[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life as Reality Hologram

2009-09-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelson nelsonriddle2...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  I'm more comfortable with allowing round holes
  to remain round holes. I don't feel the need to
  redefine them as square pegs, or even under-
  stand what makes some things round holes and
  others square pegs. Things just *are* the way 
  that they are. 

 +++ Does everything exist with no reason?

Why not?

Would you feel diminished or lessened
if your life had no meaning, no reason for
its existence? 

I wouldn't. I'd just invent my own. As, in 
my opinion, has everyone in human history 
who has ever claimed to know the reason.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Victor Stenger's New Athiesm

2009-09-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Sep 16, 2009, at 11:55 AM, hugheshugo wrote:
  I think that if telepathy were even remotely
  possible we wouldn't need to test for it, as
  we'd be using it every single day to do just
  about everything.
 Well consider Rupert Sheldrake's sense of being stared 
 at as just this nascent ability. Almost all humans have 
 it. Surely you've felt as if someone was looking at you, 
 only to turn around and find it to be the case? I would 
 suspect this is our atrophied version of this  
 (natural) ability.

I once did a tape recorded woman on the street
survey for a book proposal, asking women this
very question. The book never got written because
the publisher went out of business shortly after
commissioning it, but it would have been inter-
esting IMO because over that weekend I talked to
maybe 200 women on the streets of Westwood, 80% 
of whom said that they immediately knew not only 
when someone was staring at them, but *which body 
part* the person was staring at. 

I did a mental cross check on this, trying to
see whether women with great legs just assumed
that the person was staring at their legs, but
there was no correlation. A few of the women,
intrigued with the project, allowed me to walk
along with them and test it out. It was amazing.
The women would be walking along, looking in a
shop window, and say to me, There's one. It's
a guy, and he's checkin' out my tits. I'd 
look, her still looking the other way, and
sure enough some guy would be staring right
at her tits. And they weren't even big tits. :-)

I see the same thing every day in Sitges when
walking through the gay gauntlet at the Parrots
Bar. Maybe 50 gay guys on each side of the street,
checkin' out all the gay guys who walk by. And
without fail, when they are checkin' out someone's
face, that person's hands raise involuntarily to
their face. If it's their ass being checked out,
they hitch up their jeans or straighten their
shorts. They don't check me out at all, so I just 
walk through. I don't know whether to consider 
this an insult or a testament to the effectiveness
of their gaydar.  :-)

I've *always* had this ability. I use it as a 
party trick. I wait until I get the feeling 
that I am being stared at, which for me always
comes with a kind of directionality in that
I sense exactly what part of the room the star-
ing is coming from. So then I wait a couple of
seconds and then turn and look the starer right
in the eyes, just to see how they react. If
they flush and look embarrassed, that's one 
kind of reaction. If they smile and hold the
look (and look not only interested but inter-
esting), that's another kind of reaction, one 
I follow up by going over and talking to them.

The only time I've been disappointed by this
was when I walked over to this attractive 
woman who had been staring at me and said hello
and she pointed out that she'd been staring at
the big dollop of mustard I had spilled on my
shirt and had been unaware of. No romance or
hot date came of that interaction, but we both
got a good laugh out of it.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Campaign For Liberty Daily Update

2009-09-17 Thread WLeed3


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread ShempMcGurk
What is your fanatical obsession with the Mormon religion, John Manning?  
Thousands of hits come up with you on Mormon sites.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifuxero@ wrote:
  from Wiki:
  [edit] Professional life
  Skousen went to work for the Agricultural Adjustment Administration in June 
  1935. The following year he joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation 
  (FBI), where he worked until 1951.
  From 1951 to 1955, he taught at Brigham Young University. He served as Salt 
  Lake City, Utah police chief for four years before being fired in 1960, by 
  Mayor J. Bracken Lee.[1][2] Skousen was summarily dismissed shortly after 
  Skousen raided an illegal poker club, where J. Bracken Lee was in 
  attendance.[3][4] Lee characterized Skousen's strict enforcement of 
  anti-gambling laws as like a Gestapo.[5][6] For the next fifteen years, 
  Skousen edited the police journal, Law and Order. He returned to Brigham 
  Young University as a professor of religion in 1967, retiring in 1978.
 I took a 'Book of Mormon' class from Skousen at BYU. I enjoyed it so much 
 that I took a more advanced class from him on the same topic the second 
 semester I was there. Religion classes were mandatory, even for non-Mormons 
 such as myself.
 Skousen was an excellent Book of Mormon and scripture teacher, but in my view 
 he was also a shifty eyed creep. I didn't trust him at all on a personal 
 Two semesters was all I could stand of BYU. I transfered out to the U of Utah.
 Did you read the article below, yifuxero?
   In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life - 
   Cleon Skousen was a right-wing crank whom even conservatives despised. 
   Then Beck discovered him
   By Alexander Zaitchik - Salon.com - Sept. 16, 2009 
   Excerpted from the article:
   In reality...the so-called 912ers were summoned to D.C. by the man who 
   changed Beck's life, and that helps explain why the movement is not the 
   nonpartisan lovefest that Beck first sold on air with his trademark tears.
   Beck has created a massive meet-up for the disaffected, paranoid 
   Palin-ite death panel wing of the GOP, those ideologues most 
   susceptible to conspiracy theories and prone to latch on to eccentric 
   distortions of fact in the name of opposing socialism.
   In that, they are true disciples of the late Mormon, W. Cleon Skousen, 
   Beck's favorite writer and the author of the bible of the 9/12 movement, 
   The 5,000 Year Leap.
   A once-famous anti-communist historian, Skousen was too extreme even 
   for the conservative activists of the Goldwater era, but Glenn Beck has 
   now rescued him from the remainder pile of history, and introduced him to 
   a receptive new audience...
   What has Beck been pushing on his legions? Leap, first published in 
   1981, is a heavily illustrated and factually challenged attempt to 
   explain American history through an unspoken lens of Mormon theology.
   Anyone who has followed Beck will recognize the book's title. 
   Beck has been furiously promoting The 5,000 Year Leap for the past 
   year, a push that peaked in March when he launched the 912 Project. That 
   month, a new edition of The 5,000 Year Leap, complete with a laudatory 
   new foreword by none other than Glenn Beck, came out of nowhere to hit 
   No. 1 on Amazon. It remained in the top 15 all summer, holding the No. 1 
   spot in the government category for months. 
   The book tops Beck's 912 Project required reading list, and is 
   routinely sold at 912 Project meetings where guest speakers often use it 
   as their primary source material... 
   But more interesting than the contents of The 5,000 Year Leap, and more 
   revealing for what it says about 912ers and the Glenn Beck Nation, is the 
   book's author.
   W. Cleon Skousen was not a historian so much as a player in the history 
   of the American far right; less a scholar of the republic than a threat 
   to it. At least, that was the judgment of J. Edgar Hoover's FBI, which 
   maintained a file on Skousen for years that eventually totaled some 2,000 
   Before he died in 2006 at the age of 92, Skousen's own Mormon church 
   publicly distanced itself from the foundation that Skousen founded and 
   that has published previous editions of The 5,000 Year Leap. ...
   ---Willard Cleon Skousen was born in 1913 to American parents in a small 
   Mormon frontier town in Alberta, Canada. When he was 10 his family moved 
   to California, where he remained until he shipped off to England and 
   Ireland for Mormon missionary work.
   In 1935, after graduating from a California junior college, the 
   23-year-old Skousen moved to Washington, where he worked briefly for a 
   New Deal 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@...

 What is your fanatical obsession with the Mormon religion, John
Manning?  Thousands of hits come up with you on Mormon sites.

Mormon sites? I write to one Mormon site.

I lived in Mormon Utah for 35+ years, Shremp. Mormon religion and
culture is a fascination of mine. It's a topic I'm intimately familiar

While I've never been a Mormon myself, almost everyone on my mother's
side of the family are[were while living] dyed-in-the-wool true believer
Mormons [TBMs] going back to the pioneer days and polygamy.

Mormon culture in Utah is predominately conservative and was the reddest
of the red states in the last few presidential elections.

My familiarity with the conservative Mormon culture and my political
views make for a delightful spicy combination that makes discussion
there quite [as the Mormons like to say] delightsome for me.

Mesa AZ where I used to live, and I believe you may also IIRC, is
heavily Mormon influenced as you must know. The Mormon temple grounds
there with its huge pool of water is an extremely beautiful example of
both Mormon temple design and the desert surroundings of Mesa.


Mesa Arizona Temple

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifuxero@ wrote:
   from Wiki:
   [edit] Professional life
   Skousen went to work for the Agricultural Adjustment
Administration in June 1935. The following year he joined the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI), where he worked until 1951.
   From 1951 to 1955, he taught at Brigham Young University. He
served as Salt Lake City, Utah police chief for four years before being
fired in 1960, by Mayor J. Bracken Lee.[1][2] Skousen was summarily
dismissed shortly after Skousen raided an illegal poker club, where J.
Bracken Lee was in attendance.[3][4] Lee characterized Skousen's strict
enforcement of anti-gambling laws as like a Gestapo.[5][6] For the
next fifteen years, Skousen edited the police journal, Law and Order.
He returned to Brigham Young University as a professor of religion in
1967, retiring in 1978.
  I took a 'Book of Mormon' class from Skousen at BYU. I enjoyed it so
much that I took a more advanced class from him on the same topic the
second semester I was there. Religion classes were mandatory, even for
non-Mormons such as myself.
  Skousen was an excellent Book of Mormon and scripture teacher, but
in my view he was also a shifty eyed creep. I didn't trust him at all on
a personal level.
  Two semesters was all I could stand of BYU. I transfered out to the
U of Utah.
  Did you read the article below, yifuxero?
In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life -
Cleon Skousen was a right-wing crank whom even conservatives
Then Beck discovered him
By Alexander Zaitchik - Salon.com - Sept. 16, 2009
Excerpted from the article:
In reality...the so-called 912ers were summoned to D.C. by the
man who changed Beck's life, and that helps explain why the movement is
not the nonpartisan lovefest that Beck first sold on air with his
trademark tears.
Beck has created a massive meet-up for the disaffected, paranoid
Palin-ite death panel wing of the GOP, those ideologues most
susceptible to conspiracy theories and prone to latch on to eccentric
distortions of fact in the name of opposing socialism.
In that, they are true disciples of the late Mormon, W. Cleon
Skousen, Beck's favorite writer and the author of the bible of the 9/12
movement, The 5,000 Year Leap.
A once-famous anti-communist historian, Skousen was too
extreme even for the conservative activists of the Goldwater era, but
Glenn Beck has now rescued him from the remainder pile of history, and
introduced him to a receptive new audience...
What has Beck been pushing on his legions? Leap, first
published in 1981, is a heavily illustrated and factually challenged
attempt to explain American history through an unspoken lens of Mormon
Anyone who has followed Beck will recognize the book's title.
Beck has been furiously promoting The 5,000 Year Leap for the
past year, a push that peaked in March when he launched the 912 Project.
That month, a new edition of The 5,000 Year Leap, complete with a
laudatory new foreword by none other than Glenn Beck, came out of
nowhere to hit No. 1 on Amazon. It remained in the top 15 all summer,
holding the No. 1 spot in the government category for months.
The book tops Beck's 912 Project required reading list, and is
routinely sold at 912 Project meetings where guest speakers often use it
as their primary source material...
But more interesting than the contents of The 5,000 Year Leap,
and more revealing for what it says 

[FairfieldLife] 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air Vs. 2009 Chevrolet Malibu

2009-09-17 Thread Alex Stanley
Automotive safety has come a long way in 50 years:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Sep 17, 2009, at 10:47 AM, do.rflex wrote:--- InFairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ShempMcGurk" shempmcg...@... wrote: What is your fanatical obsession with the Mormon religion, John Manning? Thousands of hits come up with you on Mormon sites.Mormon sites? I write to one Mormon site.I lived in Mormon Utah for 35+ years, Shremp. Mormon religion and culture is a fascination of mine. It's a topic I'm intimately familiar with.While I've never been a Mormon myself, almost everyone on my mother's side of the family are[were while living] dyed-in-the-wool true believer Mormons [TBMs] going back to the pioneer days and polygamy.Mormon culture in Utah is predominately conservative and was the reddest of the red states in the last few presidential elections.My familiarity with the conservative Mormon culture and my political views make for a delightful spicy combination that makes discussion there quite [as the Mormons like to say] "delightsome" for me.Mesa AZ where I used to live, and I believe you may also IIRC, is heavily Mormon influenced as you must know. The Mormon temple grounds there with its huge pool of water is an extremely beautiful example of both Mormon temple design and the desert surroundings of Mesa.Mesa Arizona TempleHey, flex, I'm just finishing up now one ofseveral books I've read on the crazy LeBaronclan--are you familiar with these guys?Quite a, um, cozy group.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread shempmcgurk
You say that Mormonism goes back generations on your mother's side, to the days 
of polygamy.

Do you have polygamists in your anscestry?  If so, what do you know about it?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@
  What is your fanatical obsession with the Mormon religion, John
 Manning?  Thousands of hits come up with you on Mormon sites.
 Mormon sites? I write to one Mormon site.
 I lived in Mormon Utah for 35+ years, Shremp. Mormon religion and
 culture is a fascination of mine. It's a topic I'm intimately familiar
 While I've never been a Mormon myself, almost everyone on my mother's
 side of the family are[were while living] dyed-in-the-wool true believer
 Mormons [TBMs] going back to the pioneer days and polygamy.
 Mormon culture in Utah is predominately conservative and was the reddest
 of the red states in the last few presidential elections.
 My familiarity with the conservative Mormon culture and my political
 views make for a delightful spicy combination that makes discussion
 there quite [as the Mormons like to say] delightsome for me.
 Mesa AZ where I used to live, and I believe you may also IIRC, is
 heavily Mormon influenced as you must know. The Mormon temple grounds
 there with its huge pool of water is an extremely beautiful example of
 both Mormon temple design and the desert surroundings of Mesa.
 Mesa Arizona Temple
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifuxero@ wrote:
from Wiki:
[edit] Professional life
Skousen went to work for the Agricultural Adjustment
 Administration in June 1935. The following year he joined the Federal
 Bureau of Investigation (FBI), where he worked until 1951.
From 1951 to 1955, he taught at Brigham Young University. He
 served as Salt Lake City, Utah police chief for four years before being
 fired in 1960, by Mayor J. Bracken Lee.[1][2] Skousen was summarily
 dismissed shortly after Skousen raided an illegal poker club, where J.
 Bracken Lee was in attendance.[3][4] Lee characterized Skousen's strict
 enforcement of anti-gambling laws as like a Gestapo.[5][6] For the
 next fifteen years, Skousen edited the police journal, Law and Order.
 He returned to Brigham Young University as a professor of religion in
 1967, retiring in 1978.
   I took a 'Book of Mormon' class from Skousen at BYU. I enjoyed it so
 much that I took a more advanced class from him on the same topic the
 second semester I was there. Religion classes were mandatory, even for
 non-Mormons such as myself.
   Skousen was an excellent Book of Mormon and scripture teacher, but
 in my view he was also a shifty eyed creep. I didn't trust him at all on
 a personal level.
   Two semesters was all I could stand of BYU. I transfered out to the
 U of Utah.
   Did you read the article below, yifuxero?
 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:

 Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life -

 Cleon Skousen was a right-wing crank whom even conservatives

 Then Beck discovered him

 By Alexander Zaitchik - Salon.com - Sept. 16, 2009

 Excerpted from the article:

 In reality...the so-called 912ers were summoned to D.C. by the
 man who changed Beck's life, and that helps explain why the movement is
 not the nonpartisan lovefest that Beck first sold on air with his
 trademark tears.

 Beck has created a massive meet-up for the disaffected, paranoid
 Palin-ite death panel wing of the GOP, those ideologues most
 susceptible to conspiracy theories and prone to latch on to eccentric
 distortions of fact in the name of opposing socialism.

 In that, they are true disciples of the late Mormon, W. Cleon
 Skousen, Beck's favorite writer and the author of the bible of the 9/12
 movement, The 5,000 Year Leap.

 A once-famous anti-communist historian, Skousen was too
 extreme even for the conservative activists of the Goldwater era, but
 Glenn Beck has now rescued him from the remainder pile of history, and
 introduced him to a receptive new audience...

 What has Beck been pushing on his legions? Leap, first
 published in 1981, is a heavily illustrated and factually challenged
 attempt to explain American history through an unspoken lens of Mormon

 Anyone who has followed Beck will recognize the book's title.

 Beck has been furiously promoting The 5,000 Year Leap for the
 past year, a push that peaked in March when he launched the 912 Project.
 That month, a new edition of The 5,000 Year Leap, complete with a
 laudatory new foreword by none other than Glenn Beck, came out of
 nowhere to hit No. 1 on Amazon. It remained 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Sep 17, 2009, at 10:47 AM, do.rflex wrote:
  -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@  
   What is your fanatical obsession with the Mormon religion, John  
  Manning? Thousands of hits come up with you on Mormon sites.
  Mormon sites? I write to one Mormon site.
  I lived in Mormon Utah for 35+ years, Shremp. Mormon religion and  
  culture is a fascination of mine. It's a topic I'm intimately  
  familiar with.
  While I've never been a Mormon myself, almost everyone on my  
  mother's side of the family are[were while living] dyed-in-the-wool  
  true believer Mormons [TBMs] going back to the pioneer days and  
  Mormon culture in Utah is predominately conservative and was the  
  reddest of the red states in the last few presidential elections.
  My familiarity with the conservative Mormon culture and my political  
  views make for a delightful spicy combination that makes discussion  
  there quite [as the Mormons like to say] delightsome for me.
  Mesa AZ where I used to live, and I believe you may also IIRC, is  
  heavily Mormon influenced as you must know. The Mormon temple  
  grounds there with its huge pool of water is an extremely beautiful  
  example of both Mormon temple design and the desert surroundings of  
  Mesa Arizona Temple
 Hey, flex, I'm just finishing up now one of
 several books I've read on the crazy LeBaron
 clan--are you familiar with these guys?
 Quite a, um, cozy group.

Yeah. That's some very creepy stuff. The LeBarons were one of a number of 
breakaway sects from the main Mormon Church who continued to practice polygamy 
and believed in Brigham Young's 'Blood Atonement' for becoming apostate and/or 
not obeying their 'Prophet' and their priesthood. 

Ervil LeBaron and his bunch - and another sect were responsible for a number of 

It was decades ago but I was very close with a woman who married one of those 
followers. I had to end my relationship with her as I learned I'd been targeted 
by the ex husband. He was stalking me with a rifle. That's just how they 
behaved. They considered it normal. Very scary business and totally worth 

I'd like to emphasize that the main Mormon church [which has its own load of 
peculiar ways] doesn't tolerate that kind of crap these days. 

[FairfieldLife] One weird pizza

2009-09-17 Thread Bhairitu
Ad from Papa Murphy's I got in the mail last night says:

Awesome Foursome Pizza:
1/4 Cheese
1/4 Pepperoni
1/4 Hawaiian
1/2 Specialty of the House Pizza


[FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 You say that Mormonism goes back generations on your mother's side, to the 
 days of polygamy.
 Do you have polygamists in your anscestry?  If so, what do you know about it?

The answer is yes, and I know quite a bit about it. But I have no interest in 
discussing my personal family's history. 

If you want to know about Mormon polygamy, 'Google search' is your friend.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@
   What is your fanatical obsession with the Mormon religion, John
  Manning?  Thousands of hits come up with you on Mormon sites.
  Mormon sites? I write to one Mormon site.
  I lived in Mormon Utah for 35+ years, Shremp. Mormon religion and
  culture is a fascination of mine. It's a topic I'm intimately familiar
  While I've never been a Mormon myself, almost everyone on my mother's
  side of the family are[were while living] dyed-in-the-wool true believer
  Mormons [TBMs] going back to the pioneer days and polygamy.
  Mormon culture in Utah is predominately conservative and was the reddest
  of the red states in the last few presidential elections.
  My familiarity with the conservative Mormon culture and my political
  views make for a delightful spicy combination that makes discussion
  there quite [as the Mormons like to say] delightsome for me.
  Mesa AZ where I used to live, and I believe you may also IIRC, is
  heavily Mormon influenced as you must know. The Mormon temple grounds
  there with its huge pool of water is an extremely beautiful example of
  both Mormon temple design and the desert surroundings of Mesa.
  Mesa Arizona Temple
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifuxero@ wrote:

 from Wiki:
 [edit] Professional life
 Skousen went to work for the Agricultural Adjustment
  Administration in June 1935. The following year he joined the Federal
  Bureau of Investigation (FBI), where he worked until 1951.

 From 1951 to 1955, he taught at Brigham Young University. He
  served as Salt Lake City, Utah police chief for four years before being
  fired in 1960, by Mayor J. Bracken Lee.[1][2] Skousen was summarily
  dismissed shortly after Skousen raided an illegal poker club, where J.
  Bracken Lee was in attendance.[3][4] Lee characterized Skousen's strict
  enforcement of anti-gambling laws as like a Gestapo.[5][6] For the
  next fifteen years, Skousen edited the police journal, Law and Order.
  He returned to Brigham Young University as a professor of religion in
  1967, retiring in 1978.

I took a 'Book of Mormon' class from Skousen at BYU. I enjoyed it so
  much that I took a more advanced class from him on the same topic the
  second semester I was there. Religion classes were mandatory, even for
  non-Mormons such as myself.
Skousen was an excellent Book of Mormon and scripture teacher, but
  in my view he was also a shifty eyed creep. I didn't trust him at all on
  a personal level.
Two semesters was all I could stand of BYU. I transfered out to the
  U of Utah.
Did you read the article below, yifuxero?

  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life -
  Cleon Skousen was a right-wing crank whom even conservatives
  Then Beck discovered him
  By Alexander Zaitchik - Salon.com - Sept. 16, 2009
  Excerpted from the article:
  In reality...the so-called 912ers were summoned to D.C. by the
  man who changed Beck's life, and that helps explain why the movement is
  not the nonpartisan lovefest that Beck first sold on air with his
  trademark tears.
  Beck has created a massive meet-up for the disaffected, paranoid
  Palin-ite death panel wing of the GOP, those ideologues most
  susceptible to conspiracy theories and prone to latch on to eccentric
  distortions of fact in the name of opposing socialism.
  In that, they are true disciples of the late Mormon, W. Cleon
  Skousen, Beck's favorite writer and the author of the bible of the 9/12
  movement, The 5,000 Year Leap.
  A once-famous anti-communist historian, Skousen was too
  extreme even for the conservative activists of the Goldwater era, but
  Glenn Beck has now rescued him from the remainder pile of history, and
  introduced him to a receptive new audience...
  What has Beck been pushing on his legions? Leap, first
  published in 1981, is a heavily illustrated and factually challenged
  attempt to explain American history through an unspoken lens of Mormon

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread Vaj

On Sep 17, 2009, at 1:03 PM, do.rflex wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk  
shempmcg...@... wrote:

 You say that Mormonism goes back generations on your mother's  
side, to the days of polygamy.

 Do you have polygamists in your anscestry? If so, what do you  
know about it?

The answer is yes, and I know quite a bit about it. But I have no  
interest in discussing my personal family's history.

If you want to know about Mormon polygamy, 'Google search' is your  

Or watch the first couple seasons of Big Love on HBO...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Denied, to Invincible America

2009-09-17 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   Are these people skulking out of town? 
 Well, writing here now as a conservative meditator.  Somebody here simply to 
 share those inner unspoken thots here for the real meditators here.  I'll do 
 it for the moment.
 Yes, is a skulking and shirking.  The shirking about here is enough to make a 
 patriot meditator here who does remain with the work lose their seeming 
 equanimity over it.  
 These people, these quitters who have slipped off had the wisdom of the 
 integration of life in their hands and they just threw it away.  Yes, their 
 names are not important anymore because their names will be forgotten as soon 
 as they have left.  
 They are the worst of meditators; ill-disciplined spiritual quitters.  Don't 
 got the character to make it the whole way over the spiritual path.   In a 
 same category as ordinary non-meditators.  Worst.we do know what science 
 has to say about non-meditators now.  But, in time of need these quitters are 
 the worst of deserters.   you know of what they would do with deserters?   
 So it is. 
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Doug in FF


Weak souls, most attracked to TM for small and personal issues; not altruism or 
wishing for spiritual growth. 
An easy prey for the so-called saints invading Fairfield thus becoming 
confused and leaving FF.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raja Graham de Freitas visits a Swami

2009-09-17 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:

 http://santdeo.com/ http://santdeo.com/

Swamiji at Maharishi Mahesh Yogis funera
Swamiji at Maharishi Mahesh Yogis funeral. Swamijio is sitting next to
Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math.


[FairfieldLife] Poll: Majority of Americans Know a Scare Tactic When They See It

2009-09-17 Thread do.rflex

Poll: Big Majorities Dismiss Leading Right Wing Health Care Attacks As 
Scare Tactics

Wow, this is cause for cautious optimism: Buried in a  new Bloomberg
poll http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601070sid=a1aj4z4GhbH8 
is evidence that solid majorities dismiss all the leading right wing
health care talking points as scare tactics.

Not kidding! It's true. The poll tested a range of attacks and asked
whether they were legitimate or a disortion and a
scare tactic. The results:

* Sixty-three percent said the claim that death panels of
government officials would decide how much medical care ailing
individuals will receive is a scare tactic, versus 30% who said
it's legit.

* Fifty-nine percent said the claim that health care would be
rationed is a scare tactic, versus 35% who said it's legit.

* Fifty-two percent said the claim that health care would become
socialized medicine is a scare tactic, versus 43% who said it's

* Sixty-one percent said the claim that government money would be
used to pay for abortions is a scare tactic, versus 33% who said
it's legit.

* Fifty-eight percent said the claim that government money would
pay for health care for illegal immigrants is a scare tactic,
versus 37% who said it's legit.

How to square these numbers with other polls showing a far more
credulous public? My bet is that by explicitly offering people the
choice of seeing an assertion as a scare tactic, it encourages
far more skepticism than polls that merely ask whether people agree with
the claims.

Of course, it's worth noting that in response to the attacks, the
Senate finance committe bill dropped the public option, nixed end of
life counseling and tightened up restrictions on illegal immigrants. In
other words, even if the right type of cajoling can get folks to dismiss
the nonsense as bogus, it won't stop the assertions from shaping the

http://snipurl.com/rxtr3 http://snipurl.com/rxtr3   

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread ShempMcGurk
I respect your desire to keep your own family's polygamous history private.

But, generally speaking, I am curious to know whether you support legalizing 
gay marriage and, if yes, whether you feel the same way about legalizing 
polygamous marriage?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  You say that Mormonism goes back generations on your mother's side, to the 
  days of polygamy.
  Do you have polygamists in your anscestry?  If so, what do you know about 
 The answer is yes, and I know quite a bit about it. But I have no interest in 
 discussing my personal family's history. 
 If you want to know about Mormon polygamy, 'Google search' is your friend.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@
What is your fanatical obsession with the Mormon religion, John
   Manning?  Thousands of hits come up with you on Mormon sites.
   Mormon sites? I write to one Mormon site.
   I lived in Mormon Utah for 35+ years, Shremp. Mormon religion and
   culture is a fascination of mine. It's a topic I'm intimately familiar
   While I've never been a Mormon myself, almost everyone on my mother's
   side of the family are[were while living] dyed-in-the-wool true believer
   Mormons [TBMs] going back to the pioneer days and polygamy.
   Mormon culture in Utah is predominately conservative and was the reddest
   of the red states in the last few presidential elections.
   My familiarity with the conservative Mormon culture and my political
   views make for a delightful spicy combination that makes discussion
   there quite [as the Mormons like to say] delightsome for me.
   Mesa AZ where I used to live, and I believe you may also IIRC, is
   heavily Mormon influenced as you must know. The Mormon temple grounds
   there with its huge pool of water is an extremely beautiful example of
   both Mormon temple design and the desert surroundings of Mesa.
   Mesa Arizona Temple
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifuxero@ wrote:
  from Wiki:
  [edit] Professional life
  Skousen went to work for the Agricultural Adjustment
   Administration in June 1935. The following year he joined the Federal
   Bureau of Investigation (FBI), where he worked until 1951.
  From 1951 to 1955, he taught at Brigham Young University. He
   served as Salt Lake City, Utah police chief for four years before being
   fired in 1960, by Mayor J. Bracken Lee.[1][2] Skousen was summarily
   dismissed shortly after Skousen raided an illegal poker club, where J.
   Bracken Lee was in attendance.[3][4] Lee characterized Skousen's strict
   enforcement of anti-gambling laws as like a Gestapo.[5][6] For the
   next fifteen years, Skousen edited the police journal, Law and Order.
   He returned to Brigham Young University as a professor of religion in
   1967, retiring in 1978.

 I took a 'Book of Mormon' class from Skousen at BYU. I enjoyed it so
   much that I took a more advanced class from him on the same topic the
   second semester I was there. Religion classes were mandatory, even for
   non-Mormons such as myself.

 Skousen was an excellent Book of Mormon and scripture teacher, but
   in my view he was also a shifty eyed creep. I didn't trust him at all on
   a personal level.

 Two semesters was all I could stand of BYU. I transfered out to the
   U of Utah.

 Did you read the article below, yifuxero?

   In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life -
   Cleon Skousen was a right-wing crank whom even conservatives
   Then Beck discovered him
   By Alexander Zaitchik - Salon.com - Sept. 16, 2009
   Excerpted from the article:
   In reality...the so-called 912ers were summoned to D.C. by the
   man who changed Beck's life, and that helps explain why the movement is
   not the nonpartisan lovefest that Beck first sold on air with his
   trademark tears.
   Beck has created a massive meet-up for the disaffected, paranoid
   Palin-ite death panel wing of the GOP, those ideologues most
   susceptible to conspiracy theories and prone to latch on to eccentric
   distortions of fact in the name of opposing socialism.
   In that, they are true disciples of the late Mormon, W. Cleon
   Skousen, Beck's favorite writer and the author of the bible of the 9/12
   movement, The 5,000 Year Leap.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM in Mongolia

2009-09-17 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:


Nice, thanks for posting this. The Mongolians are mostly Tibetan Buddhists and 
are in desperate need of a technique that actually works !

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread ShempMcGurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:


 It was decades ago but I was very close with a woman who married one of those 
 followers. I had to end my relationship with her as I learned I'd been 
 targeted by the ex husband. He was stalking me with a rifle. That's just how 
 they behaved. 


What type of very close relationship did you have with this married woman 
that made it so unusual for a man to go after you with a rifle?

Doesn't sound that weird if you were being very close to a married woman.

If some mailman was porking my wife on his delivery route, why is it so weird 
that he would go after you with a shotgun?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  It was decades ago but I was very close with a woman who married one of 
  those followers. I had to end my relationship with her as I learned I'd 
  been targeted by the ex husband. He was stalking me with a rifle. That's 
  just how they behaved. 
 What type of very close relationship did you have with this married woman 
 that made it so unusual for a man to go after you with a rifle?
 Doesn't sound that weird if you were being very close to a married woman.

You're not paying attention again, Shremp. Do you have ADD besides being 
depressed? I did mention that the fellow was her EX husband. Get your head out 
of the sewer.  No wonder you're so miserable. 

Those religious fanatics were extremely unpredictable and dangerous, Shremp. 
They killed innocent people.

 If some mailman was porking my wife on his delivery route, why is it so weird 
 that he would go after you with a shotgun?

You're just trolling again. Bye.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 I respect your desire to keep your own family's polygamous history private.
 But, generally speaking, I am curious to know whether you support legalizing 
 gay marriage and, if yes, whether you feel the same way about legalizing 
 polygamous marriage?

Any polygamy in my family occurred a number of generations back. 

I have no interest in discussing gay rights or polygamy rights with you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   It was decades ago but I was very close with a woman who married one of 
   those followers. I had to end my relationship with her as I learned I'd 
   been targeted by the ex husband. He was stalking me with a rifle. That's 
   just how they behaved. 
  What type of very close relationship did you have with this married woman 
  that made it so unusual for a man to go after you with a rifle?
  Doesn't sound that weird if you were being very close to a married 
 You're not paying attention again, Shremp. Do you have ADD besides being 
 depressed? I did mention that the fellow was her EX husband. Get your head 
 out of the sewer.  No wonder you're so miserable. 

Of course I read that it was an ex husband.  But did I not read somewhere or 
perhaps you yourself told us that even in the REGULAR Mormon church that you 
marry for all eternity?  And, if so, I would assume that that goes double for 
these fundamentalists.

So, if true, you would know that and wouldn't want to mess with her.

So what did you do, Manning, to get her all riled up?

 Those religious fanatics were extremely unpredictable and dangerous, Shremp. 
 They killed innocent people.
  If some mailman was porking my wife on his delivery route, why is it so 
  weird that he would go after you with a shotgun?
 You're just trolling again. Bye.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread ShempMcGurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  I respect your desire to keep your own family's polygamous history private.
  But, generally speaking, I am curious to know whether you support 
  legalizing gay marriage and, if yes, whether you feel the same way about 
  legalizing polygamous marriage?
 Any polygamy in my family occurred a number of generations back. 
 I have no interest in discussing gay rights or polygamy rights with you.

How many fingers and toes do you have?

[FairfieldLife] Re: One weird pizza

2009-09-17 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Ad from Papa Murphy's I got in the mail last night says:
 Awesome Foursome Pizza:
 1/4 Cheese
 1/4 Pepperoni
 1/4 Hawaiian
 1/2 Specialty of the House Pizza

Unsquare dance??


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Denied, to Invincible America

2009-09-17 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 12:27 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Denied, to Invincible America
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , dhamiltony2k5
dhamiltony...@... wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   Are these people skulking out of town? 
 Well, writing here now as a conservative meditator. Somebody here simply
to share those inner unspoken thots here for the real meditators here. I'll
do it for the moment.
 Yes, is a skulking and shirking. The shirking about here is enough to make
a patriot meditator here who does remain with the work lose their seeming
equanimity over it. 
 These people, these quitters who have slipped off had the wisdom of the
integration of life in their hands and they just threw it away. Yes, their
names are not important anymore because their names will be forgotten as
soon as they have left. 
 They are the worst of meditators; ill-disciplined spiritual quitters.
Don't got the character to make it the whole way over the spiritual path. In
a same category as ordinary non-meditators. Worst.  we do know what science
has to say about non-meditators now. But, in time of need these quitters are
the worst of deserters.  you know of what they would do with deserters? So
it is. 
 Jai Guru Dev,
 -Doug in FF


Weak souls, most attracked to TM for small and personal issues; not altruism
or wishing for spiritual growth. 
An easy prey for the so-called saints invading Fairfield thus becoming
confused and leaving FF.
Actually, since Doug posted this, I've found out who he was referring to. At
least two of the couples. One is an early member of the TM movement and her
husband, both still meditating. They're just following an employment
opportunity and wouldn't be leaving FF if they had a choice. Another couple
decided to maintain their home here while the husband gets an apartment near
his new job three hours away and comes home on weekends. Nabby, are you ever
even vaguely aware of your judgmental, holier-than-thou attitude, and do you
realize that your example probably does the TM movement more harm than good?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One weird pizza

2009-09-17 Thread Bhairitu
cardemaister wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 Ad from Papa Murphy's I got in the mail last night says:

 Awesome Foursome Pizza:
 1/4 Cheese
 1/4 Pepperoni
 1/4 Hawaiian
 1/2 Specialty of the House Pizza



 Unsquare dance??


No, Unsquare Dance is 7/4.  The pizza is 5/4 or Take Five instead. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:

 On Sep 17, 2009, at 1:03 PM, do.rflex wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcg...@... 
  You say that Mormonism goes back generations on your mother's side, 
 to the days of polygamy.
  Do you have polygamists in your anscestry? If so, what do you know 
 about it?

 The answer is yes, and I know quite a bit about it. But I have no 
 interest in discussing my personal family's history.

 If you want to know about Mormon polygamy, 'Google search' is your 

 Or watch the first couple seasons of Big Love on HBO...

This thread reminds me of the time a couple Mormon missionaries came 
to my door and somewhere in the conversation asked if I had a spiritual 
path and I said sure, tantra.  So the one kid wanted to know all about 
it.  So I told him.  He thought that was the coolest thing he'd ever 
heard.  His friend didn't.  So I may be responsible for one less member 
of the Mormon church.  ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread ShempMcGurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Vaj wrote:
  On Sep 17, 2009, at 1:03 PM, do.rflex wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
   You say that Mormonism goes back generations on your mother's side, 
  to the days of polygamy.
   Do you have polygamists in your anscestry? If so, what do you know 
  about it?
  The answer is yes, and I know quite a bit about it. But I have no 
  interest in discussing my personal family's history.
  If you want to know about Mormon polygamy, 'Google search' is your 
  Or watch the first couple seasons of Big Love on HBO...
 This thread reminds me of the time a couple Mormon missionaries came 
 to my door and somewhere in the conversation asked if I had a spiritual 
 path and I said sure, tantra.  So the one kid wanted to know all about 
 it.  So I told him.  He thought that was the coolest thing he'd ever 
 heard.  His friend didn't.  So I may be responsible for one less member 
 of the Mormon church.  ;-)

I've got a pair of missionaries that come to my door on a regular basis because 
I love to engage those guys.

But I don't know if they're going to come back because the last time I read 
them the quotes that that Mormon guy that does TM whom Rick Archer or somebody 
reproduced here from Orme-Johnson's site and I think it made them a wee bit 
uncomfortable.  I emphasized that heaven is for the here and how, not just 
after one dies and that was a bit too much to handle.  So I think the dynamic 
shifted from them thinking they were there to prostelytize me to me inviting 
them in to prostelytizing them.  Sounds a bit like what happened with you and 
the first Mormon.

But I'd still like to know whether John Manning is the product of a polygamous 
marriage from a few generations ago.  It appears that he is.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread yifuxero
--In the late 70's I got baptized into LDS in West L.A. just for kicks, to 
investigate what was going on. Before being granted membership you have to be 
questioned by the 2 Mormons and 3 no respones are necessary:
1. are you gay.  2. Have you committed murder, and 3. have you committed 
I said no to each and naturally they were sooo happy to rack up a 
convert on their scorecharts to they could write home to Mom and also make 
progress toward becoming a Bishop perhaps.

Then I put on the Mormon underwear and got dunk in the baptismal pool - a 
small square pool constructed just for that purpose.
 I used to engage the Mormons, Hare Krishnas, and JW's in various mental 
duals for fun;like, I would go to the Hare Krishna Temple in LA, sit down 
to eat and await being approached.  After the brief introduction, I would say 
things like Im a Christian Fundamentalist, or I'm a Buddhist just to get 
their response.
 Best way to turn off the Mormons: say you're lapsed (were once baptized but 
don't participate anymore or pay dues.). Shuts them up in a split second.  

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  Vaj wrote:
   On Sep 17, 2009, at 1:03 PM, do.rflex wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
You say that Mormonism goes back generations on your mother's side, 
   to the days of polygamy.
Do you have polygamists in your anscestry? If so, what do you know 
   about it?
   The answer is yes, and I know quite a bit about it. But I have no 
   interest in discussing my personal family's history.
   If you want to know about Mormon polygamy, 'Google search' is your 
   Or watch the first couple seasons of Big Love on HBO...
  This thread reminds me of the time a couple Mormon missionaries came 
  to my door and somewhere in the conversation asked if I had a spiritual 
  path and I said sure, tantra.  So the one kid wanted to know all about 
  it.  So I told him.  He thought that was the coolest thing he'd ever 
  heard.  His friend didn't.  So I may be responsible for one less member 
  of the Mormon church.  ;-)
 I've got a pair of missionaries that come to my door on a regular basis 
 because I love to engage those guys.
 But I don't know if they're going to come back because the last time I read 
 them the quotes that that Mormon guy that does TM whom Rick Archer or 
 somebody reproduced here from Orme-Johnson's site and I think it made them a 
 wee bit uncomfortable.  I emphasized that heaven is for the here and how, not 
 just after one dies and that was a bit too much to handle.  So I think the 
 dynamic shifted from them thinking they were there to prostelytize me to me 
 inviting them in to prostelytizing them.  Sounds a bit like what happened 
 with you and the first Mormon.
 But I'd still like to know whether John Manning is the product of a 
 polygamous marriage from a few generations ago.  It appears that he is.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Denied, to Invincible America

2009-09-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 12:27 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Denied, to Invincible America
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , dhamiltony2k5
 dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
Are these people skulking out of town? 
  Well, writing here now as a conservative meditator. Somebody here simply
 to share those inner unspoken thots here for the real meditators here. I'll
 do it for the moment.
  Yes, is a skulking and shirking. The shirking about here is enough to make
 a patriot meditator here who does remain with the work lose their seeming
 equanimity over it. 
  These people, these quitters who have slipped off had the wisdom of the
 integration of life in their hands and they just threw it away. Yes, their
 names are not important anymore because their names will be forgotten as
 soon as they have left. 
  They are the worst of meditators; ill-disciplined spiritual quitters.
 Don't got the character to make it the whole way over the spiritual path. In
 a same category as ordinary non-meditators. Worst.  we do know what science
 has to say about non-meditators now. But, in time of need these quitters are
 the worst of deserters.  you know of what they would do with deserters? So
 it is. 
  Jai Guru Dev,
  -Doug in FF
 Weak souls, most attracked to TM for small and personal issues; not altruism
 or wishing for spiritual growth. 
 An easy prey for the so-called saints invading Fairfield thus becoming
 confused and leaving FF.

 Actually, since Doug posted this, I've found out who he was 
 referring to. At least two of the couples. One is an early
 member of the TM movement and her husband, both still
 meditating. They're just following an employment opportunity
 and wouldn't be leaving FF if they had a choice. Another
 couple decided to maintain their home here while the husband
 gets an apartment near his new job three hours away and comes
 home on weekends. Nabby, are you ever even vaguely aware of
 your judgmental, holier-than-thou attitude, and do you
 realize that your example probably does the TM movement more
 harm than good?

Nabby's just echoing what Doug said at considerably
greater length and with even greater viciousness.

How come you're chastising Nabby but not Doug?

[FairfieldLife] Re: One weird pizza

2009-09-17 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 cardemaister wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  Ad from Papa Murphy's I got in the mail last night says:
  Awesome Foursome Pizza:
  1/4 Cheese
  1/4 Pepperoni
  1/4 Hawaiian
  1/2 Specialty of the House Pizza
  Unsquare dance??
 No, Unsquare Dance is 7/4.  The pizza is 5/4 or Take Five instead. ;-)

Oops! 7/4 was one of my favourites when I played drums
in the basement of our house in a suburban area... : ]

[FairfieldLife] electric prayer wheels

2009-09-17 Thread yifuxero

[FairfieldLife] Re: electric prayer wheels

2009-09-17 Thread yifuxero
---from Wiki:
[edit] Electric Dharma Wheels
Some prayer wheels are powered by electric motors. Thardo Khorlo, as these 
electric wheels are sometimes known, contain one thousand copies of the mantra 
of Chenrezig and many copies of other mantras. The Thardo Khorlo can 
accompanied by lights and music if one so chooses. However Lama Zopa Rinpoche 
has said, The merit of turning an electric prayer wheel goes to the electric 
company. This is why I prefer practitioners to use their own 'right energy' to 
turn a prayer wheel.[citation needed]

[edit] Digital Prayer Wheels
The Dalai Lama has commented that animated GIFs on websites work just as well 
as other prayer wheels.[citation needed] As the GIF image turns, waves of 
compassion emanate in all directions to the surrounding area.

Some have suggested that the spinning of a hard drive (several thousand 
rotations per minute) can act in similar function to a prayer wheel by saving 
an image of Om mani padme hum or other mantra on their local machine. [1]

[edit] Internet-operated Prayer Wheel
This type of Prayer Wheel is a Stationary Electric Prayer Wheel which can be 
activated over a web interface. Before turning the wheel a wish or a mantra can 
be entered at the web interface. Via a webcam the user can watch the wheel. [2]

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:


[FairfieldLife] TMO lists its NY bldg: $45

2009-09-17 Thread bob_brigante

They're finally trying to get rid of that white elephant:


more  descriptive article, pics:



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread Vaj

On Sep 17, 2009, at 3:08 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Vaj wrote:

 On Sep 17, 2009, at 1:03 PM, do.rflex wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk  

  You say that Mormonism goes back generations on your mother's  

 to the days of polygamy.
  Do you have polygamists in your anscestry? If so, what do you  

 about it?

 The answer is yes, and I know quite a bit about it. But I have no
 interest in discussing my personal family's history.

 If you want to know about Mormon polygamy, 'Google search' is your

 Or watch the first couple seasons of Big Love on HBO...

This thread reminds me of the time a couple Mormon missionaries came
to my door and somewhere in the conversation asked if I had a  
path and I said sure, tantra. So the one kid wanted to know all  

it. So I told him. He thought that was the coolest thing he'd ever
heard. His friend didn't. So I may be responsible for one less member
of the Mormon church. ;-)

One thing's for sure, Joseph Smith almost certainly would have found  
it interesting! He had a deep interest in the occultism of his day, as  
well as Freemasonry. The initiation rituals (or whatever they call  
them) are taken straight out of Blue lodge Masonry. In fact one of the  
Big Love episodes, shows one of the ceremonies and the inside of their  
lodge (temple in Mormon parlance).

[FairfieldLife] Green Tara

2009-09-17 Thread yifuxero

[FairfieldLife] Saints course at MUM

2009-09-17 Thread bob_brigante

MUM Review:

Seminar Offered on Experiences of Saints

A unique six-session seminar, titled In Their Own Words: Experiences of
Saints of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, is currently being offered
the community.

Taught by Evan Finkelstein, the seminar is highlighting the divine
experiences of great saints from these three traditions in the light of
Maharishi's teachings on higher states of consciousness.

The sessions are being held on six consecutive Wednesday evenings,
on September 9. All sessions begin at 8:00 p.m., in Dalby Hall of the
Student Center. Those who missed the first session may still enroll in

The cost for six sessions is $60 with a 10% discount for Invincible
Course Participants; the fee for full-time students, faculty, and staff

Quotes from Maharishi and many writings of Christian, Jewish and Muslim
saints are being discussed and explored; there will also be a PowerPoint
presentation and time for comments and questions.

An example of the quotations is this by Abd Al-Karim Jili: It is the
Spirit which witnesses to man's innate perfection, the Spirit is man's
nature and within him is the secret shrine of the Divine

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life as Reality Hologram

2009-09-17 Thread nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nelson nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   I'm more comfortable with allowing round holes
   to remain round holes. I don't feel the need to
   redefine them as square pegs, or even under-
   stand what makes some things round holes and
   others square pegs. Things just *are* the way 
   that they are. 
  +++ Does everything exist with no reason?
 Why not?
 Would you feel diminished or lessened
 if your life had no meaning, no reason for
 its existence? 
 I wouldn't. I'd just invent my own. As, in 
 my opinion, has everyone in human history 
 who has ever claimed to know the reason.  :-)

  Sounds good,,
   Can't think of a good example of something being there for no reason-- have 
to contemplate on that.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Saints course at MUM

2009-09-17 Thread yifuxero
---Naturally, there will be a lot of selectivity in regard to the quotes; since 
Christianity looked at as a whole is populated by far more Orthodox-dualistic 
Saints than Mystics such as Meister Eckhart.
 But now the Saint is Aaron Eckhart and I'm wondering if I should see the movie 
with him and Jennifer Anniston.
 The MUM people would of course have people believe that any dualistic talk 
among the Christian Saints would amount only to a stepping-stone on the road to 
pure Impersonalism. But obviously, the whole point of Orthodox Christianity is 
the Person of Jesus, redemption via Sacrifice; a concept which harkens back 
long before Jesus with the Judaic practice of animal sacrifice, including goats 
and lambs. (thus, the saying Lamb of Christ...who taketh away the sins of 
the world,...etc).   

In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_re...@... wrote:

 MUM Review:
 Seminar Offered on Experiences of Saints
 A unique six-session seminar, titled In Their Own Words: Experiences of
 Saints of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, is currently being offered
 the community.
 Taught by Evan Finkelstein, the seminar is highlighting the divine
 experiences of great saints from these three traditions in the light of
 Maharishi's teachings on higher states of consciousness.
 The sessions are being held on six consecutive Wednesday evenings,
 on September 9. All sessions begin at 8:00 p.m., in Dalby Hall of the
 Student Center. Those who missed the first session may still enroll in
 The cost for six sessions is $60 with a 10% discount for Invincible
 Course Participants; the fee for full-time students, faculty, and staff
 Quotes from Maharishi and many writings of Christian, Jewish and Muslim
 saints are being discussed and explored; there will also be a PowerPoint
 presentation and time for comments and questions.
 An example of the quotations is this by Abd Al-Karim Jili: It is the
 Spirit which witnesses to man's innate perfection, the Spirit is man's
 nature and within him is the secret shrine of the Divine

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saints course at MUM

2009-09-17 Thread Mike Dixon
Animal sacrifice predates Judaism. However Jewish tradition takes it back to at 
least Cain and Able and some believe animals were sacrificed after Adam and 
Eve's fall, the skins used to cover their nakedness. Hinduism, to this day, 
still observes blood sacrifices to Kali and Durga, although much less common 
since Buddha denounced it.

--- On Thu, 9/17/09, yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Saints course at MUM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, September 17, 2009, 10:29 PM


---Naturally, there will be a lot of selectivity in regard to the quotes; since 
Christianity looked at as a whole is populated by far more Orthodox-dualistic 
Saints than Mystics such as Meister Eckhart.
But now the Saint is Aaron Eckhart and I'm wondering if I should see the movie 
with him and Jennifer Anniston.
The MUM people would of course have people believe that any dualistic talk 
among the Christian Saints would amount only to a stepping-stone on the road to 
pure Impersonalism. But obviously, the whole point of Orthodox Christianity is 
the Person of Jesus, redemption via Sacrifice; a concept which harkens back 
long before Jesus with the Judaic practice of animal sacrifice, including goats 
and lambs. (thus, the saying Lamb of Christ...who taketh away the sins of 
the world,...etc) . 

In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, bob_brigante no_re...@.. . wrote:

 MUM Review:
 Seminar Offered on Experiences of Saints
 A unique six-session seminar, titled In Their Own Words: Experiences of
 Saints of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, is currently being offered
 the community.
 Taught by Evan Finkelstein, the seminar is highlighting the divine
 experiences of great saints from these three traditions in the light of
 Maharishi's teachings on higher states of consciousness.
 The sessions are being held on six consecutive Wednesday evenings,
 on September 9. All sessions begin at 8:00 p.m., in Dalby Hall of the
 Student Center. Those who missed the first session may still enroll in
 The cost for six sessions is $60 with a 10% discount for Invincible
 Course Participants; the fee for full-time students, faculty, and staff
 Quotes from Maharishi and many writings of Christian, Jewish and Muslim
 saints are being discussed and explored; there will also be a PowerPoint
 presentation and time for comments and questions.
 An example of the quotations is this by Abd Al-Karim Jili: It is the
 Spirit which witnesses to man's innate perfection, the Spirit is man's
 nature and within him is the secret shrine of the Divine


[FairfieldLife] The Right Is Right: They Have Lost Their Country

2009-09-17 Thread do.rflex

The Right Is Right: They Have Lost Their Country  -- And Jimmy Carter Is
Right Too[user-pic]   By  M.J. Rosenberg
http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/profile/mjrosenberg  - September
16, 2009,  7:35AM
It takes, Jimmy Carter, a white southerner to speak the truth about the
people spewing virulent hate against the President: it's racism

Check it out:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qA4W70E6krk

Of course, everything Carter says is obvious. It is just that so many
hate hearing it. Not only is this country obsessed with race, it always
has been. Racism is one big reason why we have rejected Europe's social
democratic path and why millions and millions hate the idea of universal
health care even if they personally will benefit from it. A sizable
minority of Americans will reject any program that African Americans
will also benefit from.

Bottom line: if there were no African Americans and no African American
President, these white bigots would have insisted on single payer
decades ago. It's like the old adage: a Republican can only enjoy a meal
if he knows someone else is hungry.

That someone else is black.

The good news is that the bill will pass and the voting coalition Obama
assembled is solid. White Christian male bigots -- and their wives --
cannot elect a President. (They couldn't even carry Virginia, North
Carolina or Indiana).

This is stage 2 of LBJ's nightmare: the silver lining. Yes, the civil
rights law turned the south from deep blue to deep red. That killed us
for 40 years. But, over those same 40 years, demographic changes in the
American population (considerably assisted by LBJ's liberal immigration
policy) ensured that the party of the white male would be unable to put
together an electoral majority beyond 2000 or thereabouts.

That is why the racists are losing their minds. They say that they have
lost their country.  They are right.

But we welcome them to ours.  Just leave the hate behind.

http://snipurl.com/ry7vk   [tpmcafe_talkingpointsmemo_com]

Racist material directed at the president recently observed:



[FairfieldLife] Re: Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life

2009-09-17 Thread WillyTex
  I have no interest in discussing gay 
  rights or polygamy rights with you.
Shemp McGurk wrote: 
 How many fingers and toes do you have?

Apparently he's led at least three wives.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One weird pizza

2009-09-17 Thread Bhairitu
cardemaister wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 cardemaister wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 Ad from Papa Murphy's I got in the mail last night says:

 Awesome Foursome Pizza:
 1/4 Cheese
 1/4 Pepperoni
 1/4 Hawaiian
 1/2 Specialty of the House Pizza


 Unsquare dance??

 No, Unsquare Dance is 7/4.  The pizza is 5/4 or Take Five instead. ;-)


 Oops! 7/4 was one of my favourites when I played drums
 in the basement of our house in a suburban area... : ]

I played some gigs in college with William O Smith who was Brubeck's 
first horn player (mainly clarinet).   Then a few years later ran into 
him at TM residence courses as he was also a meditator.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-09-17 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Sep 12 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Sep 19 00:00:00 2009
474 messages as of (UTC) Fri Sep 18 00:10:07 2009

48 authfriend jst...@panix.com
46 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
39 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
31 WillyTex willy...@yahoo.com
29 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
28 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
27 shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
27 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
23 bob_brigante no_re...@yahoogroups.com
17 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
13 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
13 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
13 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
11 hugheshugo richardhughes...@hotmail.com
10 nelsonriddle2001 nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
10 compost1uk compost...@yahoo.co.uk
10 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 9 wgm4u wg...@yahoo.com
 8 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 7 jpgillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 7 j_alexander_stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 6 meowthirteen meowthirt...@yahoo.com
 6 ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
 5 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 4 nelson nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
 4 guyfawkes91 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 3 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 3 wle...@aol.com
 3 BillyG wg...@yahoo.com
 2 mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 2 jr_esq jr_...@yahoo.com
 2 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 1 nilimans nilim...@yahoo.co.in
 1 mikemtd m...@doughney.com
 1 michael vedamer...@yahoo.de
 1 MinP min.p...@yahoo.com
 1 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 1 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 1 Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer.  
Who'd've Thunk It? dharmamit...@gmail.com

Posters: 40
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Constitution Citizenship Day

2009-09-17 Thread raunchydog
Colbert: Corporations Are People Too (VIDEO)

On Constitution Day, Celebrate the Rights of People. (Not Corporations.)

At the Constitutional Accountability Center (CAC), we are marking Constitution 
 Citizenship Day this year by focusing on who the Constitution serves and 
protects: We the People. This month, the Supreme Court is in the midst of an 
historic deliberation over whether the rights We enshrined in our Constitution 
should be extended to protect corporations. Citizens United v. Federal Election 
Commission (widely known as the Hillary: The Movie case) has been billed as a 
case about free speech in elections. In reality, however, it is a case raising 
a challenge to more than a century of campaign finance law – and more than two 
centuries of constitutional text and history – that have preserved the 
principle that corporations and people should be treated differently when it 
comes to regulating the financing of elections. (Click here to read the friend 
of the court brief filed in Citizens United by CAC and The League of Women 
Voters, explaining how efforts to remove this distinction run contrary to the 
text and history of our Constitution.)

The significance of this attack on such a fundamental principle of American 
democracy -- that the constitutionally-guaranteed individual rights were 
intended to protect We the People -- has been the subject of both humorous and 
serious attention this week. On Tuesday night's show, Stephen Colbert dedicated 
The Colbert Report's The Wørd to the rights of corporations, in a 
six-minute segment (featured below) extolling the fact that corporations are 
people too! Taking a more serious tone this morning, The Wall Street Journal 
discussed the history of corporate rights, noting how newly-seated Justice 
Sonia Sotomayor impressed many during the Citizens United argument last week 
when she openly questioned the validity of corporations' legal status as 
persons. This most recent media attention follows several weeks of increasing 
concern and curiosity among mainstream media about the consequences of this 
monumental case.

It is alarming, on Constitution  Citizenship day, to consider that a 
conservative majority on the Supreme Court may be poised to unleash corporate 
money in elections, and heartening to see increasing media attention being paid 
to this disturbing possibility. For decades, conservatives have attempted to 
lay claim to the Constitution, yet today they are turning their back on the 
document's text and history and threatening to equate the rights of 
corporations with constitutional rights of American citizens. We hope that 
today, progressives will reflect on the meaning and importance of our 
Constitution's text and history, and on why now, more than ever, we must fight 
to preserve the integrity of the Constitution as a document of the People, by 
the People, and (most important) for the People.

Hannah Thursday September 17, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Constitution Citizenship Day

2009-09-17 Thread raunchydog
Sonia Sotomayor has attracted attention for asking a question at the hearing 
that determines the role of corporate financing in political campaigns. This is 
from the WSJ. (She's my shero now for this one.)

In her maiden Supreme Court appearance last week, Justice Sonia Sotomayor 
made a provocative comment that probed the foundations of corporate law.

During arguments in a campaign-finance case, the court's majority 
conservatives seemed persuaded that corporations have broad First Amendment 
rights and that recent precedents upholding limits on corporate political 
spending should be overruled.

But Justice Sotomayor suggested the majority might have it all wrong — and 
that instead the court should reconsider the 19th century rulings that first 
afforded corporations the same rights flesh-and-blood people have.

Judges created corporations as persons, gave birth to corporations as 
persons, she said. There could be an argument made that that was the court's 
error to start with…[imbuing] a creature of state law with human 

Thursday morning Coffee and Links
The Confluence September 17, 2009 by dakinikat 

[FairfieldLife] Jimmy Carter, Jews, and calling others racist

2009-09-17 Thread ShempMcGurk

September 17, 2009 

Jimmy Carter, the Jew-hater who cried racist
Sammy Benoit

America's worst ex-president Jimmy Carter made a ridiculous charge on Tuesday 
that Joe Wilson's outburst was based on racism and, more broadly, that an 
overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President 
Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man. 

It's ironic that a man who has such hate in his heart would call other people 
racists. You see the former president hates Jews. I try not to use the term 
Anti-Semite often. But I know of no other term (except maybe buffoon) to 
describe the peanut president.

Take for example, a look at Carter's book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign 
Policy Referring to U.S. policy and the condoning of Israel's actions, 
Carter says: There are constant and vehement political and media debates in 
Israel concerning its policies in the West Bank but because of powerful 
political, economic, and religious forces in the U.S., Israeli government 
decisions are rarely questioned or condemned, voices from Jerusalem dominate 
our media, and most American citizens are unaware of circumstances in the 
occupied territories.  In English, Carter used that ugly old Anti-Semitic 
stereotype that the Jews control the media, Congress, and the U.S. Foreign 

Ambassador Marc Ginsburg was Jimmy Carter's deputy senior adviser on the Middle 
East, and from 1977 through 1980 was White House liaison to the State 
Department. He has a unique perspective of Jimmy Carter's Middle East dealings. 
According to the Ambassador, the reason that the Peanut President goes out of 
his way to bash Israel is that he feels American Jews did not kiss his butt 
enough for all that he did for Israel.

...When former President Jimmy Carter revealed that Israel has more than 150 
nuclear weapons, he clearly had a motive, according to his administration's 
deputy senior adviser, Marc Ginsberg: I think there's no doubt - particularly 
given the vantage point I had in the White House at the end of his 
administration - that he resents the way in which Israel and the 
American-Jewish community have failed to express sufficient gratitude for his 
efforts on behalf of peace in the Middle East. 

Ginsberg, a former ambassador to Morocco and now senior global affairs analyst 
for Fox News, says that Carter knows what he said is something never discussed 
by America or Israel and that disclosing Israel's nuclear arsenal is due to his 
growing antagonism towards the Jewish state. 

There's no doubt he knows exactly what he is doing when he's making these 
statements, or making misrepresentations that Hamas has agreed to recognize 
Israel if certain conditions occur, or to the book he wrote [`Palestine: Peace 
Not Apartheid'] referring to Israel. 

Liberal Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz agrees that Carter is a Jew Hater:

The entire premise of his criticism of Jewish influence on American foreign 
policy is that money talks. It is Carter, not me, who has made the point that 
if politicians receive money from Jewish sources, then they are not free to 
decide issues regarding the Middle East for themselves. It is Carter, not me, 
who has argued that distinguished reporters cannot honestly report on the 
Middle East because they are being paid by Jewish money. So, by Carter's own 
standards, it would be almost economically suicidal for Carter to espouse a 
balanced position between Israel and Palestine. 

If money determines political and public views as Carter insists Jewish 
money does, Carter's views on the Middle East must be deemed to have been 
influenced by the vast sums of Arab money he has received. If he who pays the 
piper calls the tune, then Carter's off-key tunes have been called by his Saudi 
Arabian paymasters. It pains me to say this, but I now believe that there is no 
person in American public life today who has a lower ratio of real to apparent 
integrity than Jimmy Carter. The public perception of his integrity is 
extraordinarily high. His real integrity, it now turns out, is extraordinarily 
low. He is no better than so many former American politicians who, after 
leaving public life, sell themselves to the highest bidder and become lobbyists 
for despicable causes. That is now Jimmy Carter's sad legacy.

Probably the most blatant example is when Carter rejected someone for a 
position on the board of the Holocaust Memorial Council because the guy's name 
was too Jewish:

Former President Jimmy Carter once complained there were too many Jews on 
the government's Holocaust Memorial Council, Monroe Freedman, the council's 
former executive director, told WND in an exclusive interview. 

Freedman, who served on the council during Carter's term as president, also 
revealed a noted Holocaust scholar who was a Presbyterian Christian was 
rejected from the council's board by Carter's 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jimmy Carter, Jews, and calling others racist

2009-09-17 Thread bob_brigante
 ...When former President Jimmy Carter revealed that Israel has more than 150 
 nuclear weapons, 


Regardless of Carter's motives, revealing Israel's massive arsenal, nearly 
equal to China's ( 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_states_with_nuclear_weapons ) is exactly 
what Israel wants: an explicit and credible statement about the extreme 
retaliatory and deterrent power of Israel, which Israel could not state itself 
without creating problems in its relationships, especially with the United 
States with its laws against supporting nuclear proliferation (a stance which 
is pretty much out the door after India and Pakistan).

However, this is really a fool's game. Just as the U.S., after WWII, thought it 
was on top of the world due to its nuclear monopoly until the Russians and 
other burst that bubble, Israel's ability to threaten the Arab/Muslim world is 
only going to last a few more years until oil-rich states finance a much larger 
arsenal and no amount of diplomatic or military pressure is going to stop that.