Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute

2007-03-01 Thread Brent Meeker

Mark Peaty wrote:
 No Brent, what I AM saying is that they are GONE! Well and truly 

But they lasted a lot longer than we have.

 We could get side tracked into all sorts of discussions about how each 
 of the civilisations you named, waxed and waned more than once in the 
 face of environmental changes and the inherent instability of feudal 
 societies, but I haven't got the time [fascinating though it would be :-].
 My point is that, with all due respect to the late Douglas Adams, and I 
 suppose to whoever it was who wrote the book of Daniel in the 
 Judaeo-Xian Bible, the TRUE
 Writing on the Wall AKA God's last message to humankind, is five short 
 words in plain-English:
 * Shape up or die out!
 What I say is if we really want to 'shape up' and survive, then 
 compassion, democracy, ethics and scientific method are four essential 
 ingredients without which our modern world will go the way of all those 
 other civilisations your mentioned. 

It will go the way of those other civilizations anyway because: a) it's 
dependent on energy from cheap oil and b) all civilizations rise and fall, none 
last forever.

Brent Meeker
Nations and empires flourish and decay,
By turns command,  and in their turns obey.
  --- Publius Ovidius Naso

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Re: Believing in Divine Destiny

2007-02-28 Thread Saibal Mitra

The only connection I can think of is as follows. For any given religious
text there should exist a universe which best fits those text.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 11:55 PM
Subject: Re: Believing in Divine Destiny

  A year ago or so Wei Dai put an end to religious discussions on the

 I don't remember if I did that a year ago or not, but I certainly think
 current discussion is off-topic. This mailing list is based on the premise
 that all possible universes exist. Unless someone can think of a
 to this idea, can we please drop this thread?

 I have also noticed that all of [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s posts are
 copy-and-pastes from online sources:

 Copying other people's writings without attribution is plagiarism, which I
 certainly do not approve of.

 And aside from that, if anyone wants to reference large amounts of online
 material, please post a link instead of copying the text.

 P.S., I find that I am not always able to keep up with all of the
 discussions on the list. Putting my name in a post is a good way to get my
 attention, and please always feel free to email me directly with any
 administrative issues related to the list.


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Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute

2007-02-28 Thread Mark Peaty
Dream on Brent ...

Mark Peaty  CDES

Brent Meeker wrote:
 Klortho wrote:
 The other thing I do is check to what extent a person's speech and
 writings support and affirm the four fundamental ingredients of
 Compassion, democracy, ethics and scientific method. No civilisation can
 survive without all four of these.

 Talk about assertions without any evidence!

 Actually there's a lot of evidence that civilization developed and survived 
 until recently without democracy or the scientific method.

 Brent Meeker



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Re: [SPAM] Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countle

2007-02-28 Thread Mark Peaty
OK, tell me where all those civilisations of the past have gone to, 
because THEY did NOT survived.

Tell me what makes YOU so sure this current global civilisation can 
survive. I am more than happy to be shown where I am wrong, but if you 
TRULY disagree with what I am saying, I would like you to provide some 
clear and unambiguous empirical evidence to back up your assertions. 
Without that, you are simply complaining that I am just strongly 
expressing an opinion. I never deny this, in the context that we are 
speaking of here, but I think that my opinion on this is as good as 
anybody's that I have seen so far.

To help you chew on this:

* compassion is the acting out of the ability to see oneself in the
  other and the recognition that, except for the throw of some
  cosmic dice, I am he or she and they are me; compassion
  facilitates the breaking down of the fear and false consciousness
  which underpins unconscious projection; compassion is a sign and
  manifestation of authentic being and strength, not weakness;
  without compassion truly human life is well nigh impossible
* ethics is the foundation of civilisation and is the acting out of
  the ability to see that we each depend on many, many others for
  our survival and well being and they depend upon us, and that the
  true genius and strength of humankind is our ability to cooperate
  with each other rather than a propensity to strive against others
* democracy is essentially the systematic implementation of the
  non-violent resolution of conflict, it requires that everyone's
  voice be heard and democracy advances as the excessive and
  aggressive power of the rich and powerful is curtailed and
  controlled; Karl Popper gave the most succinct explanation of why
  democracy is both better than all the alternatives and absolutely
  essential and the basic form of his argument is this: all policies
  formulated by governments and governing bodies will have
  unexpected negative consequences, no matter how good the policies,
  and it is to be expected that at least 50% of the unforeseen
  consequences will be significantly adverse and negative for those
  who experience them so it is imperative that the negative
  consequences of policies be made known to those who govern and
  that the rulers take notice and actually ameliorate the problems.
  If the rulers cannot be made to correct these unforeseen negative
  outcomes then over time the negative outcomes will accrue to the
  extent that the people feel driven to rebel or vote with their
  feet and leave the land of the rotten regime.
* the advent of scientific method into human culture is what has
  made the modern world; this modern era is a time of transition in
  which every traditional belief and practice is being challenged by
  the application of scientific method and of the fruits of the
  application of science; in this world of great and ceaseless
  changes, the continued application of scientific method is and
  always will be essential for allowing us to adapt to all the
  unforeseen outcomes of change so far; with scientific method human
  beings have the ability to journey out into the solar system and
  beyond, to be citizens of the galaxy, but without scientific
  method humans will die out on a devastated planet

Mark Peaty  CDES

Klortho wrote:
 The other thing I do is check to what extent a person's speech and
 writings support and affirm the four fundamental ingredients of
 Compassion, democracy, ethics and scientific method. No civilisation can
 survive without all four of these.


 Talk about assertions without any evidence!



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Re: [SPAM] Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countle

2007-02-28 Thread Mark Peaty

Well [EMAIL PROTECTED] your response has been even more disappointing 
than even my very low expectation prepared me for. You have not even 
recognised what my questions were about, let alone made any significant 
attempt to address them.

As an ex-Christian I know what it is like to be sucked into a world view 
that projects part of one's own nature into a 'spiritual being' and 
projects other, completely unacknowledged and rejected parts of one's 
psyche onto outsiders who are perceived as being threatening and evil 
because they exhibit those impulses rather than oneself.

However, we must call a spade a spade; all this guff that gets called 
'theology' and 'spirituality' is ultimately a bunch of assertions that 
can neither be proved nor disproved in any concrete sense because they 
are all expressions of belief and ONLY belief. Because there is no way 
of relating these holy ramblings to any concrete test, belief in them 
becomes, as often as not, a function of a person's social and political 
allegiances. The beliefs change to comply with and rationalise the 
ambitions and practices of the ruling elite. The chanting of sacred 
texts and the recitation of beliefs become assurances of acceptance, 
badges of compliance with the regime. There will be NO significant 
contributions to the well being and advancement of human kind arising 
from this religiosity, just acquiescence and the turning of a blind eye 
to the crimes of the rulers and the thugs who impose the anti democratic 

 The moral and intellectual contrast is expressed most vividly, I think, 
by the way a free-thinking monk called Giordano Bruno was vilified, 
stripped naked, tortured and finally burnt alive by the inquisitor thugs 
of the Roman church, in a public square somewhere in Rome 17 February 
1600. His crime? Being a sceptic and publicly questioning some of the 
preposterous beliefs that religion required people to agree to. He was 
murdered because the sceptical method he advocated and employed 
threatened the very foundations of the corrupt religious hierarchy and 
the secular regimes - all feudal thug-ocracies. From what I read, hear, 
and see reported about Islam in Iran, Iraq, Saudi, and umpteen other 
places, the basic issues are the same as for Christianity. The holders 
and wielders of traditional power WILL not acknowledge that the 
demonstrated power of scientific method to show us how the natural world 
works and to show us deep insights into how the human brain and mind 
work has a moral authority at least equal to that of their 'holy' books. 
THIS is the real challenge of the 20 and 21 centuries.
Mark Peaty  CDES

 Jesus said: I and the Father are one (Jn.10:30), therefore, is not
 Jesus the same, or, co-equal in status with his Father?
 Answer No.1
 In Greek, `heis' means `one' numerically (masc.)
 `hen' means `one' in unity or essence (neut.)
 Here the word used by John is `hen' and not `heis'. The marginal notes
 in New American Standard Bible (NASB) reads; one - (Lit.neuter) a
 unity, or, one essence.
 If one wishes to argue that the word `hen' supports their claim for
 Jesus being co-equal in status with his Father, please invite his/
 her attention to the following verse:

 Jesus said: And the glory which Thou hast given me, I have given
 to them (disciples); that they may be one, just as we are one. (John
 If he/she was to consider/regard/believe the Father and Jesus Christ
 to be one meaning co-equal in status on the basis of John 10:30,
 then that person should also be prepared to consider/regard/believe
 them - the disciples of Jesus, to be co-equal in status with the
 Father and Jesus (just as we are one) in John 17:22. I have yet to
 find a person that would be prepared to make the disciples (students)
 co-equal in status with the Father or Jesus.

 The unity and accord was of the authorized divine message that
 originated from the Father, received by Jesus and finally passed on to
 the disciples. Jesus admitted having accomplished the work which the
 Father had given him to do. (Jn.17:4)

 Hot Tip (precise and pertinent)
 Jesus said: I go to the Father; for the Father is greater than
 I. (Jn.14:28). This verse unequivocally refutes the claim by any one
 for Jesus being co-equal in status with his Father.

 Question No.2
 Jesus said: I am the way, one comes to the Father, but through
 me. (Jn.14:6), therefore, is not the Salvation through Jesus, ALONE?
 Answer No.2
 Before Jesus spoke these words, he said; In my Father's house are
 many mansions (dwelling places); if it were not so, I would have told
 you; for I go to prepare a mansion (a dwelling place) for you. (John
 14:2). The above explicit statement confirms that Jesus was going to
 prepare a mansion and not all the mansions in my Father's house.
 Obviously, the 

Re: [SPAM] Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countle

2007-02-28 Thread Brent Meeker

Torgny Tholerus wrote:
 Mark Peaty skrev:
 However, we must call a spade a spade; all this guff that gets called 
 'theology' and 'spirituality' is ultimately a bunch of assertions that 
 can neither be proved nor disproved in any concrete sense because they 
 are all expressions of belief and ONLY belief.
 I have written an essay called: A Proof of the Existence of God and Why 
 does Universe Exist (11 pages), where I scientifically prove that God 
 exist (or rather prove that it is probable that God exists...).  This 
 essay is attached.
 Torgny Tholerus

It is an equivocation on personality=consciouness=cooperation and a 
non-standard meaning of God.

Here's a much simpler proof:

God is love.
Love exists.
Therefore: God exists.

Brent Meeker

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Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute

2007-02-28 Thread Brent Meeker

Are you saying I just dreamed that Sumer, Ur, Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Sparta, 
Cathay, and the Indus Valley where civilization first developed and lasted for 
thousands of years (much longer than the U.S. which is the oldest existing 
democracy) were not democratic and pre-dated the scientific method?

Brent Meeker

Mark Peaty wrote:
 Dream on Brent ...
 Mark Peaty  CDES
 Brent Meeker wrote:
 Klortho wrote:
 The other thing I do is check to what extent a person's speech and
 writings support and affirm the four fundamental ingredients of
 Compassion, democracy, ethics and scientific method. No civilisation can
 survive without all four of these.

 Talk about assertions without any evidence!

 Actually there's a lot of evidence that civilization developed and survived 
 until recently without democracy or the scientific method.

 Brent Meeker


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Re: Believing in Divine Destiny

2007-02-28 Thread John M
Excellent, Saibal Mitra! Thanx!

Now you just have to quantize the miracles into a physix 
that fits those scriptures -  into 'physical laws' of those religions. Maybe 
it would require a different math as well, to make a fit. And do not forget 
about the calory-supply of Hell. (Brimstone requires oxygen, to burn - at 
least in THIS universe.) 

John M

 Original Message - 
  From: Saibal Mitra 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:08 AM
  Subject: Re: Believing in Divine Destiny

  The only connection I can think of is as follows. For any given religious
  text there should exist a universe which best fits those text.


  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 11:55 PM
  Subject: Re: Believing in Divine Destiny

A year ago or so Wei Dai put an end to religious discussions on the
   I don't remember if I did that a year ago or not, but I certainly think
   current discussion is off-topic. This mailing list is based on the premise
   that all possible universes exist. Unless someone can think of a
   to this idea, can we please drop this thread?
   I have also noticed that all of [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s posts are
   copy-and-pastes from online sources:
   Copying other people's writings without attribution is plagiarism, which I
   certainly do not approve of.
   And aside from that, if anyone wants to reference large amounts of online
   material, please post a link instead of copying the text.
   P.S., I find that I am not always able to keep up with all of the
   discussions on the list. Putting my name in a post is a good way to get my
   attention, and please always feel free to email me directly with any
   administrative issues related to the list.


  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG Free Edition.
  Version: 7.5.446 / Virus Database: 268.18.4/705 - Release Date: 2/27/2007 
3:24 PM

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Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute

2007-02-27 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
[EMAIL PROTECTED], I rarely pass up an opportunity for religious debate,
but I am honestly overwhelmed by your recent posts. I hope you have not done
all this work just to be relegated to the list archive. How did you find us,

Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: Believing in Divine Destiny

2007-02-27 Thread John Mikes
You, of all people, should realize that one belief system cannot reach over
another one. Logic - mindset is different, facts come in different shades,
evidence is
adjusted to the 'system', a belief system is a whole world.
Brent makes the same mistake: to argue from his 'scientific' (is it really -
in the
conventional old sense???) mindset with statements of the faithful, but it
is a
geerally committed error - while you, a learned mind-scientist should know
I am not on top of this myself: I fall frequently into arguing from my
worldview into the (rational for them) faith-induced mentality.

We are the (negligible) minority. They have less doubts than us.

So I thank [EMAIL PROTECTED] (whoever he or she may be) for the
valuable intofmation about the Muslim culture and take it as that.
We will never get a jihadic self-sacrificer to accept that his expectation
of the
huris waitnig for pleasuring him 'over there' is unfounded. It is for him
and who
cares (in my view) for 'happenings' of our present (human) copmplexity after
dissolved (call it death) into disintegration?

A year ago or so Wei Dai put an end to religious discussions on the list.
That was in the Judeochristian domain. He was right on the button.
Is the Judeochrismuslim argumental domain different?
Such discussions cannot be resolved into any agreement of the 2 poles.

Anybody arguing  - MY - point?

John Mikes

On 2/26/07, Stathis Papaioannou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But how do you know that the Qu'ran is actually the word of God? People
 claim all sorts of things, and while it's often easy to prove that they
 *claimed* these things (although as you rightly point out, with many
 religions, such as Christianity, even this is not a given), the point is to
 prove that these things are *true*. The more incredible-sounding, the more
 proof is needed. If I tell you I had a conversation with my mother last
 night you would probably have no reason to demand proof, but if I tell you I
 had a conversation with God or aliens or Elvis Presley, then you'd be
 foolish to just accept it, even if it can be shown that I genuinely believe
 what I am claiming.

 Stathis Papaioannou


  Skip text

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Re: Believing in Divine Destiny

2007-02-27 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
On 2/28/07, John Mikes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You, of all people, should realize that one belief system cannot reach
 over to
 another one. Logic - mindset is different, facts come in different
 shades, evidence is
 adjusted to the 'system', a belief system is a whole world.
 Brent makes the same mistake: to argue from his 'scientific' (is it really
 - in the
 conventional old sense???) mindset with statements of the faithful, but it
 is a
 geerally committed error - while you, a learned mind-scientist should know

 I am not on top of this myself: I fall frequently into arguing from my
 worldview into the (rational for them) faith-induced mentality.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] was specifically arguing that the evidence for the
Qu'ran being the genuine word of Mohamed was good. That is an empirical
argument and I can accept it. But this misses the point because the more
interesting question is whether the Qu'ran is the word of God.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] has been proposing allegedly rational/empirical
arguments in support of this latter claim, but they are not nearly up to the
standard of the evidence that the Qu'ran was, indeed, written by the
historical figure Mohamed. Had [EMAIL PROTECTED] said, this is what I
believe to be the truth, so there, there is no gain in pointing out logical
or empirical inconsistencies, although there may still be a point in
examining the nature of faith, and how to decide which of the multitude of
conflicting faiths is true (sometimes religious people are perfectly
rational and scientific about every religion except their own, which strikes
me as cheating).

We are the (negligible) minority. They have less doubts than us.

Most of what is commonly called the western world today, with the notable
exception of the US, is agnostic, atheistic or just plain uninterested in

So I thank [EMAIL PROTECTED] (whoever he or she may be) for the
 valuable intofmation about the Muslim culture and take it as that.

No doubt about it, he or she put a lot of work into the posts and even
writes reasonably well.

We will never get a jihadic self-sacrificer to accept that his expectation
 of the
 huris waitnig for pleasuring him 'over there' is unfounded. It is for him
 and who
 cares (in my view) for 'happenings' of our present (human) copmplexity
 after it
 dissolved (call it death) into disintegration?

You don't think we should even try to talk to them? Admitedly, they are far
more likely to listen to economic or political arguments than philosophical

A year ago or so Wei Dai put an end to religious discussions on the list.

Did he? I suppose we are straying from the list subject somewhat, but
overall the quality and relevance of the debate has remained very high over
the years, more so than some moderated lists.

That was in the Judeochristian domain. He was right on the button.
 Is the Judeochrismuslim argumental domain different?
 Such discussions cannot be resolved into any agreement of the 2 poles.

 Anybody arguing  - MY - point?

What you've consistently said is that people may come from completely
different backgrounds and viewpoints and this does not mean we should
discount the non-standard viewpoint. However, at the very least, if someone
comes along and claims that they are following the standard rules of a game,
such as science, they can't complain if they are judged according to those

John Mikes

 On 2/26/07, Stathis Papaioannou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But how do you know that the Qu'ran is actually the word of God? People
  claim all sorts of things, and while it's often easy to prove that they
  *claimed* these things (although as you rightly point out, with many
  religions, such as Christianity, even this is not a given), the point is to
  prove that these things are *true*. The more incredible-sounding, the more
  proof is needed. If I tell you I had a conversation with my mother last
  night you would probably have no reason to demand proof, but if I tell you I
  had a conversation with God or aliens or Elvis Presley, then you'd be
  foolish to just accept it, even if it can be shown that I genuinely believe
  what I am claiming.
  Stathis Papaioannou
   Skip text


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Re: Believing in Divine Destiny

2007-02-27 Thread Brent Meeker

John Mikes wrote:
 You, of all people, should realize that one belief system cannot reach 
 over to
 another one. Logic - mindset is different, facts come in different 
 shades, evidence is
 adjusted to the 'system', a belief system is a whole world.
 Brent makes the same mistake: to argue from his 'scientific' (is it 
 really - in the
 conventional old sense???) mindset with statements of the faithful, but 
 it is a
 geerally committed error - while you, a learned mind-scientist should know
 I am not on top of this myself: I fall frequently into arguing from my 
 worldview into the (rational for them) faith-induced mentality.
 We are the (negligible) minority. They have less doubts than us.
 So I thank [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (whoever he 
 or she may be) for the
 valuable intofmation about the Muslim culture and take it as that.
 We will never get a jihadic self-sacrificer to accept that his 
 expectation of the
 huris waitnig for pleasuring him 'over there' is unfounded. It is for 
 him and who
 cares (in my view) for 'happenings' of our present (human) copmplexity 
 after it
 dissolved (call it death) into disintegration?
 A year ago or so Wei Dai put an end to religious discussions on the list.
 That was in the Judeochristian domain. He was right on the button.
 Is the Judeochrismuslim argumental domain different?
 Such discussions cannot be resolved into any agreement of the 2 poles.
 Anybody arguing  - MY - point?

I guess it would be futile to discuss anything with you, since you believe each 
of us is hermetically sealed in their own belief system.  I don't agree - but 
that's my error.

Brent Meeker

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Re: Believing in Divine Destiny

2007-02-27 Thread Wei Dai

 A year ago or so Wei Dai put an end to religious discussions on the list.

I don't remember if I did that a year ago or not, but I certainly think the 
current discussion is off-topic. This mailing list is based on the premise 
that all possible universes exist. Unless someone can think of a connection 
to this idea, can we please drop this thread?

I have also noticed that all of [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s posts are 
copy-and-pastes from online sources:

Copying other people's writings without attribution is plagiarism, which I 
certainly do not approve of.

And aside from that, if anyone wants to reference large amounts of online 
material, please post a link instead of copying the text.

P.S., I find that I am not always able to keep up with all of the 
discussions on the list. Putting my name in a post is a good way to get my 
attention, and please always feel free to email me directly with any 
administrative issues related to the list. 

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Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute

2007-02-26 Thread Klortho

 The other thing I do is check to what extent a person's speech and
 writings support and affirm the four fundamental ingredients of
 Compassion, democracy, ethics and scientific method. No civilisation can
 survive without all four of these.

Talk about assertions without any evidence!

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Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute

2007-02-26 Thread Brent Meeker

Klortho wrote:
 The other thing I do is check to what extent a person's speech and
 writings support and affirm the four fundamental ingredients of
 Compassion, democracy, ethics and scientific method. No civilisation can
 survive without all four of these.

 Talk about assertions without any evidence!

Actually there's a lot of evidence that civilization developed and survived 
until recently without democracy or the scientific method.

Brent Meeker

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Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute

2007-02-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Feb 25, 2:06 am, Brent Meeker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in
  accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined
  by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute evidences
  of Destiny, it may be sufficient to make some introductory remarks to
  demonstrate how important a place this pillar of faith has for the
  whole of creation.

  The Qur'an specifically explains that everything is predetermined, and
  then recorded after its coming into existence, as indicated in many
  verses like,

  Nor anything green or withered except it is all in a Manifest Book.

 I guess the Koran's author hadn't heard about quantum randomness.

 Anyway that's not an explanation, it's just an assertion - and why should 
 anyone credit assertions written without supporting evidence by a man who 
 didn't even know that the Earth orbits the Sun.

  This Quranic statement is confirmed by the universe,

 It's not only not confirmed, it would be impossible to confirm even if it 
 were true.

 Brent Meeker

There are hundreds of religions flourishing around the world:
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Bahaism,
Babism, Zoroastrianism, Mormonism, Jehovas Witnesses, Jainism,
Confucianism etc. And each of these religions claim that their
scripture is preserved from the day it was revealed (written) until
our time. A religious belief is as authentic as the authenticity of
the scripture it follows. And for any scripture to be labeled as
authentically preserved it should follow some concrete and rational

Imagine this scenario:

A professor gives a three hour lecture to his students. Imagine still
that none of the students memorized this speech of the professor or
wrote it down. Now forty years after that speech, if these same
students decided to replicate professor's complete speech word for
word, would they be able to do it? Obviously not. Because the only two
modes of preservation historically is through writing and memory.

Therefore, for any claimants to proclaim that their scripture is
preserved in purity, they have to provide concrete evidence that the
Scripture was written in its entirety AND memorized in its entirety
from the time it was revealed to our time, in a continuous and
unbroken chain. If the memorization part doesn't exist parallel to the
written part to act as a check and balance for it, then there is a
genuine possibility that the written scripture may loose its purity
through unintentional and intentional interpolations due to scribal
errors, corruption by the enemies, pages getting decomposed etc, and
these errors would be concurrently incorporated into subsequent texts,
ultimately loosing its purity through ages.

Now, of all the religions mentioned above, does any one of them
possess their scriptures in its entirety BOTH in writing AND in memory
from the day of its revelation until our time.

None of them fit this required criteria, except one: This unique
scripture is the Qur'an - revelation bestowed to Prophet Muhammad
(p.b.u.h) 1,418 years ago, as a guidance for all of humankind.

Lets analyze the claim of the preservation of the Quran...


'In the ancient times, when writing was scarcely used, memory and oral
transmission was exercised and strengthened to a degree now almost
unknown' relates Michael Zwettler.(1)

Prophet Muhammad (S): The First Memorizer

It was in this 'oral' society that Prophet Muhammad (S) was born in
Mecca in the year 570 C.E. At the age of 40, he started receiving
divine Revelations from the One God, Allah, through Archangel Gabriel.
This process of divine revelations continued for about 22.5 years just
before he passed away.

Prophet Muhammad (S) miraculously memorized each revelation and used
to proclaim it to his Companions. Angel Gabriel used to refresh the
Quranic memory of the Prophet each year.

'The Prophet (S) was the most generous person, and he used to become
more so (generous) particularly in the month of Ramadan because
Gabriel used to meet him every night of the month of Ramadan till it
elapsed. Allah's Messenger (S) use to recite the Qur'an for him. When
Gabriel met him, he use to become more generous than the fast wind in
doing good'. (2)

'Gabriel used to repeat the recitation of the Qur'an with the Prophet
(S) once a year, but he repeated it twice with him in the year he
(Prophet) died'. (3)

The Prophet himself use to stay up a greater part of the night in
prayers and use to recite Quran from memory.

Prophet's Companions: The First Generation Memorizers

Prophet Muhammad (S) encouraged his companions to learn and teach the

'The most superior among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'an
and teach it'. (4)

'Some of the companions who memorized the Quran were: 'Abu Bakr, Umar,
Uthman, Ali, Ibn Masud

Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute

2007-02-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How can we argue for God's existence and unity in a way everyone can
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

So God sets forth parables for men in order that they may bear (them)
in mind and take lessons (through them). (14:25)

Such parables do we set forth for men so that they may reflect.(59:21)

The existence of God is too evident to need any arguments
The existence of God is too evident to need any arguments. Some
saintly scholars have even stated that God is more manifest than any
other being, but that those who lack insight cannot see Him. Others
have said that He is concealed from direct perception because of the
intensity of His Self-manifestation.

However, the great influence of positivist and materialist schools of
thought on science and on all people of recent centuries makes it
necessary to discuss such arguments. As this now-prevalent
scientific worldview reduces existence to what can be perceived
directly, it blinds itself to those invisible dimensions of existence
that far vaster than the visible. To remove the resulting veil, we
will review briefly several traditional demonstrations of God's
necessary existence.

Before doing so, let us reflect on one simple historical fact: Since
the beginning of human life, the overwhelming majority of humanity has
believed that God exists. This belief alone is enough to establish
God's existence. Those who do not believe cannot claim to be smarter
than those who do. Among past and present-day believers are innovative
scientists, scholars, researchers and, most importantly, saints and
Prophets, who are the experts in the field. In addition, people
usually confuse the non-acceptance of something's existence with the
acceptance of its non-existence. While the former is only a negation
or a rejection, the latter is a judgment that requires proof. No one
has ever proven God's non-existence, for to do so is impossible,
whereas countless arguments prove His existence. This point may be
clarified through the following comparison.

Suppose there is a large palace with 1,000 entrances, 999 of which are
open and one which appears to be closed. No one could reasonably claim
that the palace cannot be entered. Unbelievers are like those who, in
order to assert that the palace cannot be entered, confine their (and
others') attention only to the door that is seemingly closed.

The doors to God's existence are open to everybody, provided that they
sincerely intend to enter through them. Some of those doors-the
demonstrations for God's existence-are as follows by way of a parable:

A parable to understand God's Existence and Unity
Once two men washed themselves in a pool. Then, under some
extraordinary influence they fell into a trance-like state and when
they opened their eyes, they found themselves in a strange land. It
was a land in perfect orderliness and harmony-as it might be a well-
ordered state, or a single city, or even a palace. They looked around
in utmost amazement: from one point of view, it was a vast world; from
another, a well-ordered state; from yet another, a splendid city. If
it was looked at from still another point of view, it was a palace
though one that was in itself a magnificent world. They traveled
around this strange world and saw that there were creatures of diverse
sorts speaking a language they did not know. However, as could be
gathered from their gestures, they were doing important work, carrying
out significant duties.

One of the two men said to his friend:

This strange world must have someone to administer it; this well-
ordered state must have a lord, and this splendid city, an owner, and
this skillfully made palace, a master builder. We must try to know
him, for it is understood that the one who brought us here is he. If
we do not know him, who else will help us here? What can we expect
from those impotent creatures whose language we do not know and who do
not heed us? Moreover, certainly one who has made a huge world in the
form of a state, or a city, or a palace, and filled it from top to
bottom with wonderful things, and embellished it with every sort of
adornment, and decorated it with instructive miracles, wants something
from us and from whoever comes here. We must know him, and find out
what he wants.

The other man objected:

I do not believe that there is such a one as you speak of, and that he
governs this whole world alone by himself.

His friend responded to him:

If we do not recognize him and remain indifferent towards him, there
is no advantage in it at all, but it may be very harmful, whereas if
we try to recognize him, there is little hardship in it, but it may be
very beneficial. Therefore, it is in no way sensible to remain
indifferent towards him.

The other man insisted:

I find all my ease and enjoyment in not thinking of him. Besides, I am
not to bother myself with things like this which do not concern me.
These are all confused things happening by chance or by themselves.
They are 

Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute

2007-02-26 Thread Brent Meeker

 Jesus said: I and the Father are one (Jn.10:30), therefore, is not
 Jesus the same, or, co-equal in status with his Father?
 Answer No.1
 In Greek, `heis' means `one' numerically (masc.)
 `hen' means `one' in unity or essence (neut.)
 Here the word used by John is `hen' and not `heis'. The marginal notes
 in New American Standard Bible (NASB) reads; one - (Lit.neuter) a
 unity, or, one essence.
 If one wishes to argue that the word `hen' supports their claim for
 Jesus being co-equal in status with his Father, please invite his/
 her attention to the following verse:
 Jesus said: And the glory which Thou hast given me, I have given
 to them (disciples); that they may be one, just as we are one. (John
 If he/she was to consider/regard/believe the Father and Jesus Christ
 to be one meaning co-equal in status on the basis of John 10:30,
 then that person should also be prepared to consider/regard/believe
 them - the disciples of Jesus, to be co-equal in status with the
 Father and Jesus (just as we are one) in John 17:22. I have yet to
 find a person that would be prepared to make the disciples (students)
 co-equal in status with the Father or Jesus.

I'd say that they were better than co-equal; since they actually existed.

Brent Meeker

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Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute

2007-02-26 Thread Stathis Papaioannou
But how do you know that the Qu'ran is actually the word of God? People
claim all sorts of things, and while it's often easy to prove that they
*claimed* these things (although as you rightly point out, with many
religions, such as Christianity, even this is not a given), the point is to
prove that these things are *true*. The more incredible-sounding, the more
proof is needed. If I tell you I had a conversation with my mother last
night you would probably have no reason to demand proof, but if I tell you I
had a conversation with God or aliens or Elvis Presley, then you'd be
foolish to just accept it, even if it can be shown that I genuinely believe
what I am claiming.

Stathis Papaioannou


 On Feb 25, 2:06 am, Brent Meeker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in
   accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined
   by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute evidences
   of Destiny, it may be sufficient to make some introductory remarks to
   demonstrate how important a place this pillar of faith has for the
   whole of creation.
   The Qur'an specifically explains that everything is predetermined, and
   then recorded after its coming into existence, as indicated in many
   verses like,
   Nor anything green or withered except it is all in a Manifest Book.
  I guess the Koran's author hadn't heard about quantum randomness.
  Anyway that's not an explanation, it's just an assertion - and why
 should anyone credit assertions written without supporting evidence by a man
 who didn't even know that the Earth orbits the Sun.
   This Quranic statement is confirmed by the universe,
  It's not only not confirmed, it would be impossible to confirm even if
 it were true.
  Brent Meeker

 There are hundreds of religions flourishing around the world:
 Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Bahaism,
 Babism, Zoroastrianism, Mormonism, Jehovas Witnesses, Jainism,
 Confucianism etc. And each of these religions claim that their
 scripture is preserved from the day it was revealed (written) until
 our time. A religious belief is as authentic as the authenticity of
 the scripture it follows. And for any scripture to be labeled as
 authentically preserved it should follow some concrete and rational

 Imagine this scenario:

 A professor gives a three hour lecture to his students. Imagine still
 that none of the students memorized this speech of the professor or
 wrote it down. Now forty years after that speech, if these same
 students decided to replicate professor's complete speech word for
 word, would they be able to do it? Obviously not. Because the only two
 modes of preservation historically is through writing and memory.

 Therefore, for any claimants to proclaim that their scripture is
 preserved in purity, they have to provide concrete evidence that the
 Scripture was written in its entirety AND memorized in its entirety
 from the time it was revealed to our time, in a continuous and
 unbroken chain. If the memorization part doesn't exist parallel to the
 written part to act as a check and balance for it, then there is a
 genuine possibility that the written scripture may loose its purity
 through unintentional and intentional interpolations due to scribal
 errors, corruption by the enemies, pages getting decomposed etc, and
 these errors would be concurrently incorporated into subsequent texts,
 ultimately loosing its purity through ages.

 Now, of all the religions mentioned above, does any one of them
 possess their scriptures in its entirety BOTH in writing AND in memory
 from the day of its revelation until our time.

 None of them fit this required criteria, except one: This unique
 scripture is the Qur'an - revelation bestowed to Prophet Muhammad
 (p.b.u.h) 1,418 years ago, as a guidance for all of humankind.


 Lets analyze the claim of the preservation of the Quran...


 'In the ancient times, when writing was scarcely used, memory and oral
 transmission was exercised and strengthened to a degree now almost
 unknown' relates Michael Zwettler.(1)

 Prophet Muhammad (S): The First Memorizer

 It was in this 'oral' society that Prophet Muhammad (S) was born in
 Mecca in the year 570 C.E. At the age of 40, he started receiving
 divine Revelations from the One God, Allah, through Archangel Gabriel.
 This process of divine revelations continued for about 22.5 years just
 before he passed away.

 Prophet Muhammad (S) miraculously memorized each revelation and used
 to proclaim it to his Companions. Angel Gabriel used to refresh the
 Quranic memory of the Prophet each year.

 'The Prophet (S) was the most generous person, and he used to become
 more so (generous) particularly in the month

Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute evi

2007-02-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in
accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined
by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute evidences
of Destiny, it may be sufficient to make some introductory remarks to
demonstrate how important a place this pillar of faith has for the
whole of creation.

The Qur'an specifically explains that everything is predetermined, and
then recorded after its coming into existence, as indicated in many
verses like,

Nor anything green or withered except it is all in a Manifest Book.

This Quranic statement is confirmed by the universe, this macro-Qur'an
of the Divine Power, through its creational and operational signs like
order, harmony, balance, forming and shaping, adornment and
distinguishing. All seeds, fruit stones, measured proportions and
forms demonstrate that everything is pre-determined before its earthly
existence. Each seed or fruit stone has a protective case formed in
the factory of Kaf Nun[*], into which the Divine Destiny has in-built
the life-story of a tree or plant. The Divine Power employs the
particles according to the measure established by Divine Destiny so as
to cause the particular stone to grow miraculously into the particular
tree. This means that the future life-history of that tree is as
though written in its seed.

While there is variety between individuals and between species, the
basic materials from which these plants and animals are formed are
identical. The plants and animals that grow from the same constituent
basic elements display, amid abundant diversity, such harmony and
proportion that man cannot help but conclude that each of them has
been individually given its particular form and measure. It is the
Divine Power which gives to each its particular form according to the
measure established for it by Divine Destiny. For example, consider
how vast and innumerable a mass of inanimate particles shift, cohere,
separate so that this seed grows into this tree or that drop of semen
grows into that animal.

Since there are the manifestations of Divine Destiny to this extent in
visible material things, for certain, the forms with which things are
clothed with the passing of time and the states they acquire through
their motions are also dependent on the ordering of Divine Destiny.
Indeed, a single seed displays Destiny in two ways, one by
demonstrating the Manifest Book (Kitabun Mubin) which is but another
title for Divine Will and God's creational and operational laws of the
universe; the other is by displaying the Manifest Record (Imamun
Mubin), another title for Divine Knowledge and Command. If we regard
these two as different manifestations of Divine Destiny, the former
can be understood and referred to as 'Destiny Actual' and the latter
as 'Destiny For-mal or Theoretical'. The future full-grown form of the
tree can be understood as its Destiny Actual, whilst Destiny Formal
refers to all the stages together through which the tree has to pass
in its life, and comprehends the entire history of its life. Such
manifestations of the Divine Destiny, so easily observed in a life
such as that of a tree, are illustrative of how everything has been
pre-determined in a Record before its worldly existence. On the other
hand, all the fruits and seeds which are signs of the Manifest Book
(Kitabun Mubin) and the Manifest Record (Imamun Mubin), together with
all human memories which indicate the Preserved Tablet (Lawhun
Mahfuz), prove that, as everything has been pre-recorded, its life-
history is also recorded. The life-history of every tree, for example,
is recorded in each of its fruits, which is the outcome of its entire
life. The life-history of man including events occurring in the
external world is likewise recorded in his memory. Thus, the Divine
Power registers a man's deeds with the Pen of Destiny by lodging it in
his memory so that he will be able to remember them on the Day of

Man should also be assured that in this world of transience and
upheavals there are numerous 'mirrors' pertaining to eternity in which
the All-Powerful and Wise One depicts and makes permanent the
identities of mortals. There are also many tablets upon which the All-
Knowing Preserver writes down the meanings of transient beings.

In short: While plants, which are the simplest and lowest level of
life, are completely de-pendent upon Divine Destiny, it is also
evident that the life of man, which is the highest level, has also
been minutely determined by that Destiny. Just as drops of rain are
indicative of a cloud, and trickles of water disclose a spring, and
receipts and vouchers suggest the existence of a ledger, so fruits,
sperms, seeds, and forms are indicators of the Manifest Book and the
Manifest Record.

The expression Manifest Book symbolizes the Destiny Actual, which is a
title for Divine Will and God's creational and operational laws of the
universe and the physical order displayed

Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute

2007-02-24 Thread Brent Meeker

 Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in
 accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined
 by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute evidences
 of Destiny, it may be sufficient to make some introductory remarks to
 demonstrate how important a place this pillar of faith has for the
 whole of creation.
 The Qur'an specifically explains that everything is predetermined, and
 then recorded after its coming into existence, as indicated in many
 verses like,
 Nor anything green or withered except it is all in a Manifest Book.

I guess the Koran's author hadn't heard about quantum randomness.

Anyway that's not an explanation, it's just an assertion - and why should 
anyone credit assertions written without supporting evidence by a man who 
didn't even know that the Earth orbits the Sun. 

 This Quranic statement is confirmed by the universe, 

It's not only not confirmed, it would be impossible to confirm even if it were 

Brent Meeker

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Re: Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute

2007-02-24 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Believing in Divine Destiny is one of the pillars of faith, and, in
 accordance with this belief, everything in the universe is determined
 by God, the All-Mighty. While there are countless absolute evidences
 of Destiny, it may be sufficient to make some introductory remarks to
 demonstrate how important a place this pillar of faith has for the
 whole of creation.

 The Qur'an specifically explains that everything is predetermined...

If God decided to lay off the pressure on you to fulfil your destiny, so
that you could do whatever you wanted, but you didn't know that he had done
this and believed firmly that you were still guided by divine destiny, how
would your behaviour be different?

Stathis Papaioannou

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