Re: Picking property by attribute

2008-08-11 Thread YR Chen
(Oops, forgot to reply all, so repost)

But the syntax you propose is redundant, since you can define a own() method
returning an iterator (for and a getOwn() method to do the same
thing. Or, if you think getOwn() is ugly, you can customize the own() method
to also return a "view" object:

// Defined in some library (possibly builtin)
class OwnPropertiesEnumerator {
val obj;
val iter;
OwnPropertiesEnumerator(obj) {
this.obj = obj;
this.iter = obj.iterator::get();
function next() {
meta function get(name) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(name))
if (obj[name] is Function) {
// make sure |this| in a method doesn't refer to an instance
of this class
return function(...args) {
if (this is OwnPropertiesEnumerator)
return obj[name].apply(this.obj, args);
return obj[name].apply(this, args);
return obj[name];
meta function set(name, value) {
obj[name] = value;
meta function has(name) {
return obj.hasOwnProperty(name);
meta function delete(name) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(name))
delete obj[name];
Object.prototype.own = function() {
return new OwnPropertiesEnumerator(this);
Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable("own", false);


// User code
for (var prop in foo.own())
print(prop + ": " + foo[prop]);

Or something like that. I'm not completely familiar with ES4 syntax and what
has changed in the past months (using the Oct 07 overview pdf as a
reference), so the above may not be strictly correct, but you should get the
intent :)

-Yuh-Ruey Chen

On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 5:52 PM, Ingvar von Schoultz

> YR Chen wrote:
>> There's no separate "namespace" for enumerable properties.
> This is about something else, something that's come up several
> times in the discussion archives. See for example this post:
>  Also, let's not add syntax for things that can easily be done with
>> functions.
> Several syntaxes have been discussed. It seems to me that this
> syntax would solve several problems that were discussed, and is
> simple in implementation, very flexible and nicely readable.
> Whether people still feel a need for a syntax, I don't know.
> Ingvar
> YR Chen wrote:
>> There's no separate "namespace" for enumerable properties. They are
>> properties with a hidden enumerable flag set. With that said, in ES4, only
>> non-fixed properties in the public namespace will be enumerable by default.
>> That means that properties defined in classes will not be enumerable unless
>> prefixed with |prototype|, and only "custom" properties defined in the
>> public namespace (which is the default namespace) are enumerable. So if you
>> don't want a property to be enumerable, just define it in another namespace
>> and also open that namespace (via |use namespace|). Or you can toggle the
>> enumerable flag off via some new method whose name escapes me.
>> Also, let's not add syntax for things that can easily be done with
>> functions. You can create your own iterator functions and use them, e.g.:
>> // assuming pythonic generators are in ES4 (there's an equivalent, albeit
>> uglier, non-generator way)
>> myDictClass.prototype.own = function() {
>>for (var x in this.iterator::get()) {
>>if (this.hasOwnProperty(x))
>>yield x;
>> }
>> for (var x in myDict.own()) ...
>> -Yuh-Ruey Chen
>> On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 1:07 PM, Ingvar von Schoultz <[EMAIL 
>>I think this would be useful:
>>Get an enumerable property:
>>var x = myDict [*enumerable] .someName;
>>var x = myDict [*enumerable] [someVariable];
>>Call the non-enumerable .toString():
>>var x = myDict [*!enumerable] .toString();
>>Distinguish between owned and inherited properties:
>>var x = myDict [*own] .someName;
>>var x = myDict [*!own] .toString();
>>Loop through a subset:
>>for (var x in myDict [*own]) {...}
>>The syntax is meant to suggest that we pick a subset, such as
>>all the enumerable properties, and then pick a property from
>>this subset.
>>Here's an alternate syntax, more logical but less readable
>>in my opinion:
>>var x = myDict .:enumerable .someName;
>>var x = myDict .!enumerable .toString();
>>Ingvar von Schoultz
>>Es4-discuss mailing list
> --
> Ingvar von Schoultz
> --- (My

ES3.1 Draft: 11 Aug 2008 version available

2008-08-11 Thread Pratap Lakshman (VJ#SDK)

I have uploaded to the wiki 
 the 11 Aug 2008 draft of the specification for ES3.1. This is in the form of 
in-place edits and markups to the ES3 specification. Revision history is at the 
end of the document.

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