Re: Carl Sagan, we need your help [Off topic]

2004-07-27 Thread joe_latrell

Greetings all,

Last night I read Dwayne Day's article and felt saddened.  I wrote a piece
as a counter argument.  I have submitted it to The Space Review and time
will tell if it gets published.  I have included it below for those who
may be interested.

While it is not a scientific critique in any way, it is a reflection of
what, in my opinion, is the true legacy of Sagan.

Comments, critiques, etc. may now be leveled.

Joe L.


Never Gone So Long As We Remember

Carl Sagan was a great scientist and philosopher.  He will be remembered
for bringing science to the masses and explaining in simple terms those
things which seemed so complex.  But the lamenting for days gone by is to
ignore the gift that we were given by this man of wisdom.  We do not need
Carl Sagan now for he is still with us - he is with those who are willing
to listen.

What made Carl so great is that he did not speak to our minds, he touched
our hearts.  He gave each of us a beautiful and dreamlike picture of a
universe.  A universe so vast and complex that it dwarfs our thinking.
Our minds are easily overwhelmed by its riches.  But, our hearts can hold
many things:  Love, fear, joy, sorrow and many other 'feelings' that the
mind cannot on its own comprehend.  Carl spoke in what best described as
'sonnets of science', but what he did was touch us in a way that
transcended the mind.  It is in this that he was a great man.

What is shameful is how we waste the gift he gave us - how we talk in
statistics and big words.  When we talk to the public we get the nod 'yes'
when we ask if they understand, but their faces have the distinct look of
'what?' written upon them.  They surrender to the complexities of the
issues because the have not had their hearts spoken to. What IS the big
deal about water on Mars?  We don't talk about the significance, only the
fact.  There is no 'what if' for the imagination to grab hold of.  We
don’t tell a story or inspire them to dream. We fail them and ourselves in
this undertaking.

The sad part for all of us in the science community is that we were given
a gift and we choose to ignore it.  If instead of spouting statistics, we
took a moment and felt around for that little voice, that piece of Carl
that rattles around inside us, and then slowly and carefully spoke with
the objective of touching someone, we could inspire the public with the
tales of wonderment and creation that is our interstellar home.

Carl Sagan is right where he needs to be.  He lives on inside each of us
as a voice that speaks volumes to the void of space.  He planted a seed,
but it is us who must nurture it and grow it so that it can place seeds
within the imagination of others and continue to flourish. Carl doesn't
need to come back to us - he never left.

 Dwayne Day writes:

 I also have a somewhat wistful article on how the space community
 really use another Carl Sagan:
 Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?

 I have written a response to this one.  Here's a first draft for review.

 Not sure where I'll take this - maybe nowhere.  Comments appreciated.

 -michael turner

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The tether thing (for the first time?) (was Re: The gun thing again [Off Topic])

2004-04-17 Thread Michael Turner

I've wondered if you couldn't cancel a lot of a Europa penetrator's
acceleration by making it a counterweight to a rotating tether
orbiting very close to Europa.  A probe could orbit very
close - Europa's atmosphere is mostly oxygen that (by one
estimate) collides with other oxygen molecules only about
3 times on average before escaping.  With atmospheres like
this, who needs vacuum?

For the sake of simplicity, consider what might be
involved in dropping a probe straight down from
a low altitude.

Europa surface acceleration due to gravity: 1.3 m/s^2

Counteracting centripetal acceleration achieved at 1.57e+06 m
from Europa center of gravity (= Europa radius plus a few km)
would be at orbital velocity given by the equation

   a = v^2/r

solving for v:

   v = sqrt (ra) = sqrt (1.3 m/s^2 * 1.57e+06 m)

or let's about 1.5 km/s orbital speed, winging just barely above
Europa's surface features.

So the question is: could a tether hold, with a tip speed
of 1.5 km/s?  Well, flywheel tip speeds are currently in the
neighborhood of 1 km/s, and that's without fullerene weaves.
If they crack the fullerene fiber problem, another order of
magnitude of tensile strength might emerge.

One problem with this approach: the tether, having released
the penetrator probe, will go flying wildly off somewhere.  If,
however, a counterweight incorporates an ion drive powered by
flying through Jupiter's magnetic field, maybe it could retrieve itself
and be reused somehow.

-michael turner

- Original Message - 
From: Gary McMurtry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 1:30 PM
Subject: RE: The gun thing again [Off Topic]

 A EUROPA penetrator probe will have to survive 20,000 G on impact. 
 Most Mars and Moon probes need only to survive about 2000 G, because 
 there they can use rockets to brake the fall (larger payloads). 
 We've tested a mass spectrometer to 1200 G.  They tell me the 
 electronics is not a problem at 2000 G. I think 20,000 G is more of a 
 challenge, but then, I don't know if it is or not.  There are folks 
 doing 20,000 G experiments.  Maybe you've seen some results on TV 
 over the past year.
 Greetings Sir,
 Some comments on your post
 At 02:28 PM 4/8/04 -0500, you wrote:
 One of the problems I encountered was how do you build circuitry to 
 survive the launch.  The forces involved will destroy most 
 electronics as they are now built.  Solids state is not very solid 
 after 15x gravitational forces.
 Actually, this is probably not a major problem. Gerald Bull put 
 electronics in shells he launched back in the 1960's. Just packed 
 them with sand in his shells. JPL sent two penetrator probes into 
 Mars. The probes did not work, but evidence suggests that it was 
 problems with the battery supply (i.e. the battery couldn't survive 
 the long cold and still function) and not the electronics. Also, 
 combat UAV's can pull (I believe) more that 15g's and they survive 
 just fine. Crash Black boxes in Indy cars routinely survive probably 
 50-100 G's in crashs (for extremely short periods of time). So the 
 electronics will survive.
 Joe L.
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Recall: The gun thing again [Off Topic]

2004-04-17 Thread Reeve, Jack W.

Reeve, Jack W. would like to recall the message, The gun thing again [Off Topic].

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RE: The gun thing again [Off Topic]

2004-04-17 Thread Reeve, Jack W.

Gentle fellow proto-technophiles and sundry sophisticated simians,

There are a lot of y'all who know a lot more about flight path
manipulation, orbital physics and whatnot than do I.  However, I do know
more than a little about drilling holes in the earth.  So let's look at
a few things.

To drill a fairly large diameter hole and line it with a fairly stout
steel barrel is neither cheap nor expensive.  The costs increase
exponentially with depth, but not wildly. 

I think that a barrel ID of about 750 mm would fit well into current
drilling technologies, based upon drilling a 915 mm hole, running a
liner with a wall thickness of about 45 mm, then cementing it in place
with a high density cement sheath.

Query #1:  To what depth should the gun hole be drilled?  To drill a
1000 m hole is easy; 2000 m also easily doable.  3000 + starts getting
tricky and tricky means a sudden jump in money.  Would a 1000 m gun be
optimal?  2000 m?  Y'all tell me.

Following a bit of reading, I think that conventional explosive
propellants won't work, but that sequenced hydrogen/oxygen ignition

You lower a tool into the gun barrel.  Its function is to mill a row of
holes into the side of the barrel.  I envision that these holes would be
about 150 mm in diameter and about 350 mm deep.  The machine would then
chamfer the hole and cut threads in the metal part of the hole.  Into
each of these holes would be threaded a steel cylinder, a receptacle,
closed on the outer end, open on the end toward the gun barrel.  They
are fuel ports.  They each hold an ampoule of hydrogen /or oxygen.

It is likely that the spacing and number of these fuel ports would be
designed to optimize acceleration, so I sort of see them as
progressively closer together as you near the surface/muzzle.

So, you lower your projectile with its own little explosive initiator
beneath it down into the bottom of the gun.  Then you lower the fuelling
machine and fill each of the fuel ports above the projectile, all the
way up to the top.  Note that as the fuelling machine is pulled up the
gun on its fuelling mission, it is also leaving a vacuum beneath it
through sealing itself on the inner bore with a series of simple
external O-rings. Upon removal of the fuelling machine, a diaphragm is
placed over the muzzle to preserve the vacuum and the count-down begins.

A radio signal starts and confirms the initiator charge firing sequence.
Upon firing the initiator, the projectile is on its way, camming the
fuel ampoules back into their receptacles and rupturing them, sending
high pressure hydrogen/oxygen into the barrel as the projectile passes.

Since the muzzle is at 14000 ft altitude on an equatorial mountain,
around a 1/4 of the atmosphere's interfering molecules won't contribute
to heating or drag.

Query #2: Some portion of the projectiles cargo would be fuel for
orbital correction into a GS orbit. How much?  Y'all tell me.

I'm thinking that even 40% of the volume of a 6 m long projectile is
still nearly 0.9 m3, or about 30 ft3.  That's a lot of stuff.

Some people were asking about costs.  Again I can only address things
drilling related, so guesses on the fuel port milling tool is a bit of a
wild card.  That said I have seen what the oilfield drilling industry
has developed and I do have a bit of a handle on those costs.  My

Drilling 2000 m of 915 mm hole with very tight deviation control
  $ 50,000,000

840 mm OD, 45 mm wall thickness, high strength steel liner

Cementing operations and materials

Road access, drilling ops base

Fuel port milling device

Fuel port milling ops

Fuel port loading machine

Surface facilities, hoists, equipment (no launch control center)

40% error

Total Empty Gun, Ready to Load, Privately Contracted

Total Empty Gun, Ready to Load, Gov Built

By the way, the one thing I love most about this idea is its heritage.
It's a muzzle loader.

I think you could put a big inflatable space station up, with food, fuel
and water, with 50 shots.

Hope y'all don't mind, but I'm actually from Canada; I just live in
Texas and like saying y'all.

Jack W. Reeve

-Original Message-
From: Gary McMurtry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday 16 April 2004 23:30 
Subject: RE: The gun thing again [Off Topic]

A EUROPA penetrator probe will have to survive 20,000 G on impact. 
Most Mars and Moon probes need only to survive about 2000 G, because 
there they can use rockets to brake the fall (larger payloads). 
We've tested a mass spectrometer to 1200 G.  They tell me the 
electronics is not a problem at 2000 G. I think 20,000 G is more of a 
challenge, but then, I don't know if it is or not.  There are folks 
doing 20,000 G experiments.  Maybe you've seen some results on TV 
over the past year.


Greetings Sir

RE: The gun thing again [Off Topic]

2004-04-16 Thread Gordon Smith
Greetings Sir,
Some comments on your post
At 02:28 PM 4/8/04 -0500, you wrote:

One of the problems I encountered was how do you build circuitry to 
survive the launch.  The forces involved will destroy most electronics as 
they are now built.  Solids state is not very solid after 15x 
gravitational forces.
Actually, this is probably not a major problem. Gerald Bull put electronics 
in shells he launched back in the 1960's. Just packed them with sand in his 
shells. JPL sent two penetrator probes into Mars. The probes did not work, 
but evidence suggests that it was problems with the battery supply (i.e. 
the battery couldn't survive the long cold and still function) and not the 
electronics. Also, combat UAV's can pull (I believe) more that 15g's and 
they survive just fine. Crash Black boxes in Indy cars routinely survive 
probably 50-100 G's in crashs (for extremely short periods of time). So the 
electronics will survive.


Joe L.



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RE: The gun thing again [Off Topic]

2004-04-08 Thread joe_latrell

One of the problems I encountered was how do you build circuitry to
survive the launch.  The forces involved will destroy most electronics as
they are now built.  Solids state is not very solid after 15x
gravitational forces.

I probably sound negative, but the only way to prove it is to build one
(even a small one) and see what happens.

Pulling this back to the topic (sort of), would building a gun of this
type on the moon facilitate the launching of deep space probes?  We would
eliminate the atmospheric issues and most of the acceleration issues too.


Joe L.

 Most August Simians,

 Interestingly, (from a standpoint of trying to avoid the waste of
 fuel-eating trajectory corrections) GS orbits need not be circular. Even
 with a circular orbit, it still appears doable via a Hohmann

 Equatorial mountain candidates for drilling the gun boreholes include
 Chimborazo in Ecuador at 20,700, Kenya's Mt Kenya at 17000 + and another
 in Sumatra at 12400 +.

 An example of the non-linear thinking which can be easily applied to the
 gun method is that with many cargoes, the entire projectile could be
 deep frozen (Say in liquid N or He) prior to launch, thereby extending
 the heat tolerance.

 I was of course backward with the orientation - the bore hole would
 actually be pointed a little eastward.  GS (circular) orbital velocity
 is about 3440 mph, eastward, so there is a little delta V (about 1400
 mph) to make up.  Some portion of this would come from the vectored
 rocket firing in the Hohmann transfer maneuver.


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday 08 April 2004 11:48
 Subject: Re: The gun thing again

 Joe Latrell writes:
 Having done some experiments in gun launching (nothing to orbit mind
 you) there are a lot of factors involved that make it very
 unattractive.  Heat is a really big issue.

 I've read papers that suggest a dead-mass burden of about 15% for
 ablative shielding.  I.e., in the same ballpark as reentry capsules.  No
 showstopper, at least for the optimist.  Launching from higher altitudes
 definitely helps, since even 14,000 feet gets you above over 25% of the

 However, the geosync inflatable station is a great idea.  Using a
 transhab type design, you can launch a really big space station with
 only a few launches, assemble it (self assembly?) and then get to work

 building probes to wherever you want to send them.

 Engineering inflatables for gun launch is an interesting idea.  There
 may be some kinks in it (as it were), but it seems ideal for solving
 many construction problems.  If you perfected rendezvous, one approach
 that I think would be kinda cool is:

   1.  launch an inflatable
   2.  inflate it
   3.  launch another
   4.  rendezvous at some orifice
   5.  inflate the new one *inside* the current one
(vent residual gas to a pressure tank, and
reuse the gas for future inflation)
   6.  repeat from 3 until you have enough layers
for whatever purpose desired.

 This is nice because it means you can build structures of considerable
 mass within small payload limitations, and because it's fault tolerant
 -- blow a launch or miss a rendezvous, and the relative cheapness of gun
 launch (amortized over many launches, anyway) means just planning for a
 few more launches than the absolute minimum.

 To Jack's questions:

  Sundry clever primates around the world 

 Having met me recently, Jack, you know just how ridged a brow and
 prognathous a jaw you're dealing with, in talking to me.  (Thanks for
 the back-shaving tips, by the way. ;-)

  OK, OK, I know.  The gun thing won't work for orbital delivery of
 stuff to build Europan probes because one can't shave the big bump
 off of the resultant wobbling orbit ... or +- something like that.

 The big bump?  If you mean that it starts out very elliptical, shaving
 the big bumps (which I'm better at now; my back isn't as red and sore as
 it used to be) amounts to circularizing the orbit.  If you launch enough
 fuel into the same orbit as the original projectile, you can use it to
 circularize the orbit at perigee pretty efficiently, or even just head
 right on out of Earth orbit, I would think.  (Joe?  You're the guy who
 most recently did the orbital dynamics stuff, right?)

  However if one were to cant the trajectory of an equatorial gun back

  a little to the west, a projectile could be delivered which would
 die into a geosynchronous orbit.  Granted, you'd only get one shot

  per gun per day, but at say a ton per shot ...

 Um.  Hm.  I did some rough calculations a while back, looking at
 shooting straight up and using the Earth's rotation as free vector, and
 I remember coming up with an orbit out past the moon.  But you're
 proposing something else, I realize.  Still, I don't think you can get
 GEO without a burn, no matter what.

 Everything I've looked at suggests that you 

RE: The gun thing again [Off Topic]

2004-04-08 Thread Reeve, Jack W.

One or our firm's product sets is electronic sensing tools for oil well
drilling.  These tools must tolerate tremendous heat, pressure and
rather high acceleration loads.  They are continually making headway.

To withstand the rigors of a gun launch (remember too that my version of
the gun is 4 kilometers in length so g's are maybe not quite as high as
in whatever model you are quoting), my simple answer is to embed all
electrics in some sort of liquid-turned-solid epoxy material.  If
encased in a rigid solid, they have nowhere to go.

Also, my thinking on the gun has it delivering stuff that is not so
delicate - liquids, gasses, structural materials, connectors,
inflatables, solid fuels, rolled sheet metals, etc.  Really delicate
components could be sent by STS or rockets.

Re the lunar gun, a very interesting idea.  I have spoken a little to
oil industry people about drilling the boreholes for the guns and the
steel casing to line it.  They generally see it as completely feasible
in the here and now - just a question of $.


-Original Message-

Sent: Thursday 08 April 2004 14:29 
Subject: RE: The gun thing again [Off Topic]

One of the problems I encountered was how do you build circuitry to
survive the launch.  The forces involved will destroy most electronics
as they are now built.  Solids state is not very solid after 15x
gravitational forces.

I probably sound negative, but the only way to prove it is to build one
(even a small one) and see what happens.

Pulling this back to the topic (sort of), would building a gun of this
type on the moon facilitate the launching of deep space probes?  We
would eliminate the atmospheric issues and most of the acceleration
issues too.


Joe L.

 Most August Simians,

 Interestingly, (from a standpoint of trying to avoid the waste of 
 fuel-eating trajectory corrections) GS orbits need not be circular. 
 Even with a circular orbit, it still appears doable via a Hohmann 

 Equatorial mountain candidates for drilling the gun boreholes include 
 Chimborazo in Ecuador at 20,700, Kenya's Mt Kenya at 17000 + and 
 another in Sumatra at 12400 +.

 An example of the non-linear thinking which can be easily applied to 
 the gun method is that with many cargoes, the entire projectile could 
 be deep frozen (Say in liquid N or He) prior to launch, thereby 
 extending the heat tolerance.

 I was of course backward with the orientation - the bore hole would 
 actually be pointed a little eastward.  GS (circular) orbital velocity

 is about 3440 mph, eastward, so there is a little delta V (about 1400
 mph) to make up.  Some portion of this would come from the vectored 
 rocket firing in the Hohmann transfer maneuver.


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday 08 April 2004 11:48
 Subject: Re: The gun thing again

 Joe Latrell writes:
 Having done some experiments in gun launching (nothing to orbit mind
 you) there are a lot of factors involved that make it very 
 unattractive.  Heat is a really big issue.

 I've read papers that suggest a dead-mass burden of about 15% for 
 ablative shielding.  I.e., in the same ballpark as reentry capsules.  
 No showstopper, at least for the optimist.  Launching from higher 
 altitudes definitely helps, since even 14,000 feet gets you above over

 25% of the atmosphere.

 However, the geosync inflatable station is a great idea.  Using a 
 transhab type design, you can launch a really big space station with 
 only a few launches, assemble it (self assembly?) and then get to 

 building probes to wherever you want to send them.

 Engineering inflatables for gun launch is an interesting idea.  There 
 may be some kinks in it (as it were), but it seems ideal for solving 
 many construction problems.  If you perfected rendezvous, one approach

 that I think would be kinda cool is:

   1.  launch an inflatable
   2.  inflate it
   3.  launch another
   4.  rendezvous at some orifice
   5.  inflate the new one *inside* the current one
(vent residual gas to a pressure tank, and
reuse the gas for future inflation)
   6.  repeat from 3 until you have enough layers
for whatever purpose desired.

 This is nice because it means you can build structures of considerable

 mass within small payload limitations, and because it's fault tolerant
 -- blow a launch or miss a rendezvous, and the relative cheapness of 
 gun launch (amortized over many launches, anyway) means just planning 
 for a few more launches than the absolute minimum.

 To Jack's questions:

  Sundry clever primates around the world 

 Having met me recently, Jack, you know just how ridged a brow and 
 prognathous a jaw you're dealing with, in talking to me.  (Thanks for 
 the back-shaving tips, by the way. ;-)

  OK, OK, I know.  The gun thing won't work for orbital

RE: The gun thing again [Off Topic]

2004-04-08 Thread joe_latrell


Do you have a paper on this proposal and a guess as to how much it will cost?

Joe L.

 One or our firm's product sets is electronic sensing tools for oil well
 drilling.  These tools must tolerate tremendous heat, pressure and
 rather high acceleration loads.  They are continually making headway.

 To withstand the rigors of a gun launch (remember too that my version of
 the gun is 4 kilometers in length so g's are maybe not quite as high as
 in whatever model you are quoting), my simple answer is to embed all
 electrics in some sort of liquid-turned-solid epoxy material.  If
 encased in a rigid solid, they have nowhere to go.

 Also, my thinking on the gun has it delivering stuff that is not so
 delicate - liquids, gasses, structural materials, connectors,
 inflatables, solid fuels, rolled sheet metals, etc.  Really delicate
 components could be sent by STS or rockets.

 Re the lunar gun, a very interesting idea.  I have spoken a little to
 oil industry people about drilling the boreholes for the guns and the
 steel casing to line it.  They generally see it as completely feasible
 in the here and now - just a question of $.


 -Original Message-

 Sent: Thursday 08 April 2004 14:29
 Subject: RE: The gun thing again [Off Topic]

 One of the problems I encountered was how do you build circuitry to
 survive the launch.  The forces involved will destroy most electronics
 as they are now built.  Solids state is not very solid after 15x
 gravitational forces.

 I probably sound negative, but the only way to prove it is to build one
 (even a small one) and see what happens.

 Pulling this back to the topic (sort of), would building a gun of this
 type on the moon facilitate the launching of deep space probes?  We
 would eliminate the atmospheric issues and most of the acceleration
 issues too.


 Joe L.

 Most August Simians,

 Interestingly, (from a standpoint of trying to avoid the waste of
 fuel-eating trajectory corrections) GS orbits need not be circular.
 Even with a circular orbit, it still appears doable via a Hohmann

 Equatorial mountain candidates for drilling the gun boreholes include
 Chimborazo in Ecuador at 20,700, Kenya's Mt Kenya at 17000 + and
 another in Sumatra at 12400 +.

 An example of the non-linear thinking which can be easily applied to
 the gun method is that with many cargoes, the entire projectile could
 be deep frozen (Say in liquid N or He) prior to launch, thereby
 extending the heat tolerance.

 I was of course backward with the orientation - the bore hole would
 actually be pointed a little eastward.  GS (circular) orbital velocity

 is about 3440 mph, eastward, so there is a little delta V (about 1400
 mph) to make up.  Some portion of this would come from the vectored
 rocket firing in the Hohmann transfer maneuver.


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday 08 April 2004 11:48
 Subject: Re: The gun thing again

 Joe Latrell writes:
 Having done some experiments in gun launching (nothing to orbit mind
 you) there are a lot of factors involved that make it very
 unattractive.  Heat is a really big issue.

 I've read papers that suggest a dead-mass burden of about 15% for
 ablative shielding.  I.e., in the same ballpark as reentry capsules.
 No showstopper, at least for the optimist.  Launching from higher
 altitudes definitely helps, since even 14,000 feet gets you above over

 25% of the atmosphere.

 However, the geosync inflatable station is a great idea.  Using a
 transhab type design, you can launch a really big space station with
 only a few launches, assemble it (self assembly?) and then get to

 building probes to wherever you want to send them.

 Engineering inflatables for gun launch is an interesting idea.  There
 may be some kinks in it (as it were), but it seems ideal for solving
 many construction problems.  If you perfected rendezvous, one approach

 that I think would be kinda cool is:

   1.  launch an inflatable
   2.  inflate it
   3.  launch another
   4.  rendezvous at some orifice
   5.  inflate the new one *inside* the current one
(vent residual gas to a pressure tank, and
reuse the gas for future inflation)
   6.  repeat from 3 until you have enough layers
for whatever purpose desired.

 This is nice because it means you can build structures of considerable

 mass within small payload limitations, and because it's fault tolerant
 -- blow a launch or miss a rendezvous, and the relative cheapness of
 gun launch (amortized over many launches, anyway) means just planning
 for a few more launches than the absolute minimum.

 To Jack's questions:

  Sundry clever primates around the world 

 Having met me recently, Jack, you know just how ridged a brow and
 prognathous a jaw you're dealing with, in talking to me.  (Thanks

Re: The gun thing again [Off Topic]

2004-04-08 Thread Michael Turner

 One of the problems I encountered was how do you build circuitry to
 survive the launch.  The forces involved will destroy most electronics as
 they are now built.  Solids state is not very solid after 15x
 gravitational forces.

As they are now built - for what?

They've built nuclear explosives into artillery shells, and those devices
require carefully-timed electronics.  Artillery shells often have proximity
fuzes.  There's a lot you can do, and people have been doing it, for a long

 I probably sound negative, but the only way to prove it is to build one
 (even a small one) and see what happens.

They have been built, and they have seen what happens.  You can build things
to take far more than 15g.  Drop your watch onto a concrete floor.  Keeps on
ticking.  Compute the likely acceleration it experienced on impact.  You'll
be amazed.  (You probably don't have to compute it - it's probably written
on the box it came in.)  Gerald Bull found that wooden sabots work just
fine. He also found that immersing a liquid fuel rocket in water inside the
cancels almost all of the forces that you'd think would crush it.

Intuitively, gun launch to space fails the intuition test.  So much the
worse for intuition.  Do the math.

 Pulling this back to the topic (sort of), would building a gun of this
 type on the moon facilitate the launching of deep space probes?  We would
 eliminate the atmospheric issues and most of the acceleration issues too.

Anything that reduces launch cost dramatically facilitates almost anything
you might want to do in space.  Once you can get a lot of stuff up there
cheaply, many problems go away.  Launching living things is the one payload
category that seems off the boards, though I wouldn't be surprised if you
could launch frozen ova, seeds, spores, and microbiology that ecosystems
depend on, with little trouble.  Ditto for food ingredients.

-michael turner

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Re: What's Next -- Off topic

2003-02-12 Thread Sandy Shutey

Yes, thank you.

 The american government owns the shuttles under the direction of NASA.
 A large chunk of Shuttle opperations is run by United Space Alliance
 (USA) that is a joint project of Lockheed and Boeing.

 Does this help?

 Joe Latrell

 On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 21:37, Sandy Shutey wrote:
   Please tell me that people have some hope in private enterprise taking
   the reins and running with a manned space effort.
  Could you please tell me who actually owns the shuttles?  I was under
  impression that NASA sold them to a private enterprise several years
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Re: On/Off Topic

2003-02-12 Thread JHByrne

Here's a proposition to get you all thinking:  

What are the technical problems inherent in sending a zeppelin probe to 

Here's the proposition:

The probe that eventually goes to Europa will have a significant fuel limit, 
and a nearly limitless amount of terrain to explore prior to choosing a site 
for dropping a submersible, if any.

Why not send a small probe which uses a nuclear isotope to kick-start a 
process, wherein water ice is electrolyzed into constituent elements of 
hydrogen and oxygen.  The oxygen provides fuel, and the hydrogen is shunted 
into a gas bag of sufficient size to make the probe a zeppelin style survey 
probe.  This creates a dual use craft.  One, it would be able to land, and 
refuel.  Two, it would potentially be able to shuttle between an actual 
orbital craft and the surface.  Of course, it would also be able to relay 
transmissions well, and the reflective surface of the gas bag itself would 
make it easy to bounce signals off of, and be a large surface for receiving 
them as well (in essence, the entire surface of the bag is the antenna).

What are the problems inherent in such a scheme?  Well, someone will likely 
suggest that a zeppelin won't work, for one reason or another.  Sure, it's 
vulnerable to flying micro-asteroids and the like.  Explosions?  Not in the 
nearly airless atmosphere of Europa.  This ain't the Hindenburg.  With a 
compartmentalized bag, and the capacity to simply pop another bag out, a 
zeppelin style probe could last for years, certainly long enough to do the 
work necessary.  Of course, the bag could also be deflated during 'down 
periods', and reinflated at a later date.

Oh, and did I mention that despite the lack of sexy glamour that everyone 
attributes to rockets, a zeppelin concept is CHEAP?

Okay, gang, get back to your drawing boards.

-- John Harlow Byrne (still crazy after all these years)
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On/Off Topic

2003-02-11 Thread G B Leatherwood

Since we seem to have so much trouble reining in 
those who have something to say about space exploration, how about 
Suppose we either just change the name of the 
group, or keep the name for its intended purpose and just stop worrying about 
what is discussed?
A. This is a wonderfully diverse group with a 
sincere desire to foster efforts in getting off the planet, and 
B. There is actually very little to discuss 
productively about Europa, at least for the foreseeable future. 
I'd like to see the group continue because it's 
such a rich resource, and current events discussion could help keep the interest 
of the members up in the doldrum periods of Europa interest.
Please be assured this is in no way a criticism of 
our site administrator--his is a thankless job at best, and we should all give 
him a big "Well Done!" for putting up with us for as long as he 
What thinkest thou?
Gail Leatherwood

RE: On/Off Topic

2003-02-11 Thread John Sheff

There IS
stuff going on regarding Europa (i.e., this new Prometheus Project), but people
are so into flaming about Columbia that, unfortunately, no one seems interested
in talking about Europa. (Ive tried.)

One of the
difficult things Ive had to learn about life is that people have different
points of view. This doesnt necessarily mean they are ignorant, or evil, or
even - wrong. Intelligent, well-informed, well-intentioned people can be
presented with the same facts as me, and come to totally different conclusions.
Whats worse, rarely will my arguments  however well-reasoned  convince them
that I am right and they are wrong, nor are they likely to convince me. So Ive
given up trying; I still enjoy the satisfaction of knowing, deep down inside,
that I AM right!

said that, I still believe that the shuttle was the best we could come up with
at the time given the constraints of technology and budget, that the ISS (or
something like it) is a necessary stepping stone to a permanent human presence
in space, and the more wonderful unmanned exploration of the solar system gets,
the more it whets my appetite for going there in person. I cant imagine
anything as exciting as the thought of living in a spacefaring civilization.
Maybe someday 

John Sheff

Center for Astrophysics

Cambridge, MA

Voice: 617-495-4671




Re: On/Off Topic

2003-02-11 Thread G B Leatherwood

I didn't mean to imply that the shuttle/station 
wasn't the best that could be done at the time, although some evidence to the 
contrary has been produced during this past week. We know that many decisions 
about the whole program, from the earliest responses to Sputnik to actual 
construction of the ISS and its mission definitions, were political, not 
technical or scientific. We HAVE learned a lot, but my thesis is becoming that 
we've "been there, done that, let's move on to the next stage." Let's not put 
any more resources into something that is aged and unproductive; something that 
is preventing other avenues of exploration.

  - Original Message - 
  John Sheff 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 8:43 
  Subject: RE: On/Off Topic
  IS stuff going on regarding Europa (i.e., this new Prometheus Project), but 
  people are so into flaming about Columbia that, unfortunately, no one seems 
  interested in talking about Europa. (I’ve 
  One of 
  the difficult things I’ve had to learn about life is that people have 
  different points of view. This doesn’t necessarily mean they are ignorant, or 
  evil, or even - wrong. Intelligent, well-informed, well-intentioned people can 
  be presented with the same facts as me, and come to totally different 
  conclusions. What’s worse, rarely will my arguments – however well-reasoned – 
  convince them that I am right and they are wrong, nor are they likely to 
  convince me. So I’ve given up trying; I still enjoy the satisfaction of 
  knowing, deep down inside, that I AM 
  said that, I still believe that the shuttle was the best we could come up with 
  at the time given the constraints of technology and budget, that the ISS (or 
  something like it) is a necessary stepping stone to a permanent human presence 
  in space, and the more wonderful unmanned exploration of the solar system 
  gets, the more it whets my appetite for going there in person. I can’t imagine 
  anything as exciting as the thought of living in a spacefaring civilization. 
  Maybe someday… 
  Center for Astrophysics
  MA 02138