Re: ECMAScript Harmony

2008-08-15 Thread Peter Michaux
On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 1:40 PM, Garrett Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 There remain challenges, in particular getting off of the untestable
 and increasingly unwieldy ES1-3.x spec formalism.

 Unit tests:
  * help developer understanding
  * provide examples for discussion
  * provide conformance suite for implementors
  * define boundaries on what is and what is not supported*

 The tests could use a custom test runner or use an existing one. It
 would be useful if the testrunner could be run in a browser.

 It would be helpful to have code comments in the tests, indicating
 exactly which rules of the spec are being tested, so that the reader
 can quickly go to that section of the spec (spec in HTML).

 Real code examples in the spec would be useful, too. I can easily see
 a bookmarklet used to capture and execute the example selection of the

This seems like literate programming to me where the program is a
set of unit tests.


Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: types

2008-08-14 Thread Peter Michaux
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 10:48 PM, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 13, 2008, at 8:02 PM, Peter Michaux wrote:

 Reading the recent news about ES4 removing more of its old features
 and morphing into Harmony, it seems that the related ideas of classes,
 types and type checking are the surviving major new features.

 It would be more accurate to say that members of the committee see value in
 some or all of:

 1. Classes as higher-integrity factories than constructor functions that use
 closures for private variables;
 1(a). possibly related by single or multiple inheritance, but in the
 simplest case with zero inheritance.
 1(b) with this-bound (self-bound) methods, non-extensible instances, and
 other possibly differences from function constructors.

 2. Like patterns, which are syntactic sugar for shape tests, assertions
 about the structural type *at the present moment* of a given object.

 3. Structural types, related by record width subtyping.

 4. Optional type annotations, which provide both
 4(a). a write barrier on a variable to prevent it from referring to an
 object that does not satisfy the types constraints;
 4(b) a guarantee that the object denoted by the annotated variable will not
 mutate away from the type's constraints.


 How large are the JS programs you write? What other programming languages do 
 you use, and at what scale?

I'm not sure if these two questions are rhetorical or not but anyway...

A single web page can be somewhere up to 10K lines which is reasonably
hefty page given JavaScript is not very verbose.

Just out of curiosity, are there many folks on the committee that
write JavaScript applications? I ask that question with zero snark
factor. I have the impression the majority of members are language
implementers and that may be a completely unfounded impression.

I don't use any other language at a larger scale partly because
JavaScript is the language in the browser and that is where I
currently work. Some spare time is spent in Lisp/Scheme.

I often wonder if it is necessary that ECMAScript is a language which
covers all bases and it good at all scales. We have plenty of
languages that already try to do that (and don't.)

 JS programmers write type checks and code with latent type systems in mind
 already. You do it. Doing this by hand, and often implicitly, can be
 pleasant at smaller scale, with no need for shorthands such as like
 patterns, or always/everywhere guarantees such as type annotations provide.
 Closures and constructors are enough for (1).

 Scaling up across people, space, and time (even with only one programmer,
 time is a problem; one forgets latent types that the program relies on)
 leads many people to want more automation. YMMV.

 Automation of type checks or shape tests does not mean static typing.
 Runtime checks and more advanced systems such as PLT-Scheme's Contracts can
 go a long way. But writing all the checks by hand is a tedious waste of
 programmer time, and it's costly enough that programmers tend not to do it.

I'm not arguing against type annotations with this comment but I don't
see much difference in terms of remembering to have type checks
between writing

function(a) {isInt(a); ...


function(a:int) { ...

I believe that a:int actually is intended to assign a type to the
variable a and the isInt only checks the contents of a at the moment.
I'd rather the second be sugar for the former and the variable is not
typed at all.

 This seems good when prototyping, but it backfires at scale.

 Are these
 type-related features what the community of ECMAScript 3 programmers
 were really asking for emphatically years ago?

 Some are, you've heard from Neil already.

 But you're dismissing the other things than classes and types that I
 mentioned, which could be grouped into two categories:

 1. Better modularity and integrity through name hiding. This includes the
 generative Name object idea, but also let as the new var for block scope
 (const and function in block too).

 2. Conveniences: destructuring, spread-operator/rest-params,
 iterators/generators, expression closures.

Yes these generally seem like good features.

 Is the community really
 asking for now with the surge of functional programming?

 False dichotomy alert.


As I mentioned in my reply to Neil, my statements were misleading.
Having types in a functional language is clearly possible and even
common. I don't have anything against objects having types.

Your points 1-4 above and the differences of opinion and preferences
seem to be a big obstacle to overcome in a committee by consensus.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: types

2008-08-14 Thread Peter Michaux
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 11:24 PM, Neil Mix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Your statement above implies that types and functional programming are
 mutually exclusive.  Are they?  I don't see it that way.

 No they aren't and I didn't mean to imply that. I intending to compare
 the interest in class-based OOP that was all the rage many years ago
 when ES4 first started and now where there is more emphasis on a
 functional style which can, and often do, still have types.

 I see.  To which I say, why not both?

First-class, lexical functions are a _relatively_ easy thing upon
which to agree and were added to the language before such a large
process was put in place for evolving the language.

A committee agreeing by consensus on a OOP system seems like a
nightmare that may not happen. The single-inheritance,
multiple-inheritance, mixins, interfaces, public, private, protected
mess seems intractable since no one seems to think any language does
it all perfectly. A CLOS-type system might be best. Who really knows?
It is a huge problem and perhaps requires dictator-style leadership
(and that may not work either as multiple implementations must get on

 First class functions may be all the
 rage with the kids these days, but I don't take that to mean OO is dead in
 the water.  It's just not new and exciting -- you simply depend on it
 without thinking about it. ;)

I use OOP frequently in JavaScript but it isn't usually the style in
ES3 or class-based like proposed ES4. It's the style I think is
appropriate to the situation. That may draw a slight performance
penalty but the code is certainly more robust than the ES3 style.

 I've been deep into Objective-C lately.  I sorely miss the closures, but the
 bendable static typing sure works out elegantly.  I've already gotten
 through some pretty intense refactorings that just worked once they
 compiled without warning.  That *never* happens to me in JavaScript.  Do
 that a few times, suddenly I'm gaining confidence in my ability to refactor,
 and before I know it the code doesn't feel so big and complicated anymore.
  I'm not fearing the dark corners.  It's a nice feeling.

Different strokes :)

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: types

2008-08-14 Thread Peter Michaux
On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 12:33 AM, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 13, 2008, at 11:37 PM, Peter Michaux wrote:


 Your points 1-4 above and the differences of opinion and preferences
 seem to be a big obstacle to overcome in a committee by consensus.

 We shall see. The committee now has the chance to reason together, to
 understand one anothers' positions and state them fairly. This happened in
 Oslo more than in any past meeting, IMHO. This is grounds for greater hope
 than I had before Harmony.

 It's possible we'll get just (1) and (2), but we discussed legitimate
 use-cases for all of (1-4) in Oslo. Time preference for a successor spec
 will help defer the less useful ideas, if we work together well.
 Implementation before standardization, and user-testing, will help.

 There's no silver bullet, but what's the alternative? Rejectionist clinging
 to ES3-till-2018?

I want the language to move forward also. It seems as though the ES4
of a year ago bit off too much and various pieces have been dropping
slowly over time. The recent news makes it seem like the group has
decided to take a fresh look at a much smaller set of goals for
Harmony. If getting a new major revision of ECMAScript out is
important in a timely fashion then perhaps the whole types and classes
part doesn't belong in Harmony? The Harmony version, which I suppose
will be numbered 4 already stands to be very different from ES3.

* New standard format with improved clarity
* Reference implementation
* programming in the small changes (destructuring, let, rest argument, ||=, etc)
* new object properties (e.g. Array extras)

these additions to the language directly address things that
programmers are working around daily. If a standard could be completed
sooner, and have Microsoft's agreement and implementation, that may be
more valuable than waiting to get consensus on the type/classes issue
which would also take longer to implement.

It seems to me that the parts of JavaScript which have kept it
relevant over the years have been the parts it shares with Scheme:
garbage collection, lambdas, untyped variables. If it hadn't been for
these features, I think projects like GWT would have sprung up earlier
to abstract away what would be a very painful experience programming
directly in JavaScript. It seems natural to me to build on that
success of borrowing from Scheme with the Array extras and let, for
example. Proper tail calls were another feature generally agreed to be
in ES4 for a long time but dropped in favor of type-checks and I hope
tail calls make a return, as you know.

With regard to the types/classes issue, has anyone proposed a solution
to the multiple window problem in my original post where an object is
created in one window and its type is being tested or compared with
similar objects created in another window? If that problem cannot be
solved elegantly, isn't the whole types/classes issue a bit of a dud
anyway? The whole point of types is to be able to identify an object
by it's type and if that cannot be done across windows it seems to be
a big problem to me.


Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: types

2008-08-14 Thread Peter Michaux
On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 12:49 AM, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 13, 2008, at 11:52 PM, Peter Michaux wrote:


 I use OOP frequently in JavaScript but it isn't usually the style in
 ES3 or class-based like proposed ES4. It's the style I think is
 appropriate to the situation. That may draw a slight performance
 penalty but the code is certainly more robust than the ES3 style.

 Sorry, curious again: what do you mean by ES3 style?

The direct use of the constructor/prototype system

function MyClass() {} = function(){};


Most of the time, I'm using hashes of closures as Paul Graham calls
them or durable objects as Douglas Crockford calls them. One very
useful part of this system is the function-valued properties of the
returned object can be moved to another object or otherwise passed
around. this doesn't matter or need to be fixed if one of these
properties is used as a callback because there is no use of this and
it is not a message passing OOP system.

Another option is returning a single function from a constructor where
the returned function is a dispatch and takes message strings. This
manually built message passing system can give getters, setters,
catch-alls, multiple inheritance, mixins, private, public, etc without
needing the language to support any of them. If JavaScript didn't have
prototype-based inheritance it could be built this way.

A multi-method system could be built quite easily.

There are so many ways to do OOP and so many opinions on how it should
be done, it is great the language allows people to build the system
appropriate to their situation.

I can understand the desire to have some form of OOP support built
into the language and that already exists with prototypes. It seems
that now the idea for Harmony is adding sugar with Object.freeze on
top to give the appearance of classes partly so that type checking is
possible. I suppose people can use this built-in sugar when it
appropriate and continue to build their own OOP systems as needed
(perhaps less frequently. Getting agreement on what the class sugar
should provide, if that is going to be the approach. But could this
goal delay Harmony too long and cause another Oslo a year from now? By
that time, if types/classes are out of Harmony, it may be possible to
have some of the valuable programming in the small features
scheduled to be included in IE9. Actually seeing any Harmony features
in IE9 will be a sign of major success, I think.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: types

2008-08-14 Thread Peter Michaux
On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 12:58 PM, Neil Mix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 14, 2008, at 12:30 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 I took Neil's point to favor not only a separate lint-like tool
 (which some find painful to procure and remember to run), but
 possibly something like Cormac's idea I mentioned a few messages
 ago: a type checker that runs when the code loaded in a web app
 seems complete, and gives warnings to some console -- but which does
 not prevent code from running.

 Neil, how'd that strike you? It could be built into some developer-
 extension for the browser, so you wouldn't have to remember to run

 Logistically I prefer to run the checks before it gets to the browser
 (i.e. via Makefile as the first step of build-package-deploy in a
 complicated (read: mature) in-house development environment)

Each time you make a minor change to your code you need go through
build-package-deploy in order to test? I wouldn't stand for that kind
of overhead! ;-) Avoiding this overhead is one of the advantages of
using a language like JavaScript.

If you are interested in a lint program to do your checking then the
following could be made to work now with ES3

function(a /* : int */, b /* : string */)


Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ECMAScript Harmony

2008-08-13 Thread Peter Michaux
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 2:26 PM, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 We talked about desugaring classes in some detail in Oslo. During
 these exchanges, we discussed several separable issues, including
 classes, inheritance, like patterns, and type annotations. I'll avoid
 writing more here,

Is there more to read elsewhere? I'd like to know concretely what
desugaring classes means.


Es4-discuss mailing list


2008-08-13 Thread Peter Michaux
Reading the recent news about ES4 removing more of its old features
and morphing into Harmony, it seems that the related ideas of classes,
types and type checking are the surviving major new features.
Personally I've never quite understood why classes, types and
type-checking have been such a fundamental part of the proposal. I've
kept my fingers still about this for several reasons (mostly does my
opinion even matter?) but all of this type business seems more trouble
than it is worth to me (i.e. a daily JavaScript programmer.) Are these
type-related features what the community of ECMAScript 3 programmers
were really asking for emphatically years ago? Is the community really
asking for now with the surge of functional programming?


Looking in the new wiki page on types

I have a question about the use in browsers where multiple
windows/frames are involved. If a Date object, d, is created in one
window and passed to a second window, will Date.contains(d) in that
second window be true or false? I would want it to be true, in this
case. The same question applies to non-built-in classes where the same
class name may be used in two windows with different class
definitions. I would want this to be false. Because of the second
example, it seems the result would necessarily be false. This makes
the test somewhat useless and goes back to duck typing where the code
using an object needs to inspect the object for the methods it will
call. The problem with duck typing is when different classes provide
identically named methods and the reason that in ES3, one way to test
if an object is an array is too look for an oddly named method like
Array.prototype.splice. I suppose what I'm asking is, given ECMAScript
is mostly in the browser and multiple windows/frames are part of that
environment, is this contains type check really good enough?

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ECMAScript Harmony

2008-08-13 Thread Peter Michaux
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 8:26 PM, Kris Zyp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We talked about desugaring classes in some detail in Oslo. During
 these exchanges, we discussed several separable issues, including
 classes, inheritance, like patterns, and type annotations. I'll avoid
 writing more here,

 Is there more to read elsewhere? I'd like to know concretely what
 desugaring classes means.

 I would too, I assume this is based on Mark's proposal for Classes as Sugar

Thanks for the link.

Mark's proposal looks like something that could perhaps be handled
with macros. What I've thought would be a great way to add classes to
ECMAScript is to give ECMAScript macros and then let folks build their
own class macro libraries. That is essentially what has happened now
but the wrapping of the prototype-based system and the lack of macros
has lead to ugly code. Folks are going to continue with their own
wrapping of the built-in prototype system anyway even if there is one
sugar wrapping included in the language. Different situations require
different OOP features. Some situations more complex than others. For
example, if the built-in sugar doesn't have mixins and someone needs
mixins then they will need to wrap exactly the same prototype system
that Mark's proposal wraps.

This brings up an interesting post from what is getting close to a year ago.

On Nov 12, 2007 Brendan Eich wrote:
 On Nov 12, 2007 YR Chen wrote:

  Macros have been proposed and discussed before - they're somewhere
  on the wiki. AFAIK, they've been deferred to a future ES5.

 Researchers on the list may be willing to speak to macros with more
 authority than I have. I'll just say that apart from the fun with C-
 like syntax (which can be handled; we're close to specifying standard
 ASTs for ES4), sound hygiene theory is still a research topic. I
 expect good results from academia in a year or so, and hope that TG1
 will take advantage of them.

 In the mean time, I think it would be very wrong to defer syntactic
 conveniences until after macros are done. With macros, conveniences
 that de-sugar in ES4 could be re-specified (and implemented at the
 same time) cheaply, for sure -- but users deserve convenient syntax
 sooner than after macros.

Given the time lines, will hygienic macros now be ready before or in
time for ES4?

Perhaps classes don't need a hygienic macro system and hygienic macros
can come later.


Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Why packages and namespaces?

2008-01-30 Thread Peter Michaux
On Jan 28, 2008 12:04 AM, Peter Michaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here is a concrete problem. I tried this in the reference implementation...

 package org {
   public var ecmascript = {a: 1};

 package org.ecmascript {
   public var a = 2;

 org.ecmascript.a   // 2

 How do I access the org.ecmascript.a that has value 1?

 How does the programmer writing the org package know that his a will
 be clobbered by the a in the  org.ecmascript package? Isn't the
 point of packages to avoid this type of problem?

Is this not considered a big problem? It seems like one to me.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: Why packages and namespaces?

2008-01-28 Thread Peter Michaux
Thanks for reposting Brendan's explaination. I did look around but
didn't find it.

On Jan 27, 2008 11:45 PM, liorean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think Brendan had a nice explanation of that some time back:

 On 10/08/2007, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There's more work to do, including rationalizing and minimizing
  concepts including units and packages.  A couple of notes:
  A package is a named pair of namespaces (public and internal), some
  rules for using those namespaces within the package body, and some
  special forms for importing names from the package's public namespace.


Here is a concrete problem. I tried this in the reference implementation...

package org {
  public var ecmascript = {a: 1};

package org.ecmascript {
  public var a = 2;

org.ecmascript.a   // 2

How do I access the org.ecmascript.a that has value 1?

How does the programmer writing the org package know that his a will
be clobbered by the a in the  org.ecmascript package? Isn't the
point of packages to avoid this type of problem?

Es4-discuss mailing list

Why packages and namespaces?

2008-01-27 Thread Peter Michaux
What it the reason for ES4 having both packages and namespaces? It
seems like both can be used to protect the global namespace from
clutter and otherwise avoid identifier clashes. When to use one and
when to use the other?

Thank you,
Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: proper tail calls

2008-01-24 Thread Peter Michaux
2008/1/24 Nathan de Vries [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Thu, 2008-01-24 at 20:04 +0100, Chris Pine wrote:

  It was agreed that implementations would always be free to implement

 Really? That wasn't the impression I got. My understanding is that if
 PTC isn't a requirement, it should not exist. As a programmer, I don't
 want to need to keep track of whether which implementations support my
 programming style. Do we really want ES4 and Stackless ES4 (for

I believe that is the situation now with ES3 and that an ES3
implementation can use proper tail calls if it wishes to. The string
tail doesn't even appear in the ES3 spec.


 PS: What's the go with everyone including long lists of CCs? Isn't
 everyone here on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For this list, reply doesn't default to the list. To post to the
list, I think folks just hit reply all and don't clean up the list
of CCs.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: proper tail calls

2008-01-21 Thread Peter Michaux
On Jan 21, 2008 9:59 AM, Erik Arvidsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Peter Michaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I think Haskell and ES are in different situations as a developer
   chooses a Haskel implementation for execution. ES4 code for the web is
   almost certainly going to run on multiple ES4 implementations. If
   there are no requirements for proper tail calls then they cannot be
   depended upon and are useless.

 As long as all the implementations have the exact same call stack
 limitation then that holds true.  However, I think it is unreasonable
 to enforce one call stack size fits all.

 I think we can all agree on that having explicit tail calls at compile
 time enforces all runtimes to have proper tail calls?

I think enforces would be better as strongly encourage. An
non-conforming implementation could pretend it is conforming and just
lie.  Suurrre we'll do that as a proper tail call, no problem, good
idea. ;-)

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: proper tail calls

2008-01-21 Thread Peter Michaux
On Jan 21, 2008 10:50 PM, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 21, 2008, at 8:12 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

  How about something like tailcall or tailreturn.

 Or just tail f(x, y), Dave Herman's suggestion.

tail looks great and any of these three suggestions seem far better
than goto.

(I'm still hoping this explicit version is optional.)

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: proper tail calls

2008-01-19 Thread Peter Michaux
On Jan 18, 2008 10:49 PM, Brendan Eich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Jan 18, 2008, at 9:36 PM, Peter Michaux wrote:


Some of the shorthand terminology that has developed in the
conversations is a bit unfamiliar to me. Hopefully my questions below
are not ridiculous.

  Is it not reasonable for
 the spec to simply require implementations to have proper tail calls?

 The I,X original proposal from the wiki required this. It's reasonable,
 maybe, if we can agree on the rules and they are not too complicated, but
 the crucial question is about usability, human factors, avoiding silent bad
 surprises: will programmers wanting proper tail calls be surprised when they
 nest an implicit (built-in among the primitive types) conversion in a big
 state machine, and silently defeat proper tail calls from that particular
 call site, leading to explosive stack growth in the worst case?

I'm thinking in terms of Scheme and tail calls. If a Scheme programmer
puts a recursive call in a non tail position they get explosive stack
growth. If the programmer was required to explicitly state they wanted
a tail call then the explicit system you are suggesting would throw an
error, correct?

It seems like having types in ES4 is adding quite a bit of difficulty
to when a proper tail call can occur. The Scheme folks don't have to
deal with that, I suppose.

 This concern of course led to the ticket; the principle familiar to Python
 folks is EIBTI (E Is Better Than I). Not just for readers (clarity of
 intent) but for writers (I want PTC or error here).

 Is it not acceptable for the spec to require certain implementation
 internal optimizations?
 PTC is not an optimization, it's a storage rule. Schemers know to count on
 it, and do. For ~12 years, JS hackers have lacked it, on the other hand. And
 JS hackers have standard looping statement forms. But PTC is helpful for
 state machines, which you do see on the web; you even see setTimeout(fun, 0)
 flows to empty the JS stack in order to avoid overflow. PTC is worthwhile,
 and we have included it among approved proposals for a long time. The
 question remains: explicit or implicit syntax; if explicit, statement only
 or operator form?

I think implicit tail calls are one of the most exciting proposals for
ES4. Can it be implicit with the option of making it explicit so that
it throws an error if the call is not in tail position and will
produce the explosive stack growth? This would have the same feel that
the language is unsafe but has optional safety features like
optional types. ES3 doesn't have any mandatory safety syntax and to me
it would be best to keep all safety syntax optional.

Es4-discuss mailing list

proper tail calls

2008-01-18 Thread Peter Michaux
Will proper tail calls be implicit in ES4 or will there be a need for
special syntax? I hope it is just a required optimization but then I
read this ticket

and it seems there is a suggestion that the spec will only require
proper tail calls with a goto statement. Is it not reasonable for
the spec to simply require implementations to have proper tail calls?
Is it not acceptable for the spec to require certain implementation
internal optimizations?

Es4-discuss mailing list

Is ES3 good enough? Was incrementally strengthening ES3 paradigms considered?

2007-11-08 Thread Peter Michaux
I've been reading the blogs and fuss over the the ES4 proposal. It
seems to me that if ES3 was so horribly inadequate then big changes to
the language would be welcomed unanimously. It must be that ES3 is
sufficient to get by well enough that we have the luxury to argue
about the worth of the proposed changes.

Was incremental change to the ES3 language ever considered at the
beginning of the process for ES4? It seems there are many places where
the ES3 language could be improved without changing it's character (ie
adding classes). If ES was developed in a hurry then perhaps there was
plenty of room to strengthen the paradigms it already contains. If
work had continued on ES immediately after ES3 was released, isn't
that what would have happened?

There are things that cannot be done with ES3 that could be added...

Could the Self aspect of ES be strengthened? For example, more control
over prototypes and the prototype chain would make programming with
that model of inheritance a stronger competitor to class-based
inheritance. The read/write __proto__ property could be standardized.
Objects could have multiple prototypes like in Self. A obj.clone()

Could the Scheme aspect of ES be strengthened? Tail recursion and let
statements seem like good additions. What about macros? Please!

Binary download for hiding code seems to be something people have been
trying to achieve through obfuscation but cannot truly do with ES3.

Complete support for secure mash-ups seems essential and not just
because Douglas Crockford says so. Developers want to mash-up and are
doing it now even with the security risks to their unknowing users.

Adding types, classes and interfaces is drawing inspiration from
languages with other models of programming. The new look of ES4 is
very Java-like. Are the screams from the Java programmers enough to
control the future of ES? Adding these constructs seems like an
attempt to try to please everyone. This is the classic anti-pattern in

There is an argument that the changes in ES4 are needed for the open
web to keep up with rich platforms like Flash and Silverlight. As far
as snazzy, sparkley user interfaces go, the ES3 language isn't the
problem here but rather it is HTML, the DOM and CSS. Even if Internet
Explorer and all browsers suddenly implemented these other standards
correctly an HTML/JavaScript/CSS page wouldn't be very impressive
compared with a Flash animation. I gulped last weekend when I saw a
friend's flash portfolio with sound, video and vector graphics and
then thought about my rectangular tabbed panes and drop down menus. I
won't be able to do any of the Flash-like stuff with ES4. This
paragraph isn't intended as an argument against changing ES but I
don't think change to ES should be justified by the keeping up

Has ES3 proven itself to be such a disaster that trying to improve it
incrementally while retaining its character is obviously the wrong
choice? Was ES founded on such poor choices (Self and Scheme) that we
should be moving to completely different style of programming (Java)?

I wouldn't be writing this email had others not spoken up. It seems
somewhat inappropriate and rude to speak against what Brendan Eich is
proposing since it is his language.

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