[expert] Re: Linksys NC100 NIC - Still won't compile

2001-05-22 Thread David Rankin

Craig Sprout wrote:

 David Rankin wrote:
  Craig, thanks for the tulip.o and pci-scan.o, we almost had a winner!
  Unfortunately, there is a Kernel mismatch. Yours were compiled with
  2.2.17 kernel, mine tells me it need 2.2.17mdk. Picky, picky, picky. I
  am going to search for another tulip.c that hopefully I can get to
  compile on my system. I still can't figure out why mine won't compile.
  I'm going to research which gcc components I have installed and maybe
  its just a library problem - who knows...

 Ooopppss...sorry about that.  My other box is a 2.2.15mdk.  Wonder if I
 compile it there if that will work...I suspect that your kernel is
 compiled with the Set Version Information on symbols for All modules
 option set to No, which will force the module version to match the
 kernel version.  You could rebuild your kernel with that option set to
 Yes, and the modules should work flawlessly.

 If you like I can try it on my 2.2.15mdk kernel, and send you those

 Ain't this fun?  :)


I got it to compile (both pci-scan.c and tulip.c) installed the modules and
it works like a champ! Don Becker of scyld.com had the answer I needed to
add -I/usr/src/linux-2.2.17/include to my gcc compile string. After doing so
it all worked! (I swear I had used -I/usr/src/linux/include) (linux is a
soft link to linux-2.2.17) Whatever the reason, Don's advice fixed the

Thanks to all

 Craig Sprout
 Network Administrator
 Crown Parts and Machine, Inc.

David C. Rankin
Nacogdoches, Texas

[expert] Re: Linksys NC100 NIC - Still won't compile

2001-05-22 Thread David Rankin

Craig Sprout wrote:
 Hi David!
 Glad to hear that your NIC is up and running.  I just had a quick question
 for you -- were you able to compile that module from the linux source
 tree, or did you do it by itself?
 Just wondering, since I've never been able to compile it with the kernel.
 As an aside, isn't it cool that gurus like Don Becker will take the time
 to speak to the mere mortals?  That is just awesome!  :)
 Catch you later.

Craig, I'm not sure what you mean? I don't think I used the Linux source
tree. I simply obtained the tulip.c and pci-scan.c files along
kern_compat.h from Beouwolf (scyld.com).

I created a /usr/scr/linux/module/tulip directory and put the source in

I compiled pci-scan with the following command line:

  -I/usr/src/linux-2.2.17/include \
  -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c pci-scan.c 

I compiled tulip with the following command line:

  gcc -DMODULE -D__KERNEL__ \
  -I/usr/src/linux-2.2.17/include \
  -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes \
  -O6 -c tulip.c  echo -DMODVERSIONS

Tested each with insmod - worked OK (tulip still doesn't play nicely
with modprobe?)
Moved each to /lib/modules/.../net
Used linuxconf (I know I cheated -- it was late) to set eth0 to tulip
eth0 came to life and I was connected to the cable ISP
Checked /etc/modules.conf for alias eth0 tulip - was OK
Did a shutdown -t 1 -h now (and got the hell in bed, it was late and I
was tired)

So I don't know what you call that operation, but I'm just happy it all
worked out.

It's amazing the lenghts we will go to in order to set up a second
machine to serve as a 'test box' to hopefully keep us from doing
anything unwise to the real system Now if I could just get my wife
accustomed to Grub


David Rankin
Rankin*Bertin, PLLC
Nacogdoches, Texas