[expert] ML9.0:file system completely crashed ext3,"could not find mime type",kde3.0.3

2003-02-09 Thread vatbier
Mandrake Linux 9.0 here:
I installed alsa-utils from CD1 with MCC:Software Install:
in /var/log/syslog these error messages appeared (SEE BELOW):

"XT3-fs error (device ide0(3,2)): ext3_new_block: Allocating block in 
system zone - block = 294914"

Then I rebooted (because I wanted to boot in runlevel 3 to see
whether I could play sound..., not relevant here).
Error bootmessages appeared (SEE BELOW FOR MORE DETAILS):

"fsck: /dev/hda2 contains a file system with errors, check forced"...
failed to check filesytem. Do you want to repair the errors? Y/N
(beware, you can lose data)

I pressed Yes:
a lot of inodes were fixed or cleared
"/dev/hda2: file system was modified "

I was in runlevel 3: tried a few commands but those weren't recognized.

Booted into KDE:
about 25 windows appeared that said:
"could not find mime type  application/octet stream"
 or "could not find mime type application/x-executable"
 or "could not find mime type application/x-desktop"
 or "could not find mime type application/x-shellscript"
Each window has to be pressed twice to get rid of.
There are some Konqueror windows open from the former session,
I can use them to browse the internet or my file system.
I can not start programs from the menu, in my file system a lot of 
files have now file type mime.
I also have a Konsole window open: except for basic commands no command
is recognized.
I searched Google, found nothing useful, search function of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list didn't work.
Is there an easy way to repair my system or do I have to reinstall 
I have a backup from 3 weeks ago, but that won't bring back the lost 
files from /bin, /user/sbin,etc.
UPDATE: I searched Google for "ext3_new_block: Allocating block in 
system zone": I found the ext3-user mailing-list and read and learned a bit 
about file system corruption.
I tested my memory with memtest86 but no errors were detected, I read
that this is not conclusive.
I probably will reinstall Mandrake Linux 9.0.
But how can I figure out what has caused the corruption:
Memory, hard disk, IDE cable, IDE controller, UDMA, CPU, cooling,...?
And how can I best recover from this: reinstall complete distribution and 
then apply backups? How can I figure out which files have been modified or 

I also remember that in the same session KNode newsreader crashed when I 
tried to read a newsmessage after downloading the headers of 
alt.os.linux.mandrake. It crashed several times.

My system: 
AMD AthlonXP 1600+
Motherboard MSI K7T266 Pro2 (MS-6380 V2.0): VIA KT266A, VIA VT8233
512 MB memory (tested it with memtest86: no errrors detected)
Western Digital Caviar 40GB 7200RPM: UDMA is enabled I think (see below for 
info from dmesg)
Mandrake Linux 9.0 (kernel 2.4.19-16mdk)
On this disk I also run: WinXP,Win98,Mandrake8.2(ext2) : no problem with 
these OSes so far.

Very frustrated after this happened, I thought linux file systems were 
stable. UPDATE: No longer very frustrated, just a little; this is the first 
time in six years I experience such a problem.


Jan 31 13:55:22 this rpmdrake[1711]: Extracting header of 
xine-alsa-0.9.13-3mdk.i586 from /var/lib/urpmi/hdlist.Internationa
Jan 31 13:55:22 this rpmdrake[1711]: removed files/directories 
(recursively) /root/tmp/headers/
Jan 31 13:55:26 this rpmdrake[1711]: removed files/directories 
(recursively) /root/tmp/headers/
*Jan 31 13:55:53 this kernel: EXT3-fs error (device ide0(3,2)): 
*ext3_new_block: Allocating block in system zone - block = 294914
*Jan 31 13:55:53 this kernel: EXT3-fs error (device ide0(3,2)): 
*ext3_new_block: Allocating block in system zone - block = 294915
Jan 31 14:01:00 this CROND[1754]: (root) CMD (nice -n 19 run-parts 
Jan 31 14:03:40 this rpmdrake[1711]: Installing package 
Jan 31 14:03:46 this kernel: ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet 
Level 3
Jan 31 14:03:46 this kernel: ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A
*Jan 31 14:03:49 this kernel: EXT3-fs error (device ide0(3,2)): 
*ext3_new_block: Allocating block in system zone - block = 294916
*Jan 31 14:03:49 this kernel: EXT3-fs error (device ide0(3,2)): 
*ext3_new_block: Allocating block in system zone - block = 294917

Jan 31 14:29:22 this fsck: /dev/hda2 contains a file system with 
errors, check forced
Jan 31 14:29:25 this /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: ... no modules for USB 
product 0/0/0
Jan 31 14:29:36 this fsck: Inode 139427 is in use, but has dtime set.  
Jan 31 14:29:36 this fsck: /de

Re: [expert] ML9.0:file system completely crashed ext3,"could not find mime type",kde3.0.3

2003-02-11 Thread vatbier
civileme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> WD drives of the generation you are using do not calculate that same
> CRC for comparison--they store it in their big 600-byte sectors along 
> with the 512 bytes of data.  They may calculate the first in a series 
> of writes, but not all.
>The drive is safe enough run at udma2 (33Mhz and 32 byte CRCs) or 
> If you cannot put a better drive in that box, a 40-pin cable could
> make a big difference for the safe operation, to force 33MHz or lower 
> transfer speed.

I had already read that WD and UDMA5 give problems but my hard drive 
WD400BB-32CXA was bought in april 2002. Were can I find the generation 
info that my drive has no good CRC checking at UDMA3,4,5? I searched the
Western Digital website (wdc.com) but they don't give that kind of 
information. Do the new WD400BB drives do correct CRC checking?

You say "They may calculate the first in a series of writes, but not
all.": where can I find that kind of insight info, I searched the net 
but apart from some of your postings haven't found much else.

I don't have a 40-pin cable. If I use the hdparm command
hdparm -k1 -d1 -X66 /dev/hda  (66:UDMA2), would this give the same 
effect? Can changing the UDMA setting  with hdparm give problems/errors?
I also downloaded from the WDC website Data Lifeguard Tools that can 
change the udma setting on the hard drive itself. If I used this to 
change the UDMA to 2, would my linux have no problems with this (I'm a 
a little scared to use hdparm or WDC tools, in "man hdparm" they state 
"Use with extreme caution! This feature includes zero protection for 
the unwary, and an unsuccessful outcome may result in severe filesystem 
corruption!") ?

How can I prevent CRC errors? Can an IDE-cable suddenly become bad, or 
experience interference, I read about twisted cables, ...
"The HDD should NOT be mounted near the power supply due to fan issues. 
The fan in the supply causes the HDD to misinterpret CRC-checksums and 
produces CRC-errors. Also, high-speed CD drives should not be near the 
HDD" : fan causing CRC-errors? CD drives ?

How much slower is UDMA2 than UDMA5? (hdparm -t), You said somewhere
that the performance does not differ much?

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Re: [expert] ML9.0:file system completely crashed ext3,"could not find mime type",kde3.0.3

2003-02-12 Thread vatbier
civileme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The X66 is safe to use as you have described it.  What is dangerous is
> overdriving.
hdparm -k1 -d1 -X66 /dev/hda  (66:UDMA2)
I guess you mean if I change the hard drive setting with
DataLifeGuard and then do "hdparm -d1 X69"  (69:UDMA5) that
this is dangerous, or if I try to set it to UDMA6 (:133Mhz)?
Mandrake 9.0 uses UDMA5 automatically (without program hdparm),
is this configured on booting are is it written at installation of
ML9.0 in some configuration file?
What program in Mandrake 9.0 is responsible for this, or is it just
the kernel that figures out what the highest UDMA setting is?

> Also, IIRC, DataLifeGuard phones home and gives you warning if your
> drive is about to fail (and it works on non-WDs too).
DataLifeGuard is just an utility on a floppy disk, or does it
install a phone home program in Windows XP?

> As for the variance of speed, consider this...
Ok, then I'll probably set it with hdparm to UDMA2.
Hm, where is the -k1 option for hdparm written to? man hdparm
doesn't talk about a configuration file.

> yes check out man elvtune
man elvtune: I/O elevator tuner: don't know enough about it to
understand this.

> a secondary cosmic ray is a significant noise source.  Not much charge
> moves on those cables at the interface voltage in that time span.
"secondary cosmic ray": didn't know it was that delicate, how are
IDE-cables protected on the Space Station and what speed would they

> You can download an ATA66 disable utility (windows compatible) for 
> your WD.
I think this utility is also on the DataLifeGuard floppy disk
dlgudma.exe - Data Lifeguard Ultra ATA Management

Something else I wonder:

A lot of system files (e.g. /usr/bin/play) disappeared, they were 
because of corruption (bad mode,deleted/unused inode,illegal character
Did the corruption occur with these messages in syslog:
"EXT3-fs error (device ide0(3,2)): ext3_new_block: Allocating block in
system zone - block = 294914" ? What do these messages mean?

I have no idea how on low-level files are written to hard drives. I
guess that over the IDE-cable a command must be sent (write/read)
with an address (where to store/read on the hard drive) and the data
that must be written ( how is this done? Do 512 bytes of data have to be
written even if you only want one bit changed? I guess from Civilemes
postings that sectors of data on a hard drive are 512 bytes, is this
correct? Or do you have to write a full cluster (: group of sectors)
even if you want one bit changed?)

How could the corruption on my file system have occurred? Was a
"read" command changed to a "write" command, was an address changed
into another address so that an important part of the file system got
overwritten that resulted in massive file corruption?
In syslog there were about 22345 messages indicating inodes, files as
corrupt. How many writes are needed to corrupt that many files? Did it
just occur with one command or was my system producing random data
corruption during several seconds?

Or is it possible that the data on my hard drive was OK, but that it got
corrupted when it got read by my system? Does Linux check, reread when
it encounters CRC-errors?

Is it possible that data corruption occurs without being noticed
immediately? Is it only noticed when a damaged block is read and
compared to its CRC?

On another partition I have Windows XP: could corruption  just as well
have occurred during a Windows XP session? Would Windows XP also
have noticed it at the next booting?

I read that Western Digital supports only Windows and Solaris, does
this mean that its drivers for these OSes protect better against
CRC-errors in UDMA 3,4,5?

Can Linux protect against these possible errors by rereading the
hard drive after a write command and thus checking if it was written
correctly? Would a double check like this seriously affect performance?

Last question: what hard drives do you recommend: Maxtor, Seagate?
I read through some hard drive forums, isn't clear which hard drives are
the best.


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Re: [expert] ML9.0:file system completely crashed ext3,"could not find mime type",kde3.0.3

2003-02-14 Thread vatbier
J. Grant wrote:
> > Mandrake 9.0 uses UDMA5 automatically (without program hdparm),
> > is this configured on booting are is it written at installation of
> > ML9.0 in some configuration file?
> mdk9 does not use UDMA5 by default. Your HD/BIOS initalise themselves 
> to what they consider to be the fastest stable speed and setttings etc
> less /etc/sysconfig/harddisks
> You can override what mdk9 has in that file to change stuff, default 
> is often very slow.

Everything in that file is commented out, ah now I understand Todd's 
reply ("Default is everything commented out, so it's whatever the kernel
natively recognizes.  hdparm is only necessary if the kernel doesn't
quite recognize the ide controller chipset and you want to try to wring
every bit of performance you can out of it. Todd")

> > What program in Mandrake 9.0 is responsible for this, or is it just
> > the kernel that figures out what the highest UDMA setting is?
> man hdparm

No, hdparm is not installed in my freshly installed Mandrake 9.0 yet 
dmesg shows:
"Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 7.00alpha2
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with
VP_IDE: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 89
VP_IDE: chipset revision 6
VP_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
VP_IDE: VIA vt8233 (rev 00) IDE UDMA100 controller on pci00:11.1
ide0: BM-DMA at 0xfc00-0xfc07, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
ide1: BM-DMA at 0xfc08-0xfc0f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
hda: WDC WD400BB-32CXA0, ATA DISK drive
hdc: LITE-ON LTR-24102B, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
hda: 78165360 sectors (40021 MB) w/2048KiB Cache, CHS=4865/255/63, 

for hda it reports UDMA(100), the ide controller chipset is recognized 
as VIA vt8233 (rev 00) IDE UDMA100 controller.
I think it is this part of the kernel that is responsible for it:

> > I think this utility is also on the DataLifeGuard floppy disk
> > dlgudma.exe - Data Lifeguard Ultra ATA Management
> I'm not sure why are considering this program as it will never work 
> on GNU/Linux or GNU/Wine.

No, it is a booting floppy disk, the utility changes the UDMA setting 
on the hard disk itself.

> > Did the corruption occur with these messages in syslog:
> > "EXT3-fs error (device ide0(3,2)): ext3_new_block: Allocating block
> > in system zone - block = 294914" ? What do these messages mean?
> Did you install with a search for badblocks?

No, but on my new install of ML9.0 I did, install didn't tell if it 
found any badblocks.

> e2fsck -f -c /dev/hdX can do it for you now, make sure you are in
> single user mode though and your HD is mounted ro.

I already reinstalled ML9.0, but I tried on this new install 
"e2fsck -f -c /dev/hda2": and it returned a bunch of errors. And this 
is after a fresh install. I'll complain about this in another thread.


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[expert] ML9.0: patch VIA to enable UDMA100 not installed but yet reporting UDMA100, Cycle time 120 ns???

2003-02-14 Thread vatbier
I WROTE THE Western Digital Data Lifeguard Utilities to a floppy disk:
tested my WD400BB-32CXA0 No errors.
Changed with the Ultra Management utility the UDMA setting on the
disk itself from UDMA5 (100) TO UDMA2 (33):
ML9.0 and ML8.2 report in dmesg: UDMA(33)
Win XP reports also UDMA2.
I tested in ML8.2:
  hdparm /dev/hda: using_dma=1(on)
  hdparm -Tt /dev/hda: 27,23 MB/s
  hdparm -I /dev/hda: DMA ... *udma2
  cycle time: min=120ns recommended=120ns
Changed back from UDMA2 (33) to  UDMA5 (100)
Now I got these results:
  hdparm -Tt /dev/hda: 27  MB/s
  hdparm -I /dev/hda: DMA ... *udma5
  cycle time: min=120ns recommended=120ns
HUH? 120ns??

SEE http://www.pcguide.com/ref/hdd/if/ide/modes.htm  UDMA:
This table shows all of the current Ultra DMA modes, along with
their cycle times and maximum transfer rates:

Ultra DMA Cycle Time Maximum Transfer
Mode  (nanoseconds)Rate (MB/s)
Mode 0   240 16.7
Mode 1   160 25.0
Mode 2   120 33.3
Mode 3 90 44.4
Mode 4 60 66.7
Mode 5 40 100.0

The cycle time shows the speed of the interface clock; the clock's
frequency is the reciprocal of this number (see here for more on
clocking.) The maximum transfer rate is four times the reciprocal of
the cycle time--double transition clocking means each cycle has two
transfers, and each transfer moves two bytes (16 bits). "

UDMA5 should have cycle time: 40ns
Why does hdparm -I /dev/hda report
"cycle time: min=120ns recommended=120ns" ?
Is this a bug of hdparm?
Or does the cycle time in hdparm means something else?
Or could it be that the UDMA5 of my hard drive gives the same speed as

Then I found on viaarena.com this patch for ML8.2:
VIA ML8.2 ATA133-100 Patch 686B-8231-8233x-8235 ver 0.91A.gz
contains a patch file mdk8.2-patch-2.4.18-vpide.gz date: 20/9/02
and a readme.pdf:
VIA ML8.2 ATA133-100 Patch Readme.pdf:

"hdparm -t /dev/hda: sustained transfer rate of the disk reads:

VT8233 Original Kernel  23,7   MB/sec
   rebuilt kernel with   39,75 MB/sec
   Patch IDE

Success of kernel patching: dmesg:
"VP_IDE: VIA vt8233 (rev 00) IDE UDMA100 controller on pci00:11.1
Note the data transfer for VT8233 has changed from 33 to 100"

HUH MY dmesg already states UDMA100 but
hdparm -t /dev/hda on my ML8.2 is only 26,67 MB/sec 

Hm, I remember that my ML8.2 has no original kernel,  I installed a new
one from cooker during the summer.
So either my kernel is already patched and for some other reason only
manages 26,67 MB/sec for sustained transfer rate or it isn't patched
yet and incorrectly states that I have a UDMA100 driver.

hdparm on my ML9.0 shows the same speeds. Does ML9.0 has this patch from
VIA already included?

How  in Linux can I test the burst speed which should come close to
the UDMA speed: 100 MB/sec (in article below: +/- 87 MB/sec) ?

In this article they tested speeds in Windows
"http://www.tecchannel.de/hardware/817/index.html: Client / Komponenten
/ VIA Chipsets slow down PCI cards: Vom 21.12.2001, Update am 04.02.2002
VIA Chipsets slow down PCI cards: a driver patch is available to boost
burst speed closer to 100 MB/sec
The speed while doing sequential transfers from the hard drive media
itself is actually much lower than that. High end IDE drives max out at
about 40 MBytes/s currently.  >>>>AHA BUT I ONLY GET 
  >>>> 26,67 MB/sec
If you consider the overhead, these drives
can only push older Ultra-ATA/66-controllers to their limits."

What is a normal sustained transfer rate for UDMA5 in Linux ( what does
"hdparm -t /dev/hda" return on your computer)?
How in Win XP can I test the sustained transfer rate like in Linux with
the command "hdparm -t /dev/hda" ? Would it be the same speed as in
Linux ?


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[expert] ML9.0: Fresh install, found one file 2 GB big, "e2fsck -f -c /dev/hda2" returns errors:

2003-02-14 Thread vatbier
I reinstalled ML9.0 (for the third time) on 9/2/03
I found just by coincidence in
53c7,8xx.o.gz  2GB big !! I repeat 2GB big (date was normal 20/9/02)

and the partition is only 2GB big.
What happened ???
I haven't done much configuration yet to that install, last thing I did
with it was make a backup.
I guess at install something must have gone wrong.
>From my ML8.2 I did a
"e2fsck -f -c /dev/hda2"  (suggested by J.Grant)
to search for badblocks.
I first changed in /etc/fstab hda2 to ro (read-only).

"e2fsck -f -c /dev/hda2" gave this:

"[root@mycom root]# e2fsck -f -c /dev/hda2
e2fsck 1.26 (3-Feb-2002)
/dev/hda2 is mounted.
WARNING!!!  Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause
SEVERE filesystem damage.

Do you really want to continue (y/n)? yes

Checking for bad blocks (read-only test): done
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
/lost+found not found.  Create? yes
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
Free blocks count wrong for group #3 (13860, counted=13859).
Fix? no
Free blocks count wrong (132161, counted=132160).
Fix? no
Free inodes count wrong for group #0 (8528, counted=8527).
Fix? no
Directories count wrong for group #0 (527, counted=528).
Fix? no
Free inodes count wrong (145295, counted=145294).
Fix? no
/dev/hda2: ** WARNING: Filesystem still has errors **
/dev/hda2: 118001/263296 files (0.2% non-contiguous), 393967/526128

I pressed no when asked to fix things, when it asked to create a
/lost+found DIRECTORY I had to say yes: it created a /lost+found on
/dev/hda2 allthough in /etc/fstab it says ro.
How come that a directory could be created by e2fsck in a partition that
has read-only access?

I'm not sure what e2fsck does, I think it didn't find badblocks
("Checking for bad blocks (read-only test): done"), is this correct?

I'll have to reinstall ML9.0 ( for the 4th time, bah).
How can I be certain that it'll be installed correctly?
How many other files have been compromised? "rpm -Va" isn't sufficient
to check a complete linux installation, is it?
I don't know what the errors above mean.
And what has caused this corruption of files? Is it memory, hard disk,
IDE cable, IDE controller, UDMA, CPU, cooling, CD-Writer,...?
Did it happen at installation of ML9.0, afterwards?

In thread "ML9.0:file system completely crashed ext3,"could not find
mime type",kde3.0.3" I began to think it might have been the bad UDMA5
implementation of my Western Digital hard drive but now I'm not sure
wether it might be because of something else.

I tested my 512 MB memory a couple of times with memtest86 (not enough I
know), I tested with a utility from WD my hard drive: didn't found any

J.Grant replied:
"If they were badblock errors your HD has failed, replace it and your
problems might go away."


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Re: [expert] ML9.0: patch VIA to enable UDMA100 not installed but yet reporting UDMA100, Cycle time 120 ns???

2003-02-15 Thread vatbier
--- vatbier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Then I found on viaarena.com this patch for ML8.2:
> VIA ML8.2 ATA133-100 Patch 686B-8231-8233x-8235 ver 0.91A.gz
> contains a patch file mdk8.2-patch-2.4.18-vpide.gz date: 20/9/02
> and a readme.pdf:
> VIA ML8.2 ATA133-100 Patch Readme.pdf:
> "hdparm -t /dev/hda: sustained transfer rate of the disk reads:
> ...
> VT8233 Original Kernel  23,7   MB/sec
>rebuilt kernel with   39,75 MB/sec
> Patch IDE
> So either my kernel is already patched and for some other reason only
> manages 26,67 MB/sec for sustained transfer rate or it isn't patched
> yet and incorrectly states that I have a UDMA100 driver.
> hdparm on my ML9.0 shows the same speeds. Does ML9.0 has this patch
> from
> VIA already included?
I looked at this patch mdk8.2-patch-2.4.18-vpide and compared it to 
The via82cxxx.c of ML9.0 seems updated with this patch (but not 
entirely), but pci_ids.h does not
(e.g. "-#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8233_00x3074
  +#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_VIA_8233   0x3074"
 in pci_ids.h it still reads "VIA_8233_0").

I'm not familiar with looking at patches but I get the feeling it
adds udma133 support.
I have VIA 8233 and ML9.0:via82cxxx.c looks like I should get UDMA100
speeds for hdparm -t /dev/hda. But I'm getting just 26,67 MB/sec
of the near 40 MB/sec speed they promise.
Or there other parameters that influence hdparm -t /dev/hda?
(Somewhere I read that  "I/O support = 1(32-bit)" should be set to 3,
 set "unmaskirq = 1 (on)" to 0 for better performances).
So again what does hdparm -t /dev/hda return on your computer (with or 
without VIA 8233 and/or Western Digital hard drives) ?


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[expert] ML9.0:are services fam, portmap and xinetd necessary on a stand-alone desktop computer

2003-01-17 Thread vatbier
Mandrake Linux 9.0 here.
Are services fam, portmap and xinetd necessary on a stand-alone desktop 
computer connected to the internet just for surfing, reading mails, 
newsgroups? No printer is connected (cups is not installed).
Does Konqueror (KDE 3.0.3) really need fam (and portmap) or is it just 
non-essential, just for the fun to see a file grow as it is being 
What programs use and/or need fam? (I don't have NFS mounteddirectories)
What programs use and/or need portmap? (I don't have RPC servers (NFS,
NIS,... ) running I think)
Is xinetd necessary? Are only servers listed in /etc/xinetd.d/ 
used/started by xinetd? If I use none of these servers is it safe to 
stop xinetd?
(/etc/xinetd.d/cvs is to setup a cvs server, correct? it isn't needed 
for  the command "cvs checkout" to download a source repository)


After I wrote the above I found this:
lists.kde.org :kde-devel From Josef Weidendorfer 2002-11-29:
> Oh, and FAM causes millions of updates on a local open directory with
> Konqueror, just when I retag an MP3/Ogg file with EasyTAG.  After it's
> finished tagging, Konqueror keeps flickering like mad for 10 seconds > 
> and I can't use any other Konqueror windows.  Disabling service 
>sgi-fam in xinetd does the trick, and Konqueror updates directories 
>again, at a sane speed.  But isn't fam supposed to help performance by 
>reducing reads to find out whether an element has changed?
the reasoning behind FAM is to keep CPU resources low for applications 
that want reaction on file changes.
The need for this is not given when only one application is looking 
for changes in a local directory: it can do polling at reasonable 
intervals. This is the case with Konqui when you disable FAM and 
dnotify. As you say, you get perfect and reasonable behaviour.
The reason for FAM is given when
* there is a large number of applications looking for changes in the 
same directory. FAM can centralize the actions needed, but notify each 
application on a change.
This would be needed if KDE applications keep an eye on their config 
files: Each KDE app would need to listen for changes to the file with 
global KDE configuration, too. Here, the centralized approach of FAM is 
helpful. You can specify FAM to only do STAT polling instead of using 
kernel support (e.g. DNOTIFY).
* the directory to watch for changes is remotely mounted. As STATs over 
NFS are slow, you create unneeded network loading. When the FAM daemon 
is running on the server machine, the local FAM on the file server 
looks for local changes (perhaps again using only STAT polling, but 
that's fast when local). When a change is detected, the server FAM 
notifies all watching client FAMs and these demultiplex the 
notification for each application on their machine which are interested 
in changes.
The centralized approach of FAM is needed here, too: Suppose 1000 
clients doing STAT polling over NFS instead of using FAM...

How does FAM know about changes on local files?
There is either
- regular polling with STAT
- using some kernel support: imon (IRIX), dnotify (LINUX), kqueue (BSD?)

STAT polling every 0,5 seconds is mostly enough (configured when 
compiling FAM). Disadvantage is a maximal delay of 0,5 s for events to 
be delivered. STAT does not open the watched files are make a watched 
dir its cwd, so there will never be any problems with "device busy". 
Umounting devices is no problem with STAT polling.

If there are huge numbers of files to be watched, or you want immediatly 
notified about changes, use kernel support:

* imon uses the /dev/imon pseudo device to get notifications from the 
kernel. There's also a implementation for LINUX, but because of bad 
shape of this code, it's not in any legacy kernel and AFAIK no 
distribution has it build in. BTW, this is the IRIX way on SGI 

* Don't know about kqueue (is this the right name for this service on 

* dnotify on LINUX: This is in the legacy kernel. And that's the reason 
all distributions seem to have FAM built to use it (SUSE, Red Hat, 

Drawbacks of DNOTIFY:
- DNOTIFY forces FAM to open the directory which contains files to be 
watched. This means problems with unmounting devices. Simple advice: 
Kill the FAM daemon before unmounting ;-)
- DNOTIFY has no event delaying. For every write syscall to a watched 
file, DNOTIFY produces immediatly a signal (for FAM). Worse, all 
DNOTIFY applications (FAM, KDirWatch with dnotify support) use realtime 
signals. These aren't merged by the kernel but queued and could lead to 
overrunning this queue (thus, the additional need for SIGIO handler). 
But this is needed as an attribute for the signal is the changed 
directory file descriptor, and thus the application knows the directory 
where the change happened. When using a normal signal for dnotify, 

Re: [expert] ML9.0:are services fam, portmap and xinetd necessary on a stand-alone desktop computer

2003-01-18 Thread vatbier
On Saturday January 18 2003 04:52 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/admin/index.html#ss   has lists of 
> all system services, even a deprecated services list. For each, they 
> are rated optional, common, or essential.  Many of the listed 
> services have links to more documentation for that service. IOW's, 
> much more info than you get from MCC.
About fam service there is no documentation, the links to more 
documentation I have already tried.
Again: What programs (in Mandrake Linux) use fam, use portmap ? Is it 
save to not use xinetd?
Pfff I can't think right now on this matter, I've to do something else.


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[expert] ML9.1: Why difference between screen position of ML8.2 and ML9.1 with same settings in "xvidtune -show" ?

2003-08-28 Thread vatbier
I have two linux OSes on my computer: ML8.2 and ML9.1. I notice that
the screen position of [EMAIL PROTECTED] is different although
"xvidtune -show" show the same settings and the same monitor has been
choosen in Monitor setup (I don't have a modeline in XF86Config-4, it's
just one automatically made by X with the DDC Monitor info).
In ML9.1 (XFree4.3) the screen is horizontally a bit too large such that
maximal opened windows loose part of their sides.
I can correct this in ML9.1 by using "xvidtune" but I don't like
changing the default modeline and if I use the On Screen Display of
my monitor to adjust the screen ML8.2 (XFree4.2) looks too small.

Why don't the screens of ML8.2 and ML9.1 use the same monitor space as
the settings as shown in "xvidtune -show" are the same? What other
parameters play a role in here and is it possible to set the screens
exactly the same?

Thank you,


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[expert] Why doesn't "cat" print content of a file to standard output if the content is only a number ?

2003-09-12 Thread vatbier
ML9.1 here.
When I type in a Konsole
 "cat /var/lock/subsys/dm"
no output is generated (dm containing the pid number of process prefdm)
to the Konsole.
But when I type
 "kill `cat /var/lock/subsys/dm"
the process is effectively killed.

I found this command in /etc/rc.d/init.d/dm:
" stop)
gprintf "Stopping display manager: "
if [ -r /var/lock/subsys/dm ]; then
kill `cat /var/lock/subsys/dm` > /dev/null 2>&1

It took me a while to figure out that "cat" wouldn't print the content
of a file to the Konsole(standard output) if that content consist only
of a number. If that number is followed by a space in that file "cat"
shows "number " on the Konsole.
But if I type "cat /var/lock/subsys/dm > test.txt" the number is
copied to test.txt. And in the command "kill `cat /var/lock/subsys/dm"
the number is correctly presented to the "kill" command.

Why this behaviour for "cat" ? "info cat" gives me no clue.
Is this a bug of "cat" or some sort of feature ?


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[expert] ML9.1:Kwrite:unicode encoding breaks reading of old iso8859-15 text files

2003-09-12 Thread vatbier
It was really annoying to find out that ML9.1:KDE3.1:Kwrite has as
default unicode encoding (utf8) whereas in ML8.2 Kwrite saved files in
iso8859-15 encoding.
I had a iso8859-15 encoded file that I write in with Kwrite
in ML9.1 and in ML8.2. The normal English characters are represented
the same in iso8859-15 and in utf8, but my "European" characters
like "é,è,ï,ë,ç" all became crippled by the utf8 encoding of
Kwrite in ML9.1. Took me a while to correct that problem as the
file is rather big.

I read somewhere that KDE3.1 now uses unicode encoding. That's good
info, but I'd like to learn about this kind of changes at the
time of installing Mandrake 9.1.
So please put a big warning sticker at Install time to warn
(non-English) people that certain word processors now use
unicode encoding without being clear about it.
The only wordprocessor that works correctly is KWord that asks
when you open a plain text file what kind of encoding it has.
You can view iso8859-15 text files correctly by opening them
in Kwrite and changing the display encoding with
View:Set Encoding:iso8859-15

Also Kwrite has some annoying bugs:
When you open a text file, by clicking in Konqueror it is
opened in utf8 encoding and when you save it with the "Save" command
it is saved in utf8 encoding.
But if you use the "Save as" command, the saving defaults to
koi8-r encoding (Russian) as it is the first entry in the character
encoding listing in the "Save as" dialog. So remember to change this to
Also when you have a text file opened by Kwrite and you want to
open another iso8859-15 text file, using File:Open and selecting
the iso8859-15 encoding in the "Open File" dialog, it is displayed in
utf8 encoding. Only when you open a blank KWrite window from the menu
you can use the "Open File" dialog and select the iso8859-15 encoding
and it is correctly shown in iso8859-15. Otherwise you have to use
View:Set Encoding:iso8859-15.


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[expert] Re: Why doesn't "cat" print content of a file to standard output if the content is only a number ?

2003-09-12 Thread vatbier
NO, the output of "cat /var/lock/subsys/dm" is written over by the
prompt of my shell (dm has a number like 1114)
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]$ cat /var/lock/subsys/dm
My system is Mandrake Linux 9.1 with bash v2.05b
Is it possible to change this bash behaviour so that the prompt doesn't
overwrite output of a command?

If I type this:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]$ echo -n "This is an example of what happens" >me
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]$ cat me
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]$  of what happens
then I have to press Enter to be able to write at my prompt.

Also the reason why I thought this only happened with a number
was that I tested it with text files created by KWrite. I just
found out that (sometimes) if I replace a number with some other
characters KWrite adds a newline character by itself. I then had
the impression that it didn't happen with text characters.

Thank you all for the quick responses,


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[expert] Solved: Why doesn't "cat" print content of a file to standard output if the content is only a number ?

2003-09-18 Thread vatbier
Solved: this has already been rapported in september 2002:
http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=74383 :
Bug 74383 - start of line is discarded when writing a prompt
Red Hat applied in december a patch from Chet Ramey to
Mandrake currently has this patch applied only in their cooker:
When running in a locale with multibyte characters, the
readline display updater will use carriage returns when
drawing the line, overwriting any partial output already
on the screen and not terminated by a newline.

Just found this info by accident.


vatbier wrote:

> NO, the output of "cat /var/lock/subsys/dm" is written over by the
> prompt of my shell (dm has a number like 1114)
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]$ cat /var/lock/subsys/dm
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]$
> My system is Mandrake Linux 9.1 with bash v2.05b
> Is it possible to change this bash behaviour so that the prompt
> doesn't overwrite output of a command?
> If I type this:
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]$ echo -n "This is an example of what happens" >me
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]$ cat me
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] home]$  of what happens
> then I have to press Enter to be able to write at my prompt.
> Also the reason why I thought this only happened with a number
> was that I tested it with text files created by KWrite. I just
> found out that (sometimes) if I replace a number with some other
> characters KWrite adds a newline character by itself. I then had
> the impression that it didn't happen with text characters.
> Thank you all for the quick responses,
> vatbier

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[expert] ML9.1: Why does MandrakeUpdate show a new kernel-source but not a new kernel?

2003-09-27 Thread vatbier
MandrakeUpdate shows a new kernel-source and kernel-doc but to install
the new kernel you have to use RpmDrake:Install Software.
MandrakeUpdate replaces the old kernel-source and -doc with the new
ones, RpmDrake must be used for the kernel itself to install it next
to the old one.
I thought that these three (kernel,-source,-doc) must be installed
together. If you want to update everything with MandrakeUpdate, you
have to know that if you also select the new kernel-source and -doc
you must run rpmdrake to install the new kernel.
Is this info documented somewhere for newbies? How would they know
that they have to install the new kernel with rpmdrake or rpm?
Because I only find these old links:
and http://www.mandrakesecure.net/en/docs/magic.php


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[expert] ML9.1: SysV-Init Editor crashes with KUniqueApplication: DCOP communication error

2003-09-28 Thread vatbier
Mandrake Linux 9.1: KDE3.1:
kdeadmin-3.1-8mdk: ksysv An editor for System V startup schemes:
SysV-Init Editor

SysV-Init Editor crashes everytime when I want to start it up.
When I start it in Konsole i get this error message
ERROR: KUniqueApplication: DCOP communication error!
I remember having this problem also in ML8.2, but then some
day SysV-Init Editor in ML8.2 started working and still works
without problem in ML8.2.
But in ML9.1 the problem is persistent.
I searched with Google but have no solution found, this bug has
also been reported at http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37123
but no solution yet.

In Mandrake Linux drakxservices is used to set the services,
but I liked the program SysV-Init Editor to compare the
different runlevels.


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[expert] ML9.1: Why did Mandrake put restrictions on using KDE as root? (Konqueror timeout errors)

2003-10-03 Thread vatbier
Sometimes I log in into KDE as root. When I, being logged in as
root, use Konqueror to surf on the internet, I notice a lot of
timeout errors (trying do to a query search in Mandrakesoft Bugzilla
always timed out).
In KCC:Network:Preferences I saw that timeout settings of 2 seconds
(instead of the default 15,10,20,600 seconds) were saved into
That kioslaverc file for root came out of directory
/usr/share/mdk/kde/root-interface/ . I guess that root-interface
directory is full of KDE settings specifically for root.
Why are those timeout settings set to 2 seconds for root in KDE, for
security reasons or to hinder people at staying too long logged in
as root in KDE? Are there any other of those annoying settings that
prevent easy use of logging in as root into KDE?
And to refresh my memory, why is it a bad idea to login as root in
KDE? These days I do a lot of root changes,it's easier for me to
stay for a while in KDE as root than to type my root password
everytime I want to do some root job as a regular user.


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