Re: Type Parameters are Completely Unnecessary

2008-03-04 Thread Brendan Eich
Last reply from me, this message veered away from personal attack --  
for that, thanks.

On Mar 4, 2008, at 11:42 PM, Darryl wrote:

> Brendan Eich said:
> << This is clearly false. Type safety depends on
> specified language
> design (e.g. covariant argument subtyping in early
> Eiffel), not on
> implementation. But I am not sure we are speaking the
> same language,
> so I'll stop here. >>
> Ofcourse you have languages that mix the two. But as a
> programmer I don't _care_ about how you achieve it,
> and hence I don't think that it should impact syntax.
> The two _should_ be separate. If you want to do
> compile-time stuff to maintain type safety, go right
> ahead, but I don't see any reason why I should have to
> concern myself with this distinction.

The design is important, because without distinguished type  
parameters, programmers may not know the meaning of C(T) -- is it a  
call, or a parameterized type instantiation? This has nothing to do  
with implementation issues.

Also, if you give up making type terms (in annotations and actual  
type parameter lists, among other places) constants, then the type  
checker may not be deterministic. If you make restrictions to gain  
back determinism, the system may still have bad time complexity. Such  
a type system can be and has been *implemented*, but it can take lots  
of code, and it can run in exponential time. A standard way to cope  
with the possibility of divergence is to set a watchdog timer.

This is not the optional strict mode users want.

If you make type terms purely runtime, and throw out strict mode  
altogether, then what you propose (all in the name of syntax) can be  
implemented. It's like the contract systems from PLT Scheme and other  
such systems. We've considered it -- see the wiki.

But the benefit of strict mode is for finding bugs before code runs.  
It's designed that way. Strict mode is not related to implementation  
properties to do with performance.

So the design of type parameters is really is about language design,  
not implementation. That should be obvious from the wiki pages I  
linked to.


Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Type Parameters are Completely Unnecessary

2008-03-04 Thread Darryl
I apologize if it sounds like I'm attacking you
personally, that's not my intention.

I merely mean to convey that I think what this syntax
is doing is enforcing  in syntax a notion related to
implementation, and I don't think that this is
something that should be done.


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Re: Type Parameters are Completely Unnecessary

2008-03-04 Thread Darryl
Brendan Eich said:

<< This is clearly false. Type safety depends on
specified language  
design (e.g. covariant argument subtyping in early
Eiffel), not on  
implementation. But I am not sure we are speaking the
same language,  
so I'll stop here. >>

Ofcourse you have languages that mix the two. But as a
programmer I don't _care_ about how you achieve it,
and hence I don't think that it should impact syntax.
The two _should_ be separate. If you want to do
compile-time stuff to maintain type safety, go right
ahead, but I don't see any reason why I should have to
concern myself with this distinction.


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Re: Type Parameters are Completely Unnecessary

2008-03-04 Thread Brendan Eich
On Mar 4, 2008, at 11:20 PM, Darryl wrote:

> I'm not saying it's an ideal way of doing things,
> maybe you could do something like
> Class TypedSet(contentType){
>   function add(obj:contentType){
>   ...
>   }
> }
> Oh sure, JS2 as-is might not be able to cope with
> this, but there's no reason at all why you couldn't
> make it cope.

Please read the links I sent in the public reply to your message,  
originally sent only to me. We considered exactly syntax like what  
you show above, but we rejected it, since we want a deterministic  
type system that supports both (a) optional and (b) cheap-enough-to- 
be-practical static checking.

> << Have you read the overview doc at
> yet? >>
> Oh I've tried, but it's not the most user friendly
> website out there.

I meant this document:

It's linked from the front page with "overview" in the link text.

> Listen, I understand that this isn't going to change
> your mind about the issue, because you're well on your
> way to making this thing finished.

We can change syntax (do you have an alternative syntax?), but if you  
can't see beyond it, or grapple with the semantic reasons for  
distinguishing type parameters from ordinary call parameters, we are  
not going to get anywhere.

> You've said many
> times before that the spec has been finalized.

No, I've never said that. We're obviously not done because there is  
no consolidated spec, even a draft spec, for the whole language. My  
post here:

says explicitly that we don't yet have a finalized spec.

> But
> it's worth pointing out that the language is still
> designed in less than ideal ways. It's only by virtue
> of the fact that JavaScript is the only language
> natively executable by web browsers that makes this
> sort of thing even remotely possible. If multiple
> languages were available I think you'd end up worrying
> that JavaScript might go out of fashion like Fortran
> regardless of what it can do.

I doubt it, since I've worked to get other languages supported in  
Mozilla, and on Tamarin.

At this point, you're not arguing rationally and veering toward  
personal attack, so I'll stop trying to respond with rational argument.


Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Type Parameters are Completely Unnecessary

2008-03-04 Thread Brendan Eich
On Mar 4, 2008, at 11:24 PM, Darryl wrote:

> << The benefits of a compile-time check over a runtime
> check include
> performance and type safety. >>
> As a JS programmer I can't see any way in which you
> can compile-time check anything other than a static
> collection,

Strict mode is optional for development time, not for deployed code.  
Unlike static languages, strict mode has loopholes, so you don't need  
to type everything to get benefits from the static checking.

> and thus I can't see how this would be of
> any benefit at all performance wise.

Who said anything about performance?

Not I; I've said before that types have little to do with  
performance, although straightforward use of types and early binding  
can help some implementations go fast. Performance through (optional)  
static types has never been the motivating reason for ES4's type system.

> As for type
> safety, that's an implementation problem afaic, not a
> design problem.

This is clearly false. Type safety depends on specified language  
design (e.g. covariant argument subtyping in early Eiffel), not on  
implementation. But I am not sure we are speaking the same language,  
so I'll stop here.


Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Type Parameters are Completely Unnecessary

2008-03-04 Thread Darryl
<< The benefits of a compile-time check over a runtime
check include
performance and type safety. >>

As a JS programmer I can't see any way in which you
can compile-time check anything other than a static
collection, and thus I can't see how this would be of
any benefit at all performance wise. As for type
safety, that's an implementation problem afaic, not a
design problem. As a programmer, I don't care how you
get it to be type safe, I care about how good the
language is to code in, and Set. is the kind
of thing that's going to make the language unappealing
to me. The only reason I don't switch is because,
well, what to? JS has a monopoly on in-browser language.


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Re: Type Parameters are Completely Unnecessary

2008-03-04 Thread Darryl
<< Notice now that you can't check anything about the
type passed to  
TypedSet. For example, you can't check (at runtime, or
using the  
optional strict mode, doesn't matter) that Number is a
subtype of  
some other type. Also, the implementation can't
optimize, e.g.  
Vector. into packed double[] storage. >>

Then I would argue that the implementation is flawed.
Implementation should not factor into language design.
If it did, we'd end up with having JS be just C with
the dangerous stuff cut out, and then compiled on the
fly, because surely that would be simpler than
designing a whole new language, but that's an absurd
prospect. Make the language do what you want it to do
elegantly and simply, and then figure out how to make
it work. This "solution" seems more like you said,
"Oh, crap, how can we put this into syntax given how
we're implementing JS?" and that to me is completely
backwards in terms of language design.

<< That's not type-checking in the optional types
sense. It's tedious  
and error-prone, and hard enough that people tend not
to write such  
code, instead using duck typing in a more "if it
doesn't quack like a  
duck, step on it!" way.

Type parameters follow naturally from wanting types to
be first class  
runtime terms, not just values that have to be checked
manually. >>

I'm not saying it's an ideal way of doing things,
maybe you could do something like 

Class TypedSet(contentType){

function add(obj:contentType){


Oh sure, JS2 as-is might not be able to cope with
this, but there's no reason at all why you couldn't
make it cope. And that's the point. This is a trivial
difference, no change in syntax just in how you can
use things. It's purely a semantic difference, but
it's immensely more elegant and understandable.

<< I guess my plea to put aside syntax and aesthetics
didn't work.  
You're being blinded to the meaning, which is where
the motivation  

Would you prefer Set a la C++, Java, and C#?

Syntax and aesthetics are incredibly important, tho,
in conveying meaning. If meaning is all you care about
then why not use some incomprehensible way of
representing type restrictions? Because languages need
to be usable and elegant to be _good languages_, not
merely capable of doing something. I don't want
Set either (tho seriously, why would you add a
dot that conveys absolutely nothing and complicates
the notion of what dots do?), I would prefer something
more consistent with the notion of what JavaScript is.

<< Types are not all classes. There are structural
types (even today,  
latent in ES3: functions are structural, not nominal).

Maybe they should all be classes. Plus, I don't see
why it should matter what ES3 does. This is ES4, not
ES3. I understand the desire to be somewhat backwards
compatible, but letting that hamper the language is
foolish. Sometimes you just have to say, "This is
completely new, but it's better because of that."

<< Have you read the overview doc at yet? >>

Oh I've tried, but it's not the most user friendly
website out there.

Listen, I understand that this isn't going to change
your mind about the issue, because you're well on your
way to making this thing finished. You've said many
times before that the spec has been finalized. But
it's worth pointing out that the language is still
designed in less than ideal ways. It's only by virtue
of the fact that JavaScript is the only language
natively executable by web browsers that makes this
sort of thing even remotely possible. If multiple
languages were available I think you'd end up worrying
that JavaScript might go out of fashion like Fortran
regardless of what it can do.


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Re: Type Parameters are Completely Unnecessary

2008-03-04 Thread Brendan Eich
[Resending my private-in-turn reply, edited a bit. /be]

On Mar 4, 2008, at 10:48 PM, Darryl wrote:

> var numberSet = new TypedSet(Number);

I wanted to point out how we considered making type parameters be  
ordinary call parameters, see:

The latter includes an attempt by Jeff Dyer (look for  — Jeff Dyer  
2006/02/27 14:55) to use a parenthesized parameter list. Then came 

There was a belief that we could parameterize Array by type, but in  
ES1-3 it already can be called as a function taking parameters, so  
that hope died. It may have distorted our wish to use a distinct  
bracketed type parameter list, but not much: the problem remains that  
in order to have a strict mode, we need type terms to be constants,  
and in order to keep implementations "small", we do not want any  
fancy analyses to be required.

You can read the rest of the discussion if you have time to kill, but  
the gist of it is that distinct brackets for type parameter lists are  
necessary, the C++, Java, or C# syntax of Vector is hard  
enough to parse that we passed on it, and after struggling to find  
other bracket chars, we ended up using an unambiguous syntactic  
extension: Vector..

Again, if you believe that all type checking should be written out as  
code, then you don't want type parameters. But you don't want types,  
period, so best to argue that case instead of singling out type  

> which has an add method like
> function(obj){
> if( obj instanceof Number ){
> //add it
> }
> }

That's not type-checking in the optional types sense. It's tedious  
and error-prone, and hard enough that people tend not to write such  
code, instead using duck typing in a more "if it doesn't quack like a  
duck, step on it!" way.

Type parameters follow naturally from wanting types to be first class  
runtime terms, not just values that have to be checked manually.

> As it is, I find
> var numberSet = new Set.();
> to be incredibly ugly

I guess my plea to put aside syntax and aesthetics didn't work.  
You're being blinded to the meaning, which is where the motivation  

Would you prefer Set a la C++, Java, and C#?

> I'd go so far as to say that because "types" are
> classes (afaik), there should be absolutely no reason
> you can't refer to types.

Types are not all classes. There are structural types (even today,  
latent in ES3: functions are structural, not nominal). Have you read  
the overview doc at yet?


Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Type Parameters are Completely Unnecessary

2008-03-04 Thread Darryl
*Note: whoops, I accidental replied to sender not to
the list. Sorry.

<< Arguments to a constructor can't be type terms, so
can't be used in  annotations, so can't be
type-checked. You must mean manual, runtime  "type"
checking by typeof, instanceof, or other tests. That's
not what type checking means in the context of type
parameters. >>

I understand that it's different than run-time type
checking, but the question is the necessity of this
sort of thing as a feature of syntax.

<< I suggest focusing on semantics and setting aside
syntactic issues  
for a bit. If you just don't want optional types
anywhere, then why  
pick on type params? >>

Optional types are fine, but I think including
something in syntax should only occur if it's
necessary, and I don't see it as being necessary given
the fact that type checking exists within the
language. Given that things like strings and arrays
and such are all classes, passing that is what I had
in mind. For instance, off the top of my head,

var numberSet = new TypedSet(Number);

which has an add method like

if( obj instanceof Number ){
//add it

As it is, I find

var numberSet = new Set.();

to be incredibly ugly and I'm one of those Code Should
Be Beautiful sorts, so this is a huge problem for me.
I'd go so far as to say that because "types" are
classes (afaik), there should be absolutely no reason
you can't refer to types.


Also, consider this: Suppose I want a set that
EXCLUDES a certain type? Do we need special syntax for
this too?  maybe? If it were just a parameter,
then a coy little generic "not" function could exist
that wraps a class in an object, like say Not(Number)
= { kind: "not", value: Number }, as in
TypedSet(Not(Number)), so that add can now see that
the class is wrapped in a not that excludes it, rather
than requires it. This is a trivial thing to do if
your set-content-type is defined through existing
methods, but becomes tricky if you have to do special
syntax for it.

And then I might go on to say, well why not just have
syntax for this and syntax for that and lets put
_everything_ in syntax and nevermind actually using
the language to build stuff the language should _be_
that stuff. My contention is that you don't NEED typed
parameters, they don't add much utility and certain
detract from aesthetics, and they aren't really core
conceptual features of what these classes are, they're
extensions on the notion of what they do.


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Re: Type Parameters are Completely Unnecessary

2008-03-04 Thread Brendan Eich
On Mar 4, 2008, at 10:27 PM, Darryl wrote:

> I would argue that type parameters for collection
> classes are completely unnecessary. Supposing some
> collection class Set with a method add, it would be
> trivial to subclass it to TypedSet. Simply have an
> argument in the constructor called contentType, and
> redefine add to force type checking of all items being
> added, filtering out anything not matching. I don't
> see why it's necessary to clutter up the syntax with
> ugly Set. like notation when existing
> functionality can handle this sort of type constraints
> with ease and elegance.

Arguments to a constructor can't be type terms, so can't be used in  
annotations, so can't be type-checked. You must mean manual, runtime  
"type" checking by typeof, instanceof, or other tests. That's not  
what type checking means in the context of type parameters.

I suggest focusing on semantics and setting aside syntactic issues  
for a bit. If you just don't want optional types anywhere, then why  
pick on type params?


Es4-discuss mailing list

Type Parameters are Completely Unnecessary

2008-03-04 Thread Darryl
I would argue that type parameters for collection
classes are completely unnecessary. Supposing some
collection class Set with a method add, it would be
trivial to subclass it to TypedSet. Simply have an
argument in the constructor called contentType, and
redefine add to force type checking of all items being
added, filtering out anything not matching. I don't
see why it's necessary to clutter up the syntax with
ugly Set. like notation when existing
functionality can handle this sort of type constraints
with ease and elegance.


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Re: ES4 draft: Map

2008-03-04 Thread Jon Zeppieri
How would the 'fixed' property be used, in practice?  I can see a use
for fixed-length vectors, but I'm unsure about vectors that can be
switched between fixed and variable length by untrusted code.


On 3/3/08, Lars Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Draft 2 enclosed (changelog near the top).
>  --lars
>  > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lars Hansen
>  > Sent: 29. februar 2008 11:34
>  > To:
>  > Subject: ES4 draft: Map
>  >
>  > I'm enclosing the draft for the Map class.  Please comment.
>  >
>  > --lars
>  >
> ___
>  Es4-discuss mailing list
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 draft: Triply quoted string literals

2008-03-04 Thread Waldemar Horwat
Lars Hansen wrote:
>> I'm not sure what the intent is, but as this is written:
>> """abcdef"""
>> will evaluate to the same string as 'abcdef'.
> It will not.  The text of the spec is "The literal is terminated by the
> earliest sequence of three unescaped instances of the the same quote
> character that is not followed by a fourth quote character of the same
> kind."  So the string is the four-letter sequence abc".  Perhaps the
> sentence would be even clearer if the word "immediately" were to precede
> the word "followed".

>From the discussions on the list I knew what you meant, but as written this is 
>ambiguous.  I read it as a string of four or more quote characters not being 
>eligible to be a terminator, so you skip it and look for the next sequence.

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