Re: How can GetModuleNamespace throw a SyntaxError?

2015-12-11 Thread André Bargull
> Jon: yes, it might be a redundant error, I will investigate more.
> /caridy

Module Records other than Source Text Module Records could return `null` when 
ResolveExport() in GetModuleNamespace(). The specification of the abstract 
ResolveExport() method
does not forbid this case.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Assignment of global variables deleted by their RHS in strict mode

2015-08-27 Thread André Bargull
> A fix for this would be in, insert between the current steps 4 and 
> 5:
> 4.5  If S is true, then
> a.   Let stillHasBinding be ObjRec.HasBinding(N).
> b.   ReturnIfAbrupt(stillHasBinding).
> c.   If stillHasBinding is false,  throw a ReferenceError exception.

I think the check should go into SetMutableBinding. That way the 
similar issue for object
environment records gets also fixed:

var scope = {x: 1};

with (scope) {
  (function() {
"use strict";
x = (delete scope.x, 2);

Except for SpiderMonkey, all other engines tested (Edge, Nashorn, JSC, V8) 
already throw a
ReferenceError for the above snippet. But that's probably because engines don't 
implement the
'correct' Reference type semantics 

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: let function

2015-05-14 Thread André Bargull

On May 14, 2015, at 12:40 PM, Alexander Jones wrote:

> Ah, thanks for explaining! What about the Temporal Dead Zone of let, or const binding semantics, 
for those of us who are obsessive enough to desire that kind of thing everywhere?

ES6 specifies that function declarations are allowed in blocks in both strict and nn-strict mode.  
In both cases they are block scoped and have essentially the same semantics (including a TDZ) as a 
let declaration.

There is no TDZ for block-scoped function declarations. Function declarations are basically hoisted 
to the top of the block.

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: What is `this` inside a new-invoked generator?

2015-03-23 Thread André Bargull

Question: what does the following code snippet log in the last line?

function* gen() {
 yield this;
let genObj = new gen();
let [_this] = genObj;
console.log(_this === genObj); // ???

I’m finding three answers:

1. The spec says [1] that any reference to `this` in a generator invoked via 
`new` causes a `ReferenceError`.

2. Firefox logs `false` for the code snippet.

3. A year ago, Allen stated [2] that if you invoke a generator function via 
`new`, `this` points to the generator object. On other words, the code snippet 
would log `true`.

It's a ReferenceError. Future editions may add a meta property to make it possible to retrieve the 
current generator object (

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Module import/export bindings

2015-03-15 Thread André Bargull

 From my current understanding (based on other threads), this module:

var foo = 42;
export default foo;
export foo;
foo = 10;

I guess you'd intended to write `export {foo as default}` instead of `export default foo`, because 
the latter exports the value of the expression when it gets evaluated. IOW it's the same as `export 
default 42`.

However, I am curious if this binding is 2-way or only 1-way. What happens if I 

import foo, * as FOO from "coolmodule";
foo = 100;
FOO.default = 200; = 300;

All three assignments throw a TypeError exception:
- The first assignment throws a TypeError in SetMutableBinding, step 6. (Import bindings 
are immutable - CreateImportBinding, step 5.)
- The second and third assignment throw a TypeError in PutValue, step 6.d. (Module namespace 
objects always return false from [[Set]] - [[Set]].)

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Q: Lonely surrogates and unicode regexps

2015-01-28 Thread André Bargull

Cool, thanks for clarifications!

To make sure, as per the "intended semantics", we never allow splitting a
valid surrogate pair (= matching only one of the surrogates but not the
other), and thus we'll differ from the Java implementation here:

/foo(.+)bar\1/u.test("foo\uD834bar\uD834\uDC00"); we say "false", Java says

Correct, the captures List entry is [\uD834], so when performing AtomEscape, \uD834 is 
matched against \uD834\uDC00 in step 8 which results in a failure state.

(In addition, /^(.+)\1$/u.test("\uDC00foobar\uD834\uDC00foobar\uD834") ==

Yes, this expression also returns false.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Q: Lonely surrogates and unicode regexps

2015-01-28 Thread André Bargull

On 1/28/2015 3:36 PM, Marja Hölttä wrote:

Based on Ex1, looks like the input string is not read as a sequence of code 
points when we try to
find a match for \1. So it's mostly read as a sequence of code points except 
when it's not. :/

Yep, back references are matched as a sequence of code units. The first link I've posted points to 
the relevant method in java.util.regex.Pattern. I've got no idea why it's implemented that way, for 
example when you enable case-insensitive matching, back references are no longer matched as a 
sequence of code units:

int[] flags = { 0, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, Pattern.UNICODE_CASE,

// Prints true, false, true, false -> Pattern.compile("foo(.+)bar\\1", f))
.map(p -> p.matcher("foo\uD834bar\uD834\uDC00").find())

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 3:11 PM, André Bargull>> wrote:

On 1/28/2015 2:51 PM, André Bargull wrote:

For a reference, here's how Java (tried w/ Oracle 1.8.0_31 and 
1.7.0_65) Pattern.UNICODE_CHARACTER___CLASS works:

foo\uD834bar and foo\uDC00bar match ^foo[^a]bar$ and ^$, so,
generally, lonely surrogates match /./.

Backreferences are allowed to consume the leading surrogate of a 
surrogate pair:

Ex1: foo\uD834bar\uD834\uDC00 matches foo(.+)bar\1

But surprisingly:

Ex2: \uDC00foobar\uD834\__uDC00foobar\uD834 doesn't match ^(.+)\1$

... So Ex2 works as if the input string was converted to UTF-32 
matching, but Ex1 works as if it was def not. Idk what's the 
correct mental
model where both Ex1 and Ex2 would make sense.

java.util.regex.Pattern matches back references by comparing (Java) 
chars [1], but reads
patterns as a sequence of code points [2]. That should help to explain 
the differences
between ex1 and ex2.




Err, the part about how patterns are read is not important here. What I 
should have written is
that the input string is (also) read as a sequence of code points [3]. So 
in ex2 `\uD834\uDC00`
is read as a single code point (and not split into \uD834 and \uDC00 during 



es-discuss mailing list

Re: Q: Lonely surrogates and unicode regexps

2015-01-28 Thread André Bargull

On 1/28/2015 2:51 PM, André Bargull wrote:

For a reference, here's how Java (tried w/ Oracle 1.8.0_31 and openjdk
1.7.0_65) Pattern.UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS works:

foo\uD834bar and foo\uDC00bar match ^foo[^a]bar$ and ^$, so,
generally, lonely surrogates match /./.

Backreferences are allowed to consume the leading surrogate of a valid
surrogate pair:

Ex1: foo\uD834bar\uD834\uDC00 matches foo(.+)bar\1

But surprisingly:

Ex2: \uDC00foobar\uD834\uDC00foobar\uD834 doesn't match ^(.+)\1$

... So Ex2 works as if the input string was converted to UTF-32 before
matching, but Ex1 works as if it was def not. Idk what's the correct mental
model where both Ex1 and Ex2 would make sense.

java.util.regex.Pattern matches back references by comparing (Java) chars [1], but reads patterns 
as a sequence of code points [2]. That should help to explain the differences between ex1 and ex2.


Err, the part about how patterns are read is not important here. What I should have written is that 
the input string is (also) read as a sequence of code points [3]. So in ex2 `\uD834\uDC00` is read 
as a single code point (and not split into \uD834 and \uDC00 during backtracking).


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Q: Lonely surrogates and unicode regexps

2015-01-28 Thread André Bargull

For a reference, here's how Java (tried w/ Oracle 1.8.0_31 and openjdk
1.7.0_65) Pattern.UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS works:

foo\uD834bar and foo\uDC00bar match ^foo[^a]bar$ and ^$, so,
generally, lonely surrogates match /./.

Backreferences are allowed to consume the leading surrogate of a valid
surrogate pair:

Ex1: foo\uD834bar\uD834\uDC00 matches foo(.+)bar\1

But surprisingly:

Ex2: \uDC00foobar\uD834\uDC00foobar\uD834 doesn't match ^(.+)\1$

... So Ex2 works as if the input string was converted to UTF-32 before
matching, but Ex1 works as if it was def not. Idk what's the correct mental
model where both Ex1 and Ex2 would make sense.

java.util.regex.Pattern matches back references by comparing (Java) chars [1], but reads patterns as 
a sequence of code points [2]. That should help to explain the differences between ex1 and ex2.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Q: Lonely surrogates and unicode regexps

2015-01-28 Thread André Bargull

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 11:36 AM, Marja Hölttä>> wrote:

>/  The ES6 unicode regexp spec is not very clear regarding what should happen
/>/  if the regexp or the matched string contains lonely surrogates (a lead
/>/  surrogate without a trail, or a trail without a lead). For example, for the
/>/  . operator, the relevant parts of the spec speak about characters:
​Just a bit of terminology.

The term "character" is overloaded, so Unicode provides the unambiguous
term "code point". For example, U+0378​ is not (currently) an encoded
character according to Unicode, but it would certainly be a terrible idea
to disregard it, or not match it. It is a reserved code point that may be
assigned as an encoded character in the future. So both U+D83D and U+0378
are not characters.

If a ES spec uses the term "character" instead of "code point", then at
some point in the text it needs to disambiguate what is meant.

"character" is defined in 21.2.2 Pattern Semantics [1]:

In the context of describing the behaviour of a BMP pattern “character” means a single 16-bit 
Unicode BMP code point. In the context of describing the behaviour of a Unicode pattern 
“character” means a UTF-16 encoded code point.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Very large array indices and unshift/splice

2014-10-27 Thread André Bargull

On 10/27/2014 5:09 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

On Oct 26, 2014, at 8:58 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

Arguably a design bug, rather than a spec. bug.  But I'm assuming that who ever 
originally wrote up these algorithms were being intentional about such things.

Design, vs. accidental. Spec, vs. implementation. Potato, Potahtoe :-P.

I think we should fix 'em as we find them, if implementations do not agree (and 
they don't usefully agree here).

I probably wasn't clear about the central issue:

unshift and other array methods are generic methods that work the same on any object that 
has a 'length' property and "array index" properties.  When implemented as 
currently specified they produce consistent predictable results across for any such 
object, even if specified error conditions occur.

There are many ways that a particular kind of "array-like" object can constrain 
their 'length' property.  There could be limits built into [[Get]]/[[Set]]  (this is how 
exotic Arrays work), or the 'length' property might be readonly, or the 'length' property 
might be an accessor property that constrains the length value algorithmically, or the 
object might be a Proxy whose handler does whatever.

Given all of these alternatives, we currently don't have any single generic way 
to predetermine if 'length' extending operations such as unshift/splice will 
run into 'length' restrictions in the course of executing their generic 
algorithm.  We might invent such a thing (perhaps a @@maxLength property).  But 
that isn't  a bug fix, that is a significant design change.


Somewhat related: Does it make sense to check if the length will exceed the 2^53-1 limit? And is 
ToString(9007199254740993) properly defined, where 9007199254740993 is a mathematical real number as 
defined in "5.2 Algorithm Conventions". As I understand it, ToString (7.1.12) is not defined for 
arbitrary numbers, but only for the Number type ("6.1.6 The Number Type").

A simple example where this issue arises:
var a = {length: Math.pow(2,53)-1};, ..."abc");
print(a["9007199254740991"]); // ?
print(a["9007199254740992"]); // ?
print(a["9007199254740993"]); // ?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Very large array indices and unshift/splice

2014-10-24 Thread André Bargull

Unlikely, given what Adam reported:

V8 properly throws a range error, but fails to move the element up one
SpiderMonkey hangs (presumably because it has no special logic to deal
with very large, sparse arrays).
JSC throws an "Out of memory" Error and also fails to move the element
up one index.

Anyone care to test IE?

IE11 moves elements up one index, throws a RangeError and completes 
instantly (no hang or oom).

es-discuss mailing list

Re: for-of loops, IteratorClose and the rest of the iterations in the spec

2014-09-10 Thread André Bargull

>>>/  Seems to me like it's just a matter of wrapping the relevant bits (which 
ones, though?
/>>/  whatever constitutes the loop "body"
/>/  OK.  That's fairly straightforward.
/>>/  You also will need a finally clause, if the loop body contains any explicit returns.
/>/  It only does when the iterator claims there are no more things to be had, in which case do I still want to be calling the return() thing?

No, you only call 'return' when exiting the loop before the iterator has 
indicated that it is 'done'..

Just for the sake of completeness, here is complete translation of 
`for-of` to ES5 syntax.

ES6 for-of statement:
for (var value of iterable) {
  if (doReturn) return;
  if (doBreak) break;
  if (doContinue) continue;

Translated to ES5 syntax:
var $iterable = iterable;
if ($iterable === undefined || $iterable === null) {
  throw new TypeError();
var $iterator = Object($iterable)[Symbol.iterator]();
if (Object($iterator) !== $iterator) {
  throw new TypeError();
while (true) {
  var $nextResult = $;
  if (Object($nextResult) !== $nextResult) {
throw new TypeError();
  if ($nextResult.done) {
  var $nextValue = $nextResult.value;
  var $callClose = false;
  try {
value = $nextValue;
if (doReturn) { $callClose = true; return; }
if (doBreak) { $callClose = true; break; }
if (doContinue) continue;
  } catch ($exception) {
try {
  if ("return" in $iterator) {
} catch ($ignore) {
  // ignore
throw $exception;
  } finally {
if ($callClose) {
  if ("return" in $iterator) {

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Question about GetBindingValue

2014-08-29 Thread André Bargull


We found one "dead part" in ES5 and we're wondering whether we're missing 
something here.  The question is about the 4th step in Section 
GetBindingValue(N, S): GetBindingValue(N,S)
The concrete Environment Record method GetBindingValue for object environment 
records returns the value of its associated binding object's property whose 
name is the String value of the argument identifier N.  The property should 
already exist but if it does not the result depends upon the value of the S 
  1. Let envRec be the object environment record for which the method was 
  2. Let bindings be the binding object for envRec.
  3. Let value be the result of calling the [[HasProperty]] internal method of 
bindings, passing N as the property name.
  4. If value is false, then
a. If S is false, return the value undefined, otherwise throw a 
ReferenceError exception.
  5. Return the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of bindings, 
passing N for the argument.

We believe that the 4th step is unreachable.  In other words, whenever 
GetBindingValue(N, S) is called, the result of calling the [[HasProperty]](N) 
is always true and here's why:

Yes, that reasoning looks correct. may have a similar problem but we haven't checked it yet.

The only immutable bindings present in ES5 are directly initialized 
before user code can be executed, so yes, step 3 in is never 
reachable in ES5.

We checked with the recent ES6 draft but it seems to have the same issue.

In ES6 it's actually possible to reach that step ( 
GetBindingValue, step 5), albeit it's a somewhat tricky and involves 
doing unusual things with proxy objects:

with(new Proxy({}, {
  has: function(t, name) {
print("has: " +name);
return !this.called && (this.called = true);
}})) {
  (function(){ "use strict"; ref })();

That program will give the following output:
has: ref
has: ref
uncaught exception: ReferenceError: cannot resolve reference: "ref"

Proxy objects allow you to define your own [[HasProperty]] 
implementation (the "has" method in the example above). In this case 
[[HasProperty]] will return `true` on the first call in order to report 
a binding is present in HasBinding, but then will return `false` when 
the binding's presence is checked the second time in GetBindingValue.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: String(symbol)

2014-08-26 Thread André Bargull

Claude Pache wrote:
>/  Personally, I use the following expression in order to coerce a variable to 
a string:
/>/  var obj = this + ''
/>/  and its in-place variant:
/>/  x += ''
/>/  I think it'll continue to work in ES6.
Agreed, this is the correct-and-most-concise way to do it. It should
throw on symbols, that's important.

Having String(sym) not throw is a win for other reasons Arv identified,
but using String(any) to invoke ToString is verbose and fragile, because
String could be rebound :-P. Use +'' if you want ToString in the
language, I say.


If `x` is an object, x + '' performs ToString(ToPrimitive(x, hint>)), whereas String(x) performs ToString(ToPrimitive(x, hint 
String)). So both expressions are not always interchangeable.

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Why are Symbol.* all non-configurable and non-writable?

2014-07-21 Thread André Bargull

Because somebody thought it was a good idea ;-) ...

I'd say for consistency with other constant value properties (NaN, 
Infinity, undefined, Math.*, Number.*).

On Jul 21, 2014, at 1:04 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

>/  Is this meant to prevent people tampering with them?
/>/  In that case, global.Symbol should also be non-configurable non-writable or something.  Otherwise you can just redefine it.

You're probably right that locking down one doesn't make all that much sense 
without locking down the other. We have a history of not make global object 
properties readonly/non-configurable.   There also may be configurability 
issues for dynamically created Realms that we'd want to think about before 
making Symbol readonly/non-writable.

Probably with some more discussion.


- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: ES6 classes: deferring the creation step

2014-07-06 Thread André Bargull

Moreover, the Completion record (either normal or abrupt) returned
from [[Call]] will hold an additional [[thisValue]] field,
which, unless otherwise specified:

* is set to the original `thisArgument` if it was not empty; or,
* is set to the value (at the time of completion) of the this-binding,
   if it was initially uninitialised but has been initialised; or,
* is absent if the this-binding was left uninitialised.

Hmm, mixed feelings about extending the Completion record type to hold 
another field. It could be problematic for implementors to store this 
additional state efficiently. On second thought, it should be possible 
to merge [[thisValue]] with the existing [[Value]] field, and 
conditionally handle [[Value]] == empty in [[Construct]]? [1]

Moreover, the Completion record (either normal or abrupt) returned
from [[Call]] will hold an additional [[thisValue]] field,
which, unless otherwise specified:

* is set to the original `thisArgument` if it was not empty; or,
* is set to the value (at the time of completion) of the this-binding,
   if it was initially uninitialised but has been initialised; or,
* is absent if the this-binding was left uninitialised.

Tail-call semantics may interfere with determining the value of 
"this-binding at the time of completion", because the execution context 
was already popped from the stack at that time. Probably solvable by 
determining the this-binding before performing the tail-call, plus some 
special casing when the tail-call expression is a super-call.

When, say, `super.method(..args)` is called, the following steps are taken:

1. Let `F` be the method referenced by `super.method`.

This part needs to be redefined. `super.method` is an abbreviation for:

1. Let env be GetThisEnvironment().
2. Let baseValue be GetSuperBase(env).
3. Let actualThis be GetThisBinding().
4. Let result be baseValue.[[Get]]("method", actualThis).

But at `this`-binding initialisation time, `actualThis` is still the 
empty placeholder object, so it cannot be used as the receiver argument 
for the [[Get]] internal method call.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: @@new

2014-06-19 Thread André Bargull
> The most important thing here (I agree with Andreas R.) is -- if 
possible -- avoiding uninitialized object observability.

I agree that uninitialized observability is a pain and has been a 
on-going source
of reentrancy bugs in the the more complex built-in constructors. I 
want to
explore whether making the constructor arguments available to @@create 

an alternative way to eliminate that issue.

That means depending on the class/built-in a subclass needs to override 
either the @@create method or the constructor function or both?

For example let's take the Map built-in. The @@create method will 
initialise [[MapData]] to an empty list early on, that way Map instances 
are never observed uninitialised. Processing the iterable argument to 
fill the Map may either occur in @@create or in the Map constructor 
function. Subclasses will need to consult the specification to find out 
which method needs to be overridden if the iterable argument needs to be 

For other (more special) built-ins like String/Number/Function/..., 
@@create will need to perform the complete initialisation including 
processing the arguments. Otherwise uninitialised objects are still 
observable. As a result subclasses are required to override @@create and 
overriding the constructor is a no-op (w.r.t. arguments handling).

es-discuss mailing list

Re: IsConstructor

2014-06-13 Thread André Bargull

One question about @@create though... What would this do:

function Foo () {}

Foo.prototype[Symbol.create] = null;

// ???
// Maybe error out, like currently host objects without [[Construct]]:
// TypeError: Foo is not a constructor.
new Foo();

- Jussi

function Foo(){}
Object.defineProperty(Foo, Symbol.create, {value: null});
new Foo();
Results in `uncaught exception: TypeError: "Symbol(Symbol.create)" is 
not a function`.

Whereas this version creates a default object with [[Prototype]] set to 

function Bar(){}
Object.defineProperty(Bar, Symbol.create, {value: void 0});
new Bar();

The exact behaviour is specified in CreateFromConstructor(F) and 
Construct(F, argumentsList)

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Null iterable in for-of?

2014-06-12 Thread André Bargull

Corrected link:

On 6/13/2014 12:16 AM, André Bargull wrote:

On Jun 12, 2014, at 2:36 PM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:

>/  Somehow I missed when we decided to allow null/undefined as the iterable 
value in for-of loops.
/>/  The following test passes using the spec algorithms:
/>/  var c = 0;

/>/  for (var x of null) {
/>/  }
/>/  assert.equal(c, 0);
/>/  However, if we get a null value here we are most likely just masking an user bug.
/>/  I assume the justification is that for-in allows null here? However, for-of is new syntax and we have the chance to get this right this time around.

Yup, there was an issue that was reported and fixed fairly recently pointing 
out that for-of was inconsistent with for-in in this respect.

for-of statement iteration always ignored undefined/null (always = 
since it was added in rev6). I've only requested in [1] to align 
for-of iteration in statements and comprehensions to have the same 
behaviour w.r.t. undefined/null.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Null iterable in for-of?

2014-06-12 Thread André Bargull

On Jun 12, 2014, at 2:36 PM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:

>/  Somehow I missed when we decided to allow null/undefined as the iterable 
value in for-of loops.
/>/  The following test passes using the spec algorithms:
/>/  var c = 0;

/>/  for (var x of null) {
/>/  }
/>/  assert.equal(c, 0);
/>/  However, if we get a null value here we are most likely just masking an user bug.
/>/  I assume the justification is that for-in allows null here? However, for-of is new syntax and we have the chance to get this right this time around.

Yup, there was an issue that was reported and fixed fairly recently pointing 
out that for-of was inconsistent with for-in in this respect.

for-of statement iteration always ignored undefined/null (always = since 
it was added in rev6). I've only requested in [1] to align for-of 
iteration in statements and comprehensions to have the same behaviour 
w.r.t. undefined/null.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Standard builtins' prototypes and toString

2014-06-12 Thread André Bargull

On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Jason Orendorff>> 
>/  In any case, I doubt we have a choice. ES3-5 at least supported it. There is
/>/  surely a Web page somewhere that calls .toString() on every object it can
/>/  find, just because.

Or a web page converts some value to a string using `"" + someValue`, in 
which case adding a toString() legacy mode is not sufficient, because 
valueOf() is actually invoked (well, except for Date.prototype because 
of its @@toPrimitive override). Does that mean valueOf() also needs to 
have a legacy mode to special case the prototype object?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Standard builtins' prototypes and toString

2014-06-12 Thread André Bargull

On Jun 12, 2014, at 5:26 AM, Till Schneidereit wrote:

>/  While working on changing Date.prototype to be a plain object in 
SpiderMonkey, we realized that there's an issue: the way things are specced now, 
`alert(Date.prototype)` will throw, because `Date.prototype.toString` isn't 
generic. The same applies for all builtins with non-generic `toString` prototype 
Fortunately there aren't very many of those. I think it is only Date and RegExp 
that have this issue among the ES6 built-ins

And Number.prototype, String.prototype, Boolean.prototype and 
Symbol.prototype. And actually it's even worse for Symbol.prototype 
because of the @@toPrimitive override.

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: IsConstructor

2014-06-12 Thread André Bargull

I'd be most interested in seeing if we can remove IsConstructor entirely (except 
for uses where it's just a guard, implementing the semantics of `new` via 
IsConstructor -> [[Construct]] or throw).

It seems like there's at least some movement toward removing it from `Array.of` 
and `Array.from`. All that remains is its use to preserve the 
`arrayInstance.constructor = undefined` backward-compatibility possibilities. 
My preference would be to see if we can get away with breaking that use case, 
and reintroduce it if that turns out not to be web-compatible.

The [[Realm]] check in Array.prototype.* is even more annoying than the 
IsConstructor guard, but unfortunately required for web-compatibility 
per [1]. :-(

es-discuss mailing list

Re: 6 June 2014 TC39 Meeting Notes

2014-06-12 Thread André Bargull

Thanks for the notes, Ben!  Looks like a real slog but it's much

On Wed 11 Jun 2014 18:28, Ben Newman>> writes:

>/  ## Async Generator Functions (Jafar presenting)
/>/  (Jafar to send slides)
Looking forward to seeing these slides.


I don't know if these slides are the final version which was presented 
at the meeting:

And related:

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: IsConstructor

2014-06-11 Thread André Bargull

On 6/11/2014 5:40 PM, Alexandre Morgaut wrote:

On 11 juin 2014, at 17:11, André Bargull  wrote:

Quick note: that isConstructor isn't really viable unless you plan on using
it with constructors that do not have side effects.


The Proxy-based solution needs to be used in these cases. Now we just need to 
wait until Proxies are available everywhere! ;-)

Not sure Proxy solve anything when we want to test the constructor nature of a 
function and be sure invoking it won't change anything in the current 
application context

To highlight what side-effects mentioned by Rick could be, a tested function 
while invoked may:
- do DOM Manipulations,
- change properties in the global object,
- initiate Web Sockets or Web Workers...

Not safe at all...

From [1]:
function IsConstructor(o) {
  try {
new (new Proxy(o, {construct: () => ({})}));
return true;
  } catch(e) {
return false;

This IsConstructor implementation does not trigger any side-effects and 
works even when the underlying constructor requires arguments etc.



Alexandre Morgaut
Wakanda Community Manager

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92110 Clichy

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es-discuss mailing list

Re: IsConstructor

2014-06-11 Thread André Bargull

Quick note: that isConstructor isn't really viable unless you plan on using
it with constructors that do not have side effects.


The Proxy-based solution needs to be used in these cases. Now we just 
need to wait until Proxies are available everywhere! ;-)

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 10:58 AM, Rick Waldron>>

/>/  On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 10:24 AM, Domenic Denicola <
/>/  domenic at  
> wrote:
/>>/  A variety of places in the spec use the new IsConstructor abstract
/>>/  operation. In ES5, this test (essentially, "does the object implement the
/>>/  [[Construct]] internal method") was restricted to the `new` operator. But
/>>/  in ES6, it is used in implementing a large variety of built-in functions:
/>>/  - All Array methods
/>>/  - All %TypedArray% methods
/>>/  - All Promise methods (via NewPromiseCapability)
/>>/  (Note that there are two uses: arrays and typed arrays do alternative
/>>/  logic for non-constructors; promises fail immediately. This inconsistency
/>>/  might be a bug?)
/>>/  It seems to me that we should expose this primitive reflective operation
/>>/  to users, instead of having all of these methods be able to detect
/>>/  something that user code can't, and thus making them harder to explain or
/>>/  polyfill.
/>>/  Alternately, if we don't think users should be doing this kind of
/>>/  reflection, then we probably shouldn't be doing it ourselves. In which
/>>/  case, figuring out an alternate path for the above methods would be
/>>/  useful---perhaps they simply try to construct, and fail immediately if 
/>>/  with a non-constructible object, instead of falling back.
/>/  I had similar questions a couple years ago and Allen advised that the
/>/  easiest polyfill for such a mechanism is:
/>/  function isConstructor(C) {
/>/try {
/>/  new C();
/>/  return true;
/>/} catch (e) {
/>/  return false;
/>/  }
/>/  Additionally, at the July 2012 tc39 meeting I proposed (over breakfast) an
/>/  ES7 "standard library module" that exported the abstract operations that
/>/  are now defined in chapter 7

/>/  the response was positive but it was far too early to have a serious
/>/  discussion. Anyway, with that you'd just write:
/>/  import { isConstructor } from "es-abstract";
/>/  Rick
es-discuss mailing list

Re: IsConstructor

2014-06-11 Thread André Bargull

[*] Proxies are oddballs here. All Proxies have a [[Construct]] method so
the IsConstructor will always return true which is really not what you
want. If IsConstructor was changed to check for a .prototype instead
proxies would behave more inline with ordinary objects.

[[Construct]] is only attached to a proxy if the target has a 
[[Construct]] internal method.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: My ECMAScript 7 wishlist

2014-06-07 Thread André Bargull

that `has:()=>true` breaks with features detections that are meant to be
less obtrusive than getters ... i.e. `'geolocation' in navigator` or
`'innerHTML' in genericNode` and all others that are not supposed to pass
through a potentially expensive getter to retrieve a feature detection
purpose info.

Long story short that NoSuchProperty is obtrusive in an upside-down way ...
I personally would not use that and would not expect that anywhere

The 'has' handler is required to work around a Firefox limitation. A 
compliant ES6 implementation only needs the 'get' handler.

Related bug reports:
es-discuss mailing list

Re: A bit confused by B.3.2 - Web Legacy Compatibility for Block-Level Function Declarations

2014-06-06 Thread André Bargull

Or a link to the discussion that led to the content of this section?

There have been multiple discussions on this topic, on both es-discuss 
and during TC39 meetings, so it's hard to point to a single discussion. 
For example:

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 9:51 AM, John Lenz>> wrote:

>/  Is there any place that has some concrete examples of the different cases
/>/  we are trying support with this section (and whether the function is block
/>/  scoped or not in each case)?/

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Assignment to wrapper objects in strict mode

2014-05-28 Thread André Bargull

On 5/28/2014 2:00 PM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

On 28 May 2014 13:41, André Bargull  wrote:

Apparently, there has been a semantic change between ES5 and ES6
regarding assignment to wrapper objects in strict mode. That is,

'use strict'; "".x = 0

would throw in ES5, but AFAICS, no longer does in ES6. Was this change
discussed? What is the rationale?

(FWIW, current implementations disagree about this: e.g., V8 and SM
don't throw, JSC does.)

That assignment still throws per the current ES6 draft. Following
PutValue to 9.1.9 [[Set]], step 4.d in [[Set]] creates a dummy data
descriptor when no inherited property was found (that way the condition in
step 5 will evaluate to true), and step 5.b in [[Set]] returns false if the
receiver is not an object. At that point we're back in PutValue, and step
6.d in PutValue will now throw TypeError in strict mode.

But base will already have been converted to a wrapper object at
PutValue step 6.a.ii before you get to [[Set]].


The receiver argument in [[Set]] is not the wrapped `base`, but 
`GetThisValue(V)`, here: the empty string "".

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Assignment to wrapper objects in strict mode

2014-05-28 Thread André Bargull

Apparently, there has been a semantic change between ES5 and ES6
regarding assignment to wrapper objects in strict mode. That is,

   'use strict'; "".x = 0

would throw in ES5, but AFAICS, no longer does in ES6. Was this change
discussed? What is the rationale?

(FWIW, current implementations disagree about this: e.g., V8 and SM
don't throw, JSC does.)


That assignment still throws per the current ES6 draft. Following PutValue to 9.1.9 [[Set]], step 4.d in [[Set]] creates a dummy 
data descriptor when no inherited property was found (that way the 
condition in step 5 will evaluate to true), and step 5.b in [[Set]] 
returns false if the receiver is not an object. At that point we're back 
in PutValue, and step 6.d in PutValue will now throw TypeError in strict 

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Perhaps @@unscopable shouldn't be a Set...

2014-04-30 Thread André Bargull
The changes from never 
made it into the spec.

On 4/30/2014 11:41 PM, André Bargull wrote:

Where do you find the spec incomplete WRT @@unscopable.  My recollection was 
that it was all resolved and fully specified and that I was relatively happy 
with the outcome.

unscopables for the Object Environment Record is always the empty 
list. It's never populated.


On May 1, 2014, at 3:00 AM, Erik Arvidsson>> wrote:

>/  This was never resolved and the spec is incomplete here
/>/  On Wed Sep 25 2013 at 6:17:32 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock>> wrote:

/>/  So here is another concern, about the scheme we agreed to last week.
/>/  It needs to match a found own property against the possibility of an own @@unscopable property on the same object and that  object may be somewhere up the inheritance chain of the actual with object.  The means that [[HasProperty]]/[[Get]]/[[Set]] can not be used to do those resolve binding in an ObjectEnvironmentRecord because they don't tell us where the property was found.  Instead, ObjectEnvironmentRecord needs to reimplement its own property lookup using [[GetOwnProperty]] and [[GetInheritanceOf]].  However, if the with object is a proxy that means we may be bypassing the actual inheritance mechanism implemented by the Proxy's 'has'/'get'/'set' traps and that could introduce observable semantics irregularities.
/>/  Specifying the duplicated lookup is doable but a pain.  That and the semantic issues WRT proxies makes me a lot less comfortable with the added complexity of supporting @@unscopable.
/>/  Allen


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Perhaps @@unscopable shouldn't be a Set...

2014-04-30 Thread André Bargull

Where do you find the spec incomplete WRT @@unscopable.  My recollection was 
that it was all resolved and fully specified and that I was relatively happy 
with the outcome.

unscopables for the Object Environment Record is always the empty list. 
It's never populated.


On May 1, 2014, at 3:00 AM, Erik Arvidsson>> wrote:

>/  This was never resolved and the spec is incomplete here
/>/  On Wed Sep 25 2013 at 6:17:32 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock>> wrote:

/>/  So here is another concern, about the scheme we agreed to last week.
/>/  It needs to match a found own property against the possibility of an own @@unscopable property on the same object and that  object may be somewhere up the inheritance chain of the actual with object.  The means that [[HasProperty]]/[[Get]]/[[Set]] can not be used to do those resolve binding in an ObjectEnvironmentRecord because they don't tell us where the property was found.  Instead, ObjectEnvironmentRecord needs to reimplement its own property lookup using [[GetOwnProperty]] and [[GetInheritanceOf]].  However, if the with object is a proxy that means we may be bypassing the actual inheritance mechanism implemented by the Proxy's 'has'/'get'/'set' traps and that could introduce observable semantics irregularities.
/>/  Specifying the duplicated lookup is doable but a pain.  That and the semantic issues WRT proxies makes me a lot less comfortable with the added complexity of supporting @@unscopable.
/>/  Allen

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor can return just about anything

2014-04-30 Thread André Bargull

On May 1, 2014, at 2:50 AM, Jason Orendorff>> wrote:

/>/  As specified, proxies can do this:
/>/   js> Object.isFrozen(proxy)

/>/   true
/>/   js> Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy).configurable
/>/   true
No, that is not the intent.  However, Object.isFrozen depends upon the 
reliability of  [[OwnPropertyKeys]] and one of its checked variants (and this 
is not yet in the spec. because Tom, Mark, and I just worked out the final 
details last week) is that [[OwnPropertyKeys]] must return a complete and 
accurate list of all non-configurable property names.

Also note that Object.isFrozen is specified to operates at the level of the MOP 
operations and property descriptor records, not at the 
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor/descriptor object level. It never looks at the 
object that is passed through [[Origin]].

It isn't clear exactly what you intend by the above snippet (does proxy have a 
'getOwnPropertyDescriptorHandler'? did you really mean to use undefined as the 
property key?).  In either case, if the object passes the criteria for isFrozen 
then then the con configurable attribute of the resulting descriptor (if the 
property exists) must be false and consistent with the target. Steps 11-21 of 
9.9.5 (proxy [[GetOwnProperty]] are intended to guarantees that.  Maybe there 
are bugs in those steps, I can review them in detail right now, but the design 
intent is a frozen object can never expose a ;configurable property.

/>/  Of course the property is not really configurable. The extent of the

/>/  issue is that Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor is not a reliable
/>/  reflection API.
It's supposed to be for frozen objects, so if you see bugs in that regard I'm 
obvious interested.

I think the following example should cover Jason's concerns w.r.t 
reliability of Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor.

Object.isFrozen(target) = true
Object.isFrozen(proxy) = true
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, propertyName).configurable = true

  let propertyName = "propertyName";
  let target = Object.freeze({[propertyName]: 0});
  let beStupid = false;

  let proxy = new Proxy(target, {
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, pk) {
  if (!beStupid) {
return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, pk);
  return {
value: 0, writable: false, enumerable: true,
get configurable() {
  delete this.configurable;
  this.configurable = true;
  return false;

  print(`Object.isFrozen(target) = ${Object.isFrozen(target)}`);
  print(`Object.isFrozen(proxy) = ${Object.isFrozen(proxy)}`);

  beStupid = true;

  let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, propertyName);
propertyName).configurable = ${desc.configurable}`);


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Clarify the destructuring syntax

2014-04-11 Thread André Bargull

On 4/11/2014 2:02 PM, Егор Николаев wrote:

@André Bargull
Are there any reasons for these restrictions? It confuses me. If I can
for-of over string, so why can't I destructuring it?

I'd say it's mostly a language designer decision and it may still change 
before the final specification is published. I'd encourage you to file 
bug reports at and/or post to this mailing 
list if you find any issues with the current specification draft. That 
way Allen (the spec editor, cc-ed) and other TC-39 members are notified 
and can take appropriate actions.

- André

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 3:10 PM, André Bargull>> wrote:

Hi Erop,

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Егор Николаев>> wrote:

>/  1. Should the AssignmentExpression of DestructuringAssignment always to 
>/the Object type? />/```javascript />/let {length} = "123";
/>/assert(length, 3); />/``` />/Is this valid? />// Yes.

No. Runtime Semantics: Evaluation,
LexicalBinding : BindingPattern Initializer, step 4

/>/  If it is:
/>/  2. Should the result of Get(obj, name) always be the Object type if
/>/  DestructuringAssignmentTarget is an ObjectLiteral or an ArrayLiteral?
/>/  According the spec step 4.b this expression is invalid:
/>/  ```javascript
/>/  let {text: {length}} = {text: "123"};
/>/  assert(length, 3);
/>/  ```

No. Runtime Semantics: KeyedBindingInitialization
BindingElement : BindingPattern Initializer_opt, step 4

You can test this in the web console in a Nightly or Aurora build of

You can test this in traceur or my test implementation
[].  ;-)

Maybe the final draft will revert this restriction, it was
originally introduced in rev17. It is somewhat annoying, especially
for the string type, because the restriction also applies to spread
array elements and spread calls. For example `[..."abc"]` must now
be written as `[ String("abc")]` to get the array of code points.

- André

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Clarify the destructuring syntax

2014-04-11 Thread André Bargull

Hi Erop,

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 12:35 PM,>> wrote:

>/  1. Should the AssignmentExpression of DestructuringAssignment always to be
/>/  the Object type?
/>/  ```javascript
/>/  let {length} = "123";
/>/  assert(length, 3);
/>/  ```
/>/  Is this valid?

No. Runtime Semantics: Evaluation,
LexicalBinding : BindingPattern Initializer, step 4

/>/  If it is:
/>/  2. Should the result of Get(obj, name) always be the Object type if
/>/  DestructuringAssignmentTarget is an ObjectLiteral or an ArrayLiteral?
/>/  According the spec step 4.b this expression is invalid:
/>/  ```javascript
/>/  let {text: {length}} = {text: "123"};
/>/  assert(length, 3);
/>/  ```

No. Runtime Semantics: KeyedBindingInitialization
BindingElement : BindingPattern Initializer_opt, step 4

You can test this in the web console in a Nightly or Aurora build of

You can test this in traceur or my test implementation 
[].  ;-)

Maybe the final draft will revert this restriction, it was originally 
introduced in rev17. It is somewhat annoying, especially for the string 
type, because the restriction also applies to spread array elements and 
spread calls. For example `[..."abc"]` must now be written as `[ 
String("abc")]` to get the array of code points.

- André

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(O) ? // plural

2014-03-06 Thread André Bargull

On 3/6/2014 11:35 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

autocomplete misspelled Andre' , apologies

No worries! :-)

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 2:34 PM, Andrea Giammarchi>> wrote:

Thanks Andrew, I wonder if I should update the proposed spec
somehow, but I thought as it is combines both Names and Symbols as

You mean this proposal, 
right? It does not need to be changed, because the [[OwnPropertyKeys]] 
internal method returns string and symbol valued property keys. Or to be 
more correct, it returns string and symbol valued property keys for 
ordinary objects. Proxy objects are currently allowed to return any 
value from their [[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method, because the result 
value of the "ownKeys" trap is not checked at all. (Except of a simple 
type check to ensure it is an object.)

The proposed [[GetOwnPropertyNames]] internal method is supposed to be a 
more restrictive version of [[OwnPropertyKeys]] to ensure Proxy objects 
don't lie about their properties. This is only required for certain 
integrity critical methods, like for example Object.isFrozen().

Please let me know and I'll update.

Best Regards

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 1:21 PM, André Bargull>> wrote:

I would rephrase into this:

if you need a getOwnPropertyNames trap, you might need for consistency a
getOwnPropertySymbols independently from getOwnPropertyDescriptors since
these methods are already available.

While it shares the same name with Object.getOwnPropertyNames(),
this getOwnPropertyNames trap is supposed to return string and
symbol keyed properties, see .

I also would like to add a couple of links to support the fact
is needed, and has been asked for, since quite a while: this was 11th of
November 2011 ... I didn't know it, and now that I do I wonder why this 
been post-poned for so long and never discussed again.

Or even earlier,
from 2010.

Best Regards

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 11:24 AM, C. Scott Ananian>>wrote:

>/  If you use a getOwnPropertyNames trap, then you also need a
>/getOwnPropertySymbols trap to implement
getOwnPropertyDescriptors. />/--scott />//
>/  On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 2:16 AM, Tom Van Cutsem>> wrote:
/>/  > 2014-03-05 20:11 GMT+01:00 C. Scott Ananian>>:
/>/  >>
/>/  >> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Tom Van Cutsem>>
>/wrote: />/>> > Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(proxy) would
trigger the />/>> > getOwnPropertyNames trap, followed by
calls to the />/>> > getOwnPropertyDescriptor />/>> > trap for
each individual property. />/>> />/>> [[OwnPropertyKeys]],
`ownKeys` trap. />/> />/> />/> Yes, according to the current
draft spec. I have a pending discussion />/with />/> Allen
that we actually need to reintroduce a [[GetOwnPropertyNames]]
/>/> internal method / getOwnPropertyNames trap, as the
`ownKeys` trap />/doesn't do />/> any invariant checking,
which is needed for a reliable Object.isFrozen />/test. />/>
/>/> Regards, />/> Tom />

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(O) ? // plural

2014-03-06 Thread André Bargull

On 3/6/2014 10:24 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

André Bargull <>
March 6, 2014 at 1:21 PM

I would rephrase into this:

if you need a getOwnPropertyNames trap, you might need for consistency a
getOwnPropertySymbols independently from getOwnPropertyDescriptors since
these methods are already available.

While it shares the same name with Object.getOwnPropertyNames(), this
getOwnPropertyNames trap is supposed to return string and symbol keyed
properties, see .

Should the trap end in Keys not Names?


Only if [[OwnPropertyKeys]] gets renamed to something else, because 
having both [[GetOwnPropertyKeys]] and [[OwnPropertyKeys]] seems 
unnecessarily confusing.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(O) ? // plural

2014-03-06 Thread André Bargull

I would rephrase into this:

if you need a getOwnPropertyNames trap, you might need for consistency a
getOwnPropertySymbols independently from getOwnPropertyDescriptors since
these methods are already available.

While it shares the same name with Object.getOwnPropertyNames(), this 
getOwnPropertyNames trap is supposed to return string and symbol keyed 
properties, see .

I also would like to add a couple of links to support the fact
is needed, and has been asked for, since quite a while: this was 11th of
November 2011 ... I didn't know it, and now that I do I wonder why this has
been post-poned for so long and never discussed again.

Or even earlier, from 

Best Regards

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 11:24 AM, C. Scott Ananian>>wrote:

>/  If you use a getOwnPropertyNames trap, then you also need a
/>/  getOwnPropertySymbols trap to implement getOwnPropertyDescriptors.
/>/   --scott
/>/  On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 2:16 AM, Tom Van Cutsem>> wrote:
/>/  > 2014-03-05 20:11 GMT+01:00 C. Scott Ananian>>:
/>/  >>
/>/  >> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Tom Van Cutsem>>
/>/  wrote:
/>/  >> > Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(proxy) would trigger the
/>/  >> > getOwnPropertyNames trap, followed by calls to the
/>/  >> > getOwnPropertyDescriptor
/>/  >> > trap for each individual property.
/>/  >>
/>/  >> [[OwnPropertyKeys]], `ownKeys` trap.
/>/  >
/>/  >
/>/  > Yes, according to the current draft spec. I have a pending discussion
/>/  with
/>/  > Allen that we actually need to reintroduce a [[GetOwnPropertyNames]]
/>/  > internal method / getOwnPropertyNames trap, as the `ownKeys` trap
/>/  doesn't do
/>/  > any invariant checking, which is needed for a reliable Object.isFrozen
/>/  test.
/>/  >
/>/  > Regards,
/>/  > Tom
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Changing behavior of Array#copyWithin when used on array-like with negative length

2014-02-17 Thread André Bargull

On 2/14/2014 11:40 PM, C. Scott Ananian wrote:

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 11:50 AM, André Bargull  wrote:

I think Scott is requesting this change:

Yes, although my proposed diff (in the linked bug) was the shorter,
"12. If end is undefined, let relativeEnd be ToInteger(lenVal); else
relativeEnd be ToInteger(end)."  Same effect, though.

It's not the same effect, because `lenVal` could be an object with 
valueOf/toString/@toPrimitive side-effects.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Changing behavior of Array#copyWithin when used on array-like with negative length

2014-02-14 Thread André Bargull

On Feb 14, 2014, at 12:46 PM, C. Scott Ananian wrote:

>/  For reference:
/>/  `Array#copyWithin` has a (non-normative) signature of `(target, start,

/>/  end = this.length)`.  However, this is slightly misleading because the
/>/  spec actually calls `ToLength` on `this.length` and then uses *that*
/>/  for the default value of `end`.  This changes `end`'s effective value
/>/  when `this.length` is negative.
/>/  In the bug we discuss changing the non-normative descriptive text to

/>/  be less misleading.
/>/  But I'd like to invite broader discussion on a different approach: can

/>/  we change the spec so that the `end = this.length` default was
/>/  actually correct?  This would only possibly change behavior on
/>/  array-likes with negative length, and probably wouldn't even change
/>/  observable behavior in that case (since `length` is treated as 0).
/>/  Basically we'd be just calling `ToInteger` on the default value of
/>/  `end` rather than `ToLength`.  But it would be an end-run around
/>/  confusing language in the spec.
/>/   --scott
ToLength is used a number of places within the ES6 spec. where formerly 
ToUint32 was used.  It allows indices to be larger 2^32-2 and avoids weird wrap 
behavior for indices in that range. I doubt that we could compatibly get away 
with replacing those legacy ToUnit32 calls with a ToLength that preserved 
negative values.  Even if we could we would have to review all of the array 
(and string) algorithms that use ToLength to make sure they still work 
reasonably with negative length values.  I really don't see what benefit we 
would get from that work.


I think Scott is requesting this change:

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: restrictions on let declarations

2014-02-14 Thread André Bargull

On 30/01/2014, at 17:13, Brendan Eich wrote:
/>/  Interesting!
/>/  You don't want the alert to show undefined, so the extent of the inner binding in your model is the unbraced consequent of the  "if".
/>/  That is not "block scope" in any plain sense.


How about this?

let x= 0;
if (1) eval("let x= 42; alert(x);"); //Is this in its own block?

`eval()` hasn't yet been updated to work with the new lexical 
declaration forms, but I hope the example from above will be evaluated 
in a new block. See for 
a related bug report.

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Behavior of `eval` in non strict mode.

2014-01-08 Thread André Bargull

Thanks for the reply.

I'd actually expect `undefined` because function declarations does not
return anything. Converting it to a function expression kind of misses the
point since those are well... expressions :)

I've tried looking in all the relevant places in the spec but still
couldn't unambiguously figure out which browser is 'correct'.

There are a few edge cases in reference resolution which are not 
correctly implemented in most browsers. Your example is basically the 
same as test case 2 from The relevant section 
in the specification is "12.13.4 Runtime Semantics: Evaluation": The 
left hand side of an assignment is always evaluated before the right 
hand side. This includes resolving and remembering the reference 
information for an identifier reference. In this case the identifier 
reference resolves to a binding on the global object, so assignment must 
be performed on the global, even if a (direct) eval expression 
introduces new bindings with the same name in the current scope.

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Generator Arrow Functions

2013-11-26 Thread André Bargull

On 11/27/2013 12:07 AM, Waldemar Horwat wrote:

On 11/26/2013 03:00 PM, André Bargull wrote:

On 11/26/2013 02:28 PM, Claude Pache wrote:
>/   From the thread [1], I guess that parsing correctly the
following thing would be obnoxious (at best)?
/>/  (a = yield/b/g) =>* {}
/>/  —Claude

And you can make even more obnoxious parses of the hypothetical
combination of =>*, default parameters, and retroactive yield-scope:

(a = yield/"/) =>* (/"/g)

Are the two /"/'s regexps or is "/) =>* (/" a string token?


Are you sure? The `(a = yield/b/g)` part is parsed at first as a
parenthesised expression and only later (after the `=>` token)
reinterpreted as an ArrowFormalParameters grammar production.

- André

Fine, so do this one instead:

(a = yield/"/g, b = yield/"/g) =>* {}

Does this generator have one or two parameters?

It depends on the surrounding environment.

Lexical token sequence in function environment:
  Ident[a] Assign Ident[yield] Div String Div Ident[g]

Lexical token sequence in generator environment:
 Ident[a] Assign Yield RegExp
 Ident[b] Assign Yield RegExp

Reinterpreting the lexical token sequence per [14.2]:

It is a Syntax Error if the lexical token sequence matched by
CoverParenthesisedExpressionAndArrowParameterList cannot be parsed with no 
tokens left over using
ArrowFormalParameters as the goal symbol.

And applying the current (rev21) grammar production rule 
`FormalParameters[Yield,GeneratorParameter]` [14.4], gives either a 
generator with a single parameter (if in function environment) or a 
SyntaxError (if in generator environment). The SyntaxError is emitted 
because `FormalParameters[Yield,GeneratorParameter]` does not allow 
YieldExpressions [13.2.3], instead "yield" is treated as an 
IdentifierReference in function default parameters.

If the term "parsing a lexical token sequence" allows you to go back to 
the source character level, the result will be different, of course.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Generator Arrow Functions

2013-11-26 Thread André Bargull

On 11/26/2013 02:28 PM, Claude Pache wrote:
>/   From the thread [1], I guess that parsing correctly the following thing 
would be obnoxious (at best)?
/>/  (a = yield/b/g) =>* {}
/>/  ---Claude

And you can make even more obnoxious parses of the hypothetical combination of 
=>*, default parameters, and retroactive yield-scope:

(a = yield/"/) =>* (/"/g)

Are the two /"/'s regexps or is "/) =>* (/" a string token?


Are you sure? The `(a = yield/b/g)` part is parsed at first as a 
parenthesised expression and only later (after the `=>` token) 
reinterpreted as an ArrowFormalParameters grammar production.

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Novel operator syntax

2013-10-29 Thread André Bargull

On 10/29/2013 7:51 PM, Tristan Zajonc wrote:

Right you are. That was the same issue with Python.  Are there any
blockers to ~*?

There are the usual ASI problems. For example this is currently valid:
~+ b

It is parsed as:
~+ b;

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 11:46 AM, André Bargull>> wrote:

Got it, thanks. We could indeed do .+, .*, etc. without ambiguity.
(Ignore E4X's wildcards: xml.* etc.!)


No.  ;-)

js> 1.*2

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Novel operator syntax

2013-10-29 Thread André Bargull

Got it, thanks. We could indeed do .+, .*, etc. without ambiguity.
(Ignore E4X's wildcards: xml.* etc.!)


No.  ;-)

js> 1.*2

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.assign and exceptions (was: Object.assign and __proto__ property)

2013-10-22 Thread André Bargull

On 10/22/2013 4:00 PM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:

The spec for Object.assign,,
seems to have some issues.

/gotAllNames/ is never read.

It is initialised to false in step 7, read in step 9 and set to true in 
step 9c. That seems to be ok.

What is the intention regarding exceptions? Is the intention to continue
assigning properties after an exception is thrown. Why is that the
desired behavior?

I'd guess to align behaviour with Object.mixin, Object.defineProperties, 
(Object.create),{Sealed,Frozen} and Object.seal/freeze. This 
was also covered in the thread starting at .

- André

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 6:41 AM, André Bargull>> wrote:
 > A more conformant implementation should be this one:
 > function assign(target, source) {
 >   function ToObject(o) {
 > if (o == null) {
 >   throw new TypeError();
 > }
 > return Object(o);
 >   }
 >   var to = ToObject(target);
 >   var from = ToObject(source);
 >   var keys = $getOwnPropertyNames(from);
 >   var pendingException = null;
 >   for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; ++i) {
 > var nextKey = keys[i];
 > try {
 >   var desc = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, nextKey);
 >   if (desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable) {
 > to[nextKey] = from[nextKey];
 >   }
 > } catch (e) {
 >   if (pendingException !== null) {
 > pendingException = e;
 >   }
 > }
 >   }
 >   if (pendingException !== null) {
 > throw pendingException;
 >   }
 >   return to;
 > }
 > - André


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.assign and __proto__ property

2013-10-22 Thread André Bargull

Traceur has:

function assign(target, source) {
   var props = $getOwnPropertyNames(source);
   var p, length = props.length;
   for (p = 0; p < length; p++) {
 target[props[p]] = source[props[p]];
   return target;

Which is correct.

Almost correct ;-)

Exception handling and enumerable checks are missing. And calling 
$getOwnPropertyNames() is not fully compatible when compared to 
[[OwnKeys]] in some Proxy corner cases [1], but that's difficult to get 
right in ES5 code.


A more conformant implementation should be this one:

function assign(target, source) {
  function ToObject(o) {
if (o == null) {
  throw new TypeError();
return Object(o);
  var to = ToObject(target);
  var from = ToObject(source);
  var keys = $getOwnPropertyNames(from);
  var pendingException = null;
  for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; ++i) {
var nextKey = keys[i];
try {
  var desc = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(from, nextKey);
  if (desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable) {
to[nextKey] = from[nextKey];
} catch (e) {
  if (pendingException !== null) {
pendingException = e;
  if (pendingException !== null) {
throw pendingException;
  return to;

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: `String.prototype.symbolAt()` (improved `String.prototype.charAt()`)

2013-10-18 Thread André Bargull

On Oct 18, 2013, at 4:01 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

/>/  On Oct 18, 2013, at 1:29 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
/>>/  Array.from( '???'))[1]
/>/  maybe even better:
/>/  Uint32Array.from( '???'))[1]

err...maybe not if you want a string value:

String.fromCodePoint(Uint32Array.from( '???')[1])

That does not seem to be too useful:

js> String.fromCodePoint(Uint32Array.from("\u{1d306}\u{1d306}\u{1d306}")[1])

According to, 
String.prototype[@@iterator] does not return plain code points, but the 
String value for the code point.

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: has the syntax for proxies been finalized ?

2013-10-18 Thread André Bargull

Follow up question for Tom et al...

Using require('harmony-reflect')

var t = {a:3, c:4};
var p = Proxy(
 get: function() {},
 delete: function(t,x) {
   delete t.a;
delete p.c
p; //{a:3}
t; //{a:3}

the console.log is not called and deleting is not trapped.
Am I doing something wrong?

The trap name for the `delete` operator is "deleteProperty" instead of 


es-discuss mailing list

Re: `String.prototype.symbolAt()` (improved `String.prototype.charAt()`)

2013-10-18 Thread André Bargull

>/  I disagree. In those situations you should just iterate over the string 
using `for...of`.
That seems to iterate over code units as far as I can tell.

   for (var x of "?")

invokes print() twice in Gecko.

SpiderMonkey does not implement the (yet to be) spec'ed 
String.prototype.@@iterator function, instead it simply aliases 
String.prototype["@@iterator"] to Array.prototype["@@iterator"]:

js> String.prototype["@@iterator"] === Array.prototype["@@iterator"]

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Object.mixin, why just for enumerables (?)

2013-10-03 Thread André Bargull

Object.mixin, why just for enumerables (?)

It's a copy-paste error in the draft:

This is related to:

In a spec we have both Object.assign and Object.mixin.

Object.assign is for copying properties ES3 way, which even in ES5 world is
what you want in most cases (btw. I don't agree with
For 3 years I work strictly with ES5, and I never had a case in which I
wanted to just copy enumerables and preserve getters, it's highly unwanted
in all cases I had).

Object.mixin is for copying definitions, which I find as rare but also valid
use case, e.g. to mimic multiple inheritance by copying properties from one
prototype to other. However this cannot work as intended if it's limited
just for enumerables. All properties in native prototypes are already
defined as not enumerable, and this is also what I follow in my code when I
define models.

So as specified currently I find Object.mixin as a function that I don't
find valid use case for, and I strongly miss something like
Object.assignDefinitions, which will copy properties by descriptors, no
matter whether they're enumerable or not.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Clarification on function default param values

2013-10-01 Thread André Bargull

>/  Brandon Benvie >
/>/  September 30, 2013 8:48 PM
/>/  I'm actually now really curious what the following does:
/>/  ```
/>/  function foo(x, y = (() => { arguments[0] = "foo"; return "bar" })()) {
/>/return [x, y];
/>/  }
Easy: arguments is an early error in the body of an arrow.


This restriction is  not specified in the rev19 draft. Currently arrow 
functions don't have an own `arguments` binding, but instead access the 
outer functions `arguments` object, similar to `this`. Disallowing the 
identifier "arguments" in PrimaryExpressions also should imply 
disallowing "arguments" as a BindingIdentifier, which shifts arrow 
functions again into "almost strict-mode".

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: appears to be down

2013-09-29 Thread André Bargull

On 9/29/2013 7:51 PM, André Bargull wrote:

Could someone give it a nudge?


Per #it on "scl3" is down, apparently some maintenance 
work per user "Usul". So not only

- André

(10:51:27) wicked: how long will it take?
(10:51:45) digi: wicked: just some background - we're doing some 
maintenance in our scl3 data center. I think the window is open until 1pm.
(10:51:55) digi: we're performing some upgrades which isn't expected to 
have a big impact
(10:52:03) digi: but as you just witnessed there is the possibility for 
connectivity to be intermittent

es-discuss mailing list

Re: appears to be down

2013-09-29 Thread André Bargull

Could someone give it a nudge?


Per #it on "scl3" is down, apparently some maintenance 
work per user "Usul". So not only

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Comments on Sept Meeting Notes

2013-09-27 Thread André Bargull

On 9/27/2013 9:58 PM, Kevin Smith wrote:

In this case I doubt @iterator or @toStringTag should be visible.
(And I know there a better ways to test for empty objects, but
for-in testing is common enough...)

Thanks Andre!  I fear this example merely begs the question of whether
such an object should be considered "empty" with respect to
enumerability.  Would anything break if the following object were
considered "not empty"?

 var obj = { "@iterator"() { /* ... */ } };

More generally, what is accomplished by hiding these hooks from for-in?

Whether or not some code breaks depends on how that function is used, so 
it's hard for me to give a general answer at this point. Concerning your 
second question about the benefits of hiding hooks: I'd assume if 
something is a "meta-level" hook, it should only be visible on the 
"meta-level" and not on the concrete data level. And for-in is rather a 
tool to access the concrete data level than to access the meta-level.

PS: The function is called "isEmptyObject" in jQuery ->

- André

{ Kevin }

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Comments on Sept Meeting Notes

2013-09-27 Thread André Bargull

>/  Whether you personally use it, for-in is a reality. Introspection of
/>/  objects happens, so if you ship a library that's putting meta-level
/>/  properties into objects it needs to make them non-enumerable to be robust
/>/  in the face of client code that uses for-in but isn't prepared to
/>/  understand the meta properties.
/Is there a concrete example which shows how enumerability of meta-level
properties would present a problem for such code?  That might be convincing.

There are all kinds for-in uses which don't expect meta-level hooks. For 
example this "isEmpty" function to test whether an object contains any 

function isEmpty(o) {
  for (var k in o) return false;
  return true;

In this case I doubt @iterator or @toStringTag should be visible. (And I 
know there a better ways to test for empty objects, but for-in testing 
is common enough...)

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Removing Proxy hasOwn() trap (Was: [[Invoke]] and implicit method calls)

2013-09-24 Thread André Bargull

On Sep 24, 2013, at 8:13 AM, Jason Orendorff wrote:

>/  On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 7:23 AM, Tom Van Cutsem>> wrote:
/>>/  [forking from [[invoke]]-thread for clarity]
/>/  Thanks!
/>>/  Allen: would the removal of the hasOwn() trap imply that we can drop the

/>>/  [[HasOwnProperty]] internal method altogether?
I look at the the opposite way -- we have an 'hasOwn' trap because be have a 
[[HasOwnProperty]] internal method ;-)

I pretty sure we discussed this before and decided we wanted to keep 
[[HasOwnProperty]].  However, the only reason I can think of for doing so now 
is to avoid forcing exotic objects to allocated the property descriptors that 
[[GetOwnProperty]] produces.

Exotic string and integer indexed objects ( = TypedArray instances) 
provide custom implementations for [[HasOwnProperty]] for exactly this 

/>/  I searched the spec. There are not very many places where

/>/  [[HasOwnProperty]] is used; each one can be replaced with a call to an
/>/  Abstract Operation defined like this:
Right, an none of the places seem particularly performance sensitive.  In 
particular, ordinary property lookup uses [[GetOwnProperty]] rather than 

[[HasProperty]] for ordinary objects also uses [[HasOwnProperty]]. So 
this needs to be taken into account when searching for performance 
sensitive calls.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: [[Invoke]] and implicit method calls

2013-09-24 Thread André Bargull

Short summary:

The current (rev18) [[Invoke]] design allows this code to work (use case A):
var p = new Proxy(new Map, {});
// Map.prototype.get is not generic, requires proper Map instance

But it does not allow to use (use case B):
var p = new Proxy(new Map, {});, key);

To make sure use case B works as well, [[InvokeFunction]] and changing 
Function.prototype.{call, apply} has been proposed. Proxies will also 
receive a new trap for [[InvokeFunction]]. will 
need to be changed as follows:

Change last step (step 4) from:
4. Return result of func.[[Call]] (thisArg, argList).

4.  If Type(thisArg) is Object then
4.a  Return result of thisArg.[[InvokeFunction]] (func, argList).
5.  Else
5.a  Return result of func.[[Call]] (thisArg, argList).

(Note: The condition in step 4 may explicitly test for Proxies and only 
dispatch [[InvokeFunction]] if that's the case -- but this is not too 
important for now.)

The following objections have been raised so far:
(1) Calling on a function object no longer 
ensures the function object will be called.
(2) Calling on a function object let's the 
function object escape to the proxy object.

Example for (1):
function thrower() { throw new Error }
var p = new Proxy({}, {invokeFunction(f, args) { /* do nothing */ }});
// no exception will be thrown here;

Example for (2):
See Kevin's example below.

In response to these objections, it was said that `` will 
need to be used to ensure the original [[Call]] behaviour takes place.

- André

Ok, I've only been skimming the thread but I obviously missed something
crucial. How would

cause obj's handler to be invoked at all, much less be given access to f?
And why?

On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 7:14 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock>>wrote:

>/  Sorry, I meant obj's handler
/>/  "Mark S. Miller">> wrote:
/>/  What does "f's handler" refer to? If obj is a proxy and f is not, then obj
/>/  has a proxy and f does not.
/>/  On Mon, Sep 23, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock>>wrote:
/>>/  On Sep 23, 2013, at 6:14 PM, Kevin Smith wrote:
/>>/  > Hi Allen,
/>>/  >
/>>/  > Your line of thinking has convinced me that `invoke` as it currently
/>>/  stands doesn't really fly.  However, I have an issue with your proposal.
/>>/   Take this fragment:
/>>/  >
/>>/  > (1) function f() { doSomethingWith(this); }
/>>/  > (2);
/>>/  >
/>>/  > Presently, the expression at (2) grants the function `f` access to
/>>/  `obj`.  If I understand correctly, under your proposal the expression at
/>>/  (2), in the case where `obj` is a proxy, additionally grants `obj` access
/>>/  to `f`.  Is that right?
/>>/  In the case where obj is a Proxy would give f's handler
/>>/  access to f.
/>>/  Allen/
es-discuss mailing list

Re: [[Invoke]] and implicit method calls

2013-09-19 Thread André Bargull
Back to option 2: Redesign [[Invoke]] from ?

- André

What if we made invoke take either an identifier to call, or a got 
function to call? Then get+invoke would pass the "got" function.

Allen Wirfs-Brock 
September 19, 2013 1:39 PM

Seems very unlikely. The @@hasInstance access is new so it isn't a 
backwards compat issue. BTW, these are static counts. For example, a 
typical call to ToPrimitive will only make a single such conditional 

Arguably allowing a String or Number wrapper to be transparently 
proxied and hence work like a unproxied wrapper WRT ToPrimitive is one 
the reasons we need to do this.



es-discuss mailing list

Removal of NoIn grammar productions and for-loop parsing

2013-08-31 Thread André Bargull
The NoIn grammar productions have been removed in rev17. Does this mean 
that `for (a in b;;);` is now a valid (C-style) for-loop instead of a 

es-discuss mailing list

Array.prototype.slice web-compat issue?

2013-08-28 Thread André Bargull
This test case [1] from SpiderMonkey failed when I applied the latest 
spec changes to my ES6 test implementation. Based on the bug report at 
[2], this might be another web-compatibility issue - but is that really 
the case? Any input appreciated!



es-discuss mailing list

Re: The method

2013-08-23 Thread André Bargull
`` returns `{value: [1, 2, 3], done: false}` for me, so .value 
is needed here. Or do you mean something else?


No .value anywhere, though.


Forbes Lindesay wrote:
>/  It already is dealt with via destructuring assignments:
/>/  ```js
/>/  function* gen() {
/>/ var {x, y, z} = yield [1, 2, 3]
/>/ return x&&  y || z
/>/  }
/>/  var g = gen()
/>/  var [a, b, c] =
/>/  assert(a === 1)
/>/  assert(b === 2)
/>/  assert(c === 3)
/>/  var res = g.send({x: true, y: false, z: true}).value
/>/  assert(res === true)
/>/  ```/
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Lexical scoping of 'function' in sloppy mode breaks legal ES5

2013-08-20 Thread André Bargull

On 19 August 2013 19:02, Allen Wirfs-Brock>> wrote:
/>/  On Aug 19, 2013, at 8:38 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:
/>>/  While debugging a V8 issue I just realised another incompatibility
/>>/  with introducing lexical function declarations in sloppy mode that I
/>>/  think we haven't observed yet. Consider the following code:
/>>/  function f() {
/>>/   var x = 0
/>>/   try {
/>>/ throw 1
/>>/   } catch (x) {
/>>/ eval("function g() { return x }")
/>>/   }
/>>/   return g()
/>>/  }
/>>/  This function is legal, and supposed to return 1 according to my
/>>/  reading of the ES5 spec.
/>/  I don't think so.  according to ES5 10.4.2 The VariableEnvironment of the eval'ed 
code should be set to the VariableEnvironment of the calling context.  That variable 
environment is the outer cope of function f that has 0 as the value of its x binding. When g 
is instantiated that variable environment will be its [[Scope]] so "return x" 
should return 0.
You are right, although the discrepancy between FunctionExpression and
FunctionDeclaration feels really odd -- I wonder how that came about.
It also means that both Firefox and Safari handle the example
incorrectly (though at least they don't crash :) ).

This difference was introduced between 8. Dec. 2008 and 15. Dec. 2008, 
in the earlier drafts both, function declarations and function 
expressions, used the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution 
context for their [[Scope]]. And this is also what ES3 specified ("Pass 
in the scope chain of the running execution context as the Scope."). So 
maybe this is just another bug in the ES5 specification?


- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: GeneratorFunctionPrototype should probably be a function

2013-08-13 Thread André Bargull


Section of the July 15 draft says:

 Properties of the GeneratorFunction Prototype Object

 The GeneratorFunction prototype object is an ordinary object. It is
 not a function object and does not have a [[Code]] internal data
 property or any other of the internal data properties listed in
 Table 13. In addition to being the value of the prototype property
 of the %GeneratorFunction% intrinsic and is itself the %Generator%

the gnarlies.  To be explicit, we are talking about this object:

   var GeneratorFunctionPrototype = function*(){}.__proto__;

I think this object should be a function and not a normal object.

   1. The spec doesn't specify any other objects for which "x instanceof
  Function" that aren't functions.

Isn't that just because no other object inherits from the Function 
object in the specification? For example on the user level you can write 
`class MyFunction extends Function {}`, where `MyFunction.prototype 
instanceof Function` yields true, but `typeof MyFunction.prototype` is 
still "object". IIRC Allen even spec'ed GeneratorFunction similar to if 
it was written in the class syntax.

   2. Function.prototype.toString is the binding for ".toString()" on
  this object, but it is only applicable to function receivers.

The same restriction also applies to Number, String, Boolean, RegExp and 
Date (or rather to the corresponding prototype objects). So this is not 
a unique behaviour w.r.t. the GeneratorFunction prototype object.

Sending here as I seem to have forgotten my bugzilla password, and the
mail is taking too long to get here.  Sorry 'bout that.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Proxy-for-array transparency issues

2013-07-30 Thread André Bargull

>/  > * ArrayBuffer.isView
/>/  yup.  The use cases for isView aren't all that clear to me.  It could be
/>/  expressed a @@isView test if it has important use cases.

I'm not familiar enough with ArrayBuffers to understand the consequences.
By analogy with Array.isArray, if a proxy-for-arraybuffer automatically
upholds all observable invariants of ArrayBuffers, then arguably the test
should return true for proxies. What would be the observable invariants of
an ArrayBuffer?

ArrayBuffer.isView() should not return `true` for exotic array objects. 
That was just a spec bug, fixed in rev16 
As currently spec'ed, ArrayBuffer.isView() only returns true for 
TypedArray objects and DataView objects (both kind of objects have got a 
[[ViewedArrayBuffer]] internal data property). And there are no 
observable invariants which can be used for this case.

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Completion Records

2013-07-28 Thread André Bargull

Looking at the ES6 spec draft, I've drawn the following conclusions
about Completion Records. Can someone confirm?

If [[type]] is 'normal', 'return', or 'throw',
  [[target]] must be 'empty' (can't be an identifier).

Moreover, if [[type]] is 'return' or 'throw',
  [[value]] must be a language value (can't be 'empty').

Looks reasonable but I haven't verified it myself.

If [[type]] is 'continue' or 'break', no restrictions:
  [[target]] can be 'empty' or an Identifier,
  [[value]] can be 'empty' or a language value,
  and all combinations can occur.


The only ones whose existence is less than obvious are those where:
[[type]] is 'continue' or 'break', and [[value]] is a language value
I can see in the pseudo-code the points where they could be created
(in,, and 14.1.2), but I haven't tried to reverse-
engineer a program that would cause it to happen. Could someone explain
why it's useful to allow such Completion Records, and post a snippet of
code that would cause one to be created? is the important one here. For example take this test case 
which is expected to return "value":

  "value";  Completion {[[type]]: normal, [[value]]: "value", 
[[target]]: empty}
  break L1; Completion {[[type]]: break,  [[value]]: empty, 
[[target]]: "L1"}
}   Completion {[[type]]: break,  [[value]]: "value", 
[[target]]: "L1"}
while(false);   Completion {[[type]]: normal, [[value]]: "value", 
[[target]]: empty}


'continue' works the same and just ignore for now that step 2.c 
in the current draft is invalid (it needs to add an additional step to 
convert a break completion value to a normal completion value, cf. 
12.6.1 in the ES5.1 spec).

14.1.2 is only needed to inspect the completion record value:
eval('L1: do { "value"; break L1; } while(false);') === "value"


- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: How primitive are Symbols? Bignums? etc

2013-07-15 Thread André Bargull
Allen (cc-ed) changed symbols back to objects in draft rev 16 
(, so I guess 
Object(x) will still work in ES6 to test for object types.

- André

I see. That's unpleasant. In ES5, Object(x) can never throw, and so the
code paths using |x === Object(x)| are not prepared for a throw. Much old
code will break.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 8:01 AM, Jeremy Martin>> wrote:

>/  > s === Object(s)
/>/  This should throw a TypeError.  In the case of a Symbol, `Object(*value*)`
/>/  results in `ToObject(*value*)` [1].  And, in the case of Symbol, ToObject
/>/  should throw a TypeError [2].
/>/  [1]  

/>/  [2]  

/>/  On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 10:48 AM, Mark S. Miller>>wrote:
/>>/  Given that s is a Symbol and b is a Bignum, is
/>>/  s === Object(s)
/>>/  ?
/>>/  Is
/>>/  b === Object(b)
/>>/   ?
/>>/  The reason I ask is that x === Object(x) is often used to distinguish
/>>/  primitive values from objects. The other thing that's often used is 
/>>/  but these uses of typeof usually assume that the full range of possible
/>>/  answers is already known. If we're going to be expanding the typeof
/>>/  answers, then we need guidance on how to write this test now (es5) such
/>>/  that it stays robust.
/>>/  --
/>>/  Cheers,
/>>/  --MarkM//  
/>/  --
/>/  Jeremy Martin
/>/  661.312.3853
/>/  @jmar777
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Language Negotiation API

2013-07-13 Thread André Bargull

On 7/13/2013 8:48 PM, Andy Earnshaw wrote:

On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 1:05 PM, André Bargull>> wrote:

Only exposing CanonicalizeLanguageTag does not seem useful to me
without having access to IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag. Most likely
a combined IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag + CanonicalizeLanguageTag
function is necessary/wanted for most use cases.

Hmm.  I'm not sure I'd agree it's necessary.
  IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag makes sense as an abstract function
because you need to throw accordingly when an invalid tag is passed to
the constructors or methods.  However, it's still the developer's
responsibility to make sure their tags are valid during the development
process.  Canonicalisation would still throw an error if the tag is invalid.

CanonicalizeLanguageTag isn't even defined for non-structurally valid 
language tags. That's why I meant a combined 
IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag + CanonicalizeLanguageTag function is 
more useful than access to the bare CanonicalizeLanguageTag function.

I don't see why you'd need to change CanonicalizeLocaleList at all.
Just let it return the internal list as-is, and then define
`Intl.canonicalizeLocaleList` like so:

Lists are internal, they aren't part of the ECMAScript language.  It
makes no sense to return an internal list to ECMAScript code unless you
intend to go the whole hog and specify them with a constructor/prototype.

The internal list structure is not returned to user code instead a 
possible `Intl.canonicalizeLocaleList` function is a simple wrapper 
around CanonicalizeLocaleList to perform the necessary conversion from 
list to array. That's exactly the point of the algorithm steps in my 
previous mail.

It also needs to be considered whether the duplicate removal in
CanonicalizeLocaleList creates any issues for users of a potential
`Intl.canonicalizeLocaleList` or `Intl.canonicalizeTags` function.

Perhaps.  Are there any cases you think of where removing duplicates
would be a problem?

I thought about use cases when a user assumes the i-th element of the 
output array is the canonicalised value of the i-th element in the input 
array. I can't tell whether this is a valid use case - I've only 
implemented ECMA-402, so I know a bit about the spec, but never actually 
used it in an application...


- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Language Negotiation API

2013-07-13 Thread André Bargull

On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 11:52 PM, Zbigniew Braniecki>
>/  wrote:
/1) CanonicalizeLanguageTag [1]
/>/  Because language tags come from developers and users, ability to
/>/  canonicalize them is crucial to us. ECMA 402 specifies this function and
/>/  all we need is to expose it in the API
I was thinking the same thing recently, at least for
CanonicalizeLanguageTag. I was working with a platform that gave me a
language tag in non-canonical form, meaning I had to either canonicalize it
or rename my language files to match the same non-canonical form.  Exposing
it as `Intl.canonicalizeLanguageTag(tag)` seems like a good idea.

Only exposing CanonicalizeLanguageTag does not seem useful to me without 
having access to IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag. Most likely a combined 
IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag + CanonicalizeLanguageTag function is 
necessary/wanted for most use cases.

/>/  1.1) CanonicalizeLocaleList [2]
/>/  That would also be nice to have :)
I don't think you could expose CanonicalizeLocaleList directly without
altering it to return an array, you'd have to do something similar to step
5 of LookupSupportedLocales.  I'm not sure we could change that function in
the spec without other abstracts potentially being affected by tainted a
Array.prototype, so I guess you'd need to specify a new function.  In which
case I'm wondering if maybe you'd be better off with
`Intl.canonicalizeTags(tags)` which would cover both
CanonicalizeLanguageTag() and CanonicalizeLocaleList().

I don't see why you'd need to change CanonicalizeLocaleList at all. Just 
let it return the internal list as-is, and then define 
`Intl.canonicalizeLocaleList` like so:

1. Let canonicalizedLocaleList be the result of 

2. ReturnIfAbrupt(canonicalizedLocaleList).
3. Return CreateArrayFromList(canonicalizedLocaleList).

(ReturnIfAbrupt and CreateArrayFromList are defined in ES6 as internal 
abstract operations.)

It also needs to be considered whether the duplicate removal in 
CanonicalizeLocaleList creates any issues for users of a potential 
`Intl.canonicalizeLocaleList` or `Intl.canonicalizeTags` function.

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: [syntax] arrow function notation is too "greedy"

2013-07-11 Thread André Bargull

On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 2:00 AM, Andrew Fedoniouk>> 
>/  Did we consider green gases emission increase that will happen due to that
/>/   double parsing of code that currently is parsed strictly once?
/>/  ( Consider that rhetoric question above as just a reminder that ES6
/>/parser will be used for existing web code when it will deployed for
/>/pretty much each connected machine and device ).
Hmm. Well, there is a lot of back and forth in those lines, so I'm not
sure what to make of them. Either the new features are wasteful or
they're not. Pick a position and quantify it. Let's have it out.


In the case of destructuring assignment, we don't rewind and do a
second parse, even if it *does* turn out that you're doing
destructuring assignment. We just have to re-interpret the AST for the
left-hand side that we just parsed as a left-hand side.

And it almost works [1] . ;-)   But no worries, it will only get worse 
when you add destructuring with defaults to the mix or the 
CoverInitialisedName production.  :-/

Like this `({a} = {}) => {}` or this `({a = {}} = {}) => {}` ...

- André


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Automatically binding extracted methods

2013-06-14 Thread André Bargull
@@create allows you to set up instance prototypes, here's an amended 
version of your example code using ES6 classes:

The updated version also gets rid of the "origProto" workaround, but 
requires a custom @@hasInstance hook. I've tested the script with [1], 
not sure if the other ES6 runtimes/transpilers already provide support 
for @@create and @@hasInstance.

- André


Thanks to proxies now having a separate trap for "invoke", we can automatically bind 
methods on "get". I've written down my thoughts here:


Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
axel at  

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Why can’t for-of be applied to iterators?

2013-06-12 Thread André Bargull

Just for the record:
Prototype lookup in ClassDefinitionEvaluation changed in draft rev. 14., 
so an API function should rather look like:

Mixin = (base, ...mixins) => mixins.reduce(Object.mixin, class extends 
base {}.prototype).constructor

At least users now no longer need to access .prototype manually:

js> class Foo { where(){ return "Foo" } }
js> const BarMixin = { where(){ return "BarMixin" } }
js> (new class extends Mixin(Foo) {}).where()
js> (new class extends Mixin(Foo, BarMixin) {}).where()

- André

A tempest in a teapot. We can have better APIs that look nice for this
use-case. Develop some!

But let's not rush them into ES6, or invent custom syntax where API is

If someone does fast and good work, there's still time for ES6, or 7
(doesn't matter as much as the quality of the work; browsers are
prototyping parts of both).


Dmitry Soshnikov wrote:
/>/  On Jun 11, 2013, at 8:07 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:
/>>/  if it's about being mature, then this is mature enough, if
/>>/  Object.mixin will be finalized:
/>>/  ```javascript
/>>/  class Bar extends [M1, M2, M3].reduce(
/>>/  ) {
/>>/// class definition ...
/>>/  }
/>>/  ```
/>>/  I must admit that looks weird though ...
/>/  Exactly - it might be really cool from the language abilities
/>/  perspective, but from the end-users, the example is not that useful:
/>/  if the language provides some abstraction (the "class" abstraction in
/>/  this particular case), the users which will join to JS starting form
/>/  ES6 will have complete right to not even know what that magic
/>/  "prototype" mean -- the one which you expose outside actually breaking
/>/  the class abstraction. The prototype chain is just the implementation
/>/  detail now (and all implementation detail should be hidden in the
/>/  best), not a feature.
/>/  P.S.: and I still need to choose my English words better :) for the
/>/  mature I probably more meant "syntactically solid" rather than a
/>/  library method.
/>/  But yeah, I promised not to do big off-topic in this for-of thread.
/>/  Dmitry/
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Iteration protocol: a sentinel value?

2013-05-14 Thread André Bargull
`return ` is allowed within a generator [1] and to be able 
to retrieve the 's value, a (possibly frozen) sentinel value 
doesn't quite work.

A simple example:

function* gen() {
  return 123;

var {value, done} = gen().next();
assertEq(done, true);
assertEq(value, 123);


On 5/14/2013 1:32 PM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

Thanks! Can you elaborate?

On May 14, 2013, at 9:20 , André Bargull>> wrote:

The sentinel cannot carry a return value, from the notes:

DH: Mark's proposal is broken, because it doesn't work with return
values of generators.

MM: Agreed.

In the TC39 meeting notes, Mark suggested something similar (but more 
sophisticated) which was rejected and I am wondering why.

Herman’s protocol is (roughly):
- Values v: { value: v }
- After last value: { done: true }

With a sentinel value, this would look like:
- Values v: v
- After last value: SENTINEL_VALUE (defined once, somewhere)

The latter seems simpler to me – what’s wrong with it?

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer <>

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es-discuss mailing list

Re: Iteration protocol: a sentinel value?

2013-05-14 Thread André Bargull

The sentinel cannot carry a return value, from the notes:

DH: Mark's proposal is broken, because it doesn't work with return 
values of generators.

MM: Agreed.

In the TC39 meeting notes, Mark suggested something similar (but more 
sophisticated) which was rejected and I am wondering why.

Herman's protocol is (roughly):
- Values v: { value: v }
- After last value: { done: true }

With a sentinel value, this would look like:
- Values v: v
- After last value: SENTINEL_VALUE (defined once, somewhere)

The latter seems simpler to me -- what's wrong with it?



Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
axel at  

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Introduction, comprehensions beyond arrays

2013-05-11 Thread André Bargull

>/  I see that I have a TODO note in 10.5.3 that says "don't create an
/>/  arguments binding for arrow functions".  However, I'm not sure that we
/>/  actually had consensus on that point.
We never had an alternative that I know of. The wiki went further and
said 'arguments' is an error; this was based on meeting feedback.

>/   I'm with you on in thinking that  arrows shouldn't rebind arguments
/>/  but I think there may have been some push back on that.
No one wants arguments in arrows.

The question is, should an outer arguments binding be visible? I think
so, now that Jason raises the question.

This is a different position from [1], isn't it? The notes from January 
[2] as well as [3] might be of interest, too.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: B.3.1 The __proto__ pseudo property

2013-04-21 Thread André Bargull

SpiderMonkey at least goes out of its way to do [[Set]] (let's call it)
not [[DefineOwnProperty]] for 'o = {__proto__: 42}', so why wouldn't
[[Set]] create a fresh property, seeing nothing on Object.prototype
named '__proto__' with a setter to run?

SpiderMonkey/JSC currently just use [[Set]] without any further checks, 
i.e. when you re-define Object.prototype.__proto__, you're able to 
interfere object creation which uses __proto__. Is this intentional?

js> Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "__proto__", {set: 

js> ({__proto__: null})

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Syntax error for lexical declarations not directly within block

2013-04-15 Thread André Bargull
Statements and Declarations are separate production rules (cf. "12 
Statements and Declarations" in the draft), only a Statement can be 
nested directly within an if-Statement.

- André


I've noted that it is a Syntax error to write things like `if (foo) let x;` or 
`while (bar) let x;` (without block enclosing the `let x` statement), both in 
the latest version of FF and Chrome (appropriate experimental flags enabled), 
which is a very reasonable behaviour. However, I was unable to find where (or 
if) that behaviour is defined in the current spec draft. Could you help?



es-discuss mailing list

Re: database is slow today

2013-04-12 Thread André Bargull
It improved a bit, I've just added a new bug and the loading time was 
only one minute instead of two minutes.

- André

On 4/12/2013 3:21 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

I heard some db "cleaning" was just done -- any improvements?


André Bargull wrote:

A bit off topic: is extremely slow today, when I file a new issue,
the browser loads for about two minutes. And I even got multiple
"mid-air collision detection" errors for my own (!) changes. Maybe
someone can take a look and figure out what's going on there. (The
search functionality is not affected.)

es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list database is slow today

2013-04-11 Thread André Bargull

A bit off topic: is extremely slow today, when I file a new issue, 
the browser loads for about two minutes. And I even got multiple 
"mid-air collision detection" errors for my own (!) changes. Maybe 
someone can take a look and figure out what's going on there. (The 
search functionality is not affected.)

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Questions/issues regarding generators

2013-03-30 Thread André Bargull

>>/  The most significant change from the meeting (and it really wasn't
/>>/  explicit on the whiteboard) is that generator prototypes don't have a
/>>/  "constructor" property that links back to its generator function instance.
/>>/   In other words, you can't say:
/>>/  function * ofCollection() {for (i of collection) yield i};
/>>/  var itr1 = ofCollection();
/>>/  var itr2 = iter1.constructor();  //TypeError
/>/  That wouldn't be a type error. It would be invoking the value of the
/>/  inherited generator property.
Sorry, "...inherited *constructor* property" that is.

But the inherited constructor property is not callable, so it's still a 

js> function * ofCollection() {for (let i of collection) yield i}; js> 
var itr1 = ofCollection(); js> var itr2 = itr1.constructor(); uncaught 
exception: TypeError: object is not a function

- André

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Two different use cases for privacy?

2013-03-25 Thread André Bargull

The function for use case #1 seems to be Object.getOwnPropertyKeys() 

js> Object.keys(Array)
js> Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Array)
js> [for (x of Object.getOwnPropertyKeys(Array)) x]

It seems to me that there are two different use cases for privacy:

Use case 1: Hide some properties from the outside (when listing properties or getting 
expansion help from an IDE). Many people use a naming convention here (e.g. a prefixed 
underscore). This hiding does not have to be completely safe. There could be methods that 
list all property keys, even hidden ones. Hiding is more like a hint ("you don't 
normally need to look at this") than actual protection.

Use case 2: Keep data completely safe inside an object.

#1 is very similar to the [[Enumerable]] attribute (if it was used slightly 
differently and more consistently). Symbols already almost serve this use case, 
because they are hidden from current ways of listing property keys. But you 
don't want to hide some of the public symbols such as @@create. Hence, all that 
would be needed would be a flag, as a hint for IDEs and functions that list 
property keys.

#2 could be handled via WeakMap.

Do I see this correctly?

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
axel at  


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Upcoming talk on ES6 in Russia

2013-03-23 Thread André Bargull

On March 30, I'll hold a talk on ECMAScript 6 at CodeFest 2013 in Novosibirsk 
[1] where I hope to convince people that they have something to look forward to.

A draft of my slides is here, feedback welcome:


Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
axel at  


Two minor comments/questions:

Slide 24:
Per draft rev14, "super" references in method definitions within object 
literals are not allowed (cf. page 117). Did this change recently?

And a missing comma after the __proto__ entry.

Slide 36:
Unless there is an @@iterator on Object.prototype, the first for-of loop 
doesn't quite work.

- André
es-discuss mailing list

Re: get/setIntegrity trap (Was: A case for removing the seal/freeze/isSealed/isFrozen traps)

2013-03-17 Thread André Bargull
The incompatibility you've noticed is just a spec bug in 
[[HasIntegrity]]. In step 2a of 8.3.3, the value of [[Extensible]] needs 
to be inverted. With that change applied, the code snippet will return 

- André


Allen's latest draft (Rev. 14) contains the change where
[[Freeze]],[[Seal]] and [[PreventExtensions]] have been consolidated into
[[HasIntegrity]]/[[SetIntegrity]]. While no changes were made to the Proxy
API (i.e. no has/getIntegrity traps yet), the definition of
Object.{freeze,seal,preventExtensions} did change, and this is sufficient
to expose an incompatibility with ES5, namely:

Object.isFrozen(Object.preventExtensions({})) // true in ES5, false in ES6
Rev14 draft

I still feel like the consolidation isn't worth this incompatibility.

Allen, could you clarify what your intent is? Is it your intent that this
incompatibility will be fixed with further spec changes?


2013/2/21 Brendan Eich>>

>/  Tom Van Cutsem wrote:
/>>/  That said, I don't think this is enough evidence either for or against
/>>/  the breaking change.
/>/  I have a hard time believing we can break ES5. It has been shipping for
/>/  years (plural, at least in one case) in major browsers that evergreen their
/>/  user bases.
/>/  /be
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Invalid Octal Escapes in Regular Expressions

2012-03-16 Thread André Bargull

Thanks for your answer, then I'm looking forward to the meeting results.

- André

PS: Here's another difference, /^\$/ matches "\0" in SM, JSC and 
Opera, whereas in IE10 and V8 it matches "\u0" (that's "\0" 
concat'ed with "0"). Per [2] it ought to be "\u0".

On 3/16/2012 2:05 AM, Luke Hoban wrote:

Although not specified in ES5, octal escapes are required in regular expressions for web 
reality [1,2]. [1] even claims the extensions are "extensive and consistent across 
browsers". But for invalid octal escapes, the browsers are not consistent. For 
/^\8$/ matches "\\8" in Spidermonkey, JSC and Opera, whereas in IE10 and V8, /^\8$/ 
matches "8".
/^\777$/ matches "\x3F7" in SM, JSC, Opera and V8, whereas in IE10, /^\777$/ matches 
Is there going to be any kind of consolidation for ES6?

Yes - the goal of [1] and [2] is to include normative optional text in Annex B 
of ES6 which nails down more of the behavior.  The spec text in [2] was an 
attempt to describe the shared common ground.  From your examples, it looks 
like there remain places where there are disagreements between browsers even in 
the limited extension this spec text aims to cover.

I'll put discussion of [2] on the agenda for the upcoming TC39 f2f meeting.

For reference - that candidate spec text gives the following behavior for your 
two examples:

/^\8$/ matches "8".  It is treated as an IdentityEscape because it is not a 
valid DecimalEscape or OctalEscapeSequence.

/^\777$/ matches "\x3F7".  It is treated as an OctalEscapeSequence followed by 
a 7.



es-discuss mailing list

Invalid Octal Escapes in Regular Expressions

2012-03-15 Thread André Bargull

Although not specified in ES5, octal escapes are required in regular
expressions for web reality [1,2]. [1] even claims the extensions are
"extensive and consistent across browsers". But for invalid octal
escapes, the browsers are not consistent. For example:

/^\8$/ matches "\\8" in Spidermonkey, JSC and Opera, whereas in IE10 and
V8, /^\8$/ matches "8".

/^\777$/ matches "\x3F7" in SM, JSC, Opera and V8, whereas in IE10,
/^\777$/ matches "\u01FF".

Is there going to be any kind of consolidation for ES6?



es-discuss mailing list

Re: Mailing list reminder: password is sent in the clear

2011-07-01 Thread André Bargull

Log-in at [1] and remove the option to send a monthly password remainder?

*Get password reminder email for this list?*

Once a month, you will get an email containing a password reminder for 
every list at this host to which you are subscribed. You can turn this 
off on a per-list basis by selecting /No/ for this option. If you turn 
off password reminders for all the lists you are subscribed to, no 
reminder email will be sent to you.


Can this be fixed? I've already sent feedback, but didn't get a response.

Preferably, passwords would also be encrypted for storage.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
axel at

es-discuss mailing list

Re: do-while grammar

2011-02-08 Thread André Bargull

On 2/8/2011 11:41 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

see below
On Feb 8, 2011, at 2:01 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

Does anyone know of any other syntax that all major JS engines accept
that are not in the official ES5.1 grammar?

Yes, various RegExp syntax discrepancies are know to exist. Somebody
needs to catalog them.

Especially the discrepancies which are visible when executing the few 
RegExp examples from the ES3/ES5 specification are quite amusing.

"Aboldandcoded".split(new RegExp("<(/)?([^<>]+)>"))
=> Wrong result in Firefox/IE

"ab".split(new RegExp("a*"))
=> Wrong result in IE

new RegExp("((a)|(ab))((c)|(bc))").exec("abc")
=> Wrong result in IE

new RegExp("(z)((a+)?(b+)?(c))*").exec("zaacbbbcac")
=> Wrong result in Safari/IE

new RegExp("(.*?)a(?!(a+)b\\2c)\\2(.*)").exec("baaabaac")
=> Wrong result in Safari/IE

(Tested with current IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera)
es-discuss mailing list

Re: do-while grammar

2011-02-08 Thread André Bargull
Just for the record, here's a link to the bug report on bugzilla 
concerning ASI for do-while:

(Interesting that I came across the very same issue in January while 
working on the OpenLaszlo parser code :-)

FWIW, JavaScriptCore provides automatic semicolon insertion after all 
do-while statements in all contexts. We made this change for web 
compatibility, mimicking a Firefox quirk.


On Feb 8, 2011, at 11:53 AM, Dave Fugate wrote:

Just to confirm, do-while iteration statements do in fact require a 
semi-colon at the end as indicated in 12.6.1 of ES5, correct?  That 
is, a production of the nature:

do {;} while (false)*false*;
would be invalid JavaScript as doesn't meet any of the three rules set 
out in 7.9.1,  right?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Allen's lambda syntax proposal

2008-12-04 Thread André Bargull

On 12/4/2008 3:15 PM, P T Withington wrote:
Would it work to move the parameter list inside the block (as in the 
Smalltalk way, but as a regular parameter list, not using ||'s)?

  {(a, b) a + b}

AFAICT, `{(` is a syntax error for an expression in es3.

And if you just execute the lambda expression? For example the following 
code is legal Javascript:

var a = b = 0;
a+b}(10, 5)
Es-discuss mailing list

Allen's lambda syntax proposal

2008-12-04 Thread André Bargull

My example:

x = x * x

is not a syntax error, but it also (unfortunately) doesn't contain a
lambda expression.  Or am I missing something?

Or a bit more obvious than the use of the comma-operator:
As soon as named lambdas are introduced (the weak spot on the \ 
proposal), you'll get big problems with the ^ proposal, too.
Consider the following snippet which is valid Javascript code, but 
certainly not a lambda expression.

var f = function (){return 8;}
var x = 5
^f(x) { x=x*x }

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