Re: [expert-it] MandrakeUpdate che non parte

2001-06-15 Thread Ghiro

Il 16:35, giovedì 14 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
 Ghiro wrote:
  Salve, ho appena installato la mandrake 8.0 in italiano.
  Volevo chiedere se' e' un problema diffuso il fatto che non si riesca a
  fare partire il MandrakeUpdate.
  Se avete qualche consiglio da darmi lo accetto ben volentieri ;)

 Lo lanci come utente normale o come root?
 Che messaggio di errore da'?



non mi da alcun mesaggio d'errore, ora mi spiego:
allora io faccio partire il MU da KDE, a livello user, usando l' icona 
appropriata; il sistema mi chiede la password di root, poi lavora per qualche 
secondo e poi piu nulla, non si apre alcuna finestra.
In seguito ho provato a farllo partire direttamente come root, ma non ottengo 
migliori risultati.
Mi sapreste dire come posso provare a farlo partire da riga di comando?
Grazie ancora.


Re: [expert-it] modem!

2001-06-15 Thread Ghiro

Il 04:47, venerdì 15 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
 come e' possibile far capire a linux mandrake 8.0 che posseggo un modem
 sono in grossa crisi!
 grazie ciao!
 AIUTATEMI vi prego!

non vorrei darti un dispiacere, ma ho letto sulla guida della Mandrake che 
fra i dispositivi USB supportati non ci sono ancora i modem.
Cmq cerca di essere piu' specifico, illustraci le caratteristiche del tuo 
modem ec..ecc...


[expert-it] PROBLEMI USB

2001-06-15 Thread Andrea Monaci


Ho comperato un Fax/Modem/Voice USB (alimentato dal  computer) ed una 
stampante USB e ho probemi con Linux (Mandrake 8).

Problema modem: Spesso e volentieri, quando sono collegato ad Internet, il 
modem si spegne completamente (iinfatti TUTTI i led si spengono) e si 
blocca il sistema operativo.

Problema stampante: A volte, quando accendo la stampante, questa non si 
inizializza e continua all'infinito tale fase di inizializzazione.

Qualcuno di voi, sa dirmi come risolverli?



Re: [expert-it] MandrakeUpdate che non parte

2001-06-15 Thread freefred

On Friday 15 June 2001 14:48, Ghiro wrote:

 Mi sapreste dire come posso provare a farlo partire da riga di
 comando? Grazie ancora.


sperando ti dia qualche messaggio d'errore significtivo


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Re: [expert-it] MandrakeUpdate che non parte

2001-06-15 Thread Ghiro

Il 10:57, venerdì 15 giugno 2001, hai scritto:
 On Friday 15 June 2001 14:48, Ghiro wrote:
  Mi sapreste dire come posso provare a farlo partire da riga di
  comando? Grazie ancora.


 sperando ti dia qualche messaggio d'errore significtivo


ecco l'errore:

MandrakeUpdate: error while loading shared libraries: cannot 
shared object file: No such file or directory

avete idea di che cosa posso fare?


[expert-it] modem!

2001-06-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

come e' possibile far capire a linux mandrake 8.0 che posseggo un modem
sono in grossa crisi!
grazie ciao!
AIUTATEMI vi prego!

Fwd: Re: [expert] two problems. one with kcontrol one with shared memory usage

2001-06-15 Thread Orkunt Sabuncu

Problem is still active also I tried booting in console mode, it shows 12mb 
free mem but again no shared memory 0kb. A kernel problem or something??Any 


From: Blaise St-Laurent [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orkunt Sabuncu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [expert] two problems. one with kcontrol one with shared 
memory usage
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2001 12:33:57 -0400

On Wednesday 13 June 2001 09:32, you wrote:
  Hi folks,
  I have just installed LM8.0 on my PC. It can be really slow (P 200  48mb
  ram) compared to newer PCs but I was really expecting better performance
  from LM8.0.
I hate to say this, but if you are intending to run KDE, and (i'm assuming)
you are running XFree 4.0.x, then 48 Mb of ram just won't cuting it for
anything serious. XFree is using 42Mb on my system alone. Add to that 
10Mb for Kdeinit, 5 for the windowmanager, and you're in swap land faster
than you can open a Konsole.

  I am using KDE as a desktop manager. when i use top i see that nearly 
  of the ram is used. At first I thought it is in fact sharing the memory 
  using top also says 0Kb for shared memory usage. I think it is quite

that is rather strange. Have you done anything strange in your 
how much swap do you have on the box? I usually register anywhere from 9 Mb
to 2 Mb per app...
  related with this when i open a application lets say konsole and close 
  the next time i open it i expect it loads faster but in fact it is not. 
  waits just as the first opening maybe more. This is quite related with
  shared memory usage i think. What are ur comments, I know KDE things are
  resource eaters but as i said i amexpecting more from it in terms of

You're probably right. A possible hypothesis is that since you are running
entirely out of the swap memory, you won't see any noticeable performance
  This is the first problem, the second one happened after i changed font
  settings in KDE control  application. I installed tahoma windows font 
  set it to all font places where i see helvetica in Kcontrol. It worked. 
  maybe related maybe not after that i cannot run KDE control application
  from panel. It gives SIGSEGV signal , but from terminal it works ok..
  strange.. I searched some logs (i think it was .xsessionerrors log); 
  were lines related with kcontrol saying DCOP communication error.

though it wouldn't surprise me if this was related to the lack of memory, i
don'thave a good answer for this.

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Re: [expert] Gimp crashes in LM 8.0

2001-06-15 Thread Oscar

Hi, Steve,
The package name is mandrake_desk-8.0-12.1mdk
I use the mirror, but must be in other mirrors too.
I thing this update is important, but maybe that isn't the problem.
Try updating mandrake_desk and reinstalling gimp from CD.

Steve Kieu wrote:
 I dont run Nautilus, I run Gnome + Sawfish + gmc (it
 is IMHO more convenient than Nautilus ..)
 I can not find the updated package Mandrake-desktop.
 In my mirror at in the update
 directory there is nothing there like Mandrake-desktop
 so it is only in the cdrom I got.
 --- Oscar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Do not use
 Nautilus as desktop manager in gnome.
  Or use MandrakeUpdate to update Mandrake-desktop.
  I received this message from Mandrake Linux Update
  Mandrake Linux Update Advisory
  Package name:   mandrake_desk
  Date:   June 13th, 2001
  Advisory ID:MDKA-2001:010
  Affected versions:  8.0
  Problem Description:
   A problem existed with the default GTK theme for
  Mandrake Linux 8.0
   that would cause some applications like gfloppy,
  xcdroast, and the GIMP
   to crash.  This update corrects the problem with
  the theme.
  El Jue 14 Jun 2001 11:23, escribiste:
   I tried to run in the xterm to see any messages;
   [sk@steve sk]$ gimp 
   [1] 1592
   [sk@steve sk]$
   LibGimp-WARNING **: script-fu: wire_read:
   [1]+  Segmentation fault  gimp
   It happens whenever I click the draw ink or dot
   etc.. in the tool box. Strange !
   How to fix it? may be reinstall it from CD rom?
  __ - Yahoo! Messenger
   - Voice chat, mail alerts, stock quotes and
  favourite news and lots more!
 _ - Yahoo! Messenger
 - Voice chat, mail alerts, stock quotes and favourite news and lots more!

Re: [expert] Playing Music CDs on LM8

2001-06-15 Thread Tim Dreessen

 Hello all,
Hello George,

 Sound is working fine, and I can play MP3s stored on a CD from
 either drive. I can even rip CDs. Also, when I place a music CD in
 the CDRW, and start kscd, it looks like the CD is playing (the
 indicator light flashes) and the display in KSCD says it it
 playing, but no sound.

 Any ideas?

I guess it´s more a hardware problem than a LM problem.
Do you have another OS for comparison which plays AudioCDs? Maybe 
your CDRW and DVD-ROM are not connected properly with your audio card 
via an audio cable or maybe the connector has loosened a bit. You 
need a direct connection between your sound card and your disc drives
Sounds a bit silly but I´d give it a try.



Re: [expert] Playing Music CDs on LM8

2001-06-15 Thread Oscar

Agree with Tim Deessen.
Also check the mixer settings :)

George Abdo wrote:
 Hello all,
 I asked for help on another forum, but unfortunately could not get a working
 I have a Compaq Presario 5000 (PIII) with a CDRW and a DVDROM. I have been
 unable to play music CDs from either drive. This is a basic LM8 install. (I
 have only upgraded Mozilla)
 Sound is working fine, and I can play MP3s stored on a CD from either drive.
 I can even rip CDs. Also, when I place a music CD in the CDRW, and start
 kscd, it looks like the CD is playing (the indicator light flashes) and the
 display in KSCD says it it playing, but no sound.
 Any ideas?

Re: [expert] Unknown partiton table

2001-06-15 Thread David C. Hoos

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 6:06 AM
Subject: RE: [expert] Unknown partiton table

 Hash: SHA1
 You are using fdisk from Windoze/Dos?!?!  Why?

1.  With a brand new disk, fdisk from LM7.1 would segfault.

2.  Someone on this list suggested it.

3.  The tactic worked

What I did was use a Win98 startup disk to boot the machine.
Then, using FDISK from that startup disk, I created one primary
partition, encompassing the whole disk.

Then, rebooting from the first hard drive (SCSI) I was able then to
use fdisk from LM7.1 to delete the partition from /dev/hdc and create
Linux ext2 partitions the way I wanted them.

Re: [expert] Getting kwrite to print with CUPS?

2001-06-15 Thread Phil

On Friday 15 June 2001 00:32, Hoyt wrote:
 I'm using kwrite 2.0 and CUPS in Mabdrake 8.0.

 My prointer is correctly set up (I can test print), but can't get kwrite to
 print. There are no printers shown in the drop down list and the printer
 command is lpr -P%p -#%c. Isn't it different for CUPS?

 How should I configure kwrite to print?


Change the command to qtcups.


[expert]IP Address and Apache

2001-06-15 Thread pgoeldi

Hi all,

I just installed LM 8 and basically it's great. But there are some problems
I could not solve yet even searching in all possible archives and support

My environment:
ADSL Router (Zyxel) which connects to the wan and, as dhcp server,  leases
ip addresses to our little lan consisting of two macs and my linux-box. the
is connected by an ethernet hub.

When booting the linux box, it says no ip-address found, starting httpd
(beginning with mod_perl, then all other apache-thinghs, and the ftp-deamon
as well).
Trying to start the apache manually after booting fails.

the two macs have no problems to get their ip-addresses from the
silly: i can access websites with the browser with no problem, which means
my machine knows the ip's of the name servers of my isp, and this
comes from the router/dhcp-server as well.

anyone a good idea?


Re: [expert] / gets smaller and smaller !

2001-06-15 Thread Andrew George

On Fri, 15 Jun 2001 20:01, Turgut Kalfaoglu wrote:
 I just rebootd out server, and noticed something really odd. the root
 partition was full before the reboot, showing 100% in use, and no
 free sectors in "df"  .  After reboot, it says its only 20% full (!)
 but I noticed that its creeping back up, its now at 38%, and free sectors

 The machine has Mandrake 7.1 on it, and has 5 disks - 2 IDE, 3 SCSI.
 The SCSI disks are mounted to the root partition, like
 mount /dev/sda1 /scsi1
 mount /dev/sdb1 /scsi2
 mount /dev/sdc1  /scsi3

 Any ideas?
 Many thanks, -turgut

Just a thought, but a reboot usually clears /tmp files (can't remeber when 
Mandrake started with that, I noticed it in 7.-point-something though).
If /tmp is mounted under root maybe something is writing there?
Another thought is have you got the mother of all logging happening 
(webserver, squid, etc) and the cron job at startup is rotating it out

Re: [expert] / gets smaller and smaller !

2001-06-15 Thread Turgut Kalfaoglu

Actually, I have everything in other partitions, so the / partition
should, in theory, not grow at all. I have /usr , /var , /home
in other partitions. Even /tmp is at /var/tmp..
Really odd.. -turgut

Turgut Kalfaoglu:
EgeNet Internet Services:
All of Turkey Online:

  I just rebootd out server, and noticed something really odd. the root
  partition was full before the reboot, showing 100% in use, and no
  free sectors in df  .  After reboot, it says its only 20% full (!)
  but I noticed that its creeping back up, its now at 38%, and free sectors
  The machine has Mandrake 7.1 on it, and has 5 disks - 2 IDE, 3 SCSI.
  The SCSI disks are mounted to the root partition, like
  mount /dev/sda1 /scsi1
  mount /dev/sdb1 /scsi2
  mount /dev/sdc1  /scsi3
  Any ideas?
  Many thanks, -turgut
 Just a thought, but a reboot usually clears /tmp files (can't remeber when 
 Mandrake started with that, I noticed it in 7.-point-something though).
 If /tmp is mounted under root maybe something is writing there?
 Another thought is have you got the mother of all logging happening 
 (webserver, squid, etc) and the cron job at startup is rotating it out

Re: [expert] Playing Music CDs on LM8

2001-06-15 Thread George Abdo

Thanks for those who replied.

The summary of the suggestions were:
1) check permission in the /dev/cdrom...
2) check to see if the audio is connected on the cdrom

for the permissions: I have:

lrwxrwxrwx1 root root4 Jun 10 00:11 cdrom - scd0
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root3 Jun 10 00:11 cdrom2 - hddb

I also can't play audio cds when logged in as root.

as for the audio, playing music cds in WinME is fine so I'd say the audio 
cables are ok. I had a look at the mixer (kmix) and everything looks as it 

Hopefully these would shed some light.


On Fri, 15 Jun 2001 20:11, Oscar wrote:
 Agree with Tim Deessen.
 Also check the mixer settings :)

 George Abdo wrote:
  Hello all,
  I asked for help on another forum, but unfortunately could not get a
  working answer.
  I have a Compaq Presario 5000 (PIII) with a CDRW and a DVDROM. I have
  been unable to play music CDs from either drive. This is a basic LM8
  install. (I have only upgraded Mozilla)
  Sound is working fine, and I can play MP3s stored on a CD from either
  drive. I can even rip CDs. Also, when I place a music CD in the CDRW, and
  start kscd, it looks like the CD is playing (the indicator light flashes)
  and the display in KSCD says it it playing, but no sound.
  Any ideas?

Re: [expert] Getting kwrite to print with CUPS?

2001-06-15 Thread Hoyt

On Friday 15 June 2001 02:49 am, Phil may or may not have written:
 On Friday 15 June 2001 00:32, Hoyt wrote:
  I'm using kwrite 2.0 and CUPS in Mabdrake 8.0.
  My printer is correctly set up (I can test print), but can't get kwrite
  to print. There are no printers shown in the drop down list and the
  printer command is lpr -P%p -#%c. Isn't it different for CUPS?
  How should I configure kwrite to print?

 Change the command to qtcups.

I have some progress, at least now I get unsupported option errors about 
the print string:

qtcups -P%p -#%c

I have to confess total ignorance about printing.


Re: [expert] Getting kwrite to print with CUPS?

2001-06-15 Thread Francisco Alcaraz Ariza

Just use the command xpp, you will get a windows with all the cups printers 

Francisco Alcaraz
Murcia (Spain)

El Vie 15 Jun 2001 15:13, escribiste:
 On Friday 15 June 2001 02:49 am, Phil may or may not have written:
  On Friday 15 June 2001 00:32, Hoyt wrote:
   I'm using kwrite 2.0 and CUPS in Mabdrake 8.0.
   My printer is correctly set up (I can test print), but can't get kwrite
   to print. There are no printers shown in the drop down list and the
   printer command is lpr -P%p -#%c. Isn't it different for CUPS?
   How should I configure kwrite to print?
  Change the command to qtcups.

 I have some progress, at least now I get unsupported option errors about
 the print string:

 qtcups -P%p -#%c

 I have to confess total ignorance about printing.


Re: [expert] Networking Expert needed!

2001-06-15 Thread Pierre Fortin

Bob Puff@NLE wrote:
 HI Pierre,
 Thanks for the reply.  Ok, here's a little more detail:
 Machine IP:   Netmask:  (I actually have 32 IPs, but 
the mask they say to use, and it does work properly, even 
I ping machines outside my own network, yet within that 
 Gateway IP: apparently is an alias for

Actually, the gw is a [Cisco] router whose primary address is .162 and you are
connected to the .1 port... (

 T1 ISP:
 Machine IP:  Netmask: (I have 16 IPs)
 Gateway IP:  (which is my t1 router:
 Topology (you were real close!): DSL ISP216.153.135.10 (netmask
eth1 / |(a remote user on the same ISP)
LM7.1  |
eth3 \ |  -- T1 ISP
 In this example, the box at cannot see
  So... from say, ping is seen by LM7.1 and reply
  goes out T1; but reply is not seen by  if so, read on...
 Most likely yes.  Also note from my other message that a TCPDUMP shows an error 
packet returning
 to me from, saying Admin prohibit filter or something like that.

Yes...  noticed that in your subsequent post.  The IP addresses you have on the
DSL boxes are not subject to the following:

  Without specific addresses, I can only suspect you are experiencing the rule
  which states:  a packet from netX cannot be routed through netY and back to
  netX [EXCEPT if the final destination is netZ]*
  * the exception is not written up anywhere that I know of; but I did discover it
  circa 1989.
 Really?  If that indeed is the case, then how do people that have multiple providers 
 this situation?

Between classless routing and proper network design, this is usually not a
problem.  That said, I'd wager that less than 1/10th of 1% of the ISP staffs
remember this assuming they've even heard of it... 

I had to raise the possibility because this is very subtle possibility and
without your other addressses, it was easy to conjure up a scenario where *could* have been in the 64.65... space; but that's not the
problem (WHEW! :^)  

Not too many ISP know how to properly apply traffic and/or route filters; they
often apply what looks fine only to miss some subtle point...  sounds like this
is the case here.  The ISP very likely will not tell you how the filters are
setup, let alone let you pass that info to this list.  Your best option is to
give them the above topology info, admin packet contents and ask them politely
to either fix it or contact Cisco's TAC for help...

Oh...  and don't keep any odd route entries you might have added during your
debugging; make sure everything is as it should be (minimal route entries and
defaults) so that you avoid complicating the process.

Sounds to me like you have all the skills needed to sort this out; but your ISP
is in need of help... :^)


Re: [expert] Playing Music CDs on LM8

2001-06-15 Thread Tim Dreessen

 The summary of the suggestions were:
 1) check permission in the /dev/cdrom...
 2) check to see if the audio is connected on the cdrom

 for the permissions: I have:

 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root4 Jun 10 00:11 cdrom -
 scd0 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root3 Jun 10 00:11 cdrom2
 - hddb

 I also can't play audio cds when logged in as root.

 as for the audio, playing music cds in WinME is fine so I'd say the
 audio cables are ok. I had a look at the mixer (kmix) and
 everything looks as it should.

Be carefull! The Windows Media Player extracts the AudioCDs 
digitally, so it plays AudioCDs inserted in drives NOT connected to 
the soundcard via audio analog cable. (I've got such a not connected 
CDROM because there weren't any free connectors on my soundcard left.)
Have you tried the old Windows CD-Player (cd32.exe, I think)?
Best way to be sure: Open your PC and take a look. I'm pretty sure 
it´s the cable.



[expert] LinuxConf

2001-06-15 Thread Scott

Has anyone tried to use LinuxConf on LM8 to try and configure anything on your
machine and find it does not work?  For example, I always used LinuxConf to set
up my ppp connections--now they simply will not dial.  If I use the 
DrakConf tool
I can connect.  Since I am doing multi-link and kppp does not seem to have that
option I need to use LinuxConf.  Same with nic setup, no go under LC, but using
DrakConf works ok.

Any thoughts?


[expert] mounting a tape!

2001-06-15 Thread Turgut Kalfaoglu

Did anyone succeed in NFS sharing a tape and mounting that share from
another machine? I'm trying to make a backup from a machine that doesnt
have a tape drive to another, that does. I have the tape in EXPORTS,
but I get not a directory blurb when I try to mount it; it seems I need
to first mount that tape locally on the machine that has the tape; but it
refuses to be mounted as well :)  any ideas how?
Thanks, -turgut

Turgut Kalfaoglu:
EgeNet Internet Services:
All of Turkey Online:

Re[2]: [expert] Unknown partiton table

2001-06-15 Thread Rusty Carruth

David C. Hoos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 - Original Message - 
 From: John Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 6:06 AM
 Subject: RE: [expert] Unknown partiton table
  Hash: SHA1
  You are using fdisk from Windoze/Dos?!?!  Why?
 1.  With a brand new disk, fdisk from LM7.1 would segfault.
 2.  Someone on this list suggested it.
 3.  The tactic worked
 What I did was use a Win98 startup disk to boot the machine.
 Then, using FDISK from that startup disk, I created one primary
 partition, encompassing the whole disk.
 Then, rebooting from the first hard drive (SCSI) I was able then to
 use fdisk from LM7.1 to delete the partition from /dev/hdc and create
 Linux ext2 partitions the way I wanted them.

Well, that implies that my dd trick should have worked also.

If anyone else has that problem I'd be really curious if

'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdx count=1 ibs=512'

makes it work (obviously, you have to try this instead of using dos fdisk ;-)

BEWARE - be SURE you get that x right or you just creamed
the MBR of that other drive!


Rusty E. Carruth   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE   ___
FAX:   (480) 345-8793 7855 S. River Parkway, Suite 116   \e/
Ham: N7IKQ @ 146.82+,pl 162.2 Tempe, AZ 85284-1825V
ICBM: 33 20' 44N   111 53' 47W

Re: [expert] Playing Music CDs on LM8

2001-06-15 Thread George Abdo

On Sat, 16 Jun 2001 00:37, Tim Dreessen wrote:

  as for the audio, playing music cds in WinME is fine so I'd say the
  audio cables are ok. I had a look at the mixer (kmix) and
  everything looks as it should.

 Be carefull! The Windows Media Player extracts the AudioCDs
 digitally, so it plays AudioCDs inserted in drives NOT connected to
 the soundcard via audio analog cable. (I've got such a not connected
 CDROM because there weren't any free connectors on my soundcard left.)
 Have you tried the old Windows CD-Player (cd32.exe, I think)?
 Best way to be sure: Open your PC and take a look. I'm pretty sure
 it´s the cable.



Thanks Tim,

You were right.
There are no audio cables sticking out of the drives. I would not have 
guessed it, because under windows, Audio and DVD cds play fine. Well, all I 
have to do now is locate the audio jack on the all-in-one mother baord I've 
got in this machine. If anything, I'll be calling Compaq to see if they will 
point me in the right direction to connect the cables.

Thanks for the help.


Re: [expert] LinuxConf

2001-06-15 Thread Praedor Tempus

I haven't had problems with linuxconf because I haven't been using it - 
because I dislike the ncurses interface.  What ever happened to the gtk-based 
interface?  I used to do linuxconf and get the nice gui but now all I get 
is the ugly (doesn't display well at all for some reason) text-based 

On Friday 15 June 2001 10:56, you wrote:
 Has anyone tried to use LinuxConf on LM8 to try and configure anything on
 your machine and find it does not work?  For example, I always used
 LinuxConf to set up my ppp connections--now they simply will not dial.  If
 I use the DrakConf tool
 I can connect.  Since I am doing multi-link and kppp does not seem to have
 that option I need to use LinuxConf.  Same with nic setup, no go under LC,
 but using DrakConf works ok.

 Any thoughts?


Re: [expert] LinuxConf

2001-06-15 Thread Hoyt

On Friday 15 June 2001 10:56 am, Scott may or may not have written:
 Has anyone tried to use LinuxConf on LM8 to try and configure anything on
 your machine and find it does not work?  For example, I always used
 LinuxConf to set up my ppp connections--now they simply will not dial.  If
 I use the DrakConf tool
 I can connect.  Since I am doing multi-link and kppp does not seem to have
 that option I need to use LinuxConf.  Same with nic setup, no go under LC,
 but using DrakConf works ok.

I had this same experience with networking; linuxconf would not work, 
drakxconf does.


[expert] Getting rpm database back

2001-06-15 Thread Praedor Tempus

Yesterday, I ran into problems after trying to upgrade my 4.0.2 rpm to 4.0.3. 
I could do things like rpm -qi some rpm name or rpm -qa |grep some 
word but if I tried to remove or install any rpm, it would segfault.  

This was a big problem - making it impossible to simply go back to the 
previous rpm via rpm.  I downloaded the source tarball for rpm-4.0.2 and 
built and installed it.  Now it works as it should BUT I have lost all my rpm 
database entries.  Running rpm --rebuilddb doesn't do anything.

Is there no way to regain my rpm database?  I REALLY need to remove some 
things as I am running out of space on my harddrive. 

[expert] Mandrake 8: shell completion problem

2001-06-15 Thread manu


We're running Mandrake 8 (i586) and we noticed that the shell (tcsh in 
a KDE terminal) completion just does not work fully; ie: there's often
one subdirectory missing in the completion list,  as if the shell just
ignore it.
Just to mention: we did not such a problem with mandrake 7.2
I've searched a lot of troobleshooting resources but sees nothing that 
relate to that.
Is there anyone that have encountered the same problem? And is there a 
fix for that?



* *
|Il faut avoir un chaos en soi-même pour accoucher d'une  |
|étoile qui danse. (Friedrich Nietzsche)  |
| Emmanuel Dumont | email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| Digits 'n Art Software Inc. | voice:  (514) 844-8448|
| 305 De la Commune O., Suite 100 | fax  :  (514) 844-8844|
| Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y 2E1| www  :   |

Re: Re[2]: [expert] Unknown partiton table

2001-06-15 Thread David C. Hoos

Well... actually, the dd trick didn't work.  I tried it, and
it showed one record in and one record out, but linux
fdisk still segfaulted.

- Original Message -
From: Rusty Carruth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 10:12 AM
Subject: Re[2]: [expert] Unknown partiton table

 David C. Hoos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - Original Message -
  From: John Hart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 6:06 AM
  Subject: RE: [expert] Unknown partiton table
   Hash: SHA1
   You are using fdisk from Windoze/Dos?!?!  Why?
  1.  With a brand new disk, fdisk from LM7.1 would segfault.
  2.  Someone on this list suggested it.
  3.  The tactic worked
  What I did was use a Win98 startup disk to boot the machine.
  Then, using FDISK from that startup disk, I created one primary
  partition, encompassing the whole disk.
  Then, rebooting from the first hard drive (SCSI) I was able then to
  use fdisk from LM7.1 to delete the partition from /dev/hdc and create
  Linux ext2 partitions the way I wanted them.

 Well, that implies that my dd trick should have worked also.

 If anyone else has that problem I'd be really curious if

 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdx count=1 ibs=512'

 makes it work (obviously, you have to try this instead of using dos fdisk

 BEWARE - be SURE you get that x right or you just creamed
 the MBR of that other drive!


 Rusty E. Carruth   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
 Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE   ___
 FAX:   (480) 345-8793 7855 S. River Parkway, Suite 116   \e/
 Ham: N7IKQ @ 146.82+,pl 162.2 Tempe, AZ 85284-1825V
 ICBM: 33 20' 44N   111 53' 47W

[expert] Weird Linux CD-ROM Problem

2001-06-15 Thread NeonLeo007

Ok...this is a fairly strange problem that I don't even know how to
begin fixing.  I have Linux Mandrake 8.0 installed on my Thinkpad
i1400 laptop.  I initially had problem installing off of a CD that a
friend burned for me, but I attributed this to a bad downloaded iso
image and I downloaded the install straight to my hard drive and
installed from the hard drive.  Now, I think that the cd is really not
corrupted and is related to a problem with my cd-rom operating in
So, after working out most of the kinks in my system, I have really
started to use it.  My first problem relating to the CD drive has to
do with a CD that I had filled with my favorite mp3 songs.  In
windows, this cd always played fine in Winamp and the songs worked
great.  However, I noticed that, in Linux, the majority of the songs
get cut off anywhere from 30% to 90% of the way through.  XMMS just
stops playing.  KDE Media player also stops in the same spot (Interesting 
note though, If I fast forward past that spot, the mp3 continues to play 
fine).  I
thought that the songs must have been corrupted when they were burned
onto the cd, but, like I said, they work fine in windows off of the
To try to see if it was a corruption problem, I did a diff on one of
the songs that I had on the cd with an identical song on my hard
drive.  The diff encountered an I/O error when it tried to do the
compare.  I then tried copying the song to the hard drive from the cd,
but the copy stalled at about the same % as the song would stop
playing in XMMS and I got a copy error.  If I copy the song in windows
to the hard drive, then go back into linux and do a diff, the two
songs are identical.  Also, the copied song plays without error.
A similar problem occurs with rpm's.  If I try the original burned Linux cd 
from my friend, most rpm's (but not all) return an error in rpmdrake.  
However, if I try to install the rpm from the hard drive, everything goes 
What could be causing this problem???  I'm absolutely clueless as to
how to proceed.  Any help is much appreciated.

[expert] I can't hear wav and mp3 but I can reproduce beeps and cd-audio whats wrong???

2001-06-15 Thread Pere Castañer

Well I have xmms and I tried to hear mp3 on it but the mp3 reproduce it 
without sound, the same for wavs...only cd's and beeps work...
I have a Sis 7018 sound chipset in a laptop with LM8
(the mixer alsamixer is all items up)

Any suggestions?

[expert] Upgrading Glibc 2.1 to Glibc 2.2

2001-06-15 Thread Albert E. Whale

Has anyone accomplished this easily?  Is there a doc on the web

Albert E. Whale -
ABS Computer Technology, Inc. - Computer  Networking Specialists
Sr. Network, OpenView and Systems Consultant

ANCE Managed Services, Inc. -
Vice President

[expert] ICP RAID Controller Detection

2001-06-15 Thread root

I'm attempting to install LM8.0 (just brought off the shelf) on a new
server.  The server is configed as follows:
Dual 1Ghz Coppermine CPU's
9 180Gb Seagate Baracuda SCSI drives
1 internal IBM 9Gb SCSI drive
1 Onboard Adaptec aic7899 SCSI controller
1 ICP-Vortes GDT6513RS RAID Controller

I've to the 9 180's in a RAID 5 array that was set up using the ICP
BIOS on the card. It configured and built the array successfully. When
installing LM8.0 I can't see the array (SDB). After install, using the
Mandrake Control Center I can see that Harddrake autodetected a generic
RAID controller which can see the array, but am unable to
format/partition/anything it. It also claims the array is 99% used and is
all grayed out. When installing other linux flavors, i.e. Caldera, I used
an insmod gdth to allow the OS to see the array, but again, was unable to
format/partition/mount it successfully.  This ICP controller makes the
RAID appear as a single large SCSI device to the OS. On a side note, the
hardware is functioning properly with each other and the array is
successfully built. A win2k ASE install both detected and was able to
repartition/format the array. As win2k is useless to this is not a
solution.  Any suggestions?

-Neil Fasteen

[expert] wv* problems

2001-06-15 Thread Jesper Holmberg

Ever since installing Mdk8, I can't use the wv* programs, such as
wvHtml. When using it on a file, the whole system grinds to a halt,
with this message repeated over and over:

wvError: (./text.c:400) iconv failed errno: 84, to:iso-8859-15

Does anyone know what this means and/or how to solve it?



[expert] 3 Hard-drive problems

2001-06-15 Thread Jesper Holmberg

Below follow three problems I've had since I installed Mdk8. Sorry to
post them all in the same message, but I don't know whether or not
they are related.

What I did during the installation was to change (all partitions but
one) to ReiserFS. But I did no repartitioning, just changed the FS
from Ext2.

1. The harddrive is very slow, compared to before. A rough estimate is
3-5 times slower when reading from disk. This is also true on fairly
small files, which I expected to benefit from using ReiserFS.

2. Using hdparm on the drive has no perceptible change whatsoever. I
have fiddled with all the ususal settings to improve my disappointing
performance, but with no effect. Doesn't hdparm work with Reiserfs?

3. The size of one of the partitions is incorrectly estimated by df.
df says this:
/dev/hda6 126M   80M   46M  64% /home

but du -sh /home says this: 52M /home

There seems to be about 30M missing, and this has been th case since

Could someone help me shed some light on these issues?



p.s. Here follows my /etc/fstab, if useful:

/dev/hda8 / reiserfs defaults 1 1
/dev/hda5 /boot ext2 noatime 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
/dev/hda6 /home reiserfs defaults 1 2
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

[expert] GRUB

2001-06-15 Thread Jason

How do I modify the default  (top listed) operating system in GRUB?

Or better yet, how can I get rid of GRUB in favor of better boot loaders?
If I were to use another boot loader/manager instead of GRUB, what command
or program do I have to pass control to on the Linux partition to get it to
continue loading... (like for DOS based, it's IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS, and in
NT it's a BOOT loader app that uses BOOT.INI).  What is the process for



Re: [expert] GRUB

2001-06-15 Thread Alexander Skwar

So sprach Jason am Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 02:29:45PM -0700:
 How do I modify the default  (top listed) operating system in GRUB?

It's all in /boot/grub

 Or better yet, how can I get rid of GRUB in favor of better boot loaders?

You can't - GRUB is the best.

 If I were to use another boot loader/manager instead of GRUB, what command
 or program do I have to pass control to on the Linux partition to get it to
 continue loading... (like for DOS based, it's IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS, and in
 NT it's a BOOT loader app that uses BOOT.INI).  What is the process for

I don't understand you.

Alexander Skwar
How to quote: (german) (english)
Homepage:   | - Die günstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
Uptime: 10 hours 18 minutes

[expert] Strange install problem

2001-06-15 Thread Ric Tibbetts

I'm in the process of re-loading a older box. The intent is to extend 
the life of an older computer by using it as a firewall device. (it's an 
older Pentium 75). I've been running linux of varied flavors on it for 

I had LM 8.0 on it before, so I know it works. But this time, it fails 
to load. What happens is:

I go through the first part of the install process, and through the 
software selection. It then loads the software. At the end of that, it 
pops up a window proclaiming an ldonfig error, and kicks me back to the 
disk partitioning window. (note: the disks were already partitioned, or 
it couldn't have loaded the software...).

I'm baffled (which isn't hard to do actually..).

The only thing that MAY be different this time is the way I was using 
LVM. I partitioned the disks (there are 2 of them) as:

1   128MB primary for /
2   256 MB for swap
3   extended

Not partitioned.

Using LVM to create a single Volume Group encasing partition 3 on disk0, 
and all of disk1. Then set up logical volumes for:



I've run /usr under LVM in the past without problem, so I don't 
understand the problem. Does anyone have any suggestions?

If you need more detail, let me know , and I'll send it along.



Re: [expert] Mandrake 8: shell completion problem

2001-06-15 Thread Pierre Fortin

 We're running Mandrake 8 (i586) and we noticed that the shell (tcsh in
 a KDE terminal) completion just does not work fully; ie: there's often
 one subdirectory missing in the completion list,  as if the shell just
 ignore it.
 Just to mention: we did not such a problem with mandrake 7.2
 I've searched a lot of troobleshooting resources but sees nothing that
 relate to that.
 Is there anyone that have encountered the same problem? And is there a
 fix for that?

completion is rather smart...  for instance, if you are trying to complete to an
executable, it won't display those that don't have x permissions...  is that
your problem?


Re: [expert] mounting a tape!

2001-06-15 Thread Ric Tibbetts

REgret to inform you: You cannot export, and mount, a tape device like 
that. It's a block device, not a character device.
There are however utilities out there that will allow you to acces the 
drive on a remote server. Most any of the better distributed back-up 
agents will alow this (Amanda comes to mind).

If you're desperate, try accessing it via tar:

tar -cvf tape_host:/dev/sd0 /home

(assuming /dev/sd0 to be the tape device, and /home being the directory 
to be backed up.

If you want to do regular backups, look into the backup agents. You set 
them up on all the workstations, set up the server, and then just 
remember to change the tapes on a regular basis.


Turgut Kalfaoglu wrote:

 Did anyone succeed in NFS sharing a tape and mounting that share from
 another machine? I'm trying to make a backup from a machine that doesnt
 have a tape drive to another, that does. I have the tape in EXPORTS,
 but I get not a directory blurb when I try to mount it; it seems I need
 to first mount that tape locally on the machine that has the tape; but it
 refuses to be mounted as well :)  any ideas how?
 Thanks, -turgut
 Turgut Kalfaoglu:
 EgeNet Internet Services:
 All of Turkey Online:

[expert] kernel compile problem

2001-06-15 Thread Bill Witherspoon

Hi all,

I successfully compiled the 2.4.5 kernel and rebooted.
Then I went into xconfig, changed 1 option and went thru the same process.
Now I get -

Loading 245
Uncompressing linux...
Ran out of input data

-- System halted.

It does this for all of my kernels (2.4.3).
(I have my 2.4.5 kernel in a seperate location).

Fortunately, I have a boot disk so I'm not toast.

Can anyone steer me back to the path?


RE: [expert] GRUB

2001-06-15 Thread Jason

Thanks for the reply.  However, let me ask this a different way...(because I
know you have to be able to get rid of GRUB.  It's not burned in permanently
on the hard drive.)

How do I get rid of GRUB so that I can boot directly into Linux again.
Without having to select linux.

And, another question would be, how do I get rid of GRUB if my LINUX
partition is trashed, and I want to boot into WINDOWS only.  Without having
to select windows in GRUB.

Assume I have two computers, each with WINDOWS on the first partition, and
LINUX on the second partition, and GRUB as a boot loader on each as well.
So one system  I want to go back to just WINDOWS, and the other I want to go
back to just LINUX, without GRUB on either.  I know this should be easy on
the LINUX system (can you tell me what to delete - if I delete /boot/grub,
then my pc should just boot into Linux?), but on the WINDOWS system, my
linux is NOT accessible anymore.  How do I get rid of it and allow windows
to boot normally???


 -Original Message-
 From: Alexander Skwar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 2:41 PM
 To: Jason
 Subject: Re: [expert] GRUB

 So sprach Jason am Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 02:29:45PM -0700:
  How do I modify the default  (top listed) operating system in GRUB?

 It's all in /boot/grub

  Or better yet, how can I get rid of GRUB in favor of better
 boot loaders?

 You can't - GRUB is the best.

  If I were to use another boot loader/manager instead of GRUB,
 what command
  or program do I have to pass control to on the Linux partition
 to get it to
  continue loading... (like for DOS based, it's IO.SYS and
 MSDOS.SYS, and in
  NT it's a BOOT loader app that uses BOOT.INI).  What is the process for

 I don't understand you.

 Alexander Skwar
 How to quote: (german) (english)
 Homepage:   | - Die günstige Art an Linux Distributionen zu kommen
   Uptime: 10 hours 18 minutes

[expert] CD-ROM messing Linux during initialization... long post...

2001-06-15 Thread jose orlando t. ribeiro


Here we go again... regarding a change off boot devices that I was 
trying to do, I started with that setup (I'm using LM8, Linux LM8 is 
kernel 2.4.2-20mdk):

/dev/hda (master at IDE0) : 40G Quantum HD, with Win98
/dev/hdb (slave at IDE0)  : 4.3 WD HD, with Linux LM8 - ReiserFS
/dev/hdc (master at IDE1) : Creative Labs CD-ROM CDRW 4224

What I wanted (Quantum is ATA 100, WD is ATA33, is slowing my 
performance a little):

/dev/hda (master at IDE0) : 40G Quantum HD, with Win98
/dev/hdc (master at IDE1) : 4.3 WD HD, with Linux - ReiserFS
/dev/hdd (slave at IDE1)  : Creative Labs CD-ROM CDRW 4224

I had lots of problems when (trying to) changing these devices... erros, 
messages of CRC errors... until I noted that when the CD-ROM wasn't 
connected at the same IDE that the Linux HD, the system worked...

Is this a bug? If it is... is from Linux, or from ReiserFS? Can be 
corrected? Below are some lines from /var/log/message (relevant parts 
are marked with * below the line of the error):

Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for 
PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
By the way... how can I change this??? I want to put my IDE at 66MHz...

Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: VP_IDE: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: VP_IDE: chipset revision 16
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: VP_IDE: not 100%% native mode: will 
probe irqs later
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: VP_IDE: VIA vt82c596b (rev 23) IDE 
UDMA66 controller on pci00:07.1
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: ide0: BM-DMA at 0xd000-0xd007, BIOS 
settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: ide1: BM-DMA at 0xd008-0xd00f, BIOS 
settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: hda: QUANTUM FIREBALLlct20 40, ATA DISK 
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: hdc: ST34321A, ATA DISK drive
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: hda: 78177792 sectors (40027 MB) 
w/418KiB Cache, CHS=4866/255/63, UDMA(33)
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: hdc: 8404830 sectors (4303 MB) w/128KiB 
Cache, CHS=8894/15/63, UDMA(33)

/dev/hda and /dev/hdc are recognized... note that there is no /dev/hdd, 
the CD-ROM was with the power cable disconected, but the IDE cable 
attached to it caused that mess:

Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: Partition check:
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel:  hda: hda1 hda2  hda5 hda6 hda7 hda8 hda9 
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel:  hdc:hdc: dma_intr: status=0x51 { 
DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: hdc: dma_intr: error=0x84 { 
DriveStatusError BadCRC }
DriveStatusError BadCRC }
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: hdc: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady 
SeekComplete Error }
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: hdc: dma_intr: error=0x84 { 
DriveStatusError BadCRC }
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: ide1: reset: success
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel:  hdc6 
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
Jun 15 20:08:53 orlando kernel: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 
16384 bind 16384)

Everything goes ok from here...

If I'm using that setup

/dev/hda (master at IDE0) : 40G Quantum HD, with Win98
/dev/hdb (slave at IDE0)  : Creative Labs CD-ROM CDRW 4224
/dev/hdc (master at IDE1) : 4.3 WD HD, with Linux - ReiserFS

  as a workaround, the thing goes ok:

Jun 15 20:20:37 orlando kernel: ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for 
PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
Jun 15 20:20:37 orlando kernel: VP_IDE: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
Jun 15 20:20:37 orlando kernel: VP_IDE: chipset revision 16
Jun 15 20:20:37 orlando kernel: VP_IDE: not 100%% native mode: will 
probe irqs later
Jun 15 20:20:37 orlando kernel: VP_IDE: VIA vt82c596b (rev 23) IDE 
UDMA66 controller on pci00:07.1
Jun 15 20:20:37 orlando kernel: ide0: BM-DMA at 0xd000-0xd007, BIOS 
settings: hda:DMA, hdb:DMA
Jun 15 20:20:37 orlando kernel: ide1: BM-DMA at 0xd008-0xd00f, BIOS 
settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
Jun 15 20:20:37 orlando kernel: hda: QUANTUM FIREBALLlct20 40, ATA DISK 
Jun 15 20:20:37 orlando kernel: hdb: CREATIVE CD-RW RW4224E, ATAPI 
CD/DVD-ROM drive
Jun 15 20:20:37 orlando kernel: hdb: set_drive_speed_status: status=0x00 { }

Jun 15 20:20:37 orlando kernel: ide0: Drive 1 didn't accept speed 
setting. Oh, well.

What those messages mean??? Can I fix this???

And beyond that all works fine too...

I'm using Soyo SY-6VBA 133 (Via Apollo chipset)... I don't know if it's 
relevant... but is one more info... by the way... my CPU is a Celeron 
400MHz, overclocked to 540MHz. My 

Re: [expert] Networking Expert needed!

2001-06-15 Thread Pierre Fortin

jose orlando t. ribeiro wrote:
 Hi Pierre, Bob!
 I hope that everithing is ok now :-)
 reading a little more about Bob's problem I had some ideas...
 well, Bob needs two routes, from different ISP's cause he's running a
 DNS server, which is tne endpoint from both ISP's...

I'm not grokking...  DNS servers are only endpoints for name resolution queries
and there is no requirement for more than one except for redundancy.

 Bob is fiddling his routing configurations in case his route trough the
 DSL goes down he can still works trough the ISP coming from the T1.

Actually, he wasn't...  yet...  

 Bob is a wayout! To discover all the routes from DSL ISP is even easy...
 that ISP probably is running BGP on his routers... they could configure
 it to propagate theirs routes to BOB... Bob only needs a router capable
 of doing BGP (I don't know if a linux router can do this, I think that
 the cheapest model from Cisco that can do this is the 4700, that has
 discontinued... by the way cheap in the cisco way... $$$).

An easier/cheaper way would be for the ISPs to send him just a default route in
a RIP packet.  BGP is very complex; eBGP/iBGP needs internal routing protocols
to exchange info between non-adjacent BGP nodes...  The reason I didn't suggest
one-way RIP is that there is no way to detect upstream failures; and even if the
ISPs listened to RIP packets from Bob's machine, there is no way to tell him
they stopped arriving...  Another option might be OSPF; but again one of the
more complex protocols.

Yet another option is to use per packet load balancing; but with dissimilar
speeds, that's problematic...  not to mention one link failing would severely
impede traffic flow...

 Now Bob has a new router, doing BGP, he knows ALL routes from the DSL
 ISP... nothing from that ISP goes to the T1... everything is fine...

The T1 is the primary (faster than DSL)...  this sounds like trying to avoid
becoming a transit network... is that what you are saying...?  If so, I didn't
hear that being an issue... yet... :^)

Besides, without careful configuration, he could end up with 50,000+ routes 
then, if both ISPs have the same upstream provider, both ISPs could feed him the
same routes...

 then in a dark knight the DSL line goes down... what happens??? BOB
 stops responding requests coming from the DSL ISP's networks.. the same
 filtering/anti-spoof problem...

can't quite grok this...  

 What I think Bob should do? Register a second DNS, that one with an ip
 address from the T1 ISP... Bob would respond trough two different

Again, DNS has nothing to do with routing or route/packet filtering...  
 Happy End! :-)



PS:  I was starting to forget most of my routing expertise  slowly coming
back...  :^)

Re: [expert] L-M 8 and nslookup

2001-06-15 Thread James Fillman

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 15 June 2001 15:51, Larry Sword wrote:
 What rpm package has the nslookup program?


- --james
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


[expert] Modem connections

2001-06-15 Thread Scott


I have Mandrake 8 up and running, but I want to get one more thing
going.  Multi-link using ppp.  I have been scanning the net, newsgroups
and Google the last few days and have not come up with anything that
would help.

Multi-link ppp (if your ISP supports it) allows the use of two modems, connect
to them and bundle the connections so you can get up to 106K for
download speed.  I am currently using Windows 2000 as it is built-in.
Problem with that is:  if one line drops the bundle is broke and the only
way to reestablish it is to reboot the machine.

I have heard that this is built into the 2.4 kernel and with the version
of pppd with LM8.  Has anyone tried this or know where some good docs
on this are?  Has anyone set-up ppp without Kppp, LinuxConf or DrakConf?

Thanks in advance.


Re: [expert] RPM issues

2001-06-15 Thread Ric Tibbetts

Nope... You're screwed.  
he heh

Ok, there's a way.
Go to the rpm site (, and get the tar version. Install that in
Then (while still logged in), re-arange your path to find the new rpm

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH

Now use the good version of RPM to remove the broken bits, and
re-install them.
Once they're fixed, log out, and log back in to fix your path, then
un-install the /usr/local version of RPM, and you should be back in


NDBartley wrote:
 All right boys and girls,
 I am in a little bit of trouble. When recently trying to update my RPM files
 I happened to kill rpm. EG: I began to force my way through the 4 rpms for
 rpm (WHICH I REALLY THINK IS SILLY!), I then got to rpm-devel and found out
 I needed to update my popt files. So I go get those files after having
 closed kpackage, and now I can't enter any form of packag instalation
 system, and rpm itself seg faults @ every use.
 Now I have all the packages I need to install and get it working, however I
 can't isntall them as my rpm is dead. Does anyone have any ideas as to what
 I could do?

Re: [expert] GRUB

2001-06-15 Thread Hoyt

On Friday 15 June 2001 06:57 pm, you methodically organized electrons to 

 But how do I get Linux to boot once I delete the MBR??? (on the other
 machine i have)

That would be where you would use your boot floppy.

You know, the one you should have made.


[expert] Playing Music CDs on LM8

2001-06-15 Thread George Abdo

Hello all,

I asked for help on another forum, but unfortunately could not get a working 
I have a Compaq Presario 5000 (PIII) with a CDRW and a DVDROM. I have been 
unable to play music CDs from either drive. This is a basic LM8 install. (I 
have only upgraded Mozilla)
Sound is working fine, and I can play MP3s stored on a CD from either drive. 
I can even rip CDs. Also, when I place a music CD in the CDRW, and start 
kscd, it looks like the CD is playing (the indicator light flashes) and the 
display in KSCD says it it playing, but no sound.

Any ideas?


[expert] / gets smaller and smaller !

2001-06-15 Thread Turgut Kalfaoglu

I just rebootd out server, and noticed something really odd. the root 
partition was full before the reboot, showing 100% in use, and no
free sectors in "df"  .  After reboot, it says its only 20% full (!)
but I noticed that its creeping back up, its now at 38%, and free sectors 

The machine has Mandrake 7.1 on it, and has 5 disks - 2 IDE, 3 SCSI.
The SCSI disks are mounted to the root partition, like
mount /dev/sda1 /scsi1
mount /dev/sdb1 /scsi2
mount /dev/sdc1  /scsi3

Any ideas?
Many thanks, -turgut

EgeNet Internet Services:
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RE: [expert] Unknown partiton table

2001-06-15 Thread John Hart

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You are using fdisk from Windoze/Dos?!?!  Why?

- -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David C. Hoos
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 6:30 PM
To: jose orlando t. ribeiro; Rusty Carruth
Subject: Re: [expert] Unknown partiton table


Windoze is not on this machine.  I suppose I can boot up with a
Win98 startup disk, e.g., and try your suggestion.  I might even find
out that there is some useful Micro$oft software, after all! ;)

- - Original Message -
From: jose orlando t. ribeiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Rusty Carruth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] Unknown partiton table

 Ooops! about the fdisk part... I mean... try using the fdisk from
 DOS/Win9x... the Linux one is failling already ;-)

 About your sugestion Rusty... I won't say nothing... I'm too new in
 Linux to understand that king of voodoo :-)

 By the way, thanks for your help about changing my HD from hdb to
 hdc... but until now... no success... I think that the damn thing
 wants a full reinstall... I refuse :-)

 Rusty Carruth wrote:

  jose orlando t. ribeiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  it seems that your new(?) HD hasn't been formated and doesn't
  have any partition created (as a new drive should be).
  Try to use fdisk to create some partition or file-system to make
  the system happy and let you add your drive.
  Thats exactly what he did, and it died.
  A POSSIBILITY, assuming that the other stuff is right (and beware
  - I have a feeling that needs to be looked at first!) is to
  simply say 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdc count=1' and that will
  intialize number zero to zero.
  But I'd not said that till someone else spoke up saying that the
  hardware setup looks good...
  oops, now I've said it!  :-)
  Rusty E. Carruth   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
  Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE   
 ___ FAX:   (480) 345-8793 7855 S. River Parkway,
  Suite 116   \e/ Ham: N7IKQ @ 146.82+,pl 162.2 Tempe, AZ
  85284-1825V ICBM: 33 20' 44N   111 53' 47W 

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use


Re: [expert] Program Failure: Tracing the failure

2001-06-15 Thread Laurent CREPET

On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at 05:47:04PM -0400, NDBartley wrote:
 Hey Guys,
 I'm attempting to determine why I can't access RPMdrake. I have updated to
 the newest RPMDrake and it worked great for 3 or 4 hours. Now I'm not  sure
 what I installed during those 4 hours which would cause it not to work, but
 it just won't work.
 Now I figured that it might be an issue w/ a configuration script, therefore
 I tried to initialize the program through a text window (Gives a much better
 failure readout IMO). Unfortunately all it's telling me is that it had a
 segmentation fault, and then it dumps the core. Does anyone know of a way to
 determine where it errored, so I can fix the error?

  gdb absolute path of RPMdrake core
  gdb runs... 
 - it will give you the stack, indicating in which procedure it crashes.

I think it will not be easy to understand where and why it crashes.

 I would REALLY like to use this program again, so I kinda need to figure
 this out.
 Nelson Bartley


Re: [expert] 3 Hard-drive problems

2001-06-15 Thread civileme

On Saturday 16 June 2001 07:23, Jesper Holmberg wrote:
 Below follow three problems I've had since I installed Mdk8.
 Sorry to post them all in the same message, but I don't know
 whether or not they are related.

 What I did during the installation was to change (all
 partitions but one) to ReiserFS. But I did no repartitioning,
 just changed the FS from Ext2.

 1. The harddrive is very slow, compared to before. A rough
 estimate is 3-5 times slower when reading from disk. This is
 also true on fairly small files, which I expected to benefit
 from using ReiserFS.

 2. Using hdparm on the drive has no perceptible change
 whatsoever. I have fiddled with all the ususal settings to
 improve my disappointing performance, but with no effect.
 Doesn't hdparm work with Reiserfs?

 3. The size of one of the partitions is incorrectly estimated
 by df. df says this:
 /dev/hda6 126M   80M   46M  64% /home

 but du -sh /home says this: 52M /home

 There seems to be about 30M missing, and this has been th case
 since installing.

 Could someone help me shed some light on these issues?



 p.s. Here follows my /etc/fstab, if useful:

 /dev/hda8 / reiserfs defaults 1 1
 /dev/hda5 /boot ext2 noatime 1 2
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 /dev/hda6 /home reiserfs defaults 1 2
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount fs=iso9660,dev=/dev/cdrom 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount fs=vfat,dev=/dev/fd0 0 0
 /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat
 user,exec,umask=0,codepage=850,iocharset=iso8859-1 0 0 none
 /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda7 swap swap defaults 0 0

If you are using a VIA chipset, the slow-down is ftom the 
disabling of DMA on the ide bus.  The Bug was admitted just 
before we shipped, and we had no time to refine the crippling to 
the particular bad chip.

Reiserfs is iffy in this latest edition.  It is really affecting 
other parts of the kernel, particularly nfs.  The only good news 
is that the notail partitions seem stable (probably no help for 
the many small files scenario.)

But reiser is not generally faster on many small files.  the 
improved storage efficiency ot the system is bought a cost of 
incredible code complexity.  The notail takes much more storage 
for a host of small files, but will look them up a lot faster, 
because the data tree structure is not complicated by alien 

Try installing with kernel-linus-2.4.3-2mdk off the install disk 
and booting with that.  Of course, no reiser partitions but it 
should be acceptably fast.

Or wait for MandrakeFreq scheduled to be out soon for a little 
more speed, or possibly a lot, and still with Reiser.  


[expert] installed XFree 4.1 from cooker- now no DRI (mga)

2001-06-15 Thread Brian Hall

I just installed the cooker XFree 4.1 RPMs onto my Mandrake 8.0 system. 
Went fine, although I had to back out the pam-0.75 install and revert 
back to pam-0.74 from CD#1 (glibc problem, don't want to update my 
whole system to cooker).

The problem is, I no longer have DRI enabled. I think it is because the 
DRI versions aren't matching? My G400 was working great with DRI on 
XF4.0.3, is there a quick way to get it running with XF4.1 or do I have 
to recompile XF4.1 from source to get a working mga again?

I did try to install the binary modules from the Matrox tarball, but 
they wouldn't install. I'm currently running the 2.4.5-ac14 kernel.

Linux Consultant

Plasma is another matter.

[expert] RPM issues

2001-06-15 Thread NDBartley

All right boys and girls,

I am in a little bit of trouble. When recently trying to update my RPM files
I happened to kill rpm. EG: I began to force my way through the 4 rpms for
rpm (WHICH I REALLY THINK IS SILLY!), I then got to rpm-devel and found out
I needed to update my popt files. So I go get those files after having
closed kpackage, and now I can't enter any form of packag instalation
system, and rpm itself seg faults @ every use.

Now I have all the packages I need to install and get it working, however I
can't isntall them as my rpm is dead. Does anyone have any ideas as to what
I could do?


Re: [expert] Modem connections

2001-06-15 Thread Pierre Fortin

Scott wrote:
 I have Mandrake 8 up and running, but I want to get one more thing
 going.  Multi-link using ppp.  I have been scanning the net, newsgroups
 and Google the last few days and have not come up with anything that
 would help.
 Multi-link ppp (if your ISP supports it) allows the use of two modems, connect
 to them and bundle the connections so you can get up to 106K for
 download speed.  I am currently using Windows 2000 as it is built-in.
 Problem with that is:  if one line drops the bundle is broke and the only
 way to reestablish it is to reboot the machine.
 I have heard that this is built into the 2.4 kernel and with the version
 of pppd with LM8.  Has anyone tried this or know where some good docs
 on this are?  Has anyone set-up ppp without Kppp, LinuxConf or DrakConf?

I've never done this; but man pppd has a fair amount of info on multilink... 
if no-one else can help, I can try to work this out with you...


 Thanks in advance.

Support Linux development:
Last reboot reason:  01/03/27: winter storm 6hr power outage

Re: [expert] How to make sure md5ums on download ISOs are ok

2001-06-15 Thread Randy Kramer



Ron Stodden wrote:
 If you are using Mandrake 7.2, be careful that when your IDE CD is in
 use nothing else is happening on the same IDE channel as the CDROM.
 Seems to be fixed in 8.0.

I'm using 7.2 (with MandrakeFreq update).  How could I check that?  In
my Bios setup I have only the CDRom drive (reader) as the primary device
on the second IDE channel.

 If you have a second CDROM reader, or access to another PC, try again
 in that.

OK, I need to juggle partitions to get enough free space, or borrow my
son's machine.  (How come he has the latest machine? ;-)
 Make sure that the bottom polycarbonate surface is clean and
 undamaged.   Make sure that the top label surface has not been
 damaged in any way (this is where the recording actually is, just
 under the label and very vulnerable).

Everything looks good!

  Background: I bought some game CDs
 Linux games?

No, Windows (for my son).

  and the game fails during one phase
  of play.  The manufacturer is about to say that my CDs must be bad (no
  scratches, no fingerprints, have had the game for 1 1/2 years with the
  same problem in two different machines).  I want to send him the md5
  checksums and have him tell me whether they are right or wrong (before I
  consider paying $10 each for replacement disks).  (Along with
  information on how to generate an md5 checksum.)
 Yes, do that!   But there should be no charge to replace defective
 CDROMs within the warranty period.

Yeah, but we assumed the old computer was the problem and now the
warranty is over.  But, it's probably worth a try anyway. 

  PS: Shortly I will probably run some experiments -- burn a CD from an
  ISO, recreate the ISO from the CD, then compare the checksums, so maybe
  in a few hours (or days) I'll know the answer.

My first experiments didn't quite work -- on my burner machine running
Windows, the (windows) md5.exe (md5, md5sum, and md51) commands (tried
three) just hang (on a .cif from a different, known good, CD) -- I'm
trying again as I write this.  (.cif is the image file for Adaptec Easy
CD Creator -- I don't know whether I can actually make a .iso with
Adaptec -- I'll find out soon, I hope.)

 This works here.   You don't have to recreate the iso file from the
 CD, you can md5sum directly from /dev/cdrom (unmounted).

Hmm, unmounted?  Maybe that's my problem.  Nope, just umounted and tried
again.  (It might have automounted somewhere along the line.  Anyway,
I did umount /mnt/cdrom, then umount /dev/cdrom (which gave not found
-- prior to umount /mnt/cdrom it gave device busy), and then repeated
the md5sum /dev/cdrom -- same result Input/output error after ~two
minutes of spinning.  (This is with a different (known good) CD.)

Thanks again for your reply!
Randy Kramer

[newbie] Router Help

2001-06-15 Thread Alok

How do I setup my SMC Barricade 4 Port Router on 
Linux Mandrake? It worksfine on Windows. I just cant figure out for the life 
of me how to use it onLinux.Any websites or info will 
help.-Thanks in advance-Alok

Re: [expert] Getting kwrite to print with CUPS?

2001-06-15 Thread Hoyt

On Friday 15 June 2001 09:26 am, Nick Thompson may or may not have written:

 When Phil said make the command qtcups, that's exactly what he meant, so
 drop the -P and -c options. qtcups does not need options as it will present
 you with a splendid GUI which will allow you to set more options than you
 could ever imagine.


Very nice! Excellent work!

Thank you.


Re: [expert] Networking Expert needed!

2001-06-15 Thread Pierre Fortin

jose orlando t. ribeiro wrote:
 Pierre is right...

But Jose nailed it first!  Let's not forget that Bob did a nice job of getting
the filter piece of the puzzle...  Nice teamwork!  

[more below]

 I was trying to trace the other machine ( but I
 couldn't... that machine is down or filtered...
 but, here we go... is your isp's router... is
 the interface in that router serving as your router...
 my last hop before was the same guy that
 works as your router...
 so your machine to
 lets do a fictious trace... traceroute
120 ms19 ms21 ms
219 ms19 ms20 ms
322 ms21 ms20 ms
 (until now everything is ok! your machine replyed... lets continue...)
421 ms25 ms27 ms
521 ms32 ms85 ms
 (we are leaving your network by the T1! oh my god!!!)
632 ms30 ms24 ms
 (we are close now!!! very close!!! :-)
 but... your ISP's router says...
 -Hey!! that packet... it header says it comes from! That
 packet is coming from my network! But... if it's from my network... why
 it cames from the other ISP's network??? Filter!! Filter!!!
 The filter says:
 -Aha!!! A spoof!!! A spoof!! I knew it would happen!!! That freakin'
 bastard is trying to spoof us! DOS!! DOS! Attacks... I knew it!
 - Lets see the rules... the rules says... DISCARD!! lets discard the
 bastard!! We saved the world...
 So your packets never reach the other machine...
 Sorry... I know that the answer is colorful... but I need to stay
 awake... :-)))

I just got up...  and can say Jose pretty much nailed the scenario...   

The problem is that most ISPs only understand the concepts, rarely how to
apply the remedies...  in this case, Bob is obviously NOT the typical
end-user.  For one, he has TWO routes to the 'net via separate ISPs...  

Bob, (now that I am slowly shaking off the post-sleep groggyness... :^)  you
should try to have a meeting  or conf call with both ISPs at the same time and
have them work out a design which accomodates their anti-spoofing efforts AND
allows you to operate your network with the redundancy you are paying for. 
[Sidebar: each ISP is not getting redundancy revenue directly; BUT *each* is
getting your business, so if they argue your redundancy position, ask them if
ISP#3 would like ALL your business...  :^) ]  My SWAG is that this will involve
one or both ISPs giving you new IP addresses which will allow your traffic to
circumvent their general policy filters (one tier above the home user
addresses).  They may want to come up with second tier policy filters (may even
already have them) to make sure they satisfy their bosses' requirements for
anti-spoofing; but that's a problem of the ISPs coordinating their efforts...

On another topic, and to avoid future issues, you may also want to consider
having the ISPs help you come up with a plan which will allow you to
automatically failover to the DSL in the event of a T1 failure.  This might
involve them feeding you RIP default routes and you running RIP and setting the
DSL administratively farther...   Don't let them try to charge you for this,
or you will charge them for your consulting services...  :^D

[snipped Bob's reply to mine which was posted before the admin filter info]

Good luck,

Re[2]: [expert] / gets smaller and smaller !

2001-06-15 Thread Rusty Carruth

Turgut Kalfaoglu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, I have everything in other partitions, so the / partition
 should, in theory, not grow at all. I have /usr , /var , /home
 in other partitions. Even /tmp is at /var/tmp..
 Really odd.. -turgut

Is that by having /tmp be a (soft) link?  If not, (and I cannot imagine
how it could NOT be! but just in case) if there is a time when /tmp is
not 'redirected' and something opens a file there, and then /tmp is
somehow 'redirected' then you can get those symptoms.  You also get the
same symptoms if a process opens a file in the '/' partition somewhere
and, while still keeping it open, deletes that file (or if another
process deletes it).  The file still occupies space on the disk,thus
showing up in df, but you cannot find it ANYWHERE because the only
reference is inside a program.  Once that program exits your space
is immediately freed - so one way to see if thats the case is to kill
processes one at a time and check free space...

Are there ANY directories that are not mounted?

And, finally, have you looked for 'hidden' directories?  (start with '.')?

Just a few shots in the dark...


Rusty E. Carruth   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Voice: (480) 345-3621  SnailMail: Schlumberger ATE   ___
FAX:   (480) 345-8793 7855 S. River Parkway, Suite 116   \e/
Ham: N7IKQ @ 146.82+,pl 162.2 Tempe, AZ 85284-1825V
ICBM: 33 20' 44N   111 53' 47W

Re: [expert] Networking Expert needed!

2001-06-15 Thread Pierre Fortin

Bob Puff@NLE wrote:
  I can only suspect you are experiencing the rule
  which states:  a packet from netX cannot be routed through netY and back to
  netX [EXCEPT if the final destination is netZ]*
 One more thought.  If a http request is made from netX to a machine on netX,
 and the machine generates reply packets sent thru netY to netX, aren't we
 talking about two entirely different packets?  Or are reply packets somehow
 tied to their request packet, sort of like what IP MASQing does?

Each direction is distinct and separate; though they generally follow the same

Let's look at some examples...


1) All in same net:  any path combination of [s1r1r2r4s2 | s1r1r3r4s2]
-- [s2r4r2r1s1 | s2r4r3r1s1] is valid; ping -R will often show the
different paths if r1-r2-r4 has the same routing metric as r1-r3-r4 (unless the
flow is nailed to one path; even in this last case, the to and from paths
could be different depending on the router implementation.  Careful examination
of the ping -R outputs is required.

2) All but r3 in same [ABC] net** (your reply example):  in classful routing,
traffic would NEVER go through r3.  In classless/classful combo (ISPs can
implement this combo by accident), it depends...  All classless, r3 could be

3) s1 in netA, r[124] in netB, r3 in netC, s2 in netD (all classful):  r3 could
handle traffic between s1--s2 because this is covered by the exception... 
depends on metrics at r[14].

** Using [ABC] *very* loosely...  really mean classful, though not necessarily
restricted to /8, /16 or /24 masking...

Clear as mud...?  :^)
