[expert] How does MandrakeUpdate work?

2000-10-30 Thread Jeff Groves

I'd like to set up my own set of customized packages that will work with 

MandraekUpdate appears to use two files on the server, 'description' and 

Creating the 'ls-lR' file is obvious, but how do I create the 'description' 
file?  It appears to be information from the RPM packages, but I could not 
figure out the rpm options that generate it.

Also, how does MandrakeUpdate figure out all the dependency requirements?

Any information is appreciated.


Jeff Groves

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Re: [expert] wireless networking

2000-10-20 Thread Jeff Groves

The Wavelan (Orinoco)  cards work fine with the latest releases of 
Mandrake.  The pcmcia package contains drivers for the cards, so you don't 
have to compile anything.

There are several brands of wireless cards, but many of them are just OEM 
versions of the Wavelan stuff and use the same drivers.  Nearly all of them 
are PCMCIA cards.  To use them in a server, they require a PCMCIA adaptor 
card that plugs into an ISA slot on the motherboard.

I've been using them with Linux for nearly 2 years.  From a networking 
standpoint, they operate the same as a regular ethernet card.


At 10:24 AM 10/20/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Does anyone know anything about wireless networking under Linux?  I'm
>looking to find a brand that works with Linux and provides support for
>my laptop (ie. pcmcia card).  I don't know the first thing about
>wireless, so I'd appreciate any horror stories you may have.  =)  It's
>for an article I've been asked to write.  Thanks.
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Re: [expert] Wu-FTPD 2.6.1(1): Problem with creating a guest user(Mandrake 7.1)

2000-10-17 Thread Jeff Groves

Instead of using wu-ftpd, I'd recommend installing proftpd. It's more 
secure, easier to configure, and is more flexible.

I think you can find an RPM on the Cooker site.


At 10:14 AM 10/16/00 -0400, Logos wrote:
>I recently upgraded my wu-ftpd to 2.6.1 from 2.6.0. I never really gave a
>though to configuring it previously as I didn't use it. Now that I plan to use
>it, I want to create a guest user...here's what I did:
>1.under bash:
> useradd penguin
> passwd penguin
> (and all the good pass change stuff omitted here)
>2.under vipw:
> penguin:x:502:506:guest acct:/home/penguin/./incoming:/etc/ftponly
>  (supposed to set ./incoming as the root dir for the acct and
>/etc/ftponly to prevent other command shell activation)
>3 Added the line "/etc/ftponly" to /etc/shells
>4. Create dirs for guest user:
> cp -r /home/ftp/* /home/penguin/
> chgrp /home/penguin/pub
>5. In /etc/ftpaccess added "guestuser penguin"
>and this, according the the redhat linux bible and other wu-docs, is 
>supposed to
>create a usable guest user for ftp services only. But where does /etc/ftponly
>come from? it's not in the src or rpm packages...is this an actual shell, a
>list of permissions, or what? When I look at the permissions for
>/home/penguin/pub/incoming I see "drwxr-sr-x"what is this 's' in the group
>permissions? I get the message upon password entry under ftp, "550 - Can't set
>guest privileges  Login failed." for the penguin guest acct. chmod does
>nothing, creating an /etc/ftponly file doesn't work
>Logos: The Word of the Aeon
>"I shall endure for all time"
>   -Frater Perdurabo-
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[expert] What does this error mean?

2000-10-13 Thread Jeff Groves

I've been trying to install the latest RPM of apache and mod_php.  I 
installed the apache and PHP RPMS and everything works fine until I try to 
install mod_php. Here is what happens:

   rpm -ivh mod_php-4.0.2-4mdk.i586.rpm

   error: failed dependencies:
   rpmlib(VersionedDependencies) <= 3.0.3-1 is needed by mod_php-4.0.2-4mdk

It is not clear to me what this error means.  I can't find any package 
named 'rpmlib'

Can anyone help?


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Re: [expert] Load a module during installation (DPT Raid)

2000-10-12 Thread Jeff Groves

The pre-built dpt_i2o.o module provided by DPT for RedHat won't work with 
the Mandrake kernel.

You will have to patch the kernel and compile and install your own 
dpt_i2o.o module.

I started to do this, but then discovered that the 7.2beta version of 
Mandrake comes with the dpt_i2o.o module to support the new DPT RAID 
cards.  I'm in the process of installing this, so I can't tell you how well 
it works.


At 11:52 AM 10/12/00 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'm trying to install Mandrake 7.1 on a machine with a DPT Decade Raid card.
>DPT provide a driver for Linux in the form of a module, which I'd like to
>load during the Mandrake installation process.
>The module is wrapped up in a modules.cgz file (designed for RedHat), and
>modules.dep is provided also. I have extracted the actual module
>(dpt_i2o.o), but when I try to insmod it, I get an error from the perl based
>installer (can't tell you exactly what it is because I'm not in front of the
>machine at the moment). Is there any special procedure I need to follow to
>make this module work?

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Re: [expert] Time and Date synchronization..

2000-09-29 Thread Jeff Groves

use xntpd

It's included with the standard Mandrake distro.

At 11:37 AM 9/29/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi guys,
>We have lots of 7.0 and 7.1 workstations and a Solaris RAID.. We need to
>synchronize date and time on all the machines to the RAID.. or all the
>machines including the RAID to some standard time over the internet.
>Whats the best way to go about it? We need synchro coz of CVS.
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Re: [expert] Any kernel hackers out there?

2000-09-21 Thread Jeff Groves

At 11:20 PM 9/20/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Jeff Groves wrote:
> >
> > At 04:22 PM 9/20/00 -0600, you wrote:
> > >I don't mean to avoid answering the question (I don't have the answer to
> > >the question of why you can't build your RPM from your SRPM) but I'm
> > >hard-pressed to understand why someone would want to build a
> > >kernel-binary *or* kernel-source RPM from an SRPM unless that person
> > >were planning a customized, large scale deployment.
> >
> > That's exactly what I'm trying to do.  I need to add some special features
> > that aren't in the standard build.
>Okay, but you don't need to build an RPM to do that -- just take a
>standard kernel source RPM or a kernel tarball and build a custom kernel
>from that. What you are trying to do is a first step into rocket science
>-- not for the meek.
>As I said, if you have a large organization, and you need to do
>pre-configured kernel binary (or even source) updates on 15-500
>machines, then yeah, maybe you would build an RPM. 99% of people don't
>need to do this...

Unfortunately, I'm in the 1% category for this project.

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Re: [expert] Any kernel hackers out there?

2000-09-20 Thread Jeff Groves

At 04:22 PM 9/20/00 -0600, you wrote:
>I don't mean to avoid answering the question (I don't have the answer to
>the question of why you can't build your RPM from your SRPM) but I'm
>hard-pressed to understand why someone would want to build a
>kernel-binary *or* kernel-source RPM from an SRPM unless that person
>were planning a customized, large scale deployment.

That's exactly what I'm trying to do.  I need to add some special features 
that aren't in the standard build.

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Re: [expert] Any kernel hackers out there?

2000-09-20 Thread Jeff Groves

I am trying to build a kernel RPM from a kernel source RPM.

Here is precisely what I did (no more and no less):

   1. Install Mandrake 7.1 (Developer option) with standard defaults (I now 
have a "virgin" system)
   2. Install latest kernel source RPM from Cooker
 rpm -ivh kernel-2.2.17-8mdk.src.rpm
   3. Attempt to build and create kernel installation RPMs
 rpm -ba --target=i586 kernel-2.2.spec

If anyone attempts this, you will discover that it will not complete the 
build.  You simply cannot build a new Mandrake kernel RPM on a "stock" 
developer version of Mandrake 7.1.  In fact, I even tried building the SAME 
kernel version that is used by Mandrake 7.1 (2.2.14-15mdk) and it fails.

I don't know how the Mandrake RPM builders create new kernel releases, but 
they can't be doing it on a standard developer installation.  There must be 
several tweaks and upgrades that are necessary to build a new kernel 
RPM.  I'm trying to figure out what is missing, but it's mostly trial and 
error at this point.


At 11:36 PM 9/19/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Jeff Groves wrote:
> >
> > At 12:27 PM 9/19/00 -0600, you wrote:
> >
> > The kernel headers and other kernel stuff is installed:
> >
> > # rpm -qa | grep kernel
> > kernel-2.2.15-4mdk
> > kernel-doc-2.2.15-4mdk
> > kernel-headers-2.2.15-4mdk
> > kernel-utils-2.2.15-4mdk
> > kernel-source-2.2.15-4mdk
> >
> > I cannot install kernel-headers-2.2.17-6mdk, since that is supposed to be
> > created by the build!
>Okay... this is where you got me confused... are you building a kernel
>source RPM from a kernel SRPM?
>There is a difference =)
>What *exactly* are you trying to accomplish here? Build a kernel RPM? Or
>build a kernel?
> >
> > > > The last error lines were:
> > > >+ %make bZImage
> > > >/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.6671: fg: no job control
> > > >Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.6671 (%build)
> > >
> > >No job control? You must be missing more than just your kernel headers.
> > >Can you do this:
> >
> > Job control works fine.  I actually ran the build like this:
> >
> >nohup rpm -ba --target=i586 kernel-2.2.spec &
> >tail -f nohup.out
> >
> > Do I also need to install the unmodified kernel
> > (kernel-linus-2.2.17-1mdk.src.rpm)?
> >
> > I'm running out of ideas.  Surely there must be some others who have build
> > kernels from RPMs.  What am I missing?
>I've done it, but I've never built a kernel source RPM from a kernel
>source SRPM
>The easiest way to go is to get (as someone else has already suggested)
>kernel source tarball from ftp.kernel.org, untar it in /usr/src, and
>build from
>there... that's how I've done it.
>I've installed the Mandrake kernel source RPM and compiled from that
>but as much as I like Mandrake I found their flavour of the kernel
>a tad too adventurous. Too many things that didn't work the way they
>have -- not to mention the first kernel oops I've ever seen under
>going back to the Torvalds tarballs fixed all those problems.
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Re: [expert] Any kernel hackers out there?

2000-09-20 Thread Jeff Groves

What do you mean the the "last rpm" ?

Do you mean the last kernel installation (binary) RPMs?


At 04:55 PM 9/20/00 +0200, you wrote:

>you need to install the last rpm from cooker if you want to recompile
>the kernel from cooker.

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Re: [expert] Any kernel hackers out there?

2000-09-19 Thread Jeff Groves

At 12:27 PM 9/19/00 -0600, you wrote:

>Jeff Groves wrote:
> >
> > I still have not figured out how to build the kernel from source.
> >
> > I installed a fresh version of Mandrake 7.1 (Developer option) with all the
> > standard defaults.  The only unusual thing I did was to create ReiserFS
> > filesystems (except for /boot).
> >
> > Now I have a "virgin" system, so I installed the latest source kernel RPM
> > (kernel-2.2.17-6mdk.src.rpm) from Cooker.  I am trying to get the DPT I2O
> > driver working and it appears that this kernel already has the patches to
> > support it.
> >
> > Next, I started the build:
> >rpm -ba --target=i586 kernel-2.2.spec
> >
> > A while later it failed, and I noticed several errors similar to the 
> following:
> >newport.c:11: asm/gfx.h: No such file
> >newport.c:12: asm/ng1.h: No such file
> >newport.c:14: asm/newport.h: No such file
>How much later? It looks like you are missing corresponding kernel
>Did you get the kernel source RPM *and* the equivalent kernel header
>RPM? You can't build nothin' with the headers =)

The kernel headers and other kernel stuff is installed:

# rpm -qa | grep kernel

I cannot install kernel-headers-2.2.17-6mdk, since that is supposed to be 
created by the build!

> > The last error lines were:
> >+ %make bZImage
> >/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.6671: fg: no job control
> >Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.6671 (%build)
>No job control? You must be missing more than just your kernel headers.
>Can you do this:

Job control works fine.  I actually ran the build like this:

   nohup rpm -ba --target=i586 kernel-2.2.spec &
   tail -f nohup.out

Do I also need to install the unmodified kernel 

I'm running out of ideas.  Surely there must be some others who have build 
kernels from RPMs.  What am I missing?



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[expert] Any kernel hackers out there?

2000-09-19 Thread Jeff Groves

I still have not figured out how to build the kernel from source.

I installed a fresh version of Mandrake 7.1 (Developer option) with all the 
standard defaults.  The only unusual thing I did was to create ReiserFS 
filesystems (except for /boot).

Now I have a "virgin" system, so I installed the latest source kernel RPM 
(kernel-2.2.17-6mdk.src.rpm) from Cooker.  I am trying to get the DPT I2O 
driver working and it appears that this kernel already has the patches to 
support it.

Next, I started the build:
   rpm -ba --target=i586 kernel-2.2.spec

A while later it failed, and I noticed several errors similar to the following:
   newport.c:11: asm/gfx.h: No such file
   newport.c:12: asm/ng1.h: No such file
   newport.c:14: asm/newport.h: No such file

The last error lines were:
   + %make bZImage
   /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.6671: fg: no job control
   Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.6671 (%build)

Frankly, I don't think it is possible to build a kernel on a "stock" 
install.  The people who build kernels must have some other files installed 
that are not present on my system.

How can I figure out what is missing?



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[expert] Corporate Server 1.0 question

2000-09-06 Thread Jeff Groves

Does anyone know which kernel version they use?

Is it 2.2.15 (which requires an update to 2.2.16)?  Or did they make it 
more useful and include the updates?


Re: [expert] Linux free ISP's

2000-08-30 Thread Jeff Groves

I'll bet your PhD is not in Economics...

There's no such thing as a free lunch.  All the supposedly "free" services 
have some kind of strings attached.  Someone has to pay for the bandwidth, 
equipment, and maintenance.  They usually do this by selling advertising of 
some sort.

At 03:28 AM 8/30/00 -0400, you wrote:
>hi everyone;
> I am looking for a free linux ISP. I followed suggested details 
> on how to get on 1 nation online, which worked for about a weeek, now I 
> can't log onto the network.
>Any help or links or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm not 
>trying to be cheap here, I think the internet should be FREE!
>Dr. Michael Powell PhD

Re: [expert] reiser fs ? (was: Unexplained crashes)

2000-08-18 Thread Jeff Groves

I believe that you're talking about ext3, which is ext2 with journaling 
added.  AFAIK it is not yet included with Mandrake.

ReiserFS is a completely new filesystem with an underlying structure that 
is similar to a database.  Unlike most Unix/Linux filesystems, ReiserFS 
does not use inodes.  I am using it because it is supposedly optimized to 
handle large numbers of small files (like a typical mail server).  On a 
normal Unix filesystem (like ext2) with a lot of small files, you will 
often run out of inodes before you run out of space.  Of course, you can 
reconfigure things to support more inodes, but it's a pain to do so.

I have been using ReiserFS on three systems for over a month.  One is a 
webserver, one is for development, and one is a mail server (the hardware 
is identical).  It works flawlessly on all systems, except for the mail 
server.  The mail server fails mysteriously every 9-10 days.  I can't say 
for certain that the problem is caused by ReiserFS, since I can't find any 
error messages in the system logs.  However, it seems to be the most likely 

The system doesn't crash, but I can't run any new programs (which requires 
the use of the filesystem to retrieve them from disk).  X still works and 
the system will echo chars on the command line.  However, since I can't 
load a new program (like 'shutdown') I am forced to hit the reset button to 
get back to normal.  After that, it reboots quickly and with no apparent 
loss of data.  It's annoying to be forced to reboot every few days (reminds 
me of Windows NT) and I'd like to figure out the problem.  If I can't find 
any clues to the cause, I'm going to try plugging the drive into a 
different motherboard (maybe it's a hardware-related problem).  I have not 
been able to detect any kind of pattern to the failures and the time 
between them is so long that it is difficult to troubleshoot.


At 03:23 PM 8/18/00 -0400, you wrote:
>IN a nutshell Tony the Reiser FS is basically the ext2 FS with a few
>important modifications.

[expert] X Security Configuration

2000-08-16 Thread Jeff Groves

I have a gateway system with two network interfaces (one on the internet 
and one on our internal network).

I am trying to figure out how to start X so that it will only run on the 
internal NIC.  Right now, when X is started it runs on all interfaces and a 
'netstat -a' shows the following:

   tcp  0   0  *:6000  *:*  LISTEN

I want to have port 6000 active on ONLY the internal NIC, to prevent the 
possibility of anyone connecting on the external NIC.

I have been looking through all the various X config files, but I can't 
find any parameter that specifies how to make X bind to a specific IP or 

Any ideas?



Re: [expert] ReiserFS causing crash??

2000-08-15 Thread Jeff Groves

Does anyone know how to turn up the debug info on ReiserFS and where it 
writes the info?

At 11:22 PM 8/15/00 +1000, Andrew George wrote:
>On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Jeff Groves wrote:
> > I have been running Mandrake 7.1 with ReiserFS and periodically (every 5-6
> > days) the system quits working.
> >
> > It doesn't crash, but I cannot run any new programs.  When I try to 
> enter a
> > command on the command line, it never executes or returns (it just hangs).
> >
> > Pressing the 'reset' button is the only way to recover.  After that, it
> > reboots and runs fine (until the same thing happens again).
> >
> > I cannot find any error messages in the system log files, so I have not
> > been able to figure out the cause of the problem.  This system is running
> > as a mail server, but is not heavily loaded.
> >
> > I have several other systems with identical hardware and software (Celeron
> > 500, 8 MB IDE, 256MB), and they don't have this problem.  Any idea how to
> > troubleshoot this problem?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jeff Groves
> >
>Hi Jeff,
>Sounds like a curley one.
>In truth, I've got no idea whats causing it...the first thing I'd check is
>if the Kernels getting onto a loop somehow..to do that run a monitor
>(xload, gtop, ktop, top, xcpu, xsysinfo- theres a pile of them) on screen
>so when it
>crashes you've got the last reported problem (actually use xload or
>xsysinfo...they seem to have a shorter update interval). If they show that
>the load, memory or swap has gone bananas then you've got a starting point
>(I'm assuming your running an X session on the box).
>If not...then write down every incident - time, date (so you can see if
>any cron jobs were running), the last three
>things you did, if there was mail spooling...anything you can think
>of...then after a couple of hangs...start looking for common items
>If you think you've found something in common...try to recreate it.
>Oh well...no doubt the gurus of this list will have a better answer for
>Take Care

[expert] ReiserFS causing crash??

2000-08-15 Thread Jeff Groves

I have been running Mandrake 7.1 with ReiserFS and periodically (every 5-6 
days) the system quits working.

It doesn't crash, but I cannot run any new programs.  When I try to enter a 
command on the command line, it never executes or returns (it just hangs).

Pressing the 'reset' button is the only way to recover.  After that, it 
reboots and runs fine (until the same thing happens again).

I cannot find any error messages in the system log files, so I have not 
been able to figure out the cause of the problem.  This system is running 
as a mail server, but is not heavily loaded.

I have several other systems with identical hardware and software (Celeron 
500, 8 MB IDE, 256MB), and they don't have this problem.  Any idea how to 
troubleshoot this problem?


Jeff Groves

Re: [expert] Auto Install

2000-08-10 Thread Jeff Groves

Is it possible to configure the auto-install script to replace the standard 
packages with ones of your own choosing?

If possible, I would like to make it install the latest kernel updates (and 
a few other customizations), instead of having to install them afterwards.

I checked out the Mandrake page 
  that describes auto-install, but the link to further examples 
x/auto_install/ is broken.

Any help would be appreciated.


At 08:05 PM 8/9/00 +0200, you wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Rundgren) writes:
> > So, I wonder if anyone has been able to use this?  Is anyone from Mandrake
> > aware of this?
>yeah, we are ;p
>see mandrake.com/en/heliumlast.php3
>Error scenario: g_auto_install segmentation 
>When: While running 
>Why: The ld-linux dynamic loader changed in 
>Solution: Copy this g_auto_install to /tmp, then mount the 
>CD-ROM to /mnt/cdrom and run ../perl /tmp/g_auto_install in the 
>/mnt/cdrom/Mandrake/mdkinst/usr/bin/perl-install. This will allow you 
>properly generate the auto_inst.cfg.pl file for automatic 
>Please note that the g_auto_install program is more for power users and 
>people will not have to worry about applying this patch to their own 

Re: [expert] rpm version and OpenSSH

2000-08-08 Thread Jeff Groves

I got an answer from the packager about how to solve the problem:

You need a NEWER version of the RPM installer.  To make everything work, 
first install the latest versions of bzip2 and rpm (from Cooker).

After you have done this, you can install the latest openssh.


At 11:19 PM 8/7/00 -0700, Jeffrey Twu wrote:

>Hi folks,
> I'd just like to repeat Jeff Groves' problem below.  Installing
>OpenSSH is one of the first things I do when bringing up a UNIX box.
>Jeffrey Twu
>I just tried to install the latest version of OpenSSH
>(openssh-2.1.1p3-2mdk.rpm) and it gives me the following error:
>   rpmlib(VersionDependencies) <= 3.0.3-1 is needed by openssh-2.1.1p3-2mdk
>Why would this require an older version of the RPM installer?  The version
>that comes with Mandrake 7.1 is 3.0.4-0.
>I have not had any problems installing any other programs and until OpenSSH
>was updated recently, I didn't have any problems installing it either.
>Any solutions besides reinstalling an old version of the RPM installer?
>Jeff Groves

[expert] Can't install openssh

2000-08-04 Thread Jeff Groves

I just tried to install the latest version of OpenSSH 
(openssh-2.1.1p3-2mdk.rpm) and it gives me the following error:

  rpmlib(VersionDependencies) <= 3.0.3-1 is needed by openssh-2.1.1p3-2mdk

Why would this require an older version of the RPM installer?  The version 
that comes with Mandrake 7.1 is 3.0.4-0.

I have not had any problems installing any other programs and until OpenSSH 
was updated recently, I didn't have any problems installing it either.

Any solutions besides reinstalling an old version of the RPM installer?

Jeff Groves

Re: [expert] Backup and restore systems

2000-07-24 Thread Jeff Groves

Check out Mondo-Rescue


At 08:55 AM 7/24/00 +0200, you wrote:
>I have a trouble in the job, and I need to design a way to restore a
>complete system. I want to say that I have a computer working, and I
>would like to make complete backup and a way to restore it by a person
>without any knowledge, or an automatic way.
>Any ideas?
>Best regards,

Re: [expert] 7.1 kernal update problem

2000-07-15 Thread Jeff Groves

Here's a script I wrote that I've used to update several systems:

#  install_kernel_updates - install Mandrake 7.1 kernel 

RPMS="location of your RPMS"


#  Save the old loop module, in case of problems. 
#  The kernel updates delete it and we need it
#  later for 'mkinitrd'
if [ -f /lib/modules/$OLDVER/blocks/loop.o ]
    tar cvf /tmp/loop.tar
/lib/modules/$OLDVER/blocks/loop.o \

#  Load the loop module for 'mkinitrd'
insmod loop 2>/dev/null

# verify that that the  module is loaded
lsmod | grep ^loop
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
    echo "ERROR: unable to
load loop module"
    exit 1

rpm -ivh $RPMS/kernel-headers-$VER.i586.rpm
sleep 3
rpm -ivh $RPMS/kernel-source-$VER.i586.rpm
sleep 3


#  Install kernel updates
    rpm -Fvh $RPMS/$PKG
    echo "==="
    sleep 3

#  Update ReiserFS utilities
rpm -Fvh --force $RPMS/reiserfs-utils-2.2.16_3.5.19-9mdk.i586.rpm
echo "==="
sleep 3

#  Fix stuff so that ReiserFS will work
#  The 'mkinitrd' needs the loop.o module, which seems to
#  have been deleted in a previous step.  Where should be do
mkinitrd -f --ifneeded /boot/initrd-$VER.img $VER 
mkinitrd -f --ifneeded /boot/initrd-${VER}secure.img ${VER}secure

#  Set up links to new kernel
rm -f /boot/initrd.img
ln -s initrd-${VER}.img /boot/initrd.img

rm -f /boot/initrd-secure.img
ln -s initrd-${VER}secure.img /boot/initrd-secure.img

rm -f /boot/vmlinuz
ln -s vmlinuz-${VER} /boot/vmlinuz

rm -f /boot/vmlinuz-secure
ln -s vmlinuz-${VER}secure /boot/vmlinuz-secure

#  run lilo

At 01:33 PM 7/11/00 -0500, you wrote:
    I am having problems
updating my kernal for 7.1 I am using update to
do the job, and I'm using the ReiserFS. In the documentation it 
that I need to do the following

    mkinitrd -f --ifneeded /boot/initrd-2.2.16-9mdk

I let update install the kernal, but every time I try to mkinitrd 
barfs. I get in error message stating the the kernal is not a
I need to install loop.o or recomplile the
kernal. I tried to install loop.o, but I get an error that the module
not found. After I update the kernal initrd-2.2.16-9mdk is not
but vmlinuz-2.2.16-9mdk is and thats what I use. I could compile a
kernal myself, but I would realy like to get this to work.

    Can anyone tell me what I did wrong, or what I need to
do to correct
this problem??


Re: [expert] 7.1 kernal update problem

2000-07-15 Thread Jeff Groves

Here's a script I wrote that I've used to update several systems:

#  install_kernel_updates - install Mandrake 7.1 kernel 

RPMS="location of your RPMS"


#  Save the old loop module, in case of problems. 
#  The kernel updates delete it and we need it
#  later for 'mkinitrd'
if [ -f /lib/modules/$OLDVER/blocks/loop.o ]
    tar cvf /tmp/loop.tar
/lib/modules/$OLDVER/blocks/loop.o \

#  Load the loop module for 'mkinitrd'
insmod loop 2>/dev/null

# verify that that the  module is loaded
lsmod | grep ^loop
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
    echo "ERROR: unable to
load loop module"
    exit 1

rpm -ivh $RPMS/kernel-headers-$VER.i586.rpm
sleep 3
rpm -ivh $RPMS/kernel-source-$VER.i586.rpm
sleep 3


#  Install kernel updates
    rpm -Fvh $RPMS/$PKG
    echo "==="
    sleep 3

#  Update ReiserFS utilities
rpm -Fvh --force $RPMS/reiserfs-utils-2.2.16_3.5.19-9mdk.i586.rpm
echo "==="
sleep 3

#  Fix stuff so that ReiserFS will work
#  The 'mkinitrd' needs the loop.o module, which seems to
#  have been deleted in a previous step.  Where should be do
mkinitrd -f --ifneeded /boot/initrd-$VER.img $VER 
mkinitrd -f --ifneeded /boot/initrd-${VER}secure.img ${VER}secure

#  Set up links to new kernel
rm -f /boot/initrd.img
ln -s initrd-${VER}.img /boot/initrd.img

rm -f /boot/initrd-secure.img
ln -s initrd-${VER}secure.img /boot/initrd-secure.img

rm -f /boot/vmlinuz
ln -s vmlinuz-${VER} /boot/vmlinuz

rm -f /boot/vmlinuz-secure
ln -s vmlinuz-${VER}secure /boot/vmlinuz-secure

#  run lilo

At 01:33 PM 7/11/00 -0500, you wrote:
    I am having problems
updating my kernal for 7.1 I am using update to
do the job, and I'm using the ReiserFS. In the documentation it 
that I need to do the following

    mkinitrd -f --ifneeded /boot/initrd-2.2.16-9mdk

I let update install the kernal, but every time I try to mkinitrd 
barfs. I get in error message stating the the kernal is not a
I need to install loop.o or recomplile the
kernal. I tried to install loop.o, but I get an error that the module
not found. After I update the kernal initrd-2.2.16-9mdk is not
but vmlinuz-2.2.16-9mdk is and thats what I use. I could compile a
kernal myself, but I would realy like to get this to work.

    Can anyone tell me what I did wrong, or what I need to
do to correct
this problem??


[expert] How do you make a new install CD?

2000-06-26 Thread Jeff Groves

I have the Mandrake 7.1 install CD and I am trying to create a new CD that 
contains the 2.2.16 updates.

I copied the install CD to a directory and then replaced the 
kernel-*-2.2.15 RPM files with the corresponding ones from the update 

Then I created an ISO image and burned a new CD.

When I tried to install from the new system, it complains that it cannot 
install the kernel-*-2.2.15 files (which were replaced).

There seems to be more to creating an installation CD than just making an 
ISO image and copying it to a CD.  Apparently, there is a list of files 
that should be installed.

Does anyone know the procedure to create an installation CD that includes 
the updates?



[expert] PGP 5.0 Compile problem

2000-06-04 Thread Jeff Groves

I am trying to compile PGP 5.0 under Mandrake 7.0 (to fix a recently
discovered bug) and get the following error:

  pgpRndPool.c: In function
  pgpRndPool.c: Invalid 'asm'
  pgpRndPool.c: fixed or forbidden register
0 (ax) was spilled for class AREG.

I have compiled the PGP 5.0 source under previous versions of
Mandrake (and other other flavors of Linux) and never had any
problems.  I think it may be a compiler bug or related to one of the
compiler options.  I've tried changing several of the options, but
nothing seems to work.

Any help would be appreciated.


Re: [expert] future distro ideas

2000-05-27 Thread Jeff Groves

A good journaling filesystem, like ReiserFS or some of the others that are 
being ported to Linux (IBM's JFS, SGI XFS, etc) will solve most of these 

ReiserFS looks like it is ready for production use, but the others aren't 
quit there yet.  I've used JFS on IBM's RS-6000 systems and it works quite 
well.  When it is used in conjunction with virtual filesystems, you can 
actually move an entire filesystem from one machine to another and it is 
transparent to the user.  There are similar VFS projects for Linux that 
look like they will be ready for serious use sometime within the next 
year.  Many of these kinds of tools have been available on commercial 
versions of Unix for quite a while.  Once they are available under Linux, 
many more businesses will consider using Linux for mission-critical 


p.s. I'm trying to install ReiserFS on a new Mandrake 7.0 system this 
weekend.  After I'm done, I'll let you know if I still hold the same "ready 
for production use" opinion.

At 07:45 AM 5/27/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Here's my "two cents worth":
>One of the main reasons I can't really recommend Linux to my
>customers as a solution is because of Linux's inability to gracefully
>recover from not being shut down properly.
>I would like to see someone set up a distribution that, when shut
>off without the "shutdown" command (as in a power failure, or user
>stupidity), will recover reasonably.
>I have on too many occasions seen Linux machines shut off
>improperly and never run again until the OS is re-installed.
>I admit, sometimes, it will do it. But sometimes isn't good enough.
>As much as I dislike Windows, I can always count on Windows
>coming back from this kind of situation. It will complain, run
>scandisk, and come back up. You might have some application
>files corrupted, but at least the OS will run.
>You can put a zillion features into it, with the greatest installers,
>but, in my opinion, you won't be viable until this hurdle is jumped.
>I really don't know enough about the inner workings of the OS to
>know why it's like this, but there must be some way to fix it.
>Perhaps a journaling file system? I really don't know the answer,
>but somebody must.
>Bruce Endries
>Bruce Endries Consulting
>(607) 433-2677

Re: [expert] "brilliant" idea

2000-05-25 Thread Jeff Groves

I would like to see the following:

   Built-in support (or install options) for:

 xinetd (an improved version of inetd)
 DPT SCSI RAID controller support (this may be in kernel 2.2.15 with 
I2O drivers)
 Apache-SSL (not mod_ssl) with PHP4

At 07:43 PM 5/25/00 -0400, you wrote:

> > Hi, folks!
> >
> > What follows is probably a single most important letter I ever posted on
> > these mailing lists, so please read it very carefully!
> >
> > We (Mandrakesoft) are starting internal discussions about future of
> > our distributions NOW. We want you to take part in the process of
> > improving our next distro.
> >
> > - NOW is a time to ask us whatever you want: tell us what you like, tell
> > us what you hate, tell us what you dream of!
> > - NOW is a time for you to influence the future company decisions - start
> > thinking, and if you come up with a briliant idea, post it here.
>This is not a really "brilliant" idea but it is an issue that is of
>importance to me personally.
>I would like to see a Minimal Install" option at setup time!
>My 2 cents.

[expert] freeswan rpm?

2000-05-02 Thread Jeff Groves

Has anyone created an RPM of Freeswan for Mandrake 7.0?

Re: [expert] ditrib. filesystem...

2000-04-25 Thread Jeff Groves

Check out the Global File System.  I haven't used it, but I'm looking at it 
for a future project.


At 12:38 PM 4/25/00 -0300, you wrote:

> hi! this may seem some OT (no flames, please), but I need info
>about distributed filesystems. I need to set up a 64Gb ftp server using 16
>4Gb disks included in respectives machiines... does anyone have any hint
>for me? No, putting al disks in one machine is not an option, and yes, I
>read slashdot article about, but nothing come clear... just flamewars.
> thanks in advance...
>"No tire sus colillas en el mingitorio, las humedece y
>las hace dificil de encender"
>"Do not dump butts in the wc. They dampen and it makes
>them difficult to light."
>   --Tom Sharpe, "Wilt on high"

Re: [expert] Connection problem

2000-03-21 Thread Jeff Groves

You probably need a cross-over cable.

When connecting to a hub, you normally use a "straight-thru" cable.  If you 
want to connect two computers directly to each other, you need to use a 
"cross-over" cable.  This cable reverses the leads and so that the "send" 
signal on system A goes to the "receive" on system B (and vice versa).  If 
you are connecting via network hub, it automatically does this for you.

If you only have two systems that you want to connect, you could make (or 
buy) a cross-over cable.  For making a cable, I don't remember the exact 
pins to connect, but a quick web search for "RJ45 network crossover cable" 
should turn up some useful info.  If you need to connect more than two 
systems, it would be best to use a hub (and then you can use regular 
straight-thru cables).


At 01:32 PM 3/21/00 +, you wrote:
>Hi there,
>I have configured two PCs (Mandrake7.0 & RedHat6.1) in my college network.
>When the network cards are connected to the network sockets everything is
>fine, I have access to the www from both and when I ping from one to the
>other I can get a connection.
># ping
>PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of
>64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 tt164 time=4.2ms
>64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 tt164 time=4.2ms
>However, when I directly connect the two network cards with one cable, the
>connection is not established, i.e.
># ping
>PING ( 56 bytes of data.
>and nothing else. What am I missing?
>Thanks, in advance

RE: [expert] 2nd request: Vanishing Mouse Pointer in KDE

1999-12-01 Thread Jeff Groves

You may want to try using "synps2" as the mouse type.  This will make gpm 
use the Synaptics touchpad driver.

Run "gpm -t help" for a complete list of mouse types.  Also, the 
Laptop-HOWTO has information on how to configure your mouse.

I have a Compaq Prosignia 150 laptop with Mandrake 6.1 and the "synps2" 
setting works better than the standard "ps2".

I'm still having a little trouble getting the mouse acceleration set 
correctly, sometimes it jumps all over.


At 11:11 AM 12/1/99 -0500, you wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Civileme [mailto:
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 4:16 PM
> > Just a note to let you know I saw your post.
> >
> > I am still trying to duplicate the behavior.  Anything else I
> > should know
> > about your install?  Did you format all partitions or just
> > some?  What sort of mouse?  What does the Pointer Device section of
> > /etc/X11/XF86Config say?
>Here's a bit more detail:
>Compaq Armada 1750 laptop (ATI Rage Pro LT graphics)
>BIOS set to support both internal (touchpad) and external PS/2 mice
>Fresh install, 3 partitions (/boot, /, swap) all formatted during set-up
>running MACH64 Xserver
>XF86Config driver set to "PS/2" - device: have used /dev/mouse and
>/dev/psaux (but sym link is OK)
>Pointer vanishes regardless if I have the external mouse connected or not
>no difference between a session started via kdm or startx
>no log entries in /var/log pertaining to pointer issues
>no error output from X pertaining to pointer issues
>I recently installed a few of the RH 6.1 "PowerTools", but was experiencing
>the issue before that.  I've not really done much to the system after the
>initial 6.1 install other than a few updates (still on 2.2.13-7 kernel -
>will try to update today but have not been able to compile source)

[expert] FreeSwan for 6.1

1999-11-29 Thread Jeff Groves

Has anyone compiled the FreeSwan (http://freeswan.org) crypto package for 
Mandrake 6.1?

[expert] Audio problem on laptop

1999-11-07 Thread Jeff Groves

I just installed Mandrake 6.1 on my laptop (Compaq Prosignia 150).

Everything installed cleanly, but I can't get the sound to work.

I get an error message when I try the "aumix" program:

  # aumix
  aumix: error opening /dev/mixer: Success

I get a similar error when I click on the mixer icon:

  kmix: could not open mixer
  Perhaps you have no permission to access the mixer device
  Login as root and do a 'chmod a+rw /dev/mixer*' to allow the access

The permissions on /dev/mixer and /dev/mixer1 are OK.

I think there may be some modules that are not getting loaded when I boot,
but I don't know which ones to try.

I'm also having trouble with the mouse (it's actually a touchpad) settings.
 The pointer moves too fast and jumps all over the place.  I have set the
mouse speed to the slowest setting, but it still moves too quickly.  Are
there any other configuration settings for the mouse?  I tried
'mouseconfig' but it didn't fix the problem.


Re: [expert] Re: [devel] Still need help

1999-10-21 Thread Jeff Groves

Thanks, I did a 'wget' of the gi directory and it compiled cleanly.

At 04:15 PM 10/21/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Jeff Groves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Thanks for the help.  I found the Mandrake install stuff and checked it out
>> via CVS.
>> However, I am missing some include files when I try to compile.  The
>> install build process is pretty complicated and I can't figure out where
>> everything is located.
>> I did the following:
>>   cd gi/install
>>   make
>> And get these error messages:
>>   devices.c:26: pci-probing/priprobe.h: No such file or directory
>>   install.c:53: pcmcia-probing/pcmcia-probe.h: No such file or directory
>>   hd.c:18: libfdisk/libfdisk.h: No such file or directory
>>   install2.c:70: libfdisk/libfdisk.h: No such file or directory
>> Where can I find these header files?
>alas not everything is in CVS. To have all needed, download the directory
>contrib/others/src/gi from cooker's contrib.

[expert] Still need help

1999-10-21 Thread Jeff Groves

Thanks for the help.  I found the Mandrake install stuff and checked it out
via CVS.

However, I am missing some include files when I try to compile.  The
install build process is pretty complicated and I can't figure out where
everything is located.

I did the following:

  cd gi/install

And get these error messages:

  devices.c:26: pci-probing/priprobe.h: No such file or directory
  install.c:53: pcmcia-probing/pcmcia-probe.h: No such file or directory
  hd.c:18: libfdisk/libfdisk.h: No such file or directory
  install2.c:70: libfdisk/libfdisk.h: No such file or directory

Where can I find these header files?

Any clues would be appreciated.


>Jeff Groves wrote:
>> Where can I find the "contrib" CD stuff?
>> The Mandrake install source is hidden so well, you'd think it was
>> classified information. Is there anyone who can give me a specific URL that
>> points to the location?
>You can get it through cvs. Have a look at
>To get the old install, do
>cvs checkout newt

[expert] [devel] Where is Mandrake /contrib & install source?

1999-10-20 Thread Jeff Groves

Where can I find the "contrib" CD stuff?

I've looked on several mirrors and can't find anything relating to install
in the /MandrakeCook/contrib directory.  This is only Mandrake-related
"contrib" directory I can find anywhere.

The Mandrake install source is hidden so well, you'd think it was
classified information. Is there anyone who can give me a specific URL that
points to the location?


At 04:10 PM 10/20/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Jeff Groves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> There is nothing useful in the Mandrake 6.1 /misc/src directory on their CD.
>> Why isn't it on the Mandrake CD?  Where can I find it?
>> Who's responsible for creating the Mandrake distro, they should know.
>it's on the contrib cd as it takes some place and is also touchy to use.

[expert] Where is Mandrake boot install source?

1999-10-19 Thread Jeff Groves

Where can I find the source code to the "install" program used on the
Mandrake boot install disk (boot.img)?

I'm trying to create custom boot/root install diskettes that contain a SCSI
driver (for a DPT SmartRAID V card) and I need to modify the install
program in order to make it work.

I can't seem to find the source code to this anywhere.  I've looked on my
installation CD and on various Mandrake mirrors and haven't had any luck.

Any clues as to where this is hidden?

