lambda calculus 
(we're talking 1930's here). It's a special case of what's known as 
beta-equivalence (or often "beta-conversion" or "beta-reduction" or 
"beta-substitution") in the lambda calculus. For what's known as the 
call-by-value lambda calculus [1] it can be stated roughly like:

(lambda(x1, ..., xn) expr)(v1, ..., vn) = expr[x1 := v1, ..., xn := vn]

Using substitution (the "x := v" notation, meaning "substitute v into the 
expression wherever you see a reference to x") doesn't exactly work for JS, 
because it doesn't model the heap, but it doesn't much matter for the 
zero-argument case.

More generally, the idea of using program equivalences for reasoning about and 
designing languages is "bread and butter" for PL researchers. It's weird to see 
it attributed to a tiny passage of a book from the 80's.


[1] If you don't know what call-by-value means here, don't worry about it. It 
has nothing to do with call-by-reference, just an unfortunate overloading of 
terminology. Nothing to see here, move along.

On Apr 9, 2011, at 10:24 AM, Wes Garland wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 12:47 PM, David Herman  wrote:
> When people say "Tennent's correspondence principle" to mean something like 
> "beta-conversion is semantics-preserving" I believe this post is where they 
> got the impression that it has to do with Tennent. For better or worse, it 
> seems to have stuck.
> I haven't got the faintest clue what beta-conversion is, but Neal's post 
> seems consistent with what I took away from that (extremely short) discussion 
> in Tennent's book.  I'd look it up now, but it's at my office and this is the 
> weekend. :)   What am I missing?
> Wes
> -- 
> Wesley W. Garland
> Director, Product Development
> PageMail, Inc.
> +1 613 542 2787 x 102

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Removing labels

2011-04-09 Thread Mike Samuel
2011/4/9 David Herman :
>> [aside: as far as I understand Tennent, this has nothing to do
>>   with his principles of correspondence or abstraction, which
>>   are often misquoted and conjured with in the archives]
> AFAICT, this traces back to a blog post by Neal Gafter:
> When people say "Tennent's correspondence principle" to mean something like 
> "beta-conversion is semantics-preserving" I believe this post is where they 
> got the impression that it has to do with Tennent. For better or worse, it 
> seems to have stuck.

I was sharing a cube with him then, and from chats with him, it seemed
to be a term that the Java guys bandied about a lot but he may have
been the one who popularized the usage of it.

> Dave
> ___
> es-discuss mailing list
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Removing labels

2011-04-09 Thread Wes Garland
On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 12:47 PM, David Herman  wrote:

> When people say "Tennent's correspondence principle" to mean something like
> "beta-conversion is semantics-preserving" I believe this post is where they
> got the impression that it has to do with Tennent. For better or worse, it
> seems to have stuck.
I haven't got the faintest clue what beta-conversion is, but Neal's post
seems consistent with what I took away from that (extremely short)
discussion in Tennent's book.  I'd look it up now, but it's at my office and
this is the weekend. :)   What am I missing?


Wesley W. Garland
Director, Product Development
PageMail, Inc.
+1 613 542 2787 x 102
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Removing labels

2011-04-09 Thread David Herman
This would be brittle. Take all my arguments against the ^this feature 
discussed in an earlier thread and repeat them here. Labels work just fine (and 
better than numbers would) for this purpose.


On Apr 9, 2011, at 7:32 AM, Bradley Meck wrote:

> I think since we can only break/continue to labels in a linear chain
> upwards, break could take a number for how many loops it should break.
> This could still be tested at compile time as well, but would lead to
> somewhat less readable code. It would however be incompatible with
> current label based breaks (easier to find an replace if a compiler
> warns you).
> while(true) {
>   while(true) {
>  break 2;
>   }
> }
> Anywho, I don't personally like number based breaking, just throwing
> around ideas.
> Cheers,
> Bradley
> On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 4:10 AM, Claus Reinke  wrote:
>>> Can we remove labels from the next version of the spec?
>> I'm not a fan of labels, at least not as a built-in language
>> construct - I'd much prefer if the language was expressive enough to emulate
>> such functionality when needed (that
>> includes useable syntax), not to mention reducing the
>> need for such features in the first place.
>> However, as long as Javascript has break and continue, ..
>>> Am I missing anything? Or are there cases where labels allow you do
>>> something that's impossible without labels?
>> It seems that language features like lambdas have been shot
>> down because of their interaction with break and continue.
>> In brief, people want to be able to abstract over syntax phrases
>> like the one marked with -| .. |- here, by wrapping it in some
>> form of immediately called function and still have it behave as before:
>>   while (..) { .. -| break; |- .. }
>> [aside: as far as I understand Tennent, this has nothing to do
>>   with his principles of correspondence or abstraction, which
>>   are often misquoted and conjured with in the archives]
>> Now, if we want to wrap that phrase into a function (not a
>> syntax macro), then that function cuts through the while/break
>> construct. Still, we can refactor the code a little to make that
>> wrapping possible:
>>   loop: while (..) { ..switch ( -| function() { return 'break'; } ()
>> |- ) {
>>   case 'break' : break loop;
>>   case 'continue' : continue loop;
>>   }
>>   ..}
>> With this change, we are able to wrap code involving break
>> or continue into a function (and move that function definition
>> out of the loop body). Since the switch statement has its own
>> break-target, we need the loop label, even though the original
>> break did not have a label.
>> There are other ways to handle this situation, but this seemed
>> to be the most direct way of expressing the intention, given that labels are
>> not first-class values in Javascript.
>> Better alternatives welcome,
>> Claus
>> ___
>> es-discuss mailing list
> ___
> es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Removing labels

2011-04-09 Thread David Herman
> [aside: as far as I understand Tennent, this has nothing to do
>   with his principles of correspondence or abstraction, which
>   are often misquoted and conjured with in the archives]

AFAICT, this traces back to a blog post by Neal Gafter:

When people say "Tennent's correspondence principle" to mean something like 
"beta-conversion is semantics-preserving" I believe this post is where they got 
the impression that it has to do with Tennent. For better or worse, it seems to 
have stuck.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Removing labels

2011-04-09 Thread David Herman
We shouldn't be making backwards-incompatible changes for features just because 
they can be abused. Every feature can be abused. And simplifying the completion 
type is not even remotely an important goal.

Sometimes labels are just necessary. Sometimes you have a loop that needs an 
early return, and you're doing a switch inside that loop, and there's no way to 
break out of the loop without the label. Labels are even more important for 
code generators, which need to implement non-trivial control flow. The one hand 
giveth compiler writers tail calls, the other taketh away labels? I sure hope 

But I'll try to resist writing long, impassioned defenses about uncontroversial 
features of the language. The barrier to making backwards-incompatible changes 
is high (see Brendan's "five fingers of fate"), and we should only consider 
removing *extremely* problematic features.


On Apr 9, 2011, at 1:33 AM, Peter van der Zee wrote:

> Can we remove labels from the next version of the spec?
> Labels are only used for continue and break. I don't think I've ever had or 
> seen a need for them (which does not mean they're unused, btw). They can be 
> sugar insofar as to breaking a double loop at once. But at the same time they 
> promote spaghetti coding. On top of that there's a decent impact on the 
> specification. In fact, I'm a little surprised they were not excluded from 
> strict mode.
> So nothing would really change for label-less `continue` and break. 
> Switch and iterations would not get an empty label (obviously) and the whole 
> label stack could be stripped.
> Furthermore the grammar for continue and break would be as simple as that for 
> debugger. And the label statement would disappear (which is nice because at 
> the start of a statement, if the first token is an identifier, you need to 
> parse another token before being able to determine whether you're parsing a 
> label or an expression).
> The completion type (8.9) would no longer need to have three parameters, just 
> two.
> Am I missing anything? Or are there cases where labels allow you do something 
> that's impossible without labels?
> - peter
> ___
> es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Removing labels

2011-04-09 Thread P T Withington
On 2011-04-09, at 04:33, Peter van der Zee wrote:

> Am I missing anything? Or are there cases where labels allow you do
> something that's impossible without labels?

They let you write more literate code?  I agree labels should be eschewed, 
except where necessary.  But sometimes, you just need them.  Here's some fairly 
complex algorithms from the OpenLaszo source that I think would be even more 
difficult to understand without their judicious use of labels:

Sure there are plenty of other ways to write this code, but I'm not convinced 
they are more maintainable.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Removing labels

2011-04-09 Thread Bradley Meck
I think since we can only break/continue to labels in a linear chain
upwards, break could take a number for how many loops it should break.
This could still be tested at compile time as well, but would lead to
somewhat less readable code. It would however be incompatible with
current label based breaks (easier to find an replace if a compiler
warns you).

while(true) {
   while(true) {
  break 2;

Anywho, I don't personally like number based breaking, just throwing
around ideas.


On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 4:10 AM, Claus Reinke  wrote:
>> Can we remove labels from the next version of the spec?
> I'm not a fan of labels, at least not as a built-in language
> construct - I'd much prefer if the language was expressive enough to emulate
> such functionality when needed (that
> includes useable syntax), not to mention reducing the
> need for such features in the first place.
> However, as long as Javascript has break and continue, ..
>> Am I missing anything? Or are there cases where labels allow you do
>> something that's impossible without labels?
> It seems that language features like lambdas have been shot
> down because of their interaction with break and continue.
> In brief, people want to be able to abstract over syntax phrases
> like the one marked with -| .. |- here, by wrapping it in some
> form of immediately called function and still have it behave as before:
>   while (..) { .. -| break; |- .. }
> [aside: as far as I understand Tennent, this has nothing to do
>   with his principles of correspondence or abstraction, which
>   are often misquoted and conjured with in the archives]
> Now, if we want to wrap that phrase into a function (not a
> syntax macro), then that function cuts through the while/break
> construct. Still, we can refactor the code a little to make that
> wrapping possible:
>   loop: while (..) { ..        switch ( -| function() { return 'break'; } ()
> |- ) {
>           case 'break' : break loop;
>           case 'continue' : continue loop;
>           }
>       ..    }
> With this change, we are able to wrap code involving break
> or continue into a function (and move that function definition
> out of the loop body). Since the switch statement has its own
> break-target, we need the loop label, even though the original
> break did not have a label.
> There are other ways to handle this situation, but this seemed
> to be the most direct way of expressing the intention, given that labels are
> not first-class values in Javascript.
> Better alternatives welcome,
> Claus
> ___
> es-discuss mailing list
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Removing labels

2011-04-09 Thread Claus Reinke

Can we remove labels from the next version of the spec?

I'm not a fan of labels, at least not as a built-in language
construct - I'd much prefer if the language was expressive 
enough to emulate such functionality when needed (that

includes useable syntax), not to mention reducing the
need for such features in the first place. 

However, as long as Javascript has break and continue, ..

Am I missing anything? Or are there cases where labels 
allow you do something that's impossible without labels?

It seems that language features like lambdas have been shot
down because of their interaction with break and continue.
In brief, people want to be able to abstract over syntax phrases
like the one marked with -| .. |- here, by wrapping it in some
form of immediately called function and still have it behave 
as before:

   while (..) { .. -| break; |- .. }

[aside: as far as I understand Tennent, this has nothing to do
   with his principles of correspondence or abstraction, which
   are often misquoted and conjured with in the archives]

Now, if we want to wrap that phrase into a function (not a
syntax macro), then that function cuts through the while/break
construct. Still, we can refactor the code a little to make that
wrapping possible:

   loop: while (..) { .. 
   switch ( -| function() { return 'break'; } () |- ) {

   case 'break' : break loop;
   case 'continue' : continue loop;

With this change, we are able to wrap code involving break
or continue into a function (and move that function definition
out of the loop body). Since the switch statement has its own
break-target, we need the loop label, even though the original
break did not have a label.

There are other ways to handle this situation, but this seemed
to be the most direct way of expressing the intention, given 
that labels are not first-class values in Javascript.

Better alternatives welcome,

es-discuss mailing list

Removing labels

2011-04-09 Thread Peter van der Zee
Can we remove labels from the next version of the spec?

Labels are only used for continue and break. I don't think I've ever had or
seen a need for them (which does not mean they're unused, btw). They can be
sugar insofar as to breaking a double loop at once. But at the same time
they promote spaghetti coding. On top of that there's a decent impact on the
specification. In fact, I'm a little surprised they were not excluded from
strict mode.

So nothing would really change for label-less `continue` and break.

Switch and iterations would not get an empty label (obviously) and the whole
label stack could be stripped.

Furthermore the grammar for continue and break would be as simple as that
for debugger. And the label statement would disappear (which is nice because
at the start of a statement, if the first token is an identifier, you need
to parse another token before being able to determine whether you're parsing
a label or an expression).

The completion type (8.9) would no longer need to have three parameters,
just two.

Am I missing anything? Or are there cases where labels allow you do
something that's impossible without labels?

- peter
es-discuss mailing list