Re: [expert] Proftpd problems

2002-09-23 Thread Jan Lentfer

Am Mon, 2002-09-23 um 14.40 schrieb Ivailo Josifov:
> I try to run proftp on my Mandrake 8.2. Whem i run  "service proftpd
> status" command it respnses
> "proftpd dead but pid file exists" and i have no ftp service running.
> In my services file in etc i have a line ftp 21/tc.
> Some ideas about how to make proftpd start?

have you configured standalone or inetd?

Jan Lentfer
System Administrator
Molecular Cell Biology / AG Holstein, Darmstadt University of
Technology, Schnittspahnstr. 10, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany
Tel: +49 6151 16 5563 / Tel private: +49 6155 899393 / mobile: +49 163

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Re: [expert] Proftpd problems

2002-09-23 Thread Jan Lentfer

Am Mon, 2002-09-23 um 14.40 schrieb Ivailo Josifov:
> I try to run proftp on my Mandrake 8.2. Whem i run  "service proftpd
> status" command it respnses
> "proftpd dead but pid file exists" and i have no ftp service running.
> In my services file in etc i have a line ftp 21/tc.
> Some ideas about how to make proftpd start?

have you configured standalone or inetd?

Jan Lentfer
System Administrator
Molecular Cell Biology / AG Holstein, Darmstadt University of
Technology, Schnittspahnstr. 10, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany
Tel: +49 6151 16 5563 / Tel private: +49 6155 899393 / mobile: +49 163

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Re: [expert] DIRECT DELIVERY and Postfix!

2002-07-15 Thread Jan Lentfer

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 03:12:10 -0300 (BRT)
"Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I use adsl and my postix keeps using my fqdn and not my ISP SMNT!
> How and where can I change this?
> It does not hurt, but in some situations I can't email because
> What can I do?

"relayhost ="



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Re: [expert] OT - Groupware solution?

2002-07-15 Thread Jan Lentfer

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002 13:41:04 -0400
"Mike Rambo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> David Rankin wrote:
> > 
> > Guys and Gals,
> > 
> > I need your help figuring out if a groupware solution exists that
> > will solve calendaring and address book needs at my office. My current
> > setup is:
> > 
> > Server: LM 7.2
> > Clients: (4) Win9X & ME

I installed phprojekt ( at university. It is really great. Works 
with Apache, PHP & MySQL through a browser interface so you are platform independent 
and it is GPL'ed. There are even plugin modules for Palms and Wap support. It is 
highly configurable (you can turn on off every module like forum, chat, email, project 
management, etc.) and comes with something like 20+ languages preconfigured (can be 
chosen on a per user basis).

Really, check this one out.


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Re: [expert] Can't compile

2002-07-09 Thread Jan Lentfer

Ken Thompson schrieb:

>While trying to compile Winex I get this error:
>[root@spooky wine]# ./configure --disable-debug --disable-trace CFLAGS="-Os 
>-O2 -Wall -mpreferred-stack-boundry=2"

Try without the CFLAGS. I think -Os implies -O2. If it works without 
CFLAGS, then you know where the problem is.


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Re: [expert] RAM increase...swap too?

2002-07-02 Thread Jan Lentfer

Am Die, 2002-07-02 um 16.44 schrieb Darren King:
> I am upgrading my machine from 128MB RAM to 512 MB.  Do I need to adjust
> the swap?  I have 256MB.

Fire up as many applications as you could possible use at the same time
(mozilla, Star Office, etc.) and see what happens with RAM and SWAP


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[expert] MDK 8.2 reiserfs quota support

2002-06-30 Thread Jan Lentfer

Hi all,

does the Mandrake 8.2 Standard-Kernel habe build in quota support for 
ReiserFS or do I need to patch the kernel?

Thanks in advance,

Jan Lentfer

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Re: [expert] How to request packages?

2002-06-29 Thread Jan Lentfer

Am Fre, 2002-06-28 um 18.02 schrieb Praedor Tempus:

> What version of qt is it looking for?  If it is 1.x you may well be screwed 
> with it as it would be a substantial reworking to get it up to qt 3 (or even 
> 2).  What do the files INSTALL and README have to say with regards to qt?

It bails out with:
checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (snapshot >= Qt 2.1 beta2)
(libraries) not found. Please check your installation!

I have the following rpms installed:

[root@jan-linux kaptain-0.6]# rpm -q -a | grep qt

As 2.3.1 > 2.1b2 *IT SHOULD WORK*(TM) :)



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[expert] How to request packages?

2002-06-27 Thread Jan Lentfer

Hi all,

i would like to ask Mandrake to add a package to their distribution. Can
anyone tell me how to do this?

In particular I want them to add "kaptain"
( as a package. That's a programm that
provides graphical interfaces to command line programs using grammar
files. It is widley used to controll the EMBOSS (
molecular biology program suite.
The author provides a package for MDK 7.2 which doesn't work on 8.2. I
can't compile the sources either (qt problems).
SuSE has this as an rpm in their distribution (7.3 and 8.0), if I can't
get it to work on MDK I would have to install SuSE at university (which
I don't want to).

Any help would be appreciated - maybe someone could just give me a hint
on how to compile the sources.

Many thanks in advance,

Jan Lentfer

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Re: [expert] I need facts to prove UNIX's superiority for mainfraimpurposes over M$ MF Servers

2002-06-27 Thread Jan Lentfer

Am Don, 2002-06-27 um 20.44 schrieb Roberto Armenteros:
> I need your help to move the word...

> webserver

Check out bugtraq, etc for statistics about apache/linux/unix remote
exploits in comparison to IIS/Microshit Wingoof. In particular look up
the estimated (financial) damage that was done by Code Red. I guess
there were smaller companies/start ups that have been driven out of
buisness by that worm. Maybe you can find a case study somewhere.

Something else: I once heard that Microsoft claims to have 99% uptime,
but only under the following conditions (which is in the *small printed*
part of course):

1) two independent machines that access the same storage array
2) weekly maintenance reboots

I can't point you to any address on this but I think I read it on
slashdot, you might start your search there.

>From my own experience in dealing with/talking to SUN officals: M$ is no
thread for them in the mainframe business. Everywhere where realiabilty
is wanted, company's choose SUN, IBM or HP - NEVER M$. SUN Germany sells
servers (the large >90 CPUs ones) to "Deutsche Bank" and "Deutsche
Telekom". I think at these companies there are people who know *why*
they do not choose M$ for mission critical stuff.

One more point is the crazy M$ license fees. You might find this
M$ basically now wants you to pay a monthly fee to be allowed to get
upgrades/bugfixes at all.

hth, at least I hope I could point you to some directions,

Good luck - I have been through this, too - it's tough :)


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Re: [expert] Misc openssh notes

2002-06-27 Thread Jan Lentfer

Am Don, 2002-06-27 um 20.32 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> 4) Mandrake 8.2
>   Mandrake has updates to OpenSSH3.3 that *should* fix the problem.

Well, I also read FreeBSD-Security and according to Theo de Raadt's
notes there, everyone should upgrade to 3.4. OpenSSH 3.3 is still
vulnerable, 3.4 fixes the known *and a lot of other possible* holes.
Theo said, they reviewed 5600 lines of code the last few days and fixed
stuff that might have lead to an exploit in the future.



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[expert] How to request packages?

2002-06-27 Thread Jan Lentfer

Hi all,

i would like to ask Mandrake to add a package to their distribution. Can
anyone tell me how to do this?

In particular I want them to add "kaptain"
( as a package. That's a programm that
provides graphical interfaces to command line programs using grammar
files. It is widley used to controll the EMBOSS (
molecular biology program suite.
The author provides a package for MDK 7.2 which doesn't work on 8.2. I
can't compile the sources either (qt problems).
SuSE has this as an rpm in their distribution (7.3 and 8.0), if I can't
get it to work on MDK I would have to install SuSE at university (which
I don't want to).

Any help would be appreciated - maybe someone could just give me a hint
on how to compile the sources.

Many thanks in advance,

Jan Lentfer

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Re: [expert] Name of hard spam blocker

2002-06-26 Thread Jan Lentfer

Gary Dunn schrieb:

>Awhile back I read about a program that would refuse to accept mail from
>senders not on an approved list maintained by the recipient. I would
>like to experiment with such a program. I use POP3 to a vanilla local
>ISP (PIXI.NET, very nice, small, local Honolulu ISP, been with them for
>years). Currently I use Evolution (LM 8.1) to pick up the mail directly.
>I anticipate having to change to something like fetchmail, to provide a
>place -- a hook -- where the blocking can occur.
>The key to this filter's functionality is that I don't have to predict
>an expression to block unwanted mail. All mail is treated as unwanted
>until I say it can be delivered. When someone not on my list sends me a
>message, they receive an automatic reply with instructions how to get
>around the block. This is slightly annoying to real people, but
>effective against spammers who use bogus return addresses.
>What programs can be used for this?

Check spamassassin (, it is not exactly what you 
asked for but it works good - I use it and I love it. And there is 
Vipul's Razor at



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Re: [expert] upgrading....reinstall?

2002-06-25 Thread Jan Lentfer


>On 25 Jun 2002, Darren King wrote:
>>I am currently running Mandrake 8.2 on a K6-2 400 with a EPOX MVP3G5
>>(VIA super 7) motherboard.
>>I am upgrading soon to a Duron or an Athlon, haven't decided yet with a
>>DDR mobo.  Can I just chuck in the new mobo, RAM and CPU and them boot
>>my system as normal?  Run Kudzu then?  
>>Or should I do a total re-install (hope not).
>It worked for me -- moved from a K6-2/500 to Duron 1.3G/ECS K7S5A
>without a hitch.

Same here. I find Linux is pretty easy on hardware changes, as long as 
you don't use a stripped down kernel config of course. It just finds new 
hardware and goes ahead :-)... and NO you don't get double or triple 
entries in Hardware-Manager :-).
Last time I just move my RAID-Controller down one PCI-Slot. Linux 
and BSD just didn't care, booted and worked Win2K needed 2 reboots 
until it stopped complaining about finding "new hardware".



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Re: [expert] I made it -- 1 year uptime

2002-06-25 Thread Jan Lentfer

David Rankin schrieb:

>Guys and Gals,
>As far as stability is concerned, my little 7.2 (Odyssey) box has
>passed a milestone in life. Its uptime is now one year and counting.
>(see below) That translates into an easy job for the sysadmin (Me). The
>only downside is that in a year's time, I have forgotten most of the
>details on getting everything configured. So, when I move offices later
>this month, I will have to relearn my setup. Whatever the downside --
>I'll take it!
>[david@Nemesis david]$ uname -a
>Linux 2.2.19-4.1mdk #1 Mon Apr 9 10:34:05 MDT 2001
>i686 unknown
>[david@Nemesis david]$ uptime
> 10:30am  up 365 days, 19:11,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

I had to halt one of my machines at university a few weeks ago because 
it had to be moved to antother room. It had >200 days uptime. It works 
as a SAMBA-Fileserver and Printserver for  20 people and 12 client 
computers. It is a Pentium 133 with 32MB and it can handle the load 
pretty easily. I didn't even need to reboot the machine when we changed 
the whole network (new cables, new subnet, routers, etc). Try that with 
M$ ;-)



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Re: [expert] SSH and FTP logins taking much LONGER

2002-06-23 Thread Jan Lentfer

Am Son, 2002-06-23 um 17.46 schrieb David Rankin:
> Listmates:
>   Over the past year, FTP and SSH logins are taking much longer. In the
> past FTP logins would take 2-3 seconds and SSH logins were almost
> instantaneous. Now both FTP and SSH logins take approximately 20 - 30
> seconds. Uptime is 363 days and I haven't restarted either xinetd, FTP
> or SSH. Is there some kind of login history, or authentication log that
> could be causing the slowdows? Any other thoughts?

Do the logs say anything unusual? What FTP-Server? Maybe it's issue with
your PAM-Configuration?


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Re: [expert] PCMCIA Headaches

2002-06-23 Thread Jan Lentfer

Am Son, 2002-06-23 um 16.10 schrieb Ashley Reynolds:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to get my Xircom CardBus RealPort 10/100 Ethernet Adapter working
> with Mandrake 8.2 on my Toshiba Satellite 2100CDS notebook computer.  I am
> trying to use pcmcia-cs-3.1.31-5mdk.i586.rpm, the default package for Mandrake
> 8.2.


i was playing around trying to set up a Netgear CardBus Card on a
Toshiba 1700-400 laptop. After half a day I gave up. Luckily I had
backed up all my data so I did a full reinstall and the card worked no
problem. I know this more the M$-way of doing things, I just couldn't
get the PCMCIA stuff configured by hand. Actually I am a little fed up
with MDK concering PCMCIA network configuration. "cardctl scheme xyz"
still refusese to work and I couldn't find any other way to cleanly set
up different network configuration for different locations.



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