Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread William Meyer

On 27-Jul-99 Thomas J. Hamman wrote:

> Snipping the rest since I don't even disagree with it. :)  I do agree with
> about the current situation of documentation for Linux--especially where
> HOWTO's are concerned, since many of them seem to be very outdated.
(Though I
> find it hard to find too much fault with the people who write them, who
gain no
> money for the time they spend on it.)

I realize they are uncompensated, but on the other hand, they signed up
knowing the terms up front. I've done volunteer work before, and the pay is
always the same: the satisfaction of having done something beneficial for a
group. If they tire of it, or if they find themselves unable to carry on for
any reason, they have a responsibility to hand off to someone who can
continue the work. As Linux is a living thing, so must the documentation
live and grow.

> I wasn't aware that Mandrake had a separate 'user guide' in addition to
> installation guide.  If so, I would agree that that (the user guide) is a
> place for information about SCSI emulation.

They call it a user guide, but I put it in quotes partly because I disagree
with its designation. It isn't close to being a user guide. And more
importantly, what is needed is not a guide, but a manual.

If I harp on this, understand that I am frustrated at the shortfalls. I'm
convinced that Linux could be better for my company than Windows, but am
concerned at the risks implied by poor documentation.

To be fair, I think this is an hereditary issue endemic to C programmers. C
docs have always been sparse, as have Unix docs. The mindset has favored
small programs, and also favors the creation of tiny programs to allow each
programmer to discover personally how a function works. For reasons I have
never understood, the entire C community seems to find that appropriate. It
put me off 15 years ago, and it still does.

My outlook may also be colored by my having started in hardware design. And
when I moved from logic to programming, it was in assembler first, where
copious docs of registers and bits and address spaces are always available.
Revisiting my complaint with the serial programming HOWTO, that is exactly
the approach which is needed there, with each control bit fully explained as
to function.

I've also been spoiled through years of working with Pascal, where a single
company dominates the field, and where there documentation has always been
pretty strong.

Part of my frustration comes from the fact that if I had the time to spend
on doping out the serial programming details, I would offer an update to the
HOWTO. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to do that. In fact, that issue
alone is forcing me to reconsider the move to Linux -- forcing me to buy
into Windows for another product generation. Frankly, that is so depressing
that I've been thinking maybe I should go back to hardware design. Or switch
to BeOS. Or look again ad DOS with DR-DOS, and go back to assembler. I
really have come to hate Windows.

William Meyer

[expert] smbmount

1999-07-26 Thread Dovydas Kulvinskas


 I have a problem with smbmount samba-2.0.5
 When i mount NT share in the morning it crashes at night. And crash is
interesting. I can't mount samba share again to the same point:

1. In the morning all goes smoothly:
"smbmount //intrantk/audio /mnt/intrantk -U dovydas -n dovydas -W
Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=

2. At night it crashes

3. i can't mount to the same point again:
" smbmount //intrantk/audio /mnt/audio/ -U dovydas -n dovydas -W centras
Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
Could not resolve mount point /mnt/audio/"

4. I'm trying to remove bad mount point, impossible:
"rm /mnt/audio
rm: cannot remove `/mnt/audio': Input/output error"

5. Then i make anothe dir & mounting again.

 Thanks for help. It was ok with samba-2.0.3 


Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On 27-Jul-99 William Meyer wrote:
>> On 26-Jul-99 Thomas J. Hamman wrote:
>> I agree with most of your views, but there's only so much you can fit in
> one
>> book.  A couple points to keep in mind:
>> Using an ATAPI CDR drive in SCSI emulation is a subject that is not
> applicable
>> to all (or even most) users.  Furthermore, even for someone who does have
> such
>> a drive, knowing how to use it in SCSI emulation is not required for
> installing
>> Linux and getting their system up and running.  ATAPI CDR drives read CD's
> just
>> fine with default IDE drivers; SCSI emulation is only needed for burning
> CDR's,
>> with cdrecord.  Thus a user with an ATAPI CDR drive does not need
> information
>> about using SCSI emulation straight from their installation guide; it's
>> something they can look up later in the large wealth of documentation
> written
>> specifically on the subject of burning CDR's.
> Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I understand your point, but I still
> disagree. Costco has been selling pallette-loads of HP 8100 CDRs, and have
> even sold Mandrake (briefly) and Red Hat. I admit that my neighborhood may
> ba a bit atypical, but even so...

Snipping the rest since I don't even disagree with it. :)  I do agree with you
about the current situation of documentation for Linux--especially where the
HOWTO's are concerned, since many of them seem to be very outdated.  (Though I
find it hard to find too much fault with the people who write them, who gain no
money for the time they spend on it.)

I never disagreed with your opinions of Linux documentation and what needs to
be done with it, and I'm sorry I didn't make that more clear in my earlier
reply.  I was only saying that instructions for setting up SCSI emulation for
an ATAPI CDR drive have their proper place--CD-WRITING HOWTO's/FAQ's, User
Guides, the instructions for cdrecord (cdrecord's homepage has links to all the
info you'd need, and it was enough for me to get my drive set up for
burning)--and that proper place isn't a distribution's installation guide.

I wasn't aware that Mandrake had a separate 'user guide' in addition to its
installation guide.  If so, I would agree that that (the user guide) is a proper
place for information about SCSI emulation.


Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread William Meyer

> On 26-Jul-99 Thomas J. Hamman wrote:

> I agree with most of your views, but there's only so much you can fit in
> book.  A couple points to keep in mind:
> Using an ATAPI CDR drive in SCSI emulation is a subject that is not
> to all (or even most) users.  Furthermore, even for someone who does have
> a drive, knowing how to use it in SCSI emulation is not required for
> Linux and getting their system up and running.  ATAPI CDR drives read CD's
> fine with default IDE drivers; SCSI emulation is only needed for burning
> with cdrecord.  Thus a user with an ATAPI CDR drive does not need
> about using SCSI emulation straight from their installation guide; it's
> something they can look up later in the large wealth of documentation
> specifically on the subject of burning CDR's.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I understand your point, but I still
disagree. Costco has been selling pallette-loads of HP 8100 CDRs, and have
even sold Mandrake (briefly) and Red Hat. I admit that my neighborhood may
ba a bit atypical, but even so...

One of the points I wanted to make, and will now state as clearly as I can
is that the HOWTOs fall short as docs are concerned. I'm not a tyro; I've
been writing software commercially for over 20 years. I've also written
documentation for commercial products, and friends, the HOWTOs just don't
get it. My impression is that whereas the development of Linux is a
community effort with a town council providing control, the HOWTOs are more
like a happening. There is little consistency, and a great deal is assumed
about the reader's knowledge. This tends to make searching the HOWTOs a
circular, or at best, spiral, activity.

> The Mandrake Installation Guide is just that: an installation guide.  It
> meant to cover installation and subjects related to helping a user get
> system up and running.  It is not a user guide.  It would be nice if it
> be, but it's not really possible, or at least not plausible.  I don't know
> large the current Mandrake Installation Guide is right now, but I have the
> RedHat 5.2 Installation Guide, and it is nearly 400 pages long.  It's a
> thick book, despite not having much beyond installing and getting the
> initially set up.  To try to fit documentation on every subject as
> and specific-to-certain-hardware as the subject of SCSI emulation, into an
> installation guide, would be impossible--it would require thousands of
> pages.  There's no way you could pack it into one book.

The Mandrake "Install Guide" is 47 pages. The Mandrake "User Guide" is 142
pages. It should be fairly obvious that neither of those is adequate to the
roles they claim.

> Speaking of user guides though, there are several freely available guides
> part of the Linux Documentation Project at
> There's an Installation and Getting Started guide, User Guide, System
> Administrator's Guide, and several more, along with the HOWTO's,
> and FAQs, all conveniently accessible from one sight.

I've been to the LDP. That's where I found the hopelessly inadequate serial
programming guide. With the widespread use of Linux, now claimed to be more
than 7 million seats (and it's probably more than that), I would have
expected to find better. I expect books to be outdated. It's the nature of
the beast. One of the best features of the HOWTOs ought to be limited
inertia. Yet the serial programming HOWTO has had no rework in 18 months.

Please understand: I'm highly motivated to get out from under MS, and I find
much to like in Linux. Red Hat left me cold; Caldera was better, and
Mandrake feels pretty good. My OS experience includes CP/M, MS-DOS, SCO
Unix, Cromix, OS/2, and BeOS. My problem is that I keep tripping over new
mysteries. Given that I have to make a business case for dropping MS, that's
a bit of a problem, as it makes it more or less impossible to estimate
development time.

> With all that said, I certainly wouldn't complain if a little section on
> emulation popped up in the Mandrake Installation Guide; but I doubt it
> for the reasons I just explained.

Again, I understand, and again, I'm afraid you're right. Not because of
reasons, but because of rationale. MS gets away with it because Windows is
pervasive. Linux users hate for Linux to be compared to Windows, yet the
best excuse for the poor documentation comes from the MS example. If Linux
is going to live up to all that it could be, distributors should recognize
that documentation is an opportunity to add value.

My largest regret is that my own understanding of Linux is insufficient to
let me write the book which begs to be written. There's a golden opportunity

William Meyer

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On 26-Jul-99 William Meyer wrote:
>> I don't know if this would be the kind of thing that belongs in the
>> installation guide... not that it's a bad idea, but I think the
> installation
>> guide is for Mandrake-specific stuff applicable to most users.  Having an
>> CDR drive is a specific hardware situation that only applies to a few
> users, and
>> there is already plenty of documentation on the subject elsewhere (like at
>> cdrecord's homepage). :)
> I disagree. The installation guide needs to be for Linux, not only for
> Mandrake-specific issues. That's one of the problems with Linux
> distributions at this point: too much knowledge is assumed in the docs. And
> that's why the HOWTOs don't work well, either, because they also make too
> many assumptions.
> In theory, the HOWTOs are a great resource, but the anarchical nature of the
> OS is such that they tend to suffer from innattention. The kernel is healthy
> because there is Linus and a core of developers who take charge of the
> essential issues. There really is a need for one or more people to
> coordinate the issue of HOWTOs, push custodians to make needed updates, and
> enlist new custodians where those now in place do not keep things current.
> Any Linux distro will succeed or fail on the ability of a new user to
> install it and get it running with a minimum of pain. Newsgroups help, and
> so do mail lists, but the first place we logically turn is to the
> documentation we received in the distro.
> William Meyer

I agree with most of your views, but there's only so much you can fit in one
book.  A couple points to keep in mind:

Using an ATAPI CDR drive in SCSI emulation is a subject that is not applicable
to all (or even most) users.  Furthermore, even for someone who does have such
a drive, knowing how to use it in SCSI emulation is not required for installing
Linux and getting their system up and running.  ATAPI CDR drives read CD's just
fine with default IDE drivers; SCSI emulation is only needed for burning CDR's,
with cdrecord.  Thus a user with an ATAPI CDR drive does not need information
about using SCSI emulation straight from their installation guide; it's
something they can look up later in the large wealth of documentation written
specifically on the subject of burning CDR's.

The Mandrake Installation Guide is just that: an installation guide.  It is
meant to cover installation and subjects related to helping a user get their
system up and running.  It is not a user guide.  It would be nice if it could
be, but it's not really possible, or at least not plausible.  I don't know how
large the current Mandrake Installation Guide is right now, but I have the
RedHat 5.2 Installation Guide, and it is nearly 400 pages long.  It's a very
thick book, despite not having much beyond installing and getting the system
initially set up.  To try to fit documentation on every subject as non-critical
and specific-to-certain-hardware as the subject of SCSI emulation, into an
installation guide, would be impossible--it would require thousands of
pages.  There's no way you could pack it into one book.

Speaking of user guides though, there are several freely available guides as
part of the Linux Documentation Project at 
There's an Installation and Getting Started guide, User Guide, System
Administrator's Guide, and several more, along with the HOWTO's, mini-HOWTO's,
and FAQs, all conveniently accessible from one sight.

With all that said, I certainly wouldn't complain if a little section on SCSI
emulation popped up in the Mandrake Installation Guide; but I doubt it will,
for the reasons I just explained.


Re: [expert] HTML Editor

1999-07-26 Thread Duncan Hall

Amaya is very good and easy to use.
It comes in RPM format too!!!
Have a look at and search for wysiwig
John Aldrich wrote:
Netscape??? ;-) Seriously it's a pretty decent
HTML editor and it's
free! :-)
- Original Message -
From: Ty Mixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 10:40 PM
Subject: [expert] HTML Editor
> Can anyone suggest a good WYSIWYG HTML editor?
> Thanks lots.
> --
> Ty Mixon
> ICQ: 26147713

Duncan Hall
Viator Systems [ ]
... e-commerce systems for the travel industry
tel: +61 2 9361 6137 fax: +61 2 9360 9885

Re: [expert] HTML Editor

1999-07-26 Thread Ty Mixon

I haven't used NS as an HTML editor since it was 3.x or 4.0, but I 
didn't much like it then.  I'll try it tho, I guess . . .

Ty Mixon

>> Original Message <<

On 7/26/99, 7:55:17 PM, "John Aldrich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
regarding Re: [expert] HTML Editor:

> Netscape??? ;-) Seriously it's a pretty decent HTML editor and 
> free! :-)
> John

> - Original Message -
> From: Ty Mixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 10:40 PM
> Subject: [expert] HTML Editor

> > Can anyone suggest a good WYSIWYG HTML editor?
> >
> > Thanks lots.
> >
> > --
> > Ty Mixon
> > e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > ICQ: 26147713
> >
> >
> >

Re: [expert] HTML Editor

1999-07-26 Thread John Aldrich

Netscape??? ;-) Seriously it's a pretty decent HTML editor and it's
free! :-)

- Original Message -
From: Ty Mixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 10:40 PM
Subject: [expert] HTML Editor

> Can anyone suggest a good WYSIWYG HTML editor?
> Thanks lots.
> --
> Ty Mixon
> ICQ: 26147713

[expert] HTML Editor

1999-07-26 Thread Ty Mixon

Can anyone suggest a good WYSIWYG HTML editor?

Thanks lots.

Ty Mixon

[expert] Install Problem!

1999-07-26 Thread Ron Smith

Posted in Novice group but maybe should have posted here...

 Ok, I give up!  I've NEVER had this much trouble installing ANY Linux

After 1.5 days I finally got a complete minimal install.  Rebooted and during
the boot process I get this message...


hda: QUANTUM FIREBALL_TM3200A, 3067MB w/76kB Cache, CHS=779/128/63
hdc: ATAPI 4X CD-ROM drive, 120kB Cache
Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.55
Floppy drive(s) fd0 is 1.44M
FDC 0 is an 8277A
md driver 0.36.6 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
scsi : 0 hosts.
scsi : detected total.
Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2 hda3
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference

and it dies there!

What is going on?  I'm SO frustrated that I'm about ready to put Windows 98 on
the computer and pitch Mandrake out the window.

Any help VERY MUCH appreciated.


Ron Smith
Boise, Idaho

RE: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Axalon

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Charley Sparks wrote:

> Is there a way to use a Parallel port HP under Linux ??
> Charley

I'm not aware of any software dedicated to this, if it's recognised as an
IDE drive already, ide-scsi may work.
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Axalon
> > Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 4:08 PM
> > Subject: Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Steven wrote:
> >
> > > Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> > > >
> > > > You *DON'T* need to recompile the kernel. I use a CD Writer with the
> > > > standard Mandrake kernel.
> > > >
> > > > 1)Add this to your /etc/lilo.conf:
> > > > append="hdb=ide-scsi"
> > > >
> > > > 2)Reboot
> > > >
> > > > 3)Then, you can simply do a "modprobe ide-scsi", and voila!
> > You can add
> > > > the modprobe in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
> > >
> > > OK, Module Tutorial time for me:
> > > Why can the kernel load some modules automatically (and unload them when
> > > it's done), but others have to be pushed in by hand?
> >
> > Serveral reasons, there maybe more than one module that does slightly
> > different things like with sound and scsi, there are loads of scsi and
> > sound drivers if it's not configured in /etc/conf.modules correctly it
> > won't know what specific driver it needs.
> >
> > > Would I need a, or other, file to use your method?
> >
> > Nope,
> >
> > > There is a CD Writer HowTo at
> > >
> > >
> > > It states
> > > "With 2.2, you specify which device not to treat as a
> > IDE/ATAPI-device using
> > > the parameter ignore= while loading the ide-cd module. Example: use
> > > "modprobe ide-cd ignore=hdb", if your ATAPI-writer is hdb and
> > you want the
> > > ide-scsi-driver to treat hdb as a scsi-device (usally sr0).
> > There is no way
> > > to specify this on the kernel-commandline (like with 2.0)."
> >
> > Not relevent ide-cd is not a module in the supplied kernel it's built in.
> >
> > > This seems the opposite of what you have said, and you haven't
> > mentioned the
> > > 'ignore' option, is that because with the  ide-scsi modules
> > loaded then the
> > > kernel won't need to load the ide-cdrom module?
> >
> > It's build in, all ide cd's will be accessable as standard ide devices
> > (eg. /dev/hdX) untill the ide-scsi module gets loaded. Not all ide cdroms
> > get along well w/ ide-scsi, you wind uo with funny things like 6 extra
> > cdrom devices.
> >
> >

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Jonathan Dlouhy

---Reply to mail from Jean-Michel Dault about [expert] CD writing under Linux
> Probably your append line is not in the general config. Try it before the
> "image=..." line.
> Jean-Michel Dault

Thanks. Right after I sent that e-mail that ocurred to me. I had the line
at the end of the file instead of after the section pertaining to the
kernel I wanted to boot. In any case, the CD writer works great now and no
recompiling was necessary. Thanks so much for your help!!

---End reply

Jonathan Dlouhy
Principal Oboe,
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra

Windows Error 018: Unrecoverable error.
System destroyed.

[expert] Adding PPP to load at boot

1999-07-26 Thread James J. Capone

I got my Linux reinstalled. I want to know Can I add the PPP module to the 
conf.modules to load at boot. Otherwise I need to compile it in. Anytime I 
try to run Kppp it gives me a error "Your Kernel Does Not Support PPP, 
Please Load a Kernel that does!"

Also I want the APM to be used. It loads up at boot, but it doesn't shut 
the computer down. I had it working on one of the Time I had the Kernel to 
compile correctly and it would shutdown the computer fully.


James J. Capone

Asst. Webmaster
Co-Author: Linux For Newbies

"Even Common People Can Attain Uncommon Results"

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread William Meyer

> I don't know if this would be the kind of thing that belongs in the
> installation guide... not that it's a bad idea, but I think the
> guide is for Mandrake-specific stuff applicable to most users.  Having an
> CDR drive is a specific hardware situation that only applies to a few
users, and
> there is already plenty of documentation on the subject elsewhere (like at
> cdrecord's homepage). :)

I disagree. The installation guide needs to be for Linux, not only for
Mandrake-specific issues. That's one of the problems with Linux
distributions at this point: too much knowledge is assumed in the docs. And
that's why the HOWTOs don't work well, either, because they also make too
many assumptions.

In theory, the HOWTOs are a great resource, but the anarchical nature of the
OS is such that they tend to suffer from innattention. The kernel is healthy
because there is Linus and a core of developers who take charge of the
essential issues. There really is a need for one or more people to
coordinate the issue of HOWTOs, push custodians to make needed updates, and
enlist new custodians where those now in place do not keep things current.

Any Linux distro will succeed or fail on the ability of a new user to
install it and get it running with a minimum of pain. Newsgroups help, and
so do mail lists, but the first place we logically turn is to the
documentation we received in the distro.

William Meyer

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux (fwd)

1999-07-26 Thread Jonathan Dlouhy

---Reply to mail from Axalon about [expert] CD writing under Linux
> On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:
>> ---Reply to mail from Jean-Michel Dault about [expert] CD writing under Linux
>> > 
>> > You *DON'T* need to recompile the kernel. I use a CD Writer with the
>> > standard Mandrake kernel. 
>> > 
>> > 1)Add this to your /etc/lilo.conf:
>> > append="hdb=ide-scsi"
>> > 
>> > 2)Reboot
>> > 
>> > 3)Then, you can simply do a "modprobe ide-scsi", and voila! You can add
>> > the modprobe in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
>> > 
>> > I remember Axalon had a sexier solution, but I can't quite remember it...
>> > 
>> > Jean-Michel Dault
>> This works great!! One problem. When I add the "append" line to lilo.conf
>> and rerun lilo I get a syntax error at whatever line number the "append"
>> statement is.If I pass the argument at boot, no problem. What do I need to
>> do?
>> Thanks!
>> ---End reply
> Show us the lilo.conf

Right after I sent this I realized my mistake. I had put the "append" line
at the end of the file rather than at the end of the section containing
the information about the kernel I wanted to boot. 
Live and learn...

---End reply

Jonathan Dlouhy
Principal Oboe,
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra

Windows Error 018: Unrecoverable error.
System destroyed.

Re: [expert] (More) problems with vmware and recompiled kernel

1999-07-26 Thread Sridhar G

Steven wrote:
> I've been trying to set up vmware (version 1.0.3), and in preperation, I've
> recompiled my kernel from the src rpm (kernel-2.2.10-32mdk from Cooker -- a
> couple of weeks old now).
> I compiled relatively light-weight kernel, to drive my Intel P2/BX chipset,
> 64MB ram, IDE based system. I have no floppy, but I have an ls120. I missed
> out pretty much anything that I don't need for this workstation.
> After running menu config I changed the tag string to 2.2.10-32mdk-sjm1, and
> did 'make dep && make clean && make bzImage && make modules && make
> modules_install'. The kernel runs the machine ok, but it won't run vmware.
> I have a Win98 installation on a FAT partition, and I was planning to run
> this in vmware, but I get a segfault as soon as I "power up" the vitual
> machine.
> How can I help to get this problem licked in time for MD6.1? I could post my
> menuconfig files if that's interesting to the kernel-hackers at MD. Helpful
> for me would be to see the config file from a kernel that works with vmware.
> Steven
Where can I get the 2.2.10.-32 kernel rpm from/


Re: [expert] lilo error

1999-07-26 Thread Sridhar G

Ty Mixon wrote:

> Which kernel?  I used to get this msg until I updated kernels.  I'm
> now running the 2.2.10-32 kernel from cooker.
> Ty
> >> Original Message <<
> On 7/22/99, 1:24:11 PM, Sridhar G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> regarding [expert] lilo error:
> > I compiled my kernel and tried /sbin/lilo -v. I received the following
> > message.
> > "VGA mode presetting is not supported by your kernel".
> > What does thsi mean? How to solve this problem. Do I have to make
> > changes to the kernel, if so what are the changes?
> > Thanks
> > Sridhar

Well, as suggested by someone on this list I updated lilo and it worked


RE: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Charley Sparks

Is there a way to use a Parallel port HP under Linux ??


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Axalon
> Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 4:08 PM
> Subject: Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux
> On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Steven wrote:
> > Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> > >
> > > You *DON'T* need to recompile the kernel. I use a CD Writer with the
> > > standard Mandrake kernel.
> > >
> > > 1)Add this to your /etc/lilo.conf:
> > > append="hdb=ide-scsi"
> > >
> > > 2)Reboot
> > >
> > > 3)Then, you can simply do a "modprobe ide-scsi", and voila!
> You can add
> > > the modprobe in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
> >
> > OK, Module Tutorial time for me:
> > Why can the kernel load some modules automatically (and unload them when
> > it's done), but others have to be pushed in by hand?
> Serveral reasons, there maybe more than one module that does slightly
> different things like with sound and scsi, there are loads of scsi and
> sound drivers if it's not configured in /etc/conf.modules correctly it
> won't know what specific driver it needs.
> > Would I need a, or other, file to use your method?
> Nope,
> > There is a CD Writer HowTo at
> >
> >
> > It states
> > "With 2.2, you specify which device not to treat as a
> IDE/ATAPI-device using
> > the parameter ignore= while loading the ide-cd module. Example: use
> > "modprobe ide-cd ignore=hdb", if your ATAPI-writer is hdb and
> you want the
> > ide-scsi-driver to treat hdb as a scsi-device (usally sr0).
> There is no way
> > to specify this on the kernel-commandline (like with 2.0)."
> Not relevent ide-cd is not a module in the supplied kernel it's built in.
> > This seems the opposite of what you have said, and you haven't
> mentioned the
> > 'ignore' option, is that because with the  ide-scsi modules
> loaded then the
> > kernel won't need to load the ide-cdrom module?
> It's build in, all ide cd's will be accessable as standard ide devices
> (eg. /dev/hdX) untill the ide-scsi module gets loaded. Not all ide cdroms
> get along well w/ ide-scsi, you wind uo with funny things like 6 extra
> cdrom devices.

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Axalon

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Jonathan Dlouhy wrote:

> ---Reply to mail from Jean-Michel Dault about [expert] CD writing under Linux
> > 
> > You *DON'T* need to recompile the kernel. I use a CD Writer with the
> > standard Mandrake kernel. 
> > 
> > 1)Add this to your /etc/lilo.conf:
> > append="hdb=ide-scsi"
> > 
> > 2)Reboot
> > 
> > 3)Then, you can simply do a "modprobe ide-scsi", and voila! You can add
> > the modprobe in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
> > 
> > I remember Axalon had a sexier solution, but I can't quite remember it...
> > 
> > Jean-Michel Dault
> This works great!! One problem. When I add the "append" line to lilo.conf
> and rerun lilo I get a syntax error at whatever line number the "append"
> statement is.If I pass the argument at boot, no problem. What do I need to
> do?
> Thanks!
> ---End reply

Show us the lilo.conf

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Jean-Michel Dault

Probably your append line is not in the general config. Try it before the
"image=..." line.

Jean-Michel Dault

> This works great!! One problem. When I add the "append" line to lilo.conf
> and rerun lilo I get a syntax error at whatever line number the "append"
> statement is.If I pass the argument at boot, no problem. What do I need to
> do?
> Thanks!
> ---End reply
> -- 
> Jonathan Dlouhy
> Principal Oboe,
> Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
> Windows Error 018: Unrecoverable error.
> System destroyed.

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Axalon

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Thomas J. Hamman wrote:

> On 26-Jul-99 Axalon wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> > 
> >> 
> >> You *DON'T* need to recompile the kernel. I use a CD Writer with the
> >> standard Mandrake kernel. 
> >> 
> >> 1)Add this to your /etc/lilo.conf:
> >> append="hdb=ide-scsi"
> >> 
> >> 2)Reboot
> >> 
> >> 3)Then, you can simply do a "modprobe ide-scsi", and voila! You can add
> >> the modprobe in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
> >> 
> >> I remember Axalon had a sexier solution, but I can't quite remember it...
> > 
> > alias block-major-11 ide-scsi
> > has an inherent flaw though, doesn't get loaded untill you try and access
> > the cd, i forgot what it caused problems with. Theres also something like
> > alias scsi_hostadapter0 ide-scsi, but that never did work on my system
> alias scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi works okay for me--usually.  Sometimes it won't
> work and I'll have to modprobe (no idea why), but usually it works.
> Where does one get a list of the 'block-major-#' devices?  i.e. How would I know
> what block-major-11 is supposed to refer to?
> -Tom


Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Axalon

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Steven wrote:

> Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> > 
> > You *DON'T* need to recompile the kernel. I use a CD Writer with the
> > standard Mandrake kernel.
> > 
> > 1)Add this to your /etc/lilo.conf:
> > append="hdb=ide-scsi"
> > 
> > 2)Reboot
> > 
> > 3)Then, you can simply do a "modprobe ide-scsi", and voila! You can add
> > the modprobe in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
> OK, Module Tutorial time for me: 
> Why can the kernel load some modules automatically (and unload them when
> it's done), but others have to be pushed in by hand?

Serveral reasons, there maybe more than one module that does slightly
different things like with sound and scsi, there are loads of scsi and
sound drivers if it's not configured in /etc/conf.modules correctly it
won't know what specific driver it needs.
> Would I need a, or other, file to use your method?


> There is a CD Writer HowTo at 
> It states
> "With 2.2, you specify which device not to treat as a IDE/ATAPI-device using
> the parameter ignore= while loading the ide-cd module. Example: use
> "modprobe ide-cd ignore=hdb", if your ATAPI-writer is hdb and you want the
> ide-scsi-driver to treat hdb as a scsi-device (usally sr0). There is no way
> to specify this on the kernel-commandline (like with 2.0)."

Not relevent ide-cd is not a module in the supplied kernel it's built in.
> This seems the opposite of what you have said, and you haven't mentioned the
> 'ignore' option, is that because with the  ide-scsi modules loaded then the
> kernel won't need to load the ide-cdrom module?

It's build in, all ide cd's will be accessable as standard ide devices
(eg. /dev/hdX) untill the ide-scsi module gets loaded. Not all ide cdroms
get along well w/ ide-scsi, you wind uo with funny things like 6 extra
cdrom devices.

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Jonathan Dlouhy

---Reply to mail from Jean-Michel Dault about [expert] CD writing under Linux
> You *DON'T* need to recompile the kernel. I use a CD Writer with the
> standard Mandrake kernel. 
> 1)Add this to your /etc/lilo.conf:
> append="hdb=ide-scsi"
> 2)Reboot
> 3)Then, you can simply do a "modprobe ide-scsi", and voila! You can add
> the modprobe in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
> I remember Axalon had a sexier solution, but I can't quite remember it...
> Jean-Michel Dault

This works great!! One problem. When I add the "append" line to lilo.conf
and rerun lilo I get a syntax error at whatever line number the "append"
statement is.If I pass the argument at boot, no problem. What do I need to


---End reply

Jonathan Dlouhy
Principal Oboe,
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra

Windows Error 018: Unrecoverable error.
System destroyed.

[expert] glibc segmentation fault problem?

1999-07-26 Thread Gey-Hong Gweon


I am having problems with a few programs coming in binary form,
including acroread, matlab and dislin. Some of these programs are
claimed to have been compiled in Red Hat Linux 6.0. When I run these
programs I get segmentation faults. To get a hint on what's going on, I
run them in the debugger and I get the following message: 
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.  
0x2ad3c291 in __getopt_clean_environment () from /lib/  
>From which I would assume that the problem originates from glibc. I am
using the glibc-2.1.1-9mdk that came in the "Complete Linux Operating
system 6.0" CD. Any help on this would be appreciated.

Gey-Hong Gweon
The University of Michigan, Physics Department, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
(734) 647-9434 (Office), 763-3417 (Lab), 763-9694 (Fax) 

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On 26-Jul-99 Steven wrote:
> "Thomas J. Hamman" wrote:
>> I've been using my IDE/ATAPI CDR drive under Mandrake 6 and did not have to
>> recompile the kernel for it.
>> Using 'append="hdX=ide-scsi"' in lilo and then typing 'modprobe ide-scsi' at
>> the command line next time you boot, as I suggested to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>> should work with the generic M6 kernel with no recompiling.
> Cheers. When I first tried to do this I read the stuff in /usr/doc, which
> states that for kernel 2.2.x the ide-scsi *had* to be in the kernel; I did
> play with the modules, but got frustrated because I couldn't work out what
> line to put in my conf.modules file -- didn't think of just inserting the
> module by hand (modprobe). It seemed easier to recompile.

Yeah, I think I recall reading something about it being different for 2.2.x
kernels back when I was first trying to figure this stuff out, but I tried the
hdc=ide-scsi line anyway and it worked... and it seemed to be what most people
on the list with ATAPI CDR's were doing.
> Even with the ide and scsi drivers in the kernel, it's still smaller than
> the one supplied in the kernel RPM, not that makes any difference ... :)
> I think there's enough information in this thread for a section in the
> Mandrake installation guide ;) Or maybe this could be handled during
> intallation ...

Well, part of it can be handled during installation if you know you need it
beforehand--when you're setting up LILO during installation it asks if you need
to pass any special options to the kernel.  You can put the hdX=ide-scsi line
there.  And then the only thing left is the modprobe command, or putting the
right line in /etc/conf.modules.

I don't know if this would be the kind of thing that belongs in the
installation guide... not that it's a bad idea, but I think the installation
guide is for Mandrake-specific stuff applicable to most users.  Having an ATAPI
CDR drive is a specific hardware situation that only applies to a few users, and
there is already plenty of documentation on the subject elsewhere (like at
cdrecord's homepage). :)


[expert] make dep problem

1999-07-26 Thread Stefan Brenner


After configuring my new kernel version 2.2.9 with make config , I do a
make dep and get following error-message:

[root@u-218 linux]# make dep
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -o scripts/mkdep
scripts/mkdep.c:13: ctype.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
scripts/mkdep.c:14: stdio.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
scripts/mkdep.c:15: stdlib.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
scripts/mkdep.c:16: string.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
scripts/mkdep.c:17: unistd.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
scripts/mkdep.c:19: sys/fcntl.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
scripts/mkdep.c:20: sys/mman.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
scripts/mkdep.c:21: sys/stat.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
scripts/mkdep.c:22: sys/types.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
make: *** [scripts/mkdep] Error 1

Can anybody help me to get the solution.

Stefan Brenner

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread stevefx

I'd like to thank everyone for their help on this one. I won't be able to try it
until tonight, but I feel like I know what I need to do now.

>I think there's enough information in this thread for a section in the
>Mandrake installation guide ;) Or maybe this could be handled during
>intallation ...

I think this is a great idea. I didn't notice anything in the installation guide
when I looked so this would be good stuff to include.

Steve Fox   8?) (IBM Intranet) (External)

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On 26-Jul-99 Axalon wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
>> You *DON'T* need to recompile the kernel. I use a CD Writer with the
>> standard Mandrake kernel. 
>> 1)Add this to your /etc/lilo.conf:
>> append="hdb=ide-scsi"
>> 2)Reboot
>> 3)Then, you can simply do a "modprobe ide-scsi", and voila! You can add
>> the modprobe in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
>> I remember Axalon had a sexier solution, but I can't quite remember it...
> alias block-major-11 ide-scsi
> has an inherent flaw though, doesn't get loaded untill you try and access
> the cd, i forgot what it caused problems with. Theres also something like
> alias scsi_hostadapter0 ide-scsi, but that never did work on my system

alias scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi works okay for me--usually.  Sometimes it won't
work and I'll have to modprobe (no idea why), but usually it works.

Where does one get a list of the 'block-major-#' devices?  i.e. How would I know
what block-major-11 is supposed to refer to?


[expert] Setting locale

1999-07-26 Thread Ikhlasul Amal

Hi all,
I had posted this question in Newbie but got no responds. Maybe I have to
change the gear to Expert-Level... ;-)

How can I change my locale setting environment, for example to ISO-8859-1?
I had set the LC_ALL environment variable, but my Perl gave me warning,

--- quoted ---
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LC_ALL = "ISO-8859-1",
LANG = (unset)
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
--- end quote ---

Also, I am curious if it is true when my


contains nothing? (I worried that some instructions had incidentally
removed something when I did try and error)

Thanks a lot.


[expert] make menuconfig/xconfig

1999-07-26 Thread Stefan Brenner


Hopefully someone who reads this can help me. I wanted to compile a new
kernel with generic scsi-support included in the kernel. I downloaded
kenrel version 2.2.9 from I followed the instructions

to unpack the archives in /usr/src.

So i did a:
make mrproper (don´t really know what this is for?)

[root@localhost linux]# make xconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts'
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -c -o tkparse.o
tkparse.c:37: stdio.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
tkparse.c:38: stdlib.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
tkparse.c:39: string.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
make[1]: *** [tkparse.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts'
make: *** [xconfig] Error 2

[root@localhost linux]# make menuconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts/lxdialog all
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE
-DCURSES_LOC=""   -c lxdialog.c -o lxdialog.o
In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
dialog.h:22: sys/types.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
dialog.h:23: fcntl.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
dialog.h:24: unistd.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
dialog.h:25: ctype.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
dialog.h:26: stdlib.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
dialog.h:27: string.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
dialog.h:29: curses.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
lxdialog.c:53: locale.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2

I think i´ve all the required packages installed on my machine1?

[root@localhost linux]# rpm -qa | grep gcc
[root@localhost linux]# rpm -qa | grep tcl
[root@localhost linux]# rpm -qa | grep tk

make config works just fine.
Thanks for wasting your time for my problem!

Stefan Brenner

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Steven

Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> You *DON'T* need to recompile the kernel. I use a CD Writer with the
> standard Mandrake kernel.
> 1)Add this to your /etc/lilo.conf:
> append="hdb=ide-scsi"
> 2)Reboot
> 3)Then, you can simply do a "modprobe ide-scsi", and voila! You can add
> the modprobe in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.

OK, Module Tutorial time for me: 
Why can the kernel load some modules automatically (and unload them when
it's done), but others have to be pushed in by hand?

Would I need a, or other, file to use your method?

There is a CD Writer HowTo at

It states
"With 2.2, you specify which device not to treat as a IDE/ATAPI-device using
the parameter ignore= while loading the ide-cd module. Example: use
"modprobe ide-cd ignore=hdb", if your ATAPI-writer is hdb and you want the
ide-scsi-driver to treat hdb as a scsi-device (usally sr0). There is no way
to specify this on the kernel-commandline (like with 2.0)."

This seems the opposite of what you have said, and you haven't mentioned the
'ignore' option, is that because with the  ide-scsi modules loaded then the
kernel won't need to load the ide-cdrom module?

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread stevefx

I'll give that a try tonight after work.

Now how fast do you think M$ support could have got me an answer? *EG*


Steve Fox   8?) (IBM Intranet) (External)

Jean-Michel Dault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 07/26/99 11:02:15 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

You *DON'T* need to recompile the kernel. I use a CD Writer with the
standard Mandrake kernel.

1)Add this to your /etc/lilo.conf:


3)Then, you can simply do a "modprobe ide-scsi", and voila! You can add
the modprobe in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.

I remember Axalon had a sexier solution, but I can't quite remember it...

Jean-Michel Dault

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Steven wrote:

> Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 15:25:55 +
> From: Steven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux
> > I haven't been able to get my CD-RW drive working under Linux yet and hoping
> > a few helpful hints. I'm running Mandrake 6.0 (2.2.9-27 via RPM) with the
> OK, I've managed to get this working, so here are my helpful hints for you:
> The documentation is probably stashed in /usr/doc/xcdroast on your hard disk
> - dig around there -- you'll proably want to read it.
> Here is the short version of what it says:
> Recompile your kernel --
> You have to compile the ide-scsii emulation, generic scsii support, and scsi
> cdrom drivers into the kernel, not as modules. (If you work out how to do
> this with modules, let us know ... )
> You have to compile out (that is, don't include) the ide cdrom support. If
> you have an ide floppy, compile that into the kernel too, or the scsii
> emulator will interfere with that too.
> Your cdrom is now /dev/sr1 or /dev/sr0, so don't forget to change the
> /dev/cdrom hard link.
> They recomend that if your hard disk is an IDE one, that you use the -u
> option with hdparm (check the hdparm man page and see your
> /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit file). I still got xcdroast/cdrecord to work without
> using -u, but I have put the -u option in, and it seems better (I burned a
> cd from an image on the HDD at 4x,  and installed Corel WP8 at the same
> time, so the IDE disk seems quite fast enough for me ...)
> The current xcdroast is still quite limited, especially for audio tracks, so
> you probably won't wipe Windows, but it's good for most jobs.
> Good luck,
> Steven

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Steven

"Thomas J. Hamman" wrote:

> I've been using my IDE/ATAPI CDR drive under Mandrake 6 and did not have to
> recompile the kernel for it.
> Using 'append="hdX=ide-scsi"' in lilo and then typing 'modprobe ide-scsi' at
> the command line next time you boot, as I suggested to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> should work with the generic M6 kernel with no recompiling.

Cheers. When I first tried to do this I read the stuff in /usr/doc, which
states that for kernel 2.2.x the ide-scsi *had* to be in the kernel; I did
play with the modules, but got frustrated because I couldn't work out what
line to put in my conf.modules file -- didn't think of just inserting the
module by hand (modprobe). It seemed easier to recompile.

Even with the ide and scsi drivers in the kernel, it's still smaller than
the one supplied in the kernel RPM, not that makes any difference ... :)

I think there's enough information in this thread for a section in the
Mandrake installation guide ;) Or maybe this could be handled during
intallation ...

So much to do, so little time.


Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On 26-Jul-99 Steven wrote:
>> I haven't been able to get my CD-RW drive working under Linux yet and hoping
>> for
>> a few helpful hints. I'm running Mandrake 6.0 (2.2.9-27 via RPM) with the
> OK, I've managed to get this working, so here are my helpful hints for you:
> The documentation is probably stashed in /usr/doc/xcdroast on your hard disk
> - dig around there -- you'll proably want to read it.
> Here is the short version of what it says:
> Recompile your kernel --
> You have to compile the ide-scsii emulation, generic scsii support, and scsi
> cdrom drivers into the kernel, not as modules. (If you work out how to do
> this with modules, let us know ... )

I've been using my IDE/ATAPI CDR drive under Mandrake 6 and did not have to
recompile the kernel for it.

Using 'append="hdX=ide-scsi"' in lilo and then typing 'modprobe ide-scsi' at
the command line next time you boot, as I suggested to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
should work with the generic M6 kernel with no recompiling.


Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Axalon

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Jean-Michel Dault wrote:

> You *DON'T* need to recompile the kernel. I use a CD Writer with the
> standard Mandrake kernel. 
> 1)Add this to your /etc/lilo.conf:
> append="hdb=ide-scsi"
> 2)Reboot
> 3)Then, you can simply do a "modprobe ide-scsi", and voila! You can add
> the modprobe in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
> I remember Axalon had a sexier solution, but I can't quite remember it...

alias block-major-11 ide-scsi
has an inherent flaw though, doesn't get loaded untill you try and access
the cd, i forgot what it caused problems with. Theres also something like
alias scsi_hostadapter0 ide-scsi, but that never did work on my system
> Jean-Michel Dault
> On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Steven wrote:
> > Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 15:25:55 +
> > From: Steven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > I haven't been able to get my CD-RW drive working under Linux yet and hoping for
> > > a few helpful hints. I'm running Mandrake 6.0 (2.2.9-27 via RPM) with the
> > 
> > OK, I've managed to get this working, so here are my helpful hints for you:
> > 
> > The documentation is probably stashed in /usr/doc/xcdroast on your hard disk
> > - dig around there -- you'll proably want to read it.
> > 
> > Here is the short version of what it says:
> > 
> > Recompile your kernel --
> > 
> > You have to compile the ide-scsii emulation, generic scsii support, and scsi
> > cdrom drivers into the kernel, not as modules. (If you work out how to do
> > this with modules, let us know ... )
> > 
> > You have to compile out (that is, don't include) the ide cdrom support. If
> > you have an ide floppy, compile that into the kernel too, or the scsii
> > emulator will interfere with that too.
> > 
> > Your cdrom is now /dev/sr1 or /dev/sr0, so don't forget to change the
> > /dev/cdrom hard link.
> > 
> > They recomend that if your hard disk is an IDE one, that you use the -u
> > option with hdparm (check the hdparm man page and see your
> > /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit file). I still got xcdroast/cdrecord to work without
> > using -u, but I have put the -u option in, and it seems better (I burned a
> > cd from an image on the HDD at 4x,  and installed Corel WP8 at the same
> > time, so the IDE disk seems quite fast enough for me ...)
> > 
> > The current xcdroast is still quite limited, especially for audio tracks, so
> > you probably won't wipe Windows, but it's good for most jobs.
> > 
> > Good luck,
> > Steven
> > 

RE: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On 26-Jul-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hey all,
> I haven't been able to get my CD-RW drive working under Linux yet and hoping
> for
> a few helpful hints. I'm running Mandrake 6.0 (2.2.9-27 via RPM) with the
> default cdrecord (1.82?) and xcdroaster from the distro. When I run 'cdrecord
> -scanbus' I get the error " ".  When I start up xcdroaster I get the message
> that the SCSI generic module (sg) isn't loaded into the kernel. When I do an
> 'insmod sg' it says it's already loaded and lsmod confirms this (it has
> [autoclean ?] in the right column). By looking at the CD-Writing Mini-HOWTO
> the
> Mandrake 2.2.9-27 kernel seems to have all required components either
> loadable
> as modules or compiled into the kernel. Am I missing something?
> I've tried running under my id and as root and neither work. Do I need to
> mount
> the device before it can be found?
> Any help much appreciated as this is the last thing I need to get working
> before
> I can wipe Windoze off my hard drive...thanks!

Is your CD-RW drive IDE/ATAPI, or SCSI?  And is it on the list of supported
drives (there's a link to such a list on cdrecord's homepage)?

If it's SCSI, I don't know how to help since I haven't used SCSI drives.  If
it's IDE/ATAPI, then there are just two very simple things you need to do
(hopefully :) ):

Put this line in your /etc/lilo.conf, in the part for booting Linux:


Where X is the correct letter for your CD-RW drive.  Run lilo to write that to
the MBR.

Then when you reboot, Linux will not load IDE drivers for your CD-RW drive,
and you can type 'modprobe ide-scsi' to load ide-scsi module to run the drive
in SCSI emulation.  See if it shows up in 'cdrecord -scanbus' now.


[expert] RE:CD-Recording under linux

1999-07-26 Thread Al Smith

Check you the howto for cd-recording it tells you how to modify the
kernel. It worked for me.


Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Ben Derr

Please give us a little more info.
What kind of cd burner do you have? In particular, is it an IDE or SCSI?
If is IDE you will have to recompile the kernel with support for IDE/SCSI
host emulation.

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hey all,
> I haven't been able to get my CD-RW drive working under Linux yet and hoping for
> a few helpful hints. I'm running Mandrake 6.0 (2.2.9-27 via RPM) with the
> default cdrecord (1.82?) and xcdroaster from the distro. When I run 'cdrecord
> -scanbus' I get the error " ".  When I start up xcdroaster I get the message
> that the SCSI generic module (sg) isn't loaded into the kernel. When I do an
> 'insmod sg' it says it's already loaded and lsmod confirms this (it has
> [autoclean ?] in the right column). By looking at the CD-Writing Mini-HOWTO the
> Mandrake 2.2.9-27 kernel seems to have all required components either loadable
> as modules or compiled into the kernel. Am I missing something?
> I've tried running under my id and as root and neither work. Do I need to mount
> the device before it can be found?
> Any help much appreciated as this is the last thing I need to get working before
> I can wipe Windoze off my hard drive...thanks!
> Steve Fox   8?)
> (IBM Intranet)
> (External)

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Axalon

There is a nicely done cd-writer howto floating around here some where,
i've forgotten the URL it shouldn't be to hard to find in the archives.
My guess is you forgot to modprobe ide-scsi or didn't add the append for

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Steven wrote:

> > I haven't been able to get my CD-RW drive working under Linux yet and hoping for
> > a few helpful hints. I'm running Mandrake 6.0 (2.2.9-27 via RPM) with the
> OK, I've managed to get this working, so here are my helpful hints for you:
> The documentation is probably stashed in /usr/doc/xcdroast on your hard disk
> - dig around there -- you'll proably want to read it.
> Here is the short version of what it says:
> Recompile your kernel --
> You have to compile the ide-scsii emulation, generic scsii support, and scsi
> cdrom drivers into the kernel, not as modules. (If you work out how to do
> this with modules, let us know ... )
> You have to compile out (that is, don't include) the ide cdrom support. If
> you have an ide floppy, compile that into the kernel too, or the scsii
> emulator will interfere with that too.
> Your cdrom is now /dev/sr1 or /dev/sr0, so don't forget to change the
> /dev/cdrom hard link.
> They recomend that if your hard disk is an IDE one, that you use the -u
> option with hdparm (check the hdparm man page and see your
> /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit file). I still got xcdroast/cdrecord to work without
> using -u, but I have put the -u option in, and it seems better (I burned a
> cd from an image on the HDD at 4x,  and installed Corel WP8 at the same
> time, so the IDE disk seems quite fast enough for me ...)
> The current xcdroast is still quite limited, especially for audio tracks, so
> you probably won't wipe Windows, but it's good for most jobs.
> Good luck,
> Steven

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Bug Hunter

  I read somewhere that the ATAPI interface will be used first.  When you
recompile the kernel with sg built in (require, not as a module), remove
the ATAPI code.  This will force the scsi emulation to be sued for the
cdrom drive, not the ATAPI code.

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hey all,
> I haven't been able to get my CD-RW drive working under Linux yet and hoping for
> a few helpful hints. I'm running Mandrake 6.0 (2.2.9-27 via RPM) with the
> default cdrecord (1.82?) and xcdroaster from the distro. When I run 'cdrecord
> -scanbus' I get the error " ".  When I start up xcdroaster I get the message
> that the SCSI generic module (sg) isn't loaded into the kernel. When I do an
> 'insmod sg' it says it's already loaded and lsmod confirms this (it has
> [autoclean ?] in the right column). By looking at the CD-Writing Mini-HOWTO the
> Mandrake 2.2.9-27 kernel seems to have all required components either loadable
> as modules or compiled into the kernel. Am I missing something?
> I've tried running under my id and as root and neither work. Do I need to mount
> the device before it can be found?
> Any help much appreciated as this is the last thing I need to get working before
> I can wipe Windoze off my hard drive...thanks!

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Jean-Michel Dault

You *DON'T* need to recompile the kernel. I use a CD Writer with the
standard Mandrake kernel. 

1)Add this to your /etc/lilo.conf:


3)Then, you can simply do a "modprobe ide-scsi", and voila! You can add
the modprobe in /etc/rc.d/rc.local.

I remember Axalon had a sexier solution, but I can't quite remember it...

Jean-Michel Dault

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999, Steven wrote:

> Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 15:25:55 +
> From: Steven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux
> > I haven't been able to get my CD-RW drive working under Linux yet and hoping for
> > a few helpful hints. I'm running Mandrake 6.0 (2.2.9-27 via RPM) with the
> OK, I've managed to get this working, so here are my helpful hints for you:
> The documentation is probably stashed in /usr/doc/xcdroast on your hard disk
> - dig around there -- you'll proably want to read it.
> Here is the short version of what it says:
> Recompile your kernel --
> You have to compile the ide-scsii emulation, generic scsii support, and scsi
> cdrom drivers into the kernel, not as modules. (If you work out how to do
> this with modules, let us know ... )
> You have to compile out (that is, don't include) the ide cdrom support. If
> you have an ide floppy, compile that into the kernel too, or the scsii
> emulator will interfere with that too.
> Your cdrom is now /dev/sr1 or /dev/sr0, so don't forget to change the
> /dev/cdrom hard link.
> They recomend that if your hard disk is an IDE one, that you use the -u
> option with hdparm (check the hdparm man page and see your
> /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit file). I still got xcdroast/cdrecord to work without
> using -u, but I have put the -u option in, and it seems better (I burned a
> cd from an image on the HDD at 4x,  and installed Corel WP8 at the same
> time, so the IDE disk seems quite fast enough for me ...)
> The current xcdroast is still quite limited, especially for audio tracks, so
> you probably won't wipe Windows, but it's good for most jobs.
> Good luck,
> Steven

Re: [expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread Steven

> I haven't been able to get my CD-RW drive working under Linux yet and hoping for
> a few helpful hints. I'm running Mandrake 6.0 (2.2.9-27 via RPM) with the

OK, I've managed to get this working, so here are my helpful hints for you:

The documentation is probably stashed in /usr/doc/xcdroast on your hard disk
- dig around there -- you'll proably want to read it.

Here is the short version of what it says:

Recompile your kernel --

You have to compile the ide-scsii emulation, generic scsii support, and scsi
cdrom drivers into the kernel, not as modules. (If you work out how to do
this with modules, let us know ... )

You have to compile out (that is, don't include) the ide cdrom support. If
you have an ide floppy, compile that into the kernel too, or the scsii
emulator will interfere with that too.

Your cdrom is now /dev/sr1 or /dev/sr0, so don't forget to change the
/dev/cdrom hard link.

They recomend that if your hard disk is an IDE one, that you use the -u
option with hdparm (check the hdparm man page and see your
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit file). I still got xcdroast/cdrecord to work without
using -u, but I have put the -u option in, and it seems better (I burned a
cd from an image on the HDD at 4x,  and installed Corel WP8 at the same
time, so the IDE disk seems quite fast enough for me ...)

The current xcdroast is still quite limited, especially for audio tracks, so
you probably won't wipe Windows, but it's good for most jobs.

Good luck,

[expert] CD writing under Linux

1999-07-26 Thread stevefx

Hey all,

I haven't been able to get my CD-RW drive working under Linux yet and hoping for
a few helpful hints. I'm running Mandrake 6.0 (2.2.9-27 via RPM) with the
default cdrecord (1.82?) and xcdroaster from the distro. When I run 'cdrecord
-scanbus' I get the error " ".  When I start up xcdroaster I get the message
that the SCSI generic module (sg) isn't loaded into the kernel. When I do an
'insmod sg' it says it's already loaded and lsmod confirms this (it has
[autoclean ?] in the right column). By looking at the CD-Writing Mini-HOWTO the
Mandrake 2.2.9-27 kernel seems to have all required components either loadable
as modules or compiled into the kernel. Am I missing something?

I've tried running under my id and as root and neither work. Do I need to mount
the device before it can be found?

Any help much appreciated as this is the last thing I need to get working before
I can wipe Windoze off my hard drive...thanks!

Steve Fox   8?) (IBM Intranet) (External)

Re: [expert] Big Time Kernel Problems

1999-07-26 Thread B&B Access Technology

- Original Message -
From: Thierry Vignaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; B&B Access Technology <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 3:37 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Big Time Kernel Problems

> B&B Access Technology wrote:
> >
> > > Have you reconfigured  and rerun lilo  ?
> >
> > Same problem here also...and yes reconfig'd kernel and ran lilo...
> > Suggestions welcomed.  -renzo
> try  this:
> * make modules_install
> * depmod -a VERSION_OF_YOUR_NEWLY_COMPILED_KERNEL # before rebooting

Thanks for locks at 'uncompressing LinuxOK, booting kernel'
for reference trying to update to kernel-2.2.9-27mdk, system runs fine if
/etc/lilo.conf is changed back to kernel-2.2.9-19mdk


Re: [expert] Big Time Kernel Problems

1999-07-26 Thread Thierry Vignaud

B&B Access Technology wrote:
> > Have you reconfigured  and rerun lilo  ?
> Same problem here also...and yes reconfig'd kernel and ran lilo...
> Suggestions welcomed.  -renzo

try  this:
* make modules_install
* depmod -a VERSION_OF_YOUR_NEWLY_COMPILED_KERNEL   # before rebooting

> > my problem. By default it has the PPP as a module. I need it to load at boot
> > up. Is there a way I can add this to the conf.modules to do so. Also I need
> > it to use the apm function of the new 2.2.9 kernel. Instead of attempting to
> > Re-compile again. Can I add that somehow. Is there a program that will allow
> > me to change some of the Kernel parameters.

you may alter your kernel configuration by sending some data into
/proc/* entries but it's only to manage network, ... NOT to add drivers.
If you nedd ppp at bootup, don't compile it as module but in plain
kernel ("y", not "m").
If you need apm, enable it in General Setup menu.


Re: [expert] (More) problems with vmware and recompiled kernel

1999-07-26 Thread Steven


Thanks for the suggestions. 

I first got vmware to work by compiling a kernel from clean source from 

The VMWare fix posted by Tom lets me run vmware on the kernel compiled from
the Mandrake source tree (but then vmware won't run on the kernel from clean
source !)

"You pays your money, you takes your choice ..."

Thanks for the help,

Re: [expert] network

1999-07-26 Thread Mike Fistonich

I will never doubt you again.

--- Axalon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Jul 1999, [iso-8859-1] Mike Fistonich
> wrote:
> > Thanks for the advice ,
> > unfortunately I was too busy to try your
> suggestions yet,  but I'm 
> > also not confident they'll help
> > since after typing 'telnet' I immediatley
> > get the response 'connected to' but 
> > it then takes a long time for the login prompt
> after connecting . (
> > lynx & netscape also get an immediate response
> from the other
> > machine(i.e the apache intro page))
> Right, and if you put your IP HOSTNAME in /etc/hosts
> inetd will not take forever trying to figure out if
> it should let you in
> or not. Apache does not use the tcpwrappers by
> default so, if apache
> responds instantly it points even more to the
> tcpwrappers. 
> > --- Axalon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Thu, 22 Jul 1999, Linux Happy User wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Mike Fistonich wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > Hi
> > > > > Does anyone how I can reduce the long delay
> when
> > > > > telnetting between two linux (L-M 5.3) boxes
> ,
> > > > > they can ping eachother with no delay but
> > > > > ftp &  telnet do nothing for 30s or so
> > > > > before the login prompt .
> > > > > cheers
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > >
> _
> > > > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > > > Get your free address at
> > >
> > > > 
> > > > Check the way each machine is recognized by
> the
> > > other. You may have an
> > > > authorization file '/etc/hosts.allow' refering
> to
> > > a DNS domain (like
> > > > ALL: .local.domain) while address for your
> > > machines can not be resolved
> > > > through the DNS. To check that the source of
> your
> > > problem, try putting
> > > > en 'IP / hostname' mapping in the /etc/hosts
> of
> > > your machines for the
> > > > other machine.
> > > > 
> > > > Didier
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > Yep this is probably whats going on, if they
> give
> > > you to much grief setup
> > > a mini dns server. Putting them in /etc/hosts
> should
> > > solve it however
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> >
> _
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Get your free address at
> > 

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: [expert] Big Time Kernel Problems

1999-07-26 Thread B&B Access Technology

- Original Message -
From: Thierry Vignaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 1999 12:49 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Big Time Kernel Problems

> James Capone wrote:
> >
> > Ok Here it is.
> >
> >I recompiled my Kernel. Had some problems at first. It hung on
> > Module dependencies..
> >
> > So I did a ctrl-c and got it to boot.
> >
> > The I run depmod -a reboot
> >
> > I got abunch of Symlink errors. So I decided to run a make clean and
> > mrproper and re-do the kernel again.
> >
> > Now this time When I boot it just gets to
> > Running Linux...
> >
> > Then never passes that. So I boot into the Old Kernel and it fails on
> > loading modules also. It will try to but Fail on some of them. So I am
> > to Re-install the Entire OS. No big deal it was not configured yet. Here
> > my problem. By default it has the PPP as a module. I need it to load at
> > up. Is there a way I can add this to the conf.modules to do so. Also I
> > it to use the apm function of the new 2.2.9 kernel. Instead of
attempting to
> > Re-compile again. Can I add that somehow. Is there a program that will
> > me to change some of the Kernel parameters.
> >
> > Please allow me to know. But If I do need to recompile should I do it in
> > /usr/src/linux Directory or the /usr/src/linux-2.2.9 directory. I
> > the /linux one is a linked one because it shows up as linux@
> >
> > Please let me know. And should I blow away the /lib/modules directory
> > I compile so it will load it correctly.
> >
> Have you reconfigured  and rerun lilo  ?

Same problem here also...and yes reconfig'd kernel and ran lilo...
Suggestions welcomed.  -renzo

RE: [expert] cgi scripts

1999-07-26 Thread Seb

Sorry for the disagrement...
but I think it could be the right place because it can be due to a
misconfiguration of the Apache which is running on Mandrake 6.0.
