Re: Question of the Day: What about all this asynchrony?

2017-11-10 Thread Dwayne
Yes, I understand. Thanks for being polite!
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Re: Question of the Day: What about all this asynchrony?

2017-11-10 Thread Dwayne

Micheal, you sound like one of the foolish virgins that forgot to bring oil
for their lamps. You know that you need to do more research and that you
lack conceptual understanding. Now, because you've brought to little, your
asking for what you failed to bring. No, go rather to them that sell, and
buy for yourself.

Listen to those who were wise enough to bring oil for their lamps and can
see clearly on this issue.

Imagine if everybody started sending emails to es-discuss with your level
of appropiateness If they did, I'd unsubscribe, mark it as spam, and
create a custom filter just to ensure all emails with the words
'es-discuss' would be immediately deleted.

tl;dr Slap yourself.

I responded simply because I was annoyed that I actually read everything
you said.

Yawn...I mean, I would actually add something of value but umm... I wasted
all my reading time on this. lol

I've silently followed es-discuss for years. Please excuse me
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Re: The Existential Operator

2014-05-20 Thread Dwayne
Claude Pache,

I had to read up on this existential operator to realize your question. In
your example the variable 'a' is the target/operand of the existential
operator. If 'a' isn't null or undefined then the result will be the result
that you'd expect had you not used the operator, assuming theres not a
TypeError in the expression. Here I choose to define an operator as a
shorthand function of which I don't find overly complicated.

function example() {
  If (a !== null  a !== void(0)) return a;
  return void(0);

If 'a' is undefined...

var a = void(0);

Would normally throw but with the existential operator...

var result = a?.b.c

Does not.

result === void(0) // true

Another thought.

var a = {};

var result = a?.b.c;

Will throw because there can be no property 'c' on undefined.

var result = a?.b?.c; -- Awesome semantics!

And of course: result === void(0) // true

On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 3:30 AM, Aaron Powell wrote:

 It might be worthwhile keeping an eye on the C# language discussion on the
 same operator -

 *From:* es-discuss [] *On Behalf Of *A
 Matías Quezada
 *Sent:* Tuesday, 20 May 2014 7:56 PM
 *To:* Claude Pache
 *Cc:* es-discuss
 *Subject:* Re: The Existential Operator

 I think the current use of this operator will only make sense if the
 operator interrupts the whole sentence so


 Will be the same as

 a  a.b.c



 Will be same as

 a  (x = a(), x.b  (x.b.c  x.b.c.d))


 A. Matías Quezada

 Senior Javascript Developer

 2014-05-20 11:31 GMT+02:00 Claude Pache

 Le 20 mai 2014 à 05:50, Dmitry Soshnikov a
 écrit :

  (I remember, I mentioned this couple of years ago, but not sure about
 whether it was considered, etc)
  Will the Existential Operator for properly accessors be something
 interesting to consider for ES7 spec? Currently CoffeeScript uses it well.
  var street = user.address?.street;
  The `street` is either the value of the `user.address.street` if the
 `address` property exists (or even if it's an object), or `null` /
 `undefined` otherwise.
  This (roughly) to contrast to:
  var street = user.address  user.address.street;
  (the chain can be longer in many cases).
  The same goes with methods:
  var score = user.getPlan?().value?.score;
  If potentially it could be interesting for ES7, I'll be glad helping
 with the proposal, grammar and algorithm (unless it was considered
 previously, and decided that it's not for ES for some reason).
  P.S.: I tried to solve this issue using default values of destructuring
 assignment, but it doesn't help actually.

 Question: What is the semantics of the following:


 Is it the same thing as

 (a  a.b).c

 or the same thing as:

 a  a.b.c

 (For the sake of the argument, just ignore the distinction between falsy
 and null/undefined.)
 If it is the second option, I fear that the semantics of the so-called
 existential operator is more complicated than just an operator.


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 es-discuss mailing list

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Re: Need a champion? StringView strawman

2014-01-10 Thread Dwayne
I disagree. I think this should progress. It doesn't have to add any
additional functionality to Typed Arrays. As it stands I would consider it
a replacement for the purposes of TextEncoder and TextDecoder APIs.
Currently the Mozilla TextDecoder Web API does not accept ASCII as a valid
encoding option and defaults to UTF-8, if left unspecified.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 1:52 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Kenneth Russell wrote:

 Adding a StringView to Typed Arrays would bring along all of the
 complexities of character set encoding and decoding to the Typed Array
 definitions. Typed Arrays were designed to be small, simple, and
 comprehensible enough that they would be easily implementable and
 optimizable. I believe that adding a StringView would contradict these

 + a lot.

 What can we do to make sure this thing stays dead, if it is dead? Anne may
 know some weird W3C protocol trick. ;-)


 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Need a champion? StringView strawman

2014-01-10 Thread Dwayne
On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 3:14 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 I'm curious.  What would you expect such an option to do?  Byte-inflate
 like ISO-8859-1?  Byte-inflate but throw on bytes with values  127? Act as
 a synonym for ISO-8859-9? Something else?

Exactly how StringView handles the option now. If I generate a random
string using byte values then each char in that string should correspond to
a single byte when specifying the ISO-8859-1. It doesn't really make since
to use UTF-8 for bytes when that data should be manipulated as bytes in the
first place. In the case of data being represented as a string but need to
be handled as bytes.

UTF-8 being the default is not the problem of course. Throwing an exception
for ASCII is.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Need a champion? StringView strawman

2014-01-10 Thread Dwayne
UDP Datagrams.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Dwayne wrote:

 Currently the Mozilla TextDecoder Web API does not accept ASCII as a
 valid encoding option and defaults to UTF-8, if left unspecified.

 That's a feature.

 The '90s are over, let's not go back.

 Why do you want ASCII, and what do you do with it?


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Need a champion? StringView strawman

2014-01-10 Thread Dwayne
I mean char code points in the range (0-255) a byte. Use the desired
terminology or name.

Primarily because of this bug - Expose raw data on UDP socket messages:

I generate a random string using code points that I eventually convert to
bytes. Specifically in the case of a two or 20 char/byte ID. Where I need
to be able to use the entire 16 bit or 160 space and then send as bytes and
trust that ID will be same for both parties consistently. -- To elaborate,
I need to bencode this information before converting to bytes. I understand
all of this could be worked around by just using String.charCodeAt or the
synonymous String.codePointAt but why then have such a powerful API and
disallow the fore-mentioned feature?

And why exactly have to separate APIs?

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

 On 1/10/14 4:29 PM, Dwayne wrote:

 Exactly how StringView handles the option now. If I generate a random
 string using byte values then each char in that string should correspond
 to a single byte when specifying the ISO-8859-1.

 OK, so specify ISO-8859-1, if that's what you're really doing.  Or are you
 saying that you just want ascii to be a synonym for iso-8859-1 here?
  But it'd be a lie, because ASCII actually means something, and it means
 something different from ISO-8859-1.

 But really, if you just have bytes, not text, why are you generating a
 string from those byte values at all?  This is where a typed array would
 make more sense...


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Need a champion? StringView strawman

2014-01-10 Thread Dwayne
No joke. But as far as optimization goes I'm limited. You wrote the book so
thanks for at least hearing me out. ;)

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 4:07 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Dwayne wrote:

 UDP Datagrams.

 Use a Uint8Array and string decoding/encoding API. Browsers have to copy
 anyway, you're not optimizing by using the (soon to be dead, I hope)


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Need a champion? StringView strawman

2014-01-10 Thread Dwayne
Compensate the lack of rawData property -- Bug 952927

Buffer is a Uint8Array which has non standard methods on its prototype
using a WeakMap technique. --
This module will be used with BitTorrent PWP as well so its definitely

And here is a snippet covering the other reason(s):


On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 7:31 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Dwayne wrote:

 Primarily because of this bug - Expose raw data on UDP socket messages:

 Answering for bz: why do you need string-views or string-anythings to
 wrangle bytes in and out of a Uint8Array? Can you show some code?


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