Re[2]: [expert] Problems with LILO

2000-02-03 Thread Istiqfar

I use NT and Linux in 1 box, with simple trick.
Install NT first, directly boot NT from CD. After that, install Linux,
dan place LILO in the same partition with NT. You will then prompt for
lilo first, then when you chose "dos" you will get into NT Bootloader.
The next time, you reinstall nt, lilo will not be replaced.

Best regards,
 Istiqfarmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

on Thu, 03 Feb 2000, 02:06:10, you wrote:

JB> Dear Jean-Louis,

JB> I'm not familiar with Windows NT's boot.ini file. this is what is looks like
JB> so far:
JB> [boot loader]
JB> timeout=30
JB> default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT
JB> [operating systems]
JB> multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows NT Workstation Version
JB> 4.00"
JB> multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Windows NT Workstation Version
JB> 4.00 [VGA mode]" /basevideo /sos

JB> Given that windows is on the Master HDD in the primary IDE, and Linux is on
JB> the Master HDD on the secondary IDE, do you know what the entry should look
JB> like to include Linux?

JB> Just to be clear with what you are saying: do you then suggest that LILO
JB> should not be controlling the boot for the machine, and only the boot for
JB> Linux, so that I let windows NT handle the choice of OS at boot time?

JB> Thanks.

JB> Jaime

JB> - Original Message -
JB> From: Jean-Louis Debert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
JB> Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2000 10:41 PM
JB> Subject: Re: [expert] Problems with LILO

>> > Jaime Batiz wrote:
>> > >You should install LILO in the first sector of the root partition
>> > of Linux.
>> >
>> > So I specified hdc, for the bootloader.
>> No, the root partition is hdc1, not hdc ...
>> You must also alter your NT boot manager and add an entry for Linux,
>> pointing to the 1st partition on the "hdc" disk ... but I assume
>> that you already did this ...
>> You should NOT change anything in your BIOS ...
>> --
>> Jean-Louis Debert[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> 74 Annemasse  France
>> old Linux fan

[expert] Can SHMMAX, SEMMNI changed without recompile kernel?

2000-02-03 Thread Istiqfar

Hello expert,

  I need to trial and error some SHMMAX and SEMMNI parameter. Can
  SHMMAX, SEMMNI changed without recompile kernel? If so, how?

  Thanks a lot.

Best regards,
 Istiqfar  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [expert] RAM useage

2000-02-07 Thread istiqfar

I also experienced the same. I don't know how linux manage the
memory, but for me, it looks like winblow$ who eat memory and never
let them out again. 

Also, I experienced bad performance in multitasking with some
disk-related activity (such as ftp, cp, mv) - even when you "ls",
it tooks almost like forever.



On Sun, 06 Feb 2000 19:25:44 +0100, you wrote:

| Hi,
| Coming from just reading the thread about Netscape and it's dumb library
| using so much ram I have a question:
| I know that Linux uses all the ram it can take, using the unused amount
| for cache and buffers.
| So I start X, WindowMaker, some xterms, Netscape, gFTP, and after that
| StarOffice. Then there is about 170M of my 192M used. Now I close
| StarOffice. I know that some of it stays in the cache so it starts
| faster the second time. I restart it and to my surprise my box starts
| using the swap partition!
| Here are relevant parts of 'top' with the M command:
|   7:13pm  up 1 day,  1:26,  7 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.05, 0.04
| 51 processes: 49 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
| CPU states:  0.5% user,  2.7% system,  0.0% nice, 96.6% idle
| Mem: 193024K av, 183864K used,  9160K free, 54972K shrd, 27524K buff
| Swap:  120452K av, 384K used,  120068K free  108108K cached
| 6478 root  17   0  24728  24M  2172 R   0  0.3 12.8   1:18 X
| 7232 wobo   0   0 17476  17M  9264  S7296  0.0  9.0   0:44
| 6880 root   0   0  4648 4264  3616  S   0  0.0  2.2   0:00 kdm
|  417 xfs0   0  3828 3828   824  S   0  0.0  1.9   0:03 xfs
|  7247 wobo  0   0  3744 3744  3168  S   0  0.0  1.9   0:00
| netscape-comm
|  7385 wobo  0   0  3724 3724  2756  S   0  0.0  1.9   0:34 gftp
| As you can see there is a cache of 108108K. So if the cache doesn't get
| reduced in favour of userspace, isn't there the danger of getting a
| "Sorry, mate, no more free RAM! Close some apps to go on" message if I
| continue to open and close apps?
| I thought with 192M of RAM I'd never see swap used due to unsufficient
| amount of physical ram.
| Or is there a command to flush the cache (without danger of data-loss)?
| wobo

[expert] Anybody have tried install Oracle 8.1.5 Linux with sga > 500 mb?

2000-02-08 Thread istiqfar

I've installed Oracle 8.1.5 (8i) on Mdk 6.1. But when I increased
sga to 140 mb, it just said, 'Could attach shared memory segment'.
I have changed shmmax, and also change max_memory on kernel
parameter,  and recompile kernel with no success.

Could anybody help me?



[expert] How to 'create' /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq

2000-03-29 Thread Istiqfar

every time my linux booting, there are error:
"/proc/sys/kernel/sysrq not found". How do I 'create' such file ?



Re: [expert] Mandrake SMP w/ P54C??

1999-11-24 Thread istiqfar

I experience the same on dual processor PIII Xeon 500MHz with 2 gig

finally, i use redhat 6.1 :-(


On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 13:33:42 -0500, you wrote:

| Hello all -
|   I was messing around with an old Digital Prioris machine (EISA) -
| it's got dual Intel P54C processors (90's I think) but the SMP kernel will
| not boot.  It boots the UP kernel just fine, but the SMP kernel panics
| /proc/cpuinfo shows only one CPU (the WindozeNT it was running saw both).
|   Has anyone tried SMP on similar architecture?  The machine is dog
| slow and older than dirt so I'll likely not do anything with it anyway, but
| I'd like to see what it can do with SMP if possible.  Interesting machine -
| when I opened it up I found one of the CPUs had another CPU glued on top of
| it (upside down) acting as a heat sink.
| Regards -
| Don

Freedom of speech also means freedom to be justified.
Freedom does not make freedom, but freedom makes border.

[expert] Unresolved symbol after compile kernel

1999-12-18 Thread istiqfar


I just recompile kernel, 2.2.13. Some modules are excluded, and
some are internalized to kernel. I have make mrproper menuconfig
dep clean bzImage modules modules_install. The last, I change
lilo.conf. Also, I copy to /boot.

After booting, there are some weird message: Unresoled symbol
module 3c59x.o bla bla..

Any suggestion for this?

Thanks a lot.



[expert] 2 ethernet card

1999-12-23 Thread istiqfar

I have mandrake 6.1 box. I installed 2 net cards with success. But
when I recompile kernel (to make them internal in kernel), eth0 is
ok, but eth1 colud not be started up. Which kernel parameter should
I check to make both work?

Any help is appreciated.

thanks a lot,


[expert] Modem internal PCTel with Mandrake

1999-12-23 Thread istiqfar

I've heard, that linux is beginning to support internal modem, one
of them is pctel chipset. Any body know, where I can find further
information on this, and how is Mandrake support on pctel chip.



Re: [expert] 2 ethernet card

1999-12-24 Thread istiqfar

eth0 is ne2000 (for intranet), eth1 is 3c509b (for internet

| > 
| > thanks a lot,
| > 
| > isa
| Are they same type?

[expert] Error when booting from cd - 7.0 (Air)`

2000-01-22 Thread istiqfar

I have 2 questions:

1. I found error in  "Second stage memory" screen. But, when i
pressed ok, installation continue with no problem. Anybody found
that too, or maybe my cd is corrupt? I have 64 mb memory, with P166
cpu and *no-problem* with Mandrake 6.1 before.

2. After finishing setup, my 3c509b card is not up successfully
(which was beautifully detected from RH5.2-6.1, Mandrake 6.0-6.1).
It was fixed, when I add "alias eth0 3c509" in /etc/conf.modules.
Any body have same experience?

Thank you,


Re: [expert] Mandrake 7.0 network problem

2000-01-25 Thread istiqfar

I've experienced quite the same. Mine is 3c509b, and eth0 is failed
to startup. The problem is solved when I add "alias eth0 3c509.o"
in /etc/conf.module.

Hope this help. Maybe, we should wait for Mdk7.1 or Redhat ;-((

On Mon, 24 Jan 2000 19:26:13 -0600, you wrote:

| Ok. I have tried sending this to cooker list several times and it never
| shows up over there.
| Here is my computer
| Dual Celeron 466, 256 meg ram.
| BP6 motherboard,  I am not using the HPT66 connectors on the
| motherboard, ( waiting till drivers are stable.)
| This machine was running Mandrake 6.1 till first of last week when I
| wiped it clean to install Mandrake 7.
| Here is my problem
| I am doing an expert install and choosing medium security setting in the
| install process. The install all seems to be fine. It detects my network
| card, ( one note here, It does not detect the correct network setting
| like mandrake 5.3 - 6.1 did, the gateway and dns servers are incorrect)
| I put in the correct ip numbers for the network setting and continue, I
| even tried the crypto download one time to make sure the network is
| working at that point and it is. Then once past the install process the
| network is inaccessible. I can not ping that machine from another on the
| network nor can I ping out from it.
| I have done this 4 times now because I was sure that it was something
| that I was doing wrong.
| So then I did a Mandrake 6.1 install again to make sure that the
| computer was working ok. That worked just fine.
| What should I try next?