Re: 1P/3P CONFUSION again and again

2015-08-08 Thread Pierz

On Saturday, August 8, 2015 at 5:09:49 AM UTC+10, John Clark wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 8:40 PM, Pierz javascript: 

 ​ ​
 My point isn't that MWI is true. My point is you understand it and how it 
 leads to the appearance of indeterminacy in a completely determined system.
 ​ ​
 Indeterminacy is a 1-p illusion 

 ​It's either an illusion or it is not​
 ​and peepee is not involved.​ 

And you wonder why people think you're a troll.

 And it is an experimental fact that 
 Bell's inequality
 ​ is violated therefore we know for certain that if things really are 
 deterministic then even stranger things must be true; either things are not 
 realistic (an electron is not spinning clockwise or 
 counterclockwise until it is measured, nothing exists until it is observed) 
 or non-local (forget the butterfly effect, a hurricane arrived in Miami 
 today because one year in the **future** a butterfly in Australia will 
 flap his wings). 
  So we know for sure that Einstein's idea that 
  are realistic
 and deterministic can
 ​ not​
 be correct
 ​, at least one of them must be false and all 3 could be.​

 ​ ​
 If the multiverse really exists then that explains quantum 
 indeterminacy, but Bruno claims he has found a new sort of indeterminacy 
 independent of both the quantum type and also of the Godel/Turing type and 
 I don't think he has. 

 ​ ​
 To my mind, the logic is completely isomorphic with MWI.

 ​MWI says everything that can happen 
 ​to you will happen to you, so you can see everything that can happen; the 
 only way these 2 things can be consistent with experience is if there are 
 lots and lots of yous but the laws of physics only allow an observer (or 
 a you) to see one of them. And that is why Bruno loves pronouns and that is 
 why despite the criticism Bruno insists on continuing to use the word 
 you; pronouns like that disguise the fact that you is not singular, it 
 is plural. 

Bruno knows that observer or 'you' is plural, and in fact that plurality is 
the basis of the first person indeterminacy. If you're an amoeba and you 
divide, there are now two amoebas who remember having been you (if amoebas 
had memories). That's it. Post duplication there's an illusion of 
indeterminacy about which amoeba 'you' became, but the pronoun here is just 
a figure of speech. I'm starting to think from this and the statements 
below that you actually have misunderstood what Bruno is claiming. In the 
above statement you say that the laws of physics only allow you to see one 
universe. In Bruno's formulation it's not the laws of physics but the 
definition of the observer as comprised in the digital state of some 
machine, that has now been replicated. Obviously such a duplicated observer 
can't observe the other machine's environment or internal state, so the 
same separation has been achieved as the laws of physics achieve in MWI. No 
'peepee' involved.

 Admittedly Bruno does say THE 1p you but unfortunately always neglects 
 to mention which 1p you. Well OK Bruno does say 
 THE 1p you
 ​ who wrote all that stuff in the diary, but that does no good because 
 after the duplication Bruno is unable to point to the one guy who wrote all 
 that stuff in the diary.  ​

Don't be daft. There are two people writing in diaries after the 
duplication, and Bruno knows it. You've misunderstood the claim.

 ​ ​
 If Bruno is claiming there is some striking originality about his idea of 
 FPI then I'd point to Everett and say, that guy thought of it first.

 ​Everett said nothing about consciousness and didn't need to, one great 
 strength ​of Many Worlds is that unlike some other quantum interpretations 
 it doesn't need to explain what consciousness is or how it works because 
 consciousness has nothing to do with it. Bruno's great discovery is in 
 finding out that sometimes you doesn't know what you will see next, but 
 I think Og The Caveman beat him to the punch on that by a few years.

You have the wit of a Wilde. 


 ​ ​
 Obviously Bruno's argument hypothesises this first-person indeterminacy 
 occurring in a context of computationally defined observers (whether in a 
 physical machine, a duplication experiment, or pure mathematics) rather 
 than the multiverse, but that context is irrelevant to the question of the 
 validity of the logic 

 ​But it is not ​
 irrelevant to the question
 ​ of pronouns and Bruno's arguments are always filled wall ​to wall with 
 pronouns. When discussing the multiverse the very laws of physics ensure 
 that pronouns cause no ambiguity, but that is certainly not the case with 
 people duplicating machines. 
 Stage magicians use pretty 
 to distract 
 ​the audience​
 their sleight of hand, Bruno uses pronouns.
 ​ ​
 ​Bruno says that ​c
 ​can't predict what *YOU* will see next so there must be some aspect of 
 consciousness that the 
 computational theory of 

Re: The Mental Being

2015-08-08 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 08 Aug 2015, at 05:31, Samiya Illias wrote:

On 07-Aug-2015, at 9:46 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 07 Aug 2015, at 05:54, Samiya Illias wrote:

I'm reading R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz. In the Introduction to A  
Study of Numbers, they quote his last words. It reminds me of your  
salvia beings. Thought the attached might be of interest to you.


Nice quote Samya.

I love He [Schwaller I guess] applied himself relentlessly to the  
apparently impossible task of using reason to surmount reason.

This is what Gödel illustrates: the use of reason to study the  
limit of reason, for example reason cannot produce a mean to decide  
if a diophantine (polynomial in integers) equation has or not some  

Mathematicians have shown the non solubility of many problems,  
accepting (as most does) Church's thesis or Church's definition of  

But Gödel already saw that the machine or formal systems (which  
really means systems described by they local forms) can prove their  
own incompleteness theorem, so that machine reasoning about  
themselves can get the fact that if they are consistent, then they  
can't justify it rationally. Consistency is equivalent with the  
existence of a reality which satisfies my beliefs (in the sense  
that they render my beliefs true). So, machine looking inward  
(reasoning on themselves, but also trying to figure out their own  
semantic/reality can prove, infer and intuit (correctly or not)  
that there is a reality, and can justify that if there is a  
reality then we cannot justify rationally the existence of that  

It is also the intuition of the Platonist and Neoplatonist: we can  
use reason to develop confidence in what extends necessarility  
reason, The Reality,  which might be only the semantic of  
oneself, the reality which satisfies my beliefs, in the sense of  
the logiciens, where a reality (called Model) is what makes a  
belief true of false (to stay in classical logic).

The machines can already do the impossible task: use reason to  
surmount reason.

All self-referentially correct machine get mystical,  ... for good  

The authorties or simply those who want to control you cannot  
accept the mysticals as this one will take its order from something  
they cannot control. The self-referentically correct machine is  
Groucho-Marxiste, she refutes all categorzation made by others.

About the entity that Schwaller describes, I don't know what  
relation you see with salvia.

Earlier you once explained the salvia experience to me as: Salvia  
is a logical drug, it provides counter-example to any certainty you  
might have in theology. It provides an epimenidian sort of super- 
dream argument: a sort of hallucination saying of itself that it is  
an hallucination.
Similar to your 'counter-example to any certainty', Schwaller speaks  
of the mental being as the source of all doubt. That is why it  
reminded me of Salvia entity: perhaps both of you experience  
different manifestations of the same mental being?

I doubt so because Schwaller seems to consider it like if it was an  
enemy to fight. But the salvia entity (the main one) rise doubt in  
the cartesian way, and so get the undoubtable fixed point (Descartes'  
self-existence). In fact, both the cartesian argument and salvia makes  
that fixed point much more solid, and this makes the admissible doubt  
spectrum much larger, which is good as all atoms of public certainty  
is an obstacle for freeing the mind spiritually.

When I have more time I will read more of Schwaller who seems  
interesting. I did not know him. Thanks.
I can appreciate some talk of some theosophists, but *they* do the  
religious error and seems to be unable to avoid some idolatry  
attitude toward their inspirators. Yet, they have some common  
doctrinal points with the neoplatonists.

Science is doubt, and allowing to study theology with the scientific  
method is just allowing and encouraging doubts in the field, and  
recognizing that all human texts are human theories or prose trying to  
capture with words something which, almost by definition in most  
tradition including Islam, is beyond humans' words and comprehension.  
That's why sacred text should never been taken literally.

Spiritual faith is not in opposition with doubting. It is the  
contrary: the more big is the inner faith, the more big will be the  
public doubt spectrum. The faith starts from the inner experience, the  
heart, not the logical brain which, like anything finite, is  
logically forced to doubt (all Gods, all realities, except the  
undoubtable fixed point which is incorrigible, but is not public).

When pseudo-religious people attack the doubting attitude in religion,  
they show up their lack of faith. Only someone NOT believing in God  
can believe there is a need for humans to do something for the faith  
of others. Those who have faith trust 

Re: 1P/3P CONFUSION again and again

2015-08-08 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 07 Aug 2015, at 21:09, John Clark wrote:

On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 8:40 PM, Pierz wrote:

​ ​My point isn't that MWI is true. My point is you understand  
it and how it leads to the appearance of indeterminacy in a  
completely determined system.​ ​Indeterminacy is a 1-p illusion

​It's either an illusion or it is not​ ​and peepee is not  
involved.​ And it is an experimental fact that Bell's inequality​  
is violated therefore we know for certain that if things really are  
deterministic then even stranger things must be true; either things  
are not realistic (an electron is not spinning clockwise or  
counterclockwise until it is measured, nothing exists until it is  
observed) or non-local (forget the butterfly effect, a hurricane  
arrived in Miami today because one year in the *future* a butterfly  
in Australia will flap his wings).  So we know for sure that  
Einstein's idea that things​ are realistic​,​ local​,​ and  
deterministic can​ not​ be correct​, at least one of them must  
be false and all 3 could be.​

​ ​If the multiverse really exists then that explains quantum  
indeterminacy, but Bruno claims he has found a new sort of  
indeterminacy independent of both the quantum type and also of the  
Godel/Turing type and I don't think he has.

​ ​To my mind, the logic is completely isomorphic with MWI.

​MWI says everything that can happen ​to you will happen to you,  
so you can see everything that can happen; the only way these 2  
things can be consistent with experience is if there are lots and  
lots of yous but the laws of physics only allow an observer (or a  
you) to see one of them. And that is why Bruno loves pronouns and  
that is why despite the criticism Bruno insists on continuing to use  
the word you; pronouns like that disguise the fact that you is  
not singular, it is plural.

It is plural in the 3-1 view, but it remains singular in the 1-view.  
The JC who sees M can only say: I see M and not W. The JC who sees W  
can only say I see W and not M.

Admittedly Bruno does say THE 1p you but unfortunately always  
neglects to mention which 1p you.

Why do you still say that? Did I not insist that we need to interview  
*all* copies?

Well OK Bruno does say THE 1p you​ who wrote all that stuff in the  
diary, but that does no good because after the duplication Bruno is  
unable to point to the one guy who wrote all that stuff in the  
diary.  ​

Why do you still say that. You have repeated this many times, and I  
have always told you that the one guy, being, from the 3p-view, in  
both W *and* M, must be very naturally interviewed in both W and M,  
and indeed both confirms the prediction that they saw only one city, - 
and were unable to predict which one in advance.

​ ​If Bruno is claiming there is some striking originality about  
his idea of FPI then I'd point to Everett and say, that guy thought  
of it first.

​Everett said nothing about consciousness and didn't need to, one  
great strength ​of Many Worlds is that unlike some other quantum  
interpretations it doesn't need to explain what consciousness is or  
how it works because consciousness has nothing to do with it.

Everett talk about consciousness or subjective experience, and what is  
nice, use computationalism, but then he fails to see that the  
indterminacy, a priori, get larger than the one given by the universal  
wave, and so, if we want savev both comp and QM, we will have to  
justify the QM by the same type of phenomenology used by Everett to  
justofy the collapse. With comp, both the collapse and the wave  
becomes machine's phenomenology.

Bruno's great discovery is in finding out that sometimes you  
doesn't know what you will see next, but I think Og The Caveman  
beat him to the punch on that by a few years.

OK, you oscillate again. Tell me if Og the Caveman has gone as far as  
step 4, and 5, and 6, ...

You are the only one insisting that step 3 already deserves the Nobel  
Prize ...

​ ​Obviously Bruno's argument hypothesises this first-person  
indeterminacy occurring in a context of computationally defined  
observers (whether in a physical machine, a duplication experiment,  
or pure mathematics) rather than the multiverse, but that context is  
irrelevant to the question of the validity of the logic

​But it is not ​irrelevant to the question​ of pronouns and  
Bruno's arguments are always filled wall ​to wall with pronouns.

You are quite unfair. Not only I have given presentation, just for  
you, without pronouns (and others have done that too), but we have  
explained why pronouns are not problematic, once you put the 1 or  
3 or '3-1 in front of them.

You do point on a difficulty which plays an important role in the  
mathematical translation. Indeed, once you defined a machine or person  
by its set of beliefs, the 1-you can be proved to be undefinable, like  
truth or consciousness.

But UDA has been constructed to 

Re: Leibniz: When God calculates, the world is made

2015-08-08 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 07 Aug 2015, at 08:26, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

Leibniz' note on his Dialogs:

When God calculates and thinks things through, the world is made.

Cum Deus calculat et cogitationem exercet, mundus fit.

I have found it in M. Heller, Ultimate Explanations of the Universe.

OK, but in the universal machine religion this is very close to a  
blasphemy, as it tend to associate God with the Computer (RA, the  
Universal dovetailler).

But it is true ... if we are self-referentially correct machine. But  
this is something we cannot claim, nor even express, and that's why  
this talk belongs to G* \  G.

You can see that blasphemy here like deciding that true = provable,  
and that is correct for the comp sigma-1 sentences.

For p sigma_1 you have both:

p - []p


[]p - p

but if the Löbian machine is indeed able to prove (for p sigma_1) that  
p - []p, the reverse, []p - p remains true but unprovable by the  
self-referentially correct machine, and cannot be claimed true at the  
same level of p-[]p.

We do have p - []p, which is arguably what Heller said above, but it  
would lead to inconsistency or triviality  if we forget that []p - p  
can only be true in the eyes of God, and never provable by any finite  
creature (when self-referentially correct).

Yes, Leibniz get close to computationalism's consequence, no doubt. he  
got close to computationalism itself, but miss the digital machine's  
modern definition. he could not seen Church's thesis and the closure  
for diagonalization. In a sense, Babbage get closer.



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Re: The Mental Being

2015-08-08 Thread meekerdb

On 8/8/2015 2:21 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
When pseudo-religious people attack the doubting attitude in religion, they show up 
their lack of faith. Only someone NOT believing in God can believe there is a need for 
humans to do something for the faith of others. Those who have faith trust God for the 
public relations, and let Him/It/She do the job. 

What about when they attack the behavior of other people.  All religions prescribe some 
kinds of behavior as good and others as bad and claim these prescriptions are 
supernatural.  They base laws and taxes and wars on them and trust God is on their side.


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Re: The Mental Being

2015-08-08 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List
Abe Lincoln during the US Civil War, said, People are always talking about God 
being on Their side. But I want us to make sure that we are on God's side. On 
the other hand, during the film, A Bronx Tale displayed what happened to a 
young boy when he witnesses a mafia hit between two hoods. The young boy, 
during Sunday confession is urged by the priest to go to the police with what 
the boy saw. That it was what God wanted. The boy replies, Yeah, but God is far 
away, and Sonny is close by. The priest understands and blesses the boy. 

I am not sure that if one wants calm, the belief in God doesn't seem to help. 
Neither does militant atheism, as it ended up in great massacres during the 
20th century. On, but those really weren't atheists! I have heard this crap 
claim before, as if Mao and Stalin and Pot and the Kim's were all church-goers. 
As we say in the States, My ass! In any case, God doesn't seem to help 
either. I remember hearing about an anthropological study that wars or 
violence, mainly derived from whom we affiliate with? This was a fairly, 
recent study, and affiliation was the culprit. I will see if I can look it up. 
It made an impression on me, obviously.




-Original Message-
From: meekerdb
To: everything-list
Sent: Sat, Aug 8, 2015 1:08 pm
Subject: Re: The Mental Being

On 8/8/2015 2:21 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:  
When pseudo-religious people attack the doubting attitude in religion, they 
show up their lack of faith. Only someone NOT believing in God can believe 
there is a need for humans to do something for the faith of others. Those who 
have faith trust God for the public relations, and let Him/It/She do the job.  
  What about when they attack the behavior of other people.  All religions 
prescribe some kinds of behavior as good and others as bad and claim these 
prescriptions are supernatural.  They base laws and taxes and wars on them and 
trust God is on their side.
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Re: The Mental Being

2015-08-08 Thread meekerdb

On 8/8/2015 11:32 AM, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
Abe Lincoln during the US Civil War, said, People are always talking about God being on 
Their side. But I want us to make sure that we are on God's side. On the other hand, 
during the film, A Bronx Tale displayed what happened to a young boy when he witnesses a 
mafia hit between two hoods. The young boy, during Sunday confession is urged by the 
priest to go to the police with what the boy saw. That it was what God wanted. The boy 
replies, Yeah, but God is far away, and Sonny is close by. The priest understands and 
blesses the boy.

I am not sure that if one wants calm, the belief in God doesn't seem to help. Neither 
does militant atheism, as it ended up in great massacres during the 20th century. On, 
but those really weren't atheists! I have heard this crap claim before, as if Mao and 
Stalin and Pot and the Kim's were all church-goers. As we say in the States, My ass! 
In any case, 

Actually, those were totalitarian tyrants who believed in Marxism. They didn't kill people 
to support atheism, they killed people who opposed their regime.  As we say in the States, 
You're full of it.


God doesn't seem to help either. I remember hearing about an anthropological study that 
wars or violence, mainly derived from whom we affiliate with? This was a fairly, 
recent study, and affiliation was the culprit. I will see if I can look it up. It made 
an impression on me, obviously.

-Original Message-
From: meekerdb
To: everything-list
Sent: Sat, Aug 8, 2015 1:08 pm
Subject: Re: The Mental Being

On 8/8/2015 2:21 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

When pseudo-religious people attack the doubting attitude in religion, they 
show up
their lack of faith. Only someone NOT believing in God can believe there is 
a need
for humans to do something for the faith of others. Those who have faith 
trust God
for the public relations, and let Him/It/She do the job. 

What about when they attack the behavior of other people.  All religions prescribe 
some kinds of behavior as good and others as bad and claim these prescriptions are 
supernatural.  They base laws and taxes and wars on them and trust God is on their side.

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Re: 1P/3P CONFUSION again and again

2015-08-08 Thread John Clark
On Sat, Aug 8, 2015  Pierz wrote:

 ​ ​
 If you're an amoeba and you divide, there are now two amoebas who remember
 having been you (if amoebas had memories).

​Yes, and it would be silly to ask the amoeba before the division if **you**
will swim to the left or to the right after the division, ​almost as silly
as asking which of the 2 amoebas was *THE* one true original amoeba that
had *THE* 1p you.

 ​ ​
 you say that the laws of physics only allow you to see one universe.

​Yes, or to say the same thing with different words, MWI says that the laws
of physics treats conscious observers in EXACTLY the same way as it treats
non-conscious stuff. Or to use still different language, MWI has nothing
specific to say about consciousness.  ​

 ​ ​
 In Bruno's formulation it's not the laws of physics but the definition of
 the observer as comprised in the digital state of some machine,

​But definitions are exactly the problem. In Bruno's thought experiment
what is the definition of you? One some days Bruno says it's the man who
remembers being a man in Helsinki and that's fine, but on other days Bruno
adds the mysterious proviso in THE 1p and on still other days the
definition of you must include in the 3p. So what the hell is the
definition of you?   ​

 ​ ​
 Admittedly Bruno does say THE 1p you but unfortunately always neglects
 to mention which 1p you. Well OK Bruno does say
 THE 1p you
 ​ who wrote all that stuff in the diary, but that does no good because
 after the duplication Bruno is unable to point to the one guy who wrote all
 that stuff in the diary.  ​

 ​ ​
 Don't be daft. There are two people writing in diaries after the
 duplication, and Bruno knows it. You've misunderstood the claim.

​If John doesn't understand Bruno but ​Pierz says he does then Pierz should
be able to tell John exactly what *THE* 1p you means in a world with
people duplicating machines. I'm all ears!

​ ​
 ​But it is not ​
 irrelevant to the question
 ​ of pronouns and Bruno's arguments are always filled wall ​to wall with
 pronouns. When discussing the multiverse the very laws of physics ensure
 that pronouns cause no ambiguity, but that is certainly not the case with
 people duplicating machines.
 Stage magicians use pretty
 to distract
 ​the audience​

 their sleight of hand, Bruno uses pronouns.
 ​ ​
 ​Bruno says that ​c
 ​can't predict what *YOU* will see next so there must be some aspect of
 consciousness that the
 computational theory of mind
 ​ can not explain,

 ​ ​
 Say what? Say WHAT? Bruno's argument is based purely on a computational
 theory of mind!

​Bruno argument is that if the ​computational theory of mind is correct
​(and only a fool would say it is not) ​
then it should be able to determine the future state of
​a ​
​ observer​,
​Bruno says ​
it cannot and indeterminacy remains so computationalism can't be the entire
Bruno is incorrect, computationalism precisely determines that
he Moscow man will be the man who sees photons from Moscow because a
photons from Moscow is the very thing that turns the Helsinki man into the
​ man​
, and a corresponding thing happens to the Washington man.

​tells you that you will be duplicated and one you will see Moscow and one
you will see Washington. Will the you who sees Moscow and not Washington
be surprised?
Will the you who sees
and not
 be surprised?
​No,​ not
 if you is rational, it's exactly what you
​, a believer in ​c

happen. ​

John Clark of course know what the response to this will be, You forgot
*THE* peepee! What about *THE *peepee? In the future what will **YOU**see
in the peepee?. There is no answer to that because unfortunately Bruno
never specifies in whose peepee, Bruno doesn't have a consistent definition
of you.

 ​ ​
 Bruno's argument needs no pronouns to go through.

​Then why does Bruno throw around pronouns like a drunken sailor throws
around money in ever post Bruno writes? And why does Bruno talk about *THE *X
even when X is clearly plural?

 John K Clark  ​

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