Re: [expert] kcontrol STILL doesn't function - DONE/FIXED

2001-02-03 Thread Kelley Terry

On Friday 02 February 2001 01:59 pm, you wrote:
 Thank you.  BUT saying it 100 times wouldn't fix this.  Someone wrote me to
 suggest running root and as user.  I did.  The result was
 that root AND user no longer had a functioning kcontrol.  Neither had
 kcontrol so I cannot compare /root/.kde/share/applnk or app/ with any user.
 Whatever is lacking is lacking globally after this kbuildsycoca run.  I
 also tried the copy of
 /usr/share/applnk to .kde/share/applnk...etc.  Still no kcontrol.

 Perhaps you will be relieved to know that I got fed up with whatever the
 problem was (since no one seems to know SPECIFICALLY what file contains the
 information that kcontrol looks for with regards to X-KDE, etc, AND I had
 time to WASTE).  I downloaded the whole mess AGAIN.  I uninstalled all of
 KDE and then reinstalled ALL of it again.  Now, kcontrol works.  Nice, but
 I still want to know SPECIFICALLY what file provides the information to
 kcontrol so when I run into this (it is assured that upon upgrading to the
 next kde2.1 version that it will break again since it has with every kde
 2.1 iinstall so far...even though it is upgrading from one kde 2.1 to the
 next) I can fix it without all the ridiculous downloading, uninstalling,
 reintstalling, deleting .kderc, .kde/, and restarting.  It IS ridiculous.

 I don't want to simply follow the formula, if it works next time since it
 didn't this time, of deleting my .kde/share/applnk and copying the
 /usr/share/applnk every time kde 2.1 gets a tweaking and I want to use it. 
 I would like to simply be able to leave everything alone and cop ONE file
 from /usr/share/applnk to my home version.

 I really do not mean to be an ass but SHIT!  If something isn't broken,
 don't "fix" it by breaking it with EVERY release.  Settle on the format for
 config files (or whatever) and leave it.  You do not get any gain by
 changing the name or organization of the contents of a config file (or
 whatever is involved in this repetitive problem).  I am frustrated by the
 pointless changing for the sake of changing things that don't require

 On Friday 02 February 2001 13:01, you wrote:
  On Friday 02 February 2001 19:29, you wrote:
  I really do not know how many time I have to tell you that your problem
  is in applnk. If you have Kcontrol as root with all entries listed in
  kcontrol and do not have the same as user that means that you messed up
  with application links.
  1. Check in /usr/share/applnk if this directory is readable for users
  (see if permissions are OK).
  2. Copy  directory to /.kde/share and restart kde.

I too have had the same frustrations as you have.  I have been off line for 2 
days trying to reinstall to get it working.  Reinstalling kde didn't do 
it(probably didn't remove some files?). I upgraded to beta2 following Chris' 
instructions on a clean 7.2 install.  Kcontrol worked but files weren't 
opening properly.  Trying to fix this by editing 
/usr/share/applnk.kde/.hidden/konqfilemgr.desktop to include inode/directory 
and inode/block device worked to open files which worked.  Url links still 
wouldn't work when I removed quanta.  Basically I have had all the hassles 
you've had.  Kcontrol crashed again and so I did another 7.2 and kde beta2 
install.  Now I try not to mess directly with the config and hidden files 
that run the kde menus and kcontrol etc. but try to find the way to use the 
software built in kde to edit them.  So far I haven't hosed anything yet.  
Just in case you want to know like I did where that X-KDE-BaseGroup=settings 
is I looked in the hidden directories and did :
[root@localhost .menu]# rgrep -r X-KDE-BaseGroup=settings *
kdebasedir:#?package(kdebase): needs="kde" section="Configuration/" 
title="KDE" kde_opt="X-KDE-BaseGroup=settings"
Note that's one line that starts with #?pac ...  and ends with   ...=settings"
Again, I don't want to mess directly with the files any more but if I 
inadvertently screw things up I'd consider adding that line to 
/root/.menu/kdebasedir .  Hope it goes well with your new install. :-)

Re: [expert] kcontrol STILL doesn't function - DONE/FIXED

2001-02-03 Thread Zeljko Vukman

Maybe I had to explain to you in details what is going on when you 
change your Mandrake menus with
menudrake (read: application links). X-KDE-BaseGroup is nothing but a 
KDE directory in your application links.
In Mandrake menu this directory is subdirectory of Configuration 
directory. That's why I told you that you have
messed up with your application links. If you do not believe go to 
/.kde/share/ and move applnk directory somewhere
else, then restart your kde session and take a look at Kcontrol. All 
entries are missing ;). Or you can do that using
menudrake and remove KDE subdirectory from Configuration directory in 
your KDE menu. The result will be the same:
empty Kcontrol. People are just not aware that using menudrake can be 
very "dangerous" and give you a headache.

I bet that all of you who have empty Kcontrol have used menudrake and 
moved or deleted KDE dir in Configuration
menu dir. And then installed kde 2.1beta1 or beta2. The whole problem is 
because KDE has its own structure of menus
and Mandrake has another. And when you install KDE's RPM's installation 
can not find default Mandrake menu structure
and do not puts KDE dir with links to Configuration menu dir.

Best regards,

Re: [expert] kcontrol STILL doesn't function - DONE/FIXED

2001-02-03 Thread Praedor Tempus

Thank you.  The thing is, however, that I did do anything with menudrake.  
Kcontrol was working with (I can't recall precisely) kde 2.1-20010115 but 
upon upgrading to kde 2.1-20010118 and then again to 2.1-20010122, kcontrol 
didn't work.  The only thing changing was the version of kde 2.1.  

Then, there is the fact of me deleting my .kderc and .kde/ so that when I 
re-logged  in, it would be as if for the first time, vis a vis, kde, so it 
would install all the default settings as if for the first time.  

I wasn't going from 2.0.1 to 2.1, for which I might really expect trouble, 
but going from one 2.1 to the next.  In truth, there were only two reasons I 
was even upgrading:  first, to see if any newer version had a functional 
kword (still negative thus far), and then to see if kcontrol was going to 

Yesterday, with some spare time and as I mentioned previously, I went ahead 
and totally removed kde from my system and then reinstalled it.  I then 
deleted my then current .kderc and .kde/ as well as everything in /tmp.  I 
then rebooted and kcontrol was working.  I went home and that evening did the 
same thing on my desktop.  It worked initially, I even used kcontrol to 
change settings back to what I wanted.  I then closed kcontrol and a minute 
or so later, reopened it just to didn't work and was blank again.  
I didn't even THINK about menudrake and I didn't mess with any directories in 
the meantime.  It was working one moment, the next, it's blank.

I deleted once again my .kderc, .kde/, and everthing in .tmp/ and /tmp then 
rebooted.  It was working again, and then I made my changes 
again...lookandfeel, fixed the file association for html, mouse acceleration. 
 That's all.  That is all I did the previous time too.  Thus far, THIS time 
kcontrol still is functioning but now I expect that at any moment without any 
input or change on my part, I will open it up and find it blank again.  I had 
hoped that there was some config file rather than just a menu structure.  
With a config file, I could make it immutable so that it never vanishes or 

On Saturday 03 February 2001 03:11, you wrote:
 Maybe I had to explain to you in details what is going on when you
 change your Mandrake menus with
 menudrake (read: application links). X-KDE-BaseGroup is nothing but a
 KDE directory in your application links.
 In Mandrake menu this directory is subdirectory of Configuration
 directory. That's why I told you that you have
 messed up with your application links. If you do not believe go to
 /.kde/share/ and move applnk directory somewhere
 else, then restart your kde session and take a look at Kcontrol. All
 entries are missing ;). Or you can do that using
 menudrake and remove KDE subdirectory from Configuration directory in
 your KDE menu. The result will be the same:
 empty Kcontrol. People are just not aware that using menudrake can be
 very "dangerous" and give you a headache.

 I bet that all of you who have empty Kcontrol have used menudrake and
 moved or deleted KDE dir in Configuration
 menu dir. And then installed kde 2.1beta1 or beta2. The whole problem is
 because KDE has its own structure of menus
 and Mandrake has another. And when you install KDE's RPM's installation
 can not find default Mandrake menu structure
 and do not puts KDE dir with links to Configuration menu dir.

 Best regards,

Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

Re: [expert] kcontrol STILL doesn't function - DONE/FIXED

2001-02-03 Thread Praedor Tempus

You have reinstalled kde2.1 on a clean install of 7.2?  OK, try this:

Delete your .kderc, do an rm -rf on your $HOME/.kde directory, and then 
delete everything in your $HOME/tmp AND as root delete everything in the 
system /tmp directory. 

Reboot (actually rebooting may be overkill but be radical).  Login.  At this 
point you get the default kde session.  Open kcontrol.  It SHOULD be working 
now.  Go to the file associations menu.  Go to html under text.  Add 
konqueror (when you select the add button, just type in "konqueror", do not 
go down the list and select Konqueror Web Browser).  Now select it in the 
window and move it above Quanta.  Select the Embedding tab at the top.  On 
this page the window will have "KHTML" in it.  Select "Add" and then go down 
the list you get and find "Konqueror".  Select it.  Move it above KHTML.  Hit 

Now your html links should work.  This worked for me.  Now links in kmail 
actually open up in konqueror as they should and Quanta doesn't open up in 
its stead.

On Friday 02 February 2001 23:30, you wrote:
 On Friday 02 February 2001 01:59 pm, you wrote:
  Perhaps you will be relieved to know that I got fed up with whatever the
  problem was (since no one seems to know SPECIFICALLY what file contains
  the information that kcontrol looks for with regards to X-KDE, etc, AND I
  had time to WASTE).  I downloaded the whole mess AGAIN.  I uninstalled
  all of KDE and then reinstalled ALL of it again.  Now, kcontrol works. 
  Nice, but I still want to know SPECIFICALLY what file provides the
  information to kcontrol so when I run into this (it is assured that upon

 I too have had the same frustrations as you have.  I have been off line for
 2 days trying to reinstall to get it working.  Reinstalling kde didn't do
 it(probably didn't remove some files?). I upgraded to beta2 following
 Chris' instructions on a clean 7.2 install.  Kcontrol worked but files
 weren't opening properly.  Trying to fix this by editing
Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.

Re: [expert] kcontrol STILL doesn't function - DONE/FIXED

2001-02-03 Thread Kelley Terry

On Saturday 03 February 2001 03:11 am, you wrote:
 Maybe I had to explain to you in details what is going on when you
 change your Mandrake menus with
 menudrake (read: application links). X-KDE-BaseGroup is nothing but a
 KDE directory in your application links.
 In Mandrake menu this directory is subdirectory of Configuration
 directory. That's why I told you that you have
 messed up with your application links. If you do not believe go to
 /.kde/share/ and move applnk directory somewhere
 else, then restart your kde session and take a look at Kcontrol. All
 entries are missing ;). Or you can do that using
 menudrake and remove KDE subdirectory from Configuration directory in
 your KDE menu. The result will be the same:
 empty Kcontrol. People are just not aware that using menudrake can be
 very "dangerous" and give you a headache.

 I bet that all of you who have empty Kcontrol have used menudrake and
 moved or deleted KDE dir in Configuration
 menu dir. And then installed kde 2.1beta1 or beta2. The whole problem is
 because KDE has its own structure of menus
 and Mandrake has another. And when you install KDE's RPM's installation
 can not find default Mandrake menu structure
 and do not puts KDE dir with links to Configuration menu dir.

 Best regards,
Thanks Zeljko for the advice on the file associations tip to fix konqueror to 
open url links.  It works great.  I've used menudrake however I've never 
touched the /configuration/kde directory.  I have used the reload user config 
or reload system config under the file button option at the top often.  
Strange thing, even though kcontrol is empty again (for the umpteenth time) I 
still have access to all of it's menu entries through /panel/kmenu 

Re: [expert] kcontrol STILL doesn't function - DONE/FIXED

2001-02-03 Thread Christopher Molnar

Please post the output of the following commands - do not send to me direct 
as others can probably help as well:

rpm -qa|grep kde
rpm -qa|grep koffice
rpm -qa|grep xinitrc
rpm -qa|grep qt

Also an ls  -l of all the rpm's you downloaded to isntall.

Read on

On Friday 02 February 2001 15:59, Praedor Tempus wrote:
 Thank you.  BUT saying it 100 times wouldn't fix this.  Someone wrote me to
 suggest running root and as user.  I did.  The result was
 that root AND user no longer had a functioning kcontrol.  Neither had
 kcontrol so I cannot compare /root/.kde/share/applnk or app/ with any user.
 Whatever is lacking is lacking globally after this kbuildsycoca run.  I
 also tried the copy of
 /usr/share/applnk to .kde/share/applnk...etc.  Still no kcontrol.

the kbuildsycoca was the correct answer. However if you have any applnk 
contents under /home/user/.kde/share/applnk you are sometimes asking for 

 Perhaps you will be relieved to know that I got fed up with whatever the
 problem was (since no one seems to know SPECIFICALLY what file contains the
 information that kcontrol looks for with regards to X-KDE, etc, AND I had
 time to WASTE).  I downloaded the whole mess AGAIN.  I uninstalled all of
 KDE and then reinstalled ALL of it again.  Now, kcontrol works.  Nice, but
 I still want to know SPECIFICALLY what file provides the information to
 kcontrol so when I run into this (it is assured that upon upgrading to the
 next kde2.1 version that it will break again since it has with every kde
 2.1 iinstall so far...even though it is upgrading from one kde 2.1 to the
 next) I can fix it without all the ridiculous downloading, uninstalling,
 reintstalling, deleting .kderc, .kde/, and restarting.  It IS ridiculous.

Someone else told you  that if you do not want to take the risks do not run 
beta code, and I agree with that statement. However, there is no single file 
that provides the info to kcontrol. When the menus are built from the files 
in /usr/lib/menus there is a menu system built in /usr/share/applnk and under 
that is Configuration/KDE and in that directory is a .directory file that 
tells that this is where kcontrol is built from.

However, if you alter that file for some reason, or it gets corrupt this will 
cause you problems. All you need to do at that point is run update-menus as 
root, wait a few moments, restart KDE and you should be set, provided you 
have the right packages.

 I don't want to simply follow the formula, if it works next time since it
 didn't this time, of deleting my .kde/share/applnk and copying the
 /usr/share/applnk every time kde 2.1 gets a tweaking and I want to use it. 
 I would like to simply be able to leave everything alone and cop ONE file
 from /usr/share/applnk to my home version.

No, you can't. The code is in a state of change and the files used to create 
the menu entries are consistantly changing. This is a risk with code in 
active development. You wouold need to know which one of 500 files is messing 
things up.

 I really do not mean to be an ass but SHIT!  If something isn't broken,
 don't "fix" it by breaking it with EVERY release.  Settle on the format for
 config files (or whatever) and leave it.  You do not get any gain by
 changing the name or organization of the contents of a config file (or
 whatever is involved in this repetitive problem).  I am frustrated by the
 pointless changing for the sake of changing things that don't require

You are welcome for the termendous hours I put in building you packages. Do 
you know what the following words mean:

Beta - unstable test release of an updated development package. Bug fixing is 
going on.

Unsupported - means the distributitor supplies no support, you are on your 
own. And if you ask for support you better be nice our you will be ignored.

README - The file placed in every directory, that says all of the above that 
people should read, but never do.

DON_T_READ_THIS - the file that was put into the same directory with the 
hopes that since no-one ever reads the README they may read a file that say's 

 On Friday 02 February 2001 13:01, you wrote:
  On Friday 02 February 2001 19:29, you wrote:
  I really do not know how many time I have to tell you that your problem
  is in applnk. If you have Kcontrol as root with all entries listed in
  kcontrol and do not have the same as user that means that you messed up
  with application links.
  1. Check in /usr/share/applnk if this directory is readable for users
  (see if permissions are OK).
  2. Copy  directory to /.kde/share and restart kde.

Re: [expert] kcontrol STILL doesn't function - DONE/FIXED

2001-02-02 Thread Praedor Tempus

Thank you.  BUT saying it 100 times wouldn't fix this.  Someone wrote me to 
suggest running root and as user.  I did.  The result was 
that root AND user no longer had a functioning kcontrol.  Neither had 
kcontrol so I cannot compare /root/.kde/share/applnk or app/ with any user.  
Whatever is lacking is lacking globally after this kbuildsycoca run.  I also 
tried the copy of 
/usr/share/applnk to .kde/share/applnk...etc.  Still no kcontrol.

Perhaps you will be relieved to know that I got fed up with whatever the 
problem was (since no one seems to know SPECIFICALLY what file contains the 
information that kcontrol looks for with regards to X-KDE, etc, AND I had 
time to WASTE).  I downloaded the whole mess AGAIN.  I uninstalled all of KDE 
and then reinstalled ALL of it again.  Now, kcontrol works.  Nice, but I 
still want to know SPECIFICALLY what file provides the information to 
kcontrol so when I run into this (it is assured that upon upgrading to the 
next kde2.1 version that it will break again since it has with every kde 2.1 
iinstall so far...even though it is upgrading from one kde 2.1 to the next) I 
can fix it without all the ridiculous downloading, uninstalling, 
reintstalling, deleting .kderc, .kde/, and restarting.  It IS ridiculous.

I don't want to simply follow the formula, if it works next time since it 
didn't this time, of deleting my .kde/share/applnk and copying the 
/usr/share/applnk every time kde 2.1 gets a tweaking and I want to use it.  I 
would like to simply be able to leave everything alone and cop ONE file from 
/usr/share/applnk to my home version.  

I really do not mean to be an ass but SHIT!  If something isn't broken, don't 
"fix" it by breaking it with EVERY release.  Settle on the format for config 
files (or whatever) and leave it.  You do not get any gain by changing the 
name or organization of the contents of a config file (or whatever is 
involved in this repetitive problem).  I am frustrated by the pointless 
changing for the sake of changing things that don't require changing.  

On Friday 02 February 2001 13:01, you wrote:
 On Friday 02 February 2001 19:29, you wrote:

 I really do not know how many time I have to tell you that your problem is
 in applnk. If you have Kcontrol as root with all entries listed in kcontrol
 and do not have the same as user that means that you messed up with
 application links.

 1. Check in /usr/share/applnk if this directory is readable for users (see
 if permissions are OK).

 2. Copy  directory to /.kde/share and restart kde.

Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain.