Re: Scriptural refutation of the Transhumanist Movement

2022-07-10 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List
I don't see refutation of by scriptures, of this new, Kuffar philosophy. For 
our age, it really has not predicted very well. In other words, it pleased some 
science fiction fans, but nobody in science slapping their foreheads and saying 
to themselves and exclaiming, "Why didn't I listen to Nick Bostrom, or, Max 
Moore! Not that they are bad guys, but they say the world at the time with 
accelerating computer prowess, changing the way people live in a huge way. 
My opinion is, so far, the great changes haven't occurred, and though 
technology advances, and we all need to be grateful for the advances we do get, 
it's not like like we are standing amazed at life before our eyes, in the 
streets of the world. 
My prediction is that we'll know life will become different if and when 
computers start making not just science breakthroughs in the laboratories, but 
new inventions actually, walk out of the laboratories into the streets. For 
example, since before the Kuffar WW2 the popular science magazines (not 
published for scientists but the common public), predicted that everyone would 
own a personal helicopter instead of a car. Considerable research, but nothing 
selling many on the Showroom floors. 

The only threat to Islam is IF the Transhumanist Predictions ever comes to 
pass?? Then, all bets are off as the nature of life would change. If this ever 
happens, it may be a long time from now. 
I sa, Let the Transhumanists prove their claims before we slowly, touch, the 
handles of our swords. For me, I like the guy's personally, and are NOT 
suspicious of them, and wish that they had more successes with technology, 
because this would save a lot of lives and people could live easier. Example, I 
would love it if our medicines would work fantastically better.We wouldn't have 
children dying in hospitals. A very worthy goal! Transhumanists want this. 
If you wish to risk the wrath of the Almighty and that's on you, you could read 
the science fiction novels of writer Frank Herbert. He was a newspaper writer 
and then a journalist and then an editor. He wrote about a distant future where 
humans had spread across the Milky Way and settled many living planets. While 
all this occurred, the religions of almost everyone separated and merged and 
changed over ten thousand years. Is it worth your soul? Naw, skip it, but 
Herbet did invoke a bit of Islamic history in his fiction books, and he never 
intended it ever to a religion itself!. The chief novel is DUNE. 
In any case, the books Do Not portray Muhammad as the Final Prophet, so its a 
waste of time for you, but a bit of good reading for the readers. Here are a 
few mentions. 
Religions of Dune Explained | Book Analysis

I think of it as, Lawrence of Arabia on Mars. Ten thousand years? Others of the 
Umah have read the books and written about. (shrug).
   - Assemblies of Allah
   - Zenshiite
   - Sunislam

Fremen Religion
The Fremen religion was a religion widely practiced on Arrakis by the Fremen. 
The faith got formed on the ways of the Wandering Zensunni, the ancestors of 
the Fremen. Although the wandering Zensunni practiced a pacifistic religion, 
the Fremen followed survival and strength.
-Original Message-
From: Samiya Illias 
Sent: Sat, Jul 9, 2022 11:19 pm
Subject: Scriptural refutation of the Transhumanist Movement

: aiming to create the god-self? 
Transhumanism - II 
: Natural vs Artificial 
Transhumanism - III
 : bypassing the womb? 
Transhumanism - IV 
 : escaping death for a thousand years?
Transhumanism - V 
 : purposefully imperfect 

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Re: Scriptural refutation of the Transhumanist Movement

2022-07-10 Thread Lawrence Crowell
This amounts to a refutation of silliness by what is preposterous.


On Saturday, July 9, 2022 at 10:19:30 PM UTC-5 Samiya wrote:

> Transhumanism
> : aiming to create the god-self? 
> Transhumanism - II 
> : Natural vs Artificial 
> Transhumanism - III
>  : bypassing the womb? 
> Transhumanism - IV 
>  : escaping death for a thousand years? 
> Transhumanism - V 
>  : purposefully imperfect 

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FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

2022-07-10 Thread Philip Benjamin
John Clark]
  “´ Give me an example of something, anything, that is NOT pagan…. “.
[Philip Benjamin]
 This is a reasonable question, though the problem was defined for over 
over 20 years wherever that was allowed, though the WAMP (often Marxists) 
despotically forbids.
WAMP is generally speaking a self-description, if anybody wants to join, most 
welcome!! The name “John” meaning ”Jah (YHWH) is gracious” is not of pagan 
origin, that does not necessarily mean that anybody with that name is not a 
Gaia centered conformist. Pagan comes from Pan-Gaia-n, i.e. earth centered, 
earth worshippers, by extension the doctrinaire environmentalists and the 
 A “transformed consciousness” is what the Prophet describes as:  “And 
I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will 
remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh”. 
Ezekiel 36:26. Earth-centeredness is unavoidable for all earthlings, “none 
good” (Psalm 14:3; Romans 3:12; Luke 18:19) even in an “awakened 
consciousness”, or Augustinian transformation (“Two Great Awakenings for 
example”). Rabbi Saul of Tarsus put it this way expressing his great 
frustration after transformation on the Damascus road: Romans 7:24. “ O 
wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death”?
Only the products (Marxists) of WAMP-the-Ingrate can claim to be “good”!!   
For science today Ezekiel’s “new heart” or the “inner man” of the Apostles 
refers to the “dark matter body” with its chemistry vis-à-ˈvis its “light 
matter twin” cocreated at conception.
Philip Benjamin
Jeremiah 17:9.“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: 
who can know it?”
Romans chs. 1—3. Total corruption of mankindMark 7: 21. “For from within, out 
of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, 
adultery, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, 
lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:”
Ezekiel 36:26. “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put 
within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a 
heart of flesh”.

From: On 
Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 8:58 AM
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List
Subject: Re: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 9:38 AM Philip Benjamin>> wrote:

> Paganism with un-awakened consciousness in diverse forms rules about 90% of 
> the globe including today’s Europe and America—atheism, humanism, animism, 
> polytheism,  pantheism, cabalism, Marxism, Socialism, Fascism, Satanism, 
> Statism, Collective Capitalism, Neo-Liberalism, anti-individualism, New Age, 
> Identity Politics, etc.  One has to cut off from reality not to mention 
> paganism in describing the present state of human minds.
“Is Christianity paganism, if not why not, and if it is then give me an example 
of something, anything, that is NOT pagan.  Saying everything is pagan is 
equivalent to saying nothing is pagan because meaning needs contrast”  John 

From: 'Rosemary Rock-Evans' via Consciousness-Online>>
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral 

Dear Philip,
Mr Clark's reply [he cannot be a doctor or professor surely?] is absolutely 
spot on - because he has defined what a WAMP is by his own reply!! There is

- Sarcasm - Wow you're doing better, you were able to write 28 whole words 
before you felt obligated [sic] to use the word "pagan"!

- Abuse - but pretty soon you may be able to write an entire sentence without 
using "pagan",

- Insult - It would be science-fiction to imagine you could ever write an 
entire post without using it

- Condescension - but I'm curious, does that word have any meeting [sic] for 
you other than someone who believes in a very slightly different type of 
religious idiocy than the type of religious idiocy you believe in?

- Arrogance/Ignorance And by the way, if you put a gun to my head I couldn't 
tell you who or what "WAMP-the-Ingrate" is.

This is a WAMP! An arrogant, dismissive, condescending, abusive individual who 
uses sarcasm as a form of argument, as well as insult and abuse. And yet is 
unable to spell or use grammatically correct English!!
"Obligated" means "require or compel (someone) to undertake a legal or moral 
duty". I think he may mean obliged and he has mis-spelt meeting because I 
suspect he means 'meaning'.

I can even add extra characteristics - they shout louder than you to get their

Re: FW: [Consciousness-Online] RE: The Supreme Court and the Electoral College

2022-07-10 Thread John Clark
On Sun, Jul 10, 2022 at 2:27 PM Philip Benjamin 

> *John Clark]*
>   “´ Give me an example of something, anything, that is NOT pagan…. “.
> *[Philip Benjamin] *
>  This is a reasonable question,

Yea I thought so.

* > though the problem was defined for over over 20 years wherever that was
> allowed, though the WAMP (often Marxists) despotically forbids. WAMP is
> generally speaking a self-description if*  [ blah blah blah]

That's nice, but I don't give a damn what WAMP (whatever the hell that is)
forbids, what I asked for is an example of something, anything, that is NOT
pagan and you don't seem to be able to provide one. So everything is pagan,
which is exactly equivalent to nothing is pagan because 0=0.

John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  Extropolis



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Re: Scriptural refutation of the Transhumanist Movement

2022-07-10 Thread John Clark
On Sun, Jul 10, 2022 at 12:30 PM spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

*> I don't see refutation of by scriptures,*

I don't see why anybody should care what the scriptures have to say about
transhumanism given that they were written by members of a bronze age tribe
who didn't even know where the sun went at night; transhumanism is about
the physical world, how on Earth could anybody expect wisdom about that from

John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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Re: Scriptural refutation of the Transhumanist Movement

2022-07-10 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On Sun, 10 Jul 2022 at 15:19, Samiya Illias  wrote:

> Transhumanism
> : aiming to create the god-self?
> Transhumanism - II
> : Natural vs Artificial
> Transhumanism - III
>  : bypassing the womb?
> Transhumanism - IV
>  : escaping death for a thousand years?
> Transhumanism - V
>  : purposefully imperfect
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Everything List" group.
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> email to
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> .
The problem with this is that most people interested in transhumanism
firstly consider religious works such as the Quran to be false, and
secondly consider them to be bad, in the sense that God is depicted as an
unpleasant and fickle tyrant. You start off with the premise that the Quran
is both true and good, so your arguments aren’t going to work with anyone
who already rejects both those premises.
Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: Scriptural refutation of the Transhumanist Movement

2022-07-10 Thread spudboy100 via Everything List
Transhumanism isn't even about real world. It's about speculation about the 
real world becoming more technologically advanced. Is this happening? We are 
seeing steady advances and even GPT-3 writing a paper about itself. But would 
we be struggling getting new energy systems off the ground and into the market 
if this were true? The deeply, traditional, religions see transhumanism as a 
threat, especially held by the elites. We can blame Dan Brown for that one. For 
most of us techno-nuts, the changes cannot come fast enough. 
My take in any case is that those Bronze Age cultures would have loved modern 
farming, clean drinking water, and air conditioning. Cars no, trains, yeah, 
airplanes naw.   

-Original Message-
From: John Clark 
To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List 
Sent: Sun, Jul 10, 2022 5:16 pm
Subject: Re: Scriptural refutation of the Transhumanist Movement

On Sun, Jul 10, 2022 at 12:30 PM spudboy100 via Everything List 

> I don't see refutation of by scriptures,

I don't see why anybody should care what the scriptures have to say about 
transhumanism given that they were written by members of a bronze age tribe who 
didn't even know where the sun went at night; transhumanism is about the 
physical world, how on Earth could anybody expect wisdom about that from them?  
John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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Re: Scriptural refutation of the Transhumanist Movement

2022-07-10 Thread Samiya Illias
Dhu al Qarnayn visited the Polar Regions? 

The story of Dhu al Qarnayn is briefly mentioned in Chapter 18 of the Qur’an, 
verses 83 – 98. The Qur’an mentions his name/title, and without going into the 
details of his person or his people,  informs us that he was established in 
power and had the means to all ends, and thus was able to travel everywhere on 

The verses about Dhu al Qarnayn’s travels have been variously interpreted, yet 
continue to perplex many Muslims. These verses have also been used by 
non-Muslims to point out factual inaccuracies in the Qur’an.  Based upon what 
we know of the polar regions of the Earth, I think that the first two travels 
were to the North and South Pole respectively. I’ve also attempted to 
understand the third travel. My reasoning is as follows:

> On 11-Jul-2022, at 2:17 AM, John Clark  wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 10, 2022 at 12:30 PM spudboy100 via Everything List 
>>  wrote:
>> > I don't see refutation of by scriptures,
> I don't see why anybody should care what the scriptures have to say about 
> transhumanism given that they were written by members of a bronze age tribe 
> who didn't even know where the sun went at night; transhumanism is about the 
> physical world, how on Earth could anybody expect wisdom about that from 
> them? 
> John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  Extropolis
> uzp

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Re: Scriptural refutation of the Transhumanist Movement

2022-07-10 Thread Samiya Illias
The Torah & The Quran 

Reading The Book 

Seventy Men & The Torah in Seventy Languages

The Destruction of The Masjid of Solomon

> On 11-Jul-2022, at 2:43 AM, Stathis Papaioannou  wrote:
>> On Sun, 10 Jul 2022 at 15:19, Samiya Illias  wrote:
>> Transhumanism
>> : aiming to create the god-self? 
>> Transhumanism - II 
>> : Natural vs Artificial 
>> Transhumanism - III
>>  : bypassing the womb? 
>> Transhumanism - IV 
>>  : escaping death for a thousand years? 
>> Transhumanism - V 
>>  : purposefully imperfect 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Everything List" group.
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>> email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
> The problem with this is that most people interested in transhumanism firstly 
> consider religious works such as the Quran to be false, and secondly consider 
> them to be bad, in the sense that God is depicted as an unpleasant and fickle 
> tyrant. You start off with the premise that the Quran is both true and good, 
> so your arguments aren’t going to work with anyone who already rejects both 
> those premises.
> -- 
> Stathis Papaioannou
> -- 
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> "Everything List" group.
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Re: Scriptural refutation of the Transhumanist Movement

2022-07-10 Thread Samiya Illias
The Mighty Ancients! 

The Mighty Ancients (presentation)

> On 11-Jul-2022, at 3:42 AM, wrote:
> Transhumanism isn't even about real world. It's about speculation about the 
> real world becoming more technologically advanced. Is this happening? We are 
> seeing steady advances and even GPT-3 writing a paper about itself. But would 
> we be struggling getting new energy systems off the ground and into the 
> market if this were true? The deeply, traditional, religions see 
> transhumanism as a threat, especially held by the elites. We can blame Dan 
> Brown for that one. For most of us techno-nuts, the changes cannot come fast 
> enough. 
> My take in any case is that those Bronze Age cultures would have loved modern 
> farming, clean drinking water, and air conditioning. Cars no, trains, yeah, 
> airplanes naw.   
> -Original Message-
> From: John Clark 
> To: 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Sun, Jul 10, 2022 5:16 pm
> Subject: Re: Scriptural refutation of the Transhumanist Movement
> On Sun, Jul 10, 2022 at 12:30 PM spudboy100 via Everything List 
>  wrote:
> > I don't see refutation of by scriptures,
> I don't see why anybody should care what the scriptures have to say about 
> transhumanism given that they were written by members of a bronze age tribe 
> who didn't even know where the sun went at night; transhumanism is about the 
> physical world, how on Earth could anybody expect wisdom about that from 
> them? 
> John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  Extropolis
> uzp
> -- 
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> "Everything List" group.
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> email to
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> .

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