[Factor-talk] GSoC: Vector graphics based UI

2010-02-26 Thread Nikhil Marathe
Hi all,

I'm Nikhil Marathe, a second year undergrad from India. I have had an
on-off relationship with
factor over the last few years. Somehow factor is a bit like Haskell,
in that it seems that you
need to know some Programming Language Theory or something to do
useful things. I may be
wrong of course. Now I am really interested in the factor way of doing
things though. I think implementing
the Factor UI as vector graphics would be a good way for me to finally
get over my "fear" of Factor.

I have quite a lot of experience with the Qt toolkit and am a KDE
developer. I have also experimented
with XCB. So I think I have adequate rendering knowledge for something
like this. I would like to try and implement
the toolkit as a GSoC project. I will apply if Factor gets selected.
But please do give me some feedback about
whether I'm suited for this task.

I believe that in the two months that are still available I should be
able to get upto speed on the required libraries.

Awaiting your comments.


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Factor-talk mailing list

Re: [Factor-talk] A protocol for sets

2010-02-26 Thread Daniel Ehrenberg
I've been working on this sets project for a little bit. Now, in the
bags branch of my repository, the sets have replaced the core sets
vocabulary. The main thing left at this point is updating all of the
libraries to use the new sets. In their current form, I have three
words (prune, conjoin, conjoin-at and unique) which I want to
eliminate in favor of new set-based words (members, adjoin, adjoin-at
and , respectively). But this will be a bit of work to
update all the code in the repository, since this is a little more
complicated than just changing names--assoc operations must be
replaced with their equivalent set operations, and doing this requires
some understanding of the flow of data of the program. If anyone wants
to help update their own code, I would be grateful for the help: you
will probably find the update easier than me to do, and it will give
you a chance to learn about the new sets.

I apologize for the trouble that the backwards incompatiblity creates,
but the new set protocol should make it easier to write and change
code in the future. By not tying your code into a specific
representation of a set, it should be much easier to change
representations as the code evolves. On the end of set implementors,
the protocol gives efficient utilities based on some simple primitive

Scripting languages often don't have the power that a well-designed
class library provides, but Factor gives you the concise syntax and
easy-to-manipulate datastructures of a scripting language together
with something approaching the extensibility of more mature languages
using the sequence, assoc and set protocols, among others. The
high-profile efforts to give OCaml a new standard library and Java a
new library of data structures demonstrate the importance of getting
this right the first time.

Note that if you have Factor code that is not included in the Factor
repository, you will have to update this on your own if you want to
update to the next version of Factor once this is merged in. You have
a couple options: you can just copy the old sets defintions in, or you
can think about how to make the minor changes it will take to actually
use the new set protocol. Neither should take much effort.


On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 10:45 AM, Daniel Ehrenberg  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Right now, there are a bunch of different ways to represent sets in
> Factor. You could use a hashtable for a set, where key? tests
> membership, or you could use a sequence for a set, where member? tests
> membership, or you could use a bit array for a set, where ?nth tests
> membership. Each of these are used different places in the Factor code
> base. Changing representations for a set then takes a bunch of work:
> all the code to construct and process the set has to be updated.
> Sequences and assocs have protocols, and it seems like it'd be useful
> for sets to have one too. This way, the only thing that you need to
> change in your code, if you want to change representations, is how you
> construct the set. I drafted out the basics of a set protocol in my
> git repository at
> http://github.com/littledan/Factor/blob/bags/extra/bags/bags.factor .
> The most important generic words in the protocol are:
> MIXIN: set
> GENERIC: adjoin ( elt set -- )
> GENERIC: in? ( elt set -- ? )
> GENERIC: delete ( elt set -- )
> GENERIC: set-like ( set exemplar -- set' )
> GENERIC: fast-set ( set -- set' )
> GENERIC: members ( set -- sequence )
> To add something to a set, use the adjoin word. This word currently
> works just on sequences. To test if something is in a set, use the in?
> word. For sequences, this is implemented as member?. For
> hashtable-based sets, this is key?. If sets get moved to core, then
> maybe in? will be renamed to member?, subsuming the current member?
> word.To remove an item from the set, use delete. This does nothing if
> the set does not contain the element deleted. set-like is analogous to
> like on sequences; it casts a set to a different set type based on an
> exemplar. fast-set gets a representation of a set that's fast to
> query--for most sets, this does nothing, but for sequences, it
> converts them into a hash-set. members gives a sequence of the
> contents of the set.
> The set protocol was designed with two goals: that it be easy to
> change set representations, and that the interface is a superset of
> what's currently there in the sets vocab for sequences. Binary set
> operations that are in sets now are also in the new sets system.
> Actually, they are all generic words, so that other set
> implementations (like bit sets) can override them for more efficient
> implementations. But their default implementations work based just on
> those simpler words listed above. I didn't make any binary destructive
> set operations (like assoc-union!) because these didn't seem to be in
> use anywhere in Factor's code base for sets.
> There are a couple ways that this can cause a backwards
> incompatibility, i

Re: [Factor-talk] Factor and the Google Summer of Code

2010-02-26 Thread Joe Groff
On Feb 26, 2010, at 12:48 PM, Daniel Ehrenberg wrote:

> The compiler already allows this, through 'foldable' and 'flushable'
> declarations. They are used in the high-level optimizer's constant
> folding and dead code elimination transformations, respectively. Loop
> fusion would require  a substantial reorganization of the compiler,
> with an intermediate representation that represents map directly,
> rather than its inlined form. I'm not sure if this would really be
> possible as long as map uses call and not call(.

Instead of making the compiler deal with map and friends, maybe an object 
oriented approach would work, taking advantage of combinator inlining and 
object unboxing so that composing special map, filter, etc. objects built 
optimized loops.

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Re: [Factor-talk] Factor and the Google Summer of Code

2010-02-26 Thread Daniel Ehrenberg
> - allow marking a word as pure, that is, no side effects, so
> optimizations like merging subsequent maps into one are possible in this
> context.

The compiler already allows this, through 'foldable' and 'flushable'
declarations. They are used in the high-level optimizer's constant
folding and dead code elimination transformations, respectively. Loop
fusion would require  a substantial reorganization of the compiler,
with an intermediate representation that represents map directly,
rather than its inlined form. I'm not sure if this would really be
possible as long as map uses call and not call(.


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Factor-talk mailing list

Re: [Factor-talk] Factor and the Google Summer of Code

2010-02-26 Thread Joe Groff
On Feb 26, 2010, at 12:24 PM, Kobi Lurie wrote:

> - improve debugging in the ide, so that the walker walks the written 
> code and not the inlined representation.
> - better error reporting - when possible, try to pinpoint the exact 
> problem. for example, if there is a circular dependency let the user 
> know which vocabs responsible and which words create the situation.

I agree that error reporting and debugger improvements would be great projects, 
Kobi. In fact, I'm in the middle of writing those up as project ideas. If you 
have anything to add to my proposals once they're up on the wiki, feel free to 
add to them.

> - a contracts framework as a vocabulary. I think it's good but have no 
> real use cases to prove. Checks inputs and outputs with (excessive) 
> predicates when debug is on,
> and raises an error to show in-between which words this contract failed.

Sounds good. This is possible right now using the "typed" library and predicate 
classes, but a more formalized contract library with the option of stripping 
out assertions at deploy time could be useful.

> - allow marking a word safe or unsafe. all the words that use an unsafe 
> word would become unsafe themselves, unless explicitly marked safe.
> - allow marking a word as pure, that is, no side effects, so 
> optimizations like merging subsequent maps into one are possible in this 
> context.

These both seem like valid project ideas. But be warned that while "pure" makes 
loop fusion theoretically possible, it doesn't necessarily make it easy to 

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Re: [Factor-talk] Factor and the Google Summer of Code

2010-02-26 Thread Kobi Lurie
  Hi Joe and all,
I have a few ideas, but you guys should approve if they're acceptable:

- improve debugging in the ide, so that the walker walks the written 
code and not the inlined representation.
- better error reporting - when possible, try to pinpoint the exact 
problem. for example, if there is a circular dependency let the user 
know which vocabs responsible and which words create the situation.
- a contracts framework as a vocabulary. I think it's good but have no 
real use cases to prove. Checks inputs and outputs with (excessive) 
predicates when debug is on,
and raises an error to show in-between which words this contract failed.
- allow marking a word safe or unsafe. all the words that use an unsafe 
word would become unsafe themselves, unless explicitly marked safe.
- allow marking a word as pure, that is, no side effects, so 
optimizations like merging subsequent maps into one are possible in this 

we all know how a person can lose time and focus in debugging, instead 
of laying out his ideas in clear code.

just ideas / day-dreams
what do you guys think?

On 25/2/2010 23:54, Joe Groff wrote:
> Hi everyone. The submission window for this year's Google Summer of Code is 
> fast approaching—March 8 through 12. While the shadowy Factor High Council 
> has discussed entering GSoC behind closed doors before, I think this is the 
> year to do it for real. To that end, I've started filling out an ideas page 
> and some submission forms on the concatenative.org wiki:
> https://concatenative.org/wiki/view/Factor/GSoC/2010
> https://concatenative.org/wiki/view/Factor/GSoC/2010/Submission
> https://concatenative.org/wiki/view/Factor/GSoC/2010/Proposal%20Template
> I invite everyone interested in Factor to put up their own ideas for GSoC 
> projects on the wiki. This is a great opportunity not only to get Google to 
> pay for improvements to Factor, but also to raise the profile of the language 
> in the academic community and the open-source community at large.
> -Joe
> --
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Re: [Factor-talk] Adding a stack effect to a quotation

2010-02-26 Thread Paul Moore
On 26 February 2010 20:04, Daniel Ehrenberg  wrote:
> A good starting point is the article, "Combinator stack effects"

Ah, I follow now. I had read that article before, but the implications
hadn't sunk in.


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Re: [Factor-talk] Adding a stack effect to a quotation

2010-02-26 Thread Daniel Ehrenberg
A good starting point is the article, "Combinator stack effects"

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Paul Moore  wrote:
> On 26 February 2010 19:31, Daniel Ehrenberg  wrote:
>> One solution to the whole set of incompatiblities between call and
>> call( would be to eliminate call in favor of call(, eliminating the
>> combinator inlining system in the process. In my opinion, this would
>> make the whole language much cleaner and nicer. No combinator inlining
>> semantics to remember when writing your program; you can just think
>> about how the compiler works when optimizing your code.
> That intrigued me - for the (pretty simple) code I've written, I've
> never thought about combinator inlining semantics - makes me wonder
> what I'm missing :-)
> Can you give a pointer to the docs where I can find out a bit more
> about this (or explain it here)? Factor's performance features
> fascinate me...
> Thanks,
> Paul
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Re: [Factor-talk] Adding a stack effect to a quotation

2010-02-26 Thread Paul Moore
On 26 February 2010 19:31, Daniel Ehrenberg  wrote:
> One solution to the whole set of incompatiblities between call and
> call( would be to eliminate call in favor of call(, eliminating the
> combinator inlining system in the process. In my opinion, this would
> make the whole language much cleaner and nicer. No combinator inlining
> semantics to remember when writing your program; you can just think
> about how the compiler works when optimizing your code.

That intrigued me - for the (pretty simple) code I've written, I've
never thought about combinator inlining semantics - makes me wonder
what I'm missing :-)

Can you give a pointer to the docs where I can find out a bit more
about this (or explain it here)? Factor's performance features
fascinate me...


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Factor-talk mailing list

Re: [Factor-talk] Adding a stack effect to a quotation

2010-02-26 Thread Daniel Ehrenberg
Well, almost everything uses call rather than call(, because it is
more flexible in a subtle way. The difference is that call allows what
the shadowy Factor council likes to refer to as "row polymorphism",
that is, quotations passed to call can refer to items lower on the
stack. For example, you can use this to define reduce in terms of
each: you can pass any quotation you want to each, as long as its
stack effect is that it reduces the height of the stack by one.
Another example is that the quotation for with-scope can have any
stack effect.

One solution to the whole set of incompatiblities between call and
call( would be to eliminate call in favor of call(, eliminating the
combinator inlining system in the process. In my opinion, this would
make the whole language much cleaner and nicer. No combinator inlining
semantics to remember when writing your program; you can just think
about how the compiler works when optimizing your code. Everything
would work with dynamic quotations just like static ones. Unlike call,
call( has a runtime fallback and doesn't require that quotations are
inlined. Call( gives better error messages because it is actually
explicitly specified what the intended stack effect of quotations is.

However, no concatenative language has yet been designed which is both
dynamically typed and supports call( with row polymorphism. Andreas
Rossberg specified a static type system for a concatenative language
with row polymorphism
(http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/1899#comment-23169), but that
alone wouldn't be enough for Factor. It has to be worked out how this
feature would interact with the rest of Factor, not to mention the
need for convenient and intuitive syntax. It would also be nice to
have type inference here, though that's not necessary.

This would be an interesting project for a theoretically-inclined
contributor who is OK with a high chance of failure (or even in the
event of some kind of success, a chance that the result will not be
included in the core Factor language). I would be very pleased to see
someone work on a project like this.

Coming back to your original point, it would cause a lot of
duplication to have 'paren' versions of several combinators: bi@(,
cleave(, map(, with-variable(--there's no end! So this wouldn't be a
very good idea. It's not *too* verbose, I think, to just write '[ _
call( x -- y ) ] bi@ rather than bi@( x -- y ), in my opinion, and it
expresses the programmer's intent very clearly.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 11:57 AM, Jon Harper  wrote:
> Here's where the code is : http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Active_object#Factor
> I really need dynamic quotations because quotations are inputted by the user.
> I was surprised that no combinator defines a similar word to call(.
> For example, I thought there would be a bi@( word. Maybe even for all
> combinators : cleave(, keep(, etc. However that makes many many new
> words.. So add-stack-effect seemed like a good compromise. It's true
> though that dynamic quotations are rarely needed and I guess that's
> why those words aren't defined.
> Also, I was wondering why the slot changer uses "call" instead of
> "call( x -- x )". I find it easier to understand when extra arguments
> are currified in the quotation rather than left on the stack behind
> the object with "with" anyway. And that makes it work with dynamic
> quotations.
> Jon Harper
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Samuel Tardieu  wrote:
>> 2010/2/26 Daniel Ehrenberg 
>>> Well, I think you could also do this:
>>> build-dynamic-quotation '[ _ call( x -- y ) ] bi@
>> Sure, this is equivalent.But we wanted to be able to "tag" several
>> quotations with different stack effects, hence the separate word.
>>> However, you should reconsider whether you really need to build a
>>> dynamic quotation. Remember, building a quotation with curry and
>>> compose and fry doesn't necessarily make it dynamic.
>> Agreed. I'll let Jon explain in which context he did it. I only assisted in
>> answering a specific question :)
>>   Sam
>> --
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> --
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> _

Re: [Factor-talk] Modern posting netiquette?

2010-02-26 Thread Paul Moore
On 26 February 2010 16:28, Terrence Brannon  wrote:
> I'm wondering about the most polite way to list code when you need
> help. Before hyperlinks, you had to inline all the code. But I think
> that hampers readability of the document as a whole. I am starting to
> prefer a markdown way of writing my emails, putting links to relevant
> source files instead of inlining them, like so:

Personally, I'd be unlikely to follow a link - if the code isn't
inline I would probably not read it (and hence would be less likely to

If the code is long enough that it's going to be annoying inline, you
probably need to edit your question to use a shorter example
(especially in factor, which is particularly concise!)


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Factor-talk mailing list

Re: [Factor-talk] Adding a stack effect to a quotation

2010-02-26 Thread Jon Harper
Here's where the code is : http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Active_object#Factor
I really need dynamic quotations because quotations are inputted by the user.

I was surprised that no combinator defines a similar word to call(.
For example, I thought there would be a bi@( word. Maybe even for all
combinators : cleave(, keep(, etc. However that makes many many new
words.. So add-stack-effect seemed like a good compromise. It's true
though that dynamic quotations are rarely needed and I guess that's
why those words aren't defined.

Also, I was wondering why the slot changer uses "call" instead of
"call( x -- x )". I find it easier to understand when extra arguments
are currified in the quotation rather than left on the stack behind
the object with "with" anyway. And that makes it work with dynamic

Jon Harper

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 6:31 PM, Samuel Tardieu  wrote:
> 2010/2/26 Daniel Ehrenberg 
>> Well, I think you could also do this:
>> build-dynamic-quotation '[ _ call( x -- y ) ] bi@
> Sure, this is equivalent.But we wanted to be able to "tag" several
> quotations with different stack effects, hence the separate word.
>> However, you should reconsider whether you really need to build a
>> dynamic quotation. Remember, building a quotation with curry and
>> compose and fry doesn't necessarily make it dynamic.
> Agreed. I'll let Jon explain in which context he did it. I only assisted in
> answering a specific question :)
>   Sam
> --
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Factor-talk mailing list

Re: [Factor-talk] Modern posting netiquette?

2010-02-26 Thread Miles Gould
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 11:28:43AM -0500, Terrence Brannon wrote:
> I'm wondering about the most polite way to list code when you need
> help. Before hyperlinks, you had to inline all the code. But I think
> that hampers readability of the document as a whole. I am starting to
> prefer a markdown way of writing my emails, putting links to relevant
> source files instead of inlining them, like so:

I'm not sure that Markdown syntax really adds anything. I'd just put the
links inline, like so:


Note the use of the factorcode.org pastebin, which produces nice short

[BTW: the spambots have found their way around the reverse-psychology
captcha. See http://paste.factorcode.org/paste?id=1494 .]

But for short enough code samples (less than ten lines or so), I think
it's fine to include code inline; code that follows the Factor style
guidelines should fit nicely in a terminal window. Then again, I read
email in a fixed-width font; perhaps people who read mail via the Web
will feel differently.


Love makes you do the wacky.
  -- Willow

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Factor-talk mailing list

Re: [Factor-talk] Adding a stack effect to a quotation

2010-02-26 Thread Samuel Tardieu
2010/2/26 Daniel Ehrenberg 

Well, I think you could also do this:
> build-dynamic-quotation '[ _ call( x -- y ) ] bi@

Sure, this is equivalent.But we wanted to be able to "tag" several
quotations with different stack effects, hence the separate word.

> However, you should reconsider whether you really need to build a
> dynamic quotation. Remember, building a quotation with curry and
> compose and fry doesn't necessarily make it dynamic.

Agreed. I'll let Jon explain in which context he did it. I only assisted in
answering a specific question :)

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Factor-talk mailing list

Re: [Factor-talk] Adding a stack effect to a quotation

2010-02-26 Thread Daniel Ehrenberg
Well, I think you could also do this:

build-dynamic-quotation '[ _ call( x -- y ) ] bi@

However, you should reconsider whether you really need to build a
dynamic quotation. Remember, building a quotation with curry and
compose and fry doesn't necessarily make it dynamic. In the current
Factor code base, the main use cases of dynamic quotations is when
using quotations stored in places like dynamically scoped variables
(for example in the parser), word properties (in the compiler) or
tuple slots (in Furnace), or in genuinely dynamic situations (like the
listener). Most other situations can be handled with high-level code
without building quotations dynamically.


On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Samuel Tardieu  wrote:
> Jon and I were discussing earlier today of a way to use a dynamically built
> quotation with "bi@" and other combinators.
> I suggested the word
> : add-stack-effect ( quot effect -- quot' ) [ call-effect ] 2curry ; inline
> so that we can call
> build-dynamic-quotation (( x -- y )) add-stack-effect bi@
> Is there a better way to do it?
>   Sam
> --
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[Factor-talk] Adding a stack effect to a quotation

2010-02-26 Thread Samuel Tardieu
Jon and I were discussing earlier today of a way to use a dynamically built
quotation with "bi@" and other combinators.

I suggested the word

: add-stack-effect ( quot effect -- quot' ) [ call-effect ] 2curry ; inline

so that we can call

build-dynamic-quotation (( x -- y )) add-stack-effect bi@

Is there a better way to do it?

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[Factor-talk] scaffold-help USING: should include everything in the vocab's using + the vocab + tools.test

2010-02-26 Thread Terrence Brannon
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 10:43 AM, Jon Harper  wrote:
> Could the problem be the word next ?

Yes, this was the problem. I did not include the vocab which had the
GENERIC: statement in it.

I've learned the proper USING: for the test file now from Philipp in
the IRC channel.

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Factor-talk mailing list

[Factor-talk] Modern posting netiquette?

2010-02-26 Thread Terrence Brannon
I'm wondering about the most polite way to list code when you need
help. Before hyperlinks, you had to inline all the code. But I think
that hampers readability of the document as a whole. I am starting to
prefer a markdown way of writing my emails, putting links to relevant
source files instead of inlining them, like so:

Which is perplexing because
   [the test
  has USING: data-maker.field.from-format ... ;
and data-maker.field.from-format [defines

I think that makes for a much more digestible email than pasting in
lines of code, especially when the source file gets above 10 lines.

What do you think?

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Re: [Factor-talk] test runs fine when manually typed into listener but fails when invoked

2010-02-26 Thread Terrence Brannon
2010/2/26 Philipp Brüschweiler :
> Am Fri, 26 Feb 2010 09:56:38 -0500
> schrieb Terrence Brannon :
>> I dont understand why I can type the input quotation into the listener
>> and get back a result, yet I get "Data stack underflow" when I type
>> (listener) "data-maker.field.from-format" unit-test
> I think you want to do this instead
>  "data-maker.field.from-format" test

When I do that I get 

5: [ t ] [ "George (\\d\\d\\d)"  next ] unit-test
No word named ``next'' found in current vocabulary search path

Which is perplexing because [the test
has USING: data-maker.field.from-format ... ;
and data-maker.field.from-format [defines

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Factor-talk mailing list

Re: [Factor-talk] test runs fine when manually typed into listener but fails when invoked

2010-02-26 Thread Terrence Brannon
2010/2/26 Philipp Brüschweiler :
> Am Fri, 26 Feb 2010 09:56:38 -0500
> schrieb Terrence Brannon :
>> I dont understand why I can type the input quotation into the listener
>> and get back a result, yet I get "Data stack underflow" when I type
>> (listener) "data-maker.field.from-format" unit-test
> I think you want to do this instead
>  "data-maker.field.from-format" test

When I do that, I get

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Factor-talk mailing list

Re: [Factor-talk] test runs fine when manually typed into listener but fails when invoked

2010-02-26 Thread Philipp Brüschweiler
Am Fri, 26 Feb 2010 09:56:38 -0500
schrieb Terrence Brannon :

> I dont understand why I can type the input quotation into the listener
> and get back a result, yet I get "Data stack underflow" when I type
> (listener) "data-maker.field.from-format" unit-test

I think you want to do this instead

  "data-maker.field.from-format" test

> My actual source code is
> [here](http://gitorious.org/project_factor/data-maker/trees/master/field/from-format)
> but the problematic test case is below.
> USING: data-maker.field.from-format tools.test ;
> IN: data-maker.field.from-format.tests
> [ t ] [ "George (\\d\\d\\d)"  next ] unit-test
> ! [ t ]
> ! Terrence (\d\d\d) \d\d\d-\d\d\d\d
> !next
> ! ]  unit-test
> --
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Re: [Factor-talk] test runs fine when manually typed into listener but fails when invoked

2010-02-26 Thread Jon Harper
Could the problem be the word next ? You're not specifying which vocab
it comes from, and it's defined in many vocabs. The listener has many
vocabs loaded and it's probably calling a different word than the one
you think.
Jon Harper

On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Terrence Brannon  wrote:
> I dont understand why I can type the input quotation into the listener
> and get back a result, yet I get "Data stack underflow" when I type
> (listener) "data-maker.field.from-format" unit-test
> My actual source code is
> [here](http://gitorious.org/project_factor/data-maker/trees/master/field/from-format)
> but the problematic test case is below.
> USING: data-maker.field.from-format tools.test ;
> IN: data-maker.field.from-format.tests
> [ t ] [ "George (\\d\\d\\d)"  next ] unit-test
> ! [ t ]
> ! Terrence (\d\d\d) \d\d\d-\d\d\d\d
> !    next
> ! ]  unit-test
> --
> Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval
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> See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta.
> http://p.sf.net/sfu/intel-sw-dev
> ___
> Factor-talk mailing list
> Factor-talk@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/factor-talk

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Factor-talk mailing list

[Factor-talk] test runs fine when manually typed into listener but fails when invoked

2010-02-26 Thread Terrence Brannon
I dont understand why I can type the input quotation into the listener
and get back a result, yet I get "Data stack underflow" when I type

(listener) "data-maker.field.from-format" unit-test

My actual source code is
but the problematic test case is below.

USING: data-maker.field.from-format tools.test ;
IN: data-maker.field.from-format.tests

[ t ] [ "George (\\d\\d\\d)"  next ] unit-test

! [ t ]
! Terrence (\d\d\d) \d\d\d-\d\d\d\d
! ]  unit-test

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