Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Evgenii Rudnyi

On 14.07.2012 01:15 meekerdb said the following:

On 7/13/2012 4:07 PM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

It must be, because this has been a very sucessful mith.

Yes, it was no doubt successful in keeping the peasants believing the
in divine knowledge of the free loading priests.


One can say the same way that thy myth of Higgs boson is designed to 
force taxpayers to pay for pleasures of particle physicists. Or what the 
difference do you see?


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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Evgenii Rudnyi

On 13.07.2012 20:43 meekerdb said the following:

On 7/13/2012 11:14 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:


My question would be not about responsibility, I am not that far.
Let us take a chess game (the example from John). We have two
people playing chess and then for example the M-theory.

How would you characterize the relationship between the M-theory
and players.

I would characterize them as being at separate levels of

In what sense it is possible to say that the players play their own

In the sense that there are no significant outside sources
influencing the players (like a grandmaster whispering in their

How unpredictability would help here?

I don't understand help. Are you striving to reach some conclusion
you have not revealed?

You have mentioned the chaos theory when you have written about
predictability. Frankly speaking I do not understand the point, the
 chaos theory claims. If I understand correctly, it basically says
that the uncertainty in the initial condition brings
unpredictability. Yet, I do not understand where the uncertainty in
initial conditions come from. If we discuss things in principle,
then we should consider the case when the initial conditions are
known exactly.

But that's the point. In chaos theory things are only predictable if
 initial conditions (and the evolutionary calculations) are carried
to infinite precision - which is impossible. You want to consider a
case where we start with infinite information to predict an outcome
which is defined only by finite information?

If you mean predicting future by human beings, then this is not the 
question I am interested in. To this end, one can also employ Wolfram's 
computational irreducibility.

Because I’ve seen so many cases where simple rules end up generating 
immensely rich and complex behavior.

And that’s made me think it’s not nearly so implausible that our whole 
universe could come from a simple rule.

But really it’s all completely deterministic.

That somehow knowing the laws of the universe would tell us how humans 
would act–and give us a way to compute and predict human behavior.

Of course, to many people this always seemed implausible–because we 
feel that we have some form of free will.

And now, with computational irreducibility, we can see how this can 
still be consistent with deterministic underlying laws.

It seems that your viewpoint is similar. If not, please tell where there 
is the difference.

My question was rather philosophical. It is unrelated to practical 
things, well, the M-theory is anyway unrelated to human practice. In my 
view, for engineering it does not matter whether the underlying 
principles is based on natural numbers of on the M-theory.

Still, let us look again at the game of chess. If we look at it in 
principle, then it is actually the Game of Life mentioned in the last 
chapter of Grand Design. The conglomerates of atoms move other 
conglomerates of atoms according to completely deterministic laws. Could 
you please demonstrate how to introduce separate level of descriptions 
in this process to bring some sense in playing chess? (but please not at 
the practical level, let us still stay at the level in principle).


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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Evgenii Rudnyi

On 13.07.2012 22:14 John Clark said the following:

On Fri, Jul 13, 2012  Evgenii  wrote:

There are no experts in this field because there is no field.

The field does exist.

What does a expert on theology know about the nature of reality that
a non-expert does not?

As far as I understand, theology is about beliefs, and beliefs still 
play an important role, also among physicists. For example the belief in 
inexorable laws of nature expressed marvelously in Grand Design.

Presumably there were questions that he [Newton] had found
important. It might be interesting to understand what questions
touched him and what has happened with these questions at present.

I don't think it would be interesting at all, in fact I'd rather have
my teeth drilled than read Newton on theology. Newton was I think the
greatest genius the Human Race has yet produced, he was also vain
arrogant vindictive and completely humorless, but those are all minor
points compared with his virtues. The real tragedy was that this
colossal intellect was horribly infected with the religious meme.
This meme hijacked most of his massive mental machinery and forced it
to think and write far more about religion than about Science. Today
even Theologians admit that the many millions of words that he wrote
about The Bible are worthless, and if there is one thing Theologians
have a lot of experience with is worthless ideas. Newton advanced
Science more than any other Human Being but I think it's one of the
great tragedies of History that the rarest, most valuable quality
that has ever existed in the world was not used to full advantage.
Imagine what Newton could have accomplished if his mind had not been
caught in a infinite loop, and I blame religion for that.

On the other hand, it well might be that without his beliefs, he would 
not create the Newton's laws. Who knows.

In general, I do not think that bringing in ideology helps us to 
understand history.

The question where in physicalism numbers are located is also
interesting indeed. If you know the answer, I would appreciate it.

The number eleven is located just below green a little to the right
of big above sweet and between fast and pneumatic.

Could you offer some more meaningful picture on the relationship between 
mathematics and physics?


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Re: esse est percipi?

2012-07-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 13 Jul 2012, at 21:59, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 7/13/2012 9:04 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 13 Jul 2012, at 11:55, Stephen P. King wrote:
How exactly does one make a connection between a given set of  
resources and an arbitrary computation in your scheme?

From the measure on all computations, which must exist to satisfy  
comp, as the UDA explains with all details, and as the translation  
of UDA in arithmetic (AUDA) makes precise. We still don't have the  
measure, but AUDA extracts the logic of measure one (accepting some  
standard definitions). And that  measure one verifies what  
is needed to get a linear logic à-la Abramski-Girard which makes a  
notion of resource quite plausible. Anyway, we have no choice. If  
the measure does not exist, comp is false (to be short).

Dear Bruno,

Why do you seem to insist on a global (on all computations)  

This is a consequence of the invariance of consciousness (for delays,  
virtual/real shifts, ...). I do not decide this.

I think that this requirement is too strong and is the cause of many  
problems. What is wrong with a on some computations within some  
bound measure?

UD* does noot bound the measure, and so such requirements can't be  

It seems to me that if you would consider the Boolean SAT problem  
you would see this... I still do not understand why you are so  
resistant to considering the complexity issue. Was not Aaronson's  
paper sufficient motivation? A possible solution is a local  
measure (as opposed to global measures), but this idea disallows for  
any kind of global regime or Pre-Hstablished Harmony. (Is this why  
you are so dogmatic?)

This is just an insult in disguise. Please Stephen , just do the math.

It allow also for the possibility of pathological cases, such as  
omega-inconsistent logical algebras, so long as the contradictions  
do not occur within some finite bound.
In other words, it may be possible to achieve the goal of the  
ultrafinitists without the absolute tyranny that they would impose  
on the totality of what exists,. but at the small price of not  
allowing abstract entities to be completely separate ontologically  
from the physical systems that can possibly implement them. Please  
notice that I am only requiring the connection to occur within the  
possibility and not any arbitrary actual physical system! I  
distinguish actual from possible.

In which theory? This cannot work if we are machine, by the  
invariance result.

I am not sure what you mean by explanation as you are using the  
word. Again, AFAIK abstractions cannot refer to specific physical  

It is better, when working on the mind-body problem, to not take  
the notion of physical object as granted, except for assuming that  
the physical laws have to be rich enough to support brain and  
computer execution, that is, to be at least Turing universal.

This is a bit hypocritical since it is an incarnated number(up  
to isomorphism) that is writing this email! (per your result!)

Not at all. I, the first person one, is not a number, and cannot be  
associated to any number.

How can one ignore the necessity of a (relatively) persistent medium  
to communicate? You are still falling into the solipsism trap!

You make a lot of statement without any justification, and ignoring  
all previous patient explanations.

Maybe you are trying to claim some kind of excuse via semantic  
externality! But that argument is self-stultifying also... Words  
cannot exist as mere free-floating entities.

It seems you come back with primitive (assumed) matter. I have no clue  
what that could be, and it cannot work by UDA.

unless we consider an isomorphism of sorts between physical objects

After UDA, and the usual weak Occam rule,  we *know* (modulo comp)  
that physical objects are collective hallucination by numbers.

You must show why some particular class of numbers (or  
equivalent) is the class of primitive entities capable of having  
hallucinations (or dreams).

That is a consequence of arithmetical realism without which Church  
thesis and the notion of digital machine cannot be defined.

The fact that they can possibly have hallucinations or dreams must  
be accounted for!

It is a theorem of arithmetic. All finite pieces of computations exist  
in arithmetic, the first persons cannot not glue them, by what is  
explained in the first six step of UDA.

That they are collective is an additional matter. You are glossing  
over very difficult problems!

I formulate them in a way we can test precise answer.

You have more than once acknowledge that the physical reality is  
not primitive (= cannot be assumed), so I am not sure to see why  
you come back with it to challenge the comp consequences.

You are not understanding the definition that I have made here.  
It is not a matter is primitive claim, it is a limit on the way  

Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 13 Jul 2012, at 20:26, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 07.07.2012 19:40 John Clark said the following:

On Sat, Jul 7, 2012  Evgenii  wrote:


An interesting question is however, where resulting visual mental
concepts are located.

I find it about as interesting as asking where big or the number
eleven is located and shows the same profound misunderstanding of the
situation on so many different levels that it's hard to know where to

The question where in physicalism numbers are located is also  
interesting indeed. If you know the answer, I would appreciate it.

As I just said to Stephen, numbers are not located anywhere. They are  
not physical entities.


However, visual mental concepts are even more interested as we  
suppose that vision is a basic human capability and it exists much  
longer as mathematics.

So, according to physics photons are reflected from an object, come  
to retina, and then natural neural nets starts information  
processing. The question is what happens after that. Provided that  
the brain is surrounded by the skull and information processes  
happen there, one could expect that mental visual concepts are  
somewhere within the skull.

Where do you find a profound misunderstanding in the paragraph above?

How would you explain the vision?


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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 13 Jul 2012, at 19:08, meekerdb wrote:

On 7/13/2012 12:36 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
I insist I use them in the sense of many, and your way to keep  
definition explains why you reject the whole notion.

You don't use theology in the sense of the papers I see published  
by faculties in departments of theology.

Since the closure of Plato academy. Indeed.

They are about the dogma of religions, especially Christianity and  


Like some atheists you seem to take seriously the definition of  
theologian you decry.

Of course.  Would it be sensible to decry something which was  

Theology is the science which address the question of afterlife, soul,  
immortality, meaning, origin of the universe, etc. You confuse the  
question and the answer imposed by politicians for reason of  
population control.


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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 13 Jul 2012, at 21:33, John Clark wrote:

On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 Bruno Marchal wrote:

  Like God this is a example is somebody willing to abandon a  
idea but not a word;

 Logicians work axiomatically or semi-axiomatically. If an idea/ 
theory seems absurd, we make the minimal change to keep the most of  
the theory (the words).

The changes you make in God are as far from minimal as you can  
get, the magnitude of the changes are quite literally infinite.

Because you seem to believe only in the post 523 occidental vocabulary.

The term God is typical in that setting, and I find absurd to  
deny some concept by keeping an absurd theory.

I don't know what you mean, a theory is a concept and the God theory  
is a very bad theory and thus so is the concept.

God is the pointer to our ignorance. Most religion initially use God  
as a mark of accepting our ignorance. Of course, once the name of the  
one supposed (in most tradition) to be not unnameable, we get into  

 You do the same with free-will, by saying it is non sense, but  
this by deciding to accept the nonsensical definition.

That is incorrect. The God theory is perfectly meaningful and so is  
the astrology theory, it's just that they both happen to be wrong.  
The free will theory on the other hand is no more meaningful than  
a burp and thus is neither right nor wrong.

Free will is will and responsibility, and well explain for universal  
numbe by self-indetermination (à-la Turing, not first person  

 so God becomes something more powerful than yourself

 This is frequent fro Gof.

Yes, something more powerful than yourself is what those who love  
the word but not the idea mean when they say God.

Yes. Indeed. So you agree with my point above.

And so God, a omnipotent omniscient being who created the universe,  
suddenly gets demoted and becomes just another yellow bulldozer;

I don't believe in your notion of God.

and theology, the study of bulldozers, degenerates into diesel  
engine repair.

  God is not a machine.

Then there is no alternative, God is not a bulldozer after all, God  
is a roulette wheel.

You fail to see that even just in arithmetic we can prove the  
existence of many alternative to machine. there is a transfinity of  
weakening of the notion of machines, most of them are used implicitly  
in calculus.

To deny the field theology today makes physics into a theology by  
argument from authority. Can't you doubt physicalism?


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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Evgenii Rudnyi

On 14.07.2012 10:26 Bruno Marchal said the following:

On 13 Jul 2012, at 20:26, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 07.07.2012 19:40 John Clark said the following:

On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 Evgenii wrote:


An interesting question is however, where resulting visual
mental concepts are located.

I find it about as interesting as asking where big or the
number eleven is located and shows the same profound
misunderstanding of the situation on so many different levels
that it's hard to know where to begin.

The question where in physicalism numbers are located is also
interesting indeed. If you know the answer, I would appreciate it.

As I just said to Stephen, numbers are not located anywhere. They are
 not physical entities.



I believe, I understand your position. My question concerns the case 
when one assumes physicalism.

If to speak about your theorem, it is unclear to me, how the first 
person view accesses numbers and mathematical objects.


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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 14 Jul 2012, at 06:16, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 7/13/2012 11:51 PM, meekerdb wrote:

On 7/13/2012 7:31 PM, Stephen P. King wrote:

Does unpredictability that you have mentioned in another message  
will help in this respect? If yes, how?

If you're asking whether unpredictability eliminates  
responsibility, the answer is no.


Hi Brent,

OK, so does the converse hold? Predictability eliminates  
responsibility? That sentence looks very wrong

Right. Predictability is irrelevant to the social concept of  


OK, so what is relevant? What action is the determinant of a  
given quantity of responsibility? Knowledge? No, that can't be  
because that involves predictability. So, I am at a loose. Please  
enlighten me.

Knowledge of our ignorance. Numbers intrinsic knowledge of their own  
relative ignorance.


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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 14 Jul 2012, at 10:42, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 14.07.2012 10:26 Bruno Marchal said the following:

On 13 Jul 2012, at 20:26, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 07.07.2012 19:40 John Clark said the following:

On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 Evgenii wrote:


An interesting question is however, where resulting visual
mental concepts are located.

I find it about as interesting as asking where big or the
number eleven is located and shows the same profound
misunderstanding of the situation on so many different levels
that it's hard to know where to begin.

The question where in physicalism numbers are located is also
interesting indeed. If you know the answer, I would appreciate it.

As I just said to Stephen, numbers are not located anywhere. They are
not physical entities.



I believe, I understand your position. My question concerns the case  
when one assumes physicalism.

All right. I missed that.

If to speak about your theorem, it is unclear to me, how the first  
person view accesses numbers and mathematical objects.

Like a digital machine, which can access numbers encoded in their  
memory, through logical gates, and so one. More details are given  
currently on the FOAR list, but the idea is simple, with comp our  
bodies are statistical first person constructs related to infinities  
of number relations, so we access to them a bit like a fish can access  
water. The price of this is that we have to abandon physicalism  


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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Evgenii Rudnyi

On 14.07.2012 11:00 Bruno Marchal said the following:

On 14 Jul 2012, at 10:42, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:


If to speak about your theorem, it is unclear to me, how the first
 person view accesses numbers and mathematical objects.

Like a digital machine, which can access numbers encoded in their
memory, through logical gates, and so one. More details are given
currently on the FOAR list, but the idea is simple, with comp our
bodies are statistical first person constructs related to infinities
of number relations, so we access to them a bit like a fish can
access water. The price of this is that we have to abandon
physicalism eventually.

I am not sure if I understand. I would like to have an explanation for a 
phenomenon, for example

1) I see a cat;

2) I see a piece of paper with 2 + 2 = 4.

Yet, when you start explaining, the phenomenon seems to disappear.


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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 14 Jul 2012, at 11:16, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 14.07.2012 11:00 Bruno Marchal said the following:

On 14 Jul 2012, at 10:42, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:


If to speak about your theorem, it is unclear to me, how the first
person view accesses numbers and mathematical objects.

Like a digital machine, which can access numbers encoded in their
memory, through logical gates, and so one. More details are given
currently on the FOAR list, but the idea is simple, with comp our
bodies are statistical first person constructs related to infinities
of number relations, so we access to them a bit like a fish can
access water. The price of this is that we have to abandon
physicalism eventually.

I am not sure if I understand. I would like to have an explanation  
for a phenomenon, for example

1) I see a cat;

2) I see a piece of paper with 2 + 2 = 4.

Yet, when you start explaining, the phenomenon seems to disappear.

1) I see a cat. This is explained by the fact that your current  
computational state belongs to an infinity of computations making you  
singling out some stable patterns that you recognize, by access to  
your previous experience as being cat. The qualia itself is explained  
by the fact that when you refer to the cat, you are really referring  
to yourself (with the implicit hope that it corresponds to some  
relatively independent pattern), and the math shows that such a self- 
reference involves some true but non rationally communicable feature.  
The math explained why, if this justification is correct, machines/ 
numbers will not be entirely satisfied by it, for the first person is  
not a machine from its own first person view.

2) The same with 2+2=4 written on some paper. It is also a stable  
pattern in the computations going through your state. Here you might  
just refer to what you have learned in school, and you might  
considered that the truth referred by that sentence on a paper is more  
stable than a cat, but the conscious perception of cat or ink on paper  
admits the same explanation: some universal number reflect a pattern  
belonging to almost all computations going through your state. You  
have to take the first person indeterminacy into account, and keep in  
mind that your immediate future is determined by an infinity of  
computations/universal number, going through your actual state. For  
example, all the Heisenberg matrices computing the state of the galaxy  
at some description level for some amount of steps. They all provably  
exist independently of us in a tiny part of elementary arithmetic, and  
admit at least as many variants as there are possible electron  
location in their energy level orbitals.

I cannot be sure if this helps you as it relies to some familiarity  
with the first person indeterminacy and the fact that our comp states  
are distributed in an infinity of distinct, from a third person pov,  
computations (existing in arithmetic).



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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Craig Weinberg

On Saturday, July 14, 2012 5:52:33 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:

 On 14 Jul 2012, at 11:16, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote: 

  On 14.07.2012 11:00 Bruno Marchal said the following: 
  On 14 Jul 2012, at 10:42, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote: 
  If to speak about your theorem, it is unclear to me, how the first 
  person view accesses numbers and mathematical objects. 
  Like a digital machine, which can access numbers encoded in their 
  memory, through logical gates, and so one. More details are given 
  currently on the FOAR list, but the idea is simple, with comp our 
  bodies are statistical first person constructs related to infinities 
  of number relations, so we access to them a bit like a fish can 
  access water. The price of this is that we have to abandon 
  physicalism eventually. 
  I am not sure if I understand. I would like to have an explanation   
  for a phenomenon, for example 
  1) I see a cat; 
  2) I see a piece of paper with 2 + 2 = 4. 
  Yet, when you start explaining, the phenomenon seems to disappear. 

 1) I see a cat. This is explained by the fact that your current   
 computational state belongs to an infinity of computations making you   
 singling out some stable patterns that you recognize, by access to   
 your previous experience as being cat. 

Patterns? Stability? Previous experience as being (a) cat? What are those 
things? Where are they found in arithmetic? Sounds like aspects of... 

If you scoop those things into a explanation of the origin awareness and 
call it comp, how is that not begging the question of awareness? If we 
begin with sense and sense-making, then computation follows as a method of 
offloading or condensing first person experiences into a projected third 
person shadow, but it doesn't make any sense the other way around.

I agree with Evgenii and Stephen that you are in fact disappearing the 
appearance and physicality of the cat. 


 The qualia itself is explained   
 by the fact that when you refer to the cat, you are really referring   
 to yourself (with the implicit hope that it corresponds to some   
 relatively independent pattern)

But that isn't the reality is it? When we show a young child a cat, when we 
point to it and say cat, we are eminently aware of the common reality of 
the cat. We aren't hoping for any computational match that depends on the 
self - if anything the child has a richer, more objectively observant 
experiences of the cat with more subtle qualities than we have as blunted 
adults, although we could talk much more about the names of cat breeds and 
the price of veterinary care.

I agree that there is computation involved but I think it goes in the 
opposite direction - it begins with wholeness and then breaks out into 
analytical process. Think of visual focus as qualia. When you cross your 
eyes, you get more information - two separate images which lack the realism 
of the focused visual perception. When you focus, you are more present in 
the world that you are focusing on. It becomes more real. Your channel of 
sense awareness is as unobstructed as it can be (to your naked eye, in the 
body you have now, etc) so you can see the difference between a solipsistic 
blur and a coherent connection with exterior realism. Pattern has something 
to do with it, as well as computation, but like the two blurred images, 
they mean nothing unless they are brought together by a third and primary 
sense-maker, to whom the matter of sensemaking inherently matters. 
Computation cannot supply this 'matter' (v) or its reflection/shadow 
'matter' (n) because it is itself a shadow - an overflow condensation of 
subjectivity which skips the vertical subjective depth and leaves only the 
horizontal intersubjective plane.

 , and the math shows that such a self- 
 reference involves some true but non rationally communicable feature.   
 The math explained why, if this justification is correct, machines/ 
 numbers will not be entirely satisfied by it, for the first person is   
 not a machine from its own first person view. 

But the math gives no hint as to what forms these features take - which is 
the only thing that needs explaining. Math explains that the self thinks it 
is a self? Ok. So does a mirror. Impressive, I agree it is impressive that 
so many things can be derived from math, but they are not used in math, 
only mentioned. They have no power at all, they are only mental pictures of 
power. Indirect. Distant. Invisible. Like God.

 2) The same with 2+2=4 written on some paper. It is also a stable   
 pattern in the computations going through your state. Here you might   
 just refer to what you have learned in school, and you might   
 considered that the truth referred by that sentence on a paper is more   
 stable than a cat, but the conscious perception of cat or ink on paper   
 admits the same explanation: some universal number reflect a pattern   
 belonging to almost all 

Re: esse est percipi?

2012-07-14 Thread Stephen P. King

On 7/14/2012 4:25 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 13 Jul 2012, at 21:59, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 7/13/2012 9:04 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 13 Jul 2012, at 11:55, Stephen P. King wrote:
How exactly does one make a connection between a given set of 
resources and an arbitrary computation in your scheme?

From the measure on all computations, which must exist to satisfy 
comp, as the UDA explains with all details, and as the translation 
of UDA in arithmetic (AUDA) makes precise. We still don't have the 
measure, but AUDA extracts the logic of measure one (accepting some 
standard definitions). And that measure one verifies what is needed 
to get a linear logic à-la Abramski-Girard which makes a notion of 
resource quite plausible. Anyway, we have no choice. If the measure 
does not exist, comp is false (to be short).

Dear Bruno,

Why do you seem to insist on a global (on all computations) 

This is a consequence of the invariance of consciousness (for delays, 
virtual/real shifts, ...). I do not decide this.

Hi Bruno,

Might you see that this is problematic? Because you are using a 
particular infinite domain and codomain (N - NxN)  as primitives and 
these are ordered, you are stuck. This is one of the many weaknesses of 
Plato's program. I admit that the general idea is brilliant and 
valuable, it is far to limited and thus constraining on what can be 

I think that this requirement is too strong and is the cause of many 
problems. What is wrong with a on some computations within some 
bound measure?

UD* does not bound the measure, and so such requirements can't be applied.

I know this! It is for this reason that I make my claim that your 
result is for solipsistic systems only.  One cannot hope to define an 
explanation of interaction with this method. As Peter Wegner et al point 
out here, it is 
defined a priori to only be one thing. Interactions, to be modeled well, 
cannot be constrained a priori in this way.

It seems to me that if you would consider the Boolean SAT problem you 
would see this... I still do not understand why you are so resistant 
to considering the complexity issue. Was not Aaronson's paper 
sufficient motivation? A possible solution is a local measure (as 
opposed to global measures), but this idea disallows for any kind of 
global regime or Pre-Hstablished Harmony. (Is this why you are so 

This is just an insult in disguise. Please Stephen , just do the math.

I did not intend it as an insult, but that possibility of 
interpretation is present. Why are you taking that option? You are 
avoiding my point. Why do you dismiss the SAT issue?

It allow also for the possibility of pathological cases, such as 
omega-inconsistent logical algebras, so long as the contradictions do 
not occur within some finite bound.
In other words, it may be possible to achieve the goal of the 
ultrafinitists without the absolute tyranny that they would impose on 
the totality of what exists,. but at the small price of not allowing 
abstract entities to be completely separate ontologically from the 
physical systems that can possibly implement them. Please notice that 
I am only requiring the connection to occur within the possibility 
and not any arbitrary actual physical system! I distinguish actual 
from possible.

In which theory? This cannot work if we are machine, by the 
invariance result.

Right, and that is the problem that I see.

I am not sure what you mean by explanation as you are using the 
word. Again, AFAIK abstractions cannot refer to specific physical 

It is better, when working on the mind-body problem, to not take the 
notion of physical object as granted, except for assuming that the 
physical laws have to be rich enough to support brain and computer 
execution, that is, to be at least Turing universal.

This is a bit hypocritical since it is an incarnated number(up to 
isomorphism) that is writing this email! (per your result!)

Not at all. I, the first person one, is not a number, and cannot be 
associated to any number.

Is it independent of all the numbers? Can it be severed? No! I am 
arguing the same thing for computations. Severing computations from 
physical implementation is a mistake. You are going to far. I think that 
it is like the difference between going to the limit of a function and 
jumping the gap to the at infinity itself.

How can one ignore the necessity of a (relatively) persistent medium 
to communicate? You are still falling into the solipsism trap!

You make a lot of statement without any justification, and ignoring 
all previous patient explanations.

Turing Machines operate by a priori definitions, thus they cannot 
make good models of interaction. I am just using Peter Wegner's claims 
and proofs. See

Maybe you are trying 

Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Stephen P. King

On 7/14/2012 4:26 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 13 Jul 2012, at 20:26, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 07.07.2012 19:40 John Clark said the following:

On Sat, Jul 7, 2012  Evgenii  wrote:


An interesting question is however, where resulting visual mental
concepts are located.

I find it about as interesting as asking where big or the number
eleven is located and shows the same profound misunderstanding of the
situation on so many different levels that it's hard to know where to

The question where in physicalism numbers are located is also 
interesting indeed. If you know the answer, I would appreciate it.

As I just said to Stephen, numbers are not located anywhere. They are 
not physical entities.


With this claim it follows that numbers cannot have *any* 
properties that we associate with physical entities. This is a problem!



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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Stephen P. King

On 7/14/2012 4:46 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 14 Jul 2012, at 06:16, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 7/13/2012 11:51 PM, meekerdb wrote:

On 7/13/2012 7:31 PM, Stephen P. King wrote:
Does unpredictability that you have mentioned in another message 
will help in this respect? If yes, how?

If you're asking whether unpredictability eliminates 
responsibility, the answer is no.


Hi Brent,

OK, so does the converse hold? Predictability eliminates 
responsibility? That sentence looks very wrong 

Right. Predictability is irrelevant to the social concept of 


OK, so what is relevant? What action is the determinant of a 
given quantity of responsibility? Knowledge? No, that can't be 
because that involves predictability. So, I am at a loose. Please 
enlighten me.

Knowledge of our ignorance. Numbers intrinsic knowledge of their own 
relative ignorance.


So then we can think of numbers as quantities of relative 
ignorance? That is much better than the ghosts of departed quantities 
that Newton had! But how does this answer my question of responsibility? 
You are talking to a different question and assuming a measure exists 
where one cannot be defined. The absence of a property is the complement 
of the property, no? This is where we cannot avoid some form of set 
theory and it is exactly where we get into trouble!



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Re: Cooperation and Free Riders

2012-07-14 Thread Stephen P. King

On 7/14/2012 4:52 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 14 Jul 2012, at 07:48, Alberto G. Corona wrote:


I took a look at the book of Jon Barwise and it seems very 
interesting. This use of category theory with information seems 
 promising.  I´m interested in both: how the living beings transmit 
and use information to achieve homeostasis (maintain internal 
entrophy). And it seems that the mind use category theory to 
systematize and navigate this information: 

Not to bad summary of category theory. A bit superficial on cognition, 
though, imo.


I agree!



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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread John Clark
On Sat, Jul 14, 2012  Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

  As far as I understand, theology is about beliefs

Theology is about believing in something when there is absolutely no reason
for doing so, it is called faith. Theologians say this is a wonderful
virtue and I can understand perfectly why a human being would try to peddle
faith as the highest virtue because if you were trying to push a idea that
makes no sense faith turns a disadvantage into a advantage. But I'll be
damned (literally) if I understand why a omnipotent omniscient being thinks
faith is a good thing and even tries to trick us into believing He does not
exist and will torture us for eternity if this omnipotent being succeeds in
fooling us because we don't have enough faith.

 Could you offer some more meaningful picture on the relationship between
 mathematics and physics?

You demand I give a SPATIAL relationship between consciousness and numbers
and various adjectives like Evgenii Rudnyi, you wanted to know where they
are located, where they existed in space. I thought I did a good job
telling you exactly where the number eleven is located but perhaps I'm
wrong and it's really just below yellow (not green) a little to the right
of big above sweet and between fast and pneumatic. Let's get in the car and
go there right now and see if its there.

  John K Clark

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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Evgenii Rudnyi

On 14.07.2012 11:52 Bruno Marchal said the following:

On 14 Jul 2012, at 11:16, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 14.07.2012 11:00 Bruno Marchal said the following:

On 14 Jul 2012, at 10:42, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:


If to speak about your theorem, it is unclear to me, how the
first person view accesses numbers and mathematical objects.

Like a digital machine, which can access numbers encoded in
their memory, through logical gates, and so one. More details are
given currently on the FOAR list, but the idea is simple, with
comp our bodies are statistical first person constructs related
to infinities of number relations, so we access to them a bit
like a fish can access water. The price of this is that we have
to abandon physicalism eventually.

I am not sure if I understand. I would like to have an explanation
for a phenomenon, for example

1) I see a cat;

2) I see a piece of paper with 2 + 2 = 4.

Yet, when you start explaining, the phenomenon seems to disappear.

1) I see a cat. This is explained by the fact that your current
computational state belongs to an infinity of computations making you
 singling out some stable patterns that you recognize, by access to
your previous experience as being cat. The qualia itself is explained
by the fact that when you refer to the cat, you are really referring
to yourself (with the implicit hope that it corresponds to some
relatively independent pattern), and the math shows that such a
self-reference involves some true but non rationally communicable
feature. The math explained why, if this justification is correct,
machines/numbers will not be entirely satisfied by it, for the first
person is not a machine from its own first person view.

2) The same with 2+2=4 written on some paper. It is also a stable
pattern in the computations going through your state. Here you might
 just refer to what you have learned in school, and you might
considered that the truth referred by that sentence on a paper is
more stable than a cat, but the conscious perception of cat or ink on
paper admits the same explanation: some universal number reflect a
pattern belonging to almost all computations going through your
state. You have to take the first person indeterminacy into account,
and keep in mind that your immediate future is determined by an
infinity of computations/universal number, going through your actual
state. For example, all the Heisenberg matrices computing the state
of the galaxy at some description level for some amount of steps.
They all provably exist independently of us in a tiny part of
elementary arithmetic, and admit at least as many variants as there
are possible electron location in their energy level orbitals.

I cannot be sure if this helps you as it relies to some familiarity
with the first person indeterminacy and the fact that our comp states
are distributed in an infinity of distinct, from a third person pov,
 computations (existing in arithmetic).


Thank you for the answer. I am definitely far away from to comprehend 
it, but it looks like that your motive is also close to the Game of 
Life. What difference do you see in this respect?


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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Stephen P. King

On 7/14/2012 5:52 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 14 Jul 2012, at 11:16, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 14.07.2012 11:00 Bruno Marchal said the following:

On 14 Jul 2012, at 10:42, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:


If to speak about your theorem, it is unclear to me, how the first
person view accesses numbers and mathematical objects.

Like a digital machine, which can access numbers encoded in their
memory, through logical gates, and so one. More details are given
currently on the FOAR list, but the idea is simple, with comp our
bodies are statistical first person constructs related to infinities
of number relations, so we access to them a bit like a fish can
access water. The price of this is that we have to abandon
physicalism eventually.

I am not sure if I understand. I would like to have an explanation 
for a phenomenon, for example

1) I see a cat;

2) I see a piece of paper with 2 + 2 = 4.

Yet, when you start explaining, the phenomenon seems to disappear.

1) I see a cat. This is explained by the fact that your current 
computational state belongs to an infinity of computations making you 
singling out some stable patterns that you recognize, by access to 
your previous experience as being cat. The qualia itself is explained 
by the fact that when you refer to the cat, you are really referring 
to yourself (with the implicit hope that it corresponds to some 
relatively independent pattern), and the math shows that such a 
self-reference involves some true but non rationally communicable 
feature. The math explained why, if this justification is correct, 
machines/numbers will not be entirely satisfied by it, for the first 
person is not a machine from its own first person view.

Hi Bruno,

No, the reverse is the case. The belongs to an infinity of 
computations making you singling out some stable patterns requires the 
prior existence of the you to select it. The observer (you here) 
effectively is the measure via a self-selection rule. I cannot discount 
my own existence given the immediate fact that I am experiencing myself 
as existing. Descartes' Cognito ergo Sum is a pointed statement of this 
unassailable fact. We cannot put the observer on a level that is 
emerging from the computations if the observer is the one that is 
selecting the class of computations that are generating said observer. A 
possible escape from this is to allow for non-well founded sets and such 
things as non-principle ultrafilters, 
but I don't know your stand on their existence.
Our observation of the cat is a symmetric (within bounds) 
relationship, otherwise we fall into solipsism. My claim is that the 
same thing follows for mathematical entities. We cannot claim that 
mathematical (or any other abstract entity!) is such that we (the 
observers and understanders thereof) are emerging from them. This would 
require that the independence is not  and cannot be an unbridgeable 
gap at all, but a analytic continuum connecting the particular instance 
of a physical system with the knowledge and meaning of the abstraction. 
Maths do not refer explicitly to the physical media that they are 
represented upon by patterns, but this does not allow us to imagine them 
as completely independent and thus severable from the physical instances.

Even Plato's idea of the Forms as casting shadows on the wall of 
the cave tacitly assumes continuity between the Forms and what we the 
ideas in our individual minds. If I am not mistaken the idea of conic 
sections where used to argue the idea. Shadow or projections cannot be 
severed from the object casting them!

2) The same with 2+2=4 written on some paper. It is also a stable 
pattern in the computations going through your state. Here you might 
just refer to what you have learned in school, and you might 
considered that the truth referred by that sentence on a paper is more 
stable than a cat, but the conscious perception of cat or ink on paper 
admits the same explanation: some universal number reflect a pattern 
belonging to almost all computations going through your state. You 
have to take the first person indeterminacy into account, and keep in 
mind that your immediate future is determined by an infinity of 
computations/universal number, going through your actual state. For 
example, all the Heisenberg matrices computing the state of the galaxy 
at some description level for some amount of steps. They all provably 
exist independently of us in a tiny part of elementary arithmetic, and 
admit at least as many variants as there are possible electron 
location in their energy level orbitals.

This paragraph 2) gets dangerously close to my criticism of your 
scheme and so it might help us come to some mutual understanding. For 
me, the truth of the sentence 2+2=4 (i will denote this as X) is not 
the same thing as the piece of paper with the symbols '2+2=4' on it (I 
will denote 

Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Stephen P. King

On 7/14/2012 5:52 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 14 Jul 2012, at 11:16, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 14.07.2012 11:00 Bruno Marchal said the following:

On 14 Jul 2012, at 10:42, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:


If to speak about your theorem, it is unclear to me, how the first
person view accesses numbers and mathematical objects.

Like a digital machine, which can access numbers encoded in their
memory, through logical gates, and so one. More details are given
currently on the FOAR list, but the idea is simple, with comp our
bodies are statistical first person constructs related to infinities
of number relations, so we access to them a bit like a fish can
access water. The price of this is that we have to abandon
physicalism eventually.

I am not sure if I understand. I would like to have an explanation 
for a phenomenon, for example

1) I see a cat;

2) I see a piece of paper with 2 + 2 = 4.

Yet, when you start explaining, the phenomenon seems to disappear.

1) I see a cat. This is explained by the fact that your current 
computational state belongs to an infinity of computations making you 
singling out some stable patterns that you recognize, by access to 
your previous experience as being cat. The qualia itself is explained 
by the fact that when you refer to the cat, you are really referring 
to yourself (with the implicit hope that it corresponds to some 
relatively independent pattern), and the math shows that such a 
self-reference involves some true but non rationally communicable 
feature. The math explained why, if this justification is correct, 
machines/numbers will not be entirely satisfied by it, for the first 
person is not a machine from its own first person view.

2) The same with 2+2=4 written on some paper. It is also a stable 
pattern in the computations going through your state. Here you might 
just refer to what you have learned in school, and you might 
considered that the truth referred by that sentence on a paper is more 
stable than a cat, but the conscious perception of cat or ink on paper 
admits the same explanation: some universal number reflect a pattern 
belonging to almost all computations going through your state. You 
have to take the first person indeterminacy into account, and keep in 
mind that your immediate future is determined by an infinity of 
computations/universal number, going through your actual state. For 
example, all the Heisenberg matrices computing the state of the galaxy 
at some description level for some amount of steps. They all provably 
exist independently of us in a tiny part of elementary arithmetic, and 
admit at least as many variants as there are possible electron 
location in their energy level orbitals.

I cannot be sure if this helps you as it relies to some familiarity 
with the first person indeterminacy and the fact that our comp states 
are distributed in an infinity of distinct, from a third person pov, 
computations (existing in arithmetic).


Dear Bruno,

Please consider the following: from gowers 
(,/Non-principal ultrafilters on ?/, (version: 2010-02-20)


There is a nice class of problems that are equivalent to the existence 
of a non-principal ultrafilter. One such, if I remember correctly, is 
the existence of a colouring of the infinite subsets of the natural 
numbers in such a way that no infinite set has all its infinite subsets 
of the same colour. The obvious proof is to colour the sets in such a 
way that if you add or take away a single element then you change its 
colour. To make this proof work, you define two sets to be equivalent if 
their symmetric difference is finite, and do the colouring in each 
equivalence class separately. But to get it started you have to pick a 
set in each equivalence class, and for that the obvious thing to do is 
use AC.

But you can in fact do it with a non-principal ultrafilter as follows. 
Given an infinite subset A, define its counting function f(n) to be the 
cardinality of the intersection of A with {1,2,...,n}. Then take a 
non-principal ultrafilter ? and define F(A) to be the limit along ? 
of(-1)f(n). If you add an element m to A, then f(n) is unchanged up to m 
and then adds 1 thereafter, so its parity is changed everywhere except 
on a finite set, which implies that F(A) changes. So F gives you your 

I've never actually thought about the other direction (getting from such 
a colouring to a non-principal ultrafilter) so I don't know how hard it 
is. I'm not even 100% sure that it's true, but I'm pretty sure I 
remember hearing that it was.


answeredFeb 20 2010 at 12:30

The idea here of a colouring is a partitioning that would relate 
to your measure, 

Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread John Clark
On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 Bruno Marchal wrote:

  you seem to believe only in the post 523 occidental vocabulary.

Yeah, I can't tell you the number of times that darned post 523 occidental
vocabulary of mine has gotten me into big trouble. I'm thinking of joining
Post Occidental Vocabulary Anonymous and their 523 step program, or some
similar self help organization.

 God is the pointer to our ignorance.

So first God is a omnipotent omniscient omnipresent being that created the
universe but He got laid off from that position so He became just something
more powerful than ourselves, and then things got even worse for the poor
Old One and now He's just our ignorance. In spite of this ridiculous
situation you still believe the word G-O-D should not be retired and can
still be used unambiguously to help us understand the deepest workings of
the universe; and you actually think theology, the study of that 3 letter
word, is not a joke.

  Free will is will

So free will is will that is free, well I'm glad you cleared that up.

 and responsibility

Responsibility is a function of how much a third party believes you should
be rewarded or punished for your actions, subjectivity is involved but not
your subjectivity because your responsibility is determined by others and
not by you.

  And so God, a omnipotent omniscient being who created the universe,
 suddenly gets demoted and becomes just another yellow bulldozer and
 theology, the study of bulldozers, degenerates into diesel engine repair.

  I don't believe in your notion of God.

HERESY! You have sinned against the great and powerful Bulldozer God! If
God is just something more powerful than yourself I don't understand the
reason for your disbelief unless you imagine yourself more powerful than a
mighty bulldozer.

 we can prove the existence of many alternative to machine.

Yes, just show them a roulette wheel.

 To deny the field theology today makes physics into a theology

So you believe physics is just glorified diesel engine repair, well that's
a honorable profession, I can certainly think of worst things.

  John K Clark

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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Stephen P. King

On 7/14/2012 1:41 PM, John Clark wrote:
Responsibility is a function of how much a third party believes you 
should be rewarded or punished for your actions, subjectivity is 
involved but not your subjectivity because your responsibility is 
determined by others and not by you.

Could you tell us what you mean by third parties and others?



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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread meekerdb

On 7/14/2012 9:48 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:
No, the reverse is the case. The belongs to an infinity of computations making you 
singling out some stable patterns requires the prior existence of the you to select 
it. The observer (you here) effectively is the measure via a self-selection rule. I 
cannot discount my own existence given the immediate fact that I am experiencing myself 
as existing. Descartes' Cognito ergo Sum is a pointed statement of this unassailable 
fact. We cannot put the observer on a level that is emerging from the computations if 
the observer is the one that is selecting the class of computations that are generating 
said observer.

How does this comport with Everett's QM which has it that there is no unique, persistent 
you to do the selecting.  It seems a simple matter of logic that any theory which sets 
out to explain consciousness cannot assume an observer, on pain of circularity.


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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Stephen P. King

On 7/14/2012 8:47 PM, meekerdb wrote:

On 7/14/2012 9:48 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:
No, the reverse is the case. The belongs to an infinity of 
computations making you singling out some stable patterns requires 
the prior existence of the you to select it. The observer (you 
here) effectively is the measure via a self-selection rule. I cannot 
discount my own existence given the immediate fact that I am 
experiencing myself as existing. Descartes' Cognito ergo Sum is a 
pointed statement of this unassailable fact. We cannot put the 
observer on a level that is emerging from the computations if the 
observer is the one that is selecting the class of computations that 
are generating said observer.

How does this comport with Everett's QM which has it that there is no 
unique, persistent you to do the selecting.  It seems a simple 
matter of logic that any theory which sets out to explain 
consciousness cannot assume an observer, on pain of circularity.


Interesting. So the unitary evolution of the SWF or state vector is 
not continuous over its spectrum or what ever it is called ... the cover 
or span of the basis? I completely fail to understand your claim here. 
Could you elaborate on your ideas here. I am interested in your 
expertise. I am just a very annoying but well meaning student.

You do understand that absent circularity it is impossible for 
consciousness to exist. Go through Descartes' /_Meditations_/ and slow 
down on the part about can I doubt my own existence? He was not the 
first to notice that circularity is the hall mark of consciousness. Why 
is circularity a bad thing. Please Remind me, I seem to have forgotten.



Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.
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Re: Stephen Hawking: Philosophy is Dead

2012-07-14 Thread Stephen P. King

On 7/14/2012 10:26 PM, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 7/14/2012 8:47 PM, meekerdb wrote:

On 7/14/2012 9:48 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:
No, the reverse is the case. The belongs to an infinity of 
computations making you singling out some stable patterns requires 
the prior existence of the you to select it. The observer (you 
here) effectively is the measure via a self-selection rule. I cannot 
discount my own existence given the immediate fact that I am 
experiencing myself as existing. Descartes' Cognito ergo Sum is a 
pointed statement of this unassailable fact. We cannot put the 
observer on a level that is emerging from the computations if the 
observer is the one that is selecting the class of computations that 
are generating said observer.

How does this comport with Everett's QM which has it that there is no 
unique, persistent you to do the selecting.  It seems a simple 
matter of logic that any theory which sets out to explain 
consciousness cannot assume an observer, on pain of circularity.


Interesting. So the unitary evolution of the SWF or state vector 
is not continuous over its spectrum or what ever it is called ... the 
cover or span of the basis? I completely fail to understand your claim 
here. Could you elaborate on your ideas here. I am interested in your 
expertise. I am just a very annoying but well meaning student.

And I need to add that not only is there a persistent you, there 
is every possible version of that persistent you. If there is Identity 
via fixed point, then there is a you' involved in some capacity. It 
just might not be belonging to an entity that some people denote as 
John Clark; it could be Atom of Hydrogen. This rule applies to 
anything that have a SWF or state vector representation. We are not just 
considering people. You might like to learn to love panpsychism. :-P I 
am just following the letter of the law of MWI.

And furthermore, It is quite possible to represent very nicely 
behaved non-well founded sets that have all kind of circularity in them. 
The trick is that there is always a bound of the circularity. It is only 
*actually infinite* regress that is problematic. Just because something 
is possible does not mean that it must happen! We still don't understand 
exactly how Nature implements the unitary evolution. We don't have a 
accurate theory of quantum gravity. At the moment, physicists do not 
known how to write out equations that can account for arbitrarily long 
yet smooth diffeomorphism of manifolds that are fibered with nice and 
well behaved quantum fields. All of the texts books cheat by using 
semi-classical approximations to define the Lagrangian, figure of the 
quantum field that fits that Lagrangian and tell you that they actually 
didn't cheat.

If you think that quantum gravity is not involved, consider the 
following: The task of quantizing general relativity raises serious 
questions about the meaning of the present formulation and 
interpretation of quantum mechanics when applied to so fundamental a 
structure as the space-time geometry itself. This paper seeks to clarify 
the formulations of quantum mechanics. It presents a reformulation of 
quantum theory in a form believed suitable for application to general 
relativity. This is the first paragraph of Everett's famous paper, 
referenced above.


{2)} The continuous, deterministic change of state of an isolated 
system with time according to a wave equation dy/dt = ?y, where A is a 
linear operator.


How is one to apply the conventional formulation of quantum 
mechanics to the space-time geometry itself? The issue becomes 
especially acute in the case of a closed universe.3 There is no place to 
stand outside the system to observe it. There is nothing outside it to 
produce transitions from one state to another. Even the familiar concept 
of a proper state of the energy is completely inapplicable. In the 
derivation of the law of conservation of energy, one defines the total 
energy by way of an integral extended over a surface large enough to 
include all parts of the system and their interactions.4 But in a closed 
space, when a surface is made to include more and more of the volume, it 
ultimately disappears into nothingness. Attempts to define a total 
energy for a closed space collapse to the vacuous statement, zero equals 

But let us read further:

This paper proposes to reward pure wave mechanics (?rocess 2 only) 
as a complete theory. It postulates that a wave function that obeys a 
linear wave equation everywhere and at all times supplies a complete 
mathematical model for every isolated physical system without exception. 
It further postulates that every system that is subject to external 
observation can be regarded as part of a larger isolated system. */_The 
wave function is taken as the basic physical entity with no a priori