Re: [expert] Slocate out of control

2001-05-28 Thread Marcel Pol

On Mon, 28 May 2001 01:32:42 -0400
Brian Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm having a problem, and I think it's with slocate.  Every so
often, my hard 
> drive will go nuts and just start grinding uncontrollably, taking up
all my 
> system resources and forcing a hard shutdown (with the attendant
problem of 
> fsck having to fix everything on boot-up).  Is there some way to get
> to behave itself so it doesn't lock up my system?  TIA.

Are you sure it's related to slocate?
It sounds more like some program which has a memory leak. The program
fills then all the memory (including swap), untill the system becomes

You might want to run top in the background, and check which program
uses then all the cpu and memory, and if necessary, kill it.
Netscape 4 is famous for this. But I've seen this with more apps.

Marcel Pol
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cow ate the CDs.

Re: [expert] what am i missing

2001-05-23 Thread Marcel Pol

On Wed, 23 May 2001 08:14:54 -0400
Moses Backman III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i have 2 linux machines - one runs redhat 7.1 and the other
runs mandrake 
> 8.0, both redhat based and both are completely fooling me.  i
am still trying 
> to get back to linux after my time with FreeBSD.  it still
seems weird 
> dealing with runlevels and all, but i'll get used to it.  
> my problem is i'm looking for and inetd.conf file to edit and
it's not 
> there... so i see that we've moved to xinetd so i try to deal
with that, but 
> there are daemons running which are not set up in xinetd.conf
and in fact if 
> i don't start xinetd everything still works ..  what gives

They are then not started through xinetd, but as standalone.
xinetd is usefull when you don't want to spend the resources on a
service you hardly use.
A service like apache, or a busy ftp, you will want to run that
as standalone.
You can check your config with different utilities, like ntsysv,
or DrakConf.
I like to use chkconfig.
chkconfig --list  will list the enabled and disabled services.
chkconfig --del service  will delete the service from the
chkconfig --add service should enable a service.

> where is this mystery config file?  maybe then i get anonymous
ftp to work...

The runlevel sets which directory to look in; line /etc/rc3.d/
where the symlinks are.
when there is a file like /etc/rc3.d/S12syslogd (which is a
symlink to /etc/init.d/syslog) it means that syslogd will be
started (S) as 12th service.
/etc/rc3.d/S10network is being started before that. (watch the

Marcel Pol
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cow ate the CDs.

Re: [expert] e-mail client needs password authentication ability

2001-05-19 Thread Marcel Pol

On Fri, 18 May 2001 23:01:03 -0600
Kelley Terry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My ISP is starting a new e-mail service that requires password
> for sending e-mails.  I need a e-mail client that can send
passwords for my 
> outgoing mail.  Kmail doesn't have this feature and I don't
like netscape.  
> Any suggestions???  I need to solve this before May 20 or I
can't send any 
> e-mails to the list any more.

Sylpheed has an option for smtp authorization.
I never used it, so i dunno how functional that is.
But Sylpheed is imo the finest gtk+ mailer.

Marcel Pol

Re: [expert] Stability Concerns

2001-05-18 Thread Marcel Pol

On Fri, 18 May 2001 15:08:25 +

> I'd like to add that my purpose in starting this thread 
> is not to slam Mandrake.  It is to find out if my 
> experience is isolated, and if there is a solution.  
> If it isn't isolated, maybe we can find some common 
> threads that lead to a solution.
> To that end, I'd like to ask the other people who are 
> having stability problems what filesystem they are using.
> I am using ReiserFS for everything but the boot 
> partition.

That's the same as my partitioning.
My data is on ext2 also, but i guess that doesn't matter much

Marcel Pol

Oops, sent it to the personal adress.
Sending it to expert now, to keep good order.

> Eric
> > On Thursday 17 May 2001 09:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > How is everybody finding the stability of their Mandrake
> > > 8 boxes?  I've been having some problems.
> > >
> > > I've had several random lockups while in KDE.  Nothing I
> > > can replicate.  Somtimes it locks while I'm doing
> > > something innocuous (moving mouse, minimizing window),
> > > sometimes it's locked up over night.  When this happens,
> > > there is no saving it.  Keyboard & mouse are completely
> > > dead, and it won't even respond to a ping over the net.
> > > This has happened maybe 6 or 8 times total over the past
> > > 2 or 3 weeks.
> > >
> > > I've also had 2 random reboots.  Once was over night,
> > > and the other was during the day while I was at work.  I
> > > had left the box logged in, when I get back the login
> > > screen is up and last shows a reboot.  The box is on a
> > > UPS, and the other box on that UPS hasn't rebooted.
> > >
> > > There is doesn't seem to be anything interesting in the
> > > logs wrt these incidents.
> > >
> > > I'm pretty confident that its not a hardware problem.
> > > This box was rock-solid with a RedHat 6.2 variant.
> > >
> > > Any ideas?  Frankly, If I was satisfied with this kind
> > > of stability, I'd have stuck with windows :-)
> > > Eric
> > 
> > Yet, we have boxes running 8.0 since it was released, never
rebooted, with no 
> > problem.  AMDs and Intels with and without VIA chipsets. 
What you are 
> > describing I have seen before only when I had a loose or
failing CPU cooling 
> > fan.
> > 
> > Civileme
> > 

Re: [expert] Stability Concerns

2001-05-17 Thread Marcel Pol

On Thu, 17 May 2001 16:02:28 +

> How is everybody finding the stability of their Mandrake 
> 8 boxes?  I've been having some problems.

I did have hard crashes with the mdk smp kernel on my Abitt bp6 smp
I set up my own .config, but used the src.rpm with all the patches. I
incleded the r128 module, which could have been the problem.
With a kernel from tar.gz i didn't have any problems.

Also, my X Window just kept crashing down.
Switching from windowmaker solved half my problems.
Compiling XFree86 4.0.3 from tar.gz solved them all, seems after one

> Any ideas?  Frankly, If I was satisfied with this kind 
> of stability, I'd have stuck with windows :-)

My idea is that i love Mandrake's distro. But i don't trust my kernel
or X to Mandrake. I will build that myself.

Marcel Pol

RE: [expert] Where to find an XFree86-4.0.2 src rpm

2001-05-09 Thread Marcel Pol

On 08-May-01 Praedor Tempus wrote:
> I would like to dump XFree86-4.0.3 that came with Mandrake 8.0 and go
> back to 4.0.2 
> Problem is, where do I find a src.rpm for 4.0.2?

There is a src.rpm for XFree-4.0.1:

Marcel Pol
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cow ate the CDs.

RE: [expert]

2001-04-28 Thread Marcel Pol

On 26-Apr-01 Stephen Lawrence Jr. wrote:
> Anyone know if uses an open source program that creates their
> web site layout or did they create it by hand?

It seems that they use a php file as a css stylesheet.
It is a beautifull site though.
Hmm, I'm feeling inspired now :o)

Marcel Pol
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cow ate the CDs.

RE: [expert] RPM vs ./configure, make, make install

2001-04-28 Thread Marcel Pol

On 28-Apr-01 Turgut Kalfaoglu wrote:
>>From time to time I download new packages, install them, and run
> conflicts, with future makes complaining that I have TWO versions of
> the
> same thing installed. I suspect one was installed by Mandrake 7.2, and
> I blindly installed another one with Make install. 
> For example, Mesa, or Alsa drivers. What is the 'recommended way' to
> upgrade things?

The clean way is to compile your own rpm.
Get a src.rpm of the latest blah-mdk.src.rpm, get the from the
latest tarball, edit the specfile for the version, and build it yourself.
Mostly, when there are no major changes, it builds fine.
If it doesn't build, you might need to edit the specfile somewhat.

Here are a few links to set it up, and to use src.rpm's:
Cooker faq for setting up rpm;
Mandrake's rpm howto;
The main rpm howto;
Maximum rpm;

Marcel Pol
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cow ate the CDs.

Re: [expert] socket.h file

2001-04-27 Thread Marcel Pol

On 27-Apr-01 John Wolford wrote:
> It doesn't appear to point to anything:
> [john@homer Website]$ ls -l /usr/include/sys/socket.h
> -rw-r--r--  1 root  root  8340 Jan 17 13:54 /usr/include/sys/socket.h
> --- Patrick Shirkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Can anyone tell me what /usr/include/sys/socket.h is supposed to point
>> to?

rpm -qf /usr/include/sys/socket.h

So it's provided by glibc-devel.
Install that rpm again with 
rpm -Uvh --force glibc-devel-blah.rpm

Marcel Pol
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cow ate the CDs.

RE: [expert] Downloading mandrake 8

2001-04-20 Thread Marcel Pol

On 20-Apr-01 faisal wrote:
> I am downloadin this mandrake 8 from ftp its not an ISO image mainly
> because
> i dont have a CD burner & burning a CD is a though job for me ...
> So i am downloading this i586 directory in mandrake cuase i only want
> the base system not the srmps... am i right here ?
> also tell me that how to install from this directory when it is on a
> Windows system . ?

What I did was download an iso, make a bootdisk (from the images
directory on the ftp), boot the bootdisk and install from the iso.
Went fine.
I guess you can do the same with the rpm's.
And no, you don't need the srpm's to install.

Marcel Pol
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cow ate the CDs.

RE: [expert] Quanta compile problems

2001-04-16 Thread Marcel Pol

On 16-Apr-01 Phil wrote:
> I'm trying to install the latest version of quanta (the previous
> version failed for the same reason).
> During the compile process an error message says "/usr/bin/ld cannot
> find  -lssl".
> My system 
> has the package openssl 0.9.5a-8mdk already installed so I'm at a bit
> of a loss to know what to do next.

You need openssl-devel too if you want to compile anything that uses
You have that too?

Marcel Pol
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cow ate the CDs.