Re: [ESS] Error starting R

2018-10-04 Thread Neil Shephard via ESS-help
On Wed, 3 Oct 2018 at 21:08, Alex Branham  wrote:

> Thanks. I've tried to reproduce this and am having issues still. Just to
> confirm: you don't have any ess-* packages (ess-smart-underscore,
> ess-R-object-viewer, etc) installed, either system wide or under
> ~/.emacs.d/elpa?
> Nope, after removing ess-20181003.1614 and
ess-smart-underscore-20180911.523 from ~/.emacs.d/elpa the only ESS related
package installed on this system is ess-17.11 which is installed under the

We're getting ready to release ESS 18.10 so if there is some 3rd-party
> package out there that's causing issues with ESS's autoloads, it would
> be nice to figure out who to blame :-)

I've a number of other packages installed (along with their dependencies)
but I've no idea which might be causing a conflict (list at bottom).

I gave ess-20181002.2153 a whirl this morning but still have the same
issue.  Whats even more confusing for me is that I've the same ~/.emacs.d
on other systems (by virtue of using a dotfiles repository to organise
things) and there is no issue on those.  Is it possible there is a conflict
between the system installed ess-17.11 and the MELPA installed one?  Its
the only thing I can think of at this point (beyond conflicts with other
packages, but I don't think the Backtrace suggests any other culprits).

I'll find some time to investigate this as a possible cause but may not be
until tomorrow.

Thanks again,


Other installed packages (via MELPA)...

  auto-package-update  20180712.2045 installed
 Automatically update Emacs packages.
  autopair20160304.1237 installed Automagically
pair braces and quotes like TextMate
  better-defaults 20170614.404  installed Fixing weird
quirks and poor defaults
  company 20180913.2311 installed Modular text
completion framework
  darktooth-theme 20180726.302  installed From the
darkness... it watches
  ein 20181002.1658 installed Emacs IPython
  eink-theme  20170717.1507 installed E Ink color
  elpy20180924.1634 installed Emacs Python
Development Environment
  ess 20181003.1614 installed Emacs Speaks
  find-file-in-project 20180912.1218 installed Find
file/directory and review Diff/Patch/Commit efficiently everywhere
  flycheck20180907.1319 installed On-the-fly
syntax checking
  highlight-indentation20171218.937  installed Minor modes
for highlighting indentation
  highlight-parentheses20180704.1102 installed highlight
surrounding parentheses
  julia-mode  20180816.2117 installed Major mode
for editing Julia source code
  magit   20180928.1153 installed A Git
porcelain inside Emacs.
  material-theme  20171123.1840 installed A Theme based
on the colors of the Google Material Design
  org-time-budgets2015.801  installed Define time
budgets and display clocked time.
  package+20170816.256  installed Extensions
for the package library.
  package-utils   20180514.1415 installed Extensions
for package.el
  polymode20180926.2044 installed Extensible
framework for multiple major modes
  projectile  20181003.742  installed Manage and
navigate projects in Emacs easily
  projectile-git-autofetch 20180418.2336 installed
 automatically fetch git repositories
  py-autopep8 20160925.1052 installed Use autopep8
to beautify a Python buffer
  pylint  20170402.1255 installed minor mode
for running `pylint'
  pyvenv  20180831.847  installed Python
virtual environment interface
  vimish-fold 20180101.612  installed Fold text
like in Vim
  wide-column 20170925.1613 installed Calls
functions dependant on column position.
  yaml-mode   20180409.607  installed Major mode
for editing YAML files
  yasnippet   20180916.2115 installed Yet another
snippet extension for Emacs.
  alert   20180827.422  dependencyGrowl-style
notification system for Emacs
  apiwrap 20180602.2231 dependencyapi-wrapping
  async   20180527.1730 dependencyAsynchronous
processing in Emacs
  auto-complete   20170125.245  dependencyAuto
Completion for GNU Emacs
  autothemer  20180920.923  dependencyConveniently
define themes.
  cl-generic   0.3   dependency
Forward cl-generic compatibility for Emacs<25
  dash20180910.1856 dependencyA modern list

Re: [ESS] Error starting R

2018-10-04 Thread Neil Shephard via ESS-help
Thanks for the suggestions.  I do already version control some files under
~/.emacs.d (and many other ~/.* files as I'm trying to organise a dotfiles
repo for myself) such as init.el and a sub-dir 'settings' which holds
multiple files that are loaded from init.el.  I opted to explicitly ignore
~/.emacs.d/elpa though as it felt like extra work to git add/commit each
time MELPA updated things.  I'll look into straight.el and borg though to
see what they're like.

Thanks again for your help trouble-shooting this.

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On Wed, 3 Oct 2018 at 22:26, Alex Branham  wrote:

> Version controlling your packages is definitely a good idea if you want
> to be able to switch between versions and rollback when things break.
> There's a few ways to do this:
> - relying on your distro's package manager to perform rollbacks when
>   needed (guix and nix both do this well. I think nix is available for
>   macos as well?).
> - use a package manager other than package.el. straight.el is one that
>   provides a comparison between itself and a few others:
> .
>   Personally I use borg.
> - Putting ~/.emacs.d/elpa under version control. This has a few
>   downsides since packages change directories across updates, and it's
>   easy to commit byte-compiled code.
> Alex
> On Wed 03 Oct 2018 at 15:21, Jeremie Juste via ESS-help <
>> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Glad you could sort it out.
> > I think version controling the .emacs file and the .emacs.d directory
> > could help solve these issues faster. You could easily go back to a
> > previous working version. This might be helpful if you are in a
> > situation where you really need things to work.
> >
> > I'm currently exploring this idea but I don't know the full pros and
> > cons of this method.
> >
> >
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Jeremie
> >
> >
> >
> >> Timely
> >>
> >> On Wed, 3 Oct 2018 at 20:16, Alex Branham 
> wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>> > I've tried disabling ess-smart-underscore as Alex suggests but no
> joy.
> >>>
> >>> I'm not familiar with how this package works but disabling it (by
> >>> removing the "require" from your init file) might not be enough.
> Emacs's
> >>> package manager autoloads some functionality if the package is simply
> >>> installed on your system. It doesn't do this if you do "emacs -Q",
> which
> >>> might explain why you don't see this error then.
> >>>
> >>> Timely as I've just been playing around and you are absolutely right,
> >> simply commenting out ess-smart-underscore from the settings wasn't
> >> sufficient.  I decided to try manually delete it and ess from
> >> ~/.emacs.d/elpa/ess* completely and lo-and-behold  I can now start R
> under
> >> Emacs/ESS with M-x R again.
> >>
> >> However, this is from the system-wide install of Emacs (currently
> ess-17.11
> >> under Gentoo).
> >>
> >> I did try installing just ess-20181003.1614 after seeing it had been
> >> updated today but that didn't work either.
> >>
> >> For me personally thats not a problem as I'm happy with not having the
> >> latest ESS, and I won't miss the functionality of ess-smart-underscore.
> >>
> >> As an aside it doesn't look like ess-smart-underscore is that old,
> current
> >> version on MELPA is from last month 20180911.523, some of the other ess
> >> packages are very old (ess-smart-equals was last updated 2015;
> >> ess-R-data-view 2013).
> >>
> >> If there is anything I can do to help fathom out what is going on let me
> >> know. I've included the debug from installing ess-20181003.1614 below
> for
> >> reference.  This happens after installing from MELPA under the same
> Emacs
> >> instance, no restarting.  If I delete ~/.emacs.d/elpa/ess-20181003.1614
> and
> >> restart Emacs M-x R works fine (as its using ess-17.11 from the main
> >> system).
> >>
> >> Thanks to yourself and Jeremie for your help and to all
> >> developers/maintainers.
> >>
> >> Neil
> >>
> >> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument consp nil)
> >>   byte-code("\301\302 \"\303\241\210\301\304
> >> \"\305\241\210\306\307\300\"\207" [ess-r-customize-alist assoc
> >> ess-font-lock-keywords (quote ess-R-font-lock-keywords)
> >> inferior-ess-font-lock-keywords (quote
> inferior-ess-r-font-lock-keywords)
> >> defalias R-customize-alist] 3)
> >>   autoload-do-load((autoload "ess-r-mode" "Call 'R', the 'GNU S' system
> >> from the R Foundation.\nOptional prefix (\\[universal-argument]) allows
> to
> >> set command line arguments, such as\n--vsize.  This should be OS
> >> agnostic.\nIf you have certain command line arguments that should